#silly doodle that actually made me sad
rkrq · 3 months
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shepards-folly · 10 months
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one last night together
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oh-stars · 2 months
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The Wall
a Stobin Month 2024 prompt | 1167 words | CW: N/A | Rating: G
“I can’t part with it,” Robin says. 
Steve stands beside her, hands on his hips. “Me either.” 
“We can’t leave it though.” 
“But we don’t have space for it at the new place.” 
“We’re not living together in the new place,” Robin points out with a sigh. 
Steve’s shoulders fall. He keeps forgetting that part. “How do we split it then?” 
“I say we don’t and just stay here,” Robin decides. She nods her head once, then claps. “Yup, that’s settled. We’re living here forever.” 
“Rob,” Steve sighs, “you know we can’t.” 
“Says who? We love this house. It’s our house. Why do we have to leave it?” Robin takes a seat on the floor and stares up at The Wall. Steve doesn’t hesitate to follow, even when his knees pop and protest at the movement. He looks up at The Wall in all its glory, eyes flickering around from one spot to another. It’s their most important wall in the house, their collective prized possession. It’s the most beautiful thing they’ve ever made. 
The Wall is the north wall of their living room that connects with the stairs. It’s a boring beige color, but that’s not the important part, it’s what’s on the wall that matters. The very first day Steve and Robin moved into the house, they commemorated the day with a picture using Robin’s brand new Polaroid camera. And since their walls were all bare, they decided to put the picture on this wall that would one day be covered. 
He doesn’t remember why they decided to take a picture every day, doesn’t know what possessed them to keep it up for over eight years, but here they are. The wall is covered with almost three thousand polaroids, some better than others, with little dates written on the bottom. The ones celebrating big milestones are the highlights, like special birthdays and graduations or the start of a new job or anniversary, with special attention taken to the doodles along the borders. They even alter the space around them so they sit in little pockets, standing out among the silly and blurred daily shots. 
No one else understood why they kept it up, but they’ve never missed a day. Even when traveling, alone or together, they make sure someone took a picture. 
And now that they’re moving out of their first home, moving in with their respective partners, the time has come to take it down. 
Steve’s more sad to see The Wall go than he is to leave this house and he loves this house. It’s just not big enough for Steve, Eddie, Chrissy, Robin, the cats, and the incoming baby that Chrissy’s carrying for Steve and Eddie. He almost wishes Robin and Chrissy would just stay here, keep the wall up even if they stop taking pictures every day, but Robin didn’t think that was fair. “There’s no way I’m living in this house without you, dingus,” she said, “who would fight the ghost on my behalf?” 
The ghost is actually their neighbor’s outdoor cat, Sally, who likes to sneak into their home to play with their cat, Tassel. At first, they thought it was some territory dispute, but it turns out the cats are just star-crossed lovers. So much so that their neighbor’s trying to figure out how Sally can still see Tassel. Steve didn’t peg the old man to be supportive of two lesbian cats, but then again he’s never had a problem with the big rainbow flag hanging in their living room or the fact he’s had to ask Steve and Eddie to keep the noise down a time or two. 
Damn, he’s going to miss Nathaniel, too. 
“We have to take it down,” Steve says. 
“Would you rather someone else does it?” Steve raises an eyebrow at her. 
She rolls her eyes and huffs. “No.” 
“Then we have to.” 
“Why’d you have to go and make your family bigger, dingus,” Robin whines, leaning into him. “I’m happy to be Aunt Robin and all, and like I know this is what you were meant to do, but it’s really throwing a wrench in our growing old together plan.” 
Steve kisses her forehead then rests his cheek against the top of her head. “You’re the one who introduced Eddie and I.” 
“And I regret it everyday for him stealing you away from me.” 
“Chrissy stole you first.” 
“She’s perfect, she can do no wrong,” Robin says. “Eddie’s a gremlin man and took you from me.” 
“I resent that,” Eddie says as he and Jonathan walk into the room. The house is pretty bare, minus the big furniture that still needs to be moved tomorrow, but the whole point of today was to take boxes out, yet they’re bringing boxes in. Eddie sets down a box in front of them and opens it to reveal several photo albums. 
Jonathan does the same, but he takes out a machine that he plugs into the wall and starts fiddling with. 
“What are you doing?” Steve asks. 
“We’re here to rescue The Wall,” Eddie says.” 
“This is a scanner,” Jonathan explains, “I borrowed it from work. We can take each picture and scan it to make another one and then you both have a copy.” 
“And you two can decide who gets the originals but this way neither of you have to cry over losing it anymore.” Eddie holds out identical albums to each of them. “They’re prepped and ready for you to do your thing. But we need to finish this before we call it a day if we want to stay on schedule,” he says. 
Steve looks down at the hefty photo album. They’re ornate with little doodles engraved in the leather of ice cream and anchors and VHS tapes and music notes and every other little icon Eddie could come up with to represent the last decade of his and Robin’s friendship. In the center, in what he’s sure is Chrissy’s script, it says “The Wonder Twins Years, Vol. 1” with a blank section to write what dates they can fit into the album. 
“Eds,” he whispers. 
Eddie darts forward to kiss his cheek. “No more tears, baby.” 
Robin sniffles beside him. “Fine,” she huffs, “I guess he can stick around.” 
“Was that up for debate?” 
“It always was,” Robin says as she heaves herself up. “Dingus, go get the ladder out of the office.” 
“On it,” Steve says. He gets up and sets the album on the coffee table. As he passes Jonathan, he squeezes his shoulder. “Thank you.” 
Jonathan nods and smiles. “It’s too impressive to destroy,” he says. 
Steve’s not sure why he’s surprised that Jonathan, their resident photographer, understands The Wall like he and Robin do, but it still fills him with so much warmth. He excuses himself before he can cry some more. Better to save those tears for when Robin’s decided to go down memory lane with every other picture. 
He can’t wait.  
Thank you @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
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fuumiku · 2 months
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Selkie AU
Ok so on discord we went off. A lot of this is just paraphrasing or copy pasted from buddies hii guys. It’s honestly a fun concept to play with no matter how you turn it around~ I’ll start off with the version I drew these doodles for but it’s all under the cut because it got so long... There’s also always place for different flavors like if they realize the other’s a selkie immediately or over time, etc etc so this is all just food for thought. Marcille is always the instigator though lol, obsessed with him no matter the universe. As a selkie wants to learn more about this human and as a researcher is chasing after this secretive mysterious sea-guy while he very much tries to escape everyone’s attention.
Fisherman Chil & selkie Marcille
Old sad fisherman Chilchuck… He drinks out at sea even. Divorcee dad who’s got nothing waiting for him on land anymore. He’s on the sea every day to get fish to sell at the wet market or to the butcher, the sky and sea’s grey and everything’s dull and tedious. Seals are nothing special either. The only stuff he knows about selkies really could have some selkie storybooks he reads to his daughters. Meanwhile selkie Marcille… You could go a lot of different routes I feel. You know I feel like being a selkie fits with Marcille and her mom, with that interaction of "you’ll have to let others go and deal with that", like in this AU she’ll always be different and will have to leave people behind for the sea eventually here and there and whatnot…
Chilchuck and worksongs... Fisherman Chilchuck singing sea shanties while selkie Marcille sings her songs of the sea and then she hears him and gets curious and follows him back on land or something…… Tries to blend in with humans just so she’s like. What’s his deal. But them only meeting out at sea is very cute as well. Eventually she gets on his boat and they hang out. Melancholic psychological horror sea tragedy-romance would be fun idk. Maybe he starts hearing a woman sing out at sea randomly and thinks it’s the alcohol. But he’d be a goner already lmao. Like don’t get me wrong it’d take a while of actual interactions for him to actually fall in love, but also ~~he’s lonely~~ pretty blonde woman waaaa. Siren imagery hehe. "Hmmm I didn't know selkies had hypnotic voices as well" (they don't. he's down outrageous and he knows it.) Mr "in denial so bad maybe magic is the answer yep for sure". I want her to hear him singing something he used to for his daughters/wife etc and shes like 👁️👁️ who hurt this man........... (Could also work for selkie Chil) What’s his tragic backstory…..
I think marcille also deserves to go silly and catch a carp between her teeth, giving it to chilchuck batting her eyelashes like teehee... I'm such a good assistant right... He needs them undamaged if he wants to sell them but he still makes use of her gift anyway... Puts it in a stew and shares it with her... Something we made together..… Marcille being able to taste human food with actual spices and actual heat and actual cooked meat... His home is the warmest place on the surface. His hugs are more comforting than even the water’s. AGH and how long hasn’t he eaten a real homecooked meal you’d bet 😭 Marcille notices he’s underweight and is like "he’s always fishing though??? Does he just need like, a lot??" and takes it upon herself to bring him more fish to feed him. "He NEEDS to blubber up. I know it." Do you think when his wife was still there he'd come home to the smell of cooking.... but now there's nothing......... He’s on his own, he sleeps in the boat… It just smell like fish all day. The stench gets to him and even the burn of alcohol in his nostrils is a kinder hell. NOW he comes back to the stench of roting flesh and he's like :))) ahh.... my gi rl firned 💖 /j
Selkie Marcille getting onto his boat out of nowhere and slapping the beer bottle out of his hand. It’d go hard if he’s so drunk once that he’s leaning over the railing with his bottle hanging down from his grip and the beer goes into the sea and she tastes it and is like. Now what the fuck is this. Ew. He doesn’t look so good maybe I should splash him with water. She could save him from drowning... Girl who puts him on a rock somewhere until he wakes up and hides in the water as soon as he comes to… Peekinh at him from the surface of the water because, oh dear we're shy now because it's face to face… Drawing parallels between swaying (drunk) and swaying (motion of boat on the sea). She sways his world…… Makes him feel dizzy in a nice, light airy way…… He crashes into his bed in his home and still feels the rocking of the waves under him, and he falls asleep thinking of her…
Go out to the sea in a storm because you can’t stand feeling useless. The sea is your livelihood, it's where you're good and useful. On land you never know what to do with your hands. Maybe he should just let the sea pull him under. let it sweep him away.  Marcille does exactly that, but it's not something that erases him. It's not something that swallows him whole. It's something that shows him a whole other world- The coral reefs, the schools of fish that exist below, the lush seaweed forests that Marcille treasures so much. It's all been there for him to see, theres so much beneath his feet. And all he had to do was let her take his hand. This world full of fish and creatures he's caught and gutted... that he gets to see in a different light…… The idea of him trusting her enough to let her lead him underwater... I think the time that Marcille leads him into the water should be on one beautiful evening, with the water shimmering, and the sun casting rays onto the waters surface- enough that it's still scary at first, enough that Chilchuck still struggles against the salty grasp of the waves, but when marcille takes him under he can see just how the light of the sun casts its spotlight on the seafloor- and how even in the shallows therein lies a thousand wonders, ones he's stepped right over before. I'm just obsessed with chilchuck experiencing a whole nother world in there. Give me childlike wonder. Give me a Marcille who wants to show her grump fucking fisherman boyfriend the cute fishies and the minnows, the pretty hermit crabs. Something about the sea looking different from beneath the waves... The parallels of him on the beach stepping over shells and urchins in the shallows with his boots and just crush them right over, not even noticing he did from force of habit and routine having dulled everything… Him working on the sea all the time but never really seeing it because he’s so absorbed in his own shit and he always just uses the harbor so there’s never real contact with it anyways. When the sea water laps at his forearms when he reels the net in but they feel like lashes of frost against his skin. She'd look really pretty with her hair flowy in the waves............ Marcille’s hair should get used for creepy compositions more… In the water she takes him under and her hair tangles and latch onto him against his skin. Her hair is long, underwater it could engulf him probably, he likes blonde hair he'd be happy with that… Not the lowkey suicidal ideation of letting the sea take him and how he’d be happy suffocating in her hair when doing a dive wow ok
I keep thinking about the Dredge AU… The video game yes yes. It’d be a mess but ohhh ohh the sea and its wonderful world but also its dark secrets, Marcille researching the depths and finding dark powers and idk the tragedy of a man at sea who can’t forget what he’s lost and the mythical gf he made that was never meant to be and it’ll destroy them both idk idk. Bc of Marcille helping him fish from below as a selkie, Senshi like YOU ARE OVERFISHING YOU ARE DESTROYING THE ECOSYSTEMMM @ them lmao You are feeding the whole town and making big bucks but you’re fishing so much that some fish are starting to get stale without being bought, the sea is bleeding and the leviathan is hungry
Maybe one time, one of them gets upset at the other and holds the seal fur hostage, its sooo mean but it also feels very them. When I think selkie I think of the movie Song of the Sea and in that movie the father of the protags loved a selkie, the mother, but she had to leave at one point for the sea because that’s her nature etc etc, but he didn’t want her to leave so he hid her skin which like. Ruined everything and hurt her. And ohhh the parallels… Leaving him… Just food for thought.
Selkie Chil & marine researcher Marcille
The reverse of that where Chil’s the selkie, Marcille’s fascination for him has the reverse angle, almost like admiration too. Crying she’d be like "who’s this mysterious guy, why’s he look kinda ethereal(selkie fairy blablabla)?" and investigates meanwhile he doesn’t want anyone to see him transforming and such so he’s like "leave me aloneeeeeee!!" Selkie chil? secretive man who just wants to chill gets grabbed by the most enthusiastic fairytale-obsessed girl out there. She WILL almost drown trying to say hi. C’mon mister mythical let’s have a storybook romance <3 Jumping in da water and he has to rescue her and immediately gains 100 grey hairs. She gets her storybook ‘saved by the merman’ moment but at what cost. "WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG" screaming, she gets scolded very much but it all goes in one ear out the other tbh. Selkie Chilchuck is even better with his secretiveness... How do you get around the fact you’re a seal? Iunno I’ve never been a seal Obsessed with the implications of his family in this. Except if his wife and daughters were humans and so his work travels are instead selkie shenanigans going out at sea for months on ends, I imagine they’d be selkies too… Did they get separated? Die? Is Chilchuck’s cowl in this one Flertom’s fur? :(   Once more mentioning sea shanties Chilchuck btw, Roll the Old Chariot comes to mind… Ooough Song of the Sea from the movie that he sung to his daughters <33 I’m fine
With the researcher angle actually being pushed there are interesting plots and scenes you could think of obvi, but uh we kind of went off on the fisherman Chil Marcille selkie AU instead haha. It’d be cute if she ends up teaching him how to live on land in the end. Dresses him up like a funky lil guy. I went with tallman Chil when drawing it and selkie Marcille’s more elf-like, and for selkie Chil I’d imagine it’s the reverse where she’s tallman-like and he still looks like a halfling… Sea-related AUs are my weak spot <33
No matter how you turn it, Marcille is the instigator lol. Selkie Marcille: this little man… I want to know more about this human! Selkie Chilchuck = tries to avoid everything but this Marcille keeps chasing him! It’s her job to, Chilchuck minds his business!! He sees a sliver of something weird out at night? Not his job nope keep your nose out of that it’ll only bring you trouble. It’d have to really itch him at him for him to crack I think… Honestly he’d make a great lovecraftian horror protagonist lol. We love a girl with no chill and her nose in everyone’s business
Shout to to @dayundying, @cabinette, @soappox and @lucky-fydraws!! These people were there for the brainstorming and the writing of the scripture…
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myfandomrealitea · 5 months
I cannot stress this enough:
Stuck for ideas? Try:
Send asks. It could be anything, even something super basic. Tell someone you like their blog theme or ask them what they think a character's favorite color is. Ask them if they have a secret hobby. Tell them you had an absolute banger of a slice of toast for breakfast. Literally anything. Give them something to talk to you about. You might even make a friend!!
Draw silly little doodles for your favorite piece of fanfic. Literally cannot stress this enough; even stick men art can be adorable and/or hilarious. And I guarantee you it'll make the author's day. A two minute sketch on the notepad app of your phone could genuinely be the reason someone updates their fic, or writes another one.
Write silly little drabbles for your favorite fanart. I used to love this back when I made fanart on my old Tumblr blog. People would reblog it with a silly little 100 word drabble based on the art and I. Would. Swoon. My thing made someone else make a thing!! Amazing!!
Make rec lists. It could be for fanfiction, themed blogs to follow, recipes, movies, anything. Ask people to share theirs. Ask people to give their opinions if they try out something from your list. You wouldn't believe how many of my fanfic bookmarks have come from seeing the blogs I follow recommend something. Because we have the same interests!! Because its even quicker than me scouring hundreds of tags on AO3!!
If someone posts writing or art, ask them questions!! Humans love to be asked things. Especially about things we have made. Ask them what inspired them to make the thing. How long it took them. If they have a favorite thing about it.
Tumblr's engagement and activity levels are not dying because of the website. They're dying because of us. If we're just sat existing in a sad, isolated little bubble, of course we're going to move on to somewhere where we get actual engagement. Where there are other people in the bubble.
We've become so obsessed with an entitlement to receiving and consuming while never actually giving anything back, and that has to die.
"Oh but there's no community for what I like on here."
Make. One.
Tell people about the thing you like. Get them interested. Engage with them about it. Give them a sounding board to share their thoughts and ask questions and create content to enjoy and consume. Make it a discussion and give them something to get involved in.
Find that one other tiny blog screaming into the void about it and scream together!! That's how this website works!!
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pansear-doodles · 11 months
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30 Days of Artihunter Complete!
Below the cut would be a side diary on the thought process of each day- how I felt during the time and what made me decide to draw the ship in that portrayal. It would also contain some deep thought messages of how I feel I suppose.
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Day 1 revolved around me thinking quickly on this idea- that it is pride month and its their time to shine again. What is anything more appropriate than the first art style I drew Rain world in for the first day? I've thought of the roses of explosion spears.
I was feeling creatively driven on this day- wanting to use my painterly style but with not exactly my designs- I also want to mimic how they appear in the game more.
Purple, orange, yellow. Great colors. I'm a sucker for citrus and sunset palettes.
Was feeling lazy this day, but also experimental. Some people saw this piece and thought that the shelter is the tent- that's actually just the entrance. The "tent" is a carpeted roof to the entrance, and the two are enjoying the light rain or the start of it before they head in to the actual shelter. At some point in the future I should design more unique shelters and entrances.
Around the time, I was listening to The Cardigans. Sometimes Youtube gives me sped up versions where the thumbnail has a cute stuffed animal or character. It reminds me of the Sylvanian Family toy series. My very first Artihunter-related commission was the two in pretty dresses with the pups, so I was reminiscing on that too.
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I was feeling sleepy so I wanted to draw the two comfortably. I think I was in the mood to draw a wrinkled blanket.
When a character kisses another, it leaves a heart. This is not usually lipstick but rather just an evident smooch mark. You might've seen a similar thing in the newest picrew. Yes- those are smooch marks!
Felt stylistic. Wanted to be different I think. This was the first daily artihunter piece Videocult retweeted. I'm not sure if they realized but whatever floats their boat. I was really fond of how people draw Artificer as this rough, scraggly, rat coyote thing, so I wanted to draw it my way.
It was at this point I realized my daily artihunter hasn't shown the one aspect of their relationship- that they both are fighters and relish on the violence. I drew them fighting a vulture because of Hunter's expedition: Birdwatching
I think... I was feeling sad this day. You'll see this pattern soon in the future days.
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I was feeling violent. I wanted to draw gore for once.
I was browsing through twitter and found funny slugcat GIFs and drawings where the slugcat is shaped like some sort of long stringbean. This would be one of the few pieces where it involves another character unrelated to the two.
I think I was on a manic state this day- feeling silly.
Then the silliness crashed down from... something. As the days progressed, my anxiety attacks would worsen and be evidently consistent throughout (and as of writing I still have them, but to a lesser extent at least). This would continue until around day 26. But as of this day, I wanted to show my arti's caring side, comforting hunter.
Amidst an anxiety attack, I wanted to draw them as beans in reminiscent of the specific style of an artist whose small doodles make me smile and laugh.
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I think I was feeling empty headed for ideas on this day, so I looked at the rain world art tags for inspiration- it just hit me that I could also draw other artist's depictions of artihunter, so I drew them in one of my styles. Maybe someday I will do more of this. I hope the other rw artists don't find this weird.
I've randomly thought of shovel knight and thought about how cozy the campfire cutscenes were. I wonder if shelters could have ventilations to warrant a campfire inside. It would be nice I think.
It was father's day. This is not a genderbent drawing- I just wanted to draw them in different colors and wearing cool ties, while receiving mugs that call them dad. That's about it. If you think about it, I think arti and hunter would get a maximum of four mugs per year for each- on mother's day, on father's day, on their birthdays, and on rain world's version of the winter holidays.
Butch sapphics/lesbians. I was humorous.
I was feeling upset and certainly riddled with the anxiety and restlessness. I just wanted to draw the family at peace.
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I was curious on my friends' input on what prompt for this day, so I asked them what should the two be doing. Several of them gave different answers, so I combined all of them.
I was feeling terrible but I wanted to push forward with the daily artihunter. Their arms have bruises here but they're holding on- just like what I was going through that day.
Anxious, again. I wanted to draw them resting closely. I think I was touch starved.
I wanted to cheer myself up so I went around for memes on tumblr and saw one I found funny and could fit my vision (er- one of my visions) of the ship. I found the sunstone dialogue at the back to replace the dialogue of Hatred a genius move and I'm glad I cracked people up with that detail.
People seemed to like this one- I was feeling painterly that day. Arti's kids are part of their life, and now they're part of Hunter's. I think Hunter would be a great mumdad.
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I think... It was around this time my anxiety attacks started to leak out and break open completely. There was a lot of buzz. I was restless. Uncomfortable. Spiraling. People left and right trying their best to comfort me, and then finally the people who helped me snap out of it out of reasonable concern and grips on reality. I'm quite ashamed of being that, but I think at this time, I finally learned how to slowly breathe again. I felt mellow. I drew them as tomatoes with iterator farmers.
I wasn't feeling sad. More like tired. I had school all day until late at night and I had no time to make the drawing, so I made something relatively simple.
I planned this prompt for a while- I wanted to draw them in their wedding wear. The complexities are the exchange of the simplicity for the day before. I at times still cringe at the wedding comics, but they were fuzzy. I think they should slow dance after everything they been through. I think they should hold each other gently until their next stressful moments come. I think they should be happy.
A round about way of compiling most depictions I have of the two. Its funny I always draw their anthro versions taller than the other portrayals, but thats the vibes. They all each have different ways of showing affection. They all each have different experiences despite being similar to one another. Yet they're all the same persons at the source.
Today was polarizing. There were a lot of things I did not expect. A rollercoaster of emotions. But somewhere in there of the today, even with the tears on my face, the throbbing headache and the shaking hands- I was happy. I should acknowledge that I have accomplished another of what appears to be another consistent art month, with absolutely no missed days. I wanted to make it off with a bang- something reminiscent of one of my first artihunter drawings. I shall rest, but I'll see everyone in the fields of Art Fight, where I will smile once more to hopefully live up to my prime and focus on what's important to me in drawing.
With pride month ending, I would like to thank my friends and the rw community for being supportive of my barbie playhouse. 5 Months went by so fast, so many episodes and mistakes but I march forward, evolving and fluctuating, learning. There were things that meant a lot to me and are significant that is considered otherwise by others.
Some people will look at this- all that I've done- think its crazy, maybe unhinged, think I have made them with the intent of malice. Maybe I have not done enough. Maybe I misrepresented them. Maybe I was too proudy or ignorant- perhaps all that was true and I didn't know about it until its too late. There is a certain truth in me that it difficult for me to explain to others and there are some things I think about that don't need sharing.
I wish I wasn't so sensitive to everything but me frolicking about with whatever I want to draw contradicts it. It makes me want to step down or run off to a new quieter place- a new account to disguise myself- but I know I can't let them win that way.
Maybe there are two or more people in me, all conscious. Or maybe I am indecisive and want to explore everything about thing because I love thing and I want to see it in all angles. Whatever I'm doing, I know its out of love and appreciation. I misremember even significant things. I lose myself, but I pick up the pen and draw because its the one thing I know best for myself.
I do not look for validation. I only look for peace. I only look to be comfortable knowing that I'm not making the opposite of peace. I only look to make myself happy.
To the people I've hurt on my journey, the people I've thought fondly of but also fear, the people who hurt me- thank you for being part of my stay in Rain World even if painful and I'm sorry for everything I've wronged you on.
To the people who brought light to me, who tolerated me, who were kind to me, who were patient to me, who didn't mind what and how I was, who encouraged me, who defended me, who talked to me, who shared memes with me, who were calm and honest to me, who acknowledge my flaws, who made me feel safe- thank you. Even if some of these moments were brief. Even if I don't know who or what you are on the other side. Even if something in the future may happen to us. I love you. /p
I say this all with genuine thoughts, and I hope I'm not being emotionally manipulative because I genuinely do appreciate this fandom and I'm grateful that lots of people in it are appreciative of me.
Thank you, again.
P.S. I have realized throughout this month I have worded the drawing artihunter everyday thingy wrong (oops) Well. At least know that I will continue to draw artihunter, and I do not think I'll get tired of the ship and drawing them anytime soon.
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doodle-girl · 1 month
The Monsters of Eastridge: DOAI Playlist
Description: At this point, might as well make a playlist for everything. Welcome to my own personal demon-filled hell, this is mostly based on lyrics, vibes, or both 🎃 (Edit: Due to recent fixations, this now also includes some sitcom au stuff.)
(Yeah this is made mostly for @spookmuth but also just anyone else who’s interested in my music taste/how my thoughts work. Will update the post whenever the playlist updates, have fun! Also footnotes will be in brackets because I like footnotes)
Edit: Now on spotify! Courtesy of @witheredallium <3
“Happy Face” by Jagwar Twin [I have had an animatic for this jangling around my brain for actual several months oh my god]
“Turn the Lights Off” by Tally Hall
“A1 - It’s just a burning memory” by The Caretaker [Yeah idk how well this actually fits since it’s based on a song from like. The 30s. But I think it’s obligatory for any analog horror ever lol]
"I Can't Decide" by The Scissor Sisters [This one I got inspo from havoc-bloom's playlist/clip of Pastra finding it. A few of these are, actually, lol] [Edit: I have now realized just how well this fits Clyde in the sitcom au and I am once again plagued by art ideas 👀]
"I'M Sane" by Axie [Me when I torture the innocent with horrid monsters and become one myself. but I'm a little silly about it teehee~ 😜]
"The Circus" by Toby Fox [This popped up on shuffle when I was drawing Clyde once and my brain refused to let go of the vibes™ ever since]
"Animal Cannibal (Possibly in Michigan)" by Buckshot Princess [I would've put the one by Karen Skladany but it's not on apple music 😔 sad. This cover's really nice tho]
"The Dismemberment Song" by Blue Kid [Same reasoning as "I'M Sane," nyehehe. Also this song really feels like it's ripped out of a musical number. If you told me it was I'd believe you.]
"The Mind Electric" by Miracle Musical
"Horror Show" by K-Modo [You ever just. Think about why Lankmann does the things he did? Like what's his game here?]
"Dance of Corpse (feat. Hatsune Miku)" by Kikuo [this might also spiral into an animatic lol. Anyway do me a solid and go look up the music video, turn on the official english subtitles and come back to me.]
"The Nowhere King" by The Centaurworld Cast
"Nothing Changes" by Jewelle Blackman, Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer, and Kay Trinidad [this musical makes me feel. so many things. And I just think the vibes/lyrics of "why try when you'll only end in misery" might fall into the category of vibes here idk idk]
"Murders" by Miracle Musical
"Kitchen Fork" by Jack Conte [I don't remember exactly why I put this here rn but I just know this is an Alex song. It's so beautifully haunting and passionate stg] [Edit: yeah definitely an Alex song]
"Meet Me in the Woods" by Lord Huron ['kay I know the vibes are probably off but look at the lyrics and tell me it shouldn't go here]
"A Crow's Trial" by Vane Lily
"You're F****d" by Ylvis [Yeah I put this one here as a joke song. Every single character in here is SO doomed by the narrative, I'm sorry Alex but it's true. teehee~]
"UNCANNY / ft. KAFU" by kian [I actually couldn't find this one on apple music but galactinqq was right about this being an Alex song and I'm putting it on the post]
"Raising the Dead!" by Jessica Law [Styx, you madlad, this is SUCH a Lankmann song oh my god]
“Hymn for a Scarecrow” by Tally Hall [“Simon isn’t even in the series yet, though” My guy it’s called Hymn for a Scarecrow and it’s Tally Hall what else do you want me to do. I love Simon so much I miss him already <3]
"Destroid 8 Annihilate" by Excision and Far Too Loud -- Destroid - The Invasion ["But Doodle, wha-" do not question my playlist decisions. Sometimes I listen to one of my other 30 (yes it's that many) silly little playlists and the vibes just come to me. I am right about everything and my brain is huge /lh]
“Break My Mind” by DAGames
“In the Mood” by Glenn Miller [this one was in Vol 1! So I found it and I’m putting it here <3]
“Pictures” by Kyle Allen Music [I mean technically the series is videos but whatever. This song fits sue me]
“Ruler of Everything” by Tally Hall [I saw the words “mechanical hands” on a DOAI fanart once and it jumpstarted an idea that refuses to leave me. Turns out it fits VERY well holy crap]
"I'll Be There for You (Theme from Friends)" by The Rembrandts [shoutout to froggydrawz's own sitcom AU playlist for more material for me eheheheh ✌️ I'll be putting a few of those here]
"I'm Still Standing" by Taron Egerton [sitcom exclusive because canon Alex is fucking dead /lh]
"Digital Silence" by Peter McPoland
"How Far We've Come" by Matchbox Twenty [another sitcom one nyehehehe. This AU has me by a chokehold unlike any other AU I've been into istg]
"Who is She (Reprise)" by Kimiko Glenn [I apologize for those who came here for a normie-ass DOAI playlist, I promise it started out that way but y'know that's fixations for ya. Anyways I added this one on a whim because it gave off veldigun!Alex AU vibes. Might fit with other stuff idk do with that what you will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]
"Soft Bitch" by Rio Romeo [pretty sure it was spookmuth that made a sitcom AU art inspired by this song and I love it]
"Runaway" by AURORA [secret-spirit if you see this at all just know this was your doing (/pos). This is like, my favorite AURORA song and seeing you do an Alex art in the whiteboard to this song sparked a primal "holy shit" moment in me]
"Lose Control" by Teddy Swims [I was doodling in the DOAI whiteboard when my mamá started playing this in the other room and my brain immediately went "oh my god what if Clyde and Winfrey"]
"Soft Apocalypse" by Charming Disaster [Once again, everybody give it up for Styx's music taste, this is making my brainworms go mad with art ideas 👏👏👏 sitcom AU song, btw]
Side note, might hit a word limit here? So Imma have to continue this list in a reblog, just look through those for more if ya want✌️
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weirdmarioenemies · 11 months
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Name: Monster Rat A and Monster Rat B
Debut: Birdiy
Wow! The most abstracted rats I have ever seen in my life! No pointy snout. No whiskers. No little ears. No little handy feet. The only ratty things about them are the fact they have eyes and mouths at all, and their tails. And those things I described are the only aspects of the design!
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Um. Hi, Monster Rats. Yes, I am talking about you. I would prefer if you did not stare at me like that.
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Wow! They understood my request! What clever Monster Rats. So as was established, these are the red Monster Rat A, and the cyan Monster Rat B! There are only two of them, so it is easy to tell them apart. It is also easy to project character traits onto them and develop headcanons about their personalities! If you still need help telling them apart, though, think B for blue, since cyan is made from blue. Think A for red. The A stands for, "Ah! This one is red!"
You probably don't know what Birdiy is, huh? I literally just found out about it myself, and was captivated by these Monster Rats. I promise this is a real game and I did not just doodle some weird sprites to prank you! Look at this:
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See! Birdiy! An arcade game about a mama bird collecting larvae to feed her babies! And look, there's our friend Monster Rat A! Hi! I guess the lines on its tail are to make it look like a wormy rat tail, but the shape is not helping anything. It looks like a waxed cheese wheel with a floppy baguette sticking out of it. I'm glad it does! This image reassures us that it is, indeed, supposed to look so baffling.
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The goal of both Monster Rats is to eat the little baby bird whole. Yes, they are enemies, no, they are not Bad Guys! These are just some creatures! Despite what the media may suggest, being a baby bird does not make a creature morally superior. Sometimes a baby bird is simply eaten, by a Monster Rat. It's fine. It's good!
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Look at this little drawing of Monster Rat A from the flyer, which also calls them CLEVER monster rats in another section! So silly and cute. They call the chicks "chickens" here. This game did not sell well at all. But you can bet I'm pointing to Monster Rat if anyone ever asks me to give an example of #retro 1983 nostalgia! It's a little sad Monster Rat A gets all the drawn art. All both of it. Thank goodness for hue shifting!
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There you go, Monster Rat B. Now there are as many images of you in the world as there are of your crony!
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Oh yeah! There is a skunk in this game, too. Just in case you were thinking they just couldn't draw quadruped mammals, and went with lumps instead. They can indeed draw quadruped mammals! They could have drawn actual rats! And I love actual rats, but thank goodness they didn't! I love everything about Monster Rats, little as there may be to work with!
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Here is a tileable image of our friends the Monster Rats. I made it my background, then changed it back because it did not look very good at all. This is my gift to you.
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androids-insides · 5 months
Behold, the result of my procrastination:
Good Omens Swapped Universe
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Remember that stream from ages ago? That’s when I made these designs. Since then, I haven’t made much about them, but I’ve recently thought about them quite a bit! I’ve been doodling them now, and I’m constructing a story in the back of my mind! Does this intrigue you?
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I did recently realise that you can’t actually download the images from Tumblr, which is sad because I name all of the images in very silly ways and no one gets to read them. If you would like a transparent image, I request that you message me! I’ll give you a nice version with my signature and everything :] (it may take me a bit to respond)
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clambuoyance · 10 months
Do u want to talk abt ur ocs..... I actually followed you initially bc they seemed so interesting and silly and I want to know more if you feel like sharing :)
I still can’t believe some ppl follow me for my ocs bc it’s usually for my fanart so this is really nice to hear! I have a couple stories/universes but the main one I’ve been…developing (it’s on and off) since I was like 13/14 is about these two kids named Keiko and Rolin!! Im still doing a lot of world and lore building but the main gist is that Rolin is a teenage boy turning 16 who returns to his hometown to live with his aunt and meets a strange young girl named Keiko (debating on making her 10-12 idk she was originally 10). I won’t go too much into like Lore stuff but she has like..my own version of clairvoyance. They are kind of opposites, with Rolin being introverted and jaded, and Keiko being loud and optimistic but they are both silly.
I think it’s been said before but the whole driving relationship of the story is the two of them going on adventures throughout the city and solving mysteries while simultaneously becoming family and finding a real home within each other and the people they’ve met and learned to love 😚
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Now the story is centered around Rolin and Keiko, but a big focus is on the cast of characters that fill mostly Rolins life. Mira and Artie were friends with Rolin when they were kids before Rolin left with his mom, and all three grew up and have been living their own lives, but when Rolin comes back they get a chance to reconnect (with Keiko’s help). Valoryn (Val) is also new in town, and befriends Rolin and Keiko. This is just a messy fast doodle of them I have better art in my oc tags🙏
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Some old sketches
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The other major cast is Rolin’s family, and Rolin has always been Asian so as I worked on the story his family kept getting more and more relevant especially with a major theme of the story being about the connections you have with people in your life so like I can’t leave them out. And I’ve never settled on an Asian ethnicity until recently where I was like I might as well make him Filipino so I can base his family off my own🫡 Cousins (both blood and not) that are years older than you but treat you like siblings and give u silly nicknames 🫶
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Now Diana (or Deedee) is one of those characters I’ve had for a long time, and I made her because I liked those laidback mentor figures in anime (like Qrow from rwby) and wanted a laidback lady one 🤷🏻‍♀️ she also has some Misato from nge influence. She has always been written to be a mentor figure to Rolin and Keiko, and at one point I think I was going to make her his actual aunt but stuck to her being just a cousin so I could write about her relationship with her mom 🫶 Unlike her brother Darius, she does not live with her mom and Rolin has to go out of his way to meet her.
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And Rolin’s parents’ story aren’t the main focus (they aren’t really present themselves in the main story) and it’s mostly just flashback stuff but they r silly and sad and I love drawing them 😼
I could go into more detail but that’s an overview of some of the characters
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glowstickspinalfluid · 5 months
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MAREANIE AS A SPLATOON SHOPKEEPER!! excellent idea from @jamiegeode!!! i've made them the shopkeeper for the inkopolis plaza hotlantis because inkopolis deserves its own store!! they do not get a friend like a lot of stores do, because they are rude and lazy. but that is why i love them. my little silly :3
image IDs under the cut :3
[image 1 ID: a drawing of the pokemon mareanie as a splatoon shopkeeper of hotlantis. in order to make them appear more like a splatoon character, they have two noodle arms and several noodle legs like the jellyfish in splatoon. they are wearing a torn, plain black t-shirt, and have spiky under eyelashes with light purple undereye markings. they're kneeling on the floor of hotlantis where the shopkeepers stand, and are looking up from a book they're reading. /end ID]
[image 2 ID: the same drawing of mareanie as in the first image, but with lower contrast. they are sitting on a pastel yellow ink splatter in a pastel purple background. /end ID]
[image 3 ID: a screenshot of hotlantis, with the player character on the right, and mareanie on the left edited in over where harmony is in-game. /end ID]
[image 4 ID: a screenshot of the empty building with the hotlantis online kiosk in front of it from splatoon 3's inkopolis plaza. it is modified to look like hotlantis. the entrance is where the kiosk was, and the bench in front of the store is modified to be more sleek with pink seats. the second story windows have the screens with celebrity signatures on them. the store sign above he door has inkopolis stickers stuck on where the original has splatlands stickers, and the whole building has stickers and graffiti on it. /end ID]
[image 5 ID: there are multiple doodles of what mareanie would be like as a shopkeeper. separate IDs below. /end ID]
[doodle 1 of image 5 ID: how mareanie greets you when you enter the shop. she is slouched over with her book under her arm and an irritated expression. she has a speech bubble saying "oh... hello.". /end ID]
[image 5 doodle 2 ID: mareanie is sitting on the floor, slamming their book shut with a startled expression. there is an octoling customer behind them, trying to get mareanie's attention, which startles mareanie. the octoling has a speech bubble saying "...excuse me?". there is a sound effect for the book being shut, saying "SLAM". there is a caption that says "(they were reading yaoi)". /end ID]
[image 5 doodle 3 ID: headshot of mareanie with a sad, wry smile and a shadow of dread on their face. there is a caption that reads "watching someone cash out an entire catalog at once". /end ID]
[image 5 doodle 4 ID: mareanie is glaring at spyke, who is hiding behind a wall away from them. there is a caption that says "in inkopolis because spyke can actually hide from her". /end ID]
[image 5 doodle 5 ID: there is a drawing of mareanie but bald, with a menacinv and extremely irritated expression, labeled "actual expression" and a drawing of mareanie with hair with a chill, friendly expression, labeled "how it's seen through the hair". /end ID]
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h0estar · 1 month
my little sister doodled yato and yukine for me at dinner and i thought it was the sweetest thing ever and it made me realize how much i actually missed this silly lil duo
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scrolling through my saved tachiyomi screenshots and silently crying bc we will never get any new content of these guys and i just love them so much and i know there's probably a better way to phrase or write down what i feel but i'm not capable of that so let me just say that i really really love these guys so much and i'm still so sad noragami ended and i miss it and the characters and everything about it and and huhuhuhu ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ
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lousirs · 6 months
this is a dump about the uglydolls movie novel 💋💋💋
Alrighty I'm basically a regular here SO LETS GET TO IT
lodoeheie so I just got the movie novel of uglydolls because i need to fill my hunger for uglydolls content and THERE R SO MANY LITTLE DETAILS AND DIFFERENCES IN THE BOOK???!!???
ok so Lou's monologue in the pipes are completely different and they kind of point out details about Lou like his loafers being expensive and allat
there's this one part in the book where they are about to reveal Ox after the all dolled up scene and instead of Ox, Nolan was behind Lou???? I think it was just supposed to show how awkward Nolan is idk 💀💀
ALSO for some reason I feel like EVERUTIME Nolan made an appearance they always described him as "the handsome doll" and I find that so so silly but I love it
oh YEYEHA it's implied in the book that the dolls wear their own clothes when they aren't doing training which was not the case in the movie (probably due to animation complications)
in the gauntlet scene, in the book, it was Mandy who kinda taunted Lou to participate in the gauntlet rather than him deciding to buy himself. Also it made me think why he even decided to join it in both medias when he knew he'd fail but my friend and I just established that at that point he was probably already batshit crazy and had nothing to lose
the whole Ox flashback part was longer and had more details to it. So both Lou and Ox went for the gauntlet together and completed it but it showed that they failed and everyone thought it was Ox that caused them to fail when it was really Lou (kind of sad that Lou probably knew it was himself and had to put the blame on Ox)
it was also mentioned that both Lou and Nolan have somewhat of a muscular build so time to make some new head cannons
I just found thrse so interesting I'm so sorry
the book is pretty good imo (probably biased) and there's more stuff than what I put here so DEFINITELY go read it for yourself
why hello, we meet again... time for more rambling xD STRAP IN EVERYONE!
yes!! i've known about the novel for a hot minute. i haven't bought or read it (...yet) but i remember seeing silentreadersmatter (i believe?) post about it on wattpad... so shoutout to them lol. anywho time to respond to each thing mentioned in order (just about)...
lou with loafers!!: i always assumed he wore some sort of fancy shoewear... so it's nifty that they added clarification i guess xD
awkward nolan: awkward nolan is the superior nolan (in my opinion. i'm sorry lads)... i see nolan be depicted as a 'uwu soft boy bottom" most of the time... but i always thought he was just a awkward doll. like, an anxious mess that is trying his best but fumbles constantly. he's a ball of anxiety, and i love him. ANYWAYS
buff nolan real??: GOSH, I AM SO GLAD SOMEONE NOTICED THE MUSCULAR NOLAN THING. i always imagined nolan to be taller than the other dolls (he isn't really in the film but i always headcanoned it so because his uniform is smaller as if he was too big for it) but once i saw him be called "handsome" and "tall" and "muscular" in the novel, i flipped. the little baby boy is actually a BIG BUFF BABY. i have a doodle of this from a few months ago heheh... (thank you for giving me an excuse to show it because it's been lingering in my files for a while LMAO)
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^^^ lou is just trying to act evil and devious but he got this tall, handsome muscular doll getting in his way xD
ohhh but i can just imagine instead of the robot dog taking lou to the washer, nolan personally picks him up and drags him there. now THAT'S a moment i want to see.
fashion: oh, i didn't know about the clothes thing! DAMNIT i want to see them all in casual clothing, so i know what kind of styles they wear!! i mean, there's a concept art with lou in a white jumper with a golden 'L' on it... but that's all.
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i have my headcanons for what they wear, but it would be cool to see... especially since most other dolls normally do have numerous outfits for the kids to dress them up in.
gauntlet: yeah, lou kinda lost the plot around that point. i would take a guess that he was probably unnerved by just basically killing two dolls, one that he knew (possibly for a while) and one that was close to his old friend, so when he saw mandy still alive he was like "well sh*t." and then came the downward spiral of him trying to sabotage the others, before inevitably sabotaging himself. ...but i think the book's version of mandy getting the crowds to peer pressure lou to joining the gauntlet made more sense (lou's reputation would be at stake and his reputation is basically all he has) than him joining anyways in the film. i guess they tried to make it make more sense with the whole "I don't even have to win. I just need to make sure you lose." but ehh... eh....
ox's tragic anime backstory: yes!! they should've done this version in the film honestly. perhaps they could've even shown lou's regret for lying to basically his only friend. ...oh wait, i forgot. lou's meant to be a 100% evil villain who kicks babies. anyways, again i feel that the novel made more sense than the canon we got in film. i guess in the film ox got recycled because he was causing others to fail by accident? but the novel's version is much more interesting.
if i remember correctly (and if i don't, count this as a rewritten version lol) the assistant robots took ox away after he 'failed' in the novel. i can imagine a scene where we are in ox's perspective, being forcefully dragged away to the pipes whilst lou looks at him, dread and sadness written across his face, yet he doesn't try to stop the robots. he just stands there, biting back his guilt. ohh... if only...
STRONG BOYS!!: heheheheh strong nolan and lou... would be funny if nolan didn't appear strong, but is actually stronger than lou. but then again, how can you tell if the doll is strong? they all look like same. lou says his arms are bumped or whatever in ugly truth but WHERE? WHERE'S THE BUMPED ARMS LOU??
anywho, thank you for the novella lore dump! for anyone who is interested, go check out the novel as well. it's pretty interesting if you are deep into doll purgatory. (also it's mentioned that ox used to wear a fedora from what i remember)(THAT IS TERRIBLE. I LOVE IT)
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making-noodles-png · 2 months
Ough so my friends in a discord server and I had a silly little idea and that's modern day scott pilgrim :DDD I made a few character designs most of yall seen by now but I sorta wanna share the story that I tried my best to write out qwq wjjxjwkxkakdk so ugh yeah- anyways so far I just drew the boys/ my faves (joseph, mobile and neil as well as hollie-)
I did have a design for wallace and stephen (the discord elder/j pine designed Kim's modern day fit and yeyeyyey)
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So far here are my designs:DDD (ignore the fact neil is drawn with a blue pencil crayon. My reds all died out on me :( )
Here's Kim's (by @aggravatedartist)
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And ramonas designs and doodles (by @shaken-up-sofa )
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Anyways (modern day story below-)
Basically sex bob-omb is a pretty successful band. Since neil is a twitch streamer and is roommates with stephen (who makes some appearances in Neil's streams here and there) sex bob-omb got a large audience to the point where they signed a contract with gman studios
Everything was great until they found out Scott's been dating a highschooler and dosnt even know it. They confront scott about this and scott was like "LOOK I DIDNT EVEN KNOW SHE WAS 17- I JUST ASSUMED SHE LOOKED YOUNGER THEN SHE ACTUALLY WAS-" while Kim scold scott stephen realizes neil was streaming the whole thing by accident so now word got out that one of the band members was dating a highschooler
If you want a better explanation here's a scene written by (again: pine/ aka the same person who drew Kim's design. Fucking love thier work :D go check them out pls
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Gman studios dropped sex bob-omb as a whole and stephen is considering to kick scott out of the band. Meanwhile scott had to break up with knives. She told her the harsh truth that she was just a rebound and that she's too young to date him. Like before he left her hanging at a record store and went back home
In this au, instead of just having 1 gay roommate, he has 2. >:DDD That other gay roommate is other scott. Since housing sucks, they moved in with other scott (and Jimmy, but Jimmy just doesn't live there he's just... there ...most of the time-
Like in the main story Ramona meets scott via his dreams and stuff and she works as a tattoo artist (idea by the same person who designed modern day ramona)
I don't have the full story down but i do have some bullet points which is
Stephen is stressed tf out and is debating on whether or not to kick scott out of the band
Gideon and Julie are still dating
Gideon is a discord mod AND a reddit mod JEJXJKWKZKAKZJWK
Again since stephen shows up on neils strems every now and then alot of Neil's fans simp over him-
Kim works at a sorta record store while hollie also works in a record store just in a dif location
Joe is still in college. He's 24 sure but his parents are strict af and made him go to school again (university of waterloo since that's in toronto right?????)
Envy is way more popular then before. Being big on social media platforms like tiktok and insta
Mobile is a huge Germaphobe especially after the whole covid virus
Neil is a pretty big twitch streamer :DD
Mobile is still a pyshic but is basically like saiki (saiki k)/ mob (mob pycho) and just want a normal life
Wallace works as a bartender (and that's where he meets mobile)
Hollie, Lisa, and envy are pretty big on tiktok (hollie for dances ig? Idk. Lisa for actin and envy for...yk being envy. She hot either way)
Other then that the au is just a mix of the anime and comics together with gman studios signing in sex bob-omb as one of thier clients. Scott needing to fix his personal life amd fight ramonas 7 evil exs and stuff
I also wanna try and focus on the other 4 characters (Kim, stephen, neil and knives) and thier own POV. I am trying to write a fanfic. Sad thing is I suck ass at writing qwq
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Trigun Book Club Masterpost
With the book club having finished up this week, I thought I'd compile all my posts here, separated by category, in chronological order. @versaphile is doing amazing work compiling all the posts made during the book club - I hope this makes everything easier to find!
I will likely be making a few more posts on a couple observations I made and update accordingly, but for now, here's the complete list!
Stream of consciousness thoughts:
Trigun Volume 2
Trimax Volume 1
Trimax Volume 2
Trimax Volume 3
Trimax Volume 4
Trimax Volume 5
Trimax Volume 6
Trimax Volume 7
Trimax Volume 8
Trimax Volume 9
Trimax Volume 10
Trimax Volume 11
Trimax Volume 12 Pt. 1
Trimax Volume 12 Pt. 2
Trimax Volume 13 Pt. 1
Trimax Volume 13 Pt. 2
Trimax Volume 14 Pt. 1
Trimax Volume 14 Pt. 2
Analyses and other thoughts:
Vash's Wanted Poster
The Chapter 11 cover
Vash and Avoidant Behaviours
Vash, Meryl, Milly, and Personal Responsibility
Vash Hyping Himself Up (this was a joke post initially but there's actual thoughts in the tags)
Vash's Grief and its Portrayal
Eriks and Lina over the Two Year Gap
Wolfwood is a Terrible Liar (aka that huge Wolfwood analysis I did)
Wolfwood Keeps Asking Questions
Analysis of Wolfwood's Mixed Expression
Wolfwood Probably Lugged Vash Like a Sack of Potatoes to get away from Keele (yes this is a full analysis yes there's something wrong with me)
Every single volume of this godforsaken manga...
Early Knives and Legato Thoughts
Vash, Anger, and Suicidality
Poor Meryl (that foreshadowing...)
Knives Treats Vash Like an Extension of Himself
Vash's No Good, Very Bad Mental Health
Vash, Hunger, and Wanting
The Bird and Tombi's Bridge
I Hate It Here (extra thoughts in the tags)
Death by Heart Failure over Injuries (nothing coherent)
Names - Vash and Knives' Difficulties in Letting People In
Meryl and Luida Similarities
Milly Character Analysis and Appreciation (coming soon!)
Knives, Vash, and the Importance of Lived Experience - A Dive into Knives' Trauma (coming soon!)
Why Vash and Wolfwood Gave Terrible Advice to Lina and Maylene (coming soon!)
Why Wolfwood Actually Died (coming soon!)
Why we Never See Elendira's Story
Legato, Meryl, and True Devotion
The Power Struggle between Vash and Knives (coming soon!)
Rem's Last Words
Meryl and Her Profession (Insurance Agent vs Reporter) (coming soon!)
What It Is to "See" in Trigun
Introductory Book Club Vash doodle!
Little guy :)
Unfazed Meryl
Nightow Background and Action Scene Appreciation!
Vash gets a Normal Day Chapter
Bro, Personal Space?
Give him Money
He's Super-Niceys...
( ̄▽ ̄)
Vash Doesn't Know What an Insurance Agent Is...
Milly is Going to Get You
Another Small Vash Doodle Because He Was Suffering and It Made Me Sad
Wolfwood Noodle Saga
Baby Knives Meme (I'm so sorry little buddy)
Found the Tri-guns
The Volume 10 Mood
Another Silly Vash Doodle to Lighten the Mood
Once again, thank you @revenantghost for organizing the book club in the first place. This really was a lot of fun. :)
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msallurea · 9 months
Things to Relax/Calm down When Stressed
This is for my princes and princesses who tend to overthink or get stressed out easily especially when it comes to manifesting so these are just some things you can do when needed
Breathing exercises
Mini pilates session (10-15 minutes are always good)
Self care routine
Bubble baths
Going for a run/walk (this is super helpful when burning off steam especially when angered)
Listening to your favorite upbeat song
Sitting/being in nature (you can always manifest to not be bothered by/never attracting bugs n stuff)
Repeating affirmations that calm you
Affirmations for when stressed
I am calm
I am happy
I only think happy silly positive thoughts
I always handle high pressured situations calm and accordingly
I'm immune and free of attracting or giving out negative energy
My life is always positive and happy
It is OK for me to be emotional, I will always conquer my problems regardless
I am safe
I am protected
It is OK for me to be vulnerable
I am not my negative thoughts, doubts, etc
I am not my anger, sadness, pain, etc
It is OK for me to be angry, sad, etc
I will overcome this issue
It is OK for me to rest/relax
It is OK for me to make mistakes
I am perfect
Journal prompts to write about when stressed
Why do I feel emotional in this situation?
Am I really angry or did this trigger a past memory? If so why did it bother me so much?
Am I truly defensive, or do I not feel safe? If so why not? What situation makes me get defensive?
Am I scared of the situation or am I scared of how the situation will affect me? If so why am I scared of it so much?
What situations have made me angry? Is there a pattern?
Do I truly not like this person? Is there a real reason, or do I not like them because they show me a side of myself I'm too embarrassed to show?
Is this worth getting worked up about?
Was my day actually bad, or did I not make the best out of it?
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