#shannon leto story
mikeywayarchive · 5 months
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Instagram story by jaredleto
[Jan 14, 2024]
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ramiethewizard · 6 days
I have many critiques on Keeper of the Lost Cities. Don’t get me wrong, I love it as a series. But like any series, there are both obvious and unobvious flaws. Since I finally have a place online to talk about them I thought I’d share my thoughts! (Disclaimer: this is not bashing on Shannon Messenger or the series in any way!)
1. Too many protagonists
The series was fairly okay with the original gang in the earlier books. That group being Sophie, Keefe, Fitz, Biana, and Dex. There was a chance to connect with all of the characters and grow on each of them. I know I know, characters like Biana and Dex were still pushed aside a bit but they had a better chance at being involved again. But then only more and more protagonists joined. Adding Tam and Linh was iffy, but fine. Then you add Marella, Maruca, Wylie, Stina, all those people. We don’t have a chance to connect with the characters.
2. Obvious favoritism
A few people have pointed this out already, and I thought I’d do the same. Shannon has very clear favorites of the series - which is fine, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes it’s used a little too much. Keefe is a very obvious favorite. We constantly focus on him and his story. At this point, Sophie AND Keefe are the protagonists. I love Keefe, but I want to learn about the injustices and discrimination of Bad Matches from Dex. I want to learn about the expectations of being a Vacker from Fitz and Biana. See what I’m saying?
3. Little plots abandoned
I feel like there have been so many times where Shannon starts this little idea and then throws it away. If you reread the books, you seem to find so many instances where there’s something, and then it’s just abandoned. For example, Magnate Leto (Forkle) says in I think Exile how he doesn’t have a wife and he seems quite sad about it. Or the time in…Flashback I believe where we meet Tinker. Tinker is such an interesting character. She freaks out when Forkle talks about explosives and he said that he wouldn’t make her build them - ‘not again’. HUH? And we’ve gotten no more out of it.
4. Overly focused on romance
Probably my biggest pet peeve with the series is that it is so so focused on romance. Having romance in the series is fine but there’s so much. I feel like Sophie barely even has any character left. You can tell that Shannon was just really excited to write the romantic relationships because even in the first book (WHEN SHES TWELVE) there are already intense moments. And the biggest thing is that characters like Keefe and Fitz (the love interests) are so much more important than characters like Biana and Dex (the friends). It’s a weird thing because Sophie should be apart of both groups but there’s just a weird focus on the guys that she’s into.
5. Lack of diversity
This is something that I think should just be improved in general. Most of the protagonists are very stereotypical and don’t have any diversity. Most of the main characters are white - which is fine but when it gets to be that ALL of the protagonists are, it just gets a little…you know? I mean, Tam, Linh, and Wylie are not white but they’re also not focused on at all in the series. It’s one of the reasons why people headcanon the Vackers to be POC so much. There’s also no LGBTQ+ characters - which again, fine for the most part but also…people of the queer community are incredibly common and the KOTLC characters seem so…not straight. So the fact that it’s been like ten books and there hasn’t been anything is just a little eh. Same with mental health, or physical abilities. Just a lack of diversity.
I love this series a lot, but like anything, it can always improve. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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rhina988 · 11 months
Indecent Proposal - Chapter 27
Start from the beginning
Chapter 26
Jared's POV
"Did you catch up with her," I ran to Shannon when I saw him entering the house.
"Yeah. She doesn't want to see you anymore, bro. You really messed up this time," Shannon replied and my heart sank.
I was devastated. Furious. Broken. Everything that Melody was probably feeling at the same time. But that wasn't going to end like that. I had to find that bastard and give him a piece of my mind.
"I may have messed up, but this isn't over. That punk is going to get what he deserves," I was determined to get my revenge and try to fix this unfortunate situation with my Melody. I couldn't let her think I was playing with her when she means everything to me.
"What do you mean," Shannon was confused.
"I'm going back to New York and I'm taking matters into my own hands."
Melody's POV
"Hey, do you think I could stay with you for a few days," I called Jamie on my aimless walk. He was the only person who could understand and be there for me without judging me.
Jamie on the phone " Over here? Why? What happened, are you okay? "
"I don't really know. All I do know is that I need a friend right now."
"Of course. You know you're always welcome here. But just so you know, Karen is here too," Jamie said.
"I know. That makes the situation a bit more difficult but I can't be alone right now and I don't have anywhere else to go," Karen was the one I feared the most. She disapproved of this relationship since I told her about it and now I'm going to face the 'I told you so' I really don't want to hear.
"We'll be waiting for you."
"Thanks. I'll see you in a bit."
Knock, knock...
"Hello there Mrs. Leto," Jamie said with the silliest grin on his face.
"Ha ha, very funny," I replied.
"That's not a face of a newlywed woman," Jamie noticed that I wasn't feeling my best.
"You have no idea," I replied throwing myself into his arms. I missed that hug ever since he was chained to the bed due to his illness.
"Whoa. That's not good," Jamie wrapped his arms around me tightly and felt my sobs starting to intensify. "What on Earth happened? Are you hurt? Where's Jared?"
"I'll need a drink first," I said wiping the tears off my face.
"Why are you crying, sweetie? What did that jerk do now," Karen asked as she handed me a glass of gin.
"He proved to be the bastard you always warned me he would be," I answered and sipped.
"Who's the slut", Jamie asked.
"Oh God, Jamie. It's nothing like that. It's far worse, actually," I answered and stood up to walk my anger away.
I started telling them all about the things that happened to me ever since Jared and I tied the knot, and each event became more unbelievable as the words rolled down my tongue. I couldn't tell if Jamie or Karen was more baffled. I could tell that on some level Karen wanted to give Jared the benefit of the doubt, but after this, Karen would never be able to forgive him. She has always been overprotective of me. Sometimes more than she was of Jamie. Maybe because I was a girl and maybe because I was all alone without my parents. Either way, she would never allow anyone to hurt me without paying for it.
"You're not going back to him, are you," Karen asked after I was done with the story.
"I was hoping I could stay here for a few days. Jared doesn't know where Jamie lives, and the last thing I need is for him to stalk me at home".
"Of course. You'll take the guest bedroom and I'll be home now. You and Jamie have a lot to catch up on, and he doesn't need both of us to babysit him". Karen joked as she winked at Jamie.
"Ha-ha, very funny, mother. I didn't need you to babysit me anyway, but some people ar just impossible to kick out". Jamie went along with his humour.
"I promise I'll stay only for a couple of days until I can figure out how to grab all my stuff without being noticed".
"Don't worry, Melody. You know you can stay here for as long as you need to. But you do know you won't be able to run away from him for long. You are married, after all", Jamie said.
"I was never the one to run away from problems and I'm not about to start doing that now. I just need some time to think. Plus, this whole fake marriage situation suddenly went out of control and it's going to be even more difficult to get out of it. Why did I have to be so stupid to fall in love?"
"The heart wants what it wants, right", Jamie said.
"I wish we could fall in love with our brains. What good is it to follow your heart if it's only going to end up broken in the end?"
My phone kept buzzing ever since I had left Jared's house. Text after text, call after call. Jared was ever so persistent to reach me. Little did he know I was the queen of ignoring. I turned my phone off and went to bed. The entire night was filled with flashbacks of my and Jared's relationship. From the first time we met to all the differences we've had in between to the moment when he proposed this ridiculous arrangement, the proposal itself, marriage and honeymoon to this day here. I have given everything to that man. He has taken my purest feelings, my body, my soul, all of my love.
The next morning I woke up at the crack of dawn. It's safe to say I didn't catch even a wink of sleep and I just wanted the previous day to be over. Waking up in Jamie's home brought back so many memories but quickly brought me back to reality. I need to figure out what I need to do about Jared and our marriage. Do I give him a chance to explain himself? Or should I take the less forgiving way and get my revenge? Who should I listen to this time, my heart or my brain? Love vs reason - the neverending battle that has brought misery to so many lovers.
Chapter 28 coming soon
Feel free to comment and leave feedback.
Let me know if you’d like me to tag you in the next chapters.
Hope you enjoyed it.
You can read the story on Wattpad too
@legolasothranduilion @chris-evans-whaaat @woohooargentina-blog @nikkitasevoli @wolfgirl1074  @iraniq @snewsome756  @iamthejaredleto @notjanelle @spaceshipteam44 @lanfear619 @bradlea23 @msroxyblog @maulapaulawaula @lylabell2013  @mylittlestories-xoxox-blog @ddg90 @insanepixie @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @beautorigin @lizzyclifford13-blog
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kmp78 · 11 months
Omg if those stories are true, poor CL!😂
No wonder she didn’t know what SL was doing. All the focus was on her younger kiddo
That is the gift and the curse of being born Shannon Leto! 🤷🏼‍♀️
On the one hand you were blessed with a brother who has gifted you a cushy life beyond your wildest dreams which you would never in a million years have gotten on your own. 💰
But on the other hand you were "blessed" with a brother who has demanded (and gotten) everyone's attention from day 1, with no regards to who else he might be eclipsing in the process. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Bedtime Pleasures - A Shannon Leto/”You” one shot story.
Just a quick little Shan fix for my lovely fellow Shan girls to enjoy here! Usual disclaimer applies :) 
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Your back hits the bedroom wall with a thud much louder than you expected, your shoulders sore from the force of the push that moved you there in the first place. You don’t care though, the hazel eyes you’re staring into are worth it, as are the kisses the man they belong to begins to give you once more. You love it when he’s a little rough with you, after all. 
His strong hands knead the backs of your thighs before travelling up to give your ass the same attention, his tongue swirling with yours, stubbly beard scratching your lips as your hungry kisses deepen. This man, he’s all you’ve ever desired, all you’ve ever wanted or needed. The satisfaction you feel at him being yours is beyond sheer delight.
Those big hands tug at your underwear, pulling the silky shorts you’re wearing down your legs and letting them drop to the floor before using his knee to part your thighs wider, nibbling your bottom lip and then groaning against your neck when his fingers meet the soft skin of your slit.
Delving within to stroke at you, his groan only becomes deeper and more aroused, feeling you’re already wet for him. The warmth bathes his fingers, so silky and sumptuous to him, while you grip his arms and sigh at the feeling of being stroked, his lips kissing at your neck in the exact spot he knows always turns you on.
A soft exclamation of ‘ahhhh!’ leaves your mouth as his thick fingers press your clit, moving in circles first before his index and middle finger slide up and down over it, working in a scissoring motion that gently squeezes it as they rub.
Your legs tremble, gasping before his mouth is on yours once more, kissing you fiercely, leaving you breathless and giddy already. Moving you over to the bed he then pushes you down, his hands sliding up your body and taking the simple cotton dress you’re wearing with them, the fabric bunched at your waist.
His hands glide back down again as he kneels at the foot of the bed, parting your legs and holding them wide as his head dips down and his lips part, ready for the introduction of his tongue where his fingers previously worked their magic.
Your head tilts back as you moan softly, his tongue licking at you gently while his hands stroke your stomach. He circles your clit with the very tip, alternating between that and soft, fast flickers, the light touch making your head spin as your body yearns for firmer contact.
He stops momentarily, laughing softly when you make a noise of displeasure, getting up to turn on the lamp. He always loves to see you, sex with the light off is never an option for him. It’s as he’s walking back to the bed that you see his erection tenting his jeans, a sight that makes a delicious tingle run through you.
“Ahhhh, ohhhh.” You exclaim, your fingers stroking his hair as his lips suck at your clit, making it harder, his tongue then beating back and forth over it. His fingertips stroke your thighs, evoking a lustful quake across your body, mouth making you so wet and ready for him that you can barely wait until that bulge you saw a moment ago is released and sliding within you.
Your need to be fulfilled in such a manner is gratified when he begins to explore you with his fingers, the tips playing with your opening firstly, teasing the soft flesh before pushing within. He circles them around, giving you a thorough stroking on the inside before he begins rubbing your g spot, his tongue beginning to move in a faster beat over your clit.
You start to pant, those pleasant shudders becoming more violent as your body hums with erotic energy, your legs clenching as your fingers tug at his short hair. He knows how to build you up quickly, speeding up using a lighter touch and then slowing down and administering a firmer one, moaning deeply.
“You’re getting so fucking wet for me, beautiful. Damn, this pussy tastes so sweet.” He murmurs, sucking on your clit again and making you holler in appreciation. That sudden suction on an area so sensitive literally takes your breath away, forgetting to breathe until you moan again at the feel of his tongue pressing hard against your clit and starting to wiggle from side to side.
You look down at him, watching him devouring you as he stares back, beautiful hazel eyes glowing almost gold in the soft light, winking at you before his long eyelashes shutter his irises, eyes closing as he begins to suck at you again.
The spiralling, tingly heat of your imminent release builds ever stronger, his tongue and fingers working faster and faster, your chest heaving with every laboured breath as sweat beads your trembling body, until…
“Oh god, ahhhhhh!” There it is, the moment your body is alight with utter rapturous pleasure, lingering as he continues to lick at you before it slowly ebbs away once more. He kisses your inner thigh while you catch your breath, sitting up to take your dress and bra off as he stands up again.
Gesturing that he should pull his t shirt off you play with your tits as he strips for you, watching you intently as you pinch your nipples and kiss his taut abdomen.
By the time your hands reach to unfasten his jeans, he’s hard again, his dick bulging out as you pull them off. It springs free when you remove his boxers, thick, rock hard and pleasantly musky in scent, waiting for your mouth to encase it.
“Mmmmm, fuck, baby.” He groans when your begin licking the head of his cock, flickering your tongue back and forth over the very tip before circling all around it, your hand squeezing his shaft before your mouth slides down slowly.
You keep repeating this slowly to begin with, cupping his balls and rolling them in your palm while your other hand strokes his back, speeding your mouth up eventually, but not too much. You know slow and deliberate gets him excited.
Making a point of tightening your lips around his shaft, you feel him harden even more once the pressure is released, continuing to do this as you feel his hips begin to slowly move back and forth, fucking your mouth in a non-obnoxious way.
Keeping your head still and gripping his hips, you let him continue doing this, your tongue flickering against the underside of his shaft as it slides in and out of your mouth, Shannon looking down at you intently. “I’m going to fuck your pussy so damn hard.” He tells you, stroking your cheek with his thumb before closing his eyes and groaning again.
His fingers run through your hair as he continues to watch, you taking control again to pump his shaft with your hand quickly, your tongue licking the tip of his cock. He hisses a sharp breath, groaning deeply thereafter at the sudden change of pace, smiling down at you. He knows full well what you want.
“You want me balls deep in your beautiful little pussy, huh honey?” he asks, watching you nodding in reply. “Come here then, climb on.” Sitting down next to you on the bed he chuckles at the speed you move astride him at, both of you moaning contently when after guiding him to your opening, you sink down on his thick erection.
He fills you to capacity, stretching you deliciously as your bodies begin to rock together, his hands stroking your back as you kiss each other hungrily. His body is utter fit perfection, carved arms from drumming, strong and powerful as they wrap around you a little tighter.
The smattering of dark hair on his chest brush your nipples as they skim against it, Shannon sucking on your tongue before pushing you back to lay a line of kisses from your throat down to your tits. The feeling of his tongue paying attention to your nipples in turn as your pussy flexes around his slippery dick has you alight with euphoria, crying out as you grasp his thick shoulders.
His thick, dark pubes tickle against your clit as you slide up and down on him, holding his face in your hands and kissing him again, passion washing over you both as you relish in this moment, in each other, surrendering yourselves to it totally.
Moving underneath you he places you on the bed so he’s behind you, sinking back into your heat while you arrange yourself comfortably, enjoying the slow, sensuous thrusting of his hot, steely erection. His hands stroke your ass cheeks, fingers flexing against them in squeeze and palms coming down to spank them sporadically, those big hands eventually settling at your waist.
Increasing the pace he holds you still, forcing you to take the brunt of each deep, keenly delivered thrust, his groans deep and saturated in lust. Every last inch of his manhood has your body alight with utter heavenly bliss, your soft cries and mewls beautiful to his ears. He loves hearing how much he arouses you and this only propels him on faster.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Damn, you feel good, ahhhh!” he grunts, his tongue then running up your spine slowly and fluidly, kissing the back of your neck before suddenly withdrawing from you, flipping your hot, overly aroused body over and sinking back into you again.
He pushes your legs up until your knees touch your chest, smiling down at you as you cry out with every breath as how utterly amazing he feels inside you, whispering to you how pretty you are as he reaches between you and begins to rub your clit with his thumb.
Pre-orgasmic judders spark within you at that, the feeling of flush, light headed bliss beginning to sweep through you as you feel your pussy throb around his cock, knowing it won’t take long. The pace becomes voracious, Shannon moving within you like a jackhammer as all control is lost and both of you are speeding towards your ultimate undoing.
He comes before you, his eyes closed tightly and mouth agape as his cock twitches and shoots its hot load deep within your quivering walls, your orgasm only delayed by as few moments and then spurred on amazingly when he bends to suck one of your nipples at the precise moment you cum.
It feels like someone plugged you into the mains, like a bolt of electricity just shot through you, the pleasure of your orgasm so intense it takes you a while to open your eyes as you gasp for breath. When you do, there are those familiar, golden hazel orbs staring down at you, his hands stroking your face.
He kisses you a few times before withdrawing from you, bundling you up in warm cocoon of strong arms and soft blankets, your hazy, post-orgasmic glow sending you to sleep as he kisses your head and eyelids. Bedtime pleasures never felt as good as they do with him.
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sydswritings · 6 years
APMA’s - Part 2 (Chapter 28)
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To avoid listening to Andy’s voice droning on, I let my eyes wander around the venue. I scanned from table to table, picking out people I knew, my friends, people I had never seen before, to the fans up in the stands. My eyes finally made it to the table to my right where Jacoby Shaddix and the rest of Papa Roach were supposed to be, only to find the table pretty vacant, even Kelly was gone. Where the hell did they all run off to? I shook my head, trying to clear it of my curiousity as I sipped on my drink, and continued on with my roamings, only to lock eyes with Shannon at the table to the left of us. His hazel green gaze shifted from surprise at being caught, to concern as he watched me down my sixth or seventh drink, I had honestly stopped counting at this point.
The burn of the liquor flipped in my stomach as I tried my best to look away. I hated that he looked at me like that. Didn’t he know I just wanted to forget about him? To forget that I was in love with him. To forget what it was like to finally kiss him and tell him how I felt just to have it end our friendship. I wanted more than anything to just sink into the oblivion that drinking offered. I wanted the pain to go away, any possible way. But I wouldn’t be the one to blink first, thankfully or not, I’m not sure which I feel right now, his girlfriend said something that had him finally breaking eye contact with me and looking over to the stage. The voices of Jack and Alex changed to that of Matt’s from Bullet for my Valentine and Alex from Atreyu as they presented Papa Roach’s performance.
    “Come on people!” Jacoby’s voice vibrated through the room, “I wanna see you up!”
The chords of Getting Away with Murder had the fans jumping up and down, screaming at the top of their lungs to each lyric. I watched as the ginger headed frontman of Memphis Mayfire, Matty Mullins joined the stage, singing the next verse before Jacoby joined back in. Bands all around the room joined the fans, standing, jumping and singing and to hell with it I was one of them. The song soon came to an end much to my sadness.
    “Wooo, AP how you livin’?” Jacoby laughed out as the crowd surrounding the stage yelled. “Everybody doin alright out there? I don’t know about you guys sitting on your asses over here,” he motioned to a couple of tables next to ours, “that shit ain’t rock-n-roll, what’s up! This ain’t television, come on!”
I laughed at the affronted looks at the bands behind us at being called out, before they finally rolled their eyes and stood up, half to join the rest of us and the other half to go get drinks at the bar. The opening of Scars started and I looked at Charlie, hand on my chest as we both started to belt the first verse. These were the songs we grew up on, the ones that made us want to pursue music in the first place. The frontwoman of Tonight Alive, Jenna McDougall joined Jacoby on stage, and the crowd went wild as she started the next verse. The girls and I sang at the top of our lungs until the very last chord.
    “We got some more surprises for you guys are you ready?” This man knew how to pump up a crowd.
I forgot we were honestly at an award show, it felt like all those years ago, concert jumping with my best friends.
    “Hey Papa Roach,” I looked around as the voice of Kelly blared out of the PA.
    “Are you kidding me?” Ace asked, exasperation clinging to her words.
I couldn’t help the laugh that jumped out of my throat as I looked over at her and Charlie, both not thrilled to see Kelly on stage, but as soon as he did the atmosphere changed to something almost electric. Brook and I leaned against each other, swaying and singing every lyric to MGK’s Til I Die. They finished up their set with Papa Roach’s Last Resort and I watched as Kelly jumped into the throng of people in front of the stage, moshing with the fans as he finished his lyrics.
    “He’s lost his damn mind.” I laughed out as Brook watched him crawl back on stage.
    “I don’t think he had one to lose in the first place,” She countered, that was probably true.
We waved the waitress down and ordered our next round of drinks as Twiggy Ramirez presented the Icon Award to Marilyn Manson. I zoned out, letting the haze of alcohol run its course, taking all my emotions and bottling them up. If I could get through this night without having an altercation with Andy and Juliet and another face to face with Shannon, I was going to drop to my knees and praise whoever was upstairs keeping them away from me. I hated that I felt that way about a man that I still considered one of my best friends, the man that I was head over heels in love with, but I couldn’t sit here and watch her fawn all over him. I couldn’t pretend that seeing them together didn’t hurt me, so to avoid it, I was going to drink my night away.
Soon Jack and Alex replaced Marilyn and Twiggy announcing Song of the Year. I clicked back into the award show as I watched Brendon and the rest of Panic! flashed across the screen followed by Vic and the guys from Pierce. I glanced over to Vic’s table giving him a thumbs up before turning back to the stage.
    “And the winner is,” Keaton Pierce, of Too Close To Touch, started, “Panic! at the Disco’s Hallelujah. Brendon and the rest of Panic! are actually on tour right now, but we do have a small video we’re going to show.”
Everyone’s eyes moved to the screen, where Brendon sat, grin plastered across his face as he accepted his award. I glanced at the girls who all grinned back, if you looked just close enough you could see Karah’s hand in the frame, I was glad she was there to celebrate this moment with him.
    “Wow guys, this is beyond awesome,” Brendon laughed, “I actually made a bet with myself that if I won this award I would do something I’ve been meaning to do for a few months now.”
Charlie grabbed my arm causing me to break my gaze from the screen, “what’s he doing?” She whispered, to no one in particular.
    “I don’t know brobo, keep watching like the rest of us and we might find out.” I whispered back.
The look she gave me wasn’t one of her nicests. We both turned our heads back to the screen to see Brendon grab Karah’s hand and pull her down next to him on the leather couch.
    “Everyone, this is Karah, my beautiful, amazing girlfriend and if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t know what was up or down right now on this crazy tour.” We watched as he took a deep breath before dropping on one knee and pulling out a small ring box from his pocket, “Karah Rose, I’ve loved you since the day I met you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”
    “Holy. Shit.” I breathed out, eyes wide as I watched our manager nod her head up and down, tears streaming down her pale face.
    “Did that just happen?” Ace asked, as a wild applause broke through the venue.
    “I think so.” Brook finally joined in.
    “That little shit!” Charlie blurted out. We all turned our wide eyes to our guitarist, confused at her choice of words. “He didn’t even tell us!”
I couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out of me at her outrage for Brendon not telling the four of us.
    “Well that was unexpected.” Alex announced as he stepped back out on the stage.
After Neck Deep’s performance, 3OH!3 took to the stage to present the award for Underground Band. My eyes blurred as the faces of the nominees flashed by, Too Close To Touch followed by Moose Blood, then Our Last Night, everyone at our table whooped and hollered as Matt, Trevor, Woody and Tim’s faces crossed the screen. Charlie leaned against Trevor, their hands intertwined as we waited with baited breath for Sean Foreman to announce the winner. The other half of 3OH!3, Nathaniel Motte, stepped up to the microphone.
    “The winner is,” he glanced back down at the paper, “OUR LAST NIGHT!”
Trevor sat in stunned disbelief as the rest of our table jumped up yelling. Charlie had to jostle him a bit before a wide grin painted his features as he stood up, sweeping her up into a full bodied hug and planting a kiss on her grinning lips. I stood next to Brook and Ace as we cheered on our friends, Trevor finally let Charlie go to join us as he ran to catch up with the boys, who were halfway to the stage. After accepting their award and giving their speech, which consisted of Trevor telling Charlie how much he loved her and the guys thanking the fans, they made their way back to our tables, where we proceeded to have another round of drinks. Halfway through Beartooth’s performance Jared, Shannon and Tomo disappeared, causing Ace to look around in confusion.
    “Hey I’m sure everything is fine.” I attempted to keep her calm.
    “He just knew that this category was a big deal, this is the one we really want.” Ace’s voice went up another octave.
    “I’m sure he has a good reason Ace, just take a deep breath.” Charlie said from Trevor’s side.
A good reason he did have, since at that moment they appeared on stage to present Breakthrough Band.
    “See good reason.” Brook laughed.
We watched as I Prevail, Knuckle Puck, Neck Deep, Set It Off and State Champs’ pictures flashed across the big screen followed by our picture from the big AP Warped Tour Edition spread ended the list of nominees. I reached beside me and grabbed Charlie’s hand before snatching Ace’s who was holding on to Brook’s for dear life. I don’t think I had ever felt this nervous or sick until this very moment. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and my pulse quickened with adrenaline. Jared stepped up to the microphone as Shannon held the award and Tomo the envelope.
    “And the winner for Breakthrough Band is,” Jared paused dramatically.
    “I swear to god, I’m going to kill him,” Ace seethed through gritted teeth.
    “Just deny him sex for the next month.” I grumbled out.
    “Yeah but then she’s without it too.” Charlie argued.
    “Fuck! I wish he didn’t feel the need to be so damn aggravating.” Ace mumbled.
    “GRACE OF THE FALLEN!” The three of them announced together.
    “Wait, what?” I think my brain just broke. “Did they just say Grace?”
    “Holy! FUCK! We won!” Charlie exclaimed, jumping out of her seat screaming.
Trevor and Pete stood clapping as we managed to climb out of our seats. My legs felt like jelly as I stood away from the table. I don’t know how but my feet managed to get me to the stage and up the stairs to accept our award. I hugged Tomo while Jared kissed Ace and Brook took the offered award from Shannon’s hands.
    “Holy shit,” I sighed into the microphone. “I guess this is actually happening. Umm-we’d like to thank our fans, without you guys we wouldn’t be here right now.”
Ace moved from Jared’s side and took over the speech, “We’d also like to thank our label, Interscope, along with our friends, family and loved ones.”
With that we were ushered through the back to give an interview and then let back to the main floor to finish up the night. The rest of the show was honestly a blur, after winning I started slamming back shots in celebration followed by more Jack & Coke’s. The girls drank but at a slower pace and with more control. We watched Of Mice & Men’s performance followed Andy’s and then A Day to Remember closed out the night. In the end Jack won the mock presidential campaign, reigning supreme over Alex and then it was announced the after party would be held at Skully’s Music Dinner being hosted by Every Time I Die and Issues. I guess it was time to get the real party started.
Chapter 29
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I miss you guys!
This morning I needed to find some paperwork and so switched my laptop on for the first time in...I don't know, over a year. Normally I just use my phone for anything web related.
And once I'd found what I needed, I then stumbled across my ATSG folder... which prompted me to start re-reading.....
MAN I miss that story, and Mars, and most of all - all you lovely Tumblrites! What an insane, supportive, passionate bunch you all are/were!
My feed doesn't look quite the same these days, so I'm thinking a lot of you have also moved on / away from our madness... but today is very nostalgic. I might even try my hand at a chapter once I've finished reading, just for old times sake!
I hope everyone is well and has survived this batshit crazy 18 months <3
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ko-bruh · 3 years
Thirty Seconds to Mars - The story
One of my favourite tracks of theirs, ever, even if it is not the most popular tracks on the album. Simple lyrics but very meaningful.
It's hard to imagine how their music has since, fallen from grace. But I am going to be positive and believe in Leto brothers to take us back to their space rock era.
Come back to me old TSM.
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4/15/19 Hey ya’ll
It’s been a while. Some things have happened. Me writing a play that I still think needs work [the story of my life], dancing my heart out, learning about the universe [Yes I’m one of those people who loves talking about spirituality like it’s my best friend. It’s insanity lol], manifesting my dream life, and still being weird.
Ask my family, they know lol. No seriously ask them.
You know normal things. Oh and vegan cookies. Never forget the vegan cookies (you can always trust us vegan junkies lol).
I  just wanted come on and let you know that I’m still alive, growing, and very much living my last semester of college to the fullest. It’s a sad ending but one that needs to be had. Any who, I’m curious as to what this blog will turn into as I transition into post-college mode. In some ways it’s nerve wracking but exciting. My goal is to keep posting on here as I make my career a reality. Hopefully it’s cool but also kept on the down low.
Also I’m praying that Jared, or anybody in Mars, will never see these posts. Like I said before in previous posts, I would die because they would be reading stuff 18 year old Geneva wrote. Not the Geneva now lol.
Regardless enjoy the photo from 2002 (aka when I was in kindergarten and kept trying different smiles because I thought that was cool lol) I hope ya’ll have a great day/night wherever you are! Stay creative and do you, ya feel?
P.S. i low key wrote this listening to the Spring Awakening soundtrack. My inner theatre kid is beaming. Anybody else a fan?
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luisamariatraumer · 10 years
Meeting 30 Seconds to Mars (Ecuador - Parte 4)
This is a true story. Not a fan-fiction.
These are real events which happened on October 7th, 2014 in Quito, Ecuador.
It is written in Spanish. Summaries in English Here and Here
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Otra vez tuvimos que ponernos en fila india. Esta vez para la foto con el grupo, que por cierto, fue individual. Así es, no nos dejaron posar a las dos en una misma foto. Aunque analizándolo bien, creo que fue lo mejor porque pudimos tener nuestro momento especial.  Esta vez era mi turno de ir primera.  Las dos nos quitamos los lentes y quedamos literalmente ciegas.   
Caminé rápidamente pero con cierto temor hacia ellos. No quería tropezarme y hacer el ridículo. Apenas veía sombras. Finalmente llegué al lado derecho de Shannon. Con una voz dulce e inocente le dije a mi amado las siguientes palabras: “Shannon, could you hug me, please?” Él me contestó con un tono muy amable: “Sure”
Esa voz. Su voz!  Como me cautiva. No pude oler su perfume pero sentí sus manos cálidas en mi espalda. Sentí como acercó su cabeza hacia la mía. Sentí su aliento. Sentí el calor que emanaba de su cuerpo. Yo solo atine a agarrar suavemente su cintura y sacar mi mejor sonrisa.
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  Al ver los resultados en la foto estoy más que satisfecha. La sonrisa y los ojos de Shannon son lo mejor de este planeta. Sus abrazos son los más sinceros. Parecemos novios (jijijiji). Alcancé a decir gracias, me coloqué mis lentes y empecé a ir de espalda hacia atrás. No quería perderme el momento.
Finalmente era el turno de mi hermana gemela para su foto.  Todo fue tan rápido pero a la vez muy divertido. Corrió rápidamente hacia Jared gritando su nombre. Literalmente gritó “JAREEEEDDD!!!!” y lo agarró fuertemente de su cintura. Sus uñas estaban clavadas en la camisa roja a cuadros del Sr. Leto. Él lo único que alcanzó a decir fue: “PooPoo!!!!” jajajajjajaaja!!!
¿Por qué dijo eso? Pues porque mi hermana llevaba en su mano derecha al famoso RedGlyph Bear. Buddha the Bear, como yo  lo llamo. O simplemente PooPoo, según Jared. En verdad él se alegró muchísimo al ver el detalle de mi hermana
Clic! La foto fue tomada.
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Mi hermana y yo nos alejamos. Tomamos asiento en las butacas del teatro. Foto grupal. Era hora de la despedida.
Los chicos empezaron a salir del pequeño escenario. Algunas personas y yo empezamos a gritar “TOMO!!!!” Él nos vio y se despidió con una sonrisa y su mano haciendo un gesto de adiós. Ojalá me haya visto.
Y se me iba mi amorcito. Mi Shannon.
Grité lo más duro que pude: “SHANNON!!!!!”.Me vio desde lo más lejos y nos despedimos. Pensé que ese sería el último contacto. Qué equivocada estaba!
Volvimos a hacer fila india para entrar al Ágora. Todo iba normal hasta que de la nada Shannon Leto salió a saludar a la gente que estaba afuera del recinto. Pasó dos veces frente a  nosotras. En la primera mi hermana  le agarró el antebrazo y yo apenas pude tocar sus dedos con los míos. Estaba desprevenida. La gente estaba como loca. Entonces Shannon pasó por segunda vez frente a nosotros.
Ahora fue ÉL quien me agarra de mi antebrazo izquierdo con su mano derecha. Su mano fuerte pero a la vez cálida me agarró. Estaba extasiada. Solamente alcancé a decir: “Here we go again, baby!”.
Él sonrió.
 Aquí está la prueba!
Y esa fue la última vez que lo tuve junto a mí. Nunca fui tan feliz.
Lo tuve frente a mí, sus ojos contactaron con los míos por varias ocasiones. Así me estaba mirando, así con esos ojazos:
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Él no paraba de mirarme durante las preguntas. LO JURO!!!!.
Baby Shannon was staring at me!!!!
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No puedo!!!! Nunca lo voy a superar!!!!! NUNCA!!!
Y yo no paraba de contemplar sus hermosos ojos pardos y su paquete, el cual sus pantalones blancos no podían disimular (uyuyuyyyy!!!).
Me tocó.
Me abrazó.
Me dijo que me amaba.
Por unos instantes él fue mío y yo fui suya. Nadie más existía en el universo.  Éramos Shannon y yo.
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  Martes, 7 de Octubre del 2014. Nueve y veinte de la noche.  La luna roja oscurece el cielo de Quito.
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mikeywayarchive · 5 months
Instagram story by carasantana
[Jan 14, 2024]
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lyrasky · 2 years
Thirty Seconds To Mars【Do Or Die】和訳 生死の果て Story Goes
Thirty Seconds To Mars【Do Or Die】和訳 生死の果てStory Goes Lyraのブログへ #lyrasky #jaredleto #thirtysecondstomars #doordie #LoveLustFaithandDreams #30secondstomars #happybirthdayjaredleto #ForgettheWorld #ジャレッドレト #JaredJosephBryant #30STM #mysncalledlife #ShannonLeto
Happy Birthday Jared Leto! I’ve been great fan of you since I watched My So-Called Life. I love your messages feeling from your works. Wishing your good health and happiness in life! Jared Letoのバースデイなので映画を取り上げるか迷いましたが、今年もJaredのバンドである Thirty Second To…
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spidermanmultiverse · 2 years
Here's how Sony can jumpstart its Spider-Man Universe
We've made a perfect plot and story for Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man. It will start with a Sinister Six movie and will continue with The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and further projects
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Mary Jane Watson (Shailene Woodley)
Mary Parker (Sally Field)
Dr. Otto Octavius (Michael Shannon)
Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto)
Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton)
Aleksei Sytsevich (Paul Giamatti)
Sergei Kravinoff (Aaron Taylor Johnson)
Dr. Miles Warren (Ted Levine)
Felicia Hardy (Felicity Jones)
(These are all my fancasts, if any better option, let me suggest in the comments)
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After the events of Spider-Man No Way Home, Peter is changed, he's Hopeful, Spectacular, Amazing and most importantly 'Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. But his past still haunts him. After the death of Gwen Stacy, he stopped pulling his punches, got bitter and rageful. He gets confronted by common public and SHIELD, SHIELD agents arrest him against his violent behavior. For his redemption, he is assigned a mission with a team consisting of previous baddies (The Rhino, The Vulture, Dr. Morbius, Kraven The Hunter and Dr. Otto Octavius) faced by Spidey and some new faces which are there for their own redemption. There mission is a simple clearance mission, to take back Horizon Labs overtook by Dr. Miles Warren who is accused of doing illegal cloning experiments. When the team arrives on the scene, things go south from there as there's an unknown attack and a defection too.
If you have any other ideas or suggestions, let me know in the comments✌.
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kmp78 · 1 year
What’s going on?
Is Sloth just a shy flower or a prop for another one of Lordy’s heartwarming stories about himself???
Why was that terrible Shannon Leto Stuuuuck remix unleashed upon the world?
To get him some royalties of course! 🤑
And to make the poor sap feel like he's actually contributing. 🤗
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Who’s excited to read some new smut about this hotness? 
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sydswritings · 6 years
Bike Rides & Heartbreaks (Chapter 24)
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Never again. Seriously, never again was I sitting around and drinking with that many couples. What had started out as a simple night of drinking and celebrating the nominations had turned into what would have been an orgy had everyone not retired to their own rooms. I let out a long sigh as I reclined back on my bed for the night and stretched out my sore muscles. Finally a real bed, god I missed this. Hotel beds are all good and well but they were overslept in and not soft plushy goodness. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and wanted to slip into oblivion when a knock on my door had me jolting up and glaring at the offending noise.
    “Go away,” I yelled before cringing at the thought of drawing any of the other occupants attention to my room.
    “Open the door Syd,” Shannon’s voice had me sliding off the comfy bed and dragging my feet across the room to let him in.
    “What do you wa--” I trailed off noticing how he was dressed. I let my eyes fall to the dark boots covering his feet, to his light ripped jeans and up to his leather clad arms, motorcycle helmet in hand, “what the hell?”
    “Come on, we’re going for a ride.” He handed me the dark helmet before glancing over my appearance, “you need to change first though.”
    “I don’t think I brought my riding jacket dude.” I grumbled as I sat his helmet down on the bed to rummage through my suitcase.
    “You have a designated riding jacket?” I glanced back to see him leaning against the door frame with confusion painting his gorgeous features. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, trying to hydrate my now parched throat.
    “Ye-” My voice caught as he stretched, revealing a small sliver of skin. Clearing my throat I started again, “Yeah, you know for when I go riding.”
    “Wait, hold on, we’ve been friends for how long, I’ve talked about my bike and you’re just now telling me you ride?” He dropped his arms and prowled into the room, eyes locked on me.
I shrugged as I looked away from him and started pulling out clothes I deemed ok to wear in case we crashed. “It wasn’t really brought up?”
    “Not brought up? Really Syd, you’re a mess sometimes, ya know that?” He sighed out as he watched me finally grab some clothes and turn to him.
    “Yeah so I’ve been told, on numerous occasions.” I looked at him expectantly, before finally waving my clothes around, “Are you going to get out so I can change?”
I watched as his eyes clouded over, lost in his own thoughts that weren’t helping my own, before he shook his head and backed out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. God I was in over my head.
The night summer air was cool as it whipped around me. The helmet Shannon lent me keeping my hair out of my face, allowing me to enjoy the ride. I hadn’t been able to just enjoy the ride since getting my own license, so I let the sensation fill me. I felt Shannon shift, kicking the Ducati into 6th gear and speeding up the winding mountain roads. I leaned with him when he took the next curve, whooping joyously as the adrenaline flowed through my veins. God I missed my bike. I couldn’t wait to get back home and take my gorgeous beast out for a ride through the Wilmington back roads. Soon the bike was being downshifted into 1st, allowing us to coast to a smooth stop. I waited for Shannon to put it in park and kick the stand out before I climbed off and looked around. The view was unbelievable, the night lights shining back at me like a sky on fire. Los Angeles was stunning in the day but at night it was simply breathtaking.
    “This is my favorite place,” Shannon breathed out as he came to stand next to me.
    “It’s beautiful.” I let the awe saturate my voice as I took in the scene.
    “I come here when I need to think.” He shifted to lean over the wooden post that held up the fencing to keep people from falling off the mountain. “I’m usually alone.”
    “So why bring me?” I asked, moving to stand closer to him.
    “I felt like you needed a place to think too.” He looked over at me and smiled that breathtaking smile of his, making my knees almost buckle. “Plus that house was some kind of noisy tonight.”
I couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out of me. “God was it ever.”
We stood in silence, letting the dark engulf us. The tension flowing out of me slowly as I closed my eyes to listen to all the noises of the night. I finally opened my eyes to look over LA, enjoying the way the lights flickered and the car lights added to the details, making the city look like a live painting. I sighed out before looking over at Shannon, watching the way the lights played with the plains of his face. His eyes locked on the city below, it was then I realized I couldn’t keep how I felt about him to myself anymore. The girls were right, it wasn’t fair to him and it wasn’t fair to me to keep it all locked up.
Shannon’s head turned to me, brows furrowed and realization dawned on me that I had said his name out loud. I steeled myself and took a deep breath before carefully stepping into his personal space. His eyes followed me, tracking my movements as I slid my hand up to the back of his neck. The confusion I first saw lit up in understanding as I brought his head down closer to mine. When our lips finally met, it was a whisper of a touch, almost an illusion, but slowly shifted into something more, something primal. Something driven by weeks of repressed emotions and need. I felt more than heard the groan that vibrated through Shannon’s chest as he pulled me closer to him. The feel of his fingers lacing through my hair, locking me in place, caused a shiver to race down my spine. All I could feel was his body against mine, all I could taste was his tongue running across mine and all I could smell was the deep scent that was only Shannon.
Something in Shannon changed as he broke the kiss, ending it as fast as it began, before stepping back and running his hands roughly through his hair. I watched perplexed as he seemed to be fighting with himself.
    “We shouldn’t have done that.” He rasped out.
I stepped back, carefully masking the hurt I felt at hearing those words. This wasn’t exactly how I saw this moment unfolding.
    “Shit,” Shannon’s voice echoed around us, “this-that shouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry.”
    “Sorry? Sorry for what?” I finally found my voice. “I’m the one who kissed you. I just thought we were on the same page.”
    “It’s not like that Syd.” He scrubbed his hands down his face, “fuck! God I’ve wanted to kiss you for weeks, but fuck the fucking timing.”
I tilted my head, brows furrowing in bewilderment as I watched him. “What are you talking about Shannon?”
    “I could never tell where we were, you were-are my best friend and somewhere along the way I felt more, but I didn’t know where we stood. I waited, shit Sydney, I waited for you to make the first move.” Shannon looked up, his eyes stormy as they locked with mine, “When you didn’t say anything, after all the flirting and the underlying comments, I figured you weren’t interested. I just-I’m seeing someone.”
I stood there in complete silence, frozen, unable to piece together what the hell was happening. I fucked up, god I was a fuck up. Everything I touched, all I did was destroy things. I had something waiting for me, something perfectly made for me and I waited too long.
    “Syd?” His voice broke through my hazy brain, “Syd, please say something.”
The pleading in his tone made me look up at him, “I think-maybe we should take some time.”
Shannon’s face fell and my heart broke even more. God was there ever going to be an end to this?
    “That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” The tone he once held was morphing into justifiable anger as I closed my eyes.
    “What do you want me to say Shan? That I felt the same way? That I waited for you too? I didn’t want to mess up what we had, but I wanted so much more. I wanted everything with you. I just didn’t want to screw you up with my fucked up-ness.” I could hear my voice cracking as I spilled. “I’ve kept you at a distance, but somehow everyone could see it. I tried Shannon, I tried so hard not to fall in love with you, but somehow the more I fought it the more I fell for you. I just wanted to keep you happy, keep you in my life even if it was just as my best friend.”
I slid my phone out of my pocket sending a quick SOS to Ace knowing out of all my family she would be the one awake. I needed to get out of here, my heart couldn’t take anymore. I wanted to tell him to leave her, to give us a chance, but I knew that wasn’t fair. If he was happy with this girl then who was I to ask something like that?
    “Sydney?” I glanced up to see Shannon, his beautiful face, crestfallen and I knew I was right, I knew from the beginning I would mess it all up.
    “I can’t Shannon, I think you should leave.” I choked out, stepping away from him.
    “I’m not going to leave you up here alone,” He argued.
    “I don’t need a babysitter Shannon, and I sure as hell don’t need you.” I hated myself for saying those words, but I knew if I didn’t push him away I would destroy him, so I lashed. I lashed out at the one person I needed in my life as much as I needed my girls.
    “Really Sydney?” Shannon’s voice held barely contained anger, ”You don’t need me? Fine.”
The start of his Ducati and the spray of rocks shattered what was left of my broken heart as I listened to him speed away. This was the right thing, pushing him away, letting him find real happiness with someone who wasn’t a walking disaster, but god it hurt.
Chapter 25
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