edge-of-the-end · 11 months
little oblivions is the album, the only album ever actually, it and b-sides fuck so hard and are so under appreciated in the boygenius canon, like
oh, I miss when I was certain // about every little thing // so scared of forgetting // that I put it down in ink // used to call upon the spirit // now I think heaven lets it ring // wanted so bad to be good // but there's no such thing
swallow the truth // force the charcoal down my throat // when i finally come to // maybe i’ll have something to show
all my greatest fears turned out to be the gift of prophecy // all my nightmares coming true come do my outline in the street // while every night i re-enact the same recurring dream // i’m stuck inside a vision that repeats
how come it's so much easier // with anything less than human? // letting yourself be tender // well, you couldn't make me do it // it doesn't feel too bad, but it // doesn't feel too good, either // just like a nicotine patch, it // hardly works, then it's over
oh, i miss it high // how it dulled the terror and the beauty // now i see everything in startling intensity
i am not exaggerating when i say this album saved my life, it deserves so much more respect
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mimi-0007 · 24 days
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shakespearenews · 3 months
There’s an ambitious project taking shape at the Guthrie. They are staging three Shakespeare plays, all at the same time, with one core cast of actors. It’s called “Rotating Repertory Theater” and the Guthrie hasn’t done it since 1998.
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imswimmingback · 7 months
used to call upon the sprit/now i think heaven lets it ring/wanted so bad to be good/but there's no such thing
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roughridingrednecks · 11 months
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heirhonkful · 2 years
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Wanted to make a little line-up with what I thought all the Brinarr look like. Their armor and clothes would probably have actual colors of course, but for simplicity’s sake the dark blue is armor and the white is cloth. The coral however is what I like to think of them as.
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sirislayer · 1 year
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The Infinite Dungeon "In combat"
[Image Description: A digital painting depicting a fight scene from a Dungeons and Dragons game. The painting shows the four characters (from front to back) Guthrie, Lorem, Lyr and Damien.
Guthrie is a halfling with feathered wings and bird-like feet. He is positioned in the top left corner and is currently in the air, firing his bow using his feet. The Bow is pointed towards the viewer, his arrow points to the bottom right, kind of as if it faces the viewer.
Lorem is right behind him, but to the bottom right on the cobblestone ground. He right arm is extended as she shoots a fire bolt, which sends some warm light into the over all dimly light dark area.
In the left bottom half of the image Lyr can be seen, who is using her spear to pierce through a skullbug creature in the right side of the image.
Just above the spear's tip, Damien can be seen sitting on a large wooden box behind the spear.
In the very distance to the left of the image, there is a corridor seen, which seems to lead further into the labyrinth. Just around the corner, there is a ded sillhouette clutching to a spear.] I take Commissions on Ko-Fi! Click here!
I also have a YouTube with Animation stuff!
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 3 months
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theshatterednotes · 5 months
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Robert Penn Warren
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the-infinite-dungeon · 11 months
The Infinite Dungeon Game Session 2
Click Here - The Infinite Dungeon Session 1 Session 2
"So tell me. What brings you comfort?"
Guthrie@guthrie-odonto loves wandering through the wilds. Through the forests. Nature and birds bring him peace of mind. Lyr@Lexarga seeks comfort of a boat on the open sea. The salty breeze of the ocean and the gentle rocking of a ship bring her stability and calm. Lorem@moreclaypigeonsseeks the warmth of moondogs after a long day. Cuddling with these huge glittering, gleaming, glowing and glistening dogs brings her serenity. Damien@abstractbabble wears a lot of woven friendship bracelets around his wrists, he uses them to fiddle with them every now and then to comfort himself.
Once more, each member of the group wakes up in a cell. Cobblestone all around, ground, walls, ceiling. A thin straw matt on the ground. Each of them quickly determine, that they have been somehow reset to the first floor where they started their venture before. However, this time they each find themselves in a different cell to before. Each of them uses the tools to their disposal, just as before. Guthrie uses the key he found the first time around. He starts walking down the narrow corridors to find the others. Lyr wakes up in her cell and once she oriented herself, she starts her attempt to break out of her cell. Brute force leads to success and the lock of the cell's door falls to the ground. It's almost a bit too easy, as if the lock was possibly loosened up to begin with. All characters notice, that aside from torn clothing, their previous wounds are all gone and they have the full arsenal of spells back at their disposal. Lorem decides to use her keys again, but as she approaches the door, she notices that the door is already unlocked. Without any further thought, she leaves the cell and marches down the corridors. Damien wakes up in his cell, and he is pissed to say the least. Not only remembers he very much the moment he.. supposedly died - he is done with all this. He does not want to leave. He notices though, that his jacket is gone. He beautiful jacket was taken from him and it's not with him. Below: Audio Snippet from the Session. DM@siriwesen telling Player @abstractbabble that Damien's jacket is missing.
Audio Transcript: Siri "Well, as you slowly awaken, you notice.. maybe a couple of things. But first of all. Your jacket is gone." Jack: "They're gonna fucking pay, they're gonna fucking pay! You took his jacket, are you fucking kidding me? YOU TOOK HIS JACKET?! [gasps for air] Why did you take his jacket, what did the jacket do to you??? That.. That was probably the most expensive item he probably wore, and you TOOK IT FROM HIM? WHY IS IT GONE?!" This - and a mysterious note reading "Check outside. It's okay" is enough to lead him to leave his cell. Luckily, the door is unlocked. Draped over one of the two large clay pots in the left corner of the corridor is his jacket. It looks washed. Damien takes his jacket, and then decides to give the jars a closer look. Guthrie keeps following the corridor, hoping to meet one of his companions. He gets jumped by a skullbug, and it just barely misses him with its sharp claws. It blocks his path. "It's shanking-time" and Guthrie reaches for his dagger in return, only to have the blade be redirected by the bugger's claw and he cuts himself [7 points of damage]. A critical failure in self-defense for sure. As most of the group begins to engage in combat, Damien is still looking at the inside of the jars. Inside one of the jars, the one which had his jacket hung over, is water. Damien puts his hand inside the water and now that he has touched it he can see, that water is not clear, but instead of a red-ish colour. "Okay, I taste it!" - Damien decides to see what the liquid tastes like and the salty iron taste of blood sure lingers within. It now finally dawns on Damien, that he is probably in the exact same dungeon and place as he woke up in before and he begins to grab some paper and a pen and draws maps for himself and his companions. Damien manages to recall the layout of the floors the group has explored before and with ease he manages to just nail the exact proportions of the rooms towards each other. He marks Monster positions without much effort, it feels almost like fate is guiding him in this quest.
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Before he leaves the area, he decides to leave a message in the cell he woke up in using illusionary script. "Hello, it's not very nice to take people's things without their consent." He writes the message in abyssal, common and dragonic.
Lastly he ponders, if the water with the blood in the jar is his own.
Audio Transcript: Sierra: What if... what if the blood in the jar was your blood. Because they washed it. They washed your jacket..?" Guthrie: "how would you know it's your blood? Jack: "Do you want me to do a history check to make sure it's my blood? Even though it tried to poison me. Can I do a history check to see if the blood in the pot is mine?" Siri "Maybe more like.. a medicine check?" Jack: "Uuh okay... Medicine check... uuh" Siri: "Like.. Like.. you're not gonne be like "I remember reading a book and that's why I can identify my own blood now." - laughter - Jack: "Well.. Damien KNOWS a lot of random facts, maybe it can be like "Ah yes, by Taste alone I know this is MY blood-" Siri: "BY READING A BOOK?! Or like being like "My grandma once told me a story once that my blood is red and therefore i can TELL- if like.. WHAT THE FUCK" Jack: "Okay I'll do a Medicine check... which has... Minus 1." Lorem employs the revolutionary technique of kebab-ing the skullbugs with her spear.
Once reunited, suspicion lies in the air. Damien's reluctance to join the combat and quite baffoonish decision to poke the mimic, leads Lorem, Lyr and Guthrie to not quite trust the young man. Damien realises this distrust and keeps a bit of a distance of the group for now, in the meantime they all discuss what tools and weapons each of them has at their disposal. Introductions are finally made, names are exchanged. As the group gives the prison floor another thorough look, they discover a box filled with bottles of high percentage alcohol. With the intention to take on the next floor in a more structured method than they have done before, the group resorts to the only possible decision for combat in a space without windows. ARSON!
Original post + video/animation by @guthrie-odonto https://www.tumblr.com/the-infinite-dungeon/713607029557723136?source=share The players manage to surprise their enemies. Damien manages to use a hidden entrance to the upper floor, located in the fifth, but seemingly empty cell. He creates an illusiory sound to distract the skullbugs in the room and also attract them to gather around in a similar area. Guthrie uses the moment won by the distraction and emerges with high velocity from the stairway, throwing one of the newly created Molotov Cocktails at the foes. All of the enemies take some proper damage and the furniture surrounding the skullbugs also begins to catch fire. The group manages to defeat the skullbugs and begins to investigate the rest of the floor. They discover in the room connected to the one with the skullbugs a tiny window with iron bars. Outside they locate something that looks like a bright red orb, sitting on an island in a small pond. As they are stuck with no way to advance, they decide to shoot an arrow at the orb, Guthrie hits it with ease and steady aim. A mechanism activates and a secret area is revealed. A new set of stairs is shown to lead to the next layer. The group ponders wether they should immediately advance or not, but the smoke caused by the burning furniture, which is still on fire, even after the fight ended, makes the decision easy for them.
They find themselves now seperated, each on their own plattform with a large colorful rock behind them. When they look their left and right, they see the room's plattforms repeat in infinite. Once Lyr tried to inspect the pillar behind her, she accidentally causes it to crumble and a rock falls on her head. Luckily, she does not fall into the void and takes no major damage. Damien grows impatient and also curious of this new environment. He throws a knife across the gap to the platform closest to his own. The knife lands safe and sound. Without further hesitation he decides to make a jump for it. As he jumps, the space between the platforms seems to stretch and expand for him. His companions see him slow down mid air, as if an unnatural force is preventing him to reach the other side. Lorem reaches out in desperation to cast levitate on Damien, but the spell does not reach him and he sinks into the depp dark void. ------- Four people wake up in a cell to their own. Guthrie escapes his new prison, not without finding a note that reads "Hello, it's not very nice to take people's things without their consent." He discovers a secret small tunnel, through which he squeezes and discovers Lorem. Together they escape the cell and track down Lyr, who has escaped her own prison with the power of violence. Practise pays off and she not just unlocked, but completely shattered the lock of her cell, upset by the forced reset. Skullbugs are beaten, but no trace of Damien. As the three wander the corridors they hear angry screams echo through the tunnels. + Guthrie is pretty sure the screams do not belong to a person, nor do they sound human, but Lyr and Lorem insist they must belong to Damien. Sure enough, they reunite with Damien, but it takes some proper convincing to get him to leave his cell. The group makes their way to take out the skullbugs on the upper level once more.. The furniture from before is still scorched from the flames of the previous attempt. The fight seems to take forever this time, Damien tries to avoid being hit or taken out at all cost, but his reluctance to engage in combat causes the skullbugs to respawn over and over again after each round of combat. Eventually, the group finally manages to take them out in one round and is finally left alone in this layer of the dungeon. Damien has started raiding the cupboards and unearthes some drinks and cups. The group decides, despite not feeling hungry or thirsty, to take a break to re-assess the situation. Damien also takes some silver spoons. As he inspects them to evaluate the spoon's actual value, he notices that they are somewhat off. "They are as if Ai is trying to render Hands correctly. Sometimes they have small holes or unexpected twists, but from afar, they can be seen as spoons."
Before the group settles down- In the far off corner of the adjacent room to the one they are in, Lorem checks if there are any skullbugs left to defeat. Lorem only finds a pile of bones, one similar to the ones in the layer below where one of the skullbugs has always been hiding. But there is no skull this time. No bug to be found... Sierra (thoughtful): "That's really weird..." Siri (cheerful): "Yeah it is, isn't it?" Sierra (whispering): "What the fuck?" As the characters sit down, Guthrie shows off his cool stone of good luck which has not had much of any effect so far in this weird adventure. Damien curiously inspects it. "Yeah uh, you gotta shine this, for it to work." The characters realise they are truly stuck with each other, but also, in an odd way, they don't mind the company as much as they mind the location they are trapped in.
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chaifighter · 1 year
Slim chance, I know, but if anyone who follows me happens to live in/near Minnesota with the time/means/opportunity, I am begging you to go see Born With Teeth at the Guthrie before it closes in 2 weeks. It’s a 2-man show about William Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe as they collaborate on a play, set beneath the many eyes of the Church of England’s surveillance state. It’s witty, it’s tragic, it’s genuinely funny. It does that thing that gay narratives do with the themes about love as consumption. It has Will Shakespeare making puppy dog eyes. I’m gonna be rotating it in my head for the next month. You should go see it.
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boygeniux · 2 years
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guthrie / vanishing point / mental math (julien baker - b-sides)
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macmodean · 2 years
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protagonists of a new story thats been exploding in my head recently. their names are churchill and guthrie :)
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shakespearenews · 22 days
Another historically ambitious multi-part Shakespeare project is taking shape at the Guthrie Theater. The storied Minneapolis institution is currently performing the Bard’s epic trilogy, Richard II, Henry IV (its parts 1 and 2 have been condensed into a single evening), and Henry V, in rotating repertory. A company of 25 actors is bringing the story to life, swapping characters and costumes depending on the show and night.
In development for years, the project’s scope first turned heads when it was announced pre-pandemic in 2020. But considering the challenges that theaters now face in 2024, the endeavor has reached a new level of dramatic novelty.
“In this moment, with some retraction in the field—and the Guthrie is not outside of those challenges—I felt it was important that we as an organization plant a flag here,” said Guthrie artistic director Joseph Haj, who is helming the plays. “We wanted to show that we’re still very much capable of work of scale, of ambition and of intelligence.” 
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junkbgoneok · 10 months
Picture this - it's a beautiful Sunday; the birds are singing, the sun is shining and you, dear friend, are surrounded by piles of junk. There's an old refrigerator that's been sitting in the corner for years, the fence that's long lost its charm and those embarrassing yet sentimental "art" pieces from your childhood. Oh, and not to forget the remnants of your impulsive DIY adventures. What if we told you there's a magical solution to make all this clutter disappear without breaking a sweat? Enter the savior - dumpster rental!
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roughridingrednecks · 11 months
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