#slytherin snake plush
thatslytherinqueen · 3 months
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I customised another plushie with my signature purple hair into my Hogwarts Legacy mc recent version.... even put her hair in a bun like what she has. 💚🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️💜💜💜💜💜
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choccy-milky · 2 months
the other day, I saw a Sebastian plushie and thought 'wouw! Choccy-Milky is so popular, there's even plushies of her stuff!'..... and then I remembered Sebastian's an official character and not just Clora's boyfriend
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS SO FUNNY yes, good...my plan is working....
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hogwarts legacy? what's that? are you feeling okay, anon? don't you mean Clora's Boyfriend™
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sammysfurshoppe · 2 years
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A bunch of house plushies made for commissions and gifts, pattern thanks to Choly Knight
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Between the two of you
Sebastian Sallow x gn!reader
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Tags: fluff | jealousy | misunderstandings | first kiss
3k words
Summary: Rewriting of the events of the Shadow of the Study/Discovery quests. Sebastian is jealous, paranoid and stupid, and definitely into you.
Sebastian stood in awe at the ornately decorated door in front of him, with the unmistakable serpentine detailing one would expect from Salazar Slytherin’s imagination. Y/N was talking to Ominis, trying to figure out the way forward, their low conspiratorial whispers were getting on his nerves as he tried to block out the conversation and concentrate on the problem in front of him, to no avail. Ominis had heard a voice, and Sebastian could see his mind working, putting together the clues. Of course the door could only be opened by a true descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this," Ominis muttered.
The high hiss that erupted from Ominis' mouth filled the room, sending a shiver down his spine. Sebastian had heard Ominis speaking Parseltongue only a handful of times before, many years ago. They had encountered snakes whilst exploring the countryside around Feldcroft and Ominis had been able to converse with them, inviting the creatures along on their adventures. Only in the years of his adolescence did Ominis decide to stop using his ability, associating it only with dark wizards—Sebastian thought this a shame, and it irked him that Ominis wasted his inherited gift.
"Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed," Y/N said, eyeing him in astonishment. The look she gave Ominis lingered, her mouth parting slightly. Sebastian felt his stomach lurch uncomfortably, a feeling he recognised as jealousy, though of what, he wasn't sure. He had no time to dwell on it.
"Between the two of you, I'm starting to feel left out," Sebastian muttered before he could stop himself.
"Between the two of us?" Ominis asked. 
"I…never mind," Sebastian muttered, watching the two enter the newly revealed room. He shook his head and followed, banishing the intrusive thoughts for further evaluation later.
It was a full week after the events in the Scriptorium when Sebastian was reminded of the conversation. The days following the adventure (for lack of a better word) had been tense and full of a frantic need to push forward. He had studied Slytherin's spellbook during his limited free time, taking the tome to bed with him to pour over its pages before his eyes could no longer stay open. His search for answers to Anne's plight had so far proved fruitless and his mood soured with each progressive day.
Y/N had been spending more and more time outside of the castle and Ominis refused to help Sebastian after the events in the Scriptorium. Sebastian wasn't entirely unsympathetic, he knew of Ominis' deep aversion to the dark arts—but this was for Anne. All in all, Sebastian felt incredibly alone, and the late nights were beginning to take their toll.
When he'd returned from a late night of reading in the library, he'd spotted his friends in the common room, sitting on a sofa and talking. She had that glint in her eye again, the one Sebastian thought she'd only had for him. His chest tightened as he approached and she noticed him as he came into earshot, quickly ceasing their conversation and giving Sebastian a nervous smile. Sebastian returned the smile, trying to hide his suspicion that he had walked in on something private.
"How are you, Sebastian?" she asked.
"Fine," he replied, far too quickly. "You?"
"Well, thank you. I'm sorry I haven't been around much. Do you want some help with your research?"
Sebastian's irritation waned as he looked into her eyes and considered the kind offer. He nodded and sat opposite her in a plush armchair, his eyes flicking to Ominis who was yet to greet him, yet Sebastian swore he had the trace of a small smile on his lips. Irritating. What had they been talking about?
"Thanks, not tonight though. Will you be here tomorrow or are you off on another adventure?" he asked, trying to appear nonchalant.
"I can be here," she said softly.
The answer made Sebastian's stomach flip over as he smiled and leaned back in the chair, casually resting an ankle on the opposite knee.
"Anyway, I'm turning in now. Good night," she said with a yawn and a small wave.
Ominis and Sebastian said their farewells and Sebastian watched her leave, before turning to Ominis.
"So…," Sebastian started.
Ominis sighed. "I still don't want to talk about your research, Sebastian."
"Actually, I wanted to know what you two were talking about when I arrived," Sebastian said, rather more coldly than he'd anticipated.
Ominis cocked his head to one side. "Nothing, just idle chit chat."
Sebastian knew when Ominis was lying, and this was definitely one of those times. Either they had been talking about something private—and what did they have to talk about privately?—or, they were talking about Sebastian. Either way, he didn't like it. He knew Ominis wouldn't betray her confidence, and he didn't want to fight so he decided to let it go, just this once.
The following evening, Y/N kept her promise and followed him to the library after dinner where they settled into a quiet corner and pulled out the old spellbook. Sebastian flicked to the page he had read to, summarising what he'd found. They huddled around the book and lapsed into silence as they both read, Sebastian's eyes blurring as he struggled to concentrate on the text. He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed his eyes, willing himself to carry on, for Anne's sake. His eyes would drift to the hand placed above the book, idly tapping the wooden table, wondering what would happen if dared reach out and take it.
"You should rest, I can carry on and let you know if I find something?" she whispered.
Sebastian chastised himself for wasting the opportunity to spend time with her and progress his research further, but he was so tired from the late nights and poor sleep. His mind raced as he tried to drop off, always working on the problem.
Sebastian shook his head. "I'm sorry, I've not been sleeping well."
"Hmm. Well, I can help you with that," she said, standing up and nodding her head towards the door.
His interest piqued, Sebastian packed up the book and followed her, out of the library and along the winding hallways until they reached the Potions classroom. Sebastian raised an eyebrow in question and she put a finger to her lips in answer. She pushed the door open, peeking into the room before pulling him inside. Sebastian's heart thumped wildly at the touch and he had half a mind to draw her into a kiss, until she pulled her hand away and motioned to Professor Sharp's office.
"What are you doing?" he whispered.
She was already withdrawing her and pointing it at the door lock.
"Alohomora," she muttered, as the lock sprung open.
She rushed into the room, walking straight to the potions store cupboard and scanning the shelves for something. 
"Aha," she said, pulling a small purple bottle from the top shelf.
She placed it in Sebastian's hand and he looked up at her smiling face, trying to remember what the familiar little potion was.
"Dreamless Sleep. You sounded like you need it," she said, brushing past him towards the door.
Sebastian huffed amusedly, turning the little bottle over in his hand and following her out of the room.
"You inspired me the day you helped me sneak into the restricted section," she said as they walked back to the common room.
"Glad to be such a bad influence," Sebastian said with a smirk.
A moment of silence passed as they watched each other, they were walking so close, their hands almost grazing. Sebastian's gaze dropped to her parting lips, when he remembered the moment in the Scriptorium when she had looked at Ominis in the same way.
Sebastian slept soundly that night and returned to his research with renewed vigor the following day. It was a Saturday, and instead of indulging in his usual pursuits of jaunts around Hogsmeade and general mischief about the castle, he buried his head in the spellbook in the library once again. Scribner had taken to eyeing him suspiciously whenever he entered the room, likely confused by his newfound studiousness. Around mid-afternoon, he found the answer he was looking for—the spellbook mentioned a lost relic which had the power to reverse dark magic curses. His heart thumped wildly as he read, his mind getting carried away with the possibilities. He felt one step closer to a cure for his sister—all he needed now was to find it, but first he needed to tell Y/N.
Tearing out of the library, he headed to the common room and searched frantically for signs of her, instead finding Ominis with a book on his lap, deep in concentration. Sebastian wanted to avoid any further conversation about the spellbook and what he had discovered with his best friend. The thought made him sad, that he felt he couldn't share such a remarkable discovery, but Ominis wouldn't understand—he was so staunchly against all forms of dark magic, seeing it as inherently evil rather than a necessary tool that Sebastian believed. Sebastian turned to leave, but it was too late.
"Sebastian," Ominis said.
Sebastian had no idea how Ominis knew he was there, he suspected Ominis knew him by scent. 
"Ominis," he replied. "I was looking for Y/N."
"You've just missed her, I believe she went to see Imelda about a broom trial."
"I see. Were you with her all morning?"
Ominis gave Sebastian an irritatingly sly smile as he closed the book on his lap.
"Only a little while."
Sebastian wondered why his friend was being so vague, and the jealous lurch in his stomach returned once more. He decided to leave before saying something he'd regret, bidding Ominis goodbye and heading to the Quidditch pitch, hoping that she wasn't at one of the other courses outside of the school. He was in luck, as he approached on foot he saw her whizzing through the air between the hoops, all grace and elegance. Sebastian marvelled at her skilled flying, wondering how she had managed such a feat in such a short amount of time. She was incredible, and Sebastian felt thoroughly substandard and undeserving of her attention. Little wonder she had found an interest in Ominis, the descendant of Salazar Slytherin, heir to the old house of Gaunt and resident Parselmouth—they were extraordinary together.
Sebastian sighed as he settled onto a bench to watch, Imelda glaring at her from below on the pitch. As she came to land, she caught sight of Sebastian and broke into a wide smile, which he couldn't help but return. He waited patiently as she spoke to Imelda, who seemed infuriated, then made her way over to him.
"Nice flying. Imelda didn't seem too happy," he said.
"I don't think she appreciated me beating her time on my first try," she said with a small shrug. "What brings you here?"
"You. I have some news, if you have the time."
She nodded, and Sebastian rose from the bench, falling into step with one another as they walked across the grass towards the castle. They agreed to talk in the Undercroft, away from prying eyes and ears. 
"I found what I was looking for. A cure for Anne," Sebastian said as soon as the door closed behind them.
She looked at him, stunned. Sebastian was bubbling over with enthusiasm and energy as the knowledge he had learned poured out of him.
"Evidently Slytherin encouraged teaching dark magic at Hogwarts, neither the Imperius or killing curse was unforgivable in his time. He believed students should be prepared to use dark magic when necessary, not to fear it. That's why we had to use Crucio to gain access to the Scriptorium. He didn't want his knowledge shared with anyone who was afraid of the power of dark magic."
"We did what we had to do," she agreed.
"And I'm glad we did. In the spellbook I found reference to a relic, with the power to reverse dark magic curses. I plan to search for this relic but I don't think we should tell anyone, especially Ominis. He wouldn't understand," he said.
She seemed to consider this, a slight frown on her face. She shuffled her feet and sighed, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of being secretive.
"We need to tell him. He's the reason we found the book and he deserves to know."
The reason? Sebastian thought that was a bit of a stretch. He'd been the one to cast the curse to open the final door, Ominis had only refused. If it were up to Ominis, they'd still be trapped in the Scriptorium.
"You've seen how he frets about the dark arts. I'll tell him when I've found the relic," Sebastian said shortly.
She looked taken aback and a little hurt, and Sebastian regretted his tone—his jealous hurt was getting the best of him, he needed to regain his composure.
"I'll let you know when I have more news," he said reassuringly. "And don't worry about Ominis, keeping this to ourselves for now is for his own good."
She relaxed and nodded, her eyes finding his as she dipped her head, looking through her eyelashes at him. Merlin, that look. Sebastian thought himself a charmer, he had a way with women and was usually self assured and some might say, cocky. But somehow, he found himself completely tongue-tied, and his pulse seemed to quicken as the look lingered on in the silence, neither of them wanting to break it.
"I'll decide what's for my own good."
The voice echoed in the room, startling Sebastian as he looked around frantically for the source. Ominis stepped out of the shadows, looking livid. Sebastian had forgotten how well Ominis could stay quiet, he was a master of staying hidden—something he learned at a young age for staying out of sight of his family. He'd heard everything, naturally. After a tense exchange, Sebastian cast another glance at Y/N, who was nervously watching Ominis, he strode out of the room and disappeared into the throng of the castle.
Sebastian sat next to Y/N in the common room, idly chewing on an apple as he mulled over all the information he knew about the relic he sought.
"We might be further along if Ominis would agree to help," he muttered bitterly.
The rift between them had grown over the past few days since the encounter in the Undercroft. Sebastian missed his friend, but their anger at each other's differing opinions just led to more arguments. 
"Ominis is just worried about you, Sebastian," she said.
"There's nothing to worry about."
"I know, but…"
"Why do you always side with him? No, don't tell me, I don't want to know," Sebastian said, immediately regretting the words as they left his mouth.
"You don't want to know? I just think he has a right to be worried, given his past," she said tersely.
"Has he told you everything, then? I didn't realise you'd become so close, though I wondered what you were whispering about that day in the common room."
Sebastian looked at her, her beautiful face now one of anger, her eyebrows knitted together in a deep frown.
"You're wrong."
And with that, she was gone. Sebastian grimaced and shook his head at his own stupidity. The stress of his strained relationship with Ominis and the urgency of Anne's situation was getting to him, and he had taken it out on her—she didn't deserve that. He ran across the room and out of the door, taking the steps three at a time and almost toppling a first year over as he tore past. Where would she have gone? His mind raced as he touched on the possibilities, and landed on the most likely scenario. He hurried all the way to the seventh floor, trying to ignore the painful stabbing in his side, when he saw her marching along the corridor in front of him.
Sebastian called her name and bent over against the wall, trying to catch his breath. She turned and looked at him, surprised, her expression softening as she walked toward him.
"I'm…sorry," Sebastian gasped.
"Clearly," she said with a smile.
"I didn't mean to sound so…jealous," he said, straightening up.
"Why would you be jealous?" she asked, her head tilted to one side.
"You and Ominis. You're both so…extraordinary."
"And here you are searching for a way to cure your sister after being told it was impossible, unearthing Salazar Slytherin's secret Scriptorium, researching the answer to a lost relic. Don't think you're not extraordinary, Sebastian."
Sebastian's throat was dry as he took in her words, the tenderness completely unexpected. 
"I believe in you, Sebastian," she said, almost a whisper, holding out her hand to find his.
Her skin was warm and soft and she stroked the back of his hand with her thumb, sending shivers up his spine. Sebastian had been wrong, he realised as he studied her face. The way she looked at him, he'd been an idiot not to see it.
Sebastian pulled her towards him and drew her into a kiss, placing a hand delicately behind head. Her lips pressed into his, small and soft, the perfect fit. His anger and stress seemed to melt away as they stood holding each other in the quiet corridor, her hand had tentatively made its way to his head and her fingers ran through his hair. She pulled away, smiling at him with a twinkle in her eyes. He returned the smile, tracing her swollen bottom lip with his thumb.
"Beautiful," he whispered.
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hollowwrites · 7 months
Of naps and cats! This sleeph boi has to have had sone great kitty cuddles with all the times he passes out on the floor. Would eve join in on nap time? Or make sure everyone is comfy and go about her business?
Of Naps and Nightmares
I really liked that title. I have stolen it sorry 💚
Also I’m so sorry for how long it takes for me to do requests but sometimes they just sit dormant in my head till I think of something decent.
Summary - An exploration of Ominis’ Insomnia and impending nightmares. Fantastic right? No cats are present…
Word Count - 1101
The First Time Evelyn found Ominis sleeping, it was relatively normal.
He sat upright in the large plush chairs by the fire of The Common Room, the only indication he was asleep was the fact his eyes were closed and his wand drooped in his hand.
She shook him awake softly, delighting in the soft frown that fell on his features, even whilst unconscious.
He’s probably scolding Sebastian in his dreams.
She explained he must have fallen asleep and that she would help him to his dorm, but he gently shook her off with the halfhearted explanation of ‘He hadn’t been sleeping’.
The Second Time, again, there was no need for concern.
He was all limbs and joints folded over the back rest and arms of the sofas in the Common Room, a clear display of his exhaustion. She could almost map his movements across the room, stumbling in after a long Potions lesson, tossing his wand to the side table and collapsing on the nearest soft object.
His words rang through her head as she reached out to wake him.
‘I haven’t been sleeping very well, as of late’
With this in mind, she decided the best course of action to be to join him. She threw her robe over his gangly, splayed body and sat on the floor by his head. His soft snores and tiny mewls amused her and succeeded in distracting her from her light reading.
A whole hour passed before he stirred. There was mild confusion as to why he had two robes all of a sudden. But he could smell her on him and near him.
Of course, she stayed.
The Third Time was slightly alarming. If not for the location then for the circumstances.
Evelyn walked by a gaggle of first years, muttering and laughing to themselves as they huddled over something.
She paid them no mind. Though the mix of Red, Yellow, Blue and Green did intrigue her and she wondered what fantastical phenomenon could unite the houses.
She needn’t have wondered long.
As she walked by she overheard one of her fellow Slytherins egging on the crowd.
“I’ve heard he’s a vampire… ‘ts why he sleeps in the day”
“He can’t be a vampire, he’s in the sun”
“Maybe he’s immune? Them Gaunts are powerful”
Evelyn pushed her way through the first years, some of them even taller than her, and when she reached the other side, she was greeted with the increasingly familiar sight of Ominis, propped up on his elbow leaning against the arm of the bench.
He looked statuesque. Almost like he was made of marble. His fair skin and the dark circles under his eyes only lending themselves to the comparison.
And once again it looked as though he had fallen asleep rather than choosing to. His neck craned to the side uncomfortably, robes still worn instead of wrapped around him and his grip still firm on his wand.
Too firm.
His knuckles were bone white, his finger digging into the hilt and his whole arm trembled slightly. It was then when she noticed the frown carved into his features and the quiet murmuring leaving his lips occasionally.
“Don’t you all have classes to attend? Shoo!” Evelyn hissed back at the crowd of children, watching as they dispersed with varying levels of fear. She was, after all, the new fifth year.
The girl whose arrival was derailed by a dragon.
The girl who slays Trolls and saves villages.
And the girl who kept the company of snakes.
She turned back to this particular sleeping Slytherin and crouched in front of him, peering up at his face. The wrinkles either side of his eyes grew deeper as his face scrunched up in anguish.
“Ominis…?” Her voice was soft as she tried to rouse him from his slumber. Her hand shook his shoulder gently and he awoke with a gasp…or more of a shriek. His eyes searched in vain for something he would never see until they fell onto her.
He looked…in pain.
She probed him for more information, begged almost. He replied the same,
I’m really struggling to sleep
The Fourth Time, she’d had enough.
They sat together, as they did most nights, a comfortable silence and a warm blanket over them both.
It was almost forced upon them, their friendship, but neither minded. After the mess that was the Scriptorium, and the slow maddening descent of their friend, they clung to what shred of companionship they could. And found it in each other.
“Evelyn…” Ominis mumbled almost incoherently.
“Mm hmm” she replied without looking up, and received no reply.
She turned towards him, greeted by the top of his head as it fell to her shoulder. He groaned softly next to her as the weight of his body limply fell against her.
“Ev…el…mmm” his neck twitched into her and suddenly it didn’t feel like a sweet moment of falling asleep, soothed by the others presence. His groans faded to whimpers and the violent outbursts of his limbs spread all over. His neck, arms, shoulders.
Then his boney fingers dug into the soft flesh of her thigh causing her to let out an involuntary pained squeak. His eyes shot open to the sound and he was on her, immediately. Brow furrowed and covered with a thin sheen of sweat, he padded around the cushion next to him to find her in his sleep deprived state.
“Evelyn!” He urged almost shaking her by her shoulders “Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine” she muttered exasperated. Enough was enough. “What is going on with you?”
“I…I haven’t been sleeping very-“
“No” she cut him off, forcing his hands down and off of her “Tell me the truth…”
Ominis sighed. He told her how since this term had started and Sebastians search for a cure had gotten desperate, he’d started having nightmares. They started off small, just a general feeling of dread that would leave him shuddering but otherwise unbothered. But since the Scriptorium, and since he’d heard her bloodcurdling screams…they had gotten worse.
He explained how each time he closed his eyes, he could hear the faint screams of the muggles he’d tortured as a boy. And how her own screams had merged with them. A perfect crescendo to the muted symphony of pain he endured.
“You must promise me, I don’t have to hear that again” he begged clutching her hands, the violent concoction of exhaustion and mental torment reaching its peak in a wave of silent tears. “I know you can’t…it’s impossible but I just…I won’t…I cant…”
“I promise”
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simplifiedemotions · 1 year
Tell Me How You Like It
“I’m reading.”
“I’m at a good part!” Hermione shoved Draco away. He was worse than a purring cat when he wanted affection. 
“Keep reading then,” he said, his silver eyes studying her with rapt amusement. He was the picture of innocence, even when one of his hands was trailing its way up her bare thigh. She glared at him.
“I can’t read if you keep touching me like that,” she huffed in frustration. 
She’d only been gone for two weeks on a business trip to Romania, but as soon as she’d returned home that evening, Draco had draped himself all over her, refusing to let go even when she’d threatened to hex him.
Long, slender fingers flexed against her skin. “If you’re as voracious a reader as you say, then I’m sure I can do anything to you, and you’ll be completely in control,” he challenged.
She sat up straighter. “I can! Just watch me!”
Oh, no. If the determined look he was giving her was any indication, she’d have to be especially strong. 
Only, it was so nice and cosy in their flat. Fairy lights hung by magic warmed the sepia-coloured walls, and the tall christmas tree standing by the roaring fire made Hermione feel relaxed for the first time in weeks now that she was off work for the holidays. 
Though now she wondered if the drink they’d shared, warm tea with a dollop of firewhiskey, coupled with the picturesque warmth of their flat, wasn’t all some sort of seduction technique on his part. 
She looked at Draco meaningfully, but the damned man gave nothing away. He only gave her a lopsided grin before he moved down her body, like a snake.
“Malfoy,” she warned. 
He kissed her ankle, and she shivered.
“Hermione,” he said softly.
She turned her eyes back to her book, though her attention was firmly fixed on the warm breath that was skating its way up her leg. A soft kiss to each knee, before she felt his dimpled smile on the crevice of her inner thigh.
He opened her to him, and she inhaled a breath when she saw the clear hunger in his gaze. He looked at her, asking for approval, and she gave only a quick nod. Believing she would moan if she let out a sound, she thought it best if she stayed quiet.
Draco seemed to have other plans. 
Hermione did the best she could. She was under duress, picked away and attacked in the way only a Slytherin with a sinful, sonorous tongue could achieve. 
Her knickers were gone within minutes.
But, of course, Draco Malfoy would not count that a full victory. He ignored her sex in favour of her stomach, her hipbones, then kissed his way up her ribs, kneading her breasts through the warm fabric of her jumper (his jumper, she thought viciously).
“It’s entirely unfair that you’re fully clothed, and I only have a book to keep me covered,” she said, pulling at his clothes. 
He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Actually, I believe that suits you rather well.”
He smiled when she flushed, but her irritation with him did not mean that she pushed him away when he reached up and kissed her.
She wasn’t sure where her book went after that. Ruffling his hair, clawing at his shirt, she sought to unravel him the same way he did her.
Not long after, she was underneath him on the plush carpet, and Draco was kissing her everywhere he could reach. She’d at least gotten his shirt off, and had access to his skin. 
She was a writhing mess, wanting to push that sinful mouth lower to her sex, where she would forgive him for his deceit.
“Please,” she said, accepting her defeat. She would get him back later. Maybe with one of his favourite ties.
“Tell me how you like it, Hermione,” he whispered against the underside of her breast.
A soft caress, a hand stilling her hip as she squirmed.
“Lower,” she breathed.
He obeyed. 
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kellbell729 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Squishmallows Harry Potter Slytherin.
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leskrapouilles · 2 years
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#894 & #975 : Serpentard : coton imprimé, minky, flockage, feutrine - Fait sur mesure et adopté! patron par @Sew desu ne
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elises-pieces-plush · 3 years
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Shop Update! Restocked the house mascots!
link is in the source
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moodboards-for-fun · 5 years
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Dark pansexual slytherin dating a pastel lesbian hufflepuff for @tiffy119. Hope you like it! Let me know if you need anything changed.
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thatslytherinqueen · 28 days
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spoopysammymoose · 4 years
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I purchased these Harry Potter Hogwarts Houses plushie patterns from CholyKnight...
Is anyone interested in ordering a plush? They would be $60/£49 for  each individual plush (including a house scarf and witches hat),  although I can only make these if I have 10 people interested and able  to purchase. PWYW payment plans would be available for these as well (this means any amount of installments of any amount you want over any period of time you want until the plush is paid off).
I can ship these as well, I would estimate roughly $10/£9 in the U.S., $12/£10 to Canada, and $15/£13 international.
These plushies stand at 7" tall.
So far I have 8 people interested ^^
I have been making felt badges and costumes over on my main page if  anyone wants to look at my work for examples. Thank you!!! https://www.facebook.com/SammyFurShoppe/
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2-dsimp · 3 years
Thoughts on naga kenma 👀
Ooooh I’ve been WAITING FOR DIS ONE ☝🏽
Naga! Kenma
Headcannons 🧡
Naga Kenma who wraps his long slytherin body around yours in order to gain exposure to the plump warm flesh that radiates the right amount of heat for his liking when preparing for a quick nap session, once he nudges you with his tail into his favorite cuddling position you’ll be stuck as his honorary heater for god knows who long—
Naga Kenma Who tightens the coils around his plush human who tries and fails at attempting to escape from his surprisingly strong clutches, tightening his lean arms around you whilst pressing your back to his chest
Naga Kenma will no doubt lean down with his long tongue flickering across your neck, emitting a small hiss of warning paired along with you a sassy look which says “Who said you could leave?” I-BYE
Naga Kenma who practically latches onto you like a leech when ever you try to leave his humble abode to get something from the store, he’d be like I’ve got everything you need what’s so important that got your ass walking out the door?
please if you’re going to leave this lil Snake boi don’t forget to buy him new games along with some apple pie and maybe just maybe he’ll forgive the audacity of you trying to leave him
Naga Kenma who’s known to be quite passive turn straight up feral when he smells that you’ve been around way too many people—And just start to rub his scent glands all over your body in a short burst of possessiveness, he’s not the type to get worked up but when it comes to you…
He can’t help the satisfaction that comes with marking you as his with a sharp bite to where your scent glands are the most potent, don’t worry he’ll make sure to clean up his mess of slobber and lap up the sweet blood dripping down your chest—AKEBXGVXS
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prettyvampiress96 · 3 years
The Malfoy Secret
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Chapter 1
Sat in her defence against the dark arts class, Anastasia sat at her desk with her head down, her long black hair falling from its place over her shoulder and her feather quill elegantly scrolling notes across the parchment in front of her under the watchful eyes of Professor Lupin. Anastasia was in her seventh and final year at Hogwarts so studying for the N.E.W.T.S were strictly underway. As Head Girl , Anna's free time was extremely limited even the she spent it mentoring some of the younger members of her house. Professor Lupin was currently recapping over a subject they had covered at the beginning of the year when a knock echoed throughout the large room.
" Forgive me for interrupting your lesson Remus but might I borrow Miss Rosier . There's a situation that requires her immediate assistance" Professor McGonagall asked her eyes locking directly to Anastasia's. When Remus nods his head granting Anastasia permission to leave the class. "Miss Rosier you'll want to collect your things class will no doubt have long finished by the time you'll return" McGonagall spoke up once again. Anastasia nodded slightly confused and with a flick of her wand , her belongings were packed and in her possession. " Professor McGonagall ma'am with all due respect may I know what the situation is that requires me to be pulled from my class" Anna questioned the head of Gryffindor house. " It would appear Miss Rosier that a child of whom you are mentoring and as of whom you are known to be close too has been injured by a hippogriff, the extent of the injury I myself am unaware now if you could Madame Pomfrey shall be waiting for you in the infirmary wing. I have to alert Draco's parents" The transfiguration teacher informed . As Anna heard Draco's name she immediately began sprinting to the infirmary wing , the blonde haired boy was indeed close to her . Anastasia burst through the infirmary doors catching sight of Draco in the bed surrounded by other Slytherin's. The Slytherins and the Slytherin head girl stood at Draco's bedside whilst his arm was mended. Anastasia knew this was a lucky escape for Draco , she had no doubt that the Gryffindor trio were in some way involved. They always were. Draco had to stay for observation for a few hours so his friends dispersed to lunch, Anna stayed getting the run down from Draco on what had happened. Anastasia had stood with her back to the large infirmary doors so the pair had yet to notice the set of parents in the doorway observing. " Draco what do I tell you time and time again , if you want to go at war with the Gryffindor's then be smart about it . A snake lies low before it strikes and therefore its prey is unaware and then dead. Take myself for example do you see me all out duelling in the courtyard? no you don't . Even after that Weasley insulted my family I planned ahead and I struck him when he least expected it and I've yet to see Percy on my rounds since. The moral is be smart Draco and don't lose us anymore points or you may find yourself duelling me little Malfoy" Anna joked patting Draco's good shoulder both of them laughing together until the pair heard chuckling behind them. Anastasia eyed the two adults lurking in the doorway , she didnt have to ask who they were to know that these were Draco's parents. After all her family had mentioned the Malfoy family countless of times, although she hadn't expected them to look so breath-taking. The woman hurried at great speed to Draco's bedside Lucius standing right beside her. " Draco my poor baby don't you worry that animal and that sad excuse of a teacher wont be on the grounds once your father is finished with them. Nothing hurts our baby" Narcissa cooed failing to notice the blush spreading across Draco's face. Anastasia giggled at Draco's embarrassment. " Sorry to interrupt Draco but now youre family are here I see you're in good hands so I shall leave you be, but take this" handing Draco a book for transfigurations " I know its not your strongest topic but itll do for now considering your not in class and I'll help with your homework after alright. We need to keep those grades up after all" she offered. Anastasia managed to move two steps before a figure blocked her way. Looking up she found herself looking into the ice blue eyes of Lucius Malfoy himself. " Do forgive me but who exactly are you we know Draco's friends and your face isnt one we are likely to forget is it darling?" The tall blonde questioned his wife. She moved to his side humming in thought. " No Darling I do believe we havent met her I am sure of it" Narcissa assured her husband both of their eyes coming to glance at Anna. " My name is Anastasia Esmeralda Rosier and I am Slytherin Head Girl and Draco's mentor
courtesy of Professor Snape sir " Anastasia spoke clear not allowing the pair to see how intimidated they made her. When Anastasia glanced back towards Draco , he simply shrugged during their interaction. The pair both missed the looks that the elder Malfoys shared with one another.
Draco was released from the infirmary wing in time for dinner that evening and as promised Anna assisted him in anything he didnt quite understand while at the same time revising over all of her N.E.W.T.S that she was set to take in a mere few days. Just over a week later N.E.W.T.S had finished and all students were packing up the dorms ready to spend summer break at home. Many of those students already excited for the next year. Draco Malfoy was one specific student who indeed was not looking forward to returning knowing that Anastasia would now not be returning. Her final year now complete. Anastasia was a nervous wreck now that the time had finally come , the fact that she wouldn't be a student at Hogwarts next year really had begun to sink in . There were plenty of careers she had in her mind . She had already been accepted to work within the Ministry of Magic.. Working was something that also had young Anastasia scared. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't worried, after all her last name is the name of her father therefore would others think she was destined for the same fate despite never stepping a foot out of line. As Anna settled herself into the comfort of her train compartment , she curled up on the plush fabric of the seat and leaned her head against the window , closing her eyes she was thankful for the chance of an empty carriage it happened on rare occasions. Moments later that silence was disturbed by a white headed third year. Ana had half expected Draco's cavalry to file in right behind him but it was just him. The pair just looked out the window unsure of what to say to each other. The train began to slow to a stop signalling they were at kings cross this was it . This was their goodbye. People from all houses began filing out onto the platform 9 and 3/4 .
The white mane of the elusive Lucius Malfoy could be spotted miles away. Anastasia's Aunt had come to meet her despite her not feeling herself. This was her younger brothers only child and the child she raised and treated as her own. Merlin himself wouldn't stop her from missing this. With her luggage in tow Ana had spotted her aunt Amalthea Rosier or aunt Thea as Anna called her and headed directly for her . Anna embraced her Aunt in a large hug. "Auntie you didnt have to meet me here , you should be at home resting, I could have apparated home, but thank you " Anna thanked her aunt tearfully appreciating the effort she had gone through to be there. Thea didn't have a chance to respond as a pair of arms enclosed around her nieces waist, holding her from behind. Anna looked down and turned to see who the culprit was . Staring into the greyish blue eyes of Draco. "I'll miss you Annie. Promise me you'll visit me before I go back to school and we have to stay in touch that's not negotiable I'm afraid and I'm a Malfoy I get what I want" Draco smirked at Anna. " Oh Draco I don't know I was looking forward to no more potter drama or Draco theatrics" she joked back smiling at the boy . Draco looked a tad offended. "Of course I'll keep in touch but let's at least get home first " she laughed , patting Draco on his shoulder . Bowing her head to Draco's parents in a sign of respect. Both families apparated to their respected homes.
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drabblingdraco · 4 years
✬Rebound ✬ Draco Malfoy X Reader (Smut)
A/N- Hi! I just created this account so I don’t have much content..but I’ll be posting imagines I’ve written on Wattpad. Enjoy!
Summary: Harry just broke up with you and in the midst of your anger, you run into someone you didn’t want to see. 
Warning- Smut, swearing
If you are underage please do not read.
"I don't think we're meant for each other (y/n)..our houses conflict with our relationship."
You sat on Harry's bed across from him, speechless over the words that were coming out of his mouth. He couldn't even look you in the eyes while he was breaking up with you.
"I..I don't get it,” you said as your voice slowly broke. “This has always been an issue we said we could work through together. Now all of the sudden you don't want to fight for us?" You shot up out of your place in anger, grabbing your robe.
"You'll always be a Slytherin..just like I'll forever be a Gryffindor. But you know how much I care about you."
"Well obviously not as much as you do Gryffindor. Goodbye Harry." You sped out of the room, emotionless.
You might be a part of the house most people despise, but you have feelings believe it or not. You can still go through pain. Come to think of it, you weren’t sad at all..you were mad; furious even. You needed to do something to get this off your mind. Anything to stop you from flying away from this place.
Lost in your thoughts walking through the boys dormitory, you literally ran into your mortal enemy.
It's weird to despise someone in your own house, but you were both at the very top of Slytherin. Having gathered the most points and impeccable skills of wizardry in the house. You were always pinned against each other amongst your peers.
He looked you up and down. "Watch where you're going, (y/n/n)," he snapped while reaching for his wand.
"How many times do I have to fucking tell you-" You grabbed your wand from your back pocket.
"It's (y/n), oh sweetheart how could I forget? (Y/n/n) just sounds...so much better, doesn't it?"
You yanked his wand from his hand and reached for his robe, dragging him to the corner of the hallway, pinning him against the cool concrete wall.
"Say it."
"What?" His eyebrows crinkled as you stared him dead in his glimmering, grey eyes.
"Say my name, correctly."
He was about to utter words, but not before leaning towards your ear. His hot, steaming breath made the hairs on the back of your neck shoot straight up.
He whispered seductively, "...(y/n/n)," dragging out the (last letter of y/n).
He wrapped his arms around you so tightly your breasts were pressed firmly against his chest, you could feel your hearts beating in sync. You whispered into his ear, "don't make me do something I'll regret."
"Oh?" He whispered. "What about poor Potter?" You instantly became enraged. You spun around quickly, beginning to walk away. It was clear to him that his comment flipped your mood. He grabbed your arm before you could get too far away, pinning you against the wall this time.
"I can give you what he can't," he said. His arm that was grasping you slowly trailed upwards towards your shoulder.
He snaked his warm, soft finger pads up your neck with a feather like touch, cupping your cheek. His fingers grazed over your bottom lip, begging for the okay.
You questioned what both yours and his intentions were. To him it's probably just a hookup, to you..I guess you could say it was a rebound. What you did know in that moment was you yearned for his plush, pink lips more than anything.
"Just kiss me already" You whispered.
He wasted no time pulling your jaw towards him, making the margin of both your lips collide. You danced in sync, as if you knew exactly which way the other would glissade. You moaned against the entrance of his mouth, begging for more.
"God (y/n/n), you're much hotter than I anticipated. You have a way of driving me mad." He hissed.
He tugged at the hem of your skirt, following the motion by reaching up and caressing your inner thighs. You found your eyes rolling back in to your head.
"Now say my name" he moaned. His one hand rubbing your thigh while the other was at the edge of your underwear.
"Never" you said as you reached for his area, starting to palm him. He jolted from the unexpected touch. You started to lightly caress him over his slacks. You could tell he was distracted by this, because his hands became stiff on your skin.
His fingers dived inside your underwear. When he felt how soaked you were, his eyes locked with yours. He began to move his fingers in circles over your clit. Your head inadvertently leaned back. You bit your lower lip, trying your absolutely hardest not to submit to him.
He began moving faster the more you ignored his plea. You held back as much and long as you could, but it didn't last long. You surrendered to him, moaning his name.
"D..Dr..DRACO!" He sped up and you could feel the climax reaching its peak.
"That's right (y/n), finish for me." He then plunged his fingers inside of you. You were reaching your whits end and let out a high pitched moan as you came.
He crashed his lips onto yours, creating a hot, passionate kiss. He released your locked lips and pulled his hand out from your underwear, dragging your wetness down your thigh.
"That was only half of what I can give you (y/n). You'll have to work for the rest."
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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"Welcome a most British of videos" y/n smiled at her sofa holding a soft owl plush and a bright blue dress
"what are we doing?" Thomas asks sipping his tea
"We are seeing in what houses we would be in if we got the magical owl letter from Hogwarts"
"I know yours"
"to be fair I do too but I will do an additional test to make sure, and you've never taken a test have you?"
"No, Never."
"I am a Ravenclaw, I've got Ravenclaw three separate times so I am very set into being a Ravenclaw but I will do another one for the point of the video" she smiled "What do you think you are? or what are you hoping for Thomas?"
"Uhhhh... What are they again?"
"Gryffindor, That's a red lion or well red griffin, Ravenclaw is the blue raven, Slytherin is the green snake or serpent, and then Hufflepuff, which is the yellow honeybadger"
"Uhhh I guess, I kinda want Ravenclaw so that you and I would sit at the same table in the main hall, and have the same common room, and I could maybe sneak over in the common rooms and come into your bed for a cuddle?"
"that why? just so we can cuddle"
"Mostly yeah, But I don't know" He shrugs "Will you still love me if I'm in a different house than you?"
"Of course, I will"
"Even if I'm  a Slytherin?"
"Well....... I'd think about it"
"No, I'll still love you, Thomas, no matter what house you are"
"thank you sweetheart"
"it's fine whatever house you are, you'll still be able to invite me to the yule ball"
"Of course, I would, You'd be my date and I'd be an utter gentleman and walk you back to your dorm with a little kiss" he smiled
"Awww that's cute" she smiled giving him a kiss "I shall go first, and see if I get my house again" she smiled grabbing her computer "And I...... Am a Ravenclaw" she smiled as she finished the test
"Still a Ravenclaw" he laughs "Its weird how you always get it"
"I'm just a true Ravenclaw"
"clearly, is it my turn now"
"Yes. don't just try to get the answer you want" she says handing her laptop over
"I shall try" he says slowly answering the questions, "Okay. I am ...."
"Aww, you're a Hufflepuff!"
"Hufflepuff. That's what the badger?"
"Honeybadger yeah" she smiled "you're a good finder"
"Good finder. Yay"
"to be fair the Hufflepuff common room is right by the kitchens"
"I'm good with that"
"and you got uhhh Cedrick, he's a Hufflepuff"
"That's cool, who's a Ravenclaw?"
"Damn it, you got luna"
"To be fair, both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff have a bond as there the houses no one cares about. you know not Gryffindor or Slytherin so no one cares"
"That's true, I still love you though"
"I still love you too"
"I still love my little Ravenclaw, and I'm happy to go all the way from the Hufflepuff common room to the Ravenclaw to come to visit you,"
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