#sjm is a gwynriel and elucien shipper
oristian · 3 days
ACOWAR, chapter 69.
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“Death and the Lovely Fawn.”
Upon rereading this scene, I have a few thoughts. This has been a scene that Elriels have boasted about being canon confirmation of endgame. Allow me to debunk this. As I plan on going more in depth in my overall ACOWAR analysis later this Summer, this will just be my thoughts in a more condensed fashion.
1 — Feyre never actually titles the painting and only refers to Elain as the “Lovely Fawn,” and Azriel as “Death.” For such a significant scene between Elain and Azriel, and apparent confirmation of their endgame, would their painting not have been titled with the official ship moniker? On top of that, Azriel is not the only character to have been referred to as “Death.” Rhysand and Nesta have also held those titles, so for Azriel to not have something specific to him—“The Shadowsinger and the Lovely Fawn”—it does not seem that prolific. Feyre has even named the painting between Rhysand and Lucien.
2 — Elain was not going to take Truth Teller until Feyre stepped in. As she had refused any other weapon before, she was hesitant and not fully on board. It was Feyre stepping in and telling Elain that she would not have to use it that drove her to accept it. Canonically, Elain is uncomfortable with violence and anything associated with that. While it is important that she is the first character Azriel has given Truth Teller to, seeing her hesitation is very telling.
3 — “The only bridge of connection … that knife.” Two thoughts on this sentence. Death and the Lovely Fawn had one bridge connecting them, and it was Truth Teller. As Elain has given it back, there is now no connection between them if we’re going off Feyre’s painting as endgame confirmation. The second thought is the use of “that knife,” as if it is not significant enough to call the blade Truth Teller. A reminder that Feyre is an artist and gets inspiration at random moments—this was just her inspiration for a future painting.
+ BONUS — The Death and the Lovely Fawn monikers are incompatible. Elain and Lucien are the only two characters canonically to have animal monikers—fawn and fox—which only further ties into their endgame. After ACOSF, Gwyn and Azriel have much more compatible monikers and titles.
All in all, while the act of Azriel giving Truth Teller to Elain is important, the context surrounding this scene is not enough to confirm endgame and actually hurts Elriel more than anything.
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meeksyyy · 1 day
How I sleep at night knowing something sparked in Azriel’s chest over Gwyn’s eyes and joy:
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gwynniethenymph · 16 days
I do see the interactions between E/riel. Every Gwynriel / Elucien does.
I know they have the hots for each other. I know Azriel gave Elain Truth-Teller. I know he saved her when she was kidnapped.
I can recognize that and still say it doesn't bother me at all because, in every single one of these interactions, at least one of them was in love with someone else. Or for every single one of these interactions, there was opposite foreshadowing.
The fact that E/riels completely deny the existence of Elucien and Gwynriel foreshadowing and similarities or "suspicious" interactions tells me a lot.
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✨✨Friendly Reminder✨✨
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I think A Court of Frost and Starlight should be read. I really love the break from all the drama (kinda, lol) It’s doesn’t have a ton of character development (because it’s just a NOVELLA) but it does lay some groundwork towards the next books.
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Like this little tid bit right here that illustrates that Elain isn’t talking about JUST Lucien but all fae males. Have we forgotten that’s how Sarah distinguishes between humans and fae? Men/Woman=Human. Male/Female=Fae. So it’s not specifically Lucien that’s the problem, it’s just the fae in general. And just look at the way then word MALE is emphasized. 🤭
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Or this little one that is one of my FAVORITE e/riel moments. Azriel looking at Mor with so much HEAT and YEARNING Feyre had to look away. 🫶🏻
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It’s all such good set up for e/riel. Just a good strong foundation that leaves no room for debate. 🤭 So yes I defiantly recommend everyone read ACOFAS.
All joking a side I really do enjoy ACOFAS, I know a lot of people don’t because of XYZ reason that have nothing to do with this shipwar mess. But I do really recommend people read it. If for nothing but just the pure fluff and fun of watching the IC celebrate Solstice.
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greenleaf777 · 2 months
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Azriel thinks and does this when speaking with Clotho and you’re gonna call him a toxic incel?
Az is the most kind, caring, loving and respectful member of the inner circle(besides elain)
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the-darkestminds · 2 months
See? Even Feyre wants Elain to give Lucien a chance.
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mycadences · 4 months
When Elain was about to be thrown into the Cauldron (so this was before she even entered the "oh so evil and corrupt" Cauldron that "definitely twisted and created fake mating bonds!"), notice who was the one who had a visceral reaction:
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Also notice how I didn't include Azriel's reaction? Yeah. Because he had none. Azriel had no reaction to Elain's greatest trauma -- her transformation into a High Fae. I can't even find any quotes during that scene, and if you don't believe me, grab your copy of ACOMAF and verify it for yourself. This is why they are definitely NOT mates. Meanwhile, Lucien tried to help Elain although it was their first meeting, so how it possibly be that their mating bond is fake and created by the Cauldron when he felt the bond even before she went in?
In fact, during ACOMAF, Azriel was heavily implied to be shipped with Mor:
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But Mor, as we all know, was likely retconned and revealed to be bisexual in ACOWAR (with a greater inclination toward females), putting an end to their ship.
Meanwhile, contrast Azriel's reaction toward Elain's violation to how Cassian reacted when Nesta was going through the same thing:
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Cassian's wings were shredded. He was in a sea of agony. And yet when Nesta was being thrown into the Cauldron, he was fighting to stay conscious at her screams. Because Nesta is his mate.
The same way that Eluciens are undeniably, irrefutably mates, evil Cauldron be damned.
Alternatively, you can also contrast to this scene:
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Azriel is the Night Court's Spymaster. Yet he didn't leave a single one of the Hybern soldiers alive for questioning? He killed them all immediately, suggesting that he was in a fit of blind, uncontrollable rage.
Which one screams mate behavior to you?
Edit to add: I finally found it! The evidence that Azriel knew to keep at least two enemies alive for questioning, so it was obvious he was incapable of thinking clearly when he killed every single one of the Hybern soldiers who hurt Gwyn.
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In this scene (in ACOSF), Cassian and Azriel were attacked by Autumn Court soldiers, and if Cassian knew the reasoning behind keeping two soldiers alive, obviously Azriel (the actual Spymaster) would, too.
"But -- Elain was wearing a cobalt blue dress when she met Azriel!"
Yeah, so? Nesta was wearing an amethyst dress when she met Cassian...
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... and she ended up with Cassian, didn't she? If cobalt is Azriel's color then crimson is Cassian's (these are the colors corresponding to their siphons btw), and if SJM intended the scene to be a parallel, wouldn't she have Nesta in a crimson dress?
Also tons of people wore cobalt outfits. Feyre, Eris, Helion, even Vassa in ACOSF. I guess we should start shipping Vassa and Azriel! Azris shippers should celebrate, since by Elriels' logic your ship is confirmed!
And if you really want to compare outfits, I think it's significant that both Azriel and Lucien draped their coats over Gwyn and Elain respectively in light of their traumatic experiences. This is how you do a proper parallel.
Even SJM herself alluded to being an Elucien shipper:
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Yes, this was from her actual Pinterest account before she took it down. If you search online for it, you'll find other people talking about it and that this is true, it's not just some random fake account lol.
Elriels claim that Gwyn is the red herring in their ship. I propose the opposite -- Elain is the red herring in Gwynriel's ship, like how Azriel is the red herring in Elucien's ship. Because think about it, if Elriel were really meant to be, why would SJM need to introduce Gwyn as a potential love interest for Azriel? She already had one red herring in Lucien, did she really need a second one? No, she didn't. So why? Why does all the evidence, new and old, point toward Gwynriel and Elucien and not Elriel?
Because there was never Elriel. Elriel were never mates, nor would they ever be. There was only ever Elucien (which came first) and Moriel (but Mor was retconned into being bisexual), which eventually gave rise to Gwynriel and highly likely Emorie (Mor x Emerie).
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nikachansstuff · 15 days
About purposefully misleading the reader
This week, I saw a really nice level headed debate between a fellow Elriel and a Elucien/Gwynriel shipper and boy, did my faith in humanity increased. It’s amazing when we can have positive debates and just exchange different perspectives!
One claim from the Elucien/Gwynriel caught my attention : “SJM wrote Elriel to be flat on purpose, to show us it doesn’t work.”
It got me thinking…
Why would an author waste time developing a non couple relationship in the background of a series, purposefully making it “flat and without chemistry”? Doesn’t it sound a bit strange to put so much work in 4 books for a possible couple that is supposed to be read as failed?
Wouldn’t be better and more straight to the point to not development anything at all? Because this type of conflict don’t add anything to the overarching plot.
Their counter argument was: “It’s to reveal Azriel’s mate later on.”
Hm… okay. Let’s reflect about this factor, then.
We do start the series with Azriel already in love with Mor without being reciprocated. Again, let’s all pretend we know SJM intention: if she needed a misdirection relationship for Azriel to struggle before his mate appears, she could have use the storyline with Mor for that. It was already there since the beginning. Why put so much effort and page time in another failed relationship with Elain?
Are you following my reasoning?
I have a really hard time in agreeing with this interpretation. In believing all the development is for nothing more than leading the reader in the wrong direction, and just to fuel Azriel’s journey to find a mate. For me, it doesn’t sound credible and mostly it doesn’t sound like SJM’s writing at all.
At the end, I can’t stop believing that it’s all about personal taste regarding romantic tropes. Because to my eyes, Elriel doesn’t read as flat/siblings (argh)/no chemistry. Quite the opposite, to me this couple has potential to be the most angst and refreshing one of the series.
Sometimes, the simplest answer is the right one. Or, in other words: “I thought it was pretty obvious.”
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sad-scarred-sassy · 4 months
Genuine question but if elain and azriel weren’t going to have some romantic relationship, why did SJM even write that first half of the bonus chapter? Elucien are already mates, she could’ve written a scene with them or not mentioned azriel and elain at all.
I’m not saying that gwynriel half of the bonus chapter was meaningless, they DID have good banter and the language used was eyebrow-raising at the very least, like something is def hinted there but I’m just confused about it. Like if she’s going in gwynriel direction, she could’ve JUST written the second half of the scene. We didn’t even KNOW elain and azriel were interacting before. Like why write a scene with Az + elain and then wreck them in the same chapter?
It’s so weird?? It could’ve easily been a set up for elucien and gwynriel but now it looks more like she was setting up for a love triangle between Az Gwyn and Elain.
I don’t know what to make of this 🤷🏻‍♀️ it just felt unnecessary lol bc if the next book IS azriel, I really don’t think she is going to have him move on from Mor to Elain, then Elain to Gwyn over the course of one chapter that didn’t even make it in the book?
It makes me so annoyed to think about that stupid BC. She should’ve never released it bc whether it’s gwynriel or elriel, that bonus chapter doesn’t make sense.
Like yeah yeah, we see how toxic elriel could’ve been and we see how they would never work - but like… tbh I didn’t think anything was happening between elain and azriel UNTIL the bonus chapter. I literally read that and was like HUH when did they—??? And then he was like “this was a mistake” and they went their separate ways and he ended the chapter with Gwyn. If SJM is going for Gwynriel endgame, it would’ve been so much better if she just didn’t even include the first part of the bonus chapter?? And vice versa.
If she hadn’t written the first part, I wouldn’t think elriel was a thing. If she hadn’t written the second part I wouldn’t think gwynriel was a thing.
I don’t think she did it just for drama either so I literally dunno what purpose it serves.
Hey!! That’s a great question, let me dive into it…
I think the bonus chapter has three parts, one with Elain, one with Rhys, one with Gwyn, not only to cement Gwynriel but also to give an end to Elriel. This also while deep diving into Azriel’s thoughts and motivations.
I for one, never really considered Elriel as strongly as their shippers do, but I could tell there was something going on there, in Acowar we got some winks at Elain being comfortable with Azriel (even if kind of in a childish, innocent way) and in Acofas we got the beginning of them acting awkward with eachother, Elain showing Azriel her plans etc, I remember thinking it was at best cute and Elain obviously had a crush on Az (but he was still pretty much still hung up with Mor and she was still mourning her fiance). When I read the BC I was so shocked and uncomfortable with Azriel’s purely sexual thoughts about Elain, it was deliberate, to show the reader Azriel is probably confusing lust with romantic feelings. That’s I think why you say the BC was the first time you saw them as a couple, but this shock to me was more in the way Azriel himself actually viewed Elain, until then we all at least agreed it was in a more tender way, and this was absolutely crushed with his pov (and we actually see this tenderness in the way he thinks about Gwyn instead).
Now to your main question: Why add Elain in his chapter? And to that we first need to answer why SJM wrote Elriel at all.
As an Elucien I can’t come here and say Elriel never existed because it did, but the reason SJM wrote it is not to lead them as endgame, but to add layers and tension to these characters. Firstly, Elriel for me was there to add some will-they-won’t-they to Elucien’s mating bond. Look, with no other couple did we have a mating bond snapped and proclaimed even before the two characters even spoke to each-other. This the first time we have this scenario, and things need to go one way for the tension to be there.
If Elain was just mourning Graysen (which relationship was ended in the same book Elucien gained traction) then it would have been too given that they would inevitably find their way to eachother. So she adds Azriel to the mix, who at that point had only ever been interested in Mor for 500 years, with absolutely zero possibility of her ever mirroring his interest. It just makes sense for his character to also find that fixation on Elain, another unattainable female. This was another way Azriel continued his self sabotage behavior, and so we had the first real stepping stone into what his character arc will be when he gets his book.
But we can agree Elriel started (to act as a red herring for Elucien, add character tension, give Az an arc), gained traction in Acofas, and when Sarah introduced us to Gwyn and had the realization she was perfect for Azriel, she had to close the Elriel thread. So here comes the BC.
As readers we needed to see with our own eyes why exactly these two characters weren’t good together, just like she did this with Tamlin in a more dramatic way before Feyre could see Rhys in a romantic way, Sarah gave us all the clues in the way Azriel thought about Elain hyper sexually, how he called their encounter a mistake, how he focused too much in her mating bond, even in ACOSF we got winks of him limiting Elain when she clearly wanted to help, because she should not be exposed to darkness. Then comes Rhys, asking Azriel the questions we as readers were asking him: what about Mor? No answer. Do you think you deserve Elain? Diverting the answer to say Lucien doesn’t (showing us his possible insecurity towards him). And then we have the Gwyn part, in which we see Azriel’s character actually shine, even if he still can’t see this is actually the way, not the doomed self sabotage relationship he was entertaining with Elain.
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The thing is it IS a set up for Elucien and Gwynriel:
Elucien: Lucien was there in the same house when the almost kiss happened, this is a calculated thing, the chapter could have happened a day after and it would have worked perfectly, but no, Lucien was there too. Something tells me Lucien knows what transpired, he probably could feel it, hear it, smell it or at least have some perception of it. And this just adds more angst to what Elain and him are going to go through.
Gwynriel: the obvious banter, exact opposite of Azriel’s and Elain’s interaction (for the better), and the hints of their potential mating bond.
To sum it up, Elriel was a thing before the bonus chapter, thats for sure, but Sarah needed to end it before she could continue, however small and insignificant their relationship actually was. And I don’t agree that this set up a love triangle between Elain/Az/Gwyn, when Azriel said “this was a mistake” Sarah ended any possibility of that, Elain gave him back the necklace she was at first eager to receive, Lucien was there and probably knows something happened, Azriel thought he had been right to stay away, and it ended with him thinking about Gwyn’s glowing eyes and smiling about her.
I hope this answers your question, I actually think the bonus chapter was masterfully written to tell us everything we need to know about what was actually happening inside Azriels head, and give us a hint of his future and the future of the other characters.
If she hadn’t written the first part, then we could’ve never gotten those rich pieces of information into Azriel’s trauma, red flags, jealousy and thought process that will play a part in his own book (because they’re far from resolved). By having both we could see how Elain brings up the worse in him, while Gwyn calms the restlessness inside of him instantly.
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lovemyromance · 28 days
You know what I think is so interesting?
If antis have such faith in the mating bond, that they're willing to brush off Elriel as just some temporary bump in the road to their respective redhead happily ever after ....
Why even bother to argue? Why even write essays on random excerpts of Cassian's opinion on Elain's black dress or how Teal and Blue is the embodiment of "like to calls to like"?
Actually no, I get why Gwynriels are out here in the trenches. Their pairing hasn't been declared mates or even friends yet.
But the Eluciens? Why are they here? They are fighting to death online claiming every random passage in the books somehow is foreshadowing for Elucien endgame ...
When all they really need to do is point out that "Elain & Lucien are mates". That's all they need, hypothetically.
If SJM was truly a fated mates author as they seem to believe, if mates were the end all be all in this fictional world, if having a mating bond was all that mattered ...
Feysand shippers weren't arguing that Feyre would still go back to Tamlin once their mating bond was revealed. And although I'm sure people wished otherwise, nobody genuinely thought Nesta would choose Eris over Cassian when it became clear they were also mates.
So why are Eluciens even fighting with anyone? Why are they going out of their way to show that random passages of Elain relate to sunlight which relates to day court which relates to Lucien somehow....?
It's almost as if ... having a mating bond is not enough ... almost like ... you need love between a couple for them to be endgame ....
The mating bond is the only thing tying Elain & Lucien together. Not love. Not affection. Not lust. Not even friendship.
And even if they have a mating bond in place, even the antis know that is not enough. They are doing all this work to prove Elucien will fall in love, even though nothing in the text has suggested that, quite frankly.
Yes we can analyze five hundred pages of the background weather in SJM books and I'm sure if we think crazy enough, we'll find a way to tie it back to a ship. But that's not necessary? Not when there already is evidence of a couple who does have feelings for each other , quite literally in our face.
Even Eluciens don't believe the mating bond is enough, they need to prove that Elain & Lucien will somehow fall in love...eventually
Elain & Azriel have already shown they have feelings for each other. Even if they were mates too, that likely wouldn't change anything for Elriels. This ship has always been about having the freedom to choose who you love. Mates or no mates, all they need is each other
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I get it
E/riel’s have been disappointed & shook since the BC.
I understand there are aggressive shippers out there on all sides with ✨ ZERO ✨ emotional intelligence & can’t help themselves from being actual villains.
All that to say, the biggest difference between Elriel v. Gwynriel/Elucien is we do actually use canon with complete context & build upon that. Canon from multiple series most times. We’ve kept up with the story.. We actually understand the narrative THE AUTHOR is wanting to convey. It’s both.. iykyk
If Elriel’s actually follow cannon you’ll end up with chosen love (if Elain even gives him a chance after that BC), their powers don’t sing or dance for the other, Elain has a bond trailing her forever, & Az leaves Elain for his mate when his bond snaps (bc it’s canon he wants a mate bond. He straight up says he’s envious of RHYS & CASSIAN. Az, quite literally, waited 500 years for a MATING BOND to snap with Mor.).
It’s clear y’all don’t understand that Elain’s treatment of Lucien is NOT unique to Lucien as a character. She’d be treating Az the same way if that bond snapped in Hybern, the same way y’all don’t understand that Azriel’s visceral longing for a mate is NOT unique to Elain as a character.. the same way y’all don’t realize that if Lucien never said anything, y’all wouldn’t have your favorite scene of them sitting in the garden.
I’ve seen a few post lately saying we’ve read too many fanfics, have confused cannon, & that we’re envious of Elriel… that’s what’s prompted this rant lol… This take is rich coming from the ship that had fics with Azriel’s shadows playing/DANCING for Elain, only for that dream to be drowned in a muddy grave in chapter 60 & in the BC of ACOSF.. yet y’all still are out here trying to explain that away or try to spin it as a positive… An Elriel shipper had an artist commission them as Eric & Ariel. At first I thought that commission was supposed to be an uno reverse of irony & apparently it’s not, it was actually for Elriel month & intended to only have one level of irony… Who’s really envious & confusing canon here?
Never seen an Elucien post saying “Darn, I wish Lucien’s power didn’t come out when he was trying to get to Elain, I wish his power was absent around her like Az’s shadows. Shoot, I really wish Lucien didn’t give Elain incredibly thoughtful gifts for solstice & ask Fayre multiple questions about Elain so he could know her as a person. Really wish he didn’t fight his way through a battle field just to see Elain. Actually, I just wish Lucien didn’t think of Elain’s well being at all, he should’ve NEVER thought about her still not eating, how thin she was, & how much that look in her eyes worried him.”
Never seen a Gwynriel post saying “Aw man, I wish Azriel didn’t notice how Gwyn’s freckles crinkle on her nose when she smirks & I wish he didn’t bait her into a challenge like he did with the obstacle course. I really freaking hate that his shadows danced with Gwyn after we got direct confirmation they don’t do that for Elain. Darn, really wish Az thought of his hands tainting Gwyn when we got his PoV.”
It’s absolutely hilarious that they’ll try it when I have YET so see an Elucien proof of ship post that isn’t straight from the books (with the complete context of the quote) & have it not support the overarching narrative THE AUTHOR is wanting to convey regarding a fated mate.. I just.. y’all, it’s okay to be wrong.
If I need to spell it out for you, the overarching theme is ✨ like calls to like ✨ & the mating bond transcends all… I’d hope we all know this as we’ve had to read that saying 832 times & have 832 examples of mates CHOOSING to accept the bond after getting to know them & healing.
We speak with 100% conviction bc it’s OBVIOUS! Elucien’s have been nothing but validated by SJM each time she released a book building more tension for Elucien to explore.. ACOSF was 100% validation for her Elucien’s.. I see Elriel theories & posts all the time bc I follow the Azriel tags. I don’t engage unless the Elriel tag is missing bc I won’t hop on a post that’s obviously for their discussion & rants. Tho, when I do go snoop, I have never seen a Elriel theory or take that can’t be disproven BY THE BOOKS aka THE AUTHOR..
I get it
We’ve all waiting YEARS for SJM to finish a series & we want to see our characters HEA.
I have ✨ ZERO ✨ problem with yall shipping Elriel, it’s just the fact y’all still scream that “your book” is next.. Sweetheart, there’s no book… & it’s that y’all copy & paste Elucien/Gwynriel characteristics & dynamics onto your ship. Like, yall do realize the depth of irony you put yourselves in every.. single.. time?
Just enjoy your side of the fandom & understand that the ship YOU WANT can ONLY be achieved through fanfics or realize that your ship is actually just a pick’N’choose of Elucien & Gwynriel.
I’m sorry that I’m not sorry for considering y’all a joke at this point in the maasverse. Every Elriel take or “proof” I see ends with me laughing my ass off, bc it’s comedic gold the amount of hoops y’all need to jump through. Realistically, only thing Elucien’s & Gwynriel’s need to do is just sit back & wait. Because on this day of May 6th, 2024, we should know that something greater than the cauldron chooses mates, Elain & Lucien are STILL CONFIRMED TO BE MATES, Elain has yet to have an on page conversation with Lucien discussing the future of their bond, Azriel’s shadows still ONLY dance for Gwyn or Azriel, & Az’s chest still ONLY sparked for Gwyn…
ALAIS, Elucien’s have been trying to help manage y’all’s expectations since 2016 & now have us Gwynriel’s to back them up bc it’s allllll in the books babes! (We can pull evidence from all of her series that supports SJM’s theme of like calls to like, mating language, & mating behaviors to show actual proof of our ship)
Honestly, it doesn’t matter how much y’all try to “I know you are, but what am I?” us to death, it still won’t change the fact that after the CoN scene & chapter 60 in ACOSF, y’all should’ve just taken that L with grace & dignity..
I know the best thing to do is not engage or add to the flame & that they bait, I just can’t help it. I work in the legal field & arguing a point is in my blood! 💀 I get it, don’t yuck others yums, it’s just so funny that we are still neck deep in discourse with them about mates getting a book together… in a contracted fated mates series..
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oristian · 14 hours
I’ve seen that persons account and some of their posts they really do seem to be pretending to be Elain. Love crazy hour!!
I honestly have zero clue where they came up with me calling them a side character? I get loving a character, but the self-insert allegations for Elriels are never going away.
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gwynniethenymph · 16 days
Sarah is just taking this long to write the damn book because she can't decide if it's Gwynriel or Elucien 🙏
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✨✨Friendly Reminder✨✨
Rhys’ parents? That mating bond was ACCEPTED not rejected. 🤭 It’s not even close to being the same situation.
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But go off and keep being wrong with your whole chest.
In order for this “theory” to work then Elain would have to actually accept the mating bond and then have kids with Lucien, then it would be similar to Rhys’ parents. So essentially what you’re saying is that Elain WILL accept the mating bond. Good to know you’re coming around to that fact. 🤭🤭
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greenleaf777 · 6 months
The fact of the matter is in the canon story Sarah J Maas has given us Azriel undeniably ONLY wants Elain and Elain undeniably ONLY wants Azriel. There aren’t any other options in the story so far that are written to be romantic. The only other characters that Elain and Azriel have felt romantic feelings towards are dead ships that have no future (Mor and Grayson). Gwynriel isn’t romantic in the slightest, Elucien isn’t romantic even if they’re mates, neither ship have one single canon moments that translates to something romantic. You can like the idea of them, like the idea of all mates getting together or like their “banter” but you can’t just decide that means they’ll fall in love with each other and expect everyone to follow suit or ship it too. Elriel shippers are simply following the story SJM has given us. The romance you see is in your head, it’s shared with others through fan-fiction, headcanons etc but its not part of the canon story being written.
That goes for every other random Elain and Azriel pairing cause there are a lot.
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ataraxiasflame · 2 months
I’m not a massive fan of how SJM/Bloomsbury handle the marketing of her books, even if I can understand a lot of the reasons behind decisions that are made (or things that are ignored). When I look at it from the publisher’s perspective, their decisions make perfect sense.
And if I continue to consider the publisher’s perspective going forward, there are some decisions which would make perfect sense to maximise their objective: sales, profits and getting everyone in the fandom to read the next book.
We all know that when the next book is announced, there will be a negative reaction from opposing shippers (that’s not an exaggeration - I’ve seen the many boycott threats).
We also know that the most popular theories surrounding who the next book will be about are either Azriel and/or Elain. So, how does Bloomsbury approach this from a marketing perspective?
Announce Elain and Lucien’s book, but focus the marketing on Elain, on the potential bond rejection, fate vs free will etc, thereby leaving readers without any indication before the book release who Elain will eventually choose, forcing all shippers to read the book. Lucien’s personal story will still be explored and E/riel shippers will still be left with the belief that Elain may still reject the bond and choose Azriel. (I won’t get into the one-couple-per-book confirmation…Bloomsbury won’t always base their marketing the rest of the series)
Yes, the ship war will continue but BB has never cared about that. They will never care about that. And from their perspectives, publishing a Gwynriel book first would severely impact their current market, while simultaneously impacting the main themes of the final book (which would by default need to be Elucien).
From their perspective alone, the smartest move they can have SJM make is to release Elain’s book next, and not have any marketing confirm who she will choose.
As a reader, this would annoy the hell out of me, but it would be the smartest way for them to ensure the entire fandom reads the next book.
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