#shadow tumbler
foxaftershocks · 26 days
I don't if your okay with this but if its okay I'd lot to request another thing (I just can't get enough for your writings)
So basically this would take place during a battle similar to the final in frosen empie (or just go with the actual fight) and the reader had gone to try and help Phoebe but the sewer dragon tried to stop them which resulted in the getting hurt pretty badly but they just bearly managed to win and after everything was over and they laid eyes on lars they ran at eachother and held on tightly think that they'd lost eachother but of course they didn't.
Did my best to come up with an idea off of the prompt of: running into each other's arms after barely surviving
Keep requesting. I love it. I hope I did the prompt justice.
Your grip on your proton gun tightened, creeping through the tunnel. It felt too quiet. You’d been wandering for a few monists, looking for the next ghost that would spring out at you. It had been too long without a sighting. You were alone and on edge.
Turning the corner, you hefted the gun higher. Nothing. Another empty hall. You trudged forward, sweeping your gaze over the space in front of you. Trying to keep your footsteps silent, you crept forward, knuckles turning white from how tight your grip was.
A scream went up from somewhere in the distance. You bolted, not evening thinking about it. Your feet pounded through the tunnels, not bothering with keeping quiet as you tried to get to the scream in the rabbit warren under the building. You skidded around a corner, finding Phoebe with a proton stream coming close to your head. You ducked, swearing as you did your best to avoid the destruction tearing through the stone of the wall.
A high pitched giggle drew your attention to the huge ghost standing at the end of the tunnel. You rose as Phoebe swept back towards it, the panic clear on her face. You braced your feet, ready to use your own gun to help her.
A body burst through the ground between the two of you. Stumbling back, you cursed again, losing your footing. The sewer dragon, the same fucker that had been plaguing you for so long. You weren’t even near Hell’s Kitchen. It shouldn’t be there.
Jaws snapped at you. Rolling, you got onto hands and knees, trying to crawl away. The gun was abandoned in your desperation to put space between you and the ghost. your heart was thudding in your ears and you were desperate to get out of the way.
The tail flung around, catching you in the ribs, sending you flying. You slammed into the wall, your breath rushing out of your body. You fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Bracing your feet, you pushed up again, tugging on your proton pack to get your gun again.
Sending the proton stream towards the sewer dragon, you pressed against the wall, aching and bruised. The tail got caught by the stream. Thrashing against the hold of the stream, it let out a high pitched screech.
Its body slammed into the wall, sending a shockwave towards you. Falling forward, you caught yourself on your hands, unsteady and unbalanced. You rolled out of the way as it’s tail came down towards you.
“Phoebe,” you called out.
“Busy,” she shouted back.
Still around the corner, you could hear her own battle going on. A piece of rock fell, smashing into your shoulder. Your moment of distraction had been a mistake. You scrabbled away, trying to get back to your feet. Another shockwave went though the ground, making you have to stop to keep your balance.
Another piece of rock fell from above. You dived out of the way, grasping your gun. Letting a stream go free, you did your best to catch it, to stop it from moving. A thump, a crash, a cloud of dust rising int the air. A hacking cough came from you as you breathed it in, desperate for air in your lungs.
The sewer dragon screeched again, thrashing against the hold you had on it. You held on, letting yourself be dragged across the tunnel. You slammed into the far wall again but you held on. You had to deal with this and then you could go help Phoebe. This was your job. You had to do it. You had to go help the teenager and get the situation under control.
Jaws full of pointed teeth opened above you. You had to throw yourself out of the way or be caught up in them. The tail whipped out again and you found yourself flying through the air, still able to move you from the proton stream connecting you to it. Slamming into the ground, once, twice, three times, your finger slipped from the trigger and the stream cut off.
You ached, your entire body was one giant bruise. The breath had been knocked so far out of you it wasn’t clear if it was coming back. You wheezed, the dust in your lungs and your eyes burning. it was growing difficult to see and you were trying to drag air into your body.
Something cracked above you. You rolled onto your back, squinting through the dust and the darkness. Something fell, stone smashing into the ground beside you.
“Fuck,” you weren’t even aware of saying.
You tried to scramble away as stone continued to fall from above. Curling into a ball, you pressed against the wall, trying to keep out of the way of the collapse going on around you.
It took a long time for the world to settle around you. Looking up, opening your eyes, you found yourself in a small gap, stone keeping you blocked in. You pushed against one with your foot, not even able to extend your leg fully. It shifted slightly, but didn’t give. You tried again, pressing back against the wall to give yourself more leverage.
Someone shouted your name in the distance. You called out, hoping to get someone’s attention. You kept digging your fingers into the rocks, trying to pry them apart. You needed air. You needed escape. The walls were closing in on you.
Another rock shifted, over to your right. You cried out as one fell, striking your shoulder. Another rock shifted. Doing your best to help, you dragged rocks away, unable to duck away when a few fell towards you.
“Are you okay?” Phoebe asked, her face peering in at you as she kept hauling rocks away.
“I think that’s all relative,” you replied.
“We need to find the others,” she said.
Your mind flashed to the rest of the team. Gary, Callie, Trevor, Lucky. Lars. If something had happened to Lars you might not recover. You might lose your mind.
“Do you know what happened to them?” you asked, slow to climb out of the hole you’d been trapped in.
Lars rushed past, going after the sewer dragon after the earthquake stopped,” she said, “he told me to find you. I think Mum was heading to the surface.”
“Did you get him? The big guy?” you asked, leaning heavily on her.
“Yeah, I’ve got him,” she said, tapping the still smoking trap at her hip, “we should be done now. If the others did their part.”
“Let’s get out of here then.”
Every single part of you ached. You took slow steps with her, heading out, trying to find your way back to world. The rabbit warren worked against you, leading you in circles until sunlight began to break through from above.
You stumbled out, into the fresh air of the surface. You coughed again, trying to brush the dust from your eyes. Phoebe ducked out from under you, running off as she caught sight of her mom. You swayed, eyes scanning the crowd that had gathered, watching from a safe distance.
Your eyes alighted on a figure, standing hunched, gaze sweeping over the people. You straightened when he paused on you. One step forward then he broke out into a run. You began to limp towards him, going as fast as you could. The look of relief on Lars’ face became clearer the closer you got.
Flinging yourself at him, he caught you, lifting you off the ground. Your face was buried in his neck. Your legs around his waist, the aches unimportant as you felt how solid he was against you. He was real, he was there, he was okay. The aching sob surprised you, tears gathering while the fear seeped out of your body.
“Are you okay?” he asked, the frantic tone so different from how cool and collected he usually was, “please tell me you’re okay.”
“I’m okay,” you parroted back.
You felt the sigh of relief, still wrapped around him.
“Are you…” You didn’t know how to finish your question, wanting to know everything, wanting to make sure he was okay and the others were okay and that you’d won.
“I’m fine,” he replied, “we’re all fine.”
You were slow to be put down, your arms still around his neck, his wrapped around your waist so tightly you were pressed together. His lips pressed to your temple, nose brushing your hairline, lingering. Your fingers wound through his hair, right at the nape of his neck, holding on. You needed to feel him there.
“I thought you’d… I saw the cave in,” he said.
“You didn’t want to dig me out?” you asked.
“I left Phoebe to get you. I wanted to get the bloody thing that put you in danger,” he replied, sounding angrier than you’d expect.
“And did you?” you asked, catching his eye.
“It won’t ever hurt you again,” he promised, sounding deadly serious.
You could feel him, so steady against your body. His heart was beating, pulse thrumming, breath ghosting over your face as he bent towards you. You didn’t even think about it, just grateful he was still there with you. He was still breathing. He was still alive.
You pulled him down, closer, your lips finding his. The way he kissed you, it was like he was worried you were going to disappear any second. That he had to make the most of it because you might not be there again. He had no idea.
It was desperate, a release of all the panic and anxiety and pent up emotions. You couldn’t get close enough. You needed more of him. You wanted to feel all of him. You wanted to be reminded how alive he was and you were and the future you could have together.
“Oi, stop sucking face and get over here.”
You ignored Trevor, kissing Lars deeper, more, longer. He wasn’t giving you space, but was matching you for every kiss.
“We need to get back,” Trevor tried again.
It didn’t stop either of you.
“I guess I’ll just have to drive the van back myself then,” he called over.
“Fuck,” Lars mumbled against your lips, “he’s not fucking doing that.”
“Later then,” you said.
“If you think I’m letting you go in any other vehicle but mine you’re mad,” he said, lacing your fingers together, “I’m not letting you out of my sight ever again.”
“That might get a bit awkward,” you giggled.
“Worth it.”
He caught your cheek in one palm, kissing you again, lingering long enough to make Trevor cough to stop you before it became too much.
“So that’s a no to driving?” he asked, falling into step beside the two of you.
“Go bother someone else,” Lars all but growled, “we’ll see you back there.”
“Don’t take any detours,” he called, peeling away to join his family.
Lars grumbled under his breath but softened when you squeezed his hand. You pressed your lips to the back of his hand, uncaring of the sweat and dust and grime. It was Lars, and that was good enough for you.
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skywriter97 · 3 months
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Slowly but surely finally getting some decent merchandise. Still no signs of my fave Ultimate Lifeform, tho 🥺😢
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(And yes, I know you can order off Hot Topic, but for some reason I can't get anything to ship to either home or thr nearest store 💔💔)
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h-mitzu · 3 months
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I redrew Maria! I didn’t really like my old sketch (also got a new drawing style) I promise to finish this one tho!
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ciggarettedaydream · 2 months
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we’re going to be it girls 4ever⭐️💎✨🪩
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patricia-omaille · 1 year
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Patricia O’Maille
“Lily and Shadow”, 2023
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mossmavka · 2 months
Me finding a character that I like: Congratulations, you are now a homosexual and in love with this other compelling yet highly questionable character which you will wed and you will both have a happy life together despite your shortcomings
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destinylordoffreaks · 10 months
Yo my rainbow high dudes and dudettes
I think we need to come together and collectively make TikTok’s twittes and post on every social media platform we have and tag MGA entertainment to tell them that we want a all boys series because I don’t know about you but I have been deprived of articulated brushable boy doll and I crave more
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They are literally doing everything I’ve been saying Barbie is doing wrong with there ken dolls for years
And don’t get me wrong I love Barbie but they need to step up their game
if you see this post please repost so we can spread the word and get MGAs attention
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vaporeon2010317 · 4 months
So, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, here's the official design for the Shadow World counterpart of Memiri, aka the Owner of the Windchime Bowling Alley and Arcade herself!
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I'm really happy with this, despite my more cartoonish art style
@the-belle-siblings @sirlordevil @deadless-corpse @boredgoon @evilassistantbutnotmean @sagehyperfixates
What do you guys think?
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*slides shadow milk a pure vanilla plush.* for you incase you're lonely!
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
i love your username cause it reminds me of my old xbox name which was black shadow wolf, idk i just wanted to share
Awww thank you 😊
It's funny I made this blog YEARS ago just never posted on it until the CoD fixation
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foxaftershocks · 2 months
First off I wanna say I love your writing!
So basically the read would of had been haunted by the ghost of their childhood best friend after the had accidentally coursed their house to catch on fire (they would been 5 when this happened) and every since they have been trying to find a way to help them move on, especially since the friend does not understand that the fire was an accident. they have by some miracle kept this a secret from everyone but after they get called to a abandoned wearhouse the secret is revealed, the friends ghost tries to hurt the reader after separating them from the group but lars manages to save them and fianlly they come clean about it all.
I hope how I've formatted this makes sense:)
Thank you!!!! It made total sense and I really hope you like what I did with it.
Fog was rolling across the huge expanse of the floor. It didn’t feel real, like a movie set with the shadows and the fog and the swinging chains as you passed. Your heart was hammering in your chest, loud in your ears. Your breaths were unsteady and you could feel yourself tremble in the cold air. Gripping your proton gun harder, you took a hesitant step forward.
“Careful,” Lars said, a large hand closing over your shoulder.
“This isn’t my fist rodeo,” you said, glancing at him over your shoulder.
He was staring at something in the distance, squinting behind his glasses. You tried to see what he was looking at but it was all roiling shadows and darkness reaching out. Or maybe that was what he was looking at so intently.
“Alright, you guys take upstairs and we’ll sweep down here,” Callie said, turning her head as she took in the whole abandoned warehouse.
On quiet footsteps, you and the younger Spenglers made your way up to the upper levels of the warehouse, peering down into the wide expanse below you. The teenagers peeled off, leaving you with Lars to prowl through the offices.
You’d been with the Ghostbusters for a few months now, having shown up on their doorstep one day demanding a job. Your experience with ghosts got you through the door, your refusal to say no keeping you. And yet guilt dogged your every step.
You hadn’t told anyone why you were so desperate to work with them. Your late nights were less about your passion for the Ghostbusters and more about your need to find answers. Answers you thought only they would have.
Lars’ shoulder brushed against yours, walking beside you towards the first door. Maybe there was another reason you wanted to stick around too.
“Ladies first,” he said, motioning to the door for you.
“Coward.” You smirked at him.
You pushed the door open, gun raised, sweeping the room. He followed behind, watching your back, calculating gaze investigating the shadows. Checking under the desk, you let out a relieved breath.
The call had come in the middle of the night. Weird noises and ghostly spectres in the warehouse. Loud noises had been scaring the night watchmen in the area, a few even quitting after being chased from the building. Being awoke in the night, groggy and unsure, Callie telling you to gear up, was hardly normal and yet it was hard to hate it. Excitement around every corner and all that.
“Clear,” you said.
You straightened, taking a step back from how close he was. You hadn’t been expecting it, thinking he was on the other side of the room. A hand shot out, grasping your elbow before you could lose your balance.
“Next room?” he asked.
You only got a few steps before you heard something shifting in the darkness at the end of the hall. A flash of a familiar face faded into the shadows. Your heart stumbled before pounding hard against your ribs. Taking a deep breath, you schooled your features.
“How about you do this room and I’ll do the next one and then we’ll be done in half the time,” you suggested to Lars.
“We’re not meant to split up,” he said, “in case something happens.”
“It’s the middle of the night. Don’t you want to get out of here quicker?” you asked.
He considered you for a moment before he gave a slow nod.
“I’ll only be next door. Scream if you get attacked,” you said.
He rolled his eyes but you could see the way he was trying to suppress a smile. You waited until he’d slipped through into the next room before high tailing it down the hall on tip toes. Gaze darting around the hall, you tried to find her.
“Lizzy,” you hissed, trying to stop any of the other Ghostbusters from hearing you, “I know you’re here.”
An echoing giggle lured you further, chasing a ghost. Darting from shadow to shadow, gun held in your hand, you hoped this would be the time you could finally help her move on. It had taken so long to realise that when you saw Lizzy and no one else could that it was because she wasn’t really there. Your parents had been so worried when you insisted Lizzy wasn’t dead because you could see her, standing at the end of your street or following you around school.
Eventually, after the first time she’d scared you, you realised something wasn’t right. That your parents had been right. That she had died that awful night and you were being haunted by her ghost. That she wouldn’t move until you could help her.
Another giggle drew you further into the shadows. This was your chance. You’d spent months working with the Ghostbusters and this was the first time she was letting you get close again. You could help her. She could move on if she would only get a chance.
At the end of the hall, the familiar figure of Lizzy floated, a few inches above the floor. She looked exactly the same as she had that night, a young girl, caught in amber, nothing but a memory torn from your childhood. You took a shuddering breath in.
“Lizzy,” you breathed.
On hesitant footsteps, you approached. Any time you’d gotten close to her, she’d erupted in anger, always ending with you cowering in a corner, begging her to leave you alone. But you were stronger now. You were better. You could fix this.
“Hi,” she said in that sweet little girl voice that was burned into your brain, “this place is kinda scary.”
“That’s okay. I’m here. Nothing’s going to happen to you,” you said.
“But something already has happened to me,” she said, so matter of fact.
Your breath froze in your chest, the air growing colder again. You held out a hand to her, wanting her to trust you. Wanting her to believe you.
“I’m so sorry, Lizzy. I can fix this. I promise I can fix this.”
A few more steps towards her and you thought you might freeze. It was so cold and every drag of breath hurt. And yet the hope kept you going.
“How?” she asked, sounding so lost.
“I can help you move on. We just need to figure out what your unfinished business is,” you said.
“I know what it that is,” she said.
You knelt down in front of her.
“What’s your unfinished business?” you asked.
“Making you pay for doing this to me.”
Wind slammed into you from behind. You fell forward, your hands coming up to catch yourself before your face could slam into the floor. Rolling onto your back, you found her floating above you. You scrabbled for the gun you’d dropped but something stopped you. This was Lizzy, your best friend, you couldn’t do something that hurt her. Again.
You scrambled back, scared as her face began to morph into something from your nightmares. Elongating, teeth growing, eyes flickering like fire, no longer was she the sweet little girl caught in your memories. Before your eyes, she was turning into a demon, fuelled by rage and revenge.
Your hand came down, expecting to feel more floor but only finding empty space. Turning, you found broken off railing, the hall hanging over empty space, the concrete floor of the warehouse so far from you. Another gust of wind slammed into you, pushing you closer to the edge. A low moan came from deep within your chest and you found Lizzy floating closer.
She swooped down at you, a scream bursting unbidden from you. Raising your arms to cover your head, you felt yourself teeter on the edge. Another scream. You knew you wouldn’t survive that fall, smashing against the concrete like a broken door.
“I’m going to hurt you like you hurt me,” Lizzy said, her voice high and sweet, such a difference to the words coming from her.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you babbled, gasping for breath.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks. Another crash of wind slamming into you. You teetered, before falling backwards. It felt slow motion in your mind. The knowledge you were about to die was all you could focus on.
Then a hand grasped yours, holding on so tight you thought your blood supply might cut off. You cut off a sob, grasping onto the warmth, almost burning after the chill of the air. Inch by inch you were dragged back up, the metal walkway the greatest thing you’d ever felt.
“What happened?” Lars asked.
He was crouched next to you, still holding on while you panted, gasping for breath, the sobs not abating. You shook your head, not able to answer. The truth too much to spill.
“You’ve made a new friend.” Your eyes squeezed shut at the sweet voice, “that’s not fair.’
Lars was slow to look up, attention shifting from you to your ghost. You whimpered, crawling further from the edge, fingers curling into the back of his uniform, clutching at it hard enough for your knuckles to turn white.
“Don’t hurt him. Please,” you begged.
“You mean like you didn’t hurt me?” A high childish giggle, “I don’t think so.”
Lars grasped his gun, pulling it free. Levelling it at Lizzy, he was slow to stand, pulling you with him. Standing close, you wanted to stop him but you were terrified she was going to hurt him.
“Alright, there’s no need to get aggressive,” Lars said, clearly trying to calm the situation.
“She hurt me,” she said, “now I’m going to hurt her. And then she’ll be with me forever just like she promised.”
He raised his gun higher, keeping himself between you and her. She rose higher, then, using the same move, swooped down. He didn’t hesitate, firing the proton stream at her. It wrapped around her, holding her in place. The enraged scream that came from her hurt you, like a brand burned on your inside.
“I need the trap,” he said, glancing back at you.
Sweat was beading at his temples as he held her and you felt frozen. Her anger was so visceral, struggling against the proton stream. Her scream was pure rage.
He finally caught your attention, his voice softened as he looked at you from behind glass.
“Trap,” he said.
You fumbled with the trap hanging from your belt. Sliding it along the floor, you looked up at Lizzy, knowing this would be it. She wouldn’t move on. She’d be trapped, kept in storage to be studied by people like Lars. And yet you had to, if you wanted to keep her from hurting the people you cared about.
“I’m sorry,” you said to her.
His foot slammed down on the trigger, opening it. Her rage was like a physical thing, her struggle increasing. And she looked like a little girl, scared, terrified, of where she was being forced into. Lars dragged her down until the trap’s vacuum sucked her in.
It closed with a snap and you were left in silence. You fell, knees slamming into the metal walkway, your sobs loud in your own ears. You pressed the heel of your palms to your eyes, trying to stifle it all.
A large hand landed on your shoulder, offering the stability you didn’t have. Lars was kneeling in front of you, ignoring the smoking trap behind him, his eyes focused completely on you. You took a deep shuddering breath in, trying to stop crying. He waited, patient until you were calmer.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, eyes sweeping over you.
“No.” Your voice was so small.
“This ghost seemed to know you,” he said.
You gave a small nod, scared what admitting your past crimes would do. It terrified you.
“You’ve met her before?” he asked.
You gave a wet chuckle. His thumb gently brushed the tears away.
“Lars, I created her,” you said, “I did that to her.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
And just like that the whole sorry story tumbled from your lips, words tripping over themselves in their haste to be told. The fire when you were five, consuming the house, burning it to the ground. Lizzy caught inside, you pulled free, your best friend gone. The fact you caused the fire. Your haunting. Every attempt to help her move on and the anger at your part in her death. The resentment in the assumption you’d done it on purpose. The guilt you carried with you every day. The fear of who you were, if you were a monster, if you were an awful person.
And once the words had run out he did the one thing you couldn’t have expected.
His lips were soft when they pressed to your forehead. You froze, not sure what to do, heart fluttering. Large hands cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look at him.
“It was an accident. You’ve been trying to help her move on. You’re not a monster. You’re trying your best to make it up to her,” he said.
You fell forward, sinking into him, face pressed into his shoulder. His arms were hesitant as they came up, circling your body.
“I couldn’t save her,” you said, muffled against his shoulder.
“We’ll help her move on,” he said, “I promise.”
You pressed harder against him, hugging him tight, surprised by how light you felt after your confession. A problem shared was a problem halved. His lips pressed to your temple, soft and comforting and making you feel something addictive.
“I promise,” he whispered.
You turned your head, nose brushing against his. He froze, those beautiful blue eyes looking at you, something in them different. You lent forward, pressing your lips to his for a moment. It might have been the wrong time, but you’d almost died that night and you needed him to know. You drew back, worried about his reaction but the look on his face was like he’d just been let in on all the secrets of the universe. Like he was full of wonder. Like you’d given the greatest gift in the world.
He pulled you closer again, lips brushing yours with a sweetness that made your heart squeeze. You sighed into his mouth, clutching at his uniform. He was so warm under your hands and he was so beautiful and you couldn’t work out why you’d taken so long to kiss him.
“Oi, what’s this?”
You startled, pulling back from him. Trevor was looking less than impressed at the two of you, glaring down the walkway to your bodies curled into one another.
“We’re doing all the work over here and you’ve snuck away to hook up. Typical.” You could just tell he was rolling his eyes.
“I almost died. Give me a break,” you called back at him.
Lars froze in your arms. He pulled away, standing up, offering you a hand to help you to your feel. Your knees still felt unsteady, his arm around your waist helping you along. Plucking the smoking trap from the ground, he attached it to your belt.
“I promise,” he said again, confirming he wasn’t going to be spilling your secrets to the others.
You offered him a small smile, your first since the attack. He pulled you closer, another kiss pressed to your temple. You could have just melted from it.
The extra squeeze he gave you was exactly what you needed.
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gangles-toybox · 4 months
Phoebe Caulfield doodles based on something with my older brother recently but first the Caulfield family
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And now comic, they shopping for D.B's birthday because Phoebe insisted(clackerboard bc he in Hollywood btw)
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Phoebe: Hey Holden! Look! A clackerboard!
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Holden: What *is* it?
Phoebe: I don't *know*, but we should get D.B *something*
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Holden: Well...it's something
Phoebe: Yea cuz we'll just be like-
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Phoebe: -happy birthday! Here's an empty box!
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So proud of her for learning sarcasm but also trying not to *die* of laughter
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Phoebe: c'mon, let's get him something to put *in* the box
Btw not final design for Phoebe just kinda doodled one up :3
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gaiafenixsblog · 1 year
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Only a comission
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ciggarettedaydream · 4 months
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ineffeblygay · 1 year
so calm
We shall address this in the order of the trailer so I don’t loose my shit which means I’ll be rewatching the trailer for the.. 8th? time to make this post. I’d put time stamps but I’m so tired- so so tired.
1. (Possible?) crow forecast; most likely just horror forecast. Birds flying away = run bitch. they’re running (well, flying), you should too.
2. Alina getting fucking eaten by the fold??? Prolly Kirigan snatching her for a lil chat, not 100% true to cannon but close enough
4. Fuck you darkling.
6. Ew again. Fuck off Alekzander
7. Kazzle Dazzle :3 why do you know about this- you’re not supposed to know about ANY OF THIS. Leigh is deviating from cannon SO MUCH and it’s scarring me.
8. Happy birthday, Nikolai…
9. MY LESBIANSSSSS <333 & ofc, Alina SLAYS. If my suspicions are correct, she’s testing the mirror things (upon further research and rewatching, she’s doing smth cooler: she’s practicing the cut on dummies!!)
11. Heyyy Tolya, ilyyyy + Alina’s outfit 🤌🏻🤌🏻
12. Flashback to ssn 1?? Mksies I seeeee
13. BAGHRA!!!! Wise as ever. You look lovely.. those eyes, still… intact
17. David & Genya <3 my loves. Chap. 20 of ROW = NEVER HAPPENED
18. More sturmhond bc there is no limit to greatness
19. Ketterdam?? But it seems too clean?? And mountains in the distance? Many domes.. what is this place, I wonder
20. MY BABIESSSSSS <3 INEJ KAZ AND JES. Reinforces the ‘that was Kerch’ theory but idk, it seemed too clean. Also- where do aditi and colm come into play bc aditi was casted and colm prolly was to soooo
22. Kaz meets Tolya?? #wtf
24. Jesper i love you- why did they change your gun clip D: it used to go flash flash, now it don’t :(
25. “Well if you die then we don’t get paid” has got to be the Kaziest thing in the history of kaz-
26. Alina rlly said ‘shine bright’ and meant it
30. WYLAN!! mwah :3 I love this bc it’s beautiful but wtf does it mean. Why is there a blue butterfly- why is there a hole in the wall? WHAT THE FUCK
32. My big brooding yellow tulip :c
34. TUSSLE??
36. AYO- we at war and y’all are tangled in sheets?? Who are these tongue tied (literally) personas
38. ADRIK AND NADIA (first seen in chapel I think? Now being seen AGAIN)
39. Whatcu doing Kirigin
40. “Are you willing to sacrifice that which is most precious to you” says the darkling as it pans over to malina whilst we’re supposedly going to do the ruin and rising plot 👀
42. WYLAN, YES!! FUCK YES. kaz in the background asf 🧍🏻‍♂️
46. Oh thank god it’s not- he’s fighting in the background-
48. EHEM- why are my wives in the place the fold was created? I recognize those gargoyles and that sand can only mean one thing
49. Mal- why are we brawlin AGAIN
50. KAZ NO- fuck. This is why we have a jordie casting, eh?
51. A searing burst of light asf
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tomirovira · 9 months
PAINTED DOOR 20230816110790RT2
Old wooden door, which was probably used to keep cattle.I thought about how it would look in today’s graffiti style and painted it a 1959 Austin Healey 3000 Mk III which would in all probability be younger than the door itself.To give more reality to the image I have made the shadow of the car pass the boundaries of the door and end up on the ground.Location: Estamariu, Alt Urgell, Catalonia,…
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