#shop business ideas in india
newbusinessideas · 3 months
How to Open a Profitable Retail Shop Business
🎥 Ready to dive into the world of retail entrepreneurship? 🛒 Our latest post breaks down the steps to start your own profitable retail shop! 💰 Don't miss out on this valuable advice! Follow us for more tips and tricks! #RetailSuccess #retailbusiness
A retail Shop serves as an intermediary between producers and consumers, offering goods directly to the end-users. And, the retail businesses include supermarkets, department shops, boutique shops, online marketplaces, and specialty shops. These businesses play an important role in the supply chain and operate in a variety of sectors including fashion, electronics, food, home goods and more. The…
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0nelinerwordplay · 2 months
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Got a Print on Demand Business Idea?
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mypost2023 · 2 years
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poonamranius · 2 years
Flower Business Business Idea: फूलों का बिजनेस कर देगा आपको मालामाल, यही है शुरू करने का सही समय
Flower Business Business Idea: फूलों का बिजनेस कर देगा आपको मालामाल, यही है शुरू करने का सही समय
Flower Business Business Idea : फूलों का बिजनेस (Flower Business) आज खूब फल-फूल रहा है. सावन शुरू होने के साथ ही हर साल फूलों की मांग में इजाफा हो जाता है और दिसंबर तक इनकी भरपूर मांग रहती है. मंदिरों में पूजा और सजावट में फूलों का प्रयोग तो होता ही है, अब शादियों और अन्‍य आयोजनों में भी फूलों से डेकोरेशन का चलन बढ़ा है. Flower Business Business Idea हाइलाइट्स फूलों की मांग आजकल पूरे साल रहती…
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arlana-likes-to-write · 6 months
Lightning Bug - Chapter 23
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Warning: sleep deperivation, a form of self harm, gay panic
Word count: 2.3k
The ringing of a bell announced your arrival at Lucia’s store. “I’ll be right with you,” her voice traveled from the back of the store.
“Take your time; it’s just me,” you called out and headed to the history section. You wanted to add supplemental reading on the topic you and Vision started. He said you would have to complete a project so you thought it was a good idea to get head start. You enjoyed your lesson with Vision as he taught you about early civilizations in India. After your time with Vision, it was straight into the training room with Maria. She was…intense, for lack of a better word. She discovered your limit and pushed you to reach past it. It made sense why she was Nick’s right-hand woman. You were thankful for the peace of Lucia’s shop.
“Hello, mjia,” Lucia said, holding a stack of books. You took the top few from her.
“Hi, how are you?” You asked and began to put the books away. You missed working here, the mundane action and it was an excellent way to shut your brain off.
“Busy since my best employee left me for the Avengers,” she teased and returned to her desk. You rolled your eyes and followed her with the books you picked out in your hand.
“I was your only employee, senora,” you said. “You may need to hire someone.” She mumbled something in Spanish you missed. You bite your lip as you grab a notebook from a pile on her desk labeled ‘free.’ “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, child,” you sighed, handing her the books you wanted to check out.
“Have you noticed anything weird going on in the neighborhood?” You asked. She looked at you curiously.
“Define weird,” you took the books from her and placed them in the bag you brought.
“Like people going missing and talking about me.” You quickly summarized. Lucia sighed, doing the sign of the cross across her chest. You should have kept your mouth shut.
“I noticed some regulars that usually show up on Tuesday meetings haven’t been around,” you frowned. Every Tuesday night, Lucia held events for people experiencing homelessness in the community. You could study, get help with resumes, or have a quiet place to be.
“I’m guessing the police don’t care, right?” She nodded. That was typical. The NYPD never cared about you or the others who lived on the street. “Thank you. If you hear anything else, let me know.”
“I will, but be careful,” she said. “I fear something dark is coming our way.”
You took the notebook from Lucia and threw the bag onto the floor. With a sigh, you climbed into bed. There was so much information running through your head. The weird warning by Caesar and Lucia noticed people disappearing. What was going on? You began to write everything in the notebook and how you were connected to all of this.
None of it made sense. You were a nobody. People recognized you because of your appearance or saw you as an easy target. You were someone now because the Avengers took you in. You bite the end of the pencil. If it had to do with the Avengers, why target you?
“Miss. Y/n,” Friday said. “Just as a reminder, you have a meeting with Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner.” You sighed and stood up, placing the notebook underneath your pillow. The last thing you wanted was to have a math lesson, but you packed your bag and headed for the lab.
“Is everything okay?” Pepper asked, causing you to look up from the tablet you were working on. After math, it was your internship with Pepper. Math was well math. Bruce and Tony made it enjoyable, but you still needed clarification. Once you were done, you stopped in the kitchen for a snack and walked to Pepper’s office. She explained that your internship would include a lot of the work you were already plus attending some meetings to take minutes and designing presentations. “You’ve been oddly quiet.” You sighed and tapped your thumbs against the screen.
“I went to see Lucia, the owner of a bookstore I used to go to a lot,” you started. “She said many of the regulars that go to weekly events haven’t shown up. No one knows where they are,” she frowned and closed her laptop.
“Have they reported it to the police?” You rolled your eyes with a huff.
“The police don’t care about us,” you admitted. “Besides, it’s hard to report a missing person when people come and go so much. There was a guy named Larry; he would disappear for 5 months, then come back and act like nothing happened.” The CEO sighed, folding her hands on top of her desk.
“Well, I’ll talk to Tony. Maybe he can put some pressure on the local police.” You stared at the CEO, blinking once, then twice. You weren’t sure what would come of it telling Pepper, but getting the Avengers involved was not it.
“Tony probably has other things going on,” you said, trying to deter from involving the billionaire. “More important things.” You added to prevent her from asking him.
“The Avengers are here to help people,” she stated. “Especially those in our backyard,” she smiled and reopened her laptop. “Do you care about this?” You were a little surprised by the question. You nodded; even though they weren’t the nicest to you, they were still people. And these people had someone who cared about them. “Then it’s settled. I’ll talk to Tony tomorrow.” You smiled.
“Thank you, Pepper.”
“Don’t mention it,” she smirked. “Now, get back to work,” she teased. You giggled and got back to work. If the Avengers were involved, you could get more than answers on where all these people were going. Could you figure out what else was going on?
You stared up at the ceiling, hands behind your head and music softly playing from the Walkman. Dinner was filled with questions about your first day of ‘school’, then Natasha and Wanda ensured all your homework was done before you went to bed. However, sleep was not going to happen. You couldn’t turn off your brain. You kept reliving the past few days. Turning off the music, you quietly left your room. Once again, your socked-covered feet led you to the training room. Like clockwork, you uncovered the machine and ensured empty batteries were ready to charge.
You faced the machine head-on and felt the electricity dance around your fingertips, but you refused to release it. Inside, you let the electricity grow and felt the warmth that radiated off of it. For the longest time, that warmth scared you. You associated that warmth with a punishment, but now you like it. It was another reminder that you were free.
You shot your hand forward and released the charge until the batteries were full. You repeated the process until your body began to feel tired, and your mind was blanketed. You knew you would sleep through the night.
Unfortunately, you felt stuck in a cycle. Classes, training, homework, and your nightly visit to the machine so you could get sleep. Was it healthy? Yes? At least you weren’t yourself. You were depleting your powers to force your mind into a dreamless sleep. There was no danger to your hippocampus, and you used your powers to help others.
On the fifth day of this self-made schedule, you were running on empty. Every word Vision was saying about the ancient world wasn’t registering. Your brain was mush. “Miss. Y/n,” you jerked awake at the conversation change. The man was smiling. “That’s the third time you’ve fallen asleep. Is the caste system of Ancient India not entertaining enough for you?” He teased.
“No, it is,” you defended. “And you are doing a great job. I just-“Vision chuckled, closing the book. “You are mean.”
“Go get some rest,” he said. “I’ll speak with the others and cancel your lessons for the day.” Oh, you could give him the biggest hug.
“You are amazing,” you shoved your books into your backpack. “Thank you so much!”
“Your health is more important than a civilization that’s been long gone,” you giggled, thanked him again, and took the elevator to your floor. It was thankfully empty as you made a beeline for your room. Throwing your backpack on the ground, you flopped onto the bed and fell fast asleep.
Persistent knocking on your door woke you up. You groaned, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. “Come in,” you called out, not bothering to sit up. When the door opened, you saw America walk into your room. You rolled over to make room as she ran and jumped on your bed.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hi,” you closed your eyes. “I was sleeping.”
“I know,” she giggled. Unbelievable. “But you’ve been so busy we haven’t hung out, so when Vision told me you were excused from your lessons, I came running,” you opened your eyes, and her head was turned to look at you. “Hi,” America smiled.
“You are a dork,” you said, rolling on your back and ignoring how your stomach flipped. “So what do you have in mind?” The bed shifted as you heard her get up. She grabbed your hand and pulled you into a sitting position. The smile she wore now was bigger, a little mischievous. “America,” you said slowly.
“Do you trust me?” She asked. You sighed, nodding your head.
“Yeah, I trust you.” She jumped from your bed and crackled your knuckles. Oh boy. Her eyes began to glow a light blue, a similar color and look to your electricity. You scrambled off your bed as she punched at your wall. A giant star formed, matching the style of some of her clothes. What surprised you was you saw people walking around - going about their day-to-day life as if a star wasn’t right next to them.
“Is this a portal-”
“To the multiverse?” You nodded. “Yeah, it is,” she held out her hand. “I did ask if you trusted me.” You laughed, took her hand, and allowed her to pull you through the portal. It closed behind you, and you were on a sidewalk similar to New York City. Nothing seemed out of place.
“Are you sure-” You saw cars flying in the sky. Your jaw dropped. “How is this possible?”
“It’s the multiverse, silly,” she dragged you down the sidewalk, where you saw inventions from every sci-fi book you’ve read - flying cars, hoverboards, and hologram phones. “Christianity never existed here,” she pulled you closer so she could whisper. “So the Dark Age never occurred, and humanity is 1000 years more advanced.”
“This is-” You were struggling to find a word to describe everything happening around you.
“I know,” she squeezed your hand. “It’s kind of crazy, but you get used to it.” You were curious to know if you would ever get used to it. “Let’s go get some food and explore.”
While you ate ‘pizza,’ you were curious if they called it something else here; America gave you the rules of multiverse travel. The biggest thing was not to cause an incursion - when the boundary between two universes erodes, and they collide, destroying one or both. When asked how to avoid that, America said it occurs with prolonged travel within the multiverse. “So we won’t stay long,” she took your hand and rang out of the restaurant.
Something about spending time with America outside the tower was different. She was always smiling around the others, but her smile was unlike her usual smile. It wasn’t as large and softer - she seemed happier. Was it because she was using her powers so freely? Or was it because it was just you and her? No team. No prying eyes. But no, you couldn’t think like that. America deserved someone better than you. Someone who wasn’t broken, scarred, and haunted so profoundly by their past. It was unfair to her.
“Y/n!” She yelled your name, and suddenly, her body crashed into yours, and you began to fall. Your back never made contact with the concrete sidewalk instead you saw the outline of her star as you fell into another timeline. You knew something was wrong by the way America held onto you; bruises were going to form on your arms.
Each time you expected to stop falling, the ground never came. Your stomach was flipping as you flew between different portals. It was never-ending as the world kept changing around you. For a split second, it was black and white, then hand-drawn. Were you in a jungle? You weren’t sure, but you wanted it to stop! You felt the grip America had on you loosen as she pushed you forward.
Time slowed down as you flipped through space and headed toward a portal. “America!” You yelled for her. It was impossible to control your body as you flew through the portal. You expected to keep falling, but your back hit a hard wooden floor - the air was knocked out of your lungs. Coughing a few times, another portal appeared above you, and you rolled out of the way before America landed on you.
“Thanks for breaking my fall,” she groaned. You sat up, rubbing the back of your head. The world was still spinning, and you felt sick to your stomach.
“Where are we?” You were sitting at the bottom of a tall staircase. The floor was wooden with a circular design, and you liked the blue. You saw a few areas to sit at. America sat up quickly, eyes wide and the color draining from her face.
“The where is subjective,” a mysterious voice said. “But I do know you are in a lot of trouble.”
taglist: @aestruvx, @toouncreativeforausername, @modedddd, @julilamoment, @mythixmagic, @yourmamacom, @vicmc624, @cherlenovix, @liliesandrosies, @whitewidowsbite, @clintsbigtoe,   @blackbirdv98@arualdcg@yoyo-w​  @natbelovasblog, @johnnyhulu, @blackwidow-3, @theenglishswiftie, @faith-olsen
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ladykailitha · 1 year
My brain went into Steddie overdrive today. Sheesh! I came up with two AUs.
1- Secret Garden AU- Robin as Mary Lennox, the orphan from India sent to live with her uncle (Hopper in this situation) who is rarely home. She meets Eddie (as Dickon the townie boy) through her maid Max. Uncle Wayne is the old gardener that comes and tends the garden anyway. Joyce is the fearful housekeeper, trying to keep Robin from learning the house’s secret. She keeps claiming the boy Robin hears at night is Will (Jonathan is a former undergardener turned stable boy.) And of course Steve is Colin, the master’s secret son. And then make it gay!
2- Modern AU. Eddie is looking to get the Evenstar from LotR tattooed on his chest but his usual artist packed up and moved to New York. So he’s on the hunt for a new artist when a friend (no idea who yet) tells him that they recently got work done by this guy who’s freaking amazing. He’s told to go the Royal Pain tattoo shop and ask for Stevie. No last name. So he goes and Robin is minding the front desk and he remembers her from school. And suddenly his mind fills in Stevie’s last name. Harrington. And sure enough that’s who walks out. Only this is not King Steve, oh no. This Steve’s hair is shaved on the sides and floppy up top. A single lock is dyed bright pink. He’s got a piercing in his eyebrow and left ear and tattoos peaking from his tight polo shirt. Eddie’s panicking now. He can’t have King Steve tattoo him! How would he hide the erection he knows he’s gonna pop?
But Steve is smiling brightly at him and asking him about if he wants to do a large back tattoo of the pendant but Eddie tells him he’s saving his back for some wicked bat wings. But he hasn’t found an artist he trusts enough to do it. Steve immediately offers his portfolio to look at while he sets up for the Evenstar tat. Robin leans across the counter and tells Eddie that he better at least get Steve’s number if he doesn’t intend to return for the back tattoo. Because Steve hates doing back tattoos or any tattoos that require more than one or two sessions because he gets bored easy. But the fact that he offered to do Eddie’s means Steve is interested and wants him to come back. And she really doesn’t want to deal with the pining.
Eddie doesn’t know what to say to that and he is thankfully saved by Steve calling him to come back. Steve asks him to trust him on the chest piece and give him carte blanche. Eddie thinks about it for a moment and then agrees. When it’s done he is grateful he trusted his instincts because the tattoo? It’s gorgeous. It looks as though it’s coming out of his chest, skin peeling back to see bone and his heart and the Evenstar in the middle of it, shining like a beacon. Eddie almost cries at how beautiful it is.
Steve hands him is business card with his cell phone number on the back. And Eddie walks away with the shops own lotion and the knowledge that he would be back to have Steve do those wings.
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Happy Birthday Jaan
Vishnu x Reader
Summary- It's his beloved's birthday and the pressure for the perfect gift is on. After a lot of searching, Vishnu takes it upon himself to make it himself. Of course, we can't leave out her reaction!
Vishnu's Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Vishnu sat at his desk in his mansion, surrounded by stacks of paperwork and his trusted associates. He was the head of a powerful mafia, feared and respected by many. Once upon a time, he had been successful in running India’s largest drug cartel, but after his near-death experience with that inspector, he decided it was best to leave the business. Now, he had India’s best estate agency to run. Of course, he still dabbled in crime but now he had gained the favour of the common folk after helping many poor families and making the streets of Mumbai safer for the ladies.
Today though, his mind was focused on something different - the upcoming birthday of his beloved. Vishnu wanted to do something special for his jaan, something that would show her how much he loved and cherished her. After multiple hours of brainstorming, he decided to make her a gift with his own hands, something that would be unique and personal, something that would tell her how special their love was.
The only hiccup was he had no idea how to make his vision a reality. Vishnu was not a man who was used to working with his hands. He was more accustomed to giving orders and having others do his bidding. But for her, he was willing to make an exception.
And so, for the next few days, the office of the most feared mafia boss in India looked like an overturned jewellery shop. He called in the most skilled craftsmen and set them to work on creating the most beautiful piece of jewellery for his fiancee. But as the days went by, Vishnu found himself growing increasingly dissatisfied with their progress. The pieces they were creating were beautiful, but none of them were worthy to be in his beloved’s possession.
By the end of the week, Vishnu decided to take matters into his own hands. He had dismissed all craftsmen, after thoroughly threatening them for their incompetence, and locked himself in his private workshop, only coming out to spend time with his jaan. Never had he been so determined to create something for anyone before proving just how special his love for her was. He had never worked with jewellery before, but he was a quick learner. He spent hours pouring over books and studying different techniques, experimenting with different materials and designs.
As the days turned into weeks, Vishnu grew more and more absorbed in his work. He spent long hours in his workshop, hammering, polishing, shaping, and moulding. His hands were becoming calloused and rough, which had raised many questions from you-know-who but he had been able to keep his project a secret somehow.
Finally, after weeks of hard work, Vishnu emerged from his workshop with a small box cradled in his hands. He was exhausted, but he was also filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had put all his love into his gift and he knew she would recognise that. Vishnu had been planning this day for weeks, wanting it to be perfect for his love’s birthday. He had arranged for a romantic lunch at their favourite restaurant and he had arranged for her favourite park to be shut down so that the two could spend their evening there.
Vishnu had never been more nervous about anything in his life ever, not even when he was on death’s doorstep. Lunch had been great, they talked so much, laughed so much, completely lost to the rest of the world. By the time they left the restaurant, it was evening. After that, Vishnu took his beloved's hand and led her to her favourite park. He arranged for a surprise picnic, complete with a basket of her favourite foods and lots and lots of cuddles. As they sat there talking, and laughing, his beloved had never looked more divine he thought. She looked like a dream, in a simple powder blue dress hair splayed all over as she rested her head on his lap. She looked enchanting, with the rays of the falling sun giving her an angelic look. He almost forgot the purpose of their visit here, until he noticed her empty neck.
“Jaani?” He called out to her, weaving his hands through her hair. “Hmm? What is it, Vishu?” She asked as she opened her eyes to look at him. He must’ve seemed nervous or tense at least because she was sitting up and looking at him with a concerned look on her face. Even with that look on her face, she looked enchanting and the sun shining through her hair did not help. He came back to reality with a snap of fingers, “Vishnu? Hello? Are you okay? What's wrong?” she asked, concern shining through her voice. He cleared his throat and said, “Nothing’s wrong, I promise. It's just- I have something for you. A gift-” “Oh Vishu, didn’t I tell you not to get me anything? You always get me something expensive and then I can never-” she interrupted.
“Wo Ho, Jaani don't ever imagine that you have to repay me for the gifts I get you, you being you is the best gift you could ever give me. I get you gifts because you deserve to be spoiled. And it is your birthday. Did you really think I wasn’t getting you a gift? And technically I didn’t get you a gift, I made it.” He said before presenting the box to her. She looked reluctant to accept it but took it nonetheless. His heart raced as she opened it.
He watched as she gasped in surprise, her eyes widening with wonder as she opened the box. Inside, lay a stunning necklace, made of shimmering gold and sparkling gemstone, which she realised was her birthstone. But what set it apart from any other piece of jewellery was the intricate detail work that Vishnu had added to it. “It's beautiful, Vishnu," she exclaimed, a multitude of emotions showcased on her face. "I don't know what to say. Thank you. It’s so beautiful!” She exclaimed with love and adoration in her eyes.
Vishnu grinned, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction at her reaction. He had wanted to choose something special and meaningful for her, something that would remind her of their love every time she wore it.
As he watched her carefully examine the necklace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her. She was so full of joy and wonder, so appreciative of the small gestures of love that he showed her. It baffled him, how she loved him despite all that he’s done. He knew that he was lucky to have found someone like her, someone who brought so much light and happiness into his life.
As She fastened the necklace around her neck, Vishnu leaned in to help her, his fingers brushing gently against her skin. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh, savouring the warmth of his touch. “I promise you this jaan, today here on your birthday as the day ends and the night falls, that I will always love you. Take this necklace as a symbol of my love and adoration for you. And as long as you wear it, I will know you love me too.” He professed into her hair, kissing the crown of her head.
And as she turned to face him, he could see the necklace glinting against her skin, highlighting her beauty and grace. He felt a sense of awe and wonder, knowing that he had made the perfect gift for his beloved.
And that's Vishnu's first Repost! What do we think?
@mad-who-ra @vijayasena @kanha-sakhi @nerdreader @athena-roy @warnermeadowsgirl
If you wanna be tagged and you will be added to the list!
Enjoy ❤️
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xblackreader · 1 year
Headcanons for Alt. Attuma x Soft! Okoye
@karimk2 you’re a genius
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their favorite artists:
Attuma likes Three Days Grace, 21 Pilots, Ic3peak, Gorillaz and Mother Mother
Okoye likes Solange, Tems, SZA, Erykah Badu, & India Arie
what they do together:
go to art museums and late night listens to new music - sometimes okoye will take him to a local art museum and even if he doesn’t like Mayan artifacts in White possession it’s interesting to him
If he’s home late at night he’ll text okoye to see if she’s up and send her a bunch of songs that make him think of her, feet kicking and hair twirling 💀
he had started bringing her lunch or just stopping by after an appointment for a tattoo, then he found himself helping around in the shop and then in her apartment and then he was just… there. With her all the time.
are not usually very heated, just small disagreements where okoye or attuma will apologize after a few hours of silence but if they get to a point of raising voices, Okoye will cry bc she’s sensitive and Attuma will break.
no tears need to be on her pretty face ever; he’s sorry. she was right anyway. and even if she’s not, he’ll wait til she’s calm to explain his side.
intimacy before relationship:
intimacy is… interesting at first
she’ll find herself playing with his sleeve if he stands close enough to her, or if his attention is on something else, she’ll occupy herself by holding his arm and he’ll try not to obsess over the fact that she smells like a vanilla flavored wet dream.
if he’s sketching or drawing, all she has to do is sit next to him and start playing with his hair and he’ll get distracted. Eventually he had to start scolding her softly about it, he was getting no work done. But she pouted and got her way. He would just sketch when she wasn’t around or too busy to mess with him.
if she’s busy, he’d be such a hypocrite. “Okoye, listen to this bass guitar riff I’m working on.” “Okoye, can you braid my hair again please? it’s annoying me.” “Okoye, I can help you- please get off the ladder.”
then they have their first kiss: I’ll leave it up to imagination or the canon authors choosing 🤭
sometimes she’ll go to the tattoo shop to see him or bring him lunch after he’s there for hours and his co workers are excited to see the little lady who keeps gifting him plants and books.
she’s so small but doesn’t seem intimidated by any of them in the slightest, not even namora sheesh.
attuma lets her kiss him on the cheek and tells her he loves her too and he’ll be at her place by 7 and when she leaves, the laughter is unstoppable .
“little miss peace and love has got you whipped!”
“she’s cute as hell, how’d you pull?”
“ooh, I love you too okoye! thank you sooo much for my food. you made it? I’ll treasure it forever!”
cute moments:
one time as a little experiment, he let her tattoo a small heart on his chest. It was really sloppy and she had a bit of a hard time but she did well for her first time ever. he absolutely loves it and whenever he sees it on himself, he will text her a mirror selfie or something to tease her about it.
she loves all his tattoos but she’s surprised to learn they don’t all have meanings! some are just bc he was drunk or wanted one at the time! all her tattoos though smaller and minimal, have deep meaning and she explains them all to him. She’s so cute.
she teased him one time by showing him the big boy song by SNL with SZA, and she’ll sing it whenever he reaches something for her or is working out and gets so embarrassed she’ll never stop.
Favorite Attractive Qualities;
Attuma loves when Okoye wears more bohemian clothing or her neo traditional dresses. the stacks of bracelets and gold hoops. colorful head wraps and nude makeup. he has no idea why he can’t keep his hands off her when she does.
his favorite hairstyle of her is an Afro. He loves her natural hair and when she tries to teach him how to help her do it, he loses focus and just ends up twirling 4c curls in his hands and kissing her face.
Okoye loves when Attuma plays the guitar. He’s very talented and his hands are so nice with the veins and painted nails. He gets this focused look on his face and his brows furrow when he’s frustrated and she thinks it’s sexy when he writes lyrics or Melodies. He shows her a small bit of a song one day and admits it’s about her and she… is all over him immediately.
her favorite hairstyle on him is when it’s dry right after shampooing, his hair is wavy and conditioner and sooo soft… also she likes when he lets her give him massages bc she gets him to fully relax and she gets to kiss him over and over while watching him melt.
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just some reader headcanons 🤭
if you want to read the story this is based on
here’s a link 💗
thank youu!
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lazyyogi · 2 years
Master Mala Maker: Sandalwood Blues
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Mantra meditation will always have a special place in my heart. It was the first kind of meditation I ever practiced and it was the first spiritual practice that triggered a totally unexpected awakening experience in me.
Some of my writings on mantra meditation:
Initiation into Mantra
Introduction to Mantra Meditation 1
Introduction to Mantra Meditation 2
Given this gratitude for mantra (and my affection for tactile toys), it comes as no surprise that I really love a good mala, also known as prayer beads.
A mala is used to count the number of times a mantra is repeated in a meditation session. Since there are a finite number of beads in a mala, it also serves as a timer for the meditation. After the meditation, the mala can be worn around the neck, wrapped around a wrist, or kept in a pocket. Whenever the day's events threaten to unbalance you, the mala can then act as a touchstone, helping to touch base with the awareness cultivated during your practice.
There are many styles of prayer beads. Variations include the number of beads in the mala, the materials of the beads, the colors of the cord, whether or not to have knots between the beads, and any ornamentation of the guru bead with or without a tassel.
Over the years, I have acquired a mala now and then from a variety of makers. Recently I discovered a truly exceptional maker and I would be remiss not to share his business with you all.
It all began when I was searching for a sandalwood mala on etsy over the summer. I had seen sandalwood malas before, selling for around $30 or so. So when I discovered similar appearing malas selling for over $100 at Sandalwood Blues, I was a little confused. Until I learned, unsurprisingly, that most "sandalwood" prayer beads sold are counterfeit, in a sense. Authentic Mysore sandalwood is relatively endangered, is only harvested in small sustainable batches, and as such is rather costly. It is so prized because of the exquisite natural scent that emanates from the wood.
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I was suspicious but also intrigued. Was there really that big of a difference? Well, I bought a sandalwood mala from the shop and to my surprise, it was very unlike the other "sandalwood" prayer beads I had seen before. The grain of the beads was much finer and smoother while the fragrance was unmistakable. It was one of those things with an undeniable difference in quality.
Impressed, I went back to the Sandalwood Blues shop to see what else they had. And that's when I saw they had chikna rudraksha.
Rudraksha are seeds that are traditionally used as beads for malas in India. They are my absolute favorite when it comes to material. They look like little brains and, over time, the highest quality rudraksha beads will darken, harden, and take on a shine. It is like the mala transforms with love and presence. Chikna rudraksha are the highest quality of rudraksha seed. If you held a chikna rudraksha and regular rudraksha mala in your hands, you would immediately discern the difference.
So of course I bought a rudraksha mala from Sandalwood Blues as well.
It. Was. Perfect.
The only other place I had found similar quality beads was from a Hindu spiritual supply company based in India. And if I am being honest, I actually felt these were even higher quality than the Indian company's.
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At that point, I was sold. This kind of attention to quality at a reasonable price is just incredibly rare in this day and age. So when I had the idea for a custom mala as a gift for my girlfriend, I reached out to the shop owner, Jarek. Just when I thought this shop couldn't impress me more, interacting with the owner and creator took it to another level.
Jarek is a kind and abundantly knowledgeable craftsman. He responds to every message the same day, often in a matter of minutes. What's more, he really understood my vision. I realized that once I conveyed what I had in mind, I could leave a significant amount of the decision making up to him and trust his process.
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The mala was perfect, a gorgeous pearl and rudraksha mala that really blew me away. And when I wanted another custom mala for my Kriya Yoga practice (depicted at the top of this post), I went straight back to Jarek.
From now on, he is my go-to master craftsman for any prayer bead questions or needs. He demonstrated such superb quality in both his materials and constructions while also displaying an intuitive understanding of his customer's needs.
I always feel that people and businesses whose love and passion inspire them to go above and beyond need to be shared with others. Especially when they are masters of their art.
It makes me so happy knowing Jarek is out there making these magical creations that both support spiritual practices while adorning the practitioner with the symbolic fruits of their practice.
May his work contribute to the peace, freedom, and happiness of all beings in all worlds.
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pinacleweb123 · 2 months
Website Designing Company in Navi Mumbai
Pinacle Web India provides one of the best website designing services in Navi Mumbai. We provide quality websites in a shorter time frame with no bargains for quality.
Your website is like the front door to your shop. So making a good first impression on your potential customers is essential.
At Pinacle Web India, a web development company, we are a passionate bunch of web designers who love turning ideas into reality. Whether you are starting from scratch, giving your old website a new look, or want something dynamic, we’ve got you covered.
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Being a website designing company, we understand the value a good website can add to a business. Here are a few reasons you should give us a chance:
Experience: We at Pinacle Web India, a web design company, have an experienced team who have plenty of experience to do a first-class job. Some of the projects we have worked on come from the following industries:
Steel and Metal
Real Estate
Pharma industry
Interior & Exterior
Computer Accessories
Food & Agro
Beauty & Saloon
Banking & Financial Sector
Custom Websites: We understand that every business is unique and has its own set of values. Hence, we create websites tailored to meet every business’ individual goals and requirements.
Affordability: We offer competitive prices with no compromise for quality.
On-time delivery: At Pinacle Web India, we are committed to delivering on time causing no interruptions in your venture.
Client First: We believe in clear communication and collaboration. Our designers work based on the client’s vision and turn their ideas into reality.
Maintenance and Support: Our team is always there for you to maintain and update your website, address any questions and guide you through the process.
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newbusinessideas · 2 months
How to Start a Building Materials Business
Ready to make your mark in the construction industry? 🚧💼 Check out this for essential tips on launching your own building material business! 🏗️ Don't wait, start today! #buildingmaterialsupplier #buildingmaterialstore #newbusinessideas #smallbusiness
The Building Material Business involves the trade of materials used in construction. Building a new building or house project requires various materials including bricks, cement, sand, wires, beams, ladders and machinery. And, gathering all the necessary resources can be a daunting task. Therefore, by establishing a relationship with a construction material supplier, they can easily get the…
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perpetualvelocity · 4 months
Experience Flower Power: Send Flower Gifts Online
Experience the flower power in your life. Send flower gifts to your loved ones and see their click here smiling faces, dancing eyes like flowers rollicking in the wind. No matter where you are, you can send your flower gifts through online shopping portals.
Thank you Mr Mark Zuckerberg for not planning your wedding in India, otherwise all flowers for wedding would have been delivered to your wedding venue. The Facebook founder has such a huge fan-following in India that his wedding venue would be a replica of a garden had he exchanged wedding vows with Priscilla Chan here. But Mark might receive many wedding bouquets from India as Indians have also developed passion for online shopping for the last couple of years. Anyway, I congratulate the blessed couple and other Indian couples also, who are taking a plunge this wedding season. But as your D-day comes close, are you geared up with flowers to welcome your guest? Not only for wedding, flowers are part and parcel of any occasion like birthday or anniversary.
Flowers for Wedding
Before you talk to your wedding planner about flower decoration, you must consider three things: wedding season, location and venue. Season plays pivotal role in choosing flowers for wedding; your favourite colours and flavours of flowers may not be available during the season you are planning wedding. However, it is possible that far from your wedding location, there might be a place where you can find your choice of flowers. And now-a-days distance does not matter as you can always go for online flower shop and order bunches of your favourite flowers. Flower vendors also attend such business inquiries and send flowers to their customers. But before you buy flower online, make sure that you receive fresh flowers nicely packed so that you can use them on your wedding day. Finally, you can select your flowers according to your wedding venue; if you are going for a lavish affair and plan your wedding at some exotic beach or palace, you can choose royal colours of flowers. And if yours is a budget wedding and the wedding venue is an enclosed hall or a party plot, you would like to decorate the venue with local flowers.
Flowers for Birthday
Birthday parties look as bland as corn without flowers; hence, your flower decoration adds life to your birthday party. Unlike wedding decorations, birthday party décor is a bit different in that many members of family are involved in decision-making. So there are many heads and many choices; but wait! Here also season matters the most. Well, you can’t change the season of your birthday, but some preparations surely help you. Whether you are planning your own birthday party or your loved ones’, it always advisable to play safe, and hence, your decoration should have been finished well in advance. Once your guests start pouring in, it will be difficult to manage the show. Experts always recommend to ensure flower delivery at least three hours before the party. If you carry a bouquet as flower gifts, take the bunch while you are driving to the party venue. If you wish to buy the bouquet in the morning, you have to keep it in a vase full of water so that flowers do not droop. And if you are sending flowers to the host, make sure that your host receives flower delivery just before half an hour of cake cutting.
Flowers for Anniversary
For anniversaries, you have ample opportunity to send innovative flower gifts. For e.g. you can choose number of carnations according to the number of years completed by a couple (you can also adopt this idea for birthday gifts). The best place to buy flower gifts is online shopping portals, where you can explore number of innovative ideas. Moreover, if you are away from India, these portals allow you to send flowers to India: just select your flowers and place orders and your flower to India will be delivered by such shopping portals. Online shopping portals are fresh way to send flowers online. Make the most of such portals and keep your bond strong with your loved ones.
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newskart65265 · 5 months
Navigating Opportunities: Government Job Sites and Creative Small Businesses
In a world that constantly evolves, individuals seek stability and growth through various avenues. Two key pillars of economic prosperity include government job opportunities and the thriving landscape of creative small businesses. In this article, we will explore the avenues provided by government job sites and delve into the dynamic world of creative small businesses.
Government Job Site List:
Government jobs are synonymous with stability, security, and a structured career path. Job seekers often turn to government job sites to explore opportunities that align with their skills and aspirations. Here's a curated list of government job sites that serve as gateways to a range of public sector opportunities:
USAJobs (USA): The official job site for the U.S. federal government, USAJobs caters to a diverse array of professions. From administrative roles to specialized technical positions, this platform is a one-stop-shop for those seeking employment within the U.S. government.
Civil Service Jobs (UK): The United Kingdom's civil service job site is a hub for individuals looking to contribute to the functioning of the government. With roles ranging from policy advisors to healthcare professionals, this platform showcases the breadth of opportunities within the UK's civil service.
UPSC Online (India): The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in India conducts examinations for various government services. The UPSC Online portal is a crucial resource for individuals aspiring to join prestigious services like the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) or the Indian Foreign Service (IFS).
Job Bank (Canada): As a comprehensive platform, Job Bank connects job seekers with employment opportunities across Canada. Maintained by the Government of Canada, it covers a wide spectrum of industries and regions.
Australian Government Job Search (Australia): For those Down Under, the Australian Government Job Search portal facilitates access to federal government job listings. It caters to individuals with diverse skills and qualifications.
Creative Small Businesses:
While government jobs offer stability, creative small businesses provide an exciting alternative for individuals seeking innovation, entrepreneurship, and a more dynamic work environment. Here are some insights into the world of creative small businesses:
Innovation and Flexibility: Creative small businesses thrive on innovation and adaptability. They have the freedom to experiment with unconventional ideas, leading to the development of unique products and services. This flexibility allows for quick adjustments to market demands and trends.
Personalized Customer Experience: Unlike larger corporations, small businesses can provide a personalized and intimate customer experience. This connection often leads to loyal customer bases who appreciate the attention to detail and the human touch that small businesses bring to their interactions.
Niche Markets and Specialization: Creative small businesses often find success by catering to niche markets. Specialization allows them to become experts in their field, providing highly sought-after products or services. This focus can set them apart in a competitive landscape.
Entrepreneurial Spirit: Creative small businesses are often founded on the entrepreneurial spirit of individuals passionate about their craft. This passion can drive them to overcome challenges and find innovative solutions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
In the pursuit of career opportunities, individuals face a choice between the stability offered by government jobs and the dynamic environment of creative small businesses. Government job sites serve as gateways to secure, structured careers, while creative small businesses embody the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. Ultimately, the decision between the two depends on personal values, career goals, and the desire for either stability or the thrill of building something new. As the employment landscape continues to evolve, individuals can find fulfillment in either path, knowing that diverse opportunities await them in both government sectors and the world of creative small businesses.
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Small Business Saturday 
Small businesses often are overlooked by customers who are enticed by larger companies, and this can adversely affect the local economy in more negative ways than might appear on the surface level.
The rise of shopping malls and large chain stores such as Walmart and other retailers has caused irreversible damage to Main Street in the last half-century or so, and it’s paramount to remember the importance of supporting local small businesses.
After all, why should we not celebrate the spirit of enterprise and entrepreneurship, as exemplified by small business owners who take the risk of following their dreams?
After all, it’s a common thing for politicians to talk about supporting Main Street over big business, and how small business owners often face greater hardships than larger companies. Since Small Business Saturday is held on the Saturday following Thanksgiving Day, it falls right during the peak shopping periods of the year.
History of Small Business Saturday
The 1960s saw the rise of the American shopping mall, and the decades since have seen large chain retailers further cementing their position in terms of taking over the retail sphere and displacing smaller, family-run businesses.
This model has spread further throughout the world, and chain retailers have been usurping small businesses’ market share worldwide in the last few decades. That being said, the difference is most stark in countries like the US, where small businesses have often been obliterated within a year or two of some large chain retailer coming to town and opening up shop – in India and much of Southeast Asia, shopping malls coexist with small shops largely because they serve different markets – as has been noted in the past, the corner shop is not going anywhere anytime soon in India because customers can purchase items on credit, and that’s just something that you’ll never be able to do in a Walmart or BigBazaar.
In the United States, the context is different, though. Different economic realities combined with different cultural ideas about how small businesses operate has ultimately been more harmful to those businesses in developed countries than in developing economies. And with all of the odds stacked against them, small businesses in the US need a day in their honor.
Small Business Saturday is a relatively recent phenomenon – the first one was in Roslindale Village, Massachusetts in 2010 as a counterpart to Black Friday (which features big-box retailers, and its anti-consumerist counterpart, Buy Nothing Day targets big business).
Small Business Saturday was originally sponsored by American Express and the non-profit National Trust for Historic Preservation. From the very start, the day has been promoted through advertising on both social media and more traditional means such as television and radio advertisement. Since 2013, Small Business Saturday has also existed in the UK following the success of its American counterpart.
How to celebrate Small Business Saturday
You may be wondering how to celebrate Small Business Saturday since it is possible that you might have been lead to believe that small businesses are a thing of the past. That, however, is not true, and you can dispel such ignorance by observing Small Business Saturday.
As a consumer, you can choose to spend your money at local small businesses on this day rather than going to the big-box retailers at the local mall. After all, the best way to support small businesses is to go and spend money at them rather than somewhere else.
You can also tell your friends to do the same, perhaps making a point of organizing a shopping day where you only visit small, local enterprises instead of chain stores. While you may or may not end up paying more, it’s important to remember that spending your money at a small business generally puts more money into the local economy than if you’re spending that money in a chain store.
Some small business owners find that Small Business Saturday is a great time to run marketing promotions, as they can further capitalize on the increased foot traffic (from the already busy holiday shopping season), and on their online traffic.
If you own a small business, you can run some promotion for the day, and otherwise, put up a post on your Facebook page. If your small business does not have a Facebook page nor any other online presence, you should seriously consider taking Small Business Saturday to go ahead and do that. So support your local economy, and go out and buy things from a small business today.
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beasiannow · 1 year
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Invited to the wedding of work colleague Sonali Patel at a large Hindu Church in Bellingham, Washington, Christina Hogan decided to take her daughter Madison as her plus one.
It was Madison who pointed out that as this would be taking place at the most prominent Hindu Church in five states and the invitation said it would be a traditional ceremony, it would be only polite if they dressed appropriately.
“Of course, we’ll wear our best.” said her mother, “no, I mean appropriately in that we should wear Hindu wedding attire.” “Like, what do they call them, sorry dresses?” asked Christina, “Sarees, mother, they are called sarees, and yes, I guess so,” said Madison rolling her eyes.
“Okay then, and just where do you think we are going to find something like that this fast and figure out how to put it all together correctly?” “don’t worry”, said Madison, bluffing, “I know just where to go.”
To be sure, the place where Madison went was Google, which was no help at all, showing only ways to buy sarees via Amazon and the like with no ideas at all about helping them; Bing and Yahoo proved to be just as useless.
Next, Madison gave the Dark Web a try; there, she found a new search site called Furfur that claimed to be powered by “Ancient Artificial Intelligence that knows more than everything.” “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” wondered Madison starting to use it anyway.
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What she didn’t know was that the site was named after a demon who always lied unless forced to tell the truth while trapped in a magic circle, at which point it told the truth, but in such a way to mess with you as much as it could. This, in fact, was the case. Furfur had been trapped in just such a circle by a group of nerds who placed him in it with a computer and an internet connection in a try to rival the big boys.
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Furfur sent the Hogan women to a small clothing shop called Nīṅkaḷ aṇivatu nīṅkaḷtāṉ (You Are What You Wear); who were trying to do their best to grow a clientele for India-style dress but were finding it hard in a city like Bellingham, Washington. Fortunately or unfortunately, as opinion varies, the shop also made use of Furfur, which was seen to it that they got a shipment (stolen, but they didn’t know that) of what should have been hidden experimental “gene altering” cloth from a lab in Mumbai called by them Karmāviṉ iḻaikaḷ or Threads of Karma.
And so, Christina and Madison went to You Are What You Wear, where they were both attired and instructed on proper etiquette for a Hindu wedding.
Frankly, the pair did rather stand out.
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However, by the end of the as usual long Hindu wedding ceremony, they were no longer so noticeable since at some point, the sarees made from Karmāviṉ iḻaikaḷ cloth had turned them into Chandirka and Madhuri Hogan, two women from Delhi.
“Oh my goodness me!” said the former Christina on returning to their home and finding herself and her daughter so transformed. “what is your father going to say when he returns from his business trip?”
“I know,” said Madhuri, “how will he react to this change!”
“Oh no, not that,” replied Chandirka. “I mean, what will he say when he finds out that from now on, we are eating 100% vegan, and he can forget about his Tuesday night poker games, we are going to Temple those nights to pray to Durga and Lord Ganesha.”
Meanwhile, Far away in some suburban mom's basement.
"CRAP!" said Furfur, "I lost those two ex-Yanks to those do-gooders in the East!"
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flooid-ui-ux-designs · 4 months
UI UX Solutions in India: Crafting Digital Experiences Nationwide
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Welcome to Flooid, your premier destination for a wide spectrum of digital solutions that span UI UX design services, website design services, product design, web development services, and mobile app development services.
Elevating User Experiences: UI UX Design Services:
Our UI UX design services are the cornerstone of crafting exceptional digital experiences.
At Flooid, we understand that a well-thought-out user interface and user experience design, as provided by a leading UI UX design company in Bangalore, can make all the difference.
Explore how Flooid, as a top-tier UI UX Design Company in Bangalore, and a leader in UI UX and development, is committed to excellence and innovation.
1. UI UX Design Expertise
At Flooid, we blend art and science to create UI UX solutions that stand out.
Our designers are well-versed in the principles of design, ensuring your digital platforms are visually appealing and highly functional.
2. User-Centered Approach
We place users at the center of our design process. By understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviors, we create experiences that resonate and leave a lasting impression
3. Cross-Platform Expertise
Our UI UX expertise spans web and mobile platforms, ensuring your brand’s consistency across various devices and screens.
Website Design & Development Services:
Your website is your digital storefront, and first impressions matter. Flooid offers comprehensive website design services and website development services to ensure your online presence leaves a lasting impact.
1. Crafting Your Digital Identity
Visually Stunning Websites: Our design team creates websites that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional. We understand the importance of aesthetics and functionality in modern web design.
2. Responsive Design
In an era of mobile-first browsing, our websites are designed to be responsive, ensuring an optimal user experience across all devices.
3. E-commerce Excellence
For businesses seeking e-commerce solutions, we specialize in building secure and scalable online shopping platforms.
Product Design: Shaping Your Vision:
Innovation begins with a vision, and at Flooid, we’re here to turn your concepts into reality. Our product design team specializes in transforming your ideas into user-friendly, visually appealing products.
1. Bringing Ideas to Life
Iterative Prototyping: We employ an iterative approach, building prototypes that allow you to visualize your product at every stage of development.
2. User-Centric Design
Our product design process revolves around understanding user needs and feedback, ensuring your product resonates with your target audience.
3. End-to-End Support
From conceptualization to design and development, our team offers comprehensive support throughout the product design journey.
Web Development Services: Tailored to Your Needs:
Flooid’s web development services are designed to cater to a wide range of business needs. Whether you require a simple informational website, a dynamic corporate portal, or a complex e-commerce platform, our development expertise ensures your digital presence stands out.
1. Seamless Development Solutions
Custom Development: We specialize in tailoring websites to meet your specific business requirements. Our developers have extensive experience in building custom solutions that align with your goals.
2. Content Management Systems
For clients seeking easy content management, we offer CMS development services, empowering you to take control of your website’s content.
3. Scalability
We build websites with scalability in mind, ensuring your online platform can grow as your business expands.
Mobile App Development: Engage Your Audience
In an era dominated by mobile devices, having a powerful mobile app is essential. Flooid excels in mobile app development, covering both Android and iOS platforms. We take pride in transforming your app ideas into engaging, user-friendly, and functional mobile applications.
1. Leading Mobile App Development Companies
iOS & Android Expertise: Our team includes skilled developers who specialize in both iOS and Android app development, ensuring you reach your target audience on their preferred devices.
2. User-Centric Approach
Our mobile app development process is user-centric, with a focus on creating intuitive and engaging experiences.
3. Testing and Quality Assurance
We employ rigorous testing and quality assurance processes to ensure your app functions flawlessly across different devices and operating systems.
Connect With Us Today
As you embark on your digital journey across the diverse and dynamic landscape of India, Flooid invites you to collaborate.
With our expertise, deep understanding of user behavior, and commitment to industry trends, your digital project is in capable hands.
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