#silly straw inspired
dipperpines-kin · 2 months
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Silly Straw Billy doodle
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seeing all these scug ship names and yet not a single iterator ship name. as one of the three slivermoon likers on this site i suggest “waning crescent”
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littleaipom · 9 months
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new fursona! (not to replace my usual one) It is time that i embrace the charm of monkey :D
I'm naming her Zivi
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chaoticbardlady99 · 7 months
I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend (Astarion x GN! Reader)
  This man has a chokehold on me and I have been plagued by this idea for about a week.
Title inspired by the song "i wanna be your girlfriend" by girl in red
CW: Mentions of violence and gore (not descriptive), bit of angst, comfort
(Not my photo. I believe it belongs to Daily Gaming)
Synopsis- You and Astarion are in the middle of a war to prove who can set the best traps. However, a lack of rules seems to have gotten you into a predicament neither one of you had anticipated.
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Sometimes you take it a smidge too far. 
 You would love to tell people you are some cunning, daring rogue, but the reality is that you are consistently flying by the seat of your pants. Occasionally it works really well- this was not one of those times.
    You never felt the need to prove anything to anyone.
Well, until you met Astarion. Within the first three days of traveling with him, your confidence and patience began to wear thin. He would make snide comments when watching you attempt to unlock a chest or when you scare off your prey by tripping over a bush. Then he would smirk at you- with that stupid, beautiful smirk.
He enjoys adding salt to the wound by taking on the task you failed at; usually lock picking, sneak attacks, and Gods only knows what else he could make fun of you for. You are very aware that you are not some fancy rogue and it never bothered you until now. You had accepted long ago that you are just a street urchin moving up in the world after teaching yourself the trade.
  The final straw had been when you had placed traps to catch dinner. Your traps had been successful (naturally- traps were your thing) and you brought back three bunnies for Gale’s stew.
Oh, but of course Astarion had something to say. He always has something to say.
  “Oh look at that- how cute. I’m sure sheerluck was on your side,” he quips, “You’ll get better eventually.”
 Thus began the war of all wars.
It started with small traps- nuisances really. Tripwire, a laughing or sleep rune well hidden, and traps that release horrible smells. Then it quickly took a turn for the worst; what were once harmless pranks turned into trip wires that release a swarm of bees, simple pits began to get deeper, and blasting traps that would send either one of you flying into a nearby object. It was never truly life threatening, just questionable.
  Well, except for the bees. The bees were not the greatest thought in hindsight; considering both you and Astarion had to help each other with the bee stings- Shadowheart refusing to be involved. You both laughed and he even complimented you on your cleverness. You swore you could have exploded in that moment.
   You have a massive, childish crush on the man and maybe the competition was your subconscious way of getting closer to him. However, your other companions were getting sick of it pretty quickly. 
  They had all hoped after the Tiefling party that the two of you would put your silly competition to rest so that you could all travel together in peace and they would just have to deal with PDA.
What a silly thing for them to think. PDA hasn't happened, but the pranks did become less risky and less frequent.  You were okay with this change.
   You feel like you and Astarion have become close friends. Even though your tryst didn’t lead to a romantic relationship as you had hoped, you were happy to have Astarion in your life in any capacity. If that was just as a friend- then so be it. 
  Which brings us back to the beginning- when you realize that your ‘trap war’ had paper thin rules and the lack of rules just might be the thing that actually kills you on this journey.
  All you wanted to do was clean yourself off. It had been one last relaxing day before you set off to the Creche, but you had thought you might treat yourself. Baths were rare and far between these days and you want to enjoy it while you have it. However, you were not planning for a simple snare trap to foil your entire evening. 
  You get hoisted up into the air, slammed against the tree, and drop all of your belongings- including the knife you brought ‘just incase’. You glared at the knife and put your hand to your blood fountain of a nose.
 “Traitor,” you whisper with a pout as you look for a way to escape the trap.
  Suddenly, you freeze as instincts kick in. You hear the Gnolls before you see them. Your bloody nose from the impact of the tree had led them to you. They attempt to claw at you- trying to rip you down from the tree. You feel their claws tear into your back, the side of your arms, and one of them even manages to take a swipe at your abdomen as you scramble to escape. The cuts weren't life threatening, but they hurt. A LOT.
  You manage to use the rope to pull yourself up onto one of the tree limbs; allowing you to hide some of your body from the Gnolls, but you now have an arrow protruding out of your right thigh so obviously that isn’t working well either.
  You bite back tears, frozen in fear. You really did not want to die this way and you certainly didn’t want it to be because of Astarion’s trap. You have a feeling he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if you died because of him. 
  You can imagine the blame and anger the rest of your companions would direct at him if the worst happened. You imagine the bloodshed- knowing full well that everyone (minus Karlach) would not forgive him for accidentally killing you. Lae’zel would be the first one to put a stake in his chest- her fondness for you is no secret. 
   Your heart thumps painfully at that thought and your resolve hardens. You will not die because you will not let that happen to Astarion. 
 You look around, your arms and legs shaking still with the residual shock and fear. You look for any sharp branches, a forgotten knife lodged somewhere, or even something you could cast a cantrip on to distract them. You have no such luck. 
 You resign yourself to your fate- the tears making a reappearance. 
 Unless one of your companions finds you first- you are going to either have to wait for the Gnolls to get bored and leave or they are going to kill you.
You pray to every God you can think of that you will survive the night.
 Astarion is trying to not look so desperate as he reads the first page for the hundredth time. 
  You had walked off a little over two hours ago- Lae’zel is on watch while the rest of your companions sleep soundly in their bed rolls. 
 The longer your bedroll remains empty, the more the pit grows in his stomach.
He didn’t know how to navigate your relationship after the tiefling party.
His feelings for you are confusing. The sex had felt different, he enjoys your company immensely, and he likes how warm he feels around you.
Instead of talking to you like a normal person or taking a moment to reflect, he decided to find some common ground- something you could laugh and talk about later. Normalcy.
He set up a snare trap close to the river you were all using to clean off and then a laughter rune trap somewhere on the path to the Creche. Hypothetically, they are very safe traps.
Unless he rigged them wrong? What if you ran into one of them and….
  No, I am sure they are just fine.
 He doesn’t even believe his own lie.
After about another five minutes, the anxiety rolling in his stomach becomes unbearable so he grabs his daggers and sets off in the direction you had gone two hours earlier.
  He walks quickly through the forest, checking his surroundings and looking for evidence that you were close by. As the minutes pass, he feels the hope of finding you safe shrink.
The wind hits his nose and he becomes stock-still.
He smells your blood- an alarming amount of it-in the air as he gets closer to the river. He fears the worst as he goes to look at the trap- hoping you will forgive him- that you are alive. Safe.
 He peers through the bushes and his eyes grow wide as the scene before him unfolds. 
  You are stuck up in the tree- his trap is still around your ankle. You are holding onto the branch like your life depends on it. It probably does since there are five Gnolls circling the tree like vultures.
  He can hear your soft broken sobs as arrows fly over you or hit the tree. He notices the arrow in your leg and watches as a second one lodges itself into your calf. You wince and close your eyes tightly- unknown to you that Astarion’s vision is clouded in red and his whole body fills with destructive, hot rage. He also feels fear, but he pushes it away, not ready to explore the why. 
  He lunges forward, slashing at the Gnolls with so much force that they are practically in half by the time they hit the forest floor. He is a man possessed as he carves his way through all five gnolls and then he climbs up the tree to you. 
His chest aches as he looks at you. He will never be able to forgive himself for causing you so much suffering.
  “Darling,” he says softly.
    You whimper in response and when you look at him- he feels all the air leave his lunges. If he needed air, he would have passed out right then. Your eyes were glassy with traces of fear, sadness, and loneliness- all emotions he is all too familiar with. Then you see it’s him and the biggest smile crosses your lips and you look at him with so much affection he almost feels ill. This was not the plan and he almost made you a midnight snack for a group of Gnolls.
  “You found me,” you say in a raspy, raw voice, “I thought I was going to be stuck here all night until Karlach or Gale found me. Or I was going to die.”
 You chuckle, but Astarion can’t get himself to share your same enthusiasm about his rescue mission as he cuts the rope. 
  He helps you down the tree and safely back on the ground. Astarion winces as you pull the arrows out of your leg. You find a healing potion amongst your things and chug it.
He collects your stuff for you. You give him another one of those brilliant smiles and Astarion tries to smile just as brightly back. You furrow your brows, but he turns away before you can keep analyzing him. 
  “We should head back,” Astarion mumbles.
  The silence hangs in the air as Astarion walks with you back to camp. After about 15 minutes, you are back at camp and the tension in the air is suffocating.
  Astarion freezes, turns on his heels, and looks everywhere but your eyes. He couldn’t bare to see you smile at him again- look at him like that again- not after he almost killed you.
  You maneuver yourself so you are looking in his eyes.
 “It’s not your fault,” he begins to protest when you shush him, “we didn’t set any rules and the trap itself was harmless. We didn't account for Gnolls when we started this whole thing.”
  “I almost got you killed.”
 “But you didn’t. It easily could have been you in that situation and me saving you.”
  “Will you please stop being so Gods damn forgiving,” he huffs with exasperation as he feels tears prick his eyes, “I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I put your life in danger. I almost-”
 Lost you. He chokes on the words. The fear from earlier begins to come back to the front of his mind. Watching you cling to that tree, crying, and in pain had made him realize that you just might be more important to him than he cares to admit. However, that’s a conversation for another time- once he sorts out what that feeling in his chest is whenever he looks at you.
  You look at him sharply, your eyes raw with sadness, “Stop that right now. I am okay. I lived. It was a mistake and I know your intentions were not bad. You don’t have anything to worry about Star.” 
He doesn’t say anything and you hang your head.
“I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I- I should go-“ Astarion pauses as you interrupt him.
“Please don’t leave,” you whisper, “I rather enjoy your company.”
  You look at him with tears welling in your eyes. He stares at you in stunned silence, searching your face for any sign of deception, but he doesn't find it. His body moves before his brain can process what he is doing. 
 Astarion gently cradles your face in his hands and kisses you slowly, softly. He smiles despite himself when a gasp leaves your lips. You're alive and safe. When the warmth in his chest begins to spread throughout the rest of his body, he pulls away and steps back. Your face is flushed, a beautiful blush spreading across your cheeks. You look at him with wide, unblinking eyes before you shyly smile. Astarion could have melted in that moment. He finds himself smiling too.
 “Well I’m assuming that means you are going to stay?” 
  “I suppose I’ll stay,” he says while tapping his chin, “you do need someone to make sure you aren’t getting into trouble like that again.”
 You feign hurt and scoff, “Are you suggesting that this was my fault?”
 “Maybe if you were better with traps that wouldn’t have happened,” Astarion teases.
  You narrow your eyes at Astarion and you try to hold back a smile. You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him.
You start towards camp before you pause and turn around. Astarion gives you a confused look.
You run over to him and place a kiss on his cheek. He tenses for a moment before relaxing again. You look at him sweetly, a soft smile on your lips.
 “Good night Astarion.”
  As you saunter towards your respective tents, Astarion takes one last glance at your tent- at you- before he lays down with his book. Except he still can’t get past the first page- he is too anxious for the sun to come up so that he can see your smile again.
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puck-luck · 8 days
the open secret | seth jarvis
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warnings: oral (m!receiving), allusions to free use after the fact, cockwarming pairing: seth jarvis x fem!reader summary: bestie!jarvy head as inspired by this request: "i'm a simple girl with simple wants (blurb abt giving bestie!jarvy head and he's like goofy and silly and guiding the reader's head) (OR, on the other hand, post-loss head to make him feel better cause that's stinkabutt and he deserves it for his game this post-season)". I combined the two <3 wc: 2568
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You weren’t ashamed of your oral fixation. It was like an open secret between your friends– you always had a pen, or some gum, or a nail in your mouth. You were constantly chewing on something and you weren’t exactly coy about how much you loved to go down on your partners. 
You spoke about it often enough that your best friend Seth had taken to finding a new way to shut you up, as if you were the talker between the two of you. Over the past few months, he would trace over the line of your cheek and press his fingers onto your tongue while you were mid-word. 
The first time it happened, you were stunned silent, looking up at him with doe eyes until he withdrew his hand and apologized in a sheepish voice. 
“I don’t know what came over me,” he said.
“Okay,” you replied, uncertain but aching to move past the awkward moment. 
The second time, you had watched him think it over. You had seen the look in his eyes change. His eyes had been fixed on your lips for nearly an eternity (it felt), and you saw him cock his head from one side to the other. He licked his lips and blinked, his gaze cloudy and far away. You watched his fingers rise up and how his thumb stroked over your chin before he slid the digit into your mouth. 
The moment was so heavy. It felt like all of Seth’s weight was pressing against you with just his one finger in your mouth, pressing down on your tongue while his pointer finger rested underneath your chin. It pushed into the submental space, creating an unnaturally satisfying pressure. Almost mindlessly, your lips closed around his thumb and you sucked.
Seth snatched his hand away in an instant, his eyes wide and full of shock. 
“Oh my God,” he said.
“Jarvy, it’s okay,” you replied, shaken by his reaction.
“I have to go,” he announced and booked it. He was out of your presence in a split second, and if it had been a cartoon, you could have seen the cloud of dust he had kicked up in his wake.
It hadn’t happened since, but Seth had thought about it. You knew because he continued to get that far away look in his eyes when you spoke for too long, his gaze trained on your lips. You thought once that you saw his fingers twitch at his sides and it drew your gaze, which snapped him out of his. You had watched him shake himself out of it multiple times, even when there was already something in your mouth– the straw of your coffee, most notably. 
You had seen him flush a little, his cheeks red, when the two of you went on a little lunch date and you applied lip gloss right before sipping your iced drink. Then, a bit of chocolate had dripped onto your finger from your croissant and you licked it off. You were filled with a sick sense of joy when you watched Seth shift in his seat and not-so subtly look down at his lap.
You hadn’t considered Seth in that way before you noticed his fixation on your mouth– he was just your best friend, a man who you could joke around with an tease and have a good time. He was unnecessarily mean at times, although you knew by now that it was how he expressed affection. He was cuddly because he was energetic and loved to touch his friends. Now, you were thinking that maybe he was touchy with you for another reason and that he was being mean because he was flirting with you. 
Your other friends agreed and slowly, over the course of the first two rounds of the playoffs, you realized that you weren’t just friends with Seth either. That was why, when the Canes lost in the second round to the Rangers, you weren’t terribly upset. 
It meant that Seth was coming home and staying home, at least for a little while, and you could make your move. 
You and Seth made plans to see each other the day following the loss. He spent the night alone at home, mourning the end of his season and resting after battling through injury for so long. He hadn’t even told you about it, just occasionally acting miserable about some soreness in his joints. You were angry about that, sure, but you knew a way that he could make it up to you.
But all of that hinged on getting Seth to put his fingers in your mouth again. 
He came over to your apartment under the guise of watching a movie– a low-risk activity, because you were still punishing him for not telling you about his injury. He knew that if he had told you about it, you would have told him not to play. You would have convinced him that it was dangerous and that he would just hurt himself more and the worst part is, he would have listened. He would’ve prioritized you over hockey, which is much more dangerous to him than any injury could be, considering you’re not even together.
You let Seth pick the film, because you obviously weren’t planning to watch it. He chose to watch Wolf of Wall Street, like a typical man, and as much as the success story and subsequent downfall of Jordan Belfort interested you, you didn’t care. You talked. You talked and talked through the movie, something you knew Seth hated. 
He was reverent when it came to films he enjoyed, and you knew that each time you opened your mouth, he clenched his jaw just a little bit harder. He was holding himself together well, but when the elevator scene comes on, you know you have to make your move.
“Jealous,” you mumbled under your breath, quieter than most of the things you had said during the film, but loud enough for Seth to hear. 
“What?” Seth asked, looking to confirm that he heard you right. 
“I’m jealous, Jarvy.” You threw your head back on the couch cushions in exasperation and tilted to look at him. “It’s been so long since I had something in my mouth.”
Seth paled at your words. The color drained from his face in the way that it does when a man thinks something dirty, but is ashamed of it. You almost wanted to laugh at him, but you held yourself together. 
“You, uh, haven’t been with anyone lately?” Seth asked, feigning nonchalance by clearing his throat. He wiped his hands on his shorts, shifting in his seat.
You threw yourself over his lap, draping yourself dramatically. This wasn’t uncommon for you to do, but Seth stiffened. He was tense beneath you, no doubt trying to keep you from wiggling over his cock and causing him to grow hard. He’s already a little stiff just from the thought of your lips wrapped around something and the bliss that he imagines would cover your features.
“No,” you whined, complaining with a miserable pout on your lips. “Every guy I’ve met is just so boring.”
“Boring,” Seth repeated, already looking a little far away… your pout had served its purpose. It had drawn his eyes to your mouth and now he was transfixed, his mind still racing with the image of your lips around a cock– his cock.
You sighed in satisfaction when you felt his cock twitch in his shorts, growing harder near your head. It would be so easy to just reach over and take him out of his shorts, fit him in your hand, and suckle at his tip. You covered up the satisfaction by pretending like you’re sighing in frustration.
“What should I do, J?” You asked, batting your eyelashes.
He’s quiet, still watching your mouth. His hand found your arm, rubbing it softly. His other hand toyed with the ends of your hair. 
“Seth?” You pressed.
“I could…” He trailed off, bringing his thumb down from your hair to caress your cheek.
You stared up at him, hoping to look helpless, hoping to look like you needed him to guide you. You wanted him to think that it was his idea, that he made the jump from friends to more. You just led him there.
“Do you want something to suck on?” He asked.
“Mm-hmm.” You nodded, hoping your hum came out like a whine.
He brought his thumb to your lip, tracing the bottom edge of it. “I could give you my finger,” he offered.
You nodded again, opening your mouth to take it.
“Or,” he wondered, then hesitated.
You pulled back, eyes shining. “Or what?”
“You could suck my cock.”
The idea sent a shiver up your spine. Seth said it like he’s nonchalant, like he’s just throwing it out there, but there’s a hint of desire in his eyes. He needs this, you can tell. He wants this.
You licked the pad of his thumb, fitting your tongue around the digit. You bobbed your head just a little bit, never tearing your eyes away from Seth’s. While his pupils were still transfixed on your plush lips around him, you trailed your hand up his thigh to palm his bulge. 
His lips parted at the contact, giving you a good view of his tongue sweeping over his chapped lip, then biting it. 
“I want to,” you said, sliding his hand from your mouth to intertwine your fingers. You maneuvered so that you were between his thighs and he was laying longways on the couch, the Wolf of Wall Street still playing on in the background. You bit your lip and pulled the waistband of his shorts down, achingly slow. You brought his underwear with them, inching them down to reveal his cock, which sprung back toward his stomach once your freed it. You paused, then admitted shyly, “Been thinking about it.”
Seth moaned at that, taking your hand again and holding it against his chest. You pushed his shirt up so that you could splay the fingers on your other hand over his abdomen, thumbing over his happy trail. You looked up at him from between his legs, your mouth open near the base of his cock.
You leaned forward, drawing one of his balls into your mouth. You lathered your tongue over the skin, groaning softly at the feeling of having something in your mouth, at the taste of Seth. You held him in your mouth for a moment, savoring the slightly salty, very musky taste that enveloped the buds on your tongue. You drew your mouth away reluctantly, licking up his shaft until you reached his tip.
His cock kicked against your lips, but you followed it with your jaw wide. You took the head into your mouth, closing your lips around it. You sucked in soothing, gentle beats, closing your eyes with the satisfaction that came with having something in your mouth again– something you had plotted so diligently to acquire.
You let out a quiet moan, content with where you were. You sucked on him the way you sometimes, shyly, always alone, sucked on your own thumb when you were feeling particularly needy. It was slow and deliberate and comforting.
And absolutely miserable for Seth. 
It felt good– God, of course it felt good– but it wasn’t enough. You were teasing him, your lips tight around the most sensitive part of his cock, your tongue occasionally flicking over his slit to gather his precum. When it wasn’t tasting him, your tongue was pressed against the underside of his tip, flexing with each suck.
And the way you looked up at him, fuck. Your eyes were wide and full of love and Seth could barely handle it.
He gasped and brought a hand to your hair.
“More,” Seth breathed out, pushing your head down, but not hard enough to actually move you. He didn’t want to make you gag.
You gagged yourself anyway, sinking lower and lower until you had taken all of him in your mouth. Even then, even after gagging, you looked up at him and the only thing that could describe the light in your eyes was this: you were filled with glee. 
Seth’s chest felt tight, like he couldn’t take in a full breath. He was stuttering, no longer paying attention to the movie. He couldn’t form words– for someone who talked so much, you were proud of yourself for rendering him speechless. 
You bobbed your head, drawing Seth closer to orgasm with each stroke. You let your eyes shift in and out of focus, looking up at Seth at times so he could see the tears building along your waterline. You took in the hair on his body– the dark line of his happy trail, the tickle of his trimmed pubes against the tip of your nose on particularly deep swallows. 
Seth’s hand squeezed yours, his grip tight. “Fuck, Y/N.” He thrust his hips up, causing your throat to constrict around him. You moaned at the reverent call of your name, bringing your other hand down to trace the skin of Seth’s balls, cupping them gently in your palm.
You could feel them tense beneath your fingers, a laugh building in your throat. Seth wasn’t far from orgasm now. You pulled your mouth off for just a second to say, “You should come, Jarvy.”
His jaw dropped open, hand tightening in your hair. He convulsed under you, twitches that pushed his cock further down your throat until his tip was brushing the back of it. His spongy head was bumping against your oropharynx and it sent shock waves up his spine with each touch.
He chased the sensation, curses tumbling from his lips as he started to let go. He filled your mouth with his tangy seed, and whined at the moan you released, wanton as if you were drinking the nectar of the gods. You swallowed eagerly, your muscles working around the length of him.
Seth came for what seemed like forever, the aftershocks keeping him tense. His hand stayed on your head, keeping you there. His hand stayed on your hair to ensure that you were still real, because if he looked down at you again, he’d come for a second time. If he looked down at you, holding his softening cock in his mouth, still so happy to be sucking on something, he might pass out. 
You could fit his cock in your mouth much better now that he was soft. You readjusted, laying with your cheek on the inside of his thigh. You burrowed into him, filling yourself with him, and closed your eyes. 
“What are you doing?” Seth groaned out, confused.
“Finish your movie,” you told him, words jumbled as you spoke around his length. “Wanna hold you a while longer.”
You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, the sounds of The Wolf of Wall Street filling your ears. Seth’s hand pet through your hair and lulled you to sleep, a bit of drool leaking out of your relaxed mouth and onto his thigh.
When you woke, you brought him to orgasm again. When you came over to his the following day, you kneeled beneath him again. Like you said– your oral fixation was an open secret. Seth just used that to his advantage.
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notes: guys i need some fingers in my mouth SOOO bad. i'm also a slut for hickeys and for giving head so i fear i just need something in my mouth... i am y/n fr
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saturncoyote · 10 months
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Wow these guys sure are silly, i hope nothing terrible happens to them
Some more headcanons + design notes under the cut because i'm normal
Seven Red Suns - they/them - Their stripes and overall color palette are suppose to imitate a bumble bee :-) - Royal cape is not at all well kept, the fur is messy and the fabric is wrinkled
Looks To The Moon - she/her - Right antenna was bent after fall - Chest marking is shaped like a wave - Has the same eyelash + eyebags as Five Pebbles
No Significant Harassment - he/they - Has the iterator equivalent of wireless headphones (no antennae)
Five Pebbles - he/him - Some of his wires become loose after THE INCIDENT
Unparalleled Innocence - she/they - Chest markings are suppose to imitate fog or mist
Sliver Of Straw - she/they/it - Design is overall very wasp inspired (especially her head shape)
Grey / Chasing Wind - they/it - Chasing Wind is their real name, Grey Wind is their warrior cat sona - Design is HEAVILY based off of blue underwing moths
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rafayelswife · 3 months
Just floating around // Rafayel x f!reader
Summary: Since the beach would be too crowded, Rafayel has to find a creative solution to it.
Warnings: Probs some ooc Rafayel bc I'm not used to writing for him. Some lore so slightly spoilers? (like what he is etc and some aspects from "ebb and flow"). Some silly fic bc somehow I can see Rafayel do something like that? Let me know if I missed any more warnings.
Genre: fluff, sfw.
Word count: 705.
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Rafayel was lying on a floatie, floating around in the pool that was set up in the middle of his living room. A pair of black sunglasses rested on his nose as he was holding a glass in his hand with a colorful cocktail. A yellow straw and a red parasol in it as well.
Since it was a hot and sunny day in Linkon, Rafayel didn't feel like going to the beach, knowing it would be crowded with people who wanted to take a dive in the cold seawater. And so, Rafayel preferred to float around in his own pool in the safety of his own studio.
He rested his free hand behind his head, his tail slightly moving up and down as the edges dipped in the cold water. Blue scales adore his face and body. He felt beyond relaxed, forgetting about the unfinished painting that was hanging on the wall, waiting for him to finish it, but the Lemurian hadn't touched his pencils today and wasn't planning to do so. There was no rush in finishing it, not that he was able to do so since his inspiration wasn't really there and the hot weather wasn't helping either.
He peered up from under his sunglasses when he heard the door open and being closed again, watching your figure appear in his eyesight. A smile tugged at his lips as he watched your face, trying to read your emotions.
"Rafayel, what the-" You muttered as you placed your bag down and slowly started to approach the pool. "Couldn't go to the beach." He shrugged in response as you rolled your eyes at his words. "So you brought the beach here." You huffed as he simply shrugged. "It helps me spark my inspiration." He spoke, nodding his head towards the unfinished painting.
"That's what you said yesterday when we went out for food, and also the day before yesterday when we went to the beach to collect some stuff." You reminded him of how he had been procrastinating the past few things. "It's hot outside, a heat wave! Not my fault they didn't predict the weather right." He huffed, another excuse for his procrastinating. You stopped in front of the pool, staring at the artist all relaxed on his floatie.
He patted the floatie, on the tiny spot still free for you to take. "No, we both know you'll end up pushing me off." You refused as you crossed your arms. Rafayel furrowed his brows and a small pout formed on his lips. "How ridiculous of you to even say that!" He huffed, slightly dramatically raising his voice. "Denying my invitation for cuddles. So rude to deny a Lemurian" He grumbled, pushing the sunglasses back on his nose before taking an aggressive sip from his drink.
"And what if I drown? Would you rescue me or would you just walk away?" Rafayel went on. "You are a fish, Raf. You can't drown." You waved him off. "Fish can drown if they don't have enough oxygen in the water." Rafayel pointed out. "Please join me, it's getting all cold and lonely out here, alone in the ocean." He sighed, making dramatic movements with his arms.
You sighed and kicked your shoes out and took off your socks, dropping them near your feet before you stepped into the water. The temperature was nice, not too cold but cold enough to be refreshing. And not too hot, but hot enough to enjoy it. The water temperature was pretty much perfect.
A smug smile formed on Rafayel's lips as he watched you approach him, arms wide open as he made a bit more room for you on the floatie. The moment you reached him, he was fast enough to lean forward and pull you straight into his arms, only to make the floatie sway back and forth.
You yelped, afraid the two of you would fall over but nothing happened. You let out a relieved breath as you positioned yourself in a comfortable position on the floaties, his arms safely wrapped around you as he rested his head on your shoulder. "Happy?" You asked him as you playfully rolled your eyes. "Very." He nodded with a playful smile.
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ataraxixx · 8 months
AJAX 1K DTIYS!!yayyyyyyyy
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(flats under the cut btw)
hey guys. heres that dtiys i promised for 900 followers and waited so long to make i ended up getting 100 more followers. so this is a 1k follower dtiys now. sorry. anyway. THANKS FOR 1K FOLLOWERS? you guys are awesome i appreciate the support for my insanity. to honor that insanity i have made a dtiys of the 3 characters i am most insane about(shocking nobody) lets go papaya nation👻⚙️👹!!!!
> draw morro harumi and echo together.....idrc if theyre watching tv like in the drawing tbh i just did that because i wanted to draw it. feel free to use the drawing as inspiration for your own artwork but dont feel limited . just make sure to include those 3 interacting at minimum! you can include other chars if u want too idrc but the focus is this trio
> umm that being said no morro x harumi. thanks. i dont care in terms of anything else if u wanna make it platonic or romantic but keep that one out of here pls🙏
> doesnt have to be my designs! feel free to use ur own designs for the characters as long as u include all 3 of them. u can do a mixture or something too idgaf. get silly with it
> tag me & include #ajax1kdtiys on the post because tumblr sucks a lot sometimes
> EDIT: entries due november 15th now bc i had a couple ppl ask for an extension and also im really busy rn lel💀
guys i foyght for my life in the trenches last time trying to decide winners so we're doing it a different way now. im just gonna assign every entry a number and draw straws if youre cool with that. its much easier i think..
so basically i am just gonna pull 3 random names out of the hat and all winners will get 1 fullbody drawing of their choice!! no first second third etc thats too complicated 4 me. i mostly just want this to be for fun for anyone interested in participating:)
FINAL NOTES if anyone has any questions feel free to DM me or send an ask. the flats for the drawing are included below for reference. byeee
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selfishdoll · 7 months
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FOUND OUT FT. VAMP! ARMIN ୨୧ 。 ⟡ ⋆ ࣪. ໒
armin arlert, your good friend of two years and hard crush of one. you decided to become his roommate just three months ago and all has been well. except for the fact, a ludicrous idea has entered your mind. one so silly, you didn’t even want to believe it. what was it exactly? well.. that armin, was a vampire. this wasn’t some fantasy or fairy tale.. you weren’t bella and he wasn’t edward. there was no way, no way in hell armin was a vampire.. right?
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❛content warning(s)...❜ ━━ period sex. i repeat, PERIOD SEX. if you don’t like that, leave! | oral sex (f. receiving) | soft & service top! armin | he’s a little condescending, however | pet names (sweetheart, pretty, princess, etc) | praise | blood (ofc) | biting & marking | armin talks reader through it | multiple orgasms | armin loves eye contact | ooc armin | inspired by true blood (also mentioned in the fic) | lowkey gaslighting (maybe? he’s not doing it to harm, he’s just tryna keep his identity hidden) | a bit of manhandling | reader wears pads & has really bad cramps. again if that’s an issue for you, don’t read it. | etc. if i forgot something please let me know.
❛author’s note...❜ ━━ please bare in mind i haven’t touched aot for a long time & only posting this fic for my reawakened obsession with the anime & manga. that said, if you think armin is ooc, i’m sorry— but again, i warned you (plus i’m not the creator). if you enjoy this, please give me more characters to make vamp versions of. of jjk or aot. and as always, please excuse any grammar mistakes or typos <3 (4680 WORDS)
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It was common to question reality. To ponder about situations that were outside the norm. What if a zombie apocalypse happened? What if aliens were real? And finally, what if your good friend— turned roommate, was a vampire?
You felt silly as the thought, the pondering consumed you within the first week of living together. You really had no reason to believe Armin Arlert; a sweet young man with a heart of gold was some bloodsucking beast. Or rather, you didn’t want to believe it. Such information would drastically change the trajectory of the relationship you had with him.
The pipeline from friends — secret one sided pining — to prey wasn’t one you wished to follow.
Yet, all signs pointed to the answer; all signs pointed to Armin being a vampire.
For one, you’ve never seen him eat. Ever. Each time you offered some of your food, Armin would give you a gentle smile— while refusing. I already ate. Was the signature line he delivered, no matter the time of day. But, that wasn’t too concrete; he worked at home and you worked in a clinic— there was a possibility he was telling the truth.
The second piece of evidence may have been the key. The man would stock up his side of the fridge with this.. juice. Red liquid within clear bottles, the print labeled in a language you couldn’t understand. No matter how much you searched online, you simply couldn’t find it. So, you did the unthinkable.
You popped open a bottle, taking a swig. You expected a disturbing metallic taste; one that would cause you to spill the contents of your stomach. Instead a sweet fruity flavor tickled your tastebuds, causing your eyes to widen and quickly pull back from the bottle.
In time to see Armin entering the kitchen, flashing you a smile.
“I was wondering when you’d try them. I bought so many.” He spoke sweetly, informing you it was some random juice he bought whilst on a business trip.
With both his words and the concrete evidence, you believed him.
But there were so, so many more instances where you wondering if you were grasping at straws. His refusal to enter a home without access? Well, Armin was always polite. The way he avoided you whenever you got hurt? He did inform you blood makes him queasy. Or how each time you got your period the man just suddenly had a business trip? Armin did state his work schedule was weird.
It frustrated you to no end. You hated yourself for developing the thought in the first place. You already fucked falling for him a year ago, and now you just had to come up with the most ludicrous idea.
Armin Arlert, a vampire? Please..
The breath that escaped you was ragged, eyes pinched close and leaning your head against the steering wheel. The way a cramp could ruin your mood in a matter of seconds was beyond you. Truly, it was.
You were glued to your seat unable to move due to the pain within your stomach. Which could only be described as millions of knives being rammed directly into your uterus. A dramatic metaphor, but a fitting one.
A groan escaped you as you lifted from your curled position, the back of your head pressed against the seat. The pills you consumed just ten minutes ago had obviously not taken effect yet, leaving you unable to fight against the pain. You tried, you really did try to make it to work despite the aches— but you couldn’t. You pulled over into the nearest store parking lot just to make a quick call to your supervisor.
Thankfully, she was very understanding; even gently scolding you for attempting to work in the first place. The interaction caused you to smile, thanking her profusely and promising to make up the hours.
Now, all you had to do was get home. Though, as your eyes opened from its previous pained scrunch, you focused on the store in-front of you. A soft hum escaped you as turned the engine of your car off. A quick run to get some much deserved snacks was fine, right?
You opened the car door and exited, locking it behind you with a hand pressed against your stomach. It was comical attempting to massage the cramps, but the warmth of your hand was elevating the pain— slightly. Not much.
You approached the store doors and entered, flashing a smile to a worker that greeted you. You turned down an aisle whilst looking over the selection of snacks, kneeling to take in the rest of the shelf. While thinking over what you wanted, an idea popped into your mind.
Armin was always so doting and sweet whenever he went out to the store; always asking if you needed something. You wanted to do the same.
So without a second thought you grabbed your phone from your purse, clicking his contact and placing the receiver to your ear. The ringer went off two times before the man picked up, his usual tone entering your ears;
“Hey (Y/N)— are you okay? You don’t usually call me during work.”
You smiled, standing from your kneeled position. “I’m okay!.. well, not really. Cramps are kicking my ass right now,” You hummed, walking down the end of the shelf.
A silence entered the call for a moment before Armin spoke again. “You mean.. menstrual cramps?”
“Yeah!— sorry if that was too much to share.. Anyway, I’m at the store right now do you need anything?”
Armin cleared his throat a bit, the faint sound of something entering the call— but leaving quickly. “N—no. No, I’m fine. Thank you for asking, (Y/N).”
With chaste goodbyes you ended the call, placing your phone back into your purse. You finally decided on some gummies and chocolate, heading over to the register with a little pep in your step.
Pigging out on the couch seemed like the perfect day.
You left the store quickly after paying, entering your car even quicker and reaching your shared home in record time. Opening the door, you sighed as you placed your keys onto a table nearby; purse following. You walked towards the back of the house, glancing over at Armin’s closed bedroom door. With a small smile you walked up, pressing your knuckles against the maroon colored wood.
A minute passed before the door was opened, revealing his form. His eyes bored into your own, flashing the same gentle smile he always did. “(Y/N).. you should be resting.”
You smiled back at him, “Just wanted to check on you before I lay on the couch for the rest of the day.”
The man blinked as your words set in, watching you turn to enter your bedroom. Hesitantly, he followed, standing in the doorway. “On the couch?”
“Yeah! Don’t worry I’ll have a towel under me.”
“I wasn’t worried about that..” Was the faint mumble that escaped the blonde, words you didn’t hear. A soft sigh escaped him, however, blinking to glance at you. “Hope you feel better.” Armin said more clearly, turning to walk into his room after you gave soft gratitude.
You grabbed some pink bebe shorts and a random black tshirt, walking over to the bathroom with a pad in tow. After doing your business and changing, you entered your bedroom again to place your work clothes away— grabbing a clean towel shortly after.
You exited to enter the living room, smiling at the couch waiting for you. Walking over, you stretched the towel out along the cushions, pulling the coffee table closer for convenience. After grabbing your snacks and a water bottle, a stiff sigh escaped you as you laid across the couch. The towel was a bit uncomfortable if you moved, but you rather that then possibly leaking through the pad you wore.
Your hand reached for the remote beside you, turning the channel to a tv show you’ve currently been obsessed with; True Blood. A small chuckle escaped you as your cheek sunk into the pillow under you, placing the remote down. Maybe you were watching it too much, maybe that’s why you thought Armin was some blood sucking beast.
But, there was no way. You were literally on your period and he was.. well— normal. As normal as Armin Arlert was anyway.
You turned to open the pack of gummies, taking a bit in your hand before sinking back into the cushions. Your eyes remained glued to the screen as you popped one into your mouth, oblivious to the hard stare you were receiving.
An hour and a half passed with your continued watching, getting up in between to use the restroom. Your snacks were long gone, water bottle empty, and pill; worn off. You had zero energy to get up and grab some more, especially since you just found the perfect spot to help your cramps.
You hissed softly, moving to press your face deeper into the cushion. You’ve had a period for twenty-two years now, yet it always felt as if you were experiencing it for the first time. It was annoying, truly annoying. With a subtle groan your eyes blinked open, racking your mind for a moment before an idea peaked within you.
“Armin!” You called out from the living room while turning to lay on your back, hand strewn across your lower stomach. Moments passed before his bedroom door opened, footsteps entering the living room and revealing your roommate. Who looked a little tired. Strange, you’ve never seen him in such a way.
But, instead of inquiring you gave a little smile; “Could you grab my pills from my bedroom, and a water bottle?”
Armin’s eyes carried down your form for a moment, mouth opening before closing. Instead, he simply nodded; turning to head to your bedroom.
Maybe periods really did make him uncomfortable. You’ve never seen Armin so fidgety and nervous, as if scared to speak. It would concern you more if another cramp didn’t pierce you, causing a soft groan to slip past your lips. You heard Armin move from your bedroom to the kitchen, opening the fridge and closing it after.
You looked up at the man, watching him stand a few feet away; placing the items you requested down on the table. You sat up with a sweet smile, swinging your legs over the couch. “Thanks Min.” You spoke, watching him nod and turn to walk away. Instead of leaving him be, you spoke up again;
“You wanna watch something together? I’m sure being cooped up in your room is boring..” You don’t know why the suggestion escaped you, feeling embarrassment the moment you noticed Armin’s form stiffen. Your eyes turned to the pill bottle, twisting the cap slow. “It’s uh.. cool if you don’t want t—“
“Is this another test, (Y/N)?”
You blinked slowly as his words permeated the atmosphere, entering your mind and settling there for a split second. You thought over the sentence, tongue nervously swiping across your bottom lip the moment you realized his tone. It’s usual softness was gone, replaced with something you couldn’t pinpoint.
You tried to play off your silence, a soft— forced chuckle escaping you. “Test? What test, Armin?”
You watched as the man’s shoulders lowered, body turning to face you. Your teeth was caught on your bottom lip, feeling tension enter the air.
Armin looked at you, or rather observed you for a silent moment. You didn’t know what to do, trapped under the gaze; unable to look away. Your fingers gripped the towel underneath you, debating whether to apologize or demand to know what was suddenly wrong.
Finally, after what seemed like hours but was truly five minutes; Armin spoke.
“First, you take a bottle of mine and drink it without permission.” His words were slow, as if listing off the directions of a cookbook. What’s more, Armin moved towards you, your chest bumping with each step he took. “Next, you accidentally, cut yourself whenever I’m in the kitchen.” He was close now, standing beside the table.
You sunk into the cushion behind you, gasping the moment he closed the space; hands pressed against the furniture— trapping you. “And lastly, you invite me to sit with you in such an innocent manner.. I don’t know whether to call you a genius or just plain naive, (Y/N).”
“Armin..” You breathed softly, feeling your mouth go dry. His eyes flicked between your body and lips, clearly struggling to focus on a single thing. “Armin, I—.. I’m confused, what are you talking about?”
Finally it seemed he had made a choice, gaze focusing onto your own. Silently, the man smiled, a forced one— a toothy one. Your eyes widened, breath hitching the moment you spotted the fangs placed perfectly in his mouth. A shudder went down your spine, gripping the towel even harsher.
“Oh wow..” Armin spoke lowly, stealing your attention from his canines. “I reveal something.. so, so troubling and yet— you’re excited. More then excited actually.. ecstatic, maybe?” The man pondered, coming even closer to you.
Your hands rose to grip his arms, gasping the moment you felt his face lower to your neck. As his teeth ghosted your neck, you felt your heart threatening to escape your chest. You pinched your eyes closed, twitched, even turned your head to the side.
And yet, Armin did nothing. He simply.. hovered there.
A frustration you didn’t wish to acknowledge build within you, manicured fingers digging into his cool, skin. “Armin..”
“What is it, (Y/N)? You want me to bite you, don’t you?” The words escaped him the moment you uttered his name, a hand lifting from the cushion whilst he pulled back from your neck. Now face to face, his fingers collected your chin to assure you didn’t glance away. “I thought at first you were concerned for your safety, maybe even scared. But no..” His lips quirked, thumb rising to smooth across your wet bottom lip. “You’re clearly far from scared.”
“Armin.. please just—“
“I will. I promise.” He interjected, releasing your face. Your eyes widened the moment he pushed your shoulder, laying you down on the couch. The cushion in-front of you sunk in as he sat down, hands dragging to your waist covered in shorts. “But first.. I think I’ll get my fill another way.”
Your eyes widened at his words, feeling his fingers hook under the thin pink fabric of your bottoms and panties, peeling them from your body in one swift motion. Embarrassment flooded through your body, instinctively closing your thighs.
Armin’s eyes switched from your legs over to your face, head tilting as he took in your nervous expression. To your surprise, a gentle smile stretched across his face, one that you’ve gotten used to, one that caused you to melt easily.
Noticing this, it didn’t take much to gently push your legs apart, featuring your cunt to him. “That’s a good girl..” Armin spoke softly, hand slipping under your shirt, spreading across your stomach. The man lowered until he was face to face with your slit, unfazed by the blood upon it.
You whimpered the moment his thick tongue glided up— hole to clit, hands reaching down to rest upon his hair. A soft groan escaped the man, rising up whilst licking his lips clean of your mess. It was clear all restraints were gone now, the wild look in his eyes causing your stomach to stir.
“Do you know how long I waited for this?” The man questioned you, resting on one hand; the other’s fingers gently gliding up and down cunt, collecting your mixed essence and blood. “You were gonna drive me crazy one day; parading in such small shorts, showcasing your skin to me.” His words escaped him shamelessly, fingers pushing past your folds to gently brush your clit, moving away before you could even moan.
“You wanted this from the beginning.. didn’t you?” Armin suddenly spoke, escaping the trance to look at your face. He watched as you shook your head far too quickly, a small no even escaping you. That alone caused his reddened lips to curl into a smile, “You should leave the lying to me, sweetheart.”
You gasped the moment he dove back down, lips pressed against your wet slit. The man wasted no time in allow his tongue to glide across your slit, pushing to licking at your clit. Your taste, your smell— it was enough to have him groan right into your pussy, drinking every crimson droplet that escaped you.
You thought you would feel uncomfortable, maybe even a little gross; getting ate out in such a state. But those thoughts melted the minute his lips wrapped around your swelling bud, teasing you gently with the points of his fangs. Your back was rising from the cushion now, squirming upon the towel underneath you.
Your hands lowered to his hair, fingers curling in the blonde tresses for a tight hold. With the way his tongue was moving against you, you needed leverage; you needed an anchor. You felt far too pliable, melting into the feeling as wanton moans escaped your slick lips.
Gasps of his name, sweet whispers of how good it felt. Your arousal mixed with blood was trickling freely from your entrance, making such a mess; one that Armin lapped up far too eagerly.
And the moment you felt his thick tongue curl inside your awaiting hole, oh— you were finished.
“Hah.. Fuck, Armin—!” You hissed softly, feeling the wet muscle twist and turn inside you, brushing against your gummy walls and delving on you like a meal.
Which, to Armin, you were.
The man groaned into you in response, hands moving to your thighs and gripping; halting your moving. You were forced to lay there as he ate you, a band forming within your stomach; long replacing the agonizing cramps.
Your moans bounced off the living room walls, face turning into the cushions as hot pants escaped you. Your toes were curling, a sweat presenting itself upon your forehead as the pleasure consumed you full; flooding his mouth with more crimson arousal.
Armin drunk you up eagerly, fingers digging into your skin to keep to right there. He licked you clean, leaving no spot untouched; savoring his plate. After moments of this pleasure it melted into overstimulated torture, hands falling and pushing against his head.
“A—armin.. fuck, I can’t—“ Your eyebrows were pushing close, rising to sit up; gasping the moment he tugged, forcing you to fall back on the cushions. His face was flush against your messy cunt, drinking you up completely. Little tears formed in your eyes, legs moving as your stomach clenched and clenched.
Your worried words fell on deaf ears, literally. With how much your warm thighs were wrapping around his head, he could barely hear a damn thing. Even so, Armin refused to leave— not until you came on his tongue again.
With more fearsome licks and sucks, hands massaging your skin as if coaxing you— Armin felt his dick jump the moment you cried out for him, coming all over his tongue again.
“Taste.. so good, so fucking good princess…” He drawled right into your center, the vibrations of his voice causing you to keen. Unlike before, he let up from licking you dry, raising from between your legs— a complete mess.
You watched as Armin’s tongue licked the rest of your taste off his lips, his eyes closed; relishing it.
His hands slowly dropped your body to the cushion, hand curling under his shirt and pulling it off his body. Once off, the man used it to wipe his face— tossing it to the ground shortly after.
He’d wash it later.
Armin moved to hover above you, hand falling to your chin and turning to looking at your eyes. The man smiled the moment your hand wrapped around his wrist, leaning down and pressing a wet kiss to your cheek. “Your cramps gone?” He asked in a soft, coy tone. The small huff you released caused the man to chuckle, moving to plant his lips on your own.
You moaned as his tongue intruded your mouth, ignoring the foreign taste of yourself on your tongue. Instead, you focused on him sucking your own wet muscle whilst his hand lowered to your covered chest, a thumb brushing over your hardening nipple. Your soft pants entered his mouth, hips rising against him; caring less if you soiled his pants.
And it seemed he didn’t either, hand gripping your hip and grinding back against you. Your hands traveled up his back, a hiss escaping him from how your short nails dragged across his cool, uncovered skin.
Pulling back, Armin stared down at you, taking in your bruised lips and the clear want swimming within your dark eyes. To add to the pretty picture was your bonnet slipping off your head, exposing the perfect boho braids you’ve recently got; edges sweated off.
“Such a mess.” The man murmured softly, hand rising and treading from your neck to your cheek; cupping it to allow his thumb to drag under your eye. “My pretty mess..” Armin dragged, leaning closer as his hand released your face, falling to his hips to tug down his sweats and boxers.
Your noses brushed together, your soft breaths fanning against his face. “Yours..” You murmured back, staring into his eyes. Such words brought a smile to his face, stealing your lips in another kiss while his tip brushed against your soaked slit.
Pushing you wider, Armin angled to slowly push inside, gripping your thigh the moment you tensed up. He pulled back from the kiss, forehead rested against your own. “Mm, don’t tense up; relax for me.. Just, relax.” He cooed softly, thumb tracing the stretch marks that littered your hips. With less effort he pushed all the way inside, praising you softly;
“Taking me so well, pretty.. such a good girl.” Armin spoke, chuckling at the small whine that escaped you. Pressing a gentle kiss to the space between your eyes, the vampire rose to rest on his hunches. He observed you closely, searching for any sign of restraint or discomfort. The moment he discovered neither, he was pulling his hips back until only the tip was inside.
Armin then plunged his hips forward, the wet sound echoing in the room; followed by your soft moan. His hands moved to your hips, starting a languid pace. Despite how good you felt around his throbbing length, you didn’t want to hurt him. Despite how sweet your moans were, he controlled himself in fear of harming you.
But, you were far from compliant with the current pace.
Your hips rose to meet a thrust, the action alone causing a moan to escape the both of you.
“N—need more, Min.. please.” Was the soft beg that escaped your slick lips, rocking your hips; watching the way his eyebrows creased and lip was caught under his fangs.
His restraint was dwindling with each roll of your hips, each sickeningly sweet plead that escaped your throat. Finally Armin’s inhibitions melted away, the slow; carful moans switching into fast snaps of his hips.
Your head landed against the plush cushions, crying out as your legs wrapped around his waist. He was drilling you into the mattress at this point, a harsh grip to keep you in place as he fucked you. A string of curses escaped you, gripping the towel underneath you as your feet bounced with each thrust.
Armin lowered, the new angle causing your swollen bud to brush against his pelvic area; the new sensation completely turning your brain into mush. The man enjoyed it all, glancing down at you in complete awe. You looked far too beautiful like this, far too—
“Perfect.. so fucking perfect— fu..fuck—“ The man hissed, pressing an arm above your head whilst the other grabbed your cheeks. “Look at me, princess.. that’s it, keep your eyes on me. Watch how well you take me.” His words were driving you deeper and deeper, your walls clenching as jumbled cries of his name escaped you.
His eyes were rolling back at the call of his name, drilling into you as he leaned down to your neck. Between the harsh bouncing of your body his fangs sunk right through your skin, gripping you even closer the moment a shriek escaped you.
A guttural groan escaped Armin as he delved on your blood, hissing the moment you creamed all over his cock. Yet, his hips never stopped; continuing to ruin you, using his form to keep you laid out and open on the couch.
Your eyes were meeting your skull, lips parted as shameless noises leaped from your raw throat. Soon he let up, licking the wound from his fangs and moving to be face to face with you again.
“Taking me so good, princess— like your.. fu—fucking made for me, shit—“ Armin closed his eyes tight, feeling his orgasm build. Your velvety walls were clenching him so nicely, pulsing around his heavy length with each drag of his hips. His balls were slapping against your center, the wet strikes entering the room of sex and combined moans.
Tears trailed from your eyes, staining your brown, chubby cheeks as your hand carried to his hip. Despite the pleasure, the pain of another orgasm was approaching; your body writhing as you furiously shook your head. “Fuck, I— fuck, I can’t Min!” You whined out, breath bitching as a feverish kiss was placed to your forehead.
His face was close now, nose brushing your own as his lips ghosted your own. “You’ve been so good so far, don’t stop now sweet girl.” Armin hissed between clenched teeth, a hand falling from your hip between your conjoined bodies. The moment his fingers rubbed against your little bud you were arching, the vampire easily chasing your body to continue the harsh circles.
“Fuck, fuck! Armin—!”
“That’s it, baby.. let it out, don’t hold it.” The man coaxed softly, eyebrows creasing as he felt his own orgasm arriving. Armin watched intently as your stiffened, a drawn out cry of his name escaping you while making a complete mess of his lower half. “That’s my girl.. my good fucking girl.” He leaned to plant another kiss to your lips all while his hips never stopped their pace.
Soon enough, a harsh groan entered your mouth as he flooded you with his come; some spilling out from inside.
You pulled back from his lips for air, clinging to him with your eyes pinched closed. Your body was aching, you felt sweaty, and frankly gross— but you didn’t care. Not one bit.
A subtle whine escaped you the moment Armin pulled out from you, his gaze settled on his come escaping you. With a slow rub of his thumb against your skin, the man leaned to stamp a kiss right above your heart. “I’ll start the shower up.”
You watched as he stepped off the couch, moving to walk over to the bathroom— only for your voice to stop him.
“Armin.. those bottles in the fridge, they weren’t blood right?”
He looked at you for a long moment before a little grin pulled his features. “No. Just the ones in back. I knew you would pick from the front.”
With that Armin resumed his walk to the bathroom, leaving you there; feeling just a little stupid.
Well, at least you were right. Your good friend of two years turned roommate turned something more— was definitely a vampire.
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noproofread · 3 months
The Painter
"Would you ever try to leave me for somebody who deserves you most?"
Inspired by Million Dollar Houses
Luffy wants reader to sail with him, reader decides to stay.
bittersweet fluff~
word count: 1,262
masterlist here
tag list: @fanaticsnail @vangowithit @dakingsu-blog
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You held the paintbrush tightly in your hand as you stared out to the crashing waves on the shore. Your tongue slightly peeking out of your mouth as you focused on the scene in front of you, carefully color matching the bright blue color of the waves before placing the brush onto your canvas. The brush glided effortlessly across the painting, blending beautifully with the base color you had placed beforehand. It was therapeutic for you, you loved painting. And Luffy knew it. As you continued working on your piece, two hands covered your eyes, breaking your concentration. “Guess who?” A cheery voice spoke from behind you, a voice you recognized immediately as the straw-hat pirate whom you had grown to adore. “Luffy! I was working” You whined as his hands left your eyes and landed on your shoulders. You turned to face his smiling face, placing a small kiss on his cheek before turning back to the canvas in front of you. “You’re so talented wow! That looks incredible!” Luffy praised your art, as he always did. He believed you would become a famous artist, he told you that once he became king of the pirates he wanted you to paint a portrait of him and his crew in commemoration.
You were always critical of your art, but you appreciated Luffy’s optimism regarding your career. You never fully believed it as a possibility for yourself. You did believe Luffy would become the king of the pirates. You would watch him train and fight, he was unbelievably strong, and charismatic. He had such a vibrant magnetism that made people like him, believe in him, support him. It worked on you as it worked on everyone on his crew. “I’m going to take you away from this beautiful work of art you are working on because it’s our last night here before we head off to find the One Piece.” His hand found yours, prying you away from hours of work. “You’re leaving tonight?” You echoed his words, you felt a pit in your stomach at the thought of him leaving you. “No, we are leaving tonight. You thought I’d leave without you, silly?” He spoke through a wide toothed grin, running across the beach with you grabbing onto his hand.
You never imagined yourself going out to sea. You were perfectly content living your life in a small town, painting houses for a living and canvases as a hobby. The only excitement in your life came from Luffy. As you approached a high cliff, Luffy wrapped an arm around your waist before stretching his other arm upwards. “Hold on tight!” He exclaimed as you shot up quickly. The wind pressing down on the both of you, you heard Luffy laugh as the two of you fell onto a tree with him breaking your fall. “You’re crazy!” You laughed. He always got you to laugh, it was his favorite sound. “Imagine how many cool adventures we can go on! You have to come with me!” His arm was still wrapped around you. You looked down at him, smiling. You didn’t know if you could leave and set sail with him. “I’ll think about it” You whispered. “No time to think! We’re leaving tonight and you are coming! Come on!” He whined, helping you up. He moved to stand in front of you, hunching over with his back facing you. “Get on! Sanji is cooking a delicious feast and I’m hungry.” You giggled at his request before mounting him. Your arms draped over his neck as he hooked his arms onto your thighs.
“The whole town is throwing us a going away party! There’s going to be music and so much food!” He spoke excitedly. Drool fell from his mouth as he talked about the amount of food he was planning on eating. You nuzzled into his neck, smiling. You loved hearing him talk with so much enthusiasm. You were strongly considering leaving with him. The sea would offer you the freedom to venture onto a life you had given up on. You could quit your job and focus on painting. Being with Luffy would be a bonus, and you would be able to see him become the king of the pirates. You would be there. The scent of grilled meat pulled you out from your thoughts as Luffy let you down. You were greeted by a couple of members from his crew. Zoro barely acknowledged you, being buried in cups and bottles of alcohol. Nami called you over to sit next to her and Usopp.
You turned to tell Luffy but found him already happily chowing down on some food. You giggled to yourself and made your way towards Nami. “Hey! I heard you guys are leaving tonight” You started the conversation, taking a seat next to the orange haired woman. “Yup! The journey never stops!” She exclaimed, looking over at Luffy. “I thought you were coming with us? Luffy told us.” Nami said before taking a sip of her drink. “Ahh. I’m thinking about it” You shrugged. You looked over at Usopp for a moment before deciding to change the subject. “Any new stories to tell, Usopp?” His face lit up at the request. He stood on his chair and began the tale of how he defeated 47 enemies single handedly.
The day quickly turned into night. You were enjoying the party more than you thought you would. Between the drinking, eating, and dancing, you thought about this being your life if you chose to go with the Straw Hats. With Luffy. Luffy noticed you were standing alone and decided to steal a moment with you. He walked over to you, taking your hand and smiling. “Come with me, I have something cool to show you.” You smiled back at him, walking up a small hill located only mere feet away from the booming music. As you arrived at the top of the hill, you could still hear the faint sound of laughter coming from the party. Luffy sat down, pulling on your hand for you to do the same. You sat next to him, looking up at the moon in the sky. It seemed to brighten up the sky much more than usual. You leaned into Luffy, resting your head on his neck as the two of you watched the moon. The silence between you grew thick as you traced circles on his arm as you held onto it. “Have you thought about it?” Luffy broke the silence, still looking up at the sky. You took a deep breath, holding him tighter. “I can’t go with you Luffy.”
“Yes you can,” He argued. Luffy was known for not taking no for an answer. “I would just hold you back. I don’t want to hold you back.” You let go of his arm and looked up at him. “You wouldn’t-” He began, meeting your gaze. “I would.” You reached over, cupping his cheek. You smiled, it was a bittersweet feeling. “And that’s okay. Just promise to come back when you become king of the pirates. I promise I’ll paint that portrait you wanted.” You pulled him in for a gentle kiss. His lips were soft against yours. You pulled away, looking into his eyes. He was sad, but understanding. He wasn’t going to throw you over his shoulder and take you to the sea against your will. He nodded his head, looking over at the sky once again. “I’ll be here waiting for you.” You said, making him smile. “I’ll come back.”
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starlostseungmin · 1 year
— anything, ksm.
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note: this is so adorable not to write and it's inspired by seungmin's bubble update. such a silly puppy! i'll edit my layout later. enjoy!
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“something funny happened today,” your boyfriend said the moment he entered the room, closing the door behind him. he went out to get lunch for the both of you and an iced americano for himself. it sure did take a while but he is still as optimistic when he left. “can you imagine what i did?”
a silly smile was plastered on his face and grinned, placing everything on the counter’s table. still mentally laughing at himself. you tilted your head at him—when you already know seungmin does weird things when he’s alone and had to tell you everything later.
“did you flirt with the staff?” you teased making him roll his eyes, throwing the wrapper of his straw.
“no,” he chuckled. “so, they asked for my name for the iced americano but then i was feeling like i shouldn't say my name so i just said ‘anything is fine’ and i didn't realize they actually did write it on my cup! look,” seungmin excitedly showed you his grande cup of iced americano with 'ANYTHING' written on it and let out a laugh.
“you're so weird, i swear to god, seungmin,” you laughed at him but he just went all smiley knowing how his sillyness would make your serotonin boost. though, even if he doesn't do anything and just sit there, seungmin always makes you happy.
“i thought they'll give me another name!” he defended.
“well, at least they did it accurately? anything is fine? mr. anything?” you giggled.
“mr. anything?” he asked, tilting his head like a curious puppy, hearing his owner's voice for the first time.
“yeah, that's what i'll call you.” you said. “mr. anything, and mr. anything—i'll do everything for you!” smirking all the way from top to bottom, seungmin was left flustered and red.
“oh come on!” he said, hiding his laughs behind his big hand. “everything eh?”
“yes, everything,” you reassured.
“kiss me then,” seungmin giggled, pouting his lips and made kissing noises for you to laugh again. but you being a sucker for your boyfriend, seungmin gets what he wants, anything and always.
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taglist: @wolfchanchan ,, @1-800-lixie ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @lix-ables ,, @zoe8stay ,, @gwynsapphire ,, @cherryhanji ,, @lixesque ,, @seungly ,, @sleepyleeji ,, @comet-falls ,, @kim-seung-mo ,, @ppiri-bahng ,, @myjisung ,, @snow-pegasus ,, @milkybonya ,, @l3visbby ,, @wilczachannn ,, @asters-abditory ,, @tangylemonade ,, @hwan-g ,, @awkwardnesshabitat ,, @chrispychans ,, @therealhyunjingf ,, @hyunverse ,, @starseungs ,, @skizzel ,, @lino-jagiyaa ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @rachabreathing
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thevulturesquadron · 14 days
"I imagine that ‘some things are deeper than skin’ is the line they wanted to get out of it. (For me that fell flat and overall I think once again Rogue drew the short straw just to accommodate her relationship with Remy but that’s a different conversation all together)."
Okay, here i was reading this ask in the tag and saw this. Now you've piqued my interest. When you've got the time i'd love to know your thoughts on this. 😯
hey there traveler! 🌠 I said that? Oops, might have thought that one out-loud. Silly me. 😶 Well, we’re here now so we might as well drive this one home. 'Some things are deeper than skin' was a shallow take on the situation for the trio, imo. It felt like a sticker placed on top of a damaged car. Some things are definitely deeper than skin. So are Rogue's feelings for Erik. So is what her time with him inspired in her. For someone who was a terrorist, who presented drastic solutions to the world, not once did he try to push that onto Rogue. On the contrary, it was made clear that, in the time they spent together in TAS, he taught her to see her powers not as a curse but as an essential part of who she is. He spoke to her about what it really means to embrace her identity, about building a future that makes her feel proud of who she is, about her powers creating a sense of belonging instead of discomfort, shame, and alienation. His presence in her life taught her not to fear who she is, not to put limits on what she can do, it taught her to be a part of the world she wants to see herself living in. THAT is why she fell in love with him. That is the Erik that Rogue loves. The whole 'touch' only came in later. We already see her falling in love with him before they even considered the possibility of touching. I love Gambit with all my heart, but in that scene he didn't consider a single thing of what Rogue had to say about why she wanted to be part of Genosha's future. He literally went ahead and did the opposite of what Erik had done - he made Rogue revert into herself and feel the pain of her inability to touch for the sole purpose of romantic and sexual gain. That line was ultimately used to show that Remy was in the right, to frame him as the one that's been hurt, with close to no consideration for Rogue and what she wanted from life. He says 'some things are deeper than skin' and it feels off coming from him, someone who has the privilege of sharing a connection based on touch with others. It makes Remy come across as not listening to what's being said. And I know his words in that interaction can be read as romantic in the sense of 'we can overcome anything'. It's a valid interpretation, but it doesn't work for me. I'd rather two partners try and understand each other and listen to each other than dismiss it with a 'we'll find a way'. Especially when one of them is deeply affected by it. It just isn't my jam. So having Rogue echo the 'some things are deeper than skin' fell flat because it only addressed part of the reason why her and Erik shared something. I think there is love in Rogue for both men and, unlike Magneto, Gambit is just not willing to accept it. It has to be him and only him. All this when he's had a lifetime prior to Rogue of experiencing intimacy, touch and relationships and understanding what he wants and what he values. In this instance it just feels like he's indirectly manipulating Rogue's emotions, making her sink into guilt and self-doubt (very important to note here that he's not doing it on purpose, but as an instinctive reaction to his own emotions - because this speaks both of his qualities and his flaws). So when Rogue says ‘Remy was right, some things are deeper than skin’ I think that is her guilt and insecurity talking.
I grew up with ROMY as my OTP but then, in time, that flame died and my view of the ship shifted. Part of the reason is because I started seeing a pattern in their relationship where often times Rogue would end up being the one pulled down, having to accommodate, accept and even apologize for things. And I was just not vibing with it anymore.
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nicothedingus · 4 months
spud headcanons because i'm bored
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a lot of ya'll liked my wallmark headcanons so here's some spud headcanons <3 there might be some Sarah ones in here too. idk
gentle giant who cares about wildlife. has helped a chick that has fallen out of its nest at least once
lives in the woods near the camp, usually sleeping in a cave or in trees. sometimes visits Sarah and sleeps outside her cabin/on the floor inside
viewed as a cryptid of sorts by people who don't know of the gnarpian attack. there's probably ominous photos of him circulating online at this point
Sarah has set up wind chimes around the camp because 1. Spud likes the sound 2. it helps him remember where the camp is
probably purrs. loudly. if he can make bubble noises i think he can purr and chirp and make other noises okay
learned methods of nonverbal communication so he can still communicate with Sarah when he's overwhelmed :)
tries to socialise but regrets it afterwards
eats out of the trash near the camps mess hall i think. that or he steals the marshmallows. fiend
certified silly straw enjoyer. Sarah has a few because he probably can't drink from cups otherwise. they will have hot chocolate together
has a kandi bracelet with Sarah's name on it. so he doesn't forget it. yeah i know canonically he doesn't remember her very well but i'll always see them as besties still <:)
whenever he gets hurt Sarah gives him cute bandages i think. she covers him in stickers in general
sometimes when he explodes he just. disassembles. he doesn't die his arms just fall off. Sarah has to stitch him them back on afterwards (inspired by this adorable post)
scars. lots of them. has a big vertical one on his torso
went bald after ripping all of his hair out due to the stress of what happened to him, but it's been regrowing well!
wobbles a bit whenever he moves
HOLY SHIT THAT'S A LOT if you guys want more headcanons ummm please do say so my brain is rotting!!!
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inspired by the "Lance and Magnus reacting to cheesy magic-based flirts and occasional comments on their 'wand' from their spouse"
hc that the lovely magic-using bachelors Magnus and Lance tend to use temporary soundproofing charms on the farm house bedroom before certain.. activities..
after particularly long/stressful days for Magnus and Lance, they may return home and quickly start working on placing that temporary charm, with the farmer immediately understanding what events are about to occur and sitting up eagerly like "👀"
...I can imagine a quiet "ah" of slight-intimidation if they see that their husband is making the charm stronger than usual, and also reinforcing it to hold for longer-
- 🐇
Heeheeheee.... (Have some a little crappy short stories and thanks for the ask, bunny anon! ❤️🫰)
Warning: adult talk, mention of sex
Yoba knows Magnus had put up with it for a long time, probably longer than any of his colleagues had to deal with Camilla, his friend and colleague, who also happened to be the head witch of Castle Village. He had tolerated all her idiotic nicknames for him, all her silly pranks, tolerated everything as long as she was doing her job perfectly.
But to openly disrupt an important meeting with the heads of the Ministry of Magic was too much. And the fact that many people looked at Magnus as if he was to blame for Camilla's behavior (what is he, her babysitter?!) was the last straw in Magnus's patience. Naturally, Rasmodius was in a foul mood.
"Blasted woman! How can one behave childishly at important councils...?" Magnus wanted to tell his spouse absolutely everything what he thought about Camilla, this frivolous and ill-mannered witch with her ridiculous puns and teasing, but Farmer's deft fingers, which massaged his tired shoulders and neck, made his tirade evaporate.
"Tough day, hmm?" Farmer's sympathetic voice immediately soothed their purple-haired lover. They listened to Magnus' purr with delight as the wizard's tense muscles relaxed under the skillful fingers. Finishing the massage, the Farmer added, "Perhaps I can help you relax?"
Opening his eyes, Magnus smiled blissfully at his love and kissed them gratefully.
"Yes, I think you can help me with that. I'll be right back."
The wizard rose from the kitchen table and headed for the second floor, where their bedroom was located. The Farmer didn't pay much attention to it and went back to pleasant tea drinking, waiting for Magnus to return. But what caught the attention of Stardew Valley's most chaotic farmer was the familiar red light from the bedroom and the sounds of a spell that made the Farmer's eyes widen slightly.
Oh, they know exactly what it is.
For them two, making love to relieve stress, to relax, or just when they're in a good mood is quite ordinary, but a couple of months ago Magnus (even though he and Farmer had been together for a long time - it was not without some embarrassment) suggested to 'spice up' their.... activity in bed with a couple of magic tricks. The young Farmer still didn't understand how it worked, but the result was noticeable - their night "runs" could last quite a long, long time, and without any noise complains from the neighbors.
Farmer was pouring tea now and then, squelching a little louder than usual and not taking their eyes off the stairs that led to the bedroom. The light, however, in addition to the red hues, had turned a more burgundy color, which surprised them. After a moment, Magnus finally came back down to the kitchen, his fatigue gone and a sly grin on his face that made Farmer shudder, either from anticipation and excitement.
"Something wrong with the spell, dear?" Farmer's voice trembled slightly as Magnus stepped up to them and kissed their neck gently. His thick beard pleasantly tickled Farmer's tender skin.
"On the contrary, my love. I've decided to add a few extra hours and stronger soundproofing when we get started." Now, Rasmodius gave them a very sly and playful smile, enjoying watching the Farmer's reaction and how they exhaled a single 'oh'.
Never would Farmer have thought that they would be in any way grateful to Camilla for pissing Magnus off again with her teasing and stupid jokes.
A whole week on duty in Castle Village.... Lance understood perfectly well the seriousness of the situation with the monsters and was always ready to help Alesia and other adventurers. Yet a whole week away from the Stardew Valley, place that had become his home... Away from the farm, away from the green trees and flowers. Away from the person he loved. For a whole week.....
The second-in-command of The First Slash clan was so focused on the mission that it wasn't until the end of the week, back home on the farm, that he felt his own tired muscles and homesickness. Especially for the Farmer.
He didn't catch Farmer at home, though, only a note that they would be back from Pelican Town soon and a plate of still-hot and delicious tropical curry. Lance finished his meal with relish, but he found himself worrying about his last mission: although it had been a success, the unpleasant residue of defending the post from monsters was still there.
All bad thoughts immediately vanished, however, when the front door opened and a familiar silhouette appeared on the threshold.
"Welcome back, Lance." Ah, the Farmer's embrace, which the tired pink-haired adventurer missed so much, the voice of his favorite person that made him smile sincerely. If it had been Lance's will - he would have spent hours on end listening only to Farmer, their stories of adventures, work on the farm or just chattering about everything. Today, however, he also planned to hear other sounds from his dearest spouse... mostly moans.
Lance told the Farmer briefly about how his week in Castle Village had gone. After finishing the story, both of them decided to finally enjoy each other's company, leaving all the bad thoughts behind.
"Any plans for tonight?", the Farmer trailed their hands over Lance's back, watching him sink from the touch and caress.
"Hmmm... I think I have an idea." Lance smiled radiantly at Farmer and kissed them on the lips, slow and sweet. Pulling away from his partner's lips, he continued, "Why don't you wait in the living room for five minutes? I'll call you soon."
A little less than five minutes had passed when there was the sound of magic in the next room, a sound that was very familiar to the Farmer. It was no longer a secret to them that many wizards and witches use various things from the magical world for their love needs, and it wasn't limited to simple love spells or love potions. There's a lot deeper here than it seems, because magical people are people too, and they too want to diversify their pleasurable time in bed. Lance was no exception.
A moment later, though, Farmer also saw a purple light exploring from the bedroom, which was new to them. Before they could think what that might mean, Lance appeared right behind the Farmer, putting his arm around their waist. Teleport, of course.
"I was thinking that stronger soundproofing for the bedroom will be necessary tonight," Lance whispered in their ear and bit the lobe slightly with his teeth, listening with pleasure to the hitched breathing of his favorite person. With impatience and anticipation of an unforgettable night, the farmer's heartbeat quickened.
"I missed you so much," the pink-haired man whispered again, finally taking his dearest spouse to their bed.
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mariipun · 11 months
Adventures of Wally & The Gang (plus their Caretaker)
Keep A Level Head
Warnings: None. Humor. Just more silly antics. Inspired by the anime “ Aggretsuko”.  
Word Count: 834
Brief Description: The Welcome Home cast is alive, living alongside humans. You have been contracted as their Caretaker. Our dear Caretaker has been running around all day, working hard. On top of your daily administrative work, you also have to babysit tend to the colorful ensemble of actors, plus all the other studio employees, who can’t seem to do things on their own.
[Not sure if this constitutes a WH!Muppet AU scenario?? Not sure how to tag it haha] 
“Care! Hey, hey! Care--?! Hey! Caretaker! Heeeeeeeeeey!” Julie wails, following behind as you try to ignore her and focus on the task at hand.
No matter how many times you try to address the blonde, she pulls you away from what needs to be done, to what she wants to do. It’s become a bit of an irritating habit, although you’re convinced it’s her hobby, to distract you from your job so you can entertain her grabs for attention.
“Not now Julie, I have a lot of work to do, but I promise I’ll do whatever it is you’re wanting once I’ve got more time—”
“No, I need you now. The new dress I had ordered still hasn’t arrived and I—”
You drone out her increasing insistence, beginning to pick up the pace as you swerved through the crowd of studio employees and other puppets. Unfortunately, the moment the others sight you, the choir of:
“Hey Care—”
“--need you here—”
“Can you fix—”
“Get me some—”
You stop in your tracks, feeling Julie bump into you from behind. With your binder tucked close to your chest, your hands tighten around it. The overwhelming demands from the maintenance team, stagehands, cameramen, and puppets made you fume. It was obvious from your face how feelings of annoyance had now turned into full-blown anger. You tried steadying your breath, feeling the heat prickle at your cheeks, and reminding yourself to remain professional, you need this job, it pays the bills… it pays the bills…it pays the bills….
“Hold on!” You boom, causing the voices to settle. You stand your ground, steeling yourself as you take a breath. “I am extremely busy right now—” You strain, each word slow, with brows furrowed and jaw tight. “Sooo-- I’d appreciate it if you all stop pestering me for a moment, because if I hear one more per—”
“Hey, Care?” Barnaby interjects, poking his head out of the restroom door.
Your mouth shuts, head snapping around to look at him. “What?!”
“I clogged the toilet,” Barnaby responds monotonously, thumb pointing toward inside the restroom, as water slowly began trickling its way outside.
The grip around your binder tightens even more to the point you felt like you could have ripped it in half. Your eyes narrow into a glare, tight lips twitching up into a menacing grin.
“So uh… could you fix it?” Barnaby probes, moving away from the slow leak of water pooling around his feet.
“Please excuse me for a moment…” You seethe, quickly and silently moving your way toward one of the audio control rooms, knowing the padded walls would shield your outbursts. Upon arrival, you slammed the binder down onto the script stand, causing it to wobble and tilt over.
That was the last straw.
You bring your arms up, flailing them around as you release your rage. “What the actual [redacted]?! I just need to do one [redacted] thing! One thing! But nooooooo--! I can’t catch a [redacted] break around here! And why the [redacted] would Barnaby clog the toilet?! PUPPETS DON’T EVEN NEED TO USE THE [redacted] TOILET?!”
You heaved, palming your forehead for a second before sliding your hand over your eyes. You took a few deep breaths to soothe yourself until you heard an audible click and the sound designer over the two-way speaker.
“You, uh, okay in there?”
You drop your hand down to your mouth, eyes darting open to see not only the sound designer but a few of the puppets and two other employees who followed you to your location, staring at you from behind the glass.
You stared back.
Julie had arched a brow, crossing her arms over her chest in disapproval.
Wally’s half-lidded, unwavering, eyes peered at you. “Those are some naughty words there...” He commented, his voice crackling a bit through the speaker. Though, reading his expression you could tell he was a bit amused.
“Yes dear, you really should watch your language.” Poppy chimes, as everyone else in the sound room nods in agreement.
Standing there for a moment longer, you finally gave up. Picking up your binder and setting the script stand back up in place, you walk through the door into the sound room, staying silent as Barnaby stepped toward you with a plunger in hand.
“I found this if it’ll help with the toilet—”
You didn’t say anything as you walked past him, only extending a hand, and swiping the plunger from his grasp. You moved on through the exit.
Barnaby and Wally both stood outside the restroom door, peering in and watching as you muttered curses under your breath and violently plunged the toilet to unclog whatever ungodly thing Barnaby stuffed in there.
Wally: “So, uh, Barnaby?”
Barnaby: “Yeah lil’ buddy?”
Wally: “What did you put in there?”
Barnaby: “Just a bunch of leftover doughnuts from the spread table.”
Wally: “…Why?”
Barnaby, shrugging: “Wanted to see what would happen…”
[For scientific inquiry]
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
what's a festa junina if you don't mind my asking?
i don't mind at all!!!! i love sharing stuff about brazil <3
okay SO. festa junina directly translates to "june party", and are sometimes also referred to as "festas de são juão" (saint john's parties) because we're in brazil and everything has to be related back to religion somehow LMAO. they are festivities that take place in, obv, the entire month of june, although some can last up until like, late august because by god do brazilians love a good party. traditionally, they're held to celebrate the harvest season, rain, and marriage (*cough* which is why it'd be great to celebrate it now with the spiderbit wedding on the horizon *cough*). it's brazil's second-biggest festival, second only to carnival ofc, and has very rural roots in its celebration style due to largely being a harvest/farming based celebration!
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so!! festa juninas are typically held in wide open areas and absolutely COVERED in colorful decorations. largely banners, as shown above, but there are also different tents/stalls full of food, games, and other stuff for people to enjoy!! festa junina is kind of heralded as the best time for food/snacks bc it's FULL of sweets and other treats that aren't that common to find en-masse during other times of the year. as shown above, it's also super common for HUGE campfires to be lit (fogueiras) for ppl to dance around and stuff :]
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due to being so heavily inspired by/created in rural areas, the standard dress code is very much of a stereotypical rural farmer (called caipira in portuguese!). the standard is for men to adorn straw hats, flannels, and working boots/pants, while women wear their hair in ribboned braids, dot freckles on their faces, and wear rustic dresses on top of it all! the dresses can be EXTREMELY over the top sometimes to the point of camp and i fucking love them so much. genuinely some of my favorite memories are shopping for dresses for festa junina.
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as i said, games are a BIG part of it too! a lot of festa juninas are hosted by schools so they need stuff to entertain the kids, but honestly, as a grown adult i still will go to them in a heartbeat. they're largely the typical festival games of ring toss, three-legged races, etc, but i cannot put into words the certain Charm of them. like. by the time festa junina starts it's at least sundown, if not fully night, so all the stands are lit up by the yellow-orange glows of shitty lanterns/fairy lights and. ough. that is my heaven. (fun fact, me and my cousin once won like, a dozen goldfish from one of these. good times.)
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and last, but certainly not least, i GOTTA talk about the dancing!!! we call it quadrilha, and it's kind of like square dancing, i guess? it's a very silly and over-the-top dance that's The biggest even of the night. the dance follows the story of a wedding ceremony (rehearsal? i can't recall) which again would be PERFECT for the current events on the smp.
and yeah!! there's a lot of other stuff and they can vary from region to region (i'd love for other brazilians to share things i may have missed :Oc) but overall they're just a HUGE event in brazil and for brazilian communities that really just unite everyone in one huge night (or nights) of partying!!
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