revenant-coining · 2 months
[pt: Natumortic /end pt]
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[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, darkish purple, rosy-pink, black, pale yellow, black, dark red, red, light red. in the center of the first flag is a black tombstone symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: purple, purplish pink, pink, light red, pale yellow, light red, red, darkish red, dark red. in the center of the first flag is 2 dark red blood drops symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: magenta, red, light orange, pale purple, pale yellow, pale purple, light purple-pink, pink, darkish pink. in the center of the first flag is a darkish pink teddy bear symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
Natumortic; a natural system subterm; a gender connected to being a natural of death/a death natural. this gender is connected to death, darkness, dark/death aesthetics, cemeteries, natural aesthetics, instinctual aesthetics, & inhood/tinhood.
Patigoreic; a patient system subterm; a gender connected to being a gore patient. this gender is connected to gore, gore aesthetics, patient aesthetics, medical aesthetics, & ill/sick-in-nature (ILLIN/SICKIN) genders.
Playnuzlichic; a playmate system subterm; a gender connected to being a cuddly playmate. this gender is connected to cuddles, cuddly/cozy aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, & play/playful-in-nature (PLAYIN) genders.
etymology; natu(ral)/pati(ent)/play(mate), mort/gore/nuzlich, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @gamercod
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[id: a rosy-pink line divider. /end id]
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cimicherrychanga · 1 year
Casting a dog boy curse on you
w.. what does dog boy curse do....
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birdricks · 7 months
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npdlangley · 6 months
whatever fuck it . snack time babey
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eluminium · 2 years
No little swedish girl don't go into the imp and skizz cave! Öh min GUD diss is en cäve full öf friendskap och mutual-sidig suppört!
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Bro whats Loser Chat????
You really don’t want to know
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Last Ditch Effort!
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Eddie Munson x reader
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Summary: As a last ditch effort to see your crush and confess to him you decide to go to a house party knowing it’s neither of your scenes.
Tw drugs?(weed and alcohol),house party a little little bit of angst with happy endings!! Kinda bullying? Uhm lots of pet names like Eddie doesn’t call reader by their name just lots of pet names😭 fem reader, reader cries FOR Eddie!
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You knew you shouldn’t have agreed to go with them it was stupid of you to even think Eddie would go to a party like this, he didn’t like parties and neither did you so you don’t even know why you showed up. Maybe it was a last ditch effort to see Eddie and confess to him before you moved away for college loosing all hope of being with him but he wasn’t here.
You lean against the kitchen counter a plate of some type of finger foods infront of you as you push them around with a pretzel stick cup of water on the other side, the punch had been spiked so you were avoiding that, your parents had told you that unless you planned to sleep over at someone’s house you needed to be home by eleven and alcohol sure wasn’t going to help you get home by then.
You hear a few people chattering by the punch bowl and look up only to see someone splash the spiked red punch all over you, “freak Munson’s little freak girl friend” they all laugh and turn towards the door leaving you standing there the red punch staining your pretty white skirt you had bought just for graduation a little of it getting in your periwinkle top as well. You can feel your eyes begin to water and you don’t know what you should do but you know it’s not hide underneath the table but you do it anyways.
You had planned to confess to Eddie in this outfit it was one you were sure he’d like, you’d spent all year getting his reactions and compliments on your outfits and with his compiled feedback you planned and outfit you were sure he’d like but now it was ruined and you wouldn’t get to confess to him in your cute outfit and you probably wouldn’t confess to him at all! Before you realize it you’re sniffling and looking at the one and only Eddie Munson.
He has no clue what makes him think you’ll be at this party but like you it’s a last ditch effort to confess before you move away for college not that he wouldn’t follow you if you asked kindly.
But than again it wasn’t your scene, a house party I mean come on you and Eddie both know that you hate them! Whenever you’d go over to Eddie’s you’d tell him all about the parties your friends were having telling him how dumb they were and how almost every time they’d have the cops called and be told to go home for disturbing the peace!
But when Eddie goes to sit at the kitchen table he can hear little sniffles that sound oddly enough just like yours and sure enough when he lifts the shimmering table cloth you’re sitting beneath the table what is assumably red punch staining your pretty outfit but somehow Eddie thinks you’ve never looked better, you always look pretty to him.
“Angel?” He asks slightly alarmed seeing you crying under the table at a house party definitely is not how he wanted to see you.
You look up with wide eyes quickly rubbing away your tears only to smudge your black mascara onto your cheeks pretty shimmery eyeshadow all around your eyes no longer just on your eyelids and frankly you’re a hot mess.
“Eddie” You say giving him a sad smile
“Oh sweetheart, what happened?” You debate telling him but he’d only feel guilty over the matter and that’s the last thing you want.
You shake your head telling him you want to go home and he nods slight helping you out from underneath the table before leading you away from the loud and smelly house into his van.
You watch as he cranks the van his pink keychain you gave him to match with your own attached to his keys and you smile fondly at the keys as your lip quivers.
“Oh baby don’t cry.” He tells you reaching over the console to cup your face in your hands.
“I’m sure if it’s something that happened at that house that it’s not worth your pretty little tears darling.” You nod as he wipes away your tears before turning back to drive to your house.
“Eddie where’re you going?” You ask him rubbing your eyes as he turns down a road leading to your house instead of his trailer.
“Bringing you to your house sweetheart?” He says confused.
“I said I wanted to go home not to my house.” You tell him eyes watering as you fight against the seatbelt getting a little overwhelmed, the dried spiked punch that sticks to your skin doesn’t help the feelings either.
He glances over eyes panicked as he watches you fight your seatbelt, “alright alright we’re going home than.” He lets out a tiny sigh because he knows confessing to you would be easier if he was parked in your drive way, you could reject him and never have to see him again, if he tries to confess to you at his trailer you would have to sit through an agonizingly awkward ride back to your house.
Eddie thinks he’d rather the first option but whatever you think is going to calm yourself is fine.
Eventually you give up your fight against the seatbelt and just stare at the road, normally Eddie drives faster and more recklessly than this, you know he drives safer when you’re in the car you’ve watched him pull in your drive way when he has Dustin in the van and when you get in it’s like he’s the best driver in the world.
At some point you’ve gotten to his trailer but you only realize it once he’s opening your door.
You give him a small smile and wait for him to lock the van before following him into the house.
Eddie’s uncle sat in the living room getting ready for his work at the plant, “(y/n)” he says, “been a while since I’ve seen you.” You nod softly smiling as Eddie leaves the room rummaging through a few sets of clothes that could be work as pajamas that you’ve left at his house not many just bottoms and underclothes, he comes out holding the stack of clothes with one of his t-shirts on top of it before ushering you to the restroom telling you to hand him your skirt and shirt so he can wash it to make a small attempt to get the stain out.
“Alright, keep the music down I don’t want to hear the neighbors complain that you two are disturbing the peace” Wayne says as he shuts the door to the trailer before leaving.
You come out the bathroom with damp hair before wandering into Eddie’s room to see him already under the covers of his bed. He opens the covers for you to crawl in and you do curling up against him, he leans back behind him to turn off his lamp on his bedside table.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” He asks looking down at you as you grab a fistful of his shirt in your hand nervously.
“So (f/n) had told me to go to the party with them but I said I didn’t want to but they insisted that I go because I might find someone I liked there but I told them that wasn’t gonna happen cause you weren’t gonna be there! So anyways they made me go with them only to go off by themselves which is fine so I was in the kitchen and one of Jason’s friends girlfriends came in and splashed spiked punch on me!”’you tell him only realizing afterwards that you’d indirectly confessed but now you just hope he’s smart enough to pick up on the hint.
“But I was there” he mutters.
“I know so (f/n) wasn’t entirely wrong because you were there.” You tell him softly
“Oh my god” he says after a moment of silence as he holds you tighter, “you like me, holy shit you like me back”. He pushes you away from himself a little bit to see your face and you nod nervously.
“That’s amazing angel” he says looking at you with eyes of pure adoration making you smile a bit before leaning up to give him a sweet little kiss.
After a few minutes of silence he asks, “did they say anything when they splashed you?”
“Don’t want to tell you” yoh hide yourself in his neck not wanting to tell him and hurt his feelings even though you know he’ll only be more confused and worried if you don’t tell him.
“If you think it’s gonna upset me I won’t be upset at you.” He says quietly.
“They Uhm called you a freak” you whisper you know it’s far from the truth, everyone has their own quirks and interests and it’s all different from everyone else’s you never understood why Eddie had to be ridiculed for his interests.
“What’s that got to do with you?” He asks confused
“They called me your freak girlfriend…” Eddie knows he shouldn’t laugh but he lets out a little snicker before quickly covering his mouth.
“Sorry doll it wasn’t funny.” He lets himself calm down for a moment, “it’s like they can predict the future if only they knew and put that power to good use”he hears you sniffle at his joke and Eddie is genuinely shocked.
He’s always been slightly upset at being known as the freak of Hawkins high but he never cried over it and it’s the first time someone has cried for him and he isn’t quite sure what to do when you look towards him giving him a little sad laugh at his joke.
“Baby” he says softly, “it’s alright.” He gives you a little smile trying to calm your nerves a little bit, “I think I’ve been called worse. Plus it came from one of Jason’s shitty little friends. Are we really gonna let them decide what makes a person a freak?” You quickly shake your head no.
“Good if that was the case darling we’d all be living in the same kind of houses in the same clothes and that’s boring.” You nod quickly, you’re sure it’s be pretty boring but right now you think your a little to tired to decide if it’s something you should still be upset about.
“Goodnight love” you can faintly hear as you feel Eddie place a sweet little kiss onto your forehead.
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ladyscroogeblr · 4 months
GOP Attempts OUTRAGEOUS STUNT after Trump LOSES Appeal
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bignut68 · 4 months
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dandelionstep-moved · 11 months
also rip in pieces etoiles and bad because modpack debugging makes me want to eat my own hair until i die
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Patient System
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 8 equally-sized horizontal lines and a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: purple, purplish pink, pink, dark grey, tan off-white, dark grey, pale grey, light grey, grey. End ID]
a SICKIN / ILLIN / sick in nature / ill in nature (link) gender system in the vein of the prince / princess / royal systems by @/pupyzu
colors used are from the SICKIN / ILLIN flag ^^
patient system genders are genders connected to being a [ x ] patient. they are connected to [ x ], [ x ] aesthetics, patient aesthetics, medical aesthetics, and SICKIN / ILLIN genders.
these terms should be named as ‘pati[ x ]’ or '[ x ]ient’ - for example, a chronic patient system gender might be called 'patichronic’ or 'chronicient’.
@radiomogai , @gamercod , @role-systems
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[ID: an orange line divider with a star covered in flame in the middle. End ID]
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wolfish-nightmares · 4 months
i KNOW that hannibal and will are toxic, i know but i just can’t help it ITS SO BEAUTIFUL AND SICKINING AND ADDICTING AND I WANNA EAT IT
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silent-raven13 · 27 days
One Omega and Three pups 2
Silence came from his parents, Miles' eyes still surprised at his ex partner. No other words came out of his mouth, he was left speechless. His Omega finally let out a comfortable purring, finally he got his Alpha back, before that purring came out of his mouth his hands quickly cover it.
He refuse to give the Alpha in front of him the satisfaction. It's been almost four years since he last saw his ex, and now he's here with a bouquet of flowers. Miles felt his own anger bubbling, his scent turning sour.
Hobie stood with a cocky grin, "Cat got your tongue, Sunflower?"
Miles pushes him out of the door, he shuts the door behind him. The thought of Hobie finding out about his pups got him so upset, he didn't want him to know about them. Hell, he didn't deserve to know.
"Whoa! Easy, Sunflowe-" Miles snaps at him having to stand on the top of the stairs while his ex had to step down. "Why are you here? What the hell is this?" He grabs the bouquet of flower giving a harsh shake!
Hobie stood having his hand covering his nose trying to block the awful sour piss scent from his Omega. "Whoo, luv. Your scent is awfully sickin', it's more potent than before."
Since Omega's scents grew stronger after having pups, their scents are to protect their children. The smell triggers a warning sign to stay back or welcome them. It's so powerful some Betas can smell it.
"Focus!" Miles growls with his own dull fangs and eyes glaring at him.
Oh.. he's not happy to see the punker.
The Alpha might of calculated this very wrong, he didn't expect to be greeted like this. "Talk!" Miles bark out loud before he whacks Hobie with the bouquet of flowers, "JERK! Why are you here?" There was no point in hearing his Alpha, he left and didn't care about him for four years!
So why should he listen!
"Whoa! Hey! Sunflower-MILES, chill-" The tall Alpha blocks the bouquet of flowers, "My face is worth more than those flower-" Miles shouted in anger, "Fuck you! Comé mierda! You fucking jerk! The audacity of you coming here and putting on that shitty smirk. Fuck you! Get out of here. I never want to see you, again!"
"Okay! Okay! Loud and clear! Ow, Sunflower- please, let me-" Hobie steps away from the stairs seeing his Omega following him as he kept hitting him with the flowers. "OW! LUV, just-"
"LEAVE! I don't want to see you! Go fuck some other Omega, you asshole!" At this point, Miles' felt hot tears coming down his cheek. All the past emotions he buried down coming back to him. "UGH! You ain't shit! AUGH!" He throws the bouquet of ruined flowers at the punker before walking back up the stairs.
The Punker blinks at couple of times, his dark eyes on the ruined flowers on the ground. Then his eyes snapped back meeting a cold glare of his ex standing at the highest part of the stairs. "Leave, Hobie. I want nothing from you. In fact, don't ever come here. I never want to see a shitty Alpha like you ever again." Turns away to go back in his house with a loud slam the door shut, his lips were quivering.
His Honey-brown eyes snap back at his parents and Abuela looking at him with worried. His body trembling being so mad, heartbroken by the memories. Then he saw his pups each adult carrying them, they look so scared filled with worried.
"Daddy, why you cryin'?" Mariana whimpers being ready to cry, never her or her brothers saw him cry.
Rio uses her Omega scent to comfort her son and granddaughter. "Aye, mijo. It's okay." Miles broke down in tears having to receive a hug from his mother.
Abuela uses her scent to calm the boys down, seeing the children starting to cry. Billie hug her dad's leg being worried. They peaked out the window to find Hobie looking confused to what happens, his head low.
Jeff merely growls at the punk, seeing the young man rubbing his neck before a limo came by to pick him up. Billie saw Hobie picked up the withered flowers before leaving. Aaron looks out at the window being held by his grandpa, he never saw that tall man before.
Did this man made his daddy cry? How dare he? His daddy is the nicest person in the world. Billie frowns, "Why he's back?"
"I don't know, bumble bee." Jeff finally said being worried for his son.
Later, Miles barely ate anything. After he washes his pups, he tucks them in for bed. "Okay, here you go my babies." He gave a small at them seeing how they sleep on his bed.
The three pups wore onesies of different colors; Mariana wore a blue one with elephants, Aaron got a purple one with airplanes, and Karl have a green one with firetrucks. They had their own stuffed toy in their arms. "Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Love you." Their daddy gives them all kisses on their foreheads showing them lots of love. "Mi bebés."
"Daddy, i want a sto-wy!" Karl said out loud being not tired.
"Alright," His daddy smiles at them, "What story you want to read?" Seeing how his three year old got off from the bed to go over to the book shelves.
Miles' room had a full blown redesign when he was pregnant. Certain things like his milk crates filled with vinyls wasn't around, or his figurines are up high on new shelves. All his posters, other personal stuff were moved into a storage closet for the time being. His bed became a California kingsize to have his pups sleep with him, they made a section for a the pups to play and have their own things.
If anything all of the stuff belong to his pups, the only thing that's his was his clothes and shows. He wanted his pups to be able to have everything in the bedroom. Little Karl pulled out a book, rushing over to the little steps their grandpa made for the toddle to climb up without hurting themselves.
"Dis one!" He handed his daddy his favorite story called Un Huevo muy Bueno in Spanish.
Miles happily took the book, "Alright." He got the three all in the bed being nice and snug, they had smiles on their faces as their daddy uses them the pictures as he reads out loud.
"Daddy..." Marianna finally asked after the book was finally finished. The triplets' eyes were getting sleeping, begging to closed.
"Yes, nene?" He asked as he closed the book.
"Aa-won said the-we was a sca-wy man that made you cry! Are you still sad?" She yawns.
Miles' stomach dropped, his son saw their dad. "Um... daddy was sad because of him." He know he shouldn't lie, he hugs his book close to his chest. "I hurt my toes coming in. Don't worry, Mari. Daddy is tough."
"Okay... but if the sea-wy man comes, I'll fight 'em! No one makes daddy cry!" She declares out loud before her eyes closed.
Miles smiles at his triplets, he chuckles, "Oh yeah? Protecting your daddy?"
"Yeah! You're the best daddy in the world!" Marianna mumbles the rest before falling asleep, she hugs her stuffed lion.
The young man's eyes soften before he tuck a piece of her curly hair behind her tiny ear. "Goodnight, mi vida. I love you all so much." He place another kiss on all their foreheads as they all fell asleep.
Their daddy turn off the lamp in their room, setting the book aside on the night stand. Miles took his Smartphone out being bombarded with texts from his friends, and his eyes caught his ex texting through his socials.
The rage he felt when he saw all his texts from four years ago begging for his Alpha to respond, and the new text.
Feb. 2nd, 8pm
DaPunkinBlu (Hobie): Hey, luv
Can we talk?
I can explain everything!
Miles cursed himself spotting his ex's icon with the green dot. Somehow that made his ex's catch him.
I know ur on here. I see you
PLease, I can explain!
Miles quickly blocks him being so annoyed.
Fuck him!
Then he went to find Gwen sending him early texts.
Feb 2nd, 4pm
Gwen: MILES! Hobie is here! He's lookin' for you!
He appeared when me, Margo, Pav and our close friends were at the bar. Pavtri invited him, and we were surprised to see him! He's asking for you. We swear no one told him about the pups and ask about you!
Miles: Wish I saw this 😓
Gwen: MILES! Dude, did he actually come over? We warned him not to, but he never listens.
Miles: yeah, i beat him with those stupid flowers he gave me 🤬 he ain't shit. I told him to leave me alone.
Gwen: 🙀😂 u beat him with flowers?
Miles: Dumbass gave me a bouquet of flowers as an apology... the audacity!
Gwen: say what? How dumb! Sorry, man. 😱 Pav warn him to not go near you but he acted like you were gonna forgive him or something.
Miles: Hell no! fuck him. I got so mad he made me mad for coming back. he was fine fuckin' around with other ppl leaving me ghosted! Shit, he lucky my dad didn't bring out his gun. 😤 I told him I never want to see him again!
He waited for his friend response, instead of staying in his room he got up to go to the living room. He slowly shut his bedroom door seeing how his babies were knocked out.
The young man had on an over-sized sweater with some pj pants, his hair in a pink bonnet and big fluffy slippers. He went to sit in the living room seeing how his parents and Abuela were in their rooms probably watching television or sleeping. He sat on the couch still feeling jittery from today.
Then his phone vibrated, quickly looking at the text.
Group Chat from the gang!
Pav: HEY! Hobie called me, Miles!
Peni: Same
Margo: Yea!
Gwen: I just got off the phone from him, Mi! can we do a vid call?
Everyone: SURE!
Miles saw all of them went to video call, he put on his earbuds then answer the call. One his phone all his friends were in their pajamas in their bedroom. Pavtri seems to be shirtless doing yoga. Peni on her bed with her reading glasses having a laptop on her lap. Margo reading a comic with snacks on her bed. Gwen sitting on her bed hugging a teddy bear with the television on. Kaine and his girlfriend Kitty sitting on the couch.
Gwen sighs: Dude, Hobie called me in panic! He's upset that you block him and not talking to him.
Pav: Did he come over, Mi?
Miles groans: he did and I was pissed! Got him to leave. Luckily he didn't see my kids.
Margo frowned a bit: Do you want him to know you two got-
Miles quickly cut her off: NO! I mean, no. He's... four years! He left me and never said shit. Now? I can't. Not when my pups are on the line. What if I told him, and he leaves or he wants to see them then leaves? I can't let my babies get hurt! I would die if I see them asking me why their dad doesn't love them.
They all looks upset with the fact that it could happen. Kaine nodded: Understandable.
His girlfriend, Kitty nodded: Yeah, a lot of Alphas been doing that lately. Miles, I think its best you don't tell him.
Peni fixes her glasses: I think he should.
Margo nodded: Same! I think he should.
Pavtri: Why? Hobie wasn't a good Alpha!
Gwen: But he isn't all bad? I mean, he did left Miles but he never hit him or was a shit friend...
Pavtri: But dat doesn't mean he's worthy of being a dad.
Margo: But he did help kids out around our area and anyone that was homeless! Hobie isn't all bad... at least for the pups to know who their dad is. What happens when they grow up and start asking questions?
Miles sighs: I rather lie.
Kaine: Uhh... would that be a good idea?
Gwen: Would that be fair to the pups? They would need to know their dad.
Peni nodded: Yeah, that's why you should tell them and him. Rip the band-aid off. if he leaves then that's his fault and your pups would grow up knowing he ain't shit.
Miles shook his head: no, they don't deserve that pain. They are worthy of a dad. They need a dad- an Alpha that would make them happy. i can't... I won't. They are my babies. I spend 48 hours in labor for them, lost a lot of blood and had to be bed resting to heal! I won't allow Hobie to get that power, that satisfaction he can walk away after knowing. I would kill him if he does!
He hates the idea of giving Hobie that knowledge, that power to know he has pups. Imagining his ex's cocky smile before dipping to go off to have fun.
Everyone stood quiet seeing how much Miles would do anything to protect his pups. His life is all about them, now. No matter what happens he wants to give them the best possible life, even gave up being an artist. He started working for a degree in Genetic Engineering and hoping after graduating he can get a well-paying job.
Pav: We're on your side, Miles. We know how much you love and care for them. Not gonna lie, I'm between. I do believe at one point they need to know but not now. Hobie doesn't need to know now. What's the benefit of him knowing?
They all took a moment. Kitty: We have to be honest here. There's a 50/50 chance he'll walk out or stay. From the looks of it, I think he's dating a popular Omega singer...
Everyone saw Kitty sending the latest news of Hobie Brown dating the famous Mindy McPherson. Miles felt a lump drop to his stomach. Been awhile since he saw any news of his ex, he tends to avoid or ignore it all together. Even with Ads about the band, he blocks it out. Heck, he rarely watches television, because of him!
Hobie and his band got super popular these last few years, and it seems it won't stop. No, he doesn't want his pups to suffer from the media or rumors. God, he would disappear with them into isolated place live in a cozy cabin.
Kitty: And we have to think about how Hobie's recent fame will affect the pups. They would have to deal with a lot of crazy paparazzi, even you Miles. Miles would be label as the "Other" Omega.
Pavtri sighs: That would be terrible. Miles, what are you gonna do if he keeps coming back?
Miles: Tell him to fuck off. I don't want none of it. And I want you guys to tell him you heard that from me. I'm fine without him and he's fine without me. Hell, he left! And-
Just then a random caller appeared on his phone, his eyes widen at the random call. Miles click the red button, but the call kept going. He growls in anger, "What!" Knowing who exactly is!
"Sunflower! I send-" Miles hung him up, then block the number.
Gwen asked, "Him?"
Miles sighs about to answer then another number pop off his phone, he sneered at the number.
Kitty said, "Looks like he wants to talk to you."
He picks up in a stern voice, "I told you to leave me alone. Are you out your mind calling me this late?"
"Miles, don't hang up! Look, I'ma keep-" Miles hung him up then block the number.
Then another number calling him appeared on his phone, again. Miles snaps, "Go fuck your girlfriend, you asshole. Leave me alone!" Before hanging up and blocking another number, he didn't care to hear Hobie.
Miles saw Ganke finally responding, he knows Ganke didn't like Hobie. So being blown up wit texts about him coming back.
Ganke texting Miles: He's back!? Fuck him! Do not engage!
Miles: I'm trying but this trick won't leave me alone.
Ganke: POS! I'll fuck him up if he hurts my niece and nephews
Miles smiles at his best friend being protective of his pups. He's happy he got friends that loves them as much as him.
Then his phone rings again by another random number. Miles went to his group FaceTime: Guys, I gotta go. He keeps calling me and UGH!
Gwen: No worries, dude.
Pav nodded: Yeah, Mi.
They said their goodbye as they signed off. Miles answered the call being irritated, "Hobie, I'm not gonna tell you-" The Alpha quickly answered, "Miles! Do not hang up! Please, gimme one-" Miles hung up being pissed of with his demands.
Then he calls again, Miles answered being pissed. "Miles, stop-" Hung up.
Again he calls.
Miles answered the phone to hear, "Miles, I am-" Hung up again. He didn't care if he's being petty. Fuck him.
When he got tired of hanging up, Hobie called again. "Fine, you got one minute to get your point across or else I'll hang up." Miles warn in a stern voice.
Hobie let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks, luv. I just want us to talk. Are you free tomorrow? I'll treat ya to lunch and explain the whole thing."
"No. I told you before I want you to leave me alone!"
"Miles, please. I want to give you a proper apology!"
"Hobie, why did you come back? Did you honestly believe I want you back after four years! I don't want lunch with you. I don't want your apology."
"Sunflower-" Miles cut him off, "You broke us! You left and ghosted me! So, why I need to risk going to a stupid lunch with you and your stupid sorry?" He's mad and he knows. Hobie had to know how much this affected him. "You don't know how shitty I felt when you left! FOUR YEARS! I'm fine without you! I moved on, so go fuck yourself and your fucking girlfriend! I don't wanna hear you anymore. I swear to god, Hobie. I will file a police report if you continued to harass me!"
Out of anger and spite he hangs up and block the stupid number, again. This time he turns off his phone. He tosses his phone on the couch, already standing up being stressed. Hands around his next as he breathing heavily by everything.
When he turns around he found his parents standing in the hallway being surprised at him. Jeff finally asked, "He's bothering you?"
"Yeah... he wanted to treat me to lunch and I told him no." He admits it.
Rio went over to hug him, "Shh, it's okay. I'll make us some tea."
"I found out he got a girlfriend... a famous singer. Now, he's back he wants me to be his side... I don't know. I told him to leave me alone." His honey-brown eyes caught his dad looking tensed possibly annoyed.
"Typical." Jeff mutters.
"I'm proud of you, Miles. Your holding your ground." His mother said, "He needs to know he can't have it all."
"Are you planning to tell him about the pups?" Jeff finally asked.
"No, I don't care if he comes money. I want my pups to be safe." Miles said in a serious tone.
Rio added, "But one day, they need to know that includes Hobie."
"I rather he not." Jeff grunts, "Got our son dealing with it all while he's being Lenny Kravitz."
Miles rub his arm being afraid of that day. Glancing over to his phone, he knew it will come. He just hope he'll be strong enough to talk about it. "I just don't want them to be abandon like I was." He finally said, "I focus so much on them and their future, I don't want Hobie to ruin it all."
"Miles, your children love you! You are doing a wonderful job as a parent. You work, you take responsibility! We are proud of you," Rio went over to held his hands as she use her motherly scent. "You grow into a strong Omega that Hobie couldn't imagine. You have the control now. Not him. An Alpha is only good when they provide for their Omega."
"Thank you, mamí. I really need to hear this." Miles hugs her tightly feeling so safe. This new obstacle will show him how far he comes as an Omega. The three enjoy a cup of warm Honey Ginger Spice tea while watching a small movie before heading to bed.
The next day, Miles had to meet one of Kaine's cousins to see if he can get an internship at Alchemax. He happens to meet his cousin Peter, an Omega that's Assistant supervisor of the department of Genetic Engineering. The interview was only thirty minutes long seeing how the older Omega had taken a liking to the young man.
"I see your resume, you're doing a lot, huh?" Peter flips over the next page to see references from professors, managers, and so on. "Wow, you really put in work on this? You know, the minimum is three, right?"
Miles being nervous wearing his white collar shirt and blue tie, "Sorry... I-I'm-" The brunette merely chuckles, "Easy. Easy! I know this kind of stuff is nerve racking. Look I get it, you wanna show how good you are since my cousin recommend you. All I can say you got the internship, and can I say I'm impressed!" He took a donut from his plate to munch on.
Miles can tell this man is very easy going, which made his nerves calm down. "Re-really?"
"Yeah! A single Omega with triplets managing work, school and this? You are one of kind! And very dedicated." Peter cheerful talks while chewing, "I have one kid and man, she's a handful." Flipping a picture frame to show his wife and daughter, "Her name is May."
"She is pretty." Miles' saw how the little girl looks a lot like her dad and the red hair from her mother. "Um... can I say? Is it alright to not bring up to the others I'm a single Omega with triplets." He rubs the back of his right hand being nervous, "I like to keep that private, you know?"
"Sure. When you're ready, you can tell anyone even our boss, Miguel." Peter nodded, "I get it. No Omega likes to be pity down, but trust me, this place is pretty fun. You'll like it and hopefully once you graduate you can get a full time, and if you continue your studies for a Masters, you'll be able to move up into my position or another. Great pay, great benefits, the whole thing. Also, this internships pay so you lucky you got it."
Miles smiles happily at this. "When can I start?"
"Well, we work early from 6am-4pm, depending on our projects. Miguel calls the shots, but seeing how your schedules is a bit scattered, you can intern for three days a week. Mon-Wed from 6am-11am?" The older male saw how there was early openings on Miles' schedules sheet.
"Yeah I can make it work!" Miles said being joyful at this outcome. Finally all that hard work is paying off!
After Peter show Miles every part of the department, the young Omega saw his soon-to-be boss locked in his office with the curtains down. The older Omega merely mention how Dr. O'Hara is a workaholic, never likes to be interrupted when he's trying to finish their deadlines.
Miles can tell this place would be the best for him, yet he could remember how much fear he had when smelled Dr. O'Hara's strong Alpha scent. Hopefully, his boss of an Alpha wouldn't judge him too much.
After he got off the train to head home, he walks down the street feeling the windy cold air. His phone rang seeing it's his grandmother, "Ah-lo? Abuela?" He answered.
"Mijo! Tus hijos y yo estamos en el parque. Estás cerca?" She asked.
"Si! I'm coming by, now." Miles got more pump to hearing his babies calling for him. Seems like his Abuela decided to take them to the park for a bit after they went grocery shopping.
When he saw the park, he happily rushes over crossing the street. Just before he could enter the small park, he felt a hand grabbing his wrist and very familiar Alpha scent. The dark skinned Omega turns around to find his ex breathing heavily with a serious stare at him.
"I-I finally caught up to you!" Hobie finally said through his heavy breathing, he seems like he ran to catch to his ex. Miles saw the black deck out punker out fit, especially those heavy boots did a number on him.
"Let go of me! I told you I don-" The punker snapped at him, "Miles, I want to explain myself!" His Alpha begging at this point with his own pleading scent.
Miles snatched his hand away from his ex, "I have things to do and I told you i don't want to hear!"
"Why are you so mad at me? We were young! We're still young! I know I did wrong for sleeping with you when you were in your heat, but-" Miles snapped at him, "You played with me! My feelings! What's the reason coming back if you're gonna excuse yourself? Why all of sudden, huh?"
The punker noticed some people around notice them, he sucked his teeth. The chances of being caught as a famous celebrity got him worry. "Luv, please." He sighs, "Give me just five minutes."
"I got things to do..."
"Ugh, fine." The Black Latino rolled his eyes, "But after this, I don't want to see you again."
"Sunflower, don't be so cruel." He chuckles until his expression changes quickly when he smelled that sour scent from his ex. "Easy, luv. I'm only pulling your leg."
"I gotta make a quick call." Miles glares at him before stepping away while he went to call his Abuela to let her know he won't make it on time. It was best for her and his pups go home after they were done. He promise to give his babies so much love.
His ex stood behind him, "Who are you talkin' to?" His Alpha scent leaking out being curious.
"My grandma," Miles hung up his call, "She came to visit." Luckily he spoke Spanish to his grandma.
"Oh? Sounded like there was someone else..."
"Pfft, fuck off, Hobs. You get to fuck around without no issues. What I do isn't your damn business!" Miles spat with pure anger out of his ex.
The punker blink a couple of times from his ex's words. This was new. He never expected his ex to be so distant with him, and the foul scent wasn't helping. "Okay. Noted." Not wanting to get things to go terrible, he needs to explain himself. Rubbing his nose, "Let's go to that cafe over there." Miles nodded having to follow him.
The two sat in the cafe seeing there wasn't any people around. They order coffee. Miles saw Hobie paying for his coffee, "Look I'll pay for you. Let me know, what you want, Sunflower."
I want you out of my life...
He didn't have to say much since his scent was already lingering around the Alpha. Hobie merely wave his nose trying to get rib the stench, "Luv, we're in a cafe..." He could tell the people around them became uneasy with Miles' scent.
"Right..." He sighs trying to calm down, his scent slowly disappearing. "So?"
"Easy, Sunflower. We're in a cafe and I order us some coffee. Let's just enjoy a few minutes before going into..." Hobie stops talking when he saw his ex's giving him daggers with his arms crossed. "Heh," He clears his throat, "Right. You want to get to the point."
"Five minutes and I'm walking." Miles warned.
"You're not making this easy, huh? Fair enough." His ex's partner sighs giving in, his hand rubbing his neck. "Okay, right to the point..."
Miles said nothing, he wanted to hear it from him. "Not gonna respond?" Hobie saw his ex stayed quiet. "Alright, okay." He took a deep breath. "You have every right to be mad at me, and it's completely understandable. I left without a word, but you have to understand, Miles. I had this big opportunity."
So? You left me. You didn't tell me anything!
Four years of him trying to find ways to curse his ex partner out, yet he rather listen to his ex's reasons. There was no point to curse him back. Miles got tired of bullshit, finally seeing his ex, he realize how luckily he got away when he could. It felt good seeing how his ex's Alpha pleading for him, those dark eyes begging for his attention.
Miles couldn't understand why Hobie wanted his attention or needs him to get empathy. It only made the black Latino realize his ex is a very selfish person when it comes to himself.
"A week ago before we... mated." Hobie continues on with his story. "A record label sign my band and wanted us to go on tour. We had to move to the UK for a bit to work some produces, too." He points out, "I didn't mean to leave you like that, but if I would've told you about this you would've want me to stay or you come with me."
No response just two big doe eyes on him, Hobie didn't like the look his ex's gave. The lack of emotions, there was no empathy or pity that he expect just patience. Miles wanted to know more, he seems unsatisfied with this information.
"I-I'm sorry," Hobie uses his Alpha scent to ease the tension, his hand with many tattoos and expensive rings wanted to reach out to touch his Omega.
Miles gave a disgusted sneer, pulling away from that hand heading towards him. He scoot his seat making sure there's distance between them. He was rather disappointed but not surprise with this fact.
During his pregnancy, he wonders why his boyfriend would leave him and that was one of the possibilities he figure it was. Very disappointed.
"Um, Sunflower." His ex's voice rings his ear, the punker look desperate for his reactions, "you got nuthin' to say?"
"What's there to say? You did what you did and now here we are. You came back for what? Forgiveness? You had some sort of guilt trip and want me to forgive you?" Miles rolled his eyes then scoffs, "God, you are sumthin' Hobie Brown."
The punker sat up straight with hurt in his eyes, "You didn't have to look at me like that... you know-" Miles cut him off, "You left me, you ghosted me because you want to live your dream, if not be the Alpha you always dislike!"
"Do not say that, Mil-" Miles snorted, "What? Is that a lie? Are you surprised that you are the "typical" Alpha? The one that runs when things get serious or the chance you get success you go off this long journey to be a free man? Sleeping around, partying, not stay loyal. Because what exactly would happen if you did tell me and I told you to stay with me? Hmm," His honey-brown eyes narrowed, a growl from his throat, "because it sound like to me, you would cheat on me the moment you left, so ghosting me was better instead of being the Better Alpha! pfft, whatever. This conversation changes nothing between me and you, in fact," He got up to point at Hobie having a harsh glare, "it only show me what a true Alpha you are. A weak, pathetic jerk that's willing to run off and not give of shit! Oh, but the moment you come back, what? You were gonna pull off a charming smile and expect to forgive you! No, fuck you! Fuck you and eat shit!"
He got riled up that his Omega scent started to reek, and his voice growing louder disturbing the piece. The punker is all for being abrupt, causing chaos, but for the first time, he wishes there was no attention between the two.
His dark eyes widen being extremely hurt by his ex's words, surely he didn't mean it. It was in the moment, right? "Miles, calm-" Miles laughs at him being cold, "Now, embarrassed? Fuck you! Keep the fucking coffee. I'm leaving! You should stop bothering me, you got what you always wanted." He walks out avoiding all shocking eyes from the people and employees in the cafe, he can't blame them. He too would be nosy and into the drama.
"Sunflower, wait. Where are you going? We- you haven't got your coffee- look-" Hobie struggles to get out of his seat when he noticed his heavy boots got stuck between the legs of his chair, "Shit. Miles, wait up!"
Leave me alone!
Miles never walked so fast, he didn't want his ex to catch up on him, so he quickly ran home. He could hear Hobie shouting his name, the smell of his pleading Alpha scent while his own Omega purrs for him, again.
Stop! He's not for us!
The Omega quickly went rushing to the other block. "Miles!" Hearing Hobie getting closer to him.
"Leave me alone!" Miles shouted as he kept running away from his ex.
"Miles, stop! You need to understand why I came back, I wanted to-" Miles didn't want to hear it, he wants to go home and be with his babies.
"Miles?" Honey-brown looks up to find his Abuela and his pups all button up with their winter coats being nice and snug. They hold hands coming out of the park.
"Daddy!" Mariana shouted being held by her great grandmother.
Aaron hold his great grandmother's right hand, while Karl suck his thumb having to hold tightly on his great grandmother's long dress. "Papá!" Karl's eyes gleam having to let go to run up to his daddy!
The Omega's suddenly changed to a very cheerful mode, seeing his babies got him so happy. "Awe, mi amorcito! You missed me!" He picks up his son using his Omega scent, his pup happily snuggles against him.
"Awe, he was crying for you, he was so sad you couldn't come. What happened?" Gloria saw her grandson holding his son, while she put Mariana down to hold her hand. Then her nose tickled of pure Alpha stench, the same scent as her grandson's ex-partner. She growls lowly and sneered when her eyes spotted the punker catching up to them.
Miles noticed his grandmother's growl, then heard a breathless Alpha, "Miles, luv... I-I just need a minute," Trying to catch his breath, Hobie had his hands on his knees being exhausted from running. "I..." Then his dark eyes widen when his nose tickles of sweet milk scents of pups. When his ex's turn around to face him, he's holding a small boy pup. "Sun... flower?"
Miles's scent changes into sweet brown sugar something completely different than his old scent. This was a sign of birthed... his Omega had pups. "I told you to leave me alone, Hobie..." Miles frowns at him before he kisses his pup's forehead and fix his little curls away from his face.
"Heh, you're pretty close to that pup, eh?" Hobie's voice sounded cracked like he couldn't believe it.
"Hey, Msite-w! Who are you? That's my daddy!" Mariana went up the Alpha being demanding.
"Mariana!" Miles took her hand pulling her to be close to him.
"Papá! Who's this sca-wy man?" Aaron rushes by to hug his daddy's leg being afraid by the stranger's appearance. "Why he got fish hook on his face?"
Hobie's stare in disbelief, he had to blink a couple of times. This could explain why his ex-partner seems over with him. "So... you had pups... um... congrats? Hah, um... are they-" Miles shot back, "They're not yours."
Gloria stares at her grandson having the chance to tell his ex about the pups, she wasn't surprised. Rio did told her that Miles' heartbreak was terrible for him, and he didn't want Hobie to find out about the pups. So she remained quiet, she can tell the Alpha had mix emotions about all this.
"Wah? Their- their not?" The Alpha tries to composed himself, instead he felt like he wanted to cry. "So, you just mess with another bloke after I left? Huh, it was that easy?"
"Not in front of my kids." Miles glares at him, "it's none of your business what I do afterwards, you left. You didn't care if I die!"
"How can you say that? You make me sound like I'm a monster." The punker couldn't believe the words coming out from the Omega, "I lo-" Miles snaps, "I don't want to hear it. You and I are done! You made it loud and clear, so you shouldn't be upset. You should suck it up, right mate?"
That shut the Alpha up being completely hurt, his scent breaking into something foul like betrayal and grief. Miles saw the way his pups look scared, "I-I have to go. My pups need to get out of the cold, and you should go back to your life, Hobie."
"Can I least know who's their father?" The Alpha asked still in disbelief about all of this.
"Why? So you can fight him?"
"I swear, I won't... I need it for my peace of mind."
Oh wow, his peace? What a fucking hypocrite...
Miles stood quiet, then said, "Bye, Hobie." It was better than-
"MILES! I'm not playing! I need to know! You can't walk away and-" Miles growls, "Stop it, my pups are right here and you're yelling. What the hell is wrong with you?" His pups were scared. His poor Karl shuddering being cold and scared, it got his Omega to purr trying calm him down, "My poor babies are out here in the cold, and you're demanding me like a damn fool! You're one piece of work, Hobie."
The punker's eyes landed at the triplets seeing their brown nose getting a bit redder, they were terrified by him. He softly said, "Sorry, little ones... Um... I just- Sorry, Miles."
Gloria finally said, "It's cold and the kids need their nap time. I want my grandson and his pups to be home, don't you think they deserve to be warm in their house?" Her brown eyes on the punker.
"Um... yeah, sure." Hobie rubs his neck.
Miles finally sighs seeing how upset and lonely his ex look, "Ganke..." That's all he can say, a simple lie. In that moment, he should've told the truth, but he wanted to be petty. He wanted the punker to leave him alone, to not believe there's any way of being back with him. Something in him knew the punker would try to be with him if he found out about the pups.
Gloria didn't say anything, yet deep down she was in shock. Why would he lie like that? Then again, when she saw the punker's facial expression of shock, hurt, betrayal, all the trials of heartbreak- which was odd since he was the one that left. Yet, when she saw her grandson's expression; it's a small smirk on his face.
Miles got what he wanted to see, leaving Hobie alone. It's a wonderful sight to see, since Hobie always had beef with his best friend. Since, this helps made the push, he wonders what kind of crazy scenarios the punker will come up with.
When the Morales family got back to the apartment, Gloria finally said in a serious tone. "Miles, what is wrong with you? Why would you say that?"
Her grandson squat low to his pups' level to take their winter coat off, "I had to..." He didn't feel bad. "I got tired of his stupid smirk."
"So you brought up your best friend into this? While he's engage?" His grandmother started to speak full Spanish having to lecture him and tell his parents about this.
Miles rubs his head, "You don't get it, Abuela! Hobie destroyed me and comes back like nothing happened!"
"Even so, you shouldn't be lying like that. He has the right to know, too. You didn't even try to tell him when you..." She saw the pups looking at them, "We'll talk later about this, but you know he does need to know, too."
"I know..." Miles sighs, "But not yet."
"Daddy, why Abuela mad?" Aaron asked.
"No, she's not upset. We are just talking, mi bebé. Come on, let's go watch some television." Miles tries to change the subject.
"Who's the sca-wy man?" Karl asked as he walks over to the living with his brother and sister.
"Oh, an old friend..." Miles lies as he helped them up on the couch, "Now, who wants to watch Bluey?"
"I do!" The triplets shouted.
Aaron looks over at his grandma, "Grandma! You not watchin' with us?"
"Soon, mi nińo. I'm going to make dinner today." She hums.
The triplets happily plays with their daddy, and watch Bluey. When the triplets play with themselves, Miles texts his best friend.
Miles: Yo, Gank!
(Few seconds)
Miles: Sorry, man.
(Few seconds)
Miles: I told Hobie you were the pups' dad. 🤷🏾‍♂️
(Few seconds)
Miles: My bad 😣
He wasn't sure how his best friend would take it, but this is one way to tell him. Then his phone blasting with texts dings.
Ganke: WHAT!
(super speed replies)
Ganke: AYE YO!?!?!
Ganke: HUH!
Ganke: MILES?
Before Miles could type, a phone call from Ganke appeared on his screen.
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stillfertile · 2 months
(the discord liked this so Im putting it here) (and archive purposes)
joey was in pre-heat yesterday (3/18) but didnt realize before the puck dropped and the game began. He couldn’t focus and next thing he knew he was pulled from the ice. Once on the bench, a trainer notices the sickining-sweetness of his scent and tells him to go to the heat room. Joey does. He’s embarrassed and disappointed in himself. He lays down on white sheets in an impersonal room and is dredding the next hours he’ll spend stuck in this room alone; chasing after unsatisfactory orgasms.
Jamie hurts his knee, the trainers think hes fine but tell him to wait a few minutes so they can double check. At some point he passes the heat room, and catches a whiff of the achingly sweet scent seeping through the door. Joey must be in there. He must be alone. Jamie should go back to the ice, but. he can’t leave joey like that. the period is almost over anyway. He can be quick, help Joey through it. A player is suppose to give everything for their goalie, arent they?
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Support (Yandere! C! Dream X Reader)
Dream was always there for (Reader). Whether they wanted him to be there or not.
He was their constant source of support. The only person that every cared for them.
Dream has observed them through everything.
He was there to comfort (Reader) in Pogtopia when Wilbur desented into madness.
The masked man protected them against Techno’s withers.
He even defended them when Tommy accused (Reader) of helping grief George’s house.
It started out as a manipulation tactic but Dream couldn’t deny the strange feelings he felt for (Reader).
It was different. Almost sickining. The feeling practically made his skin crawl. It made him crave to have (Reader) to himself.
And that’s exactly what he’ll do. Dream was always there for (Reader). Whether they wanted him to be there or not.
He was their constant source of support. The only person that every cared for them.
Dream has observed them through everything. He was there to comfort (Reader) in Pogtopia when Wilbur desented into madness. The masked man protected them against Techno’s withers. He even defended them when Tommy accused (Reader) of helping grief George’s house.
It started out as a manipulation tactic but Dream couldn’t deny the strange feelings he felt for (Reader).
It was different. Almost sickining. The feeling practically made his skin crawl. It made him crave to have (Reader) to himself.
And that’s exactly what he’ll do. Dream was always there for (Reader). Whether they wanted him to be there or not.
He was their constant source of support. The only person that every cared for them.
Dream has observed them through everything. He was there to comfort (Reader) in Pogtopia when Wilbur desented into madness. The masked man protected them against Techno’s withers. He even defended them when Tommy accused (Reader) of helping grief George’s house.
It started out as a manipulation tactic but Dream couldn’t deny the strange feelings he felt for (Reader).
It was different. Almost sickining. The feeling practically made his skin crawl. It made him crave to have (Reader) to himself.
And that’s exactly what he’ll do.
@haannaa1 @aspengracek-twitchtv
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goatpaste · 10 months
seeing the way people in the JJBA fandom treat you has made me even more critical of Fandom Culture (especially for media like anime) then i was before. the levels of toxicity i'm seeing anime fans treat you with are actually sickining
It's just a lot!! It's just a lot
I have been into a lot of media and engaged with a lot of fandoms that have had it's issues
But jojo fandom has by far been the worst, specifically in my experience to the twitter audience that I straight up feel like, are SEEKING conflict. Like they need something to be upset about no matter what, no matter how small or how much it's just some random off handed comment about someone disliking something they like
These people don't understand the idea lf 'block and ignore' they ONLY understand 'engage and turn this into the controversy of the month' everytime
I loves jojos! I love a lot of the media and the art and the small circle I have formed
But sadly I'm a big artist who doesn't keep his mouth shut and likes to discuss opinions on things I notice or think about and that means those opinions can sometimes quickly leave my circle and people act like I picked them up out of an ocean of people to spit on their face specfically
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