#so happy trails phantom
getitoncamera · 1 year
today is a weird day for theatre nerds everywhere.
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azrielhours · 5 months
Our Marriage Bed
Azriel x Reader
Word count: 5k
Synopsis: Azriel is slowly going insane wanting you, having difficulty differentiating between dreams and wakefulness. One night his dream carries over and he tries to get it on with you.
Warnings: Slightly darker sexual themes. Unclear beginning/end of wakefulness. Light choking, rough sex. Azzy being mean.
a/n: dedicated to my darling @tadpolesonalgae. Can be read alone, but part 2 to Company of Phantoms
Azriel couldn’t recall the last time in his five centuries he felt this much raw contentment. He was sitting in your room, waiting. Since that night you’d invited him to share your bed, a door had been opened. A friendship, he supposed, though friendship was a pathetic encapsulation for the trove of feelings he kept barely buried beneath the surface. The more nights he spent with you, the more the lines blurred between the boundaries of this arrangement. As did the boundaries of his sanity, but who was he to complain when he got to sleep in your arms night after night?
He basked in your space, illuminated by a warm glow. Your scent lingered in the sheets. Your books spilling secrets of your intellect on the shelves. Your music taste contained in the Symphonia on your dresser. Little pockets of you for Azriel to satiate himself with.
Azriel caught himself nodding off on the bed when the doorknob turned, and he straightened. Wordlessly, you walked right to him, a privilege he was yet to grow accustomed to. “Y/N,” he breathed as you sat right before him. You brought your hand to his chest, running it down his sternum, catching the skip in his heart. Azriel felt his last dregs of tiredness dissipate. Were you about to kiss him?
“Azriel,” you purred like a song.
He couldn’t breathe as your lips grazed his cheek, trailing to the corner of his mouth.
“I have to tell you something.” Again, that dreamy drawl. He swallowed, waiting. But you only moved to trail your lips to his other cheek, shifting closer so your breasts pressed against his chest. Traced your mouth to his ear, letting your breath fan across his ear. There, you only whispered, Azriel.
Azriel snapped awake.
You stood next to him—next to the armchair, where he’d—
He looked around. Not in your bed. His cheeks heated. You hadn’t been—touching him, hadn’t tried to—
“Sorry for taking so long,” you spoke softly. Not in that echoey chant.
“That’s okay,” he said. Just a dream.
You only smiled sweetly at him. “Did you want to sleep here again, baby?”
Baby. God, you were killing him.
Azriel only nodded. You bit your lip apprehensively. How you managed to call him pet names and sleep next to him but still blush at the suggestion had him huffing a laugh. He reached out, gently clasping your forearms, tugging you down. You gasped, bracing your hands on his chest, landing into his lap. Azriel bit back his twin surprise at his brazenness, but when you leaned closer, he relaxed into the indulgence.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, and you wrapped yours around his shoulders. Azriel buried his face into the crook of your neck, breathing you in. “Missed you,” he mumbled.
“I missed you too, Azzy.”
Azriel knew he was growing too reliant on you—could feel his discipline crumbling more each day he got to have you while not quite having you.
You gently pulled your arms back over his shoulders to leverage yourself off his chest, and Azriel loosened his grip around your waist, happy to lazily hold you. He watched you expectantly. You cocked your head to the side, and Azriel copied you, making you laugh.
“Let’s go to bed,” you said. “You already fell asleep.”
Azriel shook his head. “I wasn’t.”
You rolled your eyes, hauling off his lap. “I saw you, Az.”
He stood, letting you pull him to bed. “I saw you,” he murmured. You’d touched his chest the same way then, too. In dream and wake.
You gave a confused laugh, shaking your head, pulling the sheets back with one hand while he held your other. The words marriage bed crossed his mind before he suppressed the thought.
Once you’d both settled in, Azriel reached for your hand beneath the sheets, feeling his drowsiness return. He focused on the sensation of your gentle strokes across his hand. “What was it that you wanted to tell me?”
“You said you had to tell me something,” he muttered.
“No, baby, I don’t think I did.”
He wasn’t sure why you’d change your mind so quickly. He knew he was asking too much of you, but he could not bear to pull back. “Can I touch you?” he whispered.
Azriel snaked his arm beneath your shoulders, hauling you to his chest. “This okay?”
“Yes, honey,” you breathed, eyes closed. “Take whatever you want.”
“Thank you for taking care of me.”
“Now I can’t sleep without you,” he whispered, stroking down your arms.
You only huffed a sleepy laugh.
“Look what you’ve done to me.”
“Sorry, Azzy,” you mumbled. He could feel your soft smile against his collarbones.
Azriel savoured your warmth, pressing you even tighter against him. It was never enough. He always wanted more of you.
You twitched in your sleep, prompting him to soothe down your arms. But instead of settling down, you suddenly pushed your body more firmly against his. Azriel’s mind quieted fully when you extended a leg across his hips. He itched to trace the soft skin of your thighs. But it felt—it was too much, wasn’t it?
You’d told him to take what he wanted—invited him to share your bed each night, but surely, he shouldn’t—
You sighed in your sleep, a pretty sound. But you were suddenly moving again. Tracing a hand up and down his chest. Up to his throat, dragging your fingernails gently down the column, bringing Azriel fully into alertness again.
The leg thrown across his middle stretched further forward as you slowly dragged yourself atop him. He braced his hands on your hips as you seated yourself on his lap Were you—was this—
“Y/N?” he whispered.
“Azriel,” you sighed.
“Yes?” he breathed. He’d take anything you gave. He’d been right about earlier—you’d wanted him.
“I have to tell you something,” you whispered.
Your knees bracketed either side of his waist, pressing your hips more firmly to his own. Balancing your hands on his lower abdomen, Azriel’s breath hitched.
You ground down against him. Once, then stilled. It was enough for Azriel to feel blood coursing where your bodies met. Then, again. A delicate drag of your core against him. He couldn’t help the glide of his hands from your hips to your thighs, where the fabric of your nightgown had exposed them for his pleasure.
He clasped the underside of your thighs, revelled in the movement as you dragged yourself a third time against his growing hardness. Azriel groaned.
You were straddling him perfectly. You fit perfectly. He remained still, watching to see what you’d do next—prayed there’d be a next.
Lust clouded his brain, making it hard to lay still beneath you as you stared down at him. He wanted nothing more than to grind you against him again, to bury himself inside you.
You only stroked your hands up his torso as you bent over him languidly, arching onto his torso to pepper kisses along his jaw. Your breasts pressed firmly against him. When you moved your hips against his again, kissing his neck, he turned to whisper in your ear. “You’ll give me what I want?”
“Yes, Azriel.”
He let himself grind up against you. “Anything I want?”
“Anything,” you breathed. He could hear the smile on your lips. When you made him groan again, you giggled, a wicked sound. You kissed your way to his mouth, but before reaching his lips, you lifted off his chest, returning to your previous straddle. You smiled down at the panting mess you’d made of him. “I wanted to tell you something,” you murmured airily.
“Tell me, pretty girl,” he rasped, stroking up and down your thighs.
You leaned back down, and against his lips, you whispered. “Azriel.”
“I want you to make me your bride.”
Azriel wholly stilled.
You only grazed your lips against his. “Make me your bride.”
He couldn’t breathe.
He blinked.
You’d moved off his lap, still hovering over him, a hand on his chest. The air was suddenly colder, seemingly darker than a moment ago.
How did you get off him so fast?
Too far away.
He was still panting, but you were taking him in with a calmer reception. Azriel sat up to meet you where you were, hands immediately going to your waist, tugging you firmly to his chest. You gasped, bracing your hands against his shoulders.
He kissed the smooth warmth of your neck, felt your pulse quicken beneath his lips.
“Azriel,” you breathed. He only grunted in response. You wanted him, and that was all he wanted. He thoroughly enjoyed the high-pitched tone he put in your voice. “Azzy.”
“Yes.” He kept kissing your neck, making his way to your shoulders, your collarbones.
“Did—did you have another nightmare?”
“No, baby, I didn’t,” he spoke against your skin. Even softer than it was a moment ago. Warmer, somehow. He continued his path, memorizing the hitch in your breath.
“Azzy,” you spoke again, stroking gently down his arms. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you what you asked for.”
You said nothing but didn’t stop your gentle caress down his arms.
“You said I can take what I want,” he ground out.
“Yes, honey, but—”
“I want to give you what you asked for,” he said.
“And what’s that?”
Azriel lifted onto his knees, caging your body. He turned you, guiding you to lay beneath him. You looked so beautiful, hair fanned out on the pillow, staring up at him. “To make you my bride,” he said, voice guttural. He braced his hands on either side of your head, and you widened your legs for him to cushion himself against you.
Again, you said nothing, so he leaned forward.
You quickly rested your hands tenderly against his face, stroking his cheekbones. But when he leaned down to kiss you, you turned your head to the side. He kissed your cheeks, trailing closer to your mouth. “You want to be my bride, pretty girl?”
When he raised his head to look at you, your eyes had fallen shut, brows pinching. Your lips parted as you breathed harder. You were being oddly quiet.
Azriel waited a beat. “Say you want me.”
Your eyes shot open, meeting his gaze again.
“You want to be my bride,” he breathed.
You slowly retracted your hands from his face. He watched your throat work a delicate swallow, your eyes searching his as he waited. “Is that—what I wanted to tell you?” you spoke gently. Not that wicked reverberation.
Azriel stilled.
There was—no, there was no way. It’d been so clear.
He’d felt you. Felt how much you wanted him.
God, he was going crazy.
“…yes,” he whispered. It was what you wanted, what he wanted, you’d said it so clearly, he’d been awake, he was sure—
“Azzy,” you spoke again with that devastating gentleness.
“Y/N,” he rasped. He didn’t like the desperate edge in his voice.
“Baby,” you said, that enduring softness both soothing and hurting. He let himself stay where he was, resting on your frame, basking in your softness, knowing it would soon end. You searched his eyes, the restless pleading in them broke your heart.
He closed his eyes, bracing himself. Shit. He’d put his hands on your body, lay between your parted legs. Tried to kiss you.
Asked you to be his bride.
“I’m sorry.” He began moving off you, even as you rose with him. “I didn’t—I just thought—”
“Azzy, it’s okay,” you soothed. He sat on the edge of the bed, and you followed as he exhaled deeply. “Your dreams—it’s not your fault. I was just caught off guard, that’s all.”
Azriel shook his head. “I’m sorry. I can’t tell what’s real anymore.”
You cooed, wrapping your arms around his bicep. “It’s okay, honey. We’ll figure it out. I think you just need to rest.” You tugged, trying to pull him back to the pillows.
Azriel met your gaze again. “You still want me here?”
You frowned. “Of course I do.”
He searched your eyes for hesitation. Surely, he should leave, should keep himself from you. But you looked so lovely, beckoning him to sleep. No echoes, no siren mirth. Just honest eyes.
If he were better, if he were saner, he’d get up and leave. Would never risk your comfort—your body—in the state he was in. He was shocked at his inclination to stay.
He rose, let you pull the sheets back for him, and lay beside you. He knew shame would meet him in the daylight. He didn’t even want to think about what he’d revealed to you. He closed his eyes, and when you curled your body against his arm, he let himself savour it with every selfish drop of blood in him.
Perhaps this would be the last night he got this gift. He was perfectly content with not sleeping, lest he miss the feeling of sharing your bed this final time. Lest he fall back into his mania.
Azriel decided he’d choose in the morning whether this could carry on. For now, he’d lay next to you. Restless and haunted.
Baiting love and baiting sanity.
“Azzy, c’mere,” you murmured. You stood with your back to him in an open field, staring at something on the ground. Azriel approached you, took your extended hand to stand beside you. 
Before the both of you lay a large square plot in the earth. 
A grave.
Azriel turned to face you. Your eyes were cloudy, but you smiled up at him. “Our marriage bed.”
Azriel shot awake.
He’d let his feelings turn into something decaying and poisonous. Still, he didn’t know if he could muster the strength to walk away from you.
He turned in the dimness of the morning to see you and halted.
You were gone.
Dread pooled in his stomach, ice tightened his shoulders.
You’d left.
He shouldn’t be surprised, yet he remained frozen, aching. He let his head fall into his hands.
He’d scared you away. Surely.
He’d…he’d make sure you were okay, and then… that would be it. He’d withdraw.
Azriel got ready haphazardly, scrubbing his face in the sink, throwing on yesterday’s clothing. He raced downstairs, running immediately into Cassian, making him stumble.
“Mother’s tits, Az. What’s the matter?”
“Y/N. Have you seen her?”
Cassian was immediately alert. “Why? Is she alright?”
“She’s fine,” Rhys cut in, emerging from the kitchen.
“Where is she?” Azriel demanded, taking a step towards the High Lord.
Rhys surveyed him, and Azriel didn’t like the placating look on his face. “She went to run an errand. Nothing to worry about.”
“What errand, Rhys?”
Rhys stepped closer and placed a hand on Azriel’s shoulder. Had you told Rhys what’d happened the night before? “Az, maybe you should… ease up.”
“Ease up?”
“Yeah. Take a breath. She’s okay. I’d never let anything happen to her.”
“You keep hogging her all to yourself, Az,” Cassian joked. “We had to send her away.”
Azriel ignored Cassian’s attempt at lightening the mood. “Why’s she away, Rhys?”
“She needed to do something.”
“And she… asked you for help?” That shouldn’t have stung as much as it did.
“I just happened to be awake,” Rhys said gently.
Azriel was stunned silent for a beat as his brothers took him in.
“C’mon Az. Let’s go work off the stress in the ring. It’s been a while,” Cassian offered. Azriel still held Rhys’s assessing gaze. Like he could see straight into Azriel’s weary soul. He broke his gaze to meet Cassian’s. His brothers must think he was truly losing it.
“Okay, Cass.”
Rhys nodded in approval, satisfied. “She’ll be back soon.”
“Azriel,” you called.
You shifted, bracing yourself on his frame where he lay, somewhere cold and final. Azriel immediately supported you as you put more of your weight on him. He didn’t dare move as you leaned down to kiss his cheeks.
It was dark—you must’ve come to bed. He gently grasped your forearms where they were braced on his chest, lest you slip away again. “Where’ve you been?”
“I left.”
“Why?” his voice faltered.
“You didn’t make me yours,” you murmured.
“But I want to,” he tried rising, but you pushed him back down into the cold beneath.
You met his hazy gaze. “If this is how it’ll be, you’ll only find me in our marriage bed.”
His heart dropped to his stomach. No.
In the companion plot you’d dug to rot in the ground together. “It’s not safe there.”
“Here,” you corrected, kissing his eyelids. Though your eyes were unkind, you only peppered kisses along his jaw. “You don’t listen, Azriel.”
He focused on receiving your affection, ignoring the sharp discomfort inching up his spine. Stone digging into his flesh.
“Azriel. Are you listening?” As you shifted, dirt collected on his legs.
“I am,” he closed his eyes, smelling the musk of the earth.
“Azriel,” you spoke. Gently this time.
He opened his eyes.
You leaned over him not in a tomb but in his bed. It was indeed dark, but there was no finality to be found here. Not when he met your gaze, filled with concern and gentleness. No punishing scowls nor reprimand. No asphyxiation imposed on his ribcage.
“Y/N,” he rose immediately. He’d spent the day searching for you. After sparring, he’d taken off, searched the River House. The city. Asked around for you to no avail.
He’d returned to the House of Wind as the sun set, defeated. He didn’t think sleep would find him in your absence. “I’m sorry,” he began. “I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just—my dreams, they’ve been—” disturbing. Uncanny— “they—I don’t know when they start, or if I’m awake—”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off with the softness in your tone he ached for. You placed a soothing hand on his arm. “After—um, last night, I asked Rhys if I could talk to Madja.”
“I know you spent a while having sleepless nights,” you continued. “I thought—maybe the unsettling dreams you’ve been having are a result. So I had Madja make a tonic to help.” You held up a vial full of sloshing liquid.
“A sleeping aid?”
“Not exactly,” you shook your head. “This is to give you dreamless sleep. So you can have an easier time differentiating.”
Azriel was speechless. “Thank you,” he managed.
You nodded, offering a soft smile.
Which meant— “You’re not angry with me?” he asked.
A frown pulled your brows together. “No, love, I’m not angry. I came back to the Town House after Madja finished, but you were gone.”
“I—I didn’t know if you—I was looking for you,” he said.
“So was I,” you murmured. “When you didn’t come back to the Town House all day, I asked Mor to winnow me here.” The silence was heavy as you both sat with the clarity. There was much to address. You averted your gaze, crossing your arms.
“What is it?” Azriel asked softly.
You found his eyes with an openness that had him holding his breath. “Last night, you mentioned—you wanted me to, um—”
“It won’t happen again,” he cut in.
You shook your head. “It’s not that, I—Azriel,” you paused, voice softening even further. “You dream of marrying me?”
Azriel was rendered speechless again, but he could do nothing but nod truthfully.
You blushed but uncrossed your arms, peering shyly. “Well. I can’t say I’m entirely opposed to the notion.”
Azriel couldn’t help his smile. His relief. “Yeah?” he spoke softly, itching to reach for you.
You nodded. “I mean we should take it slow, but I’m glad—I’m glad you also—” you gestured back and forth between your bodies. “I—it’s good, Azriel,” you stammered.
He stared intently at you, searching your eyes for doubt. Finding none. He swallowed. “I can do slow.” He’d crawl on shattered glass should you ask, let alone take slow ungratefully.
Your smile deepened, and if it was possible, so did Azriel’s affection for you. You shifted closer to him, reaching for his hand, winding your fingers together. “It’s late, Azzy.”
He narrowed his eyes playfully, happy to let you take the lead.
“Wanna give that tonic a try?” you smiled sweetly.
Azriel chuckled. “Is that taking it slow?”
You laughed. “If you got other things in mind, I won’t object.”
He opened his arms to you, and you smiled, shifting forward, sitting before him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him sweetly. Azriel sank back into the headboard, urging you further forward. You broke away to crawl into his lap. Azriel pulled you firmly against him by your thighs, enjoying your gasp against his mouth.
Azriel tried not to let his urgency show, but it was difficult to hold back when you pressed your body so deliciously against him. He’d dreamt of your warmth against him so frequently that this felt familiar rather than uncharted. It felt correct.
So when his hardness pressed against you, he only broke off from your mouth to see what you wanted next with no apologies tumbling from his lips.
You gazed at him, wide-eyed and wanting, but didn’t remove yourself. He forced his hands to settle on your legs despite the need to pull you onto him. You bit your lip apprehensively; with your grip on his shoulders, you dragged your core against his. Azriel’s eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head, his head falling back against the headboard in relief.
You seized the opportunity, bending forward to kiss his jaw. He gripped your hips, guiding your movement against him, relishing the gasp you let out in your shared pleasure.
He began pulling at the laces of your gown, helping you out of it. You paused only to bare yourself, and he followed suit, tugging off his shirt.
He wanted to taste you, to mark you, to sink inside you and have his way with you. When you returned to his lap in only your skin, he didn’t know where to begin.
Azriel traced down your front, kneading your breasts, drawing more of your pretty moans, making him dizzy with need. He’d take his time another time, he decided, needing to be inside you. Needing you to be ready for that. His hands wandered down the softness of your torso, and you leaned back in his lap to watch as one of his hands braced itself on your thigh, holding it further open, the other touching you where you needed it.
You shuddered, thighs instinctively shifting to close, but he resisted. He stroked up and down your folds, spreading your slick. When he continued his teasing, you impatiently grasped his wrist, setting him where you wanted. He thumbed at your clit, massaging circles into it, causing your back to arch.
His touch was gentle but skilled, pulling an orgasm from you before you could truly sit with the pleasure. Your legs shook, chest heaving, but before you could worry about the haste of it, Azriel was unbuckling his pants, freeing himself.
Through the haze of your pleasure, your jaw fell slack at the size of him. You met his gaze, nervous suddenly. He only gauged you. “You can do it,” he rasped.
You swallowed, nodding. He seemed inclined to sit back and watch you take him, making no move to rise. Perhaps this was his way of making it less intimidating, you thought.
Azriel’s intentions were in fact less benevolent. With you finally at his mercy, falling apart in his lap and baring yourself to him after all his wanting and waiting, he was suddenly overcome with the need to feel the labour of this coupling. Not in the carnal sense—beyond the pleasure, he needed this to be stamped into your body.
He loved you, but right now he wanted you to work for your pleasure like you’d made him work for his devotion, his sanity. His patience and worry. That you asked Rhys for help this morning instead of him. That you made him lose his grip on his control so viscerally.
So he said, “Take what you want.”
You rose on shaky legs, hands braced sweetly on his shoulders as you guided yourself closer to him, legs spread on either side of his hips. You reached down, lining him up and began sinking.
At the immediate pinch between your brows, Azriel knew it hurt you, that the stretch was difficult. Yet you were trying to take it for him. You were so tight around him, so snug it had him heaving. “Good girl,” he muttered and felt you sink a little easier at that. You whimpered.
When you were halfway down on him, you paused, panting softly, meeting his gaze. The innocent pleading in them had Azriel nearly breaking his resolve. He thumbed at your clit again, moving his grip from your thighs to your hips to ease you down. When you finally sank all the way, you were shaking enough for Azriel to let up, to lean forward and kiss you. He was struggling to remain still in the wake of your vice grip, to keep himself from fucking you, but he knew you needed the reprieve.
He kissed you for as long as you needed, continued to massage pleasure back into you as you adjusted in his lap. When you finally relaxed against him, he sat back against the headboard to watch you move. With your hands still on his shoulders, you began hauling yourself up and down onto him, wincing each time he bottomed out. You felt so good around him that he could barely breathe.
You still struggled to ride him. The sheer size of him making it difficult to rise fully, and your legs were close to giving out. “Azzy,” you whimpered, pouting at him terribly.
His sweet, lovely girl. “Aww,” he couldn’t help but coo. He frowned in disbelief at his own cruelty, making you take him all on your own like that. “I’m sorry, angel.” He gripped your thighs around your ass, taking over. You gasped as he began guiding your body up and down his length with an ease that stole your breath again. He hauled you up and let you sink down at a relaxed pace, seeing how closely you teetered on the edge of pain and pleasure. “So good for me, right baby?”
“Mhm,” your eyes were falling shut, the pleasure drawing your brows together in a concentrated pinch as you let him fuck you onto him. You relaxed further into his hold, winding your hips forward and back, and he began moving faster.
One of his hands shifted to your throat, gripping it gently but firmly, making your eyes flash to his. “Say you’re mine,” he spoke lowly.   
Your hand wrapped around his wrist lovingly. “I’m yours, Azzy.” He could tell you were close again from the breathy pitch.
“My bride,” he corrected.
You gasped, shifting forward as he hit a spot deep inside that had your rhythm stuttering. “Your bride,” you panted.
“That’s fucking right,” he said, shifting forward so you fell back into the bed. With your legs open, he returned his grip to your throat and plunged inside you again, making you moan. He fucked you more firmly despite the slide of your tight entrance making it nearly difficult. You gripped his wrist with both your hands now, and when your nails dug into his skin, he knew you’d fall apart.
You gasped, mouth agape and soundless as you shuddered through your climax, clamping your legs around his tightly until they fell open again as the pleasure coiled and released. He pulled out to give you a moment to catch your breath, knowing he was being rough.
Though every bone in his body ached to cover you like a shadow, to press his skin on yours and only let up when you needed to breathe, to kiss you and show you he loved you, he rose to witness the sight of you.
Bare and spread for him.
If not for the threat of potentially scaring you off, he’d have tied your wrists to each bedpost and kept you here. All his for all time. To claim and fuck as he pleased.
You were breathing hard, shifting restlessly on the bed, waiting for him to bury himself in you. It seemed you and Azriel kept returning to the act of burial, whether earthly or bodily.
“Azriel,” you breathed, grounding him. He grasped your knees where they lay on either side of him and gently plied them further apart, bending them up to allow him to look at your swollen sex. You blushed when you realized what he was doing, turning to bury your head in the pillow, but Azriel couldn’t tear his eyes away, admiring the gleam. What he did to your body. Your slick was spilling out of you. He ran his fingers through it. You flinched, still sensitive from release, but he didn’t let up, pushing his fingers into you—just needing to feel you. Your thighs shook as he did.
Azriel was harder than marble and needed to be inside you again.
He lined himself up, and before you had the chance to truly catch your breath, he was plunging again. You gasped, hands finding his chest. Azriel pushed inside, relishing the tight fit. He leaned over you, snaking his arms beneath your back. He rested his weight on his forearms where they pressed between your body and the mattress. His hands found their place on your shoulders, gripping them tightly from beneath. The position allowed him to use your frame to haul you onto his length as he pleased.
He fucked you harder than before, and there was nothing you could do but take it, mouth gaping and brows pinching at the overwhelming control he held. At the ecstasy he thrust into your body that made your head spin. At the utter power contained in his body, the ease with which he moved over you and inside you. You were encompassed by the mass of him, all corded muscles pressing into your torso and thick arms beneath you. You gripped his neck, scratching his skin, listening to the sharp slap of his hips against yours.
He was in your womb, so deep that there was a bite of pain with each thrust, but it was him and you wanted every part of him. The pleasure was so overwhelming that you stopped breathing, body tense as you tried to acclimate to it once again. Azriel rested his forehead on yours, lips brushing against yours. Not kissing you, just breathing against your mouth. You let out a choked whimper. “That’s it,” he growled. “Good girl. You can take it.” You heaved air into your lungs again, surrendering to the hold he had on you, physically and whatever tugged you to him beyond. Surrendered to the pleasure, no longer resisting it even as it stunned every nerve ending.
You relaxed, rode the waves, drowned in them. “Good fucking girl,” he breathed again, feeling the shift to pliability in your body. On a baser level, he understood that you were yielding to him. You were safe with him, and you were his. The urgency in his thrusts calmed, but he shifted his hold, and wrapped his arms around your waist, slotting himself against you. He buried his face in your neck, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
Still soft in his arms, still taking him.
He felt his release cresting but didn’t want to stop. Didn’t want this to end. Your thighs were shaking around his waist. “I’m coming inside you,” he breathed into your hair, making you whimper again.
“Please, please,” you panted. He knew you were nearing your release as well, knew you likely couldn’t take more given how thorough he’d been with you. Azriel reverted to hurried movements, memorizing how he dragged against your walls. How warm and tight you were, still clamping down on him like iron, impossibly tighter as he dragged you closer. Your breathing halted again as release tore through you. You cried out, writhing against him.
The pulsating suction of your climax massaged him inside you, making him shudder. He plunged himself into you, putting all his weight into it, fucking you so deep into the mattress as your tightness crested his pleasure.
He finally stopped moving, releasing his seed deep inside you. It was the longest and hardest he’d ever come, leaving him shaking above you, panting.
You soothed shaky hands down his back, and Azriel finally eased his weight off you. Remaining buried inside you, he shifted his arms to bracket your frame, raising to look at you.
Beneath him, your eyes were droopy but bright as you watched him back. That he found sincere trust in them, that there was softness after all he’d done to you only made his chest ache. You truly did give yourself to him. “I—I don’t want to pull out,” he admitted lowly, voice hoarse.
You stroked his cheeks, hands still unsteady. “Then don’t,” you whispered. Azriel snuck an arm beneath your waist again, this time guiding you to lay on top of him as he turned to rest on his back, careful to keep himself tucked inside you. You gasped, sensitive and overstimulated, but took it patiently as he settled himself into the bed, settlling yourself against his chest. He stroked down your form against him, soothed the tremors in your arms and legs.
Whatever part of him existed before that could bear to be without you was dead. Perhaps this is the burial he’d been haunted by night after night. His immortality rebirthed with his consummated bride. He pulled the sheets over your bodies, kissing the crown of your head.
He’d learn to be with you less intensely, to want you more sanely. But not tonight—tonight, he was finally going to rest in peace, buried with you, buried inside you.
His bride in your marriage bed.
taglist: @iimisty-a @feyretopia @aroseinvelaris @cullenswife @reiincarnatiion @sfhsgrad-blog @answer-the-sirens @mrstangerinejohnson @marigold-morelli @courtofjurdan @azriels-mate123 @emotionless-lover @marina468 @slvtherinseeker @owllover123 @banasheefan56 @nyotamalfoy
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euphoricfilter · 8 months
.  . • ☆ . ° .• ° kinktober day 3
[day three: thigh riding]
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pairing: jungkook x f.reader
tags/ warnings: pwp, thigh riding, cumming untouched, implied use of recreational drugs (weed)
notes: smut straight under the cut
kinktober masterlist
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
You feel Jungkook press a wet kiss to your cheek, eyes barely open as you tug at his shirt. Silent demand for him to take it off. He drops the blunt on an ashtray balancing on the arm of the couch. Mere moments away from tipping over the edge, though neither of you finding it in yourself to worry.
He tugs his shirt over his head, thrown somewhere on the floor behind you; neither of you in a rush. Mind slow, gentle pleasure thrumming throughout your bodies, warm hands pressed to warm flesh.
Rough touch of fingertips of delicate skin, spikes of unsure pleasure fizzling beneath your flesh with every accidental tug. Skin dimpling where Jungkook presses and prods and gropes and loves. The faintest hint of red rising beneath your skin with every dip of his hands caressing parts of your body only he will ever see, ever own and love and ravish.
Your hands trail over his stomach, fingers dipping into his defined abs, his stomach tensing when you trail over a sensitive spot.
Your thumb presses over his happy trail, tracing over the waistband of his shorts, pussy clenching around nothing at the thought of his cock splitting you open.
“My pretty” he murmurs, tugging your shirt over your head, he groans at your bare chest, cock straining in his pants at the sight of you.
He leans down, lips wrapping around one of your nipples, his fingers pinching the other, tugging before pressing a thumb over the sensitive skin. You moan at the sliver of pleasure that slips down your spine, slick leaking into your panties, soaking the fabric until Jungkook can feel your arousal, tacky on his legs.
“Shit—Jungkook” you whine.
“Yeah? You like that?” he whispers, warm breath tickling your skin, nipples hardening. Goosebumps prickling your skin, tickling over you with each rugged lick of his tongue over your bare flesh.
“Mhmm” you nod, “So good”
His hands slip down your sides, looking up at you through his lashes, lips sucking at the soft skin of your chest. Red flowers of his love blossoming in his wake. Your mouth tips open in a breathy moan, nails raking down his stomach when he starts rocking your hips. Guiding you just how you like— lazy, clit needy, slick pussy coated in your arousal.
Your legs tighten around Jungkook’s thigh you were straddling, clit throbbing as the soft fabric of your cotton panties drags over the sensitive little nub with each lazy roll of your hips. Your hands find their way to his hair, tugging him closer until his face is smothered in your chest.
He bites down on your nipple, tongue laving over it to soothe the gentle jolt of pain that tickled down your spine.
More slick dribbles from your pussy. In your lust hazed mind, you find it in yourself to lift yourself up a little, desperate whine catching in your throat as your pleasure starts to ebb away momentarily. Slowly building orgasm a phantom feeling, clit still throbbing in desperate need.
You push your panties to the side, Jungkook tipping his head back as your bare pussy connects with the thick muscle of his thigh, skin slick and shiny with your leaking arousal. His hands settle back onto your hips, dragging you forward, helping you roll your hips, clit dragging against his warm skin.
Your knee nudges against the underside of his cock, nudging it enough to drag deliciously in his underwear. Building pleasure making precum stain the cotton, steadily leaking out the tip.
“Fuck” he moans, thigh tensing. You almost fall forward at the fresh wave of pleasure. Your nails rake down his chest, Jungkook’s hand squeezing over his cock to stave off his orgasm as your hands thumb over his nipples.
Your hips stutter forward, desperate as you rut against Jungkook’s thigh. He can feel your pussy clenching, arousal dripping down his skin onto the couch below the both of you. So wet and slick and messy, dribbles of arousal sticking to skin and fabric. Wet little noises making his cock twitch with every jittery rut of your hips. Mind so hazy and pleasure filled.
“Come for me baby” he groans, “making me all wet and messy”
His fingers find the back of your neck, carding into your hair. He drags you down, lips pressing against your own, his tongue prods at your mouth, slipping past your lips when you moan. He swallows it down, swallowing down every little sound you make.
His tongue presses against your own, mix of your saliva coating your chin, slippery against his lips.
He bites at you bottom lip, lip piercings dragging against your skin.
“Jungkook” you whine, fingers digging into Jungkook’s shoulders when he pinches your clit, his other hand palming over his cock.
“Come on, pretty” he looks at you through hooded eyes.
You’re desperate in your attempt to cum, pussy lips parting around his thick thighs as he plays with your clit.
Thick rivulets of arousal wetting his skin as you cum, desperate to keep the pleasure going as you rut against him. Mouth opening in awe when you watch his thick release spurt through his underwear. White staining his hand as he rolls his hips upwards, bringing you both down slowly from your highs
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milswrites · 2 months
The light which persists
~ Azriel X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Azriel finds his source of happiness in the most unlikely of places.
Warnings: Smut 18+ Minors Dni (p in v)
It's strange how Azriel could identify the very moment in which his life had just changed forever.  All it took was one look, a second-long glance in your direction, and the shadowsinger was certain that his entire world had just shifted. Whether it be by the cauldrons design or his own, Azriel had no doubt that your fate was to be entwined with his.
It was unbeknownst to Azriel, how a flower as lovely as you could bloom in the toxic gardens of the Court of Nightmares. Yet here you were, sitting across from the male in this tedious meeting, a soft smile adorning your lips as Azriel admired you in all your beauty. A rose untouched by the thorns of her less than savoury counterparts.
The radiant aura you permeated acted like a beacon, a glowing light of warmth and comfort. Your bright signal subconsciously drawing Azriel into your safe harbour. He had yet to hear your voice and Azriel was already sure that whatever sweet nectar poured from your lips would coat his mind like honey, pulling him deeper still into the soothing waters of your tangible soul.
Azriel failed to register the dull words which Kier was speaking, his thoughts occupied by you and only you. In fact the shadowsinger found it impossible to tear his eyes from you. Afraid that if he were to do so for even a second, whatever hypnotic spell you had cast upon him would be severed and his world would be rudely shifted back to the mundaneness of its usual orbit.
Instead, his hazel eyes stayed locked on you, Azriel’s searching gaze committing your delicate features to memory. Noting the slight furrow of your brows knitting together and the growing pout of your plush lips as you listened to Kier’s absurd proposition, his chest tingling with satisfaction at the sight of the flames which flickered in your determined eyes. And when you finally spoke, each syllable which fell from your lips had Azriel clinging on for more, entranced by the power which laced every well-spoken word.
Azriel had only received but a taste of your presence and yet he was already addicted. The tantalizingly delicious way your light coursed through his veins was a feeling the male wished never to forget. He would bottle it if he could, squirrel away a piece of your light and take it back with him to Velaris so he could experience the high which had been gifted from you whenever the male wished.
And so, with your gravitational pull too mesmerizing to resist, the shadowsinger became a ghost in the ebony halls of Hewn City's palace. A shadowed phantom haunting the corridors, hoping to receive just a glimpse of your warming light with the goal of replenishing his well. Returning day after day to silently bask in the glory of your presence.
Even his shadows had fallen victim to your siren’s song, enraptured by the comfort your luminesce provided. The smoky tendrils slipping from Azriel’s control in order to seek you out and soak up the warmth of your prevailing light.
It was therefore no surprise when you noticed the new little followers who trailed after you like lost puppies as you walked through the winding halls of the palace of nightmares. Bringing you a warm satisfaction when you were able to return them to the blushing shadowsinger who always seemed to be hiding nearby.
It wasn’t long before the days where Azriel’s visits to the Court of Nightmares which were once filled with harrowing screams and cries for mercy were now few and far between. Instead, no longer needing to pine after you from a distance, his visits involved friendly walks through the gardens in Hewn. The twisted vines and dull flowers failing to hold a candle to the beauty which was you.
Azriel’s senses were right that day he had first met you, it was destined for both of your fates to be intertwined. Far behind were the days of being strangers, and soon, so were the days of being friends. The shadowsinger’s growing love for you was why it didn’t take long for the cruel city to become one of Azriel’s favourite places to be.
It was the highlight of Azriel’s day, wandering through the winding avenues of Hewn City as he made his way to your home under the cover of his obedient shadows. Following the faint glow which led him through the familiar streets, its presence holding the draining aura of the wretched city’s air at bay until he had safely passed through the threshold of your home.
And just like the day he first met you where you knocked his world off kilter with only one glance, a single look at your beaming face as he entered was all Azriel needed to feel the worries of his arduous day start to slowly ebb away.
A single look being enough to remind the male just how in love with you he had grown to be. Thankful that the prayers whispered from the dark cage of his childhood had finally been answered, because the gods have given him you.
Only you had the power to illuminate his life. Your presence a lighthouse which called him back from the festering darkness of where he once inhabited. Azriel could withstand anyone, any place, even the looming evil of the Court of Nightmares, if only it meant he was weathering them with you.
One look was all it took to muddle his senses and scramble his thoughts. Clearing Azriel’s mind of all the sweet things he had planned of saying to you as his lips came to meet yours instead.
Azriel kissed the same way he fought, rough and calculated. Each skilled brush of his tongue and sinful nip to your swollen lips done with the intention of drawing sounds of pleasure from you. But Azriel didn’t only kiss to please, every swirl of his warm tongue sought to absorb more and more of your comforting light. The two of you locked in a passionate kiss which was only growing wilder as he attempted to sate his never-ending hunger for you.
His scarred hands explored every inch of your body that they could possibly reach as his salacious lips moved to devour the soft skin of your neck, sucking and biting at your sensitive flesh until the purple marks of his labour began to appear in the wake of his reddening lips. Pleased with the desperate manner of which Azriel was attacking your neck you teasingly pulled away from the male, lips pulling into a smile as you goaded him, “What no hello? You’re not going to ask me how my day has been?”
Groaning at the distance you had created between you, Azriel closed the space once more, leaning forwards until his lips tantalizingly brushed against your ear. Using his teeth to gently tug on your lobe until his lips upturned into a cocky smirk, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine as he spoke lowly, “Why should I when we both already know that your day is about to get a whole lot better?”
“Confident in your skills are we?” you teased, not missing the twinkle which flashed in Azriel’s lustful gaze.
“Why don’t I show you?” Azriel asked, hovering his warm lips over your own, your sultry eyes glancing up at him through the shadow of your eyelashes, “And then you can tell me just how good my skills are.”
Azriel fucked well, there was no doubt about it.
Having done the act with him hundreds of times you were familiar with his unforgiving pace and the brutal force behind his thrusts. Azriel fucked like a man starved, seeking to steal every ounce of pleasure from you possible with each wild snap of his hips.
Yet tonight something was different, Azriel still drew the same cries of strangled pleasure from your lips, though his hips worked at a slower pace. The male taking his time to tear you apart, the leisurely pounding of his cock into your heat working to slowly bring you to your completion.
Tonight Azriel wasn't just fucking you, he was making love. His eyes, once blown black with lust, were now filled with an emotion you couldn't quite decipher and each languid thrust of his insatiable hips pulled soft moans and whimpers from your mouth. Your sounds matched by the shadowsinger's strangled groans escaping from his own lips at the newfound softness of the moment.
His stable hands entwined with your own, fingers laced together as he gently moved your hands to rest on either side of your head. Trapping you beneath him as he patiently drew you closer and closer to your high. Azriel was an expert of torture, never failing to stop the arduously slow rhythm of his thrusts no matter how much you cried for him to go faster.
The heat from his loving gaze becoming too difficult to withstand at the steady pace he was keeping and so you snapped your begging hips to meet his, allowing his cock to hit that sweet spot inside your core, urging the male to seek his high quicker.
A low rumbling laugh tore from his mouth, that cocky smirk once more returning to his lips as he continued his torturous pace. "So good for me princess," he crooned, his words stirring the butterflies in your stomach, aiding to pull you closer and closer to the high you were nearing, "You take me so well." The regular pulse of his hips unwavering, the repeated rhythm inching you closer and closer to satisfaction.
"Keep your eyes on me" he warned as the blissful wave of release began to wash over you, a scream of pleasure escaping from your lips as he finally began to speed his thrusts, "Don't stop looking at me my love."
It was Azriel's turn to reach his high, but it wasn't just satisfaction he was chasing, it was the glowing ball of light which stemmed from you that Azriel longed to absorb. Each mighty thrust working towards reaching that light, growling with the effort of reaching his completion.
Once he had found it, and that familiar golden glow had settled in his chest, Azriel's hunger was sated as his high washed over him and he spilled into your aching core. Panting in time with you as he carefully drew his cock from your heat and pulled your aching body into his soothing embrace, whispering sweet words of affirmation into your ringing ears. Aiding in bringing you down from your crushing high.
It was in the wake of his overwhelming pleasure, still inebriated by the intoxicating feel of your warming light, that the words slipped unceremoniously from his lips. "Come with me" he blurted, that unknown emotion from earlier still dancing in his begging eyes.
"What?" you asked breathlessly, unsure what it was that the male was asking for. Sensing their master's wavering nerves, his shadows had made their appearance. Slowly travelling across your heated skin, their soothing caress, acting to cool your burning flesh.
"To Velaris" he explained, the words leaving his mouth with a anxious gulp, "Come with me to Velaris."
Your eyes blow wide at his question. Thoughts becoming clear as the wave of your pleasure retreated. It was love you had seen in Azriel's stare, which you had felt in his passionate thrusts and searing kisses. Love which fueled his shaking nerves at the prospect that your answer would be anything other than yes.
"You deserve so much more than this cursed city" he continued, gentle hand coming to meet your cheek, his grounding touch drawing you from your tempestuous thoughts, “The world deserves to see so much more of you, you’re wasted here. This city, it just kills off everything good, everything pure. You deserve to live, to share your light with likeminded people."
"My light?" you questioned, not quite understanding what it was that Azriel was trying to convey.
Azriel moved the now shaking hand which was settled on your cheek to rest against the center of your chest, taking a few minutes to absorb the steady beat of your heart before continuing to speak.
"I don't know what it is, or why it's there. But I see it, the same light I only ever see on one day of the year, on Starfall. It calls to me, you call to me. . . I don’t know if we are mates, but I just get this feeling, the same one I felt on the day I met you, that this light was made for me. That it’s guiding me towards something. . . towards you.”
You looked down to where his hand was resting but was disappointed to see there was no light shining, yet the intensity of your lovers gaze already told you everything you needed to know.
“Is it there now?” You ask, noting the way Azriel’s hand had stopped trembling at the realisation that you believed him.
“Yes” he smiled softly, and whilst you couldn’t see the light yourself you could have sworn you saw the reflection of a warm glow in his hazel eyes, “it’s always with you, like my shadows.”
As if answering their masters call his shadows had begun to swirl around where his hand was placed, you could only assume they were dancing with the mysterious light that Azriel had likened them to.
“So Velaris huh?” You ask, looking deeply into Azriel’s hopeful eyes, “When do we go?”
And with those four words all of Azriel’s wishes had come true. The male no longer needing to bottle your calming light, sipping at his reserves until he was blessed with your wonderful presence once more. No, this time when he left he would be bringing his star to Velaris with him. To his home.
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sunshinescribes · 8 months
Heyy sunny, i just read the story about Law with his head bury on s/o chest and i was like: damn, that's hot. And i kinda think Law need more pampering like pat in his head, caressing his knuckles or something. So, since your request is open, can we get Trafalgar Law get pampered by his s/o?
If you didn't wanna write it, you can skip this one :0
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Pairing: Trafalgar Law x GN!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, comfort, Law is whipped but also bad at feelings
Sometimes Law thinks he dreamed you.
When you thread your fingers through his hair after a long day, massaging his scalp while whispering sweet praise, or absentmindedly caress his knuckles, leaving phantom kisses against his inked skin—he doesn’t think you’re real.
You come to him when he needs you most, as if you know he desires a comforting hand, a friendly word, and he melts into you every single time. His defenses shatter—the wall he’s constructed all this life comes tumbling down, and you hold him through the carnage.
You’re everything his heart secretly craves—so tender-hearted and caring, and wonderful—everything he feels he’s not.
And God, does he wonder what you see in him. Wonders how he manages to attract the kindest people when all he has to offer is practiced indifference. He doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve, doesn’t voice the things he feels, but it doesn’t deter you, and despite how brilliant he is, Law can’t make sense of it. He could spend a lifetime trying to figure you out and would never even come close.
“What is going on in that pretty head of yours?” You inquire, your brow raised playfully as you stare down at him. “Can hear the gears in your head movin’.”
His head is in your lap, your soft fingers brush back mutinous strands of hair from his forehead, and he blinks up at you dumbly. It’s one of those rare peaceful evenings where the crew unwinds and breathes a sigh of relief as the Polar Tang slips through the sea, pushing you all towards your next destination with ease.
It takes a moment for your compliment to register—that pretty head of yours—and Law hates how his heart flutters. You say the most…outlandish things without considering their effect—flattery he never expected to like, but they always sound so lovely coming from you. The urge to look at anything but your pretty face almost overtakes him, but he fights his urges, keeps his dark eyes trained on you.
Instead, he arches a sharp brow at you and attempts to sound mildly offended, even though he’s certain you see right through him. “Pretty?”
You purse your lips, feigning thought.
“Would you prefer beautiful? Gorgeous?”
He rolls his eyes, but your soft teasing does little to calm the rapid beat of his unruly heart. When has anyone ever thought him pretty? Beautiful?
You say it as if it’s one of life’s simple truths, but he feels you’re much more deserving of such compliments, and he would shower you with them if he knew how to stop himself from biting his tongue.
Your free hand moves from its spot on his exposed chest, trailing upward until you’re softly cradling his jaw. You dip down, placing a tender kiss on his supple lips.
“Brains and beauty,” you murmur against his lips. “How lucky am I?”
I’m the lucky one, he thinks. To be cared for like this—to be treated like something worthy of being cherished and loved.
And maybe it’s the fear that makes the words catch in his throat, stops him from ripping out his bleeding heart and handing it to you.
He’s never had a good thing that lasted. Only fleeting moments of happiness, ripped right from under him just when he thinks tragedy can never reach him again. He’s lost so much already, and yet there’s always more to lose.
But you continue to smile at him, kiss years of self-loathing away, share your warmth and affection for as long as he accepts it, and Law allows himself to become a little hopeful—thinks maybe you’ll be the first good thing he gets to keep.  
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A/N: I feel like this kinda got away from me, but not in the "I wrote too much" way and more so the "I feel I deviated too far from the original prompt and am almost certain I was possessed while writing this" way. Despite that, I hope you enjoyed! I love love LOVE writing soft love for Law so this is a PSA to flood my requests with fluffy prompts!!!
Divider credit: @/cafekitsune
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onyx-syn · 8 months
Cockwarming Headcanons with LA! Buggy and LA! Shanks
Warnings: Smut, some fluff, Female Reader, Flirting, Cockwarming, Some praises, pet names and Unprotected Sex
*Don't steal my writings and claim it as your own*
*18+ Only*
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🌹Buggy the clown is many things, one such thing is he is a sucker for you. A sucker for your love and touch, always wanting to be the center of attention around you
🌹And boy is he obsessed with the idea of his cock inside of you. Idea? Well, for a while he held back the thought of doing such a thing with you until the time finally came around to it
🌹See, for a while Buggy wasn't exactly comfortable with the physical touch. Not that he didn't want to touch you or be touched, it was more or less his insecurities taking over him
🌹But once he gets comfortable and used to you, oh he is melting for you and your touch at every giving moment
🌹He loves cockwarming you. I feel as he's able to detach his limbs he would be a little naturally cold? Or get easily cold? So, naturally, he nuzzles up to you when you two have time alone or wants you to nuzzle up to him. He loves feeling the heat emitting from your skin against his cold body, and even more so when he Buries his cock deep inside of you
🌹Where he likes to do it at is the fun part. He's both a private and public man. Sometimes he likes to do it in the comforts of your own room, deep in the night as deep as he's in you, only he can hear your sweet little moans of his cock burying deep inside you before you both end up sleeping
🌹Or, be a little sneaky and have you seated in his lap, rolling your hips around in circles, his hands gripping onto your hips keeping you steady, so you don't make the mistake of altering the members at the meeting of your sinful doing (which at that point, some of them have already figured you two were doing something)
🌹He'll leave his cock with you when you're in the mood or when he's gonna be gone for a while. He most definitely has phantom feelings so he can feel your walls greet him from afar. How hot your cunt feels, feeling his cock warm up and become wetter due to you. He's actively melting and mewling for you
🌹The feeling of your walls clenching him is out of this world, however it is difficult for him to restrain himself when he wants to buck his hips hard against your ass and cunt, hearing the sweet slapping sound of skin on skin. His body shutters at even just the thought of your walls around him
🌹His cock is the perfect size, a nice 5-6 inches. It grows half an inch when erected, which may not seem much but ol boy does he show it off. A pretty nice girth he's got going on down there, a nice handle around his length when you stroke him. He has a visible vein on the underline of his cock, which his length curves just a little. His tip starts off as a nice light pink before going to a nice red
🌹His cock is very sensitive with the vein and the underside of his tip. His body shutters when he feels the underline of his cock graze against your squishy walls, moaning as he feels the hotness grace it
- "Fuck", Buggy whispers to himself, a sweat tear drip dripping down the side of his cheek.
A loud moan left his wet lips, which he regretted a little after. He wants to ruin you, but he understands that during that time at night it wouldn't be right with how tired you both are.
The room felt unbearably hot. He could feel his cold skin turn into a molten pot of lava. His length deep inside you, the curls of his happy trail touching your ass and backside. Your naked body glowing in the darkness of the room, lit up by the moonlight shimmering through the windows.
A ravenous shockwave of pleasure rushing through his body as he could feel his body undergo an immense amount of pleasure. From his cock being smothered by your sweet folds and wet cunt, and the way your body so gracefully looked in bed and in his arms.
Your wet walls greeted him so nicely that he couldn't move, the only movement he wanted to give was bucking his hips into you, slow at first before speeding up. Wanting to hear your beautiful voice moan out his name, like the good girl you were to him.
His hands grazed your sides, grasping at your hips, a bit harsh, trying to keep himself composed.
His eyes fluttered to stay open, the pleasure overtaking him as he could feel his body overcome with the sensational feeling. Your body and cunt was like an intoxicating drug to him.
One of the most powerful pirates in The East Blue Sea, naked and trembling in bed with his love, his cock deep inside you wanting to fuck you senselessly. He was under your spell, like a loyal servant for your love and touch.
He brought himself out of his throughts as he hissed, feeling how nicely your walls clenched down on his cock, coating it in your slickness. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, his lips kissing your skin with his nose bumping your shoulder.
He took in your scent, trying to calm himself down. He whimpered a little, bitting onto your skin trying to control his ravenous urges. His body was overheating at your cunt, it felt so good, felt incredible. He wanted- no- needed to fuck you.
His body jolts a bit once he feels your hand move just slightly over his, rubbing your thumbs in circles around his rough yet soft skin. A small giggle leaves your lips before moaning, the tip of his cock hitting your walls, making your thighs tremble from the action.
Buggy shutters when he feels the underline of his cock graze your walls, huffing in your ear as hips start to buck little by little. He's melting in your pussy at this given moment.
You spoke in a slumber tone, barely awake, "Is my good boy that needy?"
You could feel Buggy tighten his grip on your hips, nodding profusely. "Yes... You feel so good baby, so... Nice~" You hear him say. You can tell he wants to do much more than just sleep.
You smile at his words, leaning back just enough into him where you're able to turn your head and kiss his cheeks gently. "That's my good boy, you're doing- ugh- really, good~"
He nuzzles deeper into your neck, pressing more kisses and lightly biting at your skin. "Mmm~" he mummers under his breath, loud enough for you to hear.
"I want you so ... So bad... Fuck, oh fuck. Your- fuck, please, please let me... I want... I want to fuck you... Baby...~" Buggy couldn't handle it anymore, he needed you just as much as you needed him.
You could feel your cunt become wetter at his begging, feeling his words breeze against your neck, sending a hot wave through your body and skin. The moment was intense, and starting to feel hot on both ends.
You shakily grip his hand, bringing it down to your pussy, the cold contact of his hand touching your clit so gracefully was making you moan in absolute pleasure.
"Then- nnn- n-do it, f-fuck me baby~"
He loved it when you spoke to him like this, wanting all your attention on him and him only.
🌹he won't always be this sweet and a good boy to you though, some days he'll be desperately moaning in your ear and telling you how well you're taking him as he deepens himself in you
🌹He does try very hard to be your good boy though. He holds back his urges a lot when it comes to him warming his cock deep in you, whimpering quietly and trembling as he holds you against him. With how your walls clench down in his harden muscle, warming him up like a cookie or wetting him- it's too much for him to handle all at once
🌹 He'll end up begging to fuck you, wanting to pleasure you and make you cum for him and hear you moan his name and his love
🌹Overall, will live and die doing cockwarming with his sweets~
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🌹Shanks is an adventurous lad. Always off exploring new things and trying out all sorts of activities and tricks. One such new trick he didn't expect to end up liking is cockwarming with you. And now he's an an absolute sucker for cockwarming
🌹Unlike Buggy at first, he loves physical touch and little acts of service to give you or for you to give him. Well, at least before he lost his arm. But even then, it doesn't bother him too much, he still is hesitant on letting you touch his nub at first, so it would take some time for him to get used to
🌹Shanks is also in his prime, he's much more of a laid back type of cockwarmer then always actively trying to find a way to put his length deep into your cunt
🌹He loves to be relaxing either in his captain quarters or just being comfortable in his hammock with you either on top of his, his cock deep inside you as you're doing a chore or simply sleeping ontop of him
🌹Or when he catches you from behind when you're alone, cooking or cleaning. He'll come up from behind slowly, his rough hands gripping your sides softly, whispering in your ear of how beautiful you look right now. His hands roam further down your body and pull down your bottoms, sliding his cock between your folds. He groans when entering each time, still unbelievably stunned at how amazing your cunt feels
🌹But, he'll keep composure for a bit, helping you with the task in hand while bucking his hips little by little, trying to restrain himself but it can be difficult. A lot of the time it'll end up having sex with him on the counter or crate
🌹He almost has no words to describe how the feeling of your walls clenching down on his cock feels. Feeling your warm slickness coat him, every square inch of his large muscle as he rolls his tip around against your walls, bringing your body to shutter in his grasp
🌹he's much more of a private guy then a public guy when it comes to this, not because he doesn't want to do it, show you off, and be risky with you doll. But he doesn't want the other members of his crew or simply strangers, hear your beautiful voice moan his name or see your glorious reaction to his cock entering you. That's for him and you to enjoy
🌹He's length is pretty girthy, more of a shower then a grower to be honest. He's packing a nice 6.5 inches, but the girth is a key word. Has a few visible veins and has an angry red top
🌹 Isn't very sensitive in some spots, however your tongue swirling around his tips over and over again sends a thrilling chill up his spine, a shock wave of pleasure washing over him as he feels your wet his cock
🌹Will try to buck his hips more and more when you cockwarm him, making his tip hit your walls and roll against them, sending a chilling wave of sensational pleasure throughout his body. If you catch him he'll give you a cheeky smile and embrace your lips with his
- You were preparing a meal in the kitchen of the ship, docked at the small island where you and Shanks crew laid low for now. Your ears perked at the footsteps entering into the room, noticing who the pattern belonged to.
A smile covered your cheeks as you felt a pair of rough hands wrap themselves around your fabric of clothing, rubbing your tummy softly before gripping onto your hips.
You felt a pair of lips kiss your ear, sending a small shockwave of euphoria down your spine. A large chest hitting your back as the person behind you spoke.
"Making dinner I see, my love?" Shanks spoke, his raspy voice chuckling.
You nodded in return, leaning back against his chest before kissing his cheek, smiling once more returning back to the task at hand.
"Of course, somebody's gotta feed you hungry dogs"
Shanks shook his head at that, but you can imagine the cheeky smile plastered across his face. You knew he had other intentions than to just help you with dinner, you could feel his rather large groin press against your ass.
His voice deepened, kissing your neck more slower and bitting here and there. "That's so nice my dear~"
You felt a rise of adrenaline rush through your veins, rolling your hips back into his hips. You stopped what you were doing and waited for Shanks to do his bidding upon you. You wanted to feel his cock burden itself in your cunt, feeling your folds become wet at the thought.
Shanks chest rumbled with a groan, his cock sliding through your wet folds as he pulled down the hem of your bottoms and your undergarments just enough to have access to your cunt.
"Dear- oh fuck...~" he whispered under his breath, cursing at the feeling.
The sensational feeling of your walls clenching down on his cock, coating him in your slickness. Shanks closed his eyes as a moan left his lips, feeling his tip touch your walls. He pressed his forehead against the back of your head.
His hands raced back to your hips, almost reaching your back and bending you over the counter to wreck your poor puffy cunt. But, he remained composed, despite the little bucking of his hips against your ass.
His red curly trail touching your backs and ass, tickling you just a bit. The feeling was intense for him, he was a strong man yes but this was something else for him.
Shanks started to buck more, having a nice handle on your hips. He turned his rhythm to the side a bit, shuttering at the feeling of his tip hitting your squishy wet walls, coating him over and over again as he continued.
Little moans left his lips. He squeezed his eyes closed, his lips pressing on your head, giving you small kisses. His cock swelled in your pussy, filling you up with his size just alone.
Your hands gripped the counter of the kitchen table, your thighs trembling. Feeling yourself full and your walls caressed from his cock alone, a low moan and mewl left your wet lips. It was times like this where you wished you weren't busy so your man could fuck you like no tomorrow.
Shanks could feel your body tremble in his touch, sending a chuckle out of him. "Feels good doesn't it my love?~" he asks, watching you nod. "You love it when I fill you up don't you~".
"Shanks~" You breathy let out a whimper, your nails digging into the granite counter.
Shanks leans forward, his hot breath making the hair on your neck stick up and sending a wave to your pussy. "Yes my love?~"
His words and voice made you feel so many things, all of which sinful and deeply inappropriate for such an open space. You shakily moved your hands, cutting the vegetables slowly as you tried to calm yourself down.
"I ... I-i want to try and finish, d-dinner... So i-if you don't plan on helping, we might as well stop or we'll end up r-ruining dinner" you mentioned to him, slowly gaining control of the situation.
"ruin it? Oh darling, dinner has barely started" He restated, chuckling a little. "especially when I'm looking at the dessert right in front of-"
"S-Shanks!" You cut him off, your face heating up from his comments and words about your intimate moment.
You feel him stop bucking his hips, his hands lessening it's grip on your hips before reaching the counter, holding up some vegetables and a knife. "Alright alright, I'll help you, but the real dinner for us will begin after this~" he whispered in your ear, now letting his cock settling itself in you, warming up for laters activities.
Dear god, good luck for you.
🌹It's moments like this between you two that he loves, both having fun while being romantic, his love for you never going away no matter what
🌹 he'll lazily rock his hips into yours occasionally, letting a cheeky smile cover his face trying to get away with the actions of his teasing on you. It brings excitement to the man and his adoration for you
🌹He's a sucker for cockwarming, no doubt
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arcaneacolyte · 6 months
May I Present: The Ghouls as Quirks My or My Close friends' Animals Have Exhibited:
**Alpha**: Favorite game is "oh look how sneaky I am, stealing the thing you're doing/playing with so I can play with it" but gets SO mad when it's done to him.
**Omega**: Can't help but make the "stinky" big cat face when he smells something he doesn't like. He can't hide it if he tried.
**Mist**: If she touches a texture she wasn't expecting, she basically jumps out of her skin and onto the nearest elevated surface.
**Zephyr**: Despite having good night vision, has *terrible* lowlight vision, so if they see something at dusk that's unfamiliar? Instant hackles up and growling. Turns out it's just a garbage bag.
**Ifrit**: Upon first meeting someone, is all guard dog and grumpy and "Don't touch me", but once you scritch around his horns and ears, he loves you forever and will trail after you wanting more pets, tail wagging.
**Aether**: Very friendly, but if someone he knows puts on a hat or changes their silhouette in any way? Stranger Danger, who the fuck are you?!
**Dewdrop**: Must be in an hot bed, in an hot house, in an hot climate. Will steal any coals he finds to either eat or rub his face against.
**Mountain**: If he hasn't worn shoes in a while (which is usually any time outside of touring) and he has to put some on, he waggles and high steps weird for a while because he can't feel the ground.
**Rain**: Thunder and lightening or fireworks? No problem, unbothered and can sleep like the dead. Balloons in any form? Pure Evil and must be destroyed.
**Swiss**: Literally an escape artist, cannot be contained if you tried. They put a camera in a containment room to try to see how he escapes and they still can't even figure it out.
**Phantom/Aeon**: No eye self preservation. Doesn't close his eyes when water gets poured on him, will not shut them when you threaten to poke them. It's so bad that he's had multiple eye tests to see if he has poor vision, but his vision is perfect.
**Cirrus**: Got one of her nails cut down too close to the quick ONE time and now refuses to get her nails trimmed and will run or fuss if its determined she needs a trim. Has to be asleep or put under sedatives to get them done.
**Cumulus**: Is completely fine with getting a bath or shower, but hates going out in the rain. Also, to her, water is water no matter how gross it is and she WILL try to drink it if she's thirsty enough.
**Sunshine**: Will get excited and get all up in other peoples' faces, then suddenly panic and get upset that their face is too close to hers. She might snap at them because of it.
**Aurora**: Has very sensitive ears and gets very upset at loud noises, but has a hard time self regulating and the only thing that will help is the Ghoul version of a happy hoodie. Unfortunately she doesn't think she can move her neck while she's wearing it, so she turns her head like 1989 Batman.
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Phantom pain
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Summary; Price said he would be back before Christmas, but you didn't think it would be like this.
Pairing: Cpt. John Price x reader (sunshine!universe)
Rating: Mature
Word; 9k
Warnings; angst, injury, copious amount of fluff
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing​
A/N: Surprise update everyone! I've been feeling so festive this year, there's so much snow and everything's just so cosy, so this chapter comes as a little hurt to feel-good thing on the third of advent. If you don't celebrate Christmas or don't like the festive period, I simply hope that you have a great December nonetheless🥰
It had been a slow morning. Despite snow greeting you on the ground and in the air, you'd felt warm huddled in your jacket and the thought of cosying into one of the plush armchairs at your coffee shop. It had been serene; not many ventured outside in this weather. Yet, you'd smiled behind the lapel of your jacket when something other than cloudy skies and rain doused everything in a hue of grey.
You'd been in such a good mood that when you returned home with some pastries to go, saffron and caramel the main components in the golden danishes and tarts, you started a deep cleaning of your flat.
With the least Christmasy of Christmas songs playing from your speakers, you put up some festive lights, the warm glow softening every hard edge.
Although, while you're balancing on your stool, using some double-sided sticky tape to fasten a string of light behind your curtains, the music from your speakers is cut off by your phone ringing. You didn't think twice about heading to your phone, believing it was Marissa or one of your other friends. Yet, you stall when spotting the caller I.D. lighting up your screen.
Two weeks. John said his deployment would last two weeks. Of course, you would've been happy if he returned home earlier on any other occasion. But something made your stomach twist and your brows furrow when John now was calling less than a week and a half after he left.
"John?" You ask tentatively after answering the call and putting it on speaker.
"Sorry, lass, probably not the John ya wanted". Your heart fucking drops, your face falling in record time when it's a Scottish accent and not the easily recognisable British variant greeting you.
"J-Johnny?" Your voice breaks halfway through, unable not to. Even tears managed to well in the short seconds you realise what this call might be.
"Hey, easy, Price is alive and kickin'-"
"Oh god", you choke out the words, dropping to the couch behind you as you'd remained standing since you answered, for some reason. The tears that collected in the corner of your eyes trail down your cheeks upon your eyes shutting, more so from the sudden burst of relief than the fear that brought them.
"Fuck, you scared me, Johnny".
"Should've started with that", he excuses with a slight, strained chuckle before he clears his throat. "But... still callin' for a reason".
"Yeah, gathered that much", you return, wiping away your tears with your shirt sleeve.
"Captain got downed durin' the mission, nasty shot in the shoulder".
"What?" Your motion stills when you register what Johnny said, gaze falling to stare at the call-time ticking away tauntingly slow.
"Last time I saw him, he was in the infirmary and had just returned from a quick surgery".
"But is he alright?" You bring your phone closer to your face as if it somehow would make Johnny feel how you pressed for an answer.
"Huffin' and groanin' 'bout it but fine otherwise. He wanted me to call ya, knowin' the pain-meds he was forced to take wouldn't help him give good 'nough explanation of things".
"Okay, okay", you mumble. He's alive. Hurt but alive.
"He'll need to stay a while. But ya can come to see him if ya want".
"I can?"
"'Course, we'll be able to get ya a visitin' pass".
"Oh, thank you, Johnny", you breathe out.
"Nothin' to thank, lass. Can't stand the Captain's grousin' anymore". You chuckle half-heartedly at that. "I'll send you the details 'bout the visit and some information that's needed".
"Yes, yes, absolutely". You nodded along even if the Scot couldn't see the motion. "Send it over, and I'll fill out whatever's needed".
You don't know how much of a shit show things had turned into for them to return home early. Although, it must have been bad if not only John didn't go unharmed from it, but even Johnny seemed to have seen better days. 
It was hard not to notice his roughened-up look when he met you by the army base's outer perimeter about two hours later. There were a few cuts and bruises littering his face, and even though the Scot didn't hesitate to bring you into a comforting hug as you jumped out of your car, you noted the slight wince he waved off as a 'bruised everything'.
Even if you'd been shaken after ending the call with Johnny, you attempted to calm down, telling yourself 'John's fine' before leaving your flat. Yet, those nerves flared right up when you entered the small visitors' centre beside the road. Thankfully, the very man who'd given you the news of John seemed to notice that the military surroundings were vastly unfamiliar and unnerving for someone not used to them, especially considering why you were here.
Johnny kept close the entire time, helping you with the needed papers for the visitor's pass by pointing to where your signature was required, even if he talked familiarly with the armed guards all the while.
You took deep breaths to steady yourself numerous times, feeling the Scot's attention fall on you each time he noted the same unease he previously only caught over the phone. You knew you weren't succeeding in hiding your nerves. Nevertheless, between being in a strongly off-limits zone for usual civilians and the fact you wouldn't be here if John wasn't in a hospital bed, you don't think Johnny or any of the other soldiers blamed you for it.
When everything was finally signed and read through, Johnny scribbled his signature on the dotted line beside yours on the last page.
With the I.D. around your neck, you exited the smaller building and jumped into your car again, only now the Scot hitched a ride back with you.
Your fingers rapped against the steering wheel once you were let through the gates and rolled forwards, teeth worrying your lower lip, eyes trained on the main compound further ahead.
"Lass", your eyes had swiftly adverted to Johnny, noticing his eyes shifting to your hands. You stopped with a tight lipped smile, your gaze having adverted forward again. "Price is roughened up but fine. He's been through much worse".
"I know", you sighed, having to hold yourself from going back to biting your lip. You'd seen John's scars, some on worryingly critical places on his abdomen. "But I haven't been there to see that...", you mumbled, eyes fixed on the parking lot ahead.
You and Soap didn't share much chatter as you parked, nor more than needed as he guided you through the building closest to the parking lot. However, he offered a reassuring squeeze of your shoulder when he saw you hesitate in the elevator upon reaching the medical wing. 
A327. That was the room John apparently was in. 
You looked at each door you passed, waiting for the right one. 
324. 325. 326. 
Your heart thudded hard in your chest as you finally reached 327.
With hands intertwining hands, fingers wringing each other, you merely stand rooted before the door. All of a sudden hesitant to step inside.
"He's gonna be fine, lass". Johnny's comment makes you look up at him. A gentler smile than usual meets you, causing you to release the breath you didn't know you held as you nod. "Let's get ya to meet him". The Scot gives you an encouraging smile as he opens the door, motioning for you to enter.
John's already facing your way when you step into the room that nearly��shines white and beige. But your gaze only briefly meets his before it drops, flittering over his form. 
He rests beneath multiple blankets that reach his stomach, his upper body clad in a soft white t-shirt that doesn't look like his own. Your jaw clenches when you spot his arm in a sling, stabilising it against his chest. As your eyes trail further upwards, a distressed sound bubbles up in your throat upon spotting the bandages peeking from beneath the left sleeve.
"John-", you don't manage to say anything more before you stutter to a stop, chest heaving on a sharp inhale.
"C'mere, love", his voice is hoarse, strained, barely more than a grating sound, but you move forward as on command.
You can't help how your mouth purses at how tired he looks, the hint of pain in his eyes so evident when you stop beside the bed.
"M'fine", John raises the arm of his healthy side, even so, he winces, eyes shutting tightly for a brief moment before they open again.
"Don't lie, I see that you're not", you murmur as you take hold of the hand that tried to reach your face, allowing his upper arm to drop and rest along the bed, instead meeting him halfway by bending down to kiss his knuckles.
John exhales deeply, eyelids fluttering close, the crease between his brows never smoothening. God, it hurts to see him like this. 
You step closer, the side of the bed pressing into your thigh, planting a kiss at the very centre of the furrow. When you look down at John again, his features have softened, but his eyes still have a troubled look when that blue gaze meets yours.
"I'll leave ya two to it". You look over your shoulder, sending Johnny a look of gratitude.
"Thank you, Soap", John says. The Scot only nods in return, giving you a last look before he exits.
Once you're alone with John, you exhale almost painfully before gazing down at him. 
"You don't know how scared I got when Johnny called", you admit. This time, John pulls your hand rather than face towards him, tipping his head forward to plant a firm kiss against your knuckles. "Thought-"
"Sit down, love". Upon catching your distress, John pats the side of his bed with a gentle voice. Although his attempt does little to ease your nerves, seeing how the slight move of his legs sideways to give you space only makes his features twist.
"Not a chance", you protest with a shake of your head, fearful of accidentally hurting him more. Instead, you glance around the room, finding a pair of chairs along the wall.
John doesn't hold you back as you release him and move towards them, but you guess it's more because he can't then don't want to. 
You pull the chair along and put it as close to the hospital bed as possible, not hesitating to lean over the low metal railing at the side to hold John's hand again after sitting down, your other hand settling on his forearm, rubbing soothing motions. 
You gaze up at the blue-eyed man, those pretty eyes of his duller than usual, exhaustion shining in its own faded might. His brown hair is one of the few darker accents in the room; the screen of the heartbeat monitor is the other source. Yet, it's matted, fallen to its own will against his forehead rather than styled into something casual by his fingers running through it and pushing it backwards. 
Leaning forwards, your card your hand through John's hair, not nearly correcting it to how he usually does, but better nonetheless. 
Your gaze flitters to meet his when you settle back in your seat, noting the smile adorning his lips. 
"Happy to see you again, love". Not daring to test your voice, you kiss his knuckles in return. This time, you're positioned low enough that John's hand goes to cup your face when you lean away again, brushing his thumb over the apple of your cheek. "Even if it could've been under better circumstances".
You don't notice it until John's thumb paints a streak of wetness over your skin, but he redirects a stray tear rather than letting it follow its natural path.
"You're here. That's what matters". You squeeze John's wrist, leaning away to wipe your cheeks yourself, offering him a smile with a breathed chuckle.
"Was never not close to return". John wraps his hand over yours, letting them drop to the bed as he reflects your smile. "Shoddy shot whoever they were, used a handgun in close combat and still missed the brachial artery and brachial plexus", John releases one of those huff-chuckles of his. You shake your head, having no idea what difference it would make if whoever shot him hadn't missed those points, only that it probably would've been a lot worse.
"What- what went wrong?" Your gaze flickers to his injured side.
A heaved sigh escapes him before he speaks.
"Mission was bumpy from the start but went fine". You knew he let confidential details out, but you didn’t want to know anything apart from what happened to him. "Needed to wait out exfil in an abandoned buildin'. Remained remarkably silent until we got the call to move to the pick-up point. Got ambushed, absolute shitshow". He shakes his head with a grunt.
"How's the others?" You'd seen two of the four men, though Ghost and Kyle's absence suddenly irked you upon hearing what John told you.
"Bruised but none too badly". John ran his thumb over your hand. A low, partly amused, partly exasperated huff escaped him as he continued. "My turn to take the brunt for the team, it seemed".
Even if you could've wished for a better outcome for John, at least none of the others had gotten off worse. 
You suck your lower lip between your teeth as you really try to take in his state, trying, only try again to find your words. Seeing John like this almost feels wrong. 
You'd witnessed his soft side, but this wasn't soft. This is hurt. He wasn't sluggish as when you managed to keep him in bed rather than rise with the birds on the occasional weekend. This was exhaustion, one he tried to hide, but the lines on his face exposed nonetheless. 
Barely anything could've pulled your attention from John as you tried to find your words, any consolidation that wouldn't sound like pity. And yet, when a knock sounded from the door, soon after swinging open, both your and John's eyes are pulled to the entrance.
When you spit the woman striding into the room, your brows jump up.
"Kate? Didn't think you would be here". Upon noticing you sitting by John's side, the American woman stalled, the computer beneath her arm pulled in front of her.
"I was involved in the mission the boys went on". She juts her chin towards the man at your side. "Mind if I speak to him?" Her tone wasn't stern, nothing hinting at malice or desire to break you and John up. Still, it didn't really sound like she asked.
You looked from Kate to John, not really stunned compared to feeling how a bubble unexpectedly broke. "Oh, yes, of course, I'll wait outside". 
Considering how neither stopped you as you stood, John only squeezing your hand before letting go, you took it as an affirmation this wasn't a conversation you had any clearance to be present for and that one way or another would've happened either way.
Even so, Kate offers you a kind smile as you pass her on the way out. Yet, you note the blonde woman's features looked tighter than on the night of the party, without a doubt due to the predicament making John end up in a hospital bed.
When the door falls shut behind you, you lean against the wall just to the left of the entrance. It's silent to a degree you would guess the room John's in is semi, if not entirely, sound-proofed. Considering it isn't an emergency wing, you wouldn't disregard the possibility.
You sigh, eyes falling close. What a fucking day.
You don't know how long you stand like that, but you're only dragged out from whatever trance you entered once you catch the elevator stopping on your floor and the steps coming closer soon after. Considering you'd anticipated a nurse or the like, your brows rise when the pristinely white surroundings suddenly stand in stark contrast to the person dressed in dark army clothing.
"Heard from Soap you would be around". You smile as you push off the wall, meeting Kyle as he closes the distance between you. "How are you holding up?" The question brushes past your shoulder as he brings you in for a hug before keeping you within arm's distance, studying what must be your tired features.
"As good as can be". You smile in return. The young Brit rubs your upper arms reassuringly as he nods, seeming content with your answer as his arms drop to his sides. "You here to visit John?"
"I was, got some gaps in my schedule", Kyle confirms before cocking his head. "But I guess I'll have to wait, considering you're not there with him".
”Kate is paying him a visit”. He looks at the door with a furrowed brow before his attention tracks back to you and it smoothens. ”If you wanna greet him, maybe you have enough authority to”. Kyle only shakes his head. 
”If Laswell wanted to talk to him first, there’s a reason. The rest of us will know in due time. Hopefully, he ain't such a grouse by then”. He shrugs, and you can't stop your laugh. This time, it's not half-hearted nor forced.
"All of you laying it on thick about how grumpy he is".
"He isn't such a charmer when things don't go his way and he isn't surrounded by pretty faces". You swat Kyle on the arm as he sends you a look. "Only telling you the truth, not all of us get special treatment".
"Yeah, yeah, alright", he nudges your shoulder with his knuckles before stepping backwards.
"Send the Cap'n my regards, have to be on my way".
"Will do. Have a good day, Kyle". He gives you a nod of goodbye in return as he turns on his heel, heading back to the elevator he came from a few minutes ago. You offer him a last wave before the door closes.
Alone again, you look at the clock on the wall. But, considering you have no recollection of when you exited the room, you can't tell how much time has passed since Kate arrived, only guessing it must be at least a dozen. 
You scan the corridor, finding sporadic rows of chairs along the wall, similar to the ones in John's room. Not knowing how long John and Kate's unofficial meeting would continue, you move to one of the seats across from where you'd stood, fishing up your phone to make time pass faster as you sit down.
Taking note this time, you know another ten minutes have passed before the door opposite you opens and pulls your eyes from your screen.
You slip your phone into your pocket as you push up from the seat and head towards Kate, Even though she’s keeping the door open with one hand on the handle, you barely catch the end of John's sentence before it ends.
Just as you reach her side, Kate's attention trails from John to you, giving you space to enter by stepping out of the room. Flashing her a brief smile, you move forward but suddenly gets halted when her hand slips around your upper arm.
"It's good to see the Captain's got someone with him", her voice is lowered, only for you to catch.
Your lips tug upwards in a genuine smile. Without really knowing how to answer that, you offer Kate a nod and a small 'thank you' in return.
The smile she reciprocates with is much less strained this time around. "Take care of him now".
"I will". And with that, she nods goodbye, heading down the hallway while you re-enter the room. 
"Spoke with Kyle". You begin while closing the door behind you. "He says hello". You forward his message to avoid forgetting. 
When your eyes fall upon John, whom you barely catch an answer from, at least not more than a hum, you notice how he's sunken deeper into the bed.
"You tired?" You retake your place in the armchair as he hums again. As John scoots closer to your side and stretches his hand towards you, you settle your elbow on the bed and intertwine your hands again.
"Laswell was worried, wanted to check in and inform me some things that needed finishin' could wait". The pauses between his words were prolonged, and the pronunciation drawled as he briefed you on his conversation with Kate. "Should finish them, though", he grunted, trying to sit up straight against the pillows, but you settled a hand on his stomach.
"You need to rest, John. If Kate said things could wait, trust her". He stilled, looking back at you with slow, almost drowsy blinks.
"Fine", he agreed, settling into the bed again.
 As he sighed, eyes fluttering close, you felt something bleed from your body, making your upper body relax forwards, head settling on the verge between John’s hip and his lower stomach. Feeling the weight, his eyes flutter open, head tilting forward as he gazes at you. 
"Mm, talk to me, love, what you've been up to".
"Not much, really. I worked and met up with some friends. Oh, Marissa and I went on a little investment spree for Christmas".
"Investment?" John humours in a low voice, the twitch in his mouth unable to pull his lips into a complete smile compared to only tilting the edges upwards.
"If they're going to be reused yearly, that's an investment". He chuckles deeply, and you release a chuckle of your own.
You continue talking about what you've done in the week and a half you've been apart. Some Christmas baking, putting up decorations as of today, noting how most things out of the ordinary related to the holiday season. 
Gradually, you notice how John's eyes fall close. Even so, he's still invested in the conversation with few-worded responses. But even those soon become nods and hums when his hand relaxes in yours. As you move to gently trail your fingers up and down his forearm, all while continuing to talk, the soothing motions make him heave a sigh. 
Soon enough, the only sounds he lets out are the breaths escaping his parted lips, his softened breathing followed by the rhythmic movement of his chest. 
You trail off in your sentence with a small smile, watching John's sleeping features. No furrow pulls his brows together, no involuntary twinge in his features letting on his pain. He looks at ease, and it finally settles your nerves as well. 
In stark contrast to how you notice John's consciousness slipping, you don't detect yours slowly doing the same. 
Your movements up and down his skin slowly grow shorter, from trailing between his wrist to the crook in his arm to only rubbing the spot your hand eventually stills on. The tension in your neck releases from the claws of whatever emotions had built throughout the tumultuous day, your head feeling heavier as it rests against his stomach. There's a fine line between when your blinking turns from slow to prolonged, even slimmer to when you can pinpoint your last conscious thought.
You're not the first to wake up. John's the one who stirs when a knock sounds from the door.
If not for the pain in his shoulder, despite being suppressed, he wouldn't blink his eyes so blearily and feel his mind sluggishly awake compared to what's expected of someone like him. Even so, his senses are sharper than yours as he notes your form slumped over the bed and your head resting on him, serene features remaining much like your steady breaths bleeding through the blankets.
His eyes trails to the door, releasing a low sound that must have sounded like a grunt to whoever was on the other side, but he couldn't care. The door swings open, Soap stepping through it much like he'd done a few hours earlier, but then with you by his side. 
Now, the Sctosman closes the door behind him gently upon noting your sleeping form before his attention settles on John.
As Soap steps further into the room, John's eyes flit down to your sleeping form before rising again. With a swift look at the clock, he knows what the Sergeant is probably here for. He softly settles his hand upon your head.
You don’t remember falling asleep, only that John did, so when you’re roused from a dreamless nap by a hand cradling your scalp, you feel groggy when sitting up straight all too suddenly. 
You blink repeatedly as your vision focuses again, finding John looking at you, his hand sliding down to the back of your head and down your arm.
"Sleep well?"
"Mhm". You roll your head, twitching at the twinge in your neck from your not-so-ergonomic sleeping position.
"Not the comfiest spot for ya". The Scottish accent catches you off-guard, as last you checked, only you and John were in the room.
You turn around, spotting the very Scot who'd spoken. "Oh, hi, Johnny".
"Hey, lass", he chuckles in return. "Just came ’bout to inform ya there’s a room waitin' if ya want to stay the night". 
Your brows lift, eyes shifting to John, who's already watching you. "You don’t need to. I’ll be holed up here either way".
"It will just be less travel tomorrow", you shrug, turning back to Soap as you confirm you'll stay.
"Come on then, lass, visitin' hours are over soon". He opened the door slightly as he spoke, showing you he would guide you to your room for the night. You nodded, shifting out of your seat to stand, not without looking down at John.
"Go, get some proper sleep", he nudges your hip. You give him a brief smile before bending down, pressing your lips against his. They're chapped, but their plush warmth is soft. As you part from him, you mumble a 'goodnight' against him, an equally low 'goodnight, love' murmured against your lips, warming you further before you pull away.
You place the chair back where it's meant before fetching your things from beside the bed and offer John a last parting smile and a 'see you tomorrow'.
Just before you pass through the door, you look back at John, offering him a small wave, one he answers with a warm smile.
"You really turn the Captain into a love-sick man", Johnny's comment comes seconds after the door closes. You turn to him, seeing the amused look he sends you.
"Oh, shut up". You swat Johnny's arm, making him bark out a chuckle.
"Ain't nothin' bad, lass", he mused, nudging you back with his elbow.
The Scotsman lead you to another part of the compound, a freestanding building just across the one you exited, at the other side of the parking lot. 
It had begun snowing. Fat constellations of powdery white fall through the air as you trudge through what's already covering the ground. You flick up the lapel of your coat, burrowing your nose in the fabric as you protect your eyes from the snowflakes desiring to stick to your lashes. 
When you entere the building you'd been heading toward, the warmth inside was a welcoming change, and you shrug away the snow that had yet to melt into the dark fabric enveloping you. 
This time around, there was no need to sign papers as upon your arrival, Johnny simply led you straight to the room appointed for you, handing you the key when stopping outside the door. As you entered, you were surprised, not knowing what you'd anticipated, but certainly not a space similar to a hotel room.
A low whistle pulls your eyes to Johnny. "Aye, not bad", his eyes rove over the room before settling on you.
"Much better than I thought", you agree, stepping inside, shrugging the bag off your shoulder, and simply putting it on the floor.
"Didn't think we would put ya in the barracks, did ya?"
"Never experienced military hospitality before, but didn't expect much", you shrug, smiling in return as you turn to face him.
He shakes his head. "That's the thanks", he quips, yet his grin deceives him. "I'll see ya in the mornin', lass".
"Johnny!" He halts in the step he'd begun to take, watching you with raised brows. "Just, thank you for... everything today". His fingers rap against the door handle as he shifts the weight on his feet.
"Knew it probably would be tough for ya and that Price probably hadn’t even thought ‘bout having ya visit here yet. S’jus' wanted to make it as smooth as possible for the both of ya. Know he would've done the same for the rest of us", he shrugs with a gentle smile. Johnny's consideration warming your heart.
"Thank you, really".
The side of his mouth bows upwards. "Ya are welcome". And with that, he closes the door.
When you wake up in an unfamiliar room, remembering where you are takes a few seconds. Then it comes rushing back as you see the visiting pass on the bedside table. Johnny’s phone call. John’s injury. The military base. 
You sit up with a jawn, peeking out the room's sole window.
It’s utterly white outside, with no cloud in the sky as the sun just about peeks over the horizon, suggesting today will be considerably colder than yesterday.
Slipping from bed, you’re quick to dress yourself. The t-shirt you slept in gets stuffed into your handbag as you only shrug on the hoodie from yesterday, slipping into your pants not soon after.
You move to the bathroom, lamenting the lack of anything to freshen up. Even so, you splash your face with water, trying to tame your hair before sighing heavily, simply fetching the hair-tie you’d remembered to take off your wrist before bed. 
Moving around the room, you remember the package of gum you’d thrown into your bag a few days ago, hoping you hadn’t chewed through the whole package when it would ease your mind about morning breath.
You rummage through your bag, cursing what yesterday didn't feel like a lot of stuff, but now does as you search for what you need. 
A swift two-rap knock echoes from the door just as a triumphant sound escapes you when you spot the silvery package. Popping a gum into your mouth, you move towards the entrance, not surprised to find Johnny on the other side as you swing it open.
”Good morning”. 
Johnny cocks his head as you smile at him before he splits into his own grin. ”Ya seem cheery this mornin’.”
”Seeing that John’s doing good helped me sleep better”, you shrug, catching a hum from him as you turn around to collect your stuff around the room. ”And then the bed was surprisingly good”.
”These ones are heaven in comparison to those in the barracks”.
”Yeah?” You turn towards the Scot standing with his hands behind his back, waiting at the doorstep.
“Aye, happy to not be rookie anymore”.
”Understandable”, you chuckle as you and Johnny step out into the hallway before tracking the same path you’d done yesterday. You could’ve done it yourself but had an inkling that you couldn’t move freely on the base.
”So you’re my guide while I’m here?” Blue eyes flicker down to you as he lets you pass out the door to the courtyard first.
It’s indeed colder today than yesterday, the chill biting your cheeks.
”Aye. Concernin’ Price was bed-bound; I needed to sign those papers in his stead”.
”And you don’t have better things to do?” 
”L.T. gave me five minutes to spare”.
”From what?” The snow crunches beneath your shoes.
”Whatever drill he set up to run us into the ground”. You let out a surprised laugh at that, making the Scot grin. ”Yaself then, lass, goin’ to keep an eye out on the Captain for us when he leaves?”
Your eyes widen, switching to look at Johnny once evading an ice-spot as you cross the parking lot. ”He’s cleared to go home?” 
”Haven't got any confirmation on it. But he's got no vital injury and has stayed close to two days, so it’s probable he’ll get to go home”, he shrugs.
The warmth rushes against your face as you enter the main building, much like yesterday, taking a right towards the medical wing.
”Feel like I’ll need to. Otherwise, he’ll stress the injury”.
”Wouldn’t be the first time any of us did that”. Johnny rubbed his neck as you raised your brows at him. He positioned himself opposite you as you stepped into the elevator, giving you a sheepish shrug. ”Comes with the job sometimes despite medical leaves”, the Scot excused the habit, only making you roll your eyes with a disbelieving huff.
”Then I’ll definitely have to ensure he takes it easy”. The doors close, and the elevator smoothly rises.
”Price won’t be able to say no to ya, never has since he met ya”. When your head dips into a shake this time, a smile adorns your lips that you try to hide. Even so, the Scot slung his arm around your shoulders with a laugh as you exited the elevator upon its chime and the doors opening.
The walk to John’s room seems much shorter than yesterday, without a doubt, because you know of his stable state. So when Johnny drops his arms from your shoulders, it’s not with bathed breath you open the door. 
Unlike yesterday, your eyes don’t lock with John’s the second you enter the room designated to him. His gaze remains cast downwards on the tablet in his lap, even if his head tilts your way to show he noted someone had entered. Not until the Scot behind you offers a ’Mornin’ Captain’ does the man in the bed look up.
”What was that about makin’ him take it easy?” Johnny chuckles lowly, making you send him a look before he departs with a mock salute. You only shake your head at the man before entering the room.
”Aren’t you meant to take it easy?” You watch John with a raised brow, catching how the door slides close behind you while you slip out of your coat. 
”I am”.
”Let me rephrase”, you chide him with a smile. ”Shouldn’t you relax, no work?” You move to the side of his bed with one of the chairs dragged along behind you.
”Don’t say that you are John. I know that look on your face”, you remark with a finger towards the easing purse of his lips and the furrow between his brows that’s not brought on entirely by pain like yesterday.
He sighs heavily, a locking sound coming from the tablet as he drops it screen-down in his lap. ”You’re right”.
 ”I know I am”. John releases a huff of laughter through his nose at your comment, softening your smile. ”Did you sleep well?”
He hums. ”Woke a few times ’cause of this-”. He jerked his head to his shoulder. ”Bed probably goin’ to set off my back”, he scoffed in annoyance at having to deal with the twinge in the lower part of his spine that you’d learnt most often came and went more frequently after he returned from a deployment or a bad mattress. 
You hum, leaning forward to card your fingers through his hair that had fallen across his forehead after his previous jerky movement. While you do, you catch John returning the question, but your answer is an undeveloped ’good’, all your attention upon the locks your fingers card through.
His hair feels matted, and when your eyes briefly flicker over his face, you note his beard is untamed, not grizzly, but it’s lost the shine it usually always has.
”When was the last time you showered?”
”That's your way of tellin’ me I smell?” Your nose scrunches, hand falling to rest on the metal railing as your gaze locks with John’s amused one.
”No, at least that wasn’t what I was getting at”. 
A chuckle precedes the more serious answer you get. ”About a week ago at the last safe-house, haven’t been able to have one after returnin’. Can’t wet the bandages”. You purse your lips, gaze momentarily switching to his shoulder before trailing back.
”How long before you can take them off?”
”The Doc visited before you came around and said I’m clear to leave, but the bandages needed to stay on until tomorrow”.
You nod. ”Johnny betted you would be able to go home today”.
”We know how these thing goes. Instructions about wound care, then sent off on med-leave before even attempting to come back and get shot at again”.
”Jesus, John”, you let out a chuckle of disbelief, shaking your head. When you raise it again, there’s a slight tug in the corner of his mouth and a knowing, truthful, look in his eyes. "Better we get you home and start the arduous wait, then." You offered him a smile and a raise of your brows, silently wondering if he was ready to pack up.
"Can't wait".
It wasn't a hassle to get John out of bed. He groaned and gruffed to himself as he pushed himself upright with your hand steadying him on his back, but that was about it. As he rose from the bed, you helped him into his boots and gently slung the jacket draped over his duffel-bag on the other side of his bed. 
You'd sent him a look when he'd noted you of the bag's presence, remembering it wasn't there yesterday, to which he only explained Kyle got around and dropped off his things just after the Doctor had visited.
Although standard issued and didn't seem too heavy once you made the proposition to carry it instead of him, you cursed in disbelief when slinging it over your shoulder, not anticipating its weight. It had given John a good laugh before offering to take it regardless. However, you remained stubborn, motioning for him to take the lead out of the room with a 'you don't know how heavy our purses can be sometimes'.
But you don't enjoy a second of it as you trudge through the building; you more than John slowing the tempo. He catches you grumbling under your breath numerous times about what he's got in there, falling back to walk beside you once you reach the parking lot, mentioning he doesn’t desire looking back and find you toppled over in a heap of snow. He'd gotten another glare upon that comment.
You'd thought the drive home to John's would've been less arduous, but you'd found yourself unable to relax just as much, but for entirely different reasons.
With each turn of the car, you noticed how John braced his feet against the floor so as not to move in his seat, his free hand slipping beneath the seat belt to keep it from digging into his injury at times.
The way he acted made you all the more cautious in your driving, even picking routes that had more straight for his sake. You knew John noticed when you didn't take the usual right about halfway through the drive by the glance in your direction.
By the time you pulled into his driveway, the sky had darkened, and snow had started falling, making your and John's retreat into the house from the car hasty. Nonetheless, he managed to escape the weather that was worsening by the second much quicker compared to you as you fetched his bag from the booth.
You don't take more than a few steps into the foyer before you slip John's bag to the floor. When the pressure of the straps disappears, you sigh in relief.
John's chuckle makes you send him a glare. However, it melts away when your gaze finds the absolute disarray of his hair, now a combination of dirty and wet from the snow.
"Come one, I'll help you freshen up". You say, closing the door behind you, shielding you from the chilling cold.
"No need, love". You send him a look over your shoulder as you take off your coat, finding John stepping out of his barely laced boots.
"Why? You always have a shower when you get home?"
"If you have forgotten, can't get this wet for a day more". John nods to his shoulder as he faces you. "Can just wait 'till tomorrow".
Your brows furrow, and your hand falls to your hip while hanging up your coat. "John, I know how religious you are about your routine once you come home. There is no need to skip it just because you can't do it yourself when I simply can help".
You see his resolve falter somewhat as he regards you. "You don't mind?"
"Not at all", you shake your head. "Wouldn't mind a hot shower to warm up in this cold house of yours". A smile tugs in the corner of your lip when you end the sentence with an exaggerated wink.
It makes John chuckle as he shakes his head before those blue eyes rise to follow you when you approach. "Don't think I could supply that need now".
"Out of us two, I'm the one who can go a bit without being dicked-down". You kiss John's cheek as you slide the jacket from his shoulder, catching the harsh sigh as you wander to hang up his piece of clothing beside yours.
"That a challenge?" He hums as his un-injured arm sneaks around your waist as you finish your task, gently turning you around to pull you towards him. "Besides, I got other ways to satisfy you". 
"Oh, I know". You give John a softer look as your hand slides down his forearm before gripping his hand, moving it to hang beside your bodies. "But let's listen to the doctor for now and let you heal up first". You offer him a smile as you back away and head into the house, John letting himself be led by you as you steer towards the stairs.
Not until you've reached his bedroom do you let go of his hand, ushering him to the bathroom as you move to his dresser. You swiftly dig through it for a new pair of pants, opting not to bring a shirt, believing neither of you could bother the hassle of attempting to put it on.
"Strip", you wave your finger towards John as you step over the threshold to join him in the en suite.
"Thought Doc's orders applied". You catch the smugness in his voice, sending him a humoured look, one he answers with a wink as he moves to sit down on the lid of the toilet. While John rid himself of the pants he'd gotten from the hospital, you place his own pair on the sink. 
While he kicks them aside, your attention falls on the white shirt still covering his upper body. A furrow enters your brows, lips pursing. It would be challenge to take it off even if you helped him, being an uncomfortable and possibly painful process no doubt.
"Just cut it off". Your eyes meet John's, checking if you heard him right. With his head falling sideways in a nod, you move to the sink drawer to fetch the scissors, silently agreeing it might just be the easiest thing to do.
Mindful of the sling and bandages, you rid John of the thin cotton shirt, leaving him in only his boxers briefs. 
While you turn around to throw the strips of his shirt into the bin, John stands, moving around you toward the shower. By cocking your hip, you swiftly close the drawer after putting back the scissors.
As you turn to say something to John, you catch him stabilising himself on the edge of the sink, knees just about to bend. Realising what he is about to do, all your previous thoughts are promptly cut short.
”You’re not kneeling on the floor." John stalls in his movement, looking at you. If he says anything in return, you don't catch it as you're already on your way out of his room.
The spare bathroom, which was under renovation the first time you visited, has now been finished. But you remember the stool John had used was yet to be taken to the spare room downstairs. Although you'd reminded him about it every time you'd been over, now you were thankful as you could fetch it as something John could sit on rather than the floor.
With a slight shuffling step, you bring the stool along with you and to where John waits, leaning against the sink, his eyes finding you the second you're visible through the open door of his en suite.
"Sit”, you motion to the stool you brought once John had moved to the side and let you set it down inside the shower's glass doors. A slight tug that doesn't evolve into a smile is present at the edge of his mouth as he follows your command.
When John makes himself comfortable on the stool, you gently nudge the back of his head with your fingers, urging him to bow forward to make it easier for you. Even sitting down, he reaches your stomach.
Pushing up the sleeves of your hoodie, you turn on the tap, testing the water steadily flowing from the showerhead on your hand. When finally finding the perfect temperature, you keep the stream gentle so as not to splash the bandages covering his left arm but rather trickle forward and down to the floor. 
Small groans of appreciation escape John as you wash his hair, fingers running over his scalp to wet every single strand before setting down the showerhead and massaging some shampoo over his head. Earthy and clean scents fill the warm air as it steams every reflective surface inside the bathroom.
You do a double cleanse, not because you think John needs it, but because he seems to enjoy the gentle pressure off your fingers as they run up and down his scalp. 
After washing away the last sudds, you take a towel from the rack and cover his head. Your laughter fills the air as you hear the huff of amusement from beneath the fabric draped over him as you attempt to dry his hair as much as possible by ruffling the fabric.
Ultimately, you slide the towel from his head, letting it hang around his neck to catch any stray droplets from reaching his shoulder. John turns towards you upon having his vision uncovered again, and you instinctively step closer when he does, inspecting his face.
”I don’t trust myself trimming your beard”, you card your fingers through the brown strands on his cheek. A low huff pulls your eyes to the blue ones steadily watching you.
”Can do that myself in a day or two. You’ve done plenty enough, love”. John’s about to stand, but your hand softly settles on his healthy shoulder.
”I only said I don’t want to go near the best part of you with scissors”.
”The best part, eh?” He pinches the back of your lower thigh, a squeak slipping out of you as you bat his hand away with a lower lip curled between your teeth.
”Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”, you chide with an evolving smile. 
You catch John’s chuckle as you switch your attention to the counter, eyeing his products as neatly lined up as usual and the set of your own products beside them. Stepping away to the sink and out of his reach, you grab one of the face towels from the stack he’d bought for you to always have at his place, along with the other products needed.
When you turn back, you set the things on the sink-edge beside you. 
”Said I can’t shape it up, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make the most out of what I can do”.
”You pamperin’ me?” Your eyes flit sideways, meeting a blue gaze watching you with a tilted head.
”I’m taking care of you, John”, you corrected him as you turned to wet your hands beneath the tap and squirted some cleanser into your hands. 
John doesn't respond, only remains quiet when you start coating his face in the milky substance, merely staring up at you for a few seconds before his eyes flutter close when you cock a brow down at him.
You gently rub away the invisible grime on his face, staying clear of his beard as you lather his face. Humming gently, you wipe away the suds after a few dozen seconds and continue with the beard shampoo. 
You’d seen the man, who now lets his chest deflate with a content sigh as you easily angle his head backwards with a few fingers beneath his chin, do his beard-routine a few times. It wasn’t difficult to remember, and you’re happy you didn’t need to ask John and bring him out of the relaxed state he’d entered as you used one of the brushes to rub the product into his beard.
Using the opposite edge of the towel, you also dry off his beard. 
You wash off the white foam from the brush as you discard the towel before coating his skin in your moisturiser, only to continue by dropping some oil into your palms before you settle them over his lower face, smoothening them over the strands. 
As you shift to the sink again, you reach for his comb, only to find John’s eyes had fluttered open when you turn back. 
Those blues of his are soft as you gently comb his facial hair with slow movements. His hand settles on the outside of your thigh when you pick up the beard balm, warming it between your palms. The vanilla white lotion softens and warms between your hands before you work it through his beard. 
Slowly, John's hand moves to the back of your leg while fingers lightly start tracing the line of his beard and skin, both much smoother than previously. 
The moment was soft, gazing at one another in silence, before you cupped John's cheek and bent down. A gentle smell of something nutty from John's beard invades your nose as you press your lips against his. 
Even if you end up trading multiple kisses, the pauses never let you drift further away than for your lips to rush against one another.
John felt the last bit of tension leave his body. Something awfully soft had infiltrated his heart as you fussed around him, your hand leaving gentler touches than even the Doc had done when he’d returned from the field with his shot-up shoulder. He’d tried to ward off your help and doting, but now he realised he needed this.
He’s been on 24/7 for over a week. He’s run on less food than at home. Countless times, his mouth had watered when thinking about the roast you’d shared before his deployment. He’s run on minimal sleep for several days in a row, barely more than half asleep when given a moment of tranquillity and nowhere near as relaxed as when having you in his arms. He’d looked over his shoulder for more than double the amount, only to be hit by a bullet in the end anyway, coming home broken.
John pulls away, cupping one of the hands that rests on his cheek, turning to kiss your palm. But, when he gazes at you again, your brows draw together.
"I didn’t say anythin'"
You only shake your head. "I know what you’re thinking, and no, you're not a burden".
"But I'm a broken man at the moment, love. Just see how much you've needed to do today", he scoffs, letting go of your hand, letting his fall onto his lap. You stop John from turning his head to the side, away from you, instead forcing him to watch you.
You look down at the man who meets your gaze with an almost sorrowful look. "And you think that bothers me?"
"Why wouldn’t it? It’s not your responsibility. Should just not have gone about gettin’ shot-".
"Jonathan Price". The use of his government name shuts his grumbling right up, his eyes even widening the slightest bit. "What bothers me isn’t that you got shot. I know the dangers of your work. What does bother me is seeing you in pain".
"I appreciate it, but there’s no need for you to do all this, to care for me". His voice is softer, but you still shake your head.
"Yes, there is because I love you". You barely notice the weight of what you say, those three chosen words leaving your lips in a too-natural fashion to be the first time. But rather than reluctance preceding and nerves following them, there's a sense of them being long overdue in the first place.
"I hate how much it hurts seeing your pain, so it’s not that I need to do anything for you. I very much care because I want to, John".
Compared to a few moments ago when John wanted to turn away from you, now he can't take his eyes off you. Whatever murky emotion which clouded his eyes has lifted, those blues clearer than ever as he stares right back at you, lips slightly parted.
"I’ve said it before, but you're too good for me".
"They say you get what you deserve". You offer John a smile, and something just crumbles then.
"God, you don’t know how much I love you, darlin’".
Your chest swells, heart suddenly pumping much warmer blood through your body. "So let me take care of you now when you need it".
"I- of course", he breathes, voice remarkably thin to support his gravelly cords as he shuts his eyes tightly. John gives you a single nod instead of attempting to continue his sentence, and you lean down to press a kiss against his forehead. 
His arm loops around your waist the best it can from his slumped forward angle, pulling you close so his head rests against your upper stomach. Despite his hair being wet, you card your fingers through it, kissing the top of his head, his warm exhalation warming your skin despite the thick sweater.
"Goin’ to be one hell of a Christmas". The first half of the sentence is mumbled into you, the second half clearer as John looks up at you again.
You hum, feeling how one of the strands at the back of his neck drips water onto your fingers. "I only see more of a reason to have a lazy day".
"Where you do everythin’".
"Hush, now you’ve allowed me to do the work for once". You twirl the hair at the nape of his neck, looking back into those blues.
"Still don’t want you workin’ yourself to death". He gives you an honest rather than pointed look.
"I should say that to you", you only muse lightly in return, not needing to avert your eyes to his bandages as they shine like a beacon in the corner of your vision. "And I reckon it’s going to be fine either way".
"M’sure”, his reply is hummed into the sparse space between your faces before your lips press against his in a fleeting kiss. Before you lean back and straighten, however, his hand cups the back of your neck. "Thank you for all of this, love".
"You know it’s nothing". Although John doesn’t answer as you step backwards, you don’t catch any guilt, no trace of the previous gloom in his gaze. He believes your words, the crows-feet at the edges of his eyes and smile-lines around his mouth further proof.
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slashmagpie · 9 months
Look, he’s no idiot. He’s no cheater, either. He knows that it’s extraordinarily unwise to be sneaking around the dungeon of Decked Out when you’re not playing the game itself. But the thing is—the thing is, is that Bdubs dreams. And when Bdubs dreams, he can’t always control where he goes, and sometimes—sometimes that’s right into the heart of the dungeon.
Here’s the other thing: Bdubs sleeps a lot. More than most. Sunset to sunrise, he’s curled up under the covers of his bed, fast asleep and dreaming. Others—other people, they stay up all night, attract all the phantoms. Not Bdubs! He’s the only sane, rational person on this server. He sleeps. But the others—they stay up all night.
Recently, they’ve been staying up all night playing Decked Out. 
Bdubs doesn’t know if Tango sleeps anymore. He certainly hopes Tango sleeps, but the man is too engrossed in his redstone for his own good sometimes. Maybe now that the game is done, is launched, is actively being played, he’ll take a nap or two. But right now, Bdubs is dreaming, and Tango is in the dungeon, and Bdubs, against his will, is here too.
Tango is not-quite-solid, ephemeral, and Bdubs gets the sense that if he were awake and standing where he is, he wouldn’t be able to see Tango at all. Tango doesn’t seem to see him, either, back turned as he approaches a ravager on the bank of the River of Souls. 
Ghostlike, Tango presses his forehead against the (unknowing, unseeing) ravager’s, a smile on his face. The ravager slips through Tango’s form, leaving Tango pressed against its side, but he seems unfazed, patting affectionately at its flank with a hand. “Good job, Pumpkin,” he says, and Bdubs can hear the pride in his voice, the hint of a laugh. “Good job. You listened. I appreciate the effort.”
In his dreams, Bdubs can’t feel the chill of the dungeon; he’s toasty and warm under the blankets of the waiting room bed. (Okay, look, he may also be spending the night at Decked Out, but at least he’s sleeping—if he pays attention, he can hear the faint, unintelligible babble of voices in the waiting room, see the soft golden light through his eyelids. He flinches away from it, back into the dungeon, back into his sleep. The others may be content to spend the entire night waiting and dying to ravagers, but Bdubs needs his beauty sleep.) And—hey, what was he thinking about again?
Oh, right.
Bdubs can’t feel the chill of the dungeon, but a chill runs down his spine nonetheless as Tango looks at the ravager with cub’s blood on its teeth with affection and pride. And—okay, the whole point of the game is getting killed (or, preferably, not killed) by ravagers, they’d all signed up for this, they knew what they were in for—but did Tango have to look so… happy about it? So fond of the murderous beasts he’d wrangled for their entertainment? Did he have to look so—
Hm. Now that Bdubs is looking—
Tango’s ghostlike form doesn’t have a shadow, but it trails off towards the end, less him and more ghost, an echo of some sort, and the ghost tendrils stretch into the snow and the water and the stone of the walls. It’s almost like a spider’s web, Tango’s consciousness at the centre of it, flickering and ephemeral. Tango lets out a contented sigh, and Bdubs swears he hears the dungeon sigh too, and out of the water where Cub died the blood starts to drain, though Bdubs can’t tell where it’s draining to. It’s just—there, and then smaller, and then gone, and Tango swipes his tongue across his pointed canines, and Bdubs feels cold. Colder. The tendrils stretch long, and the more Bdubs looks, the more he sees, and he can’t quite tell anymore where the dungeon ends, and Tango begins, and hang on, is Tango a spider on his web or are those tightening more like puppet strings as Tango turns—
His eyes land on Bdubs, and he frowns, the smile slipping from his face. The dungeon feels darker than it did a second ago. Bdubs flinches back, because Tango shouldn’t be able to see him, even if he’s also not in his body right now—
“You shouldn’t be here,” Tango says. “Cheater.”
Bdubs opens his mouth to defend himself, but he doesn’t even get the chance before he’s gasping awake in bed, covered in a cold sweat, shooting straight upwards. The movement draws Scar’s attention, and he looks over, one eyebrow raised.
“You’re up late, Bdubs,” he comments, teasing.
It takes Bdubs a moment to find his words. “Hard to sleep with all this racket!” he grumbles, scowling as he pulls the covers back.
“Oh.” Scar blinks. “Do you want us to be quiet?”
“Yeah, we can quiet down for you man, if you need us to,” Jevin offers.
Bdubs shakes his head. “No, no, I’m up now.” In truth, he doesn’t think he could sleep again after that even if he wanted to.
And now that he’s thinking about that, he’s thinking about—
“Hello there,” Tango greets, dipping past Scar and into the room. He glances at Bdubs, and then just past him, not a hint of what just transpired on his face. He’s back in his body, solid and whole again, and he looks—fine. Frosty and blue, like he’s been all season, basically, at this point, but—fine. Tired, maybe, but they’re all tired. It’s the lack of sleep.
(Does Tango even need to sleep, anymore? Dungeons don’t need to sleep, after all. Ravagers don’t sleep. Do spiders sleep? Do—?)
Tango turns away from greeting Jevin to look at Bdubs, a grin on his face. “Bubbles, how you doing?”
Bdubs jumps, startled from his thoughts, and doesn’t get an answer in before Tango is distracted by Jevin once again. The two of them talk game mechanics, and Bdubs stares at Tango, trying to find any hint on his face, in his body language, of what exactly he is, but—
He’s too awake, darn it. If he’d still been sleeping, maybe he could have seen something, but it’s late, and he’s awake, and Tango looks as ordinary as ever. 
“I saw you petting a ravager down there,” he says at last, and Scar gives Bdubs a weird look, but Tango doesn’t seem surprised. He just laughs, shaking his head.
“No, no, no, no. I was reprimanding them.”
“Yes, you were!”
“—for their vicious attacks—”
“You’re rooting against us!”
“—on my… friends, here.” 
There’s a weird pause, a solid second or two where Tango seems to struggle to get the word friends out of his mouth, and when he does the tone is flat, insincere. Scar is still frowning at Bdubs. He doesn’t notice the way Tango’s expression flickers. Bdubs notices. Bdubs can’t tear his eyes away.
Hey, is it cold in here?
“I’m starting to learn something dark about you, with all the laughing and smiling you’ve been doing while we’re strugglin’!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tango says, then smiles, turning away to Scar, changing the topic of the conversation. They move on, teasing Grian for being AFK, and Bdubs—
God, Bdubs needs more sleep. 
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jjkamochoso · 1 month
Order Up!
Feitan Portor x gn!reader
Feitan would do anything to keep you happy--including threatening a chef who messes up your order.
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood, some suggestive dialogue
"Feitan! Please, will you eat there with me?"
You and Feitan had been enjoying your free time without jobs lately. The last heist the whole Phantom Troupe was on had a huge payout meaning you could live more than comfortably for a while and you figured this was the best time to try the super fancy restaurant you had been eyeing ever since you stepped foot in the city you and your boyfriend were staying in. Feitan had his cowl pulled up but you could tell he was frowning.
"Why waste money? Good food for cheaper elsewhere."
You wore a pout, hoping to convince the stubborn man. "But it's our one chance to enjoy a nice date! We don't have opportunities like this often, you know."
Feitan couldn't disagree with that. There were times where you two had to survive on eating food from a trash can and now you were practically drowning in money. He still didn't like the idea of spending so much on something that wasn't tangible, though. He'd much rather save his money and steal you something nice that you could keep forever, like jewelry.
"I could wear that outfit you love so much," you suggested, turning on your charm the best you could. "What do you think, Fei?"
You heard him growl softly and you knew you broke his resolve.
"Fine. I take you there. Go get ready."
You couldn't contain your excitement as you gave him a quick hug and ran off to the shower in your hotel room. The person whose credit card you stole must've had deep pockets because you'd been staying here for about a month and haven't been kicked out yet. That, or Feitan tracked him down and killed him so he couldn't dispute the charges. Either way, it didn't matter to you since you were relishing the high life while you could. You took your time under the warm water, letting the smell of luxury soap wrap around you. When you were finished, you dried off with a big fluffy towel. As you applied lotion, you heard a knock on the bathroom door.
"Hurry up in there. I take shower too."
You were lucky Feitan couldn't see the shock on your face. He rarely showered and often had a scent of blood that trailed after him. This, of course, didn't bother you as you found him quite attractive in his greasy, metallic smelling state of being, but the fact that he wanted to show you he was taking this date seriously meant the world to you. You rubbed in the last of the lotion and put on your soft white bathrobe. It came with the hotel but it would definitely be leaving with you. You opened the door and hurried out of the way so Feitan could wash off. You let out a surprised gasp as his super fast reflexes caught you off guard, grabbing your hand before you could pass him by. His cowl and jacket were thrown on the floor and you were pulled into his t-shirt clad body, a rare moment of affection from the Spider.
"You smell yummy," he said, his nose rubbing against the crook of your neck, "I could just eat you for dinner instead."
"Feitan!" you whined, feeling your entire body heat up from his words. "As lovely as that sounds, we need actual food."
"Just one bite? A little taste?" he whispered, his razor sharp teeth grazing your now bare shoulder.
As much as you were enjoying this softer side of Feitan, you were getting to that restaurant in a timely fashion.
"Get into the shower or I'll throw you in the bathtub and scrub you like a dog."
He pulled away reluctantly, grey eyes ablaze with something less reminiscent of love and more akin to the blood lust of a predator toying with its prey. Whatever it was, you knew you wouldn't be leaving any time soon if you kept playing into his game.
"Go," you said sternly, pointing to the open bathroom door and pulling your robe back up on your shoulders. Feitan just cackled as he closed the door behind him and you knew tonight was going to be very interesting.
As he emerged from the bathroom, his hair freshly washed and styled, barely worn tuxedo gracing his small frame, Feitan caught a glimpse of you. He was often quiet, choosing to observe rather than speak his mind most times, but for once, he was genuinely speechless. Your outfit brought out your most attractive features and he couldn't stop staring. You felt his gaze from the corner of your eye and started to feel a bit self conscious being under such serious scrutiny.
"Is it too much? I think maybe I should change-"
Feitan cut you off with words in his native tongue. You were too afraid to ask what he said but he continued, effectively answering your question.
"Stunning. You perfect."
Self doubt threatened to overcome you but you swallowed it down. Feitan doesn't lie and certainly doesn't sugarcoat anything. If he said something, it was the truth. To him, you were everything he could ever ask for. To you, he was the whole world.
"You look handsome yourself, my love. Thank you for doing this for me."
"This for us. We deserve it."
You two put the finishing touches on your outfits, you attaching Feitan's bowtie while he clasped your jewelry. Walking out of the hotel lobby, you turned many heads as onlookers watched you with jealousy. You were a sight to behold, the true definition of a power couple. The walk to the restaurant was short and you were there before you knew it. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as Feitan opened the door for you. The ambiance inside was like nothing you had ever seen. It was dark, no overhead lighting to be seen, and candles were lit everywhere your eyes landed. There was someone playing the piano in a corner of the restaurant and you overheard one of the staff members talking about a reservation for a big name celebrity that was going to be there later. You were almost overwhelmed by the whole atmosphere being completely foreign to you but were brought back down to earth by Feitan's hand barely resting on your lower back. You knew he wasn't into touching or PDA of any kind so you wondered if he was turning to you for reassurance in this strange place as well. You gave him a soft smile as you walked up to the hostess. Feitan told her a name the reservation was under, which surprised you. There was no way he could've gotten one without you noticing, especially in only a few hours. You were fully expecting to have to wait for an open spot so when she quickly ushered the two of you to a secluded table, you were taken aback. You thanked her as she left menus for you to peruse.
"Did you do this for me?" you asked, gesturing to the table.
"Thank you."
Feitan didn't give you a verbal response but you knew he took your appreciativeness to heart. He didn't want to spoil the romantic mood right now but couldn't wait to tell you how he tracked down the maitre d' in record time and offered to help him lose some weight in the form of less limbs if he didn't secure the best table for you. You saw the menu didn't have prices and you knew you were in for one expensive meal, but you were practically vibrating with excitement to try one of everything. Feitan still didn't get the appeal of this place but he wasn't going to put a damper on your fun so he stayed silent as you rambled off your order. He put in his order as well and the waiter was off, leaving you to bask in the candlelight.
"This must be the life that boss lives every night," you mused, earning a slight smile from the man across from you. As you waited for your food, you both chatted about whatever crossed your minds at the time, enjoying the calm dining experience. Your appetizers finally came and you dug right in. You had never eaten anything so delicious in your entire life. You didn't even know food could taste like this! As you devoured your helping, Feitan was more apprehensive. The presentation of his dish was much too fancy. People eat like this every day? He didn't understand it but wasn't going to keep putting much thought to something that didn't really matter. When the food hit his tastebuds, he was pleasantly surprised. The composition may look silly, putting that much work into something that wouldn't last more than a few minutes, but it was so flavorful. You sneaked a bite off each other's plates, complimenting one another on your choices. You eagerly awaited the main course as Feitan was coming to terms with wasting his money here. When your new plates were set down in front of you, Feitan immediately put his fork into it and started shoveling. You, on the other hand, frowned.
"Aww man! I asked for no cheese."
You heard a loud clink of silverware striking porcelain. Feitan had dropped his fork and reached for your plate while you swatted him away.
"What are you doing?"
His eyes narrowed. "You no like it? They fix for you. I make sure."
"It's not a big deal, I promise," you sighed, but he wasn't having it.
"They mess up, they fix. You don't eat what you don't want. Not today, not ever."
He was usually headstrong but you had never seen him so adamant about something.
"Okay, if you want, you can let them know. Just, please, be nice about it? I want to be able to come back here in the future."
Feitan's smile did nothing to quell your fears; that made you worry even more about what he was planning to do. When he stalked off into the kitchen with your plate, you gathered your things to be ready to make a run for it in case the police were called.
Feitan was just beginning to not hate this place when they had the audacity to mess up your order. Of course he was going to fix it, he wasn’t going to let you eat something you didn't find enjoyable. He meandered into the kitchen, kicking open the doors loud enough to gather everyone's attention in there.
"Which one of you cook this?" he asked, showcasing the plate before resting it on the counter. A few of the staff rushed toward him, faces red with anger.
"You can't be in here!" one of them yelled. The staff member went to grab Feitan to drag him out but Feitan acted fast, grabbing a knife from the block and slamming the guy's hand down on the counter. He kept the knife poised over one of the man's fingers, drawing blood, as he addressed everyone.
"If you no answer question, man's fingers will be chopped like carrot. Who cooked this?"
One chef nervously stepped away from the others, raising his hand in trepidation. "I-I did, s-sir. Was it not to... to your satisfaction?"
"My partner asked no cheese. Cheese was there. You fix or your eyeballs end up in spaghetti. Got it?"
The chef, fighting back tears, shook his head and quickly re fired the dish. Feitan, now content, released the first man he apprehended and hurried back to you. He would never want to keep you waiting unnecessarily.
When Feitan came back, you were relieved that no one was screaming and his tuxedo wasn't covered in blood.
"I take it that it went well?" you asked.
"Yep. Your food will be out soon. Right, this time."
"You didn't have to do that for me. But thank you for showing you care."
You couldn't tell if it was a trick of the light or if his eyes actually softened for a second.
"You're welcome. I care all the time. I try to show more."
You reached over and gave his hand a short squeeze and he readily accepted it. When your main course came out again, the waiter dropped it off and practically ran away, leaving you happy with your correct order and Feitan happy at the fear he ignited in the staff.
"Better?" he asked, taking a bite of his own meal.
"Much," you replied.
The rest of the night went smoothly and the waiter informed you that the bill was being covered by the chef who messed up your main course. In addition, he comped two desserts as a sign of good faith and you were elated when they arrived at your table.
"You're not gonna have anything?" you asked, a big piece of cake dangling from the confines of your spoon. Feitan looked you up and down, a mischievous smirk appearing on his face.
"I'm saving room for my dessert at home."
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
Can I request top!Agatha Harkness x bottom!reader? And Agatha overstimulates reader with her fingers and magic. maybe you could add breeding kink
Under Her Spell
Top!Agatha Harkness x bottom!Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, top!Mommy!Agatha, subby!reader, overstimulation (R), use of vibrator (R), Agatha uses magic to restrain R, A uses magic strap on R, breeding kink, magic strap does have cum
Word Count: 1,151
A/N: I had a fun time exploring this first time really writing Agatha, so I did go a little overboard from my usual requests. Hope you enjoy anon!
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The rays of the setting sun flooded through the double floor to ceiling picture windows leading into the living room of your shared space. You had fallen asleep for a nap earlier in the afternoon only to be woken up by the rays on your face.
The timing seemed to be perfect though as you heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking and opening. Shoes being taken off and set on the rack by the door. Keys dropped in the bowl.
“I'm home, angel!” you hear your girlfriend call out, making you smile as you get up from your spot on the comfy sectional. You kept your blanket wrapped around you, not willing to give up its warmth just yet.
You shuffled your way over. A smile on your face as well as hers as her deep blue eyes settle on you.
You bound up to her, blanket falling and forgotten about as the warmth of her embrace takes over.
“Welcome home!” You say, burying your face in her chest.
“Did you miss me dear?” You look up at her nodding “We're you a good girl while I was out?”
“Of course! I was the best!” Agatha already knew that, of course she did. She always had eyes and ears around the house to keep an eye while she was away.
“Well good girls deserve rewards, don't they?” She pulled you up and into a kiss, slowly moving the two of you to the bedroom. “Strip down sweetie. I'm going to get some toys to play with.” You undressed quickly, not wanting to upset Agatha and got yourself on the bed as she came back with only a magic wand making you tilt your head in confusion.
Before you can verbally question anything Agatha waves her hand, purple swirls of magic tug on your wrist until they're above your head. Your legs being tugged in opposite directions being held firmly in place by her magic. You couldn't move even if you wanted to.
The wand is being held in place over your clit Agatha turning it on its highest setting.
“Ahhhh…Agatha…” she smirked down at you.
“Stay right there pet. I'm going to go take a shower.” You whine and try to squirm, but no matter how you moved the vibrator was in just the right spot. “Cum as much as you like pet. I want the bed soaked by the time I'm back.” That was how Agatha left you as she closed the on-suite bathroom door.
“Are you still with me sweetie?” Your eyes glazed over as your head lulled towards her,
“Mama…” your brain was entirely fuzzy. Words are difficult for you right now. You lost count after five, but you knew from the look on Agatha's face she was happy.
Your eyes trailed over her still wet and naked body before your eyes landed on the magic strap between her legs and you knew this wasn't over. Agatha took the vibrator away from your now extremely overstimulated clit. You shudder in relief though you could still feel phantom vibrations from it being there for an hour.
“Are you ready dear?” Agatha asked, already knowing the answer. You dumbly nodded your head. “Such a good girl doing exactly as I had asked. Now it's time for your reward.” Agatha moved herself between your legs, lining herself up with you. She knew you were more than wet enough. She let your legs go in favor of holding them as she pushed into you. Making you moan out and pull against your restraints.
“Mommy! Touch! Pease!” Your last word slurring slightly as she hits your spot.
“Shhh soon baby, let Mommy enjoy you for a bit.” Agatha cooed into your ear in such a way that made you shiver and fall deeper into that fuzzy head space only being able to moan. Words are becoming too much for your brain to handle currently.
Agatha let her mouth wander, biting and sucking wherever she could, she loved marking you and since she had started you always had various states of hickies littering your body from fresh purple to healing yellows. A beautiful collage that Agatha had made across the canvas of your body.
You came back from your thoughts when Agatha added her fingers back into the mix on your clit.
“C-cummin’ Ma…” you somehow managed out.
“Go on, baby girl. Cum for Mommy.” Agatha husked, breathy in your ear. As the coil inside you snapped once more and she finally let your arms go as she continued to pump inside you.
“Mama…too mush…” you gripped her, scratching down her back.
“One more angel. I want you to cum with me. You can do that, right? You're such a good girl for me.” You nodded though everything felt like it was on fire in both the best and worst way.
The build up was quick for both of you as Agatha gripped you tightly, looking down into your Y/E/C orbs.
“I'm gonna cum baby. Gonna cum all inside you and fill up that pretty tummy until you're perfectly full and breed with my babies.” You moansled at her words, you hips moving with her own as, making her strap hit your deepest parts and as soon as she started to spurt inside of you, you snapped and joined her in the bliss of yet another orgasam as you gripped and clawed at Agatha only able to repeat, “Breed me Mommy…please…please breed me…” your brain on autopilot.
Agatha had trained you so well over your time together as her movement slowed down. Slowly pulling out making you groan and clench around nothing as she shushed and cooed at you.
“It's okay sweetie. I'm right here. I'm gonna grab you water and a towel.” With a flicker of Agatha's wrist the room was cleaned. No more of your mess on the bed and it even felt warm as you started drifting off until you felt the cold cloth against you as you instinctively tried to pull back, but her strong hands held you there. “It's okay baby I need to clean you. I know I overstimulated you didn't I?” she cooed, your hazy eyes looking at her.
“You loved it though, didn't you?” she asked with a smile as she helped you sit up to drink some water.
Agatha got the two of you in your pajamas with a snap of her fingers, letting you curl up against her body. You start falling asleep comfortably against your dominant and your girlfriend in your fuzzy little headspace.
“I love you Y/N you did so well for me tonight.” She whispered as she rubs your back and runs her fingers through your hair as you smile and press yourself further into her.
“I love you too, Aggie.” That night you fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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Options for the next web serial Patreon vote
It's time to vote on what the next derinwrites web serial will be. Sample chapters for each option will be provided shortly, then a poll will go up so that patrons can vote on what web serial I should write next.
Inner Life
Nobody knows who they really are when they’re first born. But most people get time to figure it out, and when you’re a body-snatching alien parasite, you don’t get that luxury. The parasites that find themselves on the starship Jolly Codger don’t know what a human is, or what their spaceship’s mission is, or where they’re going. They don’t know who on the ship is an ally, and who is an uninfected human who’ll kill them the moment they’re detected. But they’d better figure it out, because the Jolly Codger has its own secrets and its own enemies, and the real threat isn’t the crew – it’s what’s chasing them.
Child of a Wandering Star
Tyk is a normal adolescent girl, interested in normal adolescent things – earning gems for her carapace, learning to be the best burrower for the hive, making her mother and father and altmother and altfather proud of her. But Tyk was born under a Wandering Star, destined to be a traveller, and it’s hard to really feel a part of a hive that raises you with the expectation of watching you leave them someday. Tyk doesn’t want to go. She’s ready to fight destiny.
But her destiny finds her when a star-egg falls from the sky and hatches a baby god. Soft-shelled, two-legged and clawless, this larva is all but helpless on its own and quickly attaches itself to Tyk. The Stargazers divine that it should be brought to Starspire, the place where earth meets sky, so that it can be returned to its people. This, here, is the destiny that Tyk was born to.
But Tyk’s not sure she’s cut out for such a gruelling journey, and she’s certainly not cut out for raising a baby god. Is this really her journey to make?
Jade was just looking to fulfil her jobseeker requirements and get her Centrelink payment. She didn’t expect to actually get the job working at the mysterious new pawn shop full of weird, creepy artefacts. She had no interest in dealing with bleeding knives, ghost dolls, and whatever the hell it is that keeps using all the mugs in the break room without washing them, even when nobody’s present in the shop but her.
Jade would like to be able to shrug and say that it’s none of her business. She really, really wishes that she was the kind of person who could leave things alone if they weren’t her business. But after snooping a little too deep a little too often, she finds herself tangled up in something a lot scarier than the occasional haunted doll, working for the kind of… “people”… who are perfectly happy to eliminate something the moment it becomes more dangerous to them than useful. And through them, she can learn more about how the world really works than she ever expected.
She just has to hope that it’s worth it.
Our Side of the River Styx
A woman who can see the dead joins forces with her zombie wife to become exorcists-for-hire, helping the dead and living alike find peace. But there’s something strange going on with the barrier between worlds; something stranger than murderous phantoms in white or menacing shadowy figures in hotels. Something… organised. Something growing.
The exorcists are out to pay the rent, not save the world. But when a string of supposedly unconnected jobs forms such an obvious trail of bread crumbs, what is there to do but follow it? Will our Styx-crossed lovers figure out what’s at the heart of this conspiracy in time to thwart it, or does this adventure end in a long-overdue funeral?
The Princess of Ruby Island
Every little girl dreams of being whisked away to be the princess of a magical world on their tenth birthday. But for Jessica Nyle, born on February 29th, finding herself in a strange magical realm on her tenth birthday at age 40 is surprising, to say the least. And what they don’t tell little girls about fantastical magical realms built from dreams is that they’re prone to environmental instability, which can cause mass famine. And that magical limitations can cause factionalisation and extreme power imbalances, which leads to oppression and war. And that the idea of an island made entirely of ruby sounds fantastic, but ruby loses its charm and value as a gemstone when it’s literally the ground you walk on and, as a probably unimportant side detail, one thing you can’t do with ruby is grow crops in it. So that’s less than ideal.
This isn’t the whimsical adventure that mass media had lead Jessica to expect as a child, where all you needed to do to save the world was be brave and true and hold love in your heart and believe in yourself despite everything. Being the Princess of Ruby Island is a dirty job that requires cunning, hard work, political acumen, and a whole lot of luck. And it certainly doesn’t help that forces festering on Ruby Island were quite comfortable filling the previous power vacuum and would very much prefer it if there was no Princess bustling about and messing up their plans.
This is gonna take the power of a LOT of friendships to sort out.
The Cinder Boy
Owen is a wizard’s servant, and has been since he was old enough to walk. He doesn’t remember the mother who abandoned him there or the world she came from, and has never really thought much on the issue. Until the day the old crone comes to the wizard’s tower and, defying the wizard who tries to throw her out (Owen had never, until that moment, see anybody successfully defy the wizard), tells him that his mother was one of the Cinderellae, the hidden organisation of destiny-weavers named for the punishment doled out to them if they are caught – to be burned alive on the town pyre. Other people, she tells him, will try to get their hooks in him, and this tower can no longer keep him safe.
With the help of three friendly breezes trapped in the bodies of helpful mice and a shard of mage glass for protection, Owen must journey into the dangerous world that the wizard’s tower has sheltered him from his whole life. He’s watched the wizard weave people’s destinies for years, but until now, he’s never had to weave his own.
He’d better figure it out fast. Because danger is brewing in the kingdom, and he seems to be somebody’s pawn. He just wishes he knew whose.
Drops of Blood Like Neon Stars
This one is already being written on and off in my free time. Promoting it to main story would allow me to spend my full time on it and ensure weekly updates.
Vampires are good at stability. Life in the Scarlet City has been stable, despite the competing blood factions, for a long time, as has been their mutually beneficial relationship with the human city above. But when a drastic political play by young vampires coincides with a mysterious slate of human murders, Lissa needs to find out what’s going on and put a stop to it before the City is plunged into all-out war.
Holy Light
It’s been 164 years since the Rapture, and 157 years since the end of the world, but humanity’s still doing what humanity does best: holding on. Ageless and resistant to damage and disease, the people who had the luck and quick thinking to hide themselves from God’s purifying light as it uplifted every soul it touched a century and a half ago live on in the dark, doing their best to keep going forward in a world trying to end. But with no new souls coming into Earth, no children have been born since the end. And all it takes to be abducted to heaven is one mistake, one small kiss of sunlight. Eventually, humanity is going to lose this fight.
But Claire thinks she might have found an answer. A way to bring new children into the world once more, a way to return to the flow of normal time. And if it works, then just maybe, they can save the world.
I Am Not The Chosen One
Hannah is having mysterious dreams of a gate on a hill. Jake is getting urgent messages from a strange man in the mirror. Victoria might have accidentally summoned a demon, and Blaire is the luckiest unlucky seventeen year old in the world and has almost died three times this week alone, which is great for his tiktok career but less so for his long-term survival. But the thing that’s really interfering with all of their lives is the shadowy organisation of strangers who keep trying to abduct them.
They’re looking for the Chosen One. The Chosen One, firstborn child of the lost princess of Vanalia, needs to go with them through a portal to a magical land to save everyone there from a tyrannical dark lord, but anyone other than the Chosen One would almost certainly die. Hannah, Jake, Victoria and Blaire are pretty sure that none of them are the Chosen One, but the strangers seem dead set on trying anyway. The only way out seems to be to find this lost princess or her firstborn child for these strangers, and send them off on a magical coming-of-age adventure. But how does one even go about tracking down a Chosen One?
Denise Frank’s Feelgood Recipe Blog
Join me, Denise Frank, on my blog, where every week I share one of my favourite recipes! Every recipe blog needs long, rambling personal stories before getting to the recipe, and mine is no exception. I’ve had a lot of time to cook and not many people to talk to since The Event, so you can expect a high quality blog from me, full of recipes that have been tried hundreds if not thousands of times! Thousands of times over thousands of days. Thousands and thousands of days. I’d have thought I’d be noticeably older by now, but I’m not. I guess that’s what good food and a positive attitude can do for you!
Come and visit my blog for delicious recipes and happy memories, and positive affirmations to help you make it through the day! After all, we gotta get through today to see tomorrow, and there’s gotta be something worth seeing tomorrow! Experience suggests that it probably won’t be something pleasant, but it’ll definitely be something worth seeing! This has to end eventually. Join me to learn to make delicious apple crumble, a microwave brownie for every day of the week, and a beef jerky recipe that my husband used to love! Can’t wait to see you there!
I’d really like to see you.
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andrewlloydwebber · 1 year
so basically what happened last night at the penultimate performance of the phantom of the opera on broadway!
there wasn't like a formal after curtain call performance and it initially was treated like a regular, random show. it was kristen blodgette's (conductor and musical director for a lot of alw's shows) last time conducting, when the cast was gesturing to her during the end of the curtain call, they all stomped their feet in appreciation for her. And then the curtain went down as if it was a normal show. But as the play out music played, someone of the cast opened the curtain at the side to watch her conduct the play out music.
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And then usually at this point most of the audience would have left, so the crew started resetting the chandelier to the position it hangs in when the show isn't playing. But no one would leave so we all started cheering and the stage manager had us give the cue to call "chandelier out!"
And then there was a bunch of people chanting and cheering and clapping, someone started up "one more song!" a lot of the cast came out in their street clothes and just kind of soaked in the moment, they were filming the audience and hugging each other (check people's instagram stories), a few people did extra bows, giselle alvarez did the monkey dance from masquerade, kristen blodgette took an onstage bow, raquel suarez groen brought out her dog, etc. someone started the chant "one more song" and the cast sang "happy trails". and then nehal joshi gave a speech that began with "as this theatre's faux owner" and thanked the crew, front of house team, and all the fans for "taking care of us for the last 35 years". he told us it was probably time to go home and then there was some more cheering and clapping and the ushers finally made us leave.
as much as i wish there was something preplanned by the production to mark the occasion and the producers didn't treat it like "just another show", i really was touched by the genuine spontaneous outpouring of mutual love and appreciation from the cast to the audience and vice versa. i won't forget it
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invis-o-william · 15 days
Day 6: Immortal AU
Danny leaned back in the grass, the wind brushing his white gravity defying hair back away from his forehead, and sighed. Amity Park had changed a lot over the years. What had once been a fair sized growing metropolis was now a sprawling city blending urban technological feats of science with older infrastructure that had been in place for over a hundred years.
One thing that hadn’t changed too much though, was its main cemetery. Others had cropped up on the outskirts of the booming city, but this one, the original burial ground, stayed intact even though no new burials had occurred there in decades.
“Sorry for not visiting sooner,” Danny said, “the Realms have kept me on my toes lately. Clocky has had it with the Observants and is trying to get rid of them as a whole. Good riddance I say.”
He chuckled at the last sentence. “I know you were never a fan of how much they interfered when I first took the throne, so I figured you’d be happy to hear that at least.”
Danny’s eyes followed a pair of children nearby happily playing on the sidewalk with gliders that seemed so similar to the Red Huntress’. Danny frowned. So much had changed over the years, and he was starting to feel like he couldn’t keep up anymore.
“I had something I wanted to tell you about too..” He trailed off and turned to look at the headstone next to him. While it was old, as was every grave in this section, this one had been well cared for. Cleared of creeping plant life and with any and all dirt meticulously brushed off. The inscription read:
Dr. Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton
B. March 31, 1988 D. May 6, 2070
Beloved Mother, Sister, and Professor
“I decided to stay in the Infinite Realms full time now. With my duties as King, and the whole new zone developing there I just don’t have the time to patrol Amity Park anymore. Not that there’s a need to anymore.” He sighed the last words. It was true, after a few decades of kingship, Danny had figured out how to balance the limits that ghosts could venture to the mortal plane and the damage they could cause there.
His role on Earth as Phantom had long been redundant now, and there was no one here for him anymore. All his friends had long since died, as were even Jazz’s grandchildren. On Earth, Danny felt truly and utterly alone.
“Of course I’m going to still come and visit you guys,” Danny said, “other than that though, I think that’s it. People around here are starting to think I’m a fairy tale anyway.” He didn’t think he would ever stop visiting the resting places of his family, his friends. They had meant too much to him not to, and he never wanted to forget them, never wanted to forget who he was.
Danny stood from the grave he had been sitting in front of, glancing at its inscription. It was worn and harder to make out than Jazz’s, but it still clearly read;
Daniel “Danny” Fenton
B. February 12, 1989 D. July 17, 2031
Gone too Soon
Danny still smirked at the irony of it. A grave for a halfa that would never truly die. He had stayed physically stuck in his thirties for centuries now, and wasn’t sure that would ever change. Looking back to his sister’s headstone, he knelt down and placed a rose encapsulated in ghostly blue ice at its base.
“Happy death-day Jazz.” he said with a smile, “I’ll come visit you soon.” With that he turned and with a wave of his hand opened a portal to the Infinite Realms. A familiar woman with a mop of long white hair peeked out of it.
“Thanks for the privacy Dani. Do you want to go see Sam and Tucker now?” he asked his clone. She grinned with enthusiasm before jumping out of the portal to join her “older brother”. Once the portal was closed, they both changed from ghost to human and set off down the rows of graves to visit their departed friends.
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astralnymphh · 8 months
god knows she tried.
ellie williams⊱.
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“the monster inside her was baying for blood, it had to come out some day.”
⤹𓍢ִ໋listening to; lacrimosa and sour
𖤐.an; I present to you, my proudest piece. wowowoww I really enjoyed writing an emotional piece like this. I hope it suffices and gets enough recognition cause this surely won't be my last angst piece!! inspired by lacy, oh lacy by @coeurify
𓍢ִ໋-cw; ellie pov focus leaning, large analysis of ellie throughout tlou2, loser-esque jackson ellie, angst, heavy feelings, depictions of death + wanting death + blood + guts + sharp objects + nausea/vomit + self hatred + jealousy + starvation, mild glimpses of happiness, reader replaces dina, reader isn't pregnant, poetic writing
⋆.ೃ;wc; 5k+
masterlist ୨୧
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the sun was shrouded in gloom. the water did not glisten, but her tears did. droplets of gray guilt pour in slow motion down her bloodied cheeks. tears glistening with hurt.
washed up like a sea carcass, phantom fingers pounding in pain. made into a husk by her own self-corrosion. her mind would have been bare, except, you're there. a figment of time, standing there, suffocating in your blank stare. why are you staring like that? it's not even you. ellie can't grasp that truth. it's only her subconscious. projecting an apparition of your mortal flesh and briny blood. salty like the sea she's sitting in.
would you echo that figment in real time?
the past figments she saw had character. one shaking their head, one like a beacon of comfort caressing her shoulder, and never dead. you're not dead, why is she crying?
she cries for everything.
her limbs calcified of stone. nothings' moving. lungs that felt dried up from all the tears leaving her eyes. a throat that strains and tugs with each dense swallow, reminding her of the atmosphere that appeared so devoid of air, thinking, how could she breathe right now? the insoluble pain of self-destruction. the hunger for revenge, snuffed like a breeze to flames. it was all in her head. the choking. her lungs begged for air, and she could not breathe it.
ellie cusps the hand that gushes with beady red blood that drips into the dark murky water, pressurizing the exposed throbbing knuckle. it hurt like hell, an unlivable hell. yet, not a wail is heard by the ocean. only the whimpers and sniffles graze the ears of her highness, the sea, the only one physically there to listen.
behind her, feet are hung at head-level. wooden pillars that scarcely mimicked crucifixion. this place was dark, in all dimensions.
just minutes ago, her skin was forming bruises and jaw nearly caved in from the force of abby's struggled hits. knuckles praying to live. not even the mass of a gun tucked in her jeans had her awareness. no, she didn't use it. she wanted to feel abby fucking dying in her hands. her hands that have siphoned the lives of many before. but, when she realized someone was actually dying in her hands, when she could feel that through her skin, it was over. the flashes of joel in her head beckoned her to stop, without uttering any words. the same mental imagery that motioned her to break skin in the first place.
joel was always there.
soaping up the harshly served reality that projected on the foggy thalassic horizon and toxified the surrounding waters, her mind sails to different times. supposed simplistic times that, by fate, turned rotten.
the day you two met. a mere four years ago. the town was a busy winterscape. you both were the golden age of sixteen, well, not that golden admist the post-apocalypse. steady clanking hoofsteps that striked the concrete track streaming into jackson, mounted on your midnight coat steed that trailed behind tommy's. heads turned at the sounds of large rusty hinges twisting, including hers, watching from beyond the stable's fencing.
goddess above and below, you're were so stunning.
she remembers she was gearing up for group patrol that day when you arrived, the saddles' horn nearly slipping from her bay leather grasp. thoughts of interest and curiosity had slowly piled up from that point. her pupils picking up on each hoofprint left as you pass the open paddock and stroll into the connecting stable. her browlines furrowed, wondering if you we're some backpacker hauled over for a spell, or a new resident.
she's lucky it would be the latter.
the veil of frigid air that seeped her skin and snapped her focus out of a daydream by the echo of dina's voice, calling her,
"earth to ellie?"
and it tethers her back on earth, turning her face to dina. she thought back to how her gloved fingers snapped in her face, asking for her focus, there and then.
"sor- um, what were you saying?" her speech was floaty, stacking on each other as she stuttered.
why was her focus glued to you at that moment? you had literally just entered. fucking hell, must have been something intruding the air. it's unlike herself to be so.. enraptured.
and later that evening, after a session of controlled gunshots mowing down the rigid fungoid heads that dared to disrupt their supply run, she was tired. plain tired.
as it turns out, a sturdy bench baring wooden boards as seats was enough comfort after all that shit. legs beat down to drooping over the woods edge, feeling like jelly. her hair bathed in the dining hall's incandescent lights, rendering a mellow orange halo. lips in pure quietude, she sat as a stranger to the conversation had between joel, jesse and dina.
ellie pondered the expedition for guitar strings that happened weeks ago, still processing what joel had told her. 'there was, no cure.' was it fabrication? what really took place in her state of unconsciousness? this was the beginning of a lurk. an unabating, rough gloom that presides under and through the chamber of her stomach, telling her something wasn't right. a thing she can't exactly point a finger to. a gut hunch that anchors her heart tightly. all is not true. she must seek.
blanked inside the home of her mind, only to be yanked by the wisping holler that ran over her head.
"hey! over here!" it was dina, ushering you over with the jerks of her wrist.
you passioned your way through the meal lines, appearing before her. she recalls how you looked, you were perfect. you wore the same ebony winter jacket that gathered dust on the wall-mounted rack of your farmhouse bedroom. it had its wears and tears and excerpts of journies to tell, but it was perfect on you. it's just a plain jacket. but for her, it was the jacket.
"the house up to yer' standards?" joel asked you, the usual mug of piping hot joe whaffed a steam around the aged and cracked skin of his face. tender in the light.
your voice rang through, "yeah, nothing I could ever bargain." and it cleared a trench between her temples. that rough gloom took a rain check instantly.
a fuzzy feeling that fords neither love or hate embraced the nape of her back. she didn't realize it just then, but, between the vault of aching uncertainty in her gut and the day to day neutrality she feels, a blossoming delight would come from your arrival at jackson, should she consume its goodness.
she didn't remember much of that conversation until the spotlight beamed towards her.
"this is ellie, she jus' came back from patrol. she'll show ya how we handle things 'round here." joel had gestured your sights over to her, to consume her first impression, with a smile that would become signature.
her ears tuned to you.
"hi!" you greeted with the softest wisping of your lips. oh, it made her evening that much more animated.
from that day onward, it was like a sweet lullaby of love. waving from across the horizon for weeks, your hand splayed out flat in the air, and hers curled up a bit. another week passes, and she's inviting you to the tipsy bison on her own accord. months pass, and she's constantly slumbering on your sofa over long nights, preferring it over being alone in her garage home. at this position in your shared timeline, ellie has grown distant from joel. you swore she forgot that old mans' bowed and bearded face sometimes.
it stung to relive the memory of pushing joel away. outside that damned hospital. saint marys' piece of shit. yelling, "don't you fucking, touch me!"
the tears were scorching. they were brought up to be. and they burned. the inside of her throat felt sliced up, chewed up, and ran through with barbed wire. swallowing was too much to bear, just how it is now, sitting on that dark beach.
that same day, she returned to find you waiting at her doorstep, box in hand. worry-struck. ellie took off out of the void, it made sense you were distraught. she felt mutually the same, her wrenching heart suffering the aftermath. the dawn of day she assumed would be spent alone, was sat atop her bed. losing herself in the video game you brought in that box, laying on you while she flicks the joysticks and taps the bumpers. it was a sunny yellow haven. a light she found in the darkness, that was you.
a tightly braided friendship.
and her mind lingers on something you once uttered at the crux of night during a sleepover, entailing the words;
"i like moths now, because of you."
that made her flustered across the span of a whole week, even joel questioned why she was blanking out during patrol training.
she was your moon. someone to subdue the spines that pricked your skin every day. sharp edges that tell you, happiness wasn't meant to stay. battle it all you wanted. moons eventually dim and embellish darkness.
two years pass, and she's being led to the center of an ornamental string-lit dance floor during another peak of winter, by none other than dina.
not you. if only it had been you. or else she wouldn't have felt that specter of gloom wrench her gut in disgusting ways later at dusk.
at least her gut didn't feel as it does now. torn open for this sorrowful sea to behold, exposed to a retch colored with regret. ill aversion.
her hands guided to the small of dina's back, draping like a silk curtain. missing a flinch when her arms huddled ellie's shoulders. not a flinch. ellie didn't love dina, but they were close. pinkies-tied close. it's just dina being dina, right?
"every guy in this room is staring at you right now.." her voice croaked in a demure whisper. the blood cells in her being were fluttering, the weight of her position then and there, made her feel lit up inside a dark room. backed into a corner. she was the spotlight once more.
"maybe they're staring at you.."
they would soon.
you never resented ellie for that night. you liked her, yeah, but it wasn't her fault. it only felt like you'd gulped a clump of metal bolts, weighing like a sick burden inside you. cold and rustic. your will of steel didn't let that shatter you completely, though. bottled it up and bluffed your feelings. it was never her fault. sucked down that bitter shot and let it ferment in your sickly gut packed with a stir. a stir of pungent nausea jabbing thorns in your esophagus. it delivers a nasty taste. but you swore, you wouldn't resent ellie.
ellie was unaware of your shared adoration. what seemed like a one-sided crush, was not. nights left off with a friendly hug could have been so much more divinely satiating. she wishes her body wasn't bound to the now, wishing she could back to then. the past, and express her affection. tell you everything.
a wish brewn too late. a drunken kiss to her buds out of wills' reach binds a woolly, empty headed fizzing to her ears. tossed into a stupor. all she could do was stand still like a willow tree in the windless plains. lips unable to jerk away. then it sunk hard. you're there. you're watching. people are peering. you saw.
"fuck." was emphasized in her toneless breath, narrowly letting loose another swear in the flavor of a loud scream.
in that gloomy darkness, she saw you. illuminated like a beacon too. your face plasters an unbothered exterior, but the eyes, the eyes are a glass screen. you can understand the essence fueling a person's emotion with one meager glimpse. a new gag clots her gullet. she can't show it, but she for heaven above and hell below, could fucking feel it.
you virtually felt a crack in your heart. cracks in a porcelain antique. you're sure the two looked similar.
strung between multiple conclusions, you pondered. if ellie liked dina, you'd have to woefully accept it. and if she didn't, then she didn't. what more could you have proposed at that time. life is life.
your feet carried you with a saunter, skirting the doors brinking you from the ghostly streets of a slumbering town of jackson. a jarring contrast from the lively party howling behind you. even for someone who's experiencing confusion, you walked with a gentle gait.
pausing under the descending pearls of frozen water, casting your eyes heavenward into the starry globe above you. the stars twinkled so perfectly on such a gut-wrenching night as this one. it dawns on you. how the celestial bodies of space feel no pain, no heartbreak. how their life is lived without the mortal trials you face. it must be so easy up there, suspended in space, feeling nothing.
as the snow nestled in the beds of your hair, melting on your blue hot face, you claimed a sense of emptiness in your head amidst the vomit begging to unfurl from your throttle. please, let it be a dream.
piercing isolation.
ended suddenly.
the swinging of a door wooshes through your ears, and capers your sights to its source. and there she was. joining you in the twilight snow-shower. ellie.
she trotted up to you, lone in the wintry streets, and harvested the same pellets of opalite snow that decorated the strands of your hair like constellations hovering above. her head, too, snowflakes cling to her russet bang and lashes, framing her eyes so damn right.
oh, snowy fern eyes. the most serenic evergreen rings encapsulated behind gloss. dewey eyes sitting atop red sweltered cheeks. her lids fluttered back the tears, the tears that might wither the snow, and surely wither her soundness of mind. a quiver of the lip, bent over her teeth. frozen fucking wind that chars the lining of her lungs with ice. every single thing fucking wounded her.
you gazed into one another, emotions roaring loud. she could peer right through you. through the glass windows of your eyes. things were felt and not shown, it was evident in your expression. no words were uttered in those seconds before. before the infamous words you spoke. words that forced everything to the shore.
"do you love dina?"
fucking gag. another smother of disgust gurgling in her gut. the sheer assumption that you believed her heart to be penchant for dina, and not you, drowned her guts. a quick spurt of unease penetrates her whole esse.
here went nothing.
"I love you."
whorled away from your envy like whiplash. it added up by that point. she appeared like a puppet to that kiss on the dance floor. you recalled it then. ellie's teeth were never bared in a smile, more so, it was the true one-sided love. now, she is standing in front of you. physical, mortal, and all. retching out that confession like it was stifled beneath a tombstone.
to ellie, that tombstone represented everything she expected to fail. to be dead. a wish foreseen as ash, fled to the gales of something more worthy.
that wish sailed the breeze, and landed at your feet.
you reached that shore too.
"I love you too, ellie."
her name levitating off your tongue with a tone so soothing felt affirming. grounding. this is not a dream.
her eyes transmutated, eclipsed by a sun. what was once dewey, red and puffy, then softened to a set of almonds brazed in sweet syrup. calmer tears that were golden. joyous. lids relax and anchor her brows, straightening out like rows of a poem. after straying so long beneath the falling snow, her nose suffused a red-orangey tint, nostrils even redder.
love passioned its way through the gelid space, accompanied by the humid huffs of your breath. but nothing was as warm, not even a star, as what brought your bodies a few measly steps closer.
a kiss.
huddled in the somber streets was an effigy of igniting amour. two souls stuck together. her arms wrapped around your back like you were the only life she could clutch. reddened knuckles crumpling up the same ebony jacket you attired in the winter, holding you dear. your arms found a natural embrace, cusping her shoulders and marrying fingertips into her coppery mane that tied into her bun.
nothing beats the way you two rolled lips, tasting the skin and smacking slowly. her peachy buds that fit the open groove of your mouth so easily. her lips were formed for you. cells that build her body, are building for you. she existed solely for you. graciously drinking up the kiss like a fucking sweet milkshake.
a taste so addictive, you could die on it.
shit, she's smirking into your lips. ellie, you blasted dork. even the dimples denting her cheeks could poke you back. that's how wide her smile travels from ear to ear, even her cheeks fattened up, creasing those beautiful crinkles at the edges of her eyelines. a true smile.
and once that kiss severed, you saw those bloated, ruddy cheeks plucking the corners of her lips. too fucking adorable.
"well, there's that smile. lost her a while ago, els?" the teaser you were, and the loser she was.
her lips refine into the same toothy, adorable beam. she nearly cringed at your observation. the way you kept notation of how often her midface perks up, it was cute. her flesh bites the bitter cold, and blood that heaped her cheeks burnt so vibrant for you.
she couldn't believe you were true.
"i think you're the only person that makes me smile," she recalled this vividly, trying her darndest to uplift every waking thought about you through a cold shell she fabricated, "fuck, i'm so bad at this.." laugh it off past ellie, laugh it off.
if she pinpoints it correctly, you had said the words "i like bad." jokingly. fashioning the most proud smirk ever. pfft, she giggles every time her brain resurfaces that memory of your snowy brimmed confessions.
"tsskk- u're weird."
"you're a big dork."
"shut up.." her ardent palms pancaked against both of your cheeks, passionately pulling you in for another tangerine sweet kiss.
the ivory supermoon set on a blissful night, luckily enough. ellie ended up fleeing that street, hand in hand mingled with you, towards her home. fuck that dance. fuck those feelings flush of guilt that died right there on that street. being tangled in the sheets with you snuggled in her arms was enough. enough to submerge what galloped through her head.
"i don't need your fucking help joel."
gods above and below.
what did daylight bring?
bloodshed. blood stains her eyes to this day. she was there. she saw. the blood spilt and it splashed towards her. if joel couldn't reach his torn, bashed and narrowly mutilated hand out to her, his lifeline would. the plasma pumping his heart to sustain life, hurling out like a ribbon of crimson. a downright disrespectful invitation of rememberance abby had chucked to her fucking face.
this memory. this disease, an immoral plague. who the fuck up there in the pristine realms of divinity decides a mortal punishment like this?
that memory, lives on. it weakens the marrow in her bones. turns the tides in her head. she wanted to rip her skin off. her skin that gets to survive. disgust. again. the muscles attached to bone, felt like they didn't belong.
she stopped genuinely breathing after that day.
you saw the will to breathe drain from her eyes. etching into that lodges' oak floors. the first grave she ever dug.
"i'm so sorry, ellie."
was the first swan song she ever heard.
now that rough gloom, plummeted and shapeshifted into a dark cavern of misery. starless, desolate gloom. her room turnt cavernous too. blocking all rays of bright luminosity from injecting a disturbance in her seclusion. era of mental death.
you had been visiting her daily in her time of barren sensitivity, at the least, visiting her door. you uneasily sat on the exterior end of her door. poised aside and smushing your ear into it's solid strength. praying that you might hear any peep of life on the other side, you wait. you miss her bloodcurtiling sobs reserved for nighttime, sowing the conclusion that she, inside, was empty. a husk.
if death is so morbid, why did graves look so peaceful? so prettied up. why are the baby blue hydrangeas sitting atop his freshly cold grave, soft in their glory, delivering such a potent posion. they plant their own seed. clotting ellie's throat with a nest of hydrangeas she'll carry with her forever. roots latched to a deep spring in her spirit that navigates every little emotion. the flowers bulge from her esophagus and cough up in petals of regret, forgiveness, and rejection.
she can't accept that.
she didn't.
she heard the rainy forest calling for her.
seattle is here. seattle is waiting. the old flame lights the new wick, and so it ignites, her immortal foe. revenge.
and she brought you along.
ellie respires every soul set free from mangled bodies she creates. her hands a syphon, the weapon her postman. delivering screaming letters of justice with every pull of her finger on the trigger.
a once starless gloom was snapped in half by her own drive with spheres of guttural fire baying for blood. she wakes up a blood-gutter every sunrise. her face just might fossilize and cherish this total takeover. she was someone new. angled fuming brows, irritable red nostrils flared more than ever, and an awful intensity in her eyes. it made them scintillating, more so, grossly gleaming. irises fern green to hazardous toxin in just a few months.
enemies could read ellie's aura nimbly, if their visions should even grasp it faster than their machetes and hammers meeting a clenched palm. she wasn't just a girl. she was a threat.
miles of blood patterned in her path, splotching the diamond modeled bottoms of her converse like abstract art. she was lost in her own world. driven straight to the goal.
you promised you'd be there every damn sliced throat of the way, no matter what. but this scares you. slowly, the fire burning in her eyes had charred her up till she could barely give anything more.
the fire had only engulfed her when she appeared at the theater's lobby doors, banging the margin of her balled fist on the wood. the fist gloved in crescent scars, peeled cuticles, and raised callouses. when the doors waved open to you, gliding up to her and weaving yourself with her body in a relieved hug, she couldn't do it. it was too much. the torture lingering in her muscle memory stung, frozen hands jittering above the small of your back momentarily.
ellie was enervated.
it took her a second to even hug you back. that was, too kind of you. to embrace her body slathered in the lifeline of someone else. why would you even do that, she thought.
her mind looped on a cycle, processing that damned notion as you pleat the soiled shirt off her back. she couldn't even feel the salient tear in her back, the brutally severed dermis throbbing red, not a whimper soars her gullet when you tend to it. numbness riddled her. stitch her up, and she won't flinch.
then ellie croaked,
"i made her talk."
she was revolted. how could she touch you so tenderly after whacking a metal rod into a beating body 'till they coughed up the words. knackered them up for eternal sleep. the face she just wiped from this earth, blurred. does she even remember what she looked like?
it was your own arm, meshing around her blistered collarbone that prompted her to gauge the value of her life, even just for an iota of solace time.
problem being, she couldn't remain enlightened of her value- without you.
"i don't wanna lose you."
your lips kissed her pain away, pitter by patter along the scruff of her neck to her seared shoulder. every peck embedded with a melodic note that forges a song saying, 'i am here, you won't lose me' without even brushing that past your satiny lips.
won't you seal my hardships with your lips of silk? taint my lips of leather and gums of thorns with your soothing buds?
"you wont."
then that day arrived, when she almost did. a scene depicted by the ten of swords. a major disaster indicated. as the arrow speared the air suddenly, and in no time you could count, it had already paved through the plate of your shoulder and strung out blood to the planks before you. rendering you unconscious.
"please stop!" ellie pleaded, just like she did before. god forbid if she had to witness another loved one being lacerated from life. her limp body prays, prays for your safe survival, and not your safe passage. she wonders if god is even real, if any god is real. do they hear her now? we're they aware when she shrilled for mercy at every red ribbon lashed out from his body? did they welcome him, home?
and right before that cold steel nearly divided your skin, a voice erupted.
thank fuck you hadn't ended up a resemblance of the 'ten of swords' illustration. thank the sun gods that you were able to bask and tan under the light that fondled the rustic farmhouse with her. ellie is so lucky, for someone who doesn't believe in it.
"don't ever let me see you again."
you then retired to that old, rustic farmhouse. aging under the continuous moon phases for two years straight.
it was a strenuous journey getting to where she was supposed to be the happiest. despite all the treasures she owned on that farm property, the lagoon of corn fields and hills of verdancy that sung in spring, mighty splendors anyone might wish for, ellie still lived with a loom. ellie bore tantrums inside the confined loneliness of the farm's supply room, kicking the hilt of a rake as it clatters to the stony ground, yelling, "fuck!" when it startled her badly enough, or when it enraged her ptsd well enough.
reminiscence is woven into the scar risen on your shoulder. it reminds her. every. damn. glance.
every approaching dream was daunting to ellie. she'd wake up. cold beady sweat. go back to sleep, suffocate in her subconscious again, and surface them in a panic once more. not even braving the night with a stroll around the perimeter helped. it only sunk everything deeper.
if she was drunken in her sorrows, would you carry her?
the daylight spent with you was her only source of felicity. the mundane made it feel much more liveable. a day spent baking together, flour dappled on each other's noses, roused as she pushed up behind, and swayed you to the cordial and funky beats thrumming from the viynl player. that day, that simple day made her want to live fully for you. she wanted to be tied to your pinkie with the lusty filaments of love.
and in that humble kitchen laid a promise;
"so- this means you'll marry me?" a stupid smirk muffled ellie's voice out huskily, flowing against the shoreline of your ear.
"can't we just announce ourselves married already?"
"baabeee.." that freckled idiot whined.
"eelllssss.." you rung back.
her arms fastened you tighter, pout puffing on your shoulder, "i wann' make it feel real.." she intoned, inclining up and stuffing her nose into your neck. pretty sure she rubbed all the flour onto you, being the bear hugger she is.
no answer parts your lips.
ellie felt you twirl in her caging arms, perking up to even up with your gaze in curiosity. her brows fumble and arc inwards to visibly show her interest for your next words.
"we're real, els. i don't need a ring or declaration to show that.." your tone caters to her love of soothing sounds, as she breaks into an even toothier smile that trails your words.
"you don't?"
you had leaned in, devoid of words. a quiet kiss to her brows, said so much more than she expected. that inner-loser knocked on the door of her mind and took control. blasted blush coating her cheeks. you really knew how to woo her, cradling her head in your tender cusp.
"i just need you."
"don't go."
the grounding touch of her cheeks held between your hands was not enough. the blank, void, and unnerving night was not enough. nothing was enough to keep her waiting.
what kind of songs do you play when dwindling into internal madness?
her own screams battle the wood boards of that farm too often. her screams synchronize with joels, replaying in her head. scared and unable to hold onto anything. thoughts running amok. she fucking needs you more than she thought.
"ellie- ellie.. I'm here. it's okay."
it's not okay.
it's not okay for her to play pretend and cast an ocean over those feelings 'when she can'. you told her, it's okay. to be broken. but her heart anchors towards an obligation to be picture perfect for you, for anyone. every positive cover-up felt like posion pooling from her mouth. lying til she couldn't feel her lips.
she lied to you once. for someone who despises lies and has been lied to, she lied. that fucking lie hurt. but it was too loud. the gloom that stuck with her for so long has grown into a pounding, jarring sound similar to intense whirring, but echoed. nothing had color at that point. everything was a null void, and every sound was a silence too loud.
a sentence meant to be; "i'm going to find abby." sounded a lot more like,
"i'm so tired, baby." murmured ellie, collapsed flat on the plateau of your chest and drained of energy.
you assumed it was just physical fatigue.
"it's fine, go t'sleep, we can talk later."
ellie's eyes looked so dull, so scarce of humanity. she was tired. each passing day had been vampirically sucking the motivation from her veins. some days, she didn't even catch you calling her name from the farmhouse. earth to ellie, are you still in there?
"I have to finish it." ellie's forehead bent to yours, felt so wrong.
"why didn't you tell me?"
"I can't." her voice nearly shattered into a waterfall of sobbing.
your voice cracked, however, "bullshit, els."
that was the drawing line. she finally breaks and is consumed by that hovering gloom. she lost herself.
ellie dashed every chance of losing you, and yet took it upon herself to leave you, instead.
that fucking thing that leeched off her for so many years is finally getting what it yearns for. greed of revenge to feed the darkness. starving herself as it ingests every fiber barely holding her together.
you spun away with leisure, breaching your hands from her, "I am - not, doing this again."
you couldn't save this. she was leaving. nothing blocks her way.
heart-wrenching silence dawns.
"that's up to you."
her heels unhurriedly turned in an instant, abandoning you, and her dreams born of soft blue dasies. her omens of happiness and trust, becoming a fatuous foreground. the door waving shut behind her would soon come to bite her in the heart.
now she sits. almost dying in that water. the water was her gloom all along. she was the vessel, she paid the price, it's free. now she bleeds into it. red rivers dance and make a mockery of her weeping body.
she tried.
it won.
she tried for the false clone of you haunting her mind. it's the only thing she had left of you.
she tried so hard to be strong. only she and the gods above know that.
you wouldn't though.
coming home to jackson a walking carcass, pinning her hopes on you being there. it was obvious you moved from the farmhouse. why would you live there alone?
so, she stands. inside your old jackson home, to divulge its absence of you. no, you weren't there. you weren't in jackson. all that remains are old memories crammed into boxes. motionless without a requiem.
ellie closes in on one of these.
and what she finds is painful.
that winter jacket.
she clutches it tight to her barren eyes, burrowing the trench of her nose with your lingering scent. the scenes trance her mind. visions of you tackling her in the thick mud puddle on your farm's acres, an enchanting laugh wheezing in your throat. visions of holding your stomach while you scrubbed fine china of its grub and stains, wishing you two had a real family, a child, by some miracle. recollections of you, legs sitting pretty across her lap as she thrashed a controller, casting her evil curse whenever the game ticked her off just enough and how you giggled at her. the everlasting evocation of you two, kissing under that snow-ether night, vowing a love to extend across times bounds.
the jacket smells so fucking good.
"please.." whispered ellie, with a taut countenance, "where are you.."
not a clue of where you went is in those walls.
are you dead? nobody knows.
where she left the farmhouse, you left her entirely. unknowing if it stems from love, hate, or neutrality. the guilt felt disgusting, once more. the pain stung in her lung far harsher. the air siphoning out.
in a room so devoid of air, and you, how could she breathe?
you can't pay in blood and sacrifice. ellie has learned that. she paid in loss of something that didn't have to go.
love was understanding each other's limits, and so was losing each other. she just never realized you had limits plummeting down on you, until the new moon phase had begun, and it was too late.
that figment of you is all she has left.
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𓍢ִ໋-likes and reblogs appreciated, bright blessings!
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ghoul-slime · 20 days
Mushy May Day 12&13 - First Time & Just Wanted to Hear Your Voice (Aether/Dew)
Uh oh, starting to fall behind now. Here's my combined entry for days 12 and 13. A million thank yous to @forlorn-crows for putting together Mushy May again this year and to @ghuleh-recs for the dividers!
Day 12 & 13: First Time and "Just Wanted to Hear Your Voice" - Aether/Dew, first time phone sex, praise kink, no other warnings, rated E/Mature, 1929 words
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It’s late when Aether’s phone starts to buzz. He’s already tucked into bed and ready to turn in for the night when Dew’s picture pops up on the incoming call notification. He picks up before the second ring.
“Hey,” Dew says casually. Aether can’t help but immediately notice the tired edge he hears in the fire ghoul’s voice.
“Hi Dew,” Aether answers, happy to hear from his favorite ghoul despite the late hour of the night. “How are you?”
Dew gives a noncommittal little grunt. “Fine,” he answers. “Bored though. Horny. Nobody around, though…” he trails off.
Aether lets out a laugh. The little ghoul must be lonely. As hard as he’s trying to sound nonchalant about it, Aether knows how much he hates to be alone. That he prefers to spend his nights pressed against one of his packmates. That privilege used to fall on Aether more often than not, at least it did before he stepped away from the band to dedicate himself to helping in the infirmary full-time.
“Who are you rooming with tonight?” Aether asks, genuinely surprised that Dew would ever find himself all alone.
“Nobody. Phantom ditched me to spend the night with Swiss and Rain,” Dew answers with a yawn that he hopes will hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Well that’s new,” Aether answers, sitting up in bed, genuinely intrigued. He's happy that it sounds like the newest ghoul is finding his place in the pack, though he feels bad that Dew seems to be feeling a little left out because of it.
“Not to me it isn’t,” Dew says, sounding more than a little bit annoyed. “They’ve been going at it nonstop for the past week. You should see the three of them trying to cram themselves all into Swiss’ bunk to fuck on the bus.”
Dew is quiet for a minute. Aether can hear the blankets rustle over the phone as he settles into his bed. He can tell he’s turning something over in head, so he gives him time and waits for him to speak again.
“I just wanted to hear your voice, Aeth,” he admits softly. “Lonely out here without you.” Dew lets out a sad little sigh. 
The sincerity in Dew’s voice breaks Aether’s heart. He knows that if he were out there with them, he and Dew would probably be curled up together between scratchy hotel sheets, making the most of their night off with lazy kisses and wandering hands. He wishes he could reach through the phone and pull the little ghoul into his warm nest back home, to wrap his arms around him and remind him how loved he is.
"I want to try something," Aether says after a few moments of silence. “You can say no if it’s not something you like, though.”
Dew perks up. “Yeah?” he asks, already interested. “What is it?”
“Will you take your clothes off for me?” Aether asks, a little nervous, but hopeful. “Get undressed and get yourself nice and comfy on the bed. I want to take care of you tonight.”
Dew is silent for a moment, and then Aether hears more rustling, the sound of blankets and pillows moving around as Dew adjusts himself on the hotel bed.
“Already in just my underwear…,” Dew answers quietly. If Aether were there he’s sure he’d see a light blush dusting the little ghoul’s sharp cheekbones. That Dew would insist he isn't embarrassed despite it. They’ve had each other in every way imaginable by now, but this is the first time either of them have ever done anything over the phone. Up until now, they’d never been apart long enough to warrant it.
“Take those off too,” Aether asks. “And put the phone on speaker.”
He listens as Dew shuffles around on the bed, and Aether can just picture the way he lifts those skinny little hips up off the bed to shimmy his underwear off and slide them down his thighs. Distantly, he registers the soft little thud of fabric hitting the floor.
“Dew?” Aether checks in, “You ok with this?” He knows Dew would tell him otherwise, but this is new territory for both of them, so he feels that he has to check in, just in case.
“Mm, yeah,” Dew affirms. “Gettin’ hard already, Aeth. Now what?” 
Aether grins to himself. He knew Dew would be game, and he’d be lying if he said this wasn’t something he fantasized about doing the second he found out he wouldn't be going out on tour with the rest of the pack.
“Lie back and get comfy, baby,” Aether purrs. “Get comfy and close your eyes, think of me there with you. I want you to hear my voice and imagine it’s me there. That I’m the one touching you.”
“Can you do that for me, Dew?” Aether asks, voice low and gravelly, imagining just how sweet Dew must look spreading himself out on the sheets out there all by himself, just waiting for Aether’s instructions.
“Yeah,” Dew answers in a breathy voice just above a whisper. “Yeah, I can.”
He must have the phone propped up on the pillow next to his face, because Aether can hear his shallow little breaths loud and clear through the phone receiver. He takes a minute to adjust himself in his sweatpants at the thought.
“Good, now touch yourself for me, baby,” Aether tells him, “Want you to run your palms up your chest nice and slow.” He stops, gives Dew a moment to do as he asked him. “Do it just like I would. How I would stop and feel those sweet little tits in the palms of my hands. Now give a little tug on your pretty jewelry for me, just enough to get your nipples nice and sensitive.”
Aether walks him through it, has Dew wet his fingertips with his tongue and pinch and tug at those sweet little buds, soft at first and then harder. Just like Aether would do if he had his mouth on him. He has Dew play with his chest until he’s panting in his ear over the phone, soft little breaths becoming more urgent as Aether works him up with his voice in place of his hands.
“Good job, love,” Aether praises. “Bet you’re nice and stiff between your legs for me now, aren’t you?”
“Y-yeah,” Dew answers, “‘M hard, Aeth. Getting all wet for you too. Want you to touch it. Please.”
“Lemme touch it, then, sweet boy. Lemme see how wet you’re getting for me,” Aether answers. “Spit in your hand, Dew, get it nice and wet for me. Just the way I would do it.
The wet sound of Dew spitting into the palm of his hand has Aether growling and tugging his sweats down to pull his cock out. When he hears the sound of Dew slicking himself up, he wraps a hand around the base of himself and squeezes.
“Good,” he praises, breathing hot into the phone. “Is it dripping now?”
Dew answers with a weak little uh huh, as he slicks himself up with a palm full of spit, mixing in with the pre his cock is undoubtedly dribbling out at the sound of Aether’s voice.
He has Dew jack himself off for him, reveling in the wet sounds of Dew’s hand working sensitive flesh. In the sweet little sighs and purrs as Dew imagines Aether’s big fist wrapped around him instead. When Dew whispers that he’s close, Aether tells him to stop, hands off, and the choked little whimper he hears lets him know that Dew’s done exactly as he’s been asked.
“Doing so good for me, baby,” Aether tells him, breath shallow as he starts to stroke himself. “Two fingers in your mouth for me now. Get ‘em nice and wet.”
Aether hears Dew suck two fingers into his mouth, hears the wet little sounds of him lapping at the digits. How he can tell Dew pushes his fingers all the way to the back of his throat, just far enough that he struggles not to gag, before pulling them out and waiting for Aether’s next instruction. 
“Spread your legs now, nice and wide,” Aether instructs. “Touch yourself down there, just like I would. Start slow for me and feel yourself open up when you put ‘em inside.
Dew goes silent as he does what Aether asks, running his wet digits around the rim of his already wet little hole. He feels what Aether would feel if it were him fingering him open. Feels the way he stretches so easily as he pushes inside, how easily he takes two fingers.
“Got two fingers inside now, Aeth,” Dew whispers. “Oh, it feels nice. Feels like when you do it.”
Aether has Dew finger himself like that. Tells him to feel how hot he is inside, how soft. Tells him to feel the way his rim flutters around his fingers when he pushes in deep and crooks his fingertips just right.
“Can you get three inside for me now?” Aether asks after a while. “Gotta get you nice and stretched out for my cock, my love.”
“Y-yeah,” Dew answers, breathless and sweet as he pushes three fingers inside himself just like Aether asked. “Want your cock in me, Aether.” Dew sighs at the stretch, feeling full the way he would if it were Aether’s cock breaching him instead.
“Hold the phone between your legs for me, baby? I wanna hear how wet you are.”
There’s a moment of shuffling, the sharp scratch of the speaker dragging across the pillow fabric, and then Aether can hear it. The slick, rhythmic sound of Dew fucking his fingers in and out of his wet little hole. It’s completely filthy, the obscene, unmistakable sound of sex, and to Aether, it’s the sweetest fucking sound he’s ever heard in his life.
He groans, jacks his cock faster, working to match the rhythm of Dew’s fingers. If he closes his eyes he can picture it perfectly. Dew laid out in front of him, legs spread wide as Aether stuffs his tight little hole with his cock, fucking him deep and perfect until they’re both shaking with it.
A high-pitched moan from Dew breaks Aether from his vision.
“G-gonna cum, Aether,” Dew warns. “Gonna cum on your cock like this. Oh, wanna cum with you inside me, Aether,” Dew babbles, fucks himself faster, pressing in so deep with his fingers that Aether can hear his rhythm falter as he works himself closer to the edge.
Aether’s not far behind as he jacks himself faster, the slick sound of Dew’s fingers and his breathy little moans and cries working together to send him over the edge. He cums with a shout, just as he hears Dew give one final guttural ohhhh, as he clamps down on his fingers and shoots his load.
They come down together, panting into their phones as they catch their breath.
After a few moments of silence, Dew speaks up.
“Well that was fucking hot,” he snorts. “Got this bed all wet though, good thing Phantom isn’t coming back after all.”
Before they hang up, Aether tells Dew how much he loves him, that he’s counting down the minutes until he gets the little fire ghoul into his bed for real again.
Dew says goodnight, tells Aether that he loves him back, sounding happy and spent and breathless - the tired, sad tinge to his voice chased away for the night as he falls asleep with a smile on his lips.
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