#she just stole a dead guys clothes like-
pinkflames · 2 years
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My experience with e!false so far
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Vaggie: "Okay ha ha, very funny. Who stole me and Charlie's laundry out of the dryer again- Angel Dust!"
Angel Dust: "Wasn' me."
Vaggie: "Are you wearing my fucking skirt!?"
Angel Dust: "Ooooh~ it's a FUCKIN' skirt, huh? This one kept special for when Charlie jumps ya?"
Vaggie: "Que te la pique un pollo- NO."
Angel Dust: "Aw c'mon toots, we all know you have one~"
Vaggie: "Give me back. My skirt. You. Ass."
Angel Dust: "Speakin' of... is it really still YOUR skirt, Vagina, if MY ass is the one lookin' so utterly fine and fabulous in it?"
Angel Dust: "Yeah? Then what's this beautiful thang here, hmm?"
Vaggie: "I don't know because there's nothing there for you to even POINT at, twig twink!"
Husk: "HA!"
Angel Dust: "Ugh fiiine. Since you're being nice an' usin' my preferred pronouns-"
Vaggie: "Twig???"
Husk: "Twink."
Angel Dust: "-I'll hand over the girlfriend-fucking skirt. The delicius heat from the dryer's mostly gone now anyway. Jus' lemme grab something to throw on over it first..."
Vaggie: "Seriously? THAT'S why you took it?? Dryer heat?"
Angel Dust: "Next best thing to hot bath at the end of a day's hard work, baby! A day's VERY hard, throbbing, aching work-"
Vaggie: "I will throw this spear at you. I WILL ruin your stupid hair."
Husk: "Fucking do it."
Vaggie: "YOU shut up too. You're the one who taught him this in the first place, aren't you?"
Husk: "WHAT? I don't put on your fucking skirts!"
Angel Dust: "Wha' about her non-fucking ones?"
Husk & Vaggie: "Shut up."
Angel Dust: "Touché~ Protestin' too much, me thinks~”
Vaggie: "Husk- we all know you're the one waiting for the dryer to finish so you can drag the laundry onto the floor and sleep on it!"
Husk: "That's bullshit- you've got no proof-"
Angel Dust: "Cat hair, Mr. Whiskers."
Husk: "The fucking hotel has a cat!"
Vaggie: "That smells like a bar and also sheds feathers?"
Husk: "FUCK."
Angel Dust: "Don't break yourself up over it, kitten daddy- If you hadn't shown me the joys of laundry shopping, I'd never have known how GOOD I look in this jacket."
Vaggie: "???? You- IS THAT CHARLIE'S!?!?"
Angel Dust: "Goes good with the skirt, huh? If you two had a kid, they'd fucking SLAY."
Angel Dust: "Look- she's the only one in this fancy prancy hotel that's got the same measurements as me, at least in the shoulder, hips, and torso department! The only one who's clothes don't smell like dead deer and dusty old radios, anyway!! I'm kinda low on options here, okay?"
Angel Dust: "Orrrrr, you two could adopt me as you gay lovechild and give me some fuckin' hand me downs. Or money."
Vaggie: “OUR WHAT!?”
Angel Dust: “Fuck it, give me money an’ I’ll buy my own clothes, mom.”
Vaggie: “I. Am. NOT-”
Charlie: “-hey guys! Has anyone seen my….”
Charlie: “…uh, Vaggie? Why is Angel Dust dressed like our gay lovechild?”
Angel Dust: “HA!”
Charlie: “And did he just call you ‘mom??’”
Vaggie: “I give up. Anyone needs me, I’ll be in the laundry room, shoving myself in the dryer on the hellfire setting.”
Husk: “You’ll have to fucking drag Niffty out first.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Charlie: “What?”
Angel Dust: “WHAT”
Husk: “She was crawling in head first when I left after waking up- uhh- after getting something.”
Angel Dust: (shrieking) “AN’ YOU LEFT HER THERE???”
Vaggie: “Oh shit-”
- meanwhile, in the laundry room-
THUMP…. Thump………… thump
Alastor: “…”
Alastor: (reaches over to knock on dryer door)  
Alastor: “Having fun, dear?”
Niffty: (flopping limply half out of dryer) (battered) (scorched) (GRINNING) “Ow pain!”
Alastor: “Quite.”
Niffty: “Heheheh… heHEHEHEH.”
Niffty: (sets the dryer to max again) “More…. PAIN!!!” (shuts door from the inside) (grins from other side with her face pressed against the glass)
Alastor: “Fascinating.”
Thump…Thump. Thump. THUMP THUMPTHUMP-
Cherri Bomb: “…”
Cherri Bomb: “…Know what? You kids have fun. I’m just gonna go, like, break into someone’s house and murder them so I can use their washer and dryer. That’ll be less fucked up than….. whatever this is.” (hefts basket of bloody laundry and bombs) (waves over her shoulder while leaving) “Bye~”
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billysgun · 6 months
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billy the kid x fem!reader |requested!|billy comes and saves you when you're kidnapped and beaten by a rival gang|
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saliva and blood poured out of your mouth before being immediately soaked by the cotton rag you're gagged with. your head felt too heavy to hold as you slowly leaned forward on the chair you were bound to.
the thick ropes needles scratched into your wrists as you felt your ribs ache once you lifted your head to the loose bulb swinging above you
you can feel your side bruising from how the gang members grabbed you and stole you away. using you as a way to get to billy.
"darlin' you're really out of it, ain't ya?"
the old man chuckled as the group surrounded you, luckily, no ones touched you since the rope was tightened around you.
you prayed billy wouldn't show. seeing how there were about 10 men around you right now, how many are outside patrolling?
it would just end with you both dead.
as your head tilted back again and the buzzing light swarmed your vision, you felt it cave into a black darkness and you went limp.
"aaand, there she goes again."
you flinched awake as the thumb pressed into your temple, lifting your head up as one of the old men examined your face
"yeah, she ain't dead" he grunted before stumbling off, your head was pounding and you felt like gagging on the cloth that was stuffed down your throat.
"stay awake for us, doll. we need ya to be here when the kid comes" the presumed leader of the group told you, you felt your legs start to slowly shake as you imagined billy being gunned down-
everyone flinched as the first shot rang out.
your eyes were wide and wild as you started chanting prayers in your mind that it was the members fighting or a stray bullet, but as the main man smiled and ushered a few men to go outside, you knew billy arrived.
"thank you for bringin' him, doll" he smiled, rotting teeth showing before taking his gun and storming outside as a few men crowded around you
another shot, another shot, another shot
"damn, why they ain't get him yet?" one of the men rasped before getting his pistol out and storming off
"guard the door, will ya?" he mumbled before leaving and you were left with 3 men surrounding you
"billy chose a pretty one, huh?" they all chuckled lowly and twirled your hair as they talked about having their way with you before ultimately murdering you
suddenly, the familiar shots of gunfire came to a stop and the men rushed to the window
"did they get him?" they whispered excitedly
"can't tell" one answered back, only then, the door behind you busted open and you let your head fall as bullets flew passed you and into the heads of all your kidnappers
you didn't even know you were crying until thick tears soaked your trousers, blood spread around your shoe as you gasped into your gag
the sound of boots quickly rushing you as your ties were off and a bloody gag from a busted lip was replaced with his lips before his wild eyes tapped your cheeks and body to make sure you were alright
"you're okay? you're okay? none of the fuckers did nothin' to you?" he asked frantically and you nodded
"nothin' but bruised ribs and a punch that knocked me out" you slurred, suddenly feeling too heavy again as you stood. he noticed immediately and scooped you up
"I'm sorry...I'm so fuckin' sorry" he mumbled in your bloody hair, tears soaking your scalp as he carried you out
your eyes traveled over the dead bodies that scattered the yard, seeing a familiar set of rotting teeth that were blown out as he put you on his horse
he rode back to your guys' ranch and he scrubbed the blood out of your hair in a warm bath before holding you tight in bed, vowing to never leave you ever again.
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an: i LOVED this request sm!!! and i had a lot of fun writing it!! <333 tysm for requesting!
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kierancaz · 5 months
So I’ve watched atsv enough to start noticing the smallest details and here is one that I noticed:
Before Gwen joins the spider society and leaves home she has her teal converse. You can see her wearing them in her normal day to day life but they’re not part of her spiderwoman consume.
(picture for proof 👍)
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So either somehow she got those shoes before she left her dimension to ad to her costume later and when Hobie asks later “are those my chucks?” He’s asking to tease her.
Or those really are Hobie’s shoes and she stole them because she had the same pair (which I could say she took them because they reminded her of home and she wanted at least some semblance of that. Maybe to remind her that she’s not just Spiderwoman and that she’s still Gwen even though she can’t be in her dimension with her dad who makes her her.)
But yah idk maybe I’ve just watched this movie so much I’m starting to go a little insane or something who knows.
Also, another thing about this scene, when she goes into her room she starts laying out clothes on her bed and taking them off the hangers like she’s planning outfits. And in the script it notes that she may not stay there tonight. But I’m wondering where she may have gone? Like she just got into a huge argument with her bandmates/friends, and it’s noted that she doesn’t really have any other friends besides Miles so outside of her bandmates she’s probably not close with anyone else (and not even that close with her bandmates). Where would she have gone? I’m pretty sure her mom is dead so not there. And I don’t think she would want to go Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s because she still feels guilty over Peter’s death so I think being around them would make her feel even more guilty and isolated (also I think they’re next door neighbors so she wouldn’t really have to pack to go there).
So idk, where do you guys think she was going?
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heartsforvenus · 14 days
imagine dating johnny...
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✿ you'd definitely be someone he picked up in hopes of turning you into dinner if you catch my drift
✿ but i think you'd intrigue him so much that he just couldn't kill you
✿ he probably wouldn't bring you around his family
✿ probably lowkey stalks you before and after you start dating
✿ he definitely just takes you out to bars and calls that a date
✿ don't think he'd do anything really romantic like taking you out to dinner
✿ if he did, he'd probably make you pay
✿ he would give you gifts that he stole from his victims, like jewellery and clothes
✿ extremely possessive, duh
✿ any man that looks in your direction will be found dead in his own home
✿ once the two of you became more serious, he'd introduce you to his family
✿ carefully, of course, he didn't want to scare you away
✿ you'd probably meet cook first, as he's the most relatively normal one
✿ you'd meet him when you went to visit johnny at work at the gas station
✿ johnny would get more comfortable and invite you around to his house and the family house
✿ he knew if you got too freaked out and wanted to leave him, he'd always have the upper hand, no matter how hard it would be to kill you it was family first
✿ if you reacted well to meeting his family, let's just say you'd better plan to stick around forever
✿ i imagine bubba would love you the most out of all of the sawyers, if you're kind to him he'd melt like an ice cream
✿ hitchhiker and sissy would probably like you, too, although you found them a little eccentric
✿ cook would like you if you helped around the house
✿ now, nancy would probably be conflicted about you. she wouldn't like that you distract her johnny from his work and his family, but she wouldn't do anything against you because she could tell how happy you made johnny
✿ just don't stay alone with her too long
✿ johnny would bring you to his shack, but you'd have to clean up after him
✿ how on earth does he live with all of those beer bottles on the floor???
✿ i'm sure you'd have to tell him that you love him first as he isn't one to share his feelings
✿ and he probably wouldn't even say it back that first time
✿ he's not the type of guy for marriage, and he doesn't have the money for it anyway
✿ if you really wanted it, he'd steal you a ring and just call you his wife
✿ overall, he's toxic, but he does love you. he's just a product of his environment, and if he'd grown up with any other family he'd be the best boyfriend ever
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strangersteddierthings · 11 months
Plot Idea I'll never fully flush out or write but gotta get out of my head or it'll never let me know peace again. It's basically Steve sent from the future going all John Wick. if YOU want to take this plot and write it, or if it inspires you to write something, tag me in it. I'd love to read it.
A 26-year-old Steve Harrington gets sent back to the morning of November 6, 1983. IDK if it's like El using her powers to punch a hole in time or like, some other way but everyone still alive has given him something to use as proof of his time-travel and get their younger versions to believe him, because he's got a time limit. No idea how long, but once he's altered history enough that the timeline he left ceases to exist, so will he.
No one he cares about dies this time. It's the mantra playing on repeat in his head as he looks down at the notebook that took Nancy almost three full days of nonstop writing to fill. It's the entire timeline of events, gathered and recounted by everyone still alive, because this Steve has been fighting a losing battle since Spring Break of '86 because Henry won and Hawkins got torn apart and it's been a fight to survive ever since. He's going to stop that from happening.
No one dies this time.
Will doesn't get taken that night, because this Steve is already waiting for him at his house. From Will's perspective this is just some Guy but he's more scared of whatever chased him home then of the person on his doorstep. So, Steve tells him to hang tight and all but shoves him into the house before cutting himself somewhere on his arm and stepping onto the lawn yelling out 'come and get me, ugly'. Of course, the blood draws the demogorgon. And while 17-year-old Steve was no match for just one, this Steve has been fighting packs of them for years now.
He's armed to the teeth and takes it down with precision. He's not unharmed, just one is still fast and dangerous. Steve knows how to fight them now, though. He covers the dead demogorgon with a tarp he stole from his own garage earlier that day and sits on the front porch to wait for Joyce and Jonathan.
Will is both terrified and awed.
Somehow, someway, he gets the Byers to listen. Shows them the dead demogorgon and gives Joyce the notebook from his backpack.
"Read it, and if you aren't convinced, I have more proof of its contents."
And he leaves. The next morning, he has to find El before Benny does, which he succeeds at but just barely. El is skittish and afraid but Steve gets her to trust him. Maybe because her powers brought him back here, she feels a connection to him, a trust that's there instinctively?
He returns to the Byers' house, carrying El the whole way. He stays off the main roads because people are going to recognize him as Steve Harrington and the less people that see him, the better.
Joyce lets him in and immediately fusses over El. Gives her some of Wills clothes to wear.
She's read the notebook cover to cover and has questions. Steve has answers and digs into his backpack to find the item the Joyce from his timeline gave him for proof. Maybe the proof is the same for everyone - individually recorded cassette tapes of their own voices telling them impossible things. Other proof consists of a photo album, pictures of everyone, the destruction of Hawkins, and of the ramshackle home they'd built in the remains of the apocalypse.
Then something something, details pending, everyone gets filled in on the danger that's coming. Maybe the kids get left out this time, get to just be kids or maybe they don't.
Steve meets his younger self and that's just a whole Deal but eventually he gets his younger self to listen. He tells him that being a jackass isn't worth it, and that he's not going to have a reason to change who he is in this timeline, because the events that lead to him being a better person don't happen. He's not going to have his whole life uprooted, so if he wants to be a better, nicer person, he's going to have to pick that life for himself.
Steve doesn't know if his younger self will listen, but he hopes.
Steve hunts down Brenner and shoots him point blank in cold blood. No regrets. Then he shoots the corpse a couple more times. He doesn't get to hurt El ever again. It's only after that that Steve feels the shift, knows that he's going to cease existing by the end of the day, and there's one thing left he needs to do.
He gets Hopper to let him post up with him in his police car at Forest Hills Trailer Park so he can try and catch a glimpse of Eddie Munson, alive and well.
Hopper asks who Eddie is to him.
"Nothing. We never got a chance. Will never get a chance," Steve answers. "Your Steve Harrington won't ever have a reason to even look his way. He died, back in '86. He didn't need to. He shouldn't have."
"You spy on all the other people who died?" Hopper asks. It's not judgmental, just curious.
"No," Steve says, then decides to be honest because he's going to be gone soon anyway, "I barely knew Eddie, but I wanted to love him anyway. Fell in love with his memory, from stories told to me by the kids and Wayne. We were nothing to each other when he was alive, but he could have been everything if we'd gotten a chance."
They don't talk after that. Steve gets to see Eddie arrive home, jump from his van full of life and vibrance and if Hopper notices his silent cry, he politely ignores it.
They drive out to the quarry after. Steve doesn't know what it's going to mean for him to stop existing and he didn't really want a witness to it, but Hopper insisted someone should be or else they'll all just wonder about it.
They stand looking out across the water. Hopper sees something from the corner of his eye and turns to look at Steve but he's not there anymore.
There's nothing left of the Steve Harrington from the future but his actions and a photocopy of the notebook that Nancy made because she wanted to study it, but Joyce didn't want to let it out of her sight. The cassettes, photo's, and original notebook all just disappear before everyone's eyes.
The fight's not over. Henry is still alive, but they're more prepared for him this time around. They know what to expect.
Hopefully that'll be enough this time around.
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bed-of-ashes · 15 days
I love E!False because when you take a step back and look at everyone's series, everybody else has gotten used to that type of roleplay from season 1. They're leaning full into it now with lots of creative liberties, and all of them are using magic as much as they please. Joel is a god, Lizzie's town is full of animals, Shelby is getting kicked out of witch school, Katherine's got her curse, Sausage is restoring magic, etc. And False, well, she's not huge on role-playing stuff—mostly she does hermitcraft. She doesn't have tons of experience, her emotional support Ren isn't here, she's just sorta floating through. Her early lore is about a pumpkin guy just sorta moving about her empire and these dreams she has about builds. She has no memory and she stole a dead guy's clothes, but mostly her videos are kinda like "hey guys today we're building a bridge because I sorta feel like there should be a bridge here :)" She has no scope of how insane she can actually be until the rift happens and she's like "oh shit I've been sorta tame actually" and then she makes a whole plot line about trying to kill her twin sister and getting tortured and imprisoned because of it. Iconic
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ronancebyler · 5 days
Platonic Jonbin headcanons?
oh my god being asked to talk about platonic jonbin??? them and platonic edancy are my favorite underrated platonic dynamics so I will use any opportunity to not shut up about them.
heads up! there will be possible rojancy (without romantic jonbin obviously) and possible stonathan and also possible platonic soulmatism stobin because those are things I cannot get out of my skin.
also! these are all in random order and don't have to exist in the same universe as each other or canon. really this is mostly just me cherry picking what parts of canon I like then saying fuck it and going by vibes!
jonathan and robin are both nonbinary but robin is a she/he sort of nonbinary and jonathan is a they/them sort of nonbinary (this will be the pronouns I'll be using throughout this) (if you see me use different pronoun hcs in different posts shut your mouth)
they have matching music tastes. no, not the same music taste, MATCHING music tastes. like it feels like the songs would get along or would be in playlists of two best friend characters. they're also both incredibly passionate about music so they love saying that each other are the "only music tastes I respect even though I don't listen to all of them" like they're such snobs together (robin is joking, jonathan is not)
they do dress like they came from the same cartoon. it's less that they look similar and more like they have a general vibe to them that when put together feels eerily like the same artist drew them
jonathan finds eddie hot and robin is so personally offended by that because eddie is the person he loves making fun of because it's her personal bully victim (affectionate)
robin and jonathan have opposite tastes in crushes. the singular place it aligns is with nancy wheeler
robin has a thing for people who kind of intimidate her and are incredibly driven/passionate people with a soft side
jonathan has a thing for soft people who love animals and are really kind but with a scary side
"how is she literally perfect????" "i don't even know"
there is something so funny to me about jonathan having a heavy preference for men in their sexuality
"that guy is hot" "he literally looks like he's been dipped in a dumpster what the fuck is wrong with you"
the pattern you're seeing in these headcanons is that they're not similar as much as they are complimentary
robin does jonathans hair. they didn't ask for it, he just showed up to their house with hair products and went "sit down. no you don't have a choice."
this isn't necessarily because she's good at doing hair and more because jonathan's hair texture is just so nice but eventually he gets really good at it
steals each other clothes but will not use it in the same way. jonathan's overwear???? no, that's robin's lasso. robin's shirt???? no, that's jonathan's journal decoration
stonathan with platonic jonbin is so fucking funny and i don't know why more people don't consider this
"MY BEST FRIEND IS FUCKING MY PLATONIC SOULMATE????? oh my god i let them meet is this nepotism" "robin what the fuck" "nonono let her speak"
also platonic soulmates stobin being so welcoming of jonathan my beloved <33
"you stole my best friend and my ex???" "are you actually mad" "no that's funny as fuck you should come for girls nights"
which while we're on that tangent yes jonathan is invited for girls nights yes they are the most girl there no they are not a girl you just don't understand their gender is a candy wrapper at the bottom of a garbage can okay
"I'm infiltrating the secret meetings of all genders." "yes, jonathan, sit down, let me do your nails while robin talks about girls"
jonathan is literally the best person to come to for any crush because while steve will get excited with robin and support his delulu urges jonathan will be dead serious when they say "no she likes you back you dumbass"
when they get flustered from nancy flirting with them they react the exact same, which is they freeze and slowly turn redder
the difference is jonathan goes silent while robin starts talking more to attempt to distract nancy (it doesn't work)
when they panic at the same time their brains temporarily connect so they can yell "oh god fuck oh my god what do we say fuck she's so pretty I'm too gay for this" in each others brains
robin loves her label as being a lesbian very much and he's very connected to it while jonathan could not care less to label their sexuality
"mmm I'm such a lesbian womennnnnn" "have fun with that but also fold your fucking clothes"
they both get each other out of awkward social situations when their token 'knows how to talk to people' buddy isn't there
they also tend to stick to each other when steve is out being sociable in public spaces
as much as i love the idea of steve being robin's beard, i like jonathan as his beard more
people are more intimidated by jonathan for whatever reason so they're less likely to bug them about their relationship
if you're going down the rojancy route, they're dating the same girl so they hang out a lot together anyways so it's a good cover
and if you're going down the stonathan route steve is literally always with robin they can find time to sneak in kisses
"arent you jealous your gf is always with that Harrington kid??" "I'm not even slightly worried i trust her"
robin gets really attached to will and basically becomes will's third sibling
she's also really attached to el so she's ready to bat for the byers family any day of the week
jonathan is the older sister, robin is the older brother, i dont make the rules
(i mean i literally do in this scenario but like the worms in my brain insist)
robin jumps on top of jonathan instead of "hugging"
"hugging is weak we will be commencing a five-step attack plan" "robin."
i now realize how long ive been talking I'll stfu
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𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 ; 𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐱 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
word count: 2.962k trigger warning: lots of cursing, drugs, smoking, one word of fat-shaming (it's that hippie on the movie so don't work up on it), bad flirting, nikki calls y/n 'princess'
waking up somewhere strange wasn't unusual for y/n. only triggering. it seems like the substance won again.
where the fuck i am? remembering some rockers and that she quit her job, she sat up in the bed... the bed?! what the fuck happened last night? lifting the blanket, her clothes were on her, including her jacket. only her shoes were missing. looking around, it wasn't her place, but she didn't put shame on herself as she lit a cigarette from the box that was on the floor. her shoes were also there, so nobody stole them. great. it wasn't hangover, rather weariness. walking out from the bedroom, she found nikki laying on the couch. the sunbeams painted his skin gold. at least he wasn't dead.
turning away from him, she looked into the mirror in front of her. her hair was messy, and she really looked like a homeless people. a stylish homeless people, the blood from her nose dried on her lips and her chin, dark circles under her eyes, probably the makeup.
"jesus fuck..." she whispered. anyway, she gotta call jessica, hopefully she's worried about her runaway friend. opening the front door, y/n saw a telephone on the street, right in front of the house. walking down on the steel stairs, she found some coins in her pocket. dialing their landline, she waited until jessica picked it up. brushing her hair, she leaned on the phone station.
"y/n, is that you?"
"how did you know it's me?" not the usual conversation to start, but at least she knew y/n got away.
"you weren't here and you didn't say a word. where are you? and what was that yesterday?"
the sun was too bright, it tried to carve out her eyes.
"i'm... i'm at a guy, i don't exactly know where, but i think it's still in los angeles. and... i quit yesterday."
"you got away with those guys?" y/n grimaced at the question.
"with those fuckface-brads? hell no!"
jessica laughed at the end of the line.
"no, silly. those rockers guys."
"oh... yeah, them! nikki and... tommy i think? i'm at nikki's. listen, i don't have any coins, so i'm going home some day and picking up my stuff."
"how so?"
"i'm moving out. see you at home, jess." with that, she put the phone down, exhaling, she found sunglasses in her other pocket, and her cigarettes. in the other, she found a... wallet? oh yeah, she pocketed it from last night in the big chaos. tucking the bills into her bra, lightning one cigarette, she didn't know what to do. how to get a new job, how to get more money... what if this shit with nikki and those others gonna work out? it's such a stupid idea to hold into dreams and fictions, and the chance is 1 to 99, but what if that one is the winner? and what's gonna come after that?
an old man walk by her, staring at her like she was homeless. well, she was, but at least she was a hot homeless.
"what the fuck are you staring at?"
as she stood there, she knew she gotta go back to tell nikki that she's gonna be there. or, maybe after picking up her clothes, she's moving to him. she was ready to sleep with a knife either, if he wanted to have sex, but at this point, maybe getting aids from a third, from the plaid they slept in was a bigger danger.
"you still here?" she heard nikki from behind. turning around, she sat down to his legs.
"i just called my roommates. and i really hope that band-shit comes together because i don't know what to do."
nikki rubbed his eyes, nodding.
"we're gonna meet at noon, i called two guys, and tommy. you're gonna be here too, to test your voice at the songs."
"that's fine. listen, nikki, i..." y/n started, but then she shook her head.
"what is it, y/n?" he turned to her.
"nah, forget it." can i live at your place because i become a homeless chick and my only chance is your fucking visionary band?
"you can tell me everything, princess." he winked at her, making her rolling her eyes while smiling. "are you hungry? we can eat somewhere if you want... or steal something because i don't have any bucks, sorry."
y/n reached into her bra cup, picking out the stack of money she just put there. nikki's face lighted up.
"do you want traditional or some exotic?"
"where did you get that money?" nikki asked while picking up his bottle.
"i stole it from those assholes yesterday."
"really? you do it on regular basis or was this a special occasion?" y/n smirked, shaking her head while munching on her pancakes.
"i lost my job, they lost their money. i think we're equal."
"you just amaze me more and more."
y/n looked away. she didn't like when other people saw her blushing.
"you can't like someone like me. i'm way too troubleful, you'd throw out my stuff after two days. i'm a shitty person with shitty problems."
"i'm a shitty person with shitty problems too. the question is, can you sing good enough this noon." nikki brushed her hand. she didn't know if it was accidental or on purpose.
"how good should i be? i sang in the chore of my schools and the orphanage, but i don't know if smoking and drinking soiled it."
they looked at each other.
"well", nikki started, "we'll see. but we need a makeup artist also, so if that doesn't work... we still have a job for you."
y/n smiled at that. why did he want to keep her?
at noon, they walked back to his apartment, y/n decided to pick up her stuff after the 'rehearsal'. sitting on the couch, she waited for tommy to stomp in with a beer in her head, sunglasses on her eyes, her coat still on. instead of him, a fat guy with blonde hair stepped in, making her lift her eyebrows.
"sorry dude, i think you're at the wrong rent. we didn't organize any hippie parties, so-"
"y/n, you already met o'dean?" nikki came after the guy. pulling up her eyebrows again, y/n nodded.
"yeah." standing up and going after nikki, y/n took off her sunglasses. "sorry, but are you fucking kidding? this guy is lamest ass i've ever seen. ain't no way we're gonna work out well." she tried to be as quiet as possible, but she tried to talk some sense into her new friend's head.
"do you really think?" nikki said, searching for his guitar and the cords.
"anybody who's coming right after him is gonna be the perfect with an electronic guitar, but not him."
"just try out! at least someone's coming. but i called someone else too, mick... mars? i think that's his name."
"i bet in one pound of cocaine that he's gonna be better than this guy." she ended the conversation, coughing some to regain her voice. come on, it's like riding a bike, isn't it? once you learn it, you can never forget.
"what song would you like to sing to test your song?" nikki asked her as she walked back. y/n shrugged her shoulder.
"whatever you want."
in that moment, tommy came in too, bringing up his drummer kit too.
"hey guys! is this the new dude?" he asked, placing down the stuff, giving a high five to y/n.
"i think so." tommy saw on her face the slight grimace, but chose to ignore it.
"sorry, but what is she doing here?" y/n laughed at the guy's question. what was his name? she didn't even care.
"i'm the pre-singer, dude. that my rehearsal, just as yours." how can she hate someone just by his presence and his question?
after nikki came back, he chose her 'paint it black' by rolling stones. "really?" y/n asked, looking at him.
"we're gonna try it with more rocks then the original." it meant that she had to have a stronger voice and wide scale of notes.
she pulled a wicked grin on her lips.
"don't even believe for a second."
the first strings of the guitar resonated through her lungs and throat, and she knew that this is gonna be her entrance into nikki's band.
i see a red door and i want it painted black no colors anymore i want them to turn black
i see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes i have to turn my head until my darkness goes
y/n's voice was better than he expected. keeping out strong high notes and variating without any bigger problems, she aced the verses as they kept playing, filling the whole room with her voice, maybe people heard it on the streets, too. turning around at the second half of the song, she looked into his eyes, coming up to him like a diva.
no more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue i could not foresee this thing happening to you
then, as they picked up the drums and the strings again, she began to shake her head and her hips, turning back like there was a real audience. how did this girl not settle into a band faster? she was nearly better than any 'singer' he worked with in his previous bands, but she never heard a girl sing like this, like joan jett, but in the near, no girl wanted to be joan jett. but y/n... she's something else. something new. something bitter and fiery, sparkling and bombing.
if i look hard enough into the setting sun my love will laugh with me before the morning comes
maybe he was falling into love with her.
the song ended, the girl turned and bended before them, just like she was a real singer in a real band. clapping to her, she smiled and ran her fingers through her hair.
"fuck, it was almost better than sex."
nodding, nikki went to get himself a beer, tommy right after him.
"did you like it?" nikki asked him, picking out two beers.
"dude, it was fucking awesome! are we gonna really have a girl as a frontman? well, frontwoman, but anyway!"
"i still want a dude, you know. but... if they sing, maybe we can change vocalists from song to song, because i need y/n, and i need somebody else." he lamented, making tommy nod.
"okay, but please, keep her. i've never heard someone sing like that."
"me neither, dude. me neither."
did he really said 'i need her'?
♡ 𝐘/𝐍 ♡
"bang bang, bitch!" she said after a couple of hours when the hippie was kicked out, closing the door with a bang! after him. mick mars was in, and she was snickering when she heard her solo while sitting on the couch a couple minutes ago.
"what was so funny, little girl? you probably never heard any pro instruments."
y/n shook her head, smirking.
"it was fucking awesome, man. i just said to nikki, that anybody who steps in this room after that guy can be better than him." mick nodded at her words, placing down the guitar.
"nice to know that our singer is also a witch. mick mars." he reached his for her to shake. y/n accepted it, standing up.
"two in one, y/n y/l/n."
now, it was the time to search for a singer. like, a man. she at first found it interesting that just her wasn't enough for the band, but she was lucky that nikki even considered to take her in, and she didn't want a useless conflict in the beginning, so she just kept quiet.
"so... someone mind telling me who's gonna be the other singer in this band?" mick asked. y/n was curious too, leaning her head on her palm.
"well, we already have a crazy, joan jett and aretha franklin-mixed rock chick, so we need is a dude that looks like david lee roth with a vibe like david bowie, and i'm not about to settle for some regular looking, normal sounding asshole."
"so... we're looking for a skinny, blond fucker with moves."
y/n didn't know guys like the one nikki and mick visioned. or, she knew but she ended up in a big fight with him. so... nope, she didn't know anyone.
"wait, guys. i think i know our guy, dudes."
riding in mick's car, y/n sat in the back with tommy. looking at him, she lit a cigarette.
"do you want some?"
"yeah, thanks." he responded, y/n lit it for him. "you were fucking cool, y/n. with you on our side, we can't lose!"
"thanks, toms." she smiled, blowing out the smoke. "and who is your friend? you know, the david lee roth and david bowie-mixed one."
"oh, we were friends in high school. his name is vince, he was the coolest dude i've ever known, so i hope that he's gonna join us."
"yeah", y/n nodded at that, throwing out the butt of the cigarette. "i hope so, too."
arriving to the place tommy told to mick, it was a pool party. this is not what i signed up for, she thought, and as she stepped out from the car, she and mick looked at each other. she was sure that they thought the same thing: are you fucking serious? and the song that was playing...
"fucking my kind of lover? you serious, tommy?" she asked, looking at him through her sunglasses.
"don't you like the song, princess?" nikki asked, stepping beside her. y/n rolled her eyes, then sneaked her arm into the crook of his elbow.
"my trash ex listened to it too. not a wonder he ended up beaten up after a night." nikki snickered at that, and then they smoothed into the partying crowd while mick said that the band of vince's name was shitty. shitty name, shitty band. trying to look at the guy, it was hard for her since she was smaller.
"should i lift you up, y/n?" tommy asked from her, making her look up to him.
"yes, if you want me to choke you with my legs."
"you can think that it's a fret from you y/n, but... it is not." nikki whispered to him. being this close to his face made her blush again, placing her hand on his chest. it was warm and hard from the leather jacket he had.
"stop it, sixx. you and i both know how i meant."
"and do you know what i mean by saying that you're the prettiest girl in the area?" fuck you, sixx. y/n lifted her sunglasses.
"probably that you've not tried enough girls in this area."
"stop it, y/n. we both know what i meant." nikki grabbed the whiskey, drinking from it.
"day-drinker much", y/n said, pocketing away unnoticed the little plastic bags that contained some drugs. well, almost unnoticed as nikki watched the whole procedure as she tucked into her bra, beside the money.
"you keep your id there too?" he asked, making her turn to him.
"wanna find out?" she snickered, lighting a cigarette. "i'm selling these at night, i gotta pay the rent."
"don't you wanna move in with me? well, i mean, you know, it's just-"
y/n nodded, trying to keep it casual, but inside, she was happier than ever in the month.
"don't brag, sixx, i'm in. i sleep on the left side that's closer to the door. and i also keep a knife under my pillow in case you don't keep those hands to yourself."
"so you like bdsm. cool." nikki smiled, making her laugh. the song ended, mick and tommy came back.
"his voice ain't bad." mick said, taking a swig.
"i don't care if he can sing or not, look what he's doing to those chicks." at nikki's words, y/n coughed loudly, getting their attention. "don't worry y/n, we need someone who can actually sing."
"guys will like you, too. at least they gonna come for anything, if that's not your music." the girl looked at mick, shrugging her shoulder.
"i would hit your arm, but i'm a little bit afraid of you."
tommy went to talk with vince while mick, nikki and y/n stood together. y/n looked around, at the girls. bright colors, bikinis... somehow she didn't have the vibe to strip to her underwear and swim in the water. a group of girl stared at her, whispering something and she stared back. in the end, they looked away, but they surely talked about her.
"i really hope it goes well. i don't fucking have time for that blonde bitch." mick said, making y/n nod. as vince began to shake his head, y/n didn't let to slip the chance. he's not gonna fuck up their plan, not on her watch. ignoring nikki's question, she pushed tommy aside, turning vince to herself.
"you only have one chance, tomorrow. be there or fuck yourself, but don't wase our time."
"wow, tommy, is this chick the part of the deal too?" y/n pulled up her eyebrows.
"no, i'm the chick who'll cut off your dick in your sleep if you don't take this seriously." she replied, looking at the girl on vince's side, then looked back. "so? you coming tomorrow?"
vince looked at tommy, and it was like tommy convinced him. "yeah, sure..."
y/n nodded, letting the trio talk as she stepped back to mick and nikki. lighting a third cigarette, she adjusted her bra full of drugs.
"what did you do? vince seems a little bit surprised." nikki asked her.
y/n pushed the sunglasses up on her nosebridge, blowing out the smoke.
"i just made sure he'll come tomorrow."
a/n: i really enjoyed to write this part gurls, i hope you like it too
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holylulusworld · 1 year
In demon veritas
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Summary: Getting kidnapped by demons sucks. Listening to the ugly truth even more.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Character: Sam Winchester, unnamed demon
Warnings: angst, threats, hostage situation, unrequited feelings?, fluff, violence
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“What a nice day, isn’t it? When I cleaned my knives this morning, I didn’t think Dean Winchester’s bitch will end up being my guest,” you spit in the demon’s face. Well, the face that black-eyed bastard stole.
“Fuck you,” while the demon circles you like prey, you try to untie the knot holding your hands behind your back. Dean taught you how to do it, but it feels like you forgot about everything you ever knew.
“Aw, what a pity I’m stuck in that bitch’s body,” the demon leans closer to lick over your cheek. “Well, I can still get a new meat suit and keep you up on that promise.”
“I’m telling you this only once,” you hold the demon’s gaze, “let me go and I won’t kill you. If not, you will end like all the other black-eyed bastards before you. Dead and gone.”
“Says the scared little girl restrained to a chair,” she snickers now. “I bet you already peed your pants. You are nothing but the Winchesters' little sidekick. Not even strong enough to kill the big bad monsters on your own.”
“Again. Fuck you.”
She slaps your face. Hard.
Blood runs down your face, dripping onto your favorite flannel, soaking the fabric. It’s the one you got for your birthday from Dean. You cherish it. The bitch will pay for ruining it.
“Is that all you’ve got?” you try to buy some time. Dean and Sam must already know that you got kidnapped. Your friends will trace your phone and bring you home. It’s only a matter of time.
“Patience, sweetheart,” you grimace. She has no right to use the pet name. Not her. Only Dean is allowed to call you that. “I guess that’s one of the reasons Dean is so annoyed with you.”
“Fuck. You.”
“I bet he never fucked you,” she whispers in your ear. “Hmm…yeah. I remember the night you told that busty blonde he’s your boyfriend. Boy was he mad,” she chuckles darkly. “He wanted to kick you out of the car on his way back to the motel.”
“You’re lying,” you huff, but wonder how the demon can know about that night. Did Dean get mad? You only wanted him to come back to the motel with you. It was a stupid joke…
“Sweet cheeks, I’m not the one pretending that I’m not in love with that Winchester,” she grins as you drop your gaze. “Aw, you’re so bad at hiding your feelings. And Dean is bad at hiding that he’s fucking annoyed with you.”
You ponder. Is it true?
“I don’t believe a single word leaving your lips, demon bitch.”
“I’m actually a guy,” she laughs loudly. “Little miss sunshine here was only the next best meat suit I found. I had to get you. I’m not picky. A body is just a body,” the demon shrugs.
“Do you think I care?” you spat. “I’ll kill you no matter what. In the end, you’re a demon bitch. Guy, girl, guinea pig. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“Back to Dean,” closing your eyes you take a deep breath. Demons lie, you know that. “Did you know he hates that you are always around? You wash his clothes, make him food, check on him if he drinks too much.”
“It’s called friendship,” you bite back. The demon can’t know that you start to ask yourself if Dean is annoyed with you.
“It’s called clingy, sweetheart,” the demon gets a knife out and presses the tip into your cheek, drawing blood. “He hates your pie too. Dean thinks it tastes like old socks.”
“He loves my pie.”
You don’t even know why you fight with the demon over pie and your friendship with Dean. What does a monster know about your bond with the elder brother?
“He hates it, just like—”
“Like what?” you cock your head to watch the demon choke. The demon starts coughing out black smoke as the door flings open. “Dude, what’s wrong? Did you smoke the wrong stuff?”
“Sweetheart? Y/N,” while Sam plays an exorcism on his phone, Dean storms into the room, pushing the whining demon out of his way. “Fuck, you worried us there for a minute.”
“Dean, hey,” you awkwardly watch Dean cut the ropes holding you to the chair open. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to worry you or Sam.”
“We are friends and hunting partners,” Sam says while checking on the unconscious girl. “I think she’ll make it. We came just in time.”
“Get her out of here,” Dean says while looking you all over. He’s worriedly checking on your swollen face. “That bitch got you good.”
“Yeah…I guess. Sorry for being so…” you bite your tongue. Can you tell Dean about all the things the demon said? “You know…clingy sometimes and stuff.”
“Where is this coming from?” Dean doesn’t hesitate. He picks you up in bridal style, grumbling under his breath as you don’t answer. “Sweetheart, talk to me.”
“The demon knew and said a few things.”
“Demons lie.”
“You’ll tell me if I’m clingy, right?” you murmur. “If you don’t like my pie, it’s fine. I can buy a pie from now on.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath, waiting for Dean to tell you he hates that you are clingy.
“Y/N,” he stops walking to look at you. “Sweetheart look at me.”
You blink one eye open. “No cheating. Open your eyes. Both,” he hums when you open your other eye too. “Good. Y/N, I love your pie and that you are attentive. You wash my clothes too.” He grins now. “I hate doing laundry.”
“I know.”
“And I hate the pie Sammy buys. I like yours much better.”
He sighs as you still don’t believe him. His eyes drop to your chest, and he inhales sharply seeing the blood on your flannel.
“You need a new flannel,” Dean concludes. “I’ll get you a new one.”
“I liked this one.”
“I know…”
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“Uh-what’s this?” After Dean patched you up, and looked you all over again, he brought you a flannel. Now you are sitting on his bed, covered by two blankets, and stare at the flannel he put on his bed. “That’s a little too big.”
“It’s one of mine,” he says. “Only if you want to wear it.”
You nod eagerly.
“I want to see my favorite girl in my flannel,” he casually says. “How about you put it on, and I'll get us a snack?”
“I can go back to my room. I’m fine, Dean.”
“I’m not sure about that,” he points a finger at your swollen cheek. “I’ll keep an eye on you tonight. Maybe tomorrow too. You can never know.”
He smirks.
“If you say so, Doctor Winchester.”
“You are in capable hands, miss,” Dean pecks your forehead. “I’ll be right back to take good care of you…”
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avatarrecom · 9 months
Freaks drink
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader
Word count: 1859
A/N: First time writing anything suggestive, let me know what you think!
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You, Z-dog and Walker decided it was time for a much needed girls night. Unfortunately, your male partners can't mind their own business. So you threw them out of your quarters, telling them they could come back after twenty-four hundred. Your partners reluctantly complied, after Walker threatened that if they were back before midnight, they wouldn't have sex for quite a few months. At least not with you. Brown immediately complained and Lopez thought he could persuade you by saying that if they didn't get sex, you wouldn't get it either. Z-dog laughed and challenged him, saying that the three of you could get enough orgasms from each other. So, they agreed to let you three have your fun, and headed to the bar. Quaritch gave you a clear warning that he didn't want to hear about you causing trouble.
The moment the door closed behind them, Z-dog pulled you and Walker into the hallway towards her room. “Wait, I want to put on some more comfortable clothes,” you indicated and Walker agreed with you. Z-dog let go of your wrist and you quickly walked to your own room to change. You took off your clothes and stood completely naked in front of your closet to pick out something comfortable. Walker whistled at you as she walked past your room to her own. "Damn baby, can't you just come like that, it looks sexy," she says teasingly. You throw your cargo pants at her head, which she just dodges and walks away laughing. You put on clean underwear and pull out an oversized shirt from the closet, the shirt probably once belonged to one of your other partners. You skip to Z-dog's room, hooking your arm through Walker's. “This is going to be fun,” you grin at your lover. Walker grins back, pressing a kiss to your lips before pulling you into Z-dogs room.
Z-dog has now changed into sweats and is just pulling a sports bra over her breasts. She looks up enthusiastically when you enter her room. "Look what I got!" she laughs excitedly. She holds up several bottles of liquid. Walker tilts her head, "What is that?" “Moonshine!” "Then how did you get that?" you ask in surprise. "Remember when we were on the Sea Dragon, when we were looking for Sully?" Z-dog asks. You both nod. “And do you remember Mick Scoresby?” You both nod again. "So that guy was drunk all day long, so I stole all his bottles of moonshine," Z-dog grins. You and Walker look at each other. “Honestly, I don't care where you got it from, I want to see how fast we can get drunk in these bodies,” you shrug.
Walker nods in agreement and flops down on the bed. You lie down next to her and take one of the three bottles. “Damn, these bottles are huge to humans but like little wine bottles to us,” you laugh. “Do you think these bottles are actually Recom size, and Scoresby stole them so he can say he only drank one bottle?” Walker asks, laughing. Z-dog settles in next to you and grabs a bottle and throws a third one at Walker, who catches it laughing. You open the bottles at the same time and take a big sip. “Holy shit, that's some strong shit,” Z-dog coughs. “No wonder the guy couldn't even stand up,” you laugh. "What happened to him on the Sea Dragon?" Walker wonders. "He's really dead," Z-dog replied. You shake your head, “I saw him this week.” "No, that can't be him, I saw how that space whale tore his arm off and then flew through the air, there's no way he's still alive." claims Z-dog. "I swear, I saw him, he's alive. I mean he's down a limb, but he's still breathing." you claim.
“Well, good for him,” Walker sighs indifferently, then takes another sip. "Does anyone have an idea about what we actually want to do?" she asks. “Ooh, I have an idea!” Z-dog shouts enthusiastically. She walks to her bookcase and pulls out a box. She throws the box between your legs, climbs back onto the bed and snuggles up to you while she grabs her bottle of moonshine again. Walker studied the box, "Freaks drink, seriously?" she asks. "How did you get this?" Z-dog shrugs, "I stole it."
You grab the box from Walker's hands and remove the lid. "So you have to drink when you have done the scenario on the card," Z-dog explains. You take the first card from the deck and read it out loud. "Never have I ever, faked an orgasm." Walker holds up her hand. “Really?” you ask, “With who, not one of the guys?” adds Z-dog. Walker shakes her head, "It was some weird guy, really didn't know what he was doing." She takes a long sip, "Next."
You take the next card "60 second challenge, Pin them up against a wall & kiss down their body." You look between your two female lovers. The two share a look, before Z-dog pulls you off her bed. She pushes you against the wall and holds your arms above your head. You look at her with wide eyes as Walker shifts to get a better look at the two of you. Z-dog presses her lips to your neck and starts sucking. Your breath comes out shaky. Z-dog trails her lips to your chest, pulling down the collar of your shirt to get better access to your chest. You moan when you feel her tongue slide over your body. Your head rolls to the side. You see Walker looking with big eyes of lust. Then you feel her thigh pushing between your legs and against your core. You press your body against her thigh and move back and forth.
Z-dog pulls away way too early and licks her lips, "You look a little red, Sweets." she grins. You look at her pouting. “Why don't we make a plan?” Walker suggests, before Z-dog pulls you both back onto the bed. "I'm listening." "We're looking for a reason that the guys can't have sex with us, so we can do all the sexual stuff while they can only watch," Walker grins evilly. You and Z-dog both grin. "Why don't we make a bet with them?" imagine. “They’d definitely fall for that.”
The three of you spend the rest of the evening working out the plan, continuing to play the game, and getting drunk. You giggle at the question "Never have I ever, had an orgy," Walker says thickly. The three of you look at each other, burst out laughing and each drink from your own bottle. The three of you already finished your respective moonshine bottles. It's a shame, but there is nothing to do about it. You can't look for more moonshine, especially in your current drunken state.
You start giggling more and roll sideways on the bed. "What?" asks Z-dog, who is also clearly drunk. "How do you think it would go if we played this game with the guys?" you laugh. Z-dog and Walker burst out laughing. "They would protest at first, but as soon as they find out what kind of sexual things you have to do, they would immediately join in." giggles Walker. You felt the small draft flow through the room, and heard the quiet opening of the door.
Z-dog sat on the bed, resting her head on your lap. You try to braid her mohawk but end up messing it up. Mansk smelled the smell of alcohol coming from the three of you and spotted the three empty bottles on the bed. Just three bottles. "Where are the others?" Between the three of you, you can drink half of the base under the table. "Mansk!" Z-dog called, as if she had just noticed his presence. "That's the bottle." You pointed at the bottle he saw. He almost rolled his eyes. "Yes," he said patiently, "Where are the others?" "That's it." A silly smile appeared on your face, and when he saw the three of you relaxed and carefree, he couldn't hide the raised corners of his lips. He sniffed the bottle. Moonshine. This explains a lot.
Z-dog glanced at you while Mansk absentmindedly examined the bottle. Picky bastard. “Attack him?” Her eyes sparkled. You nodded briefly and stood up. Things didn’t go as planned as you both bumped into him from both sides. But you barely knocked him off balance. Z-dog wrapped her arms around him, pinning his arms to her sides. He could easily get rid of the both of you if he wanted to. "I missed you too," he muttered instead, moving his arms to pull you two closer to his chest.
Walker stood unsteadily and reached out to pinched one of his cheeks. He bit her hand, but she quickly retracted her finger and laughed at him. You pinched the other cheek, but he grabbed your wrist and brought it back to your side. You gave him a shy smile and pinched his side. He didn't move or flinch, and you frowned. Right, he’s not ticklish. Your disappointment must have amused him, because a chuckle escaped his lips.
Z-dog broke out of his grasp and pulled you and Walker with her. "We’re gonna find more," she called over her shoulder, heading for the door. Suddenly a wall blocked the exit. "I think you've had enough," mused Quaritch, receiving three identical glares.
You look past Quaritch's shoulder and see your other male lovers. "Brown!" You shout excitedly when you see him. You push past Quaritch and throw yourself into Brown's arms. You almost fall flat on your face, but Brown just manages to catch you. "Damn babygirl, what happened to you?" he asks laughing. "Do not laugh!" you pout. "Quaritch is mean, he won't let us get more moonshine." “Aww, baby, that's sad,” Brown grins. You quickly turn around, almost falling again and Brown again makes sure you don't fall. You hear several laughs around you, but you pay no attention to them as you turn your attention to Quaritch. "See!" you exclaim. “Brown says it's okay if we go get more moonshine.” “Wow, wow, I didn't say that,” Brown quickly defends. "What!" you exclaim indignantly. “And I thought you loved us,” Walker says sadly, tears in her eyes.
"Ouch!" you exclaim, turning to Ja indignantly. He seems surprised by your anger. "What?" he asks. “You stood on my tail, you ass,” you say angrily. He smiles. “Why are you laughing, it hurts,” you snap, crying. “Look at your tail, cutie,” he says, chuckling. You look down and see your tail stuck under your own foot. You lift your foot and rub the sore spot on your tail. “It's not funny after all,” you pout, tears in your eyes. “Of course not, cutie,” Ja smiles sweetly at you.
You stagger over to her and pull Walker and Z-dog back into Z's room. "No sex for two months!" You shout to your men. "Hey!, what have we done?" Fike shouts indignantly. You grin at them and slam the door behind you. It's only twenty-three fifty-nine.
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fili-is-gone · 4 months
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"So she doesn't get the guy and also dies in the end?" Newt wasn't quite sure what to take from that. "Shouldn't fairy tales always contain some kind of lesson? Somehow, this just seems cruel to me."    "The world is cruel," Thomas said with a shrug. "Oh, but I forgot about the part where she's not actually dead, but gets turned into an air spirit or something and also gets the chance to do good deeds and acquire the eternal happiness of men blah blah."    “The eternal happiness of men?” Newt frowned.    “A soul,” Thomas clarified, “she gets a soul.”    "Why'd you withhold that part of all?" Newt wanted to know. “Don’t ya want her to have a happy ending?”    "Is it a happy ending though?" As his eyes found Newt's, Tommy raised an eyebrow in question. "All I see is religious drivel about humans having immortal souls ascending to heaven - and why would a mermaid even care about some human-made god's heaven? To eke out an eternal existence, knowing that the one she loves has chosen someone else? That sounds more like a punishment to me than happily ever after."    "Yeah, 's bloody tragic," Newt agreed. He dug his toes into the sand, his damp clothes clinging to his body, and he could no longer hide the chattering of his teeth. Thomas noticed and got up. "Come on, let's grab our shoes and go inside." He offered him his hand and Newt gratefully took it, letting himself be pulled to his feet. They walked side by side in silence for a while, and then Thomas said, "Can you imagine loving someone so much that you’d rather kill yourself than bring harm to that person?" Newt stole a sideways glance at Tommy and found the boy already looking at him. He quickly turned away again before he said, "I don't know, I haven't been in a situation like that before."
from You & I (Ever & After) on ao3.
Thomas, Prince of Denmark, is undercover at a boarding school in the far south-east of Wales. Nobody knows about his origins, except his best friend Newt. When Thomas inexplicably falls into a comatose sleep on the night of his eighteenth birthday, it is up to Newt to break a long-forgotten spell.
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I feel like it isn't talked about nearly enough that Harry freed Kreacher.
And I'm realizing that's because no one else, literally no one I've talked to in this fandom in the last seventeen years, interpreted the scene that way. But when I first read DH, I picked up on it immediately.
Because Harry unequivocally does free Kreacher when he gives him Regulus' locket, and I think that's so important. I get why you might disagree, because they never actually state in the dialogue that Kreacher is free. It's all subtext. You might also say that jewelry is different from clothing, but I don't think we have enough examples to rule it out. (Lucius was tricked into freeing Dobby with a sock that wasn't even his. Far as I'm concerned, if you can wear it, then it counts.)
Harry freed Dobby without hesitation, and why wouldn't he? The sweet little guy was miserable, trapped in servitude to the evil Malfoys. But Kreacher? He was the racist little bastard that betrayed Sirius, Sirius, to the Death Eaters, and had a hand in his death. Of course Harry hated him. Even in OOTP, the point is made that Kreacher cannot be freed, even if Sirius would love to be rid of him, because he simply knows too much information, and they need to keep him bound in service so that he can't pass it on.
In this, we see that Harry's status as an ally to the House Elves is conditional. He wasn't even raised in the magical world like Ron, there's no reason for him to see Elf Slavery as okay, but he just accepts it as part of the magical world because the elves are "happy" and writes off Hermione's campaign as one of her many obsessions. Ron didn't take it seriously, so neither did Harry. He was happy to free Dobby, but to him Dobby was a special case.
Then comes the tale of Regulus. Harry is told all about a Death Eater who had a change of heart for no other reason than because he loved Kreacher, and Voldemort tortured Kreacher, leaving him for dead. Harry cannot fathom it - after all, this is Kreacher. The monster who betrayed Sirius. But Sirius mistreated Kreacher at every turn, something that Harry laughed off because Kreacher was so unpleasant - but it doesn't change the fact that Sirius was literally Kreacher's master, and he regularly abused him. It's not like it's Kreacher's fault that Sirius was abused himself, or that Sirius had to return to Grimmauld Place.
Seeing Kreacher utterly break down was uncomfortable for Harry, because it forced him to confront an uncomfortable truth that conflicted with the worldview he'd set up for himself about the Elves - and about Sirius. Even twenty years later, Kreacher is still attempting to self-harm after failing to follow Regulus' orders, and it's safe to assume Regulus didn't tell him to do that.
At this point, Hermione breaks down too, and she asks them - Harry and Ron - to see what she sees. "Oh don't you see how sick it is, how they've got to obey?" And for the first time, Harry sees it. On a grand scale, he sees it. It's raw, it's awkward, it's painful to confront. But Harry comes to realize that Hermione is right. (As in most things.) Slavery is not okay, no matter the context. The House Elves should be free. Not just the nice ones like Dobby, but even the nasty ones like Kreacher. Because he sees Kreacher trying to "punish himself" just as Dobby has done many times...and I think it hits Harry that no one deserves that.
So he takes a chance. Because freeing Kreacher is still a risk. It gives him back his autonomy. He knows all kinds of information. He knows that Regulus stole the Locket, and that Harry is hunting for it too. If Kreacher were to turn around and backstab the Golden Trio, if Voldemort learned what he knew, everything would be lost. And Kreacher could do that. But Harry chooses to believe that he won't. And he recognizes that even that risk is no excuse to keep a slave.
Cause here's the thing. Even if jewelry "doesn't count" (highly debatable imo) that doesn't mean Harry would know that. So far as he knows, he's giving Kreacher something to wear, and he has personal experience with what that means to Elves. The entire scene reads like Kreacher is being freed. Call it a headcanon if you must but I have believed this for years.
Yes, Kreacher stayed in Grimmauld Place. Of course he did. He loves it there, that's his home. Where is he going to go? And yes, he continues to serve Harry after this and even calls him "Master." Because that's what he knows. I'm not saying Harry broke the conditioning. That kind of thing would take years. If she'd been allowed to, Winky would have carried on serving The Crouches after her dismissal. But the important thing is, Harry gave Kreacher the locket. Whatever enchantment it was that bound Kreacher in service to Harry would have broken when Harry gave him the locket.
I know everyone loves to mock the moment at the end when Harry's first thought after defeating Voldemort is whether or not his slave will bring him a sandwich, but, guys. It's a throwaway line about a sandwich. Harry isn't going to order Kreacher to do it. At most he's going to ask. Kreacher is old, and pretty set in his ways. Deprogramming might not even be possible for him at this point. But everything we see of their relationship following Regulus' tale shows Harry respecting Kreacher as a friend, not a slave. He gave Kreacher his autonomy back by freeing him, and, when Kreacher made the choice to stay, Harry treated him with kindness.
This is actually blowing my mind because for so many years I just took this as a given but I realized I'd never seen anyone else talking about it and it turns out I'm in the minority for interpreting it this way? It just seemed so straightforward to me...
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888bambi · 1 year
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✰ a/n: alcohol might give you a headache but it also gives you the best time of your life hehe- anyways be careful when drinking. also, friendly advice, if you go clubbing, GLUE yourself to your friends.
TW for sexual assault/mentions of sexual assault!!!
!heeseung x reader; university au, mentions of hee being a basketball player, reader goes through a lot (mentions of other enha members + le sserafim's chaewon, yunjin and kazuha, aespa's giselle)
genre: fluff, angst/ it's kinda suggestive
warnings: alcohol consumption, and i mean a lot of alcohol, substance abuse, sexual assault kinda? reader gets vary of men after that one encounter, ptsd i guess? let me know if i left anything (lowercase intended) & not proofread (i'll look for any errors when i have time, i am really sorry if there are a lot)
word count: 6424
‘’c’mon chaewon, come with us!’’ four young women together was definitely a lot. when you got into college with your cousin kazuha, you somehow ended sharing an apartment with yunjin, her classmate, and later chaewon joined too, even though she went to a different college. it was like you all were sisters: gossiping again and again, sharing clothes and skin care products, helping each other with work- but the best part came every time your group would go clubbing, on friday.
‘’last time we went clubbing together, kazuha almost stole the bartender’s job, yunjin started screaming and crying, making it seem like i was trying to kidnap her or something, and you vanished. literally. i went to get kazuha and you were nowhere to be seen. worst part, i wasn't even sober myself.’’ chaewon stated, pointing at the three of you, and if eyes could kill, you, yunjin and zuha would all be dead right now.
‘’but that's what makes a night out fun.’’ kazuha said, almost begging her older friend to agree.
‘’kazuha, do i need to remind you about that time when you started talking about politics with a decorative plant?’’ she added, both you and yunjin laughing heavily as kazuha desperately tried to defend herself.
‘’don’t act like you’re the saint.’’ you quickly added, a mischievous grin spreading on your lips, ‘’you make out with everyone in sight when there's even a small drop of alcohol in your system.’’
silence fell over the room as chaewon couldn't seem to find a worthy comeback; somehow, the three of you convinced the oldest girl, and now you were all getting ready.
the dorm was a mess, clothes and makeup products everywhere, music playing from yunjin’s laptop to put you all in the right mood.
two hours and three identity crises later, your group finally left the dorm, headed to the parking lot, where you decided you'd just order a cab to get to the club, since you were all planning to drink later tonight.
as soon as you arrived, you already split up; chaewon met some ‘old friend’ and it was clear she had other plans for the rest of the night, kazuha saw her ballet girls, which was definitely an unexpected crossover, leaving you with yunjin, both you and her heading straight to the bar.
''tequila for the hot girlies.’’ the bartender said, sending you both a wink as he carefully poured you two shots, handing you salt and a slice of lemon, making it easier for you to drink.
one shot turned into two, then three, and now, somehow, you were taking your eighth shot, still going strong; yunjin was now chatting with some guy, and by the way he talked you could tell he was american as well, leaving you all alone at the bar, drinking more and more on your own.
you didn't specifically have any plans for tonight, you just wanted to get wasted. not too long ago, you broke up with your boyfriend of two years, simply because the two of you couldn't handle the distance: going to different colleges in different countries, staying together would have been ‘a waste of time’, according to him. if you had to be honest, his words cut you deep like a knife. did he see the whole thing as a waste of time? nevertheless, you decided that your liver will handle what your heart couldn't, so you were stuck in a club, on your own, taking shot after shot until you’ll eventually go numb.
it wasn't even midnight and you were desperately trying to leave this place; making your way through the dance floor, bodies were moving around you like you were stuck in a freak show; perhaps it was the alcohol that made your anxiety skyrocket, or the fact that you realized you were completely separated from your group, and every face was either blurry or unfamiliar. having this eerie feeling overcoming you, you had to get some fresh air quickly. barely walking straight, it took you all your strength to balance yourself between the dancing people, and get out of the crowd in one piece.
looking around for your friends for one last time, you decided that it was time to go back home, even if the night was still young. you weren't like this, and definitely this feeling wasn't what you wanted. for some reason, the alcohol tonight made you feel confused, stressed and anxious. normally it would make you talkative, energetic and horny. but tonight it didn't happen.
being self conscious of the fact that you’re in such a miserable state, and worse, on your own, you quickly made your way towards the empty hallway, which led to the exit of the club.
the blue lights in the hallway gave you a headache, desperately making you try to adapt your vision to the new lighting and get out of here faster. with every second spent there, your heart rate was only getting faster, making you feel nauseous.
this was a completely new feeling, and it made you wonder if the bartender slipped something in your drinks. given the deplorable state you were in, of course you would never notice if someone messed with your drink. you swear you felt your body rotting with every step you took, feeling the veins in your body, each and every single one of them, the sensation making you want to rip out all your flesh.
‘this never happened before’; you kept telling yourself to stay strong until you made it out; but no matter how many steps you took, it felt like time froze and you were walking in the same spot, again and again.
‘’and what do we have here?’’ your stomach flipped upside down when you heard a voice echoing from behind you, making you stop in your tracks as you tried your best to appear as intimidating and as sober as you could.
the person quickly walked in front of you, leaning down to take a better look at your face in the faint lightning. ‘’what a pretty doll.’’ he happily said, a wide grin spreading on his lips. the man was much older than you, and by the way he looked, he was definitely the highest in the room at the moment.
roughly pinning you to the wall, his action caught you off guard, a gasp leaving your lips as you clenched your teeth during the impact. ‘’i’ve never seen a prettier thing in my entire life.’’ leaning in closer, you felt his hot breath on your face, doing your best to contain yourself. ‘’seems like my prayers were heard. i’m having fun tonight.’’ and with no warning, his dry lips were smashed on yours, pinning you on the wall with his large hands, pushing down on your hips, his knee in between your legs, making sure you couldn't escape.
a tear rolled down your cheek, and that didn't go unnoticed, as he was quick to pull away and lick your salty tears, your body getting overfilled with disgust and fear right away.
you needed an escape, and you needed it now. or else, who knows what might happen, even worse than his disgusting touches. when he kissed you again, a dumb idea crossed your mind; without giving it a second thought, you bit down on his tongue as hard as you could, causing him to yank away suddenly, his eyes widening in shock as he looked back at you.
turning on your heels, you started heading towards the exit in a rush, only to be pulled back by the man, roughly gripping your hair; you forgot you couldn't walk that fast, huh?
‘’fucking bitch!’’ lifting his hand, you shut your eyes in fear, ready to take his hit. you were never hit in your entire life, not even by your parents. right now, you have no idea whether he’ll be satisfied with only a slap, or beat you until you're lying unconscious on the cold floor.
waiting and waiting, you realized his hit never came. no, he was actually silent as well. as you slowly opened your eyes, you saw a tall figure towering over the man, squeezing his wrist tight enough to cause him more pain than you already did. ‘’what the fuck?! who are you?!’’ he yelled, massaging his wrist as he managed to pull away from the tall figure.
‘'doesn't matter.’’ the guy nonchalantly said, putting his hands in his pockets, his back facing you. ‘’you should get lost while i’m still a chill man.’’ he spoke, his voice filled with nothing but nonchalance, speaking in a robotic kind of way.
‘’and who are you to send me away? her man?’’ he snapped back, still keeping his distance.
‘’that doesn't concern you.’’ again, another calm reply, making you wonder if he would still be this collected if he saw what happened earlier in the hallway.
‘’i see, i see.’’ the drunk man laughed, a mischievous grin spreading on his lips as he checked you out once again, ‘’does the bitch bite when she gives head too-’’ he stopped talking when the mystery man dashed towards him, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him up against the wall. oh, how the tables have turned.
‘’what didn't you understand from ‘get lost’, huh?’’ if he was calm earlier, he was definitely terrifying now, and the whole vibe he had changed in a split second. without saying anything anymore, the drunk man quickly apologized, making his way back into the crowd without looking back again.
while his back was still facing you, you quickly wiped away your tears; you didn't even realize you were crying this whole time.
your heart dropped to your knees when you saw who was the one that saved you; lee heeseung. he went to the same college and you saw him in the hallways, but you knew him because of how popular he was as the captain of the basketball team. he had a reputation for his bad temper, so his calm demeanor earlier surely shocked you. ‘’thank you.’’ you whispered, avoiding his eyes.
''don't mention it.’’ he shortly replied, leaning on the wall, hands in his pockets, ‘’was he bothering you for a long time?’’
‘’no-’’ you lied, trying to seem as convincing as you could, ‘’he just came. asked me to leave with him, said no… the typical stuff.’’ you tried to laugh it off, hoping that it was convincing enough for the doe-eyed man, but taking a second look at his face, it was clear he wasn't listening to your bullshit. ‘’anyways, thanks again, have a great night!’’
turning on your feet, this time, you were determined to get away. using all your strength, you managed to run towards the exit without stumbling; you heard heeseung calling after you, but you decided to ignore it for the moment; it was time you went home and calmed yourself down a bit.
the ride back home was silent. luckily enough, the cab driver was an old man, and he was sweet to give you water once he realized you were sick- perhaps he did that so that you won't throw up in his car. anyway, you got back to the dorm on your own, safe and sound.
yunjin, kazuha and chaewon weren't home yet; looking at the clock, it was only two in the morning, so being the party monsters they are, there’s no chance they’ll be home before the sunrise. once you found yourself in the comfort of your house, you quickly took off your clothes, and headed for the shower.
once the cold water hit you, your skin was burning in all the places where that creep touched you. the sad part, this wasn't the first time someone did this to you. no, you had it worse than this, and you were only ten when it first happened.
someone said that trauma never really goes away. that person was right. you might think it goes away, but then something triggers it and bang- memories come back again. memories? was it right to call it a ‘memory’? aren't memories supposed to be pleasant?
that cold shower made you sober real quick, but you knew you'd have a monstrous headache in the morning. hiding yourself under your cozy blankets, all you saw was that grin, every time you close your eyes.
his disgusting scent remained in your nostrils, no matter how hard you washed your face; his devilish grin was imprinted on your retina, and you wanted to wash yourself again, this time with bleach, to make sure you took off his print from your skin.
you didn't sleep that night, and you knew this was simply the beginning of something much worse.
by the time the girls got back, you were awake, watching TV in the living room. you heard them laugh and talk about their night in the club; you couldn't call them ‘bad friends’ since they tried to find you- no, they called you a few times last night. at least they tried to find you.
‘’and what do we have here?’’ yunjin jokingly said as she entered the living room, her way of wording her sentence sending a shiver down your spine.
was your mind fucking with your right now? was it simply a coincidence?
‘’are you okay sweetie?’’ yunjin asked, gently brushing your hair, ‘’you’re quite pale. do you want some water?’’ her worry was evident in her voice, the other two girls turning their attention to you as well.
‘’no, i’m fine! i just couldn't sleep really well since i didn't know where you guys were.’’ a faint smile appeared on your lips, and apparently, that was enough to ease yunjin.
‘’we tried to find you everywhere,’’ chaewon added, jumping on the couch, a loud sigh leaving her lips, ‘’it was like you fell into a rabbit hole or something. you were nowhere to be found.’’
once all four of you were gathered in the living room, they started talking about their night. chaewon hooked up with that old friend of hers, and he apparently asked her out for dinner today, which was cute. kazuha had fun with her ballerina friends, going to three different clubs before coming back home, and yunjin had some fun with jake, another guy from your college, but surprisingly, nothing too wild, which was new for her.
‘’how was your night? of course, other than that you basically vanished again.’’ chaewon asked, their attention turning to you.
you debated for a split second if telling them was worth it; sure, they were your friends, but was it okay to burden them with something so… trivial? what would they say? all he did was kiss you. was it that big of a deal or were you being dramatic.
would they think you are a whore for kissing that man?
they wouldn't, they are your friends- but wouldn't them?
‘’i drank too much and i threw up a bit. i panicked because i couldn't find you so i went home earlier to calm myself down.’’ you felt bad for lying to them, and you felt even worse when you saw how easy they believed you.
maybe it would've been easier if you simply told them.
it’s been a week after that night and you barely slept. not to mention, you barely attended your classes. everything seemed to go downhill. you were falling behind in class, missing a lot of assignments, and simply isolating yourself slowly from everyone and everything.
you told the girls that you weren't feeling that well, saying that ‘you got a cold or something’. but you can't have a cold forever, and you needed to get your life together.
putting on the first hoodie you found in your room, you dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and left for the starbucks near the corner; you had many problems at the moment, and a vanilla latte wouldn't solve them; but you were still going to get it.
if you saw yourself in the mirror, you would probably cry; were you weak for letting something like this tear you apart? should you tell someone? was it bad that you didn't tell anyone?
pushing the door open to the starbucks, you were happy to see it wasn't as crowded as it usually was; ordering your drink, you patiently waited for it, trying to plan what to do once you get back to the dorm.
''can't believe i run into you here.’’ turning your head in the direction of the voice, your eyes widened when you saw heeseung, now beside you, figuring out that he must be waiting for his drink as well, ''haven't seen you in class all week.’’
‘’we share the same class?’’ you wanted to slap yourself for how dumb you sounded right now; this wasn't like you. for some reason, you couldn't help but wonder if he saw that man touching you before he stepped in. did he actually see? no- if he did he would've stepped in earlier. right?
looking straight into your eyes, he looked slightly amused as he answered your question, ‘’finance?’’
if you were honest, after this week, you even forgot finance was one of your classes, and also forgot he was in that class too. truth be told, you had no idea why the two of you were talking. you never talked before. was he checking up on you after what happened? was he pitying you?
‘’yeah, finance. i remember.’’ you responded, trying to sound as confident as you could.
‘’wow.’’ heeseung added, making you turn your head in his direction again, ‘’never knew you could be so fake.’’ a little smile appeared on your lips, feeling comfortable talking with him. he had quite a reputation for being the best basketball player on campus- and a player in general, although he was rarely seen with girls. actually, he was rejecting girls quite a lot, and he managed to do so even when he was extremely drunk; he was also known for that.
‘’my bad. if you think that’s fake, you should see yunjin.’’ you replied, grabbing your drink, getting ready to leave after you thanked the barista.
‘’i’d rather see you than yunjin.’’ heeseung was quick to reply, not even trying to hide what he just said.
‘’excuse me?’’ you asked visibly confused, stopping in your tracks.
‘’see you on monday, hopefully.’’
somehow, you pulled yourself to got to school on monday, even if you slept seven hours in total during the past days. you kept telling yourself you weren't going there because of heeseung, but the fact that he wanted to see you in class made you feel better after all those days.
perhaps he saw through your little facade- but was he really able to see right through you when even your friends couldn't?
it didn't matter now, you were already seated in class, laptop on the table, ready for the lecture.
you looked around a few times, hoping you would see heeseung, but he was nowhere in sight. turning your attention back on the lecture, you barely paid attention, getting sleepy all of a sudden. at least now you knew that if you wanted to sleep, coming to professor han’s lecture was the answer.
going to your last class for the day, you spotted heeseung walking on the other side of the campus, headphones on as he was wearing his basketball jersey. although he seemed to be in a rush, you really wanted to talk with him, even for a moment.
making your way towards him, you tapped him on his broad shoulders, his expression when he turned around sending a shiver down your spine. as he removed his headphones, his face softened, surprised at the fact that you approached him. ‘’i didn't see you in class.’’
‘’i had practice. finance wasn't that important to me anyways.’’ he replied, switching his backpack from arm to his shoulder, ‘’what a pleasant surprise you finally decided to show up though.’’
rolling your eyes, he laughed at your little action, ‘’putting basketball over finance when finance is mandatory and basketball isn't. not a smart move.’’
laughing at your sentence, he shifted his gaze from your face to your bag. ‘’how many books you got in there?’’ he asked, pointing towards your bag.
‘’none actually. just a notebook and my laptop.’’ you replied, quite confused by his question.
‘’how cool, me too.’’ and so, he took the bag from your hand without any warning, placing it on his other shoulder, ‘’i had to balance my shoulders somehow. now i carry equal weight on both. anyways, where were you headed?’’
‘’i have a seminary. the last one for the day actually.’’
‘’wanna go to starbucks instead? you look like you could really have some coffee right now.’’ he stated, making you self conscious of your dark circles, reminding you of your troubled sleeping schedule.
going with him to the starbucks was definitely better than going to that boring seminary. although you and heeseung barely knew each other, you learnt a lot about him today: he plays a lot of video games, and he likes toy story, as funny as it might sound. he plays basketball at home with his father and older brother, he loves ramen and sleeps a lot. actually, you found out the two of you had a lot in common, even if the two of you led two very different lifestyles: while you were focused on your grades, or at least, this is how you were until that thing shattered you apart, he was more laid back, going with the flow rather than trying to break it.
‘’i know it might be kind of sudden but there’s a party at jake’s frat,’’ heeseung said, instantly making your heart drop when you heard the word party. ‘’i was wondering if you'd like to come around? you can get your friends as well- i mean, jake definitely told yunjin about it. but it’d be nice if you came too.’’
trying to regain your composure, you forced your confidence as much as you could, ‘’why is that?’’ you asked, playing with the straw of your drink.
‘’i genuinely enjoyed your presence. it’s been quite long since i felt so nice around someone who isn't from my friend group. plus, i am not that smart but i can tell you're not feeling your best right now.’’ heeseung was nice, contrary to what others might say. he was, actually, too nice. it was a party held by a frat. you knew some members of this frat. there’s no way there would be freaks like that one in the club, right? even so, how could you deny heeseung when he was giving you those beautiful doe eyes?
‘’i don't really know…’’ you said, tilting your head to the side. if you were going you might as well make him stay with you, in order to avoid another incident like that happening, ‘’when me and my friends drink, we don't really stick together…everyone goes off on their own as if we are doing side quests or something.’’
‘’i’ll stay with you.’’ he quickly said, a chuckle escaping your lips, ‘’i’ll do side quests as well, if that’s what you want. i promise.’’
you don't understand how it was so easy for him to get you to come here; the girls were overly excited once they heard you decided to come as well, and once you told them heeseung was the one who got you to come, they went mad. while chaewon kept asking you about how the two of you started talking, kazuha and yunjin were helping you pick an outfit. were you trying too hard?
the outfit you picked was simple; a long black tube top with a low waisted pair of flare denim jeans, hugging your hips perfectly; everything else was natural, minimal makeup and neat hair. as soon as you stepped inside, you already saw drunk people making out in front of everyone, some even passed out on the floor, broken glasses and so on.
this frat was known for their wild parties, straight out of project x. but they were always fun, and for some reason, no matter how wild they got, the police never got involved.
‘’i’ll go find jake, will you be fine on your own?’’ yunjin asked you, gently brushing your arm. for some reason, which you didn't understand, kazuha and chaewon were coming later, so for the moment, it was just you and her.
‘’yeah, no worries. i’ll go find heeseung.’’ you assured her, feeling her happiness flying through the roof when she heard your response.
being left all alone in the heart of the party, you had a strong feeling of deja vu; how ironic. making your way to the kitchen, you found sunghoon, who was more than pleased to pour you a shot. sunghoon was extremely awkward when he was sober, but after he drank a little, he became friendlier. after letting you know that you can drink as much as you want, he quickly made his way towards his friends, who were playing beer pong at the moment. looking around, you couldn't spot heeseung anywhere. how foolish of you to actually think he would stay with you, someone he barely knew, at a party where he could even get laid if he wanted, considering the amount of hot girls you saw around.
at least the alcohol won't leave you alone when you need it most. drowning all your problems in alcohol was definitively a dumb idea. drinking alone in a place with so many people was even dumber, especially after what happened at the club. did you care? not really. every single problem left your system when you were drunk, and you were willing to let go of everything tonight, even if it meant throwing up everything afterwards.
this time, you didn't stick to only one alcohol, helping you get drunk faster, but also making you dizzier than ever. luckily enough, this time you weren't feeling anxious, nor confused or scared. you genuinely wanted to enjoy yourself tonight, wanting to move on from that incident completely. everything happens for a reason- at least that's what you always told yourself. you should be thankful he didn't do more. it was too much, but it could've been far worse. you’ll never fully move on from it, but you might as well lie to yourself and have a nice time.
after all, you can't go back in time and do things differently. tonight, it was all about feeling good; your heart might not be good with feelings, but your liver surely was a pro at alcohol. drinking away your pain was a hobby at this point.
taking shots with random strangers, drinking different cocktails and drinking raw vodka were the reasons you were now dancing in the middle of everyone with a girl you've never met, drunker than you were, and possibly, high as well. all eyes were on the two of you, and in all that madness you heard that her name was giselle. making friends with random strangers at parties like this one was always wholesome.
swaying your hips to the music, your leg was between hers as the two of you moved in sync, running your hands up and down her waist, spinning her around and so on. you felt the music running through your veins, and you knew there was no way you were going home tonight, not when you were feeling this good.
rolling your eyes back, both you and giselle got even closer to each other, backs touching as you felt the rhythm down to your core. it felt magical, too good to be real. everything was spinning around, and the lights weren't helping either; pitbull’s old songs were, and will always be, a vibe.
everything went smoothly until you felt someone in your close proximity; an unknown guy, with a bottle of soju in his left hand, was now dancing with the two of you, and while giselle was seemingly happy with his arrival, you quickly excused yourself and desperately tried to get away from them. pushing people out of your way, you started getting anxious again. that guy came up to you just because he wanted to do so- which made you realize that what happened at the club two weeks ago, could always happen again. especially when you are alone and vulnerable like this.
where was heeseung, really? why did he ask you to come here, and on top of that, promise you that he’ll stay with you? you were a fool for believing him, and a clown for trying to trick yourself into believing that drinking would make you forget an incident that occurred while you were drunk.
trying to stop your eyes from rolling back, you supported yourself on the wall as you slowly made your way back into the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water. you heard a familiar laugh in the distance, not too far from you, making you snap your head in that direction. there he was: lee heeseung. he was wearing baggy jeans and a plain white t-shirt, an oversized leather jacket hanging off his broad shoulders. he looked more attractive than he usually does, his black hair neatly parted in the middle.
he was very attractive indeed. his mannerisms made him even hotter than he already was. you felt something strange in your stomach, and you knew this wasn't because of all that damn alcohol. he suddenly turned his gaze on you, catching you staring at him, making you turn your head away suddenly, feeling the heat going up to your cheeks. ‘’pass me the bottle, would you?’’ you nearly froze when you heard his milky voice behind you, mentally slapping yourself in desperate attempts to get your shit together.
‘’which one,’’ you asked without turning around to face him, ‘’there’s soju, tequila, vodka, some wine, whiskey and lots of beer. what would you like?’’
‘’the one you’re holding,’’ heeseung nonchalantly stated, taking the water bottle from your hands and pouring himself a glass, ‘’i’m driving.’’
you wanted to slap yourself when you realised you were staring at him again, quickly shifting your attention to the tequila bottle in front of you, pouring yourself a shot and taking it down without a second thought.
‘’you surely like drinking a lot, don't you?’’ heeseung asked, leaning back on the counter, scanning your facial features, your heart skipping a beat when you saw his eyes landing on your lips for a brief moment. were you actually going crazy?
‘’my liver will handle what my heart can't.’’ you suddenly confessed, catching him completely off guard, ‘’it’s the best way. no one has to suffer.’’
you could tell he was about to say something, but you weren't in the mood for talking right now. something about the way he looked made him dreamier than he normally was, doing something in your brain. ‘’wanna dance?’’ you confidently asked, taking a few steps towards him, so that your face was inches away from him.
you might as well risk everything. worst case, he rejects you. but you could feel the rising tension between the two of you, and he could surely feel it too. shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, he pushed himself up from against the counter, towering over you, ‘’lead the way.’’ not only there was a change in his whole behavior, but also in the way he spoke.
without hesitating, you grabbed his hand and dragged him behind you, on the dance floor, pressing your back against his body 'accidentally’, before turning around and putting some distance between the two of you. a smirk appeared on his lips as he looked down at you, fixating his eyes on your lips before slowly scanning you from head to toe. his hands quickly made their way to your waist, pushing you closer, literally pressing your body on his as he gently massaged your waist, dragging his hand lower, daringly putting it inside the back pocket of your jeans.
perhaps you should be ashamed since you were clearly drunk and he was sober, or he should be the one ashamed since he knew you were drunk. it seemed like he read your mind, leaving you for a moment, before returning with two fresh tequila shots, ‘’i thought you were driving?’’ you asked, raising your eyebrow.
‘’i can get a cab and take the car tomorrow, you know?’’ taking the shot together, that wasn't the last one that night.
after taking more shots together, mixing a ‘mystery’ cocktail for him, you found yourself in front of his car as he was desperately searching his pockets for his car keys. once he found them and unlocked the car, you were quick to sit in the backseat, climbing on top of his lap, cupping his face with your fragile hands. his hands were softly caressing your waist, his doe eyes nowhere in sight as he seemed way more confident than he was earlier. you could see his eyes in the dim light, and their whole vibe was changed, making him look like a completely different person.
without holding back, you leaned in and connected your lips to his, moving your lips slowly in sync, his hands squeezing your waist a little bit. breaking the kiss, you saw him pouting at the lack of closure.
this time, before you kissed his lips, you kissed his whole face, leaving lipstick stains everywhere. you couldn't understand what about him was so comfortable and calming, but at the same time mesmerizing yet intimidating. connecting your lips once again, the kiss wasn't soft anymore. biting onto your lower lip, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, a small moan leaving your lips as you slowly moved your hips against him, his hands abruptly going down from your waist to your hips, squeezing them tightly, trying to stop you from moving.
after more kissing and touching, he gently pushed you away, earning a confused look from you. ‘’did i do something?’’ you asked, tilting your head to the side, as you felt your eyelids getting heavy.
‘’i think there’s something we need to talk about first.’’ he seriously said, although his voice was sweet.
‘’hm?’’ you asked, resting your hands on his shoulders, trying to stabilize yourself.
‘’about the night we first met.’’ your eyes widened in shock as soon as his words left his lips, quickly pushing yourself off his lap, trying to open the car’s door, only to be stopped by him. ‘’don’t. calm down a little.’’ your breath was going crazy, and you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
‘’you saw… that guy-’’ as much as you tried to sound coherent, it didn't work out the way you wanted, trying to read heeseung’s expression while also trying to understand your emotions.
‘’what i saw?’’ he asked, earning a small nod from you, ‘’his tongue bleeding. i didn't need anything else to realise what he did.’’ your eyes started watering at his words.
was he going to see you differently now? was he going to say it was your fault? would he tell anyone else?
heeseung wasn't this type of person.
‘’don’t cry.’’ he gently said, pulling you back on his lap, wrapping his arms around you, ‘’it’s not your fault.’’ his reassuring words were enough to make you break down, wrapping your arms around his neck as you hid your face on his left shoulder. running his hands up and down your back, the two of you stayed in silence for a while; heeseung didn't say anything anymore, letting you cry while he hummed a melody in your ear, trying to calm you down.
‘’i can't thank you enough for saving me that night.’’ you said between sobs, his gaze softening once you pushed yourself away from his shoulder and he saw your reddish eyes in the dim lights, and your mascara running down your cheeks. a faint smile appeared on his lips as he kissed your mascara stained cheeks before he wiped your tears away with his thumb.
‘’you don't have to thank me. any good person would've stepped in.’’ he said, another smile appearing in your face.
‘’still, i’m grateful it was you,’’ the sentence left your lips without you realizing it, making you slap yourself mentally at how bold you were tonight, ‘’i-i mean, we wouldn't be here if you didn't save me that night?’’
‘’actually…’’ heeseung said, shifting his gaze from you to the window, looking at the frat house in the distance, biting his lip before turning his attention back on you, ‘’i wanted to get to know you for a long time. i just didn't have the courage.’’
his confession left you speechless; you never saw yourself worthy of someone like heeseung, someone who was good at everything he did, someone who seemed perfect in all aspects. ‘’you looked kind of untouchable,’’ another shocking confession for the night, ‘’you came to college, went to class and left, no interest in cliches or frats or the typical campus drama. i saw you at a few parties and you were completely different from how you were in school. i found you quite intriguing and i might have developed a small crush on you…so i tried to find the courage to come up to you.’’
you couldn't help but smile like a dumb bimbo at his confession, pressing a soft kiss on his jawline before playing with his necklace, pulling him closer to you, ‘’what a good thing you found the courage to come up to me.’’ you chuckled, leaning in for a kiss, only to be denied by him, which got you more confused.
‘’hold up, hold up,’’ the black haired boy said, removing your hands from his body, ‘’sorry to ruin it to you, but if you keep kissing me i won't be able to hold back anymore.’’
again, he made you confused. was he rejecting you or subtly telling you you're pushing yourself onto him? upon seeing your perplexed expression, the silence was replaced by his loud laugh, squeezing his eyes shut while he laughed in your face. calming down, he barely held back his laughter when he saw the confusion written all over your face.
‘’we can have fun later, sweetheart,’’ heeseung spoke, playing with a strand of your hair, ‘’let me take you out on a date first.’’
(small note: if you ever find yourself in a similar situation and you're afraid to ask for help because you think people will blame your for it, just remember that there's always going to be someone there for you. since i went through something similar and i needed a whole year to tell anyone about it, constantly blaming myself for what happened, i felt much better when i told someone about what happened and got it off my chest. even if it's hard, don't hesitate to seek help <3)
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alwayzraven · 1 month
Kardeşlerim Ep 126
Ayla was taken to the hospital. After surgery, the doctor said that she was in a critical state and that they needed to keep her asleep and monitor her . Berk and Elif were devastated. Berk said that he will make whoever hurt his mom pay for it. Berk and Elif kept referring to Ayla as “our mom” 🥺 Akif came to see them the next day. Berk got a call from a security company. The guy on the phone told him that Ayla installed security cameras around the house and the footage can be viewed on her phone. Akif asked Berk where Ayla's phone was and he told him that it was at home. Akif went to get the phone but found that it had a password. So Akif gave the phone to his friend who is going to unlock it. Gokhan was inside the house and saw Akif take the phone. He followed him to his friend’s shop and waited in front of the shop for an opportunity to take the phone but the owner had a funeral to attend so he closed the shop for the day and told Akif that he will work on the phone tomorrow. 
Aybike went to Berk’s house to get him and Elif some clothes because they stayed at the hospital. She found plane tickets to France that Ayla bought for both of them. Ayla also left them a note with the tickets. She wanted them to go on this trip and to spend some time together to make up for all the years they were apart. Berk sobbed his heart out. after he read the note. Aybike hugged him and told him that nothing will happen to Ayla.
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Gokhan came back the next day and stole the phone. He saw that the cameras recorded everything that happened in the house including him throwing Ayla on the table. Gokhan destroyed the phone but the shop had security cameras so Akif saw Gokhan’s face. He then called Berk but Aybike answered instead because his phone was with her. Akif told her that Gokhan stole Ayla’s phone and Aybike found that strange and then everything clicked. She figured out that he was the one who broke into the house. She ran to Ayla’s room with Yasmin and found him there trying to kill her. Aybike pushed him and Yasmin checked on Ayla. Gokhan pushed Aybike and then ran away. Aybike was so worried about Ayla she kept asking Yasmin “is she alive? Is she alive?” 
Aybike and Yasmin went after him with Berk’s car. Gokhan went into the forest and Aybike and Yasmin followed him but they couldn’t find him. Aybike tried to call the police but Gokhan came out from behind her and tried to take her phone then pushed her on the ground. Yasmin kicked him and helped Aybike up but Gokhan pushed Yasmin against a tree and she fell on the ground then he grabbed Aybike and proceeded to strangle her. He was trying to kill her. Yasmin grabbed a rock and hit Gokhan on the head. He got up and then fell on the ground. Yasmin panicked and called her mom. Seval came and Yasmin told her everything. Seval checked Gokhan’s pulse and told the girls that he was alive. She told them to leave and that she will take care of everything. The girls left and left Seval there. Seval called Akif and told him that Yasmin killed Gokhan. Akif was speechless.
So Seval said that Gokhan is dead but idk is he? I didn’t see any news about the actor leaving the show. This feels like a KC plot where they go to dump the body in a lake and then the next day Gokhan will be standing in front of them. Even if he is dead, this is not a “dangerous” secret that will break Ayber up because Gokhan tried to kill Ayla and Aybike went after him then he tried to kill her and Yasmin hit him. Unlike the other murder secrets on this show, this one was a self defense. Berk hated his father anyway so when he hears about the whole situation he won’t be mad at Aybike and she is not the one who killed him. Aybike and Yasmin think he is alive because Seval told them so and maybe he is, we don’t know yet. I feel like there is no reason for them to hide this. I just hope she tells Ayla and Berk since she thinks he is not dead. 
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mtx-lol · 10 months
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scp doodles lol
anyways made some new designs, read more for notes on them, most of them are just references for the future lol
elias shaw (my handwriting's terrible):
•[Amulet's] More pinker to indicate a more "fun" and childish tone
•Host gets a 'shadow face/body' and a neck tracker
•Light does jackshit to it(explained below)
•Messy hair is a side effect for when host is used [for] longer than a month or [a couple of weeks]
•When a light is near them, it actually highlights the scars(that elias earned) and defines features of the host, also their eyes dilates to be exponentially smaller
•Speaking of dilating eyes, they can do that at will like make them big
•The scrawny lines is a part of their design, æthetically, however they become more scrawnier when the host they're using is getting "older" (worn out)
•anyways, they're genderfluid, which means whenever they feel their gender change, they kill some unsuspecting researcher or just a guy off the street and change hosts. they go by any pronouns but prefered pronouns are what host's original gender current are
•scrapbooks their deaths and killings, also stole one of kondrakis empty photo album to store all pictures of his dead bodies and causes of death, for funsies
•can dissappear into the light or darkness, obviously uses it to jumpscare people
thats about it for elias
scp 953;
•her hanbok collor spells out "Blood Hound", idk why i put it there but i thought of that maybe her parents hated her and therefore put that around her neck as a warning sign for anyone else and also to shame her, figuratively putting a noose around her neck to warn her of whats next or whatever idfk. but she wears it with pride cuz she hates everyone
•the lettering is; 블러드 하운드
•she also has a birthmark on her nose
•for future reference, she has muscles :))
•he actually doesn't have a voice anymore, due to it being stolen or whatever i havent thought of it much anyways lmao, so he signs as a way of communication
•doesn't really like suits :shock:,
•for future reference, his limbs are bronze with tints of platinum (not coloured on doodle) and blue
allison chao;
•her crown is floating and glowing
•shes wearing a civil war esque dress
scp 029;
•flatchested, her clothing usually baggy when she wears one
•muscular, just not detailed in the doodle
•really passive aggressive
talloran(my beloved:)));
•actually in a state of between life and death so they aren't exactly dead but they aren't exactly, alive, theyre an opaque ghost, ig, me thinks
•no they cant float
•suffers from ptsd from scp3999
•and probs other but idk that much so i wont assume and label them whatever
•theyre a fem presenting non binary btws, so dresses and skirts lol
thats it
bye bye :)))
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