#sick hinata shouyou
rceibo · 8 months
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furudate is insanely sick and twisted for this btw
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xuanelle · 5 months
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hinata promising to face kageyama on the court all the way back in middle school and now he has and it's the final match of the series. their journey started as promising to meet each-other on the court and they finally have
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wheredoipunch · 2 months
kageyama x hinata
Kageyama was sick. He wasn’t ‘cough-cough, boo hoo’ sick, he was ‘104° fever can’t get out of bed’ sick. He didn’t go to school, which meant he also missed volleyball practice.
Meanwhile, Hinata’s concern was ever-growing. Kageyama never missed school. He’d just have to go to his house afterwards and see what was going on for himself.
After the bell rang, Hinata quickly cycled down the path to Kageyama’s house. He knocked on the door. “Hello?” said Hinata. The door was open. “Come in.” came Kageyama’s nasally reply. “You left the door open. I could have robbed you!” Hinata scolded. 
“Only thing you’ve stolen is my heart.” Kageyama thought, but the words that came out of his mouth were something along the lines of “Whatever.”. “You sound horrible. Are you sick?” came the tangerine boy’s reply. “Yeah, I have a fever, boke,” Kageyama said. “There’s some soup on the stove. Could you get it for me?” 
Hinata did more than get the soup for him. He heated it up, spoon fed it to him, fetched a wet cloth for his head, kissed his forehead (but Kageyama didn’t need to know that), and got him his meds. After a long day of tending to the king of the court, Hinata was just about to leave. He checked Kageyama’s temperature for the last time, but Kageyama stirred. “Don’t go,” He mumbled. “He’s so cute when he’s asleep,” thought Hinata. “It’s just the fever talking.” 
He was going to go nonetheless, but Kageyama grabbed him and held him against his chest, his face in Hinata’s fluffy hair. Hinata blushed a light pink, but snuggled up with him. “I think I like you better when you’re asleep.” he muttered, holding Kageyama close.
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sugawara--san · 4 months
thinking about how tsukishima voluntarily went on a trip with hinata and kageyama
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pearlsephoni · 2 years
Kagehina Celebration Week 2022, Day 2: Bed Sharing
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: Kagehina (Kagehina/Hinata)
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, cameos from the MSBY4
Word Count: 2,842
Summary: No amount of improved self-care can protect Shoyo from being taken down by a measly sinus infection. The last thing he needs is Kageyama's teasing. What he ends up getting couldn't be more different.
A/N: Sorry for how late this is getting to Tumblr! Hopefully you guys can enjoy despite kghn celebration week being long gone 😅 Further author’s notes can be read on AO3.
Shoyo wasn’t good at being sick. He was better than before he’d gone to Brazil, certainly, but no amount of knowing how much rest would benefit him could keep him from feeling restless in bed.
“Guys,” he croaked, listening to the bustle of his teammates in the kitchen, “I can get my own food and stuff!”
A resounding “NO!” hit him from the kitchen, making him wince at what his neighbors would think of the noise. Or maybe it was because of his headache.
Okay, so he felt like shit. He could at least admit that now, which was an improvement from yesterday, when he’d tried refusing to leave practice early despite his stuffy nose. He’d been sent home, stuffed into Sakusa’s car (a very pleasant surprise — not even his layered masks could take away from the thoughtfulness) and carted to a last-minute doctor’s appointment, where he got diagnosed with a sinus infection and received a prescription for some fast-acting antibiotics.
But those antibiotics still required three days of doses, plus a few day afterwards for them to run their course. Hinata could only hope he’d be allowed back into practice before he was back to 100%, or he’d be crawling out of his skin from a full week without volleyball.
He felt his eyes growing heavy despite wanting to at least stay awake for the guys to finish making him dinner. It was only Sakusa’s entrance that roused him from his doze. “Ah. Were you sleeping?”
“Mm…no,” Shoyo mumbled, shaking his head as though he could shake the drowsiness out. “What’s up?”
“Just clearing these out so you’ll have space for more later.” Sakusa collected the empty mugs from Shoyo’s bedside table and balanced them in his arms with surprising steadiness. “The others are almost done cooking. Do you need anything before eating?”
Shoyo began to shake his head, before he felt something outside of his stuffy nose, sore throat, and persistent headache. “Just the bathroom.” Sakusa looked panicked for a moment, looking from his full arms to Shoyo unsteadily standing up, and Shoyo couldn’t help laughing, “I don’t need help to go to the bathroom, Omi-san, I’m fine.”
“That wasn’t— I was just—” Sakusa gave up with a huff and marched back to the kitchen. “Fine.”
Shoyo hadn’t been lying — a sinus infection wasn’t going to make him need help just to walk around the apartment. But he did end up needing a bit more time in the bathroom than usual, the building pressure in his head making him move much more slowly, and by the time he shuffled back to his bedroom, Bokuto was sitting on his bed with a tray on his lap, carrying a steaming bowl of soup. He looked awfully serious about something before he noticed Shoyo and a smile split across his face. “There you are! I thought the soup would get cold before you could eat it!”
“Soup’s not gonna get cold in five minutes, Bokkun,” Atsumu sighed from where he lounged in the chair at Shoyo’s desk. He looked up from his phone to watch Shoyo as he climbed back into bed. “Everything alright?”
“Mm…yeah, just…everything hurts. And my nose is stuffy no matter how much I try to blow it.”
“Yeah, we can hear that.” The words were chuckled, but Shoyo could hear the undercurrent of concern in them.
“That’s what we made this soup for!” Bokuto declared. He’d stood up with the tray to let Shoyo climb under the covers, and now he carefully balanced the tray on his lap. “You can eat that and take some medicine!”
“Thanks, guys.” There was an ache in Shoyo’s throat that he couldn’t blame on sinus drainage. “I really appreciate all this.”
Atsumu let out a soft laugh as he stood up and began making his way to the bedroom door. “No need to thank us, we’re not being totally selfless here. We gotta make sure our greatest decoy is back out there before the next set of matches!”
For the first time that day, Shoyo felt a sharp grin pull at his lips. “I will be! I promise!”
It would never fail to pleasantly surprise him, how much his teammates really cared about him. He was used to having teammates that he could also consider a family of sorts, but that didn’t mean he appreciated them feeding him and cleaning up the kitchen for him any less. He’d told Kageyama all about the different ways his team was helping out, just to reassure him that he was “fine” and that “no, Tobio, you don’t have to come all the way from Tokyo.”
Speaking of. Shoyo glanced at his phone with a small frown. He hadn’t received any new messages from Kageyama since before dinner, and he’d said he would call sometime tonight. Maybe something had come up. He’d probably call later.
And then he didn’t.
Nor did he call the next morning. Shoyo didn’t bring it up — it didn’t really matter, especially when Kageyama was still texting him to check in — but it was a little unusual. It was the first time he’d missed a call without letting Shoyo know before or after.
Then a few hours passed, and Shoyo blinked awake from yet another nap (how was he sleeping so much and still feeling so crummy?) to find his phone screen empty of any text notifications from his boyfriend. The last message he’d received was a few hours ago.
Which was fine. It was fine. Maybe he had a morning practice that he hadn’t told Shoyo about. Things happened, things came up, and it was fine. He was fine. They were fine.
Never mind the fact that he huddled back under the covers with a frown, holding his phone up to his face as if staring at it would make new messages appear. He ended up dozing off to the sound of one of Kenma’s old streams and a distinct lack of messages from Kageyama.
As it turned out, he didn’t need to wait for a message at all.
His eyes flew open, and his head swam from how quickly he sat up. “…Tobi?!”
Sure enough, his bedroom doorway soon framed the figure of Kageyama, a smirk on his face and a steaming mug in his hand. “Wow. You look like shit.”
“Thanks, asshole,” Shoyo laughed thickly. “What’re you doing here? What’s that? Here, lemme—”
He started pushing his covers off, only to be stopped by Kageyama’s firm, “Don’t! Don’t get up.”
Shoyo automatically fell back against his pillows, though not without a petulant pout. “I’m sick, Tobi, I don’t wanna get you sick, too.”
“Sinus infections aren’t contagious, dumbass.”
“How do you—?”
“Bokuto-san told me. He answered your phone when I called yesterday.”
“Wait.” Shoyo’s eyes widened for a moment before narrowing at Kageyama. “So you did call? You just talked to Bokuto-san instead?”
“Why didn’t you call again and actually talk to me?”
Kageyama blinked, his ears reddening as his perplexed silence stretched. “I…I was worried about you. I was focused on how I could help.”
Shoyo rolled his eyes before curling up under his covers. “That’s why I didn’t want the guys to say anything to you.”
“I would’ve known something was wrong the second I heard you talk. You sound like you have cotton balls filling your head.”
“Are you here to help me or bully me?”
“I can do both.” True to his word, Kageyama carefully perched next to Shoyo, running his free fingers through the ginger hair that peeked out of the covers. “C’mon, sit up and drink this while it’s hot.”
With a whine, Shoyo pushed himself upright again, grimacing at the way the pressure in his head seemed to intensify with the change in angle. He missed the concern in Kageyama’s eyes as he took the mug, and was startled when he heard, “That bad?”
“Yeah. But it’s only this bad for a day or two. And if the antibiotics work like they’re supposed to, I should be good to get back to practice on Monday.” He took a careful sip, and let out a content hum when he tasted tea with ginger and honey.
“Don’t push yourself, dumbass. Give yourself time to actually get better.”
Shoyo’s heart squeezed at the worry lining Kageyama’s face. He gently nudged him with his knee under the covers and smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring way, but was probably more teasing. “I know. Why can’t you believe I’m better at taking care of myself?”
Kageyama’s concern melted into annoyance, a sight Shoyo was much more used to. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Well…I guess that’s fine, if it means you’ll keep taking care of me like this.”
And now the annoyance turned into embarrassment. Shoyo could easily spend his whole day making Kageyama’s face flicker through the whole range of human emotion. “Shut up and drink your tea.”
“It’s yummy, thank you!”
“It’s not supposed to be yummy, it’s supposed to help your throat. Is it working?”
“I think so.”
“Good.” Kageyama sat there in a self-satisfied silence, watching Shoyo sip at his tea with a small smile. For someone who was so bad with words, Kageyama was rarely this quiet around Shoyo, especially with soft adoration etched into each line of his face. Shoyo loved it, felt his own adoration blooming in his chest until he couldn’t help but nestle close enough to rest his head on Kageyama’s shoulder. And Kageyama let him, staying completely still except to let his cheek pillow against Shoyo’s hair.
They stayed sitting like that until Shoyo finally finished his tea with a dramatic, “Ahhh! All done!” He met Kageyama’s mildly annoyed stare with a sunny smile as he handed the empty mug over. “Thanks, Tobi!”
“Mm. Are you hungry?”
“I guess I could eat.”
“Good. I got you ramen for lunch, and tamago kake gohan for dinner.”
“Yeah. I would’ve made something, but I didn’t have time between practice and the train, and it would’ve been cold by the time I got here anyway. After you eat, you can have some cold medicine.” He patted Shoyo’s covered legs as he stood, only to be stopped by a hand around his free fingers. “What?”
“I wanna kiss you,” Shoyo said with a small pout, satisfaction bubbling up when Kageyama rolled his eyes and bent close enough for him to press their lips together. “Thank you, Tobio. Seriously. You didn’t have to do all this.”
“I know. But I wanted to.” With a final kiss and tiny grin, Kageyama made his way to the kitchen, leaving Shoyo to snuggle back under the covers and listen to the sounds of his boyfriend bustling around.
He liked to think he was pretty good about counting his blessings — he had a career he loved, all of his hard work towards his goals had paid off so far, he had a nice apartment, got along great with his team, had time to visit home at least once a month. And somehow, on top of all that, the universe also let him reunite with the man that he was increasingly certain was the love of his life.
Yes, he tried to stay aware of how good he had it. But that didn’t stop moments like this from taking his breath away with how lucky he felt. It made tears of joy prick at his eyes, and when Kageyama next poked his head into the room, it was to see Shoyo blowing his nose. “D’you wanna eat in here, or are you feeling up for getting out of bed?” he asked once Shoyo threw away the tissue with a bleary sniff.
“Can I eat in the living room? We’ve got a match against Raijin soon — I should watch some old games while I’m stuck inside.”
With that, Shoyo was soon set up on the floor with a blanket around his shoulders, his ramen steaming on the coffee table, and an old Raijin vs Falcons match on the tv. Kageyama was on the couch behind him, munching away at a pork onigiri from Onigiri Miya. As soon as they were both done eating, Shoyo crawled onto the couch, settled himself between Kageyama’s legs, and nestled into his chest. “Don’t get too comfortable,” Kageyama mumbled, despite his arms tightening around Shoyo. “You need to take some medicine while you’re full.”
“Mm…after the game.” He felt a sigh ruffle his hair, but Kageyama didn’t say anything else.
He didn’t end up getting any cough medicine. What he did get was an impromptu nap, and when he suddenly blinked awake to a blue light from the tv, he was also treated to the sound of a soft snore above his head. “Yama,” he groaned with a laugh, “Yama, wake up.”
Kageyama snapped awake with a snort and “…shit.”
“Good nap?”
“Shit,” he repeated instead of an answer. “So much for your medicine.”
“It’s ok, I think the broth helped clear my nose for a little bit.” When he pushed himself upright, he saw evidence of his nose clearing up, in the form of a dried patch of snot on Kageyama’s shirt. “…Oops.”
“Christ,” Kageyama muttered with a soft laugh. Without any further warning, he sat up just enough to strip the shirt off, leaving himself half-naked as he slouched back into the couch. His brows raised at the open appreciation on Shoyo’s face. “…Don’t even think about it.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“You didn’t need to, perv! How are you horny when you’re sick?”
Shoyo shrugged with a beatific grin. “Well, my skin does feel eeeextra sensitive when I’m sick.” He let a hand drift up Kageyama’s torso as he spoke, until it came to a rest against his collarbones. Hope sparked in him when he felt a shudder run through Kageyama, but then his wandering hand was caught and pulled away.
“I’m not gonna let you suffocate and die because you wanted to suck me off while you had a stuffy nose.”
“Who said anything about me sucking you off?”
“And getting snot all over me isn’t my idea of a sexy time.”
“Boooooo, killjoy,” Shoyo grouched, slouching into a lump of sniffles and blankets.
“Just take your medicine, dumbass.” Kageyama got up, presumably to throw his shirt into the laundry and get the cough syrup. Shoyo tried to stay awake, he really did, and he even thought he was successful…until he woke up to fingers pinching his cheek. “Go to bed.”
“Owwww,” he whined, swatting at Kageyama’s hand. “Can’t you wake me up with a kiss or something? Akaashi-san never wakes Bokuto-san up with pinching.”
“Too bad I’m not Akaashi-san. Take this and go to bed.”
Shoyo frowned at the tiny plastic cup of cough syrup being shoved at him, but the sight of a glass of orange juice in Kageyama’s other hand motivated him to take the cup and tilt it all into his mouth in one go. His face immediately crumpled at the taste, and he started grabbing at the orange juice, ignoring the snort he earned as he finally snatched it. “God, that’s gross,” he sighed when he eventually lowered the glass. It was still half-full — it was impossible to properly chug with a stuffy nose.
“I’ve seen you put away shots that could be gasoline,” Kageyama scoffed. “Quit being so dramatic.”
“Quit being so mean.”
“Quit stalling and go to bed.” Kageyama plucked the half-empty glass from Shoyo’s hand and stared down at him with raised eyebrows.
Shoyo tried to stare him down in return. He didn’t last long. With a huff, he slouched his way off the couch and shuffled back to bed, unaware of how childlike he looked with his blanket wrapped around his shoulders and trailing after him on the floor.
He left his blanket strewn haphazardly at the foot of his bed as he climbed under the covers, ready to snuggle into Kageyama as soon as he joined him. Turned out, his body had different plans.
One moment, Shoyo was getting settled against his pillows. The next, he was blinking awake in a darkness that was only broken by the light sneaking in through his curtains. There was an arm draped heavy over his waist, a solid warmth against his back, and soft breaths tickling his neck. He tried to carefully turn over so he could snuggle closer to the warmth, but he’d barely even shuffled before he heard a low voice at his ear. “Morning, lazy.”
“It’s not morning,” Shoyo laughed quietly, flipping around more quickly now that he knew Kageyama was already awake. “And I’m not lazy, I’m sick!”
Kageyama just gave a noncommittal hum in response, but there was no mistaking the sleepy adoration lining his heavy-lidded gaze and soft smile. “Are you ready for dinner?” he asked, as though he weren’t burrowing deeper into his pillow and holding Shoyo a little tighter.
“Nah.” Shoyo nuzzled into the curve of Kageyama’s neck, brushing a kiss to the smooth skin. “Dinner can wait.”
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what Haikyuu characters smell like
…. because i’m sick of the sandalwood - vanilla bullshit, they're all in high school, they all smell like Axe or sweat
Hinata Shouyou
doesn't shower, but probably still has baby sweat so he doesn't stink
Kageyama Tobio
smells like Nivea cream. Very clean, very nice but also big baby vibes
Tsukishima Kei
showers with what his mom packed him so probably some organic oat-scented shit
Yamaguchi Tadashi
actually cares about his products and smells nice for a teenager but nobody notices
Ennoshita Chikara
Axe. Because everyone is using it, not because he thinks it's cool.
Nishinoya Yuu
doesn't shower. Also Axe.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
showers sometimes, but only when his sister says that he stinks. Axe.
Azumane Asahi
one of the only people that actually smell attractive. definitely had an Axe phase in middle school tho. 
Sugawara Koushi
the only one on the team with a fresh shirt every practice, smells like fresh laundry
Sawamura Daichi
dad smell, like 3 in 1 hair, body, face and working in the garage
Iwaizumi Hajime
responsible adult, has a nice cologne and doesn't use too much of it, just enough. buys body wash in bulk because it’s cheaper and more convenient.
Oikawa Tooru
smells like everything. has a nice (in his opinion) perfume, strongly scented floral body wash, citrusy shampoo and coconut body butter. he is living his best life but everyone has to deal with his smell that enters the room before he does.
Matsukawa Issei & Hanamaki Takahiro
bought Axe and “manly man” body wash for shits and giggles and “ironically” use them. but in the end they still smell like Axe. also yes they bought one of each and share everything.
Yahaba Shigeru
easily impressed by Oikawa, also experiments with different smells but thankfully he’s more subtle with it
Kyoutani Kentarou
Terushima Yuuji
Aone Takanobu
nice, subtle scent, smells cozy.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
soap is soap, so also Axe.
Tendou Satori
either washes with just water or has a very specific and complicated hair care routine. there is no inbetween. smells like sandalwood and no one knows why.
Shirabu Kenjirou
Daishou Suguru
you would think he’s edgy and different, but deep down we all know he uses Axe.
Miya Atsumu
Axe. He is THE prime Axe user. if someone thinks it's cool and manly it's Miya Atsumu.
Miya Osamu
Axe. but one of the milder ones
Suna Rintarou
doesn’t care. Axe.
Haiba Lev
stole his dads fancy cologne, which would be nice and all if he didn’t shower with a chocolate-scented body wash.
Kozume Kenma
long haired gamer. doesn’t shower. probably borrows deodorant from someone on the team because he didn’t pack any and doesn’t care how he smells. so Axe.
Yamamoto Taketora
doesn’t shower. Axe.
Kuroo Tetsurou
token “manly highschooler smell”. overuses Calvin Klein cologne. but shower gel? Axe. ironically watches the alpha male self care routines but secretly notes the shit down.
Yaku Morisuke
buys his products in those mom shops, all his products smell nice like lavender, jasmine or cotton and are vegan, clean and non-gmo.
Akaashi Keiji
takes care of himself. uses basic products, but has a separate product for everything, doesn’t believe in the 3 in 1 (actually uses a conditioner and face wash). smells like he showers regularly so the rest of the team is greatly impressed.
Bokuto Koutarou
Axe. douses himself with the deodorant. definitely had a tutti frutti phase in the past 2 years.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
rubbing alcohol, uses only hypoallergenic, non-scented products.
Yachi Hitoka
bought a strawberry-scented soap because it looked really cute. doesn’t like the scent at all but still uses it because she is anxious to tell her mom to get her a new one.
Shimizu Kiyoko
smells very feminine, uses fancier brands with floral smells.
Ukai Keishin
cigarettes. bought cologne to impress women but rarely uses it.
Takeda Ittetsu
laundry detergent. always has clean clothes and changes often.
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tavern-aa · 4 months
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Garnish - Request
Premium - NSFW
Toddy - Male Reader
Rocks - Gender Neutral Reader
Neat - Headcannons
Aperitif - Fic
Daichi Sawamura
Captains as Boyfriends - Neat Toddy
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Koushi Sugawara
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders - Neat on the Rocks
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders (Revisited) - Neat on the Rocks
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Asahi Azumane
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Yuu Nishinoya
S/O loses a pet - Neat on the Rocks with Garnish
Goth Boyfriend - Neat Toddy with Garnish
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Liberos - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Ryuunosuke Tanaka
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Chikara Ennoshita
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Tobio Kageyama
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders - Neat on the Rocks
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders (Revisited) - Neat on the Rocks
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Shouyou Hinata
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Kei Tsukishima
Sick Of It - Aperitif on the Rocks
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Heartbreak Boy - Aperitif on the Rocks with Garnish
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Tadashi Yamaguchi
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Shimizu Kiyoko
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Hitoka Yachi
New Years Kiss - Neat on the Rocks
Tetsurou Kuroo
Captains As Boyfriends - Neat Toddy
Are You Serious? - Aperitif on the Rocks
Pretty Boy pt1 pt2 - Toddy Aperitif with Garnish
Goth Boyfriend - Neat Premium with Garnish
WAP Headcannons - Neat Premium with Garnish
Kenma Kozume
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders - Neat on the Rocks
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders (Revisited)- Neat on the Rocks
Morisuke Yaku
Thigh Riding Series Liberos - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Yuki Shibayama
Thigh Riding Series Liberos - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Lev Haiba
S/O loses a pet - Neat on the Rocks with Garnish
Boyfriend Comforts During Thunderstorm - Neat Toddy with Garnish
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Inuoka Sou
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Aoba Johsai
Tooru Oikawa
Captains as Boyfriends - Neat Toddy
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders - Neat on the Rocks
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders (Revisited) - Neat on the Rocks
Goth Boyfriend - Neat Toddy with Garnish
WAP Headcannons - Neat Toddy with Garnish
Boyfriend Comforts During Thunderstorm - Neat Toddy With Garnish
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Issei Mattsukawa
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Takahiro Hanamaki
coming soon
Hajime Iwaizumi
coming soon
Kentarou Kyotani
coming soon
Akira Kunimi
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Yuutaro Kindaichi
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Koutarou Bokuto
Captains As Boyfriends - Neat Toddy
Goth Boyfriend - Neat Toddy with Garnish
WAP Headcannons - Neat Toddy with Garnish
Boyfriend Comforts During Thunderstorm - Neat Toddy with Garnish
Keiji Akaashi
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders - Neat on the Rocks
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders (Revisited) - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Captains As Boyfriends - Neat Toddy
WAP Headcannons - Neat Toddy with Garnish
Boyfriend Comforts During Thunderstorm - Neat Toddy With Garnish
Satori Tendou
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium On the Rocks
Eita Semi
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders - Neat on the Rocks
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders (Revisited) - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Tsutomu Goshiki
coming soon
Kenjirou Shirabu
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Yamagata Hayato
Thigh Riding Series Libero - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Misc Others
Kenji Futakuchi
coming soon
Takanobu Aone
S/O Loses a pet - Neat on the Rocks with Garnish
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Atsumu Miya
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders - Neat on the Rocks
Pretty Setter Squad Starbucks Orders (Revisited) - Neat on the Rocks
Thigh Riding Series Setters - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Osamu Miya
coming soon
Kiyoomi Sakusa
coming soon
Shinsuke Kita
coming soon
Rintarou Suna
Thigh Riding Series Middle Blockers - Neat Premium on the Rocks
Motoya Komori
Thigh Riding Series Liberos - Neat Premium on the Rocks
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
TsukiYamaKageHina~Praise Kink
Tsuki really would do anything for Yams, especially for his birthday.
Ao3 Tags:
Praise Kink, Kinktober, Kinktober 2021, Foursome - M/M/M/M, They're Third Years, Captain Yamaguchi Tadashi, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Yamaguchi Tadashi Deserves ALL the Love, Demiromantic Tsukishima Kei, Pan Hinata Shouyou, Birthday Sex, Face-Fucking, Deepthroating, Spitroasting, Polyamory Negotiations, Biting, Marking, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation
Put their third-year heights somewhere between Pre-and Post-Timeship so here's the comparison to see just how small Hinata still looks.
“So let me get this straight?” Kageyama sighs as he stares blank-faced at the tall blonde in front of him. “Next week is Yamaguchi’s birthday and instead of getting him like a hoodie or a book or something, you want us to help fulfill his fantasy of a first-year, now third-year, foursome?” 
“Or just a movie night where I’m not a sarcastic asshole if his anxiety nopes out.” Tsukishima nods, looking as annoyed as ever. “Trust me, King, I don’t like this any more than you do, but it’s a big birthday and with us graduating in March, it could be our last chance so what do you think?” 
Kageyama just sighs again, refusing to look next to him where Hinata is practically vibrating out of his skin in excitement while staring at his taller boyfriend. “He’s making the face isn’t he?”
“The stupid one? Yes, but that’s his normal face. What’s new about it?” Tsukishima smirks, snickering when Hinata calls him a meanie.
“The ‘I told you so’ one. He’s been badgering me since last year that you two have been looking at us differently, but you’ve always looked away by the time I looked over.” Kageyama explains, looking not happy to be proven wrong.
Tsukishima’s eyes widen behind his glasses and he readjusts them to hide the sudden tint in his cheeks. “Oh. You noticed?” 
“You guys weren’t exactly subtle, Tsukki.” Hinata snickers. “EvenI noticed, and I admit I’m pretty dense.” 
“Yes. Yes, you are.” Kageyama smirks. 
“You,” Tsukishima smirks right back. “Are no better. It was physically painful watching you two try to flirt and justnot get it . Thank god Sugawara finally got sick of it at graduation and just told you both or one of us would have lost it.”
The team idiots look away in embarrassment but don’t deny it. 
“Whatever.” Kageyama eventually mumbles before looking back up seriously. “So what would be the plan? A one-time thing to get you boyfriend of the century? A four-person friends with benefits scenario? Or are one or both of you actually looking to date one or both of us?
Tsukishima raises a smug eyebrow, smirking. “Smart questions, your highness. I feel no particular way in the matter, whatever makes Yams happy, and if something happens well expect a small crisis, but we’ll talk it out. I may not seem it, but I have gotten better at talking about stuff if it’s important. You’re both aesthetically pleasing enough, but my feelings require a lot more than just a pretty face. ...Fuck it. Mine’s a lot of trauma-induced trust issues, but my personality really hasn’t changed from before that besides being a little meaner so I think Kuroo called it Demi?”
“Oh! I know that one!” Hinata grins, waving his hand in the air like he’s answering a question in calls. “Kenma is, too! There needs to be a strong emotional relationship and foundation of trust and stuff, right?!” 
Tsukishima blinks in surprise but nods at the small tangerine. “Yeah, that’s the one. Point is, don’t expect much out of me for a while if ever if anything does happen with Yams. As for Yams, I know he finds both of you “so hot and adorable” and Hinata’s smiles have made him have a few panics, so he might want to? Might be a conversation for after? See how everybody feels?” The blonde shrugs before huffing a little, hating he’s having to be even this open. “...I guess I should ask your thoughts, too?”
The other two players were blushing at hearing what Yams thought of them but looked at each other in silent conversation as though deciding who to go first. Eventually, Hinata rolls his eyes and huffs. 
“You first, Bakageyama. You’re just as bad at emotions as he is so I’m not letting you get out of it by going last.” Hinata reasons, crossing his arms. 
Kageyama scowls at the shorter before seeming to think about how he wants to say this. “...Hinata and I have talked about it before on the off chance he wasn’t imagining things-”
“-I just don’t want it to come out wrong...the whole team knows I’m terrified of abandonment, that’s why it took so long with Sho. I-.. I actually did know he was flirting, I just didn’t want to screw things up and lose everything again and it would suck even more ‘cause I would completely understand everyone choosing him over me.” Kageyama continues past Hinata’s interjection, leaning into the hug his tiny boyfriend gave him. “I don’t know why I’m saying all of this now.”
“...Probably because I can understand you with something like that?” Tsukishima admits, crossing an arm over his body protectively. “i-I’ll try to refrain from making fun of you.” He huffs, scowling at the ground. 
Kageyama blinks in shock before nodding. “Thanks. ...Anyway, I also find Yams adorable, but kind of cool after he’s stepped up these last two years. So I wouldn’t be against helping with this birthday surprise…” He mumbles the next part into Hinata’s wild orange hair. “And you’re not exactly bad looking.” Leaning into the comfort of his boyfriend praising him for being honest about his feelings.
Tsukishima’s head shoots up in surprise, honestly not expecting that from the King as his ears flush a little. “Oh.” 
Hinata grins, turning around in his still hiding boyfriend’s hold to get his answer in. “Yamaguchi is lucky to have you just so you know.”
It’s now Tsuki’s turn to hide as he burrows into the collar of his tracksuit. “Is he always like this?” He mumbles to Kageyama in embarrassment. 
“Over bearingly determined to make you feel nice? Yes. You get used to it.” Kageyama smiles sappily. 
“Great, two of them.” The blonde sighs, avoiding looking at Hinata. “Anyway, thoughts?”
“Well Yamaguchi is absolutely adorable, and I have no clue how you aren’t constantly kissing his freckles so I volunteer to right this wrong and help spoil him rotten. “ Hinata grins, bouncing slightly in excitement and giggle when this gets a grumpy mumble out of a jostled Kageyama.
Tsukishima can’t hide his fond smile. “I think he would combust if I tried to as much as I actually want to.” 
“Probably, but he’s so cute.” Hinata sighs before looking at Tsukishima again with a small smirk. “And I think I’m now required to join him on team ‘Tall Mean Guys are Stupidly Hot’.”
Tsukishima now looks like he’s ready to combust and one look behind the orange-haired boy reveals Kageyama in a similar state. The smaller boys snickering is what brings them back to their senses as they grumble for him to be quiet. 
“So it’s settled then?” Tsukishima tsks, changing the subject back to its intended focus. “After Yams’ surprised party with the team, we go back to my place under the guise of horror movies and give him the offer when we get there?” 
“Sounds about right.” Kageyama nods.
“I can’t wait!” Hinata cheers. “And if he’s okay with it we’re allowed to date him and maybe eventually you?”
Tsukishima flushes, but nods. “I just ask to be there for any conversation.”
“Of course!” Hinata grins before pointing at the tall blonde. “Until then, prepare to be wooed! I will get both of you if it kills me!” He declares like he’s challenging an opposing team.
Tsukishima makes some sort of dying noise, not at all knowing how to handle other people wanting him so doing what he never thought he’d do and looking to the amused King for help. 
Kageyama snickers but thumps Hinata playfully. “Boke, you’re gonna break him. And what’s with the declaration? You trying to collect all of our year or something?”
Surprisingly this makes Hinata look like he had just been in the car with Sako. “I don’t want to know what Kiyoko would do to me if I even attempted Yachi.”
The other two shudder, though Tsukishima does look a bit confused. “Yachi?”
“Came out as Pan when Kags and I started going out remember?” Hinata raises an eyebrow.
The blonde just looks lost. 
“Genitals are not important. Only that I find then attractive inside and/or out.” Hinata explains.
“Not strictly dickly?” He confirms.
“Not strictly dickly.” Hinata nods.
Tsukishima nods. “Understood. Can’t relate, but understood.”
Hinata chuckles at the awkward blonde before his grin returns. “Well now that that’s figured out, let’s go to practice before your cute boyfriend turns scary. Kags! Come toss to me!” He cheers, running off to the gym. 
“Is he ever not that high energy?” Tsukishima asks as he and Kageyama start following. 
“I can promise you, he will be the last of us done next week so hope Yams has some stamina.” Kagayama chuckles.
Tsukishima’s eyebrows shoot up. “Even after practice and a social event?” 
“The party will only fuel him.” Kageyama deadpans.
“What have I done?” Tsukishima groans, flipping off the now laughing King as Yams’ shouting comes into range. “I’ve doomed my boyfriend to death.”
“Yup, say your last goodbyes...assuming he doesn’t kill us today.” Kageyama laughs, hearing Hinata whine as he’s told to run laps. “He really grew into that captain role, huh?” 
Tsukishima smiles fondly at the freckled boy glaring at him from the door. “That he did.”
“I’ll question the apocalypse of you talking to them later. You’re ten minutes late, and I can’t be picking favorites so start running.” Yamaguchi scolds, pointing after the tangerine-haired boy. 
“You’re so cute when you’re mad,” Tsukishima whispers into Yamaguchi’s ear when he gets close enough.
“If you don’t get running, I’m going to be the sexiest man alive. Go!” Yams orders, trying to hide his blush. 
“Yes, sir,” Tsukishima smirks, reveling in the squeak he hears as he turns to run before he’s roughly pulled back.
“Actually scratch that, get inside. I’ll deal with you later.” The green-haired boy warns, smirking as red spreads down Tsuki’s neck before he’s pushed inside. 
‘I don’t know what hot-headed first-year pissed him off, but someone is getting an extra meat bun.’ Tsukishima flushes even as he starts yelling out instructions to fix blocks. “Stop standing so close to the net, idiot!”
~One Week Later~
“Happy Birthday, Senpai!” Another first-year calls after him on their way out. “Have a good weekend!” He wishes, not noticing the other three third year’s smirk at each other as they continue walking. 
“Thank you again, everyone!” Yamaguchi waves as jogs to keep up with the others. “Don’t forget to lock up!”
“We won’t, Senpai!” Another laughs before the third-years are finally out of earshot.  
Yamaguchi is grinning as he walks between Tsuki and Kageyama. “I can’t believe they did that.” He laughs before looking at Tsuki in mock shock. “And I can’t believe you agreed to be nice long enough for a horror movie marathon.”
“Anything for your birthday, Yams.” Tsuki smiles at him fondly, kissing his forehead and making him giggle. 
“And people, think I’m the sappy one.” He smiles before turning to the other two. “Thanks for coming guys.”
“Of course, Yamaguchi!” Hinata grins. “Wouldn’t miss it!” 
“Sounded fun.” Kageyama nods, keeping his answers short, honestly shocked neither he nor Hinata had ruined the surprise yet but planning to keep it that way. 
“I hope so. Oh, what should we watch? Maybe The Ring? Oh! Or…” Yamaguchi starts rambling off names, not noticing the three looking at him with a mixture of fondness and mischief. 
By the time they make it to Tsukishima’s house, and Tsuki makes sure that it’s well and truly empty, they have settled into a comfortable silence until Tsuki sits Yams on the couch in the living room with the other two standing not far away, but no one else sitting. 
“Uh, Tsuki? What’s going on?” Yamaguchi asks nervously. 
“Nothing bad, I promise,” Tsukishima assures, letting Yamaguchi relax. “Do you remember that one thing you wanted to try with the idiots, but you about had a breakdown admitting it to me despite how obvious it was and couldn’t even fathom getting to the point of telling them?” He asks quickly.
Yamaguchi stares at him for a moment in confusion before his eyes widen and his face turns red as he glances at the other two who he can now see are smirking, Hinata almost vibrating out of his skin again. “Y-yeah?”
“Well, uh, Happy Birthday? We are apparently not very subtle.” Tsukishima chuckles, looking at Yamaguchi expectantly whether that be to calm a freakout or share his excitement, he doesn’t yet know. 
Yamaguchi just stares, blinking between the three before he makes some sort of dying noise in his throat and screams into one of Tsuki’s couch pillows before pinching himself. 
“I’m not dreaming am I?” He asks in a state of shock.
“Nope! That’s why we were late to practice last week!” Hinata grins. “Tsuki spiked through his emotional wall long enough to ask us!”
Yamaguchi looks at Kageyama who nods before looking to Tsuki. “For me?”
Tsukishima smiles, nodding. “I told you, anything for your birthday.” Before turning serious. “Don’t feel pressured though. We’re also more than fine with me just being nice long enough to get through a night of mo-”
“No!” Yamaguchi squeaks before clearing his throat to try again. “I mean, no, no need for the plan b. I am more than okay with this just processing that they would be.”
“What’s there to process?” Hinata laughs, running over now. “What does Stingyshima not tell you how cute you are often enough?”
Yamaguchi makes another dying noise and looks ready to  cu=ombust thanks to the sudden lapful of energetic spiker as he looks to the others for some sort of guidance. 
“Hey, I tell him plenty he just turns that pretty shade of red so I’ve been banned from doing so in public.” Tsukishima huffs, crossing his arms and offering no help to the greenette who now has to turn to Kageyama instead. 
“What? But making them blush is half fun.” Kageyama smirks before scowling when Hinata calls him out for blushing way more than he does. “Boke, they don’t need to know that!”
Hinata just snickers and eventually Yamaguchi just accepts he’s not going to be allowed time to psych himself out.
“Um, so. Where is this going then exactly?” Yamaguchi asks shyly, trying not to squirm now that Hinata has deposited himself in his lap.
Hinata and Kags look to Tsuki who sighs, waving for Hinata to go ahead and making the orange-haired boy grin before turning back to Yams. “If you want us after, Kags and I would like to date you, and, if we can get close enough with him, Tsuki too one day.” He rambles, practically vibrating in excitement. 
Yamaguchi just stares before pinching himself once again to see if maybe the shock made him pass out before red rushes up to his neck and face. He leans around Hinata to look at Tsuki. “You’re okay with this?” 
“We already had a sort of heart to heart. As long as I am there for relationship talks or included in some way, I am happy as long as you all.” His smile turns a little sappy. “You deserve all the love in the world, Yams.” 
Yamaguchi whines as he covers his face again. “You three are going to kill me before I ever even get to kiss you two let alone fuck.”
Hinata giggles, kissing Yams’ hair. “You were right, Tsuki. He really isn’t good at compliments is he?”
“I’ve been trying to work on it, but he doesn’t think he deserves them.” Tsukishima huffs.
“I don’t~” Yamaguchi pouts. “I’m plain and clumsy and you’re all so much better than me and hot and my freck-mph.”
He’s cut off by Hinata kissing him on the mouth now, scowling when he pulls away. “Now who the hell told you all of that? You’re really hot and your freckles are adorable.”
“Tch, one of his old bullies tried picking a fight with him earlier this year when Kuroo, Bokuto, and co. were in town. Finally got to see him stand up for himself even if it was just ‘cause the asshole used his nickname for me. Completely wailed on the guy after biting him hard enough to break the skin.” Tsukishima smirks proudly. 
Hinata and Kageyama stare at Yamaguchi in shock. 
“Shit that sounds hot,” Kageyama whispers.
“Yeah, it i-Wait?! Is that why they were fucking at my house?!” Hinata realizes. 
Yamaguchi scratches his head awkwardly. “Heh, um, someone had to take care of the goons?” 
“If it helps, Yams’ house wasn’t safe either,” Tsuki smirks, snickering when Yamaguchi glares at him.
“Oh? Did Yams get some celebratory dick?” Kageyama smirks.
It’s Yamaguchi’s turn to smirk now as he keeps eye contact with Tsuki. “Actually, I got some celebratory ass.”
Kageyama and Hinata’s eyes widen as their heads snap to look at the flushed blonde. “Huh?!”
“...Switches.” Tsukishima mumbles and Yamaguchi snickers.
“Soooo, no fight for dominance?” Kageyama tries.
Tsukishima glares. “If you think I’m bottoming for you without a fight, you’re out of your mind.”
“Hmm, Yams what do you think?” Kageyama smirks, looking at the greenette and already knowing he’s won.
Tsukishima sighs in defeat at the way Yams’ pupils dilate as he looks between the two. “...Once because it’s Yams birthday, and what he says goes tonight.” He relents.
“Can we spoil him first?” Hinata chimes in happily.
“How so?” Tsukishima hums, thankful for that distraction.
Hinata hops off the greenette’s lap and runs over to whisper to the other two whose smirks slowly turn wicked, and Yamaguchi just knows he’s in for a hell of a birthday. 
“Sooo bedroom?” Yamaguchi suggests, pointing down the hall. 
“Where’s the lube?” Hinata asks excitedly as he runs by. 
“Nightstand drawer!” Tsukishima calls after the energetic spiker.
Kageyama, meanwhile, walks over to help the only slightly shorter boy off the couch and pull him into a kiss of his own with a pleased hum. “Since I’m the only one who hasn’t yet.”
Yamaguchi flushes but doesn’t complain as he leads the normally grumpy boy over to Tsuki and pulls both of them towards the bedroom where they collectively stop inside the doorway and stare at the sight in front of them.
Hinata had apparently found the lube and was wasting no time in getting himself open and if the other three weren’t hard before, they’re definitely on their way now as they watch the smaller boy squirm and moan. 
“Gods, Shrimpy, you wanna wait for us?” Tsukishima gulps, surprised when Yamaguchi is already heading to the bed. 
Yamaguchi immediately takes hold of Hinata’s face and starts kissing him with three years worth of mining as the smaller boy gasps and whines into his touch. They’re both panting by the time Yamaguchi lets go for air and rests his head on Hinata’s shoulder. 
“Been wanting to do that for three years.” He pants.
“Mmm, Yama-ah-good. So pretty. Want you inside.” Hinata whines, squirming as he works a third finger in. 
Yamaguchi flushes at being called pretty but kisses him again. “Are you going to do that all night?” He whines.
“Do wha-Ah!-what?” 
“The whole complimenting thing? It’s embarrassing.” Yamaguchi pouts.
“Until you believe it,” Hinata smirks, gasping when he brushes his prostate before taking his fingers out and wiping them on a tissue he grabbed with the lube. “Now please, Yama?” He pouts with big puppy eyes. 
“Shit. How does Kageyama ever say no to you?” He breathes out, kissing the tangerine haired-boy again.
“You-shit Four-eyes- you get better at it!” Kageyama answers from by the doorway.
The other two turn to look at him at the small curse, eyes widening at the sight. The power struggle between the setter and blockerhad apparently happened and it looked like Kags was quickly losing as he was panting on Tsuki’s thigh. They couldn’t see Tsukishima’s face, but Yamaguchi could tell by his body language that he was smirking, taking great joy in taming in the ever prideful King. As they took in the scene, one look down told them that Tsukishima’s thigh was probably the only thing keeping Kageyama standing as his legs appeared to shake as he buried his face in the blonde’s chest. 
“Fuck, shit, okay you win just please.” Kageyama eventually whimpered, grinding his obviously hard cock on the blonde’s thigh and trembling. 
“Holy shit.” Hinata breathes out in awe, having never seen the taller boy like that. 
“Yeah, I figured they’d be at it eventually but didn’t think it’d be this soon or this hot.” Yamaguchi agrees. “Are you two gonna get over here and ruin us or are we just gonna get the free show?” 
“Shit, yeah come on Four-eyes, let’s get oOver th-there. Dammit!” Kageyama groans, weakly trying to push the blonde away from where he’s biting his neck.
There’s a deep chuckle as Tsukishima finally lets the slightly shorter setter go, the smirk on his face now visible. “Act like a cocky asshole again and see what happens.” He snickers, finishing what had started the little battle and helping him finish getting out of his clothes. 
The look that passes through Kageyama’s eyes tells Hinata that that won’t be the last time he does whatever it was that got a rise out of the blonde and Yamaguchi snickers when Hinata whispers as much. 
“Nowthat I definitely wanna see,” Yamaguchi smirks as Kageyama yelps when Tsukishima uses his extra three inches of height to his advantage in picking him up and dropping him on the bed. 
 Kageyama just stares at the ceiling as though he’s had a few too many epiphanies for his liking before rolling to his side. “You stay on that side of Yamaguchi with your stupidly long everything.” He scowls at Tsukishima. 
Tsukishima just smirks as the other two laugh at the pouting king before Yamaguchi crawls into his lap to kiss away the grumpy expression. 
“Makes it very hard to win doesn’t he?” Yams chuckles as the pout returns. 
“He was just suddenly... everywhere .” Kageyama huffs. “I’m not used to people being able to manhandle me let alone pick me up…”
“Hot isn’t it?” Hinata smirks, knowing the look on Kageyama’s face all too well. 
Kageyama just reaches around Yamaguchi to push his boyfriend into Tsukishima’s lanky frame and watch as his face surpasses his hair in brightness at being so completely enveloped. “Here, four-...not the place-Here, Tsukishima. Silence him next.”
Hinata squeaks as he’s easily lifted and the low chuckle at his back. “Been wanting to for three years. Figured I’d end up kicking you, but this works too.” Tsukishima smirks as he puts the small spiker on his lap so he’s still facing the other two.
Hinata squirms, trying to hide his face despite his earlier bravado, but Tsuki doesn’t let him as one long arm traps his hands to his chest and the other reaches down to start stroking the smaller’s cock. “Tsukiii~! No fair!” Hinata whines as he avoids looking at the others. “Why are you so long?!” 
“Wait ‘til he gets his pants off.” Yamaguchi snickers from where he’s started moving himself down a very frazzled Kageyama who was not expecting to be overtaken not only once, but twice today and was overall having trouble processing it. 
“Pants? What do you MEan! Yama, I’m stealing your boyfriend!” Hinata decides when he finally feels what Yamaguchi is talking about through Tsuki’s boxer. 
“Oi, Boke! Don’t just decide thA-AH! Shit! Okay, yeah, think we can switch, blondie?” Kageyama moans when Yamaguchi suddenly starts sucking him off. 
“Pretty sure sharing was offered,” Tsukishima smirks, snickering at how lost the setter looks already. “I said I wasn’t ready todate either of you. I’m okay joining other activities.” 
“I’ll win you over soon Enough-Ah!, but th-thank gods ‘cause I wanna feel that when we’re one spoiling Yama.” Hinata pant, moaning when Tsuki moves his hand a certain way that makes him squirm. 
“Hmm, if you think you can.” Tsukishima snickers before lifting Hinata up again. “Hey Yams, where do you want us?” He asks, ignoring the tangerine’s complaints.
Yamaguchi removes himself from Kageyama with a pop and a moan from the dark-haired setter. “Honestly thought you guys would have talked this over already?”
“It’s your birthday, Yama. You call the shots, and we’ll follow.” Hinata grins before squirming some more in Tsuki’s hold. “But hurry please before I lose it.” He wines at the lack of stimulation. 
Yamaguchi snickers before thinking for a moment, looking between the three before nodding. “Hinata can I fuck you?” He asks first.
“Gods, please. Whole reason I ran ahead to prep.” The orange-haired ace whines, going where he’s asked as soon as Tsuki lets him go and laying on his back. 
Yamaguchi snatches the lube off the bed now and tosses it to Tsuki. “Prep me while I do? You guys can decide who gets front and back.”
“Careful with that. Hinata’s stamina isn’t just on the court.” Kageyama smirks, snickering slightly when his meaning seems to click for Yamaguchi and his face flushes. 
“Um, and how long have you known?” Yamaguchi asks, wondering if he’s going to be able to leave this room this weekend. 
“I can mostly keep up now.” His smirk deepens in understanding of what Yamaguchi is asking and he snickers as the freckled boy gulps. 
“I am so screwed.” Yamaguchi chuckles, looking back to Hinata. “Condom or?” 
“Only if you want one. I don’t mind the mess.” Hinata grins, letting his legs fall open.
Yamaguchi groans at the sight. Letting Tsuki squirt a bit more lube on his hand to lube up his cock. “We’re gonna have fun with them.” He smirks at the blonde.
Tsukishima smirks in return, lubing up his own fingers. “Oh definitely.”
Hinata and Kageyama look at each other in confusion before Hinata is keening as Yamaguchi starts filling him.
“Mmm~ Yama!” He whines, clinging to the greenette’s shoulders, the captain being thicker than he imagined. 
Yamaguchi groans at the heat, letting out a moan of his own when he works his way all the way in and he feels Tsuki start prodding at his own hole. He stays there for a few moments, letting the blonde start working him open as he starts making out with the smaller boy beneath him. 
There’s a set of moans drawn from the two when Tsukishima brushes his prostate and makes his jerk his hips into Hinata’s. 
“Ahh~ Tsuki~” Yamaguchi moans, eyes drifting to the setter who doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself. “Am I allowed to leave marks?” He asks both of them.
Hinata whines his agreeance, but Yamaguchi waits to make sure it won’t be causing any jealousy before biting into Hinata’s shoulder the next time Tsuki hits his prostate and starts rutting into him.
“Shit! YamAaa~!” Hinata cries out, doing his best to meet Yamaguchi’s thrust even as he’s fucked into the bed.
“Oops,” Tsukishima smirks, slipping a third finger in. “Guess he was feeling a little feisty.” 
“What do you mean?” Kageyama asks, tilting his head in confusion as he strokes himself at the site. 
Tsuki winces, not actually meaning to say that out loud. “Uh, can I tell then, Yams?” The blonde asks.
“Yeah…” Yamaguchi pants before biting Hinata’s other shoulder and groaning as the spiker clenches around him.
“Tell us what?” Kageyama asks, now even more confused.
“My little puppy here gets a bit nippy when he’s on top.” Tsukishima chuckles as though that answers anything, tsking when Kageyama just stares at him blankly. “Hand me my phone.” Waving to his pants on the floor. 
Kageyama does, holding it to Tsukishima’s face to open it and following his instructions to a locked folder in his pictures. “Oh, that.” He rolls his eyes. “Why didn’t you just say pet play, dumbass. No need to be all cryptic.”
“Wait do you guys-?” Tsukishima starts to asks. But Kageyama shakes his head, cutting him off. 
“Nah, but I’ve spent some time on a site or two. Hinata wanted me to use this knotted sheathe on him and act like a werewolf and breed him.” Kageyama chuckles as he puts the phone on the nightstand. “It was kind of hot.” 
Tsukishima’s eyes widen as he looks back down at their boyfriends.”Yams?”
He just gets a thumbs up in response as Yamaguchi licks over another new bite before lifting his head. 
“All ready in shipping,” Yamaguchi smirks before looking back down at Hinata in mild concern. “Also we use the stoplight system if at any point you need to tap out. Should have said that before, sorry.” 
The whole reason he’s saying this now as he looks down at the orange-haired boy is because of how fast the spiker had already cum and his legs were trembling like it was too much. 
“Same, and I am so freaking green.” Hinata pants, whining when Yams’ cock brushes his prostate again. “So get back down here.”
Yamaguchi smirks at the energetic spiker before looking at the other two. “I don’t care who, but one of you better be in my ass before I get Hinata screaming again, got it?”
Tsukishima snickers at the dumbfounded look on the King’s face. “Hot when he’s confident isn’t he?” 
Kageyama swallows, nodding. “Yeah, um, yeah.” He flushes as his own stumbling before looking to the blonde. “Your boyfriend, where do you want?” He mutters.
“Hmm, since he’s being like this, I kind of want to see how long you last in his mouth.” Tsukishima decides after a moment of thought, amused by how flushed the King has gotten.
Kageyama decides opening his mouth would probably just embarrass him more so just nods, crawling over to where the other two are kissing. 
Tsukishima just looks on in amusement before lubing up his cock and lining himself up with Yams’ twitching hole. He starts sliding in slowly and nods to Kageyama when Yamaguchi throws his head back to moan. 
Kageyama smirks in amusement at the little assist from the blonde before threading his fingers in green-tinted hair and resting the head of his cock in the captain’s open mouth.
Yamaguchi hums happily, opening his mouth more so that Kageyama can slide all the way in, moaning around the girth prodding at his throat as Tsukishima brushes his prostate. 
Kageyama curses, fingers tightening at the vibrations that shoot up his cock. “Shit, good boy.” He groans without thinking until he notices how Yamaguchi whines at his words, looking up at him as though begging. 
“Congrats, King.” Tsukishima groans as he bottoms out. “You found the magic words.”
“Good boYEE~?! Shit! Ahh~!” Kageyama starts to question the blonde, but the repeat of the words earns him a harder suck and a tongue playing with his slit. 
“This is pretty much the only time I can get him to respond well to praise,” Tsukishima smirks, pulling back out slowing to thrust back in as he reaches across to pet Yamaguchi’s hair. “Isn’t that right, puppy?” 
Yamaguchi whines around the cock in his mouth, relaxing his throat as he tries to encourage the setter to move. 
“Why didn’t you say that sooner?” Hinata pants from below Yams, still clinging to him best he can and letting his mouth run. “Gods, I was holding that in for nothing trying to not make you anxious, but shit Yams. So good, so thick. I feel like I’m going to go crazy. Having such a pretty human being making a mess of me? FU-AHH~! There, Yama! There! So good, Yama!” He moans out, breath hitching at the end when Yamaguchi finds his prostate and starts driving into it to get more.
“Figures the actual sun would be made for this.” Tsukishima laughs, starting to pick up speed himself. “Fuck, baby. So good, so tight. Gods, I don’t deserve you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me you know that right? So pretty, and your freckles are so cute, and your body. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”
Yamaguchi, meanwhile, is red all over in embarrassment, but gods he doesn’t want it to stop. He moans around the head brushing the back of his throat, and, while he could see that Tsuki was definitely longer, it’s annoying him because he knows he should be choking around the girth in his mouth. Finally, he gets sick of it enough to shakily lift a hand up, careful to not lose balance and get fucked to the bed with Hinata, and grab Kageyama’s ass to push the dark-haired boy down his throat. 
Kageyama’s surprised yelp is quickly turned into a surprised moan as Yamaguchi forced him down his throat and he has to hold onto green locks to avoid snapping it deeper. He looks to Tsuki for translation at the single tap to his thigh that accompanies the moaning vibrating up his cock.
“He’s saying green. What do his eyes look like?” Tsukishima huffs, pounding into the moaning greenette now. 
Kageyama looks down into teary brown eyes. “BeautifUll-Ah~!” another whine seals around the head of his cock. “A-And like he’s begging.”
“He wants you to fuck his throat,” Tsuki explains, rolling his eyes. “He’s not made of glass and you are definitely damning your own ass if he gets to top you for treating him like he is.”
Kageyama looks down in horror now to see the begging replaced with mischief as a growl vibrates around the head of his cock and makes him throw his head back at the feeling. “Fuck! Right! Got it! Fuck, how do you even do that?” He rambles as he pulls out and thrusts back in, slowly picking up speed to give the greenette what he wants. 
Yamaguchi moans as best he can, trying to keep up with everything but is soon enough reduced to being used as fleshlight at both ends and a fuck machine below him. He moans as Tsukishima’s thrusts force him deeper into Hinata and on Kageyama and Kageyama’s thrusts push him back onto Tsuki. 
It doesn’t take long for the others to notice and they rearrange themselves so Yamaguchi is lying on his back, head hanging off the bed with Hinata riding him now. Any sounds he could have made are now completely cut off as Kageyama buried himself in the captain’s throat, trailing his fingers along the outside and groaning as he feels that slim throat stretched just a little. Tsuki is once again behind him, pounding into him as Hinata helps hold his legs out of the way, using them for leverage as he bounces on Yamaguchi’s cock. 
Between all of this and the constant flow of praise, it isn’t long before Yamaguchi is crying out around Kageyama’s cock and cumming hard inside Hinata who moans loudly at the feeling. Everyone freezes, waiting for him to regain some sense, but just doing that gets them a pitiful whine as Yamaguchi taps the bed once, whimpering and whining in sensitivity as everyone uses him to chase their own orgasms. 
Kageyama is the next to cum, mumbling out the question to Yamaguchi on if he should cum pull out, and moaning when Yamaguchi just holds him in place, swallowing around him. He grips the bedspread under the pinch server as he cums down his throat, and his eyes roll back as he feels the other earnestly swallowing every last drop. “Shit.” Kageyama moans, hips twitching pathetically. “So good. So good, Guchi. Shit.” He keeps mumbling praises until he eventually pulls out and flops onto the bed next to them. 
This leaves Yamaguchi free to let out broken moans as Tsukishima continues to abuse his prostate and small whimpers when they praise him. Somehow, Hinata has managed to get him half hard inside him again and he’s now weakly trying to thrust up into the heat in hopes of letting his dick off the hook sooner. 
Tsukishima is the next to cum, the clenching of Yams’ ass sending him over the edge and filling his boyfriend up as he collapses against Hinata’s back, panting heavily as he comes down from the high. Soon he’s pulling out as well, letting out a surprised noise when Kageyama pulls him over to cuddle but lets King do what he needs. 
“Wasn’t expecting you to be a cuddler?” The blonde hums as they watch Yamaguchi cry and claw at the bedsheets as  Hinata pulls another orgasm out of him “Not making fun of you, just didn’t expect it.” He assures when feels the setter tense up, combing through his hair when he relaxes again. 
“...Don’t leave.” Is the only semblance of response he gets but he nods in understanding. 
“Not even I’m that much of an asshole. Come here, how often do you get to be the little spoon?” Tsukishima huffs, barely having to manhandle the slightly shorter boy to get him into position and chuckling when he hears a sleepy thank you. “What happened to being able to keep up with Shortie?” 
“Shut up. I think your boyfriend’s throat sucked my soul out through my dick.” Kageyama mutters, batting at the blonde’s arm lightly. “And tell him to use his hands if he doesn’t want the menace to go until he passes out ‘cause he’ll come for us next.” He huffs before falling asleep on Tsukishima’s chest. 
Tsukishima looks at him in horror before looking to the others. “Jerk him off, Yams.” He warns, well aware of what the spiker’s stamina is like after three years on the court. 
Yamaguchi waste no time following instructions, reaching forward, and stroking the smaller boy best he can with his overly sensitive, uncoordinated movements, but soon enough Hinata’s hips stutter as he cums across Yamaguchi’s chest with a moan, collapsing forward into his own mess. Yamaguchi sighs in relief, holding the small spiker until he comes back to himself enough to lift himself off his captain’s dick, shivering as he feels two loads of the greenette’s cum start leaking from his ass. 
“Shit, Yama. Really made a mess of me, huh?” Hinata giggles, kissing the tired boy sweetly. 
“I would hope so with the way you were going.” Yamaguchi laughs weekly, looking at the other boys and blinking in surprise at Kageyama sleeping and curled up against Tsukishima. “Uh..?”
“Oh, YamaYama gets kind of insecure after sex so get’s clingy. I guess Tsuki was chosen.” Hinata explains, crawling over to kiss his boyfriend’s cute pouty lips before looking up at Tsuki. “Can I kiss you too?”
Tsukishima considers for a moment before shaking his head. “Not yet...thank you for asking first.” He mumbles the last part.
Hinata just grins, not looking the least bit dejected. “Of course!” He chirps before hopping off the bed. “I’ll bring the wet wipes out then. Where do you keep them?” 
“Under the sink.” Yamaguchi hums, crawling over to Tsukishima’s other side. 
“Cool, be right back!” The little ball of energy cheers, running off.
Soon enough they’re all cleaned up enough for sleep and Hinata has managed to find himself a spot curled up against Kageyama’s back. 
“Happy Birthday, Yama.” He mumbles, starting to drift off now that the day’s events have started catching up to him. 
“Happy Birthday, Yams.” Tsuki yawns into green hair, kissing his forehead.
There’s some mumbling coming from Kageyama, but they have no clue what it meant as Yamaguchi just smiles. “Thank you, guys.”
~The Next Monday~
“Hello, new Karasu-Hinata?! What the hell happened to your neck?!” Sugawara gasps from the doorway to the gym, intending to make a surprise visit, but instead finding his kohai looking like he was attacked by an animal.
The other three first years turn to Yamaguchi who looks like he’s praying for the floor to swallow him whole, face as red as a Nekoma uniform.
“Huh, why are you staring at Yamagu- Oh ho ho! The quiet one ay-Wait?! Aren’t you dating Kageyama?!” 
“Uhh, well actually all three of us are dating Yamaguchi, and we’re hoping Tsuki soon too.” Hinata chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
Sugawara is quiet for a moment before he pulls out his phone, muttering. “Goddammit, now I’ve gotta ask Daichi on a date before Yaku can find out and expose me. Nice seeing you again. Good luck at your practice game next wee-Hello, Daichi! How are you today?” Sugawara smiles as he walks out of the gym, leaving behind many confused crows.
“Wait they weren’t together already?!”
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ladysunamireads · 5 days
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orikgym · 11 months
Color Me Blue || Kagehina Soulmate AU
In a colorless world, one is bound to get sick of white, black, and gray. Luckily, there’s a way to flip a dull page into a completely different story.
A soulmate. Already sounds cliché doesn’t it?
“Hey, Kageyama?” Hinata’s voice was barely a whisper, his hesitant words lost in the evening breeze. And with the little amount of courage gathered up in his chest, he lifted his gaze at the taller boy beside him.
Kageyama was already looking.
“What do you want?” Kageyama grumbled, blinking impatiently down at him.
He could hear his own heartbeat, and he wondered whether it was because of nervousness, or something else completely different and unexpected. But Hinata Shouyou was never nervous when it came to Kageyama Tobio. So, what is this?
“Tell me the color of my eyes.”
Silence took over the two of them like a thick blanket falling from the vast sky, and it almost suffocated him.
“How would I know? I don’t see colors yet.”
Hinata stopped in his tracks as his heart came to a halt.
But I see blue.
And that’s when it dawned on him. Like a sudden storm, the sunshine in Hinata’s world said its farewell.
Kageyama’s meant for me, but I’m not meant for him.
Or so he thought.
LINK!!! :>
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inevitableinfinity · 1 year
fics masterlist <3
all works can be found on ao3 (inevitableinfinity), they are not crossposted
listed in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest by initial upload date)
wish you were here
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 4k
5 times Oikawa and Kageyama fall asleep on the phone and 1 time they fall asleep in each other's arms
visiting hours
Oikawa/Kageyama | G | 1.7k
a certain annoying underclassman pays a visit to Oikawa's classroom
forever is the sweetest con
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | ???
first comes fake proposal, then comes fake engagement, then comes real love (or something like that)
cast away
Oikawa/Kageyama (urban fantasy AU) | T | 3.1k
when Oikawa runs away from home after an argument, Kageyama goes searching for him—and finds a rude awakening instead
you could be the one (that i keep)
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 6.8k
how are you supposed to figure out who your soulmate is when they lose the most random things?
cutting costs
Oikawa/Kageyama | G | 1k
in which Miwa and Oikawa react to third-year Tobio's haircut
yours for the taking
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 5.9k
after failing to kidnap Prince Tobio, Oikawa wonders how he still got stuck babysitting him for a day
nowhere left for us (but heaven)
Oikawa/Kageyama (apocalypse AU) | T | ???
Finding his soulmate isn't a priority for Oikawa, but finding his soulmate's body before they could ever meet still hurts. They must keep going, though—they're in the midst of an apocalypse here.
show, don't tell
Oikawa/Kageyama (POV: Hinata) | T | 2k
in which Hinata finds out his friends are dating...via kiss cam
next stop: you
Oikawa/Kageyama | G | 1.5k
an oikage meet cute on the train gone wrong stupid
...or forever hold your peace
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 8k
Tooru's about to be married, Hajime thinks he's helping two friends reconcile, and Tobio accidentally ruins a wedding
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 7.3k
it's hard to get over someone when you share custody of the cat
the potentiality (of us)
Osamu/Akaashi | T | 5k
University student Keiji is so tired that he doesn't notice how attractive the new barista at his coffee shop is—or that they're soulmates
seasons change (but people don't)
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 2.8k
in which Oikawa and Kageyama try to stake out the same spot for cherry blossom viewing
"settling scores"
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 8k
5 times Kageyama's soulmate searches for him and 1 time he finds them (ft. the Karasuno first years as good friends but bad detectives)
"the (best) worst thing"
Iwaizumi/Sugawara, Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 4k
Iwaizumi's best friend (and best friend's boyfriend) arrange a blind date for Iwaizumi
"don't let me go"
Oikawa/Kageyama | G | 2.4k
Oikawa meets Kazuyo
"get better soon ('cause you have to)"
Oikawa/Kageyama (angst) | T | 2.5k
When Oikawa goes to the hospital to visit his sister, he doesn't expect to see Kageyama there.
And he certainly doesn't expect Kageyama to be one of his sister's patients.
"(if i could say) what i want to say"
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 3k
in which Oikawa's annoying roommate gets sick and doesn't know how to take care of himself
"where to go from here"
Kageyama/Sugawara | G | 2k
Koushi is pretty sure he falls in love with Kageyama Tobio at the same time as the rest of the world, but for him, it was a long time coming.
"perfect disasters"
Kindaichi & Kageyama & Kunimi, Kageyama & Oikawa | G | 2k
the Kitagawa Daiichi training camp fic no one asked for
"[infatuation:] observation with a cause"
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 5.1k
the stages of being a fangirl as told by Oikawa and Kageyama (who are definitely not fans of each other)
"for the rest of our lives"
Oikawa/Kageyama | G | 1.8k
Oikawa and Kageyama write each other letters the day before their wedding
"this ain't love (it's clear to see)"
Oikawa/Kageyama (POV: Hinata) | T | 2k
Despite Shouyou's warnings, Kageyama invites Oikawa to be his plus one to a wedding reception and Shouyou thinks the two are taking this fake date a little too far.
"what are my words worth"
Oikawa/Kageyama (hurt/comfort) | T | 5k
Tobio's never seen Oikawa in a light he doesn't love
"take me home (forever & ever)"
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 3k
Tooru is happy to celebrate his birthday with his friends, but he kind of misses Tobio (and their cat)
"if I should lose you now"
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 2.1k
Sleeping Beauty AU where Prince Tooru has overcome every obstacle to make it to the sleeping Prince Tobio only to wonder: what if he's not Tobio's true love?
"i loved you then (and i love you now)
Oikawa/Kageyama (POV: Miwa) | T | 2.8k
Miwa attends Tobio's graduation and embarrasses her baby brother in front of his crush
"at least in this lifetime"
Oikawa/Kageyama (MCD) | T | 1.7k
it's the end of the world and all they have is each other
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 2.9k
the progression and regression of their relationship as seen through the eyes of one Oikawa Tooru
"find other ways to make it alone"
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 4.2k
the oikage pet shop AU no one asked for
"home sick"
Oikawa/Kageyama/Sugawara | G | 2.2k
Kageyama has to take care of his sick boyfriends
"i won't ask you to wait (if you don't ask me to stay)"
Oikawa/Kageyama (angst w/ happy ending) | T | 3.9k
they're not "in a relationship" but they're not "not in a relationship"
"a silent devotion"
Oikawa/Kageyama (FHQ) | T | 1.3k
Kageyama makes a (flower) crown fit for a (demon) king
"the fear of falling apart"
Oikawa/Kageyama (POV: Iwaizumi) (FHQ) | T | 4k
the days before Iwaizumi and Kageyama left the demon king's side
"there's still time for you"
Oikawa/Kageyama | G | 2.2k
Kageyama remembers his birthdays over the years
"reaching out across the sea (that you put between you and me)"
Oikawa/Kageyama (angst w/ happy ending) | T | 2.5k
in which the distance ruined them once, Oikawa wants another chance, and Kageyama isn't sure the distance won't ruin them again
"in the spaces between our goodbyes"
Oikawa/Kageyama (soulmate AU) | T | 2.6k
in a world where your soulmate's name doesn't appear after both parties have fallen in love, Oikawa Tooru is a little annoyed this is how Tobio is going to find out Tooru loves him
"i'm reaching out and i just can't tell you why"
Oikawa/Kageyama | T | 1.7k
it's kind of annoying how a single person can leave such a huge hole in your life
"just an ordinary day"
Oikawa/Kageyama (soulmate AU) | T | 4.9k
the soulmate goose AU but make it oikage ;)
"get your sh-t together (so i can love you)"
Oikawa/Kageyama (soulmate AU) | T | 65k
Kageyama doesn't want a soulmate (but gets one) and Oikawa doesn't have a soulmate (and he's okay with it) (he says)
"(don't be afraid to) jump then fall"
Osamu/Akaashi | T | 6.6k
in which Akaashi learns a little about being the protagonist of his own story
"nobody wins"
Oikawa/Kageyama (FHQ) | T | 2.2k
Demon King Oikawa finally defeats the archer Kageyama and it does not feel at all like he thought it would
"'Fearless' but make it Haikyuu!! [One-Shot Collection]"
Various pairings | T | 31k
a collection of one-shots based on the tracks of Fearless (Taylor's Version). This work contains tracks 1-13, bonus tracks are included in the "fearless x hq" collection
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afterglow || snow day (fictober day 08)
fandom: haikyuu!! pairing: kagehina fic summary: Kageyama has learned a lot of things since befriending Hinata Shouyou. Things about Hinata, things about himself. How to open up. How to be vulnerable. How to love. And Hinata? Hinata learns more about Kageyama than he ever thought he would. First-year Kagehina/Hinakage drabble collection ft. the rest of Karasuno, written for sarahenany. Slowly working through the remaining Fictober 2022 prompts! fictober day 8: "do you remember?" by @fictober-event ch summary: School is canceled due to the snowy weather. Hinata bikes into town and shows up at Kageyama's house anyway.
entire drabble below. :) find the whole collection: ao3 // tumblr
“Whoa, it really snowed a ton,” Hinata exclaimed into the phone, panting. “No wonder they canceled school before it even started yesterday.”
Kageyama winced at the loud volume of his voice, although he didn’t know what he expected. Of course Hinata would be wide-awake at—at whatever time it was. Kageyama, personally, had decided to sleep in until his phone started ringing.
“You called me to tell me it snowed?” he grumbled, rubbing an eye. “I coulda looked out the window, idiot.”
“Wow, ok, you’re an idiot,” Hinata shot back. “We don’t have to sit through boring classes! Where’s your excitement?”
“I’m too tired for that shit. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t hang up so I can go back to sleep.”
This time, Hinata chuckled nervously. “Well, um… I’m kind of at your door, so…”
Kageyama shot upright, eyes blowing wide. “You’re what? ”
“I’m at your door,” Hinata repeated, slower, his words tinged with more nervous laughter. “...can I come in?”
For a moment, Kageyama’s sleep-clogged brain failed to register Hinata’s request. He just sat there with dinner plate eyes, mouth hanging open, struggling to process his words. 
Hinata. Hinata willingly came over, on their spontaneous day off from school. And now he was at his door. For what reason? It snowed enough to cancel the whole day of classes, not to mention volleyball practice, and this idiot had left his house—a house that sat on a damn mountain—and how did he even get here? On foot?
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kageyama burst out finally, throwing himself out of his bed. “It’s gotta be freezing outside and you’re—did you bike here?”
“Uh,” Hinata fumbled, and the silence that followed was enough of an answer for Kageyama.
“You idiot,” he went on, and it didn’t matter that he was only in pajamas because moronic Hinata was at his door, had ridden his bike in the snow, and something about those facts had him rushing to let Hinata in.
“Hi,” Hinata said meekly when he finally reached and opened the door.
Kageyama nearly dropped his phone.
Hair damp, nose pink, and the shell of his coat dripping, Hinata looked like he’d been caught in the rain. His bike lay on its side, discarded in the yard, and a glance down at his shoes showed Kageyama that they were soaked.
“Oh my god, get in here, you moron,” Kageyama hissed, yanking him by the arm immediately. “Are you stupid? It’s freezing outs— you’re freezing!” 
“Yeah… I realized that riding my bike probably wasn’t very smart,” Hinata said nervously, looking down at his shoes as he removed them slowly. “I slid on the ice a few times, so… I got all wet from the snow…”
“What were you thinking?” Kageyama said as he closed the door. “You could get sick! You could’ve been hurt—did you get hurt? You didn’t scrape yourself up, did you? We have a game next week!”
“I know, it was pretty stupid,” Hinata said. “And impulsive. I just… Natsu and Kaa-san were held up because of the snow, and the buses aren’t running, and… and I wanted to see you, I guess.”
Kageyama’s rant withered in his throat, and his mouth snapped shut. What did he say to that? His brain blanked on him as he stared at Hinata’s sheepish but genuine expression, once again failing to come up with the right words to respond.
“Oh,” was all that came out, faint and inexplicably breathless, when his voice finally decided to work again.
But then he saw the way Hinata’s lip quivered, and everything came back online in an instant. He tugged at Hinata’s gloved hand—what was the point of wearing them if they were wet?—and dragged him along as he marched off to his bedroom.
“Wha—where are we going?” Hinata squeaked. “What’re you… what’re you doing?”
“You have to get those wet clothes and get warm, dumbass,” Kageyama told him because, hello, wasn’t it obvious? “You’re going to get sick.”
When they reached Kageyama’s bedroom, he released Hinata to dig through his dresser for something even a little small for Hinata to wear. He wasn’t very successful—all he had was old clothes from middle school, but he ultimately decided Hinata in clothes too large for him was better than a sick Hinata, right?
“I’m sorry,” Hinata said sheepishly. “For, um. For intruding…”
“That’s not—” Kageyama stopped, trying to collect himself. He wasn’t trying to yell. “That’s not the point. You could come over at any time and I wouldn’t care, I just don’t want you getting sick!”
Hinata looked up at him, then, his eyes now blown wide in surprise. “Huh?”
“Do you remember?” he went on. “We have to be careful with ourselves, for volleyball! You can’t play if you’re hurt.”
Hinata blinked a few times but didn’t respond. Instead, he just stared up at Kageyama as if he’d just revealed the secret to getting good grades in school or something.
Then, eventually: “Do… do you mean that?”
“Mean what?”
“I can… come over whenever,” Hinata echoed, with a slow-growing smile. “And you wouldn’t mind?”
Kageyama stopped himself again, because yeah, he totally did say that. And as his brain finally caught up with his mouth, heat ascended up his neck and across his cheeks. His gaze darted immediately to his socks, embarrassed.
“Well, you’re the only person who comes over besides when Nee-san visits, so,” he said, and then one of his hands found its way into his hair, as if moving would get rid of the sudden nervous energy that flooded through him. “It’s—it’s not like it bothers me.”
“It doesn’t?”
“N…not really, no.”
In fact, Hinata’s company was… pleasant, in a way he didn’t expect at all. He��d never been invited to other people’s houses before attending Karasuno, much less invited others to his own house. The only other time he’d gone to someone’s house other than Hinata’s was when they studied at Yachi’s place.
Was it like that for everyone? Did people just enjoy the company of their friends, or… or did it have to be a specific someone? Kageyama didn’t know. He wasn’t good at this whole people thing.
(He wrinkled his nose at the thought of inviting someone like Tsukishima over.)
“I like visiting you,” Hinata told him abruptly, and when Kageyama lifted his gaze, he saw the wide smile stretched across Hinata’s face. “It’s fun.”
“I don’t—” Kageyama shifted awkwardly, uncertain of how to take that. Was it a compliment? “I don’t really do anything special, though.”
“Well, even if we don’t do anything, it’s fun spending time with you,” Hinata said. “I like y—um, I like your company.”
If possible, Kageyama’s face grew even hotter. He looked away again, just because he wasn’t sure if he could handle looking at that bright smile of his. 
He, what? He didn’t know how to put his thoughts into words. 
“Just, um, just get into dry clothes,” came out instead, turning away because—because Hinata needed privacy to change. Yeah. “Then we can, um. Do something together, maybe.”
“Do something?” Hinata said, still wondering. "And you wouldn't mind? It doesn't bother you to hang out?"
“Sh—shut up! I wouldn't—um. I wouldn't... mind."
Of course I wouldn't mind. Of course I want to do something with you.
“I did bring my Switch and our game! Nice and dry in my bag.”
“At least you’re capable of taking care of something.”
“Hey! I’m good at taking care of things,” Hinata defended. “I’m an amazing older brother, just so you know.”
Yes, I know. “Mm. Yeah.”
“Just ask Natsu!” And then, playfully: “You wouldn’t know what it’s like being an older brother because you’re the younger sibling.”
“Wha—why does that even matter, you dumbass?!”
He turned around just in time to see Hinata pull his shirt—Kageyama’s shirt—over his head, and when it fell over his chest, twice his size, he grinned up at him. His bedroom light wasn’t on but Hinata seemed to glow in the dimness anyway: a piece of the sun itself, wedged into the body of one tiny person, shining bright just for Kageyama.
And in that realization, he found his answer to his earlier question:
Nobody was like Hinata. Nobody smiled like him, and nobody’s company felt the same. Hinata Shouyou was in a league of his own, and nobody else compared.
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greyfix · 2 years
Leave The Door Open
Title: Leave The Door Open
Ship: Tsukishima Kei/Hinata Shoyou
Summary: Tsukishima Kei and Hinata Shoyou are locked in the club room before practice. Tensions and hormones are high, and proximity is close. How will these boys cope?
Word Count: 2,086
Requested By: Tiffany on Ao3
Warnings/Tags: Fluff, Locked In, Making Out, Boredom, Tsukishima Kei Being an Asshole, Hinata Shouyou is Sunshine
 Author’s Note: I genuinely think that tsukishima would make out with hinata if he got bored enough
Ao3, Tumblr
Shoyou had just gotten to the club room when someone else walked in. He looked up expecting Kageyama, who sometimes comes early, but was surprised to see Tsukshima kei.
Shoyou doesn’t think much of the change. Sure, he was used to being alone when he first got to the school, but he wasn’t going to complain about company. Even if said company was decidedly grumpy. So, he went along with his usual routine. They continued in silence, facing opposite sides of the room. At least, until Shoyou went to leave and his bag was no longer there. “Tsukishima.” Shoyou spoke, alarmed, “Where’s my bag?” 
“Stopping the door?” He didn’t look.
“No! It’s not!” He was more alarmed now. 
Kei turned around, only half way through putting on his shirt. He looked towards where he saw the bag last and swore when he saw the door closed entirely. Normally this would be fine, because there’s usually a whole team of volleyball players around to open the door from the outside. However, it was 5 in the goddamn morning and Shoyou and Kei were the only ones around. 
Tsukishima seethed, “How could you be so stupid?”
“I didn’t even do anything!” Shoyou shouted in return.
“Well who the hell did it then!”
“Obviously not me, cause I was getting dressed!”
“The bag couldn’t have moved itself!”
“Maybe it just wasn’t stable?” Shoyou sighed, “I don’t know, but it’s over now. We’re stuck here.”
Kei rolled his eyes and sat down against the wall. If they’re going to be trapped in this room until someone gets here, he may as well sit down. Maybe he’ll go back to sleep. 
This worked for a while, but Shoyou doesn’t often go long without moving. He tried to practice receiving, but he was too bad and the room was too small so he kept hitting himself in the face. He tried practicing jumps, but once again the room was too small and his head suffered. Eventually Kei got sick of it and yelled at him to sit down. Seeing no other options, Shoyou did.
Both of their phones were trapped outside the room. Shoyou’s in his bag, and Kei’s in the gym where he dropped off his stuff on the way to the club room. 
About half an hour of silence passed when Shoyou finally spoke. Honestly it might be a record for him. “I’m bored.”
Kei pinned him with a searing glare, “Really? I could  have never guessed.” 
“You can't tell me you aren’t bored. You’ve been sitting there in the corner, completely silent, forever!”
Kei rolled his eyes, “Of course I'm bored, but I know better than to try and find something to do in an empty room. Also it’s five in the goddamn morning, not everyone has as much energy as you this early.” 
Shoyou huffed and slid further down the wall. “Why don’t we play a game or something.”
“No.” Kei’s eyes were still closed. He’s hoping he’ll slip into a coma or something to get out of this situation. He figures sleep is the more feasible option so he’s going for that one. 
“Come on,” Shoyou whined, “Why not? I might die if we keep just doing nothing.”
“Perfect.” Kei still didn’t open his eyes, but he could imagine the look on shoyous face when he smirked. 
“Stingyshima.” Shoyou grumped for another five minutes before he spoke again. “What about-” he began only to be interrupted by Kei. 
This time another half hour passed. But Kei was the first to speak, “How the hell is your little boyfriend not here yet. Doesn’t he usually come at the ass crack of dawn to set for you?”
“He doesn’t usually come until seven. I have two hours to myself in the morning. Also, he’s not my boyfriend, ew.” Kei’s eyes were open so he saw the physical cringe that thought caused in Shoyou. 
“Really?” He was genuinely curious, he always thought there was at least something between the two. “You guys look like you’ve either been together for like 18 years, or that you’ve been denying your feelings for each other for that long.” Kei chuckled. 
“Um, absolutely not. Kageyama is a great teammate and a great friend, but i feel like he’d probably be a horrible boyfriend. At least to me. I’m sure there’s someone out there for him.”
Kei couldn’t help but laugh. 
Shoyou couldn’t help but join in. “What about you and Yamaguchi? They act very much like a partner.”
Kei nearly gagged. “Absolutely not. I’ve known them for way too long. Also they're disappointingly into women, not that I blame them.”
“You know, I should've guessed that. Their whole cottage core vibe is very lesbian esque.”
Kei smiled. A real smile, not that mocking one he usually shows off. It was small, sure, but it was real. “I’ve told them that many times.”
They fell back into silence but this time it was comfortable. This time they were quiet together. The room somehow felt so much bigger. Like somehow they were limiting themselves to the space without each other in it, but now they've connected, even if it’s only a little bit. 
They never would have thought they would bond over being mistaken as taken with their best friends. Even though they would have never thought of it before, it felt right. 
Shoyou didn’t know how long they stayed like this. At some point they moved closer together, to the point where they could feel eachothers warmth. 
Shoyou blamed this next part on temporary insanity. As if without his permission, Shoyou’s mouth opened and spoke for him. “Do you wanna make out?”
Kei’s head whipped around so fast Shoyou swore it made a cartoon sound effect. “What?” He spoke carefully, as though he was unsure of his control over his mouth.
“I asked if you wanna make out. I mean neither of us are taken, were both into dudes, there’s nothing better to do and-”
“I really don’t want to hear a logical explanation out of you right now.” Kei shook his head in disbelief, but that smile had returned. 
Shoyou decided he liked that smile. “Is that a yes?” He grinned. 
Kei tried not to think too hard about it. “Sure.”
Shoyou smiled so bright Kei was sure he was going to be blinded. “Can I sit on your lap?”
He took a moment to be confused by the question. “Why?” 
Shoyou giggled, “Because I’m small, and you’re alot bigger than me. I like that.”
Kei would never admit that went straight to his dick. “Alright.” He would also never admit to the smile he wore while Shoyou straddled his lap, putting his arms around his neck and playing with the hairs at his nape. 
Their faces were only inches apart, and when Kei reached to put his hands on Shoyous waist the smaller boy arched his back so that their bodies were pressed together. Kei could feel shoyous breath on his lips. He leaned forward to close the gap. 
But shoyou leaned away, only a little. He allowed for their lips to graze, but smiled as he pulled away. He wanted to tease more. 
Kei wouldn’t allow that. He surged forward at the same time as he pulled Shoyou closer. Their lips met and shoyou gasped. It was so warm. And so good. He held on tighter to Kei, hoping that he could somehow move closer, but it was impossible to be any closer than they were in the moment. 
One of Kei’s hands moved from shoyou’s waist, up his back, to the back of his head pressing their lips together harder, as though that would somehow allow them to dive into each other’s skin. 
Shoyou hummed and gripped the back of Kei's shirt. He needed to breathe but he didn’t want to stop. So he didn’t. 
Kei nipped at shoyous lip, hard enough to sting just right and shoyou gasped. Kei took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. Shoyou whimpered at the sensation. That only spurred Kei on further. 
Shoyou moved his hands from the back of Kei's shirt to brush over his front. He felt over the tough muscle of his pecs and the soft plush of his stomach. His breath hitched so he touched the roof of Shoyou's mouth with his tongue earning another moan. 
Kei threaded his fingers through shoyou’s hair tugging firmly. This time the sound was deep from his chest, not a hum of pleasure but a moan. Kei didn’t want to leave Shoyou’s lips, but he took comfort in the fact that he could return. He moved to kiss the side of Shoyou’s mouth, his cheek, his jaw. Then he took his time. 
He pressed his lips to Shoyou’s pulse point and sucked. Hard. He bit and licked at the skin. Sucking and kissing, leaving behind a deep purple bruise before moving along the column of the smaller boy's throat. 
He fed off the sounds Shoyou released with every bite at his skin. His hands roamed under Shoyou’s t-shirt brushing at the skin just above the waistband of his shorts. This time the sound Shoyou let out was a whimper. “Kei-”
Kei moaned.  
Shoyou pulled away. “My turn.” He pressed his lips to Kei’s with renewed fervor. Prying his lips opened to lick inside. He sucked on Kei’s tongue drawing another one of those beautiful moans out of him. He pushed his hands under Keis shirt finally feeling the warmth of his skin without the barrier of clothing between them. “Can i-” His breathing was heavy, “Off.” He sacrificed the warmth of the Kei’s skin to tug on the hem of his shirt. 
Kei sat up off the wall to pull his shirt over his head as he spoke, “Only if you do too.” 
Shoyou nodded, lifting his arms up and allowing Kei to lift his shirt above his head. The second he could, Shoyou surged forward, attaching his lips to his collarbones. He couldn’t resist all of this pale skin before him like a blank canvas ready to be painted. 
Shoyou drank up every one of Kei’s sounds. He began to roll his hips into Keis, desperate for some friction where he needed it most. 
Kei’s hips involuntarily bucked up. His fingers dug into the skin of Shoyou's back, feeling the corded muscle moving beneath as he dragged his hips over Kei’s. The room was filled with the sounds of their panting breaths, their clothes rubbing against each other, and their desperate moans. 
Kei wanted more. So much more. He wanted to feel, and taste every inch of Shoyou. He wanted to now. And he wanted all of that so much more every time he felt shoyous hardness grind against his own. It felt so good. Just grinding through clothes shouldn’t feel so good. But it did. It felt so good that his head was beginning to feel so light. 
Kei’s head tipped back when Shoyou’s tongue brushed over his nipple. He groaned loudly when he bit down. His grip tightened on Shoyou as his hips bucked up violently, only causing shoyou to grind down with more fervor. 
Kei pulled Shoyou’s lips back to meet his, and was so lost in the pleasure that he almost didn’t notice when the door to the club room opened. 
He looked towards the door, eyes heavy and lidded until he saw the figure in the doorway. He recognized who it was immediately. A tall figure with dark hair and wide blue eyes. Shoyou only lifted off of him when he heard the scream of disgust. 
Shoyou turned around, not releasing his grip on Kei, to see Kageyama Tobio standing in the doorway no longer facing the boys on the floor of the club room. 
Tobio groaned again, “What the FUCK!”
“Kageyama!” Shoyou leaped off of Kei, searching for his shirt to cover himself with, apparently more concerned with his nipples than his very apparent hard-on. 
Kei just sighed and let his head fall back against the wall, too frustrated with the denial of his bliss to care that Tobio was standing there staring at him. A version of him that wasn’t sneering down at him, but on the floor looking absolutely fucked out and covered in hickeys. 
“Him?!” Tobio shouted incredulously at Shoyou. 
“Shut up Kageyama!” Shoyou shouted back at Tobio, thus was their dynamic. 
“Get dressed!” And with that, Tobio turned and left the room. 
Leaving the door open, of course. 
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
Behind the canvas
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HQZLlSA
by PayLark4
Oikawa got sick, missing one of his assignments. Now he needs to find a model if he wants to pass his course.
Words: 2531, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Matsukawa Issei, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Hinata Shouyou
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Sickfic, Nude Modeling, Friends to Lovers, Sick Character, Alternate Universe - College/University, iwaoi - Freeform, Art Student Oikawa
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HQZLlSA
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oatsn-honey · 4 years
catharsis -- kagehina
summary: Kageyama thought he wouldn't be able to withstand another instance of that bullcrap; watching helplessly as Hinata worked himself ragged, to the point of no return. Him left to guide his stupid, idiotic, dumb boyfriend from the gym, demanded by the coach to leave practice and rest. Another incident, another accident, another collapse. Were they nothing to Hinata? Well, they surely boiled Kageyama's blood, and each minute stacked another pressure and worry on his shoulders. There was no way he could do this again. And yet, here he was, waiting in the clubroom, Hinata, tears streaming down his face as coughs and tremors wracked his frighteningly frail body, enveloped in his arms.
notes: omg posting again after only 6 days??? literally feels like it was a month ago, what's goin on? quarantine got all time flow messed up (❁°͈▵°͈) anywho! pls enjoy!
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Kageyama tugged at a fistful of his raven hair, stray strands tickling his face as a sigh forced itself from his chest. He swallowed thickly, feeling a shudder run through him. He couldn’t decide whether to be angry at Hinata or concerned for Hinata. “You’re exhausting, you know?” He supposed for now he would settle for exasperated.
His grip loosened and he gazed up at Hinata, his expression softening. He extended a hand to brush damp bangs, ratty and knotted, from the boy’s face. Even if he wanted to, it would be impossible to stay mad at him.
“I-I know,” the redhead hicced, his shoulders trembling as tears pooled on the tips of his light eyelashes and in the corners of his downcast eyes, “I’m s-sorry.” Kageyama’s brows furrowed, that aching desire to just make it better smothering everything in reach as he took a steadying breath.
“No, don’t apologize.” He rolled his shoulders to ease the growing tension, and from his crouch on the clubroom’s tatami mats, he reached up to massage Hinata’s jumping legs. The small desk chair the blocker rested in shook with him, and Kageyama’s mouth flattened into a frown.
A small sniffle caught his attention and his head jerked upward to stare at his boyfriend, “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” With his heart rate spiking, Kageyama’s free hand cupped his cheek, thumbing away the stray tears. The setter bit at his bottom lip, each swipe of his finger mounting a treacherous apprehension on his shoulders, constricting his heart until he couldn’t breathe from the ache.  
His efforts proved futile to calm Hinata; the tears quickly carving streaks into his crestfallen face.
Releasing Hinata, Kageyama promptly delved into his duffle bag in search of something, hands fumbling with an uneasiness that threatened to choke him out -- he was no good in these situations. Triumphantly, he yanked out a wrinkled sweatshirt, thrusting it abruptly into Hinata’s lap. He helped him tug it on immediately, movements frenzied and yet cautious, until the smaller boy was engulfed by the folds and his quivering hands disappeared into the sleeves. Kageyama’s lips formed a grim line as he approached the spiker, his arms wrapping around the boy’s shoulders limply. Bending, he planted a kiss on the crown of his head, the tangled hair irritating his nose, as he whispered soothing words. Even if this wasn’t his area of expertise, per say, Kageyama would do all in his physical capabilities for Hinata. “Soon; she’ll be here soon.”
Hinata simply clutched to Kageyama, the other’s t-shirt scrunching in his fierce hold as small cries racked his body. Each congested sound pierced Kageyama’s heart, and he could only pray his mother would arrive soon.
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Eventually, they moved to slump against the wall of the clubroom, Hinata’s whimpers pacified long enough for him to settle and his breaths to even out as he rested in Kageyama’s lap. The setter let his eyes drift closed, his head thudding once against the wall, as he traced familiar shapes onto the small of Hinata’s back.
He exhaled harshly, his own bout of exhaustion coursing through his body, sore from practice and left drained by his all-consuming concern. He took a moment to drag his hand down his face, digging the edge of his palm into his eye-socket. After a moment, his arm fell slack, resuming it’s ministrations on the material of his own sweatshirt on Hinata’s hot skin. His heart swelled at the sight of his boyfriend’s face; face flushed, lips parted as small gasps squeaked through. “Oi, what am I going to do with you?” He kissed his forehead, sweltering with a raging fever. His normally impassive (Hinata would call it angry, but he begged to differ) expression teasing at a small smile as his heart swelled.
Deep breaths passed through Kageyama, relaxed by the weight on his chest and the tantalizing extension of sleep. His hands stalled mid motion, and he wrapped them tighter around Hinata’s waist -- who would care if he took just a few minutes to close his eyes?
His phone buzzed erratically in his pocket of his shorts, pulling a groan from deep in his throat. Shifting Hinata in his lap, careful to not rouse him, his hands clasped around his cell, accepting the call and carelessly pressing it to his ear. “Hello?” He was so close to falling blissfully asleep.
“Tobio, I’m here.” He never really thought that he would be excited to hear his mother’s deadpan, authoritative, and vaguely annoyed voice especially when she’d interrupted his sleep, but here he was. He didn’t answer into the line, quickly disconnecting the call (something he would probably be reprimanded for later), slipping his phone back into his pocket.
I can do this, he reassured himself, one arm maneuvering to snake underneath the bend of Hinata’s knees. Swallowing, he eased himself from the ground, thighs protesting slightly at the extra weight. He cradled Hinata to his chest, careful to avoid jostling him too much.
His breath hitched panickedly at the small noise of protest Hinata made, but the spiker fell motionless aside from the small twitches of his closed eyelids. Some of the tightness left Kageyama’s body. Let’s do this; he steeled his nerves, slinging their bags over his shoulders. He stepped outside of the clubroom.
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At some point during the car ride, perhaps when they were travelling over the crests and troughs of the hills or following the slithering turns of the mountain roads, Hinata stirred with a start. Gasping, he called aimlessly for Kageyama -- from the front seat, Kageyama angled his body to place a comforting hand on his boyfriend’s hip.
“Hey, now, it’s okay.”
Two tired eyes, the color hazed and swirling like melted caramel, slowly rose to meet his own. “Mmm,” Hinata moaned, shuddering and curling tighter on the car’s bench seat. Desperately, he grasped at Kageyama’s hand, holding it to his chest, rising and falling with each shaky breath.
Turning briefly to glance at his mom, her face unreadable as she casually turned the wheel, Kageyama asked, “Hey, mom, when will we be there?” After her terse answer, Kageyama echoed to Hinata (and to himself, perhaps), “Just five minutes, Shouyou.”
Kageyama received no response aside from wet coughs and stuttering breaths. God, when did he get like this? How could I let him get like this? Kageyama cursed himself. He could feel a headache blossoming across the crown of his head, pushing at his temples and leaving his mind muddled aside from the obnoxious anxiety pecking, pecking, pecking at his thoughts.
His shoulder, arm stretched uncomfortably, twinged with pain. Kageyama grunted, unbuckling his seat belt and moving to clamber into the back seat, long legs sliding over the center console. Next to him, his mother made a small hmph, but said nothing, attention focused on the dark roads of the mountainside.
Back bent uncomfortably to squat in the car, Kageyama took a seat and placed Hinata’s head in his lap. His presence, and perhaps warmth, seemed to hinder some of the shivers of the other boy. One hand came to rest on his side, the other carding through Hinata’s hair, gently combing out the small, intricate knots integrated into the forever untamed orange locks. He couldn’t be bothered by it tickling his skin. His eyebrows pressed closer; if this was all he could do for Hinata, what kind of boyfriend was he?
The boy beneath him shifted, clicking his tongue. His voice, dry and hoarse, but still ultimately heaven to Kageyama’s ears, wedged into Kageyama’s stupor. “Hey,” he tried before clearing his throat, coughing weakly once, “Thanks, Tobio.”
His chest puffing with his next inhale, warmth brushing the tips of his ears, Kageyama replied, “Well, of course.” His fingernails gently scratched against Hinata’s scalp -- a keening noise slipped past his pale lips, sending a twitch through Kageyama’s spine. “We’ll be there soon, okay?”
Hinata hummed feebly, turning into Kageyama as another wave of tremors wracked his frame. He really is an idiot, Kageyama thought fondly.
Still, disquiet disturbed the affection in his heart, leaving him with traitorous butterflies flitting in his gut and chest.
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With Hinata’s arm thrown over his broad shoulder, his own arm wrapped protectively (perhaps overly so) around his waist, Kageyama toed open the door to the Hinata household, the door swinging open with a disconcerting screech. He stumbled to again lock the door, but managed to arrive safely in the dark entryway. With a grimace, Kageyama eased Hinata onto the ledge of the entrance, watching as he swayed haphazardly. Heart racing, each beat nearly gagging him, Kageyama’s hands flew to latch onto Hinata’s elbows, bracing him. His teeth ground together at the confused look Hinata sent him.
“Hey, I need you to support yourself for just a second, okay, Shou?” A weak nod in return -- one that Kageyama couldn’t fully trust. Testing the waters, he released his hold on Hinata; Kageyama began to untie and slip off the sneakers (so small; he was so small) on Hinata’s feet. His hands remained tense, the tendons flexing underneath the skin, ready to launch up to grab him again if need be.
“‘Kay,” he breathed, slipping an arm underneath Hinata’s armpit. He pulled them up together, helping Hinata step onto the hardwood floor. He watched as he shuddered from the cold. With fervor and haste, Kageyama stomped on the heels of his own shoes (he realized he hadn’t changed from his volleyball shoes -- Daichi would kill him) and yanked his feet out, socks left behind in the commotion.
“Do you want to take a bath?” he asked, guiding Hinata through his own house, his small feet sliding unsurely on the floor. He’s so out of it. Hinata’s eyes drifted from object to object, appearing almost confused by the home he had grown up in before Kageyama growled under his breath and repeated the question, “Hey, do you want to bathe?”
Eventually, they reached the couch -- thank the lord -- and Kageyama situated Hinata against the armrest, throwing a blanket over his quivering body. Sighing, he told him, “I’ll let you think about it, okay. Don’t fall asleep, I’ll be back in a second.” He left a fleeting kiss against his cheek, hot and wet from earlier.
Gnawing at the inside of his lip, Kageyama dug through the kitchen medicine cabinet for a thermometer, ears fine-tuned to listen into the living room. He found a bottle of ibuprofen during the quest, stowing it in his pocket for later. A gasp pushed past his lips as his hand wrapped around a thermometer, hidden deep in the back of the cabinet. Quickly, he slammed the door shut. After fetching a small glass, he filled it up with tap water from the sink, water splashing onto the countertop. Urgency pricked at his mind, his pulse quickening as he threw a towel on the mess, beginning to wipe the counter--
There was a crash.
Eyes widening, he rushed to the living room, mess left forgotten behind. On the steps to the second floor, Hinata, hand reaching desperately for the banister above the stairs. Coughs left his body quivering, shoulders hitching with each breath. It was like a bullet to the chest.
“Idiot!” Kageyama cried, slamming the cup onto the couch side table. He barrelled towards Hinata, demanding his heart not to burst through his chest and onto the wooden panels of the floor. “Hey, what were you thinking?! I told you not to move!” In his arms, he turned over Hinata, collapsed with perspiration spotting his face and neck, lifting his head towards his chest. He couldn’t help but curl over him protectively, hands finding their home on his shoulder. “Shouyou! Answer me!”
He flinched, and Kageyama’s eyes dilated with horror. Why is this so hard -- why does he make it so hard? “Sorry, sorry,” he moaned, voice shaking. His breaths, meant to be a calm example for Hinata, sped, distressed huffs of air. A hand gripped at his forearm, and he stared down at his boyfriend, his expression exhausted and yet soothing. “R-right,” Kageyama exhaled, sitting a touch straighter.
“So, how about we take a bath.” It wasn’t a question.
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“Okay, I’m going to take your temperature now,” Kageyama relayed, pushing Hinata’s bangs from his forehead to get a good look at his dazed eyes. He stuck the thermometer underneath Hinata’s tongue, and guided the boy’s hand to latch onto the stick, holding secure. “Hold that there; I’ll be right back,” he called behind him, leaving him slumped on the closed toilet, wrapped in just a towel.
Strides wide and rushed, Kageyama bounded down the staircase, veering off at the bottom to snatch the glass he had left on the couch-side table. Already fearing what may have happened while Hinata was left unintended, he leapt up the steps, fear clutching at his heart. “Okay, I’m back,” his voice was slightly breathless as he pushed open the bathroom door.
“Hi,” Hinata slurred, a loopy smile stretching his lips. He hummed absently, the thermometer in his mouth bordering on falling to the tile. The towel Kageyama had so carefully secured around his body was beginning to droop off his shaking shoulders.
“Oi, idiot, I told you to hold onto that thermometer,” Kageyama strode over, crossing his arms over his chest. He pulled the device away and restarted it. “Here, we’ve gotta do it again.” Hinata blinked up at him, his mouth smacking closed after he had the thermometer, that slanted grin still teasing Kageyama -- he narrowed his eyes down at his boyfriend, one hand adjusting the blue towel around Hinata.
After half a minute, a series of beeps cued Kageyama to take the thermometer back. “Mm,” he read, “38.4.” He looked pointedly at Hinata, “Not good, Shou.” He received a half hearted shrug and tempting pout in response. “How many times do I have to tell you to, you know, not push yourself to the point of exhaustion and sickness?” Kageyama lamented, shuffling over to the bathtub to start the water. “How warm?”
A small cough, “I don’t know? A nice temperature, I guess?”
“Right, sure, makes perfect sense,” Kageyama rolled his eyes, testing the water on the inside of his wrist. He clicked his tongue, satisfied. After stopping the plug and adding a generous amount of lavender bubble bath (maybe Hinata’s, maybe his little sister’s), Kageyama turned back to his boyfriend, watching unhappily as his eyelids slid closed -- snapping open, then falling closed for several seconds, then open again, rinse and repeat.  
Soon, he was in front of Hinata, letting the other boy slump his head against his stomach with a small, forced laugh. He threaded his long fingers through the fiery locks, once again working out new knots that he had no idea as to how they appeared. “Seriously, you’ve got to stop doing this, Shou.”
Hinata groaned, twitching uncomfortably, “I know, Tobio; I know.” He breathed haughtily, “Or I won’t be useful on the court, right?” His voice broke halfway, and Kageyama could feel his body tense. The sound of gushing bath water melded with the thunder of blood rushing in Kageyama’s ears.
“What?!” Kageyama bellowed, before consciously lowering his voice. Easily, he lowered to a kneel, and cupped Hinata’s cheeks, “I-- I never said that, Shouyou.” Silence. “I never even thought that, not once.” He took a steadying breath, his words sticking to his tongue like overcooked rice. Carefully, “Obviously, when you wear yourself to the ground -- especially when you’re sick! -- but regardless, it doesn’t help with our play.” Hinata’s face fell. “But, Shouyou, that’s not what’s important to me. I wouldn’t care if you couldn’t play volleyball at all, but I can’t stand seeing you do this to yourself -- working yourself ragged.” His words were no longer hesitant as he spoke next, “I love you, and I need you to take care of yourself. I want to see you happy and healthy.”
Hinata gaped at him, despite the ever-present distance in his eyes. Kageyama tugged a hand through his own hair, cheeks red. I never feel confident during times like this. Bashfully, he glared holes into the bathroom tiles.
A body came crashing onto his, two arms slinking around his shoulders. Struggling to maintain his balance, Kageyama cried shrilly, “Hinata, don’t hug me! You’re nearly naked!” He fell onto his rump, grimacing at the impact. He wrapped his arms around Hinata’s waist anyway, tucking his face into the junction between Hinata’s neck and shoulder. He planted a feather-light kiss there.
“Oh, like you care,” Hinata laughed, his croaky voice cracking every syllable. He left a sloppy, wet kiss on Kageyama’s forehead, then on each cheek, his nose, and lastly, his protesting lips.
“You’re going to get me sick!”
Hinata, bubbly giggles tumbling from his lips, peppered more kisses on Kageyama’s face, ignoring his half-hearted insults and whining.
“Ugh, let’s just get you in the bath; it’s nearly overflowing.” Kageyama moaned, resigning with hands raised in surrender. “Unless you want to pay for new flooring.”
Hinata laughed at his attempt at a jab (or joke; they were almost the same when it came to Kageyama), and used the wall to lift himself off of his boyfriend. “‘Kay,” he sang, sounding like his throat was in ribbons. Somehow, the towel was still secured around his shoulders.
He let Kageyama ease him into the tub, the other grumbling the whole process, complaining about how he would certainly fall ill now. As he sank into the bath, the water soothed his body, spent from the little tussle. His eyes were unfocused and closed as he fell deeper into the water, the bubbles tickling at his collarbone.
“Hey, turn for me; I’m going to wash your nasty hair,” Kageyama spat, still pretending to be bitter from earlier. Hinata mumbled something incoherently, listlessly allowing himself to be moved by Kageyama’s strong hands.
Those same hands were soon entangled in his hair, working shampoo smelling of coconut into a lather. He hummed contently, relaxing into Kageyama’s touch. “Hey, don’t fall asleep, Shou.” More muffled words, nonsense to Kageyama’s ears. He let him slump against his arms -- he was light enough to support, anyway.
“Okay, close your eyes, I’m going to rinse now.” He peered over Hinata’s shoulder. “Oh,” he breathed, “Your eyes are closed.” Hinata’s chest rattled with a laugh. With one hand tenderly cupped at his hairline, Kageyama steadily poured a cup of water -- regrettably soapy from the bubble bath -- over his hair. He did it three more times, and concluded with a toss of Hinata’s orange mop of locks. “All done.”
Hinata’s hands claspped together limply, applauding weakly, a small curl to his lips. Water splashed between them, still slightly submerged. “Oi,” Kageyama warned, ruffling Hinata’s hair again. He dipped his hand in the water and lightly smacked Hinata on the shoulder, leaving a mountain of bubbles. “I’ll be back; don’t drown.” He left the room, sparing a glance behind his shoulder.
Sauntering into Hinata’s room across the hall, the balls of his feet aching from practice, Kageyama assigned himself to unmaking the bed. He considered himself fortunate for knowing which pillows and stuffed animals Hinata slept with specifically -- if he were to forget that old lion stuffed animal, Hinata would whine and complain until he had it in his grabby little clutches.
After adjusting the three different blankets (it was crazy how easily Hinata got cold), Kageyama glanced around the room. Sitting conveniently on Hinata’s desk chair was a baby blue heating pad. Kageyama ambled across the room and tucked the pad underneath his arm.
After figuring out how the temperature gage worked on it (it was different from the one his mom had at home), he plugged it in and placed it carefully underneath the top sheet. He pursed his lips. Surely this is a fire hazard. He debated whether it was safe to put there, clearing various items from the floor -- a pair of shoes, a couple of his own sweatshirts (if Hinata wasn’t so sick, he would probably yell at him for it), a bag, and many mismatching socks strewn across the room.
He stilled for a moment.
It was far too silent across the hall.
He flew across the hall, all worries regarding a fire gone, erased from memory. “Shouyou?!” He barged into the bathroom, ramming his shoulder into the door. What if he fell asleep and drowned?
Two caramel eyes floated up to him, unsuspecting and relaxed. “Yes?” he warbled, his minute motions stilling. The bubbles shifted around him, and in his hands, a rubber duck. “What’s wrong?”
Groaning, Kageyama threw his head into his palm, emotions tilting between relieved and exasperated. “I’m an idiot for worrying.” Hinata cast him a questioning look, his right index finger absently pushing the duck toy in the water. “Ugh, nothing,” Kageyama dismissed with a wave of his hand, trudging forwards.
“Are you ready to get out?”
“Yup!” He sounded far too chipper, Kageyama decided.
Soon enough, the bath’s stop was pulled, and the sudsy water began to drain. Offering an arm, which Hinata latched onto gratefully, Kageyama aided with the climb out, “And up we go.” Retrieving the towel, he softly shimmied the towel over his head, simultaneously flinging water everywhere and drying Hinata’s hair. His boyfriend grinned up at him cheekily. He flung the towel at Hinata, grumbling with pink cheeks, “You can dry yourself off.”
Hinata laughed, quavering and amused, and Kageyama couldn’t help but return a warm smile.
“I’ll go get you something to sleep in.”
Moments later, he returned with a fresh change of clothes (which of course included one of his own tees -- he couldn’t help it, it was like a guilty pleasure, seeing Hinata in his clothing). Hinata leant against the counter, bundled in his towel, a flourescent green toothbrush in his mouth. He mumbled a greeting around it, extending Kageyama’s own toothbrush (he always kept an extra at the Hinata household).
“Thanks,” Kageyama murmured, placing the small pile of clothes down. Two minutes later -- Hinata was very particular about dental hygiene for some reason -- they were finished, and Hinata was slipping on his change of attire while Kageyama rinsed his face and tidied up (as much as possible) the destroyed bathroom.
“Carry me?” Hinata implored, hand latching onto Kageyama’s sleeve, doe-eyes begging. They were still clouded with fever, face drained of color, but he swayed on the balls of his feet anyway.
“Shouyou, your room is literally 5 feet away,” Kageyama countered, voice sharp with mock-annoyance. But with another plea and pout, Kageyama was caught hook, line, and sinker. Securing his arms underneath Hinata’s legs, the spiker’s arms flung over his shoulders, Kageyama took his (their?) first step towards the bedroom, flicking the light switch on his way out.
He padded across the hallway and into Hinata’s room, before lowering his boyfriend, deceivingly tiny and thin, onto the twin bed. He set to digging through Hinata’s drawer, finding some clothes for himself while the other nuzzled into the comforter.
“It’s a good thing you always keep some clothes here, huh?” Hinata cooed from across the room, on top of and yet enveloped by the blankets and pillows (and, of course, Kageyama’s shirt). He watched sleepily, devoid of any readable emotion except mitigation, as Kageyama slipped on a new set of clothes for sleeping. He would just shower in the morning.
“Yeah,” Kageyama returned, making his way back to Hinata, who laid prone on the bed, eyes once again closed. While passing, he shut the door with a click and switched the lights off. “Hey, get under the covers.” He himself clambered underneath the sheets, lifting them up for Hinata to join him.
On hands and knees, Hinata advanced sluggishly, immediately clinging to Kageyama’s side. “Mm, so warm,” he drawled, unaware of the heating pad beneath him, somehow. After tossing the blankets over them, Kageyama carefully maneuvered it, thanking his stars that they had avoided a fire in his panic.
Kageyama stole a relaxing inhale, feeling some of the pent-up stress leave his body. His arm instinctively slid underneath Hinata, still tucked into his side, and his hand knitted into Hinata’s hair. Next to him, lips moving against him, Hinata drawled, “You’re the best, Tobio. I love you.”
His heart surged, exhilarating waves of affection -- something stronger than those butterflies -- crashing into his stomach. With a wobbly smile, he pressed a kiss into Hinata’s hair. “I love you too, Shou. Forever.”
“Even if you’re an idiot.”
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notes:  idk what to say,,,? (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )ƅ̋ mmm, maybe smth like this was another spontaneous project that i shouldn't have worked on but did?? hopefully i'll finish up my other pending story here soon and get some other stuff done before i start another random project adfjas;dlfjadsfjas;df pls i beg of u, future me pls let me know what u thought in the comments! tysm for reading!! <3 ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱♡
25 notes · View notes
Title: Warmth Summary: Shouyou was okay, he was, but all that changed. Fever and tension high, Tobio looks after his very sick partner.
(Queerplatonic KageHina, hurt/comfort, sickfic, like literally just 11k of self-indulgent sickfic, LOTS of cuddles/snuggles, soft comforts, heavy on the comfort, fever, worried Kageyama, no angst here y’all just hurt/comfort sick-fic style)
(((Warning(s): hospital (temporarily), emetophobia)))
Read on AO3
Tobio has never seen Shouyou sick before.
Shouyou and Tobio have been living together for about a month now, splitting the rent in a small apartment in a small downtown neighborhood. They work separate jobs, play volleyball with the locals and are trying to figure out university, taking some classes here and there on the side in preparation for entrance exams and whatever else the colleges will throw at them. They’ve had plenty of ups and downs with each other, especially since officially becoming partners—in-court in high school, and now off the court as working adults.
In hindsight, their relationship had always been there, though they hadn’t put actual thought into it until now. It’d been such a mutual part of them that living together just seemed… right.
And, also in hindsight, it’s weird that he’s never seen Shouyou sick before considering how long they’ve known each other. There were times in high school where Shouyou had called out because of a head cold and Tobio or someone else on the team would bring him his homework, but he always bounced back within a day or two. And he’s been trying to be better with taking care of himself lately, too, trying to get a decent amount of sleep every night and making sure he eats and hydrates enough throughout the day. He’s still gotten head colds here and there but it’s never been a big deal. He barely has to take sick days.
This time is different.
Shouyou has been sick for the past several days now, and running a fever at that. It isn’t… that high? Or, Tobio doesn’t think it’s high enough for him to be panicking, but he’s still concerned. And Shouyou hasn’t been able to stomach anything, either, or stay on his feet for more than a few minutes at a time. The better part of the week has had him in bed, feverish and miserable and quiet. Shouyou is never quiet. That concerns him, too.
Tobio goes to work the first day or two, because he expects Shouyou to be up and at ‘em by the time he gets home, but, no, he stays in bed. His fever doesn’t go down. And it’s by day three that Tobio finally calls in sick and stays home to take care of him.
He’d like to say it gets better from there, but it didn’t. On the night of day four, Tobio’s concern finally turns into something more akin to panic.
"You're dehydrated, I know you are," Tobio says, holding out a small glass of water. He keeps the room dim; the last thing he wants to do is disturb Shouyou’s headache. "You've gotta keep something in your system if you wanna get better."
Shouyou moans and shivers, drawing the blankets further around himself. Tobio’s stomach twists a little. “No,” he murmurs, shaking his head. “If I drink it now I'm just gonna throw it up.”
Tobio bites his lip. “You don't know that.”
“I do. Trust me.”
Tobio wants to argue, but if the past few days are anything to go by, he’s absolutely right. He settles the glass on the bedside table to try again later and sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Do you need anything?” he asks. “Is there something I can get you, or…?”
Shouyou shakes his head, but stops short. “It’s… it’s really hot…”
“We’re trying to sweat your fever out,” Tobio says curtly, but not without sympathy, and he draws the blankets further around Shouyou’s trembling shoulders. “You just feel overheated because of your fever.”
“I know,” Shouyou mumbles, curling in tighter on himself. “S-Still sucks, though.”
Tobio sighs again. He really wishes he could do more, but knows by now that, when it comes to stuff like this, all he can really offer is comfort.
“Alright,” Tobio says, shaking his head, “scoot over.”
Shouyou does, and Tobio slips underneath the blankets with him. It isn’t the first time they’ve shared a bed. It’s sort of become a nightly thing for the two of them. Shouyou wastes no time curling against Tobio's side, and Tobio lets him, wrapping his arms around Shouyou's shoulders even while Shouyou's uncomfortably warm forehead digs into his collar.
He sighs again, but it quickly turns into a hiss when his fingers brush the back of Shouyou's neck. "You're burning up..."
"Y’hands are j’s cold," Shouyou slurs, eyes closed. "Temperature's always messed up..."
"My hands aren’t cold," Tobio corrects sharply, settling his palm over Shouyou's temple. "Which means you’re really burning up."
Shouyou hums, unconcerned. "M'kay..."
Tobio runs his fingers through Shouyou's sweat-damp curls. "You know what I should do?"
"... Dunno...?"
"I should take you to the ER. I should’ve taken you to the ER yesterday.”
"No, this is fine," Shouyou murmurs, snuggling closer while Tobio strokes his hair. "I don't need a hospital."
"You do if you're dehydrated."
"M'not dehydrated."
"You’ve been sick for days, Shouyou." The words sink in for him, and he bites his lip. "I really should take you in. They could set up an IV, they could help you."
"M'fine. I'll get better on my own.”
“You haven’t been getting better on your own.”
“I will. M'just tired right now."
Tobio sighs again, and he knows it won't be the last time. "If you still have a fever tomorrow," he opts, "then can I take you in? Just so they can check and make sure you're okay?"
Shouyou must pick up on the concern in his voice, because he nods. "M'kay," he agrees. "M'tired of being sick..."
"Yeah, me too," Tobio agrees, brushing Shouyou's hair off his burning forehead. "Sorry."
"S'okay… you're doing everything you can. Thank y’."
"You're welcome." Tobio smooths back his hair and shuts his eyes. "Try to get some sleep. We'll see how you feel tomorrow."
Shouyou nods, and moments later, he's sound asleep. After monitoring him for a little while longer, Tobio follows in suit.
They don’t even make it to morning. It’s barely an hour later that Shouyou is choking bile into the bedside trash can, and Tobio can’t take it any longer.
“Okay.” He keeps his voice controlled, because stress makes Shouyou sicker and he cannot put him through anything else. “Okay, okay, Shou, we’re going to the ER.”
Shouyou coughs into the trash can without protesting, which might be one of the most worrying things about this. Tobio gives him a tight, to-be-continued hug with a promise that he’ll be back and swings himself out of bed, making record time as he snatches up everything they need. He starts with the most important things, running to and fro, frantically skimming his mind for where he put his damn wallet and the house keys. He ends up with Shouyou’s set of keys and only sees it first because Shouyou has a cute little dog bobblehead attached to it.
He stuffs everything into a backpack, along with enough t-shirts and sweatpants to last them a few days (just in case), and then he shoves his shoes on his feet and takes his haul back into the bedroom. Shouyou is where he left him, only now he’s hugging a pillow to his chest and his eyes are red and watery. Partially from exertion and partially from what Tobio can only imagine (but really doesn’t want to) is stress and fear and exhaustion.
He sits by Shouyou’s side, careful not to rock the bed. “Hey, dumbass,” he whispers, gently tucking some of his sweaty hair behind his ear. “We need to get ready to go.”
“I don’t want to be sick in the hospital,” Shouyou croaks, squeezing the pillow tighter and burying his face into it. “I’m s-supposed to have work soon, I can’t be in the hospital, Tobio, I can’t—”  
“They’re going to get you feeling better, Shou,” Tobio soothes, at a loss for what else to say. Shouyou has never been this sick before. He winds an arm around Shouyou’s shoulders and tugs him up against his side. Shouyou curls his knees in close and lets go of the pillow to cling to him instead, arms around his waist and blistering forehead digging into Tobio’s side. Tobio blanches (that fever is way too high, god, it’s way too high) and ignores the sick feeling in his stomach. “You’ve been sick for too long, I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Y-You’re doing a great job,” Shouyou whimpers, but curls impossibly closer anyway which basically tells Tobio all he needs to know about how Shouyou’s feeling right now. “You aren’t doing anything wr-wrong, Tobio…”
“I know, I know. Shh.” Tobio strokes back his hair for a moment before settling his hand on his forehead. He’s really burning up… “I know, dumbass, I know. But I’ve reached the end of what I can do alone, okay? I need to get you to someone who can make you feel better.”
Shouyou chokes on what sounds like a sob and buries his face in Tobio’s side. “Y-You’ll stay with me, right?” he rasps, voice pleading and scared. “U-Unless you don’t want to—”
“Stupid.” Tobio flicks him on the temple. “Someone has to look after your dumb ass. I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.”
Shouyou relaxes a little, and Tobio untangles them and gets to his feet again, this time coming back with Shouyou's favorite hoodie. He helps Shouyou sit up and put it on, feeding overheated, sweaty limbs through the sleeves and trying not to dwell on just how limp he is, how Shouyou tries helping but is too weak to. Tobio straightens the collar, pulls the hood away from his face and gives Shouyou a tight but gentle hug afterwards. Shouyou sinks into it, and Tobio rubs his back when he sobs.
He gets his own jacket on next and slings the backpack over his shoulder. After helping Shouyou with socks and shoes and tugging a face mask over his face, he clicks out the lights and they’re ready to go.
"I called us an Uber, they'll be here any second," Tobio informs, phone still in hand. He sinks down beside Shouyou and immediately threads his fingers through his hair. Shouyou trembles violently and leans into the touch. "Do you want me to carry you?"
Shouyou shakes his head and folds himself into Tobio's side again, grasping fistfuls of his jacket. "N-No, I can walk," he manages. "M-Maybe just… st-steady me, if I need it."
Tobio strokes his hair and nods. "Okay. Tell me if you change your mind."
Shouyou nods against him, around the same time Tobio's phone goes off. Tobio swipes it up and reads.
"Our ride is here," he says, ignoring the anxious butterflies in the pit of his gut. Usually they'd take the train but getting Shouyou down to the station like this would be next to impossible. And he doesn't want Shouyou to be embarrassed by too much attention on the train, either. "C'mon, Shou, let's go.”
He takes Shouyou by the forearms and gently, gently hauls him to his feet. Shouyou staggers on unstable footing and Tobio catches him, curling an arm around his shoulders and pressing him close.
“Easy, easy, I have you, stupid. It’s okay.”
"S-Sorry," Shouyou whimpers, trying and failing to straighten himself up. "Headrush. I-I’ll be okay in a second.”
Tobio swallows and bites the inside of his cheek.  "It's okay. Let me help you, okay? I'm not going to let you fall."
Shouyou nods and they head out together, Tobio keeping him pressed into his side and Shouyou clutching at his jacket weakly. Shouyou seems so small like this. Tobio tries not to dwell on it. He can think about it after Shouyou’s gotten help.
The Uber driver is kind, though worried at Shouyou's state. Tobio explains what's going on in the briefest way he can and the driver nods, opening the door for Tobio before climbing back into the driver’s seat. Tobio tosses the backpack inside and takes Shouyou’s hand. Shouyou’s eyes are glassy, and he doesn’t look like he’s actually seeing much of anything. Tobio doesn’t trust his coordination. He squeezes his fingers.
“Do you think you can stand by yourself for one second?” Tobio asks, trying not to think about how warm and clammy Shouyou’s hand is. Shouyou nods, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles, and Tobio tightens his grip on his hand again and climbs in the backseat first. He tosses the backpack onto the floor to free up the seat and holds his arms out to Shouyou. He gives his hand a gentle tug. “Careful, don’t hit your head.”
Shouyou practically falls into the vehicle with a strangled, startled yelp, but Tobio was ready for it, and he catches Shouyou with one arm curved around his shoulders and the other in the crook of his knees.
“Careful, dumbass,” Tobio says, wrapping his arms around him and holding him steady. Nothing happened, but Shouyou is breathing hard enough to scare him again. He strokes the side of his face, ignoring the heat there. “I said I’m here to help if you need me, remember? Take it easy.”
Shouyou apologizes weakly, eyes glazed over and tear-filled and Tobio just, doesn’t have it in him to be upset. He gives him a brief but tight hug. After making sure his hands, arms, and feet are tucked safely in the seat beside him, he pulls the door shut, gets their seatbelts snapped and hollers to the driver that they’re ready to go. The driver speeds down the road and Tobio holds Shouyou close, letting him bury his face against his neck while he breathes hard. Tobio doesn’t think he’s ever seen or heard Shouyou breathe like this, not even after an intense volleyball game or after they raced until their lungs burned and their feet were blistered.
It scares him.
“It’s gonna be okay. You’re fine,” he whispers, half to Shouyou and half to himself. He runs his fingers through his hair, hoping the action is even just a little bit soothing.  “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Shouyou muffles a noise into his jacket, knees digging into Tobio’s side. Tobio presses his forehead into Shouyou’s damp hair.  
“I love you, too, it’ll be okay.”  
Their driver is pushing the speed limit, just a little. Tobio has it in his mind to thank him, give him a good rating. But it’s a thought so far in the back of his mind that it might not be attainable so long as Shouyou is in this state.
The car pulls up in front of the ER, and Tobio thanks the driver if a bit haphazardly, taking Shouyou by the shoulder and shaking him. Shouyou murmurs incoherently.
“We’re here, Shou, come on,” Tobio says, unbuckling their seatbelts. Shouyou won’t sit up straight. “We have to go, come on. They’ll be able to help you, I promise.”
The driver opens the door for them, and Tobio decides screw it and pulls Shouyou into his arms, securing his hold before hauling them both out of the vehicle. Shouyou murmurs something Tobio can’t make out before he curls into his chest and clutches at his collar. Tobio hates how light he is. He’s never been this light before, he’s not supposed to be this light. It shouldn’t be this easy to carry him.
“Thank you,” Tobio says to the driver when he thinks about it.
The driver nods. “Best of luck to the two of you.”
Tobio nods, ducks his head in a short bow and speeds off toward the entrance. He hears but doesn’t acknowledge the departure of the car behind them. Shouyou’s skin is far beyond burning, hair sweaty and breath fogged against Tobio’s neck. He hopes it isn’t as bad as it seems. He doesn’t know what he’d do if it’s as bad as it seems.
The automatic doors open for him and he sprints inside, immediately slammed by the scent of antiseptic and an atmosphere of fear and forced professionalism. Tobio wants to yell at someone to take Shouyou, to help him and to help him now, because he needs help now, but starting a riot isn’t going to help.
In his arms, Shouyou squirms weakly. “I c’n walk, Tobio…”
Tobio doesn’t want to put him down, but he understands. There are already a lot of eyes on them, and Shouyou has never been one to like too much attention when they’re off the court. Tobio nods reluctantly and sets Shouyou on his feet. He’s unsteady, and when he tips into Tobio’s side, Tobio is ready to catch him.
“Take it easy,” he says, any trace of anger or annoyance completely gone. He doesn’t know when or even if it’ll ever be back. “Come on, let’s get signed in.”
He moves on autopilot with Shouyou leaned against him, and they wait in line for the receptionist. There are two people in front of them; a mother holding her sobbing daughter, who’s holding an arm twisted beyond what it should be; and ahead of them is a man, limping horribly, with bloody bandages around his knee. Tobio keeps Shouyou’s gaze distracted elsewhere and is half tempted to cover his eyes for him.
When it’s their turn, the receptionist is kind and helpful, but efficient and professional. Tobio explains the ups and downs of what’s been going on: his fever never broke, it’s been down, but it keeps getting higher, he hasn’t been able to stomach anything the past few days, no, he doesn’t have any allergies that we know of, we haven’t been out of the country recently, yes, he’s otherwise healthy, and they’re taken back by another nurse clad in blues and whites to take Shouyou’s vitals.
The thermometer says 39.4. Tobio knows that isn’t good, but doesn’t panic this time because they’re in a hospital and there are doctors who can help him. He sits beside Shouyou on the bench and lets him lean into his shoulder while the tests are run and Shouyou pliantly sits and lets it happen. Blood pressure, pulse, height, weight. Tobio wishes they would get on with it because he doesn’t see how knowing how tall Shouyou is will help them make him better.
“Is this correct?”
The nurse shows Tobio a bracelet: Hinata Shouyou, followed by a combination of numbers and terms he doesn’t understand. But he nods, because that’s Shouyou’s name and it’s spelled correctly, and the nurse secures the bracelet around Shouyou’s sweaty wrist. His hand falls into his lap as soon as the nurse lets go. Tobio grasps his fingers, and Shouyou squeezes back weakly.
“We’ll have you sit up front for a bit,” the nurse says sternly, typing things into a computer. She’s not nearly as kind as the receptionist, seems a bit fed up with her job, and Tobio’s on edge enough to snap at her but doesn’t because it’s one in the morning and he can’t put Shouyou through any more stress. “It won’t be long before we call you back. Here.”
She reaches around and hands him a plastic container, and he hopes to whatever gods are listening that Shouyou doesn’t feel sick enough to need it. He nods and decides not to thank her because with Shouyou as sick as he is, he does not appreciate her attitude.
He helps Shouyou up and back into the main part of the ER, with Shouyou more dead-weight than ever before. There aren’t many people here, which he guesses fits the ungodly hour, so it’s easy to find a small, out of the way bench where they can sit and Shouyou can have some quiet.
“Here,” Tobio says, taking Shouyou by the forearms and guiding him down onto the bench. He doesn’t let go until he knows Shouyou won’t topple over. “We good?”
Shouyou nods with a small hum that sounds more pained than anything; Tobio drops into the space beside him; and Shouyou wastes no time tipping to rest his upper body in Tobio’s lap.  Tobio pets his hair, leaving the plastic bin on the floor and settling an arm around Shouyou’s stomach, gently stroking his side. Shouyou’s hoodie is sweat-damp in places now, and every bit of exposed skin is hot to the touch and a combination of pasty white and sickly flushed.
Tobio swipes his thumb back and forth across Shouyou’s hairline, gentle.  “You holding up okay?”
“Th-Think so,” Shouyou murmurs, though he pulls his knees up against himself. “Wanna sleep.”
“You can sleep,” Tobio says. “It might help you feel a little better.”
Shouyou shakes his head. “Don’t wanna sleep here.”
Tobio smiles a smile that he only ever gives to Shouyou, only it’s softer than it’s ever been before and in the end, he just feels sad. He keeps carding his fingers through his hair. “Just close your eyes, then. I’ll hold you.”
Shouyou breathes a shaky thank you and Tobio leans over him in what he can only call an awkward-hug-situation, where he can’t properly hug Shouyou but he still wants Shouyou to know that he’s there and there’s nowhere else he’d rather be. Shouyou squeezes Tobio’s knee, and Tobio catches his hand and squeezes back.
Every time a nurse comes in to call on someone, Tobio is ready to haul up and carry Shouyou after them, but they don’t call Shouyou’s name. Several others are called back; the woman and her daughter with the broken arm, the man with the bleeding knee, another man with a bleeding, crooked ankle who came in after Tobio and Shouyou, and even this one bizarre case where someone came in so angry that he almost attacked the receptionist and had to be physically restrained by security.
Tobio kept his hand over Shouyou’s ear during that, glad they were out of the way enough to not be in the line of fire. He really, really doesn’t want to be here, and more than ever wants to take Shouyou home and let him get better there. He curses his helplessness and almost damn wishes he’d become a doctor himself, if just so he could make sure Shouyou was okay a hundred percent of the time and never have to come to places like this.
Someone else comes in and is immediately taken back by the doctors. Shouyou’s chills become so violent and scary that Tobio gives up his own jacket and settles it over Shouyou like a blanket. Tobio understands that Shouyou isn’t dying and that there are people in this building worse off, but the protective partner in him wants them to prioritize him. Or at the very least tell Tobio how much longer it’ll be before they’re seen.
Another person comes in and is immediately taken back by the doctors. Shouyou trembles and, every so often, lets out a small, dry sob. The first time it happened, Tobio thought he was gagging and scrambled for the bin—but no, Shouyou is just stressed and sick and anxious and exhausted and frustrated, enough to break down.
Tobio really, really wishes the doctors would hurry up, and the only reason why he doesn’t bounce his leg is because Shouyou is pillowed in his lap, finally still, and he will not mess this up.
Except it’s right along that line of thought that Shouyou squirms unexpectedly and sits up, so quickly that he almost bonks his head into Tobio’s.
“Whoa, hey, hey.” Tobio steadies him by the shoulder when he sways in his seat. He looks even worse than before, ashen in the face and eyes carrying a sort of haze like fogged glass. “What’s wrong?”
“I—” Shouyou cuts himself off with something that is a gag this time, and Tobio makes the right call snatching up the bin and shoving it under his chin. He doesn’t necessarily throw up, because there’s nothing there left for him to bring up, but he does heave and choke for a while, and all Tobio can do is brace him through it.
“It’s okay, Shou, shh. It’s okay,” Tobio whispers, rubbing his hand from Shouyou’s elbow to shoulder in gentle but consistent movements. “It’s okay, breathe. Try to breathe. It’s okay.”
“Wh-Why does this keep happening?” Shouyou gasps, voice nothing more than a croaky shamble of what it should be. He sounds desperate, and his sobs aren’t dry anymore. “I-It hurts, wh-what’s wrong with me—?”
The fit is over, so Tobio sets the bin on the floor and pulls Shouyou into his arms, tucking his head under his chin and cupping the back of his head.
“Your body’s just under a lot of stress right now,” Tobio says. “It’s trying to make you better, it just doesn’t know what it’s doing. That’s why we’re here, Shou, so the doctors can help your body help you.”
“Wh-Why’s’it taking so long?” Shouyou hasn’t asked the question yet, even though they’ve been here for a good long while. He’s been patient, trying so hard to be patient and not to complain but he’s at a breaking point, and he’s just. He’s sick, he’s tired, and Tobio really, really wishes he had a good answer.
“I. I don’t know.”
Shouyou’s breath hitches. “T-Tobio—”
“No, no, it’s okay,” Tobio asserts quickly, running his hand up and down Shouyou’s back through his hoodie. “Don’t panic, dumbass. Your body’s already freaking out on you, you don’t need to give it another reason to screw you over. Just… breathe.”  
Shouyou drags in a shuddering breath.
The automatic doors open, a new patient comes in and is taken back immediately by doctors. Tobio wants to scream.
He loses track of time. It could be twenty minutes, it could be several hours. His phone clock says 2:36. It feels like they’ve been here forever. Shouyou is having a harder time getting and staying comfortable now, constantly twisting and squirming and asking Tobio when the doctors are going to see him. He spends most of his time with his upper body in Tobio’s lap, and Tobio spends all of his time coming up with new ways to try and ease some of the pain.
It’s 3:24 when Tobio finally decides enough is enough. He’s just about to have Shouyou sit up when Shouyou beats him to it, shooting into an upright position much like last time. Only something is noticeably different. He looks like a deer in the headlights. A very tired, very delirious deer in the headlights.
“What’s wrong?” Tobio steadies him again, hand on his shoulder. “You need to throw up again?”
“I-I…” Shouyou swallows thickly, and it almost has Tobio reaching for the bin. “I don’t… I don’t think so? I just… I-I feel really bad, l-like…”
Tobio studies him, gripping his shoulder. “Bad like how?”
“I… I don’t know, I just—”
His voice trails off, his eyes roll back in his head, and he pitches forward like a broken doll.
Tobio’s knees slam into the tile floor and his arms take Shouyou’s limp, unmoving form. His heart pounds so hard that it taints the edges of his vision black. Shouyou’s head is a dead weight in his arm and his chest heaves with every gasped, panted breath.
“Shou?” Tobio touches his face, brushing his hair away from his face once, twice, again. “Shou, can you hear me? Shou?” He pats his cheek. His skin is too warm, everything about Shouyou is too warm. And too still. “Shou, Shou, come on, stupid, come on—”
Shouyou’s face is slack, eyes closed, cheeks a horrid, flushed shade of red. He doesn’t wake up. Something in Tobio’s heart snaps.
“Someone help me!” he shouts, numb to the sound of his own voice. “Help him, please—!”  
Footsteps hail the arrival of doctors and nurses, everyone talking at once and touching Shouyou’s face and wrists and neck. Tobio clings to him, and only just holds back the urge to break down.
“What’s wrong with him?” he asks, blubbering and hysterical. “Wh-Why won’t he wake up?”
He isn’t answered. Everyone’s talking too fast and too much, using terms he’s never heard before and doesn’t care to listen to. Someone puts a hand on his shoulder and says they’re going to help Shouyou. Another team of nurses comes running toward them, wheeling a stretcher.
Tobio holds Shouyou closer and whispers, “I-It’s going to be okay, okay? They’re going to help you, they’re gonna help you, I—” Shouyou’s face is slack, eyes closed, unresponsive, and his skin is an ashen pale gray that makes Tobio want to throw up. Tobio cradles him close, touching his face, smoothing back his hair. “I’m here, I’ll be here with you, it’s okay, sh-shit, please be okay, please—”
He has to be physically dragged away from Shouyou while the doctors load him onto the stretcher and take off with him down the hall. A nurse beckons to him, a silent permission that Tobio doesn’t need because he’s following them one way or another, and he tears after the stretcher down long hallways and into one room after the next, test after test, with the feeling of Shouyou’s raging fever permanently seared into his skin.
Shouyou wakes up slowly, feeling marginally okay if just a little bit tipsy. He’d definitely take ‘a little tipsy’ over how he felt before. The only words he can use to describe how he felt before are agonized and scared.
He’s thinking about Tobio before he realizes he can think again, and that horrible haze isn’t in the forefront of his mind anymore. He cracks his eyes open slowly, wincing at the harsh overhead lights and hoping he never has to see them again. The beeping machines and cool wires against his skin says it all. They’re still in the hospital.
Or, at least, he is. He doesn’t know where Tobio is and he’s too scared of being disappointed to ask.
Shouyou blinks up at a familiar silhouette, a welcoming shadow beneath the starkly white and too, too bright overheads. Shouyou wants to smile, but he’s too sore and too tired and he still feels too sick to muster the energy.
So instead he rasps out a weak, “Tobio?” and hopes Tobio understands.
He does. Tobio beams, but his eyes are sad and there are tears on his cheeks.
“Hey, h-hey.” Tobio’s voice trembles in a way it’d never trembled before, and his hand shakes equally hard when he touches Shouyou’s cheek and brushes his hair out of his face. “Hey, dumbass, hey. There you are.” He draws a shuddering breath, ducks his head for a long moment and squeezes Shouyou’s hand. “God, oh my god, Shou—”
He hugs him, snaking his arms between Shouyou’s shoulders and the bed and burying his face into Shouyou’s neck. It happens so fast that Shouyou struggles to keep up with it, but Tobio’s weight, while heavy and breath-restrictive, is something he can be absolutely sure of. He brings his arms up weakly and wraps them around Tobio’s back, turning his face into Tobio’s hair. He breathes.
“Hey yourself,” Shouyou wheezes.
Tobio responds by burrowing closer, and Shouyou shuts his eyes and lets himself focus on Tobio’s breath, his heartbeat, his warmth. It’s nice.
Shouyou bonks the sides of their heads together gently. “I missed you.”
Tobio chortles breathlessly. “I didn’t leave, dumbass.”
“I know. But I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Me, too. I...” He inhales. “I’m glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t okay.”
Shouyou hums softly. “But I am okay.”
“Yeah.” Tobio doesn’t hesitate. He nods against Shouyou’s neck. “Yeah, you’re okay. You’re okay.”
Shouyou runs a shaky hand through Tobio’s hair.
Tobio asks the doctor if it was pneumonia (which, Shouyou said it wasn’t, but an anxious, sleep-deprived Tobio is an unreasonable Tobio) and the doctor assures him that, no, it wasn’t pneumonia, just a very bad, very tenacious flu virus.
Apparently Shouyou’s family has a history of low immune system and anemia, which could explain why the virus did such a number on him. The doctors are waiting for his fever to break and for him to build some strength back, and then he can go home.
“How long do you think it’ll be?” Tobio asks, standing with the doctor while Shouyou dozes. “His fever’s gone down…”
The doctor’s smile is kind and understanding. “I can’t imagine more than a week,” he says. “We do want to make sure we’ve given his immune system the pick-up it needs to be able to fight this off. But, you’re right, his fever isn’t concerning anymore, though we do want to keep an eye on it. He’s got a strong will, I’m sure you’ll be able to take him home in no time.”
Tobio nods. He wants to take Shouyou home now, and get bundled up on the couch with tea and ramen and make fun of cheesy game shows until they fall asleep on each other.
And that will happen, just. Not as soon as Tobio wants it to happen.
“Thank you,” he says, bowing low. Once he’s straightened out of it, he continues with, “I appreciate all you’re doing. And your honesty.”
“Of course.” The doctor nods shortly, smiles one last time and leaves the two of them alone. Tobio draws a breath and returns to Shouyou’s bedside, sitting down beside him and stretching out his legs.
Shouyou taps him on the knee. Tobio turns his head and smiles, reaching down to brush his hair away from his eyes.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, dumbass.”
“You too,” Shouyou says, still tapping his knee. He peers up at him. “You look tired.”
Tobio exhales sharply through his nose. “Well, duh. We’re both exhausted.”
Shouyou hums and pauses, thinking. He continues to tap Tobio’s knee absentmindedly; it’s a little habit he picked up about a year ago, tapping Tobio’s arm or hand or knee or leg whenever they’re sitting together. It’s something Tobio is used to and familiar with now, so much so that feeling it brings on immense comfort and reassurance.
“Do you know what would make me happy?” Shouyou asks.
“If you went home and took a shower and a nap.”
“You know what would make me happy?” Tobio catches his hand and squeezes it. “If you got better.”
“I’m getting better,” Shouyou says, blinking up at him lazily. “You going home and taking care of yourself for a while isn’t going to change that.”
“I know,” Tobio assures, “but—” He searches himself a moment, looking for something worth the argument. “I just… don’t like the thought of you being here by yourself.”
“Aww.” Shouyou scoots closer, resting his head on Tobio’s thigh. “You’re sweet. But, it just means I’ll be extra happy to see you when you get back. You’ll be able to get some proper sleep, too—don’t give me that look, I know you haven’t been sleeping. And you’ll be able to grab some more clean clothes. I know we’re running out of them.”
Tobio bites his lip, raking his fingers across Shouyou’s scalp gently. That visceral something in his chest, when Shouyou collapsed in the ER lobby… he’s never going to forget that feeling, much less when it’s so fresh in his mind.
“I don’t know…”
“I’ll be okay here, Tobio,” Shouyou says, smiling this time. “When you get back we can watch dumb cooking shows and cuddle.”
“We can watch dumb cooking shows and cuddle now.”
“No, you smell bad. Go take a shower.”
Tobio snorts. “Like you smell any better.”
“I have an excuse, okay.”
“Anything can be an excuse if you try hard enough.”
Shouyou shoves him, and it takes Tobio aback, how weak it is. Either Shouyou really doesn’t mean it or he really doesn’t feel well.
“Okay but seriously,” Shouyou says, “I’d really like it if you went home and took a shower, and it’s not because you smell bad. You’ve been here for a while, right? It won’t hurt you to just run home for a little while, get some sleep and take a shower. That sorta stuff.”
Tobio swallows. “I just… I don’t know, Shou. I’m worried about you.”
“I know, I know you are. But, Tobes, I’m worried about you, too. You’ve taken such good care of me, and I’m being taken care of here, too, so I want you to take care of yourself now.”
‘Selfless’ isn’t necessarily a word that describes Shouyou, but he does have a special heart for other people, especially the people he loves. Tobio is reluctant for obvious, understandable reasons, but Shouyou’s okay. Or at least he’s close to being okay. The doctors are here to help him if he needs someone, and it’s not like Tobio won’t be coming back. He probably won’t be gone for more than an hour. Maybe half an hour if he hussles.
And, he’d be lying if he said a shower didn’t sound really nice right about now.
Tobio heaves a sigh and, judging by that little glint in Shouyou’s eyes, he knows what that means. “Alright, I’m letting you win for once,” Tobio says. “But just this one time, got it? You have to earn every other victory.”
Shouyou cackles. “Alright, alright, yeah.”
Tobio rolls his eyes and Shouyou moves off him so he can stand up. Shouyou curls into the pillows and Tobio tucks the blankets up and around his shoulders. The somewhat rougher texture reminds him to grab a throw blanket from home; if Shouyou’s going to be stuck in the hospital for a while, he at least deserves to be comfortable.
Tobio smooths the blanket over him. “You’re sure you’ll be okay here?” he asks, just in case.
“Positive,” Shouyou says, nodding. “I’m just gonna sleep, honestly. I won’t even know you’re gone.”
“Good, good.” Tobio presses his hand to his forehead. He’s still warm, but it’s nothing compared to what it used to be. “Alright. Sleep well, alright? I’ll try and be back before you wake up.”
“Take your time,” Shouyou says, smiling gently. He’s already nodding off, eyelids heavy and stubborn, so Tobio squeezes his hand one more time before heading out.
Tobio hadn’t realized how exhausted he was until he unlocks the door and steps into the apartment. The place is eerily quiet without Shouyou’s light and warmth, and he used to like the silence, but ever since meeting and knowing Shouyou, noise had become his normal in the best sense possible. Silence used to mean peace and tranquility, but now, silence means an absence. Silence means an emptiness. Silence means Tobio is alone and he would do anything to have Shouyou in his arms.
He locks the door behind him and takes a long, cold shower. He hopes it’ll wake him up some, maybe give him a pick-me-up so he can leave and see Shouyou again, but he’d promised Shouyou that he would take a break. And while Tobio might not necessarily care about a break, he does care about Shouyou, and he did promise him.
So Tobio takes a shower, gets dressed, changes out the bedding and flops facedown onto it, breathing deeply. His body must take it as a go-ahead to shut down, because even though his mind is telling him ten minutes, ten minutes and then I’ll leave, his body has already decided what it wants, and he sleeps soundly and deeply through every alarm he’d set.
“Wow,” Shouyou says, beaming at him, “I didn’t think you’d actually listen to me.”
“Wasn’t planning on it at first,” Tobio says, dropping the backpack off on the nearest seat as he crosses the room. “But you had a point. So.”
“Of course I did!” Shouyou says, still smiling stupidly. He’s actually sitting up now, with pillows propped between his back and the headboard. “I’m glad, you look a lot more like yourself now.”
“So do you,” Tobio says, sitting down beside him on the bed. Shouyou scoots over to give him more room and they sit parallel to each other, shoulders touching. Tobio tucks Shouyou’s hair behind his ear again. “I haven’t seen you smile in weeks.”
“It’s been like, one week,” Shouyou says, still grinning. “You’re just a drama queen. Drama Queen of the Court.”
Tobio snorts, knocking his head into Shouyou’s shoulder and leaving it there. “Dumbass.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. Softie.” Shouyou ruffles his hair. “Oh!  You promised dumb cooking shows and cuddles.”
“I did.”
It doesn’t take very long to get situated. Tobio covers them with a throw blanket he brought from home, and Shouyou wastes no time at all snuggling into his side, though still mindful of the IV and monitoring wires. Tobio isn’t sure the doctors especially want him sharing a bed with Shouyou, and they did bring him a stretcher which lies empty on the other side of the room, but they haven’t told him he can’t, and until they do (and maybe even after they do), he’ll be here.
The cooking show is one of those competition types where all the competitors have a dramatic bake-off with lots of sabotaging, self-sufficiency and sobbing involved. It isn’t really something to watch as much as it something to have going on in the background. His main focus is really on Shouyou, whether it’s watching Shouyou cry with his favorite contestant after their tragic defeat, watching Shouyou laugh at failed attempts from his least favorite contestants, reminding him not to fist-bump so high that the IV stand rattles, or otherwise holding him close and stroking his head. Shouyou might not be entirely well yet, but he’s more like himself now.
Night falls soon after. The nurses come back and double-check Shouyou’s vitals, almost ignoring Tobio’s presence entirely. They don’t tell him to leave, though, or that he has to sleep on the cot. Maybe they’re scared of him, who knows. The nurses file out and in comes the doctor, who tells them that Shouyou’s recovery is going well enough for him to be discharged within the next couple of days, granted he doesn’t throw up anymore and his fever doesn’t rise.
“We’re still monitoring everything,” the doctor says, “but we are hopeful.” That isn’t all he says, but it’s the most important thing Tobio latches onto. Hopeful. That’s good. And a few days is a lot shorter than an entire week, and that’s good too.
The doctor leaves them to sleep, turning off the light on his way out upon their request. They go back to watching the cooking show, and Shouyou is so close to Tobio that he’s practically on top of him, curled against him as a warm, familiar weight, and Tobio is happy. He feels Shouyou’s forehead again, and he still has a fever, but he’s okay, now. As long as Shouyou is happy and okay, then Tobio is happy and okay, too.
Sweltering agony wakes Shouyou in the middle of the night. His stomach is twisted, coiled like trapped vipers, and it feels empty but he still wants to throw up. The haze is back in the forefront of his mind. He isn’t aware of very many things, just that he hurts, it’s too hot, stop, please stop, and Tobio has him in his arms.
Shouyou opens his eyes. It’s just as dark as it was when they were closed. Tobio’s chest rises and falls against him, steadying and sure and Shouyou tries focusing on it, he tries setting his mind on Tobio’s breath and his heartbeat and the feeling of his arms around him, and he tries to breathe, too, but he can’t. His throat is thick, stuck in a way that makes him wish he could cough but he can’t, he wants to cry but he can’t, and the only thing he seems able to do is burn.
 The last thing he wants to do is wake Tobio up—Tobio’s been so worried about him, so tirelessly looking after him with abandon, leaving no regard left for his own health. He talks a good talk, plays a good game but Shouyou knows how anxious he’s been, how anxious he is, and how much stress all of this has caused. He can see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch, hear it in his breathing. Tobio is tired, he’s stressed, he’s anxious, he’s exhausted and Shouyou doesn't want to add to that. He doesn’t want to make it any worse than it already is.
But he hasn’t felt this bad—he’s never felt this bad before, not once. Nothing’s ever hurt this much, nothing’s ever scorched this much, he feels like he’s trapped on the inside of a burning building with his chest and stomach pinned with rubble and he just—he just wants it to stop—
“Tobio?” He hates the sound of his own voice, hates how loud it is and how pathetic and he hates that he keeps putting Tobio through this but he doesn’t know what else to do. “T-Tobio.” Carefully, half-hoping Tobio won’t wake up, he pokes him hard in the shoulder. His toes curl. “Tobio.”
Tobio shifts and stirs, and Shouyou withdraws his hand and wishes he could curl up small enough and tight enough to never be seen again.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m up, what’s—” His hand on Shouyou’s head stills. A palm presses into his forehead. Shouyou sobs dryly. “Shit.”
“I’m sorry,” Shouyou whimpers. Tobio is scrambling for something, clutching him against his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m so s-sorry—”
“Shit, shit, shit—” Tobio’s voice is frantic, and he jams the call nurse button four times, rapidly. “Don’t apologize, don’t— shit, how did it get this bad?—It’s okay, Shou, it’s not your fault— god, please, don’t apologize—”
The way Tobio is clutching him isn’t reassuring, it’s desperate, like he’s out at sea and clinging to a liferaft. He’s never been good at handling emotional distress, nevermind Shouyou’s and his own. Shouyou wishes he could reassure him but he’s too busy trying to keep his own composure as best as he can. They were supposed to be going home the next couple of days, and now—
“Shit, where the hell is the doctor—”
“I’m sorry,” Shouyou sobs. Tobio stills. “I-I ruined—”
“You ruined a whole damn lot of nothing,” Tobio hisses, holding him securely against his chest. Shouyou wants him to let go. He wants him to hold tighter.  “Don’t you dare apologize, dumbass, don’t you dare.”
Shouyou knows Tobio isn’t angry at him, just angry at the situation. But considering how much of ‘him’ is in the situation, it doesn’t make him feel any better. He chokes, and the tears finally spill forth and there’s no holding them back. Tobio runs his hand up and down his back, squeezing his shoulders, holding him close. Nothing helps.
An unsuspecting nurse pokes her head in, and the white stripe of light from the cracked door is enough to blind him. Tobio shouts at her. She leaves without closing the door and Shouyou can hear her pounding, retreating footsteps, amplified like bombs.
A moment passes. Or maybe several moments do.
The room explodes in a crescendo of noise, color, and an atmosphere crushing enough to still his breathing. The only thing that goes through his head is he hopes they don’t make Tobio leave. He isn’t—he isn’t dying or anything (right?) so they shouldn’t have to, he just—please, don’t make him go—
Too much is happening around him. There are hands on him, instruments on him, questions thrown at him that he can barely answer and immediately forgets what they were afterwards. Everything is just— haze, it’s nothing, it’s noise and hurt and unfamiliar, unwanted touches and he just wants to go home, they were supposed to go home—
“Shou, you need to calm down, you’re breathing too hard,” Tobio says, voice quiet and scared. “They’re gonna have to sedate you if you don’t calm down, it’s okay—”
Shouyou chokes a sob. “W-We were supposed to g-go—”
“I know.” Tobio hugs him tight, pressing his forehead against the top of Shouyou’s. “Shit, damn it, I know, I know. But I need you to not think about that right now. Come on, dumbass, not thinking is what you do best, don’t go changing that now.”
Shouyou gasps out a shaky, teary giggle, and it’s one of the most reassuring things Tobio has said all day. He’s sure the doctors are glaring at him for it but he knows Tobio, and he knows what he’s trying to do. And he appreciates it.
Tobio’s hold becomes less desperate and more gentle, more like himself, more like how they are on casual days spent lazing about the house. When Tobio speaks, his voice is soft. Almost uncharacteristically soft. And Shouyou clings to every word.
“I know you’re disappointed, and scared, and I am too, but we’ll deal with this together, alright? Just like we always do. Nothing’s changed. Shhh. Breathe. It’s going to be okay.”
Shouyou still feels like he’s burning up, like there are coiled, knotted springs in his chest and stomach and his sight is still blurred with tears, but, he can breathe now. Just a little. Just a little more than he used to. Tobio’s hand runs up and down his back. The doctors and nurses around them fade out and Shouyou focuses on Tobio’s presence. It helps.
“As long as we’re together?” Shouyou croaks, and hopes his voice is audible enough.
It is. Tobio holds him close. “We’re invincible.”
The episode can be narrowed down into Shouyou having  an allergic reaction to the medication they put him on. Tobio just about bites the doctor’s head off. It’s nobody’s fault; Shouyou’s never had to be hospitalized like this before, he’s never had these medications before, there was no way to know before now and they luckily caught it before it got worse, but still. Tobio is very clearly upset and no amount of apologies make that better.
Shouyou’s still too weak and out of it to keep him from chewing out the doctor, but Tobio still ends up apologizing (to both of them) when the adrenaline has worn off. Since it was just the medication and not a full-blown relapse, there’s still a chance of them going home on time granted nothing of this sort happens again (which, hopefully it won’t, because Tobio may in fact kill somebody).
“Idiots, I can’t believe that happened.”
“It’s not their fault, Tobio. You know that.”
Tobio heaves a groan that says, yes, he absolutely does know that but is pissed enough to ignore it. He’s been noticeably upset ever since Shouyou regained coherency. Upset and overprotective.
Which is understandable. Shouyou isn’t nearly as intimidating as Tobio, but he’d do the same thing, feel the same way. He doesn’t really want to think about Tobio ever being in a position like the one Shouyou was in so he abandons that train of thought almost as soon as he boards it.
He listens to Tobio’s heartbeat instead, and  Tobio rests his cheek on the top of his head.
“You feeling any better?”
“Little bit,” Shouyou says, and sighs. “I… I guess I’m still just kind of. Sad.”
“Yeah.” Tobio nods. “Yeah, me too. I’m sorry I yelled at you before. I was just— god, I don’t know what happened, I just—”
“I get it, it’s okay,” Shouyou says, and proves his point by pressing in closer. He can still smell the shampoo Tobio washed his hair with yesterday (it was just yesterday, it feels like ages ago), and he finds comfort in its familiarity. “I’m not mad at you, and I knew you weren’t mad at me. We’re okay.”
Tobio exhales longly and doesn’t say anything else, but Shouyou knows he understands. Shouyou absentmindedly taps Tobio’s forearm.
“Do you wanna sleep?” he asks.
Tobio exhales again, sharper this time. “Dumbass, I should be asking you that question.”
“I beat you to it. Loser.”  
If he’d been feeling any better, Tobio definitely would have pushed him off the bed. “I wouldn’t say no to sleeping.”
“Then you should. I’ll wake you up again if I need you.”
“You sure?” Tobio’s voice is uncertain, but Shouyou can hear how tired he is. He nods.
“I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.”
Tobio rolls his eyes. “That’s not what I’m worried about, dumbass.”
“Then you can sleep without any trouble.”
“Seriously, I would feel better if you slept.”
Tobio sighs, and it’s resigned enough for Shouyou to know that he took it to heart. “Alright, alright. I’ll sleep. Wake me up if I crush you on accident, okay?”
“You won’t, but alright.”
Tobio leans into the headboard and shuts his eyes, and just moments later his breathing evens out, and he’s asleep. Shouyou isn’t surprised one bit. He taps at Tobio’s forearm for a bit afterwards, thinking gentle, non-committal thoughts, and then before long he’s dropping off, too.
The rest of the hospital stay is… fairly straightforward. Shouyou can’t convince Tobio to leave again (which, understandable, but infuriating all the same), and they spend most of their time watching crappy cooking competitions and romcoms and whatever else the TV has going that’s worth even making fun of. They find a baking channel—food without the competition—and the cakes absolutely baffle them. Neither of them really understand how baking works, much less stuff like cake and icing and frosting and layers and cream fillings. It’s mesmerizing. So that takes up another good chunk of their time.
They run a crap ton of tests on Shouyou, though, especially the first couple of days. They want to make sure it was actually an allergic reaction to the medicine and not something else, which leads to a lot of tests that bring back Tobio’s anxiety and leads to Shouyou having little to no energy for the rest of the day. The tests aren’t strenuous, but they take time, and he’s been sick and exhausted and dizzy for so long now that it’s taking a toll on him to bounce back.
Tobio’s presence is soothing, though. Tobio might not always be soothing in his speech and he’s abrasive, especially towards the doctor and nurses, but just his being here is enough to make Shouyou believe everything is going to be okay. He waits until Shouyou is sleeping before grabbing food down at the cafeteria and is always back before Shouyou wakes up. The situation still sucks, but it doesn’t suck as much as it would if Shouyou were alone in this place.
He doesn’t know what he’d do if he were alone.
Days pass. Shouyou gradually regains his strength. The night his fever breaks has Tobio celebrating, with a smile bigger than Shouyou has seen from him in a while. Shouyou doesn’t feel very celebratory, and he’s sweaty and gross and tired and the absence of the fever brought what felt like a whole new wave of tiredness, but it means they’re one step closer to home. Tobio holds him close that night, just like all other nights, and ignores every protest Shouyou has about his being disgusting.
“I’m gonna make you smell gross,” Shouyou complains, though he’d be lying if he said he doesn’t love Tobio’s arms around him, cradling him while his head spins and the world tips. And he’d be lying if he says he wants Tobio to let him go. “M’all nasty… n’ gross...”
“No, you’re getting better,” is Tobio’s argument, as he holds him securely and rocks them back and forth. “You’re getting better, Shou. I don’t know about you, but that’s the best news I’ve heard in months.”
Shouyou smiles weakly and headbutts Tobio’s chest. Tobio strokes his side and pets his damp hair.
Beneath the exertion and bone-deep tiredness, they’re happy.
The day they head home is a victorious one. Shouyou declines the nurse's wheelchair because he feels well enough to walk out on his own, and he must look like he feels well enough to walk on his own, too, because neither Tobio nor the nurse put up an argument. Shouyou definitely feels like his old self, and Tobio even said that he looks like his old self, which is even better. The morning they’re told he can be discharged, he’s bubbly and cheerful, thanking every nurse and doctor he comes across whether or not they helped him in particular. By the afternoon, Tobio and Shouyou have filed the discharge papers, and they’re clear to go.
Tobio phones another Uber to come pick them up, and it just so happens to be the same Uber who took them here in the first place. The Uber is ecstatic and expresses how happy he is that they're alright and well, and once they’re in the backseat with seatbelts snapped, they’re homeward bound.
They haven’t traveled for long when Shouyou catches Tobio staring at his visitor bracelet and leans over, hooking his chin on his shoulder. “Whatcha doin’?”
Tobio keeps looking at his bracelet. “Wondering how hard it’d be to chew through this damn thing.”
Shouyou laughs softly. “We’ll be home in five minutes, dummy,” he says, “you can wait for a pair of scissors.” He looks down at his own bracelet, too, with his name and case number (and now, the medication he had a reaction to. It has a funny name that he can’t pronounce). It’d be nice to have it off.
The Uber drops them off in front of their apartment, and Shouyou thanks him brightly, once again declines Tobio’s offer to help (“I’m fine, see!” he insists, and almost trips on his way out of the door. Tobio shrieks at him), and they thank the driver a final time before heading inside.
“You’re like a dog waiting to go to the dog park,” Tobio says, sorting through his keyring. Shouyou rocks and bounces beside him. “You’re gonna overexert yourself, dumbass. Chill.”
“Okay, I will,” Shouyou says, and promptly doesn’t. He feels a little dizzy and tired, which the doctors said was normal, but that doesn’t make him any less excited. They’re finally home.
Tobio swings the door inward and turns to him. “Your Majesty.” He bows mockingly, gesturing inside.
Shouyou flops a curstie and bounds inwards. He doesn’t make it past the genkan before he has to stop and take it in.
It’s just like it’s always been. Cheap couch, coffee table, busted TV set that barely works. The air is a bit stale because neither of them have been here in a little under a week, but Shouyou hardly pays that mind. They’re here now. It won’t be stale and quiet for much longer.
He hears Tobio follow behind him, pulling the door shut.  Shouyou takes a long, deep breath. It smells like it always smelled, familiar and comforting and, well. Home.
"Home sweet home," he says.
Tobio nods, slinging the backpack onto one of the dining chairs. They’ll unpack it later. "Home sweet home,” he breathes, and Shouyou spins around to smile at him. Tobio smiles back.
And that’s really the bulk of what Shouyou gets to do, because the next thing he knows he’s being guided by Tobio down the hall and into the bedroom, where he’s sat on the bed and told to stay. It happens so suddenly and so quickly that he forgets he doesn’t want to go to sleep until after Tobio is turning away.
“Tobio, I told you, I’m fine,” Shouyou says, “you don’t have to worry about me. If I feel faint I’ll just lay down again.”
Tobio is having none of it. “No, you won’t,” he says, tossing the blanket over him and tucking it around his shoulders. “You’ll push yourself until you wind up hospitalized again. Dumbass.”
“I learned my lesson before!” Shouyou protests, sitting up again. “You look more dead on your feet than I do. I’ll heat up the soup and you can sleep for a bit.”
“It literally takes five minutes.”
“Exactly! Which is why you shouldn’t have a problem with me doing it!”
“Nope, sorry.” He takes Shouyou by the shoulder and urges him to lay down again, which Shouyou does, though reluctantly. “It won’t take long. Try and get some rest until then, alright?”
Shouyou sighs, but words can only take him so far when it comes to Tobio. He doesn’t usually listen as far as his own well-being is concerned. “Fine,” he says. “Just hurry up.”
Tobio bonks their foreheads together gently and leaves the door cracked on his way out. Shouyou stares up at the ceiling for a while.
"Idiot," he murmurs.
He waits exactly five minutes before swinging himself out of bed, bundling a blanket in his arms and pattering quietly down the hall and into the living room. He knows exactly what he's going to find.
And, he's right. Tobio is on the couch with his head pillowed by his arms, fast asleep with his phone blinking on a downwards timer of 10 minutes.
Shouyou smiles softly and rolls his eyes. "Dummy," he whispers, spreading the blanket over him and bending down until he can press their foreheads together. "Stupid dummy."
Tobio sleeps on. Shouyou terminates the alarm, leaves the phone silenced on the table and heads into the kitchen. He can make the soup in Tobio's stead.
And, making the soup is the easy part. He swings himself through their kitchen, singing loudly to himself with the knowledge that it'd take a metal concert to wake Tobio now. He isn't the best at cooking but heating up the soup is easy enough (though he does bring it to a rolling boil by accident).
The harder part comes after the soup is finished, because he doesn't want it to get cold, but he also doesn't want to wake Tobio when he's sleeping like this. He hasn't slept this soundly probably since Shouyou first took ill. He needs it.
Shouyou ultimately decides to put a lid on the pot and leave it while Tobio rests. Worst comes to worst he'll have to reheat it.
He's feeling marginally more lightheaded now, though, and sleeping is a lot more appealing than eating. He makes his way back into the living room, where Tobio is now curled on his side, and he wastes no time lying on the couch with him, draping an arm around his shoulders. Tobio immediately hugs him and yanks him close, so suddenly that it draws a yelp from Shouyou.
But he smiles, and runs his fingers through Tobio's hair.
"Stupid dummy," he repeats fondly. "What am I supposed to do with you, huh?"
When Tobio wakes up, it’s dark as all hell and they’re still on the couch. He doesn’t quite register the ‘they’re’ part of that for much longer.
Shouyou is on top of him, curled into his chest with his knees digging into the back of the couch, fingers clutching fistfulls of Tobio’s t-shirt. There’s a blanket twisted and bunched in awkward places around them, uncomfortable and not doing its job, but Tobio finds he doesn’t care enough to do anything about it. His phone is on the coffee table. He reaches for it. All his alarms were silenced.
He heaves a sigh, but a knowing sigh, not a frustrated one. “I was going to sleep after I made the soup.”
“I made the soup,” Shouyou murmurs without hesitation. “And now we’re both sleeping. So. We both win.”
“We didn’t eat anything.”
“We can eat later. Midnight-snack style.”
Tobio squints at the clock. “It is midnight.”
“Two in the morning snack, then.”
Tobio sighs again but he doesn’t have any objections to give on the matter, not really. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t comfortable this way. Comfortable even with the blanket twisted around and underneath him, with Shouyou’s weight on his chest, with Shouyou’s elbows and ankles digging into him. Just being home with Shouyou is all the comfort he needs.
He breathes in a long breath. Shouyou still smells like hospital and antiseptic and—well, like someone who’s been sick in the hospital for a week, but there’s still some of Shouyou buried beneath all of it. His hoodie is clean and smells like their laundry detergent. And a shower or two later, the gross hospital stench will be gone. Things will be normal.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” Shouyou murmurs, sounding close to sleep again. “I know these past two weeks have been really hard for you. Thank you.”
“Of course.” Tobio holds his head to his chest and pets his hair again. “Thank you for holding on. You were so damn strong, you know? That was scary as all hell, but you did really, really good. Brave, stupid dumbass. God, I love you.”
Shouyou laughs gently, and it’s one of the most wonderful sounds Tobio has ever heard. “I love you, too.”
They’ve been saying that a lot to each other. It isn’t usually something they make a habit of, just because neither of them are good with words and it’s easier to share their affection with a look, or a smile, or a touch. But the verbal confirmation is a comfort, too. Like being wrapped in a warm blanket, handed a mug of hot cocoa and told everything is going to be okay.
And they are okay. They sleep, they wake up around 2am and eat soup, they sleep again, they watch TV, they rest, they take it easy, and they’re okay. As long as they have each other, there’s nothing they can’t overcome.
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