#so this might be irrevelant
xovera-toz · 10 months
After Wirt returns from the hospital, he starts visiting the graveyard more often. There are a handful of abandoned graves that clear up right about that time, too.
No one can guess why he spends so much time there, or the connection between the graves. They appear to be random people, after all.
People try asking his little brother, since he spends most of his time with the boy, but Greg's claims are unbeliavable and childish. Sometimes he says they've met them, they are their friends, and so on. Other times he tells stories not unlike fairytales with speaking birds and evil woods.
Asking Wirt himself turns out to be even more confusing, since his only answer is "they were nice people, once" and nothing more.
His poetry, however, tells of emotions hidden, and has a certain line that has appeared quite often between beautifully woven lines...
"We'll meet again, under the edelwood tree."
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shanieveh · 18 days
before you guys read that wriothesley reader smau just know that i wouldn't have done it without my father's laptop. thanks dad. i also wouldn't have done it without my 7 month hiatus on this platform ☺️😚 although im an irrelevant novice writer before, now im even more of an irrevelant novice writer on this platform but im so happy people still stayed and stood by me.
this acknowledgement on this smau i think is necessary because this smau's purpose is to challenge myself into writing this long series as a test of capabilities. i might not be the best at writing stories and i really dont like past works of arts and sometimes a little piece of my heart breaks when they go viral knowing that i did not proof read that or that was mediocre.
mistakes were made, but i do not have to dwell on them. this smau will HOPEFULLY bring back my passion into writing for these characters. because i really want to be on this platform and once again i'll mention that even if i lack skill or even proper grammar and spelling sometimes i WANT to be on this platform.
so hahaha thats all. ackkk i kept repeating and repeating that ILL FINISH THIS ONE. so hopefully i will whahahhaha!!! it is worth noting that if i had the drive to finish this maybe ill finish the other one.
happy reading~
yours truly,
hanie (shanieveh)
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This is part 2 of this said post by the way!!
Finally it's time to post some info about the little skinny legend that by himself is searching for a bigger, skinnier legend... (wait uhhh- that sounded wrong-) -It is hinted at/implied that he could be on the spectrum (w what am I talking about hinted at/implied?! This is my OC for petesake!! Hell, I could very much make him on the spectrum if I wanted to! /lh)
-He was born in 1991, therefore he is canonically (if we say the movie takes place in 2023) 32 years old. (so don't even try to pair him with any of the young cast or I will throw you in a river)
-His main role model he looks up to is his late-grandpappy, who used to serve in the millitary as a sailor before retirement, and during his time in work he went to several places around the world through boat. When Ward was a toddler to a young kid he used to spend time with him, and eventually gained aspiration to be just like his grandpapps one day.
-He is not actually fully brittish (I lied, feel free to beat me up), his mother is (or uhhh, was) actually Russian while his father is (was) Brittish, therefore he is a Russian-Brittish immigrant (and somehow during his whole life he didn't learn to speak with an American OR Russian accent, but he does sometimes mix up spelling between the two languages and two spelling ways he knows)
-After the incident for a long time he was banned from ever taking foot off the town and onto the sea ever again, however after taking jobs working on cleaning boats this got slightly redirected and he did infact got the license to use a boat, however only as a fisherman, also he has to wear a electronic ankle-tag while doing it which will infact electrocute him if he goes within a certain radius away from the sea, and will call the nearby workers on the shore to get him away from the ocean (this unfortunately happens a lot due to mishaps to the point this has became such a common practice that sooner or later he might lose his job....d_d b_b...writes this down for ideas) -
-Especially after the incident both his parents grew a deep-disappointment towards him, and this caused him to never be able to reconcile with either of them. Sadly during his 20s, both of them passed away, which was another reason why he had to pick up the fisherman role by taking down the legacy of the job from the family. (Fatherless behavior, Motherless behavior)
-When he was 15-16 (the same age Ruby is rn), he took in the part-time job of being a obstacle-waxer and skatepark cleaner when skateboarding started becoming a craze around the town and they had to construct a park for it. He still has this part-time job as to this day to get more money.
-The reason why his coat is green is because he vividly remembers the incident so much that he could even recount what kind of hue the sea-monster was. This could be because of a way to cope and/or because he believes he became more monster in the process, so he must dress a bit like them in respect for gaining such knowledge of the outside world. (hmmm I wonder which character is green in the movie I wonder.......)
-His several jobs and his dream to find a kraken and to gain knowledge from it on how to be a correct monster might've lead him to be more athletically better and have a better balance but this is irrevelant and won't come back at all in anytime whatsoever.
-He honestly made up a belief that the mermaids in the movie that are told in legends are actually sirens due to their more devious and wrathful nature, while "true" mermaids are actually divine in form, a genuine pleasing to the eye and have the ability to heal one's mind from all the pain (And by "true" mermaids he actually means big shark men who he has like hundreds of posters of plastered around his house, all posing in awfully suspicious positions- Whoopsie doodle!!!)
-He still has the scar from the incident on his forehead, it's just concealed by his hair.
-He always has the stupid ass sailor-tie on his neck, and if he doesn't have it on, then that means something is wrong with him internally
-He watches Shape Of Water avidly.
-Ward collects all his research around his house and sometimes in documented books he created himself (out-of-movie merchandise potentiality!!! Marcy Wu style!!!)
-He still uses a big box computer despite the fact it's 2023
-His house compared to the other buildings in the movie is more outdated, representing how he's still stuck within his pasts beliefs while everyone else has moved on (his house gets destroyed during the climax btw!!!)
-He likes big harmonica music like sailormen do, 1940s to 1980s music and a little bit of 2000s songs
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akuma74 · 1 year
Ok so I come back on my Invader Zim x Psychonauts fanfic.
First of all I’m sorry to the people who want to read what I’m writing but as it say on my account I’m french so the fic is being written in french, I might do it in english too but you know that’s not my primary language and I will probably mess a lot of thing up, but maybe it will happen.
I only have one chapter release but I already have a plan on what’s going to happen next but there is one “little” problem:
I really don’t know what to do with Zim and the Professor.
I mean this fic will talk alot about Dib mental state and so this two are going to be important obviously but I don’t know which direction to take with them.
Do I do ZADF or do I keep it ZADE ?
Do I “redeem” the prof by making him at least realizing his mistake as a parent or do I keep him a pretty terrible father ?
And also do I take in count the “Dib and Gaz” are clone theory ? Because it will be kind of irrevelant to the plot except for a point that I basically scrapped  because it make Membrane too much out of character and almost a super-vilain.
My thought are a mess-
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maikosmind · 1 year
Well this isn't spoilers anymore i think but uh mha season 6 spoilers?
Okay this is gonna sound irrevelant and you guys are gonna wonder why i am even asking this but... So question where the heck is All might or Eri? Because you know? Eri's legal guardian is Aizawa and he was in the hospital last time we saw him?(I'm a bit behind on the episodes i think?) So what is Eri doing while there is chaos ensuing outside of UA?
And for All might i'm wondering how this man is just sitting and waiting while the war continues? He is probably eating himself alive and now Midoriya left UA so well i mean you get it that man cares about midoriya and now he is gone
Idk if manga or the anime said anything about this but i really don't know
what do you think?
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dctrlover1969 · 1 year
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For me idea of this comic was pretty nice without its cons. Red Hood leading an zombie ex criminals army idea... I personally liked it.
But his characterisation was... nah. He was written like a scared child in irrevelant parts. And where's his smart brain? Batmans' one of the best fighter and detective kid we're talking about. Only thing maybe I don't like about his characterisation was that. I loved him with his fam but Tim??? What the hell was with him? He was also done terribley in this one I believe. Also I see that dc isn't bored with Jason - Bruce love/hate relationship. 🙄🙄🙄
One of the most important thing for me was finally sex-less comics. 🥳🥳🥳 I liked that there was no sex but a story they told.
Also mr Bloom deserved better than that. He was creepy but his moral... 🤔🤔🤔
It could be so much more better but idea got me. Zombie suicide squad leader Jason Todd 🤭🤭🤭
I'm not native so my wordage might not best 😅😅
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Not me writing an ot7 au
and then I went like ooh a little scenario
Surprise surprise it's no longer little
Its set in omegaverse and being like omg how does the biology of this work .. all you need to know is female alpha's don't get periods while they are on their ruts and this fact is irrevelant too ✌
I even made a trashy moodboard for it
And the writing was supposed to be cute but it's meh
And its me so it's angst like sprinkled everywhere
It's too all over the place to be a fic but I'm too invested to delete it
Might not make it to the masterlist tho
S e n d .. s u p p o r t ...
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sunshineandsisyphus · 4 years
In other news, not being able to find anything on my own blog bc I don’t tag for shit has finally gotten to me and I’m gonna start going through old posts and developing more of a tagging system woohoo
EDIT: it has been done that actually didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would
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deruisseclair-blog · 6 years
Random Headcanons
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//because i can!
loves stargazing.
loves the smell of fresh grass after the morning dew.
if not working or outside seaching for plants, you can probably find him napping or just looking at the clouds, under the shade of a tree (what a good boy).
can draw, only plants and paysages though, what is human anatomy?? he developped this hobby when taking notes during his studies.
can and loves to cook, although he can only make simple dishes, he learnt and started getting better by watching his mom and zeph do it. also, cooking reminds him of how to make his concoctions, so he easily took a liking to it.
never let him bake though, never let him use sugar, value your life.
can outdrink everyone, including olberic. compared to what clearbrook has to offer in terms of alcohol, the rest of the continent’s is only water to him (tho he was never able to outdrink zeph, but that’s for another reason altogether).
cannot sleep without holding something in his arms. while travelling, zeph’s satchel became his cuddle buddy (plus it reminds him of home and helps calming him down when feeling homesick).
he’s a big spoon!! you can’t escape him!!
has a weak spot for baby animals and even human babies, the smaller, the most emotional he gets (yes he cries when he sees baby rabbits playing on the road, he cried when nina was born and the first time he got to see and hold her in his tiny arms).
he loves kids in general and is extremely kind and careful with them.
he’s a touchy feely kind of guys, that’s how he bonds with people, by skinship! but he’s extremely respectful of his patients and knows his boundaries (he will also never bother someone who hates being touched if he knows it, except if their name is therion).
stop saying stuff about his hair! it’s super smooth and he washes it regurlarly with a plants based shampoo he makes himself. it’s just super messy most of the time and doing whatever the hell it wants, he stopped struggling about it and now doesn’t care as long as it doesn’t get in the way (basically, it’s his bedhead, he just ties it up for it to not get in the way).
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cappymightwrite · 2 years
It's interesting that Tywin-Joanna considered one of the romantic couple among fandom when they are first cousins and knew each other from childhood. Yet apparently Jonsa is too much for fans because 'incest'. There was no protest when Lysa is discussing about Sansa marriage to Robert. Aegon-Arianne marriage is discussed in fandom. No one called LF infatuation with Cat disgusting despite growing up together and her thinking him as her brother.
Yes, it is interesting. But to give them their due, I think the sticking point is the issue that Jon and Sansa were raised to believe they were siblings. The fact that the degree of their familiarity is never disclosed isn't regarded as an intentional blocking to be revealed later, but as I said, the sticking point for them is how they were raised.
With this view, the reality that they are likely cousins is made irrevelant — the dynamic of their childhood is apparently insurmountable. And yet, as you noted, this ignores the in-text instances where we are reassured that cousin marriage is essentially viewed as the acceptable form of incest. However, some would argue that the inclusion of the Lannister twins and the Targaryens, along with the ramifications those relationships garner, insists that sibling incest is bad, therefore Jon and Sansa would also be bad... even if they are revealed not to be half-siblings. What should be the get out of jail free card — them being cousins — is thus not viewed as such.
I can understand that reasoning. But I think it's quite a blinkered approach because it fails to grasp that asoiaf does not exist within a literary vacuum. It has some pretty significant influences. Chief among them, I think, is the influence of Romanticism.
But first, before I get into that, I think it's worth noting this:
[GRRM's] mantra has always been William Faulkner’s comment in his Nobel prize acceptance speech, that only the “human heart in conflict with itself… is worth writing about”. [source]
A while ago, I wrote a post about the influence of the incest motif in asoiaf, and I think it's important to reiterrate that William Faulkner explores this motif in his own work several times... and multiple scholars have linked that to the influence of Romanticism. Now, you could argue that that has nothing to do with GRRM, and yet:
GRRM: I was always intensely Romantic, even when I was too young to understand what that meant. But Romanticism has its dark side, as any Romantic soon discovers... which is where the melancholy comes in, I suppose. I don't know if this is a matter of artistic influences so much as it is of temperament. But there's always been something in a twilight that moves me, and a sunset speaks to me in a way that no sunrise ever has. [source]
It's striking to me that GRRM mentions the relationship between Romanticism and melancholy because if you are familiar with the Romantic writers... the incest motif plays a huge part in their exploration of melancholia. Indeed, in her essay The Melancholy of Sibling Incest in British Romanticism, Mandy Reed comments:
Although incest in Romantic literature is often passed over in classroom and private readings, many critics locate themes of sibling incest “at the heart of the Romantic movement” (Dangers 738).
So, the way I view Jonsa is through this lense of Romanticism, a literary movement I strongly suspect GRRM has been heavily influenced by. But your average anti might not be familiar with this, and really, their aversion to Jonsa is part of the incest motif itself:
Led in part by Alan Richardson, discourse on the subject generally centers around the topic of erotic relationships between siblings in the Romantics’ collective fascination with, and search for, an ideal, “sympathetic love”—one that is “more intense and complete than either sibling could feel for anyone else” (739). Sympathetic love becomes problematic, however, because the same incest which fosters it is commonly viewed as “an action that social taboo, religious interdiction, and literary convention [concur] in regarding with revulsion and horror” (Donovan 59).
It's very expected that some, if not the majority of readers, would be put off by it, would question it etc. This uncomfortableness for the reader, and the characters, is the very point — the human heart in conflict with itself. And it's not a unique practice on GRRM's part, in fact, Percy Bysshe Shelley explains it well in the Preface to his poem Laon and Cythna:
In the personal conduct of my Hero and Heroine, there is one circumstance which was intended to startle the reader from the trance of ordinary life. It was my object to break through the crust of those outworn opinions on which established institutions depend. I have appealed therefore to the most universal of all feelings, and have endeavoured to strengthen the moral sense, by forbidding it to waste its energies in seeking to avoid actions which are only crimes of convention.
The "one circumstance" he is referring to is sibling incest.
I'm very much beyond the point of being morally weirded out by Jonsa because I view them as having a very distinct, yet recognisable, narrative function. Any wringing of hands over the immorality of Jonsa is further alleviated for me by the fact that their relationship hasn't been clearly defined by the story yet. They don't have the same relationship Jon has to Arya, or equally, between Sansa and Robb. If you show disinterest in Sansa as a character, it's understandable to me that this blank space where an evident relationship should be could seem hardly noteworthy. But as I said, I view Jonsa, more than ever since beginning my Byron meta, through this Romantic lense. So for me, and for all Jonsas, this omission is very intentional on the part of GRRM. It's a foundation on which to build upwards, whereas I would argue that J0nrya is flawed because GRRM would have to effectively undo their established relationship.
As aforementioned, Jonsa is essentially a Romantic pairing because of this issue of incest... but there are different kinds of sibling incest explored in Romanticism, as Reed observes:
The first critically accepted category of incest is the “erotic relation between a foster-brother and sister, who have been raised as siblings […] and sometimes led to believe they are so related;” the second is “that between brother and sister who are remarkably close, share a common fate, but do not become sexually involved;” the third is “that between a brother and sister who do become sexually involved” (Dangers 739 – 40). It is the first definition that describes Mary Shelley’s Victor and Elizabeth; Manfred, his sister Astarte, and the title characters of Laon and Cythna are described by the third.
I would argue that Jonsa falls into the first category, mirroring Byron's The Bride of Abydos, as noted by @rose-of-red-lake. Though if you're familiar with my metas you'll know I've made a (hopefully) strong case for the influence of Byron's Manfred — I promise part 3 will be complete soon! So, going back to what I mentioned in the second paragraph, the fact that they are actually cousins should be very much of note because it falls in line with this literary tradition.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that:
In almost all cases of Romantic literary incest, one or both of the pair dies shortly after the consummation of their love (Dangers 740). In other cases, consummation is prevented by death or separation.
This might seem a bit disheartening, and in a way could confirm antis' arguments that incest is immoral in all instances and thus punishible within the text. To that I'd say... thankfully there are other influences at play in GRRM's writing that I think will counter-balance this. But to conclude, Reed summarises that:
Essentially, incest provides a vehicle in the nineteenth century for readers to think outside of the prescribed relational box. It calls into question which relationships are “allowed,” asking why one type of intimate connection is privileged over another within a normative structure and enriching the text in which it appears with social and moral resonance.
Jonsa isn't meant to be an easy ship, and I completely respect other people's choice to disapprove of it, but I think the argument that it won't happen because it's (pseudo-)incestual is frankly pretty weak. We know that GRRM doesn't coddle us, for better or worse, with his writing, we know he's interested in emotional conflict. We know he's aware of Romanticism's relationship with melancholy. Hell, we know he was interested in the incest motif from the infamous 1993 outline! From a literary standpoint, Jonsa is very obviously a clear avenue he could go down to explore these Romantic themes. And I think he will.
But... if you're first roadblock is the apparent issue that they were raised as siblings, and then likewise if you're also extremely morally against cousin relationships regardless of context, then you're never going to see that connection to Romanticism. Which is unfortunate because I think it's a very slept upon influence that not many people outside of our corner (though I could be wrong) take note of. At the end of the day, none of us Jonsas are out here preaching the benefits of cousin marriage, because come on, we're simply picking up what GRRM's laying down and putting that in the context of previous literary traditions. Because like I said, asoiaf doesn't exist within a literary vacuum... and a lot of arrows point towards Romanticism.
Thanks for the ask!
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
other than Godzilla, Mothra, and the creatures from Lovecraft, are there any iconic monsters and beasties from the pulps?
I do want to give a more thorough answer someday since monsters are much more of an area of interest of mine than pulps are, but for the time being, I'll name 10.
1: The Thing
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A monster so iconic that most are not aware it was actually originated in a pulp story, titled "Who Goes There?", first published in Astounding Science Fiction before becoming a novel, then a movie, and then the John Carpenter remake. The Thing's popularity really speaks for itself. I could probably include other John Carpenter monsters here since I've talked before on how much of pulps came through in his films, but I'll leave it to just The Thing as it.
2: Bug-Eyed Monsters
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Not so much a specific monster as a general category of pulp sci-fi monsters, usually predatory in nature, grotesquely oversized and described as bug-eyed, which were prevalent enough not just to become a stock archetype that's seen very popular usage outside of pulps, like Invader Zim, but to even be the name of horror anthology magazines
3: The Giant Woman
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The almost literal poster girl for 50s pulp sci-fi/horror and all the hokeyness and parody that's usually afforded them nowadays, it's hard to think of the giant woman trope played straight for horror instead of a parody of the idea, or just as a fetish thing, and it's hard to think of them as much of a monster in the first place. Still, it's undeniably iconic, and it's a category of monster in it's own right, if only because of the sheer popularity of the poster for Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.
4: Brain in a Jar
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Another type of monster generally associated with 50s sci-fi, the Brain in a Jar actually did come to life primarily on pulp magazines, enough times for it to practically constitute a character type in it's own right, showing up in stories written by Olaf Stapledon, Lovecraft, Gustave le Rouge and Otto Binder, and the rogues galleries of characters like Captain Future and Tom Shark, even being the protagonists of a couple of stories, usually as villains or tragic victims wanting to die.
5: Dinosaurs
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Yup, dinosaurs as monsters is something that took off in the pulps, not surprisingly. While dinosaurs had been discovered as early as 1812-1820, it wasn't until the very late 1890s and the early 1910s that dinosaurs began taking off as great monsters of fiction, in works like Beyond the Great South Wall in 1901 which marks the first explicitly villainous dinosaur, Panic in Paris in 1910 which seems to be first on the works of fiction to feature scenes of dinosaurs rampaging through streets, and A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder from 1888 which is a "lost world" story that predates Doyle's by over two decades, and might have been considered the progenitor of the fantasy novel had it not debuted a year after H.Rider Haggard's She and King Solomon's Mines.
6: The Phantom of the Opera
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I'm gonna avoid including human villains, but The Phantom's essentially become a sub-category of monster in it's own right, and he's definitely iconic enough to merit inclusion. My reasoning for him being grouped alongside pulp characters is because the original story by Gaston Leroux was actually published in serialized format as a feuilleton in newspaper Le Galouis, and as I've established before, feuilletons were France's pulp fiction, one of the very earliest examples of pulp even before the Americans got on it. It's hardly that surprising that Erik would be grouped among the villains and monsters of pulp fiction, considering the similarities between him and a certain shadowy avenger with a similar flair for theatrics.
7: Killer Robots/Cyborgs
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Kind of self-explanatory, as they were practically the bread and butter of most sci-fi pulps pending towards horror. Although mentions of automata date from before the pulps, it was in their time that this rose to such pop culture prominence. The Nick Carter novels had what is considered the first cyborg in fiction. The term "robot" was coined by Karel Čapek, who became a pulp magazine writer. Robots and aliens were among the premier monsters of most pulp sci-fi stories, even if not necessarily their main villains usually. And speaking of aliens,
8: UFOs
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While they predate pulps, the general idea of aliens as stock pop culture monsters first took life in pulp magazines. Murray Leinster’s First Contact, while it's aliens are not evil, coined the term "first contact" and provided a template for every story based around the idea ever since. The Martian Chronicles by Rad Bradbury is often credited by sci-fi historians as a pivotal event in the genre’s growing respectability and mainstream success. More famously, you had writers like Robert Heinlein, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Olaf Stapledon and Francis Flagg all striking several different speculations regarding aliens, a variety that ultimately ensured the alien's popularity as a new monster archetype.
9: The Headless Mule
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Included here because I make it a point to reference one figure from Brazil's history, as cordel literature is our local equivalent to pulp, and the Headless Mule is one of the most famous monsters of our folklore and one of the most prominent stories across cordel. As cordel tends to revolve around folk poems, songs, tales and novels, monsters from Brazilian folklore tend to show up in those, and I intend on writing more extensively about them soon. The Headless Mule is one of the most popular and I'll paste a short description of her below:
The headless mule is, in fact, a woman, cursed after having sexual relations with a priest (regardless of whether or not she consents), who suffers a similar fate to the werewolf. On nights from Thursday to Friday, she turns into a dark-haired mule, with either a head shrouded in flames, or a perpetual flame for a skull.
She goes out riding quickly through villages, seven, to be exact, causing damage wherever she goes by either running over people and trampling and tearing them with sharp hooves, or burning any who approaches it's fire.
There is one way to free the woman from the curse: It carries a glowing iron curb in its mouth. If someone is brave enough to pull it out, the mule will transform back into a woman, never to change again.
10: King Kong
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Proof of how irrevelant it is whether or not a pulp character was ever part of a pulp magazine. While Kong didn't start out in pulp magazines, nor was he published in one like Godzilla as far as I can recall, it's pretty indisputable that Kong and Skull Island have been extremely influential in much of pop culture's perception of pulp jungle adventures and giant monsters, influencing the creation of Godzilla and Mothra and the kaiju genre. Kong and Skull Island have had so, so many crossovers with pulp heroes that I'd be incredibly remiss not to include him, and so he's here as my final inclusion.
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francesthetraveller · 2 months
Hngngnngngng I haven't talked about The Witch that much so I might as well spill her backstory Basically, due to how she lived her entire life, she eventually grew to form the concept that achieving the highest role in society wouldn't really have any benefits or matter at all because at the end of the day, she'll never be actually treated with respect or actually loved by anyone, which furthermore was formed from both her disability and the fact she's from a different land. So the only thing she relies upon in life is the idea of actually proving to others this truth by instead showing them the idea of freedom formed within the fact that people who are ostracized are less to be expected to be the status quo than the ones that are adored or even worshipped. Along with this, throughout her life she had explored many kinds of races and living creatures' cultures and lifestyles inorder to experience how they truly believe inorder to figure out their idea of what freedom must be.
She holds an extreme amount of dislike towards royalty and people of higher status because of this, because she believes that they keep clinging onto their denial and along with it shunning anyone who tries to prove them otherwise, even the ones who might be suffering because of this stupid and easilly discardable belief. There was a certain event that happened a long time before the events of the movie series which caused her to hold a huge hatred towards the nobles of Far Far Away, notably King Harold. She despised them. She wanted to give them the worst amount of pain, the likes she has been bearing for years on end. She wants them to experience what it's like to completely become irrevelant and disposable to the eyes of the entire world. She wants them to SUFFER...Well, she wanted them to suffer, until a certain accidental meeting with a young girl...
On one faithful day, when she was within disguise, scurrying around the outskirts of the kingdom, planning a way to overthrow the king, she stumbled into a child. At first, she was extremely annoyed and wasn't really having any of it, with her only thinking of the kid as a nuisance. However, to unexpected events, she started to notice more of the child's behavior. So full of life, so boasterous, rough yet sweet, and vibrant...Like something she wished she could've been in her youth. This reminded her of the behavior of a certain race of creatures she has lately met who she has formed a deep liking to due to their powerful and carefree way of life. The child of course, eventually got worried over not knowing how to return home, and over the sight of seeing a child break down into tears, she remembered all the times she herself wasn't able to find any sort of support (only relying on her staff). And so, without any other choices, she helped her return back to a more public space, where she was found by her parents, and to her horror...It was the royal couple. She had just helped the princess, who was very much got scolded for disappearing before returning with her parents back to the kingdom. She would've been angry at herself for doing the exact opposite of what she's been doing for so long...Until she remembered the nature of the child, and then what the king has done, and how The kingdom treats many of the creatures, and then she got an idea...No, not just an idea. A plan. A plan to bring further what the royalty has been doing, and perhaps, also giving the chance of gifting a freedom to the princess akin to hers..
And the rest was just exactly how the fairytale went. A witch appeared, and brought a horrifying curse onto the young princess. But what no one seemed to notice was the melancholy yet hopeful stare of The Witch as she cast the spell. As if she expected this day to have a good outcome. However, the moment she had finished her sentence, the king commanded for the guards to lash out against her, causing her to have to flee the scene, And in an attempt escape out of the castle, dodging every single member of the court and hopping across the corridors of the building...Until she's gotten to a dead-end...And well...They used all their deadly weapons to stop the wicked witch...And she crashed through the walls of the castle in the explosion, so much so she was thrown extremely far beyond the castle and even the kingdom...
She survived, albeit with major injuries, but in the process, she didn't seem to find her staff anywhere, eventually getting to the conclusion that she has lost her only trustable source of channeling her magic, the only way of properly walking, and also, her only friend…and perhaps her only parental figure. And if that wasn't bad enough, over the next several days, weeks and even months, she had listened and read through papers and papers over the eventual consequences her actions. She didn't give freedom to the little girl, she only forced her into a way worse social expectation, and eventually, she was sent away to a tower, where she was expected even more of the kingdom's prejudices. She had ruined a little girl's entire life, all because she wanted so bad to prove a point…Now even more disabled, barely able to sneak into the kingdom with a limited amount of magical skills and now left by herself. All she could do is check on the news of the princess, and perhaps with enough magic, try to have a look at how she's doing, even if it was just a projection onto a glass or within her dreams. She wouldn't really need to hate herself that much anyways. There's no reason to hate something that will never be loved.
+Bonus art stuff:
watch me make a prosthethic into merchandise /j also watch me poke fun at current disney sidekicks by both making them extremely chaotic and kind of a peice of shit but also actually important to the plot
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also also also here's them but a little bit "normal" (by normal I mean she just tucked the pigment into her clothes to be in disguise)
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swingingcrab · 5 years
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orsuliya · 3 years
I love the hands' details in The Rebel Princess, but I think no one paid attention at the princess carry in ep. 33.
Awu seems a bit embarassed because "everyone is watching 😓", she tries to play the usual controlled and proud princess, but XQ has no shame at all in showing his true feelings. And neither Awu now.
After the big wedding ceremony she feels overwhelmed, obviously, and after another proof of her husband's love she can really let herself go. She lets go of her own fears, her paranoia. Since she grown up, Awu felt surrounded by people who said they loved her but they also wanted to manipulate her. But she knows she's safe with XQ.
After XQ's sweet answer, she relaxes more and she tightens both her hands around his neck. This is so symbolic.
She no longer needs to be on the defensive. She fully knows she can trust him with her life. She's totally in peace in his arms.
Oh. Oh dear. It appears that I, just like Jon Snow, know nothing, thus making The Rebel Princess Carry Top 8 List utterly invalid, irrevelant, incorrect and inaccurate! Sic transit gloria mundi...
Okay, maybe that's not entirely true (or at least I hope it isn't), even if that part about me knowing nothing certainly is! Because, my dear Preternaturally Insightful Nonnie, you are only too right about this particular hand detail, which adds some truly delightful dimension to the princess carry as a whole. Nothing to add here, really, except that now you have pointed it out, the timing seems only too obvious. And there I was, a sad little clown, thinking that nothing could possibly make the Re-do Wedding more perfect than it already is.
And this relaxation of hers, this act of letting go of the last vestiges of any mistrust she might have felt upon entering the manor, is the last puzzle piece we needed to understand why she has no qualms about rejecting Xiao Qi's advances and then confessing her own insecurities. He really is a sure thing, isn't he? So what need is there for any kind of subterfuge?
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misslovasstuff · 3 years
Theories about the next chapter
Yes it is time to unravel the hidden dark thoughts on the next chapter possible happenings. (in three hours lol)
Tbh, since the series have come to a point where nothing could be predicted, I’m trying a different approach. Instead of theorizing what might happen, I’m just going to explain why some theories I’ve come across may not be true.
1- Dazai getting out of jail
I know what you’re thinking. It’s the stupidest solution Asagiri can give the the problem and the less likely. I’ve said this before that the purpose why Dazai even got in jail in the first place, was for the story to continue without him, unraveling other characters like Tachihara. Furthermore, Dazai himself claimed that the ones who make the world turn are those who are dived into the storm of uncertainity. Those who are outside fighting for their goals. However it does not let aside the opportunity that it may happen later in the story once the fights are over.
2- Ango betraying Dazai
No. This ain’t gonna happen either. As I said recently, Ango’s on Dazai’s side right now, not only because he supports him, but he also supports the side Dazai’s in right now, the ADA.
3- Chuuya dying
I’ve heard that there are some theories concerning this matter. No. Chuuya is not going to die. It’s the most irrevelant thing that can happen. I’m sure he’ll appear soon in the manga healthy as an apple. 
4-  The hunting dogs hurting Tachihara
First, I too thought that’s most likely to happen. But, I think that the only way for Fukuchi to be defeated is for Tachi and the hunting dogs to join forces against him. However, we still don’t know who stabbed Tachihara and that’s crucial on knowing what side the hunting dogs are on. If one of them stabbed Tachi then there’s two options: they either know about Fukuchi’s plan and still support him (which is less likely) or they’re just trying to protect their leader because they were already suspicious of Tachi to begin with.
5- So as I was saying, I fear that one of the ADA members may die... or maybe Ango...
6 - Yosano joining the mafia
Nope, it’s not happening. I’m pretty sure Junichirou will.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
just noticed a small irrevelant parallel(?) between jolie & sophie: they both had a pet when they were young (jolie had a gremlin and sophie had Marty). i've seen some theories of how sophie might be jolie or smth, do you think it's possible? cause i kinda hope the fact that sophie looks like jolie will be apart of a bigger thing since it was mentioned so much in the earlier books??
oh nice nonsie, they both did have pets! And now Sophie has Iggy too
I will be honest, I don’t think that particular detail lends much credence to the theory as so many people have pets when they’re young. It’s a really general criteria.
I’ve never seen this theory before, but I will say that it doesn’t seem like the right choice for the story for it to be true. I think if Sophie were Jolie it would erase a lot of the character growth of Grady and Edaline—and also just in general be cruel to them. Jolie being dead is such a big event for those characters and for it to be brought back in that way feels kind of strange. Also I’m not sure how the logistics would work out.
Jolie was several years older than Sophie and dead for longer than she’d be alive. That’d probably put her somewhere in her thirties if she hadn’t been burnt to a crisp. I don’t think you could easily pass off a 30 year old as a 12 year old naturally, and the effort it would take to make he seem 12 just feels unrealistic.
Or are we talking more about time travel? Not sure exactly how that would work. Like Jolie got cryogenically frozen and then reawoken after a new life and set of memories had been given to her. I’d also be curious how her eyes would’ve changed color to become brown. And where her ability went—as a conjurer.
As of right now I can’t see that really being possible or making sense with the story, but I would like to learn more about Jolie! I’m not sure anything about them looking similar will come up again as that was meant to lead Sophie down the “is she my mom” path, which has been explored already.
I’m very curious about this theory though and where you heard it. I’d love to hear more about it if you’d like to share! /g. I haven’t heard it before so it’s very interesting to see from a new perspective
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