#so i'm really excited about trying out the drawing function
shandian-go · 1 year
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Happy CNY, everyone! I'll be giving out some 'red pocket' style gift vouchers like last year to celebrate the new year :D
GA Details
5 winners
Open worldwide!
Each winner will receive a $10 CAD gift voucher that can be applied to any order from the Order Site
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Max 2 entries per person (1 on Tumblr, 1 on Twitter)
Deadline: Jan 27, 2023
Good luck to everyone and wishing you all health + prosperity in the new year! n__n
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
omg i love the way u write jjk characters! i was reading ur work and had a scenario that i thought would be so fun to read from you if you like the idea! i was thinking abt if you got drunk with them at the school (like maybe all the students sneak to one persons dorm or something), how they would act drunk, how they would treat u, what would happen etc. my favs are toge and yuji but you could do whoever ofc!
ok idk if this is exactly what you were looking for but since i've wrtten a few fics now where drinking/partying was the theme, i'm gonna assign the jjk crews their party night roles lolol so enjoy
ITADORI YUUJI is the life of the party, obviously. he's the type to bring jello shots to the function and if no one wants them, he'll eat em all himself. he's the guy that you dare to do stuff as the night goes on. he's the guy that somehow, at the end of each party, is missing a shirt. did he go swimming? did someone spill on it? did he spill on it? (most likely) everyone laughs but no one really complains about it. he's always got a fun plan or game in mind to keep the night going, and everyone's happy to have him there.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI is the shy-at-first guest. he's slow when he first gets there, and always claims he doesn't want to get too fucked up. he's got a never ending amount of excuses up his sleeve as to why he can't take that shot with you, or be your partner for beer pong. but give him an hour to warm up. he'll spend that time lining up a fire playlist and semi-mingling. the trick to getting him to loosen up? just a quick smoke first. don't jump on him with it, but if he sees a joint being passed around, he can't resist just a couple puffs. what's the harm, right? a couple puffs and he's giving in to whatever other party shenanigans come his way.
KUGISAKI NOBARA is in charge of the photography for the evening. everyone's instagrams and snapchat stories are well taken care of when she's around. in the early parts of the evening they're casual photos, fit checks, some candids of the laughing group as they play games or eat pizza. she's quite good with lighting and angles, and no one complains when she shoves her phone in their face. as the night goes on, she probably documents more than she should- toge drawing on yuuta's face while he's passed out, yuuji shirtless and covering himself in whipped cream on a dare- but it's always too funny to go through them the next day and delete half the evidence.
PANDA is the dancer. if he's drinking, he's dancing. it doesn't matter how many drinks are in his system. it doesn't matter if the music is particularly fun- or even playing. he's got too much excitement from hanging out with his friends and is down for a good time. he's also easy to coerce into pranking someone.
INUMAKI TOGE is the coercer of pranks. if someone passes out, he's always got a marker on him. he always has the best dares for truth or dare, and isn't afraid when others want to get their revenge. he's that class-clown energy at the party. sometimes it's annoying, but it's always undeniably funny. he definitely likes those tacky party favors from spencers. especially the big dick shaped syringes for taking shots. he's got a lot of sus 'party decorations'. but let's be real it's really fucking funny when he breaks out the newest one. also if he gets too drunk he will use his cursed speech for the sake of humor.
ZEN'IN MAKI is the bartender and general caretaker of the group. she's the best at mixed drinks and knows everyone's favorite, but always has something new to try. as the designated bartender she's also the one subtly making sure everyone is on a good track for the night. most of the time it just meant keeping an eye on yuuji and toge, reminding them to have some water every once in a while went a long way. and she's not afraid to cut you off if you're getting sloppy. i also think she'd roll the fattest, cleanest joints when she's not mixing drinks.
OKKOTSU YUUTA is the first to fall asleep. he's a good time, don't get me wrong. he loves the games and the dancing and the goofing around, but he's an overworked boy and... a bit of a lightweight. motherfucker takes two hits and is shaking his head the rest of the rotation. it's kinda cute that his eyes get all red after so little before he raids the snack table. maki knows he has a five drink limit before he either needs to drink water or rally or... as usual, he's slumped into the couch and snoozing away. it's a miracle that he can sleep so hard when the music is blasting and everyone has to yell to be heard- especially when it's itadori yelling. by the end of the night, someone's thrown a blanket over him, and toge's vandalized his face with permanent marker.
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dice-wizard · 1 year
Hello everyone looking for a new fantasy tabletop game!
As it nears backer release, there's never been a better time to pre-order Exalted: Essence
Pre-ordering gets you access to the beta document and the early release backer pdf.
What's Exalted you ask?
Exalted is an epic fantasy TTRPG where players play the titular Exalted - humans elevated to superhuman/demigod status - in a wild and unique setting that draws inspiration from the ancient world rather than medieval Europe. Creation (the setting) draws key inspirations from the entire world. If you're used to having to make yourself visible on your own in other fantasy, there's probably some representation in Exalted.
It has explicit queer and trans themes about finding your people, creating your own identity, and having the power to punch back at the people who hate you. This isn't incidental. The writing staff is queer as hell. You can hear me break this down more here.
Curious to learn all you can? Well you can get a detailed overview of the entire game on the podcast Systematic Understanding of Everything hosted by myself, @presidentofbirds and @phillycuriosity
If I'm used to D&D 5e why should I pick this up?
Well, I presume if you're reading this post you're already interested in trying something new, so:
The entire game in one book. Exalted: Essence is self contained, character types, equipment, enemies and all!
An exciting style of fantasy that's different than classic D&D but like, textually gay, and very easy to have scenes like ballroom fights, epic galas, and touching homoerotic healing scenes - no house rules required.
But also, tactical depth and combat you can really sink your teeth into if fighting monsters and villains is your bag.
An excuse to use all your d10s at once
Character building and advancement mechanics designed to be familiar to a 5e audience. Characters "level up" based on story beats, and have Advantages, which are functionally similar to class and race features.
A world welcoming to most heroic archetypes, so it's easy to convert your favorite OC.
Extremely kissable dragons, demons, gods, elementals, ghosts, faeries, and unnamed ancient horrors
I'm a fan of a previous edition, what's Essence got for me?
Design focused on alleviating some of the previous versions' missteps
Virtues are back, baby
2e fans will find it an improvement from second edition's mechanical strengths - it's pretty easy to convert all your favorite 2e Charms to XS.
Streamlined versions of familiar rules to make it painless to introduce new friends to the game we love.
The Cliff's notes on Ex3's new Exalt types.
Did I mention it's all of Exalted in one book?
How does it play?
d10 dice pool looking for 7,8,9 as successes. 10s count as two successes, which can lead to explosive, heroic outcomes
Combat system designed to keep all players engaged the entire time - even characters who aren't focused on fighting at all.
Combat also narrows the gap between experienced and new players and players who want to win at RPGs and players who just wanna vibe so GMs aren't tearing their hair out trying to balance encounters.
Social system designed to resolve in a single roll so you can be immersed in role play and not interrupt it with constant rolling - without sacrificing a variety of social approaches
"Ventures" system for characters working on long term projects from traveling across the world to crafting magical wonders to building communities without forcing this to be "downtime" activity
Characters have access to Charms - exception-based special powers that make them extremely good at whatever they focus on.
It's easily my favorite game (and the project I developed that I'm the proudest of), so I'm excited for everyone to try it out.
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stolitzsings · 4 months
A Moment in the Sun
[This is my first attempt at helluva boss fic, so please enjoy a soft, short little thing about sunlight, rest, and trying something new <3 it was inspired by this beautiful artwork, and my constant need for soft stolitz]
“Man, I didn’t know sunlight could feel this good,” Blitz said, leaning back on his hands and turning his face upward. 
Stolas shielded his face with one hand and looked at him affectionately. The light was almost blinding to his eyes, so well-suited to studying more distant stars. 
“Darling, you're up here every week,” he said.
Blitz waved this away, eyes closed as he enjoyed the warmth of the living world's sun. “Yeah, but I'm always trying to kill someone. Kinda hard to smell the roses when some asshole is trying to shoot your dick off.”
Stolas smiled. “I suppose that's true.” Blitz did look more relaxed than he'd seen in a long time. The discomfort of the searing sunlight was a small price to pay for that. 
He smoothed out a corner of the blanket they were sitting on and looked around at the earthly greenery around them. He'd been lucky to find this secluded little spot, a grassy hill that rose high enough above the surrounding trees to afford them a beautiful view of the sky. He’d brought Via here a few times to stargaze, and he was happy to share it with Blitz now.
He turned back towards Blitz to find him halfway through stripping off his shirt. Color rose immediately in his cheeks as he watched the movement of Blitz’s back muscles under his skin. 
Blitz noticed him looking. “Don't get any ideas, birdbrain. I'm not getting grass stains on my ass for you.” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, letting the sun warm his back. He really was lovely in the sunlight–the dark gloss of his horns and spines, the striking contrast of white and red–and Stolas couldn't help but stare.
He stroked one finger down Blitz’s spine, slow and deliberate, enjoying the way Blitz relaxed under his touch. Then Stolas just brushed the base of his tail, and he felt him go very still.
Oh? That was something new. He started again, this time tracing from between his shoulder blades to a few inches down his tail. There was no mistaking it this time. The moment he reached it, Stolas heard his breath hitch. 
“Is everything alright, darling?” he asked innocently, one finger still drawing short, delicate lines along his tail's base.
“Yep, fine,” he snapped, too quickly. Stolas fought back a smile. Blitz liked to think of himself as cool and hard to read, keeping his true feelings hidden beneath layers of sarcasm and thoughtlessness. But there were moments when he fell open like a book, secrets exposed to the world. Stolas cherished every one. He drank in the sight of Blitz’s spines lifting along his back, his cheeks flushing faintly, his head tilting just slightly back as Stolas continued to run his hand further down his tail. 
“You know,” he said thoughtfully, his fingers circling around Blitz’s spines, “it makes sense that imp tails would be rather sensitive. I'd never thought of it because my own is just feathers.” Blitz had turned half-around now, watching Stolas with his mouth slightly open.
Happy to have his attention, Stolas lifted Blitz’s tail into his hands and began to wind it between his fingers. “But yours is functional, rather than simply ornamental.”
He could hear Blitz carefully pacing each breath, trying and failing to seem unaffected. Stolas let another few inches slip through his fingers and smiled at the way his next measured inhale became an unsteady gasp. 
“It grasps and curls,” he continued, “it probes and responds.” He reached the very end of Blitz’s tail and gently cupped its pointed barb in his hands.
“It can bristle in anger…” His voice was reverent as he bent his head down.
“...or shiver in ecstasy.” He pressed a kiss to the center of the barb and felt a thrill run through Blitz’s whole body, mirroring the excited flutter of Stolas's heart.
The next thing he felt was his back colliding with the ground as Blitz tackled him. Stolas laughed, his breath only slightly impeded by the imp now straddling his ribcage.
“Fuck you.” He tried to look stern, but he was already fumbling with the buttons of Stolas's shirt.
“Darling, I believe that's your job.”
Blitz’s tail flicked a sharp reprimand against Stolas's thigh. Then he tangled his sun-warmed hands in Stolas's hair feathers and swept him up into a kiss.
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kiiyome-art · 12 days
I've been thinking a lot about destiny lately, and how I want to go about writing and drawing out my warlock, Vienna's, story, now that the light and dark saga is coming to a close. I was a bit late to the destiny scene, all things considered, and between my creative struggles and (trying) to be a functional human being, I've not created as much as id have liked to. So come along with me on my little rant as I think allowed my thoughts, if you feel so inclined.^^
There's still so much I want to write, and stories to tell within the destiny universe.
I started playing the game during season of the plunder, when my friends introduced me to it, and we became a glorious fireteam! I was drawn to the pretty warlock space magic immediately, and thus, Vienna was born. ( Though I've since become a hunter main, she's still my favorite blorbo. )
I quickly fell in love with the story and it's characters, dug deep into the lore and since then, her story has gone through a LOT of changes. I try to stick close to the canon story for the most part, in my universe Vienna is the young wolf who was risen in D1, and has since gone through most of what we see throughout the dlcs and seasons past then, I'll probably elaborate on that further at one point.
Most of my drawings that I've posted here are fun little doodles, occasional quips between characters, and overall "for fun" stuff. The majority of what I've thought up for Vienna has been confined to my own head and the rare rants to my friends. And now with final shape being so close, I feel myself pressured to know, and write down, everything that I can. Which, realistically, is silly.
I had plans to make a three minute animatic of Vienna during forsaken since it was a MASSIVE turning point for her, have it out by final shape, then make an entirely NEW animatic based off OF final shape, mostly inspired by Caydes return. Whilst I had mapped out most of it and gotten some rough sketches down, I didn't even begin on the actual project. Could I have? Probably. Do i feel guilty about it? Yes. Will those projects still happen? Hopefully.
I know for all you creatives out there that might be reading this, the feeling of having plans, and not being able to carry through with them, or it not turning out how you wanted, is a shitty feeling, not foreign to ANY of us.
I felt myself compelled to write this in the first place because I know that, well, I'm not alone.
There's many creatives out there feeling the same pressure to get stuff done as I am, even if we don't say it. We want to have everything figured out, to create something wonderful, with the final shape feeling like "the end" of destiny as we know it and all. So this is me calling out to whoever might be listening; be nicer to yourself.
You have all the time in the world to create that animation, paint that painting, write that story. Just because final shape is "an ending," doesn't mean you can't still work on and have fun with the story beats you have in mind prior to Final Shape. No ones gunna call it silly, were all equally starved for content here. And who knows, once we all know how final shape ends, it might inspire you and help your story flow together better.
I'll try my best to tag my posts relating to Vienna and her fireteam with time stamps from now on, as I tend to jump all over the place and it could get really confusing really fast. The TLDR of it all;
Don't feel guilty about unfinished projects. Final shape isn't the end, dont let it be, and dont feel confined to just creating content relating to post final shape.
That's all! I appreciate you reading if you got this far, and im excited to see the amazing things the Destiny corner of tumblr will come up with next.
See you starside! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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jahayla-parker · 10 months
Bewitched Love : Peter Parker x Reader
Part 19
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Desc. & Warnings: 1.7k wc, see navigation for description and warnings
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“I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna get through this, and we're gonna get through it together. Okay?” Y/n declared.
Peter smiled as he sniffled faintly. “Okay,” he said, placing his hands over y/n’s.
Y/n grinned and leaned her forehead against Peter’s. “Est us,” she whispered; it’s us.
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Peter lightly laughed as he and the other Spider-Men rambled about the way they did they web-shooting functions. “Anyway, we're getting sidetracked,” he said, trying to redirect the group. “Look, this is where we're gonna do this, okay? It's isolated, so no one should get hurt.” Peter glanced at each of his friends but his gaze lingered on y/n longer than the rest. “We draw them there with the box, it's the one thing they all want. All we have to do is figure out how we're gonna get there,” he explained.
Y/n opened her mouth to suggest she could try a spell when Ned’s face lit up.
“Oh, we can portal there,” Ned commented casually.
Peter’s gaze snapped from y/n to Ned. “What?” he questioned.
Ned shrugged. But, his smirking lips exposed his true feelings. “I'm magic now,” Ned stated.
Y/n and Peter faced each other in confusion.
MJ laughed lightly at her friends’ reactions. “Yeah, no, no. He's right,” she nodded affirmatively. “He can. He can,” MJ promised.
“Yeah, we saw him,” the older Spider-Man agreed.
“Yeah. He is,” the other Spider-Man stated.
Y/n shrugged as Peter kept staring at her. “I felt something when he first took hold of Strange’s ring, but…” she shrugged again.
“Wait, really?” Peter asked, facing Ned.
Ned nodded with a wide grin. “Dude, I got Doctor Strange magic,” he bragged.
Peter couldn’t process how to respond. So he found himself merely repeating his confusion. “What?”
“Yeah!” Ned exclaimed. His excitement suddenly turned into shyness. “And I promise you...” Ned mumbled, focusing on Peter. “I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you,” he promised.
Even after the younger of the two new Spider-Mans patted Ned on the back and nodded approvingly, Peter was still confused. He nodded slowly, biting his lip as he silently questioned his friend’s statement. “O-kay... Thank... you?” Peter mumbled. “Um... Alright. Here goes nothing,” he said, redirecting the group back to their plans.
“Maybe… uhh,” y/n spoke quietly. When her Peter nodded at her to speak her mind, she smiled. “So, I expect you three,” y/n began, looking at the various Spider-Mans, “will get confused when talking to each other out there, so…”. She giggled nervously and bit her bottom lip, “maybe you could use nicknames , or I don’t know, something, to differentiate yourselves from one another?”
Peter smiled at y/n supportively, agreeing with her suggestion. “Umm, we don’t have time to get into creative ones,” he pointed out, “do either of you already have any?”
Both of the new Spider-Mans sighed and shook their heads ‘no’.
“Okay,” Peter hummed, “uh, let’s… I’ll be Peter 1..?” He pointed at the Spider-Man closest to him -the older man-, “you’ll be Peter 2?” He spun towards the other guy, “Peter 3?”.
Y/n sighed with relief when everyone agreed on the assigned nicknames. She was no longer as worried about the cohesion between the heroes. They’d only met tonight and it was going to be hard enough to work together without truly knowing or trusting each other. Ideally they’d have been able to bond a bit more before the fight, but time didn’t permit that. So, y/n was glad they at least weren’t all going to be called by the same name tonight.
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The group had separated briefly, each person doing their own thing to finalize their preparations for the upcoming fight. Peter 2 was removing his outer clothing to uncover his Spider-Man suit underneath. Ned was talking with MJ about what they’d each been working on moments ago.
Peter was watching nervously as y/n was trying to fix her suit as much as possible. His eyes drifted from her tired but determined eyes to her wounded and bruised yet stitched-up leg. Peter’s heart beat loudly and rapidly in his chest as he bit deep into his lip.
Peter didn’t want to have to have this conversation with y/n. He knew no matter what he said it would seem like he didn’t think she could handle it. But, it wasn’t like that. Peter just couldn’t risk losing her.
Y/n was repeating a variety of common spells in her mind, being sure to simultaneously mentally tell her energy to not actually do them. She needed to make sure she didn’t mess up any spells. While her conversation with Peter before their friends arrived helped her feel less at fault for May’s death, she didn’t want to risk anything. There was too much at stake. Y/n knew she’d need to truly focus to properly help Peter finish fixing this chaos, help from the others or not.
Y/n sucked in a deep breath as she reminded herself to be confident in her abilities. She’d learned from her fight with Agatha just how important her confidence was in battle situations. Content with her preparedness, y/n decided she should go check on Peter Peter 1; her Peter.
Peter 1 was hesitantly making his way towards his girlfriend when she spun to face him. He felt himself freeze as y/n smiled supportively at him. This wasn’t going to be easy. But, Peter knew it needed to be done.
“Amica mea, are you okay?” Y/n questioned immediately upon seeing her boyfriend Peter’s worried stare.
Peter 1 shifted his bottom lip underneath the pressure from his top teeth, eyes glued to the floor. When y/n grabbed his hands, he forced himself to look up at her. “I… y/n,” Peter sighed, “you should… uhh… stay with MJ and-”.
“Peter, no,” y/n sighed, “respectfully, no”. She shook her head adamantly, fear rising in her. Y/n didn’t want to leave Peter to handle this situation on his own. Sure he’d have the other guys, but y/n wanted to be there to make sure someone was focused on keeping him safe too and not letting him sacrifice himself in anyway.
“Y/n/n, I clearly underestimated these villains,” Peter 1 complained. “And, look what happened,” he mumbled. “I.. It’s dangerous.”
Y/n nodded in agreement. “I know it is, that’s why I’m going,” she argued. “You’re not alone in this, Peter,” y/n reminded him.
Peter 1 calmly stepped closer to y/n. “I know,” he said appreciatively, “an-and, thank you”. Peter’s eyes watered as he held y/n’s face in his hands. “But I can’t lose you, I.. I-I c-can’t-,” he choked.
Y/n’s eyes softened as she frowned. She held her hands over her Peter’s hands as they rested on her cheeks. “Everything’s going to be fine, I’m going to be fine,” y/n encouraged.
“I-” Peter 1’s voice broke. He took in a shaky breath as he weakly shook his head. “Please, I … I…” he sighed. “I know we work good together,” Peter admitted, making y/n nod. “But, t-tonight, I… I really need to kn-know you’re s-safe,” he pleaded breathily.
Y/n bit her lip and sighed lightly. “I don’t want to argue babe, I just… I don’t want you trying to do this alone”. Y/n gave Peter a sympathetic smile, “I understand you want me safe, but I want you safe too Peter”.
Peter 1 sniffled as a small smile formed on his face. He nodded rapidly, “the o-other Spider-Mans are enough”. “They-they’ve fought those guys before, I’ll be safe”.
Y/n took a deep breath. She hesitantly nodded faintly, still unsure she was okay with this plan. But, she also refused to push her boyfriend. He’d just lost Aunt May, y/n had no doubt he felt he needed to be so overprotective of y/n now.
Peter 1 easily picked up on the reluctance in y/n’s considerate agreement. He rewarded her with a grateful smile, his hands tenderly squeezing her cheeks. “Thank you, I j-just can’t lose you,” he explained, “e-especially not after May”. Peter closed his eyes and leaned in until his lips embraced y/n’s.
“We-we’re still in this together, deliciae,” Peter promised when his lips parted from y/N’s. “Besides, you’ll be able to ensure that things stay on course if Ned’s … magic? Doesn’t work the way we need,” he said, trying to soften the blow of needing her to stay behind. “But, I’ll see you soon,” Peter nodded with a determined expression.
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As the group exchanged hugs and words of encouragement, y/n stood beside the Spider-Mans from the other universes. She glanced over to ensure her Peter was distracted. After y/n confirmed her Peter Peter 1 was busy talking to their friends, she faced the other Spider-Mans. “Okay,” y/n started.
The men startled faintly due to the intensity behind y/n’s demeanor.
“You have,” y/n said, looking over at her Peter briefly, “you have to protect him”. She took a deep breath and focused her gaze on the men before her. “Please, I-” she sighed. “He blames himself for this and f-for Ma-May,” y/n shook her head slowly, “I’m worried he’ll risk his safety to overcompensate to-”.
Peter 3 nodded, grabbing y/n’s hand and squeezing it. “I understand,” he smiled sympathetically. “I also know you want to be there yourself,” Peter 3 hummed, “but, we’ll watch him for you”.
Peter 2 smiled and nodded towards y/n. “He’ll be fine,” he encouraged. “These guys were going to cure? They’ve reach only gone up against one Spider-Man. But, tonight? There’s three”. Peter 2’s confident stance softened as he stared intently at y/n, “we’ve got his back”.
Y/n smiled as she nodded in appreciation. “Th-thank you,” she replied breathily. She looked over at her Peter just as he turned to her. Y/n’s soft smile grew as he walked over and pulled her in for one more hug.
“I’ll be careful,” Peter promised y/n, seeing the worry she was trying to hide. He closed his eyes and pressed a delicate kiss to her forehead, “I’ll do my best”. Peter leaned back to look at the group, “Here goes nothing. If this doesn’t work-”.
Y/n stopped Peter by closing her eyes and shaking her head. “It will work,” y/n declared. As she looked around their newly formed team, she offered an encouraging smile with a determined expression in her eyes. “We’re going to make it work. We’re going to kick some ass,” she argued.
Peter 1 smiled at y/n, “okay”.
Peter 2 hummed. “Cure,” he corrected softly. “Cure some ass.”
Ned wrapped his arm around y/n and nodded at the three Spider-Mans. “Cure that ass,” he agreed. Ned’s wide smile sealed the deal and soon everyone parted for their assigned starting points.
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rindemption · 9 months
So, I'm not sure how many people are still around from 2-3 years ago when I first talked about it, but I had some (for me) significant health changes a few summers ago that, while greatly improving, are apparently still affecting me
I was in a high stress/ high energy output job for a while. Nearly 10 years, and the longer I was there the worse it got. From a promotion that changed my job expectations to post-covid understaffing. Over the course of one summer I lost a significant amount of weight for the size I already was. It was just under 10% of my total weight, and put a lot of strain on my body. I lost muscle mass as well, because I ran out of fat to lose. On top of physical stress, I was under a lot of mental stress as well, and situations at home and among my social group left me in a very negative headspace that in no way helped my situation. When I'm depressed and stressed out, I have no appetite.
I had to make changes to my diet that, while not ultimately healthy, ensured I wasn't at a calorie deficit. It was a horrible cycle: I would come home from work with no energy to cook, which meant I wasn't getting the nutrients to give my body energy. So I'd resort to quick, high calorie, ready made meals, that in the long run resulted in vitamin deficiencies instead.
And the physical state affects the psychological state, so mentally I was a mess. My two main creative outputs at the time were writing and virtual photography. Looking back, my writing style was inconsistent, messy, and the tone of it was all over depending on my current mood. I didn't have the mental energy to draw, but I could get excited about and do vp. But even that was only to the point of "good-enough". I could never focus long enough or put the energy in to get it to the standards I wanted.
I'm in a much better place now, but I can still feel the shockwaves of the toll all of that took on me. I left that job a few months ago, and thanks to my spouse's support I'm putting weight back on. But I still feel like a train wreck. I lose words- even just writing this I've had to stop multiple times to try to figure out what word I was about to write. I'm doing low impact workouts to try to put functional muscle mass back on, and my balance is completely shot. I'm doing stabilizing workouts meant for the elderly and struggling. I'm not even 30 yet. I started drawing again, but I get fatigued quickly and take a day-long break between doing any significant art. And I still struggle to focus long enough to get the game pictures I really want, but it's slowly getting better.
I guess the point of writing this is three things. Firstly, an update for anyone who was around back at the beginning, when I mentioned my struggles. Secondly, if anyone else is dealing with something similar, or finally getting out of a stressful situation: you're not alone. It's hard, long work, but we'll get better with time and persistence. And thirdly, if it seems like I'm changing it's because I am. I'm not in survival mode like I was before, I'm slowly patching up my mental state, slowly getting better. I'm figuring out who I am when I'm not struggling just to stay alive. But I feel like I'm changing for the better.
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tamelee · 1 year
hi! I really enjoy your art, it has a very unique touch to it that I really like. do you sell prints of your art anywhere?
I've never been much of an artist myself, but lately I've been feeling like I would really like to try and learn how to draw. I know it takes a LOT of practise and that some have a more natural touch to it than others, but do you have any tips for a beginner? where should I start? I have tried reference pics and stuff like that but I never seem to get them right. how can I keep myself motivated when nothing I try turns out the way I imagine it?
sorry if you've already answered something similar to this, I would love to read that too. sending you good vibes and many thanks in advance ✨
Aaaahh thankyou so much! 💕 I don't yet but will soon I'll update on that 🎉🫶
And wow that's great to hear! I'm really excited for you honestly because it's really fun :3 Well, my ways have always been a little unconventional but most teachers would tell you to pick up a pen and paper and.. just start drawing/doodling with whatever reference you have. Or if you have a pen tablet already, explore the program you're working with. Any kinds of brushes, try them out, try functions the program has- see what it does, make it a fun experience because you can't make any mistakes. It isn't something you have to deliver to anyone, this is practice and this is for you. Put on some music or watch a show on the side that's easy to follow (not one you have to pay close attention to) and just scribble away. You can use an extra program like 'Pureref' (which is free!) that allows you to drag in any references you need on top of your drawing-program or create an extra window where you can drag in any images and rearrange everything just the way you like it, like this:
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And then let's try a Sasuke sketch in that pose upper-left corner.
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I usually flood the document with a bunch of references in case I need it. (It's always more than I need but I hoard my files a lot 😂.. I think it's a fear of it not being enough "just in case"- but it's okay.) When I'm coloring a sketch, I think of colors beforehand but it kinda depends on my mood. Most of the time I don't bother until I get to the lighting stage. If you feel like you don't really got the hang of using a pen-tablet yet, there is a good tutorial with exercises here. And don't worry at all!!! Because it'll get much easier and easier overtime, just please take care of your hands and stretch gently always. Remember it is never supposed to hurt.
Honestly the way to improve fast with art is... just get obsessed over something 😂 and draw that. Find something you like and enjoy drawing it at least from my understanding that is what happened to many people. For me it's.. well.. If you want to get inspired, go to places, preferably professional spaces and make a board with art in styles you really like. (Or a folder for example!)
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This way you can use references to make something and it's a good start/practice ^^! At least it was very helpful for me! If you feel like nothing turns out the way you imagine it, then don't worry about it please.. creating something involves so many steps it is nearly impossible.. or it is impossible actually to have something turn out exactly as you imagine it beforehand. It is more important that the end-result is something that is satisfying which has more to do with the actual process itself. And I know that is not something you might want to hear now but I guess you'd have to experience it? At least for me, every new art I make involves something along the lines of "oh I kinda liked that" or "ew, no, nope, no, not doing that ever again" it's a constant process. Here are some helpful video's for beginners because I think visual inspiration would be more beneficial for you than just a bunch of text from me!
Advice for Starting your Art Journey
Extra (not necessarily for beginners):
Why BELIEF Is More Important Than TALENT
How I Reduce TOXIC Perfection As An Artist (Best Drawing Exercise TO Do)
What to do If you aren't Improving
Why it takes so long to get good at art
I hope any of this is helpful to you and I hope you have a nice day 🌷💕! Happy drawing!
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eternalshadeart · 4 months
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I've been doing digital art for almost 2 years now, with little to no practice on actual paper for these 2 years, and that got me thinking did I Lose my touch with traditional art, Haven't picked up an actual paint brush in so long. Its easy to get lost in the vast possibilities that digital painting softwares offer, ranging from hundreds of brush textures, to tools to make your shaky lines smooth, making the perfect circles, filing a solid colour in an instant.
Where you absolutely dont have to wait for your oils or watercolor to dry up before going for the next layer, and most importantly no need to spend dollars on art supplies and if you make any mistake the undo option is always there for you.
It did make painting easier in a way, but it also comes with its own cons, when I started digital painting I felt like I had to learn from scratch how to use the particular software, and had to learn to paint all over again. Tho it catches up quick but still figuering out how to use each tool, how all the functions, brushes, layers, blend modes work. It does take some time.
Nevertheless I ventured from my point, so since I've been painting dgitally for 2 years I figured its time to indulge in some traditional work, touch base and see If im still worthy.
I tried painting a couple of small canvas and got stuck figuring out what to draw, to have the exact outcome planned out because if I decide halfway through coloring my background that I dont like how it looks, I dont have a ctrl Z to help me this time, I'll have to paint over the whole thing and start from scratch. Painting on the canvas directly is a commitment and theres a looming pressure that the outcome should look beautiful and completed, and I already have enough anxiety, not really excited about been anxious about the thing i love.
One warm afternoon I picked up a tiny notebook I had, bought it on a whim last year and it has been sitting on my shelf since then, its a 4"x4" pocket notebook with decent paper quality, perfect to try out the random black gel pen I found lying around. And I got to it, found a cozy warm place and made a small pen sketch of a tree. The texture looked nice, i did mess up a couple timeson the leaves but since its just a disposable paper I didnt worry much on it, just covered it up with more scriblings. It felt pretty good, ad I realised with digital art the one thing I'm missing is customisign how I organise and decorate my work collection.
With digital software all your art is stored as mere .png or .jpg or whichever format you prefer, but thats it, its just a photo album, unlike a sketchbook where you can decorate the cover, add a couple of sticker or notes to it, stick a dried flower you found, or just about anything creative.
The overall feel of a sketchbook is entirely different and I dont have to worry about each page looking like a finished work.
I love painting digitally but painting on a sketchbook is almost nostalgic, so I finally started one.
Got myself a small A6 sketcbook with a pretty floral cover,cut out the pen sketch i did and glued it on the first page, and thus started to fill each page with totally random unrelated paintings.
So anyway this was a lengthy way to tell you how painting on a sketchbook somehow made me improve my art, and felt incredibly amazing, tho I've completed just couple pages, each page looks beatifull in its own way, and i got to try out a couple of pens, and paints that I havnt used in so long.
got to try doing simple portraits, tried to double tap multiple times on the page (stupid muscle memory).
so anyway here are a few pages that I have completed, and if you did read till the end, thanks for bearing with the (rant)?
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scramble-crossing · 4 months
2 3 8 10 12 16
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! Hmm. Hitting a roadblock trying to think of other people's headcanons (usually I like them right away or don't and they immediately slide out of my brain) so for my own headcanon I've gone back and forth on how I think Sho died between a long, complicated struggle with some sort of illness-possibly a lifelong autoimmune disorder-and suicide (though he doesn't see it as being suicide; he knows about the Game and is damn certain he can win, so to him it's more like "moving into a more exciting plane of existence." I also see Joshua as going out in a similar fashion, though he's more realistic about his chances and just doesn't care if he wins or disappears). I've always liked the illness route for how un-Minamomoto-like it feels for him to just quietly wither away, but the second parallels him with Joshua in a way I think is interesting (coupled with the theory that they could both see the UG when they were alive, they lived and died the exact same way, they were the same, so why can't Sho beat him?) But also if you're feeling really dark about it you can combine em. Sho knows he's on his way out anyways and takes matters into his own hands, fuck you I die when I say I'm dying.
I don't think this even answers the question. Whatever. Sho time.
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate I love seeing content of background characters in general like shopkeepers + sidequest guys :] it's always fun to see someone breath a little more life into them. I like Futoshi + Mick and even if I'm not too interested in them particularly I like seeing what people do with Mina and Ai and Eri in fics.
Also! Tsugumi's brother! I saw one design for him and it immediately fastened itself deep into my brain. He's definitely an interesting character and I'd like to see + write some explorations of him in the future.
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc) Sho and Neku's whole dynamic (both existing and potential) is so, so fantastic in the many ways in which they mirror each other in their limited, self-centred beliefs that are eventually challenged and soon reshaped entirely, changed merely by the action of letting themselves be changed, and how much fun it is that Sho's whole neo arc is essentially a failed-or at least faltering-version of Neku's (and by extension very much like Joshua's). In that sense they're capable of understanding each other like no one else can. And it seems like they do! Sho maaaaybe has some begrudging respect for the guy (as much as he can respect anyone, anyways) and Neku's sees the best in him in a way no other character does. It's a super fun narrative and also just plain sweet and I'm very attached to the idea of a bizarre post-neo ShoNeku friendship where Sho's like this mangy stray Neku somehow finds charming and slowly earns the trust of by plying him with sweets and reciprocal math-speak. I wish there was more fan content of them. But the crumbs sustain me.
Also. From the wiki:
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Me and the bestie when we're cosmically connected by Monkey
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom
I LOVE your artstyle (big fan of that one shoka and sho catsiblings drawing especially. I don't know art speak but something something shoka and shos muted, mostly-black colour schemes set against the bright + colourful background is super pleasing to look at) and the shofutomicki get throupled idiot is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life and I'll treasure it forever
Also I don't think they have a tumblr, but shout-out to oddvector on ao3 for writing some VERY impressively-written Sho fic with mathspeak I aspire to be able to write someday. I haven't totally worked my way through their collection of works, but the ones I've read are some of my favourite fics (Minamimoto Turns Up to the Function in particular is everything I love in a Shofic)
Actually speaking of which, A New Friendship it's just you and me on this cold hard bitch of an earth (one of like 11 whole fics in the Sho&Neku tag. 2 of which are mine. one of which is nsfw. one of which is ShoJosh. horror show.)
16. A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate Can we talk about what's going on between Sumio and Maito please I don't have the screenshots on me but there is something deeply troubling and possibly homoerotic going on with those two in neo. If you know you know.
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expiredsoda · 2 months
Nothing incredibly unhinged this time I promise
I wanted to ask how you found your art style, how you learnt to draw and what process you follow during drawing if you follow one at all. I’m trying to learn how to draw and understanding the brain is as important as the function to make the art imo!
Love the art by the way, it’s absolutely gorgeous and I get so excited whenever I see it on my feed!
ahh yes let me charge up some braincells to answer this- 💀
1. I'd say for the most part drawing fanart definitely have shaped my artstyle today.
I think I've only started to draw srsly at the start of quarantine if I remember correctly (obviously I've been drawing ever since I could pick up a pencil but before that are really just aimless drawings haha) which is when I just got into steven universe at that time, I do draw similarly to the show's artstyle and also get to draw people alot with all kinds of body types so that's cool.
After that, I fell into hyperfixation with legend of korra & attack on titan which both have semi anime-ish style, and I was also a big fan of helluva boss which I think impact me the most on my anatomy art choice.
2. as for how I learn to draw 💀 ughhh basically the same answer as the top. I just draw a bunch and improve on my mistake along the way
I think I've answered an ask before with more details on how I improve myself I'd see if I can link it down.
3. Usually I would start with the whole thing sketched out, sometimes with a reference from pinterest or just free style it and see what I got. Then I'd start on the eyes to set up the whole mood for the piece, and basically just spiral from there head to toe and add on details on the clothes and hair, fixing some error here and there and bam done ✨
link where I have a more detailed answer about art improvement :
anyway hope I did answered your question and I wish you good luck on your art journey too comrade ✨
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ihearasound · 9 months
I'm someone who has a really hard time investing energy into the people around me in settings like work and other gatherings that are mostly functional purpose only. When I was younger I tried so hard to get involved with others and it never paid off, and now I don't have any energy left to try. And it makes me feel like a freak because my lack of social skills is SO obvious. I barely try at all anymore. But when I realized today that I forgot to write myself in for the summer company event I got a bit sad, because I saw the entire office leaving and being excited. I immediately resigned myself with jokes like "haha I guess I'll just stay while you guys go have fun!" and this one coworker immediately tried to convince me otherwise, tried to look for ways for me to come too but my lazy ass was responsible for this, so I was fine just accepting not going. They all left and like 10 minutes later I get a call from another coworker whom I've talked to like, 5 times tops. Telling me I should come, and it would make him very happy. So I asked the boss on his take, and he told me to just go lol if I show confidence nobody will care that I'm not on the list. And he still made a call to work it out for me. Got the person on the other end of the line pissed, but also got me on the list.
Honestly looking back at it now I made such a big deal about it. But. The people around me made an even bigger deal out of it. Even though I can always work up the bare minimum to appreciate them.
We did this silly team building at the event where we were teamed up with ppl from different offices. I'm probably never gonna see these people again. But they got so excited asking me about what I do. One exercise required drawing so I offered myself up and everybody was so hyped about what I drew. Unrelated ppl took pictures. Whenever we got a high amount of points our members would turn to each other and we'd high five.
Like God. These interactions are so menial. But. I don't think I've ever felt so human. For years I considered myself a wretch who survived by pure chance, never having a chance at finding my place. And now a coworker flashing me the brightest smile whenever she passes has me tearing up. Its legit making me tear up. I didn't know I could actually experience what it means to socialize in a normal setting like a normal human. I'm 26 and people looking at me makes me happy
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
favourite tf2 headcanons? yours or other peoples?
ohoho man. grab a seat anon, and let me tell you a really long and stupid story about a headcanon i had many moons ago...
i got into tf2 over the summer of 2011, when i was 14. somewhere at the end of the 2010-2011 school year, i went to a function that the local high school held to acclimate next year's incoming freshmen. while i was there i bumped into a friend from elementary school who i'd lost contact with, we traded Skypes (where my skypers at???), and he got me into this awesome game called Team Fortress 2, because, hey, it just went free to play!
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(here's my proof i joined literally one week after it went f2p)
here's what you need to know about 14 year old Shebbz: i was extremely autistic. i had just found out about tumblr after spending my formative years on deviantart. i still did not process that i was a comphet lesbian. and i LOOOOOOVED scout! i loved him so much. scout was everything to me. he was ME and also he was my BOYFRIEND and i was drawing him on EVERY surface i could use a pencil on. all i played was scout. i was not good at it but that didn't stop me. i was textbook 14-year-old crazy and scout was the chosen vessel for it. also i drew like this:
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ok. so. i'm insane. i love scout. thunder mountain is my favorite map because it's the prettiest and that's the only metric i judge anything by. and every day i talk tf2 with my friends at lunch, which is about three to five obnoxious 14 y/o boys. and i fucking wish i still had the paper or at least a scan of it, but one day i had the BRILLIANT idea for a headcanon for scout.
okay so get this, i tell my friends at lunch as i'm unzipping my backpack to grab my notebook. scout is so funny and cool right? nods of agreement. he's obviously way too cool for the other mercs to handle. he's hip and with-it. well, check out this idea i just had, i think it's got a lot of potential. i slide a piece of paper over the table to my very dear friend who got me into tf2.
it's two panels. the first has scout holding up his own drawing of the thunder mountain skybox scenery, storm clouds and all, and he's saying, "look guys, i drew thunder mountain!" in the second panel, all you see is bullet holes through the paper and, presumably, into his torso meat behind it. "ow," he says. he's crying a little.
now i thought i was really onto something here. i was excited to get talking and explore more headcanons branching off of this one.
but my friend shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY. lo, my obsession with scout has turned into bastardization! i have lost touch with the canon! at this point i have woobified scout into something completely divorced from the soul of the character! and my greatest crime-- baseless projection! put that bit from jurassic park about the scientists here. clearly, he surmised, i had been poisoned by all those saucy yaoi askblogs i'd been following at the time. (hey, leave askheavy out of this!)
i was ashamed. embarrassed. he read me like an open book. i felt like the scout in the drawing. i put the drawing up, did away with my frivolous little headcanon, and resolved to be more of a stickler for canon-accuracy in my fanworks. hell, i nearly ended up becoming something of a fandom police myself. but i always felt a little slighted. yes i was projecting, but because of that, it was so personal! so what if it was totally baseless? it meant something to me!!
anyway, that was late 2011. seasons came and changed the time... i later had a falling-out with that friend (for totally unrelated reasons) and switched high schools to a newer fancier one. i got diagnosed with bipolar and i was trying so, so, SO hard just to get out of bed and scrape through my classes with C's and D's.
2014. june. i'm 17 and i'm borderline comatose now that it's summer break and i have no reason to get out of bed in the morning. what little creative energy i have is directed towards my askblogs with incredibly inconsistent and sporadic results. and i really don't play tf2 much at this point. no energy for it.
but then... a light in the shadows. a triumphant fanfare. at long last, there's another tf2 animatic, and it has hand-delivered unto me the sweetest validation, the coldest dish of revenge, the delicious ice cream sundae of justice:
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scout has drawn a picture of spy getting hit by a car.
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Following on from the bullet journaling gentrification post & your own thoughts on the topic: as somebody who posts their BuJo online, how do you deal with the pressure of creating “aesthetic” pages? Do you have to remind yourself to treat your BuJo as a tool? If so, how do you do it?
(Asking as somebody who managed to get back into bullet journaling thanks to a 5-year-long break from social media, but is now itching to start posting journaling content again)
(Scared I’ll fall back into crippling perfectionism)
thanks for the question! my answer may be a little disappointing. the answer is, i very, very rarely post my bullet journal online. you can see just how much i reblog other people's journals versus my own by scanning the tags. this is partly because i extremely value privacy and am too paranoid to post a final page (even though i think that is the prettiest stage) and because i don't find my pages all that interesting before that point. i tried posting clean (without a schedule/personal information) spreads on instagram a while ago, but i fell into the same frustration of feeling like i was posting the same thing over and over while also too uncomfortable to post something beyond that.
in a lot of ways, recognizing other people's journaling styles as theirs and not true to my vision of a bullet journal helped - but the main way i keep the pressure off is to think of it as an extended to-do list/diary combo and not dress it up as a grander concept. the way i have made my bujo my own is to allow myself to mess up, frankly. i write in pen, and while i hate having to scribble out misspellings, i've come to terms with it as a living document. part of my struggle with extremely aestheticized pages is that it feels like making gorgeous dollhouses that no one can live in - i feel like nothing i write will live up to the frame. distilling my practice down to really simple things i like (color combinations, neat pens, lots of check boxes) helped me focus on it as a tool for my own work as well as a place i can record my life without writing long, prose entries about my day (a journaling practice i never stuck with for long).
i still struggle with the aesthetic value, especially when colleagues comment, 'omg your handwriting is so nice!' or "i could never make something that pretty!' but ultimately, as long as i can read my handwriting and feel organized, i'm alright. my main advice is to start small and see where you grow. having an audience is less fulfilling than making yourself excited to return to the practice.
tl;dr: try to find what excites you about bullet journaling and what draws you to the practice functionally. thinking of the book as something that lives and breathes through your life changes (like you do!) helps, but if you need to keep all or some of it private to learn what works for you, then do so! no one else is using your journal, after all.
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shadowpeachyuri · 3 months
Hiya! Technically health-wise I'm in no condition to be trying but y'know the curse of ao3 writers lmao, still, I wanted to see if I can make a rough skeleton outline of a fic that deals with our corpse flower smelling monkey, as the owner of those banger revived!Macky hcs, you mind if I write about them, w credit obviously :P I've already written one walking corpse fic out of a character, another shouldn't be too hard to try and mimic the suspense of but I want more reaction out of this one so the only tricky part would be the larger cast interaction and coming up w more scenarios over a larger area mostly post-reveal and if we want Macky to be saved in any way 🤔 and if I want to try to fool the audience into not knowing Macky is a revived dying corpse until the sus builds up but if its from his pov, then he's going to know, unless if I try being more tricky with it. the only starting scene I can think of is him trying to brush his fur and how many clumps fall out. we could throw him into a fight that draws no blood, or it can be a simple accident at Pigsy's place. does he need to go to the bathroom. is his heart still beating, maybe only his heart and brain are working. but its like a ticking clock then for true functionality. can we frankenstein him. lots of good quotes in that book I can try to Macify. my patchwork monkey, maybe he's that concept of a "hungry ghost." they say some ppl turn into regular ghosts before dying a second time. just cannot catch a break huh. tfw when you're a character designed for death in everyway. thinking about this makes me excited for S5 what kind of shenanigans will they drag him through to continue his redemption arc. we barely left on the edge of shadowpeach and their silent communication trope there is SO MUCH MORE that could be coming.
anon. grips your shoulders. there are so many things i want to tell you right now. like
1) take care of yourself, your health is the most important thing.
2) i may have thought of them but i do NOT own those headcanons, i posted them BECAUSE i wanted to share them with people!!
3) i still have some dead macaque headcanons floating around from plans of a fic abt it i never wrote if you want to chat abt it!
4) your ideas on it are really cool and i do think the world needs more freaky zombie macaque so PLEASE go ham!!!!!
5) if youre writing it, then it's YOUR story and the mechanics of the walking corpse thing work however the hell you want them to!!
and finally. good luck this sounds sick as hell man
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inkabelledesigns · 1 year
Hey, been having a pretty rough start to the week, and really, a rough several weeks. Lots going on, lots of dread about the world, honestly just wanna go back to bed. But we're trying to look on the bright side and appreciate the little things. So I'm gonna list some good things that have happened recently and that are coming up so we can psych ourselves up. I find that putting something down on paper or in a place where I can see it makes it easier to embrace and appreciate, makes it more visual.
-Someone left a really sweet comment in the tags of my Gooliope custom. I've noticed a lot of people liking that post, and I love all the kind words in the tags so much. Thank you! She's one of my favorite dolls, and it makes me happy that she sparks joy for more than just me.
-I got to see my middle sister for her spring break. She just left to head back to school, but the time she was here was great. We celebrated my mom's birthday with a lot of great food and laughter, and there were many late night conversations that were fun. It was nice to reconnect.
-I got to play Animal Crossing for the first time and found that I love the fishing in it! It's a really fun game and I want to get back to it soon. I also found the Sanrio Amiibo cards for cheap, and I'm eager to see how they function once I'm a bit farther in.
-I'm slated to go to a convention soon! I can't wait to put my cosplays back on and go to panels. Two really awesome voice actors are going to be there, and I'm gonna try and work up the courage to take photos with other cosplayers. I'm especially excited to see the cosplay performers, I missed that last year but won't be this time!
-Another Splatfest is coming up! I can't wait to play more of Tricolor battles, they're such a good time. Thinking of playing on Team Nessie, but we'll see, depends on what my teammates think. I'm not a competitive player, I just have a group of four that enjoys playing together.
-It's my birthday next week (and also international mermaid day)! I'm not sure how I'm gonna celebrate just yet, but I do want to celebrate. I may ask my mom if we can go out to Goodwill or something during the day, I've wanted to check it out for a long time. I have friends who are streaming that night that I'd like to watch, but I'd also like to make some time for my annual birthday stream that week. Birthdays tend to be a time where you talk to a lot of people who haven't checked in in a while, and while I can get a little overstimulated, I do love having a portion of the night where I get to see a bunch of my friends for some drawing or other art. It's the one time of year where I like being the center of attention, it means getting to decide what I want to do and getting to do it together with the people I love. <3
-My persona doll is closer to done! She has a face, she has hair, she has shoe options that I can paint, she just needs clothes and wings (she's a fairy, and I'm debating how I wanna do them). I have some new clothing patterns that I'm excited to try out for her too. It's so cool to finally have a doll that feels closer to me. I loved drawing a face on G3 Draculaura.
-Dollightful released a new video showing off some of the face sculpts for G3 Monster High dolls, and I'm really excited about that! It got me wanting to customize more of G3, namely Lagoona, I have a great idea for a Shiny Vaporeon doll for her, but we'll have to see if it sticks. It also got me going on collecting resources for customizing G3 dolls, I have a post in my drafts that I wanna share soon that may help other doll customizers out.
-I got to design a character that I absolutely love, and brainstorming about it with my friends has been really fun. It's really pushing me to try more with hair. Been feeling really grateful for my friends in general, both those I talk to daily and the ones I haven't seen in a while. You're all wonderful and I'm so fortunate to have you in my life. <3
-Actually, I'm having a lot of fun all around! I got a great new idea for an AU where Henry is a guardian angel type character to Joey and gets stripped of his powers, so now Susie is watching over him and the studio with a cartoon Alice to show her the ropes, and it's SO FUN! I may have to bring that to my Bendy blog at some point. I'm brimming with ideas and gosh I wish I had more time to do art and audio for it, I'd love to voice some skits with Susie and Alice talking to each other.
-Mario Day passed and I finally got my hands on Bowser's Amiibo (thank you little sister for helping me out). I haven't collected Amiibo in a long time, but the siblings and I used to, and this is one we missed. I look forward to training him in Smash Bros. It'd be fun to pit him against Leg Day (Wii Fit Trainer) and Knave (Sonic).
-Been having a lot of fun at the Streamily Livestreams with the Bendy voice cast, lots of really funny fandom memes have come out of those and it's great. They never fail to make me smile. Been having a lot of fun at the ShazzandBoo Pokemon Livestreams too, what an absolute treat those have been!
Yeah, maybe life isn't so bad. There are a lot of things stressing me out, but there's so much to look forward to and enjoy, and those are the moments I'm gonna live for. Life is too short to let it keep you down, so we're gonna do our best and make it through!
Here's sending all of you the good vibes for a great Tuesday, a great week, and a great rest of March! Love you so much!
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