prince-liest · 2 months
Worst ways to heal your heart makes Vox loudly getting off to Alastor getting the shit kicked out of him in ep8 at least 40% funnier. Like dude... in a few hours you are going to spend presumably a shit tonne of money on keeping Alastor alive, literally keep his heaart beating with your own hand and serve your own hip muscle to him, maybe cool it.
Vox just has a lot of enthusiasm! ...Too much enthusiasm. Enough enthusiasm to feel guilty over, maybe. :wheeze:
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chrismerle · 23 days
Will Alastor's Deer traits come up in regards to his overlord powers. The moment where he tunes himself in to the radio to heal was really creative and I was wondering if you have headcanons as to how him being a deer interacts.
Maybe a little, but probably not a ton? If his deer-ness had more to do with how he lived instead of just how he died, maybe, but from what we know of him, he has deer traits almost entirely because he got shot on a hunting ground because he was mistaken for a deer, whereas Angel Dust, for example, is much more firmly a spider because of the whole 'mafia family web' analogy.
(Different phrasing: Angel Dust is a humanoid spider because his shape as a sinner was informed by his life AND his death, whereas Alastor is a human with deer traits because ONLY his death informed that part of his appearance.)
Personally speaking, I don't think he sheds his antlers. I don't think he has a tail. I'm still waffling over whether or not I think he's color blind.
I use his deer traits to show him emoting, more than anything. Since his ears tend to give away his mood unless he makes a conscious decision to keep them still or if he's deliberately using them to manipulate the fact that Charlie thinks they're cute, or he makes this noise when he's suitably pissed off.
Or combat. A lot of the way I have him fight is informed by him being a deer. He hits hard, he moves very quickly, he's incredibly agile, and he's still going to be dangerous and raring to go long after you'd think he should be KO'd; I used to live in an area where deer were so common that they were classed as an act of god for car insurance, so I have seen some weird shit, including wild deer that were still functional with broken ribs that had healed outside the abdominal cavity, or a broken limb that had healed in such a way the hoof was pointing backwards and it was basically walking on the end of the bone.
We've already seen that Alastor isn't that precious about his health in the Bonding series--he decided the quickest way to get a weapon to smack Vox with was to electrocute himself, so he electrocuted himself--and that's due in large part to the fact that those apocalypse depictions of mauled deer wandering around are much less fantastical than most people want to believe.
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actuallyitsstar · 3 months
OMG TYSM FOR TAGGING ME @liass-21 !!!!! i am so sorry i drafted this tag and i thought i queue'd it and i didnt so 😭😭😭 its only like a month late. its fine everythings fine. aaaaaa 😭
LAST SONG? - "photograph" by the midnight! it is on my writing-for-top-gun playlist bc it has huge maverick vibes lol.
FAVORITE COLOR? - pink!!!! also lighter purples and blues and most pastel shades <3 and black
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - a streamer i have never watched before playing the remaster of of tomb raider i-iii bc i am excited about the remaster!! and those games are my childhood <3 not to be a million years old or anything sakfhfjfhg
LAST MOVIE? - unfortunately it was 'oz the great and powerful' 😭 if any of y'all enjoyed that movie i respect it, but i had to see it on tv at a friend's house and we were having a great time laughing at the very unexpected writing and acting choices being made lol
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - aaaaaaaa i guess savory ?????? but sweet has a special place in my heart ajdhfjfhfjg
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - committed long term relationship to ~my person~ <3<3
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - well this is gonna be obvious but top gun primarily !!!! additionally, dan and phil !! mission impossible !!! fall out boy!! and even if the current obsession level is not as high as other things, i am always at least partially obsessed with a hundred other things and people that i am probably posting about at the same time lol
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - “oz the great and powerful reviews” bc i wanted to make sure that im not crazy and that other ppl also felt that movie was an insane fever dream (apparently due to the 44% on metacritic i guess they did lol)😭
tagging: aaaaaa @brambleberrycottage @daffodilstark @tellhound @torchflies @melancholydandelion @goosefilms @driftershunt @downthegenderriver @callsignstingray
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Random short of Alastor’s shadow being done with his shit and becoming friends with our favorite losers. ( @xxqueenofdragonsxx @downthegenderriver )
Shadowstor was tired.
So tired.
Contrary to popular belief shadows COULD get tired. And Shadowstor was aware of that early on.
Okay… to be fair most shadows probably can’t get tired. Because most shadows can’t feel.
But Shadowstor was an exception. Because the very reason for it’s exhaustion is the same reason it can think to begin with.
Not the Radio Demon. Because Alastor himself isn’t the Radio Demon, no. Shadowstor helped with that. Helped more than it gets credit for (which is virtually none because of how Alastor likes to posture himself.)
And that’s fine, really. Shadowstor is a shadow for fucks sake. It isn’t made for being directly in the spotlight. Alastor is and Shadowstor fades into the background, being obscured with the focus on it’s counterpart.
The thing that does get Shadowstor exhausted though is the fact that Alastor has the tendency of being an impulsive idiot.
Now, don’t get Shadowstor wrong, Alastor is definitely a large part of why the Radio Demon has a reputation as an unhinged, powerful, scary individual. Shadowstor helped with the powers though, but really it thinks its greatest contribution was the fact that this means the Radio Demon now has some semblance of impulse control.
Alastor may not listen to anyone. But it’s usually kind of hard not to hear out a literal manifestation and source of your powers.
Usually. Because Alastor will still start a fight with pretty much anyone. He’ll go on the air and mock Vox for his crush. He’ll say ducks are an overrated animal right in front of Lucifer. He’ll 1v1 the literally first man. He’ll call Susan’s blouse tacky.
And all Shadowstor can usually do is sit back and watch. Because it’s bound to help Alastor. Bound to be part of the Radio Demon. But that doesn’t stop it from being exhausted every single time Al does start something.
One thing though about being tied to Alastor is you get to know others who are tied to Alastor. Others who are equally exhausted by Alastor.
The Bar Cat was one being Shadowstor could relate to on a deep level. Because Shadowstor has to put up with the ineptness of Alastor. But Husk has to put up with the ineptness of Alastor and everyone else.
It’s because of this when Alastor is sleeping (which, despite Angel Dust’s verbal doubts on the matter does happen, Alastor isn’t an all powerful being, despite how much he pretends to be,) Shadowstor sometimes will go out, going downstairs to the bar that is usually only occupied by the Cat-Demon waiting from his not-boyfriend to come home.
(Sexual and romantic feelings are so weird. Relationships are so weird and Shadowstor is glad it doesn’t have to deal with that.)
After a particularly tiring day of Alastor trying to break into the Vees tower and destroy Vox’s body pillow of him, Shadowstor was exhausted. It had pretty much given up on trying where Vox was involved, because Alastor seemed to get particular joy out of taunting the TV, but it still felt like it had to try. At this point it was a matter of principle. It had fought with Alastor on this for years and it was not stopping to just let him win.
“Oh, my dear, you worry too much.” He said to Shadowstor before merging with it into the shadows and traveling across the city.
Fifteen minutes later Shadowstor had to rush them out if there because Vox had installed a shark filled moat around his office. Which Shadowstor had seen but Alastor walked right into. Because apparently “radio demon” powers extend to wresting sharks in the water (it does NOT.)
So now Alastor was asleep after pretending he had totally-not-been chewed up by some demon-sharks. And Shadowstor went downstairs to the bar.
“You too, huh?” Husk said to it, seeming to notice right when the shadow crossed with threshold. Working with the Radio Demon for years would get a person skilled at picking up changes in shadows quickly.
Shadowstor just nodded and slumped against the wall, putting its hands to its head.
The winged cat nodded in agreement, “I’ll drink to that.” He said as he took a half-full whiskey bottle and chugged it.
Shadowstor wished it could drink.
“What was it this time? Lucifer’s ducks again?”
The shadow shook its head and flat, vertically-aligned hand on top of it, making the sign for “shark.”
“Oh. Vox. Do I even want to know?”
Shadowstor shook its head again because no, Husk really didn’t. It doesn’t even want to start to think about the Alastor-Body-Pillow. Or the Alastor shrine. Or the Alastor fanfiction it found (which Vox should be lucky that Alastor didn’t find that because otherwise there’d be another broken TV screen in this hotel.)
Right then a beaten up pink spider burst through the hotel doors, going right to a stool in the bar and crashing onto it.
“Tough night?” Husk asked, already handing his not-boyfriend a drink that had been prepared even before Shadowstor arrived.
“You know it. Fuckin’ Val.”
Husk made a sound to show he was listening.
“Apparently Vox was pissed today. So that meant Val was pissed today.”
Oh… oops?
Okay, to be fair, if Vox is pissed at Alastor that isn’t really Shadowstor’s fault. It tried to stop him.
The shadow made a face palm again at its counterpart’s need to harass every single person he came into contact with.
“Wha- Smiles?”
Alastor’s here?! Wait… no he isn’t. Cause Shadowstor is here. And Shadowstor would know if Al woke up.
Oh… the spider demon is staring right at it.
Shadowstor shook its head, a bit annoyed at the idea of being confused with that impulsive buffoon.
“Huh? Husk, what—“
“That’s Alastor’s shadow.”
Shadowstor waved.
“Alastor’s what?”
“Shadow? You know? The thing that goes around with him. Helps with his powers. I’m sure he’s manifested it in front of you before.”
“Oh… yeah. So it’s just… here? Where’s Al?”
Shadowstor made the sign for sleeping.
“Sleeping.” Husk translated.
“What? How?!”
“His shadow can leave when Alastor isn’t conscious or controlling it.”
“No. I mean how did you get that from that?!” Angel says as he motions back over to Shadowstor which… rude.
“I know sign language.”
“You know WHAT?!”
“Sign language.”
“Jesus Whiskers, how many languages do you know?”
“Well there’s Russian, Spanish—“
“Wait. No. Back to the point. Alastor’s shadow just comes down here sometimes and talk to you?”
“About what?”
Shadowstor just makes one sign with as much as exhaustion as it can.
“Al— wait,” Angel laughs, “even Smiles’ shadow has a problem with him?!”
Shadowstor starts signing to explain the exact issue it faces with Alastor, Husk working to translate while Angel just nods in response.
“Holy shit. I can’t believe a fucking shadow has some oftha same shitty boss troubles as me.”
Shadowstor gives a shake and growl at that. Because Alastor isn’t it’s boss. It can see Husk about to translate before Angel cuts in.
“Oh… not your boss.”
Shadowstor nods.
“…so you’re like… you’re own person?”
Shadowstor shrugs because who knows. It wasn’t sentient before Alastor but it sure as hell is now.
“… you got a name?”
And Shadowstor pauses because no. It’s just Alastor’s shadow. For as long as it’s been around it’s never had a name. Alastor never deemed that necessary.
“Husk? Does it?” Angel asks when Shadowstor won’t answer which- hey it’s still right here. It can talk for itself. Or respond anyways.
“I don’t… think so?”
Angel turns back to Shadowstor.
“Do ya want one? Like… if you’re separate from Alastor shouldn’t you have a name that isn’t just ‘his shadow.’”
The shadow thinks for a second before slowly nodding, intrigued by this novel idea.
“What about… Tom?”
“Tom?” Husk asks.
“Fuck. Fine, what about… Dusk? Cause y’a know shadows and darkness and stuff…”
Dusk… Dusk… it likes that.
Dusk nods and it can see the spider demon smile.
“Sweet. Nice ta meetya Duskie- oh wait. Duskie… Husky! Aw ya rhyme!”
Dusk can see Husk roll his eyes, and that just makes it even more comfortable in its decision.
“So, you’re only able to really move around at night? When Al is asleep?”
Dusk nods.
“…Husk, what do you think Lucifer and Vox would say about moving our ‘Fuck Alastor’ meetings to nighttime?”
Oh. Oh Dusk likes this one.
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snowyh2o · 2 months
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(I really need to revisit this AU, but I can imagine Alastor trying to do something about the magic and it backfiring, horribly. He spends a month trying to fix it. The other residents don’t know why he’s so upset when they tell him they think he’s a pretty good guy. Alternatively, in an attempt to keep his Street Cred in tact, Alastor makes an elaborate plan to betray the hotel. The magic in the hotel comes to life and then kicks him out onto the streets until he reconsiders.)
To be fair though, the hotel’s magic is already kinda betraying him by exposing his soft side to the other residents, lol. I dunno if the magic/hotel itself is sentient enough for a conscious betrayal, but I could definitely that happening.
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worstdoctorsyndrome · 4 years
I know it's been a while but do you have a link to that book on medieval and early renaissance medicine?
Hello!! Yes, I'll DM it to you shortly.
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johannesviii · 5 years
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[Image: small watercolor painting of Thirteen, smiling, with her hands in her pockets, walking along with two yellow and rust-colored Protoceratops.]
I agree
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You like izombie too? It's my guilty pleasure
Nothing guilty about it it’s a fucking good show - and I keep recommending it to people but their eyes glaze over at “zombies” so fucking thank you for nothing Walking Dead and Warm Bodies
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arodabi · 6 years
I'm 5ft5 and i need to be taller because dysphoria
ah thats rough! i will lift u too!
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prince-liest · 4 days
R.e. Lady's first. Alastor going all in on female gender expectations gives different implications to the "smile is a tool" thing, doesn't it.
Doesn't it!!!! >:)))))
I didn't actually write a moment where I went into it in the fic itself, but I was 100% pondering at one point the, like, connotations of telling women to smile compared to men. There's a little bit of it in the pilot episode when Alastor tells Vaggie to smile, and you can kind of tell (or at least I interpret it as such) that he's just being a bit of an old-timey demonically-creepy jackass, but she takes it as the kind of skeevy "Smile, sweetheart!" that women get from men all the time.
And the thing is, I think that a fem!Alastor would just fully internalize it just like that. It would be a showman's smile for her as well, but it would also feel like something that is expected of her as a woman, which makes it interesting to me because I think Alastor's smile in canon is fully a self-protective choice to mask his own feelings and prop up his persona, and it takes on a totally different tone when it's something born not just of Alastor's own emotional neuroses but also societal expectation.
Anyway, I just think that consigning herself to female gender expectations would fuck Alastor up extra in some fun ways (and conversely also free her in some others, such as emotional expressiveness).
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chrismerle · 2 months
Why can I not stop thinking about the chaos deer man pls help.
sorry broski, I can't help you, I've got uh ... //checks AO3 stats// over 25k words of fixating on the chaos deer man
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zagreus · 6 years
downthegenderriver replied to your post “there have only ever been three good christmas movies and if you can...”
how the grinch stole christmas (2000), Muppet Christmas Carol and Hogfather
you get to live.
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upyrica · 5 years
If the thing is still open, what does my academic life have in store for me?
The thing is, indeed, still open.
There may be an element of chaos introduced - which, in my experience, is seldom a good influence in academic matters. Do mind the order in your work, papers, and relationships.
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Because Robert Berens decided to be a writer and Trump incited a coup d'état
Dominoes, really...
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dionysia-ta-astika · 5 years
Voting for the City Dionysia 2019 is now open!
You may vote (only once per person) for your favourite entry in each category using this form.
This year’s competition saw the largest number of entries so far, a total of 14: two retellings, three original myths, and nine poems. We would like to extend our thanks and congratulations to each and every one of you who has participated. Your entries have all been a pleasure to read!
I (@sisterofiris) would also like to give a heartfelt thank you to @honorthegods, without whose help and support this year’s City Dionysia would not have happened.
The entries for each category are the following:
Untitled (Icarus was in love) by @yamarashiis
Ariadne on Naxos by @vvoltaire
Original Myths
Untitled (For most women) by @the-fae-speaks
The time I met Aphrodite by @classicalblonde
Xenia by Adam (submitted by email)
Lord Eros by @vixencatastrophe
Tell me of the gods today by @downthegenderriver
For Dionysios Lysios by @deadbirdlife
Devotion for Aphrodite by @operabooknerd68
To the Muses by @classicalblonde
Of Eros by @occult-ish
I am Dionysius by Adam (submitted by email)
Born again in flowers by @adonisetisios
Untitled (The blood red glow) by @serenityinthestorm
Voting will be open until April 14th 2019. The winners of each category will be announced on April 15th.
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downthegenderriver · 6 years
I’ve been saving some of my original writing to my blogspot that I’ve just remembered I have, so feel free to check it out.
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