#she used to date men before too before she realized she was a lesbian
biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
I’m not sure my friend believed me about being a lesbian. Comp het got me bad though not as bad as it got some people because I loudly insisted I was bi or ace instead of straight for years- so I knew something was up but was unwilling to open that box fully. 
It’s just that I’m very close to my family (and currently dependent on them because of my disability but working to attempt for independence) and I know they were hoping I’d somehow turn out straight. Though it’s not like I was ever going to have any biological kids so I don’t see why it would have mattered. 
#but it's isolating in two ways now because it's assumed I was going to be straight and I guess people assumed I wanted kids?#I was glad to see my friend but wow she's way more of a normal person than me and it was kind of isolating to realize that#I wanted to ask her so many questions but I think perhaps it's better I didn't#but maybe I'm wrong and she did believe me#she used to date men before too before she realized she was a lesbian#she's very happily married to a woman and she and her wife are both a very nice couple#like wow I was in the student pride group in both my undergrads...I could have had a girlfriend if I had a brain back then :/#I'm just an idiot who does not connect the dots fast enough#also I'm very much in my own weird world and out of touch with reality so that kind of hurt to realize#though I guess I needed that#she said I was a great friend and I really want to be but Idk it feels like I fail her constantly#she's my best friend irl and half the time she has no idea wtf I'm trying to talk about#it kind of hurts I'm not gonna lie but it's not her fault!#I'm very invested in history/literature and she's a normal person#also I feel like my social skills have definitely deteriorated as of late :/#I'm going to be 30 next year and I won't even have my MA ;-;#excuse me as I mourn my 20s and my own inability to call a duck a duck for whatever reason#I'm not sure how much of this I can blame on bipolar disorder#it seems very catholic of me to deny myself any love and avoid things that I might actually enjoy#my chatter
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dalekofchaos · 16 days
Chloe Price is a lesbian
Every now and then I see people headcanon Chloe as Bi or pan. While that isn't bad, I just have to strongly disagree and I would just ignore people's opinions I disagree with. Then I see some disgusting people shipping Chloe with David, Nathan, Frank and Damon and....I just have to make this post.
Chloe Price is a lesbian. There is no evidence of her being interested in men. People can experiment and then realize they are gay and only interested in one specific gender. Just like Willow Rosenberg is a lesbian.
“But Joyce said Chloe had a boytoy phase and had condoms” Joyce is an idiot. Also, that really confirms that it was nothing ever really serious for Chloe. most lesbians dated/kissed/fucked guys before realizing they had no REAL attraction to guys or accepting that. Compulsory heterosexuality guys. If she really feels attraction to guys than yes she is bi but there is a possibility she was with guys because she didn’t realized she had no attraction to them or didn’t accept that.
As for condoms. Condoms aren’t used just on guy’s dicks, they can be used on sex toys to have safe sex with cis girls too (btw yes you can get stds by sharing sex toys in sex without using condoms or sharing the same condom while doing it). and also consider this: trans girls
Before you say Chloe said Jeffershit is “hot for a teacher” gay people can say someone of the opposite sex is attractive, that doesn’t make them Bi or straight. They can see beauty but know they aren’t really attracted, also she was just fucking with Max. You do realize Chloe was fucking with Max, right?
In the scene “boys are so gross”, calls her boy toy phase hella stupid and when max mentions that she couldn’t see Chloe with any of the boys there she says “that’s because you have a good eye” and that she was glad that Rachel had rescued her which to me sounds like a “I thought a had thing for boys and had boy toy phase (as she calls it) but then Rachel made me realize I actually like girls only”
There is literally enough evidence in BTS and LIS to deduce that Chloe Price is interested in girls only. 
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in 2015 Ashly Burch said “I think Chloe is sexually fluid. I don’t think she really likes to label herself in any particular way” buuuuuuut
in 2018 in the farewell stream:
“When they read over their predictions Ashly said (in reference to the thing about them each being on their 2nd boyfriend) ‘clearly Chloe hadn’t realized some stuff yet’ lol” (as in she didn’t realized yet that she didn’t like boys and liked girls aka lesbian)
Then in LIS:TC Wavelengths. Chloe says this in Steph's flashback
"Check out all these booths pretending they give a shit about us for one month out of the year."
Vocal confirmation about Chloe's sexuality.
Also Chloe's concept art, you literally couldn't get a more queer answer if Ann Bony rose from the grave and slapped you with a pride flag
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I blame DONTNOD/Deck 9 and Square Enix for not allowing Chloe to be more overtly forward with her queerness. To me, Chloe is a butch lesbian and Zak Garriss can go to hell with his "probably gay" bullshit.
Say it with me kids. Chloe Price is a lesbian.
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
I saw a twitter thread that was giving reasons for Nancy Wheeler being a lesbian and I gotta say, I agree. At least that Nancy is NOT straight. The way she interacts with Barb….dude, do you know how many of the stairs conversations (from season one before Barb disappears) I’ve had with friends who were secretly seeing me??? The whole “this isn’t you” after Nancy lies about where she’s going and the way she reacts with her facial expressions…..bro, they’ve kissed before. This has been said a million times here and otherwise since season one.
But with the level of grief and guilt she goes through in season two, I’m seeing that right now in myself as someone who just had one of their best friends pass away suddenly who was also an ex. The whole “bullshit” Stancy Halloween fight could be chalked up to grief and liking Jonathan sure, but I think it’s way more than that. I think she’s calling everything bullshit including herself because she lost the one person who saw her, someone she loved more than just platonically.
Then season three is mostly just her fighting with Jonathan if you really think about it, because she wants to be more than just a sandwich girl at Hawkins Post. Someone Barb would be proud of. We only see her really happy with Jonathan in season three when they wake up late and she sneaks out and the soft moment they have at the end when he’s leaving. Other than that they’re either fighting with each other or fighting monsters. Robin calls her a “priss,” but before Steve she was just kind of a…nerd. Like Robin. Maybe they ran in the same circles? We know they don’t know each other in person, at least Nancy doesn’t know HER.
FOLLOW ME HERE: What if Robin knew Barb?? What if Barb confided in her that she had feelings for Nancy, but that Nancy was dating Steve and we know how hard Robin goes for her friends so she just made this assumption that Nancy is a priss????
Then season four of course, we see Nancy not going to California. She’s frustrated that Jonathan wouldn’t be coming and she stayed for the basketball game for her front page news right?? Why didn’t she take another flight hmmm??? And we think she’s jealous of Robin, but what if she was jealous of Steve??? Because we don’t really have indication that Steve and Nancy have spent much time around each other since summer ‘85…but Robin and Nancy go to school together. Robin is in band which means they’re in the same room *hypothetically* for the important games that Nancy needs to document. We don’t know how many games Steve went to besides the one, he could’ve been working on some of those games or on dates. So ipso facto, Robin and Nancy have (probably) been in the same room more than Steve and Nancy….why would she suddenly be jealous of ROBIN???
And you can see her genuinely enjoying being around Robin after her monologue at the psych ward when she was being “annoyed” and “on edge” with her before that. I don’t see that as “oh well she started considering her a friend” I think she had a crush, she was on edge because she had lost Barb and didn’t want to feel that way about another girl. But the monologue relaxes her because she realized Robin is just as unhinged as she is, but in a different way. Because Nancy Wheeler is IMPULSIVE. She’s smarter than hell, but she is so careless with her own safety.
Also every time the Bylers shippers contrast the Wheeler siblings really they’re just giving us Nancy Wheeler is gay proof too. Because look at their similar behaviors. They fight and bicker in a way that says “i know what you are, NO I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE”
Also, while I now understand my attraction to men is because I was a queer trans dude the entire time, I used to think it was comphet. But everything I feel about men is different than the way Nancy feels about men. It feels forced, it feels like she thinks she HAS to have a boyfriend and HAS to force a real connection with them. COMP. MOTHERFUCKIN. HET.
In conclusion, for the love of god, let Nancy Wheeler kiss girls. Natalia wants it, the fans want it. Give us a SMOOCH.
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dyemelikeasunset · 11 months
would you be able to include flag country names for the dom&mor characters lineup? ty!
(i love how diverse all your art and characters are, i wish i could read thru all about your ocs and stories like browsing through a wiki in an autism way)
THANK YOU!! In fact I can do you one better and write little blurbs for everyone! Including our leading ladies too of course Under the readmore:
Mor's side
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Morgan: Jamaican American Lesbian. Mor's parents came from Jamaica but she was born in the US, where she grew up with her mom in Boston before moving to NYC. Mor went to university for a BA in Graphic Design and met most of her friends there. She works from home these days. Mor doesn't really realize she's the resident Pretty Girl in her group of friends (she has bad self esteem)
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Lexi: American Nonbinary Lesbian. Lex met Mor in high school when they both played on the softball team, and they both came out to each other. They've been able to stay friends all these years cause their tastes in girls are wildly different. Lexi belongs to a different group as the rest of Mor's friends since they didn't go to the same college, but they're Mor's very annoying ride-or-die
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Panos: Greek Ethiopian and Bisexual. Panos met Mor through their shared degree and has been a mentor and big brother figure for her since. They help onboard her to a lot of projects, and the two of them rely on each other professionally. He never really stops talking about his wife and daughter-- it's the price everyone has to pay, since he's so reliable and understanding and helping everyone all the time
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Ryan: (Sansei) Japanese American and Gay. Out of Mor's art friends, Ryan is the one who's most practical about his job. Instead, he puts his energy into being a menace in his dating life. He loves to gossip about his and Mor's very messy love lives and is convinced Morgan is just as much of a heartbreaker as he is behind her innocent facade. She has unfortunately told Ryan all her dirty laundry so he teases her relentlessly every chance he gets
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Barjis: Malay Trans and Bisexual. Barjis came to the US with their boyfriend to pursue their degree and also start their transition. They have a surprisingly cute illustration style and work with Panos and Mor often. They love to talk animated movies with Morgan, and it's one of the few things that gets them to talk a lot. Very skittish and tired all the time, and has a bit of a fear of "normies"
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Elsa: Norwegian Lesbian. Elsa is Mor's unwitting rival in love because they always crush on the same girls (Ryan loves to tease her about this). Elsa is currently losing (Mor: 7, Elsa: 2) but she's not bitter, just single and sad. She's currently working in web journalism even though she wants to publish her novel. Friendly and considerate, but awkward
Dom's side
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Dominique: Korean/Chinese and Asexual. Dom was born in Beijing but grew up in Seoul with her mother. She started working as a model at 16 and moved to the US alone when she was 18. She's currently coming back into the modeling world after a 2 year hiatus. She's charming and good at socializing, but she doesn't really know how to make friends, which frustrates model coworkers who want to be closer to her
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Farid: Afghan French and Gay. Farid became a model in his late father's footsteps, so he's often accused of being a nepo model. He's fussy and annoyed easily, but he can never refuse helping people. One of Dom's only real friends, he's a bit like a little brother to her and relies on her a lot. He has a bad habit of dating married men and acting like it doesn't matter to him (it matters. A lot.)
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Maithili: Indian Canadian and Pansexual. Maithili is breezy and easy-going, but behind her dreamy facade is a very level-headed personality. She works with Dom often for body diversity shoots, but she'd really like to do more high fashion. Very flirtatious, calls Dom and Farid her "work boyfriends" all the time
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Wynter: British Trans woman. Wynter started modeling a little later than her peers. She was scouted after a big transition point, so modeling has brought her a lot of euphoria. She's one of the more mature personalities in Dom's life, and looks after her and the other models a lot. She lives with her boyfriend and is hoping he'll propose soon
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Evita: Argentine American and Bisexual. Evita started as a social media influencer and has been able to make her way to the runway as a petite model. Despite their nonchalant persona, they work very hard and are very passionate about their job. Her current romance hangup is how oblivious Dominique is, and she knows she needs to move on
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Inessa: Russian (and no fruity business). Inessa met Dom backstage at a Fashion Week while having a breakdown that Dom helped her through, so she's been attached like an inprinted duckling ever since. The type of straight girl who is obsessed with pretty women in a platonic way, so she really wants to get to know more about Dom's cute new girlfriend
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storiesofsvu · 1 month
I don't understand why people are so insistent on pushing Emily's sexuality into being lesbian. Don't get me wrong, I also want Emily to have a girlfriend (though not JJ for me, sorry—I don't understand the urge to pair them together, especially when JJ has been married for 10 years with 2 kids). However, with Tara, for example, I'm all for it. I know the initial plan was for Emily to be a lesbian, but throughout Criminal Minds' 16 years, we've seen Emily love men too. Why couldn't Emily be bisexual? Why do people keep pushing her sexuality into something she might not be? And why do people love to tear apart a marriage for their ship? I'm all for it if JJ isn't married; I shipped them before JJ got pregnant and got serious with Will. But now, in my opinion, Jemily is as bad as Jeid, sorry. I really just want to understand; this isn't a hate ask
Bruh I am on the same page as you.
In early seasons, yeah I ship jemily hardcore, there’s so many little moments that linger and toe the line of platonic relationship. Then the writers/show runners knew what they could tease/bait into getting more views/people to come back week after week & continued to do it. (Aka 200/them hallucinating each other).
And that’s the exact same thing that AJ’s comment in that interview was… bait. Theyve already clairified that Will isnt dying/divorcing, the actor just isnt returning. To do jemily in s17 makes no sense, esp after the health scare in s16 that will came out on the good side of, if theyd killed him off in s16 then maaaaaaaaybe.
Now imo, Temily in s17+ does work. They used s16 to establish tara as queer, and then could easily use that progress of emily either saying that she’s bi or having her start to question her sexuality & bonding with tara over it until they realize feelings.
YES. THANK YOU. And yeah she was supposed to be a lesbian originally but there is no erasing the men she dated in canon, no matter how much people may hate them. (Imma get hate for this but i didnt mind Mendoza…) and THAT likely comes from such biphobia/bi erasure within the lgbt community, which is unfortunate. If emily was to be queer in s17+ she would either be bi, or be a late in life lesbian, realizing that maybe that’s why things never seemed to work out. Honestly, i’d prefer her to be bi. We dont have enough representation on television.
I guess i dont really have an answer, but those are my thoughts 😂😂
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themickey · 4 days
mickey headcanons
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when she first came to the house at 11, she knew very little english since growing up and going to a mostly french candian school. eliza was one of the first to try and bridge the gap because of her language skills
her accent went down over the years in woodrow but since moving back to canada four years ago, it's come back stronger so for the funeral, yall have to imagine an annoying french canadian accent when she speaks
mickey views richard as her dad because she never had one and pretty much imprinted on him
she never truly came out as a lesbian to the other wards but it was veryyy obvious. she used to steal the older boy's clothes when they went off to college before richard allowed her to shop in the men's department. she used to have much shorter hair, first cutting it off when she was 17 but has let it grow out to her current shag haircut in recent years
jessica was her first girlfriend. they met in college when they were 20 and started dating when they were 21
her and jessica have an orange tabby cat named bob. bob cat hehe
she first became obsessed with space when her grade 5 class had to do a project on the space race
her favorite movie is the 1995 hit apollo 13. she saw it in theaters 5 times and begged richard to add it to the household movie collection, which he of course did
she and esti were academic rivals growing up because they were both really good at math and science and when esti went off to college the year before mickey, she was sad to no longer have her as a challenge
natalia helped mickey with her english and in turn mickey helped natalia with her math
her favorite constellation is orion (this is also my own favorite lol)
she considers reece her best friend even if she is not reece's. reece used to get mickey in trouble for teaching her bad words in english and telling her they meant something else. she was always getting dragged into reece and dante's trouble because she liked being included
reece was also her first kiss when they were both realizing they like girls but mickey cut it off when it started feeling weird the more she viewed everyone as her siblings. she never told the others about this though
she mostly goes by mickey because she hates the way americans call her michelle instead of michèle
she wasted a lot of her allowance growing up on buying comics and video games and doesn't care about fashion which is why she looks and acts like a perpetual teenage boy
she got accepted into MIT but the idea of being so far away from home scared her too much so she decided to go to richard's alma mater instead to stay at home. she officially moved away in 2001 when she accepted her job in montreal
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mattodore · 1 year
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coming into who he is later in life than most, julian is no stranger to being asked, "don't you feel like you've already wasted too much time? aren't you worried you won't be able to get what you want?" it's a no-brainer for julian that he can accomplish anything he sets his mind to, but he always gives a measured response to these kinds of questions. he asks, "does the garden snail give up halfway to the leaves? does the giraffe retreat if the tree is too tall? i'm doin' this because it's the only way i can live. i'm doin' this to be me."
julian for @rainymoodlet's kiss me in komorebi bachelor challenge 💕
name: julian lee vance
age: 37 (adult, born may 30th)
traits: ambitious, goofball, neat (+ cheerful and worldly)
aspiration: master chef, julian wants to master and try all kinds of dishes from around the world
height: 5'9" but insists he's gonna grow more if he keeps eating right
background info:
julian went through most of his young adult life doing what he thought was expected from him, so coming into his 30s found him unhappy and lifeless. he needed a change bad. he started simple: every day he was gonna set aside some time from his grueling work as a lawyer to make himself a proper meal—after all, he really needed to lay off the take-out. from there, julian found himself with a real sense of passion for something and he knew it was a source of joy for him that he needed to pursue.
julian married his high school sweetheart, jeannie, straight out of school, but the relationship ended in divorce soon after he turned 21. the long distance between their out-of-state colleges was a natural stressor, but julian realizing he was gay after encountering another man like him at a party blew the whole thing wide open. jeannie freaked out on him and they didn't speak for over a decade. later, when they were both in their early 30s, jeannie messaged him on social bunny to tell him she'd recently come out as a lesbian, and said, "ain't that funny, jules? it's like we were searching for our community the whole time." they've been close ever since.
julian heard the news about daniel taylor coming out and starring in his own show from a friend of a friend. he'd never heard of a dating reality show for men like him before, so he found himself curious and started watching clips from your dad's garage online. six hours into a deep dive on daniel taylor later, he found himself flustered and feeling a little bit silly for crushing on a guy he'd never meet. a week went by and then—drunk on the same wine he was using to make beef bourguignon—he sent a messy, poorly formatted, rambling submission into kiss me in komorebi talking about how much he wants to meet daniel. a little hungover the next morning, he sent a little prayer out thanking every higher power out there that he hadn't sent any selfies or actual identifying information about himself in the application and no one would ever know it was him.
jeannie was the one who sent julian's new and improved application into kiss me in komorebi for him! after he told her about his new crush and the embarrassing application he sent in while wine drunk, she seriously started drafting an application for him then and there. "it'll be good for you," she told him. "And anyway, you're tryin' to be more adventurous, aren't you? isn't this an adventure?" she hit the submit button while sitting beside him, laughing and patting his back while he hid his face.
fun facts:
julian actually loves reality shows! he's just not one for dating shows because he always feels bad for the people who just wanted to find love but got sent packing. his favorite reality shows are the ones where he gets to see people working on their passion craft. cooking, special effects makeup, tattoos, fashion, drag, and recently woodworking... he loves all of it.
julian is big on adventure (a new trait of his!) and is always willing to try new things out at least twice, because everything and everyone deserves a second chance.
anthony bourdain was his biggest inspiration in throwing his law degree to the wind and changing his entire career in his 30s.
middle eastern cuisine is julian's favorite type of food.
his favorite thing to eat is shakshuka, one of the first meals he had at jeannie's house after they reconciled.
the scar on julian's jaw is from a cooking accident when he was just starting out. sometimes you just get a little too overzealous while trying to cut into an egg plant. julian's distaste for egg plants now is basically just a fear response.
julian loves how food brings people together. to him, food is a conversation between cultures, between languages. it's a connection to everyone who came before him and everyone after.
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notstilinski · 1 year
Abbott Elementary Starters !
Taken from season two the 2022 ABC series, Abbott Elementary! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers!
“I took it as an opportunity to grow. Not physically, of course, because I can’t reach the top shelves in my apartment.”
“Sea (Name) is very different than Land (Name).”
“If this is what they expect of us, it’s can’t be unrealistic.”
“Are you about to get evicted?!”
“I thought coming into work a full adult would be my solution, but I’m drowning.”
“I get it now. I’m not not a fan.”
“Then why do I have to see Chris Pratt everywhere?!”
“Oh, I don’t do that anymore. Because I’m in therapy and anger management.”
“Oh, we don’t take bribes — That aren’t in the form of money.”
“I think she’s saying I’m a broke boi.”
“(Name), I said that I don’t want to go to a strip club with you.”
“I hope all the kids aren’t here today. Yesterday, almost everybody was in attendance and it almost broke me.”
“You don’t want to be a corny legend.”
“Ya’ll gotta stop playing God with that boy’s life.”
“I’m not in the mood to improve-d at.”
“(Name) tells me I sound like a lesbian. I’m working on that.”
“And one of those is the right side, which is mine.”
“Are you two in a fight? Looks like ya’ll in a fight.”
“Poison? You know I ain’t poisoning anybody. If I’m taking someone out, I want to watch them go.”
“I’m starting to think that I didn’t grow into the person I’m proud of because of it, but maybe I did despite of it.”
“What’s that I taste? The taste of sweet victory?”
“Who does everybody get so surprised when I say I’ll help? I’m a professional.”
“You time yourself going to the second floor?”
“It don’t count if I don’t have my Fitbit on.”
“I haven’t seen you this made since the bartender cut you off at the batting cages.”
“Disguises, crime, looking hot? These are my specialities.”
“Okay, well, thank you for the donation to my mouth.”
“I’m just one of those people where chaos really affects my mood so I’m just gonna call it a day.”
“Ghost, ghouls and new friends.”
“Oh, like y’all came tell these moderately attractive white men with bears apart.”
“You truly do have the taste of a middle aged midwestern mama.”
“And now you’ve made me an accessory.”
“I Googled it. But I like to maintain that aura of dark mystery.”
“This is cutting into my pre happy hour hour.”
“All these wasted eggs when the (Name) is in town. Now I’ve got to throw a Molotov cocktail at their bus.”
“And I want to shield them with the best defense: Positivity.”
“The emergency is… I don’t feel like it right now.”
“Merry Capitalism to you all.”
“You know what? They’re a lot like paint fumes. Small doses? Fine — Even somewhat enjoyable. But too much just gives you a headache.”
“Yeah, after I introduce myself, you know. Start dating, get super clingy, abs go through his phone he might be.”
“That’s right. Now go ahead and make Juvenile proud.”
“Is that my work husband grinding on my work nemesis?”
“I’m sorry, you look like you’re in deep thought.”
“I drink a lot of Snapple so I kind of know some facts.”
“I know plenty of people who have counted me out before and, while I have absolutely no way of confirming this, I’m positive they’re all dead.”
“Sorry, so your- You dad, he hired an actor to play his child instead of just asking you?”
“Don’t look at me like that, he gave me his number.”
“I was both the hostage negotiator and the hostage.”
“Well, I’m a pacifist. You mess with me, I’ll pass a fist across your face.”
“We are watching the first Toy Story because the third one makes me cry.”
“What in the Earth, Wind and Fire is going on here?!”
“Okay. She’s robbed a child.”
“Aw. Disposable income.”
“Do you want to pinch my cheeks? My mom says it helps.”
“Well, that was before I realized that I have an insecure attachment style. I now recognize it for the disdain that it is.”
“I don’t think an adult has ever apologized to me before.”
“I will kick your (Name)-loving Valentine’s Day ass right out of this building.”
“Shame. So hot, yet so annoying.”
“I am one minor inconvenience away from putting this whole day in rice.”
“Mandates are nothing more than fervent suggestions.”
“Just because you got a round face like the Teletubbies sun baby doesn’t mean that the world revolves around you.”
“It’s cool that no matter what I do, no one is happy.”
“Let’s say that (Name) has a bubbly personality to cover up deep-seated mommy issues.”
“The silver lining about dating is that you only have to be correct about someone /once./“
“Last night, as the kids would say, was a film.”
“That is bisexual erasure. I expected better from you.”
“You’re a dork but you’re messy.”
“Weird cash floating around? Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Come on. Let’s go bully some sensitive artists.”
“Now you two need to get on board. Who we fighting first?”
“That’s why Mothers Day was invented. So less mothers would leave their families.”
“Don’t give Jesus my credit.”
“Nothing good has ever come from nerds whispering.”
“It’s because you abandon people, and it’s nice to finally hear you say it out loud.”
“People had hopes for you, and they gave up on me!”
“I get why you left (Name), it just kind of felt like you left me, too.”
“My night terrors have spread into day terrors. I can’t tell if I’m asleep right now or if this is some kind of waking nightmare.”
“Why can’t you ever give me credit for a good idea?”
“My lies don’t discriminate.”
“Never have I been so happy to hear such explicit content.”
“At the end of the day, they have to decide who they want to be. And this one decided to be a jackass.”
“So what you’re going to do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off, come back here tomorrow and do your job.”
“People have thrown dirt on my name, others have given flowers. It’s all a garden to me.”
“I love the company of others. But I’m trying to like my own.”
“I’m just gonna go back to avoiding her and never asking her for anything.”
“You would beat my ass, wouldn’t you?”
“The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass.”
“Note to self: New way to manipulate. Step one: have a daughter. Step two: Play the long game.”
“I’m a master forager. My speciality? Mushrooms.”
“I don’t know how to leave this conversation.”
“I’m counting on those tiny fists for very precise blows.”
“Yeah. I take all your recommendations seriously — I want to know why you like stuff.”
“Uh-uh. I don’t like clanks in bags. Clank-clank leads to clink-clink.”
“No wonder your dad’s a landscaper, the way you beat around the bush.”
“You need to be better at hiding things with your face.”
“Everybody I like knows it. (Name) and Diego Luna has seen my tweets.”
“If I don’t get a smooth eleven hours, I get a little handsy.”
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I've seen others on here complaining about pierriq before but only now looked at her posts and she literally isn't even offensive, she's basically the average Taiwanese feminist i.e against dating and sex with men, supportive of lesbians, anti-surrogacy, anti-corset, anti-porn, anti-selfid… I think too many of the girlies on here are too used to being coddled and babied and "of course you're a good radfem despite having a man! of course you're still a good radfem despite having a man's baby!" whereas Taiwanese radfems are highly against it and would laugh in the face of any woman claiming to be a feminist who does that stuff. Radical feminism is more than just writing "lmao KAM" online and then going about your day with your boyfriend/husband. A lot of radfems on here are basically normal women who just are against porn and makeup and TIMs in women's spaces who call themselves radfems because they have no other word to refer to themselves as, they have no intentions of actually doing anything to challenge the patriarchy because "it's too difficult uwu Not being with a man is impossible uwu You want me to die alone uwu" This is why I only follow other lesbians and women who are from or originally from non-western countries, the level of understanding is much different.
warning I am gonna get a little personal and maybe trauma dumb a bit uwu
the moment I realized western feminists will never understand me is when they write posts disparaging separatists by weaponizing women in global majority countries against us, and then finishing off with “men will become more violent if we stop being with them/doing what they want us to do” like I am very painfully aware of that I could’ve been a victim of honor killing but I still took the risk to live a life worth living. I lost my family, my country, my home, I have not seen my nephews and nieces (the only family members I care about) and my bestfriend in almost a decade, my asylum case is stagnant, I am not doing well financially and I have been very mentally ill and I am still recovering but that also caused me physical health complications, all of that because of the trauma I went through, but I would still run away again in a heartbeat because this is preferable to living a life where you are constantly fearing male violence and having every decision dictated by someone else, fucked against my will and giving birth to children I don’t want. and anon it’s not just me, so many Arab women are fleeing to seek asylum and some of us didn’t make it, so we are the global majority women that you use in arguments but when those women like myself and when Asian feminists that they all love to hype up so much actually speak up here and challenge them, suddenly we don’t matter actually because we are worth less than their comfort. so they don’t get me and I don’t get them, I fought and survived to live this life, to enjoy rights they were born with, and they decided to be comfortable and not think about anyone else.
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audoodle · 8 months
persona 5 party and how gay I think they are (also I get very distracted writing post canon ideas and write a lot about haru)
(also disclaimer I'm going to be describing anime girls as butch and femme I know that NONE of these characters are anywhere close to butch because the men who made this game don't know what that is. I'm talking pure head canons. I promise I'm not trying to convince you haru as she exists is butch)
joker - he's a he/him lesbian and if you don't see it I hope you get better.
ryuji - dude doesn't know what he is. people keep telling him he's bi and has had it explained many times but it doesn't add up in his brain.
morgana - your kitty hatred has blinded you from the fact that there's something gender in this cat. nobody knows not even him. nobody has really bothered to figure out.
ann - I could go one of two ways with ann. on one hand she's got like a real adult job and defined sense of style so I could see that just being how she carries herself for a long time but also she's like 17? I could easily see her having a breakdown and completely restyling herself into something more punk and alt because of how much of her image was built up by people not around her. oh she's a lesbian also but you knew that.
yusuke - the least gay. dude is like harry styles or that soccer mom that looks like a lesbian. he just dresses like that and is like "what??? no I don't like men how silly." maybe he'll like men later once he stops being absolutely weird to people and asking them to strip for him but right now he's the straight one to me. (am I a yusuke hater yes)
makoto - makoto is a lesbian and makoto is more femme than you think actually. like after she gives up on being a cop and decides to do literally anything else she relaxes and connects with a feminity she never got to fully explore. she can't really leave her old style behind fully and is probably ending up a he/she and just presents differently based on the day.
futaba - futaba is our most obvious contender for a trans woman lesbian as well as a character who's already trans before the events of the game but honestly imagining that I think that would mean she has the most awful 4chan brainworms about being trans and combined with her depression it she ends up with a lot of self loathing. it's a bad time and as makoto learns more about how she wants to present she realizes how insane futaba sounds (a fight breaks out when futaba calls makoto a theyfab).
or honestly? I can kind of see trans guy or cis ally lesbian futaba? like I could them being the absolute weird 4chan trans lesbian but I could also see her being the kind of girl who trans girls flock to because she's pretty and is also way too online. and then she's like mid 20s and is dating a trans girl she met off 2chan and being like "I used to say kek but if you call someone a passoid one more time I'm going to fucking destroy you."
haru - I said makoto was more femme than you think and maybe you saw this coming but haru is more butch than you think. similar to ann her entire aesthetic is built by what was expected of her and now that she's free of that she kind of accidentally falls into something more butch. I think an underrated aspect of haru's character is how much she enjoys violence.
like obviously we talk about sadist haru as a haha funny but I find something very compelling about the fact that haru has an intrinsic enjoyment of combat. other female characters like ann and makoto talk about feeling uncomfortable and scared in the metaverse while it seems to be a fantastic stress relief for haru. it's probably the most physical activity she's ever done. her satisfaction doesn't come from taking down a target (because you know. taking down her dad didn't go well and then after that she's in the endgame where it's really really do or die). it comes from the process of being in the metaverse and fighting shadows.
and she learns that working up a sweat, destroying things, and getting her heart racing are all things she learns are good for her mentally. after the events of the game when her outlet for that is gone she tries to find something more sustainable to do with her energy from fencing (a safe form of combat and competition), to weightlifting (so she build up more muscles now that she can't summon a persona), and finding something like axe throwing to do as a way to use an axe of some sort again.
I think her green thumb nature stops her form getting a lumberjack occupation so she doesn't get much excuse to use a full size axe and something more aggressive like boxing or MMA she doesn't actually have it in her to hurt someone else so intentionally like that. so she isn't fully back to where she was mentally when fighting shadows but its a routine that really works for her and allows her to relieve stress and gets her stronger so she can work on her gardening which gets more and more physically demanding as she expands her garden more and more.
I think one time the group meets up for the first time after a few months maybe a year and someone (probably ryuji) is like "damn haru you're like the most built of any of us now! right on man!" and haru is like "huh?" because she still sees herself as the way she had been set up to see herself for her teen years. she spends that night looking at old photos of herself and it finally hits her how much her freedom has changed her for the better. how when she was 17 she couldn't have imagined what she would be like now but now she can't imagine anything else.
I still think she dresses femme pretty often when she's going out to fancy parties for work or meeting up with friends. she hasn't given up anything from exporing this part of herself. she's just become a more well rounded (and far too busy) person.
oh uh where was I?
oh yeah she's bisexual. by the way.
akechi - oh this is a gay boy. he thinks joker is into him but joker thinks akechi is also a lesbian. like when akechi kills joker in the interrogation room he's like "so sad to kill the only gay guy I know my age. if things were different..." and then in third semester joker is like "I heard the recording. I'm a lesbian are you not a lesbian???"
yoshizawa - dog I don't know what her deal is. honestly I think she's straight. she doesn't seem like she thinks about romance enough to have an opinion so she's probably comphet.
sophie - she likes girls but doesn't know why. (I could probably write a lot of thoughts about sophia being an AI and how she sees love but the post fell off the rails once and I haven't played strikers since it came out so)
zenkichi - dude is too sad about being a single dad to realize he's probably bisexual.
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ftmcutiepie · 1 year
Answering All The Questions From "Ask Game For FTMs <3" Because I'm A Needy Filthy Slut
I'm an attention whore! I love letting internet strangers know intimate details about me, it gets my girly pussy so wet.
And while I appreciate every single ask I got so far - thank you to everyone who sent one (or two) - that didn't cover all of them so here we go.
Do you have large labia or small labia?
Uhhh not sure what to compare it to? My labia minora are bigger than my labia majora lol if that helps paint a picture?
How high is your cervix? Can you touch it?
Too high for me to touch🥺
How large is your clitoris?
I don't have anything to actually measure it rn so I have to guess.
When not aroused I'd say it's... less than one inch. God I feel pathetic even typing that out😖 In the metric system I'd say it's a bit more than one 1cm that feels like more of an accomplishment. But that's still less than one inch which is. Humbling.
Aroused it's a bit more than 2cm I think. Still less than 1 inch😖 It's embarrassing I thought any one would care about the difference. It's still so tiny and girly it's pathetic🥺
How wet is your vulva on average?
Very wet. Wetter when I'm edging and not cumming. Even wetter when I'm no touch.
How big are your breasts?
Like I said before. Small. Idk the cup size.
But I wish I could get implants to make them bigger🥺
Maybe too big to bind even so I can never hide what I really am. Give real men, lesbians and other ftm girls something to play and torture me with <3
How many kids do you think your husband will want?
My stupid little bimbo brain is a bit confused by this question. Who is this imaginary future husband? Surely I would need to get to know him first to know how many kids he would want?
But in my humble opinion, the ideal state for a confused fakeboy ftm girl to be in / the fastest way to fix us is to keep us permanently pregnant. The second we're done giving birth (or as soon as that's realistically safely possible if that's more your drift) fuck another one into us.
I want my tits to be heavy and swollen with milk, leaking at the most embarrassing of moments. My hips even wider now, undeniably feminine.
And of course, a big belly, proving I'm serving a real man in the most devoted way I can - my letting him fill me with his seed and carrying his children.
Bullet vibes or wands?
I have never tried either, but @aimymisgenderme kindly mansplained the differences to me.
I think I'd choose the bullet vibe because I can shove it inside me my needy pussy🥺
But I also think it could be fun if someone overstimulated me by holding a wand to my clit until I cry😳
Have you ever rimmed a man? What about another girl?
Sadly not. But I want to so badly!
Would you lick another girls vulva if she told you to?
Yes! I want to have lesbian sex so bad🥺
Do you like being spanked?
I love it! Especially having my pussy spanked it hurts so good and makes me kinda dysphoric🥴
What would you cook for a first date?
I really suck at cooking so I would probably go for something easy like pasta or pizza.
What do you look for in a real man?
Not sure what this question is aiming at?
In fantasy, any real man is superior to me and deserves to use my body for his pleasure. I don't deserve to have standards, and I'm a slut desperate for male attention anyways.
More realistically, I want a Dom who gives me guidance and rules and helps me become a better girly slut <3
Are you an undewire girl or a bralette girl?
I only own underwire bras but they tend to get a bit uncomfortable after a while, and most bralettes look more feminine in my opinion and more appropriate for my smaller tits. So as soon as I get a job I'll go shopping for those!
Have you realized you're just a confused girl yet? If so, when did you realize?
Well, getting called a (confused) girl is getting my pussy wet, and my pussy doesn't lie, so that must mean I'm a girl, right?
But sometimes I still get dysphoric delusional and get silly ideas in my head about being a boy.
But @aimymisgenderme is helping me work through that, setting me straight and fixing me! Sir is helping me become a good girl again and I'll be forever grateful for his hard work <3
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crowsblogs · 3 months
I feel like my story with accepting I'm a lesbian is a tricky one, and it only took until mid/late last year to truely accept. I came out at the age of 10 or 11, telling my mom I liked both girls and boys, but she told me I was too young to *choose* that. I came out about two more times over the next year or so, and when I was 12 or 13 I came out to her as transgender (male), and she automatically didn't fully accept it. She told me I was too young and I didn't really KNOW. Well, I wrote her a letter about it and she talked to my uncle's (married, who are gay) for advice, but they really couldn't give any. She accepted it, but it was hard for her. She didn't really use he/him pronouns and also didn't really try using my preferred name, but did make attempts.
When I was 15 I told my therapist that I was being abused by my father, and my mom had been told as it had to be reported. She then thought the only reason I wanted to be a boy was because of the abuse, but it took another year and seeing a doctor to get onto testosterone to tell her otherwise. Around that time I had been friends with/dating a guy that we were not compatible at all with, we were horrible for each other and nothing would've worked out, so my mental health was at a bad low. I identified as gay to bisexual, I think I was too scared of coming to say I only liked girls because that person had also been transmale, and I didn't want him to assume I saw him as female, which I never did. A part of me was also too scared to admit it because, my mom didnt really see me as male, and I didn't want to let her further down by saying I only liked girls. It was hard, I felt as if, even if I didn't identify as male, I still had to like guys.
At 16 I started testosterone hrt. At 18, my mom died. A lot of shit happened and I couldn't handle life basically. I continued to say I was bisexual to gay and then identify then as transmasculine non-binary around 18 as well. Again, I was too ashamed to admit I like only females, also because I absolutely loved male fictional characters (so that had to make me gay mlm, right?)
Then in 2022 I realized I'm not transmale, and that's okay, it's how I thought I identified and that's valid, but I did identify as masc nonbinary. Then I tried to accept that I loved only girls, but I was ashamed because I didn't want to let anyone down by liking them, so I went and said I was bisexual so it'd seem "better." (I also do not care what's in their pants, as long as they identify as female. So yes ily nb and transfems <3 I prefer personality and actions more than anything.)
Something happened late 2023, I'm not sure what, but I set in the fact I'm a lesbian (and also genderfluid). I felt shame, but I have amazing friends who keep me solid, and also joked about being a lesbian. I never had such a strong friend support system before, and they all mean the world to me. I still feel like I'm letting people down by not liking men, but I'm happy now. My little genderfluid and lesbian self can't be happier.
It took a LONG time, but I'm glad.
Thank you for coming to my book reading lol.
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chuthulhu-reads · 4 months
Tumblr media
[ID: A page from Fruits Basket. In the first panel, Megumi is looking up as his sister, who is just barely off-panel with her arm visible at the very edge, says, "...actually... I was a little... jealous, too..." The second panel is solid black with Saki's thoughts in white text as she continues, "It felt like the Sohma family had taken Tohru-kun from me. It left me feeling... lonely." The third panel is the rest of the page and wraps around the other two, and shows Saki pulling out her hair tie, releasing her long, wavy black hair and smiling gently as she says, "But... you are right. That's why I cannot be selfish..." Just above Saki's head is a quote from Megumi earlier in the chapter, saying, "Respect the other person's feelings." End ID.]
I used to be obsessed with Saki Hanajima for reasons I couldn’t identify as a 14-year-old but I am holding my younger self’s face in my hands and gently saying: it’s because she’s beautiful and self-possessed and you are very much a lesbian, and that’s okay.
...Also nowadays I find it really hard to NOT read Hana as a barely-closeted lesbian who’s in love with Tohru. I mean, everyone in the manga comes off like they’re in love with Tohru, but Hana's interactions with attraction to men are pretty interesting; she talks about Tohru dating Yuki or Kyo more like a mother seeking solid prospects for her daughter than a teenager talking about booooooyyyyyyyyssssssss, she never seems to notice how absurdly attractive the whole Sohma family is, with the exception of Kazuma… who she only, very flatly, expresses an attraction to after finding out he’s Kyo’s dad, which has two levels to it for me. One is the terror of being outed making you seek someone “safe” to express attraction to, most commonly a male celebrity who’s definitely unattainable (me aged fifteen sitting down, thinking it through, and deciding to be attracted to Taylor Lautner and getting one of his shirtless Twilight posters to seal the decision. That’s how you experience attraction, right?), or, if pressed to choose someone “real”, someone who’s still impossible to pursue due to age/status/something else.
The other level is fucking with Kyo. You KNOW she loves fucking with Kyo. This is not a crush this is a bit and it will go for as long as it has to before Kyo realizes he’s being fucked with (this period will be measured in years). Honestly my favourite read is that Hana and Uo are a goth/jock lesbian duo who have both tragically fallen in love with the same straight girl (we’ve all been there) and bond as besties over that and live with each other during college for a solid two years before they realize they’re also in love with each other and could have been making out this whole time.
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lastsonlost · 2 years
In the winter of 2003, Norah Vincent, a 35-year-old journalist, began to practice passing as a man.
With the help of a makeup artist, she learned to simulate stubble by snipping bits of wool and painting them on her chin. She wore her hair, already short, cut in a flattop and bought rectangular framed glasses, to accentuate the angles of her face. She weight-trained to build up the muscles in her chest and back, bound her breasts with a too-small sports bra and wore a jock strap stuffed with a soft prosthetic penis.
She trained for months at the Julliard School in New York with a vocal coach, who taught her to deepen her voice and slow it down, to lean back as she spoke rather than leaning in, and to use her breath more efficiently. Then she ventured out to live as a man for 18 months, calling herself Ned, and to chronicle the experience.
She did so in "Self-Made Man," and when the book came out in 2006, it was a nearly instant bestseller. It made Vincent a media darling; she appeared on "20/20" and on "The Colbert Report," where she and Stephen Colbert teased each other about football and penis size.
But the book was no joke. It was a nuanced and thoughtful work. It drew comparisons to "Black Like Me," white journalist John Howard Griffin's 1961 book about his experiences passing as a Black man in the segregated Deep South. David Kamp, writing in The New York Times Book Review, called Vincent's book "rich and audacious."
Vincent died July 6 at a clinic in Switzerland. She was 53. Her death, which was not reported at the time, was confirmed Thursday by Justine Hardy, a friend. The death, she said, was medically assisted, or what is known as a voluntary assisted death.
Vincent was a lesbian. She was not transgender or gender-fluid. She was, however, interested in gender and identity. As a freelance contributor to The Los Angeles Times, The Village Voice and The Advocate, she had written essays on those topics that inflamed some readers.
In her year and a half living as Ned, Vincent put him in a number of stereotypical, hypermasculine situations. He joined a blue-collar bowling league, although he was a terrible bowler. (His teammates were kind and cheered him on; they thought he was gay, Vincent learned later, because they thought he bowled like a girl.)
He spent weeks in a monastery with cloistered monks. He went to strip clubs and dated women, although he was rebuffed more often than not in singles bars. He worked in sales, hustling coupon books and other low-margin products door-todoor with fellow salesmen who, with their cartoon bravado, seemed drawn from the 1983 David Mamet play "Glengarry Glen Ross."
Finally, at an Iron John retreat, a therapeutic masculinity workshop – think drum circles and hero archetypes – modeled on the work of men's movement author Robert Bly, Ned began to lose it. Being Ned had worn Vincent down; she felt alienated and dissociated, and after the retreat she checked herself into a hospital for depression.
She was suffering, she wrote, for the same reason that many of the men she met were suffering: Their assigned gender roles, she found, were suffocating them and alienating them from themselves.
Norah Mary Vincent was born Sept. 20, 1968, in Detroit. Her mother, Juliet (Randall) Ford, was an actor; her father, Robert Vincent, was a lawyer for the Ford Motor Co. The youngest of three, Vincent grew up in Detroit and London, where her father was posted for a while.
She studied philosophy at Williams College in Massachusetts, where at 21 she realized she was a lesbian, she told the Times in 2001, when her contrarian freelance columns began drawing fire. She spent 11 years as a graduate student in philosophy at Boston College and worked as an assistant editor at the Free Press, a publishing house that before it folded in 2012 put out books on religion and social science and had, in the 1980s, a neoconservative bent. Vincent's first work of fiction was "Thy Neighbor" (2012), a dark, comic thriller about an unemployed alcoholic writer who begins spying on his neighbors while trying to solve the mystery of his parents' murder-suicide: voyeurism as a means to self-knowledge.
Vincent is survived by her mother and her brothers, Alex and Edward. From 2000 to 2008, her domestic partner was Lisa McNulty, a theater producer and artistic director. A brief marriage to Kristen Erickson ended in divorce.
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whiskeyswifty · 11 months
I wanna know what you think of Olivia's vampire?? Please and thank you 💖 I'm obsessed with your replies
i'm so sorry to report, dear anon, that olivia has never been and is still not For Me, to say it politely. It's very much music For The Kids, and that's great! Younger generations always need things that are their own, separate from the adults in their life. That's not to say it's lesser than anything else because it's for the kids, not at all! It's just for a demographic I'm not a part of and don't feel any kinship to right now (which is a good thing lmao i'm an adult i shouldn't be in spaces for kids). It's also not to say as an adult, you can't enjoy her music! If you're able to connect with it via the younger version of yourself, that's beautiful and i'm so happy for you that teenage you gets to feel validated. So many of my friends love it for how as a teenager, they would have related to it. I connect to a lot of other younger artists right now for the same reasons and because taste-wise, they're doing things that really click with me, so it's just not a good match, olivia and I. that's all!
A number of factors probably are why i don't enjoy her music writ large. 1. my youth was NOTHING like what she sings about. Like polar opposite teenagers truly and my younger self doesn't connect to or relate to anything she sings about. it's entirely too earnest for me then and now, but thats just my personal thing! not a value judgement. 2. she has the post-lorde whisper/raspy/talk singing voice that makes me SQUEAL with laughter when i hear it. idk your age, or if this is now a dated reference, but it's the bananies & avocadies vine voice lmaoooo sorry! It sounds so silly to me because of that vine (rip) and HE WAS prophetic was he not??? sooooo many gen z girls sing like that and it's borderline unlistenable to me because of my brain worms. 4. at this point, if all of the above are also true, and all you have left is "sad story about a boy happened to me", sorry to say but genuine heartbreak songs about boys from girls are just white noise to me. I've been a full blown lesbian for so long at this point, NEW content about women genuinely, earnestly weeping over men just doesn't connect and i can't sympathize or relate or bring myself to feel any type of way about it. that's just not my world, sorry you're going through all that or sorry that happened to you, it sucks and it's terrible, but i'm not interested in engaging with that content. men, straight ones especially, are ancillary at best in my world. you have to be a legacy artist to move me whilst singing about A Man, someone who snuck in early and earned my favor before i realized i was a lesbian (hence the topic of this blog lol). again, not a value judgement! just my personal taste.
about the song itself, it just sounds like driver's license the sequel to me, which is great and not a knock! it makes sense to me strategy-wise. it worked the first time, so if it ain't broke, use the same release strategy for the next album. seems like she has a decent team behind her who are setting her up for success which is great! there are some solid lines in it, but at my geriatric age (over 30 lmao) i'm extremely sensitive to clunky lyrics. blame the near perfectly threaded and composed early taylor work for that i suppose, although i'm sure there are others at fault. a half-formed idea or a half-committed idea turns me off so quickly, and the mixed metaphors in the chorus (?) of the song really make me itch. "sold me for parts" and then the vampire metaphors about consuming conjure totally different imagery and dynamics and the friction between them i find jarring. both are interesting and i would have loved to have seen the depths of each plumbed creatively! commit to one and explore the ways you can weave that metaphor with reality to really pack a punch! however it sounds like a very sensitive situation that she went through so perhaps clarity in songwriting is not possible for this event in her life. idk much about her but that's what i gleaned at least. (WCS is wayyyyyy better and more fully formed and articulate than dear john, to give you an example)
I totally recognize her prominence and am happy for her and all her success! This is not a hater post, i don't have any ill will towards her. i'm not annoyed by her. I don't think about her, unless asked, tbh. i think she's an amazing figure for younger fans to have in their pop culture life and i wish her all the success and happiness in the world!
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menalez · 11 months
i'm sorry if this is going to be long but i'm honestly a bit at my wits ends here. nearly a week ago, i was hit with the strongest realization in my life that i am prob a homosexual who's severely traumatized by everything that's happened to me and hence why it took me a very long time to come to terms with it. i held onto other labels like my life depended on it and although i used the lesbian label before, it was a couple of years ago and it was only for like a month or so before i doubted myself, freaked out, and went with another label. i thought, okay, that's it, i am done with that mess and can just move on with my life. idk what happened recently, but it was a combination of coming across a post by a straight woman who thought she was bi/les before realizing that being online destroyed her brain and made her think she wasn't attracted to men when she clearly was, and how she realized it finally because she noticed only being sexually aroused easily by men's bodies (like when they are topless at the beach or smth), plus a documentary i saw about gay conversion therapy that featured a gay man talking about how he was desperate to be normal and chased after marriage with a woman "with a vengeance" (a thought process i am very familiar with).... there's other things but i don't want this to get too long or triggering for other ppl so i'll stop here. but just like that, it hit me like a heavy truck that i was only into women this entire time and just hated myself so much. didn't helped that many people in my life, including perfect strangers, telling me that they think i'm actually gay. but then i see posts on yr blog about "so called lesbians coming out later in life are actually just bisexual" and now i'm like.... idk what to believe anymore. i wish i can talk about this with other lesbians about this and just let them all determine what i truly am, because the last thing i want to do is come out and then a man comes into my future and ~change everything~ lmao sounds so stupid when i wrote it like that but yeah. i don't want to hurt lesbians with this, but i also don't have to feel like living a lie anymore or keep trying to "heal: myself because anytime i try to do so, even if it's something as simple as looking at pictures or drawings of a p*nis, i feel so disgusted i want to throw up. i know for a fact that there has never been a moment in my life where i felt that real sexual desire over men or male bodies or anything like that, but all of that gets muddied when other factors have been thrown in due to my life events, if that makes sense. like i'm sorry if this sounds horrible but there is a part of me that hopes i am not a homosexual. i love gay men and lesbians just like anyone else, but i just don't want this to be true. i feel like my life has already been hard for other reasons, and putting this on top of everything else will be too much for me to handle and i'll just end up killing myself over it in the end. i want to live and be happy, but i'm just so conflicted over this topic.
just to clarify, i have never argued that the age in which a lesbian comes out means shes actually bisexual or not. i was complaining explicitly about how many bisexual women will use the label lesbian upon realising their same sex attraction later in life, will talk about having been into men etc but will say theyre lesbians *now*. i take issue with these women because i believe there are genuine lesbians who came out later in life being overshadowed by this phenomenon of bi women leaving their ex-husbands and then claiming to be lesbians bc they decided after 2 decades of dating men that they only want to date women (which is fine, but exclusively wanting to date women and exclusively being into women are overlapping yet different things). i think it harms actually "late bloomer lesbians" bc a lot, that ive seen, using that term are indeed bisexual not lesbians.
that said, i can understand your mindset and where you're coming from. but take it from me, rejecting your sexuality and wishing it away and trying to ignore it and trying to change it etc will simply not work. you may ultimately be wrong, sure, and for that reason i encourage you to take your time thinking over your life and analysing your feelings towards men if necessary, and only when you're sure of it declare what your sexuality is. sure, you may end up wrong somehow regardless, there's no guarantee that despite our certainty that we are the sexuality we believe ourselves to be. but if you push yourself into the closet and deny yourself and reject yourself bc of the off-chance that maybe just maybe you're actually bisexual with such a strong preference for women (despite having no history of being into men nor hints of that attraction to them) isn't going to help you either.
your fear does make sense. i went through similar when i was coming to terms with my sexuality and i absolutely did not want to be a lesbian. the thought of it literally put me into such a terrible state of panic, i would've much preferred to just be bi so that i could potentially have a socially acceptable life in my country. but no wishing and rejecting ourselves will change our sexuality, it'll simply make us more traumatised and unhappy. you seem fairly confident in your feelings to me, don't reject yourself with unlikely What Ifs.. as many other bi women said on this topic, there usually ARE signs of OSA throughout their lives, they just explain it away. if u have never & continue not to feel anything sexual towards male bodies, if u have never had a crush on a man including male celebs, etc then i think ur far more likely than not a lesbian. ignoring that will not change ur sexuality, but its up to u how u move forward with that. i can at least tell u that from my experience, accepting myself for who i am has changed my life positively and gave me a will to live that i was lacking in my life prior. its difficult to face discrimination and lesbophobia, but its even more difficult to still face some of that AND on top of it be rejecting urself and hating urself
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