#shes pop + rock
kingdestt · 4 months
Trolls oc named after the diary of jane by breaking benjamin
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I have a whole backstory whipped up for her in my lil noggin up here help
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whim-prone-pirate · 9 months
olivia rodrigo set herself up years ago as a young female pop icon and she just tricked millions into listening to melodic punk + alt fem rock. love her for that.
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haveyouheardthisband · 6 months
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spooky-pop · 1 month
While working on this comic I'm realizing it's gonna be a lot of pages and parts, which I'm SO EXCITED ABOUT, I'll be doing as much as I can over this weekend bc I'm addicted to this lol. But since I posted this WIP on my other accounts I'll share it here too. Luckily this comic won't be in color, only greyscale, so it'll motivate me to actually finish it LOL.
This is how my rough drafts/blocking looks before I do an actual clean second pass over it all.
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Poppy nervous because she's about to rock Branch's world with the biggest news ever hehe.
God this AU is eating me alive.
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moemoefigs · 8 months
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₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ♡.°₊ˎˊ˗ Bocchi the Rock! - Gotou Hitori - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company)
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endlesspaint · 2 months
u draw jd so spiky i love it
OMG THANKS! I really appreciate that 🥹
There is actually a reason why I draw him so spikey! I wanted him to look like his Dad while also resembling his mom a bit as well. I eventually decided to made all the brothers have bits of resemblance of their parents because of genes LOL
Here's my notes about it! :3
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comradekatara · 9 months
modern au katara reads books “for fun” that are “engaging” and “enjoyable” and sokka (big finnegan’s wake head) is like “weak. i only read books that exacerbate my suicidal tendencies”
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thatthirstyweirdo · 11 months
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Finally I drew Julie, my baby!! I enjoy her quite a lot and these are the outfits I think she’ll be performing in my au. I mentioned it before in a post that she’s in a band “Joyous!” with her siblings. Might as well say a bit about the lore, basically everyone from the “Welcome Home” cast left Home and ventured into the Real World. Kinda similar to how Barbie leaves her toy world in the movie. So yeah pretty much everyone started their own music career, but Eddie and Frank started a talk show together.
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Steph Brown's just so like Paramore coded
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Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead
So much emo/pop-punk energy. Like, she's a rock chick, your honor!
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shadow-usagi · 6 months
looking at my future fics where leosagi have been together for years...maybe when noriyuki grabs the idiot ball with both hands and thinks tomoe ame needs to be married off...
she pops up in nyc to talk to usagi about it and raph volunteers as tribute.
raphael / tomoe ame - political marriage to true love decade long slowburn.
this is my niche new thing.
one day she's gonna have to tell usagi that she gets it. she gets it. weird other dimension turtles can be surprisingly good at stealing into your heart.
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mangle-my-mind · 8 months
Todd Haynes on Mandy Slade
OM: How did you come to cast Toni Collette as Mandy? She doesn't strike me as an obvious choice for the role as it is written; her most famous part was in Muriel's Wedding where she played the podgy, Abba-obsessed ultra-hetero outcast.
TH: Mandy was the hardest part to cast in the film. It's a particularly demanding role due to the range Mandy has to display as she changes from the seventies to the eighties. This type of camp female character has basically vanished from our cultural landscape, as far as I can tell. The closest equivalent today is probably a Parker Posey-type character, but she's still quite different from the Liza Minnelli of Cabaret or the Angela Bowie of the glam era. Mandy has a theatrical, campy party girl persona that can be turned on and off at will, and owes a great deal to the gay male sensibility of the time. I think women around the world were liberated from all kinds of highly codified notions of femininity when people like Patti Smith entered the pop cultural arena. It had such a profound effect on women but girls today have no memory of that kind of camp femininity.
I saw so many strong actresses for Mandy, both in the US and the UK, and it was really tough to find the right one. We came close a few times, but it wasn't until I met Toni that it all clicked. I had no doubt about her acting ability, but the question was how to transform Toni Collette psychically, both for the camera and in her own self-regard into this very different, very confident, overly sexual creature. She really had to go off the cliff; I'm sure it was terrifying. And what you see in the film is such a transformation, such a complete commitment to the role that she almost becomes unrecognizable as Muriel in Muriel's Wedding. After a certain point, nothing was too scary for Toni. What you get with the character is what you get with the actress playing her - this range of changes and the effects of various cultures and various experiences on one extraordinary woman.
OM: Although the script informs you of Mandy being an American bisexual who reinvented herself, you get the sense of invention fully in the scene where she presents Brian with the divorce papers. She breaks down and you see the façade in a seventies context. It's a very moving moment and it's contrasted with Brian's coked-up emptiness. What did you discover in your research about the 'back-stage' women of the glam era?
TH: I guess Mandy's basic expression of real needs is made more vivid by that scene, but the beaten-down, hard-boiled Mandy of the eighties gives you the framework for that. She was definitely one of those people who was feeling and hurting and acting out at the same time. Often the casualties were the women of the male rock world. I really feel the film builds and develops complex sympathies for Mandy that you won't necessarily feel going in. The character is loosely inspired by aspects of Angela Bowie, and it's very easy to make fun of that kind of pop creature after the fact. But in all the books I read there was no argument on how fundamentally essential Angela Bowie was to the invention of Ziggy Stardust and to glam rock in general. She inspired risk-taking and flamboyance to a degree no one else can claim credit for. It wouldn't have happened without her.
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Source - "Superstardust: Talking Glam with Todd Haynes", Oren Moverman.
Photo source
Emphases my own :)
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pjharvey · 29 days
my relationship with taylor swift is straight up more complicated than most people's marriages bc yes a solid 90% of criticism of her is straight up misogyny even when it comes from women, yes both her last two albums have been very cringey and a disappointment to me but she's such a beloved public figure that even her most mediocre output will be immensely commercially and critically successful, yes she is THE SOLE REASON i started songwriting as well as the number one reason i felt as a teenage girl that i could pick up a guitar and learn how to play and it wasn't just a guys' thing, yes she's a major capitalist and her portrayal of feminism is surface level at best and her fans that think she's peak feminine rage need to listen to riot grrrl and live through this by hole and nasty by rico nasty and have their lives changed.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 2 months
I’d like to headcanon that some of the squad have shared playlists , and one giant one for them all . They check out each others Spotify or Amazon or YouTube idk what they use anyway they check it out and if it pairs similar to their own , they join together and create one to play when they are chilling or showing to the others . The BIG one is them all together , meaning lots and lots and lots of bickering over what song gets put in and what doesn’t . Usually , it’s just Aiden complaining about the songs he can’t add ( VERY mixed style , some songs are a little too goofy . But don’t worry , he’ll add them on when no one’s looking )
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To-Do Lists (Color-coded) • Hopeful//Scared • Internet Ads • Sweaters In Summer • Giving Up • Gender Is Boring • Family • Transitioning (To A Life Without You) • Nvr Pass • I Think I Finally Love Myself
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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tiktaalic · 2 months
Not all women would be happier if they were lesbians. But Taylor swift would be.
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