#short answer: i love nicky
dayurno · 1 month
how do u feel abt nicky
i love him! :) kevin's cousin
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youssefguedira · 2 years
Neon please talk to me about Nicky as death…I need to know your thoughts!!!
the concept was originally in reference to hades au specifically but it is quickly spiralling out of my control and i am just thinking. i know tales through time lacus solitudinis was all like i am the instrument of your doom or whatever but nicky as peaceful death, the one who comes for those who die outside of battle, who carries souls gently from their bodies and makes it as painless as he can, who soothes the frightened ones and reassures the ones who cling to life, who is terrifying when he needs to be but always tries to be kind...... it makes me feel like 12 different emotions at once
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currently-evil · 1 year
Raven!Neil Au where Andrew and Neil meet for the first time at a banquet.
They sit across from each other and Neil smart-mouth Josten can't help but go off at Kevin, still angry about being abandoned by him.
To his surprise it's Andrew who answers him. It's a bit of a match. Cutting remark after cutting remark, but.... it's unexpectedly fun.
Both Ravens and Foxes watched in shock as Neil and Andrew somehow moved from insults to genuine conversation.
They lean closer to each other, no longer raising voices. Neil practically showed everything on the table to the side so he can lean almost half of his body across the table just so he and Andrew can talk freely.
Everybody moves subtly closer just to overhear even a snippet of what they are talking...
... they plan an apocalypse plan. Arguing about cons and pros of bunkering in the supermarket.
And they look like they’re having fun... or as much as they would let themselves show any kind of enjoyment in the environment they are in.
They lean close, talking in hushed voices... looking almost like they are flirting.
Or rather they are flirting, thinks NIcky, watching as his usually emotionless cousin lean closer to the redhead rolling his eyes with a shadow of a sarcastic smile on his lips, and he promptly shoves his entire fist into his mouth to muffle a squeal.
I just love to think that it infuriated Riko, that he isn't the center of attention in the 100%. Riko trying to stop their conversion, to butt it, interrupt, only to be ushered by Neil or Andrew everytime.
Neil remembering how in Ferdinand’s show Andrew played with Riko by pretending to not remember his name and doing the same thing, looking straight into Andrew eyes, ignoring his captain having a furious meltdown at his side.
Andrew watches it all with his eyes burning into Neil.
(All of the foxes and Ravens stimulatingly wondering how the heck the most meddling one from their team suddenly found the most meddling one from the opposing team. What kind of cosmic justice is this?)
In the end Neil just takes a napkin and doodles something quickly on, His eyes smile with a fire that could only promise a disaster (Andrew knows better not to let himself get burned, and yet...) and before Riko has enough and pulls all the Ravens away, he slides it towards Andrew. 
All the foxes are gapping.
Did... Did that Raven just propositioned Andrew? Like in the middle of a banquet??? did he just casually give him his number??? What is going on???
Andrew refuses to feed their curiosity in any way.
But when they are safe in the bus, Kevin drunk into oblivion, rest of the foxes bored with his silence…
He lets himself unwind the napkin.
There is a letter inside. Neatly folded multiple times so it doesn't even look like it was hidden inside the napkin until Andrew could feel it in his hands.
Letter describing how Kevin is the son of Wymack.
And a little note on the napkin....
"Have fun with it.”
And Andrew can't help but feel his interest stir inside him.
If anybody is interested i wrote short fic about this :) Here is link
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Blurred Lines 2
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, power imbalance, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your relationship with your boss takes an unpredictable turn.
Characters: Nick Fowler
Note: some more Nicky for the girlies.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Back to usual. 
You say goodbye to Joey with an especially clingy hug. She’ll be gone back to campus by the time you get home. Her short visits always leave you a bit sad.
You arrive at Nick’s place and let yourself in. The remnants of the prior day’s get together are still littered over the dining room table and throughout the front room. There’s more in the kitchen.
You gather the empty glasses and a few bottles with varying amounts of liquid still inside. You scrape plates into the pin and sweep napkins in after them. You fill the sink with warm soapy water to wash it all when you hear the soft but clumsy pad of feet on the stairs. They’re too light to be Nick.
You have the coffee brewing in anticipation of your boss’ hangover. The aroma wafts into the air as the machine clicks. A figure appears in the doorway and you turn to greet the woman in her sleek but wrinkled dress. This isn’t unexpected either.
“Good morning,” you greet her stunned eyes as she blanches.
“Um, I’m sorry, I was only–”
“Coffee?” You offer her as you open the cupboard, “look like you need it.”
“N-no, I… should go. Is there a Starbucks around here?” She croaks.
“No need, I can do lattes,” you offer, “he’s got this ridiculously expensive machine.”
“Er,” she looks down at the heels dangling from her hand then back to you, “sorry, are you… do you live…”
“I work for Mr. Fowler. Just the maid,” you assure her. Her assumption fills your chest with an unspent laugh. You’re far too old for Nick. Besides, the concept is ridiculous.
“Oh…” her single syllable dangles.
You pour her a cup and turn to offer it to her. Her mouth slants in a guilty smile. She shambles forward and accepts the mug.
“You take sugar, cream? Maybe some Advil?” You suggest.
“Oat milk? And yes please, my head is pounding.”
“Right, he has almond milk,” you open another cupboard and pluck out the ibuprofen, “or whole milk.”
“Almond is fine,” she accepts as you rattle the bottle.
“One or two, hon,” you ask as you approach her again.
“Two, please,” she inhales the scent of the coffee and sighs, rubbing her eye socket before extending her hand to take the tablet, “the whole bottle if I could.”
“Ugh, yeah, I don’t miss those days,” you hum and cap the bottle.
You put it away and go into the large fridge, taking out the carton of almond milk for the woman. You take it to her as she approaches the island to clink down the coffee. You watch as she adds the milk and takes a slender spoon from you to stir it in. She takes her first sip and moans before tossing back the pills.
“Coffee good?” You prompt proudly.
“Oh, yeah,” she looks up at you, “yeah, it’s great.”
“Took me a while to master the beast,” you point to the machine. “I finally got my ristretto down, too.”
She gives a nervous laugh and gulps again, wiping her lips with the back of her hand, “you’re nice… really nice. Why?”
You blink at her question. It makes you wonder, was Nick not nice? That’s not really any of your concern.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You shrug and turn to the full sink, “you’re a guest.” You plunge your hands in and scrub the porcelain, “plus, you kinda remind me of my daughter. I’d like someone to treat her nicely too.”
“Ah,” she accepts, “that’s really sweet.”
“It’s human, I hope,” you open up the dishwasher to slide in each plate.
“You really… didn’t have to make me coffee,” she murmurs.
You peek over at her as she stares into the depths. She seems sad but that might just be the hangover. You continue your work as you reply.
“It was already on. If you’re hungry–”
“Please, no, that’s okay,” she declines with a wave, “I think… I think I’ll just finish this and get an uber. Maybe go call my mom.”
“Well, you let me know if you need anything before you go,” you chime as you hook glasses into the top rack of the dishwasher.
You finish the dishes and grab a damp cloth to go wipe the table down. You stop by a few other surfaces to clear away rings from the finish and return to the kitchen. As you enter from the dining room, Nick appears in the other.
The woman faces him as she grabs her shoes, “hi.”
He growls and lumbers over to the coffee machine. He sees the mug waiting for him and peers into its empty body. You clutch the cloth in your hand as you watch his naked back tense. He wears nothing more than a pair of briefs. At most, you’ve seen him shirtless when he needs some stitches.
“More coffee?” You offer the woman.
“No, I should go,” she peeks at him nervously.
“Alright, well, you take care,” you bid her and take her cup.
“Thanks,” she says and skulks to the door, “bye, Nick.”
“Mmm,” he flicks his fingers at her as he pours himself a cup.
You narrow your eyes at his shoulder blades. That wasn’t very polite. Well, it isn’t your job to be his mother, even if it feels like it sometimes.
You put the almond milk away as he turns to lean in the corner of the counter. He presses the porcelain to his forehead and groans. You shake out the cloth over the sink and rinse it out.
“You have a daughter,” he states plainly. A question but not really.
“I do,” you answer evenly.
“I didn’t know that,” he says.
You shrug, “guess it never came up.”
"You’ve worked for me for three years…” he mutters.
“You never asked,” you say lightly, “it’s fine.”
He lowers the cup and slurps loudly. He swishes the coffee around before he swallows thickly.
“Your husband okay with you working twelves?”
You chuckle, “sir, really, it’s fine.”
His curiosity is not usual. You stick to the expected, the manageable. You don’t stray outside the lines. You’re friendly but you’re not overfamiliar. He always seemed to prefer that. He enjoyed talking about himself far more.
“You were busy yesterday,” he shifts his weight to one foot, his muscled chest rippling.
“I suppose as busy as you,” you roll in the racks of the dishwasher and add soap before closing it up.
“I… interrupted your plans?”
“Sir, it’s fine, I had a good day off and now I’m back,” you insist, “are there any other messes I need to worry about?”
He tilts his head and exhales deeply. His cheek dimples as he considers you. The cut on his head is exposed but not as bad as it was, though the bruise under his eyes has only gotten darker.
He scoffs as a smirk slants his lips, “sure. You could change my bed sheets.”
“Sure,” you accept breezily, repressing the glimmer of concern at the base of your skull. 
Something about his response seems trite, as if he means to insult you. You’re an adult, you’re less than shocked at his after hours play. By now, you’re quite used to it. He’s in his prime, he’s well off, and he’s handsome by anyone’s measure.
“You could try some witch hazel,” you touch your cheek then point at his, “for the bruising.”
“I can handle it,” he retorts and pushes himself away from the counter, “enough chattering. Get to work.”
You knock on the office door and wait for an answer. The little device you keep clipped to your belt is still buzzing with Nick’s demand. He calls to you from within and you enter.
“Sir?” You greet him.
“What took you so long?” He growls.
He’s in a foul mood. He has been all day. He can be gruff, you’re used to that, but today, he just seems prickly. His romp must not have been much fun. Come to think of it, his partner had been all too eager to flee.
You shake away the intrusive thoughts and clear your throat, “I was in the laundry room. Sorry.”
“My head is pounding,” he rubs his temples.
“Right, sir, I’ll bring you Advil and some water–”
“Don’t treat me like a child,” he snarls.
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m sure I’m a lot older than your daughter, so cut it out.”
“I wasn’t– sir, I’m sorry.”
“Go, get the pills,” he shoos you, “and call Rhonda.”
You nod and leave him. Wow. You don’t think he’s ever spoken to you like that. The mention of Joey also puts you off. Why is he so concerned? Most people could look at you and assume you have a kid or too. At your age, with your hips…
You go downstairs to retrieve the Advil and a tall glass of water. You climb back upstairs and follow the airy hall down to your office. As you enter, he sits with his head in his hands, his elbows on the desk. You don’t say a word as you set down the glass and pills.
He doesn’t move. You back away slowly and pull out your cell phone. You’ll call the masseuse, she should be able to work out the tension.
As you get to the door, he growls and his chair squeaks.
“You said something, about witch hazel,” he snarls.
“Uh, yes,” you face him, “it’ll take down the bruising.”
He narrows his eyes, the gesture tweaking his swollen cheek. Even battered, he isn’t unattractive. And the woman in his kitchen was just as gorgeous. So you find it hard to fathom why he’s in such a mood.
“Would you like me to get it for you, sir?” You ask, trying not to sound too pandering.
“Sure, whatever.”
You sweep away and go down the hall to the cabinet. You keep everything stocked well. Part of your job is inventory. You’ll have to go through the liquor bottles later and see what needs replenishing too.
You return to him with the witch hazel and a bag of cotton balls. You place them on his desk as he leans his head against the chairback, his eyes closed. You step back on your heel and his eyes pop open.
“Would you mind?” He motions to his face.
“Sure,” you take the cotton balls and pull one out.
You uncap the dark bottle and dampen the cotton with the liquid. His eyes close again as you sidle closer and you dab gently along his cheek. He flinches, just once, then stills. It must be cold. 
His eyes flick open again and startle you as you retract your touch. Awkwardly, you move away and gather up the bottle and bag of cotton balls. He’s quiet as he leans forward to grab the bottle of pills.
“I should’ve guessed,” he says as he shakes two tablets out, “that’s what I do. I read people. You’re a mother, for sure. She’s older, isn’t she? College? You had her young–”
“Sir,” you sniff, uncomfortable.
“Just the one. And you didn’t answer me when I talked about your husband so he must be out of the picture. Divorced. About the time you came around here, huh? You need the job after the messy break up,” he suggests as he wags his finger with a knowing grin, “probably another woman, huh?”
You blink. You’ll let him think what he wants. His opinion of your marriage isn’t important. It won’t do to correct him anyway. He doesn’t really seem to care, he just wants to wound. You just can’t figure out what you’ve done to deserve it.
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milessluvr · 10 months
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꒰ ꒱ pairing : e42!miles morales x black!reader
꒰ ꒱ warnings : use of the N word cursing talking shit kissing lamme know if i miss any
꒰ ꒱ a/n : nicki was on my mind while makin this i feel like this was lazy asf short also💀
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“Girl say you lyin, she fucked the the whole football team?? bitch probably got STD’s.” Alyssa spoke in shock looking at y/n waiting for her reply.
“Yeah ! But she called me the slut for dating miles ? Like bitch just say you’re jealous and go on with your life..” y/n said fixing her eyelashes.
“For real like.. bitches be jealous now and days because you the baddest bitch in the whole school and dating the hottest nigga on campus.” Alyssa spoke closing her locker and walking away with y/n still talking about that one bitch.
Few couple of periods later it was already lunch looking around miles going behind the school seeing a tall shadow seeing its miles.
“Miles ! Baby where was you I looked everyone for you!” Y/n asked wrapping her arms around his neck kissing he’s face leaving lipstick around his face.
“My bad ma, had to beat a nigga ass for you since he was peaking a lil too much around my girl.” Miles put his phone away in his pocket also wrapping a arm around y/n waist putting her in closer
“Was it that ugly nigga James? That nigga needa shut his ugly ass up.” Y/n said rolling her eyes putting on her lipgloss
“Yeah I heard something about sum girl talking shit about us ?” Miles asked sitting down and looking at y/n wanting her answer
“Yeah this bitch got jealous because I’m dating you while being the baddest bitch on campus and on the block?? she wanna be me so bad !” Y/n said laughing hard.
“But she know she fucked the WHOLEE football team she will never be a bad bitch like me “ y/n laughing even harder
“Plus after all of that fucking her ugly ass probably got STDs with her lil nappy ass hair she really is in love with me !” y/n said starting to dance a lil bit then Miles came behind her dancing right with her
“Damn right ma, remember what nicki Minaj said, I’ll cut the bitch “
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@ entox 2023 don’t copy or steal my shit !
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Luca Marinelli hugged me 🥺
Spoleto Festival, 2024
I'm Marie , 26, queer fan of Luca Marinelli from Germany and I flew to Italy for 24 hours to see the special event in Spoleto.
It was an 1 hour conversation with the crew of Luca's play. To explain: I stutter pretty severly and it's very difficult for me to talk fluently, especially in front of so many people. So i didn't think I would have the chance to ask a question. Especially since it was completely sold out.
I had written down a little thank you letter to Luca in my notes app just in case. I've been a fan of his for 10 years and his role as Nicky in The Old Guard saved my life and he continues to save it ❤️ I struggle with depression and anxiety and Nicky inspires me to eat well and Joe and Nicky make me fall in love with life.
So , the Event started in Spoleto, the cutest little town. I lived in Italy for a year some time ago so I could follow the conversation in Italian on stage easily.
Luca seemed very happy to be there and guys: he's soooooo beautiful!!! They talked a bit and started answering questions from the public. I summoned all my courage and raised my hand. Luca is fluent in German since he lives in Berlin so I started talking in German, explaining that I stutter. He was so excited to see someone from Germany 🥺 then I couldn't talk fluently due to the stutter, he said very gently "alles gut " = "it's okay ". I raised my phone to indicate i had a message for him. He came over and read it out loud in Italian since I'd written it in Italian.
In the letter I said he's a great great actor and that "his" Nicky saves my life. His SMILE when he talked about TOG added ten years to my life. He then got up, handed me back my phone and HUGGED ME!!! I didn't except it and was so surprised. That meant the world to me 🥺🥺❤️ He truly gives great hugs 🥺 the entire theatre clapped btw!!!!
He also looked soooo similar to how he looked as Nicky and that made me very emotional. He was nervous and anxious and times but I could definitely relate to that 😁
In conclusion: Luca is the kindest man ever who deserves all the success and love and kindness in his life. 🥰❤️🌠
PS: I only took one pic and one short video because I was so present and in the moment 🥰
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jtl-fics · 7 months
Fluent Freshman - Part 43
FF is a pretty good student. Solid Bs in his Gen-eds and As in regard to his major. With one C+ that he’s still working on with Captain Neil but it’s higher than the D+ that he had been pulling before Captain Neil had started to tutor him and he really just needs to pass the one gen-ed required math class.
There was many a deep breathing exercise before he made an appointment with his educational advisor for the next semester back in October but it hadn’t been that bad even though she was the one that had asked if he knew anyone good at math since it obviously was not a strong suit of his. So he dragged his grade up from a D+ to a C+ and he was pretty proud of that.
FF has a preferred spot in each and every one of his classrooms. In his Gen-Ed courses he sits in spots that the Professors don’t even notice and where there is almost always a gap between him and the next person. He arrives perfectly almost late every single day for every single class he can to achieve this feat.
For his Major classes he sits near the front with the few Foreign Language major friends that he has.
FF likes to be prepared. Studying was a nice way to prepare for the future. If he’s already read the entire textbook front to back and taken notes then a pop quiz can’t catch him off guard. He double, triple, and quadruple checks homework. He could probably recite the syllabus for any of his classes off the top of his head. He has read it so much to make sure he’s gotten everything and is on track.
FF kind of likes finals week.
For once, for one week, everyone is as anxious as him.
He sits next to Nicky patting his back as his friend sobs into a pillow. “I’m not going to graduate and it’s going to delay seeing Erik by an entire year!” Nicky yells as he brings his face out of the pillow.
“Nicky, you only got one flashcard wrong how about you shut the fuck up!” Aaron yells from his desk where he seems to have spontaneously developed ambidextrousness as he writes notes with both hands. “Fuck I am NEVER fitting all of this one one index card.” Aaron slams his face into the table.
“I don’t even need this degree.” Matt says looking down at a textbook that he has not turned a page on for the last hour. The fact that Matt had also not even opened that textbook before now was a bit of a cause for concern. “I’ve already got offers for professional teams. I can just play Exy. I do not need to pass a workplace psychology course.” Matt says.
“You think Dan wants an idiot?!” Nicky demands not wanting to go down alone.
“She thinks it’s cute that I’m stupid!” Matt exclaims.
“No she doesn’t!” Aaron points at him, “She said and I quote ‘I love it when you use that big ol sexy brain of yours.’ the last time you had her on speaker phone!” he uses a slightly more…effeminate voice when he impersonates Dan but FF had spoken with Dan and to his memory she did not sound like that.
“Fuck you’re right she deserves an all rounder!” Matt cries, head in his hands.
“Why do I even have to TAKE this Gen-Ed about history?” Nicky demands now holding onto FF as if he were a teddy bear.
“So that we’re well-rounded individuals with a wider perspective on-”
“Smithy, my sweet child, I was not looking for an answer.” he feels Nicky’s hand come up to his hair and maybe he’s being treated more like a favored pet?
“You’re having trouble with a Gen-Ed?!” Aaron asks turning around in his seat, “That’s embarrassing.” he turns his nose up.
“I’m having trouble with something that is going to be useless in my adult life.” Nicky says as if he were not currently an adult. “You are having issues with a class that will have huge ramifications on your future if you don’t manage to learn it!” Nicky points out.
“Eat my shorts Nicky.” Aaron hisses.
“Maybe I could study if you would wash your shorts Aaron. I can smell your laundry pile from over here!” Matt spits.
The fight devolved from there and FF slipped out of the dorm as Nicky was holding a chair over his head to seemingly throw at Matt for his ‘unreasonable number of sticky notes messing up the flow of Nicky’s studying’.
He heard a crash.
“It’s probably fine.” he says to himself and he has his index cards with the speech he has to give for and he really should go over to talk with Captain Neil.
He walks to Captain Neil, Andrew, and Kevin’s door and- “There faster-!”
FF walks away from Captain Neil, Andrew, and Kevin’s door, remembering only in this moment that Kevin had declared that he would be “Living in the library until this paper is done or I am.” to the team at the last practice of the year.
Captain Neil and Andrew were never the type to waste an empty dorm room.
He misses Pepto Bismol as he hears a particularly dirty line of Russian coming from his Captain’s dorm room.
Eventually Finals week is done and dusted with only 4-5 more blow-ups in his dorm room that result in Nicky, Aaron, and Matt stopping their fight to see if they accidentally had knocked him out with all of the thrown debris (only happened once when Aaron threw a textbook that Nicky ducked but he didn’t.)
FF came out of his final…final feeling pretty good all around. He had managed to get some extra tutoring time with Captain Neil after Kevin managed to finish his history paper a little early. Despite all of their fears and complaints Aaron, Nicky, and Matt all did manage to pass all of their finals and their classes.
The Tower was closing tomorrow for the rest of the year and despite checking almost every day with Nicky he still was invited to go to New York City with most of the team to stay at Allison’s house.
“Smithy, did you pack a swimsuit?” Nicky asks.
“Nicky, we’re going to New York for Christmas break. Do you think we’re going to swim?” Aaron asks incredulously.
“Two words, my fetus of a cousin: Hot. Tub.” Nicky holds his hand up and putting one finger up and then another. “Is hot tub two words?” Matt asks as he reaches for his own swim trunks.
“Yes Matt hot tub is two words.” FF says nodding.
“Thank you Smithster.” Matt says.
“I can’t believe you don’t know that hot tub is two words.” Aaron says with a huff.
“I can’t believe that you don’t know how to not be an asshole even after you started getting regular sex with Katelyn.” Matt returns, “Look at how not a thing that was when Smithster answered it.” he gestures to FF.
“You cannot compare Smithy to Aaron. Apples and Tomatoes.” Nicky dismisses.
“Whatever, so Allison got a hot tub at her place?” Aaron moves past the conversation.
“Aaron you just made fun of Matt for asking stupid questions.” Nicky says with a hand on his cheek.
“I fucking hate being part of your family.” Aaron says without any real heat.
“Yeah sure.” Nicky says, rolling his eyes and smiling as he saw Aaron packing swim trunks that FF knew he had bought for his cousin.
“Okay, I’ve got the packing list that Allison sent. Do we wanna run through it so that we’re all properly packed?” Matt says holding up his phone.
“Yeah, let’s run through it.” Nicky says with a sigh.
They went through Allison’s provided list twice and then zipped up their suitcases. Smith was going to be driving to the airport with Matt. Neil and Andrew were going to be driving the Maserati up alone while the rest of them were going to be flying up to New York City.
Now onto something that filled FF with far more dread than simply passing tests that determined whether or not he continued to get a free ride in college.
Meeting new people.
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bbrissonn · 7 months
i’m always up for protective moldy blurbs….
bweibd i love this !!! warnings: not proofread, really short so yeah sorry about that under the cut!
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nick knew when the two of you left his dorm that lots of eyes would be on you tonight, he just never expected it from all his single teammates.
"nicky, baby, i have to go to the bathroom." you mumbled to the boy standing behind you. his arms were holding you close, making sure to let everyone know you were his.
"i'll come with you, babe." he answered, guiding you to one of the bathrooms of the house.
"nicholas, i'm a grown woman. i can go pee by myself."
"can a man not spend time with his girlfriend anymore?" he asked as the two of you reached the bathroom. you stepped in, and as you went to close the door, nick tried to slip in. you were quick to place a hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly.
"nick." you told him sternly, making him pout at you slightly. but when he realized you weren't going to changed your mind, he sighed before stepping back.
after a couple of minutes, you left the bathroom, and nick's eyes went wide when they landed on you.
"nu-uh. back inside." he rushed, pushing the two of you inside and closing the door.
"babe, what are you doing?"
"did you check yourself in the mirror before leaving, missy?" he sassed, making you shrug.
"i mean, i touched up my makeup a bit, so yeah."
"did you really thought?"
"nick, what's going on?"
"we can see your boobs!" he exclaimed, positioning your body so you were facing the mirror. he was right. your deep v neckline had lowered even more and your bra was now showing.
"you could've just told me instead of shoving us in here." you mumbled, fixing your top as you rolled your eyes at how dramatic he was being.
"and have everyone stare at your boobs? no way. all of the guys have been eye fucking you the whole night."
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deathblacksmoke · 7 months
two way vision
pairing: noah sebastian x nick ruffilo x fem reader
cw: polyamorous relationship, dom!nick, brief name calling, belt spanking, threesome, unprotected p in v sex, oral sex (m receiving), boyfriends calling each other dude hehe, mid-sex bickering, ABSOLUTELY FILTHY but don’t worry i think it’s still very sweet 🩵
word count: 3.2K
taglist: @concretenoah / @ladyveronikawrites / @circle-with-me / @darksigns-exe / @xxrainstorm /@agravemisstake / @monotoniscreaming
let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future fics!
author’s note: ruffilo wore a belt and i immediately got all twisty about it? and this happened. enjoy 🤍
You hadn’t meant to misbehave tonight.
You had put on your pretty dress and gotten all done up with the intention of getting comfortably tipsy and remaining on your best behavior, but things don’t always work out as planned.
Apparently it’s a very important night, with very important people. Apparently the future of the band could ride on this very event. This could mean big things for them. Apparently.
While Nick and Noah are schmoozing, paying you no mind whatsoever, the boredom gets to you. You hate this party. You’re the only girlfriend here and the alcohol sucks—no liquor, just champagne. You’ll regret the morning after blinding champagne headache tomorrow.
You were well aware that they wouldn’t be able to pay much attention to you, but you couldn’t have predicted just how bored you’d be and how out of place you’d feel. You love spending time with them, you love supporting them, but you almost wish you’d stayed at home tonight.
You just wish they’d pay attention to you for a moment. You wish you’d stayed by Nick’s side instead of heading for the bar, but shaking hands and smiling politely at men in suits didn’t sound like fun to you. It still doesn’t.
Being next to them, no matter how boring the conversations may be, seems a lot better than this—sitting at the table alone, sipping on shitty champagne and sulking.
You know that Noah would be more receptive to the games you feel like playing. You know you’re not allowed. It was discussed extensively—in public, you’re Nick’s fiancée and Noah’s friend, for now. Playing with Noah would pose a lot of questions that none of you are quite ready to answer.
That doesn’t mean you have to like it, especially tonight when they’re all dressed up, looking like that. You’ve been aching since the moment Nick stepped out of the bedroom, doing up his belt, asking if the two of you were about ready to go. It’s not often you get to see them like this. Having to keep your legs crossed, squeezing together to chase away that familiar buzz, feels a little silly. You just want to have a little fun.
You’ve been here for so long and want them to take you home.
Walking up behind Nick, notching your finger in his belt and pulling him back towards you, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck, you know it’s not your best idea.
You recognize the guy he and Noah are talking to as someone in another band, not an exec—you don’t know who he is but you don’t really care.
“You want to introduce me to your friend, Nicky?” you ask, and he looks back at you with a sour expression. He doesn’t want you to be doing this, not here. Not tonight, not now. It’s just so fun to push his buttons. You slide your hand around to his front, resting over his belly and rubbing. “I’m bored.”
He narrows his eyes at you but he turns back around and introduces you—you don’t listen for a name. You shake his hand and place a kiss behind Nick’s ear. You catch Noah from the corner of your eye, softly amused with an overcurrent of concern. He knows where this lands you.
“Go sit back down,” Nick bites as he turns to face you. He kisses you but it’s short. You’re in trouble. Your intent hadn’t necessarily been to embarrass him, but tease him, a little fun to take the edge off just how much you don’t want to be here. “I’ll be with you in a minute.”
His tone is dark in a way you don’t get often. The ache is unbearable. You go to sit back down and hope you don’t regret what you’ve done, waiting for Nick and Noah to come and join you.
You don’t speak on the ride home. With Nick’s hand gripping you, you can feel exactly where the marks will be on your inner thigh, where his fingers press in painfully. He’s angry. Noah holds your hand, rubbing a thumb along the back, a comfort.
You’re ushered inside with a hand on the small of your back when the car pulls up out front. Possessive.
The door slams shut behind you, making you flinch. Not fear, necessarily—uncertainty. It’s been a while since you’ve done this and you’re not sure exactly what to expect. He hangs his jacket on the rack, not used to wearing it, muscle memory of the hook by the door.
“Go to the bedroom. Both of you,” Nick orders, voice stern but gentle at once. You share a glance with Noah but do what he says. “I’ll be right in.”
You close the door behind you, leave your clothes on and wait for Nick’s instructions, though you think you know what they’ll be.
Noah kisses you with a gentle hand on your face, thumb grazing your cheek. It’s gentle and you need it, though you’re buzzing with the anticipation of what you know is to come.
“You think maybe you shouldn’t have done that, love?” Noah asks when he pulls away, breath on your lips. He’s smirking but his voice is laced with a bit of concern.
You smile, settling him. You almost want to laugh, because he must have forgotten.
“I wanted to do it,” you assure him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “I appreciate your concern, sweet boy, but I wanted this. You think I don’t know exactly what I’m doing?”
You freeze when the bedroom door opens, slamming back shut. Noah backs away from you quickly like he’s been burned, like being near you will get him in trouble, too. He’s definitely forgotten.
Nick comes up behind you, wrapping his arms tight around your middle. It’s almost like normal, if not for his teeth grazing your neck, then biting down in a way that hurts you, feels primal and angry.
“You were very bad tonight, baby. You know that, right?” Nick asks. You nod, his hand sliding its way around your throat, grip tight enough to make you short of breath but loose enough that you don’t fear it. You never do—not with Nicholas. Even angry, he’s always careful, always has an edge of softness in his every move. “I know you didn’t mean to embarrass me, but they know now. They know my girl is a desperate little slut.”
You moan, cut off when he clamps his hand down over your mouth. The ache gets deeper—you’re dripping for him.
“Noah, go get on the bed, baby,” Nick says, and Noah scrambles to do it, eager. He props himself up against the pillows how Nick normally likes him at the start and it makes you chuckle, seeing him so ready to do whatever he’s asked to do. Nick’s hand trails back down to your throat, just resting there, not squeezing. With his mouth at your ear, he shushes you. “You,” he whispers in your ear, making you shiver. “I want you to undress and get on all fours on the bed for me. Okay?”
You nod, moving to undress and do what’s asked of you, but he catches you by the hand and pulls you to him again, your back pressed to his chest.
“Uh uh, sweetheart,” he whispers, a hand trailing delicately down your side. “I need you to be good and use your words. I need a yes or no from you. Do you want to do this?”
“Yes, Nicky,” you say, moving to turn around in his arms and hoping he’ll let you. He allows it and you feel a wave of relief, especially when you see the expression painted on his face, patient and gentle for a moment. “I want this. Please.”
“Good girl,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You feel yourself relax completely, reminded that you’re safe here with them. He gives you a slap on your ass when you turn around and you gasp, hearing him laugh behind you. “Dress off. Hands and knees, please.”
You unzip your dress and let it fall to your feet, watch as Noah’s eyes glaze over with want. You unclasp your bra and hear Nick’s breath hitch as it falls to the floor. Dipping your fingers into the band of your lace panties, he tsks behind you. “Those stay on,” he orders—your cheeks heat. You leave them and crawl onto the bed. “Thank you, baby.”
“Keep your eyes on Noah,” Nick says, coming up behind you, hand on the small of your back. You shift your eyes up to Noah, looking back at you with a soft expression, small smile. You smile back. You can hear as Nick unbuckles his belt, but don’t hear the familiar sound of his zipper being pulled down. You hear it sliding from the loops, and feel as the belt, folded over, grazes your ass. You shiver. “How many do you think you deserve, baby?”
“I—I don’t know,” you say. You don’t know just how bad you were tonight. You know you shouldn’t have done what you did, but you were so bored. Lonely. “Maybe ten, Nicky? Is that good?”
“I think ten is just fine, sweetheart,” Nick says, running his hand up your back, leaning over to press a kiss to your shoulder blade. “Do you remember my rules?”
“Um—yeah. ‘Red’ if I need to stop, or if I make a really pained noise, you’ll check. And I count the hits,” you say. Nick places a slap to your ass, gentle. You’ve forgotten something. “And I keep my eyes on Noah.”
“Yes, good girl,” Nick says. “You take care of her, baby,” he tells Noah, who nods up at him, then focuses back on you, reaching out. “Hold her hand, okay? Tell me if anything seems off,” the belt grazes your ass again. “Are you ready?”
You nod before hearing him sigh behind you. Your words. You forgot again. You’re so nervous, or excited, or a little bit of both. “Yes, I’m ready, Nicky.”
The first blow stings, surprises you—you yelp and squeeze Noah’s hand. “One,” you gasp. Another. “Fuck. Two,” Noah grazes his thumb against the back of your hand, brings it up to his mouth, whispers good, baby. Another. You’re getting used to it. Feeling nicer. “Three,” The fourth hits a little low, below the meat of your ass, high on the back of your thigh. You hiss and Nick pulls back, soothing with his hand. “Four.”
“Hold on. Are you okay?” Nick asks.
“Mmhmm, just—” you start, thinking of what to say. “That one was a little low. It felt bad, kind of. Can you try to stay higher?”
“Of course, baby. I’m sorry,” he says. You relax. You know he didn’t mean it—he always tries his best to be careful. “Thank you for using your words. Are you good to continue?”
“Yes, please,” you say, reaching for Noah’s hand again, who offers it readily. The fifth feels nicer, your responding groan breaking off into a sigh. “Five,” The next two come in quick succession, one on each cheek. You feel yourself dripping for him, Noah’s eyes glazed over as he watches you. “Eight,” you gasp, thinking you should misbehave more often. It was all thanks to that fucking belt. “Nine,” you whine. The last one stings worse than the others and you’re glad you didn’t pick a higher number. “Ten.”
“Good girl,” Nick says, leaning down to pepper kisses along your back, soothing a hand over your ass. Noah leans down to kiss you on the mouth and you smile into it. “You did such a good job for us.”
“I want—” you start, gasping into Noah’s mouth when Nick’s fingers graze your folds over your panties, pressing in slightly. “I want you. Both. Please.”
“I know, you want to be full, huh?” Nick asks and you nod. “How do you want us?”
“I want Noah in my mouth,” you say, and Noah gasps, grazing a hand over your face. “You inside me, Nicky. Please.”
It’s been a while since you’ve had them like this, full from both ends, complete center of attention. You wiggle your ass back and Nick groans when you make contact with his front, cock hard and insistent, pressing against his zipper.
“Remember, two taps on Noah’s leg if you need to stop,” Nick says, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. You hear them fall to the floor. You’re not sure when Noah got undressed, but when you look, he’s naked and waiting for you. Your mouth waters. “Do you care about these?” Nick asks, fingers grazing the fabric of your panties.
“No, Nicky,” you say, just before his hand presses over the band against the small of your back, his other dipping beneath the gusset and yanking, fabric tearing. The shock of the cold in the room on your lips makes you shiver.
“Look at you,” Nick marvels, fingers dipping inside. “Look at this pretty pussy, baby, all wet and dripping for us.”
Noah presses his cock to the seam of your lips, swipes a thumb along your cheek. You stick your tongue out to taste him, bask in the weight of it as he lays it on your tongue. You close your mouth around the tip, swirl your tongue and sink further. You never tire of his little gasps when he’s in your mouth or in your cunt.
You feel Nick at your entrance, sliding inside easily, bottoming out and forcing you further on Noah’s cock. “Oh, fuck,” you hear him gasp and your eyes flutter closed. You’ll let them do the work for you—that’s your favorite part. “Fuck, you always feel so good.”
You force down a choke as you’re forced further onto Noah’s cock, swallowing around him. You grasp Noah’s leg for purchase and his gasp is dizzying.
“How’s she feel, baby?” Noah asks, and Nick groans from the back of his throat. God, you love listening to them while they’re using you. “Her mouth is—” he breaks off into a gasp as you swallow around him, the slightest graze of your teeth, just how he likes it. “Fuck.”
“You know, dude,” Nick says, fucking you harder. You feel split open and can’t control the gag this time, as you’re forced down further on Noah’s cock, who pulls back a bit to give you a reprieve. You squeeze his leg gratefully but move yourself back down further, needing it—the gag, the choke, the overwhelming fullness of it all. “You know she feels fucking perfect. You wish you were back here, huh?”
“No, dude, her mouth,” Noah counters, a hand running over your cheek, into your hair, tugging and making you gag. Noah’s groan is fucking pornographic, Nick’s even more so. “You know how her throat tightens around you when you pull on her hair?” Noah asks him. You feel overwhelmingly full when they both lean forward. You hear the wet, sloppy sounds of their kissing and you bask in them. Noah tightens his hand in your hair while Nick’s hands move from your hips up to your sides, gripping tight. They chuckle into each other’s mouths when you choke again. “Did her pussy do it, too, Nicky?”
Nick moves his hands from your sides. If Noah’s whine is anything to go off, Nick’s hands have tangled in his hair just how he likes it. You wish so badly you could watch them—you love them like this.
“Are you smoking again?” Nick asks Noah, and you’re surprised it took him so long tonight to notice the smell, the taste of them. “You taste like shitty cigarettes. Stale. Menthol ones.”
“It’s her, man,” Noah says, and you pinch his leg to hear his yelp, payback for being a snitch. “She bummed a few during the party, snuck out front. She was gone for ages,” he continues, unfortunately not deterred, determined to throw you under the bus so he can remain Nick’s perfect boy. “I taste like her, Nicky. You would have noticed if you’d been paying any attention to her. I’m not allowed,” he snarks. You laugh—apparently Noah likes the vibration of it, muffling a moan into Nick’s skin. “Don’t you know never to leave a pretty girl like this alone?”
“I’m gathering that. Fucking smartass,” Nick says, fucking you slower, thrusting deeper and harder. A hand comes back down to grip your hips, thumb grazing over your skin. “Kiss me again, Noah,” Nick orders and he doesn’t hesitate—you quickly readjust as he moves forward again, meeting Nick’s mouth. “Honey, you’re shaking. You’re about to cum, huh?”
Noah doesn’t answer, not that you can hear, just thrusts faster and deeper into your mouth. You power through it, swallow around the gag, blink away the tears and let your eyes slip closed. “I’m gonna cum,” Noah gasps into Nick’s mouth. You double your efforts, sliding your head down as far as you can, swallowing around him. He groans, gathering your hair in a fist and stilling. “Oh, fuck.”
Noah’s barely pulled out before Nick is, too, flipping you over onto your back and slipping back in. You swallow, Noah’s cum sliding down your throat. He’s leaning over you again, licking into your mouth, tasting himself on your tongue. It’s filthy and makes you ache, tighten around Nick.
Nick slaps a tit, kneading it and pinching the pebbled nipple between his index finger and thumb. You let out a desperate moan as he grabs the other, fucking you deeper. “Touch yourself, sweetheart,” Nick tells you, right hand moving from your chest to your throat, tightening just slightly. “Keep your eyes on me.”
You reach between your bodies, middle finger sliding over your clit. You had already been so close and the first touch of your finger sets your body alight. Nick’s eyes are so focused on you—you’re short of breath and so fucking close.
“Nicky,” you gasp, reaching out for him with a free hand. He leans down to kiss you, the most gentle thing you’ve felt all night. Throwing your head back, you feel your orgasm reaching its peak. Your eyes meet Nick’s again. “Cum on my cock, sweet girl. Cum for me,” he says as it washes over you.
Nick is pulling out, then, jerking his cock once, twice, three times before his cum is covering your tummy. You always love the way it feels.
They bracket your body. Noah gathers some of Nick’s cum on his fingers, sucking them into his mouth. Nick’s eyes unfocus before he leans over you, licking into Noah’s mouth.
They focus back on you, Nick speaking up. “I’m sorry you felt neglected tonight, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have done that to you,” Nick starts, thumb grazing over your cheek. “If it happens again, you can just tell me, all right? You don’t need to act out.”
“I’m sorry I embarrassed you, Nicky,” you respond, but he smiles and shakes his head, letting you know that you didn’t.
“Can I run you a bath?” he asks, and a bath does sound so nice right now, the warm water on your stinging and aching body.
“Can Noah come?” you ask, and Noah smiles into the skin of your neck, snorting. You’re glad you’d decided to go for the bigger tub.
“Of course he can,” Nick responds. “Noah always comes.”
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sitkowski · 19 days
just crash (it's our time now) - nicholas x ofc
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pairing: nicholas ruffilo x cam (ofc) cw: ⚠️ 18+MDNI. warnings for angst, vaginal sex, fingering (f receiving), talk of birth control, praise kink of you squint. word count: 5.7k author's note: this is my first bad omens fic, hope ya'll enjoy! dedicated to all of the fantastic writers I've come to admire since starting back up with Tumblr again 🫶🏻 title comes from a You Me at Six song.
dividers by @saradika-graphics 🧡
According to the directions that the guy behind the counter had given her at the car rental place, she doesn’t have that far to go before she reaches the motel. The wipers squeak noisily against the windshield, and the hum of the radio can barely be heard above the steady downpour. She can just barely make out the red neon sign ahead of her.
Cam wonders, not for the first time, if this is the right thing to do.
Only she knows it is; he said the three magic words.Not I love you, but I need you. Three little words in a broken voice during a phone call she almost didn’t answer, and the next thing she knows she’s getting a plane ticket. She’s renting a car. She’s driving through the pouring rain in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere, Wyoming. Not just because he needs her but because she broke something and she needs to put it back together if she can.
The parking lot is surprisingly filled, but none of the vehicles look familiar to her. She parks in the first available spot, and pulls out her phone. Before she can even text him to let him know she’s there, a message pops into their chat chain, nothing but a room number. Cutting off the car, she realizes that she’s going to have to run through the rain. There’s a familiar hoodie in the passenger seat that she brought with her from home, faded and well worn and no longer smelling like the man who left it behind. She tugs it over her head before opening her door and getting out.
By the time she reaches the row of rooms on the other side of the stairwell, her clothes are soaked through. Her sneakers squelch with each step, and she ducks beneath the overhang and out of the rain. She raises her hand to knock on the door, but sees the curtains twitch. He knows she’s here, and she just stands there awkwardly until he opens the door.
She tries not to be moved by how exhausted he looks. But she always worries, it’s ingrained in her after such a long time. Even if she was the one who ended things, if she was the one who refused to bend. Beneath the exhaustion, she can see how grateful he is that she actually showed up.
“Where are the others?” she asks, in lieu of saying hello.
Nicholas steps aside to let her into the room, pressing the door closed again and Cam turns around to look at him, dripping water all over the carpet. He leans into the door. “Jolly and Folio are in a room upstairs, Matt and Noah are down the row.”
“Did you get a room by yourself just because I was coming? Optimistic of you, Nick.”
It’s mean and she knows it. She wants to take it back almost as soon as she’s said it.
“I’m the only one who didn’t catch the death flu,” he shrugs, seemingly unphased by her words. “We had to cancel two shows.”
Now Cam feels like even more of an asshole. She holds her arms out at her sides. “Shit Nicky, I’m so sorry. I—do you have, like a towel or something?”
He nods and slips around her into the bathroom. She takes off the hoodie and drapes it over one of the chairs at the small table, and toes off her shoes. They won’t be dry by morning. Movement beside her makes her turn, and Nicholas is there with a towel, as well as a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She almost goes into the bathroom to change, but figures that’s pointless. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before. When she takes off her wet t-shirt and jeans, he takes them for her. While he’s hanging them in the bathroom to drip dry, she puts on the offered clothes, using the towel to dry her hair and trying not to bury her face in the fabric of the shirt because it still smells like him.
Cam sits on the edge of the bed, tucking her hands between her knees. After a minute, he comes back out and sits down beside her. Just being this close to him again after the past few months makes her feel on edge. It’s not entirely a bad feeling. She almost jumps up from the bed when Nicholas reaches over and pushes her damp hair behind her ear.
“Thank you for coming,” he murmurs and she can’t help but look over at him. “You didn’t have to.”
“You said you needed me. I wasn’t going to say no.”
“You could have. I’m not your problem anymore, Camille.”
She doesn’t have an argument, because she was the one who left. She was the one who couldn’t handle getting serious and dating someone who had been her friend for so long before. Ending it was supposed to be a way for her to be able to salvage their friendship, but even months later things weren’t the same. Because she was still in love with him, and she thought coming here was going to be a way for her to either get over it or talk it out. She hadn’t let him talk it out before, she just left.
“You’re always going to be my problem, Nicholas.” Cam tentatively rests a hand on his back. “When’s the last time you slept? Like more than just a quick nap? Because I know you, and I know the canceled shows are keeping you up.” 
Nicholas sighs and rubs his eyes, shoulders hitching up in a shrug. “Yesterday, I think? The doctor cleared everyone but Matt still said we should take the weekend and rest instead of going out and doing stuff—”
“Lie back.” she insists.
When he looks at her in confusion, she rolls her eyes. It’s obvious that he needs to rest, and she isn’t going to take no for an answer. She watches as he finally relents and scoots back on the bed, practically falling back against the pillows in relief. Cam glances at the clock, it’s nearly midnight, and knowing that the others have been sick, she doesn’t want to text them just yet. She thinks that Nicholas has fallen asleep, but when she goes to turn off the bedside lamp for him, his hand reaches up to grasp her wrist.
“Where are you going? Lie down with me.”
Her original plan was just to get her own room for the night, but she stares down at him, and realizes that she can’t actually do that to him. Moving up the bed, she turns off the lamp and lays down beside him. Her body is taught with tension that melts away as the minutes pass. They lay in the darkness in silence, and Cam waits for him to speak again or try and hold her like he used to. She’d actually welcome that. But she hears his breathing even out beside her, and that’s what finally pulls her into sleep herself. She knows that this isn’t exactly what she came here for, but she promises herself she’ll tell him tomorrow.
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Cam wakes up early enough that she can get her bag from her rental car and send a text to Matt before Nicholas wakes up. He’s still out cold, exhaustion taking its toll. She lets him sleep, but she’s barely put her phone down from texting Matt before another message comes through her phone. She sighs as she reads it, she knew it was coming. Putting on fresh clothes, she slips out of the motel room again and makes her way down the corridor.
Noah is waiting for her, because there was no way that she was just going to show up and not have to talk with him about this. In a way, Nicholas is his, and Cam broke his heart. If she wants to try to fix things with Nicholas, she has to go through him first.
“You don’t look like death at least,” she says with a smile, letting him pull her into a friendly hug. “How are you feeling?”
“Less like someone shoved a chainsaw down my throat.”
They walk around to the other side of the motel where there’s a little room off the office that’s meant to be a place to have breakfast. There’s a box of donuts, and a coffee machine. They get coffee, and go back outside to sit on a low brick wall nearby.
“So, he called you.” 
Cam sips her coffee, lets it burn the top of her tongue. It’s bitter. “He said he needed me, Noah.”
The scoff that he lets out is disbelieving, and she gets that. He was the one who picked up the pieces after she and Nicholas broke up. He was the one who told her that she was making a mistake. He’d been right.
“He’s been running himself ragged trying to make sure none of us actually died since he was the only one not sick. Thank you for coming to look after him.”
Noah says it as if it’s the least that Cam could do. And it probably is. “Noah, I’m sorry—”
“Nah, you and I sorted our shit out. We’re good, Camille.”
It’s as close as she’s going to get to a warm welcome, and she accepts it. She and Noah were never as close as she and Nicholas, but they were still friendly with one another. She hurt his best friend, of course he wasn’t going to have the best reaction to seeing her months later. It’s not until they’re headed back around the motel that she drops the bomb on him.
“I’m going to tell Nick that I want to work things out.”
Noah whirls around and steps closer to her, and Cam actually stumbles back a step. It’s not like he’s going to hurt her, but any friendliness from earlier is gone. He’s the one she’s got to get past if she wants to fix things, after all. And right now, the look on his face says it all.
“Why, so you can crush his heart again in four months when you can’t handle him getting too close?”
That hurts, but she knows he isn’t wrong. She wraps her arms around herself, looking towards the room where hopefully Nicholas is still sleeping. She doesn’t even know how the conversation will go. She doesn’t know if he actually wants to get back together. She could have nothing to fix.
“I love him, Noah. I never should have left.” she says, unable to keep her emotions out of her voice.
He gives her a look that is less wary than before, and Cam feels something loosen in her chest. “If you hurt him again, there won’t be a third chance, you get that right? You’ll be done.”
It’s on the tip of her tongue to tell him he doesn’t get to make that choice, but he still isn’t wrong. If she were to do something as stupid as run away again, none of them would ever speak to her again and she wouldn’t blame them one bit. But she doesn’t want to run.
“Look, if you want me to go because you don’t think I’m good enough for him—”
“Are you kidding? He’s been absolutely miserable without you, and he asked you to come here. I know you’re good enough for him, the two of you are just fucking stubborn. We don’t have to leave for two days, so fix your shit. I will get Matt to lock the two of you in that room if you don’t.”
Across the parking lot, the motel room door opens and Nicholas sticks his head out. Noah and Cam both look caught, and he rolls his eyes before ducking back inside.
Noah gives her a sympathetic look. “Have fun with that.”
“Go rest your voice, you still sound like shit.” she teases, giving him a little shove before turning and heading back towards the room.
Nicholas didn’t close the door all the way, and Cam pushes it open and steps inside, closing it back behind her.
“Nice chat with Noah?” he asks.
Coming over to the bed, she sits back down beside him. It’s hard to be this close to him and not think about the good times they had together. It’s hard not to think about the mistakes she made that put her here, feeling more awkward and shy than before they ever dated. 
“I knew the minute I called you to come he was going to corner you—”
“He didn’t corner me, he’s concerned about his best friend. After what I did, it’s understandable.” Cam says.
He slumps back on the mattress, tossing his arm over his eyes. “I’m not seventeen anymore, I don’t need him fighting my battles.”
She wants to roll her eyes at his overdramatics, especially because she remembers him at seventeen. But instead she just shuffles down the bed and lays beside him.
“We have a battle to fight?” she asks lightly.
Nicholas lifts his arm and turns on his side to look at her. She wants to look away, escape his gaze, but she can’t. And when he reaches over and curls his hand around the edge of her jaw, she feels tears well in her eyes for some reason.
“I miss you,” he whispers, and she feels herself crumbling. “You’re right here and I still miss you.”
Biting her bottom lip, Cam scoots a little closer to him. He immediately wraps his arm around her, pulling her in as close as he possibly can. They don’t say anything else, not for a long while. The silence is heavy and sad, and as much as she wants to apologize and tell him how wrong she was, she just lets him hold her like this, as if he thinks it’s the last time he’s going to be able to do it.
They fall asleep like that, and when she wakes up, he’s the one who’s gone this time. It’s only been an hour or two. She has a brief moment of panic but she can hear the water in the bathroom and when she looks around the room she sees his cell phone still on the nightstand charging. She pulls herself up and leans back into the headboard, playing with her own phone until the bathroom door opens.
“Matt was gonna send out for takeout, do you know what you want?” Nicholas asks.
Cam looks up from her cell phone and just kind of stares at him for a moment. He’s fresh from the shower, hair hanging damply around his shoulders, droplets of water rolling down his chest. Her eyes drift down to the towel knotted haphazardly around his hips, and she blinks, realizing that he’s talking to her.
The corner of his mouth tilts up, and he reaches up to push his hair out of his face. “Food, Camille.”
“Right, um, I’ll text Matt what I want. Why don’t you get dressed?”
Nicholas doesn’t laugh at her even though he looks like he wants to, and she blushes, turning her attention back to her phone. She doesn’t look up again, not until he’s sitting down beside her and pulling her phone from her hands.
“Okay, you have until the food arrives, start talking.”  When she stares at him in confusion, he rolls his eyes at her impatiently. “Why did you come here, Camille?”
“You asked me to come, you said you needed me—”
“It’s more than that, and you know it.”
Cam sits up a little, trying to put some distance between the two of them, even though she doesn’t actually want it. “How much did Noah tell you?”
“I want to hear it from you.” he says, almost desperately.
Meddling band members aside, Cam knows this is what she came here for. Twisting her hands in her lap, she avoids his gaze for a few long moments. She doesn’t know what she’s expecting to see when she finally manages to look at him again.
“I fucked up,” she starts, immediately feeling a lump form in her throat when he reaches over to wrap a hand around hers. “I shouldn’t have left. It’s a stupid excuse but I was scared. Of getting closer, of falling in love with you. But that was kind of inevitable, I guess. I was probably always gonna fall in love with you, Nicky. I thought you asking me to come here was a sign—”
“Did I have to make you an actual neon sign or something?”
Cam blinks at him. “What?”
“I feel like it would be incredibly mean of me to call you dumb, but I asked you to come here for a reason. One that I hoped was a little more obvious than just me needing you here. Have you connected the dots yet?”
She ignores the undeniable need to smother him with a pillow for his sarcasm as much as the instinctual urge to kiss him. They need to talk this out. Her leaving without talking was what put them in this position in the first place. Rubbing her thumb back and forth over the back of his hand, she sighs and shakes her head.
“Connect them for me.”
Nicholas lets out an exasperated sigh, laughing at her. “I’m in love with you too, you dummy.”
“Hey, I thought you weren’t going to call me dumb—”
She doesn’t get to finish her sentence; he grabs her and pulls her closer until she’s practically in his lap, pressing his mouth to hers and cutting off her words. Her surprise is brief, before she’s wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back. And he doesn’t just kiss her, he devours her, as if he’s trying to make up for the months of not being able to do so. Cam can’t do much more than let him, balling her fists in his damp hair, opening her mouth beneath his.
His hands slide down around her hips, beneath the well worn cotton of her t-shirt, pressing hotly against the skin of her lower back. She feels the blunt press of his nails graze her sides as he tugs her as close as he possibly can. 
“I need to know what you want, Camille,” he says, and it comes out as desperate as Cam feels right now.
She tugs on his hair, trying to get his mouth back to hers. “Nicky—”
“You gotta tell me you’re gonna stay,” he evades her, pulling back enough so that their eyes meet. “I’m serious. Say the word now and I’ll make sure you’ve got a ticket back home if you want it.”
“Don’t you get it by now? You are my home.”
Nicholas groans and kisses her again, teeth knocking against hers briefly before he pulls back just enough and she’s pretty sure that even if she actually wanted to, she can’t leave now. The kiss is tinged with a little bit of bittersweet feeling, because she could have had this months ago, had she not been so fucking stubborn. He pulls away just as she's needing to breathe, and his mouth wanders from hers down across her jaw and over to her neck. A breathy whine escapes her and she gives his hair another demanding tug.
The knock on the hotel room door startles them both. They pull apart and stare at the door as if it’s a foreign concept to them, before Nicholas realizes that it’s their food. Cam scoots back on the bed as he gets up, and she drags her hands through her hair, trying to get her heartbeat back under control. She watches as he opens the door, and she sees Matt on the other side.
“Good afternoon, children.” he greets, holding out a bag of food. “Getting along nicely, I see.”
Even Cam can see from her spot on the bed that Nicholas’ lips were red and a little swollen. She’s sure she’s no better off. But she still wiggles her fingers at Matt in a wave, before escaping to the bathroom. It might be a little dramatic, but she pushes the door closed and leans against it, touching her bottom lip and giggling to herself. It almost doesn’t feel real, but when she looks at her disheveled appearance in the bathroom mirror, it’s obvious. She fights to keep the dopey smile off of her face. 
By the time she emerges, Matt is gone and Nicholas has straightened the bed, food containers on the duvet and one of the Star Wars movies playing on the television. They’ve been in this exact same position before back at home so many times that it makes Cam’s heart ache in a not entirely unpleasant way. Date nights, movie nights with the other guys. She didn’t think she’d have this again. She sits down beside him, automatically reaching for what she hopes is her food. She’s just opened the container of fries when Nicholas swoops in, snatching a few.
“Hey!” she laughs, twisting away with the container. “Just because I let you kiss me does not mean you get to steal my food.”
He smirks at her, popping the fries in his mouth. “Okay, Camille.”
She leans back into the space beside him, putting her attention on her food and the movie. That ache in her heart transforms to something more familiar and comfortable, and she rests her shoulder against his. This was something she’d wanted back more than anything, not just the feeling of Nicholas’ hands on her, or the taste of him on her tongue, but this. Just being here with him like this.
It’s everything.
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Cam isn’t sure exactly what wakes her up. It takes a few moments for her eyes to adjust, and she can see the red glow of the cheap motel clock on the nightstand. The numbers are blinking and then she hears the wind and the rain. Lightning flashes on the other side of the curtains, and thunder rattles the windows. Another harsh storm, one that had obviously knocked out the power at one point. Tucked beneath the safety of Nicholas’ arm and the blankets, Cam reaches for her cell phone to check the time. It’s not even three yet.
But now that the storm has woken her, she’s awake in a wired way that she doesn’t think she can shake. Nicholas is still sleeping soundly behind her, so she tries to avoid tossing and turning. But she rolls over onto her side to face him, and immediately his hand tightens on her hip, pulling her closer. He lets out a sleepy noise, and Cam holds her breath. She doesn’t want to wake him, but the longer she stares at him, the more he comes into focus as the room isn’t entirely dark. Every spark of lightning illuminates him more; the way some of his hair falls over his face, the stretched out collar of his t-shirt. The dark smudges of the tattoos on his fingers where they rest curled against the pillow above his head.
She doesn’t realize at first that he’s not asleep anymore, not until the next flash of lightning when she can see him watching her sleepily.
“I missed this,” he says.
Cam brushes his hair from his face. “Me watching you like a creeper in the middle of the night?”
“You being the first thing I see when I open my eyes.”
If it weren’t the middle of the night, if it weren’t him saying it, she’d think it was ridiculously cliche. Instead, she nudges her nose against his and kisses him. What starts off as something soft and sweet quickly morphs into something else entirely. That wired feeling she has becomes nothing but need for him. Nicholas is obviously on the same page, he grasps her hips and pulls her up until she’s straddling his waist. Cam gets her fingers in his sleep mussed hair, tugging just a little bit to draw him even closer, and Nicholas groans needily. She chases the noise with her tongue, licking into his mouth with a single-minded determination. It’s almost unbearable how much she feels for him at this moment, and she tries desperately to pour it all into her kiss. 
Outside, the rain starts to die down. Finally they pull apart, foreheads resting together as they struggle to breathe. Nicholas wraps his fingers around her wrist, and he brings Cam’s hand up to his face. He kisses her palm once, then again before slowly trailing his mouth across her forearm, over ink that he put there years ago. She presses her face into his chest, trying to remember how to breathe and failing, feeling a sharp throb between her thighs. His other hand slid down her back, over the curve of her hip, pulling her body flush against his.
“Is this okay?” he asks, pressing his mouth against the curve of her shoulder, and she can feel the heat of his breath through the fabric of her shirt. “I need you to say—”
“Nicky,” she gasps, looking up at him. “I love you for asking, but this is very much okay.”
He lets out a choked off noise that she doesn’t have time to enjoy before he’s rolling them, flipping her beneath his body and tugging at her clothes insistently. She manages to get her hands between them, shoving at the waistband of his sweats with her own impatience. For a few moments it’s nothing but a tangle of limbs and clothes, and breathless laughter. She gets his sweatpants and boxers halfway down his thighs, wrapping a hand around his cock and stroking him slowly. He retaliates by leaving her shirt hanging off of one of her arms, curling over her and dips his head to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. Her back arches off the bed, her grasp on him loosening as she manages to wriggle out of the rest of her clothes, and she lets out a moan that only grows louder as he flicks his tongue back and forth.
He moves his mouth to her other breast, letting his teeth scrape over it before he lifts up to kiss her. A needy whine falls from his mouth into hers as she gives the base of his cock a squeeze, using her feet to shove his pants down the rest of the way.
“Would it be vain of me to say I missed this too?” she asks.
Nicholas lets out a breathy laugh, pulling back to look into her eyes. “Say it again.”
“What?” her brow furrows and she smirks. “That I missed your dick? Because I can tell you right now—”
His intense stare causes a fresh rush of want to hit her full force. It might have been embarrassing if not for their current situation. His hand cups her jaw, thumb pressing against her bottom lip. She fights the urge to open her mouth and pull the digit inside.
“Say that you love me, Camille.”
She thinks about uttering the words only hours ago, telling him that it was inevitable, her being in love with him, him saying that he was in love with her too. All she can think about is how much she loves him, how she needs him. How she wants him, right here and now in this motel in middle of nowhere, Wyoming in the middle of the night with the rain pouring down outside.
Cam must have said some of that out loud, because the next thing she knows his mouth is on hers again and he finally snakes a hand between her legs, touching her for the first time in months. No one else has touched her in months. His fingers are lithe and strong as they go right to her clit, circling mercilessly before dipping inside of her. She can practically hear how wet she is over her own breathing as she grasps his shoulders and arches up into his touch.
But just as soon as he’s started touching her, he pulls away. Her eyes fly open and a noise of protest falls from her mouth before he’s grabbing her hips and pulling her further down the bed beneath him. He kneels between her thighs, pulling her legs over his, and she watches avidly as he impatiently slides his cock between her folds.
“Please tell me you still have your IUD?” 
Cam nods, and that’s all the permission he needs before he sinks inside of her. She doesn’t care if he’s been with anyone else since her, he’s with her now. The second he’s fully inside, they both go still, just staring into each other’s eyes. It’s impossible for it to be true, but immediately the ache that she’s been feeling for the past few months seems to disappear. No one could ever make her feel like this. She clings to him, pulling his mouth to hers and petting her fingers through his hair.
“God, I missed being inside of you,” Nicholas murmurs, nose nudging against her cheek. “Are you okay, can I move?”
Him asking permission unravels something in her chest. “Yes, yeah, Nicky―”
His hips roll against hers and he groans softly into her shoulder. Cam presses a kiss to his forehead, urging him on. She feels his calloused fingertips caress her thigh before wrapping around her knee, hitching it further up his ribcage. Pulling out almost completely, he thrusts back in deep and hard, and she quickly braces a hand against the headboard to keep from moving up the bed.
"Don't stop," she begs, and he takes her at her word.
She doesn't want him holding back with her, and he doesn't. His soft kisses and touches betrayed the rough way he took her body, but Cam doesn't want him to stop. She holds on to him tightly, nails scoring deep marks in his arms and her teeth leaving behind imprints on his chest. One of his hands tangles with hers against the headboard, and the other stays permanently curled around the nape of her neck, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Say it again,” he demands, each word punctuated by a roll of his hips. “C’mon, Camille, be a good girl and tell me.”
He knows what it does to her, hearing him call her that, even after this much time. It takes her more than one try to get the words out, but they fall between them nonetheless and once she stops talking she can’t seem to stop, “I love you Nicholas, so much. I never stopped—”
Her words are cut off when he reaches down between their bodies to tease his fingers over her clit, and her eyes roll back in her head. His breathless laughter echoes in her ear before she feels him bury his face against her shoulder, teeth scraping over her skin. She’s going to look as if she were mauled by morning, and she can’t bring herself to care.
Cam isn’t sure which one of them comes first, too lost in the euphoric feelings coursing through her. Afterwards, they cling to each other, trying to catch their breath without straying too far from each other. Nicholas rests his head on her chest, watching her through his sweat-dampened hair. She traces her fingers over the bridge of his nose, the curve of his cheek. She knows eventually, they’ll have to move and clean up. She knows they’ll have to talk about what happens now, with a few weeks left on the tour and her having to get back home for work.
They’ll figure it out, but it doesn’t need to be right this minute.
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Opening the back door of the rental car, Cam tosses her duffel in the backseat. Across the parking lot, the van meant to take the band back to the bus is idling, Jolly behind the wheel. Her flight back home arrived a lot sooner than she thought it would. She closes the door and turns to look at Nicholas, who looks more rested than when she arrived. The corner of his mouth tilts up in a smile and she can’t help but return it.
They’d come up with the most obvious solution, she’d go back home and she’d be there when he made it home from the tour. As soon as she left the airport, she’d pick up his cats from his sister’s and stay at his place. It was something he was adamant about; he wanted her there when he got home, and she wouldn’t refuse him.
Stepping closer to her, Nicholas put his hand against the car and leaned in to kiss her softly. She curled her fingers in the sides of his jacket, holding on to him until Jolly honked the horn. They break apart with a laugh, and look towards where the rest of his band is waiting.
“You gotta go,” she tugs on his jacket and pulls him in again. She pecks him on the lips again. “Drive safe.”
“You too. You’ll text me when you get in?” he asks, brushing her hair back from her face.”
“I will even send you pictures of the cats as proof of life.”
They drift back together a third time, unable to help it. She wishes she’d thought to get more time off work before coming out here but she didn’t know how this was going to go. Jolly honks the horn a second time and she hears one of them wolf whistling at them. Nicholas flips them off before reluctantly letting her go.
“I’ll see you in two weeks,” he says. “I love you.”
Cam shoves her hands into the pocket of her hoodie—Nicholas’ hoodie she’d taken long ago—so she doesn’t pull him back again. “I love you too.”
She watches him walk across the parking lot, eventually opening the passenger seat and getting in. She waves them off, and they all wave and shout goodbyes to her. It was only fourteen days, she could do that. She’d gone months without him, and now that she has him back, two weeks felt like nothing. She doesn’t get behind the wheel to leave until the van is long out of sight.
Starting the car, she drives the opposite way as it begins to rain again.
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comradekarin · 9 months
I saw your Beyonce/Taylor Swift post and What's wrong with "comparing two queens that are killing it". line? Isn't that what it comes down to with female artists? Why can't we just appreciate all female artists instead of the competitions?
I’m going to take this as you asking this question in good faith so here’s the short answer: No. There is nothing inherently wrong with that statement, and depending on the context, I agree with it. But here’s the long answer:
A lot of fandoms do take it upon themselves to start unnecessary, unprovoked beef between artists, especially female artists of color (i.e the Cardi and Nicki drama), consequently ruining the love a lot of people have for those artists. However, the Taylor and Beyoncè comparisons have a few problems I want to address that aren’t actually new when talking about female artists of color and their white counterparts. Firstly, the whole comparisons only started because of the uptick of insufferable swifties online discrediting all of the work, effort, and impact Beyoncé has had on people before and today (and Beyoncé fans are simply responding to these ridiculous claims). Secondly, swifties also have a strange tendency to compare her exclusively to objectively better black artists (Beyoncé, Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and more) by diminishing their work and influence in order to prop her up. Noticeable so, they never really do this with Taylor’s fellow white peers. It begs the question: Why do so many swifties feel the need to put Taylor on a pedestal by discrediting arguably more popular, influential black and queer artists? While I do agree with the notion that female artists should be celebrated and giving the props they deserve, we can no longer pretend that black artists like Beyoncé don’t have to give twice the effort, twice the dedication, twice the energy, and twice the style in order to be given their credit. Meanwhile, an artist like Taylor is rewarded and worshiped for her white mediocrity and performance activism, never really pressured to perform to the degree other black artists are expected to, or forced to show allyship when it really matters. So for her fans to degrade Beyoncé’s high quality vocals, performance, and production—which has been consistent and improving over the years—and be rightfully told off just to resort to the corny “let’s just celebrate all women” is, in my eyes, the epitome of white feminism.
Taylor’s fans have even admitted that she isn’t the best singer, only marketing herself as a good “songwriter”. Ok, so an artist that can’t sing that well, can’t dance, has easily replicable lyrics we could get from other Indie artists, and has a very specific demographic as her fans is someone to be considered a legend? How is this considered the standard but influential black legends’ work are downplayed and diminished? Why does it hurt swifties to see black women be given their credit? Why does Taylor have to be included in every conversation (I.e the Lizzo situation at the Grammy’s where Taylor Swift fans took Lizzo’s appreciation for Beyoncé as hatred for Taylor or Beyoncé’s success on the renaissance tour being overshadowed by the eras tour). And when called out on this, why do her stans resort back to the fake “just support all women” take?
It’s why I can’t really stand by that one post up here that states we shouldn’t debate over female artists because at the end of the day, “they’re all female artists subjected to the harsh lens of the patriarchy.” That statement ignores the intersectionality present in the topic of female artists’ treatment in the industry. It ignores how the expectations of white female artists more than often than not tend to be different for woc artists. I see the “let’s just all get along” saying as a way to deflect from the valid criticism and complaints people of color have for white artists like Taylor Swift. And considering how Taylor’s online brand is playing victim and being the poor innocent white girl whenever she is called out on something, the behavior her stans exhibit are nothing out of the ordinary.
In summary, I don’t think comparisons between female artists are needed. Especially female artists in entirely different genres of music and style. But I do know a lot white Taylor Swift fans love to play the racism card and then hide behind misogyny to cover their tracks. Once again, something Taylor herself does WELL.
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frost-queen · 9 months
To have and keep (Reader!Scratch x Weird sisters)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
A/n: I apologize for the shortness of it, but I wanted to write something with little time.
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You rushed out of your room, your brother waiting for you outside. – “Got everything?” – he asked removing himself from against the wall. You hummed loud with your backpack strap hanging over one shoulder. – “I’m actually quite excited about doing classes outside.” – you told him as he followed your pace. Nick scratched the back of his head with a nod. – “Yeah sure it is something else.” – he answered.
You nudged him in the rib for his obvious lack of enthusiasm. – “What?” – Nick said smirking. – “Nothing just your enthusiasm is to die for.” – you responded with a laugh. – “That could be arranged sister.” – he came leaning in closer with a wide smile. Shoving him away from you, you rolled with your eyes. Hiding that smile on your lips. Nick and you rounded the corner coming into the open hall with the statue of the dark lord.
By the entrance stood the Weird sisters. They turned at the same time making Nick quirk his eyebrow up. Elegantly they walked in sync over to you. – “Y/n.” – Prudence purred out with a catty smile. – “You must be cold darling.” – She snapped with her finger as Agatha undid her of her jacket.
“We wouldn’t want you to have a cold in this lovely weather.” – Agatha spoke placing the jacket over your shoulders. Nick furrowed his brows. – “Why are you so tentative to my sister?” – he questioned dumbfound by their charm towards you.
Dorcas sighed deep with a shake of her head. – “Little Nickie.” – she said belittling him a bit. Nick gave her a disgusted look, clearly not liking her tone as she grabbed his shoulders. – “We like your sister.” – she whispered in his ear. Nick brushed her off him, brushing his hand over his ear with a shudder. – “We adore her.” – Agatha said hugging you from the side. Prudence stared at Nick. – “She is ours to share.” – she stated as Nick pulled you back.
“Not in hell.” – Nick answered with mockery in his voice. Prudence pulled her lip up in annoyance. – “Nick.” – you said gently touching his arm. – “It’s alright. They are very gentle with me. I promise you they aren’t doing anything weird with me.” – you reassured him. – “They better not.” – Nick answered brushing his thumb down your cheek.
Agatha cleared her throat wanting your attention again.  Dorcas grabbed your hand pulling you closer to them. – “Come Y/n let us escort you to class.” – Prudence said wrapping an arm around you. Dorcas took your other arm, letting her head lean against your arm.
Nick sighed deep going after you. The Weird sister’s couldn’t stop touching you, wanting you close. A cool breeze swept some leaves over the ground. The coming of October slowly announcing itself. A glamorous season for witches.
Prudence closed your jacket better so no wind could draft underneath your clothing. – “Warm kitten?” – Prudence asked while Dorcas was stroking your arm. You hummed softly seeing your brother roll his eyes behind you. Nick came closer pestering the Weird sisters away like a flock of annoying birds. Waving his hand around for them to move. They hissed at him, clamping even harder onto you.
“Oh get over it!” – Nick called out annoyed taking you by the arm. He pulled you away from them. The Weird sisters started to cry and whine loudly at the loss of you. – “Babies.” – Nick told you as he kept pushing you away from them. – “Don’t you ever get annoyed with them?” – he asked. You had to think for a second. – “Not really… sure they can be invasive, but they are always gentle and sweet with me. Unlike any stunts they performed on Sabrina.” – you and Nick recalled it very clearly how wicked the Weird sisters were towards Sabrina Spellman when she first came to the academy.
They never did any tricks like that on you for some reason. It was as if you had charmed them by just being present. They worshipped you. Nick and you walked into the forest close to the academy to where the class would be held. Some leaves already started to fall. Leaving you with that cozy end of September feeling. Fall was your favorite season. Pale trees. Crunchy leaves scattered on the ground. Pumpkins, full moons, and witchy hours.
By the witches circle of mushrooms stood Sabrina. She waved at Nick. Nick and you waved back at her. Nick patted you on the back going over to her. The moment Nick had left your side, you felt a pair of hands grab onto you. Getting pulled a bit back, there were more hands on you. – “Little kitten I have missed you.” – Prudence said brushing her cheek against your shoulder.
Agatha nodded with pouted lips letting her head rub against your upper arm. Dorcas stood on the other side stroking your arm with delight. The three of them guided you towards the witches circle forcing you to sit down. Agatha came laying her head down on your lap. Dorcas and Prudence each by your side. Dorcas took out your book, holding it open for you.
“Can you read it well enough?” – she asked holding it up. You nodded with a soft hum taking the book from her. – “Shall I take your notes Y/n?” – Prudence offered. – “That is alright Prudence.” – you told her. Agatha looked up to you with sweet eyes. – “Pretty sister.” – she said humming afterwards. Prudence nodded. – “If you didn’t have a blood link with Nickie, you’d be our fourth sister in a heartbeat.” – she said.
The teacher arrived as he didn’t say anything about how the Weird Sisters hung over you. Dorcas kissed your cheek sweetly during class. Agatha played a bit with your hand as Prudence kept brushing her hand over your back. It was still a bit of a mystery how the Weird sisters came to like you. From across the witches circle you saw your brother shake his head in disappointment. You simply shrugged your shoulders not even minding that much.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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vqrtualheartss · 9 months
Can I request 42 miles having been with reader for a long while now, and like she already knows about miles being the prowler. So he kinda just comes in through her window and finds out she can sing, because she's singing when he comes but she doesn't notice him right away? And you can fill in the rest how you'd like.
If you can do this, thank you! No pressure though
♪ • My Beyoncé
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ|
i still cannot believe that like, we're at 100. i love y'all Currently trying to create more gender-neutral writing or even mlm cause I'm tryna b inclusive so yea
Warnings — None, I think Genre — Fluff
"HUAHHHH" flopping down onto the bed I dragged a pillow beneath my face, muffling the minute long scream. Lordd, Isn't summer school supposed to be just shits and giggles? Why the hell did I get guilt-tripped into this―this is whack. Sluggishly, I sat up, removing my shoes and heading to the bathroom, raising and dragging my feet into the floor one by one getting there.
I shook my body looking into the mirror, closing and re-opening my eyes every two seconds to rid the tiredness. Ceasing, I took a deep breath...and then another one, smiling sheepishly before letting out laughter I didn't know I had in me. Am I really losing it cause of the heat? To keep myself somewhat awake I took on the task of washing my hair. yes. an everything shower.
Searching for something lightweight to wear, I found a ruffled short-sleeved top and random shorts from a sleeping set ―the other half I lost. Feeling more refreshed, it had me unsettled how the atmosphere felt more dull than calmer.
" A little music never hurt anybody right?" I sat on the bed, towels wrapped around my torso and hair, searching for the perfect queue of songs to play. I settled with the “For Whatever playlist” on standby for situations like these. Connecting to the speakers set beside the vanity table, I placed my phone face down to get myself dressed.
Before I knew it, clapping to the beats softly and doing whichever dance came to mind turned into navigating throughout my room with my waist, gradually singing louder than the music.
I sang from SWV
“Boy I'll do you all night long. Do you any way you want, I will do you all night long. I wanna please you, Don't wanna tease youu”
To Nicki
“I'd do anything that you say, anything. 'Cause you the boss, you the boss. You, you, you the boss, ayy”
I felt lighter in contrast to earlier, my eyes shut as my whole being absorbed the music. I barely sorted my hair out but ironic enough, I was about 35 songs deep into the playlist, jumping from the classics to Modern R&B, Rap, you name it —without skips too—
Then came on one of my favourites by Kehlani, ―You know wassup― and believe me when I say I sang that shit like I was going through itt. Almost embodying the lyrics, my face expressed every emotion brought on by the lyrics, my hands pointing from myself to the invisible person infront me.
“Why do I gotta beg to be chosen over your vices, over your liquor? Why I gotta ask for flowers? I deserve roses, I deserve bigger I know you're tryna change, but is it all worth the wait? It hurts to stay just as much as it hurts to walk away”
"Why you in here acting like I don't be treating you right ?" Ending off with a breathy chuckle, I turned around to see Miles getting comfortable on my windowsill. It was obvious how he came in, but why that way.
"You do know that I have a working door right?" He shrugged, a cheeky smirk taunting his lips. Piecing together two and two I pressed my lips into a hard line, bringing out my bottom lip with my index finger before pointing it at him. "How long have you been there?" Wrapping an arm around my torso, I placed the other hand on my cheek, anticipating his answer.
"Long enough to know my baby could give Beyoncé a run for her money. Esa voz podría hacerte ganar el apodo de ángel, mi amado" That voice could get you the name angel, my love. The space between us grew shorter as he stood infront my frame, placing his hands down on my hips. "oh puh-lease, you're just saying that" Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms, trying to surpress the bending in the corners of my mouth.
"Okay, let me word it better for you. You're MYY Beyoncé"
"Oh really now"
"Yes and I mean it" Punctuating his sentence with a kiss, he continued "Got it?" I hummed a "Hm" hooking my arms behind his head. "Good"
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©vqrtualheartss 2023 ©dae 2023
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dayurno · 5 months
do you have any thoughts about the way thea was handled? ever since nora has been more active on twt (and mentioned the hate thea gets) people have been sort of insistent about Always Having Liked Her Actually and it irks me a lot, because imo people SHOULD be upset at the fact that kevin (who has been abused all his life and has trauma regarding the nest) has a gf who's from that same environment but 1. doesn't seem all that concerned about getting better / helping kevin get better 2. shouts at him in the only scene they're in together 3. isn't even described as a particularly good presence in the extra content explaining their past 4. this is just a horrible cherry on top but she's 5 years older and they met when he was 14 :/// like if anything i think this has a lot to do with nora not having been kind to kevin (which she also recently admitted to) like damn can he get one thing in life that's just good for him. one safe haven. jesus
short answer: i think thea as a character has been done the worst by nora sakavic, and the lack of care she was shown is in line with how all for the game treats its other characters of color.
long answer: most of my thoughts about how thea was handled are less about thea the character itself and more about her throwaway appearance and the overall lack of interest the author had when writing her. thea's a widely hated character for many reasons, not all of them valid, and a big one is that she was shoved into the narrative at one of the very last few chapters and paired up with one of the most important characters with very little thought or effort. we don't get even a hint of her existance before her appearance, and her one scene does not gather her sympathy because what we know of her is that she's an unrepentant raven (arguably the series' most evident villains) and what we see of her is a moment of great anger, that, even if ignorant, mimics the hostility most of the other ravens had towards kevin/the foxes during the trilogy
this is all to say: i don't like the way thea was written, and i think, especially, that it was a bad optic to write a black woman whose only scene is her being hostile towards her love interest. i need you to know that i'm not saying thea was not right to be angry, or that thea should've flown in and nursed kevin's mental health as soon as she could — both because it's out of character and because it's ridiculous —, but i am saying that she was not afforded almost anything as a character, in both terms of humanity and screentime. this is nothing new with how aftg treats its characters of color, and it is very telling that the characters who get the most flack (namely nicky and thea and riko) are the core of the non-white cast. thea and riko are not afforded complexity; nicky is a constantly flamboyant brown man whose only purpose is to wrangle his cousins and deliver friendship-related one liners to neil. this is why nora sakavic's refusal to comment on them grates on me, and why the new wave of adoration for the series with no nuance suffocates all of the real criticism done by fans of color in the last ten years.
and here's a personal answer: thea's future breaks my heart just as much as kevin's does, because she is also a victim of cultist mentality, and she never breaks out of it. i have no doubts in my heart that the nest was cruel to her, and her unflinching loyalty to the ravens until the end saddens me because it is a terrible existence when all is said and done. thea will not play exy forever, and by the time she has to retire, she will be just as miserable as kevin was. i don't know if she'll ever acknowledge how awful the ravens were either to her or to kevin — i don't know if she'll *want* to, because it is hard to do all that work, and it will leave her deeply scarred to realize most of it was not necessary to her sucess —, but i hope she does, and i hope that on that day, she will be able to decide for herself where to go from there.
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butchybats · 5 months
hi i'm here for butch!armand headcanons please if you have some to spare 🥹🫶🏼
OF COURSE <33 I love her so much thank you for asking!!!
Okay so my thoughts for her start in venice, and I can see it going differently depending on what version of Marius this is. Either way, this is when Armand realizes she’s a lesbian
If this is canon Marius then I think it’d be really weird for Armand because it’s not like she’d know about sexual orientation, so anything he’d try she’d either be uninterested in or try to make herself enjoy it, especially if she was promised the blood (when she first sleeps with Bianca is when she connects the dots that oh hey she is attracted to women!)
Or you could go the less angsty route with fem!marius, which I think would play out a lot closer to canon with Armand being more confident in her sexuality and learning earlier on about lesbianism
Whatever version you choose, Marius is going to dress Armand in men’s clothes when they go out. In canon he does it with both Zenobia and Bianca, he’s for sure going to do it with Armand. Only, she finds that she’s more comfortable dressing like this and takes to doing it in the palazzo and cuts her hair short
Fast forward to Lady Harlech attacking Armand, Armand is turned, fast forward to children of darkness! Armand’s focus is solely on surviving and running the paris coven, and along with the rules it’s not like she can do much of anything with her presentation
Until Lestat comes along!!! Extravagant wolfkiller Lestat who disbands the cult and teaches them to live among mortals (also I think that lesmand hate fuck in Nicki’s house which would probably change the entirety of vc but let’s pretend it doesn’t lol)
Armand’s go to outfit for a long time after this is suits that she steals off her victims (big moments of course like the palais ball, date with louis in the tower, locking daniel in the cellar HGHG but even in the in between moments. Just casually wearing a suit)
I’m skipping forward so much but devil’s minion time aka the dyke’s minion: butch Daniel!!!! Armand watches this woman play Louis’ story who looks like her!!!! I think it would be one of the first times that she’s seen a masculine woman that like wasn’t just in passing and she’d be so fascinated (likewise for Daniel who sees this short butch wearing a suit who fucking locked her in a cellar and she’s instantly down so bad)
I’ve said it over and over and I will continue to say it: gender and sexuality talks during the chase years <3 Armand finds Daniel at a lesbian bar and wants to know everything about it and why Daniel went there, they talk about how their gender presentation and what it means to them, and their experiences being lesbian especially when it felt like they both were the only one and it’s really something they bond over even though Armand’s answers are always more brief and cryptic than Daniel’s
They share clothes which works out great with Armand being short and fat and Daniel being tall and skinny so they fit even though they fill them out in different ways and this is just me setting it up so that everyone can imagine Armand in Daniel’s wife beater and rolled up blue jeans <3
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If your requests are still open can you write one with Miles Teller where the reader is in the military (you can decide which branch) and she helps him get ready for his role as Bradley “ROOSTER” Bradshaw and also helps on set. Then while filming that’s when the reader finds out she’s pregnant and enlists in the casts help in telling Miles.
Baby Teller • miles teller
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I hope I’ve done you’re amazing request justice. After the mention of incorporating the idea of protective Miles from @nickie-amore that isn’t on the request I just had to give it a go and include it, it is short and brief though so I hope that is still okay! At first it scared me that I wouldn’t be able to write for this request but I really enjoyed this. I will disclaimer that I have no US Military knowledge what so ever so I’ve done some research for this in terms of rank and the roles in the different armed forces so I left the detailing very vague. I can’t speak for all the great service women out there so I’m sorry if my portrayal is incorrect. I apologise if it doesn’t replicate your vision for your request in the way I have executed it. Also I should say that there are some time skips of when everything takes place so I’ll separate them and hope that it’s clear enough.
You can read Part 2 here.
Gif is not mine, belongs to the owner.
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Warnings: not a lot of Miles until towards the end, fluff
Miles Teller x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
After we had found out the great news that Miles was going to be in the sequel film of Top Gun everything changed. I was so happy for him, I knew this role meant a lot to him and I also knew he wanted to do it for me. As a woman in the US military I was sadly use to the odd derogatory terms that were thrown at me, times have certainly changed enough to allow me to do the role I do, just as good (if not better than) my fellow skilled aircraft specialists but it doesn’t mean they choose to accept me. Because of the countless times I have wondered if I was good enough and if I actually should have my rank in the Air Force working as an Airforce Mechanic specialising in maintaining and repairing the planes having to prove myself wasn’t always easy and no one knows that better than Miles. He’s been my biggest supporter and helped me make the choice to enlist in the first place all those years ago before we had even started dating and were just friends.
The whole reason why he auditioned for the role of Rooster, as far as I was aware and could only speak for myself, is because he wanted to understand my life, the life my dad and grandfather led before me and the whole reason why I joined the US Air Force. Before I became a Teller, I was a(n) (Y/L/N) and it certainly showed in the path I chose to take.
Even though I’m not a part of the Navy, I know a hell of a lot about planes and the mechanics behind them. What I didn’t expect was for him to want me to be there every step of the way of filming, him wanting to do it all justice and as realistic as possible was his reasoning for having me behind the scenes and no one disagreed with that. There was even mention of including my name in the closing credits (how crazy is that?!). So that’s what I did, whenever he or any of the other cast or crew asked any questions I answered them as best as I could with my knowledge that 9 times out of 10 came in handy.
I loved getting to know everyone, they became another family like how I was with my brothers and sisters in my regiment were and what was even more lovely was that they all included me in it as well.
As filming got underway all of Miles’ focus went on his performance of getting into his role and I was giving as much advice as I could as well as enjoying seeing my husband at work in his element being so tirelessly busy so it came as a shock to me after I found out that what I thought was a little stomach bug going around set was something much more permanent, well at least for the next 9 months or so. I can’t deny it must have been the moustache, it should be a crime to look that good with one.
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“Hey that’s the fourth time in an hour you’ve been going to the bathroom. Are you okay (Y/N)?” Monica ever the observer asks me after I come back from the toilets for the fourth time in an hour like she so correctly pointed out. Me and Monica had formed such a great bond, don’t get me wrong we all had, but maybe it’s because I see myself in the role that she’s playing as Phoenix so much, being one of the women in essentially a “man’s world”, she was doing it justice and letting us have the recognition we deserved. It’s hard and draining at times but the job as a whole is also so rewarding and I couldn’t see myself giving it up. I wouldn’t change it for the world, the good and bad times because that’s shaped me for who I am now and there’s no time dwelling on past situations when the future is right ahead of us.
I look into her brown eyes before checking that the surrounding area is clear, when I’m happy that no one is in close range to hear us I reply. “I found out yesterday morning that I’m pregnant, roughly six weeks along so still early days.”
I watch as her eyes widen and I cover her mouth with my hand before she can utter a word but I hear a slight catch in her throat sound out slightly. “You’re the only person I’ve told. Miles doesn’t know yet, to be honest I don’t know how to tell him. Even though we’ve been together for a long time we’ve only been married over a year and I know there are some future projects he wants to be involved with. I know he’s going to be happy, so happy, but I understand he’s focused on filming right now and it means so much to him I don’t want the news to mess with his head frame for filming so please don’t tell him, I’m not ready ye-“ I’m caught off guard as Monica reciprocates my actions from seconds before seizing my rambling with the palm of her hand and making me drop mine in shock.
Her eyebrows furrow as I see her process my words over in her mind. “When are you going to tell him then?”
She looks at me anticipating my reply, I stare back the silence growing awkward, I look down at the palm still covering my mouth. “Oh yeah, sorry about that.” She chuckles and I roll my eyes good heartedly before joining in with her laughter.
“Well I was thinking of probably telling him on the last day of filming, I was hoping you and the boys would help me.” I try and pull my best puppy dog eyes which seems to work quite well on her. I knew they would, they always catch Miles out and haven’t failed me yet.
“Say no more, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to help.”
Ever since then me and Monica and the boys have been catching up and spending as much time revising the plan as possible to tell Miles during their time when they’re not needed onscreen. Miles has been none the wiser which has helped the plan commence even better than I could have asked for.
As the days have drawn closer to the impending anticipated end date of filming and my bump continuing to grow and being kept hidden by lots of loose fitting attire I also grew more nervous as every day passed. Even though Miles, as far as I was aware, had no clue about the plan I couldn’t say the same about my newfound distance I was putting between the two of us unintentionally of course. Because the bump was more prominent now I was more inclined to shy away from his touch which was the hardest thing to do when all I wanted was to cuddle up close and share the good news but it had to be done for the sake of the unveiling that wouldn’t be long now.
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“Y/N have you seen my Hawaiian shirt? I can’t find it anywhere.”
“Which one? There’s many of them.”
“The cream and kinda green one, I wore it during the bar scene. I need it for filming because we’re reshooting it tomorrow.”
He doesn’t but we’ve had everyone pretend that they’re going to be reshooting a scene when in actual fact it’s going to be the grand reveal and filming was completely finished which he didn’t know just yet.
I’m no seamstress by any means so one of the lovely costume designers actually used a template and replicated his Hawaiian shirt using the actual one he wears walking into the bar (the one he is currently looking for) but making it a smaller scale and it honestly turned out so cute. I couldn’t wait to see his reaction, and I didn’t have to wait too long now.
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The time was finally here, after I sent him off in search of a shirt I knew he wouldn’t be able to find I went the meet with the cast. I find them in the bar, cameras placed hidden in plain sight but only if you knew where to look. I wanted to capture this moment forever and Tom managed to pull some stings for it to happen. Not only was my name going to be in the credits but this video was going to play at the very end too, my nerves were increased to the max because I knew this could only be done in one take and there was no places for screw ups.
I’d asked Glen to send a message to Miles to ask him to join us for “filming” so he should be here any second.
“Hey everyone.” He says when he walks through the door, his face set in confusion as he does a double take at seeing all of the cast sat at the tables and bar stools around one side of the bar.
I clear my throat before standing up so he can see me more easily. His face lights up as he begins to head in my direction and I meet him half way, feeling everyone’s eyes on us as I prepare to tell him the news. I leave my hands behind my back so he can’t see the neatly wrapped package I have clenched in my fists.
“What’s going on sweetheart. Is everything okay (Y/N)?” The worry is easy to hear in his voice and he reaches his left hand up and holds my cheek, I lean into his touch hoping it’ll help me find some strength.
I breath in deeply and let out a loud sigh that comes out sounding shaky. “I’ve asked you and everyone here because there’s something I need to tell you. First I would like to say thank you to everyone for helping me make this happen, now that it’s suddenly here and we’ve come to an end of an incredible movie that I know people of all ages are going to love. Friends have been made for life and
He opens the present, pulling out the Hawaiian shirt and revealing the small rooster soft toy that has a tag around one of its foot that reads ‘Baby Teller’. I notice the moment he figures it out, my throat catching and unshed tears begin brewing in my eyes.
“Really?” The biggest smile stretches over his face.
I nod, calming my nerves down. “Yes, really.”
“So there wasn’t going to be any filming today?”
“No baby, we just said that to get you here.”
He begins to laugh, nearly manically, sounding relieved.
He must see the confusion on my face because he explains. “I was worried you were going to ask for a divorce. I thought I’d made a terrible mistake of asking you to help, that I was asking too much of you and not seeing you on and off set enough. You had me really worried sweetheart, please don’t do that again okay? I don’t think I could take it.” He says, pulling me in close. The feel of his warm, strong arms encasing me makes me feel protected and fortunate of having such an understanding and loving man in my life. I know our baby is going to be the luckiest little bean in the world.
“Never again baby I promise, I’m sorry for worrying you but I’m so happy the plan worked out perfectly.”
“Yeah, me too.” He pulls away and cups my cheeks in his hands, stroking my skin softly and staring deeply into my eyes locking me in place and unable to look away even though that’s the last thing I could want to do. He leans down and connects our lips in a soft caress that progressively gets more heated and I hear clapping and cheering surrounding us but doesn’t deter us at all.
Glen and Lewis begin singing the chorus to Great Balls of Fire, roping everybody else in, gradually getting louder. We break apart laughing and turn to everyone with their arms in the air. This wasn’t part of the plan but I’m glad it’s been included. I couldn’t wait to replay the video and watch this whole moment back and for everyone else to see it too.
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After filming finished, the interviews and premiere’s began. I went to as many as I could during the early stages of pregnancy and even when my bump became more pronounced in the dresses I wore I tried to go to as many as I could before I had to stay home and not travel as my due date neared in the coming weeks.
Miles has been amazing all the way throughout and has gone to every appointment he could when he wasn’t stuck in doing interviews. I knew those times were hard for him but I made sure to relay everything that was said to me straight after.
I didn’t prepare myself for how protective Miles would become. After getting to the end of every month hinting at the arrival of the baby it became clear he didn’t want to leave my side.
At first I found it sweet and endearing but after so many months of this mother hen clucking around me it did become irritating rather quickly. I tried to say nothing in moments when the protectiveness hit its maximum limit because I know it’s just nerves and excitement all wrapped into one for our first child.
All of the premieres I did manage to go to when the camera men and interviewers were near they always asked to see baby bump and every time our photos were taken Miles was right by my side a hand on my back and the other protecting my bump rubbing it softly.
There was one photo that was my favourite of them all. We were having our photo taken, in that exact position and the baby kicked at the perfect moment, the image capturing him looking down at the bump with a toothy grin and me staring lovingly at him. A definite highlight of mine
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“So what have you named him?”
We look at each other before turning our attention back to the phone screen, lots of faces staring back at us on FaceTime. “We’ve decided to call him Bradley.”
The answering chatter and cheer becomes a big jumble of noise that I can’t tell who’s saying what.
“That’s so sweet.”
“Such a good choice.”
“Oh I love it!”
“Bradley Teller? Has a good ring to it.”
“Glen is a much better choice but Bradley will do. It’s second best at most.”
We all laugh at Glen’s comment, he would ask me constantly if Glen was in the running of baby names after I chose to find out the baby’s sex.
We all stay silent after Bradley makes a noise of discontent after disturbing his peaceful sleep and hold our breathes until he lets out a little sigh before settling back down again against Miles’ bare chest beside me. Everyone coo’s upon hearing the soft sound out of his little mouth.
For me baby Teller was always going to be called one name and one name only.
Bradley Alexander Teller.
A/N: I wasn’t going to include a middle name at first but then I thought Miles’ middle name would be perfect. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please let me know. Z❤️
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