thestarshiphope · 5 years
Is everyone ok? Kiibo can you fix this?!
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*In the infirmary*
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*Gripping a pipe jutting from the wall* Hold on!
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I am!
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What’s going on?!
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*Miaya appears on the wall, unaffected by gravity* The ship is listing!
*In Miu’s lab*
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What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?!
*In the bio-dome*
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*Holding onto the tree, with Ryoma and Himiko clinging to him* GONTA STRONG!
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What’s happening?!
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Are we under attack?!
*Just outside Tsumugi’s room*
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*Laying against the wall* Hold on, Mugi-chan!
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*Dangling through her doorway, now a long fall to the opposite wall* Wouldn’t dream of letting go! 
*In Kiyo’s lab*
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Urgh, what?!
*A desk comes sliding toward him*
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*He rolls out of the way, hanging onto a bookshelf* What is going on?!
*In the kitchen*
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*Propping herself up against the wall*
*In the art room*
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*Covered in paint* Yonaga-san! Don’t let go!
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*Also covered* Nyahaha! How unexpected!
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I...Y-yes, of course! I just need to-
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*Everything begins floating*
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How much have we moved?
::Ship’s axis has shifted 23.7 degrees to the right::
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Re-establish our previous alignment and re-enage gravity!
*After a few moments, the ship moves back into position...with a lot of loud, heavy, and pained thuds all over the place*
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What could’ve caused this?
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bileshroom · 6 years
Pheonex Blart Mall Cop
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askthedespairkids · 5 years
*The power goes off...* "Huh? there a plane overhead? but... hm..."
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*Comes out of the kitchen holding a portable stove* Ugh, I can’t cook like this! At least it went out before I began....
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silvaruslupus · 5 years
Thoughts on church lady being evil theory?
Unsure, as of now. She seems too “overly good” appearance-wise and her design unsettles me slightly (gives me Lusamine from Pokemon vibes) Though we could just have an Emmeryn situation on our hands as the pretty lady that dies and causes shit to go down.
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annathetrickster · 6 years
thoughts on the new banner? Flora is bassicly anti distant counter from what i saw
it looks fine, nothing too crazy. i’ll be sure to cover each unit individually when i go to make my build recs, but as a whole i’m happy that fans of those characters will finally have a chance to get them going forward.
the main thing that stood out to me is flora’s atk/res solo skill since i see those type of skills, particularly atk/def solo being great for units like legendary ephraim. ophelia’s powercrept rally skill is also nice.
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askvulgarboy · 7 years
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hes the coolest ofc. pretty effin demanding but still cool.
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chandy-nitram · 7 years
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The @askthedespairkids’s universe’s Class 76-A!
From left to right, we have: @baka2niisan’s Ethos Oroya (Ultimate Destruction), Micheal Hyde (Ultimate Hunter) and Yuuko Mori (Ultimate Level Designer)! @legendarymiraclebear’s Mukuro Shirotama (Ultimate Cosplayer) as Cynthia from Pokémon! The canon characters, Ruruka Ando (Ultimate Confectioner), Sohnosuke Izayoi (Ultimate Blacksmith) and Seiko Kimura (Ultimate Pharmacist)! My own OC, Malcom Suzuki (Ultimate Boyscout Leader) @chronoalone’s Nakashima Atsushi (Ultimate Urban Explorer) And @shslnerdytrash’s Susumu Mizumoto (Ultimate Paparazzo)! (I hope I did your character justice while drawing him. There weren't many references ^^')
Go check out all of these amazing people!!!!
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the-alpahaca · 5 years
Answer 20 Questions, Tag 20 People!!
Tagged by: @lovelyfeh !!! thank you so much uwu💕💕💕
Nickname(s): Pringles (most common), Ivanuks, Ivabanana (provided by the awesome @cypher-yngi and @ggukksrose )
Zodiac: Leo, WHiCH i Don’T IdenTIFY wiTH AT aLL I HAte ThAT SO mUch  most people when they meet me think i’m a Cancer, so like...yeah...c-can I join your group now (guys I swear I’m not as hyper in real life)
Height: 5’6-5′7??? Idk 
Last Movie I Saw: Uhhh, like Captian Marvel I think lol? Like a month ago jnldjfdlkjn, idk i’m not a big movie goer lol. 
Last Thing I Googled: 5′6 in meters cause I can’t with imperial lmao
Favorite Musician: Oooo I’m such a bitch for japanese music so obviously Vocaloid is included into the equation kfjhdkjdfl. My favorites always change (my recent fave is Akiko Shikata) but like some of the everlasting artists that I’ve always loved and will probably always love are Kalafina and Radiohead cause iconic (also like Britney Spears cause who is more iconic than her lol). I normally don’t tend to follow artists a lot, like I may adore a song from an artist but hate the r, so like idk it’s pretty strange.
Song stuck in my head: Thrilla Killa from VAV (love it lol)
Followers: 134, I hope I blocked all of those porn bots lol
Following: 450 (And counting!)
Amount Of Sleep: OOOFF idk it depends a lot. I’ve been sleeping a lot more this semester like from like 6 to 8 hours, but sometimes I do have to sleep 2 to 3 hours :/
Lucky Numbers: Don’t really have one lol
Dream Job: OOOOFF this is too hard man. *Sigh* here goes my list: Singer, director, psychologist, philosopher, video game writer, video game designer, as you can tell I have no idea about what to do with my life 
What Am I Wearing?: Just a graphic tee and shorts lol (AND MY ALPACA SLIPPERS)
Favorite Food: Tempura Fried Calamari and like...sugar lol
Language: English, Spanish, a bit of french (I’m going to Canada to study french for 3 months wish me luck oomph), a bit of greek, a bit of japanese and i’ll hopefully learn a bit of latin this semester lol...probably not :’)
Can I play an instrument?: I used to play the recorder lol and I play a little piano, but like nah lol (does a music pad count fjlnfglnkfjgd?)
Favorite song: Right now i’ve been listening to Unknown Mother Goose by wowaka and Replicare by Akiko Shikata for like 3 days straight now so uhh yaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Random Fact: My dog likes to compete with me for my parent's attention, just, yep
Describe myself in Aesthetics!!: Uhhh pretty much either princessy pastels, modern classy woman, or like Harajuku goth lol
Tags: I want to taaaagg @sol-sunshine (ik you already posted yours but I swear to god I was going to tag you before that lol), @ggukksrose  @cypher-yngi  @summoner-of-arkas @summoner-stones @soft-femagines @femme-blem @omi-writings @rwby-imagines-yall @haruhiheart @hopeless-romantic-ninja @raeonthearoace @shslnerdytrash  @rebeljustforkicks137  @alice-in-idol-land @agustdlovcult  @kimsocksjin  @starvingmuse  @axcyia and like the rest of my followers pliz. You guys don’t have to do it if you don’t want to lol.
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thestarshiphope · 5 years
If the jaw is over there... this must be a murder. right? but no one else is around, are there any doors around here? or did the killer escape the room, then seal it to escape the consequences, using the tilt as a trap to try to make sure no one see's it
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No, I believe the jaw was dislocated when Chabashira-san kicked the skull by mistake.
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It was dark! Tenko couldn’t see anything!
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But it does raise a good question.
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Was this person sealed in here by their own choice, or was this an act of prolonged murder?
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askthedespairkids · 5 years
"Ah, Yeah, Sure. im open to"
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Excellent! Then I shall prepare!
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silvaruslupus · 5 years
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The event just started tonight but here ya go!
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danganspritemakers · 6 years
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Finished Request for @shslnerdytrash
I hope you Like it! let me know if you want me to change anything since You didn’t provide a reference!
-Mod Kotoko🌸
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bubhh · 6 years
Skillet- not gonna die (I almost forgot I had it in my music, I haven’t heard this in years)
Break their hold'Cause I won’t be controlledThey can’t keep their chains on meWhen the truth has set me free
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thestarshiphope · 5 years
what would be your thoughts if there is other intelegent life on your new home? or if there was but they got filtered out if you will
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That would be even worse!
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Filtered? What’s that supposed to mean?
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It’s a hypothesis devised as an explanation for the Fermi Paradox, a way of answering why we’ve yet to find evidence of alien life.
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Simply put, it suggests there are hurtles which a species must overcome in its evolutionary path. These may be developmental stages, environmental stresses, and, eventually, technological achievements.
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Those who fail to overcome these hurtles will face extinction. And the Great Filter suggests one of two possibilities for us as a species: either we have overcome it, or are fast approaching it.
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Yeah, I...remember you asked if I thought the meteor shower was our Great Filter.
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Basically, it would mean we’re doomed, and pretty much already dead.
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Of course, it’s merely a hypothesis I found interesting.
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thestarshiphope · 5 years
i suggest that the least faint of heart, aka people who... may not react as well to shit like what happend with the last blocked off area
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Yeah, I…think I’m gonna sit this one out.
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Same here.
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Gonta will stay too, so you all feel safe.
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thestarshiphope · 5 years
Tenko did you get any presents?
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*Later that night*
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Thank you so much, Mugi-chan. Tenko had a great birthtday today.
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You’re welcome, but you should really be thanking everyone else as well.
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That might be true, but you’re the only one here right now, so Tenko’s going to thank you!
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Kyahaha! Tenko really loves your present too! 
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But uh…well…
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But uh well? What’s the “but uh well?”
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That…wasn’t all I wanted to give you. I have a-another present for you too.
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Another one? What is it?
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(You made it this far. You can do it. Just…hand her the box.) 
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*With a trembling hand, Tsumugi hands Tenko the box*
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(Mugi-chan? Why do you look so nervous?)
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*She unwraps it and looks inside. Laying inside the box is a small piece of folded paper*
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*She unfurls it and reads it*
Dear Tenko-chan,You’re amazing in every way and being with you has been one of the greatest experiences of my life.I have to confess: I’ve been in love with you for a while now. And for your birthday this year, I’d like to give you my heart and soul.I really hope you’ll accept.Love, Tsumugi 
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You have no idea how many times I worked on that until I thought it sounded right. I got so nervous just thinking about it.
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You don’t need to be so nervous. Tenko…gladly accepts your gift.
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*The two of them happily embrace and kiss, gently and lovingly*
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Thank you, Mugi-chan. You made this the best birthday ever.
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*Tsumugi rests her head on her new girlfriend’s shoulder*
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You’re more than welcome. You made me the happiest girl in the universe, so…it’s only fair. I hope I can make you just as happy too.
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You already have.
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