#sgt. lukas vanir
lukas-du-mortain · 2 months
W.I.P. Wednesday
A fic I started but I don't know how to proceed yet: Lukas leaving Bobby after a fight and 10 years of emotional manipulation and controlling behavior.
@serenpedac @do-this-for-me @vakarians-babe @briarfox13 @keriweird @thewayhavenchronicle @starsandskies
"I know how regret grips your chest in a vise every time you say his name, every time you hear his voice." The phantom stands and strides towards the small window of the one room dilapidated apartment. "I know that you hate yourself for being reduced to living in these-" Its fingers swipe the window sill, coming away dark with dust, "-conditions."
"Shutupshutupshutupshu-" Lukas continues to chant softly to himself. He keeps his head hung forward with fingers intertwined behind, on his neck.
The phantom laughs sardonically, a smile twisting and pulling to the sides of his cheeks. "I know what goes on in that mind of yours, you know," it interrupts as Lukas continues murmuring to himself.
Lukas breathes faster. His breaths escape him faster than he can replenish, and his lungs begin to burn. His rib cage constricting around his chest, unforgiving, tight, piercing. His vision blurs as panic sets in once more, he's alone. He's alone, and the person he thought he loved the most in the world is gone. He has nowhere to turn. No one to call on. Tears drip and drop onto the floor, turning the dirt and grime and dust into a disgusting paste. The humidity in the air emphasizes the dank smell in the one room apartment. Mold and mildew invades his sinuses, he retches in the midst of his panic.
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lukas-du-mortain · 21 days
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Adam and Lukas sharing a beautiful quiet moment together, after waking up after a good night's rest. Made from this picrew.
I wanna write a cute soft blurb but I don't have any inspiration or ideas.
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lukas-du-mortain · 9 months
Hi ^^ You mentioned a heartbreaking HC for Lukas and Rebecca re Rook?? I'm curious now! (and ready to have my heart broken ;) )
Smoke slowly billows in front of Lukas' face as he exhales. The burning end of his 2nd cigarette illuminates the tips of his fingers. He stares out into the darkness of the woods, wondering what is out there, who's watching him, what kind of supernatural lurks in the shadows. Bright light from his phone screen is the only other source of illumination for kilometers and kilometers. He aimlessly swipes through his phone reel, laughing at the wild and interesting photos of him and Unit Bravo. The selfie of him and Felix. Pictures of Emma laying on top of Felix, dwarfing him in comparison. A candid picture of Adam running with Emma in the early morning.
All of a sudden Lukas stops. A selfie of him and his Alaskan Malmute, Emma. In the background however, is a framed picture of him at the young age of 14, his mother, and a guitar. A 1984 Ibanez rs400, bright red.
Rook's guitar.
Rebecca had known that Lukas absolutely excelled at music. His father's early influence no doubt. On an early anniversary, Rook had waited for Rebecca to come home from the Agency. He had set up roses and candles. Dinner had been prepared and its smell wafted through their tiny Vancouver apartment. As Rebecca made her way through, she heard Rook playing his guitar; the song that was playing when they got engaged.
That guitar was Rook's favorite. Rebecca once told Lukas, "The whole time I was pregnant, and-" she paused."For those first 2 years after, he played you lullabies every night."
Lukas' 14th birthday was the only one Rebecca was there for. It was just the two of them. After dinner Rebecca had come out of her bedroom with a large box wrapped haphazardly in 'Birthday' paper. Lukas was so confused. He told her, "But you already spent my birthday with me. I don't need any gifts."
Rebecca almost cried when Lukas said that. Their relationship used to be so close. But she was resolute, wiping her tears away saying "Lukas, sweetheart, this isn't just a present from me." She took his hands in her own. "It is a gift from your father."
Lukas never heard much about his dad. Rebecca always told him how traumatizing that moment was, so he understood that she never discussed it. All she would ever say was that Rook loved Lukas with his whole heart. Lukas was his whole world.
Lukas opened the box carefully, but with vigor. When he gazed upon the glossy vibrant red finish, he felt his father with him. Every time Lukas played from that day on, he always felt Rook was right there next to him.
In the last year, Lukas has begun to lose faith in Rebecca and their relationship. He knows it isn't entirely her doing, but he still is not sure if he can entirely forgive her for all those kept secrets. That framed picture from his birthday, is a stark reminder of how things used to be. He loves his life now, especially with Adam in it. Though he can't help but wish he had those days back. Whenever he's sad, whenever he's angry, whenever he records a new track, he picks up Rook's guitar and just plays. He plays until his fingers bleed, until he's filled his notebook with song ideas.
It's the only physical reminder that his father existed.
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lukas-du-mortain · 2 months
OC in 15
Tagged by: @serenpedac | featuring: Lukas - some are from different points of his life, such as when he was a teenager.
1. "I love you." Lukas whispers, his forehead touching Bobby's.
2. "I-" What does he even say? It's not like she was ever there for him. She missed every important moment in his life. "Rebecca, I need help." His voice wavers, "I left Bobby, I have nowhere to go."
3. "Oh no!! I'm being murdered by cuteness!!" Lukas yells with laughter as his new puppy Emma tries to tackle him at the legs.
4. "If I could cast a spell, I'd send you straight. to. Hell." Lukas yells into the mic as he sings.
5. "Can I get one of those?" ... "-but you have a whole new pack and I need a cigarette!"
6. Hearing the pet name, hearing his smooth voice, Lukas freezes. He slowly turns, "What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Here." It's been 6 years since he's seen Bobby.
7. "Hey, uh. Adam? Do you want to go on a run with me and Emma?"
8. "I'm sorry you have to be stuck with me..." His voice trails off as he withdraws into himself on the couch.
9. "Felix-" there's a playful fire in their eyes as Lukas stares at his friend. "You're on."
10. "Emmmaaaaa... Don't. Don't do it." Emma's tongue lulls out of her mouth as she gleefully looks back at Lukas. "Emma! No!" And all hope of a clean walk is thoroughly dashed as Emma desides to jump into a mud puddle, getting her fur dirty and tangled.
11. "The only good thing she ever did for me as a kid was giving me my dad's guitar on my birthday."
12. "What's on my face? Oh, I got new piercings." ... "You're never home anyway so why do you care? It's not like you can stop me."
13. "I'm going to Bobby's house. You can't stop me, Rebecca." ... "I can't say that? Well you certainly don't act like a mom, you're never home and I see you for like two hours every day. Far as I know, I don't have a mother."
14. "I got you a matching bear, I know how much you wanted to win one..."
15. "Adam-" Lukas hesitates. "No matter what we do, it doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're here with me." He speaks softly as their hands intertwine.
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
W.I.P. I Forgot What Day It Was
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"You're not real." Lukas whispers, refusing to lift his gaze to the figure before him. Ignoring the phantom won't matter though.
"Aren't I, though?" The phantom crouches down on one knee, pushing into Lukas' space and grabbing his chin with long thin fingers. Its nails dig into his skin as it yanks Lukas' head upwards. "I'm a part of you. Always lurking, always watching, always observing. I know the worst parts of you. The things you wish you said, the things he did say," The phantom carelessly drops Lukas' head from its grip.
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
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Agent Lukas 'Ári' Vanir
Hurricane - I Prevail
Lately, I don't give a fuck.
'Cause I can't be myself when I'm with anyone.
Maybe, I'm already gone.
I'll never be the same.
It hit me like a hurricane.
It hit me like a tidal wave.
And I don't know why I drown my mind in everything they say.
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
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Sgt. Lukas Vanir + Agent Adam du Mortain
Meus amor aeternus
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lukas-du-mortain · 7 months
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We need to accept the fact that is / We don't know everything / And the ones / Who have learned this / Tend to see / Answers / Deep within your skin / Where you can never gaze
Do not repost! Do not feed to AI!
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
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52 - Empty Threat
Sgt. Lukas Vanir outside Vancouver
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Submitted by: @elleweird | Send me a prompt
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lukas-du-mortain · 8 months
W.I.P. Wednesday
Tagged by @serenpedac
Finally noticing how lethargic he is, Lukas slowly pulls himself upright along the wall. He feels his way to the tiny bathroom, where he proceeds to splash water on his face. Ice cold water grips and drags his mind back to its senses. Maybe he should go back? Guilt wrecks his body, because at the end of the day wasn't it his fault for leaving? Questions race through his mind. Uncertainty pushes through his body as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. Maybe if he went back and apologized for the screaming match, his life would go back to normal; right? Perhaps he could work hard and gain his reputation back, earn his credibility back. After all, it was his fault wasn't it?
What-ifs and hypothetical scenarios play in his head like a fast paced movie. One where the protagonist is faced with such uneasiness of their future survival. Lukas grips the cracked ivory porcelain sink in front of the mirror, his fingers wrapped around its edges so tightly his knuckles begin to blend in with the color of the sink. Nearly 10 years of his life has culminated to this moment, alone and broken and desperate in a broken down apartment. He has nothing left, nothing except what small belongings and clothes he could fit into two duffel bags. No car, no home. He has money but in Vancouver, $1000 in his savings won't last long. Should he go back, tail between his legs and beg for money?
No. He can't. It would just start the same vicious cycle all over again. Lukas would end up back here in the end. Bobby had taken everything from him. Lukas was left with the consequences of Bobby's actions, as usual, and it ruined him.
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
W.I.P Yesterday was Wednesday
@ava-du-mortain and @do-this-for-me tagged me last week and I finally have something to show for it.
The closer it crawls towards his neck, the stronger the smell in the air. Metallic, dank, muggy. His sweat collects underneath the leather straps that bind his weak limbs. Even the flat sterile table he's chained and bound to offers no relief. With the accumulation of the humidity and sweat, the leather bindings stick to his skin. The slightest movement brings forth a feeling as if skin is being peeled away, layer by layer.
Lukas lets out a bone shattering scream, a wail so shrill it threatens to rupture his eardrums. Silence follows the walls' mocking echo. Emptiness, hopelessness, are the only things that stare back from the darkness. His scream fades into a whimper that becomes punctuated with short ragged breaths.
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
hullo!! 🌶️, 🥭, 🥔 & 🍒 for all of them pls!! <3
Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Whomever killed Rook. Murphy. Anwir. And eventually once properly introduced, the Rogue leader and her pet vampire.
What colors best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favorites?
Their eye colors!! Lukas has hazel eyes with specks of brown and gold. Séamus has deep emerald eyes with hints of brown. Gareth has blue eyes with flecks of grey. Lukas' favorite colors are forest green, like his hair! Séamus loves warm colors like reds and oranges, as well as cool bright colors. Gareth likes more subdued earthy colors.
What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Lukas: His impulsive nature, running headfirst into things without thinking. Stubborn. Séamus: His inaction. Shay has a lot of anxiety and he sees it as being cautious, but others tend to see it as hesitation. Gareth: His inability to care for himself. He serves others and is there to support others, because he refuses to address his own issues.
Who is your OC's perfect companion?
Lukas: Adam, best friends with Mason. Lukas: Mason, best friends with Felix. Séamus: Felix, best friends with Adam. Gareth: Nate, best friends with Mason.
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 year
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Two souls have been bound by time, in a sequential form of love. Reaching multiple lives, connected by the stars above.
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lukas-du-mortain · 1 month
5 Songs
Lukas x Adam
The Wild - Mumford and Sons | The song that would play whenever they look into each other's eyes and see that devoted unending love.
Do not be afraid / What's that I see? / I think it's the wild / Puts the fear of God in me
So Numb - TX2 | Lukas singing about his relationship with Bobby ending.
If I said I moved on (moved on, moved on) / If I said I'm fine, that'd be a lie, fuck / You're stuck on my mind / It doesn't get better, you turned off the lights / You left me a letter, but that won't suffice / Memories like leather, they last a whole life / I'lI never get rid of them, trust me, l've tried
I Don't Belong Here - I Prevail | Lukas' self-doubt regarding keeping up with UB.
Time disappears, year after year / How the hell did I get here? ('Cause) / I feel so far away / Minutes turn to hours and the hours into days, I gave up everything / You don't know what you got until you throw it all away
We All Fall Down - The Rigs | A song Lukas would love. It's about support and love and challenges between two people.
Wait, I'm between shadows and sunlight / But your love gets me through dark nights / And I'll be alright
Sequential Lives - Opal in Sky | If Lukas and Adam had a theme song, it'd be this.
Two souls have been bound by time / In a sequential form of love / Reaching multiple lives / Connected by the stars above
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lukas-du-mortain · 9 months
I am normal about Adam.
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