#soccer mexico
farlydatau · 2 years
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Mexico National Football Team Qatar 2022 World Cup 2 Essential T-Shirt
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themanbexl · 2 months
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She has such a nice smile 😍
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iovemoonyy · 1 year
Diego lainez bf - wearing his jesery to his game and him dedicating a goal to you making you go crazy and love him even more pls
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diego lainez x fem!reader
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sypnosis; you wear diego's jersey to his game and he dedicates a goal to you making you fall in love with him once again.
warnings; none, just pure fluff, short
authors note; so sorry for taking so long to post this, I've been having horrible writers block but I decided to work through it. hope you enjoy it !!
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navigation. soccer player masterlists.
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you had been choosing an outfit to wear to you boyfriend's soccer game against usa. you had ultimately decided on wearing his jersey. you could already imagine the huge smile on his face at the sight of you wearing his jersey when he looks at you sitting in the bleachers.
you paired the jersey with some jeans and pinned your hair up with a clip. you grabbed everything you needed before leaving the house and driving to the stadium, diego was already there due to him having to be their early. you had finally got to the stadium and you were sitting on the bleachers next to Karla, Memo's wife.
ever since you'd known her, you admired her and Memo's relationship. the way they were with each other was so precious and wholesome. It was as if no matter how much time passed, they're love only got stronger by the day.
of course, you knew what that type of love felt like but you were still young but you only hoped that you and Diego would make that far in your relationship and even more. you loved him so much and losing him was never something you could imagine. you couldn't even imagine your life before he came in it.
three years ago when you met him through mutual friends, immediately hitting it off well. for months after that night, all you could do was text each other. you started hanging out then going on dates and soon enough he had worked up the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend.
you, of course, said yes to him. how could you not, he was an amazing guy. he had every quality that only someone so perfect could have. he was sweet, caring, a gentleman, respectful, attractive. he was quite literally perfect in your eyes.
it was almost the end of the game, diego had looked your way multiple times but none of his reactions gave you a hint that he noticed the jersey yet. he had been very concentrated on the game and he had been doing amazing. the game was tied with with both teams having two points.
a player from usa had the ball with diego hot on his heels. one of diego's teammates went to get steal the ball but instead just bumped into the usa player. that ended up with diego getting the ball since the usa player had been pushed away from it.
diego ran with ball, with only 1 minute left of the game. he ran as fast a possible to the goal, 45 seconds. a player tried to stealing the ball only for diego to pass it to his teammate, 30 seconds. he continued running towards the goal and his teammate passed the ball towards him again seeing he had a clear shot, 15 seconds.
diego caught the ball and before he kicked it towards the goal he looked over at you and winked, making you smile and blush like crazy. he then kicked the ball hoping that it made it in before the time ran out. right as the clock hit one, the ball made it into the net, securing mexico's win. you and Karla stood up cheering as loud as possible.
diego looked up and scanned the crowd until his eyes landed on you. he smiled so brightly at you, you could've sworn his cheeks probably hurt. he finally took in your appearance and realized that you had his jersey on. his heart almost burst but his stare was cut short when his teammates all ran towards him.
they all congratulated him on the goal and then they headed towards the lockers to get ready to leave with their families. you and karla waited for most people to leave then headed towards the lockers to wait for your lovers.
the both of you watched as players slowly started headed out, biding you goodbye after you congratulated them. memo and diego soon enough came out as well. after you and diego said your goodbyes to the couple, they headed out as well.
you could feel diego staring at you so you look at him with furrowed eyebrows, "what?" he smiled at you, his eyes filled with you so much love at he took in your appearance once again, "you look so beautiful with my jersey on."
you smiled at him, "I knew you'd love it." he grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers together as you both started walking out the stadium. "I very much do love it, amor," a slight blush covered your cheeks at the pet name he loved to call you so much. "you did so good today, you know. I'm really proud of you."
he smiled softly at your words, "well there was this really gorgeous girl out in bleachers so I had to impress her." you raised your eyes brows in a teasing manner, "oh yeah, do you think you impressed her enough to get her attention?"
he smirked, "oh yeah. she told me she was really proud of me." this moment was so simple but yet to the both of you it felt so special. you were both so young and in love. this was one special moment from many to come in the many years you two would spend together.
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candela888 · 2 years
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Most popular sports in the Americas
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iloved1lfs · 11 months
El Mejor Novio Del Mundo
-PAIRING: Diego Lainez x Reader
-SUMMARY: You go out with your friends to the club and you have way too many drinks. Which results you into being drunk, you call him to pick you up since you want to go home to sleep and be with him.
-CONTAIN: Fluffy romance, bunch of Spanish don't worry I'll translate in parenthesis.
-WORDS: 715
-SONG REC: Glue Song by beabadoobee
-A/N: It's my first time writing on Tumblr so I hope you enjoy it! Please look forward for more!
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You wanted to go home, once you got drunk you didn't like how crowded everything around you felt. You told your friends that you were going go home, so you called your boyfriend, Diego to come pick you up who didn't hesitate.
He told you to wait in the club near the bar where your friends were, that he will find you in there.
You sat there impatiently, wanting to go home you put your head down against the counter waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up.
"Y/n," You look up towards the voice, it was a familiar voice, but your mind was not working properly due to the amount of drinks you drank. Besides it was dim in the club not helping with your vision.
"Tengo novio y lo amo," You yelled over the music looking away from the man, expecting him to leave you alone. He starts laughing and you look at him weirdly. (I have a boyfriend and I love him)
"Y/n soy tu novio it's me Diego." He looked at you with the biggest smile on his face. (I am your boyfriend)
You shook your head and looked away. He leaned his arm on the bar counter laughing once again, you groan wanting the man to leave you alone.
"My boyfriend is going to beat you up. Es chiquito pero picoso." You point your finger in his face, and all he does it laugh at how funny you were. (Small/short but spicy)
"Mírame mi amor, soy Diego." You look at him, grabbing his face gently, trying to see clearly if it was him. (Look at me my love)
After moments of staring at him, it finally registers to you that he is in fact your boyfriend. You squeal pulling him in for a hug, as he returns the gesture.
"LET'S GO HOME!" You yell standing up, you were trying to find your balance, and Diego holds you by your waist steady. You wrap your arm around him, and look at him with a big smile. You say bye to your friends, and walk with him out the club.
"Cuidado I got you." he said, he was always extremely careful with you, especially if you were drunk. You are his priority, you were so lucky to find someone as caring as him, and lucky to get the hottest football player. (Careful)
He opens the car door for you gently putting you in, helping you put on your seatbelt. "Te quiero mucho." You giggle looking at him, and he gives you a kiss on the cheek. (I love you so much)
"Yo tambien te quiero mucho." Going to the drivers seat and hopping in, he turns on the car and your favorite song plays making you sing immediately. (I love you so much too)
“Shhhh y/n, mi amor.” He whispered and you covered your mouth giggling in the process, you both made it home safely and it was extremely quiet. Even though you both lived with each other, you will still pretty loud that he didn't want you to wake up the neighbors, since you were talking about randomly things. “Let’s get you to bed alright?” You shake your head and he leads you to the room.
“No tengo sueño leeet’s watch a movie?” Your words slurring a bit and giggling. (I’m not sleepy)
“It’s late bebe let’s sleep and cuddle.” You nodded your head, he gave you a shirt of his that you ended up changing into, and he went downstairs. You laid on the bed going under the blankets waiting for him.
"Here drink some water so you sober up amor." You grabbed the glass cup from him and drank some water. He sets it down on the counter beside the bed, and you look at him with the biggest smile on your face.
"Que?" He says. (What?)
"Eres el mejor novio del mundo." You open your arms wanting a hug from him, and he smiles at you, hugging you as he hops into the spot beside you on the bed. (You are the best boyfriend in the world)
"Ya lo se." He laughs, you mold yourself into his body and you cuddle him tightly. He gives you kisses on your forehead and he caresses your arm in circles, which slowly made you drift off to sleep. (I already know.)
"I love you." Was the last thing you heard from his mouth before you fully relaxed and let yourself sleep against his warmth.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this little fluff romance, I will be doing more. let me know if you've enjoyed it, definitely request for more.
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pink-manz · 1 year
usa v méxico game included 9 yellow cards, 4 red cards, several fights, cp10 brace, balogun debut, blonde gio, and weston’s ripped shirt. usmnt are going to the final 🔜
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iconschidos · 1 year
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Memo Ochoa
México national football team
like or reblog if u save pls <33
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athleticperfection1 · 6 months
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New Mexico State Soccer
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Pelé  ⚽
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I would kill a man for memo ochoa like actually
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themanbexl · 14 hours
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sangronxx · 9 months
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Soccer jerseys as business casual
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desstehhnee · 2 years
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retrocgads · 15 days
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UK 1987
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
Never Your Priority
- PAIRING: Diego lainez x reader
-SUMMARY: Diego came back home for his vacation/break time. However, instead of spending it alone with you, he's been spending it with his friends, you decided you've had enough which eventually lead to an argument between you two.
-CONTAINS: angst, foul language
-WORDS: 1.2K
-SONG: I love You by Billie Eilish
-A/N: Para la persona que solicitó esto, espero que te guste y lo disfrutes. I hope you enjoy I HAD SO MANY IDEAS FOR THIS, and so many drafts I couldn't pick which one to use, but I chose this. Also don't forget to REQUEST. I'm sorry for uploading this late it has been a hectic week.
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Diego came back home after traveling and playing for the Tigres, it's been months since you last saw him. However, you expected to spend it together just the two of you and have some time alone, but he has been hanging out with his friends since he got back. You were okay with it at first of course he missed his friends, but what about you all you wanted was to hang out with him alone.
Every time you tried to suggest you both to hang out just the two of you, it would get shut down or he already had plans with his friends.
Currently right now you were sitting by yourself at this party that was hosted by Diego's friend. You look at Diego who was happily talking to his friends across the room, you sighed. Not wanting to be there anymore surrounded by random people you don't know, and the only person you know, your boyfriend, has forgotten about you.
You were fed up so you decided to go back home, you didn't even let Diego know you were leaving that's how mad you were. You called an Uber and after minutes of waiting, the Uber showed up taking you back to your place.
An hour went by since you made it to your house, you changed into sweats and one of Diego's shirts. Your phone chimed, and you looked at it.
Where are you?
All you replied with was, "Home." You put your phone down, just for it to chime again a second later. He replied with, "I'm on my way." You didn't bother to reply, but waited for him to show up.
30 minutes later he quickly comes in the house, and lets out a relieved sigh seeing you on the couch on your phone. "Me asustaste, pensé que te había pasado algo."
You didn't say anything, you ignored him, you were still angry. "Amor, ¿Qué pasa?" He asked the most aggravating question he could possibly ask right now, and you snapped.
"Enserio Diego," He flinched not expecting you to snap. "You forget about me the whole night just to be with your friends, leaving me by myself with nobody to talk to? Then when I'm not there and see that I'm gone you decide to finally worry about me?"
"I'm trying to catch up with my friends I haven't seen them-" You cut him off.
"DIEGO, LO ÚNICO QUE HAS HECHO HA SIDO PASAR EL RATO CON ELLOS LA ÚLTIMA SEMANA Y MEDIA," You tell him he looked shocked at all this anger seeping out of you, you breathe in before continuing trying to calm yourself down. "Ni siquiera has echo tiempo conmigo a solas." You felt your eyes well up full of tears, but you held them back, you weren't going to cry.
"You're mad because I've been hanging out with my friends too much," He scoffs and you furrow your brows. "I'm sorry that I spent most of my time away traveling and playing, that I can't even hang out with my friends, don't you think you're overreacting." He looks down shaking his head.
You were confused at his reaction expecting him to understand, but instead he was bothered that you spoke up. "You think I'm overreacting?"
He looks at you and nods. "Yeah I think you are." You felt your tears fall down your face, you wipe them quickly.
"Fuck you Diego, I just wanted to hang out with you because I missed you and haven't seen you in so long." You stand up walking towards him standing right in front of him, he looked at you with an expressionless face.
"I text you and call you every time I have time when I'm not here," He said to you, it was your turn to scoff you walk away from him not wanting to talk to him.
"That's not the same as being here with me physically." You mutter.
You walk towards your room and he follows you. "While I don't see or talk to them at all, which is why I'm taking this time to catch up with them." He says as he trails behind you, you turn around towards him making him stop in his track.
"Diego I just want to spend some days with you ALONE, I'm not asking for all your days to be spent with me only." You turn around and he claps his hands, giving you a sarcastic smile.
"Where do you want to go then? Let's go eat at a restaurant, To the beach? Anything you want amor." He was being sarcastic, he was bothered at the fact that you brought this up, and you were hurt by the way he was acting.
"No mames Diego, eres un culero." You looked at him crying because he was being selfish, he wasn't understanding you, it was making you mad.
"Ahora ya no quieres pasar un rato juntos," You shake your head, trying to keep yourself calm.
"No because you aren't sincere clearly I shouldn't have brought it up, it was my fault," You jab your finger at his chest increasing the force, and he lets you do it. "I'm sorry that I want to hang out with my boyfriend who I haven't seen in months. And the time that I do all he wants to do is hang out with his friends."
He stays silent letting you speak, "So you know what I'll leave you to it, I won't stand in the way between you and your friends. I need to go." He looked at you as you texted one of your friends to pick you up, letting you know they were on their way, You grabbed some of your things in a dufflebag, and he was panicking.
"¿Qué haces?" You didn't answer him you packed a couple clothes from the closet you both shared. "Don't leave please."
You sniffle as your tears won't stop, he tries to stop you from leaving, you push his hands away from you. "Déjame en paz, en serio." You said harshly, and he stepped back.
Once you finished your phone chimed and it was your friend letting you know she was there. You made your way out the house and Diego called out after you before you left, you look at him.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"I am staying somewhere else, for tonight because if I stay here we are just going to argue." You wipe your tears and give him a sad smile.
"You don't have to leave amor. Let's talk about it and we can work past it." You shake your head and laugh.
"Diego work past it?" You tried to stay calm not wanting to cause another argument. "We can solve this problem if we just hang out together us alone, but clearly your friends will always be the first priority, not me."
You left not giving him a chance, to speak. He let out a shaky sigh.
I fucked up. I fucked it all up. She's never going to forgive me.
He saw you get in the car and drive off he put his hands on his head, blaming himself. He sat down on the couch putting his head in between his hands. His heart ached painfully he was mad at himself for not understanding, for being a dick towards you and he was going to make it up to you.
He pulled put his phone and looked for your contact.
Lo siento Y/N, I fucked up and whenever you are ready we can talk.
La cague. Was what he kept telling himself.
Later on that night Diego kept replaying what you said.
Clearly your friends will always be the first priority, not me.
He hurt you, and he had to fix it he didn't want to lose you to this argument, so first thing in the morning he was going to talk to you to apologize.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed! I posted it extremely late because I just have been all over the place this week and schools starting next week. It has been so hectic! But this request there was so many ideas and I'VE WROTE SO MANY ANGST ARGUMENT LIKE MY DRAFTS ARE FILLED!! Please don't forget to REQUEST I will definitely write them! Remember I will only be writing for Diego Lainez or any football player for right now. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS. If you want me to turn this into a series please let me know!
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