#so it’s penis by proxy
bassiter2 · 24 days
fight club is about when you're a closeted gay man who's mentally suffering under capitalism so badly that you develop an addiction to other people's pain via support groups for conditions that you don't have, and when you meet a woman at a testicular cancer group you get the flash of implication that if she did belong there it would mean that she has a penis, so for the first time in your life you feel some excitement about the idea with sex with a woman - but you also feel more threatened, as the notion in your mind is just gay enough to scare you but also not gay enough to really be right for you. so your severely sleep-deprived mind proceeds to invent the sexiest guy you've ever seen in your life to serve as proxy for all the ways that you can't function as the right kind of man in the world, which include: having sex with women, simultaneously being comfortable with certain degrees of effeminacy bc he's intuitive enough re: the heterosexual framework to know exactly where he can bend the rules, and also of course embodying the fascistic masculinity that creates a suitable brotherhood-slash-hierarchy in which touching other men and their fluids doesn't strip you of any manhood. and then your sexy alter ego whom you're in love with decides to upgrade the homoerotic club you guys started into a full on terrorist organization that also ironically replicates the very structures it seeks to topple. happens to the best of us tbh
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Found this prompt here and just couldn’t help myself!! This is silly, I think, and maybe a little off character, maybe, but I couldn’t help it. (>.<)
Also as an apology for taking so long with the a/b/o verse, which came out a few minutes ago (and by proxy, taking so long with the a whole new world verse, which should come out tomorrow as well)!!
When Hobie imagined being part of theater, he hadn’t quite imagined this; he’d thought he’d spend his time backstage, helping with costume changes or prop handling, maybe even just dealing with the set pieces and set changes.
And that’s sort of what he’s done, if he’s being honest, the past three years or so of theater classes and he’s done a little bit of everything backstage-wise; he’s done lighting and sound, he’s done set building and prop making (though technically the whole class was part of that, so…), he’s done costuming —
And then Gwen, Gwennifer, Gwendolyn (she hates when he calls her random names, it’s great), anyway — then Gwen insisted she needed help with her audition for their production of Cinderella, and Hobie tried to fight her on it but he’d lost. Which, honestly, was whatever because it wasn’t like it was Hobie who was trying to audition, specifically, and so it wasn’t likely Hobie was going to get casted as anything anyway, right?
Wrong. Apparently, dead wrong.
When all was said and done, Gwen got cast as an evil stepsister (how? She didn’t even read for the stepsister?), Pavitr got cast as an evil stepsister (how?), Peni was the fairy godmother (which…ok, sort of worked, that was fine), Margo was cast as Cinderella (that actually tracked, ok), Miles was cast as the evil stepmother (how??), and somehow…somehow Hobie got casted as the prince (HOW?), which…
Hobie tried to fight it, just a little; he didn’t particularly care for being onstage, he was much more used to being backstage with other responsibilities, he wasn’t even auditioning for anything anyway — didn’t matter. Peter wouldn’t let him step down or put, just kept telling him it would be good for him to break out of the shadows one time. Hobie’d scowled at that but, ultimately realizing that it was pointless, just gave in and let it happen.
Might as well, right?
They’d had a couple of good rehearsals thus far, mostly just reading the line from the script book in a circle with each other; they got in trouble several times for getting off topic or ad-libbing stupid lines that would never make it into the final cut (like when they got to the part where Hobie found the shoe after a very long hour of them all messing around and he said, “ah, I’ll let her go, not really worth it, is it?” and made the whole cast burst into giggles; Peter didn’t look amused but Miles did, and Hobie didn’t particularly care how Peter took it as long as Miles thought it was funny).
Honestly, though Hobie liked theater a lot (really he did — the fun parts of building the show before the live event, the stress of making sure things went smoothly once they went live, the joy and melancholy that came with putting on a fantastic show — all of the was great and fun, and Hobie was having the time of his life doing it), he liked being in theater with Miles specifically a lot more. Miles had been Peni and Gwen’s friend first, and had spent the first few theater sessions with them being slightly weary of Hobie while Hobie put his foot in his mouth continually around him, but they were past that now. Partly because it seemed like he had a crush on Gwen and realized after a couple of weeks that Hobie wasn’t trying to make a move on her.
Hobie thought it was mostly because at one point, Miles looked like he was ready to fight one of the other teachers about unfair casting practices, and Hobie had ensured that he knew he was on his side for it if things went down. It didn’t end up in flames, at least, but Miles seemed to be more open with Hobie after that, more friendly with him. And Hobie —
Well. Hobie knew Miles had a crush on Gwen, so that was that, wasn’t it?
Anyway, they’d moved on from regular script memorization onto adding movement to the scenes; the theater was booked for their use, and Pav and Hobie were play fighting on the stage while Gwen shouted encouragements to both boys (“I can’t pick favorites!” was her argument, “you’re both my friends, I want you both to win!” and Hobie had told her “that’s cowards talk, mate!” but she wouldn’t budge up) while they waited for everyone else to show up for rehearsal.
Hobie had just gotten Pav in a headlock, rubbing his knuckles into his hair and mussing it up while he shrieked, when Miles came in followed by Peni and Peter. He looked a bit resigned, calling them to attention as soon as he got the front.
“So Margo had some family thing at home and she can’t make it.” He said, and the teens groaned, “but! We can still get a rough start of the blocking today, and refine it more when Margo comes back, so chop chop!”
“Wait, then who’s gonna play Cinderella?” Hobie asked, jumping off the stage and falling carelessly into the theater seat. The one good thing about playing the prince, in his opinion, was that he didn’t have to be onstage all that much. Just the ball scene, and the final twenty minutes or so, and that was all. Easy, for the most part.
“Uhhh — ”
“I can play her for the beginning part!” Peni volunteered, throwing her hand up. “I’ll just need someone to play opposite of when it’s my turn.”
“Miles can fill in.” Gwen said before anyone else could say anything. She had a glint in her eye that made Hobie uneasy in a way, but he couldn’t put his finger on why.
“Great!” Peter said brightly, clapping his hands together. “We’ll also skip some of the more Margo specific parts she’ll need to be here for, like the ball dancing scene and the monologues she has, and go from there. Let’s go!”
Hobie knew he tuned out most of the rehearsal in front of him; he didn’t really need to focus, his part was only the last bit right now (thanks Margo) so when it was his turn to go up he almost missed his cue. It took Peter elbowing him in the side for him to even look up from his phone, and then to the stage where the group was assembled. Gwen was giving him a wide eyed look, one that read ‘get up here now’, and Hobie only blinked at her for a moment before scrambling up onto the stage.
She and Pav were on either side of Miles, who was sitting in the chair Margo was meant to be sitting in. Hobie frowned a bit, glancing around and realizing that Peni had vanished.
“Just keep going for now.” Peter called out, pencil in hand as he watched the teens onstage. “From your line, Hobie.”
“Right, uh.” Hobie pulled his script out, flipping to the last couple of pages. Gwen smacked her forehead into her palm, loud enough that it echoed upstage, and Pav snickered into his palm. “I do request that every girl in this house try on the shoe.”
“Surely not every girl,” Pav said brightly, “for there are but two here in this household!”
“Then who is this?” Hobie gestures towards Miles, and Peter’s pencil scratched against the paper.
“None but the serving girl, who couldn’t have gone to the ball,” Gwen added, “for she had many chores to occupy her time, and nothing to wear besides.”
“I said every girl and I meant it.” Hobie stepped forward. “Whether she was there or not, she shall try on the shoe.” He kneeled down, blinking up at Miles, who looked like he was embarrassed. Unable to stop himself, Hobie reached out and grabbed Miles’s leg. Miles stared down at him, wide eyed and looking like he would be bright red if he could be, and Hobie pretended to put a shoe on him.
“It fits?” Gwen said, pretending to be startled.
“It fits!” Pav sounded, still, very bright and happy for being a stepsister who wasn’t going to be marrying into royalty.
“You’re the one I’ve been searching for.” Hobie said, standing up. Miles stood up with him, staring up at Hobie, and Hobie pressed his lips together for a brief second before pressing them lightly against Miles’s cheek. Miles squeaked, and suddenly everything stopped; Peter’s pencil against the paper, the quiet squealing that had been coming from Pav from his right, the whispered encouragement from Gwen.
“Ah, this is…a rehearsal, guys?” Peter said slowly from the seats, “there’s…there’s not really a need for — ”
“Right, right, sorry.” Hobie cleared his throat, pulling back and putting some space between him and Miles.
They continued onwards with the scene, though Hobie couldn’t bring himself to look Miles in the eye for the rest of the play and it felt like Miles couldn’t stop staring at him the entire time.
Afterwards, he sort of wanted to dip right away, but Gwen grabbed hold of his arm and was chattering to him about something or other while Pav was talking to Miles by the bottom of the stage.
With a heavy sigh, Hobie patted Gwen’s shoulder and made his way over to where the other two boys were, making Miles fall silent and Pav practically skip away from the two of them.
“Hey, Hobie.” Miles said brightly, shuffling a little and looking shy. Hobie smiled down at him, shifting slightly in place.
“Hey, mate.” He glanced away, to where Peni had rejoined the group magically, standing in a little crowd with Pav and Gwen by the door. “Look, I just wanted to say — ”
“You-You did great today!” Miles said loudly, and Hobie was startled into silence. “I just…I mean, you-you had, like, some real natural kind of movements, for blocking, you know, I don’t think Peter’s pencil stopped moving, like, once, you know?”
“Yeah…” Hobie trailed off, took another deep breath, and said it as quickly as possibly. “Look, man, I’m sorry. About the kiss, you know?” Miles’s mouth slid shut slowly and he gave Hobie a sort of unreadable look. He pressed on. “Peter was right, today was only the first day of blocking? Not even a reason for it, really. Should’ve asked, at least.”
“Well…” Miles took a breath, and it was Hobie’s turn to blink in surprise. Miles glanced at their friends as well, then stood up straight. “If you want, you can-you can get permission. Later. On…on a date?”
“Like a movie date?” Hobie asked, and the breath seemed to go out of Miles all at once. He looked less nervous, somehow, more excited as he bounced a couple of times on his toes.
“Yeah, maybe this Friday?” He added. “At six?”
“At six.” Hobie confirmed with a nod. Miles beamed at him, then leaned up as best as he could. Hobie leaned down a bit to humor him, pressing his lips together to hide the grin that wanted to bust out when Miles pressed his lips against his cheek.
“It’s a date!”
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cutepastelstarsalior · 10 months
Silly spiderverse headcanons
Gwen has a WIDE range of music. Something it’s alternative rock, sometimes it HipHop, sometimes it’s a generic pop songs.
Gwen likes listening to rock bands the most becomes she try’s to replicate the drummer’s speed or style. Or something listen to emotional screaming help her deal with all of her issues™️
Gwen and hobbie like to listen to each others music taste. Since cds came out in the 1980, someone gives Hobie one and he loves it. He learns how to burn music onto it
he and Gwen make each other playlist and cds.
They also make playlist for their friends. (They both gift givers)
Gwen picked her name after her favorite tv character
Autistic Gwen!!! Adhd Miles and Pavtir!!!
The Spider Gang™️ have friendship kandi bracelets.
Peni is Lesbian, Miles, Gwen, and Pavtir are bisexual, Noir is gay, Margo is Demi-aromantic, and hobie is aromantic + gay.
Gwen, Pav, and Hobie are all trans.
Miles has bad anxiety
Once Miles tells his family he’s Spider-Man, his mom immediately teaches him first aid, just in case.
Pavtir is naturally happy and energetic. But kind of hate it when other thinks he’s faking it or being native
Margo favorite food is steak tacos and she like binge eating anime
Margo comes from a big family and is the middle child
Peni favorite food is ramen and she tried to teach the others how to make it
Peni favorite anime in Ergo Proxy
Gwen has a special interest in penguins and she loves to see them at the zoo.
Gwen collects penguins and cute plushies
Noir also like penguins, E-42 miles like pumas, Pavtir like giraffes, Miles likes sea lions. Margo likes tigers, and Hobie likes pandas.
E-42 Miles (Gonzola) and Miles have a sibling “twin” bond
Every time they’re online the 2 like to spam each other kaomoji
both roleplay with each other
Adult headcanon
Miguel is trans, Jessica is pansexual, Peter is polygamous bi, and MJ is omnisexual polygamous
Miguel has ocd and self destructive tendencies
Peter has adhd and very bad depression
Jessica being a new mother gets a bit nervous leaving her baby at home with her husband, but she won’t dare bring her kid to HQ
She ends up bring her baby to HQ
Both Jessica and Peter talk to each other about being first time parents + child having spider powers. They both fins it helpful
Jess’s baby and Mayday grow up to be childhood friends :)
Ben Ridley and Superior Spider-Man have lot of philosophical debates…that sometimes leads into physical fights
Miguel like flan (strawberry specifically) since his mom taught him and that like the only positive moment the two had.
When Miguel was 13 his mom bought Gabriel a cat even thought Miguel was allergic
When Miguel was 8 and Gabe was 6, Gabe help Miguel picked out his name
Lyla like to dress up in different outfit because it help tricks humans into believing she not a computer and thus they tell her their emotional problems
She also like old fashion she thinks it’s fun she and Margo bond over it
Lyla he,so Miguel with his anger issues and ocd
The HQ has really good medical program and free healthcare
The HQ also has a way to make money for different dimensions.
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crusherthedoctor · 21 days
Character bingo Sonic
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A beast unleashed: Which is not appreciated, because I was trying to listen to Cool Edge Night.
My friend's favourite, the blorbo by proxy: It's through my mutuals that I began to appreciate him more. It helps that one of them is the (true) Sonic Encyclopedia. :P
Everyone else is wrong about them: Except for my friends, because I am not biased at all.
The fandom is so mean smh: Either he's Mr. Principles with a literal superhero mentality, a penis man who has to be dragged around by someone else in order to function, or they exaggerate his rough edges to make him a complete anti-hero.
That last one is noteworthy because people frequently like to point to the "I don't mind being the bad guy sometimes" moment from Black Knight as evidence of this... except he was only potentially seen as a bad guy in-universe, not to us, the players, and what he did was still unambiguously the right thing to do according to the way the plot unfolded.
What I'm saying is, you jokers can never get it right no matter what. >:[
That's a solid design right there: It's iconic for a reason. It doesn't need to be changed for the sake of being changed.
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They sure do exist: He's never been my favourite. Some of his traits have always bothered me, like how his frequent snarking at Eggman makes it easy for fans to dismiss the latter as a joke, and as far as tastes go, there are simply a lot of other characters that tickle my fancy far more. And I do mean a lot.
However, while I'm still not in love with him per say, I've liked him more as time has gone on. Mostly because of how fucking awful certain adaptations have been with his portrayal and making me realise how good SEGA's Sonic is by comparison, but also because of my friends' fondness and understanding of him, as mentioned. Getting used to writing for him has also helped, I suppose.
That said, I don't understand why fans get weirded out when you prefer other characters over him. There are Mario fans whose favourite character isn't Mario, Zelda fans whose favourite character isn't Link, and so on, so why is it suddenly taboo with Sonic?
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🟥, ✂️, 🕸️, 🟪⬜🟩,🦎, 🥝, 🦖🦕, 🏁, 🍒
Activism nannies, Actual woman, Adult human female, AFAB trans woman, Agender (as in atheist), Aiden, Autoandrophilia, AAP, Autogynephilia, AGP, Autogynesmile, Autohomoeroticism, AHE
Be kind / be nice, Bio-trans, Blanchard model, Black Pampers, Boxer ceiling, Brave and stunning
Choker, Clocking, Clownfish, COIN, Cotton ceiling
Dildo, Dogs are TERFs, DropTheT, DropTheL, DropTheB
Erasing women
F-L, Febfem
GBTQI+, Gender abolitionist, Gender theory, Gender ideology, Gender-critical feminism, GC, Gender fandom, Gender ideology, Genderfree, Genderist, Gender socialization, Genderspecial, GenderWooWoo, Genital preferences are transphobic, Get your 'gina off of Grindr / Get your muff off of Scruff, Goody, Gynandromorphophilia , GAMP
Handmaid, Handmaiden, Healthy tissue, Homosexual transsexual, HSTS, Horse piss, Hygienic
I Love J.K. Rowling, I Stand With Russia, It's okay to be bi
Ladydique, LARP, Lesbian erasure, Lesbophobia, LGB, LGBWithoutTheT, Lily
M-S, Male-Exclusionary Radical Feminist / MERF, Male violence, Mixed sex, MtT / FtT (Male to Transsexual / Female to Transsexual), Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Mutilation, My sex is not a costume
Non-affirming therapist
Peak trans, Penis-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, PERF, Pornsick, Pseudo-bisexuality
Quesadilla test / Quesadilla meme
Rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), RespectMySex
Safeguarding, Save women's sports, SCAM, Sex-based rights, Sex is real, SexNotGender, The Staniland Question, STEM-TFm, Steroids, Stonewall Law, Swedish study, Super (prefix) ,Surgical wound
T-Z, TEHM, TERF is a slur, Terfragette, Terven, TheyCallMeTerf, TIM / TIF (Trans Identified Male/Female), Tiny minority of men, Tranorexia, Transage, Trans cult, Trans agenda, Trans industry, Transing, Trans lobby, Trans rights are men's rights, Trans-rights activist (TRA), Transsexual, Transvestigators, Trans widow, Transwoman / Transman, Troon, Trooning Out, TWAW / TMAM
Ultra / non-ultra, Urinary leash, Uterus-haver
Vegan cat
Womanface, WomenWontWheesht, Womyn / Wombyn, WORIADS, Worthy of respect in a democratic society
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joyfuladorable · 11 months
do u think that peni mentioned oscrop 👀
or maybe if she had how the others wouldve reacted 👀
Think I’ve said before, but I imagine the moment Peni reveals that Oscorp, by proxy of Ben and May, had her become SP//dr at the age of NINE, some doors would get busted down, lol. Like, most Spideys have negative relationships concerning Oscorp anyways, so to hear their friend Actively works for them is gonna raise a Lot of Red Flags. They'll be like, could we see your work contract? What do you mean you don't have paperwork you've Never Asked??
Side comment from Peter B, "You'd think the year 3146 would've solved the child labor problem."
"Capitalism always finds a way," Hobie would sneer.
And Peni would be like, guys?? It's fine??? They help me be a hero and- oh okay where're we going?
Uncle Ben turns around when he hears a portal open and he just lowers his coffee cup from his mouth like "Uh, Peni? What have you got there?"
Peni glances back at the motley crew of murderous Spideys, one of whom has Spider on their shoulder. Someone has given the arachnid a tiny little nail bat to carry.
"Uh... friends???"
Whoever Norman Osborne is in this universe is gonna GET IT, LMAOOOOO
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Please stop saying this is not happening. Not only is it happening, but they're proud of what they're doing.
Note: "Reason" is code for the children who are the reason they're in the Facebook group.
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"lItErAlLy nO OnE Is gIvInG KiDs dRuGs aNd sUrGeRiEs!!" "iT'S JuSt aBoUt lEtTiNg kIdS Be tHeMsElVeS!" "sO YoU DoN'T WaNt kIdS To kNoW GaY AnD TrAnS PeOpLe eXiSt?!"
Are you even done? Are you?
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome has a disturbing new outlet. These mothers - and they are all mothers - are dangerously mentally ill and setting their children up for future catastrophe.
David Reimer (born Bruce Peter Reimer; 22 August 1965 – 4 May 2004) was a Canadian man born male but raised as a girl following medical advice and intervention after his penis was severely injured during a botched circumcision in infancy.
The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. The academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realization that he was not a girl crystallized between the ages of 9 and 11 years and that he was living as a male by age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. At age 38, he committed suicide after suffering severe depression.
Even if some proportion legitimately turned out to be trans, rather than abused autistic, gay and GNC kids, that's like claiming to have been "right" about the lotto numbers.
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Another good article from The Cut
Is Meghan Markle Getting Back Into Blogging?
By Claire Lampen, a staff writer for the Cut 
After six long years, famed blogger Meghan Markle may finally be resurrecting her defunct lifestyle site, the Tig. Markle pulled the plug on her “passion project” in 2017, shortly before becoming engaged to her partner in crimes of corniness, Prince Harry. But now? Now she may be bringing back her beloved Tig: According to the Mirror and the New York Post, Markle has filed with the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office to launch a “revamped” version of the site — covering “food, cooking, recipes, travel, relationships, fashion, style, interior design, lifestyle, the arts, culture, design, conscious living, health and wellness” — as soon as next week.
A natural next question for you to ask at this juncture would be: What is a Tig? Debuted in 2014, Markle’s Tig took its name from Tignanello, the wine that finally allowed her to “get” wine and thus became her shorthand for the feeling of suddenly understanding something. Thus her site was devoted to “those Tig moments of discovery,” if that makes sense to you, and also to topics like her dog, cooking, fashion, avocado toast, books and her “badass reading list,” personal revelations, self-love — the list goes on. Here’s her 2015 entry on Valentine’s Day, via Cosmo, to give you a feel for the genre:
This Valentine’s Day, I will be with friends, running amock [sic] through the streets of New York, likely imbibing some cocktail that’s oddly pink, and jumping over icy mounds in my new shoes through the salted snowy streets of the West Village. But those shoes, by the way, were my gift to myself. Because I’ve worked hard, because I’m not going to wait for someone to buy me the things I covet (nor do I want to), and because I want to treat myself as well as I treat those dearest to me. Because I am my own funny Valentine.
Before you get too excited about Tig 2.0, I will simply caution you that its author has renewed her trademark on the site in the past (in 2019, for example) not to revive it, but to prevent frauds from posting under her byline. That said, our funny Galentine is in a different position now, having taken her final curtsy as a working royal three years ago. She and Harry preside over a burgeoning entertainment empire, which includes a podcast and books and Netflix docs and a lot of oversharing. No better way to best the media than by becoming the media, so why not add a blog to the roster? Why not feed us informative posts on how to pack up your royal cottage in one fraught weekend after your husband’s estranged family evicts you via email? Why not give us tips about how to host a children’s birthday party that doubles as a “proxy war” in the ongoing beef with your in-laws? Why not tell us how to deal when your husband tells millions of readers around the world about his frozen penis? Live laugh love, girl! Live laugh love.
Meghan didn't mention Chef Cory, her live-in partner, in this blog post.
"This Valentine’s Day, I will be with friends, running amock [sic] through the streets of New York, likely imbibing some cocktail that’s oddly pink, and jumping over icy mounds in my new shoes through the salted snowy streets of the West Village. But those shoes, by the way, were my gift to myself. Because I’ve worked hard, because I’m not going to wait for someone to buy me the things I covet (nor do I want to), and because I want to treat myself as well as I treat those dearest to me. Because I am my own funny Valentine."
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Part Two of: Leverage Season 3, Episode 14, The Ho Ho Ho Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
Hi friends! So quick mod note here. The Google Doc for this transcript was 51 pages long, and when I tried to paste this over, Tumblr told be that there can only be 1000 'blocks' in a post? Which I'm assuming means lines/each person speaking here. So I am splitting it into two posts. I just posted part one of this episode transcript; here are the last 26 pages of the transcript.
John: That all of the Leverage fans have been waiting for.
Chris: With the beard of evil!
Aboud: Beard of evil.
John: With the beard of evil, Wil Wheaton, ever since Wil Wheaton grew the beard of evil.
Michael: Did he not have a beard on the- when he was on before?
John: He had a scruff of evil.
Chris: Yes.
John: Now he has a full beard of evil.
Aboud: We’re about to see him, aren't we?
Michael: Oh yeah, yeah.
John: Yeah we're about to see him back then, did he have the beard?
Michael: Call the flashback.
Aboud: There it is!
John: Yeah, yeah, he had the beard, it's more scruff, I think he has a fuller beard now. Now the freakout in the van. Boy was he a champ during this, cause we locked he and Aldis in those vans for like 12 hours.
Marc: Yeah, couple days.
John: Couple days.
Michael: I feel like it should flashback to the DVD commentary for that episode.
John: Yeah.
Aboud: Oh, there we go.
Michael: Lay that in.
Chris: There you go, it's perindelian [sp?].
John: Yeah.Yeah and this is also- Wil does great snark. There's nobody who does the-
Aboud: Absolutely.
John: The brutal mocking quite like he does. And he’ll talk about this actually, that once he gave up trying to be a nice guy in his acting and embraced his inner asshole-
Chris: Yeah.
John: His career took off.
Marc: Yeah, he just picks apart the whole team here.
John: Yeah, it's great. And it's fun.
Aboud: One by one.
John: One by one. And it's a lot of fun because the team is very hyper competent, so it's pretty tough to pick apart- to find a villain that's worthy of them, you know?
Chris: Right.
Aboud: And there are a few villains in the Leverage universe that, you know, shit talk.
John: Yes.
Aboud: That's not generally who we- we don't have people that are as colorful in a kind of obnoxious way as Chaos.
John: Yeah, Sterling yanks their chain, but does it more through omission, yeah.
Marc: Oh and this is the best part when he imitates Eliot.
Michael: Yeah, yeah.
John: The Eliot imitation, oh that's great.
Aboud: “Y’all”.
John: And Wil doing Christain is actually a lot of fun.
Michael: Yeah.
John: No, what it's tricky because for this one, you had to create a perfect Christmas heist plot, get away with it, to a great degree, and then come up with a totally different perfect heist plot.
Chris: Cause it was all mislead.
John: Yeah.
Marc: And he's even drinking Hardison's soda.
John: I know.
Aboud: Gosh this guy.
Marc: Really?
John: Really and he's taken his proxy penis.
Aboud: Proxy penis.
John: It's really- and fried Lucille. Oh that's just- why can't he have nice things?
Michael: That's what Tim should've said. ‘This is why we can't have nice things!’
Chris: Where were you at 2 in the morning when they were shooting?
John: Let's go back and we loop that now, ‘Why we can’t have nice things.’
Chris: Loop it in.
Michael: Like there's a bomb going on in the back of that car.
Chris: Yeah I know, I thought it was just flames.
Aboud: That's a great effect, a great practical effect of the smoke being emitted, and I believe it was an LED panel that was just pulsing.
Chris: Sparking.
Aboud: And that's how we got the sparks.
John: We don't usually let Aldis play pissed off either. He's kind of-
Aboud: He can do it, though!
John: It's kinda nice seeing that flavor Wil brings that out in him and he's like, you know. It's nice- a lot of people kind of, you know, take Christain’s character off, but when you- we were talking about this the other day on another commentary, Aldis, to a great degree, is the emotional barometer of the show.
Aboud: Right.
John: So whatever Hardison is feeling tends to be what the audience is feeling, you know.
Aboud: And he can do pissed, he can do badass.
John: Yeah.
Aboud: Very well.
John: Yeah the survivalist episode he was very good in, very physical.
Marc: Our 360 shot.
John: Nice 360.
Chris: Yeah.
Aboud: Sort of a signature of this show.
John: It is, ever since the accursed pilot.
Chris: Now for the-
John: Though we did this handheld, right?
Chris: Now for the geeks, is it handheld? Is this steadicam?
Marc: Steadicam.
Chris: This is not on the track.
John: This is not on the track- I put a $10,000 bounty on the circular track one year, like, if that were to disappear it would-
Chris: Now Yakamoto building, who was Yakamoto and how did he- why did they name this- 
Michael: It's sort of off of-
Marc: Yakitome.
John: Yakitome Plaza from Die Hard!
Michael: This has to be the badass building that's impossible to break into.
Chris: I was wondering what role did he have in the founding fathers of America?
Michael: Edgar Yakamoto?
Aboud: Oh no this is a holdover from- I've got a whole backstory for this.
Michael: Tell us!
Chris: Tell us about Edgar Yakamoto!
Aboud: This is from that era in the 80’s when the Japanese were buying up Rockefeller Center and all the big, you know-
Chris: Oh ok.
Aboud: Landmarks, and the Yakatome Company-
Michael: Yakamoto.
Aboud: Yakamoto- yeah. Was running their high tech security apparatus out of this tower.
Chris: Oh great ok.
John: There's also a lot of little Christmas images in here, which is her ability to fly as an elf.
Aboud: Yes.
Chris: Oh, and also going down the chimney.
Aboud: Yes exactly.
Michael: Another fun thing to write was saying we’re gonna pull an Edward Albee and having Gina and Tim do a little Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf con.
Aboud: Yes.
Aboud: Interpret that.
Chris: Which they'll be doing down at the Burt Reynolds dinner theater in a couple of months, if you're down in Jupiter, Florida folks.
Aboud: That’s-
John: Now here’s-
Aboud: Delightful moment.
Chris: Ohh ohh.
John: Oh and shh shh shh!
Marc: Shhh.
All: Shhh.
John: I would like to remind everyone he's not-
Chris: Is he saying sugarplums?
Michael: Sugar plums!
John: Sugar plums that's right he's sending him to dreams, he's sending him to Christmas sleep, dreams of sugar plums dancing in his head.
Aboud: Sugar plums.
John: The most menacing sugar plums ever.
John: But for those of you who are worried about the security guard, you can go on YouTube and see people choked out all the time and they're fine, like, five seconds later.
Aboud: Oh yeah.
John: It really is, it's just he's cutting- he’s not cutting off oxygen he's really just, you know, cutting off the blood flow to the brain, making him go to sleep.
Aboud: I mean he was out for about three hours, but you can go on YouTube and see that people come back in five minutes.
Michael: Minor brain damage.
John: Christain didn't quite get the grip right, that guy really bounced back.
Aboud: It was close.
John: We let him sleep up around the set, just kept watch on him.
Marc: The scary thing is this is really the server room that controls all of the sanitation-
Aboud: Oh yeah.
Marc: And plumbing of Portland.
John: That we’re in? With our giant cameras?
Chris: Is that true? Is that for real?
Marc: Giant cameras and hooking up our computers to it.
Chris: So if you just pulled one thing out, a whole city block wouldn't be able to flush their toilets.
Aboud: Gone.
Marc: A whole city block- it would be like Ancient Rome.
Aboud: A sewage-
John: Really, it would degrade that quickly?
Aboud: A sewage storm.
John: A tidal wave of cholera.
Chris: By the way, anytime you upload a worm there is a skull and crossbones.
Michael: Oh yeah no, that comes with, you can't have a worm without that.
Aboud: You know, actually, that is normally a pet peeve of mine, false UI. I don't like computer UI in TV, like that does bug me. But I can buy it when you've got a Hardison or a Chaos-
Chris: Yes, yes, you're right.
Aboud: Because they have clearly, from the ground up, built their own system-
John: UI, yeah-
Aboud: They've built their own UI, so yeah why not.
Michael: That’s user interface for those-
John: Yeah, especially if they are working in Linux or something that's really customizable, a lot of guys really have that as a signature.
Aboud: I don't have a problem with that.
John: There you go, and also we’re kind of fighting twenty years of television computers.
Aboud: Right.
John: Where when we in the pilot, for example, the first half of season one we did a lot of stuff really realistic and it turns out to be visually not very interesting.
Aboud: Right, right.
Marc: This was a good graphic save that Derek did, cause we couldn't afford to shoot a building at night with all these vehicles outside the building.
Chris: Oh this is great.
John: Yeah.
Marc: So we said let's come up with a graphic.
John: I love that little leaving them hanging.
Aboud: Don't leave me hanging.
John: Don't leave me hanging.
Aboud: How great is Derek Frederickson, our graphics person.
Chris: Oh yeah.
Marc: Fantastic.
John: It's a crucial part of the storytelling of this show. 
Marc: Yeah.
John: And it's interesting- and you guys glommed onto it very quickly, but when writers start on the show, a big part of writers learning to write Leverage is learning that they don't have to write speeches- go to the screen.
Aboud: Yeah.
John: The screen is there, it's six feet across, you know, use it.
Aboud: The screen in many ways represents a sort of objective reality. You know, that's one thing for facts to be parceled out in dialogue.
Michael: [Snores]
John: Oh god did you go to Harvard? That's a really Harvard-
Michael: Oh I'm sorry.
Aboud: Yeah.
Michael: We back?
John: Ordinarily you could-
Aboud: Sorkin writes our dialogue, Sorkin writes all our dialogue.
John: You could ordinarily think that Colton fell asleep because it was boring, but he really fell asleep because it wasn't about him.
Michael: I just hadn’t spoken on the commentary track, so-
Chris: There you go, there the great-
John: Great Wil Wheaton gloat and grin. And now we're in a totally different episode! I love this. 
Marc: That's right.
John: We’re in a totally different plotline here.
Aboud: Some emotional stuff out of Nate and the team.
Marc: Yeah, Nate takes it on the chin.
Chris: Mea culpa. He's very mea culpa this season, we don't get that a lot out of him.
John: Well you know, this was one of the things we were building to this season, is because the way he behaved last year, he has to accept that he is a peer of them now.
Aboud: Right.
John: Yeah, now he can't just dictate, he is one of the team and he has to take his lumps.
Aboud: He's one of the thieves.
John: Yeah now we're about to cut from the lovely mall to a real- to the guts of the sanitation building. What was it like shooting in the sanitation building?
Michael: Smelly.
Marc: It smelled- it actually smelled a lot worse above ground, it was hard. I mean getting all the gear down there was tough.
Chris: Yeah.
Aboud: It was dystopian.
Marc: It looked beautiful!
John: It was [laugh] Viggo Morrison with the shopping cart.
Marc: You can't build tunnels like this!
John: No, no you can't. It's really one of those places you have to shoot the location.
Marc: Yeah you just- we got a lot of production value out of it.
Chris: And then the fake fact I like that they had underground tunnels in Boston back in the day.
Aboud: That was inspired by the fact that downtown LA, combination of things: downtown LA does have an abandoned pedestrian infrastructure that was built in collaboration with Disney. They wanted to put Wedway people movers throughout LA and realized it's sunny here all the time, you never will need that!
Aboud: And they wisely stopped the project. The other half of it is the steam tunnels of MIT.
John: Yes.
Chris: Oh okay.
Aboud: Which are notoriously fun to run around.
Marc: And here you go, you get Wil Wheaton in tights.
John: Yeah, I love the fact that he has anticipated- that he is gone and either bought or made this outfit to close the deal.
Michael: Well he had it.
Aboud: So unnecessary!
Michael: He owned it.
John: There’s no reason!
Chris: It is very much- no you wanna approach a Santa-
Michael: Chaos used to go to ren faires, he had that.
John: Exactly. Will might've owned that costume.
Aboud: Yeah.
John: I'll ask him when I talk to him next time. And now we've got a cross going, we've got like our third heist in the entire show going at this point.
Michael: It's exhausting, frankly.
John: Also in Boston actually there was- there's apparently still a lot of leftover underground infrastructure from the Big Dig when they put in the tunnels to the Logan airport.
Aboud: Oh sure, absolutely.
Marc: This is a 360 around the work force table that we've never done before.
John: Is this one of those things you realize that you were about to do for the first time as you were preparing the shot?
Marc: Yeah.
John: Yeah, that's always a good thing.
Chris: But I like it. That's a nice way, you got Nate moving away.
Marc: I got him from one end of the table to the other end, and then an exit.
Marc: Perfect!
John: Well it's hard, it’s one of the challenges is breaking up when we've got static shots is like: keep people moving.
Marc: And again to cover the five-hander.
John: When the writers strand you like that, with the big stinking load of pipe like that.
Michael: Huh what?
John: Nothing.
Aboud: Uh-oh.
Michael: Santa fight.
John: Santa fight coming up.
Aboud: No not yet, first the wall saw.
Marc: Looking at this, this is my favorite graphic, the wall- the graphic of the saw on the screen, when that shows up.
Chris: Now how many-
Aboud: He went to the trouble to make a graphic of a saw to chart the progress of the real saw.
Marc: And we see it! Yeah.
Aboud: Here it goes.
Chris: There it is! That's the saw.
John: You know what? That would not be hard to do, I can see why he would do that.
Marc: That's CG dust and debris there.
John: Really?
Marc: Yeah, cause our fake-
John: They wouldn't let us cut through the wall?
Marc: Our fake walls were not creating enough.
Aboud: It isn't creating enough masonry dust.
John: Our fake walls were too well made?
Aboud: Apparently.
Marc: This was actually the last scene of the episode that we shot.
John: And another great little cheat is bounce through the window and they're looking out at this big giant exterior that will never- we don't have to connect them with.
Aboud: Exactly.
Marc: Yes, big cheat.
John: But it's useful, I mean, we did this in the pilot, though, remember when we shot that we built a window that he was looking out at the opposite building with.
Marc: Yup.
Aboud: Flashback to our kid.
Michael: Oh ohhh.
Aboud: Putting two and two together.
Michael: Planting seed.
Aboud: It's under the north pole.
John: There you go. That's also a nice job you guys did, which was making sure everybody had a little hero moment, I mean besides the fight. One of the things we were trying to focus on this year- and you saw it a little bit at the end of season two, was that Eliot was a very unpleasant, dangerous human being, and as such, he has a strategic sense that comes into play into these situations. He's not just a hitter.
Aboud: Right.
John: Also nice respect the suit, there you go.
Michael: Mhh hm nice Dave Foley, this is-
Marc: His exit here is the best.
Michael: Yeah.
Aboud: Think Downey said this was his favorite line of the season.
Chris: It is my favorite line.
Marc: That little stutter.
John: No this is a-
Michael: The morphine line?
Aboud: That's later.
Chris: That's coming.
John: I can't believe you let me drive it later, because it just takes the stink off, I mean. That's a great group shot. I've never noticed that before. I don't know just cause we were jammed up when we were shooting this one.
Aboud: The way they break, how about that.
Chris: Very nice.
Aboud: Here we go.
John: Santa fight. I think we just chanted Santa fight in the writers room.
Chris: [Mocking] Chaos.
Marc: [Mocking] Chaos!
Aboud: Look at that stink.
John: And there's a nice moment here, actually, where he's gonna beat Chaos up because he wrecked Hardison's van.
Aboud: Yes.
John: One of those little moments of friendship.
Chris: Well didn't he sort of- Wil picked up on the van thing.
Marc: Oh yeah, he said-
Aboud: Oh Wil was-
Marc: Well I wrecked that van.
Aboud: I wrecked that van.
Michael: That's right.
John: They turned it into like he banged his girlfriend.
All: Yeah!
John: I'd forgotten that. And they did it on the set right?
Chris: Yeah.
Aboud: He wrote that line on the set.
John: Yeah [laughs] wrecked that van.
Chris: This is great.
Michael: Wrecked that van.
John: Great Santa fight. And tricky too, this is one of those writing versus set challenges cause the way this was written- the geography of taking the bags and stuff was much easier; then you get down into the tunnel and it's like, ‘Oh, this doesn't line up with our imagination back in Los Angeles at all.’
Aboud: We’re gonna have to figure that out.
Chris: You smartly gave him a slightly different hued Santa suit so you didn't get confused as to who was-
Michael: He actually just spilled red wine on it.
John: Unfortunately hammered. Is that digital steam?
Marc: That is digital steam.
Aboud: Both.
Marc: We had a little bit and then we just added it to create the wall.
Chris: That's great.
John: Yeah, it looks nice.
Michael: Looks great.
John: Mark Franco, our digital effects guy here, adding production value every single week.
Aboud: Definitely. 
John: I like the little braid in the Santa hair- would Santa have braids in his hair? i'm not-
Michael: Santa- some Santas have cornrows now.
Marc: He's Cherokee, part Cherokee.
John: Part Cherokee Santa? Alright. Fair enough, I did not know that
Aboud: I think that was actually a tie to secure it, but it's gotten loose in the fight.
Marc: Yeah.
John: It's interesting because all the December episodes are kind of our fable episodes, like the ones we've always wanted to do.
Chris: Yeah.
John: You know the steal a country, the Christmas episode. It's- they're a little gentler than the other ones.
Aboud: Sure.
John: You know.
Marc: This was the best stuff, filming scenes with children and stuntmen.
Michael: When there were about 20 minutes had to go-
Marc: Without a fight!
John: Yeah, apparently there were all these laws about how many kids you can have-
Chris: Now where's the-
Michael: That's from Die Hard, right?
Chris: Where did that come from, did we buy that?
Michael: Looks like Die Hard.
Chris: We bought that, that was great.
Marc: That was a stock shot. Yes, you have ten minutes to film these kids or we’re all going to jail.
John: Oh come on.
Aboud: Well stunt men and kids are enemies in the wild.
John: That’s true.
Michael: Stunt men eat kids in the wild.
John: Well actually, that was a big deal - we had to have guys with those poles with loops on them right off camera to like grab the kids from the stuntmen.
Aboud: The wranglers.
John: That's right, Charlie Brewer popped one of these kids - just hit them right in the face.
Aboud: Oh totally, he had it coming.
John: The kid was obnoxious and missed his cue. This is- and we bring Christmas back. I like this is a good natured episode, I like this.
Marc: Yeah.
John: Even though Santa is brutally beating [laughs].
Aboud: I mean-
Chris: No, but then they are redeemed too, the evil Santas - they are moved by the children!
Michael: The kiss of a child!
Michael: That'll do it.
Aboud: Their hearts are warmed.
Marc: That will do it every time.
John: Their hearts grow three sizes that day, that's nice.
Aboud: And here we reveal that Eliot, on purpose, caused the steam wall as a ruse. Part of the clever plan of team Leverage.
John: They all look very happy here. And there you go, the undercover FBI.
Chris: Now did she flash a badge underneath the-?
Marc: Yeah, I think so.
Michael: I don't know what she flashed.
Aboud: It worked.
John: You know what, this is one of the things where it's like if a woman in an elf costume comes up and says she's an FBI agent, you're gonna believe her.
Marc: Course you are. Especially when she looks like that.
John: Yeah, exactly. And then she, you know, fights for the Christmas spirit, absolutely.
Aboud: It's just-
John: Kindly FBI agents.
Chris: I think we need to-
Marc: There was a shot of Beth's sister in there as one of the mothers as well.
Michael: There we go, kiss! Awww!
All: Aww!
Michael: I'm gonna give up my evil ways.
Chris: He loved it! Everybody!
John: Man, when I get out of jail in seven years I'm really gonna be changed.
Michael: And here's the line!
John: “Can't believe you let me drive!”
John: It's just so wrong!
Chris: Oh, that made me laugh.
John: Oh, and it really does take an actor like Dave Foley to land it, to kind of take the stink off it and- you know. This is it.
Aboud: And then ho ho ho, you're right, that was ill advised.
John: And then.
Aboud: This guy just waiting, lying in wait for him.
John: Yeah. If Eliot-
Chris: And the backstory is he's an underprivileged kid, right?
Aboud: Exactly.
Michael: He's a latchkey child.
John: He’s a latchkey and now this is his last year for Santa.
Chris: Got a Rubbery Robby.
Michael: He's in juvie.
John: He's in really? What was he in juvie for?
Aboud: Caring too much.
John: Really? I didn't know-
Aboud: Yeah.
John: -that was a crime.
Chris: There you go.
Marc: It's my third man shot of-
Chris: Yeah that's great.
John: That was really third man, that's nice. I wish we had the van going.
Aboud: The shadows. Put them up in a ferris wheel.
John: There you go. And man, you know what, we get a lot of mileage out of those FBI-
Marc: Jackets.
Aboud: Windbreakers.
Chris: Cafe press, we need to start.
John: You know, I think they would probably have words with us if we started making FBI gear and selling it online.
Michael: Is that a problem?
John: That would probably be a problem.
Aboud: I think they'd have issues.
Michael: I like this bit.
John: The gloat.
Michael: Meaning of Christmas.
John: The meaning of Christmas gloat, just because Wil is so truculent.
John: He's so hateful.
Michael: But he was right, the meaning of Christmas did not help them.
Aboud: It barely applies!
Marc: Barely applies!
John: What I love is he's right, but that- I think that's kind of Chaos’s superpower, he is actually the only sane person in every episode he's in.
John: Everyone else is living in Leverage-verse and he's kind of the cranky realist.
Aboud: He's the Frank Rhines.
John: He is, he’s the Frank Rhines of Leverage.
Chris: Oh here we go.
John: And this is a nice scene.
Chris: And this, now Marc, how long did this take?
Marc: This took a half a day.
Chris: Wow.
John: To shoot this whole sequence, the one scene.
Marc: Yup, this one scene.
Aboud: Lot of coverage.
Michael: I feel like there was stuff added that wasn't in the script. Like the- some of the Eliot with the sword and-
Marc: Yeah, I thought we'd do that. I added that just to give it just some action and plus, you know, Christain has a sword, why not?
Aboud: I don't think I added that much time though.
John: Yeah. I we originally had, like, killing ninjas-
Marc: Yeah, exactly.
John: Some ninjas arrive and he kills them, but that turned out to be too big.
Aboud: It's just the nature of having five people in that configuration, that's the trouble.
John: Well thank god for that corner of the bar. We found second year- we found that first episode second year and we were shooting all over the bar and were like how do we- ahhh this corner!
Michael: Oh, frame it around the portrait of JFK.
John: Rightfully so, by the way.
Michael: Yes.
Aboud: Yeah.
John: There you go.
Chris: Here we go.
Aboud: Watch this little bit he does. He pulls it ‘herh’!
Chris: Digital- that’s digital folks!
Marc: Digital glint!
All: Digital glint!
Marc: Course.
Michael: Now I forget, this was- we named it after the Kill Bill sword, which is not a real thing.
Aboud: Correct.
Michael: It was made up for Kill Bill, but this- I think now we're saying the Leverage universe exists within the Kill Bill universe.
Chris: No another great fake fact!
Aboud: From Kill Bill.
John: This establishes us in the Kill Bill universe.
Marc: Wait, this is my favorite part when he puts it back in.
Aboud: Here it goes!
Marc: Like Hardison’s gonna steal it.
John: And he's about to disappear off into the forest.
Aboud: Yeah.
John: No, it's great. Well it's kind of a will newton thing i'd like to see on the website now, people kinda connect the Leverage verse together with the Kill Bill-
Michael: They can write fanfiction. It's like Jackie Brown and-
John: Exactly. Because the Quentin Tarantino movies all exist in the same universe.
Michael: Yes.
John: There you go.
Aboud: And we should point out that when Mark Foley was going to- Dave Foley, excuse me, not Mark Foley.
Michael: Not congressional.
Aboud: Very different story. When Dave Foley’s going out of the country, he's going to San Lorenzo!
Michael: Ohh.
John: That's right.
Marc: Cause there's no extradition there.
John: Exactly, we established that you guys put San Lorenzo in there to establish that, that was very nice.
Aboud: Planted that seed.
Michael: Ope.
Chris: Oh that's great.
John: How did you do that?
Marc: We cut it, and glued it.
John: Nice. Just struck it. And I love the- she just likes money.
Michael: The smell of it, feel of it.
Chris: Just smelling it.
Marc: Gina was great in this scene, she played it really well.
John: Just sort of get me something shiny. This was great and this was tough. It was actually tough to see, yeah we had to digitally highlight that to get “your name here”. And people are wondering what she writes down. She does not write her full name down here.
Michael: We what was that- Falooza Pricklebottom or something? Is that her real name?
John: That is her real name, thanks for spoiling it for the audience.
Chris: People are gonna, you know, analyze the-
Aboud: The pen strokes.
Marc: Oh yeah, in the outtakes every time Tim would grab the napkin and go, “Steve?”
Marc: Oh, and here's our snow.
John: Oh, yeah there you go.
All: Aww.
Michael: The innocent face of a child.
John: The lovely look on Beth's face, that's a hell of a read right there. Just busy-
Marc: Just walks right under the knife.
John: He's just thinking about killing, he’s really-. ‘I'm thinking about killing, you kids are thinking about Christmas.’ Now this is actually one of my favorite ending shots of all three years-
Michael: You can't see- they can't see, but you're crying.
John: I'm crying, I have tears running down my eyes.
Michael: Oh no that's Guinness.
John: That's Guinness [laughs] smeared all over me like I'm a small child.
Michael: Crying Guinness.
Marc: Digitally enhanced snow.
John: That smile back? That's killer.
Marc: Oh yeah.
John: That's killer right there.
Aboud: And he has to like-
Chris: He always has to-
Michael: Crane shot!
John: And then the crane. We paid for the crane, use the crane.
Marc: That's right, watch the flake land on her tongue!
All: Ohh great! [Laughter]
John: Digital?
Aboud: No, that was real!
John: That was a real one!
Marc: Enhanced!
John: And that was The Ho Ho Ho Job! That was a ton of fun. Thanks for watching and stay tuned.
Aboud: Merry Christmas!
Michael: Merry Christmas everybody!
John: And a happy new year!
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starlight-shades · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
tag gamerules: favorite: movie, hobby, animal, character, color, place, season, album, food
movie: I'm one of those people who doesn't have just one favorite anything. But I tend to rewatch Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron every now and then (it was def my fave for a bit when I was a kid). I used to make my dad watch it with me whenever he stayed home to watch me when I was sick.
hobby: Does drawing count when it's what I went to school for? If not, I'll go with reading. Love a good bit of escapism. I love storytelling more generally in all sorts of forms (i.e. movies, TV, games, etc), but reading was definitely what got me started. Recently I've been reading a lot of fanfiction. Last year I kept track of all the books I read and I ended up with the insane number of 534 books read.
animal: I'm a big fan of hyenas. This is another one where I don't have just one favorite, but hyenas are where I'm sitting right now. I think that they're really neat for a variety of reasons. They're matriarchal which is super cool, and they were used in medieval bestiaries as a sort of example of sexual deviance because they were believed to be hermaphroditic (they aren't, the females just have external vaginal canals that look like a penis- it makes giving birth as difficult as you think it does). I think they're a really cool example of how nature doesn't give a fuck about human ideas of how sexual dimorphism (and subsequently gender) should work. I tend to gravitate towards animals that media tends to use as shorthand for evil bc I think it's lazy and irresponsible (I also love sharks).
character: Ghost. I do too much projecting for it not to be him. I'm deep in my COD era (this is a COD blog after all). He's just this big beefy man who is deeply traumatized and has trouble trusting people and developing deep relationships. What's not to love?
color: It's maroon. It is maroon, it has been maroon, it will always be maroon. IDC that I surround myself with pastels. If it has to be one color and not a palette, it's maroon.
place: the aquarium <3. It's just so calming (when the children are not screaming, but we listen to the children scream because they're excited and it's good for them and we're an adult and can wait until they move on so we can watch the fish in the quiet). Every now and then I'll take a day in the middle of the week when school is in session to go to the aquarium or the zoo by myself. I like watching the animals, and I don't feel bad about sitting and drawing them for like 30+ minutes when there aren't any other people who's view I'm blocking.
season: spring. When it's easiest to spend time outside. It's not too hot, and if it's chilly I can throw on a sweater. I like sitting outside in the afternoon sun and reading poetry out loud. Makes me feel like a fairy.
album: star-crossed by Kacey Musgraves. That album came out around the time I had to put down my cat, and I would just listen to it on repeat and cry. It's got a very specific grief+nostalgia combo that really hits me. It's still one of my go-tos when I need a good cry. I have playlists for when I'm happy, but that album has a special place in my heart. 'if this was a movie..' and 'camera roll' are probably my favorite songs off of it.
food: this one is hardest I think. My family is Not Great at expressing feelings, so I ended up with food as a proxy for love and care. And both my parents draw from a pretty diverse set of culinary practices for various reasons, so I've inherited it. When I'm feeling homesick, I'll cook Italian. When I'm sad or missing my brothers, I'll cook Korean. When I miss my mom, I'll make Turkish. As I'm writing this, though, I'm thinking about dumplings.
TY to @soapsdish for the tag. Idk why the formatting did that.
I don't really have any other moots I know well enough to tag, but feel free to do this if you'd like!
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
Bless you still fighting the fight on both the bi and queer post front. I'm cishet/ace so not really in a larger community myself but the arguments folks are coming up with just don't make ANY sense. Penis by proxy is my new favorite thing to laugh at. Also your boyfriend is hot and lovably dumb. Thank you for all your content.
if you're ace you belong here if you want to be and fuck anyone who says otherwise.
also yes he is very very lovable more content incoming because jesus christ oh my god every day he says things
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ilaiyayaya · 9 months
Ew Ew Gross Don't Touch Me Ew
A lot of my friends throughout my whole life have been really into constantly making sexual jokes or comments, often literally bordering on, or even blatantly going past the line of sexual harassment. In a lot of cases more interactions than not would eventually devolve into something really disgusting and I've never really liked it, but for a long time (and even now to a much smaller extent) I kinda just dealt with it and felt like it was just me being too sensitive (which as a side note, the thought of yourself being overly sensitive is pretty much always a bad line of thought in my opinion, everyone has different levels of sensitivity to different subjects and that's perfectly normal, you should never have to endure something just because those around you have a higher tolerance to something than you). When I was in school especially, a lot of my friends' main form of comedy, or not even necessarily comedy, literally just typical interactions in some cases, would just be like, blatant sexual harassment, I don't even really feel comfortable listing many examples, but the number times that I had parts of my body grabbed for "jokes" is ridiculous. "Oh but like it's fine because we're all friends and also all guys and therefore it's all fine and cool and not possible to be harassment and you're the weird one for feeling uncomfortable when someone makes a joke about sexually assaulting someone else". Even now a lot of my friends' sense of humor is just like, making really unfunny penis jokes, and it's definitely not anywhere near the degree of what some of the people I knew in school were like, but like it still 100% makes me super uncomfortable and I pretty much never say anything about it, I think I've literally just become hypersensitized to this stuff from being exposed to so much of it growing up. It's especially bad for me because I'm nonbinary, and I've have pretty bad dysphoria for a really long time, and constantly having my body grabbed or touch by people around me that think it's funny feels pretty fucking shit. Most of the people that I knew from school that did the worst of it I haven't talked to since graduating and I have no plans to talk to them again, I still have a few friends from school that I talk to, and they still do the same shit, albeit to a significantly toned down degree, less actual touching and more just saying the word "penis" and hoping someone laughs. Ooh ooh, one particular example that I just really want to get off my chest is something that happened at my high-school graduation, I graduated during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and so it had been the first time I had seen most of my classmates in nearly 2 years. There was one person in particular that was one of the worst in regards to the sexual stuff in the years prior, and immediately after seeing this person for the first time in years, someone that I was not really close to at all, and was only really friends with by proxy, they walk up to me, grab my hands, and my hair and say "wow your skin is so smooth, your hair is so soft!" (for context, I had grown out my hair significantly and had lost a lot of weight, this was also during the middle of my NEET period), which on it's own is technically a compliment, and a really nice one to be fair, but coming from this particular person, I could not describe the levels of disgust and discomfort I felt in that moment. Like this was literally the first interaction I'd had with this person in 2 years and like before even saying hi they just grab me without even asking like wtf.
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I'm not disgusted with like, absolutely anything sexual, it's mostly just like, comments directed at me, or like, really gross jokes (especially when they're also not funny). It's not even an issue of not being desensitized, it moreso just stems from more deep-rooted issues, but like, people around me constantly prodding at those issues gets extremely frustrating.
This one took like, way too long to physically write, I started the first draft of this like 2 days ago, which is mostly because this was really hard to write without pissing myself off thinking about it. The first draft of this was like, way more rage-filled like I needed to chill out 4 reel. It's also because I'm way too overly self-conscious which makes it really hard to consistently write these on any kind of regular basis, which hopefully will become less of an issue over time. A big part of why I'm writing these is to overcome that extreme self-consciousness and have a place to openly vent about this kind of stuff while not allowing myself to worry about who sees it and what consequences that may bring, it's why these are public and not just private posts that only I can read. But yea if I go like a decent period of time without writing one of these, even as much as like 2 or 3 weeks, it's probably not because I've given up on it, but more likely because I just can't confidently post anything at the time for whatever reason, I pretty frequently go through depressive phases and the last few weeks have been one of those, and that definitely gets in the way of writing. I am going to keep writing these for as long as I feel doing so is helping me, even if I have to force myself to do it, but please understand if I ever go silent for a while (I know nobody else really reads these except me, which tbh is kinda good because it'd be even harder if I knew a bunch of people were looking at them, but this is mostly just a note to myself that it's fine if I go a while without posting anything, and that I don't have to full give up just because I failed to consistently post for a few weeks, which I have a really bad habit of doing with a lot of things).
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kharmii · 10 months
You really need to reconsider the way you think about trans people for both your sake and the sake of the lgbt community as a whole
Why?! -Because I don't support medical experimentation on humans? I was fine to be live and let live when it came to freaky things trans people chose to do with their own bodies, but when they started coming after the children, it was time to speak up. The mutilation of children in a healthy society would trigger wars, but we are too comfy and well-fed to be up in arms.
Still, it isn't popular. Your average low info voting left wing goober who will support every left wing cause out of fear of what people think of them will still get creeped out by the idea of putting kids on puberty blockers....at least where I'm at. There are enclaves of really far leftist whack-a-doodles who will give a weirdo mother with Munchausen by Proxy accolades when she like, "Oh, my little precious four-year-old likes to dress up like a Disney Princess. Let's CUT HIS FUCKEN DICK OFF!!!" (My first thought when I found out about a certain YouTube personality whose mom transitioned him at kindergarten age......most obvious victim of these crimes against humanity).
Seriously, it's weirdos like that who I have an issue with more than trans people themselves. Many are victims of a terrible culture. Secular progressivism, -which has killed more people than all religious wars combined- is an ideology that pretends to want to help you but somehow manages to be best at wreaking carnage. Popularization of trans culture has undoubtedly left a huge pile of dead bodies in its wake already.
-But I'm off track. This was supposed to be an anti-surgery post. Before surgeons jump straight into mutilating healthy bodies as some sort of twisted performance art, they are supposed to do it on lab animals first. How would that even be possible? Is a female animal able to tell a doctor that taking testosterone made them stop giving a damn? -That female hormones in a male animal gave them symptoms of being bipolar? -That their new genitals are still numb five months post-surgery, so they still are unable to enjoy sex and orgasm? That their hair is falling out, blood is thickening, back is covered in acne....that they are becoming enormously obese from their hormonal imbalance? Is this all 'wait and see' shenanigans that often lead to suicide? -And now they want to normalize doing it to children?
When I read Game of Thrones back in the day, there was a part where one of the princes of the Iron Islands cut off his finger playing a game. The Maester (doctor) did an experiment where he sewed it back on, instead of letting the guy lose a finger, as was tradition. When the guy died of sepsis, they punished the maester by cutting off his finger and sewing it on so he died the same way.
That would be a fitting punishment for the ghouls who do horrific experimental transgender surgeries on vulnerable citizens. Lets do some experiments on them. Why not transition someones fucken ear into a vagina? Then they could identify as a person with a vagina in their ear. -Or how about one of them gets a womb routed into their bunghole Omegaverse style. Oh wait, they actually killed an 18-year-old boy doing something similar where doctors made a vagina from bacteria-saturated colon tissue. How many lab animals received the rectum-vagina before it was attempted on a human? Who had the power to approve that obviously fatal experiment? (Click the link for graphic photos everybody should have to see who supports this nonsense.)
Even better....let's turn the unethical surgeons into some of the stupid fetishes the pro-shippers are into on here. Every biological female has to be an a/b/o alpha with a penis tucked into her vagina, whereas the males have to be omegas with ass-wombs. At least one of them has to transition into a male with two dicks. Let's make it a mutilation extravaganza and gouge out a few eyes, maybe cut some legs off at the knees! *fist pump* -Because let's get real......transgender culture is one part mental illness and two parts everybody's stupid fetishes. Fucking up our children might even be a fetish to these monsters. A lot of people would be better off cross-dressing and retaining the ability to enjoy sex with the equipment God gave them. One that note, I'll leave you with one last Tweet of Gold:
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zepskies · 11 months
So I'm reading your Midnight Espresso fic even tho I've never seen supernatural because I love your Soldier Boy series, plus size latina reader, that's me!! And then the "shouldn't you know about latin american myths" made me roll my eyes, like I am centroamericana y no sabía, because I've only grown up around caribbeans and my only non carribean friends are mexican (and they're still puertorican) and argentine, like so many gringos really think we are a monolith, like when I visited El Salvador recently my family would look at me in shock when I used Carribean slang that is accidentally a bad word, and I think a lot about the time my abuela got in trouble for using the Spanish word for pest (which is also a lovingly used word by salvadoreans for kids) y las viejitas carribeñas were so offended because this word means "penis" in carribean spanish, to the point where for my colombian sister it's just the word for pest but she doesn't use it because she has the carribean connotation for it, whereas my mom and abuelita called me this word when I was little, so like I don't swear in spanish because of an intergenerational family curse that caused a lot of trauma and the only way to combat it was propriety, but it's the only "swear" word I will say while I'm singing along to bad bunny
Anyways this is super off point, and I don't know how I got to this point (the long story telling in many stages is a salvadorean gene like the way uncle colm from Derry Girls tells stories), but I love your writing, and found the "I'm cuban, not guatemalan" line to be funny because yeah while speaking spanish with different people I gotta take off my "proxy carribean" hat or my "centroamericana" hat
Hola, mi amor!! 😘
First of all, thank you for reading "Midnight Espresso"! That one is very special to me, being a plus-sized Latina myself. 🌶️💅🏽
I'm also working on a Part 2 to that fic, tentatively titled "Shall We Dance." 😉
But getting into your actual comments below:
It's pretty hilarious how often I've gotten asked if I'm [insert brown ethnicity here]. Believe me, it's run the gambit. I guess I look racially ambiguous. 💁🏽‍♀️
But yes, a lot of people assume every Hispanic/Latino culture knows everything about the other, which is why I chose to make this reader Cuban (like myself). I couldn't accurately tell your Salvadorean experience, for example. Like of course, I can research a culture to write a character, but it wouldn't feel as natural or authentic for me to write as I did writing from my own multicultural experience.
So Dean's line:
“Shouldn’t you be an expert on this already?” Dean teases as you rifle through the pages. “I thought Latin American legends were right up your alley.”
It's tongue-in-cheek, but you're right, it's pointing to a larger issue about how most Americans view Hispanics/Latinos as a whole. 😂
And omg I could tell so many stories about me or my fam/friends getting in trouble with words other Spanish-speaking cultures don't use, or it has an entirely different meaning lmao.
For example, my Cuban ass was talking to my Dominican friend (I'm Dominican as well, but I tend to speak more like a Cuban). Cubans tend to "eat their 's'" on the ends of words. So I said something like, "aw, damn, I'm really liking the look of those tostones." Which of course, is just a fried plátano.
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What her Dominican ass heard was "totones." Which for the English speakers in the room, is a woman's pussy. (Or translated more literally, multiple pussies.) 😂
I'm so sorry you've been scarred from cursing in Spanish, because it really can be so colorful and inventive. 😂😂
But I freakin' love Derry Girls!!! And I'm so glad you enjoy my writing, amor. Thanks so much! 😘❤️❤️
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sapphsorrows · 1 year
I feel so bad for jazz jennings. it's obvious to me he's just a victim of munchausen by proxy. he's just some gnc gay kid who wanted to wear dresses but his mother forced him to be trans and to participate in trans activism and to be paraded like a show pony on television for all to see.
and he, like, can't even get a proper penis inversion because he's been on hormone blockers for so long. the poor guy can't even experience an orgasm. and I know you'll probably say something like "why are you worried about some man's ability to orgasm?" or "why do you care whether or not trans youth will be able to sexually function, are you some kind of pervert?" no. Men aren't entitled to sex or orgasm but like... sexual function is such a natural and beautiful part of being human. he had no idea what he was getting into when he agreed (or rather, his parents agreed) to sterilize him at a young age and remove his ability to orgasm. like, opening yourself up to someone sexually is so intimate and special and sacred, and he'll never, ever get to experience that... it makes me wanna cry.
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
Slenderman (Sing My Lullaby AU - Headcanons)
Slenderman’s morals are extremely dubious, and most would see his methods to achieve his goals as cruel
Has the moral high ground over ZALGO though.
Owns an estate in the Under Realm, which houses several Pastas.
He prefers to kill adults and collects souls for reasons unknown to anyone but him and maybe ZALGO
He used to collect children’s souls, but then his brother Splendorman was born and he stopped afterward
He has several siblings: Trenderman, Offenderman, Splendorman, and Crookedman
He was born to a High Demon named Aprosopi, also known as the Faceless One. The Faceless One is the creator/father of the Slenderfolk.
Slenderman was raised by one of Aprosopi’s disciples and secret lovers whose name was Penelope. He and his brothers didn’t see their father too often. His father disappeared many years ago, so he was left in the care of the half human woman
Slenderman inherited his wealth from his father, being the eldest of the Slenderfolk
Slenderman cared a great deal for the mother-figure in his life so when she died, it hit hard.
He is the eldest of his siblings
His relationship with his siblings is entirely dependent on which sibling you are talking about
With Splendy, being the youngest brother, Slenderman sees him as the least powerful among them and therefor also the weakest, so he needs protecting.
With Offender, him and Slendy have a strained relationship. Slender disapproved of a relationship Offender had with a human woman named Angel and this caused a massive rift between the two brothers. They rarely talk nowadays unless absolutely necessary
Trenderman and Slender get along well enough. They both have mutual respect for one another and Trendy does help make clothing for all of the Pastas under Slender’s care so Slendy better respect him--
Crookedman is an estranged brother who disappeared many years ago. Nobody knows where he is, and Slendy only has vague ideas
Slenderman may not be the most moral character in the SML AU but that doesn’t mean he lacks sympathetic qualities
He cares a great deal for the Pastas in his charge alongside his Proxies. He sees his Proxies as his children in many aspects
However, the way he treats them sometimes is pretty abusive (he emotionally and mentally manipulates them, and on rare occasions, he uses physical violence)
He isn’t unreasonable and won’t necessarily take out his anger on those in his charge but he is definitely known to lie to people when it benefits him and also them in usually pretty messed up ways
Slenderman is privately courting the Poltergeist known as Elizabeth Lyring, AKA Torturer
He is demiromantic and asexual
He has several proxies: Masky (Tim), Hoodie (Brian), Ticci-Toby (Toby), Eyesore (Ophelia), and Frostbite (Lily Snow)
Slendy is aware of Masky’s hatred of who he has become and of his situation, and Slendy does care however, he also won’t let Tim go
He sees Eyesore as his child the most and both are aware of that fact
He gets along most with Sally - another child he has adopted into his strange family
Hates ZALGO immensely because of personal reasons and the feelings are mutual. Slendy has an axe to grind with ZALGO. A serious one. You don’t easily forgive the one who murdered your mother after all
He and ZALGO have an extremely tenuous truce at the moment, which is practically about to snap
Slenderman wants to prevent a prophecy from happening that involves ZALGO killing the world, according to him at least, and ZALGO’s true purpose is unknown
NSFW Headcanons (Minors you will be shot on sight):
Slenderman definitely uses his tentacles during a sexual encounter
Those are rare btw - he’s very sex neutral and has a stupidly low libido (not that Elizabeth complains)
He can be a freak if he is really into the moment, so waiting for it is worth it in Elizabeth’s eyes
He doesn’t have a regular penis like humans do - it’s more like a tentacle of sorts
Man is an eldritch nightmare under the suit
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