#shin kawaguchi
samireads · 8 months
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September wrap up, a pretty good month ✌🏻
Calling it now, October will only have a max of three books I reckon.
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mariocki · 1 year
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Noroi no yakata: Chi o suu me (Lake of Dracula, 1971)
"Kyusaku... why did you do that to me yesterday?"
"What do you mean, Miss? What did I do?"
"Who was the stranger I saw here the night before? Who was it?"
"My master."
"Master? But I know your master well."
"He's changed."
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kachikirby · 1 year
Shin SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Maryuu Zero no Kishiden: Extra Thread
Pretty much this is just like the Kikoushin Densetsu one I did. But there will be a bit extra this time.
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Let's start from the "beginning". Zero's father, Falco Gundam was one of the original members of the Knights of the Round Table. He had a sort of rivalry with King I. One day, he, Conan, and Javor were sent to the region of Granada to investigate strange happenings.
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Said strange happening was a random and intense storm that appeared in Granada. Fuhrer Zatarion from the Command Chronicles series also appeared, forcing Conan to remember that he's Command Gundam. Conan and Javor protect Zero while Falco engages Zatarion with Dragoon.
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In the end, Zatarion took massive damage, but Falco was out of strength. Conan/Commando goes after Zatarion, never to return. Falco gives Zero the Thunder Sword and tells him to escape from the storm with Javor. Around this time, the Illusion Emperor reveals himself and captures Falco.
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Turns out that the Illusion Emperor had attached himself to Javor beforehand. Weakened and unarmed, Falco had no chance and was easily overwhelmed. He was later turned into Vice Gundam and the remaining parts of Zatarion that had broken off during their battle were used to make his Machine Soldier.
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"You'll be living alone from now on, but this Thunder Sword will guide you..."
Ultimately, the young Zero was the only one left standing when the storm cleared.
"Where...do I go? What...do I do? *sob* FATHER!!!"
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This next part covers the GB game. Despite being directly given the sword, Zero cannot properly use it yet. This is because the Thunder Clan laws emphasize the power of oneself and has several candidates fight for the position of "Inheritor". In this case, there are three others.
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These three candidates are Knight Sandias, Knight Mezaldan, and Knight V-Square. Zero battles each candidate 1v1. The loser has whatever skills they've acquired to that point sealed.
To put it bluntly, Sandias and Mezaldan are... kinda assholes and V-Square is the only one of them who is actually a good person.
Zero beats Sandias and Mezaldan, but then he takes on V-Square…and loses.
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However, it turns out that the "Inheritor" is not the one who wins the battle, but the one who the Thunder Sword chooses. This is because the system apparently chooses the one whose genetic makeup closely matches the original clan's founder, Draguna Sieg. (I think?)
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As a result, Zero becomes the successor and V-Square is rejected.
However, V-Square has the most hilariously chill reaction to being rejected as a legendary successor and becomes the priest of the Thunder Clan.
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Mecha Basis + Lore
Interestingly, Zero Gundam himself is currently the only SD Gundam protag to not be based on a Gundam, but is instead based on the Showkew from Victory Gundam. Knight Victory and V-Square instead are based on the protag unit of Victory (Victory and V2 accordingly).
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This segways into our next subject, the Illusion Emperor.
It's not mentioned in the manga, but his full name is Illusion Emperor Assault Buster. Yup, as in V2 Gundam Assault Buster. This is the only case in SD Gundam where an enemy MS is the hero and the hero's MS is the villain.
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Apparently, the reason for this is the crew was forbidden from making Victory's MSs SD until the latter half of the series. They used hidden bases, but didn't go all-out until later.
Star Wars and Fist of the North Star were also used as inspiration for the work. Which means, yes, Vice Gundam is a Darth Vader reference.
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Back to Assault Buster, his original identity was Knight V2, the heir to the Storm Sword. Unlike the Thunder Clan, the Storm Clan places emphasis on fighting together, which is why there are multiple Inheritors that exist at once. The current one has the title "Storm Commander".
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While he was the Storm Commander, Knight V2 was described as powerful and full of ambition. However, he one day suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Falco Gundam, which utterly shattered his heart.
This lead him to obsess over becoming more powerful…
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This eventually lead him into the mirror world, where he met the Zanscare Clan. In exchange for joining with the Zanscare Clan, Knight V2 was given immense power and became Illusion Emperor Assault Buster.
And became utterly horrifying in the process.
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Similarly to Kikoushin Densetsu, Knight Gundam Monogatari also uses non-Gundam bases for some of its mechs. For example, Knight Victory's machine soldier is based on Galient (from Panzer World Galient) and Beast King GoLion (from GoLion).
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Metanall is based on Azolba Zee from Panzer World Galient.
Epco 94 is based on Vega from Genma Wars.
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While never scene in the manga, V-Square's machine soldier, Sky Paladin, is based on Wingal Zee from Panzer World Galient.
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Cameo in Gundam Build Fighters Try
Most English-speakers probably recognize Zero Gundam from episode 12 of Gundam Build Fighters Try, "Fly to the Future" as a Gunpla used by Lady Kawaguchi.
There are actually a few small references to Knight Gundam Monogatari in this episode.
(Yes, I know this same episode also has a few SD Gundam Force references in its impact frames due to the series having its 10th Anniversary, but this is a Knight Gundam Monogatari Thread, not a SD Gundam Force Thread)
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To start off… When Lady Kawaguchi first shows off Zero in the episode, he is wearing a cloak. This is likely a reference to one of the Arc 1 Prologue cards for Knight Gundam Monogatari.
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Did you happen to catch something? Like did you see something? Don't worry, we'll go into that.
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It's Mars Dragoon! There is an impact frame of Mars Dragoon!!
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While not exact wording, before finishing off Fumina's Winning Gundam, Lady Kawaguchi even references Zero Gundam's catchphrase, "Return to "zero"!" (“無”(ゼロ)に帰れ!, "zero" ni kaere!).
Here, she says "Zero ni kaerinasai!", which is a more feminine version of the phrase.
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After finishing off Winning Gundam, there is one more impact frame. This one has Zero's father, Falco Gundam, in his Holy Dragon Knight form. This is the form he fought Zatarion in, actually. You can see this scene in motion below.
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mal-studyblr · 1 year
23 books I want to read in 2023 ✨
i was tagged by @medustudies and @bennistudies, tysm for the tag <3
1. babel: an arcane history (r.f. kuang)
2. in the dreamhouse (carmen maria machado)
3. the graveyard book (neil gaiman)
4. you’ve lost a lot of blood (eric laroca)
5. family business (jonathan sims)
6. these violent delights (chloe gong)
7. before the coffee gets cold (toshikazu kawaguchi)
8. they both die at the end (adam silvera)
9. iron widow (xiran jay zhao)
10. good omens (terry pratchet and neil gaiman)
11. piranesi (susana clarke)
12. please look after mom (kyung-sook shin)
13. crush (richard siken)
14. hunger pangs (joy demorra)
15. the vanishing half (brit bennett)
16. the secret history (donna tartt)
17. war of the foxes (richard siken)
18. letter to my daughter (maya angelou)
19. all about love (bell hooks)
20. the price of salt (patricia highsmith)
21. the priory of the orange tree (samantha shannon)
22. alecto the ninth (tasmyn muir)
23. the sandman #1 (neil gaiman)
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kpopcircusbaby · 1 year
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summer 2022 - my favorite summer songs from 2022. (listen on youtube)
asobo - niziu // love shhh! - jo yuri // summertime - dept ft. ashley alisha // cherish - kawaguchi yurina // flip that - loona // up! - kep1er // pop! - nayeon // fiore - rocket punch // sparkling - chungha // patbingsu - billlie, yoon jong shin // pop? pop! - csr // bye bye bye - skyle // airplane mode - weeekly
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Trailer e annunci su serie e film estivi e autunnali, in arrivo anche su Crunchyroll, Disney+ e Netflix!
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Ve lo avevo anticipato e alla fine il nuovo ANIME RECAP è arrivato! Come sempre trovate un po' di tutto, fra promo, locandine, date e annunci di sequel e non.
Stavolta nel mix delle novità più recenti ho incluso anche notizie un pochino più datate, che erano passate in secondo piano, durante la valanga infinita di news del periodo AnimeJapan. Cominciamo subito con un po' di KyoAni goodness. 😍
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Il nuovo OAV uscirà nei cinema giapponesi il 4 agosto. La terza stagione dell'anime è tuttora confermata per il 2024.
Le prime due stagioni della serie sono su Crunchyroll, mentre il film spinoff Liz e l’Uccellino Azzurro è arrivato in Italia grazie ad Anime Factory.
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 La serie animata, tratta dalla light novel di Takemachi, tornerà a partire da luglio con una seconda stagione.
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La terza stagione dell'anime sbarcherà su Crunchyroll a partire da ottobre.
VI ricordo che la serie è ora disponibile sulla piattaforma anche doppiata in italiano.
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L'arco narrativo del Christmas Showdown, che potete guardare in streaming su Disney+, si è concluso confermando un altro sequel per la serie. Il capitolo Tenjiku non ha ancora un periodo di debutto.
La prima stagione dell'anime è disponibile su Crunchyroll, anche doppiata in italiano.
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L'anime tratto dal nuovo manga di Akira Amano (Tutor Hitman Reborn!, ēlDLIVE), edito qua in Italia da J-POP Manga, sbarcherà in tv ad ottobre.
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L'originale webserie targata TATSUNOKO PRODUCTION (Kiratto Pri☆chan, King of Prism) approderà anche al cinema con un film, annunciato per il prossimo inverno.
L'anime è realizzato in computer grafica e attualmente conta 7 episodi più uno che fa da prologo, pubblicati su YouTube.
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La fantasy comedy, basata sulla light novel di Nozomu Mochitsuki, comincerà ad andare in onda a partire da ottobre. 
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Nuovo trailer per la serie isekai fantasy slice of life, tratta dalla light novel di Nozomu Koryu, che debutterà in Giappone a luglio.
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La commedia fantasy slice of life, dal titolo inutilmente lungo e tratta dalla light novel di Sametaro Fukada, andrà in onda da ottobre.
L'adattamento è diretto dal debuttante Takashi Asami ed è in produzione presso gli studi ZERO-G (Isekai Farming - Vita contadina in un altro mondo) e Digital Network Animation.
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Svelati una prima locandina e un secondo promo per il nuovo adattamento animato de LA FENICE, uno dei classici firmati dal grande Osamu Tezuka.
La webserie targata STUDIO 4℃ (I Figli del Mare, La Fortuna di Nikuko) dovrebbe uscire su Disney+ nel corso dell'anno, ma ad ora non ha una data.
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La serie action school fantasy, basata sulla light novel firmata da Shin Araki, l’autore di GJ Club, verrà trasmessa a partire da luglio.
L'anime è diretto da Keiichiro Kawaguchi, lo stesso regista di Spy Classroom, che fra l'altro come vi ho già detto tornerà anch'esso sempre proprio nella stagione estiva, ma è prodotto presso lo studio ACTAS (Princess Principal).
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La trasposizione televisiva della commedia romantica, nata dalla mente Kimitake Yoshioka (illustratore del manga GRAND BLUE di Kenji Inoue), sbarcherà in simulcast su Crunchyroll a luglio.
Il secondo progetto deLa serie è Questo è il secondo progetto per il neonato studio GEKKO e alla regia c'è Kazuomi Koga (Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible). 
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La seconda stagione della serie, tratta dal manga di Yabako Sandrovich (How heavy are the dumbbells you lift?) e Daromeon, edito in Italia da Planet Manga, arriverà su Netflix a settembre.
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Fissato il periodo d'uscita anche per la terza e ultima stagione della serie, che verrà finalmente aggiunta su Netflix dall'11 maggio.
La storia dell'anima parte dall’omonimo manga di Eichi Shimizu e Tomohiro Shimoguchi (Linebarrels of Iron), tuttora in corso e edito qua da noi da Star Comics, ma devia dalla trama originale e dalla seconda stagione ne segue una alternativa. 
Il fumetto si ispira alle gesta dello storico supereroe protagonista della popolare serie tokusatsu anni ‘60 di Tsuburaya Productions e ne costituisce il sequel.
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Film d'animazione tratto dall'omonimo manga one-shot, firmato dal leggendario Akira Toriyama, verrà proiettato nelle sale giapponesi dal 18 agosto.
La pellicola è diretta da Toshihisa Yokoshima e in lavorazione presso gli studi SUNRISE, ANIMA e KAMIKAZE DOUGA.
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Inizialmente previsto per quest'anno (ma poi sappiamo il casino che è successo con certe serie), il debutto in tv della serie ispirata all’omonima avventura fantasy slice of life di Himawari, è stato spostato, con mia poca sorpresa, al 2024.
L'anime è in cantiere presso EMT Squared (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear) e ha come regista il debuttante Jun'ichi Kitamura. 
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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usagirotten · 1 year
Classroom for Heroes Anime New Trailer
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The upcoming Hero Classroom anime adaptation has received a character introduction trailer, a second key visual, and more cast details. The Classroom for Heroes novels, by Shin Araki, follow Arnest Fleming, a girl who holds the top record at hero-training school Rosewood Academy. Her latest assignment has her tasked with guiding a mysterious but cheery new student named Blade, whose power might rival her own. The newly announced voice actors and characters are: • Sarah Emi Bridcutt as Maria/Mao • Aya Uchida as Iona • Eri Yukimura as Claire • Haruka Shiraishi as Jessica • Shuuichi Uchida as Clay • Tomohiro Oono as Cassim • Tomohito Takatsuka as Leonard • Konomi Kohara as Eliza • Rikiya Koyama as King Gilgamesh • Tetsu Inada as Asmodeus The opening theme will be performed by NIJISANJI VTuber Kaede Higuchi and the ending theme will be performed by Akane Kumada. Cast members revealed thus far include Reiji Kawashima as Blade, Misuzu Yamada as Arnest Flaming, Nao Toyama as Sophitia and Hina Kino as Kufurin.  Keiichiro Kawaguchi (Spy Classroom) is directing the Hero Classroom anime, with Naoki Hayashi (Higurashi: When They Cry – GOU) on series composition and Kosuke Kawamura on character designs and chief animation director at anime studio ACTAS. The series made its debut as part of Shueisha’s Dash X Bunko imprint back in January 2015, with Haruyuki Morisawa providing illustrations. Classroom for Heroes has also inspired a manga adaptation by Koara Kishida, which runs in Ultra Jump magazine.   
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eirinstiva · 1 year
Panorama Panama Town「King's Eyes」
Panorama Panama Town: Vo,Gt Sota Iwabuchi Gt,Cho Kohei Namikoshi Ba,Cho Akihiko Tano Dr Hayato Omi(Support)
Cast:Naoyuki Fernandez Director/Cinematographer Shin Ishihara 2nd Cam Mikisuke Umeda Gaffer Takumi Toratani Hair&Makeup Yuya Tanaka Production Manager Kei Kawaguchi Production Assistant Tatsuhiko Kota Sekihara Clothing KESHIKI Translation Juan De La Rosa
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end-of-violence · 1 year
LANA / Xmas with U
CHANMINA feat. ASH ISLAND / Don't go
Minchanbaby / FALL OUT GIRL
戦慄かなの / Iceblink
戦慄かなの / Distance
BE:FIRST / Bye-Good-Bye
BE:FIRST / Betrayal Game
BuZZ / Chandelier
8LOOM / Melody
iScream / つつみ込むように...
iScream / Eyes to Eyes
アメフラっシ / Love is love
Kawaguchi Yurina / Look At Me
和田彩花 / sachi
竹内アンナ / 泡沫SUMMER
iri / Roll
eill / いけないbaby
古内東子 / 動く歩道
Hirano Taichi / sun beams
SIRUP & Shin Sakiura / FOREVER
Original Love / Music, Dance & Love
iScream / i
アメフラっシ / Drop
水曜日のカンパネラ / ネオン
ばってん少女隊 / 九祭
東京女子流 / ノクターナル
Minchanbaby / FALL OUT GIRL
iri / neon
lulu + 三毛猫ホームレス / Time to Love
竹内アンナ / TICKETS
古内東子 / 体温、鼓動
eill / PALETTE
大石晴子 / 脈光
佐野元春 / 今、何処
Origingl Love / MUSIC, DANCE & LOVE
LANA 2022
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askthenewhopespeak · 6 years
"I understood almost none if thst and I hate the fact I know some" *he leans against Rikarujon*
Rikarujon: Yeah, that’s pretty much how talking to Tameyoshi feels...
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 years
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Giants and Toys / Kyojin to gangu (1958, Yasuzō Masumura)
巨人と玩具 (増村保造)
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wonderlartcafe · 5 years
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Okada Koichi —
Mt. Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi, ca.1950s
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Clarity | Tokyo Rev
Chapter One
Synopsis : August 3rd aka the infamous Spring Festival of Shibuya. Hanabi hoped for a quiet evening, or just about how quiet as it can get with Keisuke Baji as your cousin. But gang life has a weird way of vining it's way into her life.
OC used : Hanabi Kawaguchi
Word Count : 1.9K
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“So why’re you not in a kimono?”
Hazel eyes rolling back to her head, Hanabi jabbed her elbow at her cousin’s ribs. “You’re girly enough for the both of us. Why don’t you give it a try?”
Keisuke scoffed, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Why the hell are we even here? I told you not to come home today. Now mom’s gonna check up on us. I was hoping to blow up those perfectly fine tires!”
The festival wasn’t anything fancy. A bunch of fast food stalls and game shops but the crowd was jovial as ever. Couples, families and groups of friends buzzed with chatter and laughter. Snorting at a poor soul getting rejected behind the bamboo pillar, Hanabi fiddled with her backpack straps.
“I didn’t know you’re such a momma’s boy, Kei~” A teasing smile playing on her lips as she skipped ahead. “If you don’t like it here that bad, go ahead and defy Auntie. Oh wait- you’re afraid of getting your ass whooped!”
“Huh?! As if!” Baji’s voice held clear ire. “What about you? Why are you here? Thought you had projects to work on.”
Glaring at the male tugging on her school bag, she aimed a half-hearted kick at his shin, making him scowl. “Don’t touch that. The keychains are loose and I don’t wanna loose another one!”
Ignoring his ‘Just buy more bitch’, she continued, “And yeah, I do have stuff to finish. But according to Pops, I’m spending too much time cooped up inside. So here I am.” Her jazz-hands were met with a forehead flick.
“Why bother listening to that old man?”
Hanabi’s incredulous expression went unnoticed. “That old man is also our grandfather.”
Honestly, she never saw the point of why there remained bad blood between her aunt’s side of the family and theirs. When she was younger, grandma would keep them and their three other cousins busy, so she seldom overheard the screaming match that went on behind closed doors. After the incident, of which Hanabi still didn’t know the specifics, which took away her parents’ lives, things got quiet. But family dinners remained awkward matters, save for nuisances being spawned known as more of her extended family. She wasn’t really close with any of them. The only reason her and Keisuke maintained regular contact was because they were the closest in terms of age.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He shrugged unceremoniously. “Also, did you know that we have a twelfth cousin now?”
With a bored look, she nodded. “Yup. Grandma was screaming all about it last night. As if the neighbours aren’t already nosey enough. They named her Tsukiko Risa or something like that.”
“So, it’s…Karui’s kid?”
“Yes sir. That woman is reproducing faster than a catholic rabbit.” They shared a laugh. “Seriously! And what? She’s on her third husband, right?”
Kissing his teeth, he glared down the confused stares they received. “Yeah…our family’s messed up.”
"No kidding-"
Before she could finish, the loud voice of some metal band evaded the air. Fishing inside his utility belt, Keisuke retrieved his phone. Hanabi didn't see the Caller ID but her curiosity was satiated by her cousin's wolfish grin.
"Now that's gonna be the highlight of my evening! Tell the others to meet at the old shrine behind the hospital." He cut the line before turning to the shorter female. "A few Moebius guys attacked Draken at the park's festival. Mitsuya caught wind of it and informed Hakkai. Heh, I can't wait to kick some ass!"
As he started sprinting towards the parking lot, he noticed her hesitation. "You are coming…right?
"Oi!" She jumped in her place, startled by his sudden yell. She was taken aback when he gripped her shoulders, easily towering over her as he looked her dead in the eye. "What's with ya? You've been acting strange, missing meetings for the past month. When we created Toman, we swore to never back out! So wear your big girl panties and stop acting like a damn coward!"
Hanabi had figured blinking at his face would do nothing. It wasn't like she wanted to be hesitant about what they did. But at the end of the day, they were high school punks and realistically speaking, 'bringing a new age for delinquents' was easier said than done. But on the flip side, she wasn't as stupid not to realize that at that very moment, Draken and Mitsuya were in some real shit.
"Assholes. Always dragging me into unnecessary trouble." Sighing quietly, she brushed off Baji's hold, a smug smile creeping up to her face. "Alright, you got me. Get your uniform, dipshit. Also, never touch me like that again. I'll kill you."
She flinched as his hand ruffled her hair and he was off towards his bike. "Sure. Beat me in a fight first. Then we'll talk!"
Fighting was the last thing on her mind. The first was to get her belongings to a safe place and there was no better safe place than the forbidden room of the shrine. Well, in her head it had sounded cooler. Next on her agenda was to actually get the gang to their rendevous point.
As third in command, she knew Hakkai. He was the vice captain of the second division. A fairly new member who Mitsuya introduced and the guy rose up the ranks as fast as the bullet train. And while he could get his division to cooperate, she doubted he had the same authority and resources to contact the rest.
She didn't need to worry about the first division nor the second. Third division was out of question. Excluding that, someone who was well accquianted with the other captains was none other than the one in-charge of the fourth division - Nahoya Kawata.
The line rang for a few seconds before the familiar cheery voice of 'Smiley' answered. "Yoohoo. What's up, Miss Spy? Rare for you to call so late."
"Hey, yeah, sorry for this but I really need help. We're kinda in a twisted circumstance." She answered, simultaneously dodging people to exit the fair that seemed bigger in size somehow. "How fast can you gather the rest? No time to waste."
There was a pause and she swore she heard the other Kawata mumbling something on the other side.
"That? Give me fifteen. I'll get everyone." His answer somewhat reassured her. As fast as she could, she blabbered the details of the situation to him, spotting the entrance of the parking just across the road.
Rotten luck, however, seemed to follow her everywhere. "Well, well, well. If it ain't Kawaguchi. The prey willingly came to the hunter. What a night."
Turning around, she was met with a ragtag group, all clad in white jackets with the headless angel insignia of Valhalla. Closing her eyes, a shaky breath escaped her lips. "I can't catch a fucking break, can I?"
She watched cautiously as the guys cracked their knuckles, appearing more dramatic than a bunch of muscle-y rats breakdancing.
"The only thing catching a break will be your bones." One of them spoke with a squeaky voice. "We know who sold us out. We were thriving in Toman but you just had to open your trap and mess things up."
"Eh...well stealing from our treasury does tend to kick people off the team." Behind her back, she dropped her phone, kicking it as far as she could into the bushes. Last thing she needed was a broken phone. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry?" Even she knew she sound the most unapologetic she ever had.
"Sorry won't cut it! Die, bitch!"
In her defence, it had been a while since she fought but she barely avoided the guy swinging a butcher knife. The erratic beating of her heart only fuelled her euphoria. "So, we're getting the big guns out now? Fine. Come at me with all you've got."
A good half an hour, nine missed calls and a heap of limbs formed by defeated species who called themselves men later, Hanabi was pissed. Ducking down into a crouch, she pulled at the guy's legs as he dropped into the mud. Even the rain had long since started and stopped. Straddling his waist, she delivered a final punch, a revenge for her own broken nose.
"Stubborn bastards, aren't you? Do humanity a favour and stay unconcious." That seemed like a badass thing to say. Reality is often disappointing.
Collecting her phone from the ground, she checked if it still worked. It did. A message of Emma's location pinged loudly. Running faster than ever before, with a mild limp from her fall (it was her fault for not noticing the muddy puddle), she mounted her bike. The engine revved to life and she nearly rammed into an oncoming delivery truck.
The location was of the other side of Shibuya, near the 11th lane. Wondering what they were doing that far away from the fair which was on the 7th lane, she decided to check it out herself. Emma Sano had her own unique way of doing things.
However, seeing a bunch of beat up teens and more Moebius rats was the not something she expected. A few sophmores from Mizo looked to have the situation at bay but the bleeding Draken did not. Three figures were hunched over his form and his health looked critical.
Recognizing Mikey's sister, she ran up to them. "Emma! What the hell happened?!"
Noticing her, the blonde flung herself upon Hanabi, mascara running down her face. "Oh, H-hanabi! It's Draken. He barely has a pulse!"
The dual-haired girl's eyes widened, her being torn between comforting her friend and getting more information than what vague words she received. Draken looked like he was dragged through hell, blood drying on his face and no sign of life in him.
"Emma! Get it together. Draken will be fine!" Turning to the other teens who looked equally devastated, she addressed them, "Did you call an ambulance?"
The boy with unruly hair and blood running down his face answered, "Yeah. They said it would be at least five minutes. W-ell that was five minutes ago so-"
"Yeah, I get it." She didn't mean to snap. It was just a attitude fault on her part. But one of her good friends was still battling to stay alive and the rest were she had no idea where. In the distance, she could hear the faint sound of a siren. Staring to two blankly, she made the hysterical Emma lean against the brown-haired girl.
"Look, I'm trusting you two. If you're involved, you know Mikey. Get Ken to the hospital." Shoving a piece of paper on the guy's hand, she ran to down the street, jumping over the array of hopefully alive dudes. "Send me the address of the hospital when you get there!"
On her way to the parking lot, a bike drove away and Hanabi swore she knew the lanky man with an odd patch of bleached hair from somewhere. But her concerns lay with her short companion. It didn't take too long to find him as he stood unmoving in his teal attire.
"Oi! Mikey!"
She reached him, slapping her hand on his back. He blinked as if returning to the land of living. "Hana-chan. You came."
Sighing at his usual bluntness, she facepalmed before swinging her phone in front of his face. "Not important. Point is, Ken's in the hospital and we need to get there. It's critical!"
She could only hope that he heard the urgency in her voice as he looked around. Members of their gang were helping their comrades who were unable to move. Then suddenly, "You're in-charge. Get these guys home."
Before she could register his words, he had snatched the cellphone out of her grasp and drove away. She pursed her lips, the words dying on her tongue and urge to jump off a cliff increasing.
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kep1er-universe · 3 years
Ep. 01: Cells
The trainees are split up in small groups. These are called "cells". Each cell consists of three trainees. When a cell does not have enough votes, all three trainees in that cell will be eliminated.
However, trainees can change their cells. Those who rank in the TOP9, get to pick their cell first.
In episode 01, each cell consists of a Korean, a Japanese and a Chinese trainee. The first cells were put together based on their "connections" (something they have in common).
NOTE: Not every cell had that much screen time so not all connections will be included. Same goes for the trainees: not all of them were shown a lot so some cells might be based on speculation.
Cell 1: "Role Models" - Kim Ye Eun - Kawaguchi Yurina - Gu Yizhou
Cell 2: "Athleticism" - Lee Yun Ji - Murakami Yume - Liu Shiqi
Cell 3: "Acting Girls" - Lee Chaeyun - Ikema Ruan - Lin Chenhan
Cell 4: "Youngest" - Guinn Myah - Kuwahara Ayana - Liu Yuhan
Cell 5: "Crayon Shin-Chan" - Kim Chaehyun - Kanno Miyu - Huang Xingqiao
Cell 6: "Invertebrate Girls" - Kang Yeseo - Kamikura Rei - Chiayi
Cell 7: "Almost debuted together" - Lee Yeon Gyung - Sakamoto Mashiro - Cui Wenmeixiu
Cell 8: "Game Lovers" - An Jeongmin - Shima Moka - Ma Yuling
Cell 9: "Jin Goo Oppa" - Choi Yeyoung - Ito Miyu - Wen Zhe
Cell 10: "Good dancer" - Sim Seungeun - Ando Rinka - Chien Tzuling
Cell 11: "Main Vocalist" - Kim Hyerim - Kubo Reina - Xia Yan
Cell 12: "Number One Vocalist" - Jeong Jiyoon - Nakamura Kyara - Wang Yale
Cell 13: "All-rounder" - Kim Suyeon - Nonaka Shana - Fu Yaning
Cell 14: "Girls who love chicken feet" - Huh Jiwon - Sakurai Miu - Cai Bing
Cell 15: "Mint chocolate lovers" - Yoon Jia - Oki Fuka - Li Yiman
Cell 16: "I have an album on my own" - Choi Yujin - Okazaki Momoko - Xu Ziyin
Cell 17: "Girls Generation" - Kim Bora - Hayase Hana - Zhang Luofei
Cell 19: "Pretty Girls" - Kim Doah - Okuma Sumomo - Chen Hsinwei
Cell 20: "Top Ones" - Kim Dayeon - Ezaki Hikaru - Shen Xiaoting
Cell 21: "Survival Once Again" - You Dayeon - Kishida Ririka - Su Ruiqi
Cell 22: "26 Years of Experience in Dancing" - Lee Sunwoo - Hiyajo Nagomi - Poon Wingchi
Cell 23: "Talkative ENFP" - Lee Hyewon - Kamimoto Kotone - Liang Jiao
Cell 24: "Crybaby" - Joung Min - Hayashi Fuko - Liang Qiao
Cell 25: "New Trainee" - Huening Bahiyyih - Sakamoto Shihona - Hsu Nientzu
Cell 26: "Girl who gnaws ribs" - Cho Haeun - Arai Risako - Xu Ruowei
Cell 27: "Cat Butler" - Ryu Sion - Terasaki Hina - Chang Ching
Cell 28: "Language Masters" - Lee Rayeon - Yamauchi Moana - Wu Tammy
Cell 29: "03s" - Han Dana - Aratake Rinka - Wang Qiuru
Cell 30: "Ballerinas" - Seo Youngeun - Inaba Vivienne - Ho Szeching
Cell 31: "K-POP self-educated" - Kim Sein - Nagai Manami - Leung Cheukying
Cell 32: "K-Drama fan" - Kim Yubin - Kitajima Yuna - Yang Zige
Cell 33: "Giant Girls" - Suh Jimin - May - Zhou Xinyu
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albedofantastica · 3 years
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Albedo Gravitas NEW RELEASE Albedo Gravitas / Eihwaz アルベド・グラヴィタス/エイワズ
artist: Albedo Gravitas title: Eihwaz label: An’archives num:  [An’24]Free Wind Mood series price: 24EUR, 28USD, 3200yen LP ltd to 285, silkscreened jacket with obi (red or black), inserts and postcardLiner notes by Jon Dale Keiko Higuchi voice, drums, pianoSachiko voice, electronics, percussion, melodicaShizuo Uchida bass
Albedo Gravitas is an extension of Albedo Fantastica (released on An’archives in 2018), the duo of Keiko Higuchi and Sachiko (Kousokuya, Overhang Party, Vava Kitora). Both of them are well known names to those who are evolving in the Japanese underground waters since each has been involved in many projects and each has a consisting discography on labels as Musik Atlach, Improvising Beings, Utech. Their respective backgrounds are maybe a little bit different but they share a common interest in different genres from jazz and rock to free improvisation and have collaborated with a cast of various musicians in the likes of Cris X, Fukuoka Rinji, Kawaguchi Masami, Shin-Ichiro Kanda…For Albedo Gravitas, Shizuo Uchida joins on bass. A peripatetic member of the Japanese underground, having played with groups such as Nord, Onna-Kodomo, Hasegawa-Shizuo, Kito Mizukumi Rouber and Keiji Haino’s Nijiumu, he most recently turned up on An’archives as one half of UH, alongside sax player Takayuki Hashimoto (of KMR and .es).While this is Albedo Gravitas’s first album, they play together with intelligence and sensitivity, but also with a strong capacity for the unexpected; there are many moments here where you’re wrongfooted,caught askance by the way the music comes together, and comes apart.Higuchi’s and Sachiko’s instrumental armory is multiple : piano, drums, melodica, electronics. Maybe their most remarkable presence, though, comes through voice – the glottal contortions, heart-rending sighs and moans, and chopped’n’screwed real-time vox improvs that soar across the album’s unpredictable musical terrain. Uchida works here with temporal disruption, there with heavyweight bass punctuation; drums plot out the most welcome rudimentary anti-rhythms, as electronics and melodica shoot arcs of white light through the air, lending an avant-chamber charm to the music here.Most startling are the dynamics of the two side-long pieces, and the way the group use silence and stilted landscapes to suggest all kinds of routes previously unnavigated. In its capacity for disorientation, it feels indeed like a surprising kind of psychedelia, one far from generic constraint, and much closer to the sidereal suspension that that most overused of terms should rend through your head.
Albedo GravitasはヒグチケイコとSachiko (光束夜、Overhang Party、Vava Kitora)のデュオユニットであるAlbedo Fantastica(An’archivesから2018年にリリース)から派生。二人とも日本のアンダーグラウンドではよく知られていて、Musik AtlachやImprovising Beings、Utechなどから幾つかの作品をリリースしている。それぞれのバックグラウンドは違えど、ジャズやロックからフリー・インプロなどジャンルを跨いでの興味を持ち、さらにCris X、福岡林嗣、川口雅巳、神田晋一郎など様々なミュージシャンと共演している。Albedo Gravitasではベースの内田静男が参加。日本のアングラシーンでNord、Onna Kodomo、Hasegawa-Shizuo、Kito Mizukumi Rouberそして灰野敬二の滲有無など様々なバンドで演奏。最近での作品ではサックス奏者の橋本孝之(KMRや.es)とのUHとしてAn’archivesから音源が出ている。Albedo Gravitasとして初めてのリリースとなるこのアルバムは、ときに音楽の展開の仕方に疑問を持ったり不意打ちをくらったりするが、知性と繊細さを持ち合わせながらも予想だにせぬことへの要素が満載の演奏だ。ヒグチとSachikoの楽器庫にはピアノからドラム、メロディカやエレクトロニクスまでたくさん蓄えがある。だが、彼らを最も際立たせるのはヴォイスだろう。声門を歪めて心を引き裂くようなため息や唸り声、切り刻まれたリアルタイムでの即興ヴォイスはこのアルバム中、予測不能な音楽領域を跨いで駆け巡っている。内田はそこここで突如途絶したり、とてもヘヴィーなベースを聴かせたり、エレクトロニクスやメロディカが空中に白い光の弧を描く間ドラムが原始的なアンチリズムを叩き、アヴァン・チャンバーな魅力を醸し出している。An’archives Free Wind Mood シリーズに匹敵し、さらにその限界を広げるような、なんとも独特なインプロヴィゼーションといえる。特に両面に渡る長いテイクのダイナミクスは衝撃的で、彼らが静寂とさらには未知への景色を見せてくれたりする。 A面は時として激しく、トリオはエレクトロニクスの光る波に乗りながら、こちらは雹の嵐の最中にトタン屋根の下で荒らしが過ぎるのを待っているように、パーカッション、ベースそして、行き交うヴォイスがリスナーに降り続ける。B面では深い音響のベースやコードの流れが吹っ飛んだトーンと分岐し、ファズの波、ピアノからは哀愁漂いさまよう2つの音が鳴り響く。方向感覚も失い、これはまさに驚きのサイケデリア、凡庸な制約からはとうにかけ離れ、最も使い古されたshouldという言葉が頭をかき乱すだろう。
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル『フィスト・オブ・ノーススター~北斗の拳~』(musical fist of north star ~hokuto no ken~)
the show is set for December 2021 (Tokyo) @ 日生劇場 (Nissay Gekijou)
Oonuki Yuusuke as Kenshirou (ケンシロウ) Katou Kazuki as Toki (トキ) Onoda Ryuunosuke as Toki (トキ) Uehara Takuya as Shin (シン) Ueda Kandai as Shin (シン) Kawaguchi Tatsuya as Ryuuken (リュウケン) Irei Kanata as Rei/Juuza (レイ・ジュウザ) Uehara Rio as Rei/Juuza (レイ・ジュウザ)
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