#so imagine how that went 🫠🫠
lukas-du-mortain · 8 months
W.I.P. Wednesday
Tagged by @serenpedac
Finally noticing how lethargic he is, Lukas slowly pulls himself upright along the wall. He feels his way to the tiny bathroom, where he proceeds to splash water on his face. Ice cold water grips and drags his mind back to its senses. Maybe he should go back? Guilt wrecks his body, because at the end of the day wasn't it his fault for leaving? Questions race through his mind. Uncertainty pushes through his body as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. Maybe if he went back and apologized for the screaming match, his life would go back to normal; right? Perhaps he could work hard and gain his reputation back, earn his credibility back. After all, it was his fault wasn't it?
What-ifs and hypothetical scenarios play in his head like a fast paced movie. One where the protagonist is faced with such uneasiness of their future survival. Lukas grips the cracked ivory porcelain sink in front of the mirror, his fingers wrapped around its edges so tightly his knuckles begin to blend in with the color of the sink. Nearly 10 years of his life has culminated to this moment, alone and broken and desperate in a broken down apartment. He has nothing left, nothing except what small belongings and clothes he could fit into two duffel bags. No car, no home. He has money but in Vancouver, $1000 in his savings won't last long. Should he go back, tail between his legs and beg for money?
No. He can't. It would just start the same vicious cycle all over again. Lukas would end up back here in the end. Bobby had taken everything from him. Lukas was left with the consequences of Bobby's actions, as usual, and it ruined him.
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thursdayg1rl · 9 months
while i wait for them to come i have a story to tell actually
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moremaybank · 2 months
thoughts on brothers bsf!rafe :3
idk why but my mind instantly went to rafe fucking you on your brother's bed. like that just makes me sooo aksdjhsjd 🫠 and with breeding kink!rafe ??? my heart is pounding. he'd make it soo messy too. just imagine it: the crude noises your pussy's making every time he thrusts into you. it's obscene, and rafe's living for it. his hands grip your hips, nails digging into your skin as he drags you back to meet his hips. one hand leaves your hip to smack the fat of your ass, instantly feeling the heat rise to the surface of your skin when he rubs it. "nasty girl, huh? letting daddy creampie her on her brother's bed? fuck." and all you can do is cry out for him because you're so wet and slippery and full of his cum. your walls are throbbing wildly, beginning to close in on him. "'n look how much you like it. just as fucked up s'me, sweetheart." his words rile himself up as much as they do you, and you know because he starts to twitch inside you. "tell me you want my cum. beg me to fill you up right here, make a fuckin' mess on all over his sheets," he grunted out, starting to sheathe himself into you harder, deeper. "give it to me. p-please. gimme your cum," you slur out, eyes rolling back when you feel yourself falling over the edge, "ah!" rafe throws his head back when your cunt grips him so tight that he can barely catch his breath. your orgasm triggers his, and he lets out a fuck! as he shoots his hot cum deep into your walls. as you two come down, he gives a few shallow thrusts, before pulling out and turning you onto your back. his hands run down the inside of your thighs, and then spread your pussy out to watch his cum pool out. not that he needed to that to see it, because you were both covered in it, and so were the sheets below you. and from then on, any time he even looked at that bed, he instantly sported a hard-on that was very difficult to hide.
i got carried away i'm sorry sjaksjd
concepts ; concepts (ii)
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drakoneve · 9 months
A Dragon's Wrath
Request: hello hello, how are u? Idk if u write for Harwin Strong, but I'm obsessed with this man, so if you're not taking requests for him, forgive me for being rude. So I wanted to make a request where the reader is the younger sister of Rhaenyra Targaryen, also daughter of Aemma and Viserys. She married Strong, and lives a dream life with him (they love each other very much, so please, Rhaenyra's children are not his 🫠) and the legitimacy of their children was questioned, of course the queen would never imagine that Harwin had a birthmark, which none of his brothers inherited from Lyonel, he being the only one to have it and ALL THE CHILDREN OF HARWIN AND THE PRINCESS HAVE THAT SAME BRAND, JUST LIKE THE FATHER'S. Maybe I went on too long and was stupid, sorry, you can do whatever comes to your brilliant mind, I just really wish the legitimacy of the children of the OC was proved by legal means and gave no right to be questioned even by the queen. Thank you for your attention, I understand if you don't want to do it 🤍.
pairing: harwin strong x targ!fem!reader
word count: 3k
warnings: mentions of childbirth, alicent being snakey
a/n: first harwin fic, harwin girlies lmk what you think!! for the sake of this fic, Rhae's children have Targaryen silver hair
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In all the years the pair were married, King Viserys and Queen Aemma were blessed by the Mother with only two healthy, living babes. First born has been your elder sister Rhaenyra, whom you followed two years later.
Growing up the two of you remained close through your lessons and dragon riding, but as Rhaenyra grew older she would end up spending more and more time with her lady in waiting Alicent Hightower. Rhaenyra and Alicent being two of the only other girls your age in the Red Keep and their refusal to have anyone join them in their activities, you felt somewhat dejected by your sister's budding friendship.
This is what led you to find solace in the Red Keep's training yards. Day after day you watched knights, and knights in training, battle it out in the yard while you worked on your studies. It was there in the yard you saw him for the first time- your future husband, Ser Harwin Strong.
At the time you had no idea you would end up marrying him, of course, but you should have.
You'd heard all about Ser Harwin Breakbones, son of Lyonel Strong, one of your father's most loyal council men. Harwin's reputation truly preceded him and was rightfully earned.
You hadn't noticed it at the time, but you'd abonded your books and parchments in the stands by your supervising Septa as you approached the rail separating the stands and the training yard in an attempt for a clearer view.
Harwin stood taller than his opponents, shoulders back, sword in hand ready to defend himself. He watched his opponents carefully, calculating their next move. His short brown curls were halfway pulled back out of his face with a tie, exposing Harwin's jawline, much to your own enjoyment.
That afternoon you watched Harwin take down man after man without so much as a proper blow to his own body. He wielded his sword as if it were an extension of his arm in fluid, rushing movements.
When he had finally finished for the evening you applauded him, finally grabbing his attention as he had held yours.
"You are quite the swordsman, Ser Harwin!" you call out to him. "I feel much better knowing there are knights as skilled as you protecting my home."
Harwin grinned largely at your praise, twirling his sword in his hand for show as he approached the rail you supported yourself on. "I mean only to ensure you are safe at all times, my princess."
You smiled down at him now that he was almost right below you. "Well I have no doubts of your capabilities, Ser. I have a feeling you will do great things here, should you wish."
"You are too kind, princess," he chuckles. Then he looks up at the sky, towards the sun on it's way to set. "It is getting quite late, princess. Shall I escort you back to your chambers?"
The excitement and hopefulness in his face brought butterflies to your stomach.
"I would like nothing more, Ser."
After that night it was scarce the two of you weren't side by side, which all but pushed your fathers to wed the two of you.
Now you stood in those same stands, watching Harwin in the yard yet again, but now he's joined by your two eldest sons. Maevor has just passed his tenth and second name day, and Daeragon his ninth. Your two youngest babes, however remained with you and your maid and close friend, Malina.
Malina had first been assigned to you after your marriage to Harwin, and she'd stood loyally by your side as you birthed all of your children.
Malina's elder brother Ellion, a knight of the City Watch, stood closeby on the order of Harwin. He'd been one of Harwin's best men as you'd heard him compliment the younger knight on many occasions in the past. Being a Targaryen princess and wife of the Lord Commander in such uncertain times in the house of the dragon could be dangerous, and Harwin meant only to protect you and your babes.
Your first daughter, eldest of your month old twins, Naelora cooed softly in your arms as she played with the loose sleeve ends of your dress. You indulged her for a moment, raising your arm to lift the sleeve from her reach to tease her.
She gurgles in laughter, stretching her chubby little arms to grasp your sleeve once more.
The moment is over by the approach of Queen Alicent's lady in waiting, Talya.
"My apologies, Princess," Talya bows to you first. "But the Queen has requested Malina's presence for this afternoon."
Why would the queen need Malina specifically? Surely she could find another maid within the Keep to aid her?
Malina looks to you, pale brown eyes silently asking to stay. This isn't the first time something like this has happened, of course. After giving birth to your second son Daeragon, Queen Alicent began requesting Malina's presence more often.
Still sore from your labors, Harwin had taken the day off to aid you and watch over Maevor to allow you to rest.
You watched happily from your spot on the bed as Harwin held little Daeragon, to introduce him to his elder brother. Maevor, a boy of three years, stood as high as he could on his toes to get a peek over Harwin's bulk of an arm to get a glimpse of his brother.
Then your chamber doors open and Malina returns to your side after serving the queen all day. She approaches the foot of your bed, hands clasped together in front of her with her eyes cast slightly downwards.
"Malina, you needn't worry about me," you begin to dismiss her kindly. "I'm sure the Queen-"
But Malina shakes her head, brown curls following her, still refusing to meet your gaze. "I need to speak with you, Princess. And you, Lord Harwin, in privacy."
You share a concerned look with Harwin, who's joyfulness has been replaced with worry. In the time she's served you Malina had never been afraid to look you in your eyes.
He wastes no time escorting Maevor to his chambers just off your own, and placing little Daeragon in his crib next to your side of the bed. Harwin returns and stands dutifully on the other side of you as if protecting you.
"What is it?" you ask, and pat the bed in front of you for Malina to sit.
Malina makes no move to sit on your bed. "My princess," her voice wavers nervously. "I have served your for near half a decade now, and I know you to be the most true and kind person I have ever had the pleasure of serving-"
"Malina," Harwin interrupts sternly. "Speak it plain, what have you heard of my wife?"
Your heart thudded hard in your chest as you instinctively reached for Harwin's hand. He intertwined his fingers with your in an attempt to comfort you.
Malina takes in a deep breath before finally looking up to meet your gaze. "Queen Alicent requested my presence after your labors today for questioning."
"Questioning?" you tilted your head slightly. "About what?"
"Your sons," she answered swiftly. "She... She wanted to know if this babe looked like Harwin or..."
Harwin pulled his hand from yours, placing it on the hilt of his sword. "Or who, Malina?"
"Ellion," Malina whispers. "The Queen seems to believe that you spend too much time with Ellion, princess. She asked if I knew of any relations between the two of you, but I swore to her you are deathly loyal and would never-"
You move from your spot on the bed to bring yourself to stand. Harwin aids you as you steady yourself, then reach for Malina's forearm.
"You needn't explain yourself to me, Malina," you assure her. "I know you to be true to me, and you are one of the kindest ladies I know. You should go, retire for the night. We shall do the same."
Malina apologizes the whole way out your chamber doors despite your assurances. Harwin begins to strip his armor as you settle yourself back into bed.
Daeragon's crib sat just off the side of your bed, close enough for you to have a view of the newborn's little face.
Harwin soon joins your side clad in his nightclothes. You can feel his gaze on you, but you refuse to meet his gaze. Emotions ran rampant through you. You knew it must be the strain and high emotions of you and your new babe surviving the day, but you couldn't stop the rush.
It's when the tears begin to fall from your lilac eyes that Harwin wraps you up in his arms and pulls you back against him.
"My love," he cooes. "Sweet girl, do not worry yourself with the opinion of a misguided, jealous woman."
He raises his right hand to show off the inside of his right wrist, showing off the small, discolored patch of skin he inherited from his father, Lord Lyonel. A small, almost missable, seemingly insignificant patch of skin both Maevor and Daeragon had inherited.
Harwin leans in close, placing his lips against the shell of your ear. "We know I have fathered your sons, my love. Do not worry yourself with this, it is not worth it."
"You're right, husband," you hum, settling into your husband's arms for the night. "I'm just glad he's here, and healthy."
He kisses your temple softly. "You did that. You made him the healthy babe he is."
As you promised Harwin that night, you did your best to ignore the rumors pursued by Alicent. In the years following Daeragon's birth you'd heard more whispers within the court questioning your son's parentage, though you said nothing.
You tried your best to pay them no mind, other days they really got to you. But for now you simply obliged to the queen's wishes.
"Ser Ellion," you motioned your friend forward with one hand. He looked much like his sister as they shared the same nose, and brown curly hair, though Ellion's eyes were an elegant green. Still, no man in the Seven Kingdoms could come close to Harwin in your eyes.
"Would you mind taking my sweet Raemor from your sister? I'm afraid I cannot tend to both babes at once."
Ellion nods and leans down slightly to make a peaceful transition from his sister's arms. He wore an awkward grin on his face as he cradles the blanket wrapped babe the best he could in a full suit of armor. "It is an honor, Princess. Though I'm not certain he will be comfortable against such steel."
Malina bows and takes Talya's arm in her own. You know Malina's dislike for the woman, and you can only guess she's done this to ensure Talya is led away from you and your family.
You shake your head in response to Ellion yet keep your attention on your daughter in your arms. "It is no issue, Harwin holds them in his armor every day. He has with each of them."
A moment passes in silence and you look up to your husband and eldest children. Maevor's brown curls are just long enough on the top to be tied back while leaving some down thus his hair is relatively tame. Daeragon's, however, is tousled and absolutely untame.
Both boys are breathing heavier now, their cheeks flushed. But the beautiful, pure look of excitement on their faces melted your heart. They knew their father was Lord Commander of the City Watch, and that Harwin worked hard for his family at his very important job, and they treasured their father for it.
After taking them to see Harwin train with some of the new recruits of the City Watch two fortnights ago had been a mistake on your part for the boys had not shut up about training themselves. At first you had been hesitant, of course other Targaryen princes had been taught to fight years before your boys, but you were afraid of the things they might encounter so instead you encouraged them to spend time in the libraries and their respective dragons.
As a result the boys were extremely well read and years ahead of their pupils in their studies. Maevor is practically fluent in Valyrian now, and Daeg is not far behind.
Their insistent pleading had wore on you though, and you gave in to them with Harwin's reassurance he would personally oversee their training. In the end, Maevor and Daeg's immediate joy at being granted permission made it worth it in the end.
Harwin and the boys were cleaning their training gear and putting it away.
Ellion clears his throat, pulling your attention from your family. "I fear something is happening, Princess."
"What do you mean?" you ask, standing from your seat and brushing your skirts with one hand.
"I have been approached twice now," he explains carefully, watching who was sat in the immediate area. The closest people sat on the complete opposite of the training yard in those stands. "Once by a fellow knight, and then by Talya herself. I only mention this as a warning, Princess."
Harwin and the boys are nearly there and you don't want the boys to hear such slander.
"Thank you, Ellion," you force a smile to give him. "And I apologize for what has been whispered around court these last years, but I plan now to make it right."
Harwin approaches you then, slinking one arm around your waist as he presses a kiss to your temple. "Come, my love, the boys need to bathe and our littlest ones must be ready for their nap."
Maevor perks up, "Mother, may I carry Naelora back to your chambers?"
Your hearts melts at the question, Maevor ever the doting older brother. You grant your son permission, gently reminding him to hold her head carefully.
"And I shall take Raemor from you, Ellion. I thank you for your services for today."
He bows respectfully, "Tis my duty, and an honor."
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Once the twins are down for their naps and the older boys off to the bathhouse with Malina you informed Harwin of everything that had transpired this afternoon while he trained with the boys.
His thick brows furrowed almost immediately, angre written upon his face. Harwin had shed his armor by now, settling for more comfortable leathers for the evening. His sword however, stayed attached to his hip with one hand gripping the hilt.
"I am sick of hearing your name and reputation tarnished by fools!" Harwin seethes, angrier than you've ever seen him. "I have half a mind to slay them all down for even thinking such things of our children, of you."
You shake your head softly, approaching him to cup his face. You press your forehead against his own, something you've always done to comfort him.
"I have a plan, my dutiful husband," you assure him. "I happen to have a wonderful relationship with my father by law, if you must know. And I just so happen to know that a Small Council meeting starts in mere minutes."
Harwin eases a little, but now he's wrought with confusion.
"What have you planned, my love?"
You smile mischievously and press a sweet kiss to your husband's lips. "Just you wait husband, I first require our Maevor."
The boys are back from their baths by now as you can hear them bustling about Daeragon's chambers, which is the adjoining room to your own.
You knock before you enter as you always do, to the sight of your boys on Daeg's bed, books sprawled open before them.
"What have we there, byka zaldrīzoti (little dragons)?" you ask as you join them on the bed.
Daeg pulls the leather bound book to cover his lap to show you. "The Histories of Old Valyria!" he chimes. "Maevor was reading it to me in Valyrian."
You stroke Daeg's plush cheek with one hand, still able to see the babe he used to be in his face, and take Maevor's hand in your other.
"He's smart, your brother," you 'whisper' to Daeragon. "I would study hard, my Prince."
Maevor breaks his hand away to rustle his brother's brown curls. "Muña's teasing, Daeg. You are smarter now than I was your age."
You swoon, heart melting at the relationship between your boys. "Oh my sweet Maev," you kiss his temple. "Might I borrow you for a awhile, I have something important to discuss with the Small Council and I need your help."
Maevor's brown eyes widened slightly, "Of course, mother."
"Have no fear, sweet boy, I have a plan."
And you sure did. Once you explained what you could to Maevor while sparing his innocence best you could, he'd been more than willing to join you.
You squatted down to be closer to your son's level, Harwin by your side. "You are special, Maevor," you explain to him. You grab Harwin's right hand and Maevor's to put them side by side. Both birthmarks were near identical save for Harwin's being larger and slightly darker than his son's. "Each of my babes have this mark, all from Harwin, who inherited it from your grandsire, Lyonel. Do you understand?"
He nods, but says nothing. Harwin crouches down next to you, reaching to cup his eldest son's face.
"I wish we did not have to burden you with such a task, my boy," Harwin admits grimly. "I want you to know we are only doing this because we love you children, and I love your muña too much to let people speak of her in such a way any longer."
So the three of you set off, accompanied by Ellion as Malina had stayed behind to watch the twins and Daeragon.
Despite the Kingsguard outside the meeting room of the Small Council, you march right past them and push the doors open yourself.
Each member of the council turns to you now silenced. Otto sat up straighter in his seat as he looked towards his daughter. Alicent looked shocked to see the group of you, and you noted her visible nervousness.
Lyonel stands and comes to Harwin's side, demanding answers most likely. Harwin begins whispering in his father's ear, explaining the situation.
"Sister," Rhaenyra stands, hand placed over her round stomach. "What is wrong?"
You cross your arms over your chest, eyes blazing as you glare at the Hightowers at the table. "Since the birth of my Daeragon I have endured vile slanders against not only myself, but my marriage, and every one of my children."
Alicent shifts uncomfortably in her seat.
"Princess," Otto pokes in. "I can assure you-"
"Assure what?" you snap, slamming down on the table to lean towards the Hand. "Alicent has been the one to pull my ladies from me just after giving birth to insinuate my babes have been fathered by knight of the City Watch who is not my husband. Even now, a month after having my twins, I am approached with more blasphemy. No more."
You usher Maevor forward, who happily extends his right arm before you have to ask. Harwin joins you, followed by Lyonel, both of whom put out their wrists as well.
Alicent's mouth widens in shock before she grits her teeth. Even Larys' wears a look of shock as he checks his own wrists, coming up with nothing.
"I am tired of my children being put under scrutiny," you say finally. "And of my loyalty to my husband being questioned. Now, if you all do not mind, I would like to enjoy the rest of the day with my family undisturbed."
You step back from the table to leave when Rhaenyra wraps you up in a hug. "I am so sorry, sister," she whispers.
You assure her with a simple kiss to the side of her head before reaching for Maevor's hand.
The boy is practically bouncing on his feet as the two of you make your way back to your chambers, both Harwin and Ellion following close behind.
"She is very scary, your wife," Ellion admits to Harwin lowly. "I would to want to be on the receiving end of her wrath."
He only chuckles, "No, nor would I."
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buckysgrace · 1 month
Seriously no pressure if this is too weird I get it 💀
Let’s say you’re friends with Billy and you’re both at this party and when you meet up later he’s shirtless, horny, drunk and wearing eyeliner and a fuzzy leopard coat (you have no idea how he got like this but it’s so hot). You end up in his tight tiny Camaro backseat, door open, his legs hanging out as you let him do whatever he wants to you right there with people walking by.
I literally cannot get that image of him out of my head! Like Dacre in drag, I don’t know 🫠 (Then I wake up to Joe in a blonde wig 😂)
Not weird at all!! He would look so hot dressed up like that (goooosh joe in a blonde wig too?? whew)
CW: Unprotected drunken sex, some degradation, blow jobs
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Billy was a wild card when he was drunk. You never knew what to expect, or what he might do. He certainly became more boisterous, touchy and wild. You knew why, but he never liked to talk about that either.
You didn't really enjoy parties, but you did whatever Billy wanted to do. You usually expected for him to lose you in the crowd, but he kept a tight grip on you wherever he went. Like he wanted you near him. Or perhaps that was wishful thinking on your part.
"What are you wearing?" You giggled as he approached once again, his shirt long gone and replaced with a fuzzy leopard coat. You blinked your eyes a few times, squinting to confirm that he had black smudges around his eyes.
"Found this upstairs," He explained with a lazy grin, his blue eyes filled with amusement as he leaned forward, "Why?"
"You look silly." You responded, raising your eyebrows again as you looked him over. You shook your head, trying to figure out where he had tossed his shirt.
"Just silly?" He questioned as he bumped his shoulder into yours, stumbling a little bit. You could still feel the alcohol buzzing in your veins, so you couldn't imagine how he felt at the moment. He could drink you under a table, that was for sure.
"Handsome," You said slowly as you pressed your fingers against his bare chest softly, feeling just how hot his flesh was against yours, "Did you steal that?"
"Is it stealing if I'm returning it?" He snorted as he rested his arm over your shoulder, holding you close as you both made your way down to his parking spot.
"When are you planning on doing that?" You continued to tease him, enjoying his musk that rolled off towards you. You liked how he always smelt like his strong cologne, as if he bathed in it.
"Soon," He teased as he dragged his fingers across your shoulder softly, "I saw you watching me earlier." He replied a second later, taking you by surprise.
"You were loud," You said in defense of yourself, "Hard not to watch." You said honestly, furrowing your eyebrows tightly together.
"You sure that's the only reason?" He asked, sounding a little cocky as he came to a halt against his car. The paint was slightly warm from where it had been sitting out in the sun earlier.
"Yes." You said a second later, suddenly aware of how close he was. His eyes twinkled, like he knew something that you didn't.
"Look at me," He mumbled as he gripped your chin, "You're pretty, you know that?" You felt yourself relaxing against his touch, soaking in his strong hands against your skin.
"I guess I do now," You replied with a soft smile, "You're pretty too." You told him honestly. He had thick eyelashes, a button nose and strong cheekbones. He really was handsome. Anyone could see that.
He was suddenly real close, near enough that you could smell the cheap beer and strong cigarettes from his tongue. It made your heart hammer a little harder in your chest but you didn't back down. You stayed put, continuing to stare at him as you tried to figure out his challenge.
"You have a pretty mouth," He mumbled as he moved his fingers closer towards your mouth, "I like your lips." He said at last, his eyes glued in that direction as your mind suddenly felt jumbled.
"Oh," You mumbled, your heart racing as you tried to make sense of what he was saying, "Thank you. You have-, You have pretty lips too." You said in response, mentally kicking yourself at how bad that sounded. His lips curled into a soft smirk, like he was still flattered.
"Yeah?" He replied in a cocky manner as he popped the front door open and sat on the seat. You were about to protest, sure that he shouldn't be driving, "I bet you'd look even prettier on your knees."
"Excuse me?" You asked, blinking quickly as you moved your hands onto your hips. You were sure that you had heard him wrong. He had never been this forward before.
"You heard me," He said with a smirk, "Wanna see how you look on your knees. C'mon. Nothing wrong with that." He shrugged his shoulders, his gaze unwavering as he stared up towards you this time.
You debated his suggestion for a long time, before ultimately deciding that it was all in good fun. He was teasing you. It was what he did. There was no problem in entertaining him just a little bit. It was all in good fun.
"Happy?" You asked as you rested your hands on your knees, staring up towards him. His eyes were hooded, the blue a little darker than usual. He moved his hands forward, cupping your jaw once again. You lingered in his touch, trying to pretend that it didn't feel that good.
"Almost," He replied as he traced his thumb across your lips, "I wonder how your mouth feels around my cock." His words sent pleasure through your body, made your clit tingle as you anticipated his next move.
"You wanna feel my mouth?" You asked him softly as you moved your hands up towards his thighs slowly, "You sure?" You questioned him, watching the way his eyes filled with lust and hunger.
"'Course I am," He smirked as he traced your lips again, pausing before he sat up a bit to unbutton his tight jeans. You watched in interest, staring at the bulge that formed in his pants, "You're not gonna be a bitch about it, are you?"
"No," You whispered softly, feeling desire rushing through your chest as you stared at him. You'd wanted him for a long time now, unsure if he really knew that or not. You exhaled deeply, heart hammering as he pulled his hard cock from his jeans, "Oh, wow." You replied, taken aback by your own words as you stared at his thick girth and long length.
You moved your hand to him slowly, wrapping your fingers around his girth softly and earning a groan from him. You languidly stroked him in your hand, squeezing softly towards his base as sweet sounds fell from his tongue.
You rubbed your thumb across his slit, spreading his precum down the length of his cock as you continued to tug on his cock. You liked the way he watched you, how he wanted you to look right up at him the whole time. It gave you a burst of confidence, made you feel powerful even though you were on your knees.
You pressed a gentle kiss against his fat, red tip as a rough exhale left his lips. You did your best to hide your smirk, flattered with how much he was enjoying the feeling of you. You licked away his precum, breathing in his musk before you slid him into your mouth.
"Jesus," He groaned as he pressed against the back of your neck, his fingertips digging into your skin as you stretched your lips around his big girth. You relaxed your jaw, rolling your tongue underneath the base of his cock to get yourself fully comfortable, "Such a good little whore. Look at you, so easy. Just for me."
His words left a tingly feeling through your body, your mind fuzzy as you slowly began to move your head along the length of his cock. You gripped one hand at his base, using the other to squeeze his balls as your spit soon coated where your hands were.
You gagged a little too hard as he thrusted up, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat and making your eyes flutter. You rolled your tongue around his girth slowly, blinking the tears from your eyes as the taste and smell of him became overwhelming.
He groaned, tapping at the side of your cheek to draw your attention up towards his blue eyes. He looked pretty with his dark eyebrows furrowed together; his red lips parted as grunts continued to fall from his tongue.
His fingers pressed against the curve of your throat, exploring your smooth skin as you continued to savor the sensation of his heavy cock against your tongue. It was all over with too quickly, leaving you desperate for more of him.
He pulled you away from his cock, giving your lips a much needed break as he dragged you up towards him. You straddled him awkwardly, doing your best to fit in the car as he crashed his lips against yours.
He kissed you deeply, messily as he licked away the drool and precum from your mouth. It made you moan, made you grind your hips down against him for some much needed relief. You wanted him. You wanted him more than you'd ever wanted anyone before.
He looked up at you, eyes bright like the stars as you ran your fingers through his hair gently. Your lipstick hard smeared against his lips, spreading onto his cheeks from how passionate and fervent you'd been kissing.
"Billy," You moaned as he kissed the corner of your lips, making your body curl as he brought his strong hands up against your boobs, "I want you so badly. Please."
"Mhm," He grinned against your mouth, exhaling roughly as he rubbed at your hips, "You wanna ride my cock? Right out here, like a little whore?"
"Your whore," You moaned, feeling his cock twitch against your inner thigh, "Please." You begged him, needing to feel something. He wasted in time as he roughly tugged your skirt up over your hips, then messily slid your panties aside.
"Pretty," He whispered as he dragged his thick fingers against your wet folds, making you croon in response, "She's all wet for me." He said with a laugh, his eyes hazy as he watched you.
His gaze was so intense that you nearly turned away from him, unable to handle the fierce look that they held. You gulped softly, rocking your hips forward to distract him. You needed him.
"Nasty little slut," He tsked as he slid the tip of his cock against your wet hole. He watched you, keeping eye contact as he slowly slid his tip inside of your weeping cunt, "Such a good girl, taking me so well."
He pulled you forward, keeping his strong arms around your waist as he slid you further down along the curve of his cock. You gasped at the sensation, your walls stretching around his thick girth as he slowly filled you.
"See," He breathed out huskily, making you whimper at the tight way he gripped your hips, "You can take it. Doing so good for me, such a good little slut." He mumbled as his lips ghosted against the side of your neck.
You stayed there for a moment; his cock filled deep inside of you as your stomach twisted in pleasure. You could feel it spreading up your spine, down towards your toes. It was white hot, making you press yourself harder against him.
"Oh God," You whined as you leaned back a little bit, gripping his knees to stay balanced as he began to drag you along the curve of his cock, "Jesus, Billy." You moaned, feeling a fresh wave of pleasure rush through your body.
You could feel him throbbing inside of your walls, every curve and vein brushing against your sensitive cunt as he brought his thumb down against your clit. He pressed onto the sensitive bud, making you cry out a little louder as your cunt dripped around him.
"Mhm," He groaned as he continued to drag his mouth against your skin, his teeth nipping at the nape of your neck gently, "You sound so pretty on my cock. Gonna let everyone know whose making you feel this good, yeah?" He huffed, grunting as he admired the way your pussy hugged his thick girth.
The thought of anyone catching you two should be horrifying, but it left you with a new intense feeling as you began to rock your hips forward a little harder. Your moaned grew louder as the tip of his cock pressed deep against your spongy walls, hitting the sensitive spot you so desperately needed.
"Yeah, yeah," You breathed out rapidly, your mind focusing on how much deeper he seemed to go every time you inhaled, "Jesus, you feel so good. God." You began to whine, your thighs trembling at the way he continued to rub at your clit.
Your bodies moved in unison, rocking against one another and savoring the feeling as he used his free hand to squeeze at your hip. His fingertips dug into your skin, sure to leave marks as he continued to rock you along the length of his cock.
His groans were heavenly, better than any song you'd ever heard on the radio as the sound of your flesh meeting his began to fill the little cramped space. You could feel the lust inside of you growing, the pleasure spreading as your muscles twisted in anticipation.
"Fuck, fuck," He groaned as he pulled you closer, eyes even darker from the eyeliner around his eyelids, "S'good for me, baby. That's it. Cum all over my cock." He reassured you, guiding you through your impending high.
It crashed into you at once, making your toes curl in your shoes as you gripped a hold of his shoulders tightly. You pressed your lips together, trying to keep your moans at bay but unable to do so. It all felt so good, made your body shake and eyes roll into the back of your head.
"Billy," You whined as your fingertips began to thread through the fuzzy jacket, gripping onto anything as his thrusts became rougher and deeper, "Oh my God, yes." You spit out, your tongue numb and thoughts fuzzy.
He huffed, eyebrows knitting tightly together as his cock filled you to the brim. You moaned at the sensation, burying your face into the crook of his neck as a rush of curses left his tongue.
You gasped as you felt his warm spunk filling your walls, coating your pussy with part of him as he began to claw at your flesh. It was depraved, so sinful and glorious all at once.
He nudged his nose against your cheek softly, mumbling something that you didn't quite catch as you tried to collect yourself from your orgasm. Your ears still felt like they were ringing, your lungs strained and body warm.
"What?" You asked, shaking your head softly as you blinked in confusion at him. His lips were still smeared from your lipstick, his eyes messy from the sweat that had collected from his forehead. He looked handsome, very handsome.
"Nothing," He said instead, eyes drifting over your features as your heart began to hammer roughly inside of your chest once again, "It was nothing important." He reasoned, leaving you nodding your head slowly as you wondered how things would ever go back to normal.
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tumblerlove · 4 months
I really needed Simon with an unknown breeding kink and definitely a daddy kink 🫠😌
Simon never really gave much thought about having children one day. He didn't think he'd get an opportunity to meet someone and love them enough to have children with them. He didn't know if he would even make a good father really...until you of course
You guys had been dating for quite a while before getting engaged a few months ago. You couldn't be more excited to get married to Simon, and neither could he to you. He was excited to get to call you his wife. He even wore an engagement band, too. Letting everyone know that he was proudly taken...
Today, you and Simon were at a family gathering with your family. Simon liked your family a lot. They accepted him with open arms and never made him feel uncomfortable. He had been watching you from afar while sipping his beer sitting next to one of your cousins who was sharing a story
He watched you play with one of your little nieces and nephews. Simon was watching you make them smile and laugh. He had a tiny smirk on his face thinking about how your children would be loved like that and more. He watched you pick up your niece, put her on your hip, and she rested her head on your shoulder, latching on to you, and Simon couldn't help but look at you in wonder. He knew that you would be an excellent mother. He'd never thought about this before... but he can't help but wonder what you would look with a bump on you....from his doing.
Shit... you'd look good is what you'd look like. He's imagining you walking around wearing his shirts because yours aren't fitting anymore. He's imagining how your tits would look all big from growing. How everyone would know he did that to you and your carrying your twos child.... and how everyone would know how you came about said child
After coming back from the gathering, you went to get ready for bed in the bathroom while Simon changed. You changed into panties for the night along with one of Simon's big t shirts. His thoughts came running back from earlier seeing you in his shirt. All your missing is a swollen belly...shit
"Love, do you want children or want to start having them?" Simon's blurts out as you crawl next to him into bed. You looked at him a little shocked just from how random the timing was. "I mean, I would love to have kids with you Si, um I didn't really give much thought when to have children really I don't think it matters too much to me" you say to him still looking at him with curiosity. "Why's this coming up right now, Si?" You ask him as you reach across to brush his hair off his forehead. He gently grabs your wrist, pulling you closer to him, grabbing a hold of your waist and hauling you on his lap
"Because I uh saw you earlier with your nieces and nephews and couldn't help but think... " he pauses, not sure what your answer will be. "How good you would look carrying my- our child" You look at him for a second and think about what it would be like having Simon's child and raising them with you and Simon's looks and personality...
It made you happy to think about it. "I wouldn't mind carrying your child. Raising them with you sounds wonderful," you tell him as he leans across to kiss you softly. "You think I'd make a good father?" He asks with worry on his face he didnt wannna be like his father and you knew that..."Yes, of course Simon all kids like you... you would do so well being a father an amasjng one," you tell him with a kiss
He looks at you, and he knows what's he's gonna say now. "Can I make that happen now... I wanna start now," he says with big eyes, looking at you
You think for a second and think to tease him for just a second before you say yes to start now. "Well, what if someone says something at the wedding if I get pregnant beforehand?" You say faking worry. "I don't give a fuck if your pregnant at the wedding let someone say something...I'll handle it" he says starting to plant kisses to your neck
You tell him, "I won't take my birth control tonight." You look at him with a smile. The second, the words leave your lips, he flips you both over. Having you lay on the bed on your back, him hovering above. "I'm gonna fuck my cum into you every chance I get love until it sticks" Simon says while pulling his shirt off while you take your top off too. "No I'm fucking you with it on...it looks good" he says. He removed your panties pushing your shirt up over your stomach to reveal your already soft tummy that he's gonna fill up, and that cunt...my god he's gotta touch you
Simon starts rubbing his massive hand up and down your slit. He separates your slit seeing your hole dripping down and your clit was twitching aching to be touched. He massages your hole gathering your wetness to use over your clit. "Mmm Si that feels good" you whine to him holding onto the sheets while he keeps playing with your clit. He's massaging your clit so good and firm it's sending such pleasure through your body. "Ginna give you my fingers then my cock hun" he smiles at you as his other hand comes up teasing your hole. "Please Si please" you whine to him, trying to grab a hold onto anything, wanting more
He finally pushes his finger inside of you "Oh fuck" you groan his finger feels bigger then yours does and warm. You loved it so much. He starts pumping his finger inside of you, finding your g-spot, and then adding another finger. Hes doing this while still rubbing your clit. "Oh, I'm so close, Si," you claw at his biceps, holding on to him. He quickens his fingers on your clit adding to your pleasure even more. Your shaking as your cumming and your toes curling. "Fuck that's it...took my fingers so good...time for my cock" he says in your ear while planting kisses all over you
He spreads your legs farther apart, rubbing your thighs up and down. "I'm gonna fill you up and I don't care how long it takes us" he says while pumping his cock. You're whining just looking at his dick it always was a little stretch when he put it in but it felt so fucking good too. "Please fuck me...please...wanna make you a daddy for real" you whine starting to lose your mind a little wanting his cock inside you and his cum. He groans. "Oh shit your in for it now, love" hearing you say that to him, he loses it and plunges inside of you. Both of you grunting out and your cunt clenching down onto Simon. "Your pussy feels so good" he's grunting out in between his thrusts. "Fuck Daddy keep going I-uhh" you try to say to him till he moves your legs up to ears putting you into a mating press. Simon's hovering above you basically humping his cock inside of you getting as close as possible to fuck his cum right in
He snakes his hand down to your clit while his mouth latches onto one of your nipples licking at it. Its all so much stimulation coming from everywhere you can barely get words out at how good Simon's fucking you. He's making sure that you feel good before him and you are. "I'm gonna, mmm." you can't speak his thrusts getting faster "Me too uh me too" he's grunting out his face shows he's losing all restraint getting ready to cum. His thrusts are getting sloppy while his fingers are spending up onto your clit. You both are cumming at the same time, your clenching and dripping around Simon's cock while he just keeps emptying himself inside of you ropes and ropes of cum hoping it sticks
He doesn't move for a while until he thinks his cum is really inside of you good. He slowly pulls his cock out while looking at your cunt and watches his cum flood out of you. "Mm can't have that" he says before pushing his fingers inside of you again to push his cum back in causing you to groan from being sensitive. "Gotta make sure it sticks, honey." he looks up at you with a smile...fuck it's gonna be a long night
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simpjaes · 5 months
hear me out.. experienced boyfie! hyung line w an inexperienced virgin!reader 🫠🫠 (you have no idea how long it took me to spell inexperienced..)
hyung line + experienced boyfriend to inexperienced/virgin reader.
warnings: virginity loss, lil bit of pain
boyfriend of exactly two weeks. he loves fast and hard, so upon realizing that his very own sweet girlfriend from college is avoiding his sexual advances because she's a virgin, he loved you even more. like marriage worthy, man wants to make you his wife.
he's the type to be obsessed with being the first and, hopefully, only man to get his dick in you. of course, he wouldn't push but he would make sure you're aware of how badly he wants to make you feel good, and how good it would feel for him in turn. saying things like "love, it's no rush but i can just imagine how tight you are-" and "i bet you get so wet." and "what if I just eat you out? maybe that would help?"
imagine you finally letting him at least engage in foreplay? maaaaaan, he would go insane. thigh fucking, dry humping, mutual masturbation, giving head, begging you to go down on him too.
by the time you'd finally let him hit, it would be because you're entirely in love with him too, and you swear you see little hearts in his eyes when he slides in for the first time. doesn't matter how experienced he is either, bro gets off like three pumps in because you really are so tight, and so wet.
"please baby? i'll go slow."
jay did not, in fact, go slow. In his defense, he did start off slow but the second he bottomed out it's like his body moved on its own and his brain went numb. Given, after a little while he'd come back to himself and apologize over and over again in your ear, through moans and little sighs. apologizing but like, also not stopping for a second.
"feels good, baby? yeah?" and he'd just answer for you like "yeah, look at you, totally gone for me."
i don't think Jay would be able to contain his horny level once he's in you, and his apologies are genuine. you'd probably whine a little bit until, well, it does feel good and you suddenly realize why people like fucking so much.
cue you wanting to get railed by Jay constantly, and who is he to say no? His libido is just as high.
free use boyfriend AND girlfriend.
a perfect boyfriend, doesn't attempt to make you nervous. Because if he did, you might back out.
100% jerks off to you every. single. night. especially when you let slip that you want to lose your virginity to him on your anniversary.
he's seeing stars at the exact same moment you're seeing them, solely because the idea that you're giving yourself to him makes him feel soft and mushy. plus, like, feeling a virgin pussy squeeze and quake around his cock :( seeing your little winces? he's immediately kissing away the singular tear drop that falls and praising you for taking all of him.
he'd give you sweet lil whispers of "tell me what feels best for you, babe." and a lot of "i love yous" and "i've got yous"
by the time sex is fairly regular though? He gets a bit more rough with it, and you're definitely in love with the way he can switch from being a big soft boyfie to being an absolute mad man in bed.
plays off the innocence HARDCORE.
no joke, he says shit like "So innocent, pretty girl is gonna let me fill her up?" and "you can hold on to me, i'll make you feel so good." minutes before he dives in.
and man, he would live up to all of that when it actually happens. You do, indeed, need to hold onto him with how deep he plunges himself into you. he doesn't let you adjust, praises himself and you, and is instantly throwing you into orgasms you didn't even know you could have.
it's very messy and probably not ideal for someone's first time but it sure as fuck locks you in. you've never seen heeseung act so fucking hot or so fucking into you like he is when he's rubbing your clit and bumping your cervix with the head of his cock.
maaaaaaybe sort of gives you the idea that sex is supposed to hurt before it feels good, and when he realizes that he feels guilty, apologizes, and eats you out or something. then when you tell him you kinda like the pain he's like "that's my girl"
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ukeyyyo · 6 months
Some headcanons with Bi-Han (relationships)
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A/N: This is my first time writing something like this.I was just bored at night, so don’t judge me, please 🫠
- He’s cold at first, it’s quite hard to earn his respect and love. It will for sure take you lots of time.
- But once he will realize your feelings…He will still doubt it. This feeling is kinda forbidden for him, so he won’t really know how to deal with it.
- That’s why he may start avoiding you, sometimes even be mad for you for no reason. Maybe for making him feel weak and vulnerable.
- To be honest, I can’t even imagine how he would confess his feelings. It’s really hard to think about that lol.
- But i think that it could happen this way : he would be annoyed (either for this feelings or someone might have tried to flirt with you and he was really jealous or both) and then when you two were alone he confessed his feelings out of anger lol.
- When you wanted to hear it again because you didn’t really believe it, he would probably say something like “what you heard.“
- I’m not sure if he would spend time on talking about all of this, since his clan and his duty are always the top priority for him.
- So I think that you two would only talk about it when you have a training or when you’re on a mission.
- Since he’s not familiar with all of these things, surely everything will go really slow. you have to be patient, really.
- But i’m sure that your patience will be worthy of it.
- Since he’s also traditional, first he will make sure to analyze your relationships and then think if you two could be a couple and if you’re worthy of being his consort.
- When he’s confident about his decision, he will propose to you. but not in a romantic way. You know how men in series randomly propose to their s/o, like “We should get married”?. So it would be like that, I guess. he would say something like “I’ve been thinking our relationship over.And I have made a decision that we should get married. Our clan needs an heir so I need a wife.”
- It wouldn’t have sounded good if you didn’t love him, but since you love him you’ll for sure accept it.
- Your wedding ceremony would be really traditional. And beautiful too.
- You know, I have another cute headcanon. Imagine they had maids in their palace and one of them was an old lady, who worked here before his mother died and their mother also loved this maid, because when Bi-Han’s parents just got married this old lady would always treat Bi-Han’s mother nicely and give advices. Plus, she also helped her to take care of her kids. So when Bi-Han’s mother got married she wore a kua headset. It was really beautiful and it was carefully stored. So the old lady offered Bi-Han to give it to you as a special gift.
- Bi-Han wasn’t sure if it was right at first, because it was his mothers and he thought that it should be kept where it was.However, then he thought that maybe his mother would be happy if her daughter-in-law wore her headset for such a special day.So after that he went to the room where you were preparing for the ceremony.And then he gifted this gorgeous headset to you: “This is my late mother’s headset that she wore for her wedding.The old lady offered me to give it to you.I think you should wear it.” And you would be like “Are you sure, Bi-Han?”. He would nod meaning that he agrees and you would be really happy: “Thanks, I will cherish it. It really is a special gift.”
- When you wore it…Bi-Han would for a second see his mother in you. His parents had a portrait from their wedding but it was put in a dusty box…Honestly if he wasn’t capable of holding and controlling his feelings, I think he would actually cry.
- I’m 100% sure that Bi-Han is mama’s boy. He had a special bond with his mother :(
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: Matt wants to keep Y/N, but won’t be her man’s, so what happens when they go to a Halloween party, and Matt sees something he doesn’t like🫠
Warnings⚠️: This is straight up SMUT. There’s smacking, degrading, manhandling. It’s just filthy sooo read at your own risk
Song for the imagine: Drama-Roy Woods ft. Drake, Thong Song- Sisqo
This story is 18+, so if you’re a minor DO NOT INTERACT⚠️
Matt and I had been in this weird gray area of being a couple, but not really being a couple. Like he was so sweet to me, and would take me out on dates and treat me like his girl, but then wouldn’t call me his girlfriend or be with me publically.
I hated it so much because he would treat me like I was his, but really I wasn’t, and anytime I brought this up he would go on this whole rant of “it doesn’t matter . Who cares about labels” My issue with that was he’s had girlfriends publically in the past, so I wasn’t sure what changed when it came to me.
About a month ago when he and I were doing really well, and acting like a real couple we decided we wanted to be Jessica Rabbit and Roger Rabbit for this Halloween party his brothers and I got invited to. Slowly I started looking into buying the costume parts, but when he started pissing me off I had only purchased the red sparkly strapless dress.
About two weeks before the party I decided I was no longer going to match costumes with him, but I didn’t tell him I wanted him to look like an idiot. Just how he made me look like one
The night of the party I had went over to the triplets house to get ready with them. Still Matt didn’t suspect a thing, but I had been distant these past two weeks not really talking to him or hugging or kissing him. He just assumed we were on our “break” and he didn’t really care. Not shocked
The party started at 11, and we were all finishing up our costumes. We decided to all walk out one by one and show them off.
Nick was Corlines other dad, and Madi was the other mother, Chris was Steve Harrington, and Matt came out dressed as Roger rabbit.
The only person who knew I changed my costume was Nick, and he was trying to keep his composure looking at Matt dressed like a fool.
“Okay Y/N come out” Madi said clapping her hands together
I walked out in my strapless sparkly red dress that pushed my boobs up nice and high, and the slit was from my bikini line down to my ankles. Sadly I wasn't going to be going commando as my whole ass would be out with a slight movement, so I had on a red thong. I had a gold leg garter that had a red heart on it, and my black stiletto heels. I had my makeup done like a sad flapper
“What do we think” I said spinning around
“BETTY BOOP” Chris screamed jumping up and down. Betty boop was one of Chris weird cartoon crushes
I nodded my head at this giving them a slight spin around
“You look so fucking hot” Madi came screeching over to me and grabbing my hands
“Y/N this costume is too good” Nick said in a giddy way
“What the fuck” Matt finally says with a straight face
“Oh I forgot to tell you I didn’t want to do a matching couple costume since we aren’t a couple” I said giving him a fake frown
“Ouuu she got you good” Chris said laughing at his idiot brother
“Whatever I look like an idiot, and I’m changing my costume” he said standing up abruptly and going to his room
About 10 minutes later he came back downstairs dressed as a cowboy. He looked hot I can’t deny, but he wasn’t my man so fuck him
We had all piled into the car as Matt drove us to the party at Larrays house. We knocked on the door and Larry opened it
“BITCHHHHH yall look so fucking good” he said letting us walk into his house
“Okay matty poo with the slutty little cowboy costume” Larry said, and to this Matt gave him a half smile, and then he walked away from us
“Oh what crawled up his ass” Larry said looking at us
“Y/N decided to not match costumes with him, so now he’s all pissy” Chris said
“Oh boy bye, Y/N you look so hot like Okayy with the red thong I see you” he said, grabbing my hand and spinning me around.
“Thanks baby” I said hugging him
We were at the party for a good two hours at this point. I had drank two drinks, and was feeling so confident, and decided I wanted to dance. Initially I was looking for Matt, but when I saw him he was shooting darts into my eyes with his arms crossed over his chest, and his jaw clenched. I just rolled my eyes, and looked for someone else
I had grabbed any random influencer I saw, and asked if they wanted to dance. Of course they did a random girl wanting to grind on them? How could they say no
As we got to the dancing area Thong Song started playing
Immediately I started jumping in excitement
“This is my fucking songggg” I screamed and pushed us to the center of the “dance floor”
At first I was dancing alone, running my hands all over myself swaying my hips while I sang the song. A circle had opened up surrounding me dancing. I grabbed Madi and we started dancing on each other, and then I grabbed
Chris and Nick also dancing with them in a friendly way.
“LARRAY COME DANCE” I said reaching for his hands. He immediately jumped into the circle and started dancing with me while everyone cheered us on. That’s when I saw the guy I initially brought to the dance floor
“Come on hottie let’s dance” I said grabbing him. I turned around so my back was against his chest, and started to grind on him wrapping my hands around his neck as our hips swayed together
“Bitchhhhhh FUCK IT UPPPP” LARRAY screamed clapping his hands together
“SHAKE THAT ASSSSSS” Nick yelled at me
This whole time Matt was in the corner watching Y/N intensely with a straight face. Fuming that she had the audacity to even grind up against someone who she didn’t know. When his hands started running down her waist, she threw her head back laughing. Matt got so pissed he pushed himself off the couch, and started to stomp over to them. Just as he reached them the song ended, and it got quiet
“Let’s fucking go” Matt said to Y/N going to grab her arm
“Fuck no” she said pulling away
“I didn’t ask! WE ARE LEAVING NOW” he said yelling the last part and yanking her away from the boy
Everyone in the crowd is watching with a shocked face
“BYEEEE, and cute boy find me I wanna take you out” Y/N said looking back at him, and to this Matt yanked her harshly to walk in front of him
Matt brought the girl to the car opening the passenger side door for her, and throwing her in
After he got back in the car and turned it on he turned the car on, and put it into drive quickly taking off
“Aww what a gentleman opening the passenger side for me” Y/N said giggling at him
“Shut the fuck up” Matt said clenching his jaw not even looking over at the girl
“What crawled up your ass” Y/N said
“You grinding on another guy” he said bluntly
“Not like we’re a couple” she said rolling her eyes
“Doesn’t matter” he said looking over at her
“Oh but it does. YOU ARE NOT MY MAN I CAN GRIND ON WHOEVER I WANT” I said lightly
“Watch your fucking tone” he said scoffing
“Or what? You gonna hit me” She said looking at him
“Want me to?” Matt asked as they pulled up to a red light
She started to lean in like she was going to kiss him on the cheek, but instead said “go fuck yourself” she said leaning back away.
Matt looked over at her, and smacked her across the face. Harshly but not enough to actually hurt her. It was more of a sexual smack
“Don’t fucking smack me” Y/N said and smacked the boy back in the face. He grabbed her hand and yanked her in closely
“Put your hands on me again, and I’ll fucking make you regret it” he said pushing her away as the light turned green
“Don’t touch me” she said back to him, and he grabbed her hand once again and brought it down to his bulge
“Do you see what you do to me, you make me so fucking hard” he said sighing as her hand came into contact with his dick
“Oh do I?” She said palming his dick, and he slightly threw his head back
“Fuck you’re gonna make me crash” he said
“So pay attention to the road, and let me take care of you” she said taking his dick out of his pants
She spat on the tip, and slowly started to jerk him up and down
“Shit that feels so good” he said gripping the steering wheel with his left hand
She slowly took his dick into her mouth. Swirling her tongue over his tip, and deep throating him. As her head was bobbing up and down Matt grabbed her hair moaning and thrusting his hips up. Y/N gagged at this
“Sorry baby I can’t help myself” Mat said moaning, and to this she moaned on his dick
“Fuck this I need you now” he said, and slowly pulled over to a secluded empty parking lot
After he threw the car in park Y/N took her heels off and jumped to the back seat, and Matt followed.
Immediately crashing his lips to her in a heated sloppy make out session. He pulled her dress down a little bit allowing her breasts to fall out. He started sucking and groping her breasts. As her back was digging into the handle
“Fuck Matt don’t stop” she said throwing her head back a little bit
“Look at you in this slutty dress with such easy access” He said squeezing her thigh
“Matt please I need more of you” she said pushing his head back. He backed up giving her a once over before nodding his head.
He went down to her thigh and grabbed the leg garter with his teeth pulling it down and off her leg, and putting it on the arm rest
“Open your mouth” he said lightly smacking her face, her mouth opened and he shoved her middle and finger finger in her mouth
“Get them nice and wet for me” he said watching her through half lidded eyes
Y/N swirled her tongue around his fingers, and he pulled them out. Pushing her panties to the side he rubbed her clit, and slowly slid both of his fingers in
“Oh my god” she said grabbing his arm
“You hear how this pussy sounds for me” he said slamming her fingers into her, all you could hear were the most obscene sounds coming from her pussy
“Matt I’m gonna cum if you keep speaking like that” the girl said as her eyes rolled to the back of her head
“You’re not cumming on my fingers” he said, and pulled his finger out her and smacked her pussy
She jumped at this and whined. Matt slid his pants down just enough for his cock to spring out. He pumped his cock a few times before spitting on Y/N pussy
“You’re getting fucked like a slut” he said as he slid his cock up and down on her pussy
“Please Matt I need it” she said moaning and breathing heavily
He slid into her pussy completely bottoming out. They both sighed at this feeling
“This pussy is mine” he said as he harshly grabbed her breast
Matt was relentlessly pounding into the young girl. Her back banging into the door handle, and her head slightly hitting the window
“Matt please harder” she said pulling his hair
“Shut the fuck up” he said as his hips snapped in an even fast faster
All that could be heard was skin slapping, moans and the banging of Y/N’s head on the window
He started to rub her clit as he pounded even harder into her
“FUCK MATT OH MY GOD” she yelled grabbing onto his hair for support
“Shut the FUCK up” he said looking into her eyes
“I can’t Matt you feel too good” she said moaning
He repositioned her hips, and started slamming into her at an ungodly pace
“MATT MATT MATT” she started screaming
“I said SHUT THE FUCK UP” he grunts out loudly as he smacks her across the face
“Fuck Matt” she said whining
He was getting close so his thrusts started to become deep and hard. Slamming into her with no mercy. He hit her G spot really hard, and Y/N was sure she died
“FUCK MATTTTTT” she screamed
“You don’t learn do you” he said as he grabbed her leg garter and shoved it in her mouth to keep her quiet
Matt continued to pound into her, and when she started to shake he knew she was about to cum
“Come on baby cum for me” he said furiously rubbing her clit. It didn’t take much more of that. She came on his cock moaning and weeping with tears falling down her face as her thighs started to shake
“Matt cum in me” she said coming down from her high as she removed the leg garter from her mouth
Immediately after that Matt came inside her with his brows furrowed and his mouth hung open. Pumping her full of his cum. After he came down from his high he pulled out and she slid her panties back on and pulled her dress up
“Fuck that was so hot” she said fixing herself up
“You’re mine” Matt said as he finished readjusting himself
She looked over at him confused
“Whatever it is you want! I’m yours I’ll be your man, your husband, your boy toy whatever you want I’m yours” he said looking at her in a fucked our expression
“Damn you’re so pussy drunk” she said laughing at him
“Don’t push it” he said with a straight face
“I can be your girlfriend I suppose” She said shrugging her shoulders
“Don’t play with me” Matt said looking at her
“I’m kidding. Yes Matt I’d love to finally be your girlfriend” she said kissing him on the cheek
“Good because I’m never letting you go” he said kissing her on the lips
“Alright let’s head home” Matt said as he helped Y/N back to the passenger seat
“Yeah my back is fucking hurting after being slammed into the handle non stop” she said laughing
“Im sorry baby” Matt said laughing with her
“It’s okay you were fucking me so good the pain went away” she said winking at him
He just looked down shyly and then drove back to the house.
The End
This was so fun to write🤪🤪 Now I’ll be working on my request I got, so expect to see that shortly🫶🏽
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lilislegacy · 1 month
um actually grover underwood is the bravest character because when percy and annabeth left for college, they drove from new york to san fran. coast to coast. and grover went with them. this dude willingly went on a long road trip with his two best friends who are in a relationship. you would not catch me dead going on a road trip with just 2 people who are dating. and 18 year olds nonetheless?? oh hell no
remember how every time in cotg when percy and annabeth flirt and kiss, grover gets so uncomfortable? how the FUCK did he enclose himself in a car with them for that long? and yes i KNOW grover is their best friend. and i KNOW he is used to them, and they are all gonna be a close trio forever. but that doesn’t mean that this road trip didn’t include many moments that made him WIDLY uncomfortable. he hasn’t been on a long extended adventure with them since before they started dating. (that we know of.) like… were percy and annabeth making flirtatious jokes with each other during the drive? were they playing love songs? did- did percy horribly belt out the words to cheesy romance songs? oh gods… do they have a song?? also percy and annabeth are so PDA it’s not even funny. they have no subtlety whatsoever. remember when they just, like, fully made out in front of piper in BoO?? (yes, the kiss with annabeth’s grunt-whimpers 🫠)
i just want to know the logistics. like are they stopping at hotels/motels? if so, are grover and percy in one bed/room and annabeth in another? or are they typical teenagers and percy’s going “so, grover, buddy, you wouldn’t mind if annabeth and i took that one, would ya?” same thing if they are camping. what’s the tent situation? are they all in one? either way i feel like percy and annabeth are gonna be sneaking away. are they going on long “walks” together while grover just sits there and chats with the trees? or do they not leave his side, and instead sit there and cuddle and flirt and act absolutely disgustingly adorable while grover is just chilling there like 🧍🏽
they love grover so so much and would NEVER do anything to purposefully make him uncomfortable or feel like a third wheel. but… it’s also percy and annabeth. they kinda have no chill when they’re around each other. zero sensible thoughts happening. it’s pretty much just “wow he/she looks so good right now” all the dam time. and yes, i also know that annabeth mentioned they faced danger on the trip, but that only seems to make percy and annabeth MORE down bad for each other. like remember in tartarus, aka LITERAL HELL, when they were suffering the worse pain and trauma imaginable, and percy’s only thoughts were how annabeth looked like a “hot barbarian princess?” they are literally the worst. i love them for it, but oh my goddess
grover underwood, you are braver than me
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marlenesluv · 9 months
heyy i was wondering if u could write a max, daniel, or carlos x super southern (like from the DEEP south/not texas) dallas cowboys cheerleader (kleine powell fc plz shes so gorg) smau and everyone is surprised that theyre together. or alternatively same premise but with an lsu tiger girl (fc darah haidet) and shes a lot younger. us southern girls get no rep lmao and ily
Unexpected. (DR)
hi! thank you sm for the request. i absolutely love this sm!! i went with daniel for this one, he’s too cute. i genuinely never see any southern girl stuff, so i hope you love this! and ily too!!also, y/n is a dcc, but she’s from louisiana. i never mention a state tho so you can imagine a diff one!!
pairing: daniel ricciardo x dcc!reader
fc: kleine powell
warnings: none!
note: i went ahead and made this not a soft launch (im limited with photos lol) also age gap is 8 yrs in this one!
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 1,872,055 others
tagged: y/n.user
danielricciardo: hiked a bit, and picked up this pretty lady along the way
view comments…
landonorris: you have a girlfriend? i never thought i’d see the day
|> danielricciardo: you’re talking??
y/n.fp: is that our girl?? our cowgirl is dating a man that makes cars go vroom!?!?
|> f1.fp: when worlds collide
y/n.user: wouldnt have wanted to hike those 12 miles with anyone else :)
|> danielricciardo: :)))
dcc.fans: does this mean daniel is gonna come to games?
charles_leclerc: is she converting you full cowboy?
|> y/n.user: of course i am🙃🤠
yourbsf: awwww, you guys are so cute. pls let me meet him
|> y/n.user: soon, honey🫣
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liked by: danielricciardo, francisca.cgomes, and 862,274 others
tagged: danielricciardo
y/n.user: who’s going to tell him that these are not the dcc colors….💙🤍
view comments…
|> y/n.fanpage: LOVE IT THO??
danielricciardo: sugar, it’s texas’ colors…..
|> y/n.user: i’m not from texas daniel, we’ve been over this😐
|> danielricciardo: let me grab my blue and white before the game
|> y/n.user: thank you, hun☺️
pierregasly: have fun with his annoying ass
|> danielricciardo: HEY. she loves my ass, thank you very much
|> y/n.user: 😇
formula1fp: this was not on my bingo card for this year. i’m not mad about it tho
Formula 1 Wag News @formulaonewags • 2d
New Wag: Y/N Y/L/N has been posted by Daniel Ricciardo recently, saying that he “picked up this pretty lady” referring to Y/N. She is a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, at 26 years old. They have yet to officially announce their relationship, but with both posting, daniel going to games, and not denying their friends, we have strong reasons to believe they are dating.
DCC Updates @dccupdates • 2d
We think thet have been seeing each other or talking for a while. Y/N has stayed away from guys at parties (via her friends posts) and Daniel has been posting a lot at home. Maybe this has been going on for a while?
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 2,109,240 others
tagged: y/n.user
danielricciardo: first date, kinda nervous. do you guys think she likes me? 🙁
view comments…
y/n.user: i do i do i do🫠🫶
|> danielricciardo: i like you too🤭🫶
dallascc.updates: pls pls this is way too cute but i’m shook
|> f1updatepage: aren’t we all?
georgerussell63: theres no way you’re dating a dcc-
|> carmenmmundt: they’re so cute!!
|> georgerussell63: yeah, but how?
|> danielricciardo: im very charming
yourbsf: actually adorable asf. i’m soso glad you’re both so happy together :’)
|> y/n.user: thank you, babes🙁🫶
maxverstappen1: i hope you guys had a good date!
|> danielricciardo: we did ☺️
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liked by: y/n.user, oscarpiastri, and 1,982,140 others
danielricciardo: another hike, another race sunday
view comments…
y/n.user: you’re gonna do so amazing ☺️
|> danielricciardo: wear my cowboy hat?
|> y/n.user: i’ll be there with the hat and boots on 🤠
|> danielricciardo: 😊
f1.wag: new y/n content? yes plsssss
carlossainz55: i’m still confused on how you got a girlfriend
|> maxverstappen1: we’re all confused
dcc.posts: our favorite hikers 🥾
y/nfanpage: i livveeee for them
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liked by: landonorris, danielricciardo, and 1,027,174 others
tagged: danielricciardo, landonorris
y/n.user: p2 for daniel = proudest gf today. although i would be proud no matter what. thank you for being such a sweet, funny, supportive, and entertaining bf. i am not thanking you for bringing lando on the same plane, jk
view comments…
landonorris: those tension headache pills didn’t help?
|> y/n.user: nope
|> landonorris: oops 🫣
f1.updates: trio we needed
danielricciardo: my favorite cowgirl❤️
|> y/n.user: my favorite cowboy❤️
|> wagsof.f1: i’m actually so lonely i’m sobbing
formula1.page: you😭 guys😭 are😭 adorable😭
lilymhe: cutestttt
|> y/n.user: you’re too sweet💓
|> lilymhe: 💓💓
y/n.fp: i am never getting over this relationship. f1!driver and southern cheerleader? k. my life is complete
yourbsf: MY PARENTS
|> danielricciardo: oh dearie
|> y/n.user: 😳
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
700 notes · View notes
pacentia · 7 months
Title: Forest Lovers
Pairing: (established relationship) slightly dom non-ascended!Astarion x reader WITH VOYEUR GALE
Setting: act 3 beginning, right after shadow cursed lands
Word count: 2,218
Tags: voyeuristic Gale, bloodsucking, vaginal sex, forest sex, pussy eating, L-bombs, body worship, slightly sad Gale
Synopsis: Gale wonders where his Muse (reader) went off to. Stumbles upon her fucking Astarion in the woods 🫠
Author's note: some random ass ideas come into my head in the middle of the night. Couldn't let go of it so I had to write it down lmaoo - please enjoy
It was nice - being out in pure sunlight again after spending God knows how long in the Shadow Cursed Lands. Gale never thought about missing cobblestone streets beneath his feet, the vibrancy of Rivington made him feel alive again. It wasn't his tower in Waterdeep, nor his very own study - cuddling with Tara, but this would do. And, it would all be over soon, according to the pack leader, because she would take the fight to the Elder Brain. 
Gale admired her for quite some time, well - ever since he set eyes on her after stumbling out of that damned broken portal. He had dropped some hints here and there, but she never quite fully indulged him in his desires. She remained so incredibly kind and supportive though - for everyone - during their long journey. 
The vampire Astarion had her heart a thousand times. It's the way she looked at him, and the way the broken man softened in her company that Gale knew these two were soulmates, destined for each other. It felt bittersweet - watching them kiss in public. Hold hands. Embrace each other around the campfire. Of course, if she preferred somebody cold and undead - that was entirely her choice. 
The night before the party would venture forth to Baldur's Gate - Astarion and her were nowhere to be found. Not present in each of their tents, nor in the campsite. Gale felt a little concerned because of that, because tomorrow was a big day and everyone needed a well deserved rest. Who knows what overcame her - the woman he cared for so deeply. And so the wizard cast an invisibility spell and ventured deeper into the nearby forest.
Gentle moonlight cast over the forest and the stars shone bright that night. It was quiet and calm, the two nowhere to be seen nor heard until -
Two completely bared souls entwined in one another, passionately kissed in the middle of the forest, no place left untouched on their bodies. The silver haired vampire and his muse. Gale's muse. 
His jaw went slack from surprise and he suddenly felt greatly inappropriate for stumbling onto this incredibly private moment but… 
Gale just couldn't look away, respectfully, of course. Her body had the likes of a true Goddess - his imagination before had done him so wrong. She was even more beautiful than in his wildest dreams. Astarion was… surprisingly gentle with her. His hold on her was protective and firm but the kisses that he planted on her lips, cheeks and breasts were so soft.
Gale, you damned pervert. He complained to himself, pinching his brow. He could leave now, and forever hold his tongue or he could just… Watch just a few more seconds.
Her fingers wrapped around Astarion's aching hard cock - Hells, the man was big - and started teasing him playfully. The vampire reciprocated - wetted his long, pale digits on his tongue and pleasured her beautiful pussy. Gale swallowed, unaware that he was pitching a huge tent in his purple robes.
"Oh sweet darling…" The vampire moaned in absolute pleasure, burying his head full of untamed silver curls in her neck. She just pulled him into the most amorous embrace as she closed her eyes, lips slightly parted as she felt her vampire's fangs graze her neck. This made her moan in delight - of course - as she was bloodless every damned day.  Her hand gently caressed Cazador's scars on his sculpted back while her other hand worked  his erection. 
"I need you, Astarion." She voiced needily, her feminine hips bucking into the vampire's cold touch. "Need you inside me… Please…" 
Gale swallowed - feeling too hot in his robes right there. He just fantasized he was in Astarion's place, feeling her magic hands work his own cock - making him twitch in the process. Astarion was going to take her right there, on the soft bed of overgrown grass, next to their pile of clothes.
It's as if he had chosen the perfect spot. Astarion had guided her down gently, her legs spread out incredibly wide before her lover. Gale could see the glistening of her folds - how completely drenched she was for her vampire. Delicious, it looked. 
Astarion's hands caressed her perfect body. Breasts, hips. Kissed inside of her thighs - working his way up to her toned calves until her feet. He worshipped her like a real Goddess. As he should. A sweet smile spread across her face as she watched Astarion show how much he desired her. 
"I love you." She confessed sweetly, completely spread in front of him. It's the way her eyes shone with adoration that you could tell she really meaned it. She's completely in love with her vampire. Goodness, Gale never anticipated being hurt by seeing the scenario unfold before his voyeuristic eyes, a sharp tightening in his chest overtaking him. Neverminding his obvious pain, Gale continued watching.
The vampire then lowered his head to her sex, and pressed a soft kiss on her clitoris. Dripping wet, needy for him. "My sweetheart, I love you more than anything." The vampire whispered, kissing her folds again with such careful love. Her hands sunk into his silver curls, letting her head fall back in the grass. Astarion utterly devoured her, nuzzling into her sex, licked her until she was a squirming mess. He suckled on her sensitive bud, gently sinking two of his cold fingers deep inside her. 
Gale just needed to watch this a little closer. So he could really admire her angelic pussy. Study how she liked to be pleasured - learn from… Astarion's seduction. He inched further, so that he watch in detail how Astarion licked and fingered her. 
Astarion's fingers gently dipped in and out of her drenched folds, his tongue swiping back and forth over her clitoris. His sharp fangs were bared, reminding her what he truly was - her vampire. Everyone knew at camp that this excited her incredibly, eager to feel his fangs dig into her neck every night. God's, she was so sinful.
"Star… I'm… close..!" She warned him, one hand tangled in his silver curls, the other one gripping onto the grass soil beside her. Her legs were shaking, hips bucking while Astarion expertly pleasured her. "Then cum, my love. On my lips." The vampire ordered.
What a sight it was to behold, her body coming down from such an incredible high. His name was on her lips like a melody as she shivered in her lover's hold. Gale knew he should leave right now - but then Astarion just climbed over her body, and guided his dripping hard cock inside her drenched pussy. Fuck. He could just. Not. Look. Away. 
"Did you enjoy that, sweet love?" Astarion whispered, sinking as deep as possible into her. He didn't even falter in his speech - Gale would've surely have. 
"Y-yes, my love… God's - forgot how… big you were…" Immediately she enclasped her legs around his waist, the aftershocks of her orgasm begging the vampire to get deeper inside her. Her arms clung around his back, holding his scars ever so gently. Astarion chuckled at her response, "How dare you, darling?" The man smirked. "But you do remember how - good - it felt?" Emphasizing the words with the rhythm of his vigorous hips, the vampire pumped into her unrelentingly, chasing after his own orgasm. 
"Y-yes Astarion - fuck… Your cock feels incredible…You're so big, so powerful, so beautiful…" She gasped, her pretty moans bellowed deep into the forest. Astarion seemed to enjoy her praise, rewarding her with kisses, licks and nuzzles. 
Gale's trousers were completely soaked in his own pleasure - how could he not - watching such a beautiful woman reach her high out in the open. He figured he was too far gone already and sneaked his fingers under his robe - cupping himself - until he decided to take out his own length and stroke himself. He still had to concentrate on casting his invisibility, if he'd fail - he figured he'd just explode his Netherese orb.
"Will you get on your pretty hands and knees for me, sweet darling? I want to feel you as deep as possible, please…" Astarion sighed in pleasure, ragged breath overtaking him when he stopped thrusting. She nodded heavily, just carrying out whatever her vampire needed. God's how devoted she was to him, completely wrapped around his finger. She shifted her body exactly as Astarion asked - and the hungry man immediately mounted her like a horny stallion. 
Certainly, he had read this in one of his lewd novels in his library, but he'd never seen such lust up close, nor experienced it for himself . Mystra never let him.
Astarion growled like a beast, thrusting every inch of him inside her wet cunt. Eventually he pulled her into his lap, pumping up inside of her. She was completely on display for Gale, breasts swinging, Astarion's hands roamed her delicate body, until he swept her hair from beautiful neck, and wrapped his hand around her throat. 
"Darling, your blood smells so delicious tonight…" He moaned, inhaling the scent of her neck, grazing his fangs over previous puncture wounds from his own teeth. 
Gale swallowed, pleasuring his cock faster, harder. He was about to witness him setting his fangs into her - God's, wouldn't that hurt her? She seemed even more eager than before, rubbing herself, arching her neck more - she wanted it desperately. Longing for him to mark her as his.
"Ask me, sweet darling. What do you need?" Astarion teased, his hands digging into her breasts, using them as leverage for his thrusts. "Tell me what you so desperately crave." 
She giggled at his statement, teasing him right back, "Love, aren't you the one who's starved? You crave my blood." 
Astarion's wits seemed to fail him, and buried his face in her neck. "Darling, do not play with me like that… I'm incredibly hungry - Starved, if you will." He continued kissing her neck, dragging his tongue over the pulsing arteries and veins. "You know I'm a very dangerous vampire, and your jugular is right next to me." He teased playfully.
She giggled at his lighthearted intimidation, turned her face to stare into his deep red eyes. "Then bite, Astarion. My blood is yours." 
Nothing the vampire liked hearing more as he continued to pound into her, only now - he latched onto her neck, and buried his fangs deeply. She visibly winced in his hold, obviously in pain as Astarion sucked her blood out. So this is what she's been going through almost every evening since meeting the vampire near the Grove. Gale's cock twitched at the sight before him, close to own climax. All of this was so private, intimate. She willingly surrendered her neck to the vampire with such love.
"God's, s-so… delicious…" Astarion whined in bliss, his hips starting to give out - thrusts becoming erratic. Her body initially freezed against him - until a few gulps of blood later, she started feeling dizzy, two taps onto his thigh stopped his bloodthirsty urges.
Astarion released with a growl, bloody fangs bared, his chin and lips tainted with her hot, red blood. Drunk on her, he lapped up the remnants on her neck, kissing her, holding onto her for dear life. "So f-fucking delicious, darling. I -I'm close." Astarion panted as he grit his teeth like a beast, blood dripping from his chin, his tongue licking the remnants of his chin. 
Nothing had prepared Gale for her desperate pleading. 
"Please, Astarion… Fill my cunt, need your cum deep inside - please, cum!" 
Gale wrapped one hand around his mouth, shutting himself up as he spilled all over the woodland ground, silencing his heavy breath watching their lovemaking end.
Astarion erupted deep inside of her perfect cunt - God's how Gale wished he was the one absolutely filling her to the brim. The vampire growled, pumping her full of his essence, tongue licking the remnants of blood off of her neck. Astarion was a filthy, filthy man - Gale remarked. Well, he had already anticipated that from all of his quirky mannerisms and slick talk.
The couple lay spent on the grass, cuddling in the afterglow of their pleasures, looking up to the stars.
"Need this everyday, Astarion. It's been too long." She whispered, and he rolled over on his side, gently caressing her stomach. 
"Well, we can do it everyday now, darling." The vampire smirked, pressing a small kiss against her cheek. In turn, she wiped a streak of blood off of his chin, and made him suck her finger clean. Astarion indulged her with the greatest pleasure - as long as blood was involved. Gale didn't know why that made his cock stir.
The two cleaned themselves up, and he made notice on how she wiped her cunt with a particular cloth, throwing it away in the bushes - well - wouldn't it be a shame to… let it go uninspected later? They got dressed again in their camp clothes, joked some more and left.
The couple walked hand in hand right past Gale, still invisible of course - until Astarion stopped his footsteps to take in the air.
"What is it lover, did you hear a squirrel you could feed on?" She grinned, to which the vampire playfully poked her.
"Worse, darling. It smells like… Gale here. Well, nevermind." 
Gale had never gone red so badly in his entire life.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 4 months
fem!reader being a voyeur when sub!ethan is masturbating while moaning her name repeatedly, and she gets really turned on. she decides to make her presence known and help him out. lots of dirty talk and praise please 🙏
thank you so much!
I hope you like this! I totally left it open for a part 2 if you want it lmao, my bad🫠
Come & Go - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: When you forgot something at Ethan and Chad's apartment, you discover that your friend thinks about you when he's alone.
Contains: Voyeuristic!Reader, oral - m recieving, male masturbation, hand job. Friends to lovers trope(yes, again. I'm so sorry but I love a friends hooking up scenario.)
A/N: Ya girl is back with the cliffhangersssss. 🙃 If y'all want a 2nd part, let me know💕
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On your way to your morning class, you noticed your backpack felt lighter than usual. You soon realized that your laptop was missing, because you’d left it at Ethan and Chad’s the night before when you were studying with the two boys.
You always ran into Chad on the way to your first class, so you stood and waited for him where your paths usually crossed, hoping you’d see him. You thought about texting Ethan, knowing he didn’t have a morning class, but you noticed Chad walking your way when you were about to pull your phone out.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked, noticing the slight look of panic on your face.
“I left my laptop at your apartment last night. Can I borrow your key? Or should I text Ethan?” you asked, as Chad started to shake his head.
“Whatever you do, don’t text Ethan. He get’s so grumpy when he doesn’t have a morning class and someone wakes him up,” you laughed a little at Chad’s words as he pulled his key ring out of his pocket and slid off the apartment key. “He might not get mad if it’s you, though,” he smirked, handing you the key.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you questioned, as he put his hands up in front of him.
“Nothing, just…He has a soft spot for you,” he said, as you rolled your eyes.
“Whatever, I’ll give this back to you at lunch,” you said, turning on your heels to head in the opposite direction towards their apartment.
You kept thinking about Chad’s comment about Ethan having a soft spot for you, but you had one for him, too. You’d had a crush for the longest time but didn’t know how to talk to him about it because you were so close. His dorky little qualities were so cute to you, and he was always so playful and sweet to you.
When you made it to the front door of the apartment, you unlocked the door and slowly opened it, knowing how it can squeak if it’s opened too quickly. After you closed it, you started to tiptoe across the floor, trying to be as quiet as you could. You tried to remember the last place you had it, and after checking the kitchen and living room, the only other place was Ethan’s room.
You stood outside his cracked door, debating if you should try to sneak in and grab it without waking him, but you knew he’d probably wake up and be absolutely terrified when he noticed someone was in his room. You didn’t have the chance to think about it much longer, as you heard him start to move around a little. You took a deep breath and backed away, not wanting to seem like a total creep that was just lurking outside of his door if he happened to walk out of his room.
He didn’t though, and you started to hear him whimpering. Your curiosity got the best of you, stepping back towards the door and peaking through the small crack. Your eyes grew wide when you saw him on his bed shirtless, his sweatpants pulled halfway down his thighs, and his hand wrapped around his hard cock. He was slowly stroking himself when your bottom lip went in between your teeth at the sight.
Your panties started to get damp when his hand movements sped up, moans starting to slip past his lips.
“Fuck, just like that, baby,” he said, his eyes shut. He was obviously imagining someone, and you were curious who he thought about that way. Your question was soon answered when you heard your name.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself, wondering how long he’d been thinking about you like this.
Then, he opened his eyes and reached over to his phone that was lying on the bed beside him. You soon recognized the video he was playing, the one from when you and your friends had recently gone on a weekend trip. You shared a room with Ethan, Chad and Tara, and he wouldn’t stop picking on you the entire time. He snatched your phone out of your hand that day, and used his height against you as he held your phone above his head. You started to beg him for it, his name sounding whiney as it rolled off your tongue.
He'd regularly masturbated to the video, because he loved the way you sounded, and the way your cleavage was slightly exposed from your low-cut shirt. At the end of the video, you tackled him onto the bed and straddled him as you tried to get your phone back, and that was always the part that made him cum. He was a virgin, after all. It didn’t take much.
He kept stroking as you watched him, his eyes starting to close again as he listened to the way you sounded and pretended you were there with him, giving him the pleasure he was feeling. The throbbing between your legs was starting to get unbearable as he kept moaning and gasping your name the closer he got. Part of you wanted to walk in and help him out with it, but how could you explain yourself, and what if he got embarrassed? You didn’t want him to feel that way for thinking dirty thoughts about you.
He looked like he was starting to get frustrated, like he was so close to cumming but couldn’t. You felt a little sad for him, but also for yourself, because you were desperate to see him cum.
 You decided to push away any thoughts of the negative reaction he may have as you eased the door open further and walked in. His eyes shot open, and he quickly grabbed a blanket to cover himself and fumbled with his phone to pause the video.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” he rushed out, his eyes refusing to meet yours.
“So, you weren’t just jerking off to a video you took of me?” you questioned, a smirk playing on your lips as his cheeks started to turn red.
“Uh, how long were you out there?” he asked, as you started to blush. You quickly got your confidence back, though, not wanting the moment to be any more awkward than he was already making it.
“Long enough,” you giggled, sitting on the side of his bed, “Do you want some help with that?”
“No..wait, yes…,” his eyes finally connected to yours as he tripped over his words, not sure what the right answer would be.
“Which is it, baby?” you asked, your hand rubbing against his thigh as he started to pull the blanket away.
“Please touch me,” he sighed, the cool air against his painfully hard cock giving him chills.
You leaned over to kiss him first, his nervousness clear as he tried to kiss you back. He got the hang of it soon enough, even getting confident enough to fight your tongue for dominance as you made out. You let him win the fight, as his tongue moved against yours inside your mouth. When you pulled away to focus on his cock, his teeth bit your bottom lip, the action making you even more wet.
“You want my hand? Or my mouth?” He groaned at your question, because he’d thought about both, and always wondered how it would feel.
“Maybe your hand first,” he said, as you nodded and reached over, taking his erection in your hand. He looked between your eyes and your hand as you started to move, almost in disbelief that this was even happening.
"Hey, look at me," you said, your tone full of lust as his eyes stayed on yours. "Does that feel good baby?" he nodded, "Do you think about me like this a lot?"
"Always. Ever since we first met," he said, your hand speeding up a little. "You're just so fucking hot."
"Why didn't you say anything? You know how many times we could've hooked up by now?" your words made him groan, regretting not saying something sooner. "I can't wait to taste your cum."
It didn’t take long before he was whimpering, the sweet boy falling apart in front of you as he tried to hold back. He didn’t want to cum too quick, because he didn’t want to seem like the loser virgin he felt like he was, and he really wanted to feel your mouth.
“Okay..uh, can you suck it?” he mumbled out, making you laugh as you leaned down and licked the precum dripping out of his tip. “Fuck.”
You repositioned yourself on the bed so you were laying on you tummy in between his parted legs, his eyes staring into yours as he anticipated your next move.
“I’ll suck your cock, but I want to hear you moan my name again when I do.”
“Oh fuck,” he groaned as his cock started to slip past your lips that were still swollen from the heated kiss. "God your mouth feels so good."
You reached up and grabbed one of his hands that was gripping his sheets and put it on your head as you took him further back in your mouth. He wanted to grip your hair, but he wasn’t sure if that would make you uncomfortable, and he didn’t want you to stop, so he decided to run his fingers through it. You were unsatisfied with his lack of showing you how good he was feeling, so you started to hum. The simple vibrations made his hips jolt, his cock hitting the back of your throat. He grabbed a handful of your hair when you gagged around him, not too hard, but enough to make you moan.
Your name kept flying out of his mouth as his grip got even tighter, his salty precum on your tongue as he started to get close.
“Fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me cum,” he whimpered, as you took him as far in your mouth as you could, the gagging sending him over the edge. “Fuck fuck fuck,” he groaned, his eyes not looking away from you as you sucked every last drop he had to offer out of his cock.
You sat up to look at him, a grin on your face as you took in his fucked-out expression.
“That was amazing,” he said, as you started to snuggle up beside him. He laid there, trying to figure out the best way to ask you if he could return the favor, but every string of words that ran through his head had him rolling his eyes at how inexperienced he was.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, listening to his heartbeat.
“Uh…would you be against me doing something…um, for you?” he finally got out, making you laugh a little.
“You can, but we’ll have to do it later. I need to get to my next class. I forgot my laptop earlier,” you said, as he glanced over to his desk and saw it sitting there.
“Wait, how’d you get in here?” he asked, as you slid Chad’s key out of the pocket of your jeans. “Ah, okay.”
“I really hate that I have to cut this short, but you have a class to get to as well,” you said, standing up and sliding off his bed onto your feet. “But I’m really looking forward to you making that up to me.”
He smiled at your words as you leaned down to kiss him, before grabbing your laptop and leaving to get to your next class.
The sexual frustration was looming over your head. You couldn’t wait for Ethan to take care of you. As you listened to your professor talk, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You pulled it out to see a text from Ethan.
Ethan: Chad has a late class tonight, you should come over.😘
Your pussy started to throb as you read the text, and you knew how hard it would be to keep your composure for the rest of the day, especially when he’d be at lunch with you and your friends in less than an hour.
You: Is 5 okay?
Ethan: That gives me plenty of time to do all the things I want to do to you. See you soon, baby😏
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urhoneycombwitch · 3 months
i do enjoy how the moment Eddie popped up on our screens, we all collectively went Yup! That one eats pussy. and Good!
I can just imagine reader being a little drunk/high and telling him that. to. his. face
all like "your face looks like it's good for sitting on." And Eddie's raising a brow and going, "What's that mean?" even though he kind of already knows where this is going but he enjoys watching reader stutter through telling him he looks like he eats pussy well.
Cocky little shit Eddie puts his chin on his hand and leans in and says, "Oh? And what, pray tell, would good pussy eating features be?" and there's a whole list: big nose, nice lips, long tongue, and he plays guitar so he can obviously "finger well" (r's words, not his own)
And when reader is coherent and finally not mortified over what she said to him, Eddie offers to let her test out the theory (spoiler alert: she was right)
eeeeheeheheeeeee kicking my feet giggling 🤭 I’m such a dopey high that I would absolutely reveal more than I care to admit.
I mean those puppy dog brown eyes of his… how could you NOT spill ur guts. you’re both loopy and high and even tho Eddie’s tolerance is higher than yours, he’s still high enough to really be enjoying your train of thoughts that are floating to the surface
like you’re telling him all the qualities he has of a rideable face with such casualness it’s making him tight in his Levi’s. he’s subtly shifting around a massive hard-on as you talk, like “Mhm. 👁️👁️. For sure. You’re on to something here, princess.”
and absoLUTEly once your embarrassment of the previous evening has worn off (after his deep reassurance that no, in fact, it was totally cool and still chill between the both of you) there’s this beat of silence and he spreads his big hands out wide in a shrug and is all like “Well maybe we should test out your theory. For science. Or something.”
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wandussyfantasy · 2 months
Ok hear me out. I have several ideas so take your pick really. (For a “sequel” to Movie Night)
Wanda and Y/n go on a date to a restaurant but they’re so insatiable (and at this point I think it’s confirmed that Wanda is that girl) that R starts fingering her under the table and she’s rubbing them through their pants. They end up having to leave in the middle of their meal to get their hands on each other properly
They could also go to some kind of public event but each with vibrators that the other controls where they have a competition to see who will break first and beg for sex
Another one is Wanda could give y/n road head while they’re driving somewhere just to tease them so they have to pull over and put her in her place or vice versa where she makes them pull over bc sucking their dick just isn’t enough
I also just love the idea that they continue to fuck without a condom bc now Wanda is addicted to the feeling of y/n cumming inside her bc why wouldn’t she be. Plus she’s on the pill anyways. I imagine her begging to be filled up every time and I just🫠
I could go on but you get the idea👀
Summary: Y/n surprises Wanda with tickets to see the Era's Tour but it comes with a price.
Pairings: Wanda x NB!AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 1,259
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DO NOT READ & DO NOT INTERACT!!!smut, gn!reader amab, powerbottom!wanda, fingering, dirty talk, fluff, masturbation, public touching, fantasies, teasing, and creampie.
“Can you tell me when the next exit is?” You ask as you keep your eyes on the road. The two of you were on your annual road trip. It became a thing the first summer that you got your license. There was an obscure movie that Wanda was obsessed with and it was playing at a theater in a town in the middle of nowhere. You surprised her with the trip out there. Before opening the relationship to sexual exploration, the trips were the perfect excuse for the two of you to be alone together. It was cheaper to rent rooms with one bed and have an excuse to sleep in the same bed as her. 
Now, this is the first time you're taking the trip and you're able to do everything you've ever fantasized about doing with her. 
The same went for Wanda. The amount of times she had thought about taking things to another level on these trips and now it was all she could think about. “Wanda?” You asked as you quickly glanced at her. Wanda's eyes were zeroed in on your crotch. “Wanda? Hello?” 
Wanda snapped out of her trance. “What? Huh?” She said as her eye met yours. “Sorry, what were you saying?”
“I was asking for you to check how far the nearest exit is,” you repeat yourself. “I need to fill up on gas and load up on more snacks while we're at it.” 
“Right,” Wanda pulls out her phone and finds out the information you need. She tells you and you thank her as you keep your eyes on the road. Trying to not think about how distracted she was. 
Suddenly, Wanda unzips the fly of your jeans and you look at her with curiosity. “What do you think you're doing?” You ask as two of her fingers dance around on your cock. You gulp as you feel a part of your body come to life. She was possibly the most sexually adventurous person you have ever been with. Always surprising you. She pulls your cock out through the middle of your jeans before you get too hard and she licks her lips. Even barely erect, you still have an appetizing penis to her. “Wanda,” you whisper as you keep your eyes on the mostly empty road. 
She doesn't say a word as she leans over the console to start licking the top of your cock. You gulp as you continue to drive as safely as you can. Her tongue starts to trail along the base of your cock as it stiffens up. Her fingers reach into your jeans to play with your balls. “Fuck, Wanda,” you groan as her lips wrap around your tip. She circles her tongue around the skin and plays with the hole. Then she starts to bob her head up and down on your cock. “You're going to be the death of me,” you say as she continues to suck you off. Knowing exactly what you like. 
After the first swerve of the car, you knew that you were far too gone to continue driving so you pulled off to the side of the empty road. You shut the car off as Wanda's blowjob got more aggressive. “Oh yeah baby, you've gotten so good at this,” you groan as your hand gets tangled in her hair and you start to guide her head as you thrust your hips, gently fucking her mouth. 
“I’m cumming,” you grunt before you burst in her mouth. Your load is too much and Wanda has to pull away. Your cum shoots out onto the steering wheel and the roof of the car. “Shit!” You say as you look around for something to clean it with. You find your old cum rag in your glove compartment that you haven't had to use since Wanda became your personal cum dump. You wipe your cum off of the places it landed on.
“You're still hard,” Wanda observes as she wipes the cum off of her lips. Your dick twitches from the acknowledgement. 
“You're still hot,” you wink at her. “Backseat,” you tell her as you get out of the car to move to the back. She follows and once the two of you are situated, you finger her as you kiss her. She is soaking wet already. “Gosh, you're insatiable,” you mutter against her lips. 
“I can't help it, you're irresistible,” she said as she moved her lips to your neck. “Come on, stop fingering me already. Who knows how long we have?” She whispers into your ear. “Fuck me already,” she says and you nod as you take your fingers out of her and suck on your fingers.
 “Mmm nothing tastes better than that,” you compliment and gaze into her eyes as you slowly guide yourself into her pussy. “Oh and no one has ever felt as good as that.” 
“Gross, I don't want to think about you fucking anyone else,” Wanda grouches as she meets your thrusts. 
“No?” You say as you place your lips close to her ear. “Not even if you were there?” Wanda whimpers and you know that you struck a nerve. “Can't you see it? I'm fucking another person while they eat you out. Could be another woman, could be a guy, could be-” 
“A girl, it's another mmmph, it's another girl,” Wanda says as she grips your shirt. 
“Mm ok, it's another girl,” you continue to roll your hips into her. “It starts with you eating her out first. I'm hiding behind the door watching. Oh yeah, you don't know I'm there at first. You think it's just you and her. Mmpf fuck,” you are turning yourself on with this fantasy. “I'm jerking off as you make her cum with your talented tongue. Then I walk in when you're making out with her. My dick is hard and out. You aren't surprised when you see me as you invite me closer.” 
“Oh Y/n,” Wanda moans, “keep going. Harder.” 
Your thrusts get a little rough as you continue to stretch her tight pussy with your giant cock. “You take turns sucking me off. Then you um ugh fuck! Then you guide me into her pussy. Mm yeah and you sit on her face while you watch me fuck her.” Your groans get louder as you start to lose yourself in Wanda and in the fantasy. “She uh she is eating you out. Yeah. Like her life depends on it. And then you make me pull outta before I cum because my cum is yours.”
“Hell yeah it is,” she pants out as she plays with her breasts. 
“Then I lay down and you ride my cock while she sits on my faaaaccccee,” you start to cum inside of Wanda. “Fuckin hell,” you grunt as your thrusts slow down and become more jagged. You stop talking as you fall into the back of the seat feeling exhausted. Wanda’s walls tighten around your cock as she orgasms as well, milking everything from you. 
“Thank you,” Wanda says as she kisses your sweaty forehead. “You've given me a lot to think about when I'm using willy.” 
You laugh as you pull out of her. You reach in the bag that she told you willy was in and you plug her pussy with it to keep your cum inside. You turn the vibrator on and move back to the driver's seat. “Have fun,” you wink back at her as you turn the car on and get back onto the road.
The End.
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mafiadad5 · 5 months
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“hii i don't know if you're accepting requests, but could you do nct dream reaction to you still being horny and wanting more rounds, even tho you just had sex and they're exhausted 🫠”
Thank you for your request!
Word count- 1.4k
Genre- Steamy Imagines
note- repost of my older post in 2nd person pov xoxo, might rewrite cus this lowk sucks…😭
You sat up in your bed, wanting more as you looked at jisung sitting in his gaming chair playing his favorite game, looking tired and bored. "Honey" You said looking at him as he focused on his game. "Yes babe" he said, "Can you come back to bed now, please" You said, hanging your legs off the bed, only in a T-shirt. "Give me a minute babe" he said in a deep, and tired voice. You got up and made your way towards him, he looked up and turned his chair towards you, "Do you need anything babe?" He said, looking forward at his game. "Yea, you" You said before climbing into his lap. He moved a piece of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. "You're so beautiful, but I’m tired and we already did it" You looked at him, "I can help you with that" You said getting on your knees looking directly up at him. "Oh really" he said, his voice low, as he grabbed your hair, getting it out of your face, holding it into a ponytail. "Mhm" You said looking up at him, "but only if you let you." He licked his lips, looking down at you. "Then stop talking, and help me then."
You both laid in bed...Sweat dripping on your forehead, gliding down his abs, as they glistened from the sun glowed lamp on the bedside table, your head laying on his chest. You turned to look up at jeno "Babe" Your eyes glistening to him like stars in the night, "Yes?" He said, his finger dragging on your bare hips, giving you tingles. "You want to go for one more round..?" You said looking at him, your hand resting on his chest. He doesn't respond, fingers dragging up your waist slowly. "Babe come on, please?" he sighed, looking up at the ceiling "i'm so exhausted... I had practice today babe I'm sorry" You looked down, dragging your fingers down his chest, getting a feel of his abs, engraved deeply in his skin. "Who said you had to do any of the work" You said, looking up at him making eye contact, he looked down at you, his deep brown eyes staring at yours intensely, "then go" he said as he smirked, "Do the work then."
He was hovering over you, heavy breaths filling the room as he rolled over on the bed beside you. "I'm exhausted" he said as he smiled, still breathing heavily, his hands behind his head. "I'm not" You said, staring up at the ceiling. He turned to look at you, "what do you mean?" You turned over to him, "I mean... I don't feel finished, I want more" You said as you moved his damp hair from his face, exposing his forehead, moving your hands to his chest. "Baby" he looked at you, his eyes following your hand as you dragged them down his chest, making your way down to his torso. "How can I say no to you?" he said sitting up, lifting you in his lap, kissing you deeply, holding your waist as your bare bodies touched. "How can I say no."
You laid in the bed, wrapped in Jaemin's white silky sheets, as he showered after destroying you. You sat there, legs crossed, thinking about everything he said to you, everything he did to you. You don't think you were quite over it yet, but he seemed tired so you let it be, that's until he came out of the shower, his towel wrapped around his waist, his body glistening as drops of water rolled down his torso and collar bone, his hair wet, as he stared at you. "What?" He asked, as he went to his shelf, getting out his cologne and lotion. You bit your lip and rubbed your legs together, he noticed you from the corner of his eyes, turning and walking to the edge of the bed where you were lying down. "Well..." you said sitting up, placing your hands at the hem of the towel where it was tied, looking up at him. "Hm..." he hummed, knowing what you were indicating, looking up before smiling and looking back down at you, cupping your head in his hands. "There’s no one's stopping you, is there?
Your heaving breathing filled the room, his hands around your waist, your hands around his neck, as you both looked at each other, sweat dripping down his forehead. He kissed you before you got off his lap, him laying on the bed. You sat at the edge as he took a deep sigh, yawning. “Practice had me so tense today, I’m literally so tired” he said as he laid at the head of the bed. “You should get some rest then my dear.” you said continuing to look forward, dirty thoughts still circling your mind. “What’s wrong baby?” He said sitting up kissing your bare shoulder from behind. “I want more, please, give me more Chenle” he paused from kissing your shoulder, rubbing your back gently. “Do you now?” He said kissing your neck gently. “Mhm” you hummed into his touch, turning around facing him. You leaped on top of him, kissing him, as he grabbed your waist, pushing your bodies together, deepening the kiss. He broke the kiss and looked up at you, caressing your head. You took his arms pinning them down and kissed him. He looked you deeply in your eyes “Maybe one more round won’t hurt.”
You pulled up your skirt and straightened your hair as he pulled up his jeans and buttoned them. “Babe, I’m exhausted, I kinda just want to go home now.” you looked over at him, looking concerned as to what was going on, “You doing okay? Sure let’s go.” You both walked downstairs from the strangers bedroom, both a little tipsy from drinking at the party, saying your goodbyes to friends and headed out into the Uber. As you got into the back of the uber, on the way home you had realized one time wasn’t enough as he rubbed your inner thigh, holding you close. You wanted to feel him again. You knew he was tired, but decided to tease him anyways. “Babe” you said, whiny, pulling his hand further up your thigh, under your skirt. He shot you a glance, before looking at the Uber driver. “Yes Y/n” he said looking straight forward. “We should watch a movie when we get home.” You said pulling his hand further up your skirt. Biting your lip as he cold hand went up your thigh “You know I’m tired babe.” He said as you pulled up to the house, “When have you ever been too tired to watch a movie?” You said, your voice sounding seductive. You guys made your way up to the door as the Uber drove away. He fumbled trying to unlock the door as you guys made out sloppily, reaching the couch, “You doing okay?” You asked. He smiled “Just shut up and get on top of me.”
You and Haechan laid on the couch in the practice studio, making out after your quickie before the rest of the guys came in, it was risky as hell but definitely worth it. You left early and went home to eat dinner, waiting for haechan. He got back home at around 3am. You went to hug and kiss him. “Hi babe, how was practice?” you ask. “Pretty great this new choreo is definitely tiring though.” He says as he sits down and looks at you. You sit in his lap and he gives you a confused look “I was just wondering…if you wanted a part two of what happened earlier?” You asked, he shook his head putting his hands around your waist, “I really can’t right now, everything is sore on me” You look him in his eyes, “Well it only makes sense for me to be sore too, we can be sore together” he looked at you for a second before smiling “you’re so cute” he said before you grabbed his hand, leading him to the bedroom, pushing him on the bed. He looked at you, biting his lip “Come on then, let’s be sore together.”
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