kangaracha · 2 months
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After an accident splits apart the group, Felix is left alone in the world, wishing for better days to return (little does he know, that dreams come to those who truly want them).
a/n: for @kokinu09, our beloved zom mother and dedicated supporter of all that we do. happy birthday!
Once upon a time, after a terrible accident, a boy came from another world and stayed in this one and lived quite happily for several years longer.
This is not that story.
"Hey, Yongbok!" that voice calls behind him, and his breath catches in his throat.
He doesn't want to turn around. In fact, he doesn't; not when he can tuck his chin into his collar and fix his eyes on the pavement and walk as fast as he can away, as if he hadn't heard anything at all. Maybe this time, if he pretends that everything is just the same as it used to be and someone will be waiting for him just around that corner, it will come true.
But that won't happen, of course. How could it, when he deserves everything he gets? When he was the one that ruined it all? No, wishes don't come true for people like him. Instead, he will run without letting on that he's running, and they will catch up to him, and it will all play out just like it does every day-
"Yongbok! Hey, lucky boy! Where are you going?"
Felix's eyes betray him, glancing back towards the mocking calls that only grow louder. The sun catches in them for their trouble, sweet golden light from the low horizon, burning at the rings around them and their bloodshot interior. He can only make out the shape of the boys behind him around its glare, the vague features that differentiate them from one another; he couldn't possibly miss Hyunjin amongst their ranks, slinking along at the back like he knows he shouldn't be here.
That's how they catch him; Hyunjin, trying to hide behind another boy. Trying to pretend that he doesn't know what he's doing, right up until the moment Jinyoung's hand wraps around Felix's arm and stops him several metres short of safety.
"You should have waited," Jinyoung says, conversational even though they both know better than to think they are friends. "We wanted to walk with you."
Felix tugs at his arm, trying to wheedle his way out of his grip, but the other boy won't let go, hand wrapped around his arm in an iron grip. "I like walking alone," he lies. "I always go alone."
"I know," Jinyoung says, and gives him a smile that's full of teeth. "It makes me sad. That's why I wanted to walk with you."
"I feel like I never see you with anyone at all, actually," he continues, as if Felix's jaw hasn't screwed itself to the roof of his mouth, as if his skin doesn't turn clammy in the boy's grip and his hand doesn't curl into a fist, tingling from the constriction in his arm above. "Ever since Minho-"
"Shouldn't we get to class, Jinyoung?" Hyunjin asks from somewhere in the back of the gaggle of boys that surrounds them. "The bell is going to ring soon, and we haven't even made it to the gate."
"You used to know Minho, didn't you, Hyunjin?" Jinyoung says instead of answering, swinging around to look at him. "Weren't you two friends?"
Hyunjin hesitates, his face like a rabbit trapped in a corner as he looks for a way to turn, and then shrugs. "I guess so," he says, like he doesn't really know. Or care. "It was a long time ago."
Felix stares at him, the iron-tight grip of Jinyoung's hand on his arm momentarily forgotten in the way that Hyunjin stands there and tips his chin up and pretends that Minho never meant anything to him at all, his eyes turned carefully away to avoid Felix's gaze. Coward, he thinks, and, liar. His gaze sweeps over the boys, sizing them up.
It's a silly thing to do, when there is seven of them and one of him, and no one waiting around the corner to come and pick him up when he doesn't arrive on time...but the way they spit out Minho's name on the pavement like that, the way Hyunjin stands up ramrod straight and stony-faced in their midst and pretends to be one of them, stirs at the hot anger that coils in the bottom of his stomach, goading it into rearing its black, ugly head. And so what if they beat him to a pulp, if they call him names and spread vicious rumours throughout his class? For Minho, it's worth it. For Minho, it's the least he could do, after all the evil he has already caused.
His eyes slide past them, to the street beyond, the alley that darts between two houses. His shadow is not there, his ghost that normally follows on his heels. It's a shame - some days, he might curse at it, others ignore it, but at these kind of times, he thinks he might find a little comfort in looking at that face again.
He doesn't deserve comfort anyway. He deserves what's coming to him, when he tips his chin up and says, "You can't talk about Minho like that."
The way Jinyoung looks at him is dangerous, eyes glittering with a dark kind of intent, an irritation at being questioned when he has so carefully built this troupe of boys who would never dare to. "Yeah?" he replies, eyebrows raised. "Why not?"
All of the breath catches in Felix's chest. He grabs it tight and tries to still the racing of his wild heart. "Because it's disrespectful. And he was my friend."
"You think he wasn't my friend too?" Jinyoung throws back. His grip tightens, his fingernails pressing half-moons into the constellations of Felix's skin. "It's the day that you did it, you know. If you even remember. Or care."
All of a sudden, everything stills. His rabbit-beat heart, the scrape of his throat, the heat of the blood running through his veins. Even the world around him - the sharp chill of autumn, the fog rolling at the feet, the slide of Hyunjin's eyes away from any place where he might have to witness what happens because of his cowardice. Because of Felix's stupidity, because of Minho's stubborn, mule-headed-
"He was not your friend," Felix bites, and then he launches forward, his fist cutting itself open on the yawn of the boy's teeth.
It feels good, for a moment; the sharp split of bloody knuckles, the crack of his jaw under the force of his arm. The way Jinyoung's grip slides from his arm as he stumbles back into the wall, one hand clutching at his face. Felix feels himself smile, wide and wild, in the wake of that disbelief, feels the sting of pain as he shakes out his fist. 
And then a hand finds his stomach, driving all the air from his lungs, and his back finds the pavement, and all he can see is faces and fists, blocking out the morning sky. None of them want to be left out, savage as a pack of wolves upon fallen prey, and Jinyoung isn't inclined to stop them - not that he could, with his jaw cracked in half, blood dribbling from the corner of his mouth.
Not that Felix can see that. He is curled on the ground, barely a prayer able to slide its way past his lips. The world narrows to this; impact, and the expectation of impact, and the memory of the impact even after it is gone, radiating down through his bones into the scar tissue he's already wound around his heart. He doesn't know when they started, or when it will end. Maybe it won't end at all, like those myths where a single moment of time continues to recur, over and over again. Maybe they won't think to stop until he is-
The voice that shouts out isn't Jinyoung, or Hyunjin, or any of the few boys that might think to save him if they happened to pass by. It's too loud and too grating, its edges too sharp. Felix doesn't recognise it, but somehow, he still feels something sad when he hears it; a great sense of longing, or the ache of a time long past or once missed the indulgence of. Whatever it is, fists follow it, grunts of effort and yelps of pain. Boys scatter in every direction, their circle widening. A black shadow stands over Felix, hiding the sun in its shape.
"You wanna go again?" it growls, and as if by magic, every opponent scatters, lost to the whisper of the breeze.
The shadow turns, one pale hand reaching out to help Felix up. Its fingers are slender and long, its forefinger encased in gold; a ring, achingly familiar. Felix stares at it for a moment too long. 
"Are you coming, or do you want to lie there all day?" that voice asks, and the shadow shifts, the sunlight falling in shafts of gold across its face. His face - Minho, his ghost, just as he had been the last time Felix had checked on his heels. Except for the dark bruise that's blooming on his jaw, the split of skin across his cheekbone. The scrape of his knuckles, oozing blood even as he offers that hand. The ghost had never looked like that, not in the five years since he'd first appeared. 
The ghost had never offered him a hand up from the ground either. Mostly, he just stood in the background and judged. Felix is used to it by now.
"Hello-o," Minho says, his voice sing-song in the way it lifts the word and turns it playfully in the air. "Earth to Felix. Are you coming?"
Like he's in a dream, Felix reaches up and takes that hand. Its palm is warm in his, its grip strong as it hauls him to his feet, ignorant of the sharp pain in his chest as he climbs to his feet, Minho a rock against the sway of his body when it protests being upright. Like he's real, like it's possible that he is standing here on the sidewalk in full view of the blazing sun, like he had never gone away at all-
"Come on," he says, their hands sliding apart so that he can throw his arm around Felix's neck instead. The way he drags him forward is relentless, so insistent that any of the words Felix might have said catch in his throat as his focus turns to propelling his feet forwards instead - words like how is this possible and why could they see you and why aren't you dead. Just normal, everyday questions that he'd definitely been prepared to ask when he dragged himself out of bed this morning. Questions every sane person found themselves asking at that point in their lives where their imaginary friend became real, which was a normal and everyday occurance, of course.
He'd spent so much time on that man's couch, being told this was all in his head until he'd learnt to lie about seeing Minho at all. And now...what? All of that had been for nothing? Or he really had lost his mind this time?
Minho walks too fast for him to figure it out, spilling them through the school gates and into the long grey building that waits beyond them, weaving through the crowd of students. Minho makes a beeline for the lockers, following the same path Felix walks every morning, shouldering aside the same kids and shying away from the same beady eyes of teachers. For a minute, Felix thinks it is because he has followed and remembered where to go, hanging off his coattails every day - but then they stop at the locker, and Minho punches in a different combination to the one he's memorised, and-
The locker swings open, and it isn't his locker.
Well, it is his locker. It's the same location, the same 4-1-2 painted on the door; but the untidy pile of books and paper and pens isn't there anymore, the leftover wrappers from snacks, the bits and pieces he has stashed away in the back corner to save for a day he might need them. Instead, everything is organised in a neat row, a jacket folded at the bottom and the rubbish cleaned out and thrown away. Minho's bag swings off his shoulder and slides into its spot on one side, his coat folded over the top of it. 
Felix doesn't realise he's staring, wide-eyed and uncomprehending, until Minho turns his gaze on him. "What's wrong?" he asks, like he can't possibly comprehend how anything out of the ordinary is happening.
Felix shakes his head, his mouth opening and closing as he searches for the words to describe what he's seeing. "How did you-" 
"Lee Minho!" a voice calls over the top of him, loud enough to ring out over the noise of the crowd in the hallway. Their heads swing around at the same time; and there is the principal, her face thunderous and a finger crooked to beckon them toward her. Minho sighs and turns back, slamming the locker closed.
"What did you do?" Felix asks; and suddenly, this feels familiar, like he has fallen into a day in the past that he had just stepped out of for a moment.
Minho gives him a withering look, just the edge of it cut and curved to spare him. "Well, there was the fight outside the school gates," he suggests, so mildly that it circles back around to disparaging.
"Oh," Felix says, and takes stock again of the ache in his ribs, the scrape and bruise of his knuckles. "Right."
Minho laughs and grabs his hand, dragging him further and further into the world.
"Do you want to tell me what happened, Minho?" the principal asks, sinking slowly into the chair behind her desk.
Felix shifts uncomfortably under the gaze of her eyes, piercing blue and unyielding. Minho sits quietly, his spine ramrod straight. "They were hitting my friend," he says, without even a breath to steady himself first, "so I hit them back."
Felix has never understood how someone could be as brave as Minho, whose porcelain veneer has never once cracked. Even when they were kids he was like this, unbending and unbreakable, calm in the face of any storm, including the one that darkens the face of the woman before them. Felix has always been the coward, in comparison, hiding behind Minho until Minho was no longer there to be hidden behind. 
"Jinyoung tells me that you were the one who started the fight," the principal says, and lays a hand flat on the desk before her. "Is that not true?"
"Why would I start a fight?" Minho asks. "He's the one that's always getting into arguments. I've never done anything wrong."
The principal isn't fazed, her gaze and her voice steady as she says, "I was hoping that you would be able to answer that for me."
Minho shrugs. "He started it. I finished it. And it wasn't at school, so it doesn't matter anyway."
"Oh, really?" Her eyebrows raise, shooting towards the ceiling. "You think that you can fight on the street in school uniform, and it doesn't have any effect on us here?"
Felix swallows hard and tries not to breathe in - too full a breath will set his chest to aching, and he doesn't want to feel that. He'd like to just run away from here and forget about the whole thing, really. 
Minho doesn't seem to feel the same way. "I'm going to be late to class," he says, and then dips his head as if that makes it less disrespectful to talk back to an adult like that. "If you want to punish me for protecting someone, then just give me detention."
Her eyes narrow, staring at him like she's trying to see past the barrier of his skin and bone to his soul beyond; like she can tell if he's lying if she only looks hard enough to see it written there on his face. "I'll let you off with a warning this time," she says eventually, and leans back in her chair. It's the first time Felix has seen her blink in the last minute. "A warning, Minho. On your file. Permanently. And I'll be contacting your parents."
"Okay," Minho says, shrugging like it doesn't matter. Maybe it doesn't, to him; Minho has good parents. Kind, generous people that had always taken Felix home with them when his parents were still at work or busy with his sisters, who he'd never once seen raise their voices except for the day that-
"And I need the name of the other boy involved," the principal says, a pen poised over a scrap of paper.
"Lee Felix," Minho says, his eyes straying to where Felix sits next to him. Their gaze meets for just a moment - Felix feels like he is clueless, his eyes begging for answers and his mouth hanging open as if to ask the thousand questions that haunt his mind, but Minho's face is blank, his thoughts hiding behind a mask. 
The principal's pen pauses. "Felix?" she questions, the foreign name uncomfortable on her tongue. "We don't have anyone here by that name. You said he was a student?"
Minho glances over again. Felix can't catch his eye this time; it is there, and then gone again, whatever thought he has had calculating itself in his mind before Felix can even catch on. "He goes to a different school," he says, and pretends that his eye doesn't flick down to catch the tightening of Felix's grip on the arm of his chair. 
The principal's face creases, her mouth pressing itself into a thin line. "Okay," she says eventually, her pen tapping unhappily against the table. "I'll look into it. You can go."
Minho lifts himself up out of his chair without another word, turning on his heel and striding out to the door. Felix has to scramble to catch up, nearly knocking his chair over in the process - it teeters on two legs, caught between standing and falling, and then rocks back to its upright position, the impact swallowed by the carpet.
"Don't knock my things over, please, Minho," the principal says, and when she looks up, her eyes stare straight through Felix, to the pause of Minho's receding back ahead of him. A chill runs down Felix's spine at that blank stare, the way her eyes never seem to focus on him, no matter how close they get to seeing. 
"Sorry, seonsaengnim," Minho says, as if it really was him that knocked the chair over, and slips out the door.
He's pretty sure, as the day wears on, that Minho is only pretending that everything is normal and nothing is wrong and if Felix brought it up, he wouldn't possibly be able to understand what he is talking about.
It's not the way that he makes no comment except for mindless small talk about things that don't seem to matter, things Felix hasn't talked about with anyone since it was normal all those years ago. It's not the charging forward through the day, from one class to the next and then to sit and eat lunch on a hard metal bench in the tall, glassy cafeteria, and then back to class again. Minho has always been the decisive one, throwing himself forward into life. He'd lived like that, and he'd died like that too, and that's how Felix had always remembered him. 
No, it's not that, but rather...the sidelong glances when he doesn't think that Felix is looking. The way that he picks and twists at that golden ring on his finger, his thumb rubbing back and forth incessantly over the tiny inscription on its surface. It's the way that he's so bent on pretending to be normal that it isn't normal at all, all the tension bunched between his shoulders and twisted around the steel of his spine, tightening and tightening and tightening. 
Even when the day ends, when the bell rings and they circle back to that locker and Minho throws his bag over one shoulder and Felix's arm over the other and drags them all out the gate and back onto the streets, he won't stop and admit that anything is wrong, squinting against the sunlight as he follows the same path home that they've been taking since they were old enough to walk themselves, hand in sweaty hand. 
"Today was so boring," he says, as if he can read the spiral of Felix's thoughts and the questions that are bubbling close to the roof of his mouth. As if he has to say something before Felix can blurt them out, or else he won't be able to live with himself. 
Felix's head swings around, staring at him like he is crazy. "Boring?" he asks, like he can't believe what he is hearing. 
The patchwork of Minho's face stares at him in return; red bruises overlapping pale skin, and the clean split of that cut on his cheek, swabbed and dressed by the school nurse. Minho had refused to let her put anything on it, for whatever reason. Felix didn't think that he was the sort of boy who would try to let it scar just because he thought it was cool, but maybe...
"Yeah," Minho says. "All of our classes were boring. What did we even do all day? Just sit around?"
Felix can't think - even when he tries, casting his mind back to each class in turn, he can't remember a single thing they were supposed to have learnt. There's more important things going on than a little schoolwork. "What about this morning?" he questions. "The fight? The-"
"Boring," Minho cuts across him, quick as a whip. "What's Jinyoung's problem, anyway? He knows better than to mess with me."
He's still angry that you died, Felix doesn't say, his mouth screwing shut. He's still angry that it was my fault. Like Hyunjin, hanging off the coattails of those cruel boys; like Jeongin and Seungmin, transferred to other schools, like Jisung, hiding in the film club room with his head buried in the sand. But he can't say that, not to Minho. Not like this. To acknowledge that he used to be a ghost, and now suddenly he is real, that is one thing, but to tell him outright that he shouldn't be here?
What if he doesn't know?
"I think he was just looking for someone to fight," Felix says. "I don't think he cares who."
"Still," Minho insists. "He should know better."
Felix falls quiet, the words drying in the back of his throat. They're rounding that corner anyway, the one that he hates; off the main road and onto that neat, tree-lined street he'd spent his childhood playing in. He doesn't usually walk this way anymore; he goes to the next street instead and doubles back at the other end, an extra ten minute walk better than having to walk past that house and pretend not to see the eyes that peer out from the windows, watching and watching and waiting for something he cannot-
The house.
Minho stops, his arm around Felix's neck pulling him to a halt too; and here they are, standing in that well-worn place on the pavement that his feet haven't dared to touch in so many years. The house stares back at him, red-brick veneer and cream windowsills silently judging him, its windows eyes that never close and its door the frowning line of a mouth. 
Felix shivers under its gaze, shying away instictively, but Minho doesn't seem to notice, his arm sliding away as he turns to face Felix. "Do you want to come in?" he asks, like it is any day of that last summer they'd spent together, wasting away every hour of sunshine in each other's company. "You could stay for dinner. Or stay over, if you want." 
Yes, Felix's chest says, moments before his throat catches the word short. He hesitates, looking between Minho and that house that he's learnt to detest so much, and finds that he can't think clearly around the ache in his chest, the rise of his heart at the thought of all those days returned again, like nothing had ever happened. And it's easy, standing here and looking at this house, unchanged since the first time he'd lain eyes on it, to pretend that nothing had happened - not this weird day, not the worst one of his life, not all the days in between where Minho had been a ghost at his side, an absence that even the warm air couldn't fill.
"You don't want to stay over?" Minho teases gently, shoving his bag further up his shoulder and swinging open the garden gate. It's an invitation he knows Felix can't refuse; not any day in their childhood, when he'd been in trouble so often for being home late, and certainly not now.
"Of course I do," Felix answers, and follows him down the garden path, closing that neat little white gate behind him.
Stepping into the house is like entering one of the dreams that haunts him night after night, right down to the coats that hang on the rack inside the door, the pile of mail dropped on the side table next to them. Minho toes his shoes off and leaves them stacked neatly at the end of the line, just like he always does, pads down the hall on light feet that make just as little noise as they ever did. 
Felix stares at the row for a moment, his own shoes abandoned on the floor in front of him where he would usually leave them when he was young and still ignorant of things like good manners. In the dreams, he doesn't even notice such a small thing as tossing his shoes in a corner on his way through the door; he supposes that he still does everything the same as he had when he was ten years old, his mind skipping over the details that hadn't seemed important to him back then. The focus of the dreams is always Minho, anyway, not his shoes, or the wind of the pavement that brings him here, or whatever his teachers were talking about in the lessons he sits through with Minho by his side.
(Is this all a dream?)
He picks up his shoes, and adds them to the neat row, side by side with Minho's.
The smell of food cooking wafts through the house, sharp spice and roasting pork, the pot that it sits in warming the air. Minho follows the hum of voices talking with the ease of someone who has grown in the house and never left; in the kitchen, he ducks around the arms of his mother with a deftness that sets a stone in Felix's throat and slips over to the fridge, stealing two apples from within its depths.
"Your school called me today," his father says, leaning over the stove to check a particular pot. Rice, Felix realises when he stirs it, the kernals sticking to the spoon when he lifts it out. "It's not like you to get into fights."
"Mm," his mother agrees. "When I told you to make some friends, this is not what I meant."
"I have friends," Minho says, the fridge closing softly behind him. "I only got into the fight because he was beating up my friend."
His father looks up sharply, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Which friend?"
"Felix," Minho says, and points towards the doorway in which Felix hovers, too afraid to enter the room. 
"Who's Felix?" his mother asks without even a glance towards the door.
A chill creeps down Felix's spine, the blank stare of the principal as she looked right through him replaying in his mind. Surely, it could not be happening again - but then, why would the Lee's ever let him inside their house, after all that had happened? How would they not notice him standing here, waiting to be thrown out on the street? It seems inconceivable, just the way that standing in this house again is.
Minho looks at him, his mind slowly calculating behind those clever eyes. "One of my friends," he says, deadpan, and saunters back across the kitchen to Felix, ignoring the way his mother rolls her eyes at him.
"Where are you going?" she asks his retreating back. "Dinner is almost ready."
"I'm going to lie down," Minho answers. He doesn't even pause as he passes through the doorway - Felix is forced to step back, socks shuffling against the cold tile of the floor, to avoid being run into. He stops in his tracks one step past the doorway, turning back as if he's forgotten something. "I'm sorry about the fight. I'll come and get dinner later."
His mother softens immediately - too kind, too forgiving to her only child. Or maybe not, seeing as he was as trustworthy as she thought he was. "Are you going to sit with us later too? There's a movie on tonight."
Minho's brow furrows. "What movie?"
"Oh, I don't know." She turns to look at his father, gesturing for him to help her. "Some American movie."
"Back to the Future," his father supplies without turning around, busy measuring out a particular ingredient over the pot on the stove.
All at once, Felix's heart stops and his chest constricts, all of the air vacating his lungs at once. He can't draw it back in, can't get his blood beating again; how could this be happening and hasn't this all happened before and-
Minho doesn't seem to notice, his mouth twisting as he considers it. "Sounds boring," he says eventually, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe I'll just do my homework."
His parents seem unbothered by the declaration, wishing him well on his journey. Minho climbs the stairs without any hesitation, stopping only to drag Felix along with him when he lingers by the kitchen door, his feet screwed to the ground while his mind races ahead, trying to figure out what it means if Minho doesn't remember enough, and he remembers too much.
"You're no fun, Yongbok," Minho says in the dead of the night, the carpet rustling as he wriggles around restlessly next to him.
"What?" Felix questions, his eyebrows drawing together. Hadn't they just been talking about school, and plans for the future? Minho had been describing the ideal life of a rock, arms flung lifelessly across the carpet in demonstration. Between pangs of guilt at the sound of this boy he's never seen as a living, breathing teenager talking as if he has a future, Felix had been thinking he should aspire more to be a cat, like the two currently pinning down his right arm, strategically slumped over his wrist and his upper arm to prevent any untoward movement. And then-
"You're so quiet." There's a quiet meow, a protest as he attempts to slide his wrist out from under cat #1. "You're not supposed to be that quiet."
"Not supposed to be..." Felix's eyes move from the cat to the ceiling, turning the words over again in his mind. Studying them from every angle; you're not funny, you shouldn't be this quiet. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Minho pauses his disagreement with the cat, turning to stare at him with dark, unreadable eyes. "The last time you were here," he says, like it's obvious, "you were louder. Omma had to tell you to be quiet because she was on the phone."
His heart in his throat, Felix sits bolt upright, his mouth hanging open as if to ask a question he can't remember the words to. Damp hair falls in his eyes, blinding him; he pushes it back with one impatient hand, slicking his fringe back along the top of his head. From the look on Minho's face, he is sure that it sticks straight up in the air. He doesn't have time to worry about it.
Minho knows something, and he has spent the entire day avoiding saying anything about it at all. Because he wanted to enjoy one last day together, or because he thought it was something Felix wouldn't want to hear? Felix doubts it is because he's scared to say it; Minho isn't scared of asking anything, usually.
You knew him a long time ago though. Maybe things have changed.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Minho says, and Felix only knows he's joking because they've been friends long enough for him to learn how to read the tone of his voice. Minho grins, a sly upturn of his mouth like a Cheshire cat, but Felix can't find the presence of mind to return the gesture. If anything, he's sure his face gets paler, his head starting to spin at the pressure that builds in his chest, the fear that clutches at his throat with cold hands and won't let go.
"Do you know what happened?" he blurts out all at once, the words spilling over the carpet, and then covers his mouth with one hand as if that will stop him from saying anything else stupid. Hadn't his plan been to not freak Minho out? To approach this with all the finesse he is clearly not capable of?
Best laid plans, and all that. He might as well have just given up the moment he saw Minho step into the sun this morning, if he wasn't going to try any harder than that.
Minho sits up, resting on one crooked elbow around the mass of a disgruntled cat. His gaze is calm in comparison to the jackrabbit of Felix's heart, hammering away in his chest. "Right now?" Minho asks. "Nothing happened right now." He pauses, and then adds, "You look like you're about to pass out."
"Not right now," Felix gasps, trying to ignore how the second part makes him realise that his head is kind of spinning, his vision kind of blurred. "Years ago. When you went away."
"On vacation?" Minho questions (how is he so calm?). "What happened then? We were bored the whole time."
"No, before that-" Felix stops suddenly, realising that he doesn't even know what vacation Minho is talking about. He can't remember any vacation, not from before he died, and certainly not after. "Five years ago. When you-"
Died. He's gotten used to thinking it by now, after long hours sat on a man's couch and longer still looking at the ghost of the boy following him around, always there but never seen by anyone else - but to look him in the eye and say it is a new challenge entirely, a task he cannot rise to the bar for. Instead, he drowns, and gladly. He's never seen Minho so happy as he is right now, grown and content and talking about the future like there is an entire life ahead of him and nothing could ever happen to break them apart.
"When I first saw you?" Minho questions, and everything stops.
Felix frowns. "When you-"
"When you appeared," Minho insists. "That was five years ago. I remember what grade I was in at school."
"I've only been here for one day," Felix says. 
Minho's head shakes, his fringe falling across his eyes. "You've been here for five years. Do ghosts not have very good memories?"
Felix stares at him, not computing. Minho blinks. Nobody speaks.
"You're a ghost," Minho tells him again, when it's clear he isn't going to say anything more.
Still, Felix stares. "No I'm not," he replies dumbly, rattling the words off like a machine. "You're a ghost. I'm alive."
For the first time since they started talking, Minho looks upset, his mouth twisting in consternation. "Felix," he says gently, and reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder, not minding the cats as they tumble off his arm, stretching and shooting him dirty looks in compensation for their dignity. "No one else can see you. I don't know what happened to you, but-"
"The boys this morning could see me," Felix says abruptly, cutting him off. "Jinyoung and that."
Minho pauses, curiousity colouring his eyes. "That was weird," he agrees. "How did they do that?"
"How did they see you?" Felix throws back. "No one has been able to see you since-"
Minho waits, and waits, but the words stick in Felix's throat, the confession he hasn't been able to make out loud to himself or to the ghost in the five years since it became a reality. He'd come too close to saying it just now, despite all the time he'd spent convincing himself that this was the worst place to say it. 
"Since what?" Minho questions anyway, nothing if not relentless.
Felix feels it welling up inside him, the confession. The truth that wants to come out, no matter how he tries to chain it down. He's always been a bad liar, even in far more favourable circumstances than this, and Minho knows that. He'd spotted it from the first day that they'd met, as boys in a schoolyard - and he'd learnt to play off it, too, to sit there expectantly and watch him twist himself inside out until he broke. 
Not that there had ever been anything Felix wanted to keep from him anyway. The world had been simpler back then, just school and the walk there and the walk home, and all of the time they could steal from their parents. He'd been an open book before Minho had gone away; he was too soft-hearted to be anything else, too willing to please to ever try undermining.
But this...
You can't tell him, he thinks, over and over again, his fingers digging into the soft ream of the carpet; and yet, he can't think of anything else to say. What could he say, when yesterday one was a ghost, and today he is, and Minho seems to know what happened, but he has no idea, and he's never in his life been able to lie anyway, and-
"You died," he gasps, long moments of silence followed by every syllable all at once. 
Minho stares at him. And then laughs. 
"No I didn't," he says. "How could I have died? I'm right here?"
"You fell on the road," Felix says, his fingers picking at the carpet. "And there was a car - you died, Minho. You died a long time ago."
Slowly, the amusement fades from Minho's face. "But I'm still here," he says again, an argument he can't let go of. "I've never even been close to being hit by a car."
Felix shakes his head. "You've been...you're just a figment of my imagination. I made you up in my head, and you wouldn't go away."
"No," Minho insists. "That's you. I made you up in my head, and now you just follow me around." He pauses, matching the confused frown that draws Felix's eyebrows together, and then adds, "You didn't die though. You just appeared one day...or maybe you moved away when you were little. There used to be a kid called Felix in our class a long time ago."
Felix pauses, several movies coming to mind. Bodyswaps, alternate universes, time travel and what-ifs...except none of that had happened, had it? This morning, everything had been normal, and Jinyoung had apprehended him on the street, and then they'd gone to school and-
No one had been able to see him after they hit him. After Minho stepped in, after he chased them away when Felix was too weak to get up off the ground, no matter how many medals he's won or how much better he knows than to pick a fight he can't win (or to pick a fight at all; he might enjoy it as a sport, but he's no street rat, scuffling in the dirt over some petty bygone).
"It doesn't make any sense," Minho says, stretching out like a cat and laying back down on the floor again. Unconcerned; but then again, if he thinks this is how it has always been, then nothing has changed for him. It is only Felix whose world has turned upside down, who was alive and now is only a thought in someone else's head, a ghost in a place that does not want him.
It's kind of poetic, he supposes, that all those years ago he would have given his life for Minho to come back, and now Minho is alive and he is dead, or not here, or just a visitor until he isn't needed anymore. It's kind of deserved. Maybe this is what the universe had been waiting for, throughout all those years of seeing Minho following him out of the corner of his eye, here to him and yet not to anyone else.
"Hey, Felix," Minho says, just as the spiral of his thoughts steps too far into the dark - and maybe he can see it on his face, echoing there in the lines of the frown etching itself above his eyebrows. Felix turns to look at him questioningly, and finds him staring at the ceiling, one hand patting the cat that is busy settling itself down on his stomach. 
"Why did you make me up inside your head?" the older boy asks.
Felix swallows hard, the lump in his throat like a rock he's lodged there to catch all the words he's still trying not to say. Things like because it was my fault, and I couldn't let you go, which is only the truth, but if Minho didn't like him anymore because of it-
"Because I missed you," he answers - the truth, and yet not really the truth at all. He pauses, and then asks, "Why did you make me up inside your head?"
"Hm." Minho hums, his fingers worming their way deeper into the fur on his cat's back. "Because I was lonely, and you were nice to me in my dreams. I never had a friend like that."
"Oh." The word stutters out of Felix's mouth, the rest of its sentence lost in the corners of his stomach. He'd never heard Minho say anything like that, not when they were just boys. Not when he was a ghost, quietly following him around because he had no other choice. It squeezes at his heart - in pleasure, at being Minho's friend when for so long, so many people would tell him that he wasn't any kind of friend at all, but also in cold pain, because-
How could he be any kind of friend, when he had done what he'd done? 
"You should make more friends," he says eventually, forcing the words out between his teeth that want to say don't be anyone else's friend but mine. 
"That's what omma always says," Minho snorts. "And that therapist."
"They sent you to see him too?" Felix asks.
"Yeah," and he can hear the curve of a smile in Minho's voice, carving the words into sharp edges and flat planes. "Because I see dead people."
"I'm not dead," Felix says.
"But I am?" Minho questions. "That doesn't seem fair."
No, Felix's mouth doesn't say. It isn't fair at all.
There's nothing else to do on the second day of being a ghost, so Felix follows Minho to school.
"We could have just skipped," Minho says again as they weave through the traffic in the hallway, his books tucked securely under his arm. "I don't want to go to school anyway."
His heart still in his throat, Felix shakes his head. "I want to go to school," he lies, the same way he had the first time this had happened. "We'll just get into trouble if we skip."
"I'll get into trouble," Minho amends. "You're a ghost."
The reminder doesn't help with the tightness in his chest, nor does the clever smile that plays on Minho's lips even as he takes his hand, dragging him over to their locker. First, the movie playing on TV, now this same day playing out again, just like it had when they were boys...
What was he really doing here? Alive one day, non-existant the next, following around Minho's memory as they relived days of the past? Unless he was just imagining it, or it was all a coincidence, his mind reading too much into what was already an unbelieveable situation.
Just as the thought settles his stomach, he sees the poster, stuck onto the end of the lockers.
SKZ Film Club, it reads, and his mouth turns dry and his blood runs cold.
It's all going to happen again.
"What are you looking at?" Minho asks, realising that Felix isn't listening to whatever it is he is saying, and looms behind him, reading over his shoulder. "The flim club? You want to make a film?"
"You're not in the club?" Felix questions in return, his whole body turning to look at Minho, who just shrugs.
"I know the boys that are in it," he says, "but they're all best friends. I don't want to be the odd one out in a group like that."
Felix is reminded suddenly of the first time he'd seen this poster, hung on a wall in just the next hall over, directing interested parties to a classroom several rooms further away than the one listed on here, and the boys that they had found there when he'd convinced Minho to go; six of them, sat in a circle on desks and chairs, laughing at something Changbin had said just before they'd walked in the room. He's reminded too, of the days that came after they'd made that leap, the friends he'd thought he would keep forever, the summer and winter days they'd clung to each other through.
"Maybe you'd be one of their best friends too," Felix says, like they're ten again and fitting in is all that matters. "You always wanted to be an actor."
"Hm," Minho hums, like he doesn't believe him. "People don't like me like that. Except you."
Felix is so surprised that for a moment he forgets how this story ends, his back turning on the poster. "What are you talking about?" he asks; Minho, seeing what is written on his face, retreats to the locker, burying his head in the open doorway as if that will hide him from the reality he's just created for himself. "Lots of people would like you, if you tried to make some friends."
"Are you trying to say you don't want to be friends with me anymore?" Minho jokes, defensive. "You could just tell me. Float away on the wind or something."
"No!" Felix replies, aghast. "I'm just saying - I don't think they would hate you. I think they'd like being your friends a lot."
Slowly, Minho retracts from the locker, watching him from around the open door. His gaze is sharp, judging - looking for something Felix isn't sure he'll find, down below his skin and bones. "Okay," he says after a moment, slamming the locker closed so hard that it makes Felix jump. "I'll join the club, then."
Felix pauses, long enough for Minho to stand up and stalk away down the hall, sliding between groups of other kids. "Wait," he says, reaching out. "I didn't mean-"
The bell rings, drowning out his voice. Minho doesn't look back, not even to check if he is following - he just keeps walking, charting a direct, determined path towards the open door that leads to the film club, so close that Felix couldn't stop him if he tried. 
This is how it all starts. This is how it all ends.
He should stop him, should run through that hall and shut that door and send him on his way to a safe, lonely existance with no one but a boy no one else can see for company. That would be the safe option - if he did that, wouldn't it stop this chain of repeating events? Wouldn't it stop leading down the same path that it had before? 
And yet, his feet don't move. His hands hesitate. Minho's retreating back is swallowed by the crowd.
He thinks again of those boys, and that endless summer, the happy days that had begun and ended with Minho, that he'd wished so hard and so long to go back to, and...he can't stop him. Can't take that away from him, even though he knows where this road might lead. And even so; does his fear of the ending mean that he should never even let it begin? Hadn't this been part of the wish too - not just that Minho comes back, but that the other boys return too? Hadn't he missed them just as much?
His breath catches in his throat when he gets to the door and looks inside and there they all are, strewn across the desks just like they would have been when they were younger. Even the sight of Hyunjin, the boy that hid within their bullies rather than standing and facing what he knew had happened, lifts his heart; here, he does not frown or suffer. Here, he smiles, the light catching on his face in a way that Felix hasn't seen for several years.
Seungmin is here again, and Jeongin, sitting there side by side the way that they sit side by side in the school across town in his world. Jisung laughs loudly, clinging to Chan's arm to avoid slipping off the desk that he's sitting on, legs dangling in the space between his seat and the ground. Changbin's eyes rove around the room, passing by the door but never focusing in on Felix's pale face peeking in.
Filling in the circle, his back turned to the door, Minho takes a hesitant seat within their group, the light of the windows catching on the smile that slips across his face, and it seems right somehow. Like something that was always meant to happen; a peace that wasn't there before settles into Felix's chest, a certainty that he's done something right rather than something wrong. 
A feeling that maybe he was here to do a job, and this was only the beginning.
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skztword · 2 years
Wait wow wait wait can I request 39 with Lee Seungmin and ler Minho? ❤️
Say it now!
Line="Say it"
As the both of them are known for their cat and mouse relationship, Seungmin tends to be the one who provokes the so called evil cat out of boredom.But one day Lee Know decides that the poor puppy needs to learn a lesson.
As every other day, Seungmin has decided to bother the older member who seemed to be busy on his phone talking to stays on an app called bubble.Minho was too busy to notice the younger approaching him since he was focused on typing and sending voice messages to his fans.
"Hi guys~ what are you doing??" Minho recorded as he sent the voice message to his fans.Seungmin smiled as he seemed to come up with a oh so evil idea to embarrass his hyung while he was sending his messages to their fans.
Seungmin slowly and quietly approached the dancer from behind to not get noticed by the older member while he reached his arm out towards his sides.Minho didn't seem to notice as he was still recording another message to stays.
"I ate bibimbap tod-AH!" Minho shrieked as he jumped up from the sudden squeeze he felt on his sides while accidentally pressing the send button on bubble, which now meant that all stays could hear the embarrassing shriek Minho yelled out.He quickly unseeded the message but already few of the stays seemed to hear it.His face flushed red while reading the messages he received from stays. 『Aw~ that was cute!』『What was that shriek? that was so cute~!』and so on.
Seungmin laughed triumphantly as he saw the evil bunny easily turn into a literal tomato within seconds.But soon his laughter stopped as he was talked down by the dancer to the ground.
"Why did you do that!?" Minho yelled still with faint blush on his face as he glared down at the younger member."What? it was fun" Seungmin cheekily commented as he smirked back at the older member."Apologize!" Minho replied as he raised his eyebrows towards Seungmin indicating that he was angry.Seungmin on the other didn't seem to care still triumph about his little accomplishment.
"Why are you still smiling Seungmin?" Minho asked with a glare.Seungmin shrugged as he replied "It was funny, and hey stays seemed to like it too!"The comment seemed to make the evil bunny flustered again wich caused the puppy's smile to grow bigger.
"You know what you need to get punished until you apologize." The dance commented as he pulled up the vocalist's arms up easily."Oh? what are you going to do? Yell at me?" Seungmin replied cockily as he rolled his eyes."Come on you know I'm not going to apologize."The older member just smirked at the younger member's reaction as he freed one of his arms using one arm to pin both of the vocalists arm up."I knew you were going to say that Minnie, unfortunately for you I have the perfect punishment for you~".
Minho smirked as he dug into the vocalist's ribs causing him to burst into a fit of giggles as he tried to pull aways from the older's fingers."Wahahait! Nohoho! pleaheahse!"Seungmin's giggles sound turned into laughter as the dancer started to lightly squeeze his sides while going under his shirt."Please what Minnie? If you want me to stop you know what to do~"
Now it was Minho's turn to smirk as Seungmin blushed still trying to desperately wiggle aways from the unbearable sensation that he could get aways from.Seungmin knew that Lee Know was one of the most skilled lers in Straykids since he used to "punish" the other younger members by using this method but it actually has been a while since Lee Know has done that to him after Seungmin started to be more independent.
As if Minho read Seungmin's mind he commented, "Been a while since I tickled you shitless huh?I guess it's been too long since you've been bugging me all the time, I guess I got to do this more often... not that I really mind." If it was possible Seungmin blushed deeper now trying to hide his face with his arms as he laughed his head off.
"ShUHUHUT UHUHUP!!" Seungmin laughed as he tried to push off the dancer's hand now attacking his hips wich seemed to drive him crazy." Come on Minnie~ Say it!".
"FIHIHIHINE! I'M SOHOHOHOHORY NOHOHOW STHAHAP!" Seungmin yelled as he was now unable to bear the tickling sensation from the older member.Minho smirked triumphantly as he stopped and got off the younger member.
"Learned a lesson Seungmin~?" Minho asked as he smiled looking down to the younger member now curled up still lightly giggling."Yeah yeah... now leave me alone...." 
"Hm...you could bug me all you want I won't mind tickling you shitless again" Minho commented as he smirked and walked back to his original spot to talk to stays again now trying to explain why he has shrieked in the first place.
On the other hand Seungmin was still a flustered mess from both the tickling and the comment that the dancer has made.From the so called "punishment" Minho gave to Seungmin, the vocalist decided to get a little break and go back to his room but then again he came up with another brilliant idea to bother the evil bunny.Obviously no "punishment" from Minho was going to stop the sneaky puppy to bother poor bunny, not that he minded the punishment though.....
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hansomeskz · 11 months
Devil Like Me Epilogue
Han Jisung is the devil of the music industry, but he’s tired of being alone.
Read on Ao3 | Read on Wattpad | Talk to me on Twitter | Chat on retrospring
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Epilogue
NOTE: I am trying to decide which fic I want to post next!! I was going to post a fic I have inspired by Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine but I also have one ready to go inspired by The 30th by Billie Eilish!! let me know which you would prefer :’)
If you had told Han Jisung ten years ago that he would still be alive, he never would’ve believed you. That means that everything else is just gravy.
Everything that went down for the few years he was used and abused is so far out of his mind now. He has more important things to worry about, like running his own label with his best friends and which preschool is going to be more beneficial for his daughter.
He could fret about how he almost drank himself to death under the supervision of his old management team, or he could celebrate five years of sobriety with his husband.
Today, he’s choosing to celebrate with his husband.
“Honey,” Minho calls from the sliding glass door connecting their house to their backyard. “Yes, my love?”
“Did you remember to pick up hot dog buns on your way home last night?”
“… Baby, tell me again how much you love me.” Jisung faces Minho with wide, innocent eyes. Batting his eyelashes only earns him a pained cry. “You’re useless!”
“But you still love me.” Jisung grins, drawing an exasperated sigh from Minho. “Only on the weekends.”
“Good thing it’s Saturday, or I’d be in trouble.” He stands from where he was testing the temperature of the pool, wiping his hands on his jeans. “I can go get them now.”
“No, I’ll just text Hyunjin. They’re leaving in ten anyway.” Minho smiles at Jisung as he approaches him. The blond is met with a scoff as he puckers his lips. “Kisses are for husbands who remember to pick up the hot dog buns. Where’s Dae?” Jisung’s eyes go wide, “I thought you had her?”
“ Jisung! ” Minho gasps, but he realizes the blond is kidding before he can start to panic. The younger boy pulls her out of her swing, jiggling her gently.
“Don’t shake her,” Minho whines, going over to her and plucking her right from Jisung’s grasp. The blond just laughs, following Minho inside.
“Dada,” their daughter says, grabbing at Minho’s face desperately. “Hungry.”
“We can eat soon, sweetheart.” Minho ruffles her hair, earning an angry squeal as she tries to bat his hands away. “We’re just waiting for our guests,” Jisung adds, kissing the top of her head.
They sit Dae in her chair at the table while the two of them chop vegetables. Jisung listens happily as Minho hums a song he’s had stuck in his head. The blond recognizes it as one of his own. “You’re like, obsessed with me,” he teases, smiling at him.
“Yeah,” the older boy sighs. “I am.”
Jisung goes to kiss Minho, but they’re interrupted by the sound of six pocket-sized men letting themselves in through their front door.
Changbin is yelling something about a band they’re trying to sign as Felix whines about how hard making the choreo for their music would be. Jisung rolls his eyes playfully, scooping up Dae as he goes to say hi.
“Oh my god, my favourite niece!” Chan holds his hands out as Jisung hands her over. She smiles brightly and hugs Chan’s neck. “Seungmin-“
“Don’t get any ideas, Chan. I thought we agreed to be cool uncles.”
“I’m the wine aunt,” Hyunjin chips in, handing Jisung two bags of hot dog buns before joining Minho in the kitchen.
Jeongin promptly plucks the bags out of his hands again. Heading for the backyard. “I’m going to start the grill. I don’t trust you at all,” he says simply. Jisung would argue if he had any counterpoints but he knows he’s right.
Minho and Hyunjin carry any toppings for the food out to the backyard, the group of boys all trailing behind.
Surrounded by his best friends, the summer sun beating down in his face, Jisung feels so alive. Minho presses a kiss to the back of his neck as he wraps his arms around the younger boy from behind. Jisung sighs happily, enjoying the feeling of existing surrounded by his favourite people.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Min.”
“Yeah, well, you’ll never have to think about that.”
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tokkibbang00 · 2 years
New K-Pop Tumblr User & Writer
Hi~ I'm tokkibbang but you can call me tokki or bun! I've been a fanfic writer (in general) for about 9-10 years now.
I usually post my stuff in wattpad but I often read fics from tumblr and ao3 too. Now I just want to try posting my stories here in tumblr too. I know there's a lot of good people out here where I can reach out for help too :) I'll probably mostly write and post bts, txt, and stray kids fics at the moment because I'm most comfortable with it, but I can try writing for other groups too :)
I'll post some of my stuff soon, but for now I wanted to say hi and maybe make new friends here!! If you read through everything, thank you so much!! I hope we can talk and have fun here!
Tumblr media
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dreaming-medium · 5 months
Pssst, can I ask u🫵 something?
Do you have any rec for skzfic? Since you're a good writer so I think you a good taste in fics
Omg hey! You can absolutely ask me this, sorry it took so long for me to get around to! SO I read most (all) of my fics on Ao3! I'm still getting used to Tumblr lmao I can try to curate some Tumblr fics but that would take me a hot minute But here are some good ones I have bookmarked, I think most, if not all, are smutty 18+, but I'll tag them nontheless: Not gunna lie, 99% of the fics I read have smut just cause of what I like, so
Multi-chap fics:
Close Your Eyes (... And Count To Seven) by MysteryBird (18+) Ot8 x reader Word Count: 117,144 Mafia AU where the reader hooks up with each member of the gang. HIGHLY SMUTTY, has some extreme kinks in it. Definitely a Dead Dove Do Not Eat on the tags. But my god it is so well written and has plot, idk how it doesn't have more attention.
Stray Gods by DollyStuart (18+) Poly!Ot8 x reader Word Count: 171,475 (WIP, not finished) All of the members are gods of different powers and the reader is their guide throughout godhood. Has some good smut!
Tangled by ThisPeachIsDirty (18+) Poly!Ot8 x reader Word Count: 199,549 Reader is a tour photographer for the group and all of them use her to relieve... tension in various ways.
Instinct by fizzydrink698 (18+) Bang Chan x reader Word Count: 53,405 ABO where the reader is an alpha and Chan is the omega, it is definitely one of my fav SKZ ABO fics
Friends with Benefits by starrgaziingg (18+) Lee Know x reader Word Count: 67,847 "Lee Minho is a legacy at your university. He received an honorary award when he graduated, got a position as a dancer in a company a week after receiving his diploma...and was renowned as the schools famous ice-cold fuckboy." SO good
What You Deserve by 2chopsticks2eyes (18+) This is another author that I devour any of their work Lee Know x reader Word Count: 67,284 "You meet your best friend's group from college and find yourself spending more and more time with Minho. Sexual tension ensues." I think I re-read this fic 10 times already One Shots:
Strike the match, burn me down till I'm nothing by lemonhopia (18+) Kim Seungmin x reader Word Count: 5,290 enemies to lovers (sort of) Seungmin is reader's childhood best friend's brother who has been nothing but a thorn in her side since they were little. He's tasked with picking you up from the airport for your best friend's wedding.
conflict, conceal, confess by fizzydrink698 (18+) TBH anything by this author is AMAZING. I stalk their page so often. Lee Know x reader Word Count: 18,239 "minho and reader have been academic rivals for nearly a decade. now they have to put aside their differences, call a truce and finally admit they're ridiculously attracted to each other."
The Duke and I by lordseok (18+) Hwang Hyunjin x reader Word Count: 32,289 Bridgerton AU "Wishing to be a successful writer in the regency period seemed next to impossible for the sole daughter of a dead earl. With arising pressures from your mother to tie the knot, you turn to your dearest friend, Hwang Hyunjin, Duke of Hastings and the most eligible, scandalous bachelor of the season, for assistance. When he suggests the insane of idea of marrying each other to help each other, you agree to the proposal, unaware of how much the duke can teach you of the wonders of matrimony." I. Ate. This. UP. It is SO WELL WRITTEN.
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imma-hallyucination · 2 months
No because Dead Dove writers always come up with THE BEST titles. Deadass. Was looking through skzfics on ao3 (dead dove, obv) and happened upon “delicate names like bones in the body”???
Like… hello? Ma’am-sir-your greatness? The skill?
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alexis-reads-fics · 1 year
Lex's Fav Writers 🖤
New to the skzfic world? Don't know what accounts/writers to follow? Take a look!
Please read the stories tags so you know what you are getting into! - These are writers that I love! I recommend pretty much anything they write 🖤 Their works are also scattered throughout the other masterlists, these are honourable writer mentions!
Tasteleeknow - First writer I ever read/followed! Horror House was my first fic and is the fav that I re-read to this day 🖤
j-0ne25 - The first writer that blocked me when I had a generic account 😂 Here's your sign to make sure your age is listed on your page and to actually have a name and pfp! Every. Piece. I. Love. So talented
therhythmafterthesummer - Is likely the reason I am now obsessed with Werewolf!AU. Is also a super nice person!! Werewolf!AU aside, I also love their other pieces
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bxngchxn · 3 years
bxngchxn’s masterlist
Stray Kids
skzfic!  taglist: no one yet! dm me to be on the taglist (:
bang chan:
nothing yet 
lee minho:
Strawberries and Red Wine (dilf!skz)
Genre: Fluff | Smut | Dilf!Minho |
When you catch Minho’s eye, a summer romance soars
Home Run (ongoing)
Genre: Fluff | Smut | College!Skz
College is about finding yourself; early adulthood being one of the most important times of your life. Can you make it through while trying to ignore your unrequited feelings for your best friend? Or will you finally step up to the plate and swing?
Chapter 1
seo changbin:
Mr. Big Shot
Genre: Smut | College!Skz
You run into the hot shot producer on campus at a frat party, who seems to take a liking to you, the only person who doesn’t care.
hwang hyunjin:
Genre: Smut | friends to lovers!hyunjin
When a movie night with your best friend takes an interesting turn
han jisung:
Genre: Smut | College!Skz
Stuck in an elevator with the cute boy from science class? you’re curious as to how the situation will escalate.
Cupid’s Arrow
Genre: Fluff | Cupid!Jisung
every cupid has one job: shoot the arrow at your assigned human. What happens when someone misses?
Friend’s Don’t
Genre: Smut | Fluff | friends to lovers!Jisung
When you think about it, the idea of being with Jisung for the long haul isn’t the worst thing in the world
felix lee:
nothing yet
kim seungmin:
nothing yet
yang jeongin:
nothing yet
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skfics · 5 years
SKZFICS is looking for admins!
As some of you guys may have noticed we’ve been slow at answering asks lately. A lot of us are busy with school at the moment so we’re looking for some help!
If you read fics here or on another platform and feel like helping other stays find good content then this is your chance. Our application is HERE! (Please read everything thoroughly before applying.)
Reblog to boost, please! 
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skztword · 2 years
Hellooo! Could I request for a fic with lee!minho and ler!chan? Just minho hiding chan’s computer somewhere and being all proud and bratty and not telling chan where, so chan just be like : “okay you asked for it” before jumping on him! Then he starts asking where minho put the computer, and lee knows tries to hold on, but at the end well he’s too ticklish for that XD. But at that point chan doesn’t care about the computer anymore, he’s just cooing and melting at Minho’s laughter and just decides to make him laugh more!” Aww, why did I never tickle you before? Your so cute!”- chan
just some cute leader and the local evil cat moment!
Evil Cat~
Fuck you're an Genius Anon!
Like the scenario is just❤️
Lee Know as the evil cat of the group decided to hide the most important thing ever in the world aka Chan's laptop.Obviously Chan would panic needing his laptop back he confronts the dancer who seemed to not give in but Chan has his own ways of making people give in~~
"MINHO!"Chan's voice was heard from across the dorm as he chased after the smirking cat lover who seemed to be in a playful mood."Yes hyung?" Minho replied back as he ducked the leader's hands trying to grab his waist to stop his movement.
"I know that you hid my laptop Minho.... Where is it!" Chan playfully glared at the dancer as he asked now cornering Minho."Aaaanndd why would you think that I would tell you that~?" Minho smugly answered as he confidently stared back at the tired Aussie.
"Minho.... you know I need my laptop to work..."Chan answered as he stared at the smugly smiling evil cat in front of him."Yes I do know that."Minho stated still looking back at the leader."Minho... tell me where you hid my laptop"
"Nope! Hyung you need to find it on your own~!" the dancer replied smirking back at the leader."Minho... this is your last chance tell me where you hid my laptop or else...." Chan looked into the dancer's eyes still filled with mischief.
"Or what hyung?"Minho answered lightly laughing."Fine then... you asked for it~ Oh Minho... you should know better then not to tease the tickle monster~"Chan flashed a evil grin at the dancer as he pulled the dancer to the floor and pinned his arms above his head.
The evil cat's eyes grew wide as he tried to squirm out of the leader's strong grip but seemed to fail."You can't escape this until you tell me where you hid my laptop~" Chan teased as he smirked down at the dancer below him."As if I would tell you!"Minho shot back."Oh so I see that you're still playing this game hmm~? Fine then two can play this game~" Chan smugly looked down at the younger as he dug his fingers into the dancer's open sides slowly scratching with his fingers.Minho tried his best to not let out a laugh but failed as he started to lightly giggle from the tingly sensation."Oh~ already laughing are we~?" Chan smiled as he started to add more  fingers now moving them from the dancer's sides to his ribs scribbling faster than before.
"NahaAHA! stAHahahp!"Lee Know giggled as he squirmed trying to pull down his arms wanting to protect his ticklish sides and ribs."Just tell me where you hid my laptop and this ends Lee Know~" Chan commented as he slowly inched his finger towards the dancer's underarm."w-wait! pleaahehase! nohohot thehehre!" Minho's eyes widened as he pleaded to the leader."Oh~? A weak spot I guess?" Chan giggled hovering his fingers and wiggling them above the poor dancer's armpit."Just tell me where it is~" Chan smugly smiled down at the evil cat who seemed to be panicking a bit.
"Fine! Fine! I'll tehehell you!" Minho squirmed as he mumbled something quietly."What?" Chan asked unable to hear what the dancer has just said."I hid it in Changbin's room! It's in his closet!" Minho said."Oh so Changbin also helped you I see..." Chan commented still pinning Minho's arms above.
"I told you now let me go!" Minho whined."What? let you go? Oh I don't think so~"Chan giggled as he smirked."It's rare to hear your laugh and it's so cute I want to hear some more you know~ I wonder why I haven't tickled you well from now on you can't run away from the tickle monster~"
Minho blushed hard as he looked away trying to hide his blush on his face."Blushing are we~"Chan giggled as he teased."But don't forget you still need to get punished for hiding my laptop~" Chan's wholesome smiled slowly turned into a evil smirk as he met eyes with the evil cat underneath him.
"whahahahihihi-NAHAHAHAH! IHIHIM SOHOHOHOHRRY!!" Minho laughed as he squirmed under the leader's skirling finger across his tummy and fluttering fingers around his neck."Awww you look so cute a giggling mess~" the Aussie smiled down as he moved his hand towards the dancer's thighs now squeezing them making the dancer shoot up in ticklish agony."AHAHAHAH! PLEAEHEHAHEHSE! Minho kicked his legs around trying to push the leader's hands away form his ticklish thighs.
Chan stopped as he looked at the giggling dancer underneath him."Now I guess this gives you a lesson to not hide my laptop and you should know that this is not going to be the last time I'm going to hear your cute giggles for sure~"
Minho blushed as he quietly mumbled "Oh shuhuht uhuhuhp~" Chan giggled as he gave the dancer a quick poke earning a squeak from him."Oh by the way tell Changbin that he should watch his back when he comes home from the gym~" Chan said as he went to Changbin's room to get his laptop.
"yeah yeah will do..." Minho answered as he smiled to himself still feeling the light tingly sensations around his body,He was sure going to hide the leader's laptop again.
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hansomeskz · 11 months
Devil Like Me Chapter 4
Han Jisung is the devil of the music industry, but he’s tired of being alone.
Read on Ao3 | Read on Wattpad | Talk to me on Twitter | Chat on retrospring
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Epilogue
NOTE: I am trying to decide which fic I want to post next!! I was going to post a fic I have inspired by Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine but I also have one ready to go inspired by The 30th by Billie Eilish!! let me know which you would prefer :’)
The three of them keep their word, plotting when Jisung is not around. They spend spare time between 3Racha events whispering, huddled together. Jisung chooses to mind his business, carrying out any tasks handed to him by their manager.
He hears a lot from Chan about how he should just give up the act but the idea of angering their team any further when things are already so bad for them makes him feel sick. In the wake of the boardroom showdown, their schedule has become a living hell, especially for Jisung.
They seem to be trying to keep him busy so he has less energy to fight back, and it really is working. Each day is hours of rehearsal or recording sessions, followed closely by appearance after appearance. Jisung has done more interviews and attended more parties in the past few weeks than he has in his entire career.
He’s so exhausted that when his manager points out Chan across the room, suggesting Jisung goes and starts something, he does it without a second thought. He approaches Chan, shoving him harder than he’d intended.
Chan looks at him, completely unbothered. “What’s up?”
“I don’t… I don’t know.” Jisung wears the angry face that everyone around them expects, but he has no fight left in him. “She told me to start a fight but I don’t… I don’t have anything to be angry about,” he says simply. Chan’s face morphs into fake hurt to match Jisung’s act. “You threw a drink at me once because my shirt was ‘too expensive’, there’s nothing you’re upset about here?”
“Your shoes are fucking stupid, but you love them.” Jisung grabs Chan’s collar, pulling him close to sneer in his face. “I can’t find a single thing to even pretend to be mad about.”
Chan pushes at Jisung in fake desperation until he finally lets go. “That’s good, Ji. Do you get to go after this?”
“I don’t think so,” he says quietly, scowling as Chan takes a step back, scoffing at him for appearances. “I hope you get to leave soon, man. How many shots have you even had?”
“I stopped counting forty minutes ago.”
“Fuck, dude.” He flinches when Jisung gives him one last shove. “If you hit me hard enough, I bet they’d let me go,” he jokes. Chan seems to consider it before he turns and stalks off, a sour look on his face.
Jisung watches him as he heads to security. He sees Chan point towards him and speak angrily to the man before the security guard starts to approach him.
Their manager and his bodyguard are quick to roll up behind him when they realize this is going to foil any plans they had tonight, but it’s no use.
They spend well over twenty minutes arguing to keep Jisung at the party. While his manager’s shrill voice carries through the party, Minho texts Jisung to let him know that he’s waiting in his car outside. Jisung tells him he won’t be long.
Ultimately security wins, forcefully removing the three of them from the party.
When Jisung quickly approaches Minho’s car and slides in, the doors locking behind him, his manager starts screaming at him. He chooses not to listen, instead stealing a kiss from Minho over the centre console.
“How did you know I was getting kicked out?”
“Chan texted me. I thought you’d want a getaway car.” Minho smiles lightly, glancing at him before looking back to the road.
“You always come through when I need you, Min.”
“I hope I always will,” he says quietly, placing a hand on Jisung’s thigh. “You stink, baby. You smell like my parents’ liquor cabinet.”
“I did an unholy amount of tequila shots, don’t ask.”
“Tequila? And you’re not crying?” Minho squeezes his thigh gently and Jisung is actually a little surprised. “Huh, I guess not.”
“It sounds like this is all helping,” the older boy says, smiling to himself. Jisung smiles too, warmth spreading through his chest.
He does have to admit now that he has Minho, Chan, and Changbin in his corner, things have gotten a lot easier. He’s glad he isn’t alone anymore.
They go back to the dorms this time and as they step into Jisung’s room, he can’t help but notice all of the mail is missing.
“Chan gave me a key,” Minho starts. “We thought maybe you’d want them gone.”
Jisung nods softly, turning to look at him. “Thank you, Minho. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
The brunet just kisses his forehead and finds them both a change of clothes, helping Jisung out of his party wear and into a pair of sweats before he changes, too.
They crawl under the covers together, curling close. Jisung’s body is exhausted but his mind is racing, thinking of what’s next.
Minho dozes next to him, making small humming noises every time Jisung shifts positions. The blond feels very lucky that things turned out this way, even if it was a hard road for him. He thinks that even if they can’t escape their contract, he could live the next few years like this.
Changbin and Chan enter the apartment not too much later, giggling on their way through the living room and down the hall. Jisung hears them stall outside his door, whispers not quite reaching his ears.
When Chan quietly peeks inside through the cracked door, Jisung turns his head to look at him. They exchange sleepy smiles before Minho pulls Jisung closer, grumbling about how Jisung should be asleep by now.
Chan laughs softly before he disappears from the doorway, making his way to his own room. Jisung buries his face into Minho’s neck.
“Why are you still awake?” The Minho whines, hands slipping under the younger boy’s shirt to try and pull him somehow closer.
“I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Wanna share?”
“I’m just… happy. I’m fucking tired, but I’m happy,” Jisung says quietly, curling his fingers against Minho’s chest.
The brunet hums happily, giving him a squeeze. “I’m happy to hear it, baby. You deserve it.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“You would’ve reached your limit eventually. I’m just glad I was there to make sure somebody was taking care of you.” Minho presses a kiss to the top of Jisung’s head, shifting so he’s half on top of the blond.
Jisung takes in Minho’s warmth, exhaustion starting to take over. While he can’t make out what the older boy says as he drifts off, it makes him feel loved.
The real war between them and the company starts when Chan’s tell-all comes out. The interview is 20 minutes long with Chan exposing all of the things he knows of that the company has done to Jisung.
The part that surprises Jisung the most is that Chan tries to take the blame for Jisung’s public persona, too. He and Minho are curled up on the couch in Minho’s apartment, watching everything unfold.
“The worst part is, it’s kind of my fault,” Chan says to the interviewer. Jisung gasps, shaking his head.
“I knew Han really well when we started out, and I just assumed that after debut he’d let the popularity get to his head. I wish I’d known better than to let them portray him as a monster when he was just doing what our management told him would help the group.” Chan sounds choked up, swallowing hard as the interviewer asks him another question.
“It’s not his fault,” Jisung says to Minho, furrowing his brows. Minho is frowning at the TV, the arm he has around the younger boy tightening its grip.
“No, that’s the worst part,” Chan says to the question Jisung missed. “The label knew about all of this, the death threats, the damage it was doing to our Hannie. They just didn’t care. It was doing numbers so why bother, I guess.”
“How does Han feel about telling everyone about this?”
“He’s scared out of his mind. Hell, I’m scared too. He just couldn’t keep living like that, it was going to drive him to…” Chan trails off but the interviewer nods in understanding.
“So why isn’t he the one telling everyone this?” The interviewer asks this as he leans forward. The blank expression he is sending to Chan makes Jisung’s blood run cold.
“Like I said, he’s scared. Ever since it came out to us that he was doing all of this we’ve been begging him to drop the act, but he doesn’t want to go against the company. I just… I had to do something to get him out of the situation. Maybe this will help. I hope if nothing else, this helps him be himself.”
Jisung blinks back tears as the interviewer starts to wrap up the show. Minho gives him a little squeeze, looking at him. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fucking terrified, Minho.”
“I know, but you’re free now. It’s all out in the open. No more being somebody else,” Minho says quietly.
“What if I’m not? What if we’ve done everything we have and I still have to be the same guy I was before all of this?”
“Don’t let it happen, Ji. Han is dead, okay? Just… be Jisung.” Minho presses a kiss to the side of his head, smiling reassuringly.
Jisung opens his mouth to say something else but is cut off by the sound of his ringtone. Chan’s name is displayed over a picture of them from pre-debut. He hesitates, but he does answer the call. “Hello?”
“It’s done, Han-ah. It’s all out there. Are you at Minhos? Changbin and I are on our way.”
“You’re coming here?”
“I think if the label calls, it’d be best for us all to be together,” Chan says quietly.
“Okay, yeah. Thank you.” Jisung’s heart is hammering against his rib cage, sweat gathering on his hairline. He’s not sure if he’s ever felt so scared.
Chan and Changbin arrive quickly and the four of them sit together in silence.
When Jisung starts to fidget, picking at the skin on his hands, Minho puts on a show to fill the silence and laces their fingers together.
She takes her sweet time, but their manager does call them that night.
Before Chan can even say hello, she’s screaming down the phone line. “Do you have any idea what you’ve just done? Do you have any idea how much damage you’ve just caused?”
“I do,” he says simply, hands clasped in front of him. They all huddle around the phone to listen. “Then you must be fucking stupid! We are losing money as we speak, our investors-“
“Let us out of the contract,” Chan demands, voice firm. Jisung admires Chan’s composure, his own hands shaking. “Oh, no, Bang. You’re stuck until you make back every penny we just fucking lost.”
“We aren’t playing your games anymore. Let us out or we’ll only make it worse.” He hears their manager huffing and puffing on the other side of the phone. “Meet me tomorrow at nine in my office. I don’t want to hear another peep from you until then.” The line clicks as she hangs up, and the four of them fall back into silence.
Jisung knows they don’t have to say anything else tonight. The story is already on the internet and will blow itself up without any help at all. The weight of the silence around them suggests the others know this, too.
“We should play scrabble,” Minho says quietly. The absurdity of the statement makes Jisung laugh, which prompts smiles from Chan and Changbin.
“Fuck it, let’s play scrabble,” Changbin agrees. Minho goes and gets the game and they all gather around the board. This moment of normalcy before their lives change forever is completely welcome, Jisung thinks.
Minho breaks out some bottles of wine too, and they spend the night pretending everything is fine. The cats trample the board regularly, all four of them giggling about it.
Jisung feels good, he thinks. This is one of the scariest times of his life, but with these people around him, he feels like he can handle what’s about to come.
Several bottles in, late into the night with Chan and Changbin are asleep on the couch, Jisung and Minho are tangled together in Minho’s armchair, whispering to each other.
“How are you feeling, Ji?” The older boy asks him, running his hands through his blond hair.
“I feel good. I don’t know what it is, Minho, but I feel like everything’s going to be okay.” Jisung smiles at Minho, and he returns it quickly. “I think it will be. Even if it doesn’t go how we all want it to, I think we’ll all be just fine.”
“I think so too,” Jisung says, burying his face in the burnet’s neck. He doesn’t move after that, knowing he has to be up early for the scariest meeting of his life. Minho holds him tight while he falls asleep, keeping him close through the night.
Minho comes with them in the morning, Chan stepping into their manager’s office at exactly 9am. The three of them trail behind their leader, nervous.
Jisung admires how fearless Chan is as he steps right up to her desk. She stares up at him, arms crossed. “You have created the most intense PR crisis I have ever seen in my life,” she says, cocking her head to the side.
“We didn’t do a thing, this was all your shit that caused this,” Chan barks at her. “We want out of the contract.”
“Well,” their manager starts, sneering at him. “If it were up to me I’d keep you stuck here for the next few years. I’d make you work off every penny you just cost us. Lucky for you, it isn’t up to me and the investors want you gone, so we’ve drafted an agreement.” She slides a folder across her desk to Chan. “But we need an answer by Monday.”
Jisung’s shocked, if he’s honest. None of them crack a smile, knowing anything could lie in the pages of the agreement, but he feels a little lighter knowing he’s got a chance to get out of this.
When they turn to leave, their manager speaks up again. “Oh, Han? Keeping your mouth shut is much easier than what you’ll have to go through to clear your name after all of the dust has settled.”
Han shrugs lightly, offering her a small smile. “At least it’ll be my choice to do it.” He turns and follows Minho out of the room.
The next few days are a blur while they go over the terms of the contract and make new demands. By Monday night they’re huddled around a table with the people who used to make up their team and all parties are signing, agreeing to all the terms to separate 3Racha from the label. The notice about it is posted before they’ve even left the building.
Changbin and Chan’s phones start to blow up right away, but not one of them misses how Jisung’s phone stays silent.
“I’m happy you’re out now,” Minho tells him once all four of them are curled up on his couches. Chan and Changbin are texting back all the people wishing them well as Jisung scrolls through Netflix. “Me too. I’m just scared about what it means for all of us, you know? Where do we go from here?”
“A million other labels would love to have you,” the brunet says quietly. “Or we could start our own,” Chan says, and the other three turn to stare.
“Our own?” Changbin asks, frowning. “Yeah, I mean… we can do everything ourselves anyway. The writing and producing we have on lock, and I know choreographers, directors, creatives…” Chan trails off, thinking for a moment. “Yeah. We could do it.”
They all fall quiet, looking at each other. Jisung thinks about how he would usually panic in a scenario like this, but with his thigh pressed firmly against Minho’s and his two best friends by his side, he feels like maybe he can do anything. “I think we should,” he says, eyes sparkling.
“Yeah?” Asks Chan, smiling at him. “Yeah.”
So they do. Weeks turn into months and before they know it, it’s nearly been a year since they split from their label. All four of them are sitting around a table at their favourite bar. They’ve turned this place into their official hangout spot over the past few months, so the waiters know to keep the drinks coming. A few faces have joined their crew, members of the team they’ve built for 3Racha Entertainment.
Jisung finds himself seated across from Felix, head choreographer, and Changbin. They’ve been lip-locked for what feels like hours and he and Minho are trying to break it up by throwing napkins at the two of them. It isn’t working.
“I can’t keep going like this, Ji. If I have to watch this for another second I’m going to combust,” Minho whines, burying his face in his hands. Jisung hears Seungmin, the head of PR, laugh from somewhere down the table. When he looks over, he sees the younger boy lean against Chan, a hand on his thigh.
Hyunjin, their head stylist, elbows him roughly to grab his attention. “Are you going to finish your drink? Jeongin disappeared, I don’t think we’ll ever get another drink again.” Jisung slides his cup towards Hyunjin, laughing. “Last I saw, he went to change so he can come to hang out,” Minho says, voice still muffled by his hands. Jisung curls his fingers around Minho’s wrist, tugging gently.
Jeongin, their favourite bartender, slides into the seat at the head of the table. “There he is!” Chan grins, standing. “Now that we’re all here, I want to raise a toast.” The eldest boy holds up his drink and the seven other boys crowding the table do the same.
“To a brand new beginning! And to the family we’ve built along the way. I can’t wait to do this with all of you.” Chan smiles proudly at all of them, and Jisung’s chest swells. “Cheers to that,” he says, clinking his glass against Minho’s.
The sound of everyone’s glasses knocking together has Jisung’s eyes watering. “Everything okay, Ji?” Minho asks, curling an arm around him. “Too much tequila,” he lies, face growing hotter. “Mmm, my crybaby,” the older coos, kissing Jisung’s temple.
“I’m gonna get some air before I start bawling,” he laughs as he stands. Minho stands, too. “I’m coming with. I don’t want to see Changbin sucking on Felix’s tongue anymore.”
The two of them head outside the bar, sitting on the curb. “Really, are you alright?” Minho cups his cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb. Jisung leans into his touch, nodding a little. “Overwhelmed,” he mumbles, scooting closer.
The brunet nods, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. “Wanna go home?”
“Nah, I’m just…happy. If you’d told me last year that things would end up like this, I don’t think I would’ve believed you.”
Minho laughs lightly at that. “I did tell you, baby.”
“And I didn’t believe you!” Jisung shoots back, giggling. The older boy pulls him closer, grinning. “You didn’t, that’s true.”
They steal kisses from each other in their few moments of peace, only pulling apart when a girl approaches them. “Excuse me, I’m so sorry to bother you… Are you Han Jisung?”
He looks up at her with wide eyes. “Uh, yeah, that’s me.”
“Do you think I could get a picture with you? I’m a huge fan.” She’s trembling slightly, a shy smile on her face. He buffers for a moment before his brain registers what she said.  “A picture? Of course.”
He stands shakily, smiling brightly at her. “What’s your name?” He asks, curling an arm around her shoulders for the picture. She tells him before leaning in a little closer, smiling and snapping a photo. Jisung is reeling as she thanks him again and scurries away. “Did she say she’s a big fan?” He asks, looking down at Minho.
The older boy has his phone out, having taken dozens of pictures of the interaction. “She did! Your very first fan interaction, huh?”
“My first good one, at least…” He holds his hand out to Minho to help him up, smiling brightly. “That was so exciting, I can’t believe it.”
Jisung gushes about it for the rest of the night. Nobody at the table teases him for it, knowing what he’s had to go through to get to this moment.
As Minho loads the last boxes of his things into Jisung’s living room, the blond gets a call from an unknown number. He would ignore a call like this on any other day but something in his gut tells him this call might be an important one.
His feeling is confirmed when a shaky voice on the other end answers his greeting. “Jisung, sweetheart, I am so sorry.”
His heart hammers against his ribcage, his face going pale. “Mom?”
“I didn’t know, and I should've. I’m sorry I fell for it, I thought I knew you better than that.” His mom is crying into the phone, voice breaking. Minho is watching him with wide eyes.
“No, Mom… It’s not your fault. It all happened the way they designed it. I didn’t want to drag you into it, so I just pushed you away.”
“I should’ve known. I should’ve known that wasn’t you.” He can hear her gasping for breath between words and his stomach twists. “There was no way you could’ve known…”
“I just called to say I love you and that I’m sorry. I should’ve been there. I should’ve known.” Jisung can feel her shuddering breaths in his bones, tears pricking at his eyes. “I don’t blame you for a second. Thank you, Mom.”
“I love you, sweetheart. I miss you, come home soon?”
“Yeah. I love you too…” His throat closes around the words, his lower lip trembling. “Mom, I have to go, I’m in the middle of moving. We’ll talk soon, alright?”
“Okay. Talk soon.” She sniffs right before she hangs up, leaving Jisung stunned.
“That was your mom?” Minho asks, biting his lip nervously.  “It was. She called to apologize for not being there while everything was happening, but…”
“But what? Isn’t this what you wanted?”
“I don’t know, I think so, but I’m kind of hurt, I think.” Jisung blinks a couple times, trying to get his thoughts to settle.
Minho approaches him slowly, slipping his arms around his waist. “I think you earned a little hurt in all of this, no?” He presses tender kisses to both sides of the younger boy’s face.
Jisung tries to hide the smile tugging at his lips but it’s no use. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“You can accept her apology without jumping right back in. Especially considering how long it took her to reach out, I think that would be okay.” Minho looks at him so tenderly, causing Jisung’s heart to hammer against his rib cage. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“I know.” Minho steals one last kiss from him before pulling away. “Now help me move the books, they’re too heavy.” Minho gestures vaguely towards the boxes he packed far too full of books.
Jisung gets to work, feeling grateful he has somebody like Minho to help him through all of this.
As the younger boy slides the books onto his bookshelf, slotted between his own CD collection, the brunet wraps his arms around him from behind.
Jisung smiles lightly, leaning into his touch a little. “I’m happy you’re moving in,” he says quietly. Minho hums in acknowledgment, pressing a kiss to Jisung’s shoulder. “Me the fuck too.”
“I’m also glad this means I get 24/7 access to the cats.”
“Soonie will keep himself out of reach at all times still, baby.”
“Yeah, well, I can dream, can’t I?” Minho laughs in response, giving him a squeeze. “I guess so. I’m gonna order us some dinner, keep working hard.”
Jisung misses his touch the second he disappears to make the order.
All eight of them find themselves crouched around Chan’s laptop the day they announce their new venture. Hyunjin is carrying on about how nervous he is as Chan publishes the official announcement of the launch of 3Racha Entertainment.
Minho has his arms wrapped tightly around Jisung, chin hooked over his shoulder. The younger boy has his hands clasped over Minho’s around his middle, leaning back against him. Jisung lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding as his friends erupt into excited chatter around him.
He can’t hear a thing except for Minho’s voice in his ear. “I’m so proud of you, Ji,” he says quietly. The blond’s skin heats up quickly, the tips of his ears turning bright red.
“I never could’ve done it without you.” He turns in Minho’s arms, curlings his fingers into the older boy’s shirt and pressing chaste kisses to his lips. “You could’ve, but I’m glad you didn’t have to.”
“Yeah, me too.”
They savour the few moments that they get to themselves before their friends start demanding their attention. Chan pulls Jisung aside as the rest of the group absorbs Minho into their conversation.
“How are you feeling, Jisung-ah?” He smiles lightly at Jisung, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I’m nervous, maybe even shitting myself, but I’m ready for this.”
Chan laughs, nodding. “Yeah, me too. Are you happy you did it, though?”
“I couldn’t be happier. Thank you, Chan.” Jisung smiles brightly at the older boy who shrugs lightly. “I’m glad you let me in, Ji. I missed my best friend.” Chan pinches his cheek gently, a fond look in his eyes. “I missed you too, man. You know-”
“Jisungie! Can you vouch for my sick beatboxing skills?” Jeongin yells from the huddle a few feet away. Jisung grimaces and pats Chan’s shoulder before joining the group. “I could but I’d be a filthy liar,” he says, earning a good laugh from his friends. Warmth spreads throughout his chest at the sound.
He locks eyes with Minho across the huddle and smiles lightly. Minho smiles back, slipping out of his spot so he can stand next to Jisung instead. He thinks about how lucky he is to have found his people.
A year ago, Jisung had been at his lowest. He’d been completely alone and entirely afraid of what was in store for him. He’s shocked that now he’s surrounded by people he loves, who love him back unconditionally.
Minho’s thumb brushes his cheek as he leans in to whisper into his ear. “Is everything okay, baby?”
“I’ve never been better,” Jisung says quietly. His face is hot, tears pricking at his eyes, but he sends Minho his brightest smile. Minho smiles back, knowing he means it.
Felix’s hand finds his back, too. “Are you crying? That’s a bit much, don’t you think?” He grins as he teases him, and the jab draws the attention of the other boys standing around them.
They all coo and pinch at Jisung, teasing relentlessly about the tears now finding their way down his cheeks. He whines, smacking at their hands. “Leave him alone you vultures,” Minho snaps playfully, pulling Jisung in close.
The younger boy laughs against his skin, embarrassed he’s been caught. Chan squeezes into the huddle between Felix and Jisung, patting his back. “We’re happy you’re here, Ji.”
“I am too,” he mumbles. Minho holds him a little tighter as Changbin punches Jisung’s side gently. “We love you, dude.”
“I know.” And he does. He could spend forever with these people, he thinks.
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armyhome · 2 years
Sorry, I love you (Part I)
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↳ Summary - Hwang Sol is not even a secondary character on a successful novel, she is an extra to the story, but she is very happy being only the main male (Bang Chan) character's best friend twin and the best friend os the female leader (Chuchu). According to Sol, this position gives her freedom, even more cause she is an awake character, so she can walk freely through the story shadows and have long conversations with her favorite author Seo Changbin. But between turning pages she will discover that life can be more than walking through shadows and the power of writing her own story.
↳ Pairing- Lee Know x Hwang Sol; 
↳ word count - 12.1K ;
↳ warnings -  This is only the beginning;
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I look at my opponent holding my shinai in front of me looking at his foot movements, my breath is slow and heavy, the sweat runs down my back, I'm tired but by the loss of leg stability of my opponent he is too, I just need to handle a little bit more…
"Kids we are back with great news!" I hear my parent’s voice, my opponent distracts himself and shows me his back, so I hit the side of his knee making him lose his balance and later use my shinai against his shoulder, and he is down.
"This is cheating Sol!" Bang Chan complains taking of his men (helmet) "Attack your opponent this way is unfair" I roll my eyes.
"Kendo is discipline, concentration, find the way of your shintai, that's the only rules" I take my men of "You need more reigi, don't blame me for that" I look at my parents "So the news, my new little sister will be able to go to school with us?" 
"She is not our sister" Hyunjin complain still combating Felix.
"Focus on your opponent oppa, I say mine not our sister" I still look at my parents.
"She is possessive with her new pet," Lee Min Ho says pretending to read his book.
"Who you're calling pet Min Ho?" Chan asks with a rusk voice, I take a deep breath.
"Don't care about them, mom, dad, they act like animals sometimes" My mom’s expression was horrified. 
"Min Ho I never call anyone here attention, but this time I'll" My father starts "Chuchu will be part of this house and she will be respected, that's for you too Hyunjin" 
"I got it" My brother simply answer. So mom comes to hug me. 
"We convinced the principal sweet" That's mean they buy him a beach house I know, but I hug her back.
"YES! I need to tell Chuchu! See you later guys" So I run happily to my best friend.   
The sound of pages turning and I know that... I love my new life! 
I know it’s weird and rare to listen to someone saying that right? But I consider my life pretty perfect, maybe cause I live in a manhwa, and my characters are always rich? Yes! But that's the privilege of being a secondary character! I can watch everyone’s cannons being developed without getting any warm. 
Like in this story, I'm the best friend of the female leader, Han ChuChu she is a poor girl that loses her parents and ends up living with her aunt that  is a house keeper of a rich family, my family, and my parents’ touch with her history decide to send her at the same school than I, so we became best friends, and I love it cause I always wanted a sister but only had an old brother, Hyunjin, he is unbelievable beauty, like me, love arts and had that misterious aurea that make his look like a charming prince, and was just only one MINUTE old but he loves being a pain in the ass trying bossing me,  to not start to talk about his friends, Bang Chan the leader of the group and this history,  he thinks he is the last cookie on the jar for real, Felix the cute guy with a big heart always available to forgive his shit friends just to no be alone at his house,  Lee Min Ho he carry a painful past that makes him evil and when we are in the shadows I call him Doom cause his character in this story is try to destroy everything. 
Right now you are asking yourself how do I know everything if I'm just a character, well I know someone very special call Seo Changbin, the author of all my stories and my true best friend, that I will see at the moment this scene finish!
Chuchu enters the room looking for a place to sit, I raise my arm to call her, she smiles seeing me, and run to sit next to me. 
"I can't believe they put us in the same class" We hug "How was the interview with the principal?"
"I think was good at the end, he only told me maybe will be harder here being the first position" I roll my eyes.
"Mr. Yeo was being a snob just that, don't let this stay in your heart Chunie" She smiled at me and start to organize her stuff on the table, so the energy of the place changed, and the four princes of the school, Hyunjin stops in front my table.
"Can you tell the parents that you saw me going to the study cafe after school ends today?" I take a deep breath. 
"Do you think they would believe in that? I'll not risk my credibility for such a weck excuse.." Hyunjin takes a deep breath "Why I need lie, tell me the truth, and maybe I'll agree..."
"We found a clue where Jisung and Jeongin are," Bang Chan says and I suddenly feel my eyes full of tears, I put my hand over my chest feeling my heart going fast. 
"I told you we shouldn’t tell her!" Hyunjin snarl, I feel Chuchu holding my hand.
"Unnie, are you okay?" I close my eyes and the images show up, a flashback of me and Jisung sharing an umbrella, he let me at my house front door and after that night no one see him and his younger brother again.
"Yes, I just need a moment… I will say to our parents that you will sleep at Felix today, which is better cause no one can contact his parents anyway to confirm" Felix put his hand over his chest.
"Thanks for the part that hurts me noona"  I smile at him and send him a kiss, he blinks at me and everyone around makes a disgusting face.
"So we all gonna sleep at Felix tonight," Lee Min Ho says "And you should make sure that your new pet will say nothing to any adult!" He looks at Chuchu, she shrinks.
"Will you never get tired of being and completely idiot?" Bang Chan says start they face each other. 
And the sound of turning pages frees me, is the end of that scene.
"I know how to defend my self Chan," Chuchu says, I stand up.
"I'll go to the bathroom and be back in a minute," No one even cared, but just in case I say, characters locked in the play never remember what happens in the shadows. 
So I run to find Binnie, when our cannon is in high school he mostly spends his time staying in the library, I smile at the moment our eyes met.
"BINNIE" His smile is big.
"I'm older than you this time Sol!" I denied waving my head.
"I like too much call you Binnie, can you make an exception for me?" I sit in the chair right next to him and make a pound. 
"I already make too many exceptions for you" I laugh, that's was true, I pick one book that was over the table.
"But this time you didn't tell me much about this story, I'm curious about Jisung’s involvement with my character..." He takes a deep breath and puts my hair behind my ear.
"This story will be a little different of we are used to Sol, but you don't have to worry, I'm always by your side" My heart lose a beat, I feel my blood concentrated on my face and hiccup "Now you are acting like you characters age, you should come back to your class, the next scene is about to start" Yes, I need to go before I say something or do something that embarrasses me, I run out of the library, what heck is going with me? Breath Sol, breath! "Who's that guy?" Lee Min Ho emerges I don't how "Why were you talking with someone of his age so closely?" I roll my eyes."For your knowledge, he is not that old, second why do you care?" I start to walk in my class direction."I was worried about how you handled the thing about Jisung, but you are right why do I care?" I pass for me bumping into my shoulder on purpose. Oh lord, give patience cause if give me the strength I will punch this guy. Once I'm back to the class I hear the pages turning.
The break signal rings Chuchu and I were walking to the dining hall, in the middle of the way something fall, better saying someone, Bang Chan run to cover Chuchu vision, I can't move I don't know if is because of the power of the scene or the shock, I just stare the boy, younger we're, all broken, so I saw life specialist eye ass, he seems smiles at me slowly I look to the place he seems to fall, and my eyes met Jisung eyes. 
"Seungmin ah!"I hear someone screams, is someone the works in the cleaning of school "My baby"  My hand are trambling, I step back at the moment I saw blood coming out the boy's mouth, so the image of Jisung on the terrace and start to run. I hear someone call my name but I can't lose Jisung, that's the only thought in my mind.
When I get there is empty, no trace of him here, nothing, like his presence only exists in my mind.
"Jisung!" I call for him "It's me, Sol, you can show up for me, tell me what's wrong, I'll find a way to help you " The tears are running through my face "Oppa, please.." 
And the pages turn one more time, I clap, this time Seo Changbin get over himself, I'll not even ask for spoilers I wanna discover this for myself, what a brilliant mind! I walk out the terrace drying my tears, at the end of the stairs I found Min Ho, again, this is becoming weird.
"You shouldn't run to Jisung at the moment you see him, we still don't know what's going on, and a kid just dies!" I put my hand on his shoulder.
"So you saw him too right? I wasn’t being delusional?" Min Ho holds my wrist gently. 
"Do you still like him that much? He is the guy that you like not the old guy on the library?" My heart loses a beat for real this time, he remembers what happened in the shadow? Be careful Sol, be careful, wake another character can guide this to a mess.
"Why are you here Min Ho? Shouldn't you be in a staring contest with Chan right now?" So he turns our positions put me against the wall, looking deep inside my eyes.
"Why you are always trying to run from me?" I felt my mouth getting dry.
"The real question is why do you care? Why are you walking in my direction?" He seems don't have an answer for that, but he smiles. 
"You always look so bored like you always knew what would happen, but right now you don't, I finally found a blind spot on you, so listen Hwa Sol, the guy in the library has aged enough to be your grampa" He sees the same Binnie that I do? "Jiseung's life is a mess, Felix is too soft for a strong girl like you..." What is going on here?!
"Sol Noona!" Felix’s voice interrupts and I almost run in his direction "I was worried when the other students tell me that they saw you run to the terrace, are you okay?" 
"I'm fine Felix! I just thought that I saw something! What happened to the boy?" According to Felix Seungmin didn't die, the ambulance gets here on time, I walk with him to his class, "Well I'm calling my parents we probably can put Seungi in a great hospital room, so he and his mom can be comfortable, see you later Lix" and after that, I go to the library.
"BINNIE" I scream and the students there look at me like they would kill me "Sorry!"  Binnie's face was fully red, I hold my laugh and sit in front of him "This is my revenge about you making me blush early" He gives me a little side smile  "I don't wanna spoilers this time, just wanna give you my congrats for the new plot! Amazing" I hold his hand, considering he put my hair at the back of my ear I can do that right? "And ask, the characters see you in a different shape than I do?"  He waves affirmatively. 
"You are the only one that I allowed to see me, the others don't see me twice with the same face" My heart gets warm.
"Thank you, Binnie, for not letting me alone! Now I get why Min Ho was so upset, he saw you as an old man trying something with me, talking about him, he is acting strange..."  Binnie looks at our hands.
"Maybe I use his character too much, right now I can't change, but before I create the next world I'll think about that.." He touches the glass on his face, so someone holds my wrist, is the first time I saw the bothered expression on Binnie's face, looking up I found Min Ho’s eyes.
"I knew it, at the moment I don't see you in the class you would be here with this pervert! Don't the grampa release that she is too young for you? Come with me Sol or I'll call your brother, Felix, and Chan" I get up cause he was disturbing everyone there. 
"First of all, just for you know I just live the place cause you were disturbing everyone there! Second, no one, you, or Chan, or Felix, even my brother, no one of you had the right to decide for me ANYTHING! Are you following me Min Ho?" He walks in my direction.
"I wasn't following you is just we come up with a plan to find you precious Jisung, so I was about to call you for a reunion with the other" Min Ho keeps his face just centimeters from me, I was able to feel his breath "And I don't know why, but I care about you Hwa Sol, so from now on if I saw that you are in danger like you seems not even to perceive, how much was being with that grandpa, so I will interfere..." I blink twice slowly when he walkway. 
"O my god! Something is not right!" I whisper.
So I hear the pages turning.
I look at myself in the mirror, and I know for the first time how do I look when I'm beautiful, it's not like Binnie never portrayed me beautiful, but I never could reach that level, I couldn't overshadow the female lead in any way. Looking at the perfect red lipstick on me it's like someone was throwing water in my face, Min Ho's actions plus that...maybe we're all leads this time. 
My heart beats fast but I keep smiling, the strings that locked me on the scene are more powerful than any thoughts that I could have, why Binnie is doing this to me? I look at my reflection one more time, I trust in him, he never let me down, so I will not freak out. Someone knocks at my door.
"Come in I'm ready" Felix appears with his eyes closed I laugh, "Open your eyes Lix, I’m all dressed up and you will be the first person to see me like this for the first time in my life!" He opens one eye at a time and his expression makes me glad and worried.
"You look stunning Sol" I smile and turn around showing the whole black dress and the deep open on my back, when I look t him again Felix is red like a tomato. 
"How much do you think I'll get for this dress at the charity auction?" He opens and closes his mouth multiple times "Okay you're acting weird I'm gonna change!"  So Felix gently holds my arm.
"Sorry, that's cause I have never seen you like this before, you are perfect Sol, looking like a swan, elegant, delicate, powerful and strong at the same time" So my eyes found Hyunjin, he looks horrified by the vision of me and that's confirmed I'm wonderful that night.
"Who are you and what do you do to my sister?" I close my hand in a fist and punch his arm "You can dress a boar in silk but still a boar!" He says laughs, in my next life I wanna be an only child "Let's go we're already late" 
Min Ho stops at the door he looks at me in a way that makes my blood burn in my face, I look otherwise and I hear his laugh.
"Sorry Sol you just look too weird in this dress" I don't know if is the character or real me that feels his word was like a punch on the stomach, I roll my eyes and cross my arm with Felix's. 
"Well, who doesn’t like my presence don't deserve it, let's go Lix" We cross the door and walk tho the living room, Bang Chan is already there, dressed like a price as expected from the male lead, Chuchu is the last to appear and she looks like a princess, and this makes me feel more relaxed.  
I, Hyunjin, and Felix go together and the lead triangle goes in another car when the scene will end Binnie? I sit in front of Felix and Hyunjin cause my dress occupied the whole limousine sit, so I saw Felix and Hyunjins hands softly touch each other, they look at each other all in love, which explains I this scene is taking so much time.
"Let me take a photo of you guys, you both look too cute tonight" I pick my cellphone, Hyunjin looks surprised "Get closer you two" Felix smile being as much close as possible "Wow you both would be the cute and hottest couple of Korea for sure!" The faces in front of me became red.
With the sound of pages turning and I'm free from the string, I took a deep breath feeling better,  and take more photos of them, Felix and Hyunjin look so happy with each other, but a call from Min Ho interrupts my photographer moment.
"What?" I know it's not his completely fault what he says at my house but still hurt.
"Sorry," He simply says I roll my eyes "I just release how inappropriate was the way I say those things, was just different see you like that, but you're not weird, was a terrible choice of words.." I look at the window trying to concentrate on the traffic not in that emotion in my chest. 
"Min Ho," I say Hyunjin and Felix start to stare at me "You're in a car with the girl you are in love, why you don't be careful with your words with her, not me, I'm already used to how unpolite you can be and you don't have a reason to impress me."
"What do you know about my feelings, Hwang?" I know I'm a secondary character that ends up alone, is useless to evolve with you when I know how this will end, and I'm fine with this, I love being a secondary character. 
"That's writing all over your face Min Ho..." I answer and turn off the phone, we are in front of the school, is all so beautiful full of lights, the theme is 'Casino', Hyunjin holds my hand. 
"Are you okay sis?" So that's how he is out of the scene? I had to talk with Binnie today, for real. I wave my head positively. 
"Let's take some pictures and make this bunch of rich do a good thing once in their lives!" I say getting out of the car, and flashes all over me, Hyunjin and Felix stand by my side we walk together to the school building, once we are inside I need to find Binnie "I will be back in a moment," I walk fast through the halls ignoring the pain of in my foot because of that hills, but at the moment I touch the door handle of the library I hear the pages turn.
When I enter the principals’ room I saw Bang Chan looking at papers over a pool table.
"Who in this word put a pool table in a freaking school?" Chan gives me the shoulders concentrated on the papers.
"This is bigger than we thought Sol" He shows me the paper "We should take photos of this..." What I read makes the bile rise in my throat, the professors and some investors of the school were using the students of low rent and full internship as pons in an evil game for fun, even prostitution was evolved, and they gamble with their lives, Jisung was one of these students, I record of see his wounds and he pretending was the swim training I give a step back "Are you okay Sol?"
"What you kids are doing here?" I security say entering the room.
"Is our school we can go whenever we want to go" I answer quickly, so I hold a pool cue that was the side of the table "We just came here so we can have some fun.. you know, alone" I look at Channie trying to make the impression of being into him, for my look he understands the game and put his arm around my waist.
"But seems that this time we had to go, my dear, let's go to the party they probably waiting for us," Chan says holding the papers.
"What is this paper?" He asks I sigh showing impatience. 
"Do you know who my father is?" Chan asks with a rusk voice "I don't need to give you an answer, and I'm tired to be polite" So the principal Mr. Go shows up smiling in a creep way, disgusting old guy, I wanna punch his face so bad, Chan hold my hand that was a fist at that moment.
"Let me ask so, what you miss Hwang and you mister Bang are doing in my office?" We look at each other trying to find an answer "Go get them" He said to the security guy and more five appears, I pass the pool cue to Chan when the first one jump in my direction I'm already over the table, I use my hill to cut his face, and almost hit the guy eyes, the blood run over his face but he seems not to care, holding the skirt of my dress and rip tearing a piece, I can hear Chan hits the other guy in the head.
"THIS IS A CHRISTINE WANG DESIGN YOU SHIT BAG!" I scream seeing my beautiful dress ruined, I run to the wall that was one more pool cue, turning him on my fingers like a pen, deep breath Hwang Sol, concentration, reigi, this pool cue is your shinai today, with a smooth movement I use the pool cue to broke the guy that ruins my dress nose, another guy run in my direction and I hit his balls, I do a spin and hit other one thought making he gasp without air and fall, but I couldn't see the guy in my back that uses an English punch against my shoulder, I hear my collarbone crack and an excruciating start all over my chest, and I know he uses the blade after punching me, I look at Chan his eyes are dark and I smile.
"Kill them," I say before getting on my knees, and he does, even dizzy I can hear him putting down one by one before I passed out I see Jisung's face, he was afraid, I touch his face "Don't need to be afraid anymore oppa, we found the proves, I'll save you" I blink slowly and I open my eyes one last time I see Min Ho's face he is carrying my body or maybe is delusional, it's hard to stay awake, I regret not telling Hyunjin that I support his relationship, if I die he never will know but is too hard, so I let darkness evolve me.  
When I open my eyes again the first thing I saw is Min Ho laying on the couch next to my bed, looking around made me feel dizzy, is a hospital every muscle in my body seems to have to move, a nurse enters and smiles at the moment she sees me wake.
"I will call your family just a minute" She leaves and I look at Min Ho that still sleeping, did he stay there all the time? Hyunjin is the first to cross the door, his eyes are red.
"Why did you cry?" The words go out of my mouth slowly, like a kid that is learning how to speak properly. 
"I think...for a moment I believe that I lose my other half Sol, never do this again!" He holds my hand, I try to smile but I know looks like an ugly face.
"You know, the last thing I thought," I take a deep breath feeling dizzy "I didn't say how much proud I'm of you, that I'll support you no matter what, my only regret was not to say this before!" Hyunjin kisses the top of my head. 
"I knew all that, you need rest now, our parents will be here soon, mom spent four days without sleep dad had to drag her home..." Four days… So Felix walks in pushing Chan's wheelchair, a bandage involves his chest, Chuchu is next to him, I try to smile again but the pain in my arm interrupt the movement. 
"Sorry," Chan says the guilt in his eyes breaks my heart.
"You end up hurt too Channie, is no one’s fault.." I say and I hear Min Ho sigh, everyone looks at him. 
"If he let us know about the plan on unless he could call one of us no one would be hurt," He says with his eyes close.
"He is right, I should be more responsible..." Chan starts to say.
"Don't care about what he says, I understand why you did.." Min Ho gets up from the couch he was laying at. 
"You almost die, Hwang Sol!" He almost screams, and if Hyunjin's look could kill he would.
"She just wakes up, I don't care if you stay here all the time, I will drag you out of this hospital if you keep this behave Min Ho!" He stays…? 
"So you gonna drag a dead body, cause this is the only way to take me out here" 
The pages turn at Min Ho's words and I don't feel so much pain anymore, but Hyunjin and Min Ho keep staring at each other. 
"Guys, I'm okay, is not Channie's fault," Min-Ho loos angry at me "IT'S NOT! If I had remembered to close the dam door no one would see us, if you wanna blame someone blame!" I look at Chan and Chuchu "Please Chuchu, take your boyfriend to rest, he has hurt not just me.."
"Unnie.." She was sad for both of us.
"I mean it, I'm fine" Chuchu smile at me and guides his wheelchair out of the room, so I look at Felix and Hyunjin "You too should go rest too, I'm already awake, mom and dad soon will be here, so don't worry!"
"What about him?" Felix asks seriously with his deep voice, probably hurt by the way Min Ho speaks with his boyfriend. 
"You don't listen to the guy? He will leave here just dead, we had enough hurting people don't you think Lix? I'll be fine, I can handle the beast" Min Ho give me a little smile "Talking about hurt people and the guys with the principal, the list, all that?" And Jisung I wanna ask, cause one more time I saw him but I wasn’t able to speak.
"The guys that attached you and Chan are at large but don't worry dad will find them and destroy their lives, the list is being investigated by police, but the only thing you should worry about right now is your recovery, okay?" He kisses the top of my head "If his idiot bothers you let me know and I will break his legs"
"I can break his legs by myself, don't worry when you go just ask the nurse for some painkillers for me please" When they left I turn myself to Min Ho "Why are you acting like that Min Ho?"
"Were you that say, my feelings were written all over my face, well I decide to let everyone read now" I sigh, how can he be so stupid, everyone will think he likes me not Chuchu.
"Chuchu will not understand that is her that you like this way Min Ho..." He rolls his eyes.
"That's because I don't like her...Hwang Sol sorry, I love you"  And is like someone hits me on the head. 
"Why?" I ask completely confused "I'm anything like guys used to like, I'm not Chuchu, I had a dirty mouth, strong opinion and more strong punch whats mean I'm not delicate at all, or polite, or someone that needs protection this kind of thing..."   
"That's are the things I like the most about you!" Min Ho holds my hand "I love that I don't need to count my words around you if I say shit or something you don't approve or like you just gonna say it and send me to hell or worst! I'm not Chan, Sol, I don't need someone fawning over me!"
"You don't understand Min Ho, I'm no specialist, I'm just a supportive... "Careful with the choice of words "Person! You’re just confused, believe in me!" 
"Sol stops saying how I feel, if you are in love with Jisung or that old creep guy in the library okay, I will not push you to like me, just stop telling me how I feel, that’s up to me!"   
Before I could elaborate on a reasonable answer, Binnie gets in the room dressed like a nurse, what's frozen me in shock. 
"Miss Hwang your brother warn me that you feel the need for painkillers," he says in a high-pitched voice, I just wave my head affirmative, I couldn't even laugh "The doctor’s advice that was better for you get I little bit of fresh air and sunlight. And that way your friend can take a shower, he doesn’t move from that couch since your surgery, and when we come back he will not smell like a dead body" Min Ho smell himself and agrees.
"I'll be right here in the moment you come back, Sol!" He wasn't seeing the same person as me, but his words sink in my heart, was a new feeling, someone beyond Changbin is waiting for me. 
Binnie put me in the wheelchair, his movements were so delicate like he was afraid of brake me, and pushing me through the halls of the hospital until we stop in a beautiful garden, he sits in the bank right next to me. 
"I'm sorry..."Binnie starts.
"Don't worry, I'm truly fine the scene probably ends up being amazing, I'm right?" So Binnie look inside my eyes, he holds my hands and his eyes became full of tears "Binnie no, I say I'm fine!"
"I heard Sol, you telling Min Ho that you're not special.. that's my fault, that's all my fault!" He starts to cry "Forgive me, Sol, I was too selfish!"
"Binnie I'm not understanding what you are saying" I hold his hand tight "Breath" Binnie takes a moment to put himself back in a better state of mind.
"Do you remember the first time we meet?" He asks looking at our hands. 
"Was in the epic The Legend of Dandelion, of course, I remember! I was a servant that time, was in love with a prince, what an amazing villain I was that time" I smile at him "I found you in the back of the palace, you were all hurt, scars over your face, I take care of you.."
"And your name was Sun Hye" I smile even more remembering that day "'Cause my wife, in my world had that name… Min Ho wasn't all wrong when he says I'm old Sol, I'm not a grandpa, but..."And is like something was breaking inside of me, he had a wife "On the day we met, I had to suffer a car accident, that's why I was so hurt, I enter in a comma, and believe that's how I enter in my manhwas, was crazy for me see you, cause I build you character inspired on my wife, but I never thought that I had reached that much of perfection..."I take a deep breath feeling dizzy by his words I bit my bottom lip that started to tramble "During the car accident the truck hits right on her sit in the way she couldn't survive, but when I saw you… Sol you were the female lead of The Legend of Dandelion, I change the story, so I could keep you with me and even after I wake up the comma, I found a way to come back to you, but for keep close I keep you as a secondary character, so you don't need a love paring, and I would be able to keep my wife" 
Let his words sink in my skin was the hardest thing I ever did and the most difficult one, and look I get stabbed four days ago.
"But I'm not her" The words come out my mouth not more than a whisper.
"No you're not, that's why I change your name, you're unique, I was blind by my grave and I know this is not an excuse when I heard you telling him that you're not special that’s broken me, you save my mind from insanity Sol," 
"When I say that to Min Ho I mean the story cannon, cause I always feel special to you… But in the end, I was just a copycat for you..." I let his hands go "I wanna know where is Jisung"
"Right now he is in Australia, why?" 
This whole time I spend with him I was just a projection of someone that already died, this breaks my heart, even more, nothing was true. 
"Can you send me there?"I need to know who I am, without the projections he made on me,  and the best way was far away from all this.  
"This will be a huge change on the cannon..."I take another deep breath. 
"You can bring me back when my presence became indispensable… Please Binnie" He sighs "You won me unless this" He waves his head agreeing. 
"You right," Changbin says at last.
"Now I need rest, can we come back?" He gets up and guides my wheelchair, we stay in silence, I was afraid to start to cry in front of me, Binnie helps me to get back in the bed, and the thought that he wasn't doing this for me but his wife run in my mind and is like being stab again. 
"You think one day you will forgive me, Sol?" I don’t dare to look into his eyes. 
"I don't think so, right now I just wanna ask you one more thing, after this story end I wanna you erase all the memories we head together, I don't wanna remember anything involving you Seo Changbin." I hear him gasp.
"Fair enough, I deserve this I know" My eyes are full of tears "But will have to promise Sol, from now on you will never forget that you are special!"
"From what I remember that's your responsibility, M.r Writer!"Does  Min Ho say entering the room, my heart stops he knew it?
"I already tell her all the truth..." Changbin start.
"You knew this all the time? Are you awake all the time?" Min Ho looks into my eyes.
"How could I? I was trapped in the strings of this story as much anyone else but you Sol, during the party when you disappear on the party I thought you were in the library as always, but I just found him, drawing, when I saw everything, was like completing a puzzle, we live in a webtoon, what was crazy but explain why the sky never had stars before and why I was pushed to like that girl..." He bit his bottom lip "Do you believe in me now? When do I say that you are the person I'm in love with? Cause I want never more apologize for this!" I close my eyes, was like a deja vu, a sight of a past life, but I was the one saying that to Min Ho, he was dressing in Korean royal traditional clothes. I look at Changbin, his expression is impassive "When I discover what he did, I was so angry, but if I did something you would be madder at me, so I let him explain" Min Ho sigh, closing my eyes I try to reach that memory that I saw before. 
"You should be more respectful when talking to me, you know that I have the power of erasing your existence right?" Changbin's tone of voice shows that he is not kidding at all.  
"I need rest, you both live me alone" They stay still "NOW" I close my eyes feeling the pain on my shoulder getting worse "My shoulder is killing me, I just wanna rest for while you both wanna fight? Nice, but out of my sight!" Closing my eyes I hear the steps and the door closing, when I open my eyes again the room is empty so I let the tears fall.
Binnie never tough in me as a real person, why did I believe that I was more than just a character anyway? For the first time in my life, I understand little mermaid, if it was possible I would turn myself in seafoam, that way I wouldn't feel that void on my chest. 
"Sol" I hear my mom whisper, she is not my real mom, cause I don't have one, I'm not real, but she is the only mom that I know, so when with her arms she involves me, I cry like a baby that I never was "It's okay sweet, you're safe now, mom and dad are taking care of everything" 
"I even put security in Seungi room sweetheart," My dad says, so the memory of the boy jumping off the ceiling, so in the marks in Jisung arms, the knife through my shoulder "Nobody will be hurt anymore, I will put them locked in jail for the rest of their lives" Dad holds my hand "I promise you" Looking at my fake parents I realize they never change, every single story they are the same personas, maybe Changbin's parents in law on his world. 
"I think I'll need some time" I whisper "Jisung is living in Australia?" My dad blinks twice slowly. 
"How do you know? I just tell the boys that I send him there..."
"Can you send me to dad? Just until the police didn't find these people that attack me, I will work hard to improve even more my English I promise!" My dad seems to ponder the idea.
"Let's see how your recovery goes first after we can decide that! Focus in be healthy again Hwang Sol," I smile at both of them, even if this is fake the love that I feel for them is real. 
That night I felt sleep in my mom’s arms like the baby that I never was before, and for the first time since I was conscious of my existence I dreamed, was a realistic dream, I'm standing in front of a cherry tree, she is beautiful under the moonlight 'You had until the last flower fall to found a real act of love and bring to me, otherwise I'll... ' Someone whisper in my ear. 
Before my eyes open, the sound of pages turning doesn’t let me assimilate the dream, but before the strings thigh my body I know that's was what Changbin once call inspiration. When I open my eyes again, is showtime.
Seungmin is laying on his bed he smiled at me, I'm standing up my shoulder all tied up in a way I can barely move, the time has passed in the webtoon. 
"Hi, Sol sunbaenim," Seungmin still had arm and leg in a cast. 
"Hi Seungminah, how have you been? They treat you well here?" He answers with a big thumb's up.
"Yes! I heard that's because sunbaenim family, thank you so much, me and my mom will be forever thankful for this! I heard Sol sunbaenim fight with who did this to me, I'm more grateful and I'm sorry that this hurt you" 
"Don't worry, I'm fine for real! The true hero was Chuchu in the end, she hacked the computers of the school and found proves to put all those assholes in prison forever, I was just collateral damage" Taking a deep breath putting my courage together "Seungminah, I'm here 'cause had something to ask..."
"I'll answer anything Sol sunbaenim"  
"Did Jisung… He gets too much hurt?" I feel my eyes being full of tears, Seungmin bites his bottom lip. 
"Jisung hyung try to protect all youngers Sol sunbaenim, the other hyungs didn't bother about us, and I understand, they were trying to survive, but Jisung hyung, he was different, that day in the rooftop, I jump faster I can cause he was about to do in my place" I cover my mouth with my free hand, hold my breath to not cry in front of that kid, he is safe, Jisung is not being tortured anymore I tell to myself. "I'm sorry Sol sunbaenim is my fault"
"No is not Seungminah, the only people that are guilty is those monsters, we are safe now, all of us, I'm just shocked, I'm sorry, you should rest"I look at the clock in the wall "Is late, you and I should be resting, good night Seungminah"
The pages turn soon I cross the door, Min Ho was leaning against the wall looking a little bit angry at me.
"You shouldn't do that much effort, this will complicate your process of healing.." He says in a low voice, I put my free hand on his shoulder, there are dark circles under his eyes. 
"I'm just fine, you should sleep for real, in a real bed..."I the next second Min Ho is carrying me in his arms, I rest my head on his chest "Don't you even dare to dream that we gonna share a bed" I close my eyes to not see the smug smile that I know is on his face right now.
"Don't worry so much about me," He says laughing "The couch is bigger enough to give me a good night of sleep"  I hear the door being open, probably the security, cause Min Ho arms around me don’t move a millimeter, he put me gingerly on the bed, our eyes met for a moment and the memory of my dream appears, an act of real love, so Min Ho kiss my forehead, and cover my body with the blanket.
"I'll be far away, just for while, " My heart was a little bit out of his compass and my words go out of my mouth a little bit weird "In the library you gonna found all story's that we are in, will be good if you read..." Min Ho lay on the couch looking at me.
"Where are you going?" His voice was sleepy, he never lied to me so I wouldn't too.
"Australia..." I hear his sighs.
"You say for me to read all our story's when you're running to the arms of your first love?" I look at the ceiling smiling. 
"You must start for The Legend of Dandelion" I close my eyes "And just for you know, Jisung is not my first love, I wake a long time ago, to be honest just cross with his character one or two times, I'm going to Australia to found my self no him, I need take of all the projections that are existing in me, and I promise that I will bring you a gift..."
"You just need to promise me that will come back, that's all" He is unless one a meter away from me, we stay in silence in the dark, did he always feel this way deep inside? There is an energy in the room, it feels like magic. 
"Bring me one of your t-shirts at the airport..." He makes a strange expression for a feel second we stay in silence again, so he sighs I can see a little smile on his face.
"Okay, but you need to promise that will bring my t-shirt back!" I laugh.
That night we sleep together, I mean the same room at the same time and just sleep, and even in the silence of that dark hospital room, it was possible for us to feel that something has changed, or maybe was just me.
Usually supportive characters didn't have a bye scene, they just disappear and come back where is needed but not this time.
"Unnie, you really need to go?" Chuchu ask me without stopping hugging me.
"They know her face, while they don't get rested is for the best"My mom explain one more time.
"I know, I'm being like that 'cause I already lost Chan oppa for the same reason, now my best friend… Is too unfair!" She says crying and  Min Ho makes a funny face. "I know you will miss me Min Ho, adding," I say kidding and he rolls his eyes. 
"In your dreams, Hwang" What a dush.
So Felix hug me from behind cause Chuchu was in front of me. 
"But I'm gonna missy you noona"  He tries to kiss my face but reaches my ear making me laugh, Hyunjin and my parents join in a big hug.
"We all gonna miss you," My dad says.
"I know, I'm gonna miss you guys too" I search for Min Ho’s eyes "Even this one!"
We stare for while.
When the pages turn, and we are free from the strings that locked us in the scene,  Min Ho walks in my direction and hugs me so strongly that my feet didn’t touch the floor. 
"I'll be waiting for you" He whispers so just I could hear it, my eyes became of tears, so I go before I start to cry. 
During the flight I cry so hard that I'm thankful about had my on a cabinet, I cry about Binnie, my family, and friends, my life when I realize I sleep one more time I dream, still, an awkward feeling had the ability of dream, I saw myself cooking wedding cakes with Min Ho, I saw that tree again, losing the first flower, and remembering that I didn't found a real act of love. When I wake up I just started writing about the dream, and put my thoughts in order, that’s got me so absorbed that when I fish the description of those two dreams we were in Australia. 
Jisung and Jeongin are waiting for me, with security guards, suddenly I discover that the real me is a big crier, cause when I put my eyes on my friends and remember the things I read on that paper at the principal office and that they do not wake, I'm mean all this is real for them not just a scene. Jeongin hug's me he is so fragile, just a kid, I hug him like I could protect him from all the bad things he was put beginning when we were apart I look at him searching for any trace of what he had been through.
"I'm fine noona" He holds Jisung’s hand. My first love, unless my character first love, was handsome, his tan skin thanks to the Australian Sun was making his muscles more evident, I feel my face burning right after that thought, he smile at me and kiss the top of my head, even his perfume was amazing. 
"Miss you Sol"My heart skip a beat, maybe the settings of this character were more strong than I thought. 
"Miss you too oppa" Jeongin looks at us all happy. 
"Everybody misses everybody, that's beautiful! Now let's go home, mom is making dinner"
Jisung holds my hand to the house and just lives me to unpack my stuff in my new bedroom. The warm weather was so good, first I organize my objects, notebook and the papers where I wrote my dreams, my books when I start to unpack my clouts the first thing I saw is Min Ho's t-shirt that had a Namsan picture - Just to remind me and our home - says the note, a little voice inside my heart answer like a could forget, so I put that note above my papers so I can use on my story.
The peace in dinner with Jisung's family would be something that I wanna remember forever, Jeongin was happy at his new school, so do are Jisung even his grade not being as good that was in Korea.    
"But we always knew, I'm the brain and hyung the muscles," He say all happy eating his steak, we laugh "And now you're here noona..."
"Let's not forget she is just here for while Jeongin" Mrs. Han interrupts him "Just to be safe, like us in the beginning, we decide to stay not her" That moment I fully understood that they don't have plans to come back, and who would blame them? Jeongin looks,  disappointed in me, but I can't promise that would stay, my family, friends, Min Ho even Binnie…
"Jeongin, my friends and family are in Korea, "So he stands up. 
"I thought we were friends too" So I watch him leave and Jisung after him, I bite my bottom lip.
"I'm sorry for this mess Ms. Yang" She smiles at me.
"They don't remember that they had to live you to Miss Hwang, my sons are the ones that should apologize, the only thing I can feel for you and your family is gratitude, your mom found me a job here after that school destroy my career as a teacher in Korea, your dad found an amazing school to my boys and this house, is just too much.." I smile at her.
"Don't worry Mrs. Han this is nothing for them, no in a matter of money" I explain and she sighs.
"I know, but even knowing that you had come back, please stay as long as possible, that way I feel I'm giving back just a bit, can you do this for this aunt?" She holds my hand.
"Of course!" When I come back to my room I found Jisung reading my notes "What do you think? I had a future as a writer?"He jumps scared of my chair. 
"Sorry Sol, I didn't want to invade your privacy..."I sit on my bed in front of him.
"That's okay, it's just some ideas, I don't even know if they make sense or not.."His eyes were wide. "No way this is amazing Sol! I always thought you would be a lawyer like your mom, but I genuinely believe now your destiny is writing!" I laugh at his enthusiasm "I'm sorry for the way I and Jeongin behave early, we just miss you, and we still miss our home in Korea..."
"I have an idea, let's forget everything during the time I'm here, let's go to parks, eat in a nice restaurant, go to the cinema, enjoy our lives now me, you, Jeongin and your mom" I hold his hand "Let's be free just for a moment"
And this ends up being the best decision of my life, was so peaceful not being put on a scene, freedom was a deep feeling, I barely could feel the strings having so much fun, during the day we go out and do picnics, parks, watch movies, and at night I write all my ideas.
"You really are taking this serious noona"Jeongin saying looking at me making notes on a napkin.
"It's just so much fun creating a whole universe" I can't hide my smile "Tell me Jeongin, would you prefer being a supporting character or the lead?"
"The lead of course!"He answer like was a dumb question.
"Even if you had to pass through all those obstacles, and pain just to justify your development?" He drinks his juice.
"There's no spring without winter, if you think, in the end, all characters have their own battles, leads, or supports" I analyze our universe, Jeongin, his mother and Jisung, Hyunjin and Felix, Chuchu and Chanie, even my parents helping everyone, me and Min Ho even Binnie had his own battles, "We grow in real life, so stories portrayed this, it is painful sometimes, messy too, but that's why readers feel connected, even if the lead is the goddess of love, she makes a mistake and had to face the consequences, this may bring pain, but this will make she grows, like all of us, and in the end, we're all leads of our own stories." I blink slowly, how someone so young could be so smart? "So just tell me your story doesn’t have a love triangle, I hate those!" At the moment he says that Jisung appears and realizes that I'm using Min Ho's shirt, again.
"Oh yeah, they suck, but like you just say, the story portrayed reality..." Unless my reality. 
"The conversation between you two seems really good, but I need stealing Sol for while Jeongin..." Jisung holds my hand and guides me into the ocean direction, we walk in silence for a feel minutes "You seem happy Sol..." I smiled at him.  
"How I wouldn't be? I feel that every second I spend here I learn more and more about me," He laughs " I know it’s crazy right? But I didn't know that I love writing that much, and chicken on pizza, that's okay not training Kendo every day..." Jisung stare at me "I know, I'm sounding crazy right?"
"Absolutely not, I wish to tell you where we were before, so you would be here sooner, so I could see you like this, is a ​​delighting feeling to see you like this, relaxing, health tanned, easy smiling..."I sigh. 
"I wish you told me before too, that you trust me before, I would be able to help you more, if you had trusted me..." The bad memories come back, the things I saw, Seungmin jumping,  I hug him like I could protect Jisung.
"I know..."He whispers, so Jisung holds my face between his hands, I could feel his breath against my face and when our lips touch, my first kiss, in or out the scene, I know for sure it's not him who I wanna be with "I love you Sol, and one day in the past I know you loved me back, but my choices about us weren’t right, that's why you are in love with another guy now..."
"How do you know?" Jisung turn the sleeve of my shirt and there is write - THIS SHIRT BELONGS ONLY TO MINHO AND SOL - I can't believe I never saw that.
"You always wearing this, at the moment is dry after the washing you put back, you didn't notice, so for while I thought I was able to found a way back to your heart, but looking at you now, I know it’s not possible" 
"I'm sorry" I whisper.
"That's okay, I'm the one to blame, just don't make the same mistake I did, when you finish your book stop running from your love and come back home"He kisses my forehead "Let's find Jeongin.."
Jisung was right, it's time to stop my runway and take the lead role of my life, I was on the last pages of my book when the tickets appear in my email, I decided to bleach my hair and after was done Jeongin help dye in pink color, I didn't was afraid to come back, I just don't wanna look like someone I wasn't, and because of this time I write myself mine on destiny.  That's the feeling when I write - THE END-  I know this time how to be the lead of my own story. 
I send a text to my mom, explaining everything and that I wanna a surprise to everyone at school, she freaks out of happiness, the boys make my last day in Australia wonderful, Jeongin doesn't get sad or mad about me leaving, Jisung start to act like Hyunjin around me was cute and terrible at the same proportion my twin was.
"What you gonna do at first when you come back noona," Jeongin asks me at the airport, I take a deep breath. 
"I will follow your advice and be the lead of my life" He smiled at me in a way I realize, I'm not the only one wake here. 
"Well hope to see you soon noona!" He hug me one last time "I'm dying to see how great you will be as a writer!"And blinks at me.
"Excuse me she is my first love!" Jisung hug me "Tell Min Ho if him not behave I'll fight for you!"I laugh.
"I'm gonna make this very clear, believe me"   
The moment I put my feet in Korea the strings became tight or was it always like this here? I put the school uniform in the airport bathroom when I stop at the school's gate I can hear the familiar sound of pages turning. 
Everybody stares at me, maybe is the hair, I look to the right side and find Chan smiling at me. 
"Was about time to our return" His hair was red like fire "By the way, nice hair color Sol!" 
"You too!" Was awkward to have someone choosing my words again.
Chuchu sees us and runs to Chanie's arms, I look otherwise embarrassed by so much public affection, so I found Hyunjin's eyes, and is impossible not to cry, I miss him so much, we run to each other, he hugs me and Felix hug us both. 
"My family is complete now" I heard Felix saying.
"Miss Hwang Sol" Only Min Ho voice already makes me feel a little dizzy he hold my hand and slowly pulls me into his arms I look at his eyes, I miss so much that arrogant look, I can't believe that was happening in a scene, I doubt someone would notice cause Chan and Chuchu eas kissing right next to us "You look so beautiful with this hair color."
"I missed you too" I answer and I can hear Hyunjin and Felix gasping.
So the pages turn ns the strings let us free, but I still hugging Min Ho.
"Since when...you two..." Felix wasn't able to finish a sentence.
"I knew it " Seungmin shows up eating tebokki, I miss that in Australia, and he notices my hungry eyes and put one in my mouth, ah the spicy flavor "I heard you both that day in the hospital, though was a hallucination because of the medicine, but wasn't" 
"Why didn't you tell us?" I don't know why Hyunjin was that nervous.
"Like I just say, I think was the medicine..." He put tebokki on his mouth and after that feed Felix too.
"Ah, Sol noona, Changbin hyungnim asks you to see him once you had the time" Min Ho's expression became so dark after hearing it "Don't kill the emissary hyung." He says behind Felix.
"We need to talk in privacy," I say to Min Ho, I turn myself to those three "I will explain later about us, don't worry."
So I hold Min Ho's hand and dragged him with me to the school garden, was making me worry he spend so much time in silence, I sit him on a bench open my bag, pick my manuscript, and put it in his hands.
"What is  this?"He looks confused at me.
"It’s our next life if you agree, of course, read first, was my first shot as a writer so please don't be too harsh on me..."
"Shii" He was already reading, I watched his reactions, he was finishing the Fourth chapter when stop and stares at me "First you are brilliant, second do you think Seo Changbin will agree with that?"
"I will have a conversation with him tomorrow, but considering he let me go to Australia, is a possibility" So he put his head on my lap.
"And how was your travel?" I pass my fingers through his hair.
"Was nice the weather in Australia is amazing! But I really missed home, my family, and you, just because of that I'll not punch you because of the t-shirt thing..." He laughs and I softly slap his forehead.
"Ouch Sol, I think something just gets inside my eye, please help" I don't think twice and tried to blow at the same moment he presses his lips against mine, I felt my whole body shiver, I close my eyes letting that feeling full me, and gets deeper, Min Ho sits again without breaking our kiss, pressing me against the bench, we need air, so he started to give me small kisses on the chin, neck, I was about to lose myself on him when a deep voice call us out.
"Guys, we are at school lets keep the PG lower than 19" I look at Felix laughing my face burns when I realize Min Ho was SITTING on my lap, legs around my body, Hyunjin was using his hands to cover his eyes "Tsc, you twins are similar even in things like this!" I wish I was dead.
"What?" Heyunjin asks taken his hands off his face.
"DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES OPPA!" Min Ho stand up quickly "I'M WARNING YOU, THAT WILL TRAUMATIZE YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE" How did Min Ho open so many buttons? This boy is dangerous "Okay you can look now" My face still burning.
"This is a school Hwang Sol," Hyunjin says scolding me.
"Come on, we did worse here," Felix says "Don't care about him noona!" Min Ho hug my shoulders. 
"Once I caught them in the male bathroom.." He whispers to me and I see Hyunjins face burning like mine.
"You both stop sharing those things with us, we're siblings, worse twins, the fact we share a uterus doesn't mean we need to know those things too," I say covering my ears,
"Cause know make mental pictures" Hyunjin complete we shake our heads and this makes Min Ho and Felix laugh."Let's go sis we need a break from these two pervs! The class is over anyway" Hyunjing hold my hand and start to walk, I looked behind Min Ho was bring my bag like an old school boyfriend.
"So, you and Felix are official now oppa?" I whisper and a big pound appears on his face. 
"It's a long story, I can't tell you every detail cause involves Felix personal stuff, but beyond these problems, our dad is making everything even more difficult, but he and mom say that if I pass in one of the SKY universities we gonna had they bless" Oh lord, with Hyunjin grades, they're doomed.
"Don't worry oppa, my book will sell millions so we won't depend on dads money, I'll be able to take care of you two, cause you guys already had my bless, come here Lix" We stopped in the middle of the street, I put the hand of brother and brother-in-law together "By the power invested on me by myself I bless the union of Felix and Hyujin, they will have the most amazing, healthy, lovely and beautiful life ever! So from now on you better study oppa, I will not let my best friend get married to an unemployed"
"Hey unnie, can you bless us too?" Chuchu appears with Chan, she was a lead even in the shadows, I smiled and do the same thing to them. 
"Let's go home people, I'm hungry," I say holding Min Ho's hand again. 
At the dinner, the mood was terrible, mostly my parent’s fault that had the brilliant idea of inviting my brother’s ex-girlfriend, the one I hate the most, and now hate even more.
"So, sol now that you're back from Australia you may be able to catch up my grades on English so Felix, me and you come back to be the golden three, you always loved be at the third place or better saying that was the highest place that you get" I play with my knife between my fingers like was my kendo stick. 
"Or.. maybe Felix, me, and Chuchu became a new golden three, "I say smiling at her, trying no choose violence.
That was the worse welcome back dinner of all stories, and look I had sawed a lot of dinners, a feel even evolves murders, maybe I think was that terrible cause this doesn’t end up in one, and the fact my parents were acting so insane about Hyunjin and Felix makes me mad. Min Ho climb my window that night, we sleep next to each other as we did in the hospital, I was so mad that we didn't talk, he just hugs me until I sleep.
The next day I spend third minutes in front library door until had courage enough to enter the room, there are no students, just Changbin drinking coffee, he had a purple eye. 
"You look stunning with the new hair Sol" When I sit at the same table he was.
"What happening?" Changbin touches his purple eye.
"Things from my world! Personally, I think I deserve..." He looks at the coffee cup "When humans are in pain they're susceptible to do terrible decisions, as a friend say to me, I know that didn't justify, but I think was it at the end, me and the person that give me this purple eye, we make choices that we regret, choices made in a painful moment that end up hurting others"
"Makes sense" I sigh, Changbin looks at me.
"You have something for me right?" I take my book from the bag and give it to him, he smiles at sees it.
"I'm just a beginner, but I think is a good story… Once you told me that inspiration was like a friend that sits and drinks coffee with you, for me is the dreams that I had..." I take a deep breath when Changbin starts to read "I wanna this story to be my next life" He blinks slowly, but agree with a  move of his head. 
"Okay, at the moment I finish this story I will start yours.." He turns the page "You are really good at this, don't worry I will find a way to publish this with your name as author in my world, I can say it is a pseudonym!" I smile. 
"What do you think if we publish in this world? You may say it's a spin-off story like you did before, and I will need the money, my parents are given a hard time to my brother cause you know he and Felix are dating..."
"They are?"Changbin was surprised.
"How you didn't know when you are the author?" Changbin takes a deep breath, open, and close his mouth multiple time. 
"I create Felix on this story to have a one-sided love with you..." I freeze, I search for memories of me and Feliz on the scene, was true that he and Hyunjin only show real affection on shadows, "Okay, did you remember when I say that I found a way to travel between this world and mine?" I nodded "Well this was because of my small participation in The Legend of Dandelion, and the author of my world start to write a story about that character, it's called fanfiction, and her energy was strong enough to pull me out of the story."
"You were using her this whole time?" Changbin bites his bottom lip. 
"She knew it about everything, and didn't agree at all, so I stole the pen she use to do drafts..."I gasp.
"She was right to punch you" I concluded.
"Wasn't her, but she should..."He sighs "My point is, maybe that what is happing with Felix and Hyunjin, the feeling that they already had between each other made them susceptible to the fanfiction writer power, I'll do my best to keep them unless financial protect, but I had any power to they story now.." We stay in silence for while "Are you ready for the last chapter?" 
"I was born ready...Goodbye Seo Changbin"
"Goodbye, Hwang Sol" I heard him saying cause I don't look back.
When I cross the door library I can hear the pages turning.
I'm sitting in a court, the judge was saying principal Go sentence.
"...This court condemn mister Go Jinyoon for child abuse, corruption, and promote illegal bets, considering all his crimes we agree and made his sentence unsecured"  We applauded, I hug Seungmin that was crying, Chan and Chuchu are given that intense look to each other, Min Ho blinks to me. 
We walk out all happy and laughing, so out of the court I saw a banner saying my book is number one at the top-selling, Hyunjin hugs me, so all our phones start to ring. 
"I pass in Yonsei!" Chuchu screams I read the message on my phone.
"Me too!"I scream back, we jump together.
"Seoul National University!" I heard Hyunjin scream and jump on Felix, which makes my heart find peace, seeing them like that, I hope their author takes good care of them.
Min Ho show me his phone screen and syllable 'Yonsei' for me, Felix and Chanie will go to Korean University, Seungmin celebrates with us saying next year he would definitely meet us at the spring festivals.
After we face the evil we all are going to SKY is kinda poetic, so at the top of a building in a led panel appears - THE END-
The strings free our bodies, I hold Min Ho's hands tight and start to run, we had a short time until this universe disappears.
"Where are we going?"He asks breathlessly.
"To the first place that we met, this world will be gone given place to our next life, but I wanna do something first" We enter the Deoksungung palace "Did you read the stories that I ask too?" We stop in front of the throne, he smiles looking at me with his eyes full of tears. 
"What my lady asks that I didn't do?"He holds my hand.
"Everything starts here between us," I say.
"I know, here was we were separated too" He says and  I took a deep breath "But from now on, this wouldn't happen anymore 'cause, by the power invested on me by myself" I laugh with him copying my worlds "I bless our love, that we can live fully until the day or characters being forgotten" 
 "And from now on we will never apologize anymore for this love.." I complete.
"No, we don't! Cause the true love of all my lives that write our story" He passes his arms around me.
"I love you, Lee Min Ho"
"I love you, Hwang Sol"
The moment our lips touch, all universe around us disappears, and is just us, the bad boy and the best friend of the female lead, the prince and the court lady, the villains, all the characters that we play before, but wasn't us, but the future goddess of love and her lover, that were brave enough to take the lead of their life story, step by step more and more ready to discover what was the real them. 
THE END (for now)
author note: Dear reader, I just wanna remind you that you're the leader of your own life and must not let anybody make you think otherwise, life can be hard I know myself this, but please remember winter never fails to bring spring. Love you all! See you soon! - L.M. Andrade.
0 notes
skztword · 2 years
Could I request some Lee!Felix Switch!Hyunjin and Ler!Chan?
Time to stretch
hey anon~ thanks for the request~
I really am grateful and happy to be able to write your request but please give me some ideas or details about the situation.Like arkygbfakdfgb I'm really bad at thinking up situations so I'm sorry if it bothers you but please give me ideas😭😭
Anyways this fic is about the three of them stretching after some dance practice and then Hyunjin seemed to be a little bit playful and decided to pull the other two into a huge tickle fight!
Felix, Hyunjin, and Chan just finished with their dance practice for the new  choreography for their upcoming stage.The three of them now gathered into the center of the room playing some random music sometimes singing along as they started their routine for the stretching.
“IIIIIIMMMM GONNAAA SWIIIINNGG OONN THE CHAAAANDELIEEERRRR!” Felix screamed along as the song went on. Hyunjin and Chan laughed along as Felix kept on going with the high notes.As the stretching session went on the three were now stretching their sides, pulling their arms up and leaning to the side.
Hyunjin took this as a chance and poked the poor brownie boy earning a sudden yelp from him.Hyunjin snickered as he poked again now making Felix loose his balance falling towards the ground.
“Ohhh Felix you have weak sides~” Hyunjin commented as he smiled and kept on poking the younger dancing who was trying his best to fight off the poking fingers from the older dancer.”Hyuhuhunjiihihihin! sthohohop!” Felix wailed as he looked over to the leader who was snickering at the state that Felix was in.
“Chahahahnhihihiee hyuhuhuhuahahang!! dohohoon’t juhuhuhst lauauahahagh ahahahnd hehehehelp mehehehehe!!”Felix yelled as he wiggled around doing his best to escape the wiggling fingers of the older dancer wich was scribbling all over his sides and ribs.
“Hmmm... let me think......” Chan thought out loud still having a enormous grin on his face. Chan smirked as he got closer to the two sneaking up behind Hyunjin “Sure but just because you made be brownies few days ago!” the leader exclaimed as he started to attack the tallest member’s sides.
”NAHA! CHAHAHN!!” Hyunjin yelped as he pushed away the leaders evil hands squeezing his sensitive sides.Meanwhile Felix was smirking looking at the situation that the taller dancer was in when suddenly “Don’t be smirking like that lix I still remember that you ate my burger yesterday~!” Chan taunted as he shared a smirk with Hyunjin.”Yah, and also my chocolate cake!!” Hyunjin added on as the two older members started to inch towards Felix.“w-wait! Channie hyung! Jinnie! We can talk this out pleHEHEHSES!”Felix let out a loud yell as he soon burst into laughter as the two older members smiled down at him,Chan attacking the younger Aussie’s ribs and underarms while Hyunjin was squeezing the shit out of his thighs
“AHAHAHAHA! NOHOHO! PLEAHHAEHAESE! IHIHIM SOHOHORRYY!!”Felix boomed with laughter as he tried to squirm out of the tickling sensation all around his body.”Nah bro that burger costed a lot~~”Chan teased as he laughed along with the younger who was still a laughing mess under his skittling fingers around the laughing member’s ribs and underarms.”Lix~~ it’s too late to apologize for my cake when this is too fun to stop!” Hyunjin commented as he smiled with the younger as he now was squeezing the younger’s knees.
“NAHAHAHT THEHEHEHRE! IHIHIHIM SOHAHAHAHRYY!” the younger Aussie laughed as he fell into silent laughter still lightly giggling.”Ok ok Hyunjinnie I think that’s enough~”Chan grinned as he let out a last few pokes on the brownie boy’s sides as he giggled from the reaction that Felix gave out.
“Lixieee~~ you were so cute~!”Hyunjin said in English as he tried to imitate the two Australians accent.Chan giggled as he jokingly wiggled his fingers towards the taller dancer.Felix was still giggling lightly as he quietly commented “The foods were worth it tho..” he let out a cheeky grin towards the two older members as he got up and ran around the room until the other two got a hold of him sending into another fits of laughter.It was told that the whole building had heard Felix’s booming laughter throughout the afternoon.
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skztword · 2 years
Could I request some more fics with lee!minho? Ticklish minho just warms my heart omg
Hi Anon~
Sure thing~
No more Toilet Paper!
Lee:Minho/Lee know
As everyone knows Hyunjin and Minho has the weird but cute relationship of basically Tom and Jerry including stuffing the toilet paper in one's mouth....
But what if Hyunjin accidentally finds a way that he could fight back from Minho?
Running footsteps were heard throughout the dorm followed by a few giggles and screams from Hyunjin. As per usual soon after that another pair of footsteps were heard going after the tall dancer.
Yet again Minho and Hyunjin was having another Tom and Jerry situation.Minho was chasing Hyunjin around the dorm holding a roll of tissue paper yelling Hyunjin to come back.Obviously Hyunjin didn't listen not wanting to eat toilet paper again kept on running until he came back around in the living room soon to be tackled down by Minho.
"I'm gonna give you a chance first to apologize before I stuff this toilet paper into your mouth Jinnie~" Minho sang while looking down on Hyunjin. The taller dancer whined and tried to push off the older dancer off of him."Hyung! Please!!"While doing so his fingers accidentally brushed the older's sides.
Suddenly Hyunjin heard a little squeak from the older with was really rare to hear.But Hyunjin decided to play off as he has heard nothing.He knew what he had heard and was certainly going to tease the older about it.On the other hand the evil bunny was panicking inside thinking if the younger one had heard his little squeak and noticed his little secret.
After the incident it went on as it usually does Hyunjin suffering from Minho's tactics and the day just went on with nothing happening.Minho on the other hand was definitely suffering from a lee mood.After what had happened in between him and Hyunjin made him a flusters mess inside since no one really knew his little secret. He wished that Hyunjin didn't hear his little squeak but secretly wish he did.
Few days later the younger dancer noticed that his usually evil Hyung seemed to be squirmy whenever he was near him or whenever he was touching him.The conversation they had was normal as always both joking around, but he just knew that the older seemed a bit more squirmier then he usually was.He knew exactly why~
Hyunjin decided that today was the day to attack the evil bunny with what he had discovered few days ago.He walked over to Minho sitting on the sofa on his phone scrolling through social media."Hey Hyung" he said as he casually sat down moving his arm around the older fingers once again accidentally brushing Lee Know's sides.
Lee Know let out a small squeak again and clears his throat and answered back to the younger as if nothing happened."Hey Hyunjin"
That little squeak was noticed by the taller dancer with made him smirk."So hyung... how was your day?" Hyunjin asked starting a normal conversation in between them but his hands was lightly squeezing the older sides.Minho's faced blushed as he squirmed trying to not let out another squeak or a giggle out of him."Good as always...." The older dancer answered as he tried to squirm away from the dramatic ferret obviously liking the situation with a huge smirk on his face."Good to know hyung... So... hyung... do you perhaps happen to be ticklish?" Hyunjin asked smirking now almost giggling as he pulled back the older dancer now face red and squirming, few squeaks and giggles escaping out of his mouth.
"Wahahait! Hyuhuhunjin! Pleahease!" Minho giggled as he tried to escape from the taller's arms now pulling him back to the sofa in a position where Hyunjin was back hugging the older both fingers wiggling on his sensitive sides.
"NOHOHO! HYUHUHUNJIN!" The older dancer laughed as he once again tried to get away from the younger's evil fingers sliding along his ribs and sides but the effect of the ticklish sensation weakened the older unable to escape from the embrace.Meanwhile the taller dancer was having the time of his life giggling along with the older while teasing "Oh~ so you are ticklish~ Now that's one thing I can now use on~" Hearing the words from the younger the evil bunny was now blushing while breaking into loud laughter squirming around.Hyunjin's face only got brighter as he saw his hyung a laughing mess being tickled only lightly on his sides and ribs and got curious."Hyung.. what happens if I move my finger up to your armpits..." Minho's eyes widened as he squirmed harder trying to escape from the younger's grasp."WAHAHAIT NOHO! PLEAHEAHSE NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!" His laughter got 5 times louder then it previously was as he felt Hyunjin's fingers digging into his weakest spot. Hyunjin was now having a triumph smirk on his face while he saw Minho squirming and laughing on the sofa unable to get away from the ticklish situation he was in.
After a few while the taller dancer decided that it was enough and let the evil bunny who was a giggling mess take a rest."I guess now I know your little secret hyung!" Hyunjin smiled brightly as he giggled looking down on the older who was now lying down on the sofa softly giggling."Shut uhuhp!"
Hyunjin then smirked down at the older and taunted "I am so going to tell what happened to all the boys!" Minho just groaned too tired to chase after the taller dancer.But in secret he was really happy with what had happened just now.
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skztword · 2 years
~Masterlist of the Fics I wrote~
~T-word fics~
Ler: Lee Know Lee:Jisung
Late night Chaos
Ler: Straykids Lee: Lee know
Dancer's Secret
Ler: Lee know  Lee: Hyunjin
No more  toilet paper!
Ler: Lee know  Lee: Seungmin 
Say it now! 
Switch: Chan and Felix (Felix is more of the ler)
No cursing! 
Ler: Chan  Lee: I.N
Cheer up our cute Maknae! 
Ler: Chan Switch:Hyunjin Lee:Felix
Time to Stretch
Ler: Chan  Lee: Lee Know/Minho
Evil Cat~
Ler: Hyunjin and Chan  Lee: I.N and Felix
Sleepover! (Coming soon!)
Ler: Chan and Minho/Lee Know  Lee:Felix
Smile Angel  (Coming Soon!)
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skztword · 2 years
Heyyy I have a request if that’s okk :))
Lee : Chan
Ler : Felix
The situation can be up to your creative mind but could u make the parts switch ? Like revenge :D
No cursing!
Hello~! bavjfdhbvkajb I have been waiting for a lee!Chan request lmao
Anyways thank you so much for requesting and hope this fic is what you kind of had in mind?? and so sorry for taking a long time😭
As the two of them are from Australia sometimes they slip out a few curse words and Chan being the FATHER he is he decides to punish the brownie boy with a ✨little tactic✨ but ends up getting revenge taken from Felix~
The two Australians were hanging out at the living room since it was a day off.The other members seemed to go back to their parent's house since it was a long break and the two couldn't fly back to Australia because of covid.I really wish they can meet their family soon As always, Felix who liked to play games when he had free time was on his phone playing a online game and he seemed to be a bit struggling in the game.
"FUCK! The damn player killed me again!" Felix yelled in frustration as he saw his  character respawn to the starting point when he was so close to his victory.Meanwhile Chan raised an eyebrow listening to the younger Australian cursing nonstop through the whole game. "Felix you shouldn't curse much it's going to be a habit and you might curse when we're on live" Chan commented as he sighed looking at the freckled boy who seemed to be not listening to the older.
"SHIT! not again!" Felix wailed not seeming to hear the older. The leader shook his head while he went back watching the anime that he was currently watching.When he looked back to the anime the scene was showing Character A tickling Character B as a cute punishment since character B wasn't listening to them.And Chan being Chan, he decided to use this punishment on the brownie boy who still seemed to not notice the warning the leader had gave to him.
"Felix! Come here!" Bang Chan called while motioning the younger to come sit next to him with a bright smile.Felix who was now kind of annoyed of the game decided to oblige and went to sit next to the leader who seemed to be a little excited?
"What's up Channie hyung?" Felix asked as he looked  to the older seated next to him."You know you should break the habit of curing Felix" Chan once again commented.Felix sighed and nodded "But it's hard like it's natural for me to swear~!" 
"Fine then~ I'll help you fix that problem~"Chan smirked as he got closer to the younger. Now Felix was confused first Chan seemed to be extremely excited and now he was smirking?How was he going to help him?
"Uh.. Hyung how?" Felix asked confused looking weirdly at the smirking other."Oh~ Felix~ like this!!" Chan shouted as he tackled the younger Aussie to the ground while franticly squeezing his sides."WHAT THE FUCK!" Felix yelled with his deep ass voice as he stumbled onto the ground with the older trying to desperately push off the leader hands with seems to not budge.Chan on the other hand was now smiling and teasing "Ah,Ah,Ah~ No swearing Felix~"
"HYUHUHUHNG! STHAHAHP THAHAHT!" Felix bellowed as he was able to poke the older's sides.Chan squeaked as he jumped a little but still was tickling the younger underneath him.Felix seemed to smirk at the older's reaction.
"Hyuhuhung so you're ticklish buhuhut you decided to ... tickle me??" Felix asked still giggling as he looked into the leader's face who was now trying to not let out a giggle again.Chan didn't seem to answer the younger's question since he was busy trying to fight off brownie boy's evil fingers wich was now skidding and poking his sides."Shihihihit! Felix sthahhap thahaht!"
Felix raised an eyebrow as he was now full on smiling."Hyung I thought you warned me to not swear and decided to tickle me but Oh... look at how the tables has turned~"Chan's eyes widened as he realised what he had slipped out of his mouth.But like come on he's Australian like let them swear...
Chan was now rolling around on the floor as Felix was now scratching his ribs slightly making him jerk around from the electric sensation around his ribs."AHAHA! PLEAHEASE! STHAHAHP!" Felix smiled as he cooed "No Channie Hyung it's time for my revenge!"Now the little Angel sneaky devil was massaging the leader's sensitive sides with one hand while the other was attacking his neck."NAHAHAHHAT THEHEHERE! PLEAHAHESE IHIHIM SOHOHORHORY!"
The brownie boy who now seems to be satisfied stopped and commented."Channie Hyung you know that I'm the tickle monster and you know what happens when you decide to tickle the tickle monster~"
Chan just nodded and gave a thumbs up still smiling, now taking a mental note to take revenge with the other members towards the cute little tickle monster who was now playing games again.
Obviously he wasn't gonna let this slide ya know he is the original tickle monster after all.
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