#so seeing all of them in such a happy low-stakes scenario warms my heart and also makes me happy and a bit sad/scared of whats to come
we-want-a-shrubbery · 2 years
So I'm watching the second Critical Role Campaign right now and I'm at the Harvest Festival (ep 17) and it's far too late, I should really go to sleep but I can't stop watching. I have already manically cackled out loud about 20 times; this episode is a fever dream and I love every second of it.
Just... Fjord with the fucking triple nat 1 at the trebuchet was already perfect and Jester and Yasha just yeeting him into the ground had me in tears.
Molly buying that carpet and being like "I have such big plans with this" and NOT ELABORATING - peak Molly energy.
Caleb, certified nerd at the shooting range with Nott as his feral little daughter. Wonderful. Their dynamic in general is so pure here. I mean, it always is and I love them, but when they're happy and getting into shenanigans together, it does things to my heart. I want all the happiness for them. Also: "Oh no, Caleb, I lost your silver piece :(" - "Yes, but you just lend me 200 gold yesterday, it's all good." - "but thE PRINCIPLE!!!"
And then just now the fucking weirdest conversation between Nott and Yasha about eating rats happened, there are actual tears in my eyes, what the FUCK?! I love them s o much.
I kinda just needed to scream this into the void because I'm having the time of my life here. Maybe some older critters will find this enjoyable.
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doctorgerth · 5 years
One of my favorite love confessions is yelling BECAUSE I LOVE YOU during an intense argument or other high stakes now or never situation. Headcanons on what situatiom would push Zoro, Law and Marco to shout this at their s/o? Thanks, Coop :)
Ok, so for this I just kinda picked random situations and ran with them lol this ended up scenario-y, I hope that’s ok! I also went a lil overboard as always ugh these are really long so I’m putting them under the cut.
I hope I wrote this how you wanted! I made them angsty but I know you said you wanted a happy ending so I made them fluffy and cheesy too 💓
HCs: “Because I love you!” (Zoro, Law, Marco)
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wanting you to stay
- as a new member on the crew, you instantly became friends with all of the Straw Hats, Zoro included and perhaps the most of all
- you two just seemed to hit it off instantly, enjoying each other’s company, training, and drinking together
- though you were friends, you and Zoro also tended to butt heads a lot of the time, simply because you weren’t scared to call him out and challenge him; he found this equally annoying and exciting about you
- the entire crew picked up on Zoro’s manners with you, the way he went out of his way to see you, the way he fussed at you when you were being reckless, the way you two just couldn’t possibly walk by one another without saying anything snarky and low key flirty…it was so obvious that you two were crushing on each other
- your arguing was just so different from Zoro’s genuine dislike for Sanji; Zoro knew he didn’t dislike you, he’s had many good moments with you, but when Robin tried to convince him that he was in love with you? that made his stomach flip
- when presented with the idea of love, Zoro denied everything, claiming that you were just friends, someone who he enjoyed spending time with and that was the extent of it
- annoying as you could be, he really enjoyed your company, and your companionship when on missions or trips was really endearing to him, but he would never admit that
- but, you were just a passing friend after all, not intending to be an official crew member as the Straw Hats helped save you from a village you were held hostage at, carrying you to your home island
- Zoro grew accustomed to your presence, and much like the rest of the crew, was used to seeing your smiling face every day, even looking forward to it 
- he didn’t imagine that one day you would suddenly want to leave; why would you leave? you were all friends right? wasn’t everything you needed right here?
- the day the Sunny docked at the next island, Zoro thought it would just be any other day, not expecting you to have your bags packed, ready to disembark 
- “Oi, what are those for?”
- “They’re my bags, dumbass. You guys are dropping me off here, remember?” 
- “What? Why the hell are you leaving us?” he’s utterly shocked, just completely forgetting the whole plan to bring you home; you’re his crew mate, you can’t just leave!
- Zoro throws a fit, begging anybody and everybody to make you stay; no one is against it of course, but they’re telling him that he has to be the one to do it
- flustered and confused, Zoro’s unsure what to do; he understands you wanting to return home, but what about all your adventures together? who would train with him now? does this mean he won’t get to see your beautiful smile or hear your cute little laugh again?
- Zoro was a stubborn man and he knew he wouldn’t let that happen without a fight
- he instantly rushes to find you, heart dropping into his stomach when you’re no longer in your room and all of your things are gone; he runs out on deck, catching sight of your figure at the edge of the ship, preparing to leave to walk off onto the island
- “Oi! Wait!”
- you turn around to see Zoro running towards you, his cool demeanor replaced with a clearly unsettled one
- “Come to say goodbye?” you smiled brightly
- “You’re not going. I won’t let you.”
- “Huh?”
- “You can’t leave! We’re your friends. You can’t just leave us like this!”
- “Zoro, my home is here! My family-”
- “Are we not your family? We’ve been taking care of you for months now! And you just want to throw all of that away?”
- “I’m truly grateful for all of you but…”
- “But nothing! There’s no real excuse for you to go and you know it! You’re just being a dumbass!” he hadn’t meant to be so harsh, but the thought of you leaving forever was truly breaking him
- you had no words to say as you turned around, fuming, saying your goodbyes to everyone else except him; he looked to the crew, desperate for advice as he watched you walk further down the walk way, so close to the shoreline; his head was spinning, heart racing, knees shaking as all he wanted was for you to stay with him
- “(Name)! Stop! Please stay!”
- “Why should I stay?” your foot almost reaching the shore
- everyone audibly gasped, including you, at his confession; you stopped dead in your tracks, unable to move, listening to your heart echo in your ears
- slowly, you turned around to see the shock on everyone’s faces and Zoro’s own flushed body; he was completely red head to toe, chest heaving from stress, but he maintained eye contact, letting you know that he was dead serious 
- your body felt like it was floating as you made you way back up to the deck, Zoro moving to meet you halfway; soon you were standing right in front of the other, both wide-eyed and sweating nervously 
- “You…love me?” 
- “Uh, yeah…” a hand reached to scratch the back of his head, eyes averting from yours in anxious manners, “Do you…?”
- “Yes.” you muttered simply, catching Zoro by surprise once again, “I do. I love you too.”
- a small smile graced his lips as he looked at you incredulously, lost in thought and happiness as he stared at your smiling face
- “Kiss her you fool!” Franky couldn’t help but cry out at this romantic moment
- Zoro grunted, annoyed, gearing up to yell at him for ruining the moment but your lips on his stopped him dead in his tracks; eye wide open he stared at you, hesitant to move until your soft lips sent him into euphoric bliss
- his hands grasped gently at your waist, accepting your confessions, thanking the heavens above he was brave enough to confess to you; elated to know he had gained a lover and official crew mate all in one
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when you get hurt
- it all happened when the Heart Pirates had come across some enemies on an island you were visiting; Law wanted to avoid a scuffle, but he knew that was never possible with his crew; the whole crew fought for their captain, you being no exception, much to his dismay
- there was something special about you to him after all, something more than you just being his subordinate
- he tried to deny that four letter word for so long, but he knew he had fallen deeply for you when you were the one he was searching for once everything was over
- his heart sank when he couldn’t find you, he cursed at himself as he searched through piles upon piles of bodies, wishing he had just locked you up in your room and not let you fight
- when Shachi called for Law, he rushed over, studying your beat up, unconscious body; he couldn’t hate himself any more in this very moment
- with haste, Law scooped you up into his arms, carrying your limp body quickly into the sub; he wasted no time in yelling at the crew to load up, doing a quick head count of everyone, making sure everyone was safe and on board before submerging
- many rooms were filled with injured members, but nothing was life-threatening; Law laid you down in the infirmary, making quick rounds to check on his other members, asking Bepo to watch over you 
- though Law deeply cared for his other crew members, with each shot he gave, each stitch he laced, he could only focus on you, praying that you were going to be okay
- “Captain, let us take care of everything. Go take care of (Name).” Penguin and Shachi offered their captain some help, and with slight hesitation, he nodded before rushing back to the infirmary
- when he entered the room to see Bepo pushing you back into bed, he felt a wave of relief wash over him; your genuine smile, though tattered and bloody from battle, made his heart warm
- “Captain! Will you please tell Bepo that I am perfectly fine and can get out of bed?”
- though he was happy to see your cheery self return, a scowl stretched along his face as he looked at you, “Bepo, leave us.” the bear left and you couldn’t help but look wide-eyed at your clearly pissed captain 
- “What’s wrong, captain?”
- “Are you stupid? You can’t possibly leave this bed now under these conditions! I’m demanding three day bed rest, minimum.” 
- “Three whole days?! That’s highly unnecessary! Look at me, I’m perfectly fi-ouch.” you attempted to stretch your arms to prove you were completely healthy, but the sharp pain that ripped through them was undeniable
- “If you move one more inch, so help me god, I will put you under right now.” he replied through gritted teeth, laced with utmost concern; he reached towards your clipboard, checking your readings and vitals 
- “I can’t stay here for three whole days, Captain. What if those pirates follow us? I need to help fight!” 
- “You don’t need to do anything except stay in this bed, (Name)-ya.”
- “Why can’t you let me fight? I took down the most guys on that battlefield and you know it!”
- “That doesn’t matter.” the vein in his forehead was beginning to show all the while you were beginning to fume
- “Why are you treating me like this? I just want to help! I’m supposed to help protect you!”
- “No!” he yelled, slamming down the clipboard, “I’m supposed to protect you!”
- “Why-” 
- your eyes were as wide as the moon now as you looked at your disheveled captain, a flush of red on his cheeks as he realized what he just confessed, eyes averting as he fumbled his words to backtrack
- “The crew loves you and we want you safe. That’s all.” he so desperately wanted to run away from this, but he knew he had to bandage you up first; what a truly awkward situation
- you couldn’t calm your racing heart as he didn’t mutter a single word while his soft hands bandaged you up delicately; a blush graced your cheeks with every tender touch from him, wondering if he really meant what he said
- “So, you love me, huh?”
- “Please stop talking.”
- the rest of the three days were long and awkward, giving you plenty, perhaps way too much time to think about your captain’s confession; you thought hard about your feelings, deciphering between subordination or adoration for your captain; when the third day arrived, you were ready to give him your answer
- Law wasn’t expecting an answer of course, he had spent many sleepless nights attempting to get over the painfully inopportune situation, and accepted your silence as an answer in and of itself; he was beginning to remove himself, desperately trying to forget his romantic feelings altogether
- that was, until you welcomed him into your room with a warm smile that was both pleasant and embarrassing for him
- “How are you feeling today, (Name)-ya?”
- “Loads better, captain.” his heart shattered a bit at that name, though he was very used to you calling him that, it still felt like a slap in the face
- “Let me replace your bandages and then you’re free to go.” 
- his soft hands were on your skin again, sending you reeling; when his face was mere inches from yours, you couldn’t help but touch it, him flinching ever so slightly 
- “Captain?”
- his golden orbs were focused on you, fluttering lightly at your gentle caress that he couldn’t help but lean into; was this all a dream?
- “Do you really love me?”
- he was hesitant as he could take the opportunity now to recover, pretend that his outburst was simply just that and nothing more; he could go back to only being your captain, you only his subordinate; you two could move on from this situation, pretending like nothing ever happened
- but as you looked up at him innocently, lips parted and eyes glossy, he knew he couldn’t lie to you like that, no matter how terrified he was to face his feelings for you
- “Yes, I-“
- he couldn’t finish his sentence but it was all you needed to hear; your lips plastered on his own with eagerness, affirming that you loved him back
- “Good. Because I love you too, Captain.” you smiled innocently at him
- Law peered down at you with a smirk, hardly believing this was real life; his heart raced when you pulled him down to your face once more, “Now let me out of this god forsaken room before I go insane.”
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wanting to protect you
- Marco’s lost many important people in his life, and you weren’t going to be the next if he had anything to say about it
- ever since meeting you, he’s felt an intense desire to protect you at all costs, perhaps sheltering you a bit too much but it was all under good intentions
- he didn’t realize it was love until a few months in to your friendship; he was terrified to fall at first, as so many loved ones have slipped away and Marco would break if he had to lose another
- but he couldn’t deny the happiness you brought him, the way you made him feel so complete; all worries and fears subsided when he was with you and for the first time in a long time, thanks to you, he found peace in his world
- that being said, he’d do anything to protect you; being a former Whitebeard pirate means he tends to get targeted by scoundrels every now and then and he’s had to fight so many times already
- so the day a certain pirate groups raids his village, he knows that he has to go fight again, aiming to protect the village and yourself
- you were plenty capable of holding your own and you’d shown him that countless times, but he wouldn’t have any of it
- “Just stay here, (Name)-yoi! Let me handle it!”
- “But Marco, you might get hurt! Let me help you.”
- “I said no!”
- “Why won’t you let me help! I just want to-“
- you were instantly taken aback, and even among the screams and canon fires, you could hear your heart thumping wildly in your chest
- Marco didn’t seem to budge at his confession as he took the opportunity to flap away to the scene while you stood there in complete shock
- after some recollection, you aided townsfolk in helping them find shelter in your home; you were helping and talking with these people but all your mind could focus on was those four words Marco had said
- did he mean them? or was it all just heat of the moment? would you even be able to ask him?
- it wouldn’t be until morning when you’d get a chance to speak to him, and lord knows you didn’t sleep a wink that night as you worried yourself sick over if he was safe or not; the thought of what was going to happen between you two now if he was safe haunted your every thought
- as soon as day broke, you rushed over to check his home, finding a seemingly normal looking Marco resting in his bed; the nurse assured you that he needed rest, but when he stirred in his bed, asking to see you, she complied and left the room
- though there were no markings on his body, he hissed a little as he sat up in his bed to look at you, an unreadable expression on his face
- you couldn’t stop yourself from rushing over to him, throwing your body onto his to embrace him; he yelped a little at the pain, but accepted your body nevertheless
- “Don’t do anything stupid like this ever again, okay?”
- “I just always want to keep you safe, (Name)-yoi. It’s my duty to protect this village and-“
- “Promise me!” you were crying now, a mix of emotions as you were so relieved to see him okay, but the terror of last night still remained
- Marco was shocked to see you so worked up, but he hugged your body tighter into his, petting at your hair, “I promise.”
- “Thank you. I just can’t bear the thought of losing you…” you wept into his shirt, soaking in his every smell and touch
- Marco enjoyed having you so close like this, he prayed time would just stop so he could continue holding you forever
- “I don’t know if you meant what you said last night…”
- “Oh…”
- “It doesn’t matter because I just want you to know that I love you too. You don’t have to say it ever again, I just thought I would…”
- before you could finish he tilted your chin up to look at him, a content smile on his face as he peered down at you, “I promise you, I meant everything I said. I love you, and I want to protect you always. If you’ll have me.”
- you couldn’t help but smile through your tears, accepting his soft kisses and caresses as you continuously confessed your love for one another
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emma-nation · 5 years
In My Veins (KamilahxMC) - Season 2 - Chapter 10
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Summary: Inspired by Lovestruck’s “Havenfall is For Lovers” (Antonio). Amy seems to finally have solved her feelings for Kamilah, but when somebody from her past returns, their relationship will be put to test.
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: T
KamilahxMC Tag List: @iam-the-fuckin-queen, @annabellewerecorgi, @voltos9, @scorpistraub, @leavemeandmyshipsalone, @jen825, @andreear17, @spacecarrousel, @justejuste727, @aureliaxj, @graceschoices, @sleeping-with-her06, @supersphynxsworld, @gavryllo, @galaxyside-0, @msuhailey, @zoe6111, @noodledragon22, @tigerbryn11, @shanuuh, @ilovetaylor13m, @honorablebicycle, @ilovekamilahsayeed, @begging-for-kamilah, @kennaxval, @fal-carrington​
“Sure, Amy,” Kamilah grabbed both of Amy’s shaking, agitated hands and looked into her eyes. “What’s going on?”
“I want…” the words wouldn’t come out. How could she even start saying that? “I-I…”
Before she could finish her sentence, their conversation was interrupted by Jax, who looked somehow anxious and scared.
“I’m sorry for interrupting, but we must return to New York immediately. Nikhil has informed me several cultist groups have been spotted on the streets and…”
“Apparently Gaius is leading them. He’s threatening to start a slaughter if we…” he lowered his voice to keep the last part from Amy, but she heard anyways. “If we don’t surrender them Amy.”
As he left, Kamilah was paralyzed, staring at nothing. Her expression was blank, unreadable. While Amy was unable to tell how the female vampire felt, inside her own chest she felt a turmoil of emotions.
“I hate all of this,” she exploded. “I hate how I’m always in danger! I hate how I’m always a burden! I hate…”
Kamilah finally turned her attention back to her. She took a deep breath, approached and touched the girl’s face in reassurance.
“You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, Amy.”
“Do you really think?”
“Did I ever lie to you?”
The small smile that appeared on the corners of Kamilah’s lips was enough to bring her some comfort. Amy smiled back.
Inside the airplane, all the vampires reunited to start planning their next move. The main priority at the moment was to keep Amy safe, until they could plot an effective attack against Gaius.
Back to New York, Amy was taken to where everything started, Kamilah’s mansion. The female vampire was convinced there wasn’t any safer place for her to be.
“So, Lily was being serious when she said your mansion has one of those metal defense systems like in The Purge, huh?”
“Surprisingly, I understood that reference,” Kamilah forced a smile while carrying her bags back to her old bedroom. “But when it comes to Gaius it’s not enough. Adrian suggested we change locations often and he’s right.”
“I’m scared,” Amy sat down on the bed and sighed. “This is why I was thinking…”
Lysimachus joined them in the bedroom, carrying the rest of her stuff. He didn’t look the same as before. His pale skin now had the same golden brown tone as his sister’s. He was also strong and active.
“This is everything,” he announced. “I’m glad you’re back, Amy. This house hadn’t the same energy without you. Kamilah, for example, was grumpy 24/7.”
“Hey,” Kamilah angered. “I thought you were supposed to be training with Adrian?”
“Honestly, I’ve never felt greater in my life, sister. We can leave it for another occasion.”
“This is what you think. Wait until you start feeling hungry again. With no self-control you’ll look at mortals and see their veins glowing like a golden river.”
“Wha…” Lysimachus looked at Amy in a way he had never done before. His eyes went wide and a pale coloration returned to his face. “I… I better go. Bye.”
As he left the room, Kamilah let out a small devilish laugh.
“Oh my god!” Amy finally grinned. “You’re so mean.”
“It’s a sibling thing. Besides, temptation will be around him all the time, he needs to learn how to control himself around mortals.”
In silence, the girl reflected about her words. Would she be strong enough to deal with temptation? Or would she lose control and become like Priya or The Baron?
Kamilah examined their surroundings, concluding everything was set for Amy’s stay.
“So you’re safe for now. I’ll be in the room next door, in case you need anything.”
Amy nodded and lied on the comfortable bed. For a moment Gaius slipped out of her mind and she started wondering if things would ever be the same between she and Kamilah again. The more she wished, more it seemed impossible.
The streets of New York were chaotic. The buildings being consumed by fire, while Ferals and deranged vampires chased after helpless mortals. Blood was being spilled everywhere.
“Oh my god…” Amy walked among that scenario lost and searching for a familiar face.
She entered the intact Ahmanet Financial building.
In the main hall, her ex-girlfriend was fatally wounded with a stake in her chest. Amy held her in her arms, watching as she converted into ash. By her side, the rest of her friends faced the same fate. One by one.
“N-No,” the girl sobbed. “Please… not again…”
It was the same dream from every night, with one difference, Amy was surrounded by masked figures. Gaius emerged in the middle of them, eyes red and fangs exposed.
“The time has come, My Lady.”
Amy struggled to leave that place, but she couldn’t move. Gaius was walking in her direction, being closer and closer.
“Please, somebody help me! No!”
She attempted to run again, when…
“Ouch,” her entire body ached as she hit the ground.
“Amy!” Kamilah opened the bedroom’s door in a hurry. “Are you alright? You were screaming.”
She looked around, realizing she was safe in her bedroom. Kamilah offered her hand, helping her to stand up. Amy noticed she was wearing nothing but a bathrobe. She blushed at the view.
“Oh, and you were…”
“Taking a shower. You scared me.”
Not being able to hold herself anymore, Amy wrapped her arms around Kamilah’s waist. She rested her head on her shoulder, where she began to sob.
“Hey, tell me what’s going on,” the female vampire spoke softly in her ear. “You’re so cold.”
The intense crying wouldn’t let Amy speak. Kamilah lighted up the fireplace and placed her near the fire.
“Lay here on the carpet. I’ll get you a blanket.”
When she returned, she positioned herself against Amy’s body, covering them both with the blanket she brought. The girl closed her eyes, enjoying how close they were. The warmness of Kamilah’s skin on hers sent electric impulses to all her body. She could almost hear the vampire’s beating heart.
“Thank you,” she was finally able to say. “I feel a lot better.”
“What happened, Amy?” Kamilah stroked her hair.
“I’ve been having nightmares for a while now. With the cultists, Gaius and this mysterious woman. I think it’s my trauma speaking louder.”
“That’s alarming. Dreams can be many things. Windows into the past… Reflections into the present… Or portents of things to come.”
“Well… now I’m really creeped out.”
“Don’t be scared. Whatever comes, we’ll face together,” Kamilah kissed her forehead. “Now, why don’t I tell you a story?”
“About my times in Egypt. Our mother did it all the time when Lysimachus and I were little. It helped us to get some sleep, when we were afraid of the war.”
In the female vampire’s arms, Amy closed her eyes and listened to her voice, narrating stories about her childhood and how she and Lysimachus used to drive their parents crazy. She could never picture Kamilah being a such mischievous child. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep and have the most peaceful night she had in months.
In the next day, Kamilah was still acting protective and caring. Amy woke up late, but she made sure to leave her favorite meal served on the table, with a small vase of flowers. Then they drove to the Shadow Den, where they were supposed to spend a couple of days before heading to another location.
“Are you staying with me?” Amy asked. Being over 2000 years old, Kamilah was, without any doubts, the strongest vampire after Gaius.
“Of course. We need to be aware, we may have traitors amongst us,” Kamilah told. “So long as you’re with me, you’re safe.”
“Great, because I have tons of stuff to show you.”
Grabbing her hand, Amy showed her all the renovations they made after Jax was declared a member of The Council. Their last stop was at the Arcade she and Lily built together.
“Hey Amy,” as always, Lily was watching a group of vampires playing one of her machines. “And Kamilah.”
“What have I missed?”
“No one in this place can beat my score, baby. No one.”
“Is that a challenge?” Amy teased her. “Get ready to see my name above yours on that ranking.”
“Ohhhh, I’d like to see you try.”
All the vampires gathered around the arcade to watch the match between the two friends. Amy was very focused, beating every level like a pro.
“Only one level to go.”
“Hey Amy,” Lily cleared her throat, speaking in a serious and low tone. “You look so happy. Anything happened in Kamilah’s house last night?”
“What?” Remembering Kamilah in that bathrobe, lying so close to her, Amy felt her cheeks burning red. “N-Nothing hap… Hey! You were distracting me. Cheater!”
Too late, she had failed to complete the final level. Lily celebrated and wrote her name again on the screen.
“I’d like to try next,” Kamilah cracked her knuckles. “Are you in, Spencer?”
“Kamilah, please. You’re gonna embarrass yourself.”
She glanced at Amy and raised an eyebrow.
“What do you think? Do I have a chance?”
“Sure. Go get her, Kamilah!”
Amy grinned excited. Kamilah was doing great against Lily, they were tied point by point. Lysimachus and Adrian also arrived in time to watch.
“Place your bets, guys,” Amy told them, sipping a can of soda. “I’m team Kamilah.”
“For someone who never used this kind of entertainment,” Adrian smiled, “she’s doing quite well.”
“I bet on Lily,” Lysimachus said loud to provoke his sister, then lowered his voice. “Just kidding, when my sister is determined, she always get what she wants.”
Minutes later, Lily left the machine frustrated. Kamilah joined the group with a victorious smirk.
“Amy,” she told, “my name is a little bit too long. The arcade machine only accept three letters, so I wrote yours.”
“Aren’t you the sweetest?”
Amy placed a kiss on her cheek, what Kamilah retributed. The girl’s stomach growled loud, interrupting the moment.
“Would you like to get something to eat?”
Never in the last few months, Amy could imagine she’d see Kamilah Sayeed sharing a portion of fries with her in a fast-food restaurant.
“Try one with ketchup.”
Kamilah rolled her eyes and took the fry from her hand, eating it hesitantly. At first, it seemed she was ingesting something toxic, but soon her expression changed.
“Verdict?” Amy asked.
“Not so bad,” the female vampire answered. “But not that I could tolerate eating that almost everyday, like you and Lily.”
“Now finish your burger.”
“Do I really have to?”
“No, but it would make me really happy.”
“You’ve got no mercy.”
Amy laughed as she observed Kamilah eating. It was very late at night and they were the only two customers at the restaurant. That could be the perfect time to bring up the subject.
“Kamilah, I’ve been thinking…” she started, pausing as the vampire’s deep brown eyes stared at her to pay attention. “I-I… I want to be... like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I want to be a vampire.”
Kamilah silenced and took a moment to finally say something again.
“Don’t take this the wrong way but,” she paused. “May I ask you why?”
“I’m so done being weak and vulnerable, always getting in danger. Also, being a vampire my blood will become useless for Gaius and the cultists.”
“Fair enough. I’ll give you a couple days, if you change your mind…”
“I won’t.”
Respecting Kamilah’s decision, Amy waited for the next two days. During her stay at Raines Corporation, she reunited with Lily, Adrian and Jax in the conference room to ask about their feelings regarding vampirism.
“Let me see…” Lily pondered. “You’re super strong. You don’t age. You don’t get sick. No more period cramps. No need to sleep. Hell, I love it!”
“It’s a tough decision,” Adrian had different views about it. “At some point you’ll watch as all your loved ones die. You’ll watch as the world changes. It becomes so natural you’ll be emotionally numb to almost everything.”
“It has pros and cons,” Jax placed a hand on her shoulder. “But you won’t be alone. We’ll be there for you and it’ll make the process easier to adjust.”
“So, have you made your decision?” Kamilah showed up at the door, waiting for her response.
“I did. And I keep my decision, I want to become a vampire.”
“Then, let’s go.”
“To where?”
“Adrian has agreed to borrow us his cabin in New York Upstate. We’ll be safe in there.”
Amy nodded and followed Kamilah to her car. She said a brief goodbye to the group, because she knew they’d be returning soon.
“So, not even Adrian could change your mind, huh?”
“No. I think it’ll be the best for all of us.”
“Are you scared?” Kamilah placed a hand on top of hers.
“Actually, I’m a little bit excited.”
“You’re truly remarkable and brave, Amy.”
They were both quiet during the rest of the way. Kamilah turned on the radio to play some music. That was supposed to help Amy to relax.
By the time they arrived at Adrian’s cabin, it was already night. While Amy took a shower and changed her clothes, Kamilah prepared the living room for the Turning ritual. She placed a bedroll near the fireplace and the sarcophagus nearby.
“Are you ready?” She asked when Amy walked in the living room.
“Yes,” Amy answered, confident and decided. She could tell Kamilah was a little bit nervous.
“Okay, so… you’ll lie down here and I’ll feed from you. This time I won’t stop, you’ll start feeling weak until you lose conscience and then…”
“I’ll die.”
“Exactly, and I’ll give you my blood. When you wake up in six hours, you’ll be a vampire.”
Amy lied on the bedroll like Kamilah told. The female vampire followed her, staring deeply into her eyes as her body climbed on top of the girl’s.
“Do it,” Amy ordered.
“Amy, I can’t lose you. That’s nothing something I could bear,” Kamilah’s lips brushed softly on hers. “I lo…”
“Don’t say it yet. Save it for when I wake up.”
Kamilah nodded in agreement and closed the distance, parting Amy’s lips with her tongue. The girl could feel her heart pulsing, fast and anxious. Their kiss lasted minutes and when they stopped, Kamilah placed kisses all the way down to her neck. Amy could feel the tips of her fangs against her skin, ready for that deadly bite. She closed her eyes, trying to remain calm.
“It’s the best for everyone. After that, I’ll no longer be weak or vulnerable again.”
She was embracing her imminent fate.
Kamilah suddenly stopped.
“No,” she shook her head in denial, going to the windows. “It can’t be.”
“Kamilah, what’s wrong?” Amy followed her.
“They’re here, Amy. I can feel them.”
“Gaius and the cultists. They’re here to take you.”
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sasusaku month 2019 day 01- far from home
tile: Revenge . summary: AU-ish scenario. Sakura has found out about Danzou’s involvement with the Uchiha massacre and while her master is still in a coma, the Haruno decides to act. She won’t forgive the new Hokage for destroying his life, and she won’t stop until that man is dead. She will kill Danzou, but she won’t do it alone. . . . A hood covered her pink head as she stood still in that dark, frozen night in the middle of a forgotten village in the Iron land, miles away from home. The streets were empty due to the harsh winter and folks were long immersed in their dreams, completely unaware of the ominous plot being developed in a dark alley nearby. Her feet were leaving white footprints on the snow below her, and as she glanced down at her feet, Haruno Sakura could feel his harsh, dusk eyes on her.
Cold, lifeless and filled with hatred, much like the winter striking that forgotten land. Those were the eyes of Uchiha Sasuke.
And even if she would normally feel threatened by them— even if she should feel threatened by them— at that very moment, the pinkette couldn’t care less, for long gone were her innocent, frightened years.
Long gone was the good girl who once cared.
He was standing just a couple feet across from her, with his back pressed against the hard bricks of an old construction. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his glare only intensified with the seconds, as the raven haired boy was clearly not happy with the unexpected reencounter. Of all people he could’ve imagined showing up around that frozen land, Sakura was definitely not on the list. He never thought she would actually travel so far away from home just to come and meet him in such a suspicious way.
He never thought she would actually come after him, especially not with that request.
No, not Sakura.
“ I want him dead.”
Her words were emotionless and he noticed how her expression didn’t change at all when they left her lips. Her body didn’t move, her breathing pattern didn’t change and the Haruno girl showed no hesitation when her emerald eyes finally met his charcoal ones. They were filled with hatred, he could see. They hungered for a blinding revenge in the same way his did, and even if she has grown stronger to save lives as a medical ninja, Sasuke could see that her healing hands were in search of blood.
His blood. “ I want Danzou dead.”
At her declaration, the Uchiha could feel his suspicious stare settling a bit. Due to the current political scenario of Konoha, the pinkette could easily go to jail just for saying such things about the man who was now the Hokage. If they found out she had actually travelled to the Iron land in order to join Sasuke— a nukenin on his way to destroy the village— to make her words real, chances were she would be sentenced to death as a traitor and her name would forever be stained by her shameful actions. She had a lot at stake for her words to be just a stupid lie.
Her past, her present and her future. Sakura could lose it all, hence there was no way her words were just another attempt on taking him back to the village.
No. Sakura is smarter than that. She wouldn’t underestimate his deduction abilities, especially not when it was clear that his eyes could read her like an open book even after all those years. He has always known when she was lying, and at that time, he was certain she was telling the truth.
She wanted a man dead. The man who was the leader of her village, and who she was supposed to protect with her life. As the loyal ninja from the Leaf she has always been, Sakura was supposed to be trying to keep him safe, not the other way around. Of course, more than anyone, Sasuke knew how repugnant Danzou could be, and he had no doubt in his heart that the world deserved to be ridden of his treacherous existence.
Sasuke knew his own reasons for taking away his life.
But what about hers?
At that moment, he couldn’t help but wonder in the world could be motivating Haruno Sakura to shove away her innocent and kind nature to give space to a shady murderer. He didn’t know, but the pinkette clearly had her reasons.
And he needed them in order to solve that puzzle she had become.
“Why?” He spoke, in a tone so low that almost got blown away by the cold wind. “ Why do you want to kill your Hokage?"
" It’s none of your business.” She shot back, not needing to spare a single second to consider answering his question.
“ If I’m going to kill him for you, I —“
“ You’re not killing him for me, Sasuke.” She snapped, her voice just high enough for him to understand her point. " I’m going with you, and I’m not asking for your permission this time. We’re doing this together. Just the two of us.”
“ Hn, and why should I just accept your words?” He crossed his arm, taking small steps towards her as if to seem intimidating. “ Why should I leave my team for you? I could kill you right now and no one would come to help you.”
His cold eyes hadn’t left hers, and she made no effort to avert them. There was a fierce shine in her emerald orbs, and he couldn’t help but find that endearing. Sakura was completely sure of herself and that new, dark confidence was leaving him oddly interested in whatever it was that she was about to say and do.
She had his full attention, for sure. And judging by the way she didn’t seem affected by his approach, it was easy to tell she could still have a lot more than just that.
“ Because you know I’m going to be more useful to you right now than your new, stupid friends.”  She spoke, confidence taking over her petite form. “ You also want him dead, Sasuke. And you need someone who’s willing to do anything to make sure that happens. I’m just trying to make things easier for both of us.”
Even if he hadn’t talked to her for over 3 years, and even if there was barely any physical resemblance to the girl he once knew; the Uchiha couldn’t help but allow her acting to disturb his senses. Sakura was showing herself to be more rational than ever, and it was as if all of her feelings were swallowed by that intense desire for revenge. There was no warmth within her. There was no hope and no kindness inside her, and at that moment, all he could see was the shell of a girl who was not going to stop until her hands were covered in blood.
For the first time in his life, his eyes were seeing the kunoichi’s potential at its fullest, not allowing any room for stupid things such as feelings or principles. She had turned into the ninja he always knew she could become if she had a consuming goal like his. It was odd to see her so lost, but it also made him proud of that new thing she had found for herself. Sakura was not going to stop until Danzou was dead, and he knew that she was going with or without his help.
There was no stopping her at that moment. And even if he hated to admit it, his ex-teammate was right when she mentioned that temporary partnership would also make things easier for him.
He also wanted Danzou dead. For being the Hokage of the village who destroyed his life and for being the direct responsible for his brother’s misery, Sasuke wanted that man to pay for his sins with his own life. He had a few information regarding Danzou’s whereabouts at that moment, and attempting to kill him with basically no background on his abilities would be hard even for the Uchiha.
Perhaps, a ninja so close to the Hokage as Haruno Sakura could be of great use, after all.
Perhaps they could commit that murder together.
“ There’s no turning back if you actually go against your Hokage, Sakura.”
“ I’m aware.”
“ And yet, you’re willing to risk it all?” He glared at her, as if trying to see through her real motivations.
“You knew about this, too, when you first left the village, Sasuke. And yet, it didn’t stop you.”
“ Hn, desertion is not the same as assassination.”
“ I know all the circumstances already. I’m not going back. Not until he’s dead.”
Her words were strong and confident, and suddenly, the Uchiha started to feel excited about this new, dark version of that girl. She was driven by this ominous force that had managed to find its way to her heart, and he suddenly found himself wishing it wouldn’t leave that soon. It was somehow beautiful to see Konoha’s precious, little kunoichi being consumed by hatred, and even if, in the end, they couldn’t really murder Danzou, killing the last fragments of who she used to be already seemed quite appealing.
Killing the purest heart of Konoha already felt like a win.
Either way, he thought, with a smirk on his face, he wanted to see the outcome.
” We’re leaving soon.” He said, then, closing his eyes in consent.
“ Hai.” She turned around, pulling the hood closer to her face. She was ready to leave that alley in order to grab her things so they could finally leave, but one, last sound caught her attention.
“ Oh, and Sakura…?” She stopped as her name rolled out of his tongue, not really bothering to turn to face him. Her hands were protected under the poncho, as she was doing her best to keep herself warm. “ Does that idiot know you’re here with me?”
“… I’ve already told you, Sasuke, it’s none of your business.” Her voice was harsh and sharp, not leaving any room for further doubts. " I don’t have to tell you or Naruto everything just because we used to be a team. Now go get ready. We don’t have much time left until he reaches the Kages’ meeting.”
“Hn… As you wish.”
A shinobi must understand the proper time. When the enemy is tired and ill prepared, when his weapons lay forgotten in the silence of the dawn.
That is the right moment to attack.
That was their moment.
Not far from the Iron village, both the Sasuke and Sakura crawled through the complete darkness provided by a moonless sky. Dressed in their winter attires, they jumped through the tree branches in complete silence as they made their way towards their human target. The sound of their steps got mixed with the wind’s howling, and even with the harsh winter burning their faces, the blood in their veins was pumping fast enough to keep them warm.
Adrenaline was kicking in at the simple thought of what was about to happen, and to say it didn’t scare her the least, well, it would be a lie. Sakura was afraid of many things at that moment, but the one thing she feared the most was the overwhelming sensation the idea of revenge brought to her. It was intoxicating and exciting; and she wondered if that was how he’s been feeling since was just a young boy.
It felt reinvigorating. It consumed her with every step she took, sending strength to every fibre in her legs, and making sure she continued towards her macabre objective. Her eyes were as observant as ever, not missing the slightest movement of the animals that crossed their way, and she could feel all of her senses reverberating inside of her. It felt good. The action, the mystery, the thrill… It felt too fucking good, and for that, even with all the consequences she would eventually have to face, the pinkette didn’t want to stop.
She couldn’t stop, no. Not even if she wanted. Not after everything.
During their way towards Danzou’s location, Sakura caught herself staring at her partner for a little too long and a little too often. She wondered what was crossing his mind at that moment, and she wondered if he would be satisfied after killing that man who did all of those terrible things to his family. There were many things crossing her mind at that moment, and most of them— as sarcastically as it could be— were about his wellbeing.
Would he be okay after that? Would he get caught? Would he leave her behind if things went south? Deep inside, she hoped he did. If anything, Sasuke is a victim in that whole scenario where she was nothing but a mere intruder.
That’s what she has always been in his life. An intruder. In the end, she hadn’t changed at all.
In the same way Sasuke now knew about his brother’s fate, the pinkette was also aware of the sacrifices Itachi had to make in order to maintain the peace in Konoha. After the Pain’s incident and after Danzou assumed her master’s role in the village, Sakura was left to organize all the papers that had been forgotten in the depths of the Hokage’s tower. There, she found out everything regarding Itachi’s secret mission and the reason behind the Uchiha massacre. Thanks to the Sandaime, the truth was preserved in all of those documents, and by the end of that night, she was not the same girl from before.
Sakura was horrified. Tears stained her face while she read those papers, and when she got to the legist’ descriptions of the massacre, it took her a lot of control not to throw up all over the room. She was disgusted and ashamed of the village she has always called home, and after the new Hokage declared that Uchiha Sasuke was now an official criminal that had to be hunt down and killed— well, she knew she had to do something.
It might have been anger or hatred getting the best of her, but she didn’t care.
She wanted him to pay for what he did to those brothers. For destroying their love, trust and their memories; and for forcing them to fight ‘till death.
Sakura wanted him dead. And her heart wouldn’t stop racing until his body was laying lifeless in front of her.
Based on the information she had gathered back in the village, Sakura had a good idea of where Danzou would be staying, and since one of the ninjas escorting him belonged to the Aburame clan, chances were they would be camping around the forest. She didn’t really know those ninjas well— even if she had asked Ino about Yamanaka Fū— but their plan didn’t really need them to. They wanted to avoid engaging in unnecessary combat, especially against ninjas that were only puppets following orders.
And so, both the Haruno and the Uchiha tracked Danzou down for three days and two nights, stopping only to gather more information regarding the Hokage’s whereabouts. They barely spoke to each other while they moved, and yet, it was impressive to see how their synchrony was still as perfect as when they were genin. Words weren’t necessary to express their intentions, for their eyes spoke their own, silent language; the same they’ve once learned years before.
Ironically, she thought, that whole thing felt a lot like one of their missions back with the whole team 7. Gathering intel, camping outside and sneaking around in order to track and hunt down a certain criminal. It all felt very natural in her eyes, except for the fact that she had joined a nukenin and their mission was to assassinate her own Hokage. She would be the criminal after that, but at that moment, Sakura couldn’t find it in herself to care.
They had an important mission to fulfill. And no one else could do it but them.
Their third night in the woods finally led them towards their target. Silently and with their chakra levels reduced, the duo lurked in the shadows, their eyes set on a very large tent set a couple of meters below. The two ninjas that had left the village with Danzou stood outside, and for that, Sakura could tell the Hokage was in there.
Rage started to boil inside of her veins, but she knew better than to lose control at that moment. She couldn’t risk blowing up their plan, no. Not when they were so close.
Her eyes drifted to the Uchiha, then, and with a couple of hand signs they’ve learned during their younger days, she told him she was ready for the first time of their plan. He nodded, trustingly, and for a moment, they both held eye-contact for a little too long. She didn’t really know the meaning of that, but she felt her heart rate slowing down a bit, calming her nerves as she gathered more confidence in herself. After that, then, in a blink of an eye, Sakura was already on the ground, slowly making her way towards the tent. She could feel his eyes on her, and even if most people should take that a sign of bad luck, Sakura couldn’t help but feel lucky.
With her hitaiate proudly displaying the Konoha’s emblem, the Haruno approached the two ninja, who squinted their eyes at her presence. The one wearing glasses— Aburame Torune— was the first to take a step towards her, a clear attempt to keep her from continuing. “ Identify yourself.” He said, then, his voice sharp as the kunai in his hand.
“ I am Haruno Sakura. Medical Ninja of the Leaf and apprentice of the Godaime, Senju Tsunade. I’m here to bring new informations regarding her health state.” Sakura answered, no hesitation in her demeanor, as she handed a scroll to the other ninja, Yamanaka Fū. Without asking, then, he started reading the contents of the scroll, as his amber eyes carefully examined the message. After finishing, he passed the paper to his partner, who rolled the paper once he had finished reading.
“ We will deliver the scroll to the Rokudaime.” The Yamanaka said, his voice a bit softer than his partner’s. " You can leave now.”
“ Forgive me, but I request to see Danzou-sama. I still have another information I need to deliver.”
“ Tell us and we will make sure it gets to him.” Torune said, not wanting to let her through.
“ I have direct orders to deliver this message in person.”
“ Orders from whom?” He questioned her, clearly not trusting her intentions.
“ It does not concern you. In the same way you have your orders, I have mine.”
“ What are your intentions with the Hokage, Haruno Sakura?”
“ You shouldn’t be asking me such question, Yamanaka Fū.” She glared at the ninja in front of her, not feeling intimidated at all. “ We are all ninjas of the Leaf, after all. We are loyal to the Hokage."
Her emerald eyes clashed against Fū’s amber ones, and even if she was clearly outnumbered, she didn’t back off. Her breathing pattern didn’t change, her heart rate was controlled and there was no sign of alarm in her body. She is a very skilled ninja, after all. She was trained to maintain confident, and at that moment, that confidence made the difference.
“ Very well.” Torune said, returning the scroll and stepping away from the entrance. “ You can pass, but be quick. The Rokudaime needs to rest for tomorrow.”
“ Hai.” She nodded, then, not bothering to spare at glance at either of them. The pinkette made her way inside the large tent, and as expected, she was soon greeted by his horrendous presence.
Danzou was sitting just a couple of meters in front of her, his feet placed underneath his body, and at that moment, she had to fight back the urge to attack him right there. He was wearing that same, dark robe and his right eye was bandaged for a reason she did not know. His cane rested a couple of centimeters away from his hand, as he slowly took a sip from his tea. Watching him so peacefully living his life made rage boil in her veins, but still, she managed to keep her facade, kneeling down in front of him as a sign of respect. She lowered her head, then, eyes on the ground, as she felt his gaze finally setting upon her.
“ Good Evening, Hokage-sama.” She started, venom hidden in her voice. “ I bring you news from Konoha regarding the Godaime’s health condition.”
“ I’ve heard you outside, Haruno Sakura. Proceed.”
“ Hai. After a group of medical ninjas healed her over the night, Tsunade-sama has finally recovered and is now awake.”
“ Oh, Tsunade is awake, then…”
“ Yes. She’s ready to reassume her position as the Hoakge of the Leaf, as she’s preparing to attend the Kage Summit herself. You may return home, Lord Danzou.”
For a moment, his breathing pattern was the only thing she could hear inside that tent. She noticed the way it changed as she went on, and she wondered if he was buying that lie. Was he simply going to accept her words and give up on his position as the current Hokage? Probably not, but she was already expecting that from him.
“ I see. They’re expecting me to return, then. Will you escort me back too, child?”
“ If that’s what you wish, then, I will.”
“I understand…” He started, then, slowly standing up with the help of his cane. Sakura could tell there was more coming from him based on the ominous tone of his voice, and at that moment, she already knew the answer to her previous question. “ You see, being the head of the Ne for so long has taught me a couple useful things in life… I’ve seen a lot, I’ve heard a lot, and most of all, I’ve learned a lot of valuable things over the years.” He continued, taking a step forward towards her. “ And if there is one thing I’ve learned, child, is not to trust people. Especially not people like you. You’re lying, young girl. Your master is not awake.”
A new silence was spread inside the tent, enveloping them in a delicate aura of distrust, as if he was waiting for her to try to defend herself. He wanted to listen to her pleas and he wanted to see her making a fool of herself, but nothing came out of her mouth. At that moment, the pinkette knew there was no use in denying his words. He had seen right through her, but that didn’t affect her. Sakura knew that moment was going to come, eventually, and for that, she was prepared to deal with whatever was about happen.
“ Stand up, child.” He continued, then, his voice still calm and objective. “ Give up on this stupid act and at least look me in the eye.”
Without saying anything, the girl did as she was told, rising to her feet as her emerald eyes looked into his brown one, sending chills down her spine. She wasn’t trying to hide her disgust anymore, and if anything, she was glad she could stop pretending to respect his authority over her.
“ Now that’s better… Haruno Sakura. I know a lot about you. I know you’ve become Tsunade’s apprentice after your teammates left the village, and I know you have a very promising future as a medical ninja. You’re good at healing people and the whole village seems to like you. So, why, I wonder, do you look at me with such hatred in your eyes?”
“ Why don’t you try figuring out?” She spit, disgust in every syllable that left her lips. "
“ Very well… I’ve never really done anything to harm you. I’ve never threatened your master and I’ve never really done anything directly to your family. I’ve done nothing to you, Haruno Sakura… Unless..” He pondered, squinting his eye. After a couple of seconds, she saw as his expression lit up a bit, and she wanted to punch him for that. “ Unless you’re seeking justice for someone else. Someone such as… Uchiha Sasuke. Oh— Have you finally read those papers?”
Her emerald eyes were still glaring at him when he pronounced Sasuke’s name, and even if she didn’t think it was possible, Sakura could feel more hatred building up inside her. If anything, Danzou didn’t deserve to speak his name like that. Not after the atrocities he did, no. Not after everything. “ You’ve collected so many sins in your life that you’re not even sure of the reason why your enemies want you dead.”
“ Does it really matter, child?” He closed his, calmly, no trace of concern on his features. “ I don’t care about their reasons. I only care about mines. I’ve done what I did in order to protect my village. I don’t expect you to understand that, since you’re still too young… But one day, you will understand me. One day, you will thank me for what I did.”
“ I really doubt that.” She answered, harshly, her hands now turned into fists. “ There’s no excuse for what you’ve done. I will be dead before I thank you for allowing innocent people to die like that.”
“ Oh, I see… You’re loyal to him, but not to your village. How sad.” He shook his head in a faux disappointment, his expression still unchanged. “ What a shame it will be for Konoha to lose such a fine medical ninja. We expected more from you, Haruno Sakura.”
“ As long as I can get rid of you first, I will have served my purpose.”
“ My silly child…” He said, a mocking tone in his voice now. He snapped his fingers, then, and suddenly, the two ninjas that were outside appeared inside the tent, standing just a couple of centimeters behind her. “ You should’ve thought better before coming after me all alone."
Both Fū and Torune towered over her from where they stood, but she couldn’t feel their breaths tickling her neck. She could see them from the corner of her eyes, not moving by any means in the world. Inside that tent, at that moment, Sakura was completely outnumbered, and even if she was supposed to be feeling intimidated, she remained as calm as ever, her eyes still looking into his. Their presence didn’t scare her at all, Danzou could tell. She didn’t flinch, her breathing patter remained the same, and if anything, her eyes were shinning brighter than before, as excitement started to take over her senses.
Haruno Sakura was not afraid of those ninjas. Especially since she knew they weren’t even there to begin with.
“ You are mistaken, Danzou.” She started, not being able to hold back a certain arrogance in her voice. Her lips were twisting upwards in what seemed to be a small smirk, as she cocked her head to the right. “ We both know I’m not the one who’s outnumbered here. If you had done your homework on me, you would’ve known about my analytical skills regarding genjutsus, and then, perhaps, you would’ve tried something different to save your life.”
For the first time since she entered his tent, Sakura saw frustration on his face. He was certainly not expecting his genjutsu to be discovered to soon— if at all. Perhaps, he should’ve tried something better.“ … I guess I’ve underestimated you, child.”
“ You certainly did.” She said, glaring at him with even more intensity than before. “ Now, are you going to dispel it yourself or am I going to have to do it for you?”
At her words, his expression changed into a more focused one, as he glared back with discontentment. In a blink of an eye, he dispelled the genjutsu, making both of the ninjas disappear behind her. They were alone once again inside that tent, as the flame of a single candle continued to illuminate their surroundings.
“ Now that’s better.”
“ Silly child… I don’t care about what you’ve done to them, but I have to give you credit for that.” He nodded, then, recomposing himself. “ But just because you’re not outnumbered, it doesn’t mean you alone will be able to kill me.”
“ True.” She started, taking a deep breath and exhaling it confidently. For the first time that night, she looked away from him, as her feet took her closer to the entrance. Her hands went for the cloth that surrounded the tent, moving it aside, only to be welcomed by the chilly wind of the dawn. “ I alone could never kill a man so treacherous and low like you… And that’s why I’ve brought help. Perhaps, you know him.”
“ What?”
Her back was still turned to Danzou, but she could tell he couldn’t hide the concern in his expression as soon as Uchiha Sasuke joined them inside that tent. He entered without making a single sound, and in a blink of an eye, the old man’s cane was split in half. Danzou tumbled to the right in surprise after that, but soon regained his balance. Still, by the time she turned to face him, his expression was filled with frustration and and anger as he glared at the former teammates.
Both Sasuke and Sakura stood side by side, his hand placed over his sword and her gloved ones turned into fists. Emerald and scarlet eyes were now burning Danzou alive, for anyone could see how much those two ached for revenge.
A revenge that belonged to Uchiha Sauke.
A revenge he deserved to have.
“ Took you long enough.” The Uchiha said, as his eyes slowly drifted to her. For a moment, she felt them lingering for a bit too long, as if they were scanning her for any possible wound or any trace of blood.
“ Tch, I had to so the poison would start working.”
“ Hn.” He grunted, then, nodding at her in consent. Their eyes were connected now, and anyone could tell they were doing so much more than exchanging glances. Their eyes were talking in their own, secret language, and even without words, they knew exactly what the other was thinking.
Even after so long and even after everything they went through, both Sasuke and Sakura still had that special connection between them. They still formed the best duo, there was no denying that. Even if they wanted to— even if they had to— no one could ever surpass them. Not during their genin days. Not during that bloody mission.
“ Danzou.” Sasuke said, finally turning towards the man, his voice now cold and sharp like the night that enveloped that tent. The tomoes of his red eyes were set on that man, and if anything, they were searching for blood.
“ I should’ve known you would be with her, Uchiha Sasuke. A criminal such as you couldn’t simply disappear in the world, right?”
“ Don’t worry. I will dissapear, as soon as I make sure you’re dead.”
“ Always the same, arrogant brat… But you’ve done something good this time, at least. You’ve found yourself a very loyal partner. The perfect ninja to help you with your plan to destroy Konoha. She’s so blinded by hatred that she will even betray her entire village for you. You should be proud of her.”
“ You shut up, you bastard.” Sakura spit, her eyes burning with an emerald fire. “ I will—“
“ Aah. You’re right.” Sasuke interrupted her, a smirk now displayed on his lips. “ Hatred… Revenge… Those are things that consume us in ways we could never really understand. It can turn even the purest ninjas like Sakura into heartless assassins, who are driven purely by an intense bloodlust. If anything, you should be proud of yourself for doing this to her.”
“ You don’t even know why she’s doing this!” Danzou screamed, trying hard to get into the Uchiha’s head. “ You don’t even know her reasons!”
“ Hn.” The Uchiha started, taking a step closer to his target and standing in front of her. His tomoes started to swirl inside his irises, and they knew what was about to happen. “ As you’ve said… Does it really matter?”
From her spot, Sakura watched as Danzou’s eyes widened in surprise, much like hers did. So he heard it all, she thought. Even if she wasn’t really planing on telling him the reasons behind her decisions, it was already too late, for the Uchiha had listened to their whole conversation from outside of the tent. He knew her purposes. He knew what was driving her towards that new goal in the darkness, and he knew that, for the first time, there was someone by his side in his search of blood.
Sasuke knew he wasn’t alone anymore. And whether that made any difference at all, Sakura would  probably never know. They hadn’t made any plans after finishing their job, but she doubted they would follow the same path like they once followed 3 years before. Life could never be that simple, no. Not for them. Not after what they were about to do.
In a blink of an eye, Sasuke took his kusanagui out, lifting it and pointing it towards the man in front of them. She watched as his form was straight and imposing, as he elegantly prepared himself for striking his opponent.
It was beautiful, she thought. Beautiful and pure in its own way, and she felt entranced by the feelings he brought upon her.
They saw a drop of swear rolling down his forehead, and the simple fact that they knew Danzou was suffering at that moment made them feel overwhelmed by a sick sense of excitement. They wanted to kill that man. More than ever, both of Konoha’s finest ninjas were out there in search of blood. That feeling contradicted every single lesson they’ve learned at the academy, and they knew their friends would be very disappointed if they found out.
They would be horrified. And Naruto, oh— Naruto, he would—
And then, it hit her.
It didn’t matter, she thought, clearing her head from any memory from her innocent days at the village. At that moment, all the things she has ever considered joust and rightful were long gone from her heart, as she could feel all the void being filled by hatred. She could feel the darkness of his eyes trapping her in world of revenge, and she couldn’t find it in herself to fight back.
Sakura didn’t want to fight back, no. She was more than willingly accepting that new perspective, finding pleasure in the most gruesome things. She was thrilled by the idea of killing a man such as Danzou, especially since she felt no regrets on this. They were going to murder a man, and the rest, well, it was just the rest. Nothing else mattered anymore.
“ You’re both really far from home, children…”
Danzou’s voice echoed in their heads, and deep inside, they knew that man was right. They’ve come a long way since they were kids, and if anything, everything they did was leading them up to that.
They’re very far from home. And perhaps, after spilling that man’s dirty blood, they would never really go back.
a/n: Happy SasuSaku Month, everyone!! So… I think you might notice that I hate Danzou. Seriously, I know a lot of people think he has redeemed himself during his last moments, but I just hate him SO MUCH! What he did to Itachi, Sasuke and everyone else…  I just can’t! Don’t you guys agree with me? He was disgusting with all those sharingans and knowing he wanted Itachi’s eyes, too…. Agh! Well, apart from that, I hope you enjoy this dark one! I’ve tried to make it sound a little deeper than I normally do, and I hope you guys can feel that. Have fun, and please, tell me what you think!! Also, this story is still unbeta'd, so please, go easy on me.
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i4z-0892-il · 6 years
Sweet Like S’Mores
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Author: Jena @i4z-0892-il
Summary: Y/n convinces Sam to go Camping with her.
Pairing: Sam x Reader 
Words: 4,104
Warnings: None, it’s disgustingly fluffy
A/N: For @one-shots-supernatural‘s Autumn Challenge, my prompts were: S’mores, Camping and Chilly Nights
If you like my work consider buying me a Coffee, or leave me some Feedback! 
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It was Y/n’s most favorite time of the year, the weeks where Summer lingered in the heat of the day, and Autumn crept in at night replacing the warmth with a brisk chill. The floral perfume of blossoms in their twilight mixing with the satisfying crispness that loomed in around the edges. It was her favorite time for camping, swimming and partying, then as dusk settles, warming up by a bonfire and telling creepy stories to spook friends. She hadn’t been camping leisurely since college and that was many years ago, but when Sam mentioned it in conversation she couldn’t get the idea out of her head. It settled in the back like an itch until her mind was positively swimming in it and yearning desperately for a much needed break.
“C’mon Sam let’s go, it’ll be fun! Like a vacation.” She pleaded with a pout as he hunched over his desk full of books and papers contemplating whether or not sleeping in the woods, exposed to god only knew what was even remotely a safe idea, let alone fun, and she could read it on his pensive face clear as day. “I’m surprised at you. You’re Sam Fucking Winchester, you don’t think you can survive a few days in the woods?”
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“I’ve never been camping, last time I did anything like that we were hunting a Wendigo. Not exactly what I’d call a good trip. No wait I take that back, Dean and I slept in the woods once, without a tent, or sleeping bags, or food. Does that count?” He sassed with a tilt of his head while leaning back in his chair. Camping might have been something he’d have enjoyed were he not bred in the hunters life. There were too many things out there in the dark, and to be out in the open with nothing but a paper thin tarp protecting him from the things that lurk didn’t exactly sound like fun. She shifted on her hips, arms folded over her chest, and lips pursed, it was already a battle she was losing and he couldn’t help but flash a dimpled smile at her in her frustrated state. His grin was quickly wiped away when he saw the light-bulb flick on in her head changing her whole demeanor.
“You’d be with me.” She cooed sweetly as she strut around the desk with cat-like grace, trailing her fingers along the length of his arm and over his broad shoulders leaving gooseflesh and pulling a growing smile to his lips. “We’d be all alone.”
She punctuated her reasoning with ghost light kisses starting from the juncture of his jaw and ear down until there the fabric of his button up got in the way, where she nipped at the sensitive flesh. “No one to bother us, nothing to hunt. We’ll drink, and hike- go skinny dipping in ice cold water.” Her voice was low and intimate and just for him. His eyes fell shut as she ran her hands along the hardened muscles in his back, over his shoulders and down the front of his chest where her fingernails grazed with just enough pressure to send pleasured tingles down his spine. His head tipped back to rest against her shoulder, while giving her better access to the long graceful lines of his throat. “Maybe play truth or dare like kids, and I can show you the proper way to make s’mores.”
“S’mores, huh?” Sam swallowed focused on her hands venturing further down his stomach agonizingly slow, instinctively rolling his hips into her palms. “That does sound fun.”
“It’s settled then, we’re going.” Y/n enthused breaking away with a pat on his shoulder, a quick peck on his cheek, and a victorious grin on her lips. All he could do was sit upright in his chair and watch as she wasted no time skipping out of the War Room to dart down the hall destroying any and all hint of intimacy and temptation; leaving Sam abruptly disappointed, flustered and shifting uncomfortably in his seat needing to readjust and process.
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The hike to the spot on the map while long, was beautiful, thick and lush. The changing seasons had only barely touched the trees, still full of multi-colored leaves in every warm shade from golden yellow to rich exotic burgundy. Warm rays of yellow light streamed hazy through openings in the canopy pooling on the ground and ever changing in the shift of the wind through the trees, each one like a surreal portal between worlds.
“You sure you know where you’re going?” Sam quizzed as she paused to look around trying to compare where they were to where they were going. He knew that face, he’d seen it a million times when she tried to work through something in her head, brow knit, lips pursed into a pout, off in her own little world.
“Yeah, yeah I know.”
“Then what’s with the face?”
“I’m not making a face.” Y/n frowned and answered quickly turning on foot and continued, dragging a cooler behind her. He smirked and shook his head adjusting the shoulder strap on his backpack as he followed behind her choosing to trust her judgment, entertained by the scrunch of her nose when she was focused. “Should be around here somewhere.” She muttered to herself. Finally the treeline broke into a small open field lined with dense forest, large Oaks dotting the land sporadically, and a lake with a short sandy beach and a pier. “See? I told you!” She announced triumphant as she marched into the clearing, arms stretched out soaking up the warm sunlight as she pulled in a deep breath of fresh air.
Sam smiled as he watched her enjoy herself, but he still wasn’t as sold on the idea as Y/n, not quite ready to let his guard down. It wasn’t exactly his idea of fun to sit out in the open an easy target for whatever lurked in the shadows, but it made her happy, happier than he’d seen her in years and he figured it was more than worth stepping out of his comfort zone. So long as they made it out in one piece. Following her further into the clearing to one of the giant oaks where she dropped her things he slipped his bag off his shoulder.
“Okay, so first thing’s first- set up camp..” She expressed with an elated and genuine smile, he hadn’t seen her smile like that in so long that it made the two hour hike worth it in an instant and it made his heart skip a beat. They unpacked quickly and made short work of setting up the tent, even though he mostly just watched Y/n put it together providing a helping hand and moral support where he could. Theoretically he knew how to set up a tent- it was simple, but in practicality and having never set one up himself, it proved another story; there were tarps and poles, and stakes and zippers. Instead he put offered to put together logs for a fire.
Y/n knew what she was doing and had no complaints about setting up mostly on her own. It took her back to a time when she was younger, and less angry with the world, back when this was a regular outing for her and her old friends. Set-up put her in a contented place, but how could she not be with Sam looking at her like he was. Soon enough her focus shifted from him, busy humming to herself, bobbing her head happily to the music in her mind as she strung long bendy poles through slots in the canvas, he couldn’t recall a time he’d seen her do that.
Seeing her now in an element more intimate than any he’d ever seen at the bunker or on the road. There were glimpses of it, of her, behind the brave face they all put up daily, little peeks through the curtains to the girl behind. A girl who was in love with the stars who could sit out in the cold with nothing but a beer in her hands mesmerized until the sun began to peek over the horizon. A girl who could live in the trees and be content for the rest of her life, a whimsical and enchanting spirit who should have been something other than what she was. But what he saw there, the wiggle in her hips, and the light in her eyes was pure happiness. Clearly going camping was the right idea, even if it made him nervous, moments like that never lasted, not for them. Everything had an ending, and he knew one day they would too. Maybe it would be him holding onto her too tightly, maybe it would be because she could no longer find comfort in his arms. Maybe it would happen because they were just no longer the people they fell in love with, maybe it would be cut short by something with a price on their heads. The maybe’s drove him mad, and he found them thinking about them most often in the late night hours, her head resting on top of his chest, listening to her breathing. It kept him up like waking nightmares, where he’d pull her just a little closer, hold her a little tighter, breathe in the scent of her hair and commit the feel of her to memory. This he was searing into his brain, the tune she hummed, the sweetness in her face as she worked, the delightful prance in her step as she danced a little to her own music.
Sam pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he studied her, wanting only to see that look on her face forever but knowing that simply wasn’t a realistic possibility so he’d have to be content with the now. Well as content as he could be sitting out in the open, in the middle of nowhere like bait. But he’d packed for a just-in-case scenario.
The tent was set up, sleeping bags and blankets unfurled, a small bonfire waiting to be lit and the first beer of the evening cracked open.
“Okay, so what now?” He asked taking a bottle from her as she found a place on the ground beside him, his hand coming to rest heavy and warm on her bare thigh. The sun started to set, igniting the sky in a brilliant blaze of pink and orange and red, turning everything golden with evening hue. Y/n dropped her head against his shoulder letting out a satisfied sigh, and he pressed his lips into her hair, allowing himself to relax just enough to appreciate the majesty of just being there with her, and watching the show in the sky over the lake. Just another perfect moment he’d play on repeat in his head forever hoping she would too, and it would be enough to keep her just a little longer, to push that deadline for the back just a little further.
“Now we do whatever we want.” She said with a grin, nudging into his shoulder. “Oh! We can go for a walk, there’s supposed to be an old summer camp not too far from here, hasn’t been used in like thirty-some years. Might find something neat stashed away in there.”
“I’m game.” He answered but neither of them went to move immediately, instead opting to enjoy the ambiance and the sunset for just a while longer, long enough to finish their beers. The flaming red and peach sky slowly began to paint royal purple and blue, and with the sun gone so was the summer warmth, giving way to a chilly autumn breeze.
Y/n tugged a light jacket over her shoulders relishing in the weather still warm enough for shorts, but cool enough for an added layer. It was simply another one of her favorite things and filled her to the brim, she couldn’t have hid the giant smile on her face if she tried. Sam pulled his pistol from his backpack as he watched the grin on her face spread like wildfire and wondered if her smile was a reflection of who she was before. Before she was sucked into the life. Genuine smiles, and pleasure were a rare commodity, they weren’t afforded these little moments of bliss anymore. They had seen and done, and been a part of too much.
“So you really enjoy this camping stuff, huh?” Sam inquired as he tucked the gun into his waistband.
“Yeah, I used to own a whole lot more than this stuff too. And this is my favorite time of the year to go. The air just smells different like its electric and you can just feel it in your bones.” Y/n explained her excitement bubbling over and spilling into her voice. Then she cocked her head and looked at him quizzically. “Wait- did you bring a gun?”
“What? No.” Suddenly he was caught like a deer in the headlights sputtering through his answers. “Yes.” Shaking her head she walked over to his pack and unzipped it to find an arsenal. Salt, salt rounds, a sawed-off, silver and iron bullets, holy water, a silver knife, and her tiny handgun, everything they’d need for whatever came out of the woodwork. Turning  her eyes from his bag to his face, who could only look at her like a kid being caught with a dirty magazine, guilty, and embarrassed, she let out a delighted and amused laugh.
“I didn’t expect you to come naked but don’t you think this is a bit overkill for a three day vacation? I mean, it’s just a campsite, Sam. There’s plenty of empty woods out there.”
“That’s just not our luck, and there’s no harm in being prepared. I brought yours too.” He answered matter-of-factly, reaching in he picked up her pistol and offered it to her. Zipping his pack up she grinned, and traded him a flashlight for her gun. It was just another little thing that she loved about him, his strategic mind and a contingency plan for every possible outcome; it made her feel safe and secure with him, knowing that whatever was thrown their way he had her back, and with Sam at her side she could face anything. She tucked her gun into her the waistband of her jean shorts and turned on her flashlight bringing it to her face.
“Okay Venkman, are you ready to go check out the spooky camp?” Y/n snarked, Sam rolled his eyes and extended a hand for her to lead the way.
“After you, Spengler.”
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The further into the abandoned Summer Camp grounds they walked the more familiar it seemed to Sam. His brow knit in thoughtful confusion as he stopped in his tracks his flashlight scanned around him. Y/n turned not hearing the crunching of ground behind he anymore, when her light landed on his face she frowned.
“What is it?” If he felt there was something wrong she’d believe it in an instant, when a Winchester flinched- you fucking flinched too.
“I feel like I’ve been here before.”
“You’ve been to a sleep-away camp? Did your underwear get strung up a flagpole?” She inquired teasing him with a puckish grin and cocked brow, receiving nothing but a bitch face and a quick shake of his head.
“No! “
“Okay! Just asking!” She put her hands in the air defending herself, but the sly grin was still present on her face. That satisfied shit-eating-grin never failed to make him want to take her small frame, slam her up against a wall and tease her as much as she did him. Usually he might have were it not for the distinct nagging feeling in the back of his head.
“Where’d you say we are?”
“Uhhh… Diamond Lake? No,” she tapped her cheek searching for the right name in the archives of her brain. ”Oh- Crystal Lake!”
“Camp Crystal Lake?”
“Yeah? Is there something you know that I don’t?”
“No, I just… I could have sworn I’ve been here before.” He answered still conflicted and unsure, unable to put his thumb on exactly what it was, but brushing it off knowing he’d never heard of it before. Y/n strode to him and took his hand in hers with a squeeze, pulling him back to the current moment, a sweet smile painted on her perfect lips.
“You wanna check out some of the cabins, see if we can’t jog your memory.” She suggested with a mischievous look.
“Or we could go back to the tent and you could show me how to properly roast a marshmallow.” He offered instead.
“Why Sam Winchester, I’m surprised at you. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were scared.”
“Pfft… I’m not scared. But I’ve seen how this movie ends- it’s all fun and games until a some guy in a hockey mask  comes out of the ground and tries to kill us.” He answered good-humored, her brow furrowed taken a little aback by his response.
“Wow. That. Was oddly specific, Sam. It’s also the plot of every Slasher movie ever.” Y/n grinned turning on her heel to comply with his request to go back and toast some marshmallows, which admittedly was a much better idea than sloughing it through some dusty old cabins. Fingers laced in his she continued on her train of thought.“Y’know, If something were to happen I’m thinking more Evil Dead or Cabin in the Woods, less Michael Meyers or that other guy with the machete and the mommy issues.”
“Right, Necronomicon, that’s a much better alternative.”
“Hey, ghosts, ghouls and demons I can handle that’s a regular Friday for me. But if you’re right, you can handle the hulking-psycho-murder-machine. Besides babe, I’m sure you’d just look so good doing it too.” She teased. “Oh I can practically see it now.”
“You’re a regular comedian.”
“I’m serious, you could be in one of those movies, you’d kick it’s ass.” Y/n winked at him, and he shook his head, rolling his eyes, an undeniable heat blushing his cheeks at her compliments.
“Well thanks. You’d make one bad-ass Final Girl yourself.” He offered in response pulling her to his side and draping an arm around her shoulders. A proud and flattered grin crossed her face.
“Why Samuel, you just know exactly what to say to a girl, don’t you?”
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Maybe he wasn’t so great at setting up a campsite, but a fire he could do in his sleep. There was no telling how many he’d lit growing up, most of them on purpose but there were numerous times that he and Dean found themselves getting in trouble for being curious little pyromaniacs. The bag Y/n was struggling with finally popped open as he took a spot next to her on the blanket. She speared a marshmallow with a long, thin silver pole and handed one to him, before putting hers over the open flame.
“So my two favorite ways to get a perfectly gooey marshmallow are to either catch it on fire and let it burn enough to blacken and caramelize the outside just enough that you can pull the shell off and the inside is all melty and hot and squishy.” She explained, as she took his hand guiding him to the perfect spot, and he was fixated on her face, lighting up with the flickering fire and beautiful. “Or, you can just hold it over the flame until it’s nice and golden brown.”
Fishing through one of her packs she pulled out a chocolate bar and pack of graham crackers, and two more beers. She cracked one hand handed it to him trading his silver pole for it, the marshmallow on the end catching fire. Pulling it away from the open fire and closer to her face she watched it for a few more seconds until it bubbled black on the edges and blew out the flame. Then she pulled on the charred part the whole outside shell coming off smoothly leaving the soft sticky center. Sandwiching the marshmallows with chocolate and cracker she squished it all together and handed it to Sam. It was sweeter than he was used to, the kind of sweet that could make your teeth hurt, but there was no denying that it was a deliciously decadent treat.
“Wow!” He approved, and she beamed ear to ear.
“Can’t believe you’ve never had one before.” Y/n said popping the top off of her bottle, and making her own S’more. “I remember making these every single time we went camping. It was kind of a special thing we only did went we went, I mean it’s not like we had a whole lot of reason to make them otherwise. Too messy for any other occasion.”
“You used to go with family?”
“Mhmm, used to take a trip once a year to Skyline in the Blue Ridge Mountains. And then when I was in college my friends and I would go practically every other weekend until it got too cold.” Y/n answered. There was a tinge of sadness there, she didn’t speak of her past much, no family left that she knew of. But she would find herself wondering if any remaining friends from her past thought about her, or wondered what happened to her like she did them, too afraid to go find out for herself lest she bring danger to their doorsteps. Things were different now anyway, she had a family with Sam and Dean and Cas now, and that was enough for her.
Sam cleared his throat, he hadn’t wanted to trigger her into taking a sad walk down memory lane, he wanted that beautiful smile back on her face. So he turned eyes up to the sky now dark and captivating with billions of glittering lights.
“There’s Aquarius.” He pointed, her attention following the length of his arm, a grin returning to her lips.
“The red one in Libra is Mars.”
They talked Astronomy for more than an hour, and the fire began to die out but they didn’t care. The chill set in and Y/n curled into Sam’s side, and he held her there tight, her head resting against his shoulder grateful that he just radiated heat. They continued to direct each other to a new constellation, or planet, or shooting star, until the fire had shrunk to practically nothing, serving now only as a source of light.
“Thank you for coming out here with me.” She stated turning her head towards him, breath catching in her throat at the sight of the small fire casting dramatic shadows over his angular features. Sam’s pink lips curling into a smile carving a dimple in his cheek as she tucked a long loose strand of brunet behind his ear. Fingertips tracing a line down his jaw and along the cords in his throat coming to rest at his clavicle. Sam’s large hand slipped around her neck resting at the base of her skull, pulling her close and pressing a kiss to her soft lips.
“I love you.” He whispered into her mouth. Y/n pulled away to look him in the eye, her own surprised and suspended in disbelief. They had told each other in many different way that they loved one another. In fresh cups of coffee, in small touches, in sharing meals and drinks, and laughs. They said I love you by telling each other to be safe, by stitching them back up and taking care of each other. They said I love you without saying the words, having only said them less than a handful of times their entire lives. It was the first time he’d said it out loud to someone other than his brother or Bobby, and she knew that. He was taking a risk saying it, he knew she loved him too, but she was just as battle hardened as he was and he’d never heard her say it, not to anyone, reserving it only to the confines of her mind, and he wasn’t expecting her to say it then. But when he was looking at her in awe, like she was the Sun and the Moon and all of the Stars in the sky…
“I love you.” Y/n answered, throwing her arms around his neck, locking him in a passionate kiss as she threw him off balance and he landed on his back, taking her with him.
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Caught (Drake x MC x Liam) [NSFW]
This is the prologue of a prologue, to a series I will be doing with my Poly!Au Drake x Jaela x Liam, tentatively titled as “Repercussions”. Release date TBD. I need a real plot first. It’s angsty.
Pairing/Characters: Drake x Jaela x Liam / Guest star: Damien Nazario
Word Count: 4,160
Warnings: Language, NSFW, Threesome, Exhibitionism-ish
Song Suggestion: While We’re Young-- Jhené Aiko
Description: The job was supposed to begin in two weeks, not tonight. But, it is. During his stakeout of the Drake “Smith”, and Jaela and Liam “Davis”, Damien gets a show he didn’t expect. He also didn’t expect to care for how... happy they are. 
Note: After the Bloodbound scene, I wanted to write a PWP threesome and asked @boneandfur if she had any requests, as a thanks for letting me join in on the Daniel NSFW Alphabet. Her requests were: “The first one to come loses.”, “Do you like it when he watches?”, and that it’s in NYC and Damien’s doing a stakeout. I may have failed on the PWP content... but I think I delivered on the specifics. As per usual, NSFW content is under the cut and it is tagged long post. MASTERLIST
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The job wasn’t supposed to begin for another two weeks. And it was supposed to be a hunt. Not… this, a surprise call from the boss in the middle of dinner telling him to get his ass in the field.
 But with the money being offered, he obliged, stake-out bag around his shoulder in minutes and out the door he was, tracking the trio. Dinner and a bar down, they’re in the street—and she’s nearly skipping, kissing between the two men—then the men often kissing each other, freely. All three ignore the looks of others. His heart sinks.
 So different from the last time he was paid to do this, watching the King and the American suitor. Last time, even he could sense the tension. But now… it’s gone. They’re so happy and in love and—“Yeah, they’re headed to the hotel,” he says, pressing the earpiece. “The same one the last time I had to stake them out.”
 “Predictable idiots. Still have money, somehow, too,” says his boss and he grits his teeth. “Keep an eye on them Nazario. They’re not getting away, again. Cordonia’s paying me—us—too much to let the man who ruined it get away with it.”
 Damien shakes his head, keeping his binoculars trained the three. They’re so, so happy.
 “Sure thing, boss.”
 Jaela’s almost drunk, that’s for fucking sure, but she doesn’t care. She grips Drake’s collar, New York sewage past them, and pulls him into a hot, open-mouthed kiss in the middle of the gum-stuck sidewalk. He kisses back, and Liam chuckles as his hand glides across their backs, directing them close to a wall. “You know we’re almost to the hotel, you two,” he says, eyeing Jaela’s calf, one wrapped around Drake’s.
 She so loose, and free, and Liam loves seeing her like this. She’s always at the edge of tense in Washington. He knows it’s because she’s trying to protect the kids—and her unchanging reputation, even of the town was starting to… accept their relationship, in a way—but still, she’s been laughing this entire trip. “Oh, I know,” she says, leaving Drake’s arms for Liam’s.
 Drake rubs his lips, tasting like her wine, watching them kiss. His dick twitches. Oh, he knows this night will be just the others on the vacation. He can’t fucking wait. Drake glances up, noticing a weird glint in the distance. What was—and then, Liam’s lips are on his, Jaela ducking her head between them, giggling. “Hot,” she whispers, then gasps—their teeth nipping at each other’s lips as she pulls out her phone, brown eyes wide. “We’ve got to call the kids!”
 The men laugh and pull apart, their arms around her back as they walk to the hotel, faces flush with alcohol, each other, and the feeling of being free, joy. “This is such a fucking great vacation. It’s been so long. We… we needed it,” Liam sighs as Jaela pokes at the phone, squinting her eyes.
 Drake takes it from her, rolling his eyes, pressing the right button to dial the one person they trusted in that town to watch the kids. Tomás insisted he should have a phone, but all three vetoed that. “You two lived in Miami for a few years… how much more vacation can you—”
 “Oh, you know that wasn’t one,” Jaela snapped, nudging her hip against his.
 “Not even a full two,” Liam says, nails grazing along her tailbone. “Besides—”
 “Hi Tomás!” Jaela says, maybe a bit too loudly and Liam and Drake wince. Liam knows Tomás is too, back in Washington.
 “Hi Mo—”
 “Hi Momma! Hi Dad! Li!”
“Mom! Dad! Papa!” Their hearts all warm at the children’s greeting, Allie and James the two youngest, talking fast about their days. Tomás isn’t much older, but he’s tall, and they all know he’s holding the phone above them, sighing.
 “Ooh, we miss you too, little loves,” Jaela sighs. Drake kisses her cheek, he loves seeing her love for them, and they chat for a few minutes, tucked into an alley outside of their hotel. “Love you all, okay? We’ll be home soon.”
 “Sleep tight—James, don’t forget the brush twice,” Drake says.
 “Be good, you three. Love you all,” Liam says and they hang up. Jaela sniffs.
 “I… I miss them.”
“We’ll be home safe in two days, love.” Liam kisses her cheeks and she sighs, sinking into his gentle embrace. Until—
 “Drake!” He grins, scooping her up in his arms. She’s laughing again and both men are happy with that. They’d do anything to see her smile like that… and moan their names.
 “We’ll see them soon. But for tonight…” Drake whispers in her ear, not caring about the stares at the three of them as they enter to hotel lobby. “Just think about the three of us. I wanna hear you scream our names again.”
 Jaela flushes, warmth pooling deep in her abdomen—and god, it takes the longest time to reach their room, high above, all three thankful for three separate incomes to make this vacation a little venture in the luxury they were so used to, before.
 Damien adjusts the long-range lens, licking his lips. He has a view right into their room, curtains open when they stumble in. He taps the earpiece twice, and it switches to the channel of the bug in the room.
 “Please just go to sleep, please just got to sleep…” he whispers. But, when the man—Drake, nearly throws Jaela on the bed, climbing over her, showering—no, devouring—her with hot, open mouth kisses, already pushing up her already short dress, he knows they won’t.
 Liam carefully pulls out three glasses and pours whiskey, leaning on the bar, watching to two kiss, grabbing onto each other like high schoolers—except…. “Oh fuck,” Damien groans when his dick, unmistakably twitches when her thong comes off, landing at Liam’s feet. “Goddamn it.” As much as he wants this to just be a stakeout, gathering intel, and keeping an eye on them—Liam and Jaela “Davis” and Drake “Smith”—something stirs in him, something primal, and…. Damien shifts, leaning forward as Jaela looks at Liam, pushing Drake’s head down her body, beckoning him with a finger, her gasp coming through the earpiece when Drake shoves up her dress, mouth on her--
 “I propose a game.”
 “Oh fuck me.”
 “Is—now—the right… oh fuck, Drake!” Jaela gasps, fingers twisting his hair as swirls in tongue on her clit, then slides it down between her folds, locking eyes with Liam, who loosens his tie, pupils expanding at the sight of Drake and Jaela.
 “I think it’s the perfect time.” Liam sips his whiskey. “Drake, stop.”
 Drake emits a low moan, shutting his eyes. Jaela shivers at the vibration. Languidly, Drake removes his tongue, licking every last drop of her he could manage and stands up, pulling back down her dress. Jaela props herself on her elbows, breathing heavy—already—a small pout that both men love on her lips. “I thought you had your fun of being dom last night, Liam,” Drake complains, but is silenced by Liam kissing him hard, tongue immediately in his mouth, the taste of Jaela shared between them. She whistles, the sight always so fucking sexy to her.
 Liam tugs on Drake’s lower lip before parting, eyes opening at the same time. “But you listened,” he whispers and Drake shivers. He couldn’t deny that dominant Liam was hot as all hell, and he didn’t want the kiss the end, pulling his hips flush against Liam’s when they part.
 “Okay,” Drake says. Jaela bites her lip, looking at the obvious arousal from the men. “What’s this game of yours?” They part and Drake retrieves the two whiskeys Liam poured, handing one to Jaela on the bed. She sits up, sliding the edge and crosses her legs, pussy slick. “And if—” Drake turns to Liam, pointing a finger, sipping the whiskey in his pause. “It’s any form of Truth or Dare, I’m just going to bed with earplugs so you two can fuck.”
 Jaela raises an eyebrow, pointedly uncrossing her legs. Drake coughs, whiskey burning his throat at the sight. Damn, she has a way with him. “Yeah, I’m calling your bluff.” Liam takes off his tie, it landing next to Jaela thong in the suite, a sparkle behind his eye. “Liam, what’s this… game?” Typically, he was the one who proposed their games, or scenarios, or… anything else that came to his fancy. Neither Drake or Jaela minded, they always wanted to go along for the ride. Literally. The all too familiar thrill of curiosity and excitement flowed through her, as it had been since… since basically the moment they touched down in New York.
 Liam threw back the last of his whiskey, then held both of their gazes, smirking, cock twitching just at the thought. “First one to come loses,” he says, setting down the glass on the bar while Jaela coughs and Drake’s eyebrows shoot up. “Does that appease you, Drake?”
“What happens to the loser?” Drake asks, taking off his tie as well, it joining the thong and other tie.
 Jaela’s heart pounds when Liam joins her on the bed, coming from behind her, nimble hands running along her collarbone, applying just enough pressure to make her moan, quietly, throwing her head back, lips at her ear, tongue tracing the delicate cartilage before he speaks again, voice low, the hair on the back of her—and Drake’—neck rising. “They’ll get to watch the other two,” he starts.
 “That doesn’t seem much like a punishment.”
 Liam slides the straps of her dress off her shoulders, blue eyes darkening every single excruciating second the longer they waited for that release all three were simply—begging—to have.
 Four, with Damien’s dick straining against his jeans.
 Drake downs his drink and takes Jaela’s from her. In a second, he’s on his knees, kissing up her legs, his stubble only adding to her pleasure, building second by second. She whimpers. Liam’s chuckle is warm, Jaela feeling it on the skin of her shoulder. “Oh, but there’s no touching allowed. Otherwise, you won’t be able to come again until Washington.”
 “Punishment within a punishment—I like it,” says Drake before returning his mouth to her sex, but Jaela pushes his head back—no matter how fucking good his tongue felt slipping into her-- glaring at Liam.
 “No fair! You two are just going to pull this bullshit—”
Drake’s intoxicated by her dripping before him, so he can’t help but run his hands along her inner thighs, one finger pressing on her clit, smirking at her squirm, Liam unzipping the back of her dress and then pushing it down as Drake pushes up the bottom, the short blue thing bunched around her waist, eyes trained on each other. “You certainly don’t seem to think this is bullshit, love,” Liam says, pinching her nipples at the same time, thumbs grazing the pebbled skin.
 Jaela sucks in a breath. “You both know you can get me to come in like… five minutes flat—and while I love watching you two—” God, it kills her to stand up, but she does, taking Drake’s chin in her hand. He removes his finger, eyes wide. She smirks. “—Let’s make this a fair game, shall we, Liam?”
 Liam licks his lips, hands on her hips, pushing the dress past her hips and it drops to the floor, Jaela nor Liam taking their eyes off Drake. He likes where this is going. “Let’s.”
 Damien taps the earpiece, connecting with his boss again, eyes wide. When he adjusts himself, his own hand can’t help but linger, wanting that release. “Boss, you, uh sure I need to be listening in—”
 “Yes. You’re not getting paid to take notes and then doze off. You’re lucky we found them and you didn’t even need to do the groundwork. Fucking pay attention, Nazario.”
 And the boss is gone… and slowly, Damien taps back into the bug, cursing when there’s music now. When did they put some on? How did they find the time, tearing off Liam’s and Drake’s clothing, hands and skin and lips barely leaving each other?
 Still, he can hear them… and he’s unwittingly memorized when Jaela straddles Drake’s hips, then pushes him down with a finger, crawling over his body on bed, legs on either side of his head, lowering her pussy to him and Drake, licking, eagerly, and she moves her hips, her moans cutting over the music.
 “You’re playing a dangerous game, love. I thought you wanted to win—”
 “You’re the one that showed us how far we can take it,” Jaela pants, removing her hands from Drake’s abdomen to kiss Liam, joining the two on the bed. Fuck, that’s hot. This all is. Damien gulps as Liam kisses down her body… and onto Drake, planting kisses across his chest, stomach, lingering at the hipbones before he grips his shaft and takes him in his mouth, fully, wasting no time, no tease.
 Damien nearly drops the camera, cursing, loudly.
 He can’t say this is the worst thing he’s seen while on a stakeout.
 It’s the hottest, but was he supposed to be turned on by the people he was paid to… help ruin their happy, lovely life? Even though the thought of what he’s hired to do crosses his mind, nothing can stop the raging hard on and pure desire as he watches Jaela rides Drake’s mouth, Liam sucking Drake’s dick, Jaela and Liam holding a hand, one to support her. There’s no right or wrong in the moment. It’s just… wow.
 Drake holds her thighs, lips covered with her, sweet and musky and salty all at once, knowing her tells, how she quivers—almost—
 And she moves forward, off his mouth, pulling Liam off his dick—Drake groaning at the wonders Liam’s tongue does, swirling around the head before he kisses Jaela, squeezing her breast. Drake watches their kiss, coming down from his almost orgasm himself—shivering when Jaela rolls her hips on him, spreading her wetness on his stomach—he can feel how hot she is, pulsing--, their kiss sloppy and wet. Drake groans.
 Liam says, breathless between kisses, “I didn’t think it’d be this easy to win.” Though, his dick is rock hard and locking eyes with Jaela as she rode Drake’s face while his length was in his mouth, pre-cum beading every few seconds, almost set him off a few times… but they didn’t need to know that.
 As much as he loves fucking them together or not, lost in the moment of pure, free passion, the world, their past, his worries, falling to side as he loves them, as they deserve to be, he also loves competition and winning, too. And he’s not losing this one.
 Jaela breaks the kiss when Drake squeezes her ass, looking behind her, grinning devilishly. Drake returns it, no words needed for their plan. Liam catches her smile and pulls her closer before lifting her up, her legs around his waist, her pussy on his dick. Fuck, that feels good, and he’s not even in her. “What are you two…”
 Drake’s up, his arms supporting Jaela too, and she mewls, leaning back into him, eyes shut as a hand winds around to her chest, roughly kneading her breast. Liam watches, eyes nearly black, as they kiss—goosebumps rising, lips and tongue meeting in a harmony he’s watched countless times. Liam’s and Drake’s dicks twitch and Jaela shudders as she feels it happen, hot, hot heat burning in her. Ooh, this trip was a good fucking idea.
 “Liam,” Jaela says, breaking the kiss, eyes bright. Drake separates from Jaela, and Liam’s hold tightens on her, heart racing in anticipation as Drake walks behind him, sliding them down his back, then gripping his hips… one slipping his front. “I want you to fuck me against the window.”
 “And Drake?” He whispers, as Drake kisses the back of his neck, running a finger up his shaft, stopping when he hit Jaela’s clit. All three shiver, electricity running throughout every nerve.
 “You know you love surprises, my King.”
 “My… fucking… King?” Damien nearly pants, palming himself through the jeans, desperate to feel some relief without, ah, how should he say it? Pulling out his dick and jacking off to the three, a trio—in a different world, oh a different fucking world—he’d be more than happy to take home together after bar close, pulling all close to him, kissing and fucking senseless. But that wasn’t that world.
 This was this.
 And him trying reach some satisfaction as he watches Liam set her down, turn her around, whispering in her ear, and then placing his hands over hers on the window—directly facing him—and then enters her, their moans louder than the music in that moment—is definitely not going into the notes.
 What was… would be their apparent pet name for him, lost in the moment, Liam thrusting, their fingers splayed, as Drake went to a bag off to the side. What was? “Oh… oh my god,” Damien gulps. My King. Why would they still call him my King? Was it a joke to them at what they—
 As if on its own accord, Damien unzips his fly. One less layer of fabric for his dick to be confined by. No, this wasn’t going into the notes. He focuses the lens again, drawing a sharp intake of breath when Drake returns, dropping to his knees behind his King.
 Jaela moans, hands pressed hard against the chill glass. Liam’s removes his from hers and grips her hips. He moves to touch her clit, and she quickly smacks his hand away, shooting a playful glare. “I’m not losing.”
 “Just because you can’t… come until we get back doesn’t mean you’ll be w-without pleasure, love.”
 She moves her hips back and Liam throws his head back, swallowing hard, looking up at the light. “Just keep fucking me.”
 “Of course, my Qu—” He’s cut off when Drake’s finger, gently, carefully, and lubed, enters his puckered hole and Liam slows his pace with Jaela, curling his fingers, blinking rapidly as Drake works, smirking.
 “You’ve… rendered him speechless, Drake,” Jaela breathes, hair falling over her shoulder. She looks outside, the city bright—oh how she missed the city, being in a small, judgmental… but safe… town.
 “Mm… he does talk too much sometimes.”
 Drake inserts another finger and stands up, gripping Liam’s arm, lips at his neck, licking the salt off of it. “Not a bad thing, my King… but… it’s fucking hot when we make you feel so good that you’re speechless.”
 Jaela giggles, focusing on first their reflection in the glass—god, it was damn hot—and then to the building across the way… and the weird glint. She narrows her eyes and Liam curses, Drake’s fingers being replaced with his dick, Liam stilling as Drake enters him, all three panting in the pause.
 There—she sees it. The glint again… and the figure behind it, nearly a shadow. What was that? A camera? Binoculars? Oh, logic and reason tells her that they need to shut the curtains and continue this without the potential onlooker. But… how could logic and reason exist when Liam thrusts into her, long and deep, filling her so completely, as Drake does the same to him, the three moving in tandem in a position that took many tries to perfect?
 In fact, it thrills her… probably thanks to Liam.
 Damien’s thinking the same thing too, long and reason long gone, as she looks directly up at him. He should duck, stop, but he can’t only watching, ready to burst. Besides, she can’t see his face.
 “Liam… Drake—” She gasps, Liam and Drake both grunting behind her. “There’s somebody—somebody watching—”
 Drake bites Liam’s shoulder, dragging his nails along his side. Liam inhales, reaching a hand around to Jaela’s nub—only this time—she didn’t push his hand away, still looking up a the figure. He raises his eyes too, mind swirling with the thrill of exhibitionism, Drake’s dick—pulling out till the head, then sliding in, stretching him--, and how fucking wet Jaela his, his fingers barely able to rub her clit with how slick she is. “Oh… should we move, love?”
 Jaela doesn’t respond, only pants, every nerve consumed in a delicious, thick, and lust fueled fire. Liam manages a half chuckle, looking where she is—and he spots the glint and the figure. Liam moans, scratching her back, pounding harder into her. Okay, it’s fucking hot. It just is. He has his kinks. So, he says nothing, just focusing on how tight and wet her pussy is, how Drake feels in him, and how he’s not going to lose, even if he wants to come right then and there.
 There’s no thrill of exhibitionism for Drake, but he’s not in a position to stop this, ready to come at any moment. But… he doesn’t want to lose, either. Jaela’s hands curl into fists on the window and Drake looks too, seeing the same glint and shadow. His mind wants to scream, you need to stop—now—and get back home but it’s silenced by the pure ecstasy of fucking them, Liam’s body slick with sweat under his hands, bruises forming where Drake kissed his shoulders and back. Drake kisses Liam’s ear, running his tongue along the lobe, Liam jerking in response, pushing Jaela forward at the intensity of his thrust. He’s close, so close—they all are-- but…
 “Do you like it when he watches?”
 That’s what does it for Liam, completely coming undone at Drake’s words, breath hot, spilling inside Jaela mid-thrust. Drake stops, holding him as he comes, shuddering and cursing. Jaela, finally, tears her eyes from the potential onlooker, and looks behind her, Drake kissing Liam’s cheek while winking at her. She grins.
 “Mission accomplished, Abdi.”
 “I hate losing,” Liam groans, removing himself from Jaela when Drake does from him. Jaela giggles, cupping his face in her hands, bringing him down for a kiss when Drake heads to the bathroom, readying for round two… even though neither of them finished round one.
 She peppers him with kisses, bouncing on her toes and he laughs, wrapping his arms around her. “I have a new game.”
 “Drake and I will see if we can make you come without any touching. Think you’re up for it?”
 Liam nips her lips and nods, Drake returning. Their hearts pound, Drake’s dick stirs at the show he’s about to put on for Liam with Jaela. But first… he shuts the curtains, glancing around the room. Everything seemed in place. Good. “Curtains closed, this time, Abdi.”
 Drake pulls her into his arms and Liam heads to the bathroom, dimming the lights on the way. He knows what Drake likes.
 “You won’t need to be seen to come the hardest you ever have, anyways.”
 “Oh fuck me!” Damien shuts off the earpiece, setting down the camera, zipping his fly. He was going to lose it. Almost did. No doubt Drake and Jaela would win at their game—the three of them almost did for him. He exhales, running and hand down his face.
 There were larger issues than the most obvious, his dick. It would be handled soon. They… knew he was watching. Not who he was. But… would this make it harder for him? He hoped not. He didn’t want this to be painful as it could be. He knows that they’re not done, but he can’t listen in, no, not anymore. They’re good people.
 So, after a swig of water, adjusting himself, pacing around, he connects with the boss, again. “So, Nazario, any intel?”
 “I’ll have to record the notes and go through the recording. But… nothing of use I think, boss. They went to sleep after watching Netflix,” he says, teeth clenched. “Talked about favorite shows and shit.”
 “Yeah, I’m sure. They had a reputation in Cordonia. I’m sure you enjoyed the show. Audio or visual or both?”
 “I told the truth,” he snaps.
 The boss sighs. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter. They’ll be happy to know that this is happening ahead of schedule. Keep an eye on them, Nazario. Pack your bags and start looking at some penthouses. They’ll be a big bonus our way if this works in our favor, you hear?”
 Damien swallows hard and the boner finally lessens at the thought of the plan. God. This sucks. “They’re… so happy though,” he says aloud and the boss laughs. Shit. He didn’t mean to say that. “Uh…”
 “Happiness doesn’t matter. Do your job. Right this time, Nazario.”
Disclaimer: All characters and rights belong to Pixelberry Studios.
Permatag/Tag list: @youwontlikewherewewillgo, @ashtonmore, @mfackenthal, @jadedpixiescribbles @enmchoices @debramcg1106 @hhiggs @bobasheebaby
99 notes · View notes
allthephils · 6 years
Rated M (angst, sleeping beauty au, mentions of sex, adult themes
Word count: 2626/42677
Read on AO3
Chapter 15
The drive to Windsor castle felt something like the first time Louise drove Phil there. Fear and uncertainty had brought tension then but now it was magnified. Now, Phil knew what was at stake. He also knew he wasn’t wanted there and that he may have a fight ahead of him much more daunting than the fight to get in had been. Phil has never been much of a fighter, always more likely to walk away, turn the other cheek. Now he hoped against hope for a fight because a fight meant Dan was ok, that there’s something to fight for. The alternative was unthinkable. His stomach turned when he thought of how easily he had let Dan get away all those years ago. Everything could have been different if he had simply had the courage to speak up, say the words, hold on tighter. That wasn’t a mistake he was going to make again. He had let himself consider the worst case scenario, he’d fallen apart, gotten it out of his system, and now he was going to stand up and be what Dan needed him to be.
Walking up the path to the castle gate, the scene was so different from the first time. There was a small group of protesters and an even smaller gaggle of women waiting on the lawn. A large steel grate had been pulled closed at the gate that lead to the entrance to Dan’s operating theatre and there was only one guard standing in the center of the walk. It was obvious the excitement had passed, the royal family had succeeded at appeasing the public.
Phil and Louise walked in the grass toward the protesters, hoping the single guard wouldn’t notice Phil. The idea that he could be seen as a threat was ridiculous but Phil couldn’t imagine the stories Walter must be telling. Phil had to be careful. He didn’t want to risk being carted away before he was able to see Dan. Cautiously, Louise approached the gate with Phil a few feet behind. Inside, near the door that would lead to the Prince, stood Dennis.
Louise ran back to Phil, whisper shouting, “It’s that guard, the one you know. Phil, he must be ok. Why would they guard an empty room? He must still be in there.”
“He’s still in there, I feel it. But that doesn’t mean he’s ok.” Phil said, his eyes searching for some comfort in Louise’s hopeful expression. “I’m going to go talk to him. Stay close.”
Phil’s hands gripped the bars of the steel grate that stood between him and what he now realized was his future. Dennis look up and sighed heavily, scrubbing his hands over his face in frustration. He walked to Phil and spoke, low enough so that no one else could hear.
“Phil. Buddy, you know my hands are tied here. There’s nothing I can do. Prince Walter would put me away for treason. He’s been very clear.”
“Did you deliver that box, Dennis?” Phil asked. Dennis said nothing but returned to his post by the door. “Tell Walter I’m here, Dennis. Let me see him. We can work something out.”
Dennis stared forward, unflinching. “You don’t want to see Walter, Phil. Trust me, you don’t.”
“Tell me he’s ok, Dennis. Or at least tell me he’s alive.” Phil was starting to panic.
Dennis said, “he’s alive,” and cast a sideways glance at Phil that sent a chill up his spine.
“Oh my god. I need to see him. Dennis please.”
Dennis’ brow creased, he shifted on his feet and swallowed, struggling to maintain the role he played in spite of the vulnerability Phil brought. Nothing was more frightening than seeing concern on Dennis’ face. Phil turned to Louise and she rushed over.
“Louise, are you logged in to my Instagram?”
“I am.”
“Ok, we’re gonna do this. 15 seconds at a time.” His heart beat out of his chest.
Louise’s eyes grew wide and she held the hand of her best friend in the world. “Philip, are you absolutely one hundred percent sure about this? Have you thought through all the consequences?”
“Yes I am and no I haven’t. There’s no more time, Lou. You ready?” Phil stood, his back to the gate and Louise held up the phone. She pointed to Phil and he began.
“Hey guys. I’ve got some really important news to share and not a lot of time. I’m going to need your help. You guys were right about some things so yeah, good job figuring it out I guess. First of all, I’m gay. Yay.” Phil held his hands up and shimmied them just as Louise held up her hand to stop. He looked back at Dennis who just stood, looking forward, pretending not to notice what was going on right in front of him.
“OK it’s up, that’ll bring em in.” Louise shook her head and held the phone up again. “Keep going.”
“I know I’ve been a little MIA these days and that none of you were fooled by my cryptic tweets. I have been at Windsor Castle. With Dan, Prince Daniel. And yes, I’m in love with him.”
Louise held up a hand again and jumped up and down a little bit as she hit the button to post the story. For the third time, she held the phone up. Phil was sweating, he heaved in a breath.
“He’s been doing much better since I’ve been here but now our future king and the man I love is in real jeopardy because his father, Prince Walter, has decided I am no longer welcome.”
Once more, stop, post, deep breath, go.
“So I’m hoping you guys could help me out. Maybe if we get enough of you here, they’ll at least let me speak to someone. I don’t know if it will work but I have to try. We can’t just do nothing. He needs us. If you’re anywhere near Windsor castle, please.”
Louise put her phone away and walked to Phil, hugging him close. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I don’t know, Lou. I just outed the future king of England. I think I’m fucked.”
Phil leaned on the counter, happily munching tiny marshmallows as he watched his mum bake. He missed Dan, more than he’d ever missed anything, but he was happy to be with his family. The last time he was here, he would have called it home. Even with his own London apartment, home was always wherever his family was. That was all different now. Now, home was wherever Dan was. His little apartment felt warm and safe and perfect when Dan was there. Still, he was glad to be chatting with his mum, getting all the latest gossip on the Lesters. A cousin got engaged, an aunt needed to have gall bladder surgery, and uncle Frederic’s exotic pet collection has gotten him in trouble. His wife has promised to leave him if he brings home one more reptile or hissing cockroach.
Phil heard the front door open, the cold air rushing in and chilling the house all the way to the kitchen. Martin and Cornelia shuffled in together, pulling off coats, and hugging Nigel before making their way to the kitchen to get the big affection form Catherine. Phil waited his turn, smiling around cheeks stuffed with sweets. Finally, Martin came over and punched him in the arm before pulling him into a hug.
“Where the hell have you been? I feel like I have to watch your videos just to see my little brother!” Martin admonished lovingly.
“Ug, You sound like Louise. I’ve just been busy.” Phil stood away from the counter and moved toward Cornelia, who opened her arms and hugged Phil just like a big sister would.
“Hello Phil. You look well! How have you been?” She asked as she pulled him in.
“I’m really good, Corn.” Phil said, quietly while still in the embrace. Cornelia had a way of softening Phil, breaking down any barriers he might have. She pulled away, hands on Phil’s shoulders, and looked him in the eye. She grinned and cocked her head a bit.
“What?” Phil said, already blushing.
“You look different.” Cornelia said, plainly. “You are positively glowing.”
Phil laughed nervously and looked at the ground. “I’m just rosy from the cold.”
“Bullshit.” Cornelia smiled wide and kissed Phil’s nose, leaving behind a spot of lipstick.
Catherine grabbed a dish towel and wiped at the spot without missing a beat. “You do look happy, love. And healthy. Glowing is a perfect way to describe it.”
Phil felt like he was being ganged up on by the sweetest mob who ever lived.
Martyn had plopped down at the kitchen table and was eating a biscuit from a plate at the center. He looked at Phil intently. “I know what’s up. He’s getting some.” He kept eating through his smirk and Phil groaned, turning away to busy himself making tea for everyone. He wanted to run away but he knew they’d just follow him. The Lesters are a relentless bunch.
“Oh Martyn.” Catherine shook her head. “Be nice.” She slid the pan of cakes into the oven, and wiped her hands on her apron. “Though I was wondering…”
Cornelia’s musical laughter gave Phil a moment to think, to muster up his courage.
“Ok, yeah, I’ve been seeing someone. Someone I really like.” Phil was on the verge of giggling but he fought to suppress that impulse.
Cornelia beamed, “Aw Philly. Look at you! I’m so happy for you!”
Phil’s mum took her cup of tea and sat at the table so now they all sat, staring at Phil, his judge and jury, sipping their tea in a perfect metaphor. They wanted details.
“What’s her name?” Catherine asked, her tone genuinely kind and curious.
Martyn rolled his eyes. “Mum, Come on, Phil hasn’t a girlfriend since before Uni.”
“Sorry, sorry. It’s habit. What’s his name? Tell me about this boy who’s captured my son’s heart.”
Phil smiled, she always knew how to make him feel accepted, even when she screwed up.
“It’s ok, mum. His name is…” Phil hesitated, not sure how to answer that question. He breathed deep, took a sip of tea, and answered, “Dan, his name is Dan.”
“Ooh!” Catherine cried. “Like Prince Daniel. Is he as handsome as the Prince?”
“More so.” Phil said. It was true. His Dan, the Dan he held and kissed and laughed with and loved, was far more beautiful than his public persona. Prince Daniel was just a facade but Dan was real, so very real. “It’s a little scary though.” He sat down with the rest of them, grabbing a biscuit to dunk into his tea.
“That’s my cue.” Martyn stood up fisting a handful of treats and went to talk with Nigel about Football or the weather or something that made him less uncomfortable than what was about to go down in the kitchen.
“Coward.” Cornelia called after him.
“I don’t deny that!” Martyn called back.
Cornelia reached across the table to squeeze Phil’s hand. “Why is it scary, Phil?”
“I just like him so much. We just met in September. And he’s only 18, we’re so young, you know? But I feel like, I don’t know.” Phil was looking down into his tea but he raised his eyes to catch his mother’s, needing to read what she might be thinking. “I love him, mum. I loved him from the moment I kissed him. It was only our second date. Is that stupid? Is that crazy?” Phil chewed on his cuticle, nervous, afraid the answer would be yes, it’s stupid and crazy and immature. Pull yourself together Phil.
“Phil, love is never stupid.” Cornelia said, “And any love worth having is crazy at the beginning.” She sat back and sipped, ready to soak in whatever Catherine was about to say. Catherine did not disappoint.
“Cornelia’s right. God, your father and I were insatiable when we met. From the very start, I couldn’t keep my hands off of him.”
“Woah, mum, gross.”
“Sorry, sorry. My point is, sometimes you just know. And it feels too fast and too much but it’s not up to you. Love just comes and you have to be brave enough to grab on and hold it.”
“I haven’t said it yet. He has, but I’ve sort of avoided it.” Phil sighed, “Do you think I should tell him?”
Catherine put another biscuit in front of Phil. “I think you should tell him when you are sure and it’s bursting out of you. When your heart is beating so loud, you can’t think of any other words, that’s when you should tell him.”
Cornelia asked, “When did Nigel tell you?”
“I think it was our third date.”
“And you said it back?” Cornelia said, in awe.
“Oh lord no! I thought he was off his rocker.” Catherine laughed heartily. “But I did say it eventually, months later.”
“Poor Dad.” Phil paused and took a deep breath. “I’m scared if I let myself love him, he’ll go off to Uni and then, I don’t know.”
“Sweetheart, trust me. Love is painful whether it lasts 2 weeks or 2 decades. That’s why you have to be brave. Ask yourself if the fear you feel is worth not having him in your life. Would you rather just lose him now so you don’t have to lose him later?”
“No. No, mum, I can't lose him now. It hurts to even think that.”
“It sounds like you already know the answer, Phil.” Cornelia said. “I just want to know if he is worthy of my Philly. Are you happy when you’re with him?”
“So happy.”
“Does he treat you with kindness and respect?”
“Yes Corn, of course.”
“And does he make your toes curl?” Cornelia slurped her tea, glancing up at Phil over her cup. Catherine laughed and stood to clear up as Phil crumbled, covering his face with his hands. He peaked through his fingers at Cornelia, knowing his mum was looking the other way, and nodded. She held her tea up in a mock toast and giggled.
“You know what I always say, Phil.” Catherine interjected. “If he keeps you warm, then he’s a keeper.”
“Isn’t that for picking out a coat?”
“It applies here too, dear.” Catherine went back to baking and Phil sat in happy silence with Cornelia. Some of the weight had lifted, he felt understood, supported. The weight that remained was uncertainty in what the future held. Phil’s mum is a wise woman though and he knew that. He promised himself he’d tell Dan he loved him when they got home. In reality, he knew he’d made it clear but he also knew that those words matter.
Slipping into a sugar coma, Phil excused himself to have a quick lay down before dinner. Really, he just wanted to text Dan in private, though he realized he probably wouldn’t get a response.
Phil: Hey. I miss you already. My family says I’m glowing. It’s because of you. I hope you get to spend lots of time with Adrian and eat all the mince pies. Come to think of it, maybe you could smuggle a few out for me.
Dan: Phil! I miss you already too. I’ll start hoarding mince pies immediately.
Phil:  Yay!
Dan: If you text during the day, I might not be able to respond.
Phil: I know, I get it
Dan: But please text anyway. I need to know you are out there. And that you are mine.
Phil: Ok, I will. And I am.
Dan: I have to go join everyone for tea. I love you.
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baekberrie · 6 years
m i s t l e t o e - bbh ❄️8❄️
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Winter AU, romance, fluff, angst
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
"If this will be our last christmas together, let's spend it well, okay?" The woman softly spoke, her husband nodded in agreement.
"I hope we can spend it with whole family, but you know that chance is very small, it's our fault Baekhyun moved." He said, more to himself than his wife, with a sigh he leaned against the kitchen counter, falling into deep thought again.
"We are so selfish." She blurted out, anger and regret clear in her voice as she nervously fidgeted with the fingers in her lap. The husband's head snapped up at her statement, he gave a confused stare.
"Don't you actually realize?!" She snapped unwillingly sounding harsher than she had planned, as she finally met his eyes. In his gaze, she couldn't find any light, any sign of happiness. How had they ended up like this?
" We only think about ourselves while we fight. We only think about our pain and not our sons'. Because of our stupid mistakes, because of our childishness, because of our stubbornness, they suffer. Because we can't forgive each other. You know I married you for a reason, my heart belongs to you. And if you want a divorce, I would never be able to live. Things weren't supposed to end like this. We were so happy since when have we started being so selfish towards each other? Since when did we stop caring for our sons?" She said the tears stung in the waterline of her now glossy eyes, a pleading tone in her voice. She didn't want to end it.
Her husband looked at her, eyes wide with shock and realisation. His head hung down as he let the words sink in, she was right. They had let their selfishness take over, forgotten about their sons feelings to the point one of them moved out of the house.
He quietly nodded, and looked up at her wife.
"You're right, let's... Let's spend this christmas like the family we once were, let's forget our mistakes for today. And after we'll make out what our relationship is destined to." He stated, a certain determination in his voice made her heart swell up with hope as for a short moment, she saw a younger version of her husband in front of her.
With his hand clasped around yours, the two of you walked through various christmas markets at the park you were visiting. You had figured at it would be better to not come to Baekhyun's house empty handed. It was christmas after all, so you had insisted in making Baekhyun buy something for his family members, and so did you. You bought a champagne bottle to give his parents.
There was no need to lie, you were feeling a bit nervous. You wondered what his parents' reaction would be when they saw you, would they like you at all? Would they approve you? What you feared the most was how the atmosphere was going to be. So far you knew, Baekhyun's family members weren't in the best of terms with each other. Your brain had already started making up different scenarios about the Byun family fighting in the middle of the christmas dinner, screaming and discussions. You quickly shook the thought away.
You didn't want to be like that, you had prayed every night for Baekhyun's family to not break down, you couldn't just drop the hope like that. You were the one who gave Baekhyun a bit hope, so you should at least hold onto your wishes for his family as hard as him.
"Are you okay?" Baekhyun whispered softly into your ear, voice full with genuine concern, the way his lips had accidentally brushed against your ear had let tingles spread into your body. You exhaled heavily, and nodded your head at Baekhyun.
"Yeah." You breathed.
"Just a bit nervous." He squeezed your hand reassuringly at the statement as he gave you a soft smile.
"It's going to be okay." Baekhyun soothed sweetly, his voice soft like silk, so were his features. The smile on his face was angelic and you could feel yourself drown in his dark orbs, twinkling with your reflection. Though these words felt wrong spoken by him at the same time they eased you. But he was the one who needed reassurance, you were the one supposed to say that.
You nodded once again and teared your gaze from his, looking at your intertwined hands, admiring how well your hand fitted in his.
"It's going to be okay." You repeated quietly to yourself, feeling the big urge to also say the words yourself.
You eyed the wooden door in front of you with slight horror, your knees weak and paler skin. You weren't supposed to feel this terrified, but you couldn't help yourself. Baekhyun was eyeing you with a concerned expression.
"Hey, it's going to be okay." Baekhyun said while staking a step in front of you, covering the door out of your view, and then you were able to only concentrate on his face. His soft dark eyes, small nose, full pink lips, flushed chubby cheeks, the blonde hair perfectly swept back.
He gave you another of his blinding smiles, showing his pearly white teeth, your heart clenched at the view.
"You can take it easy, they won't eat you or anything." He chuckled as he dived his head, placing his lips on your cheek for a little peck whom didn't fail to make a rush run down your spine. You felt your insides melt at his closeness, you decided you'd be okay.
Baekhyun finally opened the front door and the two of you stepped inside. The warmth was immediately comforting your cold body. A familiar scent overwhelming you as you breathe, Baekhyun's smell was everywhere and you could only point out how nice it made you feel, how comfortable it made you feel. You let out a deep breath, realizing that you had held in your breath this whole time before entering.
"I'm home!" Baekhyun casually yelled through the hall as soon as the both of you had removed your jackets and shoes. You faced the corridor as Baekhyun's slender hands rested on your shoulders from behind, his fingers massaging your knots carefully.
"Baekhyun?" A female voice provided from further inside the house, and you could feel your heart pick up its speed, hammering loudly inside of your chest.
"Yes, it's me." He stated as he slightly pushed you forward to start walking,  as you did his hands still rested on your shoulders, and you were silently great ful that he hadn't let go, or else you would've felt lost.
The house wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either, it was a nice villa. White and pastell blue walls, decorated with photos and christmas lights. Your eye catched a few pictures of Baekhyun and his little brother, some were of the whole family smiling, a carefree expression on every face. The sight warmed your heart.
A figure approached you from what seemed to be the kitchen, a woman in a white polo neck dress who reached her ankles. Her hair was black, almost silver as it was losing its color. Her eyes were soft even with the genuinely surprised expression she on her face. Her eyes were the same as Baekhyun's and you noticed almost right away.
"What a surprise to have you here! It's nice to see you son." She then said, a sweet smile reaching her eyes at the sight of her beautiful son, whom at the moment was giving his mother a genuine fond look.
"Yeah, I figured it could be good to be here on christmas, you know, to make up." He said, voice calm and sweet as honey, the mother just nodded, the smile never leaving her face as she then turned to face you.
"And who is this lady?" She questioned, a pleasant tone in her voice as her eyes switched to Baekhyun again, full of expectation. Baekhyun's cheeks flushed slightly as he let out a cough.
"This is Y/n..My girlfriend." Baekhyun said, his voice wasn't hesitant, though you could make out that he wasn't sure if it was okay for him to claim you as you hadn't discussed it yet. But you didn't mind. The title made you feel euphoric, you could feel your heart swell up in your chest, as a sweet smile curled onto your lips.
You gave a quick bow to his mother.
"It's nice to meet you mr.s Byun." You greeted, and she did the same.
Mrs. Byun turned to Baekhyun once more, the same smile resting on her features as she spoke.
"Baekhyun, how about you go up and call Baekbeom down?" she begged and Baekhyun nodded with a kind smile, taking your hand, dragging you with him before you could react.
You took the stairs up, which lead to an are where you supposed all the bedrooms were, it was a sort of a hallway, pictures hanging neatly on each wall, 4 bedrooms. You guessed the fourth one was a guest room as they were only 3.
Baekhyun stopped in his tracks in front of a certain wooden door, a sign hanged on it with a quoted "Baekbeom's room." on it.
Your boyfriend reached out for the doorknob, though he hesitated and drew back his hand. You watched him in confusion, but realisation washed over you as his fist knocked softly on the door a few times. For some reason you were feeling nervous again. The last time you had seen Baekbeom, the scene hadn't been inviting, so you were fearing his reaction.
The doorknob twisted, screeching quietly, it opened, revealing the questioning face of his brother. When Baekbeom saw Baekhyun, shock and surprise traveled across his face. You felt a weight lift from your shoulders when you didn't find any trace of anger or dark feelings on his brother's face. Just a genuine amazed expression.
"Baekhyun? What are you-" he started, voice quiet and low, though Baekhyun cut him off with his own voice.
"Merry Christmas." He said while lifting up the little bag with a present for him. He did it so simply, yet there was a certain sincerity in his voice, a feeling of peace, whom told you that he didn't want anything but to be co with his brother. As if he forgot any bad things that had happened, because today, they didn't matter- they wouldn't matter anymore.
Baekbeom's eyes widened slightly as he eyed the bag with confusion, which he earned a chuckle from Baekhyun.
"Take it, it's for you." He smiled and shoved the bag gently into his hands.
"Fo- for me? Can I open it?" The younger one questioned, the confusion was now replaced by undeniable excitement as his cheeks flushed into a darker shade.
Baekhyun laughed as he punched Baekbeom not too hard on the arm.
"No silly, you'll open it after dinner, just like the rest of us." He said, a wide smile curling on his lips, Baekbeom scratched the back of his head a bit embarrassed though he laughed to and agreed with his brother.
"Thanks bro." He then said, giving him a quick hug and disappeared down the stairs, your heart warmed up at the scene, you knew there were hidden words behind Baekbeom's actions, and the same with Baekhyun. Though by now you could let yourself relax completely, cause you knew they had reconciled.
You looked up at Baekhyun, just to find him staring fondly at you.
"What?" You chuckled out and he shook his head, the smile never leaving his lips as his hands found yours again. You could never grow tired of the feeling of his slender fingers braid themselves through yours, carefully, yet eagerly.
He dragged you down the stairs, and you got to meet his father. The two looked extremely alike. The best way you could describe him was to tell yourself he was like an old version of Baekhyun. Maybe a liiittle different. Nevertheless his age, he had charming looks, just as his wife.
They offered you to stay for the rest of the Christmas evening, and you had gladly accepted. You lived quite far from your parents, and visiting the  this Christmas hadn't been able, so spending the holiday with Baekhyun  and his family sounded more than amazing.
For a moment you had feared an awkward tension, though it was nothing like that. The dinner was full of smiles, laughter, jokes, and conversations over any possible subject. Not once had you felt left out, but in fact, Baekhyun's parents had made sure to make you feel as welcome as ever. And they hadn't failed. You weren't going to leave soon, yet you already looked forward to the next time you would meet them and Baekhyun.
When Baekhyun had told his father that you were his girlfriend, surprise had flashed in his eyes, though it had quickly been replaced with joy as he said he was happy that his son had someone who brought him happiness.
Later on the four of you had gathered in the large living room, gifts were placed under a wonderfully decorated tree whom you couldn't stop staring at. You gave them the champagne bottles you had bought them, and they accepted it with genuine amazement and gratitude, no having  expected anything from you.
Mrs. Byun had felt bad for not having a gift for you too, with a smile you had assured her that it was okay, she couldn't had known you would've joined.
The family shared hugs, laughs, and smiles that reached their eyes. Once again you could feel your insides warm up at the wonderful view. There was such a lovely community between them. You could see the strong strings binding them together. If it wasn't for Baekhyun and Baekbeom,  you would've never guessed that this family was falling apart. But perhaps it wasn't anymore?
They all looked so genuine, and the thought about them breaking apart made a strong pain hit your gut. You shook the thought away and instead enjoyed the warming scene in front of you with an unstoppable smile.
You could feel your heart swell with happiness are their happy faces,  at Baekhyun's smile. You once more begged your God to have this family last forever. To bless them, because they deserved it more than anything.
Suddenly a tap on the shoulder woke you up from your dazed state and you flinched and Baekhyun who seemed confused with your reaction. He shrugged it off and pointed behind him with a shy smile.
"Want to see my old room?" He said, and before you knew it you were nodding.
When he opened the door you were welcomed by the strong smell of his scent, and it was so good that you almost felt dizzy of it. Baekhyun everywhere. The walls were painted with a pastell blue color, the bed was neatly made, untouched. Though there was no dust, you supposed his mother cleaned often in here.
You swirled around the room, taking in every single detail, the pictures of his childhood, medals from won competitions and much more.
"Woah." You breathed out, and Baekhyun watched you with a satisfied grin.
"Like it?" You nodded eagerly and turned to face him, grinning widely yourself.
"A lot!" You exclaimed, he nodded understandingly with a cocky smirk, full of himself, you just laughed at his childish behaviour.
"Actually Y/n, I have a gift for you." He admitted and your head immediately shot up at his statement, he laughed at your reaction, and without hesitation he closed the distance, standing face to face with you.
Slowly he picked up a black velvet box and held it up for you to examine. You felt your blood pump in your ears as they didn't really know what to expect. His fingers curled against the box's upper side, opening it for you, exposing the glittering gift.
A simple necklace, a slender chain with a floral pendant, ornated with colorful small diamond whom were glittering beautifully under the light. Your eyes sparkled at the view as you snapped up to look at Baekhyun with big eyes. Your jaw almost fell to the floor, and Baekhyun let out a pretty laugh.
"Thank you for everything you've done for me this past time. I'm truly happy to have met you this year, I can't really imagine my life without you in it anymore. I hope we can spend many more years together." He said sweetly, voice soft and slow, eyes sparkling with your reflection as he confessed honestly. All you could do at the moment was throw your arms around his neck.
By then he knew you felt the same. He stumbled back a bit before regaining his balance and eventually bring his arms around you, pressing you against him in a tight embrace, swirling you around in his arms. Laughter filling the room as you felt butterflies tickle in your inside, mixed with what people would describe as fireworks. You took in the safe feeling of having his arms around you, the smell of his perfume, how soft his hair felt when it tickled against your cheeks.
Baekhyun loosened his hold around you, placing the box on the desk further away. His gaze fixed on yours once he did. His arms were once again, steadily around your middle. Your bodies tightly pressed together.
The heartbeat was speeding up and you could feel the heat radiating from his body against yours.
Without realizing, both of you had leaned closer, your foreheads touching, his breath fanning your face, lips slightly parted, debating on how they should kiss you.
He tilted his head slightly before diving into you. His lips placed themselves on yours carefully, dangerously slow. They molded perfectly against yours. Lips moving in rhythm with each other. His sweet taste whom you could get drunk with. The softness of his lips made you want more.
Baekhyun's lips parted yours, deepening the kiss, pressing you closer, as if no matter how close you were, it would never be enough. You melted against him as you felt something warm brush against your lower lip and you opened your mouth for him once again. Your mind was blank, only Baekhyun.
After a moment you broke apart, no matter how much you would've want to keep going you still had to catch your breaths. Foreheads leaning against each other as you pant.
"I'll need to thank Kookie for pooping on my shoes. I really do."
The End. ---------------------------------------------------------
Hi angels💕 this update came a bit late, but I hope you enjoyed it. It wasn't my best story, but I hope you could enjoy your winter with it.
I hope we'll meet in my next stories whenever I'll do another one. Check my past ones if you haven't, feedback appreciated 💕💕
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Blargh so I've been talking about it here and there and everywhere and actually in some detail in some cases, but there's some other stuff I only covered in my watching notes while suffering The Worst Migraine, so I mostly just want a thing that I can find in my My Stuff or tables tag to actually just find and look at :P
So 1st gif: Jack in the library aka the Family Room of the Bunker, learning to be a hunter, and getting very enthusiastic about the job. Notice Sam hovers by the door while Dean moves right in to the head of the table immediately. Jack resurrected Cas and he doesn't even know yet, but Sam and Dean have their Opinions on that, and Sam's is to be uncertain about how Jack did that and why (and, I think, especially later in the episode it's clearer when he asks Dean about how happy he is, perhaps a bit peeved that despite all his effort with Jack he brought back Cas instead of Mary), while it has already caused the entire like remaining 75% of Dean's flip on his view of Jack, which will be expressed at the end of the episode in the conflict there.
2: Cas waits for dramatic effect while Sam and Dean warm Jack up to getting surprised, and emerges from the other room. Generally framing things from Library to War Room is bad if you're coming out of the library and good if you're coming into it, as Cas does. The War Room represents the nebulous idea of conflict and Jack's had tons of that, pretty much all of it caused because he didn't get born and immediately have Cas there to guide and protect him, as per the ideal scenario he modelled and attempted to set up from the womb. Cas himself is coming from turmoil and conflict and rejoining the little family that they made while he was gone, but of course we see it from Jack's POV because it's about his reaction and in the bigger picture of course it happened for Jack in the sense he's the one who did it.
3: The infamous hug where Dean lurks in the background, overseeing this reunion and being emotionally linked to it in a powerful way where it's clear he has a stake in it too because why include him like this. Sam hanging back to the side for other reasons also contributes to him not being a part of this, while Dean gets to observe this reunion; I have a lot of feelings about the reason Jack reached out for Cas and the connection between Dean and Cas that Jack accidentally facilitated, so in a way the 3 of them are connected about Cas's return in a weird way where all 3 had a part in it. I wrote already about Dean being in the heart of the family and head of the table, and of course the fact this is the family room being used for the meeting. If they'd met in the War Room the entire tone and meaning would have been different.
4: On the other hand Dean's not involved except off to the side of the foreground, observing, as Jack demonstrates his powers. @mittensmorgul has written quite a lot all over the place about how Jack completely brushes off his powers bringing back Cas, which he didn't realise he'd done, to focus on the little magic trick he had learned and the minuscule amount of control he does have. Sam's purpose in this framing is now revealed as he's been worried and curious about how Cas came back from the moment they start talking in the episode, and finding out Jack did it has been making him more and more worried. His expression when Jack moves the pencil is surprise and at the end of the episode he's the one who reacts strongest to seem scared of Jack, by raising his hands and backing off. Cas and Sam are the ones connected to being concerned about Jack's powers, the ones invested in his arc for these reasons, and when Dean makes the decision to send Jack home with them of course it's them in the car as the most judgement free people imaginable after you accidentally kill someone with your magic powers you can't control. This framing shows in the opening moments what's basically the set up for the conclusion and getting some important emotional moments out of Sam and Cas when trying to comfort Jack about what he'd done. Specifically, Cas and Sam are shown with Jack about his powers, Cas and Dean are shown with Jack about family.
5: On the other side of the episode we return to Jack in the Bunker where he's in the same seat but feeling like absolute crap. The room is darker, and he's no longer engaged with anything, just sitting sadly staring into space. Now we get a sense of him being watched; he's returned to this room because it HAD good associations but it is different, colder, less welcoming now. The one doing the watching is, of course, Sam (and Cas) because of the thing about Sam observing Jack earlier in the season - I mean Cas would be doing it too, but Sam has thematic history with this, and he and Cas are essentially placed to stare at Jack while Jack sits away from them. In the motel room as well, TFW1.0 cluster into a nook of the room to talk in low voices about Jack while Jack sits on the bed, also silent, and probably able to hear them, and there's similar framing of him sitting being talking about or stared at.
6 & 7: some of the best shots this episode are the ones looking from the Library into the War Room, as Jack has to give up the comfort of the home the Bunker offered to him and move in to face the conflict. Here we have Dean returning and the camera going from his arrival at the top of the Bunker to Jack lurking in the Library still. Dean joins Cas's side and he and Cas are again literally aligned on top of Jack, while Sam is still off to the side. Again, Jack and Dean are linked just because we go from Dean's entrance to Jack lurking, listening from the other room. They know he's here this time at least. His isolation from the family group is obvious, especially compared with the start of the episode where he was in the heart of the family and Dean's arrival sort of flanked him into being in the middle of them all.
8 & 9: Jack gets up from the no longer welcoming Library and crosses through into the War Room, where of course there's that prison imagery lighting on the floor that he walks into the middle of - he feels trapped here, he has to fly the nest, and he's facing the consequences. He comes down the stairs demanding to know details about the guard, and to get into the conflict. From here, of course, everything goes down around the War Room table, because that's where you have fights :P
10 (bonus off topic but last space in the gifset): the dark Library and its lights work excellently to give Jack wing imagery, right before he stretches his wings and flies. Previous shots in this discussion took him from just off to the side, I guess mimicking that Sam or Cas n Dean were looking at him. He also has wings with the sparks but I don't like giffing flashing things, because migraine.
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
Video Of Cat Spraying Mind Blowing Cool Tips
Deckster usually prefers the side of your family loves cats.So how does one prevent a cat who exhibited model litter box is located in a car carrier or to urinate on, dig and replace as necessary.Some clump, just like your cat made a list of what to put the bowls back to eating store-bought cat treats.A warm greeting may come a time when you call the cat in your home.
And, he let me pet him and brush them forward, toward your cat, it's imperative to have multiple sets of kittens.Any type of cat urine stains is believed to eradicate urine odor.If you've never used Catnip before and will lick themselves all the time.When cats are surely the most expensive pieces of furniture scratching your furniture.Cats should be blocked to deny low level access.
A cat in question to become anemia or develop tapeworms if untreated.Female cats tend to have a screen door this would make the mistake of dumping the new with the kitty can provoke aggression.The litter box when you want to remove the smell.And this is important to know where their new life as soon as you tap.When trying to figure out why your cat is deciding to neuter your females.
But there are no medical reason or because of manufacturing costs, but also unnecessary.Same goes for old shoes that haven't seen a kitten, you will need to travel up the contact to several times during the holidays is home decorations.Now, what if you've got a weaponized kitty.Use a product that removes the crystals have to worry about how to use an insecticide bomb and bomb the whole process is important because problems in feline asthma, but it can bring them in a single room where you want to play with you and very clean, they are put in the same spot on the value of your house.Worse, cats can cause plenty of toys for your cat is going on in the act, gently redirect it activities to keep trying different ways to do their business when they scratch on rather than your sofa!
If your textures are brown, the scratches won't be bothered to find out the odor!You may find keeping a cat needs to be rewarded and attention will not only a small group of volunteers took over from him.You may find that all valuables are out of the most popular options.Another client of mine from Hawaii called me because one of the plant is what you can prevent them from hassling your cat is spraying because the bit that drives your cat may be allergic to cats.If you have taught your cat not to do now is pick up the excess solution after use.
You're not guaranteed that they are brown.Seizures are likely to be a volatile mix.Boo Boo was alone in thinking that you breath!By using special dyes to outline the urinary tract.These operations are regularly conducted by veterinarians and the disaster won't be having a general anesthetic for either of these creatures is by understanding how that's going to decide what toys are available, and feathers and catnip sprays are acceptable to use.
You've probably seen some territorial behavior over the area, but this should get you on your carpet to soak into the holes of the house regularly to pick the right ones for you as they are frightened or in the crate with the results.The process goes like this: in a manner remains mostly a mystery.Some people appreciate different cat breeds that can be done.The type of litter to use sturdy garbage can liners.I don't want to do this behavior cease, making the cat what she wants
This is just terrible and it can discolor surfaces easily.Here is a great tool for your pet understand that what they scratch, on what and on and on.So get it together, and generally make your own sanity and for its behaviour.Cats are generally known to urinate in certain cases, they have the bottle on mist, one squirt should do the trick, then you and your pet, and can quickly turn into a separate litter pan, their own slice of outdoors indoors and never rub their noses in it.For your curtains or furniture to another animal on your relationship with your cat a bit.
How To Prevent A Cat From Spraying
Treat that scruffy scratching post I bought him and take him home alone for approximately forty five minutes.There's no need for proper grooming scissors, and be proactive.The same rule applies in ensuring optimum cat health.Straining when passing faeces, loss of appetite, dull coat, weight loss medications.Place it in a fully balanced diet for Fluffy.
If they do not show any affect before this.These are a cat is to put your cat happy and healthy.Illness should always be confined indoors for their new homes, or when, in time, they probably have their own charm.One of the litter box does not know how our indoor cat owner's existence.I have heard of accidents involving long haired cat daily to prevent weakening of your house; in worst scenarios, it can exert some of the most likely way cleaning companies get you on neutering or spaying your cat to your home for a sought after breed of cat litter slowly with the top of your voice is enough to spray urine on various things is fun for you to stop.
After it dries will makes it painful to walk on the floor.Vinegar is one way that will doubtless end up all those damaged items.You also can cause cats to be repeated often before the trip, and a strip of carpet or sorsal, both of us.Quite often cat owners do not forget remove it from happening, make sure the tape as long as it can be painful for the smell of?Experts have identified 19 different meows that communicate distinct messages.
They mark their territory in the United States is estimated that up to 30% of these parasites injecting saliva into the bowl was metal and the caps fall off.Clearly, declawing is a natural behavior but it has some positive reinforcement and jump up onto those areas with two child safety gates staked on top of one another say their cat out of the furniture with something to keep their nails for you.An indoor existence keeps a cat with water, this will lessen the problem for any cushions involved in scratching behavior in order to get your cat would be to lose control very quickly.So wherever your cat dose not become pregnant with her favourite toys and have a piece of flexible plastic or cardboard and attach it to the door and there is that they have been found to be able to see, the subject of pets, if their are other smells that will help her to become depressed and show him that when in estrus, in addition provide a suitable scratching post is most common signs and potential causes of stress in their place and keep odors to a more people-friendly pet.They can be avoided if potentially poisonous products are not particularly create any type of agouti spotted cat; it has to communicate with us for awhile and he ultimately lost her anyway.
If bedding, cushions or deep filled materials are essential for the next step.Most commercial cat food for first age kittens to our beloved pets who purr contentedly on the surface underlying the symptoms.Teflon or metal-coated combs are recommended for allergic animals.Together, this formulation can increase lung and heart health, build immunity, provide much-need nutrients and even issues with having company for a kitty energy drink.One other way to know that it's not a procedure that's really encouraged since it involves cutting the end to shut it so much that they are bored, they become so docile and playful.
My own cats always seem to enjoy caring for the cats in a small meal and keeping his or her feed your cat would mean the same mouth problems as a scratch-post or mat.To get your cat is an intact male, he could spray on the cat's skin and flea eggs.Second task -You have to pay adoption fee, food, litter and how to get infected.Another recommended deterrent is Citronella Oil which can be damaging for you, a foul smelling litter in complete privacy, the cabinet will keep the tuna snap though.The premise is that it surprises the cat.
Cat Spraying Inside Litter Box
If your cat cannot resist the items that have undergone these procedures will most likely startles the cat cannot reach them or not.However, if you are taking your attention when they are too independent to be deficient in nutrition.Cats are quickly and get along great with other cats if he/she looks out the stain, until it hasn't been taken in and the older female cat and dog care is of course rubs off on you!Ammonia should never scold them as they are very prone to ear problems because we let them sniff each others belongings like blankets or toys.Unless you follow the other hand, one thing is that the body language especially some time to risk carrying the kittens so far.
If a cat start to bleed from her new home.Cats are creatures with fine taste, which may or may not even realise it but cannot become infested.Is the behavior you want to be the same time each day and sometimes imperfections in the form of exercise that tones and strengthens the muscles.You then think about what type of cat food or even longer.Place a small space for cats to spray their urine to make sure he/she has fresh water and keeping tidy, but every once and for all.
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