#so i was just not thinking about the fact that al was injured because that wasn't what the fic was about
chrismerle · 28 days
Wait was Alastor still injured during post-reconstruction sing along. What the fuck deer man. At least go to Rosie or someone.
until Charlie fixed his microphone he was, yeah. I doubt he's gonna discuss His Plan in detail in any future fics just 'cause it's not really relevant, but in my head he did kinda loosely plan on going to Rosie later (like, in the next couple days), he just wasn't super gung-ho about wading into the cannibals while they were still keyed up and hungry while he was relatively unarmed and actively bleeding
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sayruq · 14 days
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Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, a pediatric intensive care physician who works with Médecins Sans Frontières and co-founded @GazaMedicVoices, has emerged as one of the most prominent voices raising the alarm about the hell Israel has created for Gaza’s healthcare workers. Mary Turfah: Yesterday, I came across a report of a third mass grave unearthed at Al-Shifa Hospital. One month ago, as the first mass graves there were being uncovered, you were interviewed by Sky News. The anchor cited Israeli military sources saying that they had detained “hundreds of Hamas militants” within the complex, then asked you what you thought of that. Could you speak to your response to him, and to this persistent obsession with “militants at Al-Shifa,” when not a single hospital in Gaza has been spared, and when there have been mass graves [seven in total to date] uncovered at multiple hospitals in Gaza? Tanya Haj-Hassan: Yeah. I think my response was something to the effect of, I can’t believe we’re still having this conversation. Everybody from a medical or humanitarian background is so sick of having to respond to these atrocious, preposterous justifications that are being provided for things that are never justifiable. I thought the Hamas and Al-Shifa question was buried a long time ago. There were several weeks where that’s all we were asked about in interviews. There were multiple investigations done that concluded no credible evidence existed to justify the attacks on Al-Shifa. And then, Al-Shifa was targeted again, besieged again. Then, eventually, Al-Shifa started functioning again. The staff were so proud of the fact that they got it functioning again. That second time, the hospital was again besieged and targeted. A lot of the staff were taken out into the courtyard of the hospital, where the male staff were stripped. Israeli soldiers beat several of the healthcare providers. A very, very senior person at Al Shifa, an older doctor, was eventually released and came on foot to Al-Aqsa Hospital. And immediately, he went back to work. I was at Al-Aqsa Hospital when he turned up disheveled, beard down to here, exhausted, having lost I don’t know how many kilos, hadn’t seen his family for five months, didn’t have a phone, didn’t have proper shoes, didn’t have proper clothes. They fled with basically nothing. And many of the other healthcare providers who were taken outside with him were abducted. I think his testimonies of what happened and the amount of work they had put into getting Al-Shifa functioning again made the question of the Sky News anchor even more infuriating. Because that’s the reality I had just come out of, and to hear him then ask a health professional who had spent the last few weeks resuscitating dead and dying children that have been maimed to an extent that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget—even though I think for my own well-being, it would probably be good if I would forget some of those images—I found it so insulting. Insulting to me, to the healthcare providers who had risked their lives to stay at Al-Shifa, who had lost 25 percent of their body weight, who were exhausted. Insulting to the health care providers who had been killed at Al-Shifa, fleeing from Al-Shifa, to the civilians who were executed there. It’s insulting to our intellect. It’s insulting to humanity
MT: Last week, it was revealed that Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh, a renowned orthopedic surgeon in Gaza, was tortured to death inside of Israeli prisons, according to eyewitness testimony, after he had been abducted from the hospital where he was providing life-saving care, back in December. Hundreds of medical workers have been killed to date, and many more injured. You said in one interview that doctors and healthcare workers are changing out of their scrubs before leaving the hospital so that they’re not targeted. On top of this, the doctors in Gaza have been working basically nonstop for 215 days. As someone who has worked in Gaza, I was wondering if you could say a bit about what your colleagues are facing day-to-day. THH: I want to start with the abduction of healthcare workers, because it’s so underreported, to the point where myself and my colleagues, medical providers working our own jobs, are doing the investigative work. They’re systematic. There have been at least 240 abductions documented by our group— MT: 240?! THH: At least 240, and I’m not talking about what’s reported by the Ministry of Health, which I believe is an even higher number. We documented that at least 240 healthcare workers have been abducted and detained by Israeli forces, the majority of whom have not been released. And the ones who have been released are providing testimonies of torture, of themselves but also the torture that they’ve witnessed. I’ve taken testimonies. One, a three-hour-long testimony about the torture inflicted on [my friend,] a nurse, for 53 days in custody, accusing him of being part of Hamas, of his family being part of Hamas, even though the fact that he was released tells you he wasn’t part of Hamas. Given the extent to which he was tortured, I’m surprised that he survived. And he has not survived with his physical and mental health intact. He has scars, he has nightmares. He had hematuria, so bleeding when he urinated, for weeks after he was released.
Please read this interview as it sheds light on the horrors doctors, nurses, and other medical workers in Gaza have endured
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igotanidea · 4 months
Voices: Jason Todd x reader
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Dreaming was good.
Dreaming was nothing less of a perfect when she could feel his warm body next to her. The strong, protective embrace of his arms wrapped around her.
Or even if they got into a fight and were angry at each other - it was calming knowing that Jason was right beside, just a touch away. Even if he flinched and scoffed at the gentle move of her fingers on his back or shoulders. sooner or later he always relented and they worked through whatever shit was going on.
But dreaming was not always good.
Not when she woke up in the middle of the night, brutally torn from the very vivid and very real nightmare of Jason's dead, lifeless body in her arms. His blood on her hands and face. His empty, cold eyes. His emotionless face.
The jolt was so sudden that even her cat, sleeping peacefully in the foot of the bed run away form her, leaving poor girl completly alone.
Going to bed alone. Every night.
Waking up alone. Every morning.
Deprived of his touch, his kisses, his love and affection.
Any affection.
And maybe she was acting like a whiny baby, but she needed him with her. Not out there. Not fighting crime lords or whatever villain might have shown his face at Gotham.
3 am....
Please come back home....
4 am,
5 am.....
Was he injured? Was he bleeding, hurt, scared? Maybe he took off running? Maybe he got back together with one of his exes? Artemis? Kori? Rose?
Maybe she wasn;t good enough for him? Maybe he realised he actually wanted some badass vigilante chick with toned muscles, sharp tongue, fiery attitude? Maybe he wanted someone hot?
She wasn't hot.
She was a wimp, shuddering in the cold, empy bed desperately craving her boyfriend presence. Be it bruised or in bad mood, but please --
Please come home.
I'll be better, I'll do better, I'll improve.
I'll be what you want me to be, just please don't leave me.
So far from what a modern woman should be, right? Codependent, fragile, weak, vulnerable, pathetic.
Or maybe just in love with a vigilante.
How did it happen that she got from worrying about him to questioning her whole lonely exsistence in 10 minutes?
He doesn;t want you.
You're ugly.
You're fat.
You're unnatractive.
You really thought he would stay with you? did you already imagine the real-life play-pretend with him? White dress? Picket white fence? Familiy?
You stupid little girl.
He doesn;t want you, he never wanted you, he won't ever want you.
"SHUT UP!!!" she cried out in frustration, tears rolling down her face as her demons started to prey on her like on a Goya painting "Shut up! shut up! shut up!" she shook violently.
"Are you talking to me now?" a familiar voice and the sound of discarded red helmet echoed in her head "Damn Y/N! If there's anything you learned during those years it's definitely developing a good hearing-- Baby?" Jason became alarmed the second he took in her state. "Baby? Y/N? What happened? WHO HURT YOU?!"
It was impossible for Jason to keep his cool when he saw her crying. The first thought popping into his head being someone did something to her. Someone caused this. And the fact that it was 5 a.m. and most people were sleeping and that there was no one but them in their apartment slipped his mind, clouded by the incoming wave of rage
"Give me the name baby.' he took a few step forwards, kneeling on the floor next to bed and cupping her chin forcing her eyes on him "tell me who did this to you."
"You did!" she sobbed
"I--" holy fuck! In his blinding fury and the sudden need for revenge he didn't realise she could be sheding those crocodlie tears because of him.
"Why are you leaving me?" she sobbed
"Why am I --?" Y/N was not making any sense right now "I'm not--"
"Liar!" the girl yelled with surprising strength given her fragile state "You think she's hot, don't you?"
"Your ex!"
"My ex? Y/N, princess, why don't you calm down and--"
"I AM COMPLETLY CALM!" now Jason was almost sure that the neighbours were already up, ready to impale them both on pitchforks and uncovering his secret identity.
"Ok, ok, baby..." he raised his hands in surrender, observing her every move and slightest change in face expression.
This was new. This was something he wasn;t entirely sure of how to proceed with. Out of all the opponents he had to fight never in his mind would he thought that his girlfiriend would be the most challenging.
Was this an attack of hysteria? A panic attack? An anxiety fit?
Jason was way too familiar with all that.
What if it was him? What would she do if he woke up in the middle of the night, jittery for no particular reason? What could possibly be helpful?
And then it dawned on him.
And it all happened at once.
Bed dipping, his weight on her, his hands on her body, his breath on her face and the all-encompasing smell of blood, gunpowder and cigatettes.
Soft caress of her hair.
Gentle peck on her nose.
Developing too fast to give her any time to object, not that she wanted to.
"I got you." he whispered pulling her closer to his chest, not caring about the bruise that was already forming on his right side and that cut on his forearm. She was more important now. "I got you, baby, I got you..." he kissd her forehead warming and calming her by the mass of muscles and bythe rapid but steady beating of his heart.
she was still shaking but the firm yet gentle grip on her refused to let go untill it all subsided. Steading her, anchoring her in reality. Helping her realise that whatever her traitorous mind suggested had nothing to do with actuallity. Even if it took days, weeks, years, Jason was not going to move, keeping her pinned to his chest until being full certain she was back to him, having her full attention.
"Do you think I'm ugly....?" she muttered causing him to laugh, the movement of his body causing vibrations.
"I think you should get some proper rest. Otherwise the next thing you're going to ask me is going to be that "if i was a worm..." question."
"Bbut if I was a worm would you--?"
"Hush, woman!" he cut her off with the cheesiest smile "I had a rough night and need to sleep. Which means you are stuck with me for as long as I please."
"are you--?"
"I said, hush woman." he tightened the hold on her, preventing her from squirming and moving too far. "you're my body pillow now, accept your fate."
"are you hurt?" she whispered
"I'm perfect." he whispered back, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
Making all the hateful voices in her head shut up. Bringing in the silence and peace.
But the talk he was going to give her in the morning would be a capital letter one.
Huh. She had no idea what measures he was going to resort to proving her wrong...
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matan4il · 3 months
Daily update post:
You might have seen me mentioning before the Palestinian Authority's "Pay for Slay" policy, where they pay Palestinian terrorists based on how deadly their attacks have been. Let me share something even worse: based on the Oslo peace accords from the 1990's, Israel collects the Palestinian tax money, and then passes it along to the PA. Which means, when Israel became aware of the "Pay for Slay" law (yes, turns out that it's a LAW, not just a program, that the Palestinian Authority pays terrorists... the same PA that now has the audacity to claim at the International court in Hague that Israel is committing a genocide, meaning the intentional destruction of, or a part of, a nation... I think a LAW that financially incentivizes terrorists to kill members of the Israeli nation fits), it also realized that Israeli authorities, paying with Israeli tax payer money for the work done by Israeli clerks tasked with doing this, has been collecting and passing along money that goes to pay Palestinian terrorists for having attacked, injured and murdered Israelis. In what world is that right? In what world is it moral to make a victim, through a "peace accord" participate in the payment to its victimizer? As part of the money collected by Israel and given to the PA, an annual 278 million dollars (!) are then passed by it to Palestinian terrorists for hurting and killing Israelis. The PA has already added Oct 7 terrorists, most of them Hamas members, to the list of those being paid thanks to the "Pay for Slay" law.
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The annual payment was revealed thanks to a lawsuit by the parents of 26 years old Dalia Lemkus, who was stabbed to death in Nov 2014 by a Palestinian terrorist (he also injured 2 others. Dalia herself had survived a previous terrorist attack in 2006. On the day she was murdered, another Israeli was killed in a separate terrorist attack. I don't think most people realize just how intense Palestinian terrorism is). The lawsuit was filed against the PA, which has been paying him 3,300 dollars a month. This is Dalia, may her memory be a blessing:
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I'm not gonna lie, I'm thinking about the fact that coincidentally, I've been at our Holocaust museum and education center since Nov 2014, with the purpose of helping to educate against antisemitism, racism, homophobia, every other type of generalized hatred that humans are capable of, and against genocide, which is the possible consequence of that type of hate. And a part of what's wrong with this world, is that even with me being a "veteran," I get paid less money a month than that Palestinian terrorist does for having murdered a Jewish woman based on that kind of generalized hatred. My income depends on how many tours, lectures or workshops I did that month, but in almost 10 years of working there, I have never had a month where I got a salary of 3,300 dollars, most months I don't make it to half of that, and I have had many months where my salary was zero (during Covid, and whenever the security situation is bad enough that no one comes to our museum). Don't get me wrong, I consciously made a choice to do this work, where my salary would be very low, because I wanted to do something meaningful, I'm not complaining, but I can't help thinking about the fact that a part of why antisemitism thrives, is because it IS socially and financially rewarded, clearly more so than fighting it. That was true before and during the Holocaust, and sadly has been true since as well.
I would love to understand how the evacuation of civilian Gazans out of the war zone is described as "ethnic cleansing" or worse, but not the evacuation of Ukrainian civilians out of those war zones, and not the evacuation of a Hamas-affiliated Al Jazeera "journalist" (who documented himself in southern Israel during Hamas' massacre), taken out of Gaza to Egypt, to be flown from there to Qatar, one of the two great financiers of Hamas (along with Iran). Qatar has not opened up its gates to wounded Gazan civilians. It's clear Ismail Abu Omar was given this special treatment precisely because he is a Hamas terrorist. What's scary about this possibility is that the IDF didn't know he was smuggled out of Gaza, begging the question, who else is Hamas smuggling out? Also, this is Hamas' middle finger to anyone claiming Gaza is closed off, and an open air prison or concentration camp...
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Speaking of Qatar, it is currently hosting the swimming world championship. Israeli swimmer Anastasia Gorbenko won a silver medal, a huge Israeli achievement, but she got repeatedly booed by the crowd, including during the medals ceremony. Anastasia has a childhood classmate who is currently held hostage in Gaza. She dedicated her medal to him.
A TV report by an Israeli journalist (source in Hebrew) is about a Hamas document dated May 2023, which the IDF found, the summary of a Hamas leaders meeting. It details some of the considerations for the timing of "the big project," listing 4 Jewish holidays as possibilities for the massacre (including Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish year, and Simchat Torah, when the massacre actually took place), so it's clear Hamas was always going to use our holy days against us. Another thing mentioned is that Hamas must strike before Israel deploys Magen Or (literally: shield of light, but most publications in English refer to it as Iron Beam), the laser-based defense system meant to complement Iron Dome. The system has been making a lot of progress, enough that by Oct 2023 there have been reports on it becoming operational soon. The document mentions making Israel used to Hamas conducting large scale exercises close to the border, so that the commotion ahead of the massacre wouldn't look abnormal, and it also mentions making use of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second biggest Palestinian terrorist organization in Gaza. It wasn't included in the plans, but was being relied on. In recent years, all of Israel's operations in Gaza have been against PIJ, and Hamas chose not to join them, the document indicates that this was done in order to reinforce the idea in Israel that Hamas is more interested in the wellfare of Gazans, than in killing Israelis. At the same time, the document warns not to let PIJ fuck up Hamas' planned operation.
I did not write about the private initiative of family members to send medications through international mediators to Hamas, meant for the hostages, for the simple reason that I did not for a second believe Hamas would give the hostages these meds. I didn't wanna get my hopes up, when logically, I was sure such initiatives were futile. Now, thanks to the IDF's operation in the Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, we have confirmation that these meds were found in its pharmacy, with the names of the hostages on the unopened boxes, meaning the kidnapped Israelis never got them. We can assume the meds were kept in the hospital pharmacy, either to serve Hamas terrorists, or to be sold, with the money going to Hamas.
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This is Matan ben Ari, the last Israeli injured on Oct 7 (out of thousands) to be discharged from the hospital on Dec 1, almost two full months after Hamas' massacre. People spontaneously gathered around to applaud him as he was making his way out:
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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[Old]Erron Black x SF Reader
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----------------------------- "Come on, Y/n, you look great!" Cassie snickered at you, secretly snapping a picture of you wearing...whatever the hell the females in the Black Dragon wear. Jacqui was still working on your outfit, trying not to laugh or make a comment.
"Cassie. I look like a whore." You blinked at her, unhappy about the whole situation.
You were dressed up like this because of a damn mission. And part of this was the plan. The Special Forces picked up suspicious activity happening in the Black Dragon, and your friend, Cassie, had the idea to have YOU get a disguise and go in. Since, you're anonymous to them.
At first it was suppose to be a joke, all of a sudden the general thought it was a good idea. Bad thing is, you didn't get a say in the plan. So now you're on your own. Good luck.
You exited the truck at the entrance of  the Black Dragon's camp. You were aware you weren't going to come back out alive, and free, but you see your two friends still laughing at your outfit.
"Good luck with the investigation, Y/n!" Jacqui cried in laughter, in the truck. "God, I have to send this to the boys!" Cassie said beside her. The truck sped off, leaving you to your mission. Thanks. You rolled your eyes.
You continued your path towards the center of the camp, already disgusted by the amount of trash there is. You had to watch out for broken beer bottles. It would be a shame if you already got injured within the first 20 seconds of your mission.
But then again, you were supposed to be a hacker, you worked indoors, not out.
You managed to make it to the center of camp. You observed the amount of black markets displayed everywhere in the large crowd of people. Now if you could just remain anonymous.
You spotted an isolated path that may keep you hidden. You may have a disguise, but what if it brought the wrong type of attention. You secretly went to it and started doing your spying.
You looked around to see any suspicious activity before you heard some loud conversation about Special Forces. Bingo! Maybe this'll answer all the questions.
There was nothing too useful in the conversation, just some bitching about Sonya and her ex. But then something came inA "Something for the special scums, Kano is plannin' to-"
Unfortunately, you couldn't hear the rest of the sentence. In fact, you got dragged way back from where you were. You weren't a good fighter either, but you were about to put up a fight.
A covered hand was quickly pressed against your mouth, preventing you to make any sound, as for the other arm, wrapped around your stomach to reduce your struggles.
"Now, now, princess, I'm doin' you a favor to not attract any attention. These aren't the type of guys that'll exactly...'help' you." Some man with a country accent spoke.
He had a point. You were on enemy territory. You stopped struggling, wanting to know who this strange, kinda charismatic, man is. He did let you go, believing you were calm.
You examined your attacker. Tall, country accent,  literally a cow boy, THE INFAMOUS ERRON BLACK?! Your e/c eyes widen, as your heart stopped.
"What's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost." Erron tilted his head to the side. "Y-You're Erron Black!" You stuttered. "Yes I am. And I suppose you're not from around here. State where you're from."
You silently gasped as you saw him rest his hand near his gun. You didn't know what to do in this position. Either way, you were probably going to die.
"I'm dead anyways, what's the point in telling you?" You grew a small pair and said. "Heh, Special Forces got a loyal one." How the hell-
"They weren't too slick dropping you off on our camp. Besides, don't you think you went a little overboard with the disguise?" You got tensed with his question, as he was observing your very explicit outfit. "I'll have you know this wasn't my idea! I would never dress like this in any occasion!"
"Well then," Erron adjusted his hat. "I see no point in taking your life. Besides, I'm already starting to like you. Come with me." You froze once more. Erron Black wants me to come with him?? Am I lucky or unlucky?
Erron noticed you weren't budging. "Do you want to go out there and get yourself hurt?" He asked. You focused back on him before doing what he said.
"So what's your name?" He smirked at you. "Uh, Y/n L/n." You answered, unsure if that was a good idea.
"Okay, Ms. Y/n, what do you do in the Special Forces?" Why is he asking me these questions? "I'm one of their hackers."
You stopped your tracks,  now wondering what was going on. "Where are you taking me?" You wrapped your arms around yourself, getting scared. "I'm escorting you out of here. It would be a shame if you end up in those filthy brothels, or maybe part of you is being sold." He said, keeping the same charming tone.
This...disturbed you. "Thanks." You said shyly. "No problem, my lady."
At the exit of camp, Erron turned towards you. "I gotta say, the next time I come across you, I'll probably keep you with me." He winked. You blushed, rolling your eyes at him. "Thanks for not shooting me." You sarcastically said.
"You're welcome." He walked back towards the broken fence. "Also, when your friends return, tell them to keep one eye open while sleeping." Erron said before tilted his head in a goodbye before walking off.
You blinked at his request before sitting down, thinking about how you made no progress while in here. I tried to tell them it wouldn't work out. *Sigh* I actually hope I see Erron next time, he's pretty cute.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
i feel like alba taking bambi is a bit extreme. hear me out! like yes ofc caring for one kid more than the other is bad!! but with the whole ale forgetting bambi at daycare it’s like what parent hasn’t forgot to pick up their kid once. like does that make sense like i feel like especially because it happend only once and she was at her job when she forgot that shouldn’t warrant alba legit taking her daughter away from her? like it just wasnt THAT big of a deal like ofc it’s not good but i think alba is reacting a bit over the top about it. idk maybe my perspective is different, but what do you think? id love to hear your opinion as the writer
I don't think you guys understand just how much I love answering these kinds of asks. Also, sorry in advance because this is going to be a lot of psych ramble but genuinely parent-child relationships and their impacts are actually so fascinating to me
So, the whole Alexia forgetting Bambi thing would be a big escalation if that was the only reason Alba had for removing Bambi from her home. It looks like the only reason but there were a lot of other things that Alba would have noticed when she got Bambi from nursery.
So, first of all, what Alexia's been doing is emotional neglect. Compared to other forms of neglect, emotional neglect is one of the harder ones to recognise because it's not as obvious as something like physical neglect.
The signs are very subtle and it's difficult to notice if you're not a child's primary caregiver.
From Bambi's perspective, she's been shoved to the side a bit since Jaume was born. She was never really close to Olga so she can cope with that in a sense (not that she should have to) but Alexia's disregard for her definitely hits hard.
It's a lot of little things built up onto each other. In Injured IV, when Alexia comes home she immediately greets Olga and Jaume but doesn't even spare Bambi a look. Bambi stays under that coffee table for quite a while in the hope that Alexia will notice she's not there and look for her but she never does.
She also mentions when Jaume isn't 'being good' then she doesn't get things like a bedtime story or cuddles at bed which is essentially her equating Jaume crying with the fact that Alexia yet again forgetting about her and that his needs trump her own.
There's also the fact that all of Bambi's individual pictures have been changed to ones of her and Jaume which leads to her thinking that she's only worth anything if her brother is attached to it. Similarly, all of the pictures she drew have been taken off the fridge in favour of a photo of Olga, Alexia and Jaume. Even when she lets Alba put her drawing up in Injured IV, she places it on the side of the fridge where it won't be seen as clearly.
Bambi also learnt how to cry quietly. When Kids are younger they can't communicate their feelings properly and crying loudly gets the attention of a caregiver so they can receive comfort. Bambi's learnt to cry quietly because she knows that no one will come to give her comfort if Jaume is also crying even though there are two adults in the house, one for each of them.
Emotional neglect really builds on a child as young as Bambi and causes effects like low self-esteem, depression and anxiety and in more extreme cases failure to thrive and Bambi, sadly, is on track for all of them.
Now, that's all from Bambi's perspective and, of course, Alba can't know all of that because she's not Bambi's primary caregiver.
She can only go off on what she can see. What she knows for sure, at first, is that Alexia and Olga have both forgotten Bambi.
That isn't what makes her take Bambi though.
She gets a notification from the Barca account saying that they're meeting their youngest teammate and it's got a picture of Alexia, Olga and Jaume so it's not like both of them were super busy and that's why they forgot Bambi.
There's also the change in routine that Bambi mentions. She used to get a new train every week and when Alba mentions that, she finds out that Bambi hasn't received a new train in weeks (more like months) which is a massive deviation from an established routine.
There's also the celebration they watch on tv with Alexia winning the Copa de la Reina and all those pictures of her with Jaume and the cup and there's no hint at all that she realises Bambi isn't there with her.
There's obviously Bambi's reaction to that too and her tearing up the picture because she doesn't think it's real (bearing in mind that it's a picture of her, Alexia, Olga and Jaume as a family).
It's clear to Alba that something is going on and Bambi isn't doing well because she's been in such a sad mood since she picked her up and then Bambi hides herself away in her room and Alba can't get the door open.
It's a pretty big emotional outburst from Bambi and quite out of character to how she had been previously.
Honestly, everything is out of character from what Alba previously knows - both Alexia and Bambi and it's enough for her to think that perhaps the two need to be separated.
The anger from Injured IV comes in because it's been hours since the final ended and Bambi hid herself away compared to when Alexia, Olga and Jaume come home.
Throughout that entire time, Bambi wasn't even a thought. Alexia didn't even realise Bambi had been left at nursery until she got home which is hours after Alba had to cancel her own plans to get Bambi.
The anger probably escalated the situation a bit more than it needed to but Alba had hours to stew and piece everything together so Bambi's removal from Alexia was warranted once she'd put it all together.
That's all from Inured IV, not onto Injured V:
So childhood emotional neglect is especially impactful the younger a child is. Bambi is around 4 and she's at that age where she's beginning to understand her own and others emotions. Having a stable caregiver to help her work through this is crucial and she doesn't have that so there's a big chance that she'll be developmentally delayed because of it.
This, of course, could lead to big impacts down the road when she goes to school and makes friends and even when she gets older and develops adult relationships.
She's already got low self-worth and is trying to be too independent at too young an age because to her, nobody wants to pay attention to her.
In Injured V, she actually flinches away from Alexia when she tries to grab her because she's now used to being ignored by her mother and having Alexia suddenly wanting her is overwhelming and strange.
It's seen in Injured V how different Bambi is in Alexia's home vs Alba's home when she's genuinely excited to show Alba the picture she made because she's still in her developmental stage and is still able to adapt and come back from this - at least in a way that will have minimal impact on her emotional development and regulation.
Of course, we also find out that Bambi at least suspects that she wasn't as planned as previously thought. She knows Jaume was definitely planned but she's slowly finding out that she wasn't so that's another hit to her confidence. She equates how Jaume is being treated to him being wanted and how she's being treated to her not being wanted.
When Eli comes and all of this comes out, it's clear that this is deep rooted stuff.
As I said previously, emotional neglect is one of the forms of neglects that's hardest to notice. Alba has no way of knowing just how long this has been going on for and just how close this is to having extremely detrimental effects to Bambi's emotional development.
The low self-esteem is already there. She's nervous at the thought of seeing Alexia, Olga and Jaume so there's some anxiety setting in too. For all Alba knows, the depression could be next and if she had left Bambi there, the potential of failure to thrive is quite high too.
So, honestly, Alba removing Bambi was probably the best way to do it. With Bambi with Alba, she would know how she was doing and even if she had left Bambi there and explained what was happening to Alexia, there was always a chance that it could regress back to the neglect again even if Alexia promised to work on it.
Honestly, the standard practice for suspected emotional neglect should be to report it to child services so Alba is actually doing Alexia a favour by not getting them involved.
But, yeah, this is really long but those are essentially the thought processes of everyone 🤷‍♀️
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cottoncandy-cult · 8 months
Sebastian Michaelis x Neko Child! Reader
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Sebastian was walking the streets of London with Ciel, searching the alleyways for a magical thief. Ciel wasn't quite sure why he was sent to search out the thief, from what he had found the thief was only stealing food. He assumed it's because the police had been on this case 3 months and made absolutely no progress, though apparently the night before one of them managed to graze the thief with a bullet. Sebastian was quick to stop when hearing whimpering, drawing the young male's attention as well to a small box that had a bit of blood leaking from the bottom.
Curiously he approached, when carefully moving one of the flaps he spotted the tiny form of a young girl. She was in a dirty and torn dress; her side was bleeding heavily. But what stunned the male was her ears and tail, they were that of a cat. With one look he knew it was a bullet wound, their thief was a child. She tried to hiss at him, but it was weak and pathetic. "It's ok, I just want to help you." His voice was soft and calm, but she soon fell unconscious. He was quick to act, lifting the girl up with ease as he rushed to his master.
With a groggy groan (E/c) eyes began to open, the room was dim which she was glad about. Her head ached, she moved slightly only to feel a sharp pain in her side making her hiss. "You shouldn't move, you're hurt pretty bad. But don't worry, we'll make sure you have a full recovery." The butler spoke softly from the bedside, watching her with his usual polite grin, The trio of trouble making servants not so sneakily peeking in seemed flabbergasted, they knew she was getting special treatment because she was part cat. The guy was obsessed with them after all. The young girl watched him warily, but she was so drowsy and weak. "Go ahead and sleep, the medicine for the pain is gonna make you tired." The girl was out like a light as he finished his sentence, making the older demon chuckle.
A year had passed since that day, (Y/n) had been adopted by the butler but Ciel had taken to her, so she was more like a princess than anything. Lizzy adored her, the 6-year-old just ate up the love and attention. Sebastian adored her most; he spoiled her greatly and was never shy to show his affection. They had been out for a walk one day, Ciel had to go through London in search of a particular shop.  She had tagged along and of course Sebastian was going, as they walked, she spotted something. It was a kitten, white with one blue eye and one green eye. One of its paws was hurt, it seemed to be almost looking for help. The girl did the only thing she could think of, she scooped up the cat and brought it to Ciel. "Ciel look!" At the sound of her voice, he turned to her, the small girl showing him the injured kitten in her arms. "Ciel can we take her home please!?" She bounced slightly on her feet, her eyes glossy with worried tears. 
She was a soft-hearted child, her heart ached for everyone and everything. He kneeled down, looking at the kitten as he patted its head. Sebastian was right beside her, stroking its chin. "She does need to learn about responsibility, this could be a good chance." Ciel was quiet as he thought, Sebastian held his breath and hoped for a yes while the girl looked ready to cry. "Ok fine, tell you what. You can take it home, but you have to take care of it." That was where it began, the sweet girl did chores and errands to earn money. She was smart in how she used it, because she was doing so well, he began to give in anytime she brought a homeless animal to him. The mansion was like a massive foster home, but Ciel had found a way to use this as an advantage. Sales had gone up, people enjoying the fact he cared for animals. They'd have balls and fundraisers, rehoming animals and doing adoption charity events. He wished he had listened to Sebastian when the demon would ask to take in a cat, as now he was making almost triple what he was. Sebastian loved it, at least he loved all the cats.
Now here he sat in the garden, leaned against a tree as (Y/n) cuddled into him. Being part cat meant she needed attention, and he was happy to give it to her. Kittens and puppies ran and played around them, it was a calm day and Ciel generously gave everyone a break. He had been in a wonderful mood for a bit. Sebastian smiled down at the girl who had fallen asleep from his rubbing of her ears, soft purrs escaping her. The demon just couldn't wrap his head around it; she was just so sweet. She was so innocent, a miracle worker that had yet to understand what she could do. Sometimes he wondered if maybe she was just a lost angel, either way he was happy he found her. Her one act of kindness had proven that karma exists, her desire to help animals had led to them being in an even better position financially. Ciel having opened a few charities for various causes.
Sebastian moved to stand, carrying the girl easily. She stirred slightly, but simply snuggled into him. "So warm..." Her words were a sleepy mumble, she gave a whine when he placed her in her bed. But she soon relaxed and fell back into a deep sleep, Sebastian could only chuckle as he removed her shoes, socks and coat. Gently he tucked her in, she slept a lot but that was likely because she worked so hard to take care of her responsibilities. He was proud of her; nothing would ever change that.
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opencommunion · 4 months
also from that 2018 interview with Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, some incredibly prescient political analysis:
"It is obvious that this is a societal change, these [demonstrations] are not being driven by anybody in politics. The political parties and factions are following the street. There is a specific age group and a specific agenda ... they may not have had the time yet to articulate that agenda properly or to create a hierarchical structure of leadership, but it is obvious that this is a phase, not just an event. So the end of the PLO, and its elites in all their forms, leaves us at a juncture where these young people are trying to take the struggle somewhere else. Where to, nobody knows. The inability of the West Bank to respond in a meaningful way to what is happening in Gaza is a major obstacle. A major boost is that a similarly aged group to the one in Gaza is now mobilizing inside Israel. But this is certainly not the end of it. The ending to this transitional phase is not clear. Obviously, the era of the factions is coming to an end: they will, all of them put together, become 'a' player but will no longer be 'the' player. On the Israeli side, and this is the irony, we are also witnessing the end of the political elite that created and has led the state since it was established. The fact that Netanyahu is facing the kind of legal challenges before him now means that the Israeli establishment is no longer worried about replacing him—that there are replacements for him. Those calling for 'transfer' [the wholesale expulsion of Palestinians from Israeli-controlled territory], and those political parties whose ideology is based on the notion of transfer, are now the mainstream, and no longer the fringe as they were in the 1980s and the 1990s. How quickly this phase comes to an end and in what direction it goes are dependent on many factors: one is the West Bank, and another is the potential for a regional war. I think the Israelis will get to the point where they would rather have a war with Gaza than allow these demonstrations to carry on, because the longer the protests continue, the greater their potential for mobilizing among Palestinians and changing the dynamic within Palestinian society itself. The cause for concern on the Israeli side is that these mobilizing events, these demonstrations, might yield something far worse (for Israel) than what is currently there, whether in terms of leadership or in terms of reshaping Palestinian society.
How different did you find the situation in Gaza compared to the last time you were there? The behavior of the Ministry of Health was different and I think that is partly a reflection of the change in the leadership of Hamas, with the people like Yahya Sinwar and Ruhi Mushtaha. These men belong more to the First Intifada and to the prisoners’ movement than they do to the Muslim Brotherhood and Mujama’a al-Islami. They emerged from a culture where the value of coalition building is appreciated and they privilege that over the 'go-it-alone' tendency typical of previous Hamas—and Ministry of Health—initiatives. During the 2014 war, the Ministry of Health was convinced that it could treat the injured by itself and that it didn’t have to work with al-Awda, al-Ahli, or anyone else. This 'opening up' is in my opinion based on a different understanding that puts Hamas’s new leadership closer to that of a national movement than of an Islamic movement. I think this dynamic will be an interesting one to watch."
Al-Aqsa Flood became possible because Hamas built a strong coalition with other resistance factions. In 2021 and 22 we saw the emergence in the West Bank of youth-led factionally unaligned militias like the Jenin Brigades and Lions' Den. The resistance has cornered the occupation from multiple sides, while the occupation has cornered itself into an unwinnable regional war. Inshallah this is an inescapable position for the occupation and this genocide in Gaza is the last gasp of the dying genocidal ideology of Zionism. Palestine will be free
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bestworstcase · 5 months
Why didn't Salem recognize Yang as Summers daughter? Summers, not Yangs bio-mom, so Yang doesn't physically look like her. But there's no reason that Summer couldn't just show Salem a picture of Yang and say, "That's my other daughter." Even if Summer didn't have any pictures to show, she could have pointed Yang out during vol.3 while she was on camera.
I don't think Summer approved of Yang being framed by Emerald or of her being maimed by Adam(assuming that Summer knows it's him who did it).
But this begs the question of why wouldn't Summer tell Salem? Salem doesn't know that Raven is the spring maiden, so she shouldn't know that there's a possibility of Yang being next in line for the powers. But even if Salem knew about Raven, Summer withholding the fact that Yang's her daughter doesn't do anything to protect Yang.
(Or Summer doesn't consider Yang her daughter/doesn't value her as much as she does Ruby, which is a whole other can of worms that i don't think is the case).
well, when the story begins it's been twelve years since the last time summer either of her daughters and, having faked her own death, summer wouldn't have access to more recent photos necessarily. add to this that evernight—being hidden away in the recesses of an uninhabited continent—obviously wouldn't have been hooked into the CCTS even before the fall of beacon knocked out global communications.
summer could have described what yang looked like, sure, but no one is going to immediately recognize a nineteen year old on the basis of a verbal description of what she looked like when she was five, you know?
during V3, summer was probably on the ground at beacon academy (she's the only one of salem's circle with a motive to leave ruby alive when she pulled a grievously injured cinder off the tower) while salem remained at evernight; at this point she might have received reports from summer that both ruby and yang were enrolled at the school, but those would have again been verbal, over seer, because evernight is too far from the CCTS for summer to be transmitting video or pictures.
and after beacon falls, summer remains on campus while cinder et al return to evernight. at that point, salem would certainly know that ruby's glare injured cinder, seems to have been informed when ruby left home months later, and she might also have heard from summer that yang lost an arm and is still safe at home in patch.
<- that accounts for the disparity between salem's overt insistence on leaving ruby alive versus never mentioning yang at all; ruby was the one who hurt cinder (thus the one cinder had a motive to harm), and ruby was the one gallivanting across anima with only a few classmates and her alcoholic uncle to protect her. depending on how closely summer has actually been able to monitor what's going on in the xiao long cabin, there might be a significant gap between yang leaving and summer being able to confirm that yang has left or why. it's not like she can sit around spying on the cabin all the time—she has the academy to hold and a vault to find.
basically, the answer is fog of war. salem doesn't even know who neopolitan is when cinder brings her home in V8—and neo was one of the key infiltrators responsible for bringing beacon to its knees!
i do think there's a possibility that cinder targeted yang in the tournament specifically because yang is summer's daughter (<- nest parasitism), but from summer's point of view… like, getting yang disqualified and kicked out of the tournament isn't the worst thing in the world? because it means yang definitely will not be in the arena when the grimm hit it, and depending on how severe the disciplinary action is she might be removed from the campus altogether. it's unpleasant but there you go.
and then adam was one of cinder's pawns, not someone who answered to salem or summer, and "the rogue white fang lieutenant cinder recruited is the vindictive ex of summer's daughter's teammate and he decides to dismember summer's daughter to emotionally torture the teammate" is frankly not a scenario that anyone in salem's circle could have predicted, not is it something that summer could reasonably fault salem for. cutting off yang's arm wasn't exactly part of the plan.
i do, however, think that salem suspected that this girl was probably summer's other daughter—about the right age, blonde, violet eyes, and she's the girl who rushed to ruby's side when salem "your mother"-ed ruby yesterday. she might not have known for sure, but… this:
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is an extraordinarily calm reaction to yang's deliberately provocative "all this endless death, just because something bad happened to you once upon a time?!" and if salem had even the faintest shred of suspicion that this girl is summer's eldest then that's all the more incentive to sharply rein in her temper. "and who is it i've taken from you, girl?" is a sly way of getting yang to identify herself.
sidebar. i also don't think summer knew that raven is the spring maiden—i think she fled from that confrontation before gretchen died and guessed that the power would have gone to someone unknown (remember how qrow specifically throws in "unless it's a dude" when they're explaining how the powers are transferred? remember how gretchen had a twin brother? assuming that her last thoughts would have been of hazel isn't a huge leap), hence why salem's people are also trying to find the spring maiden and hence why cinder doesn't walk into that camp forewarned that raven is the actual maiden. fog of war!
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
I saw a recent reply you made to an ask. I am not sure your reply and the content of the ask completely relate.
It seems like the ask was stating that the reason countries pulled funding from the UNRWA was because of accusations that some UNRWA employees were connected to Hamas and other attacks.
The screenshot the ask refers to eludes to the funding of the UNRWA being pulled because of the ICJ ruling.
UNRWA funding WAS pulled because of accusations of employees connect to Hamas and other attacks. (The screenshot does not list this as the reason for the lack of funding.)
UNRWA funding WAS NOT pulled because of the ICJ ruling. (Meaning the screenshot would be displaying misinformation.)
The misinformation in question would be the reasoning behind the pulled funding, which (the reasoning), was not because of the ICJ ruling.
I hope this makes sense? I don't know if i worded this in a way that makes sense.
The ask:
"Hi, you made a post including screenshots of several twitter posts. I was doing research on the UNRWA, and it seems that countries have pulled funding due to an accusation that some UNRWA employees were connected to Hamas and the attacks that happened on October 7th. The suspension of funding does not seem to be related to the ICJ's ruling, as one of the twitter posts in your post stated. I included a screenshot of the post I'm talking about. I'm not trying to embarrass you with this ask; I'm just letting you know that some of the info in that post seems to be wrong. A lot of people are reblogging it, and I just wanted to try to stop accidental misinformation from spreading."
I'm still so very confused here.
Cutting funds to UNRWA is form of collective punishment -doing this to already vulnerable Palestinian people fleeing IOF relentless bombings and attacks -will only continue to make things worse. I recently posted a Norwegian Foreign Minister referring to this as such.
I also included the clip of a former Israeli official Noga Arbell saying that in order to "win this war" that the UNRWA must be destroyed -it is very clear to me and many allies and Palestinian voices and activists online that this was not coincidental. The IOF has also already attacked UN buildings... what more do you need?
How reliable is "Israeli intelligence" to begin with when they have been lying consistently. I talk about this on my blog a lot, and I have addressed this MULTIPLE times. The IOF still refuses to admit they bombed hospitals (al-Ahli is the first major tragedy in Gaza -where nearly or slightly above 500 people were either injured or killed). OR another time when they said Hamas had a secret headquarters in a house where in a library they found a 'Mein Kampf' in ENGLISH, or another time they pretended to give 'aid' to al-Shifa hospital when those boxes were clearly empty. There was also the instance of them lying about finding a 'Hamas headquarters' in an MRI unit (where no electronics are supposed to be) -and this was covered by Rolling Stones recently which showed there was in fact NO base there, and the IOF lied about it.
What about when the IOF said Hamas slaughtered 2 Israeli children in their homes -we had forensic scientists online debunk this immediately with their blood spatter pattern analysis and teeth analysis. Lets also not forget the times they always tell Palestinian people it's safe to go to 'X' area and then they bomb and attack those areas (Deir al-Balah is one I can think of most recently). Horrific -absolutely horrific things the IOF has done and lied about. And the fact that MANY western and European countries are aiding, funding, and supporting this genocide is flabbergasting. And multiple people are still in my inbox telling me I'M SPREADING misinformation?? As though western and Israeli propaganda isn't the real issue here.
So I, and many people are just supposed to believe that what they claim to be is true in the first place when the zionist entity does benefit and gain from lying -and even if it was, does it justify collectively punishing millions of civilians?
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outsideratheart · 2 years
I’ll Do It For You (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: When i first heard that Alexia tore her ACL i knew that i would write a fic about it. 2 weeks later and it is finished. I hope you all like it!
“Ok girls, good session, lets call it a day” You, as one of the team’s captains, tell the group of players you have been working with.
“No, go once more” You hear Jorge yell.
Your frustration grows, this is exactly how Jenni got injured, then Salma, how many other players have to get hurt before he realises that he is working the team too hard.
“Coach” you try to reason with him “We have been training for 3 hours, I think that is enough” 
The players watch your interaction with him. Nobody else has the guts to challenge him like you do but then again you practically have a guaranteed starting spot on the team.
You see the look on his face, it is one that you recognise all too well. You know that he isn’t going to change his mind so you choose to control the situation the best you can.
“Once more” you side with him “but focus more on technique not on aggression or power” 
You are in the middle of a 1v1 battle with Ona when it happens. You hear someone scream out in agony but it wasn’t just anyone, it’s Alexia. You run off towards her, pushing through any players that get in your way.
Once you get to her you see the issue, something is wrong with her knee. Some of the players have walked away but the players who know Alexia well, most being your Barca team mates, stay near by but give the two of you space. 
“Ale? Is it your knee?” You ask even though to know the answer. 
She doesn’t respond, the pain making it hard for her to speak. She simply nods her head as she holds her leg. 
When you look up you see Mapi already looking at you, waiting for your instructions. 
“Medic” you whisper trying to remain calm hoping not to panic Alexia any more than she already is. Your gut is telling you that it is bad because she never stays down unless it was serious but if you know this then she will too.
When the medics get there they ask you to give them space so that they can do their job.
“Y/N, don’t leave” Alexia begs you.
You look around to see some of the players surprised at Alexia’s vulnerability, it is something she very rarely showed to anyone but her family.
“Not leaving mi amor, just moving so the medics can look at you” you reply.
Doing as you told her, you move so that you are now stood behind her as the team’s physio try to move her knee. When you hear Alexia hiss in pain you move again so that you are sat behind her, Alexia automatically resting against you when she feels your presence.
You shift your focus from your girlfriend to the physio, deep down you know what the injury is but you need confirmation.
You mouth ACL, to which the medic nods his head. He stands and tells the two of your that it would be best to get scans taken of the knee to determine the damage. You help Alexia to her feet, taking most of her weight when you realise she is struggling to walk.
“Maps” you signal her over. Alexia puts one arm around you and the other around Mapi as the two of you help her to sidelines where a member of staff is running towards you with a pair of crutches.
A couple of hours later, you and the team’s physio accompany Alexia to the hospital. You pace the hall whilst she gets her scans.
You don’t hear the doors open but the sound of your girlfriend’s voice stops you in your tracks. 
“Y/N” her voice is weak and you can tell by the lack of emotion in her tone that it is what you feared, she has in fact tore her ACL.
The physio talks with the doctor whilst you and Alexia sit down.
“I’m going to kill him. I told him that we should have stopped” You are beyond furious “How about I take you back to the hotel and we can have a night in the room, just the two of us” Jorge was at the top of your shit list but in this moment you are grateful that he fulfilled your request of sharing a room with Alexia for the tournament.
“Can we stay here for a little bit?” She asks you “I’m not ready to face the team yet”
“We will do whatever you want” you say softly. You open your arms, Alexia happily burying herself in your side.
In that moment, you realise what this means. When you feel tears on your neck you realise that Alexia has come to the same realisation. You place a gently kiss on her head, hoping that it can bring her some comfort. You feel her body shaking as she sobs, letting out all of the emotion that she has been holding in so far.
When you look up you see the physio the car keys, letting you know that he will wait for the two of you in the car.
“What if I can’t do it” Alexia says referring to her recovery and comeback.
“Alexia” you move the palm of your hand to her cheek, turning her head to face you “You are one of the strongest people I have met. You can do this, that I have no doubt and I will be by your side every step of the way” you tell her.
“Y/N” Alexia says, picking up of the way you phrased your words.
“Alexia” you mimic her tone, trying to lighten the mood.
“I know you, I know what you are thinking and I won’t allow it” she uses her captain’s voice.
“I will be by your side for this, I won’t leave you to do this alone”
This is something you are certain of, you knew it the moment you saw Alexia on the floor holding her knee in agony. You love playing for Spain but you love your girlfriend more and nothing is going to stop you from being by her side.
“You can play, I can’t” Alexia’s eyes begin to tear up after saying the words out loud for the first time “You can lead our team and our country to the final and bring the Euro Copa home”
“I can’t do this without you. It was suppose to be me, you, V and Jenni. I can’t do it alone” you swallow hard as you feel your emotions rising to the surface.
“You can do anything you put you mind to, you have shown me this much” Alexia says reassuring you.
You know that nothing you say will make Alexia see your reasoning for leaving the euros so you don’t bring it up again. The two of you sit in the waiting room for just over half an hour before she tells you that she is ready to go back to Marlow. Whilst in the car you send Mapi a text to let her know that you are on your way back.
When you arrive, you see Mapi, Patri, Lola, Aitana, Mariona, Leila and Misa in the lobby. They all swarm around Alexia wanting to make sure that their friend is ok. You stay close by as you try to protect her and her knee, the last thing you wanted is for one of the the knock her. The look in Alexia’s eyes have changed, the woman you were with in the waiting room is no longer there, instead the captain is front and centre. She tells the team that it is in fact her ACL and that will need surgery.
“When do you leave?” Patri asks.
Alexia looks at you before answering. This is something that you didn’t know.
“I have decided to stay until after the game against Iceland, then I will fly back to Barcelona on Saturday and they have scheduled my surgery for Sunday afternoon” After saying this she reaches out for your hand which you take happily, knowing that you both needed the comfort that the connection would bring.
“and you?” Mariona asks knowing full well that you wouldn’t leave Alexia to go through this alone.
You go respond but Alexia cuts you off only to get cut off herself.
“Y/N isn’t leaving. The team needs her now more than ever, I will not lose another captain” Jorge answers the question.
“You can’t stop me” you snap back.
Feeling that the situation is going to get heated, Alexia decides to intervene before you say something you will regret. You are considered a very calm and collected person but when it came to Alexia things were very different.
“I’m going to our room. Come with me” Alexia pauses as she moves closer to you “Please” she whispers and you know that her ask has two meanings.
“Of course” you turn placing a soft kiss to the side of her head.
“This conversation isn’t over, I will come and find you tomorrow coach” you tell Jorge making sure the he knows who is in control.
You swipe the key to the room you and Alexia share, holding the door so that she can enter first. 
Once inside Alexia sits on the bed, the way she looks at you, you know there and then that you are in trouble.
“Don’t” you beat Alexia to it.
“I wasn’t going to say anything” Alexia smirks, knowing that her lie is obvious. “Come here” you do as your told.
“I’m going for a shower and I could really use your help” Alexia says knowing just how to calm you down.
This is one of the many things you love about her. Even though she is heartbroken, she is still making the extra effort to make sure that you are ok.
You quickly take your top off, throwing it aside “Do you need help with yourx?” You ask playfully.
Alexia chuckles at your eagerness before nodding her head. You carefully help her to her feet, she lifts her arms up as you take her top off. Once she sits down you bend to your knees, you take her socks and shoes off gently as not to cause her pain. You tug at her waistband and Alexia lifts her hips off the bed allowing you to take her shorts off. You kiss her knee and it might just be the softest kiss you have ever given her.
When you look up at Alexia you see her crying.
“Baby” you say as you wipe her tears away.
“It’s not fair” she tells you, your action once again reminding her of the situation.
“No, it’s not” you agree.
After taking a shower, you go down to the makeshift food hall to get some food for the both of you.
“How is she?” Ona asks.
When you look around you see the rest of the team waiting for your reply, all clearly worried about Alexia.
“I’ll be honest, she isn’t doing great but she is strong. It’s hard for her at the moment, you all know how much the tournament meant to her. Going into this we said we would play for V and then we said we would play for Jenni, now you will have to play for Alexia as well” you say addressing the whole squad.
It is Lola who comes up to you “We will play for them. We will win this for them” 
You know what she is trying to do but you won’t lie to one of your closest friends.
“No Y/N, you have to play. We need you” At this point the goalkeeper is practically begging you.
“She needs me more” you reassuringly squeeze her shoulder. 
Should you decide to leave the euros, you hope that your team would understand.
Friday comes sooner than you hope. You cannot remember the last time you played for Spain and Alexia wasn’t on the field with you. Before leaving for the stadium you ask to talk to Jorge and you both come to an agreement which you know he isn’t happy with, truth is you couldn’t care less.
After the warm ups you are sat in your locker. You lean forward, resting your hands on your knees, eyes closed as you prepare for the game. You feel two hands on your shoulders, you don’t need to look up to know who it is, only one person could get away with interrupting your ritual.
“Hi” Alexia tells you “Happen to have one of those that I could wear?” she tugs at the shirt you have tightly grasped in your hand. This is one of your superstitions, you never wore your shirt until the very last minute, you always wait until it is go time.
“I thought you were going to wearing Virginia’s?” You are slightly confused.
“If I am going to be a fan today, I want to show support for my beautiful, super talented girlfriend” she explains her reasoning.
The players who hear her awe in response before laughing at your now red cheeks. You throw your warm up jacket at them “shut up” you say quietly, showing that your are slightly embarrassed by the compliment.
“Have this one” you pass her your shirt “I am waiting for a special one”
Now it is alexia’s turn to be confused but right on cue the kit manager gives you a shirt. You lift it up, a proud smile on your face. You can see the look of intrigue on Alexia’s so you turn the shirt around so she can see what has you so happy.
“You like?” You ask her. 
She takes it from you holding it up. There on the back of your shirt was Y/L/N and the number 14.
“But you love your 7, you once told me that you would never wear another number, you even got in included in your Barca contract” 
“I need you on the pitch with me”
Alexia is about to respond when a member of the coaching staff comes over to the two of you and tells Alexia that is is time to take her seat. She rest her crutches against your locker as she put your shirt on, you hand rests on her waist to keep her steady.
“Can I?” Alexia asks holding up your shirt and you nod your head.
She places the shirt over your head. Once your arms are though you gives you a quick peck on the lips. PDA is a rarity for the two of you especially in the locker room but in this moment you need it and Alexia knew it.
The game couldn’t have started any worse as Finland score within the first 60 seconds. Alexia watches from the bench, waiting for you to look her way but you don’t.
You breathe again when Irene scores, the game is even and you plan to make the most of it. You do just that when Spain get a free kick just out side of the box.
Normally it would be Alexia by you side, standing over the ball, today though Mapi joins you.
You start to tell her that you are taking it but she stops you.
“You got this. Score a goal for your girl” you know the cameras are on you, when you take a quick glance at the big screen you can see that you are blushing at Mapi’s words.
Once you hit the ball you know it is going it but still you wait until it hits the back of the net. Out of habit you look around the pitch, without thinking about it you are looking for Alexia. The whole team knows what you are doing so they step aside, making a clear path to the bench.
You just about reach the sidelines when you see the lines women holding out her arm and Jorge comes towards you, both trying to stop you from leaving the pitch.
“You can’t” he says knowing what you want to do.
“Watch me” you say.
You see Alexia hobbling near the gates. You hop over them as you celebrate with the love of your life.
Your arms are around Alexia’s neck, hers around you waist.
“Everything I do is for you. I will win this tournament and I’ll do it for you” you kiss her neck, knowing that it won’t be obvious to the cameras what you are doing.
What you didn’t notice is that whilst you are celebrating with Alexia, the referee has made her way to Jorge.
The lines woman starts to reprimand you which pisses you off. Can’t she see that this is about more than football.
“Oh, fuck off” you say having enough of her.
Just your luck the referee hears you and gives you a yellow card for your language.
“Worth it” you mumble as you run back onto the pitch.
Spain win the game 4-1, with the other two goals coming from Aitana and Mariona.
The next morning you help Alexia pack her things ready for her journey to Barcelona. Every so you often you catch her with a blank look on her face and you know that she is thinking about her surgery. It is something you know she is nervous about even if she won’t admit it.
You take her bag, quickly running it downstairs. When you get to the lobby you see the majority of the team waiting for the Balon d’or winner. You go back up to your room returning not 10 minutes later with the girl they are waiting for. 
Watching from afar you see player by player say goodbye to their captain, some simple, some more emotional than others. You are so focused on your conversation with your performance coach you don’t realise that the team’s attention is now on you. Looking around you try and figure out why but nobody says anything. Then you see Alexia hobbling her way towards you.
“Can you give us a minute?” She tells the other players.
“Yeah” “sure” “of course” these are a few of the responses that you hear before you realise what Alexia is asking.
“No need for a goodbye, not yet anyway” you tell her. Alexia now has her arm wrapped around your shoulders, leaning on you for support instead of relying on her crutches.
“Baby” she whispers so only you can hear her “It’s time for me to go” 
You look over to Jorge who subtly nods his head letting you know that the agreement you two made still stands.
“I’m coming with you” your words gain the attention of the team who were trying and failing to give you and Alexia a moment to yourselves.
“But coach said he didn’t want you to leave” Pina reminds you.
“We came to an agreement, didn’t we?” You ask Jorge who once again nods “I am going to go with Alexia and be by her side for her surgery then when she is discharged and settled at home, I will come back”
Alexia listens to you and she cannot believe what she is hearing. She wants nothing more than for you to be with her but after Jorge’s reaction she thought that she would be going back to Barcelona alone.
“And you are definitely going to come back?” Leila asks needing the extra confirmation.
You hesitate for a moment, the thought of leaving Alexia still doesn’t settle well with you.
“She will” Alexia says whilst look at you hoping that you will agree with her, which you do.
Keeping to Alexia’s word you return to Marlow 3 days laters, although you did cancel 2 flights before finally leaving Spain.
You couldn’t believe how different things are without her there. You now had a room to yourself which is both a blessing and disguise. After a long day training and putting on a happy face, it gives you a safe space to feel however you wanted to feel but it also means that you got very lonely. Every time time you go back to your room you want to call Alexia but you choose against it because you didn’t want to hurt her more, calling to tell her about training would be like rubbing salt in the wound. According to her mum she isn’t taking her injury very well, she refuses to talk about football, the only one to get to smile is Nala who refuses to leave her side.
The absence of Alexia and Jenni is obvious. The team is split up into Barcelona and Real Madrid with the other players picking whichever side gives them game time. You and Irene are trying your hardest to unite the team but nothing works. 
The tournament doesn’t go as you hoped, with Spain losing to Germany in the second group game. Afterwards you shut yourself off, you begin to second guess your every move. Once back at the hotel you go straight to your room, you decline Leila and Misa’s offer to eat with them, saying that you didn’t have an appetite.
“Let me guess, she isn’t hungry” Aitana asks the couple.
Leila shakes her head.
“I’ve never seen her like this, even after a loss she stays with us, she always said that it is important we stick together in the wins and the losses” Misa says clearly concerned for her friend.
“She misses Alexia” Patri blurts out whilst she takes a mouthful of food.
“We all do” Lola snaps slightly.
“It’s different for Y/N and you know it Lola” Mapi comes to your defence without hesitation.
The tattooed defender pauses for a second and it is clear that she is contemplating saying something. The table watches as she opens her mouth to talk but then changes her mind.
“It’s worse than what she leads on” Mapi tells the team “Alexia called me this morning, her and Y/N got into an argument now she is shutting herself off. She won’t take Alexia’s calls and she has told Eli that she doesn’t want to be here anymore” 
The team is in shock upon hearing what Mapi is telling them. They know you are struggling, the pressure you are facing is unlike anything before. The team lost two captains leaving you and Irene, only thing is you speak fluent English so you have been doing the majority of the media duties. The team knows that you and Alexia are dating but your only your Barcelona team mates knows just how deep the bond you and Alexia share is.
“We need her for the Denmark game” Ester says.
“No, we need her for the tournament. I hate to admit it but she is carrying this team” Sandra says.
Everyone hums in agreement.
“So what do we do?” Athenea asks.
“We give her the space and be there for her if and when she needs us” Mariona suggests.
“Oh and one more thing, try not to ask her about Alexia. I heard some of you this morning, you ask her about Alexia before you said Good Morning” Leila says remembering some of the conversations she heard whilst getting breakfast.
Days pass and it is soon the do or die Denmark game. The hopes of the team and of the country hangs in the palace. Tensions are high on the bus to the stadium, the energy is off and you know if it stays that this then you will be packing your bags and going home.
In the locker room you can hear the tapping of boots on the floor. Deciding you can no longer take it, you ask the coaching staff to give you the room.
“You know when we first starting preparing for this tournament I truly though that we will win it. The way we were training, it gave the rest of the teams something to fear but now, it is like we are a different team entirely. I know that you all miss our captains, but as much I hate it say it, we can’t think about them, they aren’t here. You know who is? The women is this room, the women who despite some of our issues during the league” you look at ester, your lips curling into a smirk “I am proud to call my team mates” 
You pace around the locker room as you muster the courage to say what needs to be said. 
“Ever since the first game we have said that we play for those who are not here and whilst I love those people, we need to start playing for ourselves. We are a team, one team!” Your emotions begin to get the better of you so choose to cut your speech short.
“I know that you guys are worried about me but you don’t need to be. I am here because I want to be, is it hard at times, yes but I am here to win the Euros. Anyone else?” 
The team cheers loudly in response.
Throughout the game you feel like you are cursed, you are pulling out every trick in your book but the ball refuses to hit the back of the net. The curse lingers over the rest of the team as the game remains 0-0 at half time. The second half gives you hope but time is running out and even though as it stands Spain will go through, you want to win, you need the win.
You make a run in the box when you see Mariona running forward but you also see Olga clear on her left. You see the play before it happens. You run, moving behind your marker so that you are clear and as if on cue Olga send the ball into the box, you manage to get your head on it perfectly and watch as it flies past the keepers hand and into the back of the next.
You did it!
Spain are through the the quarter finals!
That night you celebrate with your team and once you are back in your room you face time Alexia.
“I know it wasn’t our best, my best performance but” you begin to say but Alexia cuts you off.
“You are amazing, I am so proud of you Y/N” You watch Alexia as she bites the her cheek, something she did when she was nervous.
“What is it?” You ask.
“Mapi called me” you roll your eyes “Don’t be mad at her. She is telling me the things you should be. Why didn’t you tell me you aren’t sleeping or that you are stressed?” 
You cannot help but feel guilty when you see the look on her face, clearly she is hurt that you kept these from her.
“I didn’t want to worry you. I felt horrible after our argument, I never should have snapped at you, my problems are nothing compared to what you are going through. I’ll be fine, you just need to focus on you” you feel a tear roll down your cheek, you look away hoping that Alexia doesn’t see.
“Baby, look at me” you don’t “Please” you do so at the second time of asking.
“Me and you, we are partners. No one’s problems are more important than the others” 
“I disagree” 
“I knew you would because you put everyone before yourself, it is one of the things I admire the most about you. You are playing in one of the most important tournaments of your career and you are thinking about leaving it because you want to be with me”
“I don’t know what you are talking about” your attempt to lie fails miserably as Alexia clearly knows the truth.
“My mum told me. She is worried about you too, Alba as well. Nala even barks differently at the tv when she sees you”
“I really wish I was there but I know that I need to be here. I made you a promise and I plan on seeing it through”
“You are unstoppable out there”
“Because I know you are watching”
You and Alexia talk for a few more hours, she can tell that you are tired so she tells you a story, one of your favourites, the moment she knew she was in love with you. By the end of it you are fast asleep.
The team bond is stronger than every after the Denmark game. Spain end up beating England in the quarter finals and Sweden in the semi finals. Despite the obstacles thrown your way, you make it to the final. Now only one team stands in the way. France.
The thing you hate about the French team is that is had so many Lyon players. You and the Barca girls joked about how if you beat them in the euros the victory would be extra sweet.
Another reason why you are looking forward to the game is because Alexia had told you that she got the all clear from the doctor to fly to London and be there or at least that was the plan.
It is the morning of the day before the final and you are on your way down to breakfast when you hear your phone go off, looking down you see ‘Mi Alma’ on the screen.
“Hi” you say drowsily as you had just woken up.
“Good Morning, have you just woken up?” You nod your head as you rub you eyes with your spare hand.
If ever asked, Alexia would say this is when she likes you the most, this is time you are most human. You aren’t a captain, not even a football player, you are quite simply her girlfriend, the title that she prefers out of all of them.
It is when you see the look of distress of her face that you begin to worry, your concern for your girlfriend waking you up quicker than any coffee ever could.
“What is it?” Just as you finish your sentence, the elevator doors open and you make your way to the make shift food hall.
“I’m so sorry” she tells you.
“What are you talking about? You have nothing to apologise for” you try to comfort her but it is hard to do without knowing her reason.
“I can’t” she pauses much to your annoyance.
“Can’t what Alexia” without knowing it you raise you voice, gaining the attention of those around you.
“The final” although her sentence isn’t complete you understand her meaning.
“You’re not coming to the game” your nose twitches, your eyes brimming with tears. 
“I’m sorry Y/N. The swelling in my knee hasn’t gone down as much as they thought it would so the doctors have told me that is best not to fly” 
Your hurt is soon replaced with worry.
“Don’t worry about the final Alexia, it isn’t important” you wipe your eyes, the action tells your team mates around you that her not coming is in fact important to you, how could it not be.
You see Irene enter the room and use it as an excuse “sorry baby, Irene is calling me, I have to go” 
Knowing the importance of a captain’s meeting she lets you go without a second thought.
“What was that about? I have just walked in, I don’t need to talk to you. You could have finished your conversation with Alexia” the Basque woman is clearly confused.
“Alexia isn’t coming to the game” you say before walking towards the door you had just entered mere moments ago.
The team watches you walk away.
“I told you this wasn’t a good idea” 
“She will be fine”
“We have had the old Y/N for the past couple of days and we all know that it isn’t because we are through to the final, it was because she was going to see Ale”
“Imagine her face, it will be worth it”
Saturday 31st July, Euros final, a sold out Wembley Stadium.
“Ok, we get it. You have played for this number of people before but for some of us this is a big deal and it’s a final, yours was only a quarter final” Lola rambles on, showing her nerves.
“and semi final” Partri corrects her.
“and it was Camp Nou. Wembley is nothing compared to Camp Nou” you tell the goalkeeper.
Your Barcelona team mates cheer as they remember the the memory, the day you all made history and then broke your own record and made history again.
After the warm up you sat in you locker as you read a text from Alexia that simply wished you luck. The shortness worried you, this is the beginning you think, this is her closing off and pushing you away.
“Any words from the captain?” You hear Sandra ask.
You turn your phone off and look towards Irene but when you look around the room you see everyone’s eyes on you, Irene standing in front of you holding out the armband.
“Well captain” she places the band around you arm “Got anything you would like tell the team?”
You can tell by the faces around you that this was planned.
“I don’t think” you try to talk you way out of the armband. Up until this point you have always being a metaphorical captain, only taking the armband when one of the other captains were subbed off.
“You deserve this. Don’t insult yourself by not taking it” 
You give a pep talk, one of your best if you do say so yourself.
You stand in the tunnel, proudly sporting your new accessory. Your debut as captain is a Euros final and you  didn’t have her there to see it.
As if you are thinking out loud, Sandra places her hand on your shoulder “She’ll be proud of you no matter where she is watching from” 
You don’t have time to respond as the referee and linesmen begin the walk to the pitch.
After the line up and the coin toss you take you place on the pitch. You pull the 14 on the front of you shirt to your lips, kissing it just as you have every other game. You look to the family section and see the empty seat that was reserved for Alexia. The world has been cruel to her in the past few weeks but you really hoped to cheer her up today, you know that you can still do that but it isn’t the same. 
90 minutes later, the referee blows her whistle for the final time of the tournament. You’ve done it, Spain have done it, they have beaten France 3-1 thus earning the title of European champions.
You fall to the floor, all the strength you have been channeling since day one is gone. You lay on the pitch, face down in your hands. Sobs racking your body as you let your head catch up with your heart. All the hurt you have felt during the Euros, the feeling of letting Alexia down by choosing to remain with team. The fact that you have finally won a trophy with Spain and she isn’t by you side when it happens. 
The concept of time fails you, the world around you fading as you lay their on the pitch with no intention of moving, not until you can compose yourself.
“We did it” 
“We are Champions!” 
You look up to find the Melis with huge grins on their faces.
When they see you face, their expression changes.
“Jorge sent us over, said it is almost time for the presentation and that the captain needs to be front and centre”
“Thanks” you grab both of their hands “We won” you say almost in disbelief.
Mapi hold her hands to her chest, pretending to be offending by your words “Did you ever doubt us”
“Not you guys” you tell them.
“What have I told you about doubting yourself” 
You recognise the voice instantly and the looks on the pair of defenders faces confirm what you already know. You are up on your feet in the blink of an eye, turning to face her.
Words aren’t needed, you just want to hold her, so you do.
Your arms wrap tightly around her waist. Her crutches fall the floor as she knows she is safe in your hold. You bury your head in the crook her neck. 
“Are you mad that I lied?” She asks you.
Truth is Alexia was worried about how you would react to seeing her. Sure, she knew you would be happy but it was a risk. When she told you has wasn’t coming she wasn’t sure if it would ruin the game.
“Under any other circumstance I would be furious. I thought you had hurt yourself more, do you understand how that made me feel?”
“that is a no, right?” She asks still not sure if she is in trouble.
“I could never be mad at you, not when you look like that” 
“I’m not doing anything”
Alexia softly slaps your shoulder making sure to keep one hand around your neck for balance.
“Hey! I was being nice, I can be mad at you at if you want”
Alexia rapidly shakes her head.
“That’s what what I thought” you look down her her knee which is currently in a brace “Just to make things clear, you are ok, aren’t you?”
“I am. The doctor has said that I am healing well and I have you to thank for that”
Alexia words catch you off guard, you couldn’t have been less helpful given that you have been in a different country.
“You” she pokes your chest “have motivated every day that we have been apart. The day after you left was really hard, nala couldn’t understand why I wasn’t playing with her so she went in a mood with me and then me and alba got in an argument because she was hovering so she left. Then my mum came round and gave me a letter, one of the many that you left with her. I read it and it was like you were there with me even though you were almost 1,000 miles away”
Alexia moves closer to you, her face inches away from yours. She leans forward and for a brief moment you think she is going to kiss you but at the last minute moves her lips to your ear.
“We are surrounded by cameras and for the first time in a very long time I don’t care. I want this moment to life forever. I am so proud of you Y/N, I know that you have struggled but you never gave up and that is what makes you one of the best, it is why I love you. You inspired the entire team and pushed them to be the best players they can be. If is why you have this” she pulled at the captains armband “and why you deserve to be the first one to lift that trophy”
Alexia pulls away so that she can look you in your eyes.
The words you told her in that very first game play on repeat in her head.
I will win this tournament and I’ll do it for you.
“You kept your promise” 
Once again, she leans forward and when you see her glance at your lips you know exactly what she is going to do.
“The cameras?” You say as you look around, seeing several cameras aimed at the two of you.
“Like I said before, I don’t care. Nothing and no one will stop me from doing this” 
Her lips crash against yours, the world disappearing around you as your mouths move in sync. You are so caught up in the moment that you barely hear the cheering and whistling. You pull away first, knowing that the two of you could do this for hours. 
“The next few days are going to be fun” you say causing the both of you to laugh.
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bonniesbowtie · 6 months
Secret? - Schmelly Fanfic (2/?)
“Mike, I forgot to ask you but I need to buy glue and cardboard for my Science class…” — Abby asks as she drags an unicorn plushie through the corridor, half-asleep at 8am, yawning as she realizes that Mike wasn’t alone in the couch, in fact, he was sleeping with his fingers intertwined Vanessa’s hair.
None of them were expecting this appearance, but time didn’t seem to pass when they were together, and they had never been this close. This time, they both woke up at the same time they heard Abby’s voice; their bodies could feel it was already awakening time, so it didn’t take much for them to process what they had just heard.
“Hi, Abby”, Vanessa said as she smiled at her. Mike’s brain was still on loading screen.
“…why were you hugging each other?”
“Good morning, A-Abs, do you need somet—“ Mike tries to quickly undo his arm-tie around Vanessa’s shoulders, in vain. “…you guys are acting like boyfriend and girlfriend. EW” — Abby says as she pretends to be grossed out.
“What did you say about something class something? Listen, I’ll get you everything you need but you didn’t need to wake me up to that…” he says as he yawns, kind of blushed because of what his sister just asked, and regretting not had been faster “…and we just ended up sleeping here, nothing like what you’re thinking. Don’t do that, Abby, it’s rude. Right, Vanessa?”
“We’ll help you as soon as we have breakfast, okay, dear?” Vanessa completely ignores Mike’s try at defending themselves, as if the thought of them being, in fact, a couple, wouldn’t bother her at all. “Come join us, Mr Unicorn is also invited” — says the officer as she winks discreetly at Michael, that reciprocates by smiling, a little shy.
“Okay, thank you. But it’s actually MISS Unicorn, and her name is Rainbow.” Abby jumps at the couch, accidentally stepping on her brother’s leg, which leaves to an “ABBY, MY LEG OUCH”. Although it kind of hurts at the moment, Mike jokes: “We don’t need another injured person, Abby, or are you gonna take care of me if you hurt my leg??”. All of them laugh. Vanessa even had forgot about her sore stomach. Mike had been such a nurse to her; he would never forget the pill time or to change the band aids. He had to learn how to take care of her sister since their parents passing, so he was surprisingly good at first aids and stuff, he even had a little medicine box in case they ever needed something.
They were always used to running short on money, but health is something that Mike would always prioritize, especially if it was regarding to his sister’s. He’s the type of person that would stay with a broken arm, but if Abby papercut her finger, he would come back from work just to make sure she was safe. He promised himself he would pay all the attention that he didn’t on the day Garrett was took. He blammed himself everyday for it and, deep down, he knew everyone blammed himself, including his parents and family, although they’d deny if asked about it.
And with Vanessa, it wouldn’t be different. He didn’t have any relatives besides Abby, so she literally is his family. And now, Vanessa too. At least, while she’d stay in his house, he’d consider her as a responsibility of his. But he didn’t like to consider a future where she just leaves. Now that William is gone, Vanessa’s situation is very similar to Mike’s, except that she doesn’t have even a little sibling. It’s just her, herself, and she. Surely she had a comfortable life because of her job, but you could say that the only stable aspect was the financial. She’s just as traumatized as Mike is, or even more.
After around 30 minutes of family cuddling, they decide it’s breakfast time. Mike’s frying eggs and bacon while listening to the radio; music is one of the few pleasures he allows himself to have. He’s more of a rock guy, but in general enjoys all kind of songs. Even pop, although it’s only when he’s with Abby.
“Thriller” by Michael Jackson starts playing on the radio. Vanessa, which is at the table with Abby, says she loves this song — it reminds of when she was a little kid and would listen to it with her father, albeit she doesn’t mention this part. William might be a serial killer, and a monster, but he’s a man of culture. “The music video gives me chills, but the song is pretty fun” Abby says as she trembles her hands to indicate fear. “…did you know my brother knows some of the choreography??” she tickles to him, that responds with “Yes, but don’t mention it” afraid Abby might ask him to demonstrate it
“Oh my God. This one I would pay to see!” Vanessa declares, unbelieving. “By the way, I might have forgotten a lot of things but I still remember very clearly that you owe me a dance, Mr Schimdt” she says in a kind of flirty but also oblivious way. She knows Mike knows what she’s talking about, and that by referring to him like that, he would feel things.
“Dance! Dance! Dance!” — Abby starts shouting in a rhythm contagious enough to make Vanessa join her. “HA. HA. HA. Nice try, not today though. So you two decided to team up against me? I guess I’ll just have to bring Cassidy here so we can have a fair girl-woman and boy-man competition, because you’re clearly praying for my downfall” he says as he points two fingers at his own eyes and then at them, as in a “I’m watching out” way.
Mike finishes preparing the food, and is now serving his sister and his… his what? Colleague? Roommate? Friend? Were they ever friends? Anyway, he displays three plates with two eggs and one piece of bacon each, in a way that resembles a smiley face. “Besides your cooperation to embarass me, that’s how you two make me feel.” he says gently. “Aww”, say Vanessa and Abby at the same time, but the woman completes with “That’s also how you make us feel, Mike. Thank you for everything.”
“About the cardboard thing, Abby, do you really need it for today or is it okay if we buy it tomorrow?” — suddenly Vanessa reminds of what woke them up this morning.
“Today we’re going to watch a movie at school, so it’s ok if we buy it tomorrow, Nessa. I hope we watch Shrek, it’s my favorite movie” — Abby responds. She really likes Shrek, she has watched it over 10 times and never gets tired of it. At this point, Mike’s even memorized half the dialogues.
“That’s great, so what about we give your brother some peace of mind and we go to the store on our own? We can have a girls-only shopping!”
“Yes!!! I’m in” — the little girl isn’t used to going out with anyone that isn’t Mike, and she kind of misses having a mother figure. Of course she was going to accept it.
“That sounds great, I’ll go to the laundromat while you two have fun, just don’t gossip about me, okay?” — although Mike enjoys taking care of Vanessa, he was really needing some time alone, for himself and his thoughts. Socializing can be rather tiring sometimes, especially for him; he’s not very used to it, since he doesn’t have many friends and people are usually rude to him. Few are the people that he actually enjoys spending time with. And they were going stationery shopping together the next day.
“Then you’d be taking the best part away from us” — Vanessa says, trying to provoke him. She loved to do that, and he’d never be actually bothered by it. Both of them liked the tension when they did this, although Mike rarely was the one to start it.
“Don’t worry, Mike. I won’t tell her your secret.” — Abby joins Vanessa. “Secret? There’s a secret? Hmmm… Now that you’ve started, Abby, you’re gonna have to say it, but I can wait till tomorrow” it interests Vanessa, but deep down she’s just playing along to see Mike’s reaction.
“Abby. Don’t make things up.” — he does have secrets, but none of them was once shared with his sister. There are some things, most of the things, by the way, that he keeps to himself. So his sister was likely joking, but it worries him a little. What was she up to?
Hey, guys! This is the chapter 2. You can find the first chapter here: https://www.tumblr.com/bonniesbowtie/734596972693061632/just-stop-talking-you-silly-chapter-1
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boowritess · 1 year
Ghost x Rudy has my soul-
idk but i honestly NEED something ghost x rudy related. so have this. semi hints at other relationships/attractions/feelings.
With the arrival of Soap and Ghost, Rudy was flooded with relief. Hope coursed through his veins as they went over the plan a few more times. Correcting anything when need be. Till finally it was settled.
Ghost helped fix Soap's wound in the bathroom. While Rudy keept himself busy with grabbing what was needed for the mission. If his hands were moving then he wouldn't think about the locked up Los Varquaro's and he espeically wouldn't think about Alejandro being locked up too. Would he be injured? Would Grave's and his men torture him? Any of his men? Scolding himself, he tried his best to get back on task. Hands fumbling with bullets, flipping guns, grabbing another gun to check it was fine- Grave's wouldn't of excueted any of his men or Ale, right? Shit- what would Rudy do? Los Varquaro's was a big part of his-
"It was a good joke." A deep rough voice said beside him, shocking him out've his sprialling thoughts, his hands briefly pausing while they loaded the gun. Turning his head, Ghost stood next to him, eyes scanning over the table till they fell on Rudy's big brown confused eyes. "Bout the mask."
The confusion was soon washed away, a slight flush along his cheeks yet his face lit up. All prior thoughts getting brushed away at the comment. An excited twinkle in the depth of his dark brown eyes. "Hermano! You thought so!?" He grinned, staring up at Ghost. For a second he wondered if Ghost was lying, just saying that to cheer him up. "I was worried when Soap and Ale said to stop." He flushed a little at the memory; him telling Ghost how he would fit in Las Almas because of the mask then Alejandro and Soap shutting him down.
A deep grunt left Ghost, shifting to stand straighter. "Ya think I fit in enough?" A slight teasing tone in his voice. Eyes squinted slightly as he looked at Rudy, who briefly wondered if it was because Ghost was smiling under the mask.
Rudy's gaze flickered over Ghost briefly, settling back on his eyes. "Nah. One look at you and anyone can tell you're a gringo."
"Gringo?" His English accent butchered the word so much that Rudy couldn’t help but wince.
"Ay, hermano, the accent doesn't help either." He joked, smile slightly dropping when he saw Ghost tense slightly and turn away.
But Ghost rolled his eyes and scoffed. "For someone that's afraid of Ghosts, you're awfully chatty with one." He joked right back. Snuffing out the anxiety, and maybe a little fear, that Rudy had.
Yet he was quick to realize Ghost's words, "You knew Span-!?"
"Rudy, where's the food!?" Soap shouted, as he entered the room. Ultimately cutting off Rudy's question. When Soap saw both men looking at him, both wearing different expressions. Rudy had one of shock while Ghost had his... uh- amused eyes on Soap? Well he thinks it's amusement and it was clear Ghost had said something. Soap's face burned red. "Rudy what'd he say!? If it's about what I said on the way here- listen- it wasn't like that. I simply meant it in a platonic, bromance, way. Maybe? I- Just- Y'know, ye and Ale are very-"
A chuckle left Ghost, cutting off Soap. "Didn't say anything about that Johnny..."
If possible, Soap's face went redder. Rudy looking more and more curious. Soap was quick to pivot out the room, "M'going to find food!"
"Soap! What about me and Ale!?" Rudy called to the retreating Scott, only to be met with a distinct slam. Both Rudy and Ghost locked eyes. Now, he could tell that Ghost was enjoying Soap's dilemma and he was flooded with warmth at the fact that Ghost was being open with Rudy. "Do I want to know?"
Ghost shrugged, reaching over to pick up a pistol, "Maybe for later."
"Ah, I see." Somehow, they were slipping into casual conversation. Voice's soft and teasing. Rudy wasn't afraid of Ghost but had been intimidated by the man. Though he greatly admired him with some of the things he had heard about Ghost from Soap. Rudy was fine with just knowing Ghost like that. Was fine with knowing about Ghost from others. Fine with the fact he probably wouldn’t know Ghost like how others knew him. Only because he thought they didn't fit well.
He had seen how Ghost and Ale were. Quick to chat with one another, though Ale was quick to make friends with anyone he deemed to be good enough. Ghost never seemed annoyed with the other man, always letting him speak. They fit. Worked well.
Ghost and Soap were a dynamic that Rudy at first thought was a relationship purely based on ranks. And maybe at first it was. Now, they seemed far closer. Coming to the safe house with a new dynamic. A new appreciation. They too fit.
As him and Ghost chatted, he noticed how Ghost would question Rudy when the silence dragged on a little too long. Rudy appreciating it, as everytime, he would get flooded with those thoughts of what could be happening to his men. To Ale.
Together, they were finishing going through the gear. Somehow drawing closer to the other. Shoulder to shoulder as Ghost held out a throwing knife, showing it to Rudy. Rudy hadn't noticed how close they were till he went to look up at him. Mouth slightly parting, the reflection of the light bounced back into Ghost's dark eyes, which were now lit up. Gentle brown eyes with specks of amber staring right back at Rudy. A lovely surprise going through him when he could see Ghost long blonde lashes framing his eyes. Pretty. He wanted to tease the man but wasn't quite sure he should.
Instead, clicking his tongue, he grinned up at the masked individual, with the incredibly interesting eyes. "No wonder you and Ale get along. The both of you like your knives." He huffed, forcing himself to look away. Or else his thoughts would be spiralling in a whole other direction.
"S'not the only thing we both like." Ghost stated beside him.
Rudy's eyebrows shot up, yet his smile remained, if not widened. Now that most definitely did not help his new spiralling thoughts. Eyes squinting slightly he looked back at Ghost. "Mm." He hummed, eyes zoning in on the glint in Ghost eyes. While he replayed Ghost's words and the teasing, suggestive, tone in his voice. "Ale said you were a dangerous man. More ways than one, si?" He teased, ignoring the slight rasp in his throat.
"Si." Ghost growled, tilting his head ever so slightly as him and Rudy stared at eachother.
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
Two independent terrorist attacks against Israelis took place over the last 24 hours. Yesterday, a Hamas terrorist stabbed in the back a 49 years old Israeli reserves soldier, who stopped to buy something at a shop in a gas station, on his way home. The soldier turned around and, despite being injured, pursued the terrorist, shot and wounded him. The terrorist was later arrested, he had a permit to work in Israel. In the second one, a terrorist started shooting at civilian vehicles passing by, and ended up injuring a 27 years old woman. Thankfully, a baby who is 1.5 months old, who was in the car with her, was not injured, despite at least 10 bullets being retrieved from her vehicle. The IDF is searching for the terrorist.
Israeli soldiers have found and confiscated suitcases with 5 million shekels in cash from the home of a senior Hamas terrorist in Gaza. I want everyone to understand that this sum is currently 1,369,507 $ (yes, I checked with professor Google), and that most Israelis will never see that kind of money. I imagine a majority of "privileged" westerners never will, either. And this kind of money was just lying around in this terrorist's home...
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The IDF has exposed and is now in control of what is likely the biggest Hamas terror tunnel. It is about 4 kilometers long (roughly 2.5 miles), and it is wide enough for vehicles to comfortably drive through it. Israeli soldiers have also found footage showing Muhammad Sinwar, the brother of Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, doing exactly that, in addition to footage showing the construction of this terror tunnel...
I don't post every single day about the Israeli soldiers injured and killed in Gaza, because the truth is that it has become technically difficult and emotionally painful to keep track. Yesterday, five more soldiers were confirmed as killed, one of them having been injured last week, and he has now succumbed to his wounds. So far, 128 soldiers were killed in Gaza.
Last month, there was a cyber attack on Israeli hospital Ziv, trying to derail its medical activity. Israel has confirmed today that it has traced Iran and Hezbollah as responsible for the attack. If we count the cyber war (and in terms of requiring manpower and resources, as well as in terms of the potential loss in human life, there is no reason not to count it), then Israel has been defending its citizens on no less than six fronts.
The Iran-funded terrorist Houthis in Yemen have been attacking ships unconnected to Israel, for simply passing through territory close to Yemen. A lot of shipment companies from around the world have announced they will not be sailing through this area for at least a time, which means they would have to sail all around Africa, to pass goods between the far east and the western world. This will hurt the entire world's economy, as shipment prices are expected to rise (think of the Evergreen ship blockade of the Suez Canal... these ships will not be trying to get anywhere near the canal. Symbolically, Evergreen is one of the companies announcing they will no longer sail through the Red Sea due to the threat of the Houthis). This will financially hurt so many countries, including Egypt (which operates the Suez Canal), the US and China (this means Iran's move has created a rare moment when American and Chinese financial interests align). The biggest question is, when will the world fully take in the fact that the biggest threat to world peace is the Islamist regime in Iran, and start acting accordingly?
This is Haj Amin al-Husseini.
Out of all of the people who helped shape the Israeli-Arab conflict, he's probably the most influential one, an antisemite, a Nazi collaborator, and a believer in pan-Arab nationalism (he didn't want to fight Jews to establish a Palestinian state, he wanted to exterminate the Jews and establish a greater Arab Islamic state, a new chaliphate, if you will. There is a FASCINATING docu series in Israel, dedicated to the Arab and Muslim leaders who have fought Jews and Israel, interviewing intelligence agents from many countries. The ep dedicated to al-Husseini is unbelievable, and I wish everyone could watch it. It's available online, but sadly, only in Hebrew. The truth is, I don't think anyone can understand the Israeli-Arab conflict without understanding the role of al-Husseini in it, and how different things could have been, if only the more moderate Arab leaders in the Land of Israel at the time had managed to squash his influence, or if the British hadn't tried to "tame" him by appointing him to the position of Jerusalem's grand mufti.
This is the Belchassan family, 31 years old Yuval and Ofir, and their two years old son Tai.
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On Oct 7, Yuval left Ofir and Tai to hide in the bomb shelter, and went out to fight off the Hamas terrorists. He and his friends saved their kibbutz, but now, as Ofir is due to give birth to a daughter, they have no home to bring her back to.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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matchmadeinsevenhells · 5 months
Just thinking, in cut off my wings and it’s sequel…presumably poor Luke gets judged by the smallfolk just as hard as Aemond? Because the fact of his actual consent doesn’t matter; it all gets marked under the Targaryens being weird. And if the Faith get angry about it, him now lacking a dragon whilst being hideously injured makes him far more vulnerable to a Maidenpool-style assassination attempt than Aemond…
(ask is referring to my dead dove Lucemond marriage hunt fic cut off my wings (and lock me up), mind the tags)
Anon, that is such a good thought! I definitely agree. We do know that the ASoIaF verse is one where victims (mostly women, but in this case Luke) get extremely unfairly judged and blamed in situations like this. The Greens will need to do a lot of damage control with regards to the Faith and public opinion regardless, but yup, Luke is a “better” target for any such religious ire than Aemond, who after all is a warrior and dragonrider on the Faith’ side, if we’re assuming the Faith or at least the institutionalized part of it is 100% behind the Hightower Targaryens. 
imo it also depends on how public things are with regards to Luke as a whole—the Greens have a large interest in not letting much or any information out and ideally keeping Luke out of sight out of mind, which… might run counter to whatever Aemond wants to do? (show off his new wifey in public? Drag Luke onto Vhagar for some relaxing afternoon flights?? Who knows)
Meanwhile Rhaenyra’s entire faction will definitely be hellbent on painting Aemond as Maegor reborn for all this, which makes Luke into a more Black Bride!Rhaena sort of victim figure with a dash of Prince Aegon the Uncrowned, maybe. I do think they have a decent chance of swaying a lot of smallfolk and Lords with that, since Aemond's actions were rather public! Maybe not the Faith in the sense of the High Septon, the Most Devout, et al., but the rest? Absolutely.
(There’s also the fact that iirc, in the canon Dance era there were smallfolk preachers preaching against the Targaryens and their dragons in general without differentiating much between the two factions, and what Aemond did in ComW will definitely inflame that sort of thinking. Whether or not that ire would be aimed more at Aemond or more at Lucerys...hm ).
In the end, though, you also have to remember ComW!Aemond will be unlikely to let Luke much out of his sight, and he very much has a “no one can kill him but me” mindset. Additionally, while at the end of ComW Luke wanted to die, I usually see him as having a lot of fighting spirit and not giving up easily—so if he was attacked in a Maidenpool-style way, even now he’d still fight back and try to protect himself. 
And regardless of how successful any such assassination attempt is, we all know Aemond’s reaction would be… explosive. 
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saintsenara · 7 months
Trick or treat! 🐈‍⬛
thank you, pal! happy halloween!
you definitely deserve a treat - so you can have an irish lesson, a halloween folklore fact, and a sneaky little peek at a bit of the next chapter of one year in every ten, which features the reunion nobody asked for: tom riddle vs ginny weasley...
ginny is, naturally, going to wreck him.
irish language treat: the irish for trick or treat is... tabhair féirín dom, nó buailfidh mé bob ort.
halloween folklore treat: tom riddle's favourite halloween food? soul cake. obviously.
sneak peek treat: here we go...
‘I have no intention of listening to you whining about settling scores,’ he hissed, still pacing back and forth like a particularly sinister tiger. ‘I have rather more important things to worry about.’
‘You brought it up.’
‘And will you shut that child up!’
‘He’s two. He’s going to cry sometimes. Deal with it.’
He let out a burst of humourless laughter. ‘God, you’re self-righteous. No wonder you couldn’t make your marriage work.’
‘How dare you bring up my marriage? When you’re the person who’s ruined -’
‘You ruined it by yourself, Ginny,’ he drawled, leaning against the wall, looking so delighted at her anger that she could have killed him on the spot. ‘I know it’s a comforting little fantasy to pretend you’re the injured party here, but you would have managed to drive Harry away without me. I have never devoted a second more attention to you than you deserve.’
‘Except for the fact that you spent a year trying to destroy my life.’
‘Your life wasn’t interesting enough to be destroyed. I caused you to incur a few minor inconveniences. All of which would have been perfectly irrelevant to you once you were dead.’
‘I was eleven. I was small and naive and so excited about coming to Hogwarts. I’d been waiting my whole life for it! And you ruined everything about it and I’ve had to spend half my life trying to make sense of that, and -’
‘What is there to make sense of? This happened because you were there. You were the person who opened the diary.’ He began to pace again. ‘I hope you weren’t labouring under the misapprehension that I thought you special in some way -’
‘Of course. That makes perfect sense. I’m not special. You changed the course of my entire life, but it doesn’t matter, because I’m not special.’
‘I had quite enough of you complaining that nobody realised how brilliant you were when you were a child. I have no intention of indulging it now.’
‘Harry’s special, though. Isn’t he? That’s the only reason why you “indulged” my complaining. Because I told you all about him. I led you straight to him. And it made him obsessed with you and it made Dumbledore and the Order and the whole fucking world obsessed with him too. And obsessed with him being obsessed with you. And I just had to be there. I was just the girl he had to keep safe, the girl who was going to wait at home for him to come back from fighting you.
‘Except it didn’t matter a fucking bit, because the fighting ended and he was still fucking obsessed with you. He’s spent ten years thinking about you - ten years when we were supposed to be free to live our lives! - and lying to me and pretending he wasn’t, and I’ve tried so fucking hard, but he was always yours, and now - now you’ve stolen him from me for good.’
Al was still howling. You and me both, kid, thought Ginny, as tears began to roll down her cheeks.
‘I want to be angry. But I can’t be. Because it’s my fault. Because I knew - I knew that we weren’t really happy, I knew that what Harry went through in the War changed him and what I went through changed me, and that even once it was over we could never be the way we had been before. And I didn’t say anything. Because I’d thought that our life - him - was what I really wanted, and I knew he felt the same. And when I realised it wasn’t, when I realised that he thought it wasn’t, it was impossible to say anything..
‘What the fuck am I going to do? We got engaged the second the battle was over. I’ve never lived on my own. I’m going to be a single mum and I’ve never even lived on my own. And there’s all these things that Harry does around the house and I’ve just never bothered learning how to do them. And I’ve got a date on Sunday, but I haven’t been on a date with someone who isn’t Harry since I was fifteen. What if it goes awfully? What if it goes well, but then it goes awfully? What if the kids end up really fucked up? What if they blame me? What -?’
‘Will you be quiet?’ Tom snarled.
Ginny braced herself. She knew very well what was coming; the words which had smashed her into pieces for that whole, horrible year - I loathe little girls who snivel like you do; it’s no wonder you don’t have any friends; how could you be the person behind these attacks, when you’re a talentless, worthless child? - and which would smash her into pieces again.
Lord Voldemort had played the long game, it seemed. It had taken him sixteen years, but he was about to succeed in destroying her.
‘God,’ he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
‘Sorry,’ she spat. ‘I know how much snivelling bothers you.’
‘Listen to me. Do you think that I was thrilled about being unceremoniously dumped in a toilet by you?’
‘Do you think that any of my other Horcruxes were ever treated in such a ridiculous manner?’
‘Yeah, I’m so fucking sorry that I didn’t show the bit of soul you were using to possess me enough respect for your liking. How dare you criticise me for that? I was a child! I didn’t know what else to do to get rid of you, so -’
‘Exactly. You were an eleven-year-old girl being possessed by the greatest wizard of all time -’ he punctuated this with a flounce of his robes, which Ginny was pretty certain was involuntary - ‘and you still managed to fight back in the best way available to you. Half the Ministry of Magic can’t say the same.’
‘Whatever else I may think of you, you aren’t a coward. You weren’t even then. You’ll be fine.’
Al had stopped screaming. He pointed a chubby fist in Tom’s direction and babbled. 
‘Which one is this?’ He looked intensely wary.
‘What on earth possessed you to agree to that name?’
‘I didn’t agree to it. I picked it.’ He raised an eyebrow, Ginny put on her haughtiest expression. ‘I hope you don’t think so little of Harry that you reckon he’d deny me a say in the names of my own children?’
‘But Albus -’
‘Dumbledore was very kind to me after what you did to me. It was like I was sleepwalking. Nothing felt real, but everyone else was acting like everything was fine - Ginny’s back to normal with no lasting effects! - and I was just having to pretend that they were right. But then I was wandering around one afternoon - everyone else was out in the grounds, but I couldn’t face it - and I ran into Dumbledore, and he said “how are you?” and I said “oh, right as rain again” and he just looked at me, you know the way he used to look at you, like he could read your mind. And it just all came bursting out of me. That I wasn’t better, and I didn’t know if I ever would be, and I thought that a little bit of me had died in the Chamber, that my soul had been broken by what you did to me and it could never be fixed. And he looked at me and he said, “that may very well be true, Miss Weasley. But you must never forget that the parts of us that are broken -”’
‘- let the light in.’ He sneered. ‘I’ve heard that too. I should have known that it was a pre-rehearsed line.’
‘I remember thinking of it when he died. Because he was all broken. Mangled. I remember thinking, “where’s your light now?”. But it turned out that he knew what he was doing in the end.’
‘That’s one way of putting it.’
‘And then we picked Severus for his middle name because we thought it would annoy Snape and that would be funny. And it did and it was.’
‘He looks like Harry.’ He coloured slightly, and Ginny couldn’t help but suspect that he’d not meant to say that aloud. And she wondered…
‘I know. It’s -’
‘- the eyes.’
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