#she wants me to bring to the sessions? (they're gonna be long)
yuki-kazami · 14 days
Ok so me and some friends in a server were talking about Horn headcanons and I feel the need to write mine up because I love this insane wolf girl so much
Basically, my thesis here is that I think Horn is best compared to that old myth(?) where if the oil in a car's engine has not been changed for ages, if you do actually try to change the oil, the engine will just seize and die.
It's canonical that she's repressing everything, in her own files it states "However, we've gradually begun to worry for her. Who'll be there to ease her mind? She's transformed herself into the shield she bears, firm, steady, and seemingly forever to be the last one standing. But there's only so much time any armament has. When a human's forced herself to the extreme, and been stressed for too long, what will happen to her the instant the pressure on her disappears?" She's carrying an incredible burden and I think she just has to keep going or she'll collapse.
I imagine things like her and Cello dating, maybe even with Cello having gotten her the collar she wears. There's no way Horn is anything but haunted when she sleeps. Nightmares of Cello berating Horn for not saving her, for not shielding her from Mandragora. The collar gets more and more worn as the war goes on, as Horn throws herself into battle after battle, until finally, in an explosion, the clasp shatters, Horn desperately diving after it as it falls, catching the tattered strap. But rather than repairing it, she can't bring herself to admit that she deserves better, because it serves as a reminder of her own failure. So she instead takes the strap and sews it around her own neck, no more room for escape, no more tacit admission that she could take it off. She treats it both like the embrace of the person she lost and a brand to remind her that she couldn't protect her.
Imagining a night at the Exemplar camp where they explain to the new Victorian recruits that no matter what, you do not bring up Captain Horn's old squadron, no matter how badly you want to know what the Tempest Platoon was like, as the descendants of the original Exemplars. Not because it will retraumatize her, and not because she goes quiet or gets sad, but because she doesn't know what you are talking about.
"What do you mean? They're just on deployment elsewhere, I talk to them all the time. Did something happen? Should I be concerned?"
The first person who didn't get the memo on what is happening ends up getting slammed into a nearby wall as Horn starts hyperventilating, White Wolf in full effect. She nearly breaks his ribs for "keeping vital information about the safety of her squad from her", only to suddenly be broken off of the train of thought by a somewhat distressed looking Siege telling her about an "urgent necessary patrol" that only she could handle, and she seemingly did not remember the confrontation by the time she returned to camp, acting with her usual humor and camaraderie.
Gonna drop a Read More here because the next part involves some details from the end of Chapter 13, and a bit of Chapter 14 speculation based on a bit of details I've been spoiled on from the Anniversary Livestream:
Imagining Horn after the Victoria arc ends, panicked at the idea of there not being another battlefield for her to go to, another place for her to throw herself into the line of fire because that's where she belongs, it's what she deserves.
Imagining the way she breaks down when they finally stop her, the delusions she falls into as everything finally catches up to her all at once, when she realizes that she never truly left County Hillock in her heart. Bagpipe with a somber smile on her face as she tells her Captain what the other squadmates are up to, as Horn lays in her bed, recovering from her injuries. Misery, imagined to be an old commanding officer, playing along as he sits alongside her, wanting to be there for someone he cares about in a way he couldn't for Outcast. Therapy sessions, trying to help her work through this trauma before her infection grows worse, as she kept throwing herself into the Originum-coated remnants of Londinium. Her screams still echoing on those walls, the horror and rage that flowed out of her as she saw County Hillock once again made manifest, the Specter Force dominating her thoughts as she collapsed from her injuries.
She's just SO
She's going to break so hard when the war ends, and it's going to take her and the people who love her years to pick up the pieces. I love Rita Skamandros.
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sheep33hallow · 2 months
Paws (GhostSoap) Call of Duty
Rating: G-T
Soap, Ghost, Gaz and Prince have been in the Heavy Metal band, Underground 141, for over 20 years. They know they're a successful band, their manager Laswell has them working as a tight unit, and their accountants would agree as well. Three out of the four of them have kids, two are married and Ghost likes being the odd man out. 
Soap, Ghost, Gaz and Prince have been in the Heavy Metal band, Underground 141, for over 20 years. They know they're a successful band, their manager Laswell has them working as a tight unit, and their accountants would agree as well. 
Three out of the four of them have kids, two are married and Ghost likes being the odd man out. 
In his bones, he is a woodsman at heart. He likes wilderness activities, and collecting guns. His home is a fortress, yet it's also littered with teenagers' junk since Soap’s kids like being at his home as much as their Father does. 
He never understood his friends' fascination with him, and his kids have caught it as well. He's had to yell at them a few times when Gaz and Price bring their kids over and they want time with him as well. 
He knows more information about how the people think about their band than he's used to knowing, now that Emilio, Soap’s oldest, likes to record them for his TikToks. 
Ghost is always in his mask when he's recording. The world has never seen his face. He performs with it, does photoshoots in it and interviews. 
He was homeschooled as a kid, and the only person with photos of him as a kid is his brother. 
Against his will, he's learned the internet likes to ship Soap and he. He finds it odd. Shouldn't they ship their lead singer with someone who's handsome, or his ex-wife. He doesn't understand the appeal that two middle aged men have to people. 
Valeria, Soap’s ex, and PR manager, called him a Puta, when she told him to post more pictures of him and John on his insta instead of the fish he catches. 
Later that day, a photo of him without his face showing, and shirtless, with his fish he caught, shows up on Johnny's Instagram. They spent the weekend at one of Ghost cabins, making a fire, and cooking soup the old fashion way. It was something they liked to do from time to time. He knew Soap took photos of him, always has since they met. The little freak likes to act like the paparazzi and take photos of him when he thinks Simon isn't paying attention. 
The Internet instantly knows it's Ghost body. He may not show his face, but he shows his arms every now and again. It gets hot on stage playing the guitar for four hours, while Gaz will play the drums while they shower him with water during one of their theatrical sets. 
Valeria high fived Soap the next time they had a management meeting. 
He stood up and took a bow, everyone clapping for him. 
Ghost didn't clap, he was just confused. 
“Simon, ye just don't know the appeal ye have on people.” Johnny said when the meeting was over, as they walked down the hallway for their studio session. Johnny had his arm wrapped around Simon’s, leaning his head on the tall man’s shoulder. 
“Your attention is enough to fill a stadium. I don't need more people gawking at me.” Simon said, behind his half mask. 
“Ye just need me, big yin?” 
“I got you, even if I don't want you, don't I?” 
Soap laughs. “Damn, right.” He reaches over and rubs his hand on Simon's stomach over his signature black hoodie. “Ye gonnae cook fer me later?” 
“If you can make whatever those lyrics Gaz was trying to explain to us in that meeting sound good, sure.” 
They arrived, at the entrance of the studio, and Soap, wrapped a hand around Ghost wrist, “As long as ye, haz a right melody for me to holler to.” 
“Oh, I'll give you something to holler to, Johnny.” 
Ghost watched the blush flush up Soap's face, before opening the door, and pushing the Scottman inside. 
Ghost shouldn't be surprised that it took this long for it to happen. 
Soaps have been hinting around for a while on the subject, and even the kids have been showing him videos and dropping horrible concealed hits on the topic, and now he's in this predicament. 
“Guys, guys, look at the new puppy my Uncle Ghost got!” Emilio was recording him while the dalmatian puppy was trying to take his sock off as he sat on the floor in front of his couch in the living room. 
The curly hair teen had his phone up, moving around in slow circles trying to get every angle, Ghost guessed. Soap was sitting on the couch next to him with Ghost's head resting on his knee. 
He had his official Ghost mask on since he knew the boy was going to record at some point during their time together. 
Soap’s daughter Tila, was in the kitchen eating out of a bag of grapes with the fridge door open. 
“Get ye a bowl, wee an.” Soap yelled for about the third time, but the 12 year old continued eating on the floor. 
“It's fine.” Ghost said he had one of his arms curled around Soap’s leg. He caressed his friend's ankle. “You MacTavish always eat me out of house and home. Don't know why you just don't move in at this point.” 
Soap stuck a few fingers under the back of Ghost’s mask, fiddling with the hairs on the back. “Dinnae thinks a Britt like ye, could handle us Scotts 24/7.” He murmurs. 
Simon huffs a laugh. He glances as Emilio picks up the puppy, and records themselves dancing together to some song. The boy had his ear buds in. 
“Oh, and 23/6.5 is clearly my limit.” 
Soap hums. 
“Well, both of our names are on the wee dug's certificate.” He says with a tone of nonchalant. 
Ghost firmly grasps Johnny's ankle. “Yeah, even though it's my dog.” 
Soap hums again. He takes his hand out of Ghost mask, and slides down on the floor with him. 
“Be careful Johnny. You can't get up and down like you used to.” Ghost teases. 
“Name the time, Si, and I can show ye, how much I can still get up and down just fine. Treat yeez like a bonnie cuddy.” He takes Simon's hand into his, and grins a feral grin at his long time friend before licking his bottom lips and biting it. 
Simon laughs at him. “I thought you needed a wedding before you'd give it up again.” 
“Aye, I do.” He looks at Simon meaningfully. 
Soap chuckles at him. “Let's talk more when the bairns are asleep, yeah? Maybe I'll show yeez a good winch.” 
Ghost is speechless after that. 
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melishade · 1 year
war timelinehanji experimenting with aracmid and removing his T-Con
Previous Episode of the War Timeline
Hanji's gonna have a blast toying with Airachnid.
TW Torture. (I mean its Airachnid. Who cares about her? But I'm just putting it for others.)
Also referencing @justawannabearchaeologist and @echoblaze5 cause I did talk a little bit about it with them.
So the Autobots end up moving Airachnid to the neutral ship to lock her up there, cause that's the best place that they really have at the moment, and Hanji is just going batshit. They already took Airachnid's legs and melted them down for 3D blades, except for one that managed to remain intact. Hanji studies how it works and asks Airachnid for questions. She refuses to answer and Hanji just activates a shock collar until they gets what they want. Hanji has also managed to pry open her lower arm to see how her webbing works and has tried to replicate it, but has failed. Unfortunate for them. Seemed to be a biological thing.
Meanwhile, Airachnid was dreading every session that she had with the mad scientist. She could handle the interrogation with the Autobots. They were always too soft. But this human, they were something else entirely. The Autobots tried to find out Megatron's intentions, what Megatron was doing here, and what he wanted. Airachnid wasn't going to give up that information. It was the one thing keeping her alive. Airachnid tells Hanji that they still need her as a bargaining chip, but Hanji says that they're not that worried.
"Well, if the big bad Megatron really cared about you, he would've sent a rescue team to come and get you," Hanji explained, "Especially if you're Megatron's second in command. But you're here, alone, with no back up to speak of, chained up to a wall and no rescue team to come and get you."
Airachnid couldn't even flex her claws into a fist from how exhausted she was.
"I'm going to make a guess that Megatron sent you here to die," Hanji concluded, "If you somehow managed to come back, it would be a hiccup in his plans to get rid of you. If you came back with intel, I suppose he could justify keeping you around just a little bit longer. But if you didn't come back at all, well then I'm sure he already has a replacement for you."
"You still need me!" Airachnid hissed at them. She tried to spit acid, but nothing would come out.
"Doesn't matter if your dead or alive, you're still valuable to me," Hanji grinned, "Apparently, your form is quite uncommon among Cybertronian society, which is already fascinating enough. I've never had I titan that I got to play with that didn't regenerate, but had a whole new anatomy to explore."
Some of the Autobots are a little unnerved with how Hanji's doing their experiments. Ripping Airachnid apart piece by piece, shocking her to test endurance, testing a thunderspear out on her leg to see if it would come off (It did). Not Arcee, she has the popcorn ready. And she is loving this. Doesn't even have to lift a finger. But Erwin retorts that Hanji is right in their deduction of the situation. Megatron didn't come back for Airachnid, he wanted to get rid of her and replace her with someone else. So it's clear that Airachnid wasn't even well liked among her own party.
"That's an understatement," Arcee agreed.
"Arcee," Optimus warned.
"Starscream whined about her," Arcee told him.
Erwin states that as long as Hanji's doing it for their cause, they can go nuts. Hanji's eccentric, but Erwin's always had confidence in them that they'd never turn on the cause. They were always earnest in what they did, and still cared about humanity. Ratchet does bring up the concern in private to Optimus that Hanji's experiments is giving MECH vibes.
But Hanji does believe that some information about the Decepticons would be useful, perhaps scaring her into giving up that information would be good. They end up talking to Arcee privately and asking if she wants to help out with torturing Airachnid for information.
"I love you so much," Arcee declared.
"I'm glad we're on the same page," Hanji smirked.
So Airachnid is now face to face with Hanji, who's sitting with their legs crossed and grinning with delight. Hanji tries to be sweet, asking Airachnid to cough up the information, but Airachnid isn't going to give it up. She assumes that Hanji doesn't know anything, but Hanji drops the ball and says that they know everything: humanity not being extinct, the power of the nine titans, Marley all of it. And with the Autobots, they do know about Megatron and can just prepare for that. The Walls have done what they could with far less resources. Hanji states that they wanted to dissect Airachnid for parts, because that's what she's most valuable as to the Walls, but Optimus has always been so insistent on showing mercy, or possibly using Airachnid as a bargaining chip. But Megatron hasn't come back for her. What a shame. So Hanji's decided to just gut her right here and now, with Arcee's help. Arcee makes herself known with her blades already out. Hanji does explain that they're not going to kill her. They're just slowly going to break her down piece by piece until she's nothing more than a head and a spark. Lying on the wall as an ornament until their spark goes out. But Airachnid's parts won't go to waste; they'll just be used for their cause. It's not like Megatron wasn't going to come for her.
Now Airachnid is terrified, as Arcee is slowly approaching her, grabbing her chained arm and placing her blade against her joint. She's freaking out as Arcee presses against the cables. She's ready to cut and-!
"The Founding Titan can't be used by someone that isn't of royal blood!" Airachnid blurts out.
"Hold!" Hanji raises their hand to tell Arcee to stop, "Talk."
Airachnid then spills the information she found out: someone stole the Founding Titan and gave it to someone else: Eren Jaeger. But Eren can't use that power because he's not part of the royal family.
"But you wanted him," Hanji recalled from reports, "Why?"
Airachnid grew tense, causing Hanji to snap their fingers. Arcee began to press down, causing energon to spill and Airachnid to yell.
"Megatron has someone!" Airachnid cried out in pain, "Someone of royal blood that was commanding titans in Marley! He's been studying him like crazy!"
"He?" Hanji tilted their head, "Who's he?"
"Judging by the name, probably Eren's brother," Airachnid relented.
Hanji grinned as Arcee let Airachnid go. "You know, for someone who has torturing as a fetish, you really can't seem to handle it when it's thrown right back at you."
"Megatron will come for you," Airachnid seethed, "He'll come for you and destroy everything you care about before turning you into titans for his own conquest."
"Eh," Hanji shrugged, "Not really a change from all of my previous years as a Survey Corps member."
Arcee and Hanji leave, and Hanji can't help but gush at Arcee and how menacing she was. Arcee compliments Hanji at their tactical brilliance. She thinks it's great. The two relay this information over to the Survey Corps and the Autobots, and they all realize they need to find a way to the Decepticon warship and get this Jaeger out. Eren's kind of reeling over the fact that he has a brother. But a Survey Corps squad outside of the walls, with Bumblebee with them, report signs of a ship in the horizon coming to their shores.
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jellyi · 2 years
idk if when i write these concepts its too long for u to continue. if so, tell me so i can shorten it!! ive been told i have a bad habit of overwriting lol
nowww moving onto what popped up in my brain, just hear me out. . .
momo totally loves cum-filled straps.
at first, she thinks it must feel weird, because the cum isn't real. but one lazy night when you're talking about it in bed, wrapped in her arms, you mention how good it'd feel if she got to breed you. then everytime momo thought about it she just got all twitchy and wet :( she became sooo much more touchy in the next few days, always grabbing you by the hips, digging her nose in your neck, playfully biting at your cheek, doing anything she could to touch you.
she was embarrassed at how quick she went from hesitant to desperate and was waiting for u to be the one to bring it up again but u hadn't. (drove her crazy, really) and then she lets it slip one night when she's fucking u in the dorms, ur back against the door while her other members were gathered for movie night just a few walls away. muttering abt how maybe u won't be so touchy w nayeon and sana if momo stuffs u w her cum. breeds you till ur dumb because ur just a sweet, little thing that'll take all of it so happily, right? let her fill u up till ur dripping puddles?
after that incident, and many, many sessions w ur new bought toy, momo always uses that strap when ppl are just too touchy w you. god forbid they put their hand on your arm, or lean just a bit too close.
u love when momo fills u up, and she loves it just as much. sometimes, there's even moments when she gets all whiney - pouting in ur neck as she complains abt all the ppl after her love, how they're so annoying and that she just wants to make you hers forever. whimpering and begging, "can i? can i cum inside? please? just wanna make u mine, no one else's, please?" she's so possessive when she's jealous.
(dont even get me started on how much she loves to pull back and watch the cum drip out, only to fuck it back inside of u deeper. staring like she's star-struck as she rocks back and forth in u slow, eyes on ur dripping cunt as she hits that gooey spot that makes u cry out and scratch her arms.)
okay first. these are absolutely fine!! i love the length so much, you write more than i do on this blog sometimes 😭 but i love them so please send as many as you'd like
this is perfect though, i adore cum-filled straps so much and i love possessive dom!momo even more. she gets so fixated on how pretty you look with the viscous liquid dripping out of you and she wouldn't be able to stop herself dumping so many loads inside you. i find it so attractive when girls get so into it that they start begging to breed you and momo is definitely a begger. she’s in such a daze that she just starts rambling. “let me breed your sweet cunt baby. gotta make sure everyone knows who owns you” and maybe even something like “gonna fill you up so good, might fuck a baby into you.”
and yes, she does it over and over again. the loads are so big and thick but she doesn’t care, she’ll fuck them into you over and over again until the sheets are unbearably slick. something about the way you look with cum dripping from your cunt is so beautiful to her that she’s willing to spend hours filling you up
cishet men dni with this post
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kitsuvil · 2 years
Velvet Cigarettes - Practice
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
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In a few hours I see a notification on my phone, letting me know that Kazuha and the rest arrived so I rush to go pack my things and leave. "Hey Kokomi, Yoi, Lumine, I'm going out! I don't know when I'll be back but I thought I'd let you know just in case!" I call out while I fumble with my keys so I can lock the door from the outside.
The second I get down to the first floor and the doors come into vision, I can see the van pulled up. He wasn't lying, the van is pretty big, I was worried it wasn't going to fit us all along with their instruments, but I probably don't have to worry anymore.
"Hey guys!!" I climb into the car, taking a seat next to Xiao and his girlfriend in the back. "About time, y/n," Scaramouche rolls his eyes while poking fun at me.
"I didn't have an early notice on when you all were gonna get here, I don't want to hear it, shortie," We start driving again as we bicker in between each other, eventually turning to our phones after we've caught up with any stuff going on in our life lately.
"Wait so- Where is the band practice spot again?" I look around, only seeing deserted buildings and faraway forests through the windows.
"In the big abandoned shed I told you about, remember?" Kazuha chirps up from the front.
"You. I thought you were joking, Kazuha. Is this a kidnapping plot. Are you sure I'm safe in this van right now."
"I promise you're safe y/n, we drive here all the time when we practice before shows. It has a really great atmosphere if anything, it's a lot better than bothering the neighbors at Zuha's apartment," Albedo looks back from the passenger seat, reassuring me.
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"So you're Xiao's girlfriend? I've seen you in twitter comments and I know Xiao told you about me, I'm happy to see you finally," I make conversation with Xai, who's currently sitting beside me.
"Yes, he thought it'd be a good idea to bring me along, I don't completely disagree but it was so sudden when he asked," They chuckle.
"I mean he does have that habit of completely forgetting to tell people things until the last second... From experience."
"Exactly, that's exactly how he brought me along today it was more like shoving me through the door to not be late."
"This still totally sounds like a kidnapping plot."
"We're here!" Kazuha calls out from the front. We leave our seats and help carry the instruments into the shed. It doesn't look as bad as I expected, but still who practices in a place like this, this poor band. But I can't complain about being at the practice session of a long-time favorite band, I don't think it's registered in my brain yet, even though we've all been friends for a while already.
"Can you get the snacks I brought? They're still in the van," Chongyun calls out to me as I'm still in the back, trailing behind everyone.
"You should totally bring the alcohol and cigarettes too," Kazuha puts his hands into a praying motion, throwing all the carrying on me.
"Fuck you guys," I throw a middle finger while returning to the van. "I'll come with you!" Xinyan runs over. "Thank you, I can't believe them."
"Like I said, I will keep you safe and help out," She throws a thumbs up before grabbing the bag of drinks.
"Thank you," The two of them call out in unison when we get back inside and place the food and drinks down.
"No problem," I sit down on the ground as they set up their equipment. "We're ready for the first song, can someone turn the backing track on? It's already set to the right song, you just need to press the button," Kazuha explains while adjusting his guitar strap. "I got you," I press it while getting up and with a countdown the band starts performing the first song from their concert setlist, in a weird shed in the middle of nowhere.
"I'm getting the most expensive wine from the bag, thank you, I deserve it," I walk over to Scaramouche who's already snacking on a bag of chips. "Good luck with that one," He scoots over and pats the spot next to him, where I sit down after fumbling through the back and opening the bottle I found. "You want some?" I ask him. "Sure, why not, we brought it along for a reason," Scaramouche shrugs.
We share like half of the bottle in silence, admiring the music, before the song comes to an end. "Save some for me, I specifically wanted to try this bottle," Kazuha joins in next to us. I hand over the wine as he sits down and I munch on some salty crackers. "The song was really good, I didn't really notice anything wrong with it," I compliment. "You're right, thankfully it was a smooth run, I think that's the song we got down the best, we're probably going to struggle more on the others," Kazuha sighs. "Exactly what he said," Albedo leans down to grab a bag of the sweetest cookies ever known to man. "I still don't understand how you eat those, Albedo," Xinyan puts down her guitar and snatches the wine out of Kazuha's hand. "They give me energy, it's just like Xiao's addiction to those nasty energy drinks but in pastry form," Albedo explains.
"Monster is not nasty," Xiao crosses his arms. "I'm going to have to side with Albedo on this one, it kinda is nasty," Chongyun frowns, "It doesn't help with my vitamin imbalance it just makes it worse and it fries my brain on top of that."
"Well, you have a valid excuse, that makes sense," Xiao laughs.
"I'll go get ready for the next song," Kazuha grabs his guitar, putting it back on while he walks up to the mic.
"Testing, testing," He taps the microphone.
"Why would it suddenly stop working," Xinyan chuckles while she also returns to practice.
"Look, it's fun to do the testing shit and you can never be too careful," Kazuha smiles, looking into the mic off in his own world, almost with sparkles flying in his eyes. There's really such a beautiful feeling that comes from this band, just the atmosphere is putting me in even higher spirits.
The songs continue to pass while the drink and snack bags get emptier and emptier, all of us getting more drunk after each song.
"What if we take an extended break," I bring up the genius idea. "An extended break doing what?" Albedo looks up from the amp, messing with the bass settings.
I hook up my phone to the speaker and turn on a certain playlist.
"MAYBE," I yell back, turning up the volume and putting down my phone to go and grab her into a dance.
"That really was an amazing idea," She laughs.
For the next few hours until we see the sun rise, drunk off our minds, we forget about why we're here or where we are, just drinking and partying. Kazuha shreds on his guitar, improvising to play along with the songs that are on shuffle.
Chongyun, face red from just a few cans of beer is hammering at his drums, somehow keeping in rhythm with Kazuha's improvising and the songs. "I don't know the last time I saw Chongyun this drunk," Albedo laughs, tears in his eyes from silent wheezing laughter.
On the side, Xiao who apparently hauled his camera all the way here is taking photos, though I think by the next time he checks the camera he'll realize how blurry all the photos turn out. The rest of us are dancing around, heads pounding and nome of our thoughts making sense but it's okay, because we're having the time of our life.
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"When did y/n fall asleep?" I rub the sleep and alcohol out of my eyes, along with the water that has me soaked from head to toe because of the bucket that Xinyan and Albedo splashed on me earlier, my shirt pasted to my skin.
"Like... a while ago I think," Scaramouche gets up, trying to pound the sleep out of his head or else he would end up just like y/n. "Damn, I don't blame them, I'm not sure how I'm awake right now," I head to the drinks, knowing there's still at least one can of energy drinks left.
"We should probably pack up and head home," I take off my shirt so I don't have to feel uncomfortable the whole way home. I'm sober enough to drive myself home, but I don't know about everyone else. "Hey, how does calling uber sound? I'll pay, you don't have to worry." I suggest. "I don't mind, we'll definitely have space for everyone if we get a large uber," Albedo agrees.
"I don't know how y/n will get home though, I'm worried about waking them up and accidentally stressing them out," Chongyun frowns.
"I need to drive the van home anyway, I don't mind taking a small little stop at their dorm, I can drop them off," I assure.
"Thank you, please keep them safe Zuha," Xinyan grabs any stuff she brought.
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Eventually, everyone departs and it's just me and y/n left. How to go about waking them up... "Hey, y/n, good morning?" I pat their face a little, nudging their shoulder after that doesn't work. Damn. I have no idea how to wake them up.
What if I just...
I carefully grab y/n, carrying them in bridal style to the van as I attempt to ignore their cold skin touching mine, placing them into the car so they can continue sleeping, if they wake up mid drive I'll just let them know it's fine to keep sleeping. I know which dorm number they have, I think I'll be fine to drop them off.
I play music as I drive at a low volume, almost dozing off the moment I pull up to the dorms. It's not safe to drive like this at all, I understand that much, maybe I'll just sleep in the car instead of driving home. I take a spare shirt laying around in the van, putting it on and then carrying y/n in my arms as I enter the building and use their dorm card to enter.
Room 148... 200... Here we go, 205!
I knock, waiting for a response for a good few minutes, before someone who looks like they haven't slept in days comes out. Then again, I can't be hypocritical, I don't want to know what I look like right now.
"Hello, Kokomi... Before you panic, we might've gotten too drunk and partied at practice, y/n knocked out and I thought I'd take them home,"
"If it isn't the famous Kazuha, here, come inside, you look like you're near the verge of death," She beckons.
"Is it that obvious?"
"...Yes. But anyways, here's their bed, come to the living area after you drop them off, the rest of us are still awake in there,"
I place y/n onto the bed, taking a long look at them before placing their blanket over them and turning off the lights.
I come into the living area to see Yoimiya, Lumine, and Kokomi playing card games over some tea. "I hope you guys had fun, those tweets sure sounded like it," Lumine laughs.
"Ok well, my excuse is it was y/n's idea to play a throwback playlist, they started it but we did end up having a lot of fun."
"That does sound pretty in character of them," Kokomi places a cup of tea in front of me.
"Thank you!" I take a sip and pause. "Is it okay if I let some stuff off my shoulders? I'm just not sure who to talk to about this stuff right now," I ask.
"We're happy to listen," Yoimiya sets down her cards.
"So... If you had someone you were friends with but you weren't really sure what you feel about that person, whether it's platonic or romantic, to what extent your feelings go... But your best friend told you that... They're catching feelings for them... What would you do?" I sigh, my headache growing heavier.
I really don't want to acknowledge these emotions.
this chapter was sm fun to make and i had my own throwback songs concert in my room minus the alcohol in the middle of writing this, this chapter is also on the longer side compared to others, but i hope it was still enjoyable and not a boring read!
taglist: @slvdsjjk @lost-wicked-artist @shhhlistenn @ventuswhat @plinkuro @shakiraisawesome @griseoo @sheiiy @luminescent-light @themusingsofmany
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Hello hello ophe 👋😇
How are you going so far? 😊
I just want to say aletrent has taken over my brain and I’m here thinking if I should make it happen for cruise stars but then I remember that I promised the fresh people in the server that AleNoah will happen. I’m here thinking to myself
“😟 damn why do you ship AleTrent? Aren’t you a AleNoah shipper? Alejandro and Trent deadass never even interacted, besides this is gonna be like the last time where you joined a fandom and got brainrotted by a crack pair/rare pair. And Noah and Alejandro’s dynamic is more interesting to write and think about. Besides brain you can shove Trent with Duncan it will be funi 😁.” -me to my Brain 😇 🧠 as I try to keep my brain cells in check
Anyways enough about me taking about stuff that doesn’t matter I finally thought of the main villain(s) for Shitwrecked and I’m really excited to write about them bitches scheming 😈 (but I kinda want to do another idea throwing session sometime again in the future, it was fun to talk and do the funi throw shit together and see what happens 😁, social interaction my enemy😔)
But as always let the brain rot commence as we speak
Lindsay and Noah friendship real tho!
Shitwrecked crap that was on my mind recently-
Emma and Trent friendship- they both are a disaster (lovingly way) one is literally a mess while the other is in the inside (I think in Trent’s bio thing it said that his sprit animal or favorite was a cat and Emma is cat person)
Nemma divorced conformation/rr cameo in a challenge and heather kissing Emma(rr)/j
leonard bringing a horse into the competition
Courtney is remind of Brittney(raccoon) when Zee brings back out lord and savior Oilvia Von Trashpanda
Topher tries to run over Chris with a golf cart
Skyella sweep! Dave becomes more emo as skyella sweep happens
Prillie divorced arc as Millie feel like priya thrown their friendship away for a guy and that priya is hanging out with Caleb more
Hear me out Trent and heather Secret alliance or some shit (I think it sounds funi to me😁) probably not go with it but it was fun to think about tho
Trent being annoy/passive aggressive to Geoff and Justin(oh how who can my favorite character be/j🤪)
Chef probably treating the reboot cast more favorably(no one can stop the Wayne)
Axel being the reason why Duncan is scared of Celine Dion cardboard standees
Gwen having to deal with her golden retriever cousins
Thinking of a scene where Emma is talking with Gwen/courtney about dating advice or something as she describes Axel (Emma doesn’t say name) “they have an eyebrow piercing and they got their ears pierced too. They are all tough as nails and abrasive but they can be surprisingly sweet and caring.” Both Gwen or/and Courtney be thinking to themselves “damn why Duncan of all people?”
Noah with the whole divorce dad look “Owen I miss my wife..”
Don big naturals/j 😈
Damn I think I kinda went a bit off with the rambles😳 brain rot do be hitting harder than the kitchen floor 😔
-Ass Stars anon
Hello hello ASAnon, it's nice to have you back! 👋😊
Alejandro and Trent are very shippable characters, so it was inevitable that someone would start seriously shipping the two despite their complete lack of canon interaction. So long as you're enjoying yourself, who's to judge?
I'm happy to hear you've figured out some of the details of your AU! It can be super hard to figure out what direction you want to take your ideas in, especially for an AU as broad and character-filled as your own.
The brainrot is real and it consumes us all. If these ideas are what make you happiest and/or are the ones that you find the most amusing, then include them in your story! Self-indulgence is half the fun of writing/drawing/creating your own AUs. 😌👍
Don's big naturals are canon though. They're a non-negotiable inclusion in any fan-content. /j
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gravedangerahead · 5 months
confused college kids!!!
It's a Sydrian one-shot (shocker), a college au that's basically just them talking during a study session for an art history test. In the current version (started last month) I'm making Adrian a trans girl, just because I wanted to do a half gender swap to make it gay, and making her a cis girl seemed cowardly lol
This one is a really good showcase of why I never finish anything actually. Look at those dates!
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When I started this (AH College AU) it was supposed to be a drabble! As in a hundred words long!
The premise was just some conversations about mental health where I projected heavily and that I thought in an all human AU Sydney might actually kiss Adrian first
Then I abandoned it for like 2 years, and last month I decided to make it gay, and that gave me some new inspiration. Sydney was already demi in the original because she always is but you know. But making Adrian a girl brings some of their original dynamic back in an all human setting, and making her trans might put 5he mental health stuff in a new light that I need to think about. And I added some separation drama. Then I added a Hopper subplot and I need to decide if he's really gonna be a cat in this. Or if I should cut it. And I need to make sure they're coming off as endearingly pretentious kids and not just obnoxious. And that the serious conversations don't sound like therapy speak and feel natural.
It's now like 15 hundred words long which is, simultaneously, really not that many, 15 times as many as I intended it to be, and way fewer words than it's probably gonna be if it ever gets finished.
Me in a nutshell
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The Infinite Dungeon Game Session 2
Click Here - The Infinite Dungeon Session 1 Session 2
"So tell me. What brings you comfort?"
Guthrie@guthrie-odonto loves wandering through the wilds. Through the forests. Nature and birds bring him peace of mind. Lyr@Lexarga seeks comfort of a boat on the open sea. The salty breeze of the ocean and the gentle rocking of a ship bring her stability and calm. Lorem@moreclaypigeonsseeks the warmth of moondogs after a long day. Cuddling with these huge glittering, gleaming, glowing and glistening dogs brings her serenity. Damien@abstractbabble wears a lot of woven friendship bracelets around his wrists, he uses them to fiddle with them every now and then to comfort himself.
Once more, each member of the group wakes up in a cell. Cobblestone all around, ground, walls, ceiling. A thin straw matt on the ground. Each of them quickly determine, that they have been somehow reset to the first floor where they started their venture before. However, this time they each find themselves in a different cell to before. Each of them uses the tools to their disposal, just as before. Guthrie uses the key he found the first time around. He starts walking down the narrow corridors to find the others. Lyr wakes up in her cell and once she oriented herself, she starts her attempt to break out of her cell. Brute force leads to success and the lock of the cell's door falls to the ground. It's almost a bit too easy, as if the lock was possibly loosened up to begin with. All characters notice, that aside from torn clothing, their previous wounds are all gone and they have the full arsenal of spells back at their disposal. Lorem decides to use her keys again, but as she approaches the door, she notices that the door is already unlocked. Without any further thought, she leaves the cell and marches down the corridors. Damien wakes up in his cell, and he is pissed to say the least. Not only remembers he very much the moment he.. supposedly died - he is done with all this. He does not want to leave. He notices though, that his jacket is gone. He beautiful jacket was taken from him and it's not with him. Below: Audio Snippet from the Session. DM@siriwesen telling Player @abstractbabble that Damien's jacket is missing.
Audio Transcript: Siri "Well, as you slowly awaken, you notice.. maybe a couple of things. But first of all. Your jacket is gone." Jack: "They're gonna fucking pay, they're gonna fucking pay! You took his jacket, are you fucking kidding me? YOU TOOK HIS JACKET?! [gasps for air] Why did you take his jacket, what did the jacket do to you??? That.. That was probably the most expensive item he probably wore, and you TOOK IT FROM HIM? WHY IS IT GONE?!" This - and a mysterious note reading "Check outside. It's okay" is enough to lead him to leave his cell. Luckily, the door is unlocked. Draped over one of the two large clay pots in the left corner of the corridor is his jacket. It looks washed. Damien takes his jacket, and then decides to give the jars a closer look. Guthrie keeps following the corridor, hoping to meet one of his companions. He gets jumped by a skullbug, and it just barely misses him with its sharp claws. It blocks his path. "It's shanking-time" and Guthrie reaches for his dagger in return, only to have the blade be redirected by the bugger's claw and he cuts himself [7 points of damage]. A critical failure in self-defense for sure. As most of the group begins to engage in combat, Damien is still looking at the inside of the jars. Inside one of the jars, the one which had his jacket hung over, is water. Damien puts his hand inside the water and now that he has touched it he can see, that water is not clear, but instead of a red-ish colour. "Okay, I taste it!" - Damien decides to see what the liquid tastes like and the salty iron taste of blood sure lingers within. It now finally dawns on Damien, that he is probably in the exact same dungeon and place as he woke up in before and he begins to grab some paper and a pen and draws maps for himself and his companions. Damien manages to recall the layout of the floors the group has explored before and with ease he manages to just nail the exact proportions of the rooms towards each other. He marks Monster positions without much effort, it feels almost like fate is guiding him in this quest.
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Before he leaves the area, he decides to leave a message in the cell he woke up in using illusionary script. "Hello, it's not very nice to take people's things without their consent." He writes the message in abyssal, common and dragonic.
Lastly he ponders, if the water with the blood in the jar is his own.
Audio Transcript: Sierra: What if... what if the blood in the jar was your blood. Because they washed it. They washed your jacket..?" Guthrie: "how would you know it's your blood? Jack: "Do you want me to do a history check to make sure it's my blood? Even though it tried to poison me. Can I do a history check to see if the blood in the pot is mine?" Siri "Maybe more like.. a medicine check?" Jack: "Uuh okay... Medicine check... uuh" Siri: "Like.. Like.. you're not gonne be like "I remember reading a book and that's why I can identify my own blood now." - laughter - Jack: "Well.. Damien KNOWS a lot of random facts, maybe it can be like "Ah yes, by Taste alone I know this is MY blood-" Siri: "BY READING A BOOK?! Or like being like "My grandma once told me a story once that my blood is red and therefore i can TELL- if like.. WHAT THE FUCK" Jack: "Okay I'll do a Medicine check... which has... Minus 1." Lorem employs the revolutionary technique of kebab-ing the skullbugs with her spear.
Once reunited, suspicion lies in the air. Damien's reluctance to join the combat and quite baffoonish decision to poke the mimic, leads Lorem, Lyr and Guthrie to not quite trust the young man. Damien realises this distrust and keeps a bit of a distance of the group for now, in the meantime they all discuss what tools and weapons each of them has at their disposal. Introductions are finally made, names are exchanged. As the group gives the prison floor another thorough look, they discover a box filled with bottles of high percentage alcohol. With the intention to take on the next floor in a more structured method than they have done before, the group resorts to the only possible decision for combat in a space without windows. ARSON!
Original post + video/animation by @guthrie-odonto https://www.tumblr.com/the-infinite-dungeon/713607029557723136?source=share The players manage to surprise their enemies. Damien manages to use a hidden entrance to the upper floor, located in the fifth, but seemingly empty cell. He creates an illusiory sound to distract the skullbugs in the room and also attract them to gather around in a similar area. Guthrie uses the moment won by the distraction and emerges with high velocity from the stairway, throwing one of the newly created Molotov Cocktails at the foes. All of the enemies take some proper damage and the furniture surrounding the skullbugs also begins to catch fire. The group manages to defeat the skullbugs and begins to investigate the rest of the floor. They discover in the room connected to the one with the skullbugs a tiny window with iron bars. Outside they locate something that looks like a bright red orb, sitting on an island in a small pond. As they are stuck with no way to advance, they decide to shoot an arrow at the orb, Guthrie hits it with ease and steady aim. A mechanism activates and a secret area is revealed. A new set of stairs is shown to lead to the next layer. The group ponders wether they should immediately advance or not, but the smoke caused by the burning furniture, which is still on fire, even after the fight ended, makes the decision easy for them.
They find themselves now seperated, each on their own plattform with a large colorful rock behind them. When they look their left and right, they see the room's plattforms repeat in infinite. Once Lyr tried to inspect the pillar behind her, she accidentally causes it to crumble and a rock falls on her head. Luckily, she does not fall into the void and takes no major damage. Damien grows impatient and also curious of this new environment. He throws a knife across the gap to the platform closest to his own. The knife lands safe and sound. Without further hesitation he decides to make a jump for it. As he jumps, the space between the platforms seems to stretch and expand for him. His companions see him slow down mid air, as if an unnatural force is preventing him to reach the other side. Lorem reaches out in desperation to cast levitate on Damien, but the spell does not reach him and he sinks into the depp dark void. ------- Four people wake up in a cell to their own. Guthrie escapes his new prison, not without finding a note that reads "Hello, it's not very nice to take people's things without their consent." He discovers a secret small tunnel, through which he squeezes and discovers Lorem. Together they escape the cell and track down Lyr, who has escaped her own prison with the power of violence. Practise pays off and she not just unlocked, but completely shattered the lock of her cell, upset by the forced reset. Skullbugs are beaten, but no trace of Damien. As the three wander the corridors they hear angry screams echo through the tunnels. + Guthrie is pretty sure the screams do not belong to a person, nor do they sound human, but Lyr and Lorem insist they must belong to Damien. Sure enough, they reunite with Damien, but it takes some proper convincing to get him to leave his cell. The group makes their way to take out the skullbugs on the upper level once more.. The furniture from before is still scorched from the flames of the previous attempt. The fight seems to take forever this time, Damien tries to avoid being hit or taken out at all cost, but his reluctance to engage in combat causes the skullbugs to respawn over and over again after each round of combat. Eventually, the group finally manages to take them out in one round and is finally left alone in this layer of the dungeon. Damien has started raiding the cupboards and unearthes some drinks and cups. The group decides, despite not feeling hungry or thirsty, to take a break to re-assess the situation. Damien also takes some silver spoons. As he inspects them to evaluate the spoon's actual value, he notices that they are somewhat off. "They are as if Ai is trying to render Hands correctly. Sometimes they have small holes or unexpected twists, but from afar, they can be seen as spoons."
Before the group settles down- In the far off corner of the adjacent room to the one they are in, Lorem checks if there are any skullbugs left to defeat. Lorem only finds a pile of bones, one similar to the ones in the layer below where one of the skullbugs has always been hiding. But there is no skull this time. No bug to be found... Sierra (thoughtful): "That's really weird..." Siri (cheerful): "Yeah it is, isn't it?" Sierra (whispering): "What the fuck?" As the characters sit down, Guthrie shows off his cool stone of good luck which has not had much of any effect so far in this weird adventure. Damien curiously inspects it. "Yeah uh, you gotta shine this, for it to work." The characters realise they are truly stuck with each other, but also, in an odd way, they don't mind the company as much as they mind the location they are trapped in.
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dhampiravidi · 10 months
🍰 to bake my muse’s favorite treat for them (Cassia bringing over baked goods for Jayn or for her to bake them something while they're hanging out together~)
They figured it was time for another girls' day since their shopping trip had been pretty fun. The only problem was, the weather had been crappy for the last week or two, and the forecast wasn't showing anything but rain for the foreseeable future. That meant no trips to the city, because the street would be gross the whole day. So the girls settled on a lazy day inside. They could listen to the music they both liked, rant about Dracula (the current focus of their book club), and...
[Cassia]: Want me to bring lunch?
[Jayn}: Nooo! You don't have to...
[Jayn]: We can make toasted sandwiches! Is that OK?
[Cassia]: 😲😍🥪
[Jayn]: Haha OK 😁
[Cassia]: What about COOKIES?
[Jayn]: *screams* ♥♥♥ shh don't tell the 🥪
So they were going to bake cookies, talk, and then nom their lovely treats. The sandwiches would get made whenever the girls actually got hungry. Jayn politely asked Evelyn to add chocolate chips, oats, and the usual baking ingredients to the grocery list. Mrs. Danvers agreed, on the condition that she get at least two cookies once they're baked. That meant the girls were making twenty cookies.
"Hey!" Jayn cried, ushering Cassia in so she could get out of the cold and the rain. "I hope Ty and Aaron weren't too gross," she said teasingly. The couple had dropped Cass off, since their D&D group had had a short session scheduled that afternoon anyway.
"Nah, they're always cute." The (slightly) shorter of the two shrugged off her wet raincoat, which Jayn took and put in the closet the Danvers had just for...well, guests' coats. That way it had a chance to dry without dripping on anything. "Hey," Cass echoed with a grin, hugging Jayn. It seemed silly to ask how she'd been, since they texted every day they didn't see each other.
"OK, so fill me in!" They both plopped down on a couch so Cassia could tell Jayn the story of the most recent D&D campaign drama. Cass was an excellent storyteller, and Jayn was a great listener, asking questions about the character development and the plot (Jayn didn't need any lore explanation because she'd binged most of the Forgotten Realms wikia). The whole conversation always ended in lots of giggling, especially when the girls started coming up with ridiculous ways the campaign might end. Then, the subject turned to Dracula, which their book club was reading, and to school after that.
"He's just so monotone," Jayn huffed, talking about her boring Freshman Seminar professor, "I have to take notes, and text you guys, and sit on a textbook just to stay awake...ugh. I feel like I'm boring you talking about him. Sorry--"
"Hey, it's OK! Ranting is what best friends are for," Cass assured her. "So: what makes this recipe you found 'The Best Cookie Recipe Ever'?" She wasn't big on sweets herself, but she was happy to bake with Jayn, and excited to see what Evelyn, her dad, and their friends would think of the cookies.
"Alright! Well, the website said they're the best cookies, but I think they are--or, they will be. They have oats in them. And Evelyn got the rich people-kind of stuff, so they're gonna be five-star." With that, the girls jumped up and hurried to the kitchen. Jayn got all the dry ingredients out, since she knew where everything was kept, and Cass got the milk, butter, and baking tools. It wasn't long before there were globs of sugary dough placed on cookie sheets and slid into the waiting oven. "The best part..." Jayn grinned mischievously, holding up the bowl with cookie batter remnants up to the heavens. Cass just snickered at her friend's weirdness. They talked about the movies that were set to come out in a few months while Jayn ate batter off of the wooden spoon they'd used to mix everything.
"I think it's cute. And it's definitely original," Cassia said about The Proposal, "Do you think we can get Pogue and Caleb to see it?"
"Yeah! I mean, Pogue might complain on the way there, but he'll still go, and he probably thinks Sandra Bullock is pretty anyway. Caleb'll say yes because it's a fun thing for the four of us to--ugh." While shoving the spoon in her mouth, a bit of batter had gotten stuck on the corner of Jayn's lips. She set the bowl down and moved towards Cassia, meaning to get to the napkins in the pantry, but her friend stood in her way.
"C'mere..." Cass took half a step forward and carefully wiped off the stray sugar with her thumb. Without thinking, she sucked her thumb clean and hummed at the taste cutely, completely oblivious to how Jayn's eyes were glued on her.
"Cassie." It was barely a whisper, more like a sigh, really, but it was enough. Surprised by the nickname, she looked up in time to see the look on Jayn's face. They went in for a kiss at the same time, both unsure. And then they quickly pulled back. "I'm sorry. I-I shouldn'tve thought you wanted...I'm sorry," Jayn mumbled, on the verge of tears.
Cass was thrown back to when her friend, her ex-girlfriend, had made her look like a perv when they were caught kissing. She touched Jayn's cheek, which made her freeze, and then leaned in for a slower, warmer kiss, before she tried to step back.
"Cassie," Jayn repeated, desperate this time. She gently put her hands on the other girl's waist, only holding her tightly once they kissed again. It was like a practiced dance, how they moved with each other. Well, at first. They parted when they needed to breathe, and then they collided with each other again, Cassia pushing Jayn so her back was against the counter. She bravely nibbled on Jayn's lower lip, which earned her a gasp, and then her hands moved up to feel her friend's breasts.
"Why'd you wear a bra?" she huffed, and they both laughed breathlessly.
"My ass isn't wearing a bra," Jayn retorted, and before Cass could figure out what she meant, she herself was groaning, closing her eyes while kisses were painted down her jaw, down to her collarbone. Proud of her efforts, Jayn paused to nuzzle at a spot there, mumbling something about pretty girls and little freckles. Cassia managed to calm herself enough to take the hint from earlier and squeeze Jayn's ass, which made Jayn whimper and press herself into the other girl. They both laughed gently, exchanging a few lazy kisses before they decided to just stand there, holding each other.
They would've been the best cookies ever even if they were burnt.
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Spicy Jack Bright x Reader ?
Sure! (At least i shall try lolol)
For everyones sake i'm gonna use the version I came up with for 'Dr Bright/Shaw' which is Dr. Ambrose
Sorry for so many name changes but this should be the LAST time.
Dr. Amar spicy time
Dr. Amar has a male body for this, but will use any pronouns
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-You and Jack were just chilling around the office, you two were in a relationship and have been in one forrr a couple months?
-Jackhad begun to get more *clingy* towards you, always wanting to be near you and touch you. You could probably already guess as to why, so you just prepared yourself for the day she'll finally ask you
-after all you've heard 'stories' about his 'lovemaking' how they're a damn masochist, how rough she can be so you just mentally prepared yourself. After all you DID want this lol
-You heard Jacks chair move as he got up and walked over to you, you looked up at him as he just looked down at you with a smile
-you smiled back at him before he sat next to you on the couch she totally didn't steal from someone elses office.
-they held your face in their hand before leaning in and kissing you, you closed your eyes as you leaned into the kiss
-she held your sides as their kiss got more 'hungry' as if he had been craving this for so long, which most likely they had
-you felt yourself fall back onto the couch as she was above you, he grabbed your arms holding them above you as they looked down at you smirking "you've been waiting for this huh?"
-you didn't know what to say as you could feel your face grow red, they leaned in for another kiss before trailing the kiss from your jaw down to your neck
-you gasped as they kissed 'the spot', Jack bit down immediately as they heard the gasp. Which in turn made you moan and squirm a bit under her
-they leaned back up once they thought their work was good enough and proceeded to kiss down stopping once they reached your chest.
-they let go of your hands "you sure you're ready for this?" You nodded as you felt your shirt become discarded elsewhere leaving you bare.
-eventually both of your clothes were off, and you both were back into a deep makeout session on the damn couch
-she was between your legs, your legs wrapped around him as you two continued your lil makeout sesh
-eventually he pulled up "ready for this pookie?" You frowned at the name as she laughed "sorry babe, you know me"
-with that you felt them enter slowly a gasp escaping your lips as they did so.
-man was she a 'beast in the sheets' of course they took it slow if you asked, but you were still covered in marks and so was she
-she's really driven by pain, oh yeah all those times of dying has realllly affected their 'kinkyness'. She's not wanting you to bring a sledgehammer into the bedroom though, but she definitely loves it if you're also a lil rough in bed
-whatever body he's in will depend on how they act in bed, of course they'll be rough either way but sometimes if they have a 'fembod' she'll definitely want you to call her 'mistress' in bed
-idk what else to write for this as i'm bad at spiciness
Hope you enjoyed this requests always open!
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sp1tballz · 1 year
This ask is an excuse or prompt for you to infodump about your sv headcanons please I wanna hear it
ANON.... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
God theres so many these r gonna be SO messy and unorganized and above all else, LONG. but let me do my bullet points
Whispered Faith
• Sean..................
• i already said this but sean he/she/it user
• Along with Lee's He/she/they
• Lee's polyam and gay, Sean's gay, and Mo's gay. gay men.
• Sean and Mo....arent on the best terms. obviously. Even before everything Mo was very. suspicious of Sean
• Sean didn't like Mo because it was jealous of him.
• Not fully because Mo had Lee's attention, which, Sean wanted, but also because in Sean's mind Mo was everything he wanted to be
• Strong, He had leadership skills, he was helpful above all else, AND him and Lee were inseparable. Sean hated it.
• He hated Mo
• When he found out that Lee was the keeper, he did feel a little bit of remorse. Who wouldn't after finding out the person you were hunting was one of your good friends
• He got over it fast, though. Especially when the Speaker promised him power. It went to his head. Fast.
• After he died, he and lee made up in the other world, Lee visits often, Sean waits for him.
• One time, Lee tried to bring Sean back. It worked.
• Sean was. DEVISTATED because he'd just been ripped from death and didn't know how to readjust to life. Especially after he'd given everything to the family, and they betrayed him. He had no one except for Lee
• And so he became clingy and wouldn't leave Lee's side.
• Lee didnt mind. ofc. Mo did.
• Mo was actually quite upset that Sean was back, especially after watching him die.
• He lets it be, though. For now.
• Until then, they go to stop the family together 🙏 god bless
Marble Hornets
• Brian!!!!!! He/it/ghoul (ghoul/ghouls/ghoulself) Polyam and Gay
• Tim's a he/she user Polyam and Bi
• Jay's He/they/she Polyam, Gay, and Asexual
• Alex is a he/she user in my head..,,
• Jessica She/They Lesbian
• this. correlates to me and my friends more than I thought it would 💀
• Anyway. Brian goes to the ark for the first time during the jam session, meets Skully, becomes horribly paranoid and suspicious of everyone around him but ESPECIALLY Alex
• He still trusts Tim with his life, though
• Tim's getting worse, he feels worse and his medication is /barely/ working
• Jay's trying to help Alex anyway he can. He's definitely struggling with it
• Eventually Brian disappears, Tim moves on from production, and Jay is zapped away to the ark
• When he comes back, he finds the tapes Alex gave him, looks through them, he tries to find Tim, Brian, Alex, Seth, or Sarah, or anyone else who worked on producing Marble Hornets
• The only one that gets back to him is Tim, obviously
• You guys know what happens from there <3
• Lets do a massive jump. After Jay's shot, and Brian's pushed, and Tim kills Alex, he manages to get Jay and Brian to the hospital before he himself passes out
• It's the first time he's seen Brian in years, both of them are super antsy around eachother, but especially Brian.
• Tim notes he seems... different.
• He's not bright or cheery like he used to be. He's not happy, he's not Brian.
• It's. offputting to say the least. Brian's quiet, he stays to himself.
• When they're released, Jay and Tim start living together. Tim wants to offer it to Brian, after all that's been their goal since they were kids.
• He figures Brian wouldn't want that, though. And he's right, Brian's scared of making things worse again.
• After all, what is he but a screw up.
• So Brian lives alone, while Tim and Jay are together. It's fine, everything is normal.
• Evan He/him Bisexual Polyam
• Vinnie He/they Pansexual Polyam
• Jeff he/she Bisexual Polyam
• Ready for this? Habit is CANONICALLY he/she/it <3
• Giggling because above all else all of my thoughts are on Habit I HATE HIM BUT I CANT. PHYSICALLY STOP THINKING ABT H
• Aroace, but he's been married many many many many MANY times
• The Operator, Patrick Anderson, Lexx WhisperedFaith, The Observer, Candleverse Jeff, Vinnie, etc,
• He gets around
• Anyway- He has things planned out exactly how he wants them to go, from beginning to end. He gets the other creatures of the ark to help him, he's a strategist and the game's mastermind
• He'd love danganronpa btw lmao...
• Also his cameraman is the observer... they have a thing going on i stg
this is all im doing for now i'll do more later if given specific characters ... <3
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ltleflrt · 1 year
AO3 tos anon here, thank you for all the explanation.
I actually sometimes wonder myself what’s my stakes in following a lot of spntwitter drama 🙈 I think in this particular case, I just wanted to know the truth. I understand you don’t have concrete proof but as I said I take your word because I know you from outside of the twitter echo chamber and trust you. I also wanted to figure out if AO3 is basically deleting fics just like that but your explanation makes sense as to why they’re doing it.
The fact that reporting trolls should chill, though, I fully agree with.
GAH, THE TUMBEASTS ATE MY FIRST ANSWER. I'm still gonna end up being long winded about this though cuz it gets me pretty heated. I try not to talk about it, but then someone asks me about it and oh lord here I go lol
I honestly don't care if there's a ringleader or just a well organized group. I just wish that the Reporting Trolls would consider printed fics the same as classic 'zines and get the fuck over it. Reporting printed fics can bring down the attention of the IP holders too, so they're not the Fandom Heroes they think they're being.
And when it comes down to it, I don't think they're really trying to protect fandom. If that was the case, there wouldn't be fanfics publicly posted on Lulu that have been sitting their for several years. They're targeting specific creators who have gone out of their way to keep the links hidden or private. So I think there's a kernel of truth to the idea that they're doing this out of jealousy. If it's That One Author that seems to be the ringleader, she may be upset that other people are getting more attention than she does. If it's her fans, they may be upset that their favorite author isn't getting as much attention as they think she deserves. It's even possible that they're not aware of what they're really doing, so they fall back on "BUt pRoFIT".
This whole thing about "but Lulu makes money!" will forever drive me nuts. Lulu would make the same amount of money selling paper and ink on a book that's just 700 pages of the word "Orange" typed on repeat as they would selling paper and ink on a book that's 700 pages of my story. The paper and ink is only worth paying for because of me, and I'm not making any money from the work I'm doing.
Look I can prove that, at least :D
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hell, I'm losing money on it. I pay fanartists to create covers for me. I'm bad at formatting the PDF, so I pay people to format it properly for me. I've spent hundreds of dollars to make these prints look nice and semi-professional. I give away copies for free to the artists and the people who help me with the formatting, and some of these are over $20 because of how thick they are.
Everyone is getting something out of this EXCEPT for me!
*huffs and puffs in irritation*
The AO3 stuff is, unfortunately, squidgy. Over the years I've heard of other things getting reported on AO3 where authors have complained that they weren't given enough opportunity to clean up whatever the violation was, or the AO3 staff wouldn't/couldn't tell them where the violation was hiding. If something is reported, it's going to come down to a judgement call from an AO3 employee. As someone who has had to make judgement calls on things that are grey areas, I can tell you it's tough. And sometimes it's best to err on the side of caution, which is usually not in the customer's favor. Without knowing exactly what was behind the AO3 staff's decision to delete, I can't say whether their decision is fair or not. It is scary though, because it's hard to tell whether an offhand comment will get you in trouble or not, and it puts us all on edge when we hear about something getting deleted.
Anyway, sorry I went on a vent session again. I'm glad you got some answers that at least made you feel better ;D
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dnd anon!! Could the kids DM?
John/June: yeah, but mostly joke campaigns. Not too good at keeping things serious with the world, and will add some silly homebrews. really fun as a DM, and often follows the rule of cool more than any actual rules.
Rose: Yes, but will get a bit frustrated if people derail the campaign. Won't show it, but will regularly jokingly threaten to do a godstrike yahtzee (IDK if this was just something from my dad's groups that he taught me, but when the dm is too mad so they roll all the dice in the room and that's how much dammage your character takes. if you survive then you can never be godstrike yahtzee'd again, and the dm has to let you do the thing you wanted to do.) has never actually given a godstrike yahtzee, but does give out a few cursed items which she hasn't let on that they're cursed yet. Overall good, remembers the details too and will build in people's backstories to the campaign. Might end up the forever DM.
Dave: well yes but actually no. What he is doing can no longer be classified as dnd. There is only the rule of cool. he accidentally did a tpk but then brought them all back to life and said they 'heard god say 'My bad dudes, but you gotta admit that was pretty funny" If he's DMing it's gonna be a good time, but it's more like calvinball than dnd. But every once in a while he plays by the rules and gives the perfect mix of homebrew + official material and rule of cool + RAW and just blows everyone away with the most epic oneshot ever before going back to pure chaos.
Jade: Yeah. She could keep everyone on track, follow the rules AND the rule of cool, I think she could make a really cool world. Not much else to say, I just think she'd be great at keeping immersion and would definitely have a whole setup for the players ready. I think she'd do great.
Jane: Yeah, but mainly sticks to RAW. Gets mad about derailment, so everyone needs to agree to stick to the plot beforehand, but that's easy enough. Overall decent, plus she brings snacks!! Mainly does serious rp heavy campaigns with a bit of fluff.
Roxy: YES. Roxy would rule as a DM. End of statement. This is just vibes honestly but I wanna be in Roxy's campaign.
Dirk: FOREVER DM FOREVER DM FOREVER DM. Good at rp campaigns and combat campaigns, gets a bit too into worldbuilding and lore but that's amazing. Great with immersion, NPCs always feel like real people, in depth reasons for everything, does countless hours of research for anything but accepts when things get derailed. Sometimes calls a session early because he didn't have a plan for what the party did and needs some time to come up with something, but by next session you wouldn't even know that it was derailed. Wishes someone else would DM so he could play as a PC, but isn't actually sure how to go about playing cuz he's only done NPCs for so long.
Jake: Yes, but I think he would mercilessly mix the rules from various editions as well as homebrew until nobody knows what the heck they're playing anymore. Just a feeling. Overall does a good mix of rp and combat, and believes in the rule of cool. Pretty good once you figure out what rules he's using. IDK why I think he'd mix all the rules, I just think he would. as always, mostly vibes but pretty fun!!
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invisibleraven · 2 years
okay friday #2
i wish you would write a fluffy flynn fic! she doesn't get enough love, and i want her to get love from reggie <3
"Bleeeeeeeeh," Flynn groaned as she flopped back onto the couch. "Reggie it is too fucking hot."
"Yup," Reggie replied, not looking up from his book. "What do you want me to do about it dear? Fan you with a palm frond and feed you grapes?"
"I mean, I wouldn't complain," Flynn replied, giggling when Reggie lowered his book to glare at her. "Baring that you could find a fan until the shitty landlord gets around to fixing the AC."
"Man, fuck that dude," Reggie groaned as he eased himself out of his chair, grimacing as his skin stuck to the fabric. "We've been complaining about stuff that needs to get fixed for months."
"Well our lease is up in the fall, we can find a new place then. Maybe we can go in and get a bigger place with Julie and Luke?" Flynn suggested.
"And put up with their constant make outs and night long jam sessions? Hard pass. I know they are our best friends, but I would like them to stay that way. I'd probably end up killing Luke if we lived together," Reggie said, lugging the ancient rotating fan out of the closet, setting it up so it pushed the mostly tepid air around. "Anything else my queen?"
"Well if I'm not gonna get my grapes," Flynn started.
"You are not."
"Then I wouldn't say no to a glass of water. Maybe the last pint of Hoof Prints if we didn't finish it off last movie night," Flynn asked, turning her eyes big and begging, grinning as Reggie rolled his eyes and leaned down to kiss her.
"Spoiled rotten you are."
"You love me!"
Reggie's smile softened at that, filling a large glass with ice and lemon slices. "Yeah, yeah I do."
He returned, two spoons and the ice cream in one hand, her water in the other. Slumping down on the couch beside her, the two of them flicking on some mindless television as they devoured the cool treat. The fan had finally cooled the air, and Flynn let out a tiny moan as it hit her. "Oooh that's nice."
"Remind me to never bring you to visit MeeMaw in the summer, you'd never survive Georgia if you can't handle this," Reggie commented, swiping the last spoonful of ice cream.
"I think MeeMaw would rather come here anyways," Flynn replied, snatching the spoon right from his hands and swallowing the ice cream before Reggie could even register a protest.
"So lucky I love you," Reggie commented, snatching a bottle of nail polish from the table to freshen up her pedicure.
Flynn grinned as Reggie dutifully painted her toes without having to be asked, sipping at her water and relaxed back into the couch. Yeah, she really was lucky. She had the best guy, who pampered her and treated her like a queen.
"I love you too, you know," Flynn said quietly. Reggie's face broke out in a grin, blowing her a kiss before going back to her pedicure. "You wanna get pizza for supper?"
"When do I not want pizza?" Reggie asked. "No olives this time please."
"They're delicious!"
Reggie face screwed up at that. "No. No olives. Pineapple is fine, but I draw the line at olives."
Flynn sighed. "Fine, since you are doing my nails for me. You want me to do yours after I place the order?"
"Nah, gonna wait and do them before the gig Friday, thanks though," Reggie said, blowing lightly over the polish to dry it, smirking when she twitched, complaining it tickled.
It was a quiet night in, and it was still too damn hot, but as Flynn curled into Reggie's arms that night, the fan blowing cool air over them both, she couldn't complain. Reggie always ran cool, and with the distinct lack of clothing they were both sporting it helped a little... well until Reggie waggled his eyebrows at her and lifted her face for a passionate kiss. But Flynn gave back as good as she got. Because this kind of heat? She could handle.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
I keep forgetting to send these in XD stuff I've thought of for the ship Grycho (you don't have to post publicly if you don't want to, I just wanted to be able to use italics and stuff)
- I'm not sure how you imagine they got together. But me personally, I think it might have been like a slow burn situation. Like maybe they got separated from the others somehow (whether it be for a mission or they got in trouble), and now they have to work together. Maybe whatever this situation, they'd see sides to each other they didn't see before, and it brings them closer ^^
(Either thar or, alternate scenario that's kinda crack, they were together but broke up before the gang got together, and are nowkinda bitter exes (or rather they're still in love and don't want to admit it) and that's why they fight all the time)
- Ok so I they did get together, I imagine they'd deal with their drastic horny levels in one of two ways. One, either Psycho will sleep with Greasy (when he's in the mood) for him. Or two, they make like some sort of agreement that Greasy can still go out and find someone to sleep with, as long as he always comes back home to Psycho (I'll be honest, I like the second option a bit more. It's sweet that they'd trust and love each other that much)
- if it's the latter, Psycho would be all over Greasy as soon as he comes home. Partially because he missed his boyfriend, and partially to get the smell of another person off of him (this will also become an indicator to the others whether or not Greasy got some. So Greasy can't lie about his fuck number anymore XD
Greasy: "Oh, I found a particularly beautiful woman last night. We had quite the time too~"
Wheezy: *glancing at Psycho, who's just doing his own thing right now* "... Really?"
- I'm not sure which I like better; them fighting less because they're now in love and becoming one of those complete opposite couples thar rarely fight, or they still butt heads, but now the other weasels won't try to intervene because they know that Greasy abd Psycho are going to be gross (as Smartass would put it) again in like fifteen minutes... Kinda like Tiffany and Chucky XD
(Omg. AU where Greasy and Psycho are Tiffany and Chucky. Who would be Glen and Glenda? (Stupid and Y/N from the Smartass' daughter AU XD))
- Also, since they're boyfriends, they can now do more missions together WITHOUT anyone else tagging along to be a mediator between them. I like to think that they have the potential to be a dangerous duo.
- If Psycho can get away with it, he'll refuse to eat anything that isn't Greasy's cooking. If he's starving, he'll accept a sandwich. But he would prefer his boyfriends food anyway.
Psycho: "No! I'm not hungry!" *liar*
Wheezy: "Look, Greasy has been gone for hours, and I'm pretty certain he's gonna be gone for another few. So please, just fucking eat sonething."
Psycho: "... No."
Wheezy: *smokes harder*
- not really a headcannon, more like a crack idea; in your Smartass' daughter story, Greasy and Psycho become Y/N's crazy gay unkles. If they didn't live with each other, Smartass would be like "Oh fuck they're coming over." Whenever he gets news that they're dropping by (assuming they'd even give him a warning XDD)
(Which also makes me think of when Jessica was asking 'What if she likes girls' in your last chapter. I can't stop imagining Greasy and Psycho just looking at each other in humor/sarcasm like "Omg babe, are we homophobic?" "I dunno, our pre-outing make-out session was pretty sus." XD)
That's all I've got today. I hope you like these! ^^
OOOOOH I'm picturing the Toon Patrol have to make a quick getaway and Greasy and Psycho were too busy fighting to notice- and then the van is gone and they're left alone together for the f i r s t time ever. They manage to find a phone, call Smartass, and ask what the motherfucking heck happened. When he basically says 'we had ta get outta there. You bozos were too slow. Now get a motel room and we'll come getcha in a week'.
And thus, their rom com beginning XD Greasy and Psycho stuck in a seedy motel with only eachother for a week (Possibly more is Smartass is feeling particularly mischeivious- or Wheezy pays him).
I love the second option too!! But like, imagine if Psycho only agrees to it because Greasy's never managed to snag ass before, so what makes him think now he'll be successful?? But then one day his manipulative pervert comes home covered in someone else's stink and a smug look on his face, and- YES!! suddenly Psycho is a l l over Grease. Rubbing himself on him to get his sent back on him.
Ahhh! Contrary-wise, I actually like the idea of them still fighting a lot!! But like- it's not out of hatred anymore. Just annoyance and differing opinion. The only way you know they're more then coworkers is the very careful way they watch eachother in a dangerous situation and the way they protect eachother ^^ (IMAGINE PSYCHO GETTING TERRITORIAL OVER GREASY. Like, someone's threatening to hurt Greasy and Psycho suddenly comes out like a rabid animal. Greasy knows Psycho will always come to protect him like a guard dog now, too, so he's even less concerned these days about insulting people bigger then him 😅😅😅) (Also, IMAGINE GREASY TALKING PSYCHO OUT OF SCRAPES. Like, if Psycho chewed up the neighbours rose garden and the neighbour was p i s s e d, Greasy would be there to smooth things over. 'Sí, Sí, no it will never happen again. Never. We promise you. Right Psycho?? That growling means sí. Bye bye now!~ *as soon as they're out of earshot* and good riddance 🙄, that rose garden was heinous.')
OH THEY'D BE SUCH A DANGEROUS DUO. At least that's one thing Smartass is happy about XD Wheezy, too, now he doesn't have to mediate 😅 they'd also be a pretty... scary duo, too though. They have very similar levels of empathy... which is not a lot. They'll get the info, and still kill the guy. No one will ever find the body and the only reason Smartass, Wheezy and Stupid even know what happened is because of a very suspicious grin the two shared at breakfast.
Omgggggg, that last one 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I need to see Jessica's resonce to that. She'd be so fucking done.
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
wow thank you for your answer! im trying to write too and i realized theres a few things you mentioned that im already doing too so its great that it works for you too! as for the rest, im definitely gonna follow your advices :)
unrelated question! but i think youre a hp fan too so i was wondering, if narusaku were based on that universe, do you have any headcanons for them? for example their houses, favorite classes, date ideas, just things about their lives in hogwarts? i hope this is a fun question for you!!
No probs, hope they work for you as well, if not better, than they do for me lol.
I *was* a HP fan, it was a formative part of my life and writing HP fanfic was how I met my fiancee, but given JK Rowling's behaviour and bigotry in recent years ... I don't feel comfortable calling myself a fan anymore.
It's a shame as I loved those books growing up, but it's the way it is sadly.
I do have some surface level thoughts for Naruto and Sakura in a HP universe though lol. I'll share the ones I remember.
They're both in Gryffindor, easy. There was a little bit of consideration for Ravenclaw for Sakura and Naruto could have easily fit into Hufflepuff if you ask me, but the sheer levels of courage and honestly? Bullheadedness of the two of them kinda screams the lion house lol.
As for classes ... I kinda think Sakura would be the time of nerdy kid who was good at absolutely bloody everything. Like, you know the type of kid who could just consume knowledge? That's Sakura. Except Herbology, I think she'd struggle with it something fierce.
But she would especially excel in Transfiguration, Potions and Charms.
Naruto ... god bless the boy, I think he'd struggle. I think he'd have a natural talent for Herbology and DADA, we're talking top marks, he's just amazing at them. But everything else would be a bit of a struggle to get a passing mark. He'd manage it, but only just.
He'd definitely be on the Quidditch team though, Naruto one hundred percent would be a Beater.
I think they'd kinda be in each other's circles at first but I think what would bring them together would be Sakura having a bit of a chip on her shoulder about struggling with Herbology.
So ever the practical one, she'd approach Naruto with an arrangement. She would help him with his other subjects, to get the necessary marks to get onto the NEWT courses he wants to do for his job as an Auror, cos come on, and he would help her get her missing O.
Don't laugh, they're fifteen at this point, behave xD.
Naruto agrees cos he's still got that crush and he loves helping people and they bond over long, long study sessions in the library. Sakura starts seeing the sweeter side of Naruto, learns a bit about his parents passing when he was just born, and Naruto ... well he just get's his crush upgraded to an honest to god love.
Whether anything happens there I don't know, knowing my opinions and typical practices with them, no nothing happens ... yet xD.
But that would be how the feelings would percolate lol.
But you know, maybe, when Sakura's Healer Haruno and Naruto is Auror Uzumaki and he's regularly getting shipped off to St Mungos for being reckless and getting hurt and Sakura insists on treating the dumbass ... rumours start flying.
And maybe one day another Healer catches Sakura in Naruto's lap kissing ... you know, maybe ... who knows?
But yeah, might have had more thoughts than I thought lol.
Thanks for asking!
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