#ship biases are a thing that's in now? i only follow a few fandoms so idk if it's a fire emblem thing or if it's an overall trend???
yuribrd · 2 years
Just know that I’ll write just about any ship with Yuri that isn’t Gross, provided there’s chemistry between our portrayals.
That said, in terms of ships that make my little heart go brrr, right now I’m on some serious Yuri/Balthus and Yuri/Claude shit. Why? I could hardly tell you. They simply spark undefinable joy in me.
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ichinoue · 2 years
Whilst watching the anime did you at any point think that Ichigo & Rukia could’ve had a chance (since that’s what a lot of ppl that just watched the anime thought would’ve happened) before you read the manga, it’s quite obvious that the anime was biased towards a certain ship. Or was it always Ichihime for you ?
I started with the anime only. I went into it knowing about the ichiruki fandom popularity, and was fully expecting to ship ichiruki. And as I watched the first arc (AotS), I did see a few moments that definitely seemed to be hinting at an IR romance.
...Only to find out later on when I read the manga: all of those moments were anime-only filler. I explain more on that below.
But still, at that point, I was an anime-only fan. And then the next arc, the SS arc, began. And I was confused. Because a majority of the "shippy" moments of the SS arc went to RenRuki and IchiHime instead of IchiRuki. I talked about that more here in this post.
So the ships seemed up in the air to me. Because there were definite romantic IR hints in the first arc (or, so I thought, not realizing they were filler). But IH and RR were now presenting themselves as strong contenders for canon as well.
And then the arrancar arc began and IchiHime came in swinging like a wrecking ball. And the moment Ichigo bowed before Orihime, looked her sincerely in the eyes, and vowed to protect her, I just knew it would be canon.
But I kept in mind that I had only ever seen the anime at that point. And I thought, "well, maybe the anime is distorting things and downplaying IR while playing up IH/RR with fillers."
At which point, I decided to read the manga from the start to see for myself what was filler, and what was canon.
Come to find out, the few moments that I did think were hinting towards an IchiRuki romance?
They were all filler.
Linked below are episodes on crunchyroll with timestamps:
Episode 8 @ 15:05 The random shinigami dude who shows up and accuses Rukia of being in a relationship with Ichigo while blushing i.e. "are you finding pleasure with a human boy?" while she gets all flustered and tells him it's none of his business? Filler. (Literally, the animation team created a whole ass filler character just to tease at some IR romance that didn't exist lmao).
Episode 11 @ 4:10 Orihime watches Ichigo and Rukia run off together at school, followed by Orihime wondering if they're dating? Filler.
Episode 15 @ 17:40 Ichigo and Rukia staring at each other and awkwardly stumbling over their words, as if they're holding back from confessing their feelings, as the sun sets and soft music plays? Filler.
Episode 18 @ 6:34 Ichigo having a flashback to Rukia's glowing face while he thinks to himself "her place is here" (which immediately follows the peptalk Orihime just gave him, which takes away from an important IH moment 🤦‍♀️) Filler.
Episode 22 @ 12:04 Ichigo staring longingly at SS as the sunsets as if he's staring/thinking about Rukia? Filler. (And this moment actually replaced the canon moment of Ichigo offering Orihime a drink while she was healing Jidanbo.)
Episode 146 @ 20:04 Nel getting jealous of Rukia and demanding to know what her relationship is with Ichigo? Filler.
So, when I read the manga, I realized that all of these seemingly romantic shippy ichiruki moments didn't actually exist.
Meanwhile, I was introduced to a lot of canon IchiHime moments I had never seen before in the anime, such as Orihime's feelings for Ichigo being introduced in chapter two, Orihime and Ichigo meeting up on the way to Urahara's house, Ichigo bringing Orihime a drink while she healed Jidanbo, the guys in SS wondering if Orihime has a boyfriend and then saying "definitely" when they see her walking with Ichigo, etc. All of those moments were left out of the anime.
So, essentially, in the first two arcs, the anime added in some heavy-handed filler IchiRuki content, while removing canon IchiHime content.
And by doing so, they effectively bamboozled so many people into thinking IR was romantic and endgame. Especially those who only ever watched the anime and were fooled by all the filler.
The anime got better about all the butchering once the arrancar arc began, but by then, I think it was too late. The damage was already done. So many people had already declared IR as their otp and were reluctant to jump ship--especially to the ship they had already spent so much time bashing.
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judasisgayriot · 4 months
hello again! you once again prove yourself as the queen of heroes ramblings. you responded with so much detail so quickly! loveeee it :)
i wanna ask you more, i like getting your mini ted talks. what are your thoughts on sylar/peter as a ship? i personally don’t really see it in the show, but i’ve read some real good fics with them.
Hahaha omg I love you anon I’m glad someone enjoys hearing my unhinged rants about this show…
Soooo. Maybe the girlies will hate me for this one lol. Thing is, I can see how sylar/peter would lend itself to having some good fics written about it. Like, the concept is there, it has potential. The foundations for a good hero/villain ship are there, they are definitely set up as foils and parallels to each other, they have the whole ‘two sides of a coin’ thing going on. But like you, I don’t really see it in the show at all. It’s like they had the potential but didn’t actually execute it/make me give a fuck about it/make me remotely want to ship it, lol.
It is/was a popular ship in heroes fandom (lol heroes fandom in 2024 is like 12 people but hey) and I do see why for the above reasons. I actually think the episode ‘the wall’ is a great concept but again, they don’t sell me on it/execute it well/actually follow through on making me remotely believe they’d become friends by the end. Right before they break out, having spent what was apparently like 10 years of mind-time together in there or whatever, Peter still hates his guts and wants to smash his head in with a sledgehammer lmao?? (I mean girl same. The whole ‘peter has to forgive sylar, narratively and kind of literally, if he wants to escape the mind prison’ plot point grinds my gears. I think he should get to never forgive him ever for killing Nathan if he doesn’t want to lmao. Shout out to that one fan panel with Milo where he’s like ‘peter would never forgive him he would eviscerate him’ king you are speaking my fucking language lol. I digress.) like afterwards I can buy that sylar has latched onto Peter and wants to be his friend/wants Peter to like, model being a good person for him, but not that Peter actually gives a shit in return or wants anything to do with him lol
(Sidenote, that in itself is a rly interesting concept, and me and @buildarocketboys developed a fic idea about peter agreeing to like, ‘mentor’ sylar and hang out with him but if and only if he kept shapeshifting back into Nathan for him. Now THAT is fucked up and deranged and the good stuff and actually makes me, avowed sylar disliker, feel kinda sorry for the guy lol. Yessss let me marinate in the badwrongness of all of that and how Peter is the one acting fully insane. Anyway. I digress once more.)
Anyway I’m clearly also biased bc I used to like sylar as a character back in the day but sometime over my like 4 rewatches over the last few years he really started pissing me off lol. Now it’s not like I’m being an anti about him being an evil villain or anything, I love a problematic king and I’m a Nathan stan lmao. In fact I only really enjoy sylar when he is getting to be a proper fun cackling all-out villain, he’s actually enjoyable and funny in that mode. It’s the like 9 flip-flopped badly written redemption arcs they keep trying to give him like they’re trying to make me feel sorry for him bc his dad sold him to one direction or whatever, but sorry!! I feel nothing! He’s a whiny bitch and they should have just let him be killed off one of the first 900 times it nearly happened! I don’t have any sympathy and he’s completely lost me lol. So yeah. That does make me biased plus being a Petrellicest girlie and a Nathan stan and an Elle stan sorry I selfishly won’t forgive him for killing them 😔 poor baby serial killer I’m being such a mean hater. Stan my absolutely fucking awful morally confused self hating politician guy instead loooool
Well. All that to say that I see why people ship it, it has interesting foundations that could have led to something good but IMO it just didn’t, I can definitely imagine it has some good fic out there that can sell you on it, but I just don’t see their great poetic love or whatever. It’s soooo ‘baby’ ‘fellow associate’ core by the end lmao. And it actively annoys me. But I am just being a hater I know. Sorry to the cool petlars out there it’s all hashtag my opinion
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somekndofnature · 6 months
Tumblr media
Inuyasha is the leader of a currently defunct punk rock band, The Strays. His other bandmates, Sango and Miroku, agree to help him win back their former manager to reinvent their sound for the current era of music. He trusts her more than anyone, believing that only she can bring them back from obscurity, but time doesn't always heal wounds. Inuyasha has to accept his past mistakes and show that this is the only way forward for him. The consequence of failure is a life spent alone, without his fated mate.
It has been six years since Kagome first managed The Strays, and at first, she thought the band would be her ticket to success. It was, but not in the way she imagined. It had taken a toll on her, ruined her for other relationships. She had broken a cardinal rule, never fall in love with a client. Inuyasha Taisho damaged her in so many ways, but now she has a second chance to right the mistakes of the past and take on of her greatest challenges, making The Strays relevant once again.
The music is solid, as is the determination of the band members, but Kagome is unsure whether she can forgive the wounds of the past and move forward with the band in a mutually beneficial future
Hi! I know it's been a hot minute since I posted anything for this fandom. A lot of readers have been waiting for my MMA AU and, I'm working on it. This idea just sort of shoved all others out of the way and... I'm doing a lot more research on the MMA AU to make it authentic. Hopefully, you enjoy this a bit in it's place, for a while. This fic has... encompassed my whole brain.
I'm obsessed with music... I can't put it any other way. Music talks to me; music is life. I would rather be blind than deaf because living without music feels like a life I could not envision. Then again, I've had terrible vision all my life, so maybe I'm biased. Music allows me to see things that I cannot with vision. It allows me to feel more than words could ever express... and I'm a writer, lol. That being said, I hope my profound love for music... and this ship are expressed in the story that follows.
I'm hoping to get a publicly accessible playlist for this fic, but I have very strong reservations against Spotify, due to how they compensate creators. I'm looking for an alternative but I haven't found anything comparable... then again I'm not a very good judge on the interwebs, lol. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
That being said, there are a few music artists who have GREATLY contributed to this fic: Sick Puppies, Eve 6, Panic! at the Disco, and Imagine Dragons, along with many other artists. I will do my best to mention each of them in the authors comments because... it's important to me. Anyway... for this prologue, its Viva Las Vengeance by Panic! at the Disco.
CHAPTER 1 : You Give Me Highs That Lose My Breath Present day…
Inuyasha shifted in his chair and tried to assure himself that the walls of the tiny Vegas café weren’t closing in on him. It was a stifling summer day, temperatures reaching well over one hundred degrees by noon, and the piddling AC of this place was doing a piss poor job of battling the heat. He plucked at the collar of his t-shirt, desperate for a bit of air movement against his sticky skin.
He had run all the way here from his home, jumping between the tops of the brightly colored buildings in hope that he could work off some excess nervous energy. That hadn’t exactly gone to plan. Inuyasha was still keyed up, unable to settle his pounding heart as another bead of sweat slid from beneath his silver hair and down the back of his neck.
Fucking great, now I’m gonna stink on top of everything else. That’ll be a killer first impression.
Although, it couldn’t really be called a first impression. Even after six years apart, the woman that he waited for with bated breath still knew him better than anyone else on the planet. She had seen him at his best… and very worst.
Could I really make her think any less of me at this point?
His shoulders bunched as he realized the answer to that question was probably a resounding ‘no’.
His leg began to bounce, jingling the long silver chain that hung from his belt loop to the wallet in his back pocket. A hand settled on his knee. Inuyasha glanced up into a pair of sympathetic brown eyes.
“Relax, she’ll be here,” Sango said with a gentle pat. “Besides you’re gonna drive me crazy with all that noise.”
He planted his foot on the floor and straightened. “Why the hell would she come?”
“Because I asked her to,” she replied with a shrug, sitting back in the small wooden chair. “Trust me, she’ll be here.”
Despite her confident words, Sango seemed just as nervous as him. Her dark gaze was glued to the front windows of the café, darting amongst the people on the sidewalk beyond. She drew her leg up and hugged her arms around it, resting her chin on her knee. Then she went completely still and unblinking, perched on her chair like a silent gargoyle. 
Inuyasha’s frown deepened. “I’m just sayin, she has no reason to show after…”
“After you lost your ever living mind?” Sango completed.
“Now, now,” Miroku said from beside her, squeezing her shoulder. “Inuyasha has apologized several times and taken great strides to change his ways. Let’s not rehash the past.”
His golden gaze found the floor, heat working its way up his neck. Geez, a hanyou has one little near-death experience and everyone wanted to make a federal case out of it.
“I don’t know if an apology is going to be enough,” Sango said, almost to herself.
He growled in annoyance, even as the soft white ears on top of his head lowered in shame.
She cut him a sharp look. “Don’t growl at me. What do you expect? You weren’t there for the aftermath of your dumb decisions, you know. You didn’t have to hear her cry over you or convince her to eat when she started losing weight or—”
“I get it!” he snapped. “I’m a dick. I know.”
Sango pursed her lips. “Well, as long as you know.”
Inuyasha snarled.
“Sweetheart,” Miroku soothed while rubbing his hand across her upper back. “Let’s not make this any harder than it has to be.”
“Why? It should be hard for him. It should hurt. We all hurt enough—”
“Argh! What the fuck do you want me to do?” Inuyasha erupted, throwing his hands into the air. “Should I break out the sack cloth and ashes? Would a public stoning do it for you?”
“I just want to know I’m not setting my friend up for another round of your bullshit,” she sneered. “Tell me you’ve got it together.”
“I do! I do! How many times you want me to fuckin say it?” 
Sango opened her mouth to deliver another verbal blow when the bell above the café door tinkled. Three sets of eyes flew to the front windows and Inuyasha snapped his mouth shut, trying not to swallow his suddenly thick tongue.
She was here…Kagome.
She lifted her sunglasses up to rest in her dark hair and scanned the few tables before her eyes lit on Sango in the back.  When her gaze finally landed on him, those baby-blues grew wide like a deer caught in the headlights.
Inuyasha cursed under his breath and dragged a clawed hand down his face. “You didn’t tell her I was going to be here, did you?”
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pistachiozombie · 5 months
You have said many times now that the tolkien fandom has some sort of "beef" with you. What's that all about? Is it because of toxic anons? Too few interactions with your posts?
It makes me sad because nobody is talking bad about you, it's the contrary. I've only seen good things said about you. But it does seems like you are isolating yourself from fandom spaces relevant to your interests because of it and that is sad. You are very appreciated!
Well, firstly, I say this because of the toxic anons that I get but choose not to publish. I refuse to give them the time of day. I don't know if it's one person sending them all or what, but it just has become very tiring when you keep getting told your ship and ocs are trash and there are cliques talking bad about you in private DMs.
Sometimes, i feel the fandom is biased, and the lack of interaction when I am also a Tolkien OC artist seems...odd. Sometimes, I don't get follows back when we love and draw the same content, and that's honestly alright, but sometimes it feels like I'm being avoided. Posting stuff in a server doesn't help much either. Not to mention, there are people who i was once friends with in the fandom that were toxic in the end and talked some shit and broke my trust, so dabblin in servers has been less of a thing for me.
All that stuff just adds up and gives me the vibe that people think I'm stuck up or whatever it is. I have no idea. I'm well aware there is a side where people are amazing and make fandoms fun. That's why I even continue half the time. I'm relieved to know I'm at least somewhat appreciated. Sorry if this sounds selfish. I'm obsessed with my ocs and stories and want to share them, that's all.
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Hi there, mod team, and thanks for your hard work in organizing this event!  Kirby’s kind of a new fandom for me, but I’ve been getting super into it, and itching for an excuse to dabble more.  I have a few questions, if you don’t mind?  I’ve done a number of exchanges over the years, and there are a few things in your rule set I’d appreciate some clarification on—even if it’s just to declare, “Assume Good Faith,” and go from there!
Firstly, if I want to participate as only a writer, do I need to provide a link to examples of my writing for the Portfolio question on the sign-up?  I would assume so, as the rules elsewhere say that writing and art are both allowed, but the rules seem to focus mostly on art, particularly in the Portfolio section.
Relatedly, if the poll option for matching participants by skill level wins, will writing also be privately assigned a technical skill ranking to help with matching?  Since the rankings will be private, is there any plan to address what to do in case someone with, say, a high writing ranking but a low art ranking is matched to someone with the expectation that they’ll be doing fic but they decide they want to try doing art instead?
Secondly, can you elaborate on specifically how you’ll be applying the rule against romantic content between adults and minors?  Read-as-written, I can see at least three different ways it could be interpreted, so some clarification would be much appreciated!
Is character maturity determined by canon?  If so, which canon(s)?  If multiple forms of canon are accepted, is it okay to request ships that might be okay in one canon but not in another?
Is character maturity determined by the mods?  If so, can you share which characters you’ll be considering as minors versus which will be considered adults?
Is character maturity determined by individual participants?  If so, does that mean that any ship is alright as long as the characters involved are both depicted as being on the same side of the minor/adult line, but determining where that line falls is left to the judgement of the individual participants, in accordance with their wishlists/blacklists?
Thanks very much!
Hey! Super appreciate how nice you are. I hope you enjoy this fandom, first of all. It's a very comfortable one to be in, in my opinion 🥰
I apologize the rules and otherwise are biased towards visual artists! As you'll soon see in my answers here, in my experience with hosting events, the more details you specify for people to follow, the more confusing it gets and the less people follow any of the rules in the first place. I understand too many rules and guidelines is overwhelming, so it was important to me to keep things curt in the initial posts. That means guidelines for writers, and age specifications, got cut a little because it applies to very little people in the first place. I realize that's disrespectful to other types of artists participating in our event though, so I added onto the rules post and I'll try to elaborate more here.
Answering your questions proper now: yes, please include a portfolio even if you're a writer! I understand the length of a piece can vary a lot, as does the amount of effort you put into a writing piece does not necessarily equal how "finished" you think it is, so writing portfolios don't need to follow the "at least three finished pieces" rule. Just include whatever you have, with showing one piece minimum, and at least one piece out of however many you choose to link must have at least 1200 words, since that's the minimum requirement for our event.
Writing will be its own category, rather than using the 5-point ranking scale, if that option on the poll wins. This is because making wishlists and blacklists work in a smaller pool of people (the people who stated they are okay with receiving writing as a gift) is quite difficult. You bring up a good point with the conflicting skills in differing arts though! Now that you mention it, multiple people who stated they could gift multiple arts only put drawings in their portfolio (no one has to change that by the way, if you're reading this and panicking). In that case, we might just assign them to someone who only wants to receive drawings to get rid of that variable all together. Again, due to the very low amount of writers/other artists participating in the first place, those will be assigned on a case-by-case basis. I will say we will follow what's in people's portfolios first and foremost though. We won't go and personally hunt down someone's other art work if they didn't list it. If someone stated they could gift both writing and drawings, but only showed drawings in their portfolio, mods will giving them a point ranking and be running under the assumption they'll be gifting drawings, while keeping the "writing" part in the back of our minds.
Onto your second question: I can also see three different ways that could be interpreted 😆 I tried to purposely keep it vague. You hit the nail on the head with "assume good faith". Stating that in the first place was mostly to scare away any true... questionable people rather than something I expected to enforce. From a cursory glance at people's wishlists so far, yep, there's either none or maybe one ship that could be considered that in anyone's canon on anyone's list, so I don't feel the need to set out guidelines for it. If you, or anyone, is really concerned about a ship you'd like to request being seen that way, I'd recommend thinking about and following the general fandom's view on things (ex: Kirby being seen as a child in any canon). Us mods wouldn't step in if you were to, for example, request Magolor/Kirby, because you could interpret those two to be in the same age range and we will assume good faith, but most people wouldn't be comfortable fulfilling that request. The same goes for any sort of non-adult/minor controversial ship too, really, but we don't have any hard-set rules on this.
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wherefancytakesme · 1 year
Salty Ask List
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* /W/anDom! It just feels really heteronormative to me, and the art I’ve seen looks far too lovey-dovey for those two.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* /S/ylander. Wander and Sylvia are one of the very few male/female duos that are really close purely as friends. It should honestly stay that way, if not just to show how close you can be to your friends too. Also /S/keleton Dance. Wander is asexual af to me.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Nope, I only follow crew and art blogs. But I’ve defs blocked artists who were homophobic.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* /B/lack Eye. I just think of those two as they gayest of all 5 mains, so there’s no way I could possibly be comfortable imagining them together.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* I almost had Sylava ruined for me. Almost. Because of... uh... a certain someone I think we all remember.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* I started coming around to Tumblesquid. It counteracts with my headcanon, but I love the idea of Wander being subtly married to Jeff the whole time.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* I didn’t mind WOY nsfw before, but now all it ever is is Dominator or one of the female characters made to look sexier than they are. People who think Dominator’s hot should actually take a look at the series as a whole, dammit. It’s good.
Have you received anon hate? What about?* Nope! I don’t allow asks.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Lil’ Bits maybe? She’s a little gimmicky for me as a villain. At least Awesome is fun to hate... Sort of, lol.
Most disliked arc? Why? The arc that got teased in The Robomechabotatron, but ONLY because we never got a 3rd season to develop it. Now it just looks like, “Haha jk we’ll never team up again, we learned nothing.”
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? The only I can think of are the sexy princesses from The Hot Shot. I think it’s funny that the staff wanted to joke about Disney princesses who are conventionally attractive and look nothing like their cartoony fathers.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I guess no one’s a big fan of Hater crushing on Dominator, but while it IS a little typical, I really loved watching Hater be a dork when we know that Dominator WILL NEVER LOVE HIM.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? Dominator’s not that hot? Just because she has an hourglass figure doesn’t make her automatically attractive. That said though, I’m not usually into those types anyway. Goth OR femme fatale.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? Are there any opinions on us at all? We’re so small, haha. Um, I guess that we’re more determined than some think. I bet Disney’s like, “Look, see? They’re quiet now, they forgot about #SaveWOY just like we thought”. Bitch nah.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? Um, the old dA beta comics? Um, I guess I don’t like beta Sylvia. Maybe everybody didn’t like what a buzzkill she was, but I also found her super ugly.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? I’D GIVE IT A THIRD SEASON, OF COURSE.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Instead of only getting queer rep past with little jokes, I’d put in as much blatant rep as possible. WOY’s in space, there’s no such thing as human sexuality/gender standards.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? In denial, not really. Biased, it depends on the situation.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? That it’s getting smaller and smaller.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Demurra and Drake! That’s canon, but still. They are so healthy and wholesome and defy all expectations!
What are your thoughts on crack ships? They’re usually pretty fun, purely for the sake of messing around with characters that would never interact.
Popular character you hate? Awesome. I just... wanna friggin’ curb stomp him whenever he’s onscreen. (But I do like watching him get wrecked.)
Unpopular character you love? Was there ever anyone unpopular? Frederick the worm faded into obscurity pretty quick I guess, but I still love thinking about him and Ryder teaming up and the latter working out his issues through the former.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? OF FUCKING COURSE I WOULD! Who the hell DOESN’T support SaveWOY?!
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? Oh no, I ain’t touchin’ that one. All I want is to know the intended ending. THEN I will tell you what I might have wanted.
Most shippable character? Wander, dude. He’s the fandom’s shipping bicycle. But for me personally, I ship Peepers with most everybody. Everyone male at least.
Least shippable character? Brad. He’s eventually happily married, but the dude did not deserve anyone before then. And I mean, now that he IS married, he’s off the market anyway.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
I was reading a few precedent asks and I quite don’t understand why for some people Tae and Jk being closer now undermines Jikook’s closeness and mean things have changed between them or something along the way. But, why does it have to me one or the other? I have several close friends, me being close to one does not mean that I’m not close to the other anymore… I could be biased but this is a narrative that I see only when it comes to the maknae line, which I guess has to do with the level of entitlement and obsession of certain shippers. It’s just my two cents but to me we can’t really conclude anything about the members those days apart from what they tell us/share with us. What has changed is how they engage with the fandom. Some of them are being more and more private, especially Jimin imo, I can easily understand why. But for all we know Jinmin or Vkook or Yoonkook could be best buddies these days and we’d just have no idea because they simply don’t share. I can’t help but to think about what Jin recently said about not wishing a member’s birthday on social media. The serious decrease in content is feeding all sorts of narratives unfortunately. I hoped it would have calm people down, but it’s exact opposite, i guess I was naive lol.
Because shipping relies on visibility. Note that I’m not referencing the fandom as a whole because overall, people who don’t ship typically miss the people and not necessarily the dynamics. Unless something big’s happened behind-the-scenes, the assumption is there’s nothing wrong with the relationships amongst them; we’re just not seeing them.
And honestly, why should we? We should not expect the privilege of being involved in their lives. If they want to let us in, that’s their prerogative; if they don’t, we should respect that. But that respectfulness should also extend beyond thinking there’s something wrong if we don’t see two members interacting, but also not assuming two people are screwing like bunnies just because they’re hanging out a lot. This goes for both major ships, by the way; shippers are terrible at this.
But regarding being active itself, if Jimin finds inner peace in not being active on social media, good for him. However, it’s easy to see why his absence yields a bunch of fluff pieces about his dynamics with other members (or perceived lack thereof). When people are so used to cameras following them around constantly and giving us plenty of content, to have that mode of visibility taken away forces the community to find it in other means—either they’re grasping at straws or living in their imagination.
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ap-sadistics · 1 year
jung qvq [erqnpgrq] naq [erqnpgrq] ba yzxgjg qb? bgure guna or naablvat v zrna
ohhhhhh its funny really. "funny".
its technically more than two. i hate their entire friend group. its a bunch of bnfs (big name fans) on twitter. its absolutely certain you know at least one of them if youre in the fandom.
the thing im most irked about how they leverage their popularity for create a biased narrative against me. when i technically did no crime. i never even Spoke to the person. never interacted with them once. what i did. is vague them. for having the most wretchedly ooc characterizations for the sake of shipping a rare pair. and you see. i didnt have a problem with the ship itself. no! my issue. was that their characterization fucking SUCKED. i dont care if they called it "redemption" or "character development". it. was. out. of. character. straight. up. so i tweeted about this kid. i didnt mention their name. i mentioned the ship. and how i was sick of seeing it on twitter. i also i looked at their carrd and saw that this (this is a screencap of a screencap sooooo its old)
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and i was you know what. im gonna do that. and that was the end of that
(i also was like was the hell does a kid have like 2000 followers that gives me fucking hives. bc lets be real. having a large social presence on the internet at that age when your a developing person is like. not ideal. im essentially antisocial and the idea of having that many ppl follow me for my stupid thoughts is fucking TERRIBLE. ive softblocked followers before to drive the number down. anyways i was thinking about it from that perspective. being conscious of numbers is Bad.)
flashforward a few hours and i noticed it wasnt the end of that. somehow the kid found my tweet and then supremely misinterpreted it and then sicced their followers/their friends onto my account. that tweet had a Large amount of pqrts (the stupid twitter culture thing where you essentially put on masks and stone the apparent criminal. and i was like. well this sure is a thing thats happening. and they def were twisting my words bc they screencapped my tweet and was bashing me about it. with absolutely 0 reading comprehension. well my course of action was to just go on private to cut off the engagement. what am i going to do? acknowledge what was happening with a tweet for them to twist and play the victim again? im not fucking stupid.
its really funny that after i privated i got 5 follow requests. THE STUPIDEST FUCKING IDIOTS I EVER SEEN. blocked immediately. it was really funny.
thats not the funniest thing that happened tho. you might think that *i* might be playing the victim and that what happened wasnt that big of a deal. it wasnt. but also it sucked still. anxiety causing. but anyways it wasnt just a the qrts. after i privated, one of them reported my account for suicide
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this was the funniest fucking thing that happened to me. i was livid during this whole incident but this was the funniest fucking part of this ordeal. it was HYSTERICAL. for the record there was none of that kind of content on my account! this is the most mentally healthy ive been bc i wasnt in my old uni anymore. not that i ever even posted about the kind of stuff ever.
this is clearly a petty attempt at harassment right? because they couldnt stand having someone think they are annoying and that their ship sucks (i didnt before but i do think it does now bc this incident made me hate the ship actually. because im petty too! but at least im self aware about it.)
someone also sent a bad faith ask to my fucking art blog because they haaaaaad to chase me down to a different fucking platform to harass me more
and like. what happened to me only proved my point. that teens shouldnt have a large following. this teen definitely abused their power didnt they.
who do you think had the worse experience. me or them? whose the real victim here.
if you think im problematic for fucking saying i dont like a person in public without once mentioning a name? get fucked.
also this happened again. it happened a second time. bc i found out there was a l/m/k zine going on and i said im not joining it bc they were a part of it. once again unnamed. LIKE OBVIOUSLY? IM NOT GONNA JOIN? it wasnt like i was going to fucking make it explode. but people toooooooook issue. i dont get how they find the tweet so fast im convinced one or more of them or their lackeys is stalking me. i could be paranoid tho.
anyways bc this is a friend group, the kid is a friend of a certain somebody. a very well known somebody. and bc they fed all their biased retelling of the incident to this somebody. im blocked by a very funny account.
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super inconvenient really
you see theres more to it than this incident tho. i have an issue with how these people engage with their follower base. but honestly its a product of the kind of social media platform that twitter is. they clearly value the number of followers they have and to say it doesnt go to their head would be a lie. theres other specifics tho thats old news. that im not willing to divulge to an anon. who are you and why are you asking about a tweet from 3 days ago anon. you have me fucking paranoid. im gonna trust the fact you used rot13. out of courtesy. but im wary.
you might be able to deduce who the pricks are from the things ive mentioned here. but im not gonna say who they are to an anon. i dont trust like that.
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spitefulcrepechan · 2 years
I feel like you're missing the point with your post about the whole lesbian thing. Someone was receiving hate anons by invalidating their trigger. Even if that trigger seems stupid to you or to some just because it's a ship, it's STILL a trigger. And a valid trigger at that.
We just have to understand and respect that lesbians will get gatekeepy around characters who are heavily-implied/canon lesbians. These characters get sidelined a lot, and it becomes irritating when you see lesbians in m|w ships with asshole fanbases invalidating their w|w ships just because it's "funny" to see them writhe in anger.
People are free to like and dislike everything, we all have our own opinions. No one's stopping you from shipping an ocean cookie and a ball of fire together. What needs to be stopped is shitting and laughing at people for calling out problems that needed to be called out, like the blatant lesbophobia and why shipping them with men can be a problem. It's important to be informed with a variety of issues we see in fandom spaces. That way, shitty fans get called out for their behavior.
Alright so it is like 3 in the morning as if writing this so my answer might be a little shit please forgive me-
I wasn't talking about that situation in my post, I was just generally talking about the notion that people will blindly follow the words of minority voices in order to seem woke. It was shitty for those anons to be attacking someone all for voicing their trigger, and I hope that person is okay, but I wasn't talking about that.
Like im not saying we shouldn't be listening to people when they point out things thay are actually offensive, hell it took a few tumblr posts for me to finally learn that goblins have antisemetic roots. Shit like that should be absolutely called out and when it is, it should be stopped.
Though the problem very much arises when it comes to just- Actually very mundane stuff. Ships that involve sea fairy are a very mundane things. Can they hurt people? Absolutely, I won't argue that. Should it be a topic of this level of debate where it should call into question homophobia? No, it shouldn't.
Speaking as someone who actually adores Seamoon, I genuinely can't find any reason why just the action alone of shipping sea fairy with, say, pirate puts other lesbians to the sideline. Even other lesbians say that this whole dilemma is bullshit, and yet THEY get sidelined themselves in this whole debate because cishet white men would rather listen to the one's that say that their favorite ship is amazing, all others be damned, in order to appear "woke", while ignoring the lesbians that actually don't care and know that stuff like seafire and seapirate aren't actually that big of a deal-
Now, I must reiterate, you CAN dislike the ships you can be TRIGGERED by the ships, but there are also people who equally are triggered by Seamoon as well, not because of homophobia (as some slags would want to believe) but because of just how rabid these people can get when it comes to defending their ship-
The whole debate just seems to be only taking one side into account, and its for a damning reason that generally ends up being lesbophobic itself. You are ONLY taking the words of a lesbian BECAUSE they're a lesbian, not because they're a genuinely human being. With any other debate that doesn't involve ships, you will most likely ignore whatever they have to say, and that's what I'm fearing.
Minority voices can be WRONG, minority voices can be BIASED, some things that may see offensive are SUBJECTIVELY offensive, others are more objective, like the racism-
Again, I am sorry that person has been getting harassed, they genuinely don't deserve it, as much as I hate gatekeepers, I won't debate if something actually triggers you or not, but that doesn't mean I'm going to blindly take their words into account because I KNOW they are only saying Seafire is bad because its a personal trigger and not actually an underlying issue. I won't show it to them, I won't force them to view it, I will simply just keep my distance, since I know that due to be being so lax about sea fairy ships (except the ones that involve children, obviously those are horrible), I'm not gonna fucking around them. Because that's like- the most rational thing you can do? If someone doesn't like a ship or voices their opinions about a ship you don't like just block them? You don't have to go into their asks and fucking- spam their askbox telling them to kys?
This applies to both those who do and don't ship Seamoon, because both sides equally have like the same level of toxicity as shown in this situation and the other-
Though I will also reiterate this.
My post was not talking about triggers or anything like that.
It was about BIASNESS. It was about blindly following the words of someome all because they're a minority. The words "a lesbian said it's offensive, so it IS offensive!" should never be uttered in this debate because, again, it very much implies that they are only being listened to because they're a minority.
I didn't listen to that person being harassed just because they were lesbian themselves. I listened to them because they had a trigger, as do I, and they were voicing that trigger, so I left them alone. They deserve their human rights respected, and so I am respecting them by not fucking putting them on a pedestal and seeing them as the spokesperson of all lesbians, because like- they're a person too, they can be wrong, and they also can be actually mentally distressed by a ship like how I and many others are.
So like-
Stop using "a lesbian said it was offensive!" as a reason to agree with a side of an argument. Find out why its being viewed as offensive and why the lesbian might be saying it is, then come to your own conclusion. That was my only problem. Not every lesbians the same, anon.
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I see some lrries who honestly seem to like Louis, even post about him differently than they do about Harry. I’ve seen discussions on Twitter about hsd, and if you are a lrrie then you should have stopped following them years and years ago when they started saying rude things about Louis, apparently from even before the band broke up. Apparently now hsd have gone too far for some lrries because they posted a picture of Harry wearing a fur coat a few weeks after Jay’s death (rest in peace, beautiful soul 🙏) and this is considered too invasive. And these lrries also think Louis should change his bio and not mention or promote any of the boys because they won’t do the same for him. And they think other lrries only view Louis as one half of a ship. I guess a lrrie tweeted, the tweet is deleted now, but from context the tweet seemed to imply Louis hasn’t publicly supported Harry or something and so these lrries don’t think anyone who liked the tweet should call themselves lrries because they clearly don’t care about Louis. Now these lrries do obviously like Harry but they don’t seem to just act like he’s perfect and actually do care about Louis. Of course LATAM already proved that you can be lrries and still treat Louis with respect and love and as a solo artist. I admit I don’t just automatically dislike lrries, just the ones who are exactly like that, who treat Louis as one half of a ship and that’s it. I don’t know, it can be hard. Overall, I just want Louis’s fans to treat him with respect and care and as a solo artist who deserves to have his music played. I want them to actually be fans of him. If they are that, then I guess I don’t really care all that much about what they believe about his personal life. Does that make me a bad Louie?
I know some Louies who are friends with Larries, and as long as they respect and love Louis, I’m okay with it. From descriptions of Latam tour, it sounds like there was plenty of larrying outside the venues, but none as soon as Louis was on stage. I wish all of his concerts were like that.
We all have fandom biases. The “Larries” I see on Twitter are probably the worst ones, because they’re being called out by Louies.
But it extremely irritates me that very Larry-specific tweets are always on Louis’ Twitter topic, even without very many notes. His topic today is filled with Larry cartoons and Harry mentions. Larries dominate Louis’ fandom and flood radio and media tweets with Larry conspiracy takes. I can’t forgive that.
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bastet55 · 8 months
What are you headcanons about Gondolin society & government?
Hello, Nonnie! And thank you for this question. Apologies for the delay in my reply. Uni has restarted, so I've been busy, and I had to think about the answer to this a bit more than to other questions.
My general outlook on what Gondolin was like has definitely been influenced by these two Tumblr posts especially:
A lot of things about Gondolin, I'm only starting to get into, because I started my series with the Fall of Gondolin, so I needed less specific detail about many aspects of life there because Gloredhel is just reflecting on things in retrospective. I can cherry-pick the details I need to figure out and deal with the rest later. But as I am starting to write occasionally (as my brain cooperates ... when it's not jumping ship to other fandoms) about the beginning of her relationship with Rog and about Maeglin and all that, I am really only now starting to think about some of these issues and hammer out my opinions on them.
Tbh, not all of my ideas about Gondolin are popular. I'm pretty critical of Turgon and sympathetic to Maeglin and Eol (with the big caveat that I think their portrayals in the Silmarillion are rubbish, based on it being an in-universe document by a definitely biased source). It doesn't bother me if people don't agree with me on that. This is fanfiction. We can have our own opinions on Tolkien, and that's that.
A few headcanon snippets to give you at least something concrete:
Gondolin is a gilded-cage. The city does know peace and does get the benefit of many developments that don't happen elsewhere because of the necessity often of just fighting for survival, but Gondolin is still a cage. Unless you are like 3 people, you just cannot leave.
Gondolin has ... questionable maps, especially of anything further east. Turgon finds the vale where Gondolin will be built in FA 53. His people are occupied with building it for the next 75-ish years, and then they don't leave afterwards except for the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. We know that Turgon did send out messengers to the Valar by ship following the move to Gondolin, but I don't recall anything about scouts being sent out. Gondolin is bascially disconnected from everything else happening in Beleriand, and they basically get their news from the eagles. So there was a lot of dependence on any maps the Sindar there had, but ... mapmaking is hard, and maps are only as good as the places you have been. (This becomes relevant ... very dangerously so ... in an AU story that I have written like 1 chapter of so far.)
The Lord of the Houses of Gondolin (plus Gloredhel, of course) serve as a council under Turgon, who of course has the final say on things.
Thanks again for the ask.
Sorry I don't have more to tell you right now.
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sanjiafsincedayone · 3 years
Why SaNa over other ships?
Now, this is not to hate on other ships or downplay them, because what shipping really comes down to is often simply preference. What characters or dynamics you enjoy and what reasons you might have for liking different things. 
No, this is simply my own reasons for why I like SaNa and also why I think they could make sense and thirdly why it’s possible Oda could be setting it up to actually happen in canon. It’s all just my views and I apologize if I forget a moment or add something that is more head canon, but again, this is my reasons and they will always be partially biased. (And there are too many to remember them all properly, so if you want to add feel welcome to do so.)
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I think Sanji and Nami is a lovely ship even based just on fan content and the community. But we also get some great moments in the manga, and I personally think there is potential for Oda to make an actual romance work between them.
1. Why I like Sanji and Nami
I personally fell in love with Sanji before I even started to watch or read One Piece, simply based on his voice actor (Hiroaki Hirata), his design and his fighting style. So obviously I already have a bias towards Sanji (SanjiAFsincedayone having a bias towards Sanji? Who knew?). I didn’t ship Sanji with Nami from the start and even now I am a multi shipper who enjoys fan content with Sanji as a main part of several pairs, most prominently ZoSan.
So, when did I fall for SaNa then? Well, I have talked about it in various posts before which you can find in my Masterpost - SanjiAFsincedayone, but for me shipping Sanji and Nami more seriously didn’t start until Thriller Bark. 
Sanji took a knife in the back for her as she is dressed in a wedding dress, even this one scene is enough to explain why someone might like to ship them together.
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I for sure saw many SaNa moments before that, and felt Nami seemed special to Sanji, but I didn’t think it would have a big chance of happening and I preferred other ships above it when consuming fan material. Again, shipping is after all mostly fantasy and wanting more of something in a romantic/sexual way. Thriller Bark was when Sanji and Nami’s interactions caught my attention properly and I started to look a bit closer and actually note the way Oda wrote them and their moments. Going back after and rereading I think there is a lot of interesting things even before that. But the wedding theme and bridal carry and how Oda showed them in Thriller Bark was just too on the nose to ignore.
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What got me into shipping Sanji with Nami were mainly three things. 
1. Their dynamics getting more interesting over time and Sanji and Nami being two of the most well written and interesting characters in One Piece. 2. Sanji consistently seeming to have a preference for Nami in combination with my belief that he is after true love and isn’t just a pervert forever doomed to be alone. 3.  The manga showing the potential of it actually happening and them finally catching my attention in Thriller Bark. Basically there are moments to follow and look at in the actual story as well, which in turn also leads to more fan content and material for shippers.
So point 1 and 2 really is mostly about my preference and how much I enjoy watching them together and how well I imagine they would fit together. I think their personalities and desires overlap well with them being able to understand and compromise for each other while aslo being on a similar level of intelligence and communication. They also have their kindness and empathy as a highlighted shared theme for their characters.
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Them talking about the Children in Punk Hazard or Sanji helping Nami turn in the argument between both Luffy and Vivi and Luffy and Usopp are some examples. Or Nami letting Sanji smoke in her body because she knows how hard it is for him. Small gestures like this show both understanding and a willingness to compromise.
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I think they are fun and have a relationship that right now might need working on, but it’s clear how much they care for each other and how they actually appriciate each other a lot.
Simply put I think they are interesting together and I think they could work as a romantic couple in the future, where their dreams and family oriented views migh allign. Again, from how I view them as characters and interpret their wants and possible futures I think Sanji and Nami is a good match. They can have a restaurant either traveling the world or docked close to both Cocoyashi and Zeff, Nami can tend to her mikans together with Sanji and they can manage a restaurant for a living. I also think they are the most parental members in the crew and has shown some possible signs of wanting to settle down with families. This would also work well as a final contrast to their less than happy childhoods (You might also want to check out my post (Part 3) Sanji x Nami hints - Thematic parallels).
There is a lot of potential in their dynamics and how different they seem while they also seem willing to adapt and try to understand each other that make them interesting as characters of romantic plots. At the same time they have enough in common to relate to each other and work well together. Again, as a fictional ship within the fandom there is a lot of great artists, writers etc. that truly explore them and make Sanji and Nami a great and fun ship with an active fandom to engage with.
Of course there are more shallow reasons like them matching in age and being good-looking but really I could ship Sanji with almost any woman if it was only about the looks. I mean, Purin is basically made to be a perfect match for Sanji, but I personally find his dynamic with Nami much more interesting and his dedication to Nami is of course unpraralleled thanks to the time Oda has spent on them over many years.
I love Sanji and Nami as individual characters and with the amount of moments between them there is also a lot to explore and enjoy in the manga. It makes them interesting in a third aspect for me, which is of course analysis and the potential of them actually ending up together and looking closer at the way Oda writes them from a story perspective. For me what we have gotten from Oda in terms of Sanji x Nami moments is very interesting and I see potential there even though it would need more development to truly work for the current story.
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But, again shipping doesn’t have to mean anything for the actual story... There are crack ships or slash ships that surely will never happen but that could still be great and fun to explore for the fans. Honestly, everyone is free to ship whatever they want. We all have different taste after all.
So, what about the manga then? 
2. Why do I think they could make sense as a romantic couple even in canon?
First, my own view is that Sanji is someone who seeks true love, and as briefly shown with both Violet and Purin it seems like he would take an actual relationship seriously if given the chance. I also think it would make him happy and thus as Oda might want to create happy resolutions for the strawhats I think Sanji ending up with someone has quite a big chance of happening. This is combination with his preference for Nami and in turn Nami truly caring for him (though not yet in a romantic way) is something that makes me think it could happen. Other ships have potential too depending on how Oda decides to develop them, but considering how he keeps adding moments for SaNa in the way he does as of now I still think SaNa is the most likely ship for Sanji.
As I mentioned earlier I also think Nami has shown some possible inclinations for wanting a family (or at least being a great mother if we look at her with children in many arc, not the least Punk Hazard) and maybe even getting married eventually. 
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If she ends up with someone we will need to see a more obvious attraction and want for romance from her no matter what ship we might consider. She has at this point not shown a lot, but I do think the thematic parallels she shares with Sanji in combination with how their moments are written has the potential to grow into something more. 
As a romantic pair I think Sanji and Nami would be happy, he would adore her and take care of her and both of them would probably find that ideal. In fact it’s already a big part of their dynamics and seem to make them both happy. They also seem to try to understand and show interest in knowing each other as seen with several scenes and general attention towards each other’s backstories. They also challange each other in different ways and we have seen them compromise a few times. I think compared to many other relationship in the manga Oda has shown more personal moments between them. So a romantic additional aspect is not too far off. Not that Oda would make it happen now, but that he would lay down the groundwork for it to work by the end of the series.
In short I think they would make each other happy, but also challange and grow thanks to the other. I think their dreams of traveling the world with Nami drawing her map and Sanji cooking on all the seas and finding All Blue and then settiling down together close to both their “homes” in East Blue with a restaurant and family seems to fit them both. It wouldn’t always be easy, but I think they would actually enjoy their dynamics with Nami bossing Sanji around most of the time.
Now this all sounds nice and all, but it’s of course just my imagination based on biased interpretations of the manga. So where do I get it from?
3. The way SaNa is portrayed by Oda
Now this is really the biggest point... Because again, I can ship whatever characters I want and it is just for fun. It doesn’t have to happen for me to enjoy it or I wouldn’t ship Sanji with Zoro. But with Sanji and Nami there are legit reasons in addition to my preference that makes me think it could happen in the manga.
It might take years to actually go through it all in order with my additional interpretations, but I will try to go through the basics themes and moments that to me could indicate SaNa over any other Sanji or Namji ship.
I think the obvious thing to talk about first is simply how Sanji definitely has a romantic (and sexual) interest in Nami. No matter what other character you might see with either of them, this has been shown consistantly over the whole manga. You may argue that Sanji might be interested in others equally, and though I wouldn’t agree it’s a fair point. However from a story perspective it would still need to be resolved. It’s highly unlikely for Nami to end up with anyone unless Sanji ends up with someone else and gets a happy ending too.
As for Sanji’s interest in Nami I personally think Oda has paid a lot of attention to it in a way that makes it the most likely ship for Sanji. He might yet add moments between other ships and develop them (most notably San/Pu of course), but in my opinion the way Oda has added Nami in other potential romantic moments with Sanji it seems Nami is above every other woman so far.
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Most importantly I think we have seen: 
Sanji leave Violet who actually seemed to show interest in him to run off to save Nami (and the crew, but the point is that Oda chose to highlight and add this moment with focus on Nami to begin with).
Sanji being more focused on Nami even when Vivi and Robin has been on the ship or at the same place. Oda definitely puts Sanji with Nami above other women at least in amount of moments and involvment.
Sanji being very concerned with Nami in front of Purin and being shown happy with her (the bridal carry for example) and saying he loves her right in front of Purin.
Sanji having stronger reactions to Nami than other women. This could just be my way of seeing it, but I do think we have seen the strongest reactions from Sanji when it comes to Nami. Not the least with turning into a literal devil when he heard she was kidnapped by Absalom. For example compare Sanji rushing after Nami in both Skypiea and Thriller Bark even to him going after Robin. Or his reaction to Nami getting sick in Drum. We simply have a lot of strong reactions from Sanji towards Nami in different ways and more importantly Oda seeming to add focus on them. 
We also have him reacting to things like “women’s tears” or calls but only indicating Nami might be calling him personally. For example Sanji hearing Tashigi cry or saying he trusts Violet or Robin even though they are lying but for Nami adding things like “I think I heard Nami call out for me” or moments like “I leave my Nami to you”. Basically the way Oda writes it there often seems to be added a more personal stake in Sanji’s reactions and moments with Nami compared to with other women.
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So from Sanji’s point of view, and the way Oda has written them so far, I think he puts Nami above every other woman. But more importantly, Oda shows us moments between them that he doesn’t add for other ships as consistantly or in romantic looking ways. Keep in mind that both Nami and Sanji are main characters, but they are not Luffy. Oda choosing to not use Luffy (who will obviously have strong moments with all of his nakama, like how he had his own time with Sanji both in Baratie and WCI) for some of these moments but rather insert Sanji or Nami instead for each other’s stories makes it more relevant. Because it’s not an obvious choice in the same way. It’s a choice based on their characters and dynamics within the world, not because of their roles as main hero or heroine. Here are some examples.
1. Their first meeting. Sanji is for the first time seen in love cook mode and he basically seem ready to leave everything behind for Nami. Right away his reaction to Nami is stronger than what we have seen from him and it seems to hold true even with time.
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2. SaNa having interest and plot relevance to each other’s back stories. Sanji getting involved with hearing Nami’s back story and saving his sister.  Also, calling her “sister” which indicates a platonic familiarity where he puts Nami above Nojiko romantically (yes, despite flirting some with her). Nami in turn also getting involved and showing interest in Sanji’s backstory, pushing to go with Luffy to save Sanji and being the one to remind us of Sanji’s past and character traits.
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3. Sanji getting personally tantalized by using Nami. This has happened several times, the first with Kuroobi in Arlong Park, but also with Mr. 2 in Alabasta, Absalom in Thriller Bark and then in Fishman Island (Zou too, but that wasn’t just Nami) and on Zou. You can check my post (thought not updated fully) Sanji and Nami – Fights and danger for a more detailed view. (Even in movies like Strong World Sanji has a direct talk with Shiki about Nami and it seems most people are aware of Sanji being extra sensitive to Nami.)
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4. Sanji asking Nami if she is jealous or if she loves him, indicating again that he is interested to know is she is interested in him. Once even responding “I love you too”. In general Nami responding in these situations in a more “positive way” or Oda showing Sanji interpreting her actions as more romantic. For example the “proposal” or the hug in WCI.
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5. Romantic looking moments or themes. Now this is of couse not something that has been done mutually between them and thus aren’t actually romantic scenes. But the tropes and common use for many of the things that Oda has chosen to use for Sanji and Nami are romantic in nature. Of course the two forced marriages are the strongest examples with them rescuing each other from getting married to someone else. But we also have the switch body trope, the slap and of course smaller gestures like the bridal carries or the way Oda drew the hug between them in WCI. I am not saying that SaNa is the only ship with romantic looking moments, because San/Pu And San/Violet obviously has some as well. However, considering the amount SaNa moments and the fact that he has left Violet and Purin in particular for Nami seems to make the SaNa moments trump any other ship. At least for me personally SaNa as it is now and as Oda has portrayed it in comparison to other Sanji ships gets in the way of Sanji ending up with someone else unless Oda starts to make some changes.
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I want to make some emphasis on how Nami and Sanji seem to get some “bigger” moments between them in almost every arc. Again, compare this to Sanji with other women, or even Nami with other crew members.
Baratie - Their first meeting and Sanji’s reaction to Nami and interest gets focus. Arlong Park - Sanji shows interest in Nami’s past and Kuroobi mocks Sanji by specfically mentioning Nami. ( Loguetown Arc, Reverse Mountain Arc, Whiskey Peak Arc and Little Garden mostly have small moments, like Sanji asking if Nami is jealous or Sanji giving Nami his jacket.) Drum Island - Nami is sick and we see Sanji worry and care for her and in the end even sacrificing himself for her. Nami worries about him too. Alabasta - Sanji fighting Mr. 2 looking like Nami and lots of small moments like Sanji asking Nami if she loves him.
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Jaya - Nami showing interest in Sanji’s back story. Small things like Nami hiding for the bugs behind Sanji or Sanji. Skypiea - Sanji being hell-bent of saving Nami and making the others look for her. Then him saving Nami and Usopp from Enel and Nami being worried in return. (Both times Sanji gets hit by Enel Nami is there and worries.) Then a lot of small moments like him giving her a flower and Nami pulling Sanji’s ear for flirting with Conis. Long Ring Long Land - Nami encourage Sanji be the ball and win, but mostly small moments like Sanji getting annoyed with Aokiji for flirting with Nami or him sitting next to her and trying to kiss her. Water 7 - Sanji leaving his love letter to Nami and Nami being worried for (and impressed with) Sanji. Enies Lobby - Sanji losing against a woman, Nami being understanding and then stepping in to basically revenge him. Also Sanji hearing it as Nami loving him and then him showing up to save Nami and Usopp from Jyabura.
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Post-Enies Lobby - Not much, but Sanji stepping in to make Nami and Zoro stop fighting and make Nami understand Zoro’s pov. Thriller Bark - Sanji just being extremely focused on Nami and worried about her throughout the whole arc. Also him getting specifically selected by Luffy to save Nami. Of course the wedding theme with the bridal carry and Sanji’s reaction to Nami. Also Sanji’s Zombie protecting Nami (and later kicking Robin) and his “obsession with Nami” being mentioned. Sabaody Archipelago - Another smaller arc, but we do get Nami worried about Sanji possibly drowning. And smaller moments like Sanji being angry for Nami being put in danger by the Fishman Riders or him telling Franky to take care of Nami as he runs to protect Zoro. When they return we of course also get the nosebleeds, and Sanji daydreaming about Nami’s development.
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Fishman Island - Sanji’s reaction to Jinbei and Arlong. Also the fishmen pointing out that Nami might be their weakness due to Sanji’s “over reaction“ to her falling. Punk Hazard - The body swtich, Sanji’s body saving Nami and Sanji being careful with not hurting her etc. Also them working together to save the children, Sanji listening to Nami’s request and saying he loves her more because of her kindness. Also small things like Sanji giving his jacket to Nami again. Dressrosa - Sanji leaving Violet behind to save Nami, insisting that he should be the one to save her and then him getting attacked by Doflamingo and Nami getting worried and not wanting to leave him. Sanji basically tries to sacrifice himself for Nami for the 4th time (Drum, Skypiea x2, also maybe in Thriller Bark). Zou - We get a lot of focus on Nami and Sanji together, and then of course when Sanji is gone Nami is the driving force for his plot. Once again Nami is also used to taunt Sanji (inside Capone). Then Nami is both the one to mention Sanji being from North Blue and to listen to Pekom’s talk about his family. Not to mention her insisting on going with Luffy to WCI and having a fight with Zoro as she defends Sanji. Whole Cake Island - The way she pushes for them to find Sanji, her hapiness when they find him and her hurt and the slap. We even get something like Nami being tantalized with Sanji by both Purin and Brulee. The only strawhat besides Luffy who gets a personal story thread with Sanji and a personal resolution for their conflict is Nami. The tension seems personal and combined with Sanji having another love interest but choosing Nami above her it does seem like Nami is the more natural choice both for Sanji and for Oda. 
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There is also a distinct increase in romantic-looking moments between them, with them touching more than ever before.
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Wano - Even after WCI it doesn’t seem like Oda is stopping the SaNa moments. Sanji manages to save and carry Nami three times in the beginning of Wano. On top of that we have the bath scene and of course a lot of small moments and mentions between them like Sanji asking Usopp to take care of “My Nami-san” or Sanji jumping in abobe Nami to save her from arrows. 
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How many times have we had Sanji be the one to go after Nami or save her? By his own choice, by being the one present or even by Luffy asking Sanji to go. Oda puts Sanji next to Nami a lot, and I think it’s possible he might be doing it for a reason.
Who knows what we might get, but the fact that we have as much as we do really seems to show Oda having a preference to put them together in various ways.
The point is they have a lot of time and moments dedicated to them from Oda despite them both being secondary characters. At this point it’s possible Sanji is the person Nami has moments with the most in the story besides Luffy (and perhaps Usopp) as they often end up together. Of course this is including them thinking about and talking about each other as well, and not just direct interacting. For example counting the body switch and Nami being worried and focused on Sanji while on Zou. Oda doesn’t have to, but he has chosen to write it like this. On top of that he adds romantic interest from Sanji and romantic looking moments between them.
I could go on, and there are plenty of moments and examples to find between Nami and Sanji that are interesting to look a bit deeper at. You can check out my Masterpost - SanjiAFsincedayone for some of them. But as it is now here are the main points for why I think SaNa at least has a bigger chance to happen than other ships with the two of them as it is now.
One-sided attraction and romantic interest from Sanji’s side that needs to be resolved in one way or another.
Nami seems special to Sanji. Even small things like only using -san for her and -chan for others is a detail that makes her stand out to him.
Great involvement in each other’s stories. Oda likes adding Sanji and Nami in moments together both for interaction and explenation about each other. For example Sanji is also often used to save Nami.
Interactions of understanding and changing dynamics between the two, like them compromising for each other or wanting to know about the other’s past. Matching personalities and a possible future.
Romantic themes and moments, mainly the weddings, but also the amount of times Sanji has saved Nami and things like the hug being drawn in a very romantic looking way with Nami being more focused on.
Tension and urgency. This is basically Sanji and Nami having a lot of focus on each other in dire situations and Oda showing it with specific mentions.
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So, to summarize, I like Sanji and Nami both as indvidual characters and together. I enjoy them as a ship and to explore their dynamics in a romantic way no matter what they might end up as in the story. Anyone should be able to respect that people have different preferences. Additionally I think and speculate that they would work well and could happen in the manga as well. This is obviously a biased interpretation and opinion. 
I might be wrong, but you should be able to respect that too as we have yet to get anything objectivly confirming any ship. We don’t know if any ship with end up canon at all. Maybe Sanji and Nami will remain a ship that never becomes canon, but even so they are a ship that is definitely worth enjoying.
I hope you found this post interesting and can enjoy your own ship and fandom while also seeing that it’s ok for others to like something different than you. Thanks for reading.
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shijiujun · 4 years
hey so uh, it's 110% Not Your Job, but can i ask for like a crash course on these chinese bl series that are everywhere around me but i don't know them. like i'm familiar with the untamed or however many names it has but i'm seeing two or three more???? help please if you can thank you
hello!! oh no worries, i happened to be looking for a distraction too so this was timely hahaha although it’s a pretty broad question since there are so many new live adaptations coming out (and some which have already come out which are featured as bromances), but let me see if I can like round this up for you a little. 
*i may be giving you a bit more than you need or like irrelevant stuff, but i guess i’m bound to hit something hahaha
Okay so the chinese BL series you’re talking about is The Untamed, and since you said you’re familiar I won’t get into it in detail, BUT just for like flow’s sake:
The Untamed (Chen Qing Ling) is based on the danmei (BL) novel written by MXTX, called Mo Dao Zu Shi (and yes however many like English translations to this title there is), or MDZS for short. You watched the live-action, and there’s like a lot of other versions of it e.g. the anime, the chibi anime, audio dramas etc. etc. the list goes on. In case you still haven’t seen any of those, just glance through this masterpost made by @the-social-recluse​ - In any case, right now everything is sort of already out EXCEPT:
MDZSQ - chibi donghua, cutest shit you’ll ever see
More MDZS merch 
Some teasers from MDZS mobile game which has been one year and developing
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Now moving on to other BL series floating around so frequently - MDZS is the second book that MXTX wrote. So there’s SVSSS (The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving-System), which is also called lovingly by others in the fandom by Scumbag System/Villain in short, this is MXTX’s first danmei novel. Right now if you’ve seen this on Tumblr, it’s the anime (donghua) version - 10 episodes only for Season 1, available on WeTV with subs, finished airing like a few weeks ago. Translations of the novel are definitely out in full somewhere.
An absolute mess, but an organized one
Tried to do a manhua but failed
Everyone thought the donghua wouldn’t air on time either (it has a history of dropping development halfway) but it did
Would probably be the most entertaining if ever dealt with a live-action
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And then there’s arguably, the most beloved child out of all three novels (at least right this moment) - TGCF (Tian Guan Ci Fu, or Heaven Official’s Blessing). This is the third and so far last (???) danmei novel MXTX has written, main pairing invented love. Strawhat-wearing scrap collector smiley angel with devoted kid-turned-adult-turned-ghost-king who follows smiley angel for like many years because he loves him. Anyway, if you’re seeing this, once again on Tumblr a lot, it’s the donghua version you’re seeing. Still airing, I think we’re midway through the whole season, the yelling starts Saturday (Asia time zone) and then extends into Sunday, sometimes Monday.
There’s like a god-tier Eng translation in full for TGCF by Suika
There is a manhua for this as well, only like 45 chapters in, but the time Jan/Feb 2021 rolls around, the donghua would have overtaken the manhua progress on the storyline HAHAHA
Apparently the director/production team who did CQL/The Untamed managed to get the rights to filming its live-action, but heh nothing much about that just yet aside from casting rumours and fans worrying that the casting will be done wrongly and also that they won’t be able to do justice to the story.
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Alright now that we’ve more or less cleared MXTX and what everyone is hyping over (for good reason), let’s move on to the other CHINESE BL stuff you could be seeing (although I feel like you might not actually be asking about this), and these will all be live-actions (I’m also only clearing SOME of this year’s stuff, so none from before 2020, don’t ask me why I didn’t leave Guardian or SCI up here):
✨✨✨ Already aired, done and dusted or maybe ongoing, just ones I see on my dash and notifs so I definitely am biased ✨✨✨
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty (Cheng Hua’s Fourteenth Year) - Many episodes, much bromance, base novel is gay af, but live action is cute af. Read more here and full translation is not yet done I think
My Roommate is a Detective - THIS IS A SPECIAL MENTION. NOT BL. Doesn’t even have like a book to go along with it, it’s just I’ve seen people getting into this again and creating content, so idk, imma just leave this here. It ain’t BL but it got the most glaring BL-esque relationship I’ve ever seen in my life. You’ll get what I mean if you watch it
The Lost Tomb Reboot - AGAIN another special mention, because many handsome young-ish men who you know, head into tombs, much bromance. Based on a huge series of novels, totally not BL, but as always with like a lot of men put into one story, ships happen. This year as well, in case you’ve seen it floating around
✨✨✨  Upcoming Chinese BL live-action adaptations, confirmed + casting + filming. You may have seen some of these because like posters were recently released etc. - As far as I know these are all slated for 2021 ✨✨✨
Faraway Wanderers (Tian Ya Ke) - A danmei novel by Priest, filming wrapped up, should be airing soon. Leads are pretty cute, although I’m sure they’ll turn this bromance. One of the male leads is known for a lot of period web dramas, and Gong Jun, the other male lead, is known for more contemporary modern dramas, but damn Gong Jun’s jawline
Winner is King (Sha Po Lang) - Another danmei novel by Priest, filming wrapped up recently as well if I recall? Posters recently released, and this is arguably Priest’s most famous and popular danmei
Immortality (Hao Yi Xing) - A super popular danmei novel called 2ha or The White Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meat Bun. Filming also... wrapped? I think, because posters came out the next day and everyone from Earth to Pluto went mad, definitely one you should look out for next year spring i think, but I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a hell lot more teasers, posters etc. coming up and then half of danmei Tumblr will probably go into cardiac arrest
The Society of Four Leaves (Zhang Gong An) - Ehhhh I think this hasn’t yet been filmed but casting was recently confirmed (contentiously).  Concept posters are up though. This technically isn’t classified officially as a BL. There are no CPs officially in the novel, but apparently it’s very like idk flirty etc., also slated for next year
*There are a few more by Priest, e.g. Liu Yao, but no concrete news that I’ve seen (by now like at least 60% of her danmeis either have a live-action contract or a donghua contract or both lmao)
✨✨✨  Upcoming Chinese BL donghua adaptations (2021-ish). All by Priest✨✨✨
*Throwing this in just as a by the way thing, because these are also recent news (these two weeks). There might be more but I haven’t seen anything yet personally :D
Imperfection (Can Ci PIn) - Space AU, the novel won like two national literary awards if I recall like last year? Anyway a brief trailer recently came out last week I think, and main lead is handsome af, and once again it’s space and space wars so it’s pretty cool
Silent Reading (Mo Du Zhe) - Novel is called Mo Du, and honestly I think the donghua has been like teasing fans for like idk years, but it looks like we’re finally getting to the donghua as the team previewed the first ep like... two weeks ago live to an audience? Modern crime thriller thing, there’s a masterpost going on Tumblr
Lie Huo Jiao Chou - Another Priest fan favourite, a historical + modern danmei combination. Much angst from what I’ve seen, but donghua teaser looked good also, released also last week
anyway hopefully some part of this or at least one part answers your question? if not, just send me another ask or like, DM me hahahaha
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mspec-defender · 3 years
Ok so I don’t really post much fandom stuff on this blog but I guess I just want to say something about one of my favorite series right now so why not.
So as someone who has been following the MHA manga for a while now. I feel like I have a few things to say about the future of Deku’s relationships and where they stand at the moment.
To be honest I think of Bakugou and Ochako as different sides of the same coin. And I feel like in order for Midoriya to succeed in defeating AFO he really needs both of them right now. If it hadn’t been for their efforts he might not be here right now. They along with his other classmates were able to get Midoriya back out of the darkness that he was in. However there still is a lot standing in his way right now and the road isn’t easy for him, that’s where these two specifically come in.
I feel like Ochako is the one that will be his defender. Like say in 324. She’s the one that is going to stand up and advocate on behalf of him. She’s the one that he can be able to go to for support. The one that will listen to his complaints and sorrows and who will be there when he needs a shoulder to cry on. I guess you could say his therapist almost? Bakugou on the other hand is someone that will help push him and motivate him. Bakugou will have to start making more of an effort to treat him better and more like a friend but I think Bakugou already knows this and is already making an effort to do so. For example, calling him Izuku instead of Deku and apologizing to him show that he is already making an effort to do this already. This is only the beginning. Bakugou is the one who is better at reaching out to Izuku and is way more blunt and straightforward which will help keep Midoriya more grounded and realistic. I think that he will play a major role in helping Midoriya to be able to reach Shigaraki and to be able to defeat AFO.
So yeah I think that he really needs both of them right now. To tell you the truth I don’t really care who he ends up with, and while I am biased in that I do ship them both, at the end of the day they have both have major roles to play in his life right now, and so he needs to have them both in order to succeed
I think my prediction is that Ochako will confess to him sometime soon and we might get another conversation with Bakugou. Possibly even a DvK 3. However we’ll just have to wait and see.
Anyway that’s all I have to say.
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btsandvmin · 3 years
A personal dilemma
I feel like I have to explain properly why I have reacted the way I did and why the asks about me not doing videos for Vmin affected me so much. I am sorry for dwelling on this subject so much but it is something that is important to me and effect what I do and how I do it a lot.
This post is a bit confused and I might also come across both as a hypocrite and as "high and mighty". But I believe every person has a responsibility for what they do no matter how small the effect. And I need to get this off my chest. This is a conflict within me that I don't have an answer to yet.
For the last few days I've seriously considered if I should continue with writing analysis for Vmin or not. Because at the end of the day I know what I do have a sort of snowball effect that is out of my control. So asking me to not do videos in worry about Vminies getting delusional faster or me being seen as a analysis maker more similar to some ji/kookers or tar/kookers like tkk/lives made me wonder not only if putting out videos was something that bring more bad than good, but if making any analyses at all was something that brought more bad than good.
Even if I try hard to stay away from sounding delusional and to warn my readers of the problems with believing the things I point out and the narratives I share might still lead to more confidence in Vmin being superior or real. Even if it's not my intention I can't control what people do after reading or watching my material.
Thus if creating leads to more bad for both the Vmin community and perhaps in the long run even Vmin... How can I in good conscience keep doing it?
I always believed and hoped that my way of writing, and of being open and transparent with the problems with shipping analysis would rather at least to some extent halt the ones reading and understanding my stance from turning delusional or over confident etc. That I could be clear about the difference between facts, theories and narrative and make others aware too.
When I started this blog I was just shipping happily and reblogged others posts. Until the "you can't ship Vmin they are friends" issue bothered me enough to write about it so I wrote "The “bromance” issue". Then I kept making material to show why Vmin is just as good and easy to ship romantically as any other ship. Thus my 10 reasons to ship posts etc.
The first time I truly got into analysing territory was with my first song analysis. And even then it was just a feeling that the songs could match and speculation mostly for fun. Vmin kept doing things, and yet I saw a lot of people get angry or defensive just for shipping Vmin. For example as 4 o'clock came out and Vminies got attacked for "making it about Vmin". Already feeling like Vmin's songs kind of fit together, and how other shippers tried to make the songs about their own ships (including 4 o'clock) I started to look closer at various ship analyses and seeing the lack of Vmin analyses compared to other maknae ships made me feel like people just zoomed in on their own ship and ignored everyone else. I couldn't help but want to add my own Vmin interpretations. I wanted to add a Vmin perspective as a sort of counter weight. Especially since I felt the things I saw had more to them than similar theories from other ships. For example the songs, being soulmates, using army as a substitute for each other or my own version of Vlive analysis, which was that Vmin seemed to avoid it rather than them hiding in each other's room. Other ships had these theories, despite Vmin having at least some of these things confirmed. So in a way, the soulmate claim and 4 o'clock was my starting point to look at Vmin in a different way and a bit after that I started making analyses.
It felt weird to see all of these things go ignored when other ship communities made their followers believe in the relationships with a lot less than I felt Vmin had. I never got confident that Vmin was real and I still think the odds of any ship being real aren't that big. But I did feel like many people completely ignored Vmin both as soulmates and as a ship.
So, while asking my fellow Vminies to be careful with believing I kept looking at Vmin and added my biased theories to show it could very much be done with Vmin as well. I never wanted to make people delusional, but having been in many fandoms before I also knew that with size that is something that can't be avoided. I saw that as BTS kept growing and as big Vmin moments happened, that more and more people shipped them. It made me happy. But I also knew it would mean more and more would eventually start to question Vmin the way other ships got questioned. I really think it's something that happens eventually with enough of a following. There are so many ships in Kpop that people believe in and try to prove, it definitely wasn't exclusive to BTS. (You can even look outside Kpop at things like the Sherlock or Supernatural or even Hunger Games fandoms where many speculated that the actors weren't just close, they were romantically involved.)
I wanted to talk about Vmin, but I didn't want to be one of those that told people what to think and to believe me no matter what. I wanted peope to question without "knowing" what the truth was. I was hoping to bring something different than just the safe "this is just my thoughts and you can take it or leave it" disclaimers. I wanted to explain the problems and to remind ourselves (me included) that shipping is something that can easily turn into more if you don't actively remind yourself that we actually don't know the truth. We have narratives that seem to make sense, but so does other shippers... So for many of these belivers it is impossible to be right. Not everyone can be right about their "truth", if anyone, since they go against each other. If Vmin turn out to not be together I do not want to be the one responsible for people believing they were real, only to get hurt when they aren't.
This is something I've always felt, and as I kept writing analysis I always wondered if I really should. Especially since I saw some Vminies get inspired by me or even taking some of my theories and run with them as facts rather than the theories they were. I put things out there, moments and ideas. A narrative for Vmin. And I saw others adapt them and go further with them. I wasn't sure how to feel as I realized my blog perhaps contributed to Vminies feeling more suspicious and slowly more confident in Vmin being more real than other ships.
Even if it was my goal to make people look at Vmin, I guess with all the things Vmin did it all started to feel more "real" for me too. So many of my theories seemed to work and even get proven or added new material. The songs kept coming and Vmin kept being Vmin. But I also knew this exact thing happend with ji/kookers after G.C.F came out. New material that "confirmed" their beliefs and in turn allowed them to become more confident in being right. So I kept reminding myself not to get swept away, because in the end I don't think no matter how much we have gotten, that it has to prove anything besides how much Vmin mean to each other. Romantic or platonic truly doesn't matter.
Another thing that makes a difference to me is also the way I view the different ships if they would actually be real. For example watching ji/kook and ji/kook theories it seems pretty clear they don't mind people shipping them or seeing things between them. I've never seen Jimin be careful, but instead rather bold and almost pushy, with moments with JK. If Ji/kook is together their shippers too believe that they want people to know. With Vmin I saw it a bit differently... I've seen Jimin be careful with how he and Tae comes across since 2014. Why I don't know. But if we imagine there to actually be something between Vmin, then it doesn't seem like it's something Jimin wants us to know. Taehyung is a bit bolder, but either way the "narrative" I see for Vmin if they would be real is that they are careful with getting exposed. Thus there is also that factor to consider when writing theories about them. If Vmin would be real somehow, and they don't want to be "exposed" how is what I do the right thing?
I have had a post in my drafts for a while and I wanted to add it here in case you are interested. After all, this isn't something new that came after the video asks, but rather something I've always questioned. Which is why it really got to me when I got asked to stop doing something for the sake of the community, myself and Vmin.
This is something I wrote a while ago and I decided not to post at the time. I hope you will understand my feelings a little bit better after reading all of this.
I hope you understand where I am coming from and excuse me for generalizing and speaking about the Vmin (and other ships) community as if it's one big force and not many individuals.
Now, I have debated for a long time if I should talk about this at all and basically take a stance in a way I would prefer not to. I know I will lose followers over this, and that's ok. I can't force anyone to listen. But with the way I see the Vmin community grow I also see the confidence in Vmin being real grow. It's natural and happens with all ships eventually, but I still hope Vminies can look at shippers from other communities and realize the same kind of reasoning applies to us all.
I get more messages that sound borderline delusional now than ever.
I always suspected we would reach this point, because again, as things get more normalized and ok to talk about the bolder statements and theories will become. It literally happens with all ships, slowly at first and then gradually worse and worse until you reach truly delusional levels where Big Hit are playing up other relationships to hide the truth or trying to create a glass closet for another ship and where every choice and action has a possible agenda. I don't think Vminies will get worse than other ships that are much bigger and bolder. But I do think we have already changed a lot in the last year. Even looking at my own posts I seem to have at some point escalated from "Vmin seem to have these push and pull moments" to "Vmin's push and pull" if you see the difference. It might be small, but it definitely matters in how my views comes across.
When I write I do try to present facts and then speak carefully and not confidently about narratives or meanings. If we take my song analysis for example I think there is a substantial amount of things even when just looking at facts. But, saying what those facts might mean will in the end always remain a biased guess. Especially since other shippers have their similar theories as well that they believe in 100%. I mean, I could make a case for Tae and Hobi's songs being connected as well. I've seen analysis like this from all shippers at this point, and I can't dismiss them anymore than they can dismiss mine. (As long as they keep to facts.)
I am careful, and even then I see some of my theories being talked about as fact, or att least very close to facts.
From what I have seen I have moments between Vmin I have notcied and shared that haven’t been picked up on before I did it. I still have some things like this I haven’t shared at all, simply because I think fans would run with them and become more delusional simply by knowing about them.
Sadly, the way things are going I feel uncertain if I should share more of these things at all. I don’t want to have to go around and debunk Vmin moments or urge people to watch other ships, because in the end every person has the right to enjoy a ship in their own way. But I do think confidence is dangerous no matter how good moments we get.
Ji/kookers got a lot worse after GCF Tokyo and started to talk about how Big Hit might be working towards a glass closet. And that might sound ridiculous, but I have seen Vminies say the same with the way Vmin has been "shown" as Friends came out and other pretty good Vmin moments from the last year. The question of "Do you think something is up with Vmin?" or "Do you think they are planning something based on the amount of moments we get?" are questions I have gotten many times.
You might think I am being too careful, but because I have been in many fandoms in a period of over 15 years I literally see the same development happen for all different kinds of shipping communities. Real and fictional. Where the fans get more and more confident as the groups gets bigger. It’s a gradual change towards feelings certain and allowing more logical leaps to fill the gaps, but it will get faster and faster once it starts.
I don’t want Vminies to get more and more similar to how many ji/kookers and tae/kookers act and think. Where we find suspicion in everything and allow ourselves to feel confident. (Or worried whenever something goes against that belief.)
I might sound a hypocrite considering I do write analysis on Vmin, but I am sorry to say, the way things are going maybe I shouldn’t anymore.
Every ship in BTS have moments, and every ship in BTS even have believers who truly KNOWS their ship is real. I often used to get the question “do you know this or that about this other ship” and “if you only looked at and knew about xxx you wouldn’t ship Vmin” etc. And honestly, they have a point. Only I think it works both ways for all shippers. We all mostly look at our own ship and have our own narratives and reasons to think they make the most sense. But as soon as we allow narratives to sound like the only or most logical explenation we have lost a big part of our ability to question others and ourselves. That's why I wanted to add the Vmin narrative in the sea of ji/kook and tae/kook theories.
Recently I posted Can shipping turn into conspiracy theories? and part of the reason I did so was because I have seen an increased tendency in the Vmin community to walk this thin line between shipping and belief.
I feel very conflicted honestly. I want our community to try and stay away from being sure, no matter how compelling the arguments. Again, I have literal hundreds of pages about Vmin being weird or doing things I think make them the most likely to be real in some form when looking at BTS.
I have followed another group where members kiss when drunk and talk like they ship each other and even if a ship might seem real there is just too much we don't know. And a lot about other ships we decide to ignore or don't know. I have been accussed of being a ji/kooker because I won't say ji/kook being real is impossible. But how can l? How would me saying ji/kook can't be real be any different to the aggressive ji/kookers who has come to me to say "Vmin is cute but ji/kook is real".
Of course every person might have their own level of what might convince them, but we also know that literally millions of other people are convinced of completely different things with incredible certainty.
I don't want to be scared to put my theories out there so they can be taken as facts.
I have said it before, and I know shippers are drawn to confidence, but that's the exact reason to why I choose not to be confident even though it gets me more hate and less followers.
So this is what I wrote a while ago... And hearing people worry about what might happen if I start making videos just made these thoughts resurface. Especially since I didn't feel that video was very analytical, but it still likely would make people notice Vmin in a "what if they are real" way. Again, I use moments that exists, but I also add them in a different context, with a Vmin narrative. If what I write or make seems legit and makes sense then my tone of being careful might not matter. People will get exposed to moments and ideas I highlight and then take them further. That's why I hesitate.
I don't think I am big or influential enough to do much, but just doing 'a little' shouldn't excuse it if it in the end leads to something bad, more than it leads to something good. That's why adding YouTube as a platform doesn't make much of a difference in my mind if I still do what I do here. Sure YouTube is bigger and things get spread faster... But I write much more analytical and questionable things here than I did in that video, and even if it gets spread slower and to less people isn't what I do here in a sense then worse?
If me making videos makes some of you nervous (which I understand and relate to) then what will it lead to if I post basically a book on everything weird I've seen and thought in regards to Vmin?
I want to feel like I add more good to the community than I bring bad. I always thought I was doing the former as I tried to make my followers feel open minded rather than convinced. Now I don't know where I stand anymore and so I feel even more unsure of what to do.
Maybe I should have kept this all to myself and not vented out my worries to you. But I take this rather seriously and while I love what I do and love being part of the Vmin community I am feeling conflicted and I felt like sharing why might be good for me.
I know this was long and I applaude you if you managed to read through it all. I am truly so happy to have gotten so many nice and understanding and kind messages from you all. And many of you even saying you are happy you came across my blog and that I brought a new perspective, made you more open minded or even kept you from turning delusional. It makes me feel like I at least did some things right. I purple you all. 💜
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