#selkie peter
monster-cock69 · 9 months
Selkie Peter and confused tony who was just trying to be polite by picking up the kids oddly heavy coat
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dcartcorner · 5 months
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Commission for @rookfeatherrambles ! For an AU that is delightful (though currently on the back burner). Thank you for the support!
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skyliv · 9 days
atp im just convinced that parts of fandoms need characters to shit on and hate
like? where is your joy? your whimsy??
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and how do some ppl do her SO bad SO consistently
no she’s not just tearing apart your peter b x miguel ship, no she’s not just getting between y/n and miguel, no she’s not just horribly abusing johnathan! (i understand their strained relationship, and they definitely don’t like each other by any means, but imo it’s more complicated than how ive seen some ppl put it)
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Silly Werewolf Parksborn but Peter is an irish werewolf & he n Harry fall in love cause Peter keeps protecting him and following him around all curious.
Harry always recognizes him cause of his silly lightly colored nose (which turns pink in winter cause ✨yes✨)
Smth smth, Peter is just an odd & out-of-place protector in a modern world. Werewolves are more well adjusted for small town stuff or rural protection, not bustling cities
Regardless i think mr werewolf is well loved by the city
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lostonehero · 2 months
Selkie Martin fic
He isn't a seal though pt1
Martin nearly jumps, feeling a hand on his shoulder. "I uh.... oh, Sasha, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
Sasha sighs and motions to the breakroom. "Can we talk?"
Martin swallows and nods, ignoring the odd glance from Tim. He grabs his coat and holds it close to his chest. It didn't really matter anymore, but it was a comfort.
"Martin, what is up with you?" Sasha crosses her arms after she shuts the door behind her. "You've been acting weird since Jon and Tim returned your coat, which again the only reason Jon came is because me and Tim pressured him. Did Jon not apologize? Is that why you've been avoiding the both of them?"
Martin let's out a breath, of course Sasha would notice. He hugs his coat around himself. He didn't want to lie to Sasha. He really didn't want to... fuck it he needed someone to talk to and he couldn't ask Elias he hasn't found his skin yet. "I uh please don't scream."
"Martin, why would I scream?" Sasha raised her brow.
"Ok, you know what selkies are? Ok, yeah, but you don't believe they exist, and well, they do, and uh... this is my skin." Martin holds up his coat for a moment before he puts it on, and suddenly, the cramped breakroom was even more cramped. He was a massive wolf the size of a horse, and vaguely, he knew the species of animal he was supposed to be extinct.
Sasha blinked and blinked again. "Martin?" Her voice was quiet and full of just awe and shock.
The wolf contorts, and Martin pulls off his coat. "I uh yeah, so Jon and Tim returned my skin."
"Uh huh..." Sasha pauses as her mind catches up with her shock. She starts to laugh and then stops watching Martin's face drop. "Oh shit that's real isn't it."
Martin nods. "Sasha, I'm married to both of them. I don't even know what I should do. I've already tried to figure this out, Tim doesn't believe in selkies or at the very least he thinks it's a tragedy they exist and Jon shouted me out of his office when I tried to bring up selkies told me I was daft and that I shouldn't believe everything I read." He covers his face. "I also can't ask Elias because he doesn't have his skin, and it's very rude to discuss this with another who is missing their skin."
Sasha takes a deep breath. "Ok, now that you've completely changed my worldview, you drop the bomb that Elias isn't human!"
"I uh right... I mean, I can't tell you what animal he is, but he is a selkie. We can sense each other well is more animalistic than that, but uh yeah, he is." Martin frowns. "Before you ask, it is customary for younger selkie to help the older ones if their skins are missing or damaged, as long as the skin isn't burned, we are still selkies. The helping out helps with pack bonding, and such it's easier to survive if there's more of you. You know the odd cases of different species of animals forming packs yeah thats most likely selkies. Two of the same animal species doesn't exactly promise the offspring of the same species."
"I have like a million questions from that information alone. However Martin are you ok? Does it uh hurt?" Sasha frowns calming herself down.
"Hurt? Marriage doesn't hurt, but I mean, again, it's probably different than what you consider marriage. I uh don't mind it. I just don't know how to tell them. It does get a bit uncomfortable if I'm out of my skin for more than a day or two. I normally put it on when I get home." Martin rubs his arm. "I uh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just dropped this all on you."
Sasha shakes her head. "Don't Martin, it's ok. Look, this is a lot, and I have so many questions, but thank you for trusting me with this. Can you come over after work so we can actually talk about this?"
Martin nods. "Yeah... thank you again, Sasha."
Sasha pauses, watching Martin make a face at the tea she made him. "If it's not good, you can tell me."
Martin sighs. "I'm not good with sweet drinks and food. My wolf body can't taste sweets, and my human body overcompensates." He places the mug down. "It's not your fault. I'm just a bit sensitive."
Sasha scribbles something down in her notebook. "Ok ok ok duly noted. That explains why you always refuse sweets from Tim."
"I like chocolate, just dark chocolate." Martin smiles sheepishly. "I uh you have questions, and I think I have answers. I mean, I get this from my dad's side. My mom isn't helpful she trapped him by stealing his skin, and I uh am a product of that. My dad isn't bad he's quite nice and lives up in Scotland. My mom... I would rather not talk about that, though." He rubs the back of his neck.
Sasha frowns. "So that part of the legend is true?"
"The stolen skin forced servitude? Yeah, it is." Martin sighs. "I mean, I'm not at risk anymore since I'm married. If someone tries to steal it, it would just appear with either Tim or Jon. In the modern day, it's more often selkies get accidently married to kind strangers or coworkers because they return what they think is a coat." He motions vaguely to himself. "I'm in that situation."
"Are you ok with that?" Sasha bites her lip, regretting the question.
"I can't exactly change it or get out of it." Martin sighs. "I'm happy neither if them took my skin, but still, I'm bound to both of them now. I'm not a servant, so silver linings, I guess." He shrugs.
"So off that morbid discussion." Sasha tries to joke, but it falls flat. "Right, uh, do you have a different lifespan, I mean, different from your species or humans."
"Oh yes." Martin hums softly. "Our lifespan can be compared to dragons, although the older selkies tend to spend time more so as animals than humans. I'm considered a baby at 29, and technically, so is Elias, we really aren't considered adults in our species until we're well in the mid hundreds."
Sasha blinks. "I'm sorry, first dragons exist?" She watches Martin nod. "And you're expected to live for a few thousand years?"
"Yes? I mean, I know it's a lot. I was raised human, not really understanding it until I actually sought out my father at 21. I think I'm still in the denial phase. I also think Jon and Tim are going to live as long as me because of the marriage thing, but I'm not certain I have to ask my dad or Elias once I find his skin." Martin pauses. "A lot of supernatural creatures exist, Sasha. we don't live in a vacuum." He stops. "I'm sorry that was rude."
Sasha chuckles softly. "Martin, it's ok. We are both new to this, I mean more so me than you."
Martin smiles. "You're right."
"Ok, I have like so many more questions, but most pressing, wanna order food?" Sasha giggles as Martin nods.
"Please." Martin sighs.
"So, Sasha, huh?" Tim wiggles his brows at Martin.
"What?" Martin blinks.
Tim snickers. "It's ok, marto, you can tell old Tim everything."
Martin pauses, realizing what Tim meant and stutters and gasps. "N-no? Sasha's aromantic... I uh..."
Sasha crosses her arms. "Martin, that was a secret."
Tim stops and frowns. "Shit, Sash, I'm sorry. I was just teasing, I'll forget I heard anything."
"No, no, no." Sasha pulls her chair between them. "I might as well explain why I basically shut down anything after our one night stand."
"Sasha, I told you it's fine. We're still friends, right? You aren't replacing me with Martin." Tim mocks being offended.
"I'm not, I'm helping Martin find something, and apparently, that means a lot of antiquing." Sasha visable relaxes.
"I told you you didn't have to help me." Martin flushes and sighs. "It's weird looking for it, and we probably won't find it."
"Oh, color me curious, what's this mystery object? A cursed tea pot? A lost sweater?" Tim smiles.
"An animal skin, I mean maybe a fur, just a piece made into clothing or jewelry." Martin crosses his arms. "I'll know it when I sm-see it. It's weird, I know, but I uh, it's just something I have to do."
"Dude, you don't have to explain yourself. If Sasha is helping you out, count me in. We can make a day of it, and I've been looking for some new plates too." Tim hums and winks as Martin blushes and covers his face.
Sasha chuckles. "Tim you're going to break him."
"Ah, what are friends for? Besides, I've got to get a book on myths since you still keep talking about selkies. I need to be able to know what you're talking about." Tim smiles wider as Martin's ears get red, and he covers his face.
"Why are none of you working?" Jon crosses his arms, staring at them with a raise brow.
"We were just discussing this weekend Jon, you can join us." Sasha smiles. "We're going to go through antique stores looking for an animal skin or fur. Tim's gonna look for new plates."
"You don't have to come." Martin quickly adds as Sasha elbows him to not.
Jon hums and sighs. "If I accept, will you stop asking me to grab drinks with you guys?"
"Hell yeah." Tim pumps his fist in the air. "Archive crew out antiquing."
Martin covers his red face.
Sasha chuckles. "Then it's a day."
"I suppose it is, now get back to work." Jon sighs.
"Why do you like the selkie legend so much? I mean, I know we deal with spooky stuff all day at work, but why that specifically?" Tim hums, looking through the jewelry laid out with odd fabric attached.
Martin watched Jon watch him and also wait for the answer. He swallows the truth on his tongue, knowing it would be useless until he could show them in person. "It's personal, it's from my father and I haven't been able to see him much with this job." Not entirely a lie but also not entirely the truth.
"You're father?" Jon raised his brow.
"Uh yeah, he lives up in Scotland, very off the grid type of guy. I only reconnected with him as an adult. The relationship with my mom wasn't exactly healthy, and he ran when he had the chance. I don't blame him for not taking me." Martin's eyes widen as he grabs the necklace from Jon. "Bloody hell, that's it." It was a small patch of fur. Martin knew the scent to be from a fox, but the specific species he wasn't quite sure about. It matched Elias's scent.
"Are you certain?" Jon only held a look of confusion as Martin didn't answer, and he pushed past the two men.
Tim hums. "That really did not answer anything, but the fact his childhood sucked."
Jon nodded. "I really want to know why he's so interested in fictional creatures. We don't even live by the sea."
"How about a deal, we come up with excuses for Martin to come out, and we get that information we can stop once we figure it out." Tim holds his hand out.
Jon hums in agreement, taking the hand. "I would suppose that would be a good way to find things out."
Sasha smirks from afar. She knew this was a bit underhanded, but they deserved to know the truth well before they realized that they had reverted back to their twenties. Martin told her about their bodies slowly adjusting to align with his age. She really didn't want a meltdown before Martin could show them the truth.
Jonah raised this brow. Why was Martin requesting to see him? He accepted Rosie's page. "Let him in." He rolled his shoulders his body was stiff, but that was normal. He never did feel comfortable in Elias's body even when he took over. He tried to write it off as an adjustment period, but it's been nearly 30 years, and he was running out of excuses.
Martin entered his office with a soft knock, and he seemed a bit more confident than Jonah was used to. "Hello sir, I uh... I found this for you." He holds out a leather necklace with animal fur on the end.
It was fox fur, one commonly known to the British isles. It was his. Jonah blinks furrows his brows. It wasn't his. What was happening? He took the necklace and ran two fingers over the soft fur. How was it still soft? It looked to be treated and old, not properly taken care of. He knew fox hunting had fallen out of fashion, but he never did have a taste for it either.
Martin watched Elias shut his eyes, and the small patch of fur shifted and turned to a very formal looking trench coat.
Jonah knew before he opened his eyes from the change of weight in his hands that the fur was different. He opened his eyes to an ornate coat, one he can recall that his mother looked longingly at through a window in his youth. This... no, the fur wasn't an object of the flesh, and it was his. No, not his it can't be his he's not... he didn't own furs, not ones that could magically turn into a coat from over 200 years ago, a coat that reminded him of his mother.
Martin looked at Elias with a confused look. "You're not Elias."
Jonah's eyes shot open at he staring at Martin. "Excuse me?" He didn't expect Martin to cross his arms and give a frustrated look instead of shrinking back at his raised tone.
"You don't know that's your skin." Martin's voice was quiet but strong. His demeanor shifted, and he pulled his coat tighter around himself.
"My what?" Jonah raised his brow and placed the coat in his lap, leaning forward.
Martin frowns and takes a breath. "You're not Elias. You have his body, yes, but you aren't him. You're a human who took over a body that isn't." He sits down and looks back to the closed door. "I won't ask who you are, but uh, aren't you going to put it on?"
"Martin, we are inside. Why would I put a coat on? Let alone one that just grew from a pice of fur." Jonah grot his teeth the aches were getting worse, and he held the coat in a death grip. "How do you know that for a fact I'm not Elias?"
Martin frowns, and he had pity in his eyes. "Your body hurts, doesn't it? How long has it been since you've worn your skin? You probably don't know that answer since you took over the body. I won't tell anyone about this, but you really should put it on, I'll put on mine."
Jonah knew he wouldn't get a straight answer unless he put on the damn coat. He refused that tiny voice in the back of his, correcting him that it was a skin, his skin. "You will explain everything."
Martin nods. "I will."
Jonah sighs and pushes his chair back, and starts to put on the coat as he stands up. He feels a bit weightless as the pain and stiffness drain from his body as his perspective shifts. He's shrinking. He has to be. His desk shouldn't be this big. He shook his head and tried to move and realized he had paws. He stumbles back and yelps or whatever that noose was that escaped his mouth. Something warm and wet went across his head and back, and it somehow calmed him down enough for him to stare up at the massive wolf above him.
A low growl from the wolf, and he was speaking in Jonah's head. "You'll have a horrible time if you keep trying to think you're human." Martin's voice sounded off in his head as he laid on the floor, letting Jonah approach.
Jonah stumbled but managed to walk closer. He sniffed Martin and recognized the scent from the first interview. The Beholder wasn't helping him. They weren't even feeding off his confusion, just watching. He batted Martin's nose, unable to figure out how to speak except make animalistic noises.
"It took me a bit to understand how to communicate like this, too." Martin yawns and tilts his head. "I know this is overwhelming, but relax. You need to rest before you remove your skin again. I can't imagine what it's like going so long without it. My mother hid my skin from me for a while, and it hurt, but I can't imagine that pain for years."
Jonah huffs and mimics Martin's position lying on the floor. It was hard fighting against the urge to sleep since the pain was gone, but he needed answers. He focused and shut his eyes and... "What... what are we?"
"You figured it out faster than I did." Martin rolls to his back stretching. "You must know the legend of the selkie. Well, it's not just seals that are selkies. Don't let anyone take your skin, and try not to forget it because if someone grabs it and returns it, you'll be married." He sits up. "However, if you're married, nobody will be able to steal your skin, and you won't become a servant."
Jonah can feel his hair no fur stand up with that information. "Is there a way to be human again?"
"In a sense, but it might kill you. The odds aren't good when you burn your skin." Martin growls. "If you have a death wish you can."
That was the last thing he wanted. Jonah was quiet for a moment. "Teach me?"
"In exchange, I want to know who you are and how you ended up in that body." Martin held a confidence Jonah was not prepared for.
"I don't have a choice, do i?" Jonah knew what a growl meant as his ears pinned back. "Fine, but you can not tell anyone."
"You can't tell anyone about me, and we have a deal." Martin huffs.
"Agreed." Jonah paused for a moment. "My name is Jonah."
Martin barked softly and shifted, and soon, he was sitting normally with his coat around his shoulders. "Ok then, Jonah." He scoops the fox up in his arms. "You need to relax for at least an hour before you take your skin off. I really hope you don't have any meetings because I can't pretend to be you."
Jonah felt a little annoyed at being carried, but it was also a bit comforting. He hated that information, but he didn't have any meetings till the afternoon, so it wouldn't be awful. He yelps as he is placed in his crumbled coat on his chair.
"Don't complain, and I know you're my boss, but right now, we are technically a pack and so on equal footing. This is the best I can do with what you have in this office. I'll be back in an hour and try to relax. Maybe you'll figure out your skin before I get back, but right now, I just appreciate the small nest." Martin smiles softly. "Even if you're not Elias, I'm still going to help. I know what it's like being stuck without a way to truly understand what you are. I got my skin at 13 and didn't know or understand till I was 21." He quietly leaves Jonah's office leaving him alone.
Jonah internally frowns. He was lost and confused, but he had someone to teach him as frustrating as the situation was his body finally didn't hurt he was warm, and his chair was soft. He felt sleep grip him, and he could feel the shift between him and Martin. He was right they were equals now.
Jonah doesn't think he was asleep that long when he woke up with sneeze. Fog tickled his nose, and he didn't like the shift in temperature. He shifted and felt something, and he blinked as he was sitting in his chair, and the ornate coat was on his shoulders. Ok, he didn't truly understand how he did that, and he was getting even more frustrated with the mounting questions he had to rely on Martin for.
"Jonah what the fuck." The soft voice of his husband pulled Jonah out of his internal musings.
Jonahs eyes went wide. "Uh, Peter, you aren't supposed to be in this early." He unconsciously pulls his coat tighter around him as Peter approaches him.
Peter notices his sudden shift and stops only a foot away from his husband. "I'm not going to take it, you know, and I'm sure as hell not going to return it to you."
"You know what it is?" Jonah could feel curiosity start to awaken and fan a flame in him.
Peter had a look of shock on his face. "You didn't?"
"I don't exactly choose what bodies the Beholder picks for me." Jonah crosses his arms. "Again, how do you know what this is?"
"I'm a sailor, Jonah. The selkie legend is a common one. Also, Tadeas is a selkie." Peter pinches his brow. "How did you not know? Jonah, it's been over 20 years since you took over Elias."
"I didn't exactly have this!" Jonah makes it a point to hold up his skin. "Martin, one of the archival assistants found a piece of fox fur and returned it to me. How was I supposed to know Elias wasn't human?"
Peter gives a heavy sigh. "I can't believe I know more about this than you do."
Jonah scowls. "Why are you even here?"
"Is it too much that I want to visit my husband." Peter frowns and sighs. "Fine, honestly, I've been trying to use the Forsaken, and it keeps bringing me to the apartment or here."
Jonah snorts. "What you aren't being lonely enough?"
Peter scowls. "My family has also been pressuring me to find out what is going on." He doesn't reach out for Jonah's skin but cups his cheek. "Has your patron been acting off?"
Jonah huffs as he leans into the touch. "I suppose they have... they didn't even feed on my earlier fear when I got my skin... Elias's skin."
"It's your skin now."
Jonah and Peter jump at the new voice.
"Sorry." The red head frowns. "I thought you heard me come in."
Jonah removes himself from Peter. "Martin, please knock before you come in." He sighs.
"I uh did...." Martin rubs the back of his head. "Sorry I can go."
"Can I take him?" Peter perked up.
"No, and this is why we're still divorced." Jonah takes a breath. "Martin, I seem to have a handle on this. You can go."
Martin tilts his head. "You're Peter Lukas."
Peter flinched, not enjoying being known. "Why do you know that?"
Martin hums. "Selkies are a very connected species since we are hunted or our skins are stolen and we become slaves. Tadeas is friends with my father. You shouldn't be surprised you're a respected human in our community."
"Respected?" Peter raised his brow.
"You're one of the fear folks. If we needed someone to disappear or to get rid of an awful human, we would go to you. I know I come off as clueless, but I know what I walked into getting a job here." Martin sighs and shrugs. "My father taught me the truth."
"You already know about the fears?" Jonah smiles. "How fascinating, and you didn't even warn your friends."
"You really are clueless when it comes to what you are or the supernatural." Martin shakes his head.
"You know that explains the random gifts." Peter hums, scratching his beard. "It makes my job easier."
Jonah scowls. "And what am I so ignorant about?"
"Jonah, the fears don't affect the supernatural. Your avatarhood is currently an anomaly, not the rule." Peter chuckles at his partner's bewildered face.
"Peter is right." Martin hums. "You're still an avatar of whatever you serve, but that's only because you were before you possessed the body you're currently in."
Jonah's mouth curves into a frown. "Martin, you can go."
Martin nods. "Ye-yeah, ok." He slips out of Jonah's office.
Peter hums. "Oh, what's wrong, Jonah? Don't like the new information?"
Jonah scowls and pushes Peter away. "Leave me alone. Don't you have people to dissapear?"
Peter chuckles. "Oh, not at the moment. It seems my calander is open. How about another marriage?"
"Go fuck yourself." Jonah scoffs and returns to his chair.
"I'll see you at home." Peter hums. "Any requests for dinner? Rabbit, perhaps?" He snickers as Jonah throws his pen at him. He vanishes in a rolling fog.
Jonah huffs. "I should make him give me back my skin so he can suffer with me." He froze. No, no, no. I shouldn't want that. Peter isn't that important to him. Right? They use each other, and that's that. He covers his face and groans at the new instincts inside of him.
"So?" Tim rolls his chair next to Martin.
"So?" Martin raised his brow.
"Did you think about it?" Tim smiles brightly.
"I uh oh... I mean, I was going out to a hiking trail with Sasha this Saturday...." Martin jumps as Sasha comes up from behind him.
"You are welcome to join us. Bring a Frisbee." Sasha chuckles as Martin covers his face.
"I think Jon's allergic to nature." Tim snickers as he hears a scoff.
"I am not. I can enjoy a nature hike." Jon huffs crossing his arms.
Sasha giggles softly. "I mean, it's not really a hike. It just helps Martin get out excess energy."
"You're talking about him like he's a dog." Jon raised his brow.
Martin covers his face and gives a heavy sigh.
Sasha snickers as she heads back to her desk.
Tim pauses and exchanges looks with Jon. "Are you ever going to explain that, Sash?"
"You'll find out soon enough." Sasha hums.
"That's ominous and vague." Tim huffs rolling his chair by Sasha. "Come on tell us."
Martin tilts his head studying Tim as he uncovers his face. He wasn't that old to begin with, but even the signs of being in his 30s were slowly melting off his body. He was very fit and muscular, but time had a way to hide that even if you continued to exercise like he did. Tim probably didn't even notice it. He then turned his gaze to Jon, ignoring the questions and banter. He looked better in all honesty, less tired, and he still had gray hairs in his raven hair, but that just could be genetics or stress. He wasn't slouched either like his back felt better.
"Hey Martin?" Tim waves his hand in front of his face.
Martin blinks. "I uh oh yeah, sorry I wasn't listening."
Jon pinched his brow. "Martin, we were asking what would be appropriate to wear for this outing."
Martin paused. "Things you wouldn't mind getting dirty."
"That makes sense for a hike." Tim hums.
Jon had to admit this was a very beautiful area as he made his way to join the others in a clearing. It was odd that Martin had his coat it wasn't a cold day, nor was rain expected, but he didn't question it it could be personal. It explained the panic reaction when Tim and himself returned the thing to him. It was peaceful, and maybe Tim's plan of spending more time with Martin to figure out his obsession with selkies wasn't totally a loss if they never figured it out after the three weekends so far.
Tim motioned for Jon to get closer. "Come on, Jon, we're all waiting." He smiles brightly, maybe he did have a crush on Jon but now Martin was a strong contender and he only asked Jon about looking into Martin as an excuse to spend time with them outside of work. So far, the plan is working amazingly. "I even brought the Frisbee."
Jon rolls his eyes as he approaches. "Seriously? I thought Sasha was joking."
Sasha waves. "I was not it's not for us it's for Martin." She elbows the larger man. "Come on, we are far away from civilization and cell service. Go have fun."
Martin laughs nervously. "Are you sure."
"Put on your coat, Martin." Sasha nudges him again.
"His coat? Sasha, it's not even cold out. He's going to overheat." Jon raised his brow as Martin snickers softly. "Oh lord Martin, I'm allowed to be concerned."
"Let him wear his coat." Tim nudges Jon. "Let him be happy."
"I'm just saying he would be more comfortable not overheating. I'm being practical, Tim." Jon crosses his arms, and Tim swears he looks like he's pouting.
"Oh come on, Jonny boy, let Martin have his fun... what's with that look?" Tim follows Jon's gaze to a large wolf the size of a horse shaking out his fur next to Sasha. "Oh fuck."
Jon's eyes were wide, and he stepped back. "His obsession wasn't an obsession, was it?"
Sasha pets the wolf's snout. "You know he can still hear and understand you." She chuckles as the wolf whines. "Don't be nice. The boys are stupid."
The wolf whines again and huffs. There are red streaks in his black fur, and he walks over slowly to Jon and Tim. He sits back in his hind legs and tilts his head.
Jon swallows. "Fuck me, Martin?"
"That's Martin?" Tim's eyes were wide watching the wolf contort, and then Martin was sitting pulling off his coat.
"Yes, that's me." Martin sighs. "I didn't mean to hide this so long after you guys returned my skin to me. I just didn't know how to bring up the topic."
"Selkies aren't just seals." Tim steps closer.
"Nope." Martin says with a pop.
"We returned your skin." Jon swallows and steps back.
"Yes, you did. I have to reiterate that you both returned my skin." Martin rubs his arm and sighs.
Tim pauses and falls to sit next to Martin. "We fucking returned your skin." He runs his hands through his dark brown hair and curses. "We returned your skin."
"Does that actually mean...?" Jon trails off.
Martin nods. "It does, I honestly prefer that rather than being a slave. It's not either of your faults. I left my skin by accident, and you both just thought it was my coat. You were just being polite, and that's how it goes. I'm not the only one in this situation if that makes you feel any better."
Tim groans. "It doesn't. Are you ok? We've been teasing you for weeks about the selkie thing."
"I mean, I'm fine, to be honest. I'm not exactly good at dropping hints, so it's not a wonder why you thought I was obsessed." Martin smiles softly and leans back. "I'm not mad about the marriage thing, I'm glad it's not a stranger, and it also means nobody can steal my skin ever again, if they try it would just end up with either of you. So I have a new sense of security."
"But we took away your choice." Tim frowns and looks away.
"What choice?" Martin sighs. "It's not like a human marriage, Tim. There was no choice for me in the first place. Some selkies who fall in love with humans or other species have a ceremony like humans for them returning their skin that they purposely left, but again, that's entirely different. You two can do whatever you wish. I just hope you two stay in contact with me. That's all I ask." He gets up. "Now, if you both don't mind, I was promised a game of catch, and I do enjoy stretching my legs so I'm just going to put my skin back on and play with Sasha." He puts his skin back on and runs as Sasha throws the Frisbee.
Jon shakes his head. "Wait, I have questions. I uh... um...." He watches Martin run around and sit next to Tim. "He seems very happy... I uh is that normal?"
"Do you have any experience with dogs?" Tim raised his brow.
"Not really. I prefer cats." Jon frowns. "Also, that's clearly a wolf, not a dog... I mean a very large wolf, but not a dog."
"Dogs and wolves have similar behaviors, like cats and big cats." Tim snickers.
"Martin! No, put that down!" Sasha shouts, and the two men notice a tan creature in his jaw.
Martin trots over to Sasha and puts down what Tim can now identify as a tan fox with streaks of normal red coloration in their fur. The fox looked annoyed the best way he can describe that.
Sasha pinches her brow and looks down. "Martin, we talked about this. If you're going to eat, don't do it in front of me."
Martin proceeds to lick the small fox compared to him, and its fur stands up on end. He sits and wags his tail.
The fox growls but not threatened and shakes out its fur. They sit down next to Martin with their ears pinned back.
Martin nudges his snout against the Frisbee.
"Oh... is this another?" Sasha pauses when Martin nods and lolls his tongue out. "Ohhhhhh ok, do they want to play too?"
The fox tried their best to look uninterested, but their eyes were locked on the toy.
Sasha chuckles softly. "Alright, alright." She throws the Frisbee as far as she can, and the two selkies go running. She hums and makes her way over to Jon and Tim. "Don't worry, that's another selkie."
"I can tell from the behavior." Jon tilts his head. "Odd fur pattern."
"Maybe that's just a selkie thing. Look at Martin he's also git red in his fur." Tim points at Martin holding the Frisbee while the fox dangles from the Frisbee in its mouth.
"You know I did ask him." Sasha interrupts. "The fur color is mostly the animal, but their human hair color comes through like that."
Tim and Jon make a noise of acknowledgment.
Martin drops the toy and the fox and looks over to something the three watching can't see. He tilts his head as the fox gets up and looks over hissing, puffing out their fur. Martin ends up licking them again, which seems to relax them.
A voice chuckles, and a white-haired man steps out into the clearing. He is big and strong and looks like he belongs on a cover of the old man and the sea. "Come here." He holds a hand out, and the fox approaches and yelps when it is scooped up. "Now, is this why you bolted away from me? Miss your little packmate?"
The fox looked like it wanted to growl, but the soft pets made them pur.
"Are you trying to tell me you want new toys, Jonah?" The man chuckles as the fox hisses.
Martin stretches and removes his skin. "Of course he needs toys, unless you want him to bring you back dead animals."
"Duly noted." The man sighs as Jonah is already half asleep in his arms. "Is this normal?"
"I don't see why it isn't he trusts you." Martin shrugs. "You seem surprised."
The man shifts, and a blush is quickly overtaking his pale features. "I don't know what you're talking about."
The fox rolls over and curls up tight in his arms.
"He's also a bit over stimulated, not used to using his skin. Give him time to adjust." Martin watches the man nod as he walks off. He returns to the three on the ground.
"Who was that?" Tim raised his brow.
"That's Peter, he's basically married that that selkie. That selkie just got his skin back, so he's adjusting to being whole again." Martin smiles softly.
"Is that why you were looking for that animal skin?" Jon gets up dusting himself off.
"Oh, uh yeah, that's the guy. He's not that much older than me comparatively for selkies, but uh yeah, we have pack bonded because of that, so he's my friend." Martin sighs. "I can't imagine how painful it was without your skin. I get uncomfortable if I go more than 12 hours without being in it."
"It's hurts?" Jon looks at Martin with a bit of panic.
"Jon, relax. Martin literally explained that he just uses his skin to make that pain go away." Tim gets up and stretches.
"Tim's right, it's just uncomfortable like my human skin doesn't fit right, and my bones are stiff." Martin smiles nervously. "You don't need to fuss over me. I have enough experience with what I'm comfortable with."
Jon rubs the back of his neck and looks away. "Of course you're right."
Sasha gets up and slings her arms around Jon and Tim. "Now that everything is out in the open, congrats on the marriage."
"Sasha.." Martin tries to look annoyed, but he breaks into giggles. "Don't be mean."
"Not being mean, just stating a fact." Sasha pauses. "Granted, they are both married to you, not each other."
"Right, I have to ask. What does that mean?" Jon follows Martin as he heads out of the forest.
"I'm bound to you and Tim for as long as I live." Martin hums softly.
"For as long as you live?" Tim raised his brow.
"I mean, unless one or both of you are killed." Martin sighs. "Although, that's a bit harder now."
"Wait, what do you mean by how long you live? Do you have a different life span or something?" Jon glances at Tim then Sasha, who doesn't give anything away.
Martin stops walking, and Jon stumbles into his back. "So you want to know, or are you just curious? Because you both have the same lifespan as myself now."
"Just tell us! I would like to know if my mom is going to bury me." Tim bit his lip. "I uh... sorry."
"My lifespan is comparably to a dragons, so a few thousand years." Martin turns to face them. "I uh yeah, I mean I'm considered an infant really to other older selkies. My dad is around 500 years old."
Tim opened his mouth then shut it.
Jon clears his throat. "A few thousand?"
"Yes, Jon, a few thousand." Martin hums. "Are you ok?"
Tim takes a deep breath. "So we're just going to be old for like ever?"
"No? I don't know if you noticed, but both of your bodies have already adjusted. You'll be in your 20s for a long while." Martin clicked his teeth shut.
Jon covers his face. "Things make so much more sense now."
"I uh..." Tim takes another deep breath. "This is a lot."
Martin frowns. "Look, we don't have to talk about it. I'm sorry I brought it up." He rushes forward through the trees and out of sight.
Sasha sighs. "You know he wasn't born a selkie. He only got his skin at 13, and even with that, he didn't understand until he was 21 and reconnected with his father. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get him to agree to reveal himself to you two? The man doesn't want to hurt either of you. He's scared that if he dies something wrong, you'll throw him away."
Jon has a guilty look on his features.
"He wasn't born a selkie?" Tim frowns. "I... I didn't mean to hurt him. It's just a lot."
"His mother is a human who stole his father's skin." Sasha pauses watching Tim flinch, and Jon looks even more guilty. "It's a coin flip if Martin would be human or selkie, and he got his skin which answered that question. His mother took his skin away from him until he was 18, and he took it back. He really means it when he says that he's thankful for the marriage. His skin can never be stolen again."
Jon rubs his arm. "We should apologize."
"You're right." Tim nods. "I... fuck I didn't want to hurt him."
Sasha rolls her eyes. "I can't save either of you from being stupid, but I can tell you that you can call him later."
"But-" Jon tried to interject but Sasha held up her hand.
"Text him now if you must, but let him be. He's been scared out of his mind about you two. The truth is out in the open, so let him settle down and just text him." Sasha motions for the two to follow her. "You two can think of nice texts while you treat me to lunch er well early dinner at this point."
Jon and Tim nod.
Jonah stretches and sighs. "What's with that look, Peter? I thought you enjoyed watching me prance around like an animal."
Peter frowns, recalling what Martin told him. Jonah trusts him, and he doesn't know what to do with that information. This relationship wasn't supposed to be anything more than to annoy his family and sex. Sure, they got cats along the way, and his things are mixed in with Jonah's, but it didn't mean anything. It couldn't mean anything, he serves the Forsaken first, and that meant no attachments.
Jonah snaps in front of Peter's face. "I swear you get lost in your head way too often, Peter." He sighs. "I wanted to ask about the Forsaken. What's different about it?"
Peter stares at Jonah and stays quiet enough the other man is getting annoyed.
"Peter, I swear just answer the question." Jonah sighs.
"When did you get freckles?" Peter tilts his head. "We weren't even out in the sun, and they don't develop this fast."
Jonah steps back and raises his brow. He opens his phone and switches his camera. His face is emotionless as he touches his face. "Elias doesn't have freckles but..."
"But?" Peter raised his brow.
"I had freckles... my original body..." Jonah shoves his phone on his pocket as he retreats into the bathroom.
Peter gets up to follow knocking on the door. "Jonah, relax yourself it's just freckles."
"It's not just freckles!" Jonah shouts from the other side of the door.
Peter hears the sound of jonahs belt falling to the floor, then the shuffle of him taking off his pants. "What's so pressing that you're undressing? Last time I checked, you had the same equipment. What were you not born male originally?" He steps back at the soft whine.
Jonahs voice cracks as he answers. "I wasn't born male." He didn't lock the door as Peter entered.
Peter saw Jonah half naked sitting on the floor. He was missing something between his legs but still had his manhood. "Jonah, are you ok?"
Jonah was red face with anger or frustration or just anguished. He was shaking. He doesn't make a noise when Peter scoops him up.
"Alright, fussy, come on. I think it's time for you to take a nap." Peter can feel Jonah stiffen and slowly cling to him. "You've still got your dick, and that's that. You're still a man, you big baby." He sighs as jonahs skin drops to the floor on the process of bringing him to the bedroom. "Are you going to throw a fit, every time your body adapts and changes because you aren't human anymore."
Jonah grumbles, not speaking as he is tucked into bed. He looks up at Peter.
"You're ridiculous, the great Jonah Magnus afraid of a new hole. You're still a man, and whatever." Peter sighs. "Go take a nap, or I'm calling Martin."
Jonah huffs. "W-wait..." He reaches out as Peter leaves.
Peter returns with his skin in his arms. "I swear Jonah I was literally in the next room." He places the skin on top of Jonah. "You are the neediest man I've ever met." He crosses his arms and sits on the edge of the bed.
Jonah pulls his skin under the blanket. "Lay down."
"No, unlike you, I'm going to actually get chores done." Peter stiffens feeling the bed shift, and Jonah has wrapped his arms from behind. "Jonah, I'm serious."
"Take me to a pet shop then. I do want new toys." Jonah rests his head on Peter's shoulder. "I've earned it."
"You've earned it? You nearly broke down because your balls were replaced with a vagina." Peter can feel his resolve shatter. "You have to be in your skin."
"Mmmhk." Jonah hums. "The cats deserve something new, too."
Peter was going to do that regardless of Jonah making a comment. "Of course they deserve more than you."
"I've been good." Jonah huffs. "The Forsaken wants you to have a stronger connection to me, so when you travel, it hurts more. The Forsaken picked you to be... hmm." Glowing green eyes locked eyes with the gray blue eyes.
"Picked me to what?" Peter frowns, knowing that smirk meant Jonah wouldn't tell him unless he got what he asked.
"Who knows? I want a chew toy." Jonah huffs as Peter pushes him back to the bed.
"You're terrible." Peter sighs. "Absotuely awful."
Jonah chuckles. "As I've been told."
Peter groans. "Put your damn skin on. We'll go out."
Jonah smirks.
"What...? Tim be serious you're going to apologize and give Martin that?" Jon scoffs as he actually arrives to work on time.
Tim raised his brow. "And you think chocolates are better?"
"He's not an animal." Jon huffs as he places the chocolates and handwritten note on Martin's desk.
Martin blinks. "Uh, what's this?"
"An apology note and a gift." Jon sighs. "I know I've texted you an apology, but I think you deserve more. I apologize for last weekend."
Martin sniffs the box of chocolate and makes a face for a second, and pushes it aside. "Thanks for the note."
"You don't like the chocolate?" Jon frowns as Tim snickers behind him.
"I like dark chocolate. My human side tends to overcompensate when it comes to sweets since I can't taste them in my skin." Martin shrugs handing the box to Sasha.
"I see. Well, I apologize for the wrong gift." Jon hums.
Martin chuckles softly. "It's ok. I just got overwhelmed. You didn't have to go out of your way to get me something."
"Duh, because I got the better apology gift." Tim holds the largest chew toy he could. "Well, did I win?"
Jon rolls his eyes. "It's not a competition, and don't treat him like..." He trails off as Martin snatches the large toy from Tim.
"You got this for me?" Martin has pure hope in his eyes.
"Yeah, I mean, I know you're not a dog, but I mean, you can still use it, right?" Tim gives a soft oof as Martin picks him up in a tight hug.
"Oh, thank you so much. I'm so tired of chewing on logs, I'm still really young, and my teeth are weird." Marrin drops Tim. "Thank you again. This is amazing."
Jon scowls and crosses his arms. "Don't say a word, Tim."
"I don't need to." Tim chuckles.
Martin blushes and puts the toy down by his bag. "I uh right work... got to work.... thank you both of you."
"For what it's worth, Jon, these are good chocolates." Sasha gives a thumbs up.
Jon sighs. "Thank you, Sasha."
Martin gets up suddenly again. "Oh right, I'll make you both some tea. I uh do you two still want to meet up this weekend or uh..."
Jon perks up a bit. "Yes, we can meet up again this weekend."
"Yeah, come over to my place. We can watch bad movies." Tim shoots Martin some finger guns.
"Oh, that's great." Martin hums as he heads to the breakroom.
"Did you not listen to anything I said about Martin and food?" Sasha raised her brow.
"I may have been distracted." Jon sighs, trudging into his office.
"I listened." Tim smirks.
"Obviously." Sasha chuckles. "So how long have you been falling for the two?"
"Am I that bad?" Tim sighs, sinking into his chair.
"You wear your heart on your sleeve, which is kind of cute." Sasha smiles softly. "You've got marriage out of the way."
"Haha, very funny." Tim rolls his eyes.
Georgie raised her brow at the unfamiliar number, asking for a video call. It was late, and she didn't exactly have anything better to do, she accepted. She didn't expect to hear her ex speaking obviously slurred speech to show he's drunk.
"Aw yeah, she answered." Jon hiccups. The camera pans to his face with a deep blush and a furry rug he was leaning on?
No, the rug licked his face, which was a big dog. Georgie muffled a laugh.
"Georgie, Georgie, Georgie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not talking." Jon furrows his brows as the dog licks his face again. "I don't even like dogs."
A voice from off camera. "Martin isn't a dog."
"Yes, yes." Jon hiccups again. "But he's so soft and look at him." He fumbles his phone, and it points to a massive... yeah, that wasn't a dog. "I got married. I wanna see the admiral." He starts to sniff like he was gonna cry. "I wanna see my baby boy."
Georgie watches someone catch his phone before he buries his face into the giant wolf who was wagging their tail. A man she didn't recognize appeared on the phone.
"Oh ahit he really did call someone..." The man sighs. "I'm sorry, er Georgie? Right, uh, I'm Tim, and I didn't realize how much of a light weight Jon is. Also, sorry, he's probably too drunk out of his mind to realize that he called you." Tim directs the camera back to the scene of Jon without his glasses. The wolf had them in his mouth, and he was singing a mech song while petting the large animal.
"Look, I know you don't know me, but can you keep me on the phone? Jon's an old friend of mine, and I would enjoy the blackmail material." Georgie bit back a laugh.
"Oh, I like you." Tim waves off the wolf who whines. "Martin just keep him from hurting himself."
The wolf gets up, throwing Jon off balance from where he was leaning on them, and proceeds to lay back down on his legs.
"Puppy blanket!" Jon throws his arms up in a cheer and goes back to singing and petting the wolf now leaning over the wolf.
Georgie snorts. "Fuck me he's absolutely blasted. I haven't seen him this drunk since college. Here, let me give you my number. I want all the embarrassing pictures."
"Do you have pics from his college years?" Tim smirks off camera.
"Fuck yeah we can exchange pictures." Georgie smiles wide.
"Good lord." Jon groans as he wakes up. He was ok, something soft and warm, but couldn't make it out. Something nudged his hand, and he had his glasses to see, and a glass of water was next to him as well. "Did i... uh." He drinks the water and looks over to the large wolf.
Martin yawns and wags his tail.
"I fell asleep on you." Jon gives a heavy sigh.
"To be fair, you got shit faced." Tim chuckles, sipping a mug of coffee. "You are a good singer though kept asking for the admiral, which I now know is a cat. You also drunk called your ex, which was great. I have her number, and she also wants you to call her back and rejoin a mechanism chat, which I don't know what that is, and she won't tell me. She also thinks I married you since you kept blabbering about being married and then Martin and then how you're not a dog person while cuddling Martin. I didn't want to out Martin, so I told her we're married." He slides a trash can over so Jon can spill his guts.
Jon looks like a pathetic cat as he looks up from the trash can. "Did I keep you here all night?" He sits up, letting Martin get up and stretch.
Martin takes off his skin. "It wasn't that bad. You're a very cuddly drunk. Georgie seems very kind."
"Yeah, I'm the ass in everything." Jon sighs.
"You don't have to explain what she already did, and honestly, you need to get better at communicating even now." Tim helps Jon up. "Also, I think she recorded a few videos of your drinking cuddling singing."
Jon groans. "I already know who she sent that too." He sighs. "Sorry for ruining movie night."
"Are you kidding me? I have blackmail for days, and I got a new friend." Tim chuckles.
Martin hums. "You're very good with your hands in my fur, and you didn't throw up on me, so I count that as a win." He chuckles. "You're also not that heavy. I forgot you were there when I got up. I had to reposition you so you weren't completely on the floor."
Jon blushes. "I'm never drinking again."
"Aw, don't say that. We had fun." Tim laughs as Jon hits his side. "Aw, come on, you were great fun and entertainment. Also, why did you name a cat the admiral?"
"He's a distinguished cat." Jon huffs. "I'm using your shower."
Martin chuckles. "You wanted to name the street rat cheese, Tim."
"It's a practical name." Tim huffs.
Sasha raised her brow at the scene in front of her. Martin was curled up in the breakroom currently in his skin, and that fox from that day in the woods was sleeping on top of him. Well, that fox had one eye open, looking annoyed at her. So the other selkie worked here, that was good to know, but right now, she really wanted the snacks in the fridge she brought, and Martin was quite literally blocking access to the fridge. She clears her throat. "Um, Martin, could you maybe move?"
The fox had both eyes open and stretched. Jumping down the fox batted at Martin's snout, which woke him. The fox paused for a moment, tilting his head.
Martin huffed and got up with a big stretch. He nodded and padded out of the room and the fox followed.
"Um, thanks." Sasha watches Martin head into Jon's office and a short protest from Jon, then quiet. She got her yogurt and stepped into Jon's office to find Jon being laid on by Martin, and the fox had taken Jon's chest to curl up.
Jon sighs. "Who's the fox?"
"No idea." Sasha shrugs. "But I guess you're in time out."
"I was going to take a break." Jon sighs as Martin huffs. "Tim was getting me lunch."
Martin curls tight around Jon's legs.
"Fine, fine." Jon sighs. "Seriously though, who is this fox?"
"I really don't know, but I think it's the same one from the forest, with that big sailor guy." Sasha pauses as the fox lets out a laugh. "I forgot foxes can mimic human laughter."
"Are you alright?" Martin hums softly in Jonah's mind. They both were ignoring the conversation above them.
"I was born female, originally, and I'm starting to get things from my original body." Jonah sounds uncomfortable.
"Do you believe yourself to be male?" Martin stretches.
"Of course I do." Jonah huffs.
"Then you're male." Martin responds, yawning. "Most nonhuman creatures can switch genders or develop the opposite gender sex for their body while still having the old around. Hence, most supernatural species are intersex or change their sex on a whim. My father gave me a very descriptive sex ed course. You'll just have both parts, so have your partner wear a condom unless you want kids."
Jonah perks up, hopping off Jon's chest to Martin's back. "It's that easy?"
"Mmh, I guess." Martin had a hint of a smirk in his tone. "Is that why you came down here to risk outing yourself?"
"Shut up." Jonah huffs curling up on Martin. "So about the marriage thing."
"You're not married to Peter, well you are the human way." Martin hums softly. "Did your plan not work?"
"Apparently not. Unfortunately, I will have to try again." Jonah sighs. "Your other mate is here."
"Look at you already using correct terms." Martin hums fondly. "I've been meaning to ask besides from the adjustment. Are you ok?"
Jonah stretches out. "As well as I can be, I've been human jumping bodies for a good 200 years. I can't exactly continue that for a long time, nor do any of my other plans I've been devoting during that time." He sounds only mildly bitter. "I underestimated you."
"You did." Martin muses. "Your hormones and instincts will even out soon enough, and you'll feel normal again."
"Will I go back to being your boss?" Jonah hufs hearing a laugh from Martin.
"Legally, you are my boss, but that's only for humanity's gaze. Realistically, we are going to be on equal footing since we are in the same pack." Martin gets up off of Jon to let him eat. "Will my mates be in the pack? I don't know way too early to tell if they both will physically change."
Jonah rides on Martin's back curiosity, tugging at his mind, and he knows his eyes are glowing green. "What do you mean?"
"It's rare, but there are records written by humans losing their humanity, of course. However in rare cases selkie true marriages from returning their skin does have a chance to infect their new marriage partner or mate to turn into a selkie the animal is random but it has been recorded again by said humans." Martin stops in the breakroom curling back up. "It's only been three weeks at most for us way too early to see if anything like that would happen. However, if it happens in one pack, all the members who get human mates they will change as well."
"Fascinating." Jonah hums. "Tell me more."
Martin smiles. "Alright, I will until Peter finds you."
"He won't go down here." Jonah sounds smug. "I highly doubt he cares enough to get out of his comfort zone."
Martin tilts his head, looking back at the fox. "You care for him, but he doesn't for you?
"It's not his nature to care about others." Jonah sounds disappointed. "It's just his nature and how he was raised. Just because I love him doesn't mean he would ever return the feelings."
"Is that why you want the marriage?" Martin rests his head on the floor.
"That and not becoming a slave sounds nice." Jonah curls up tightly on top of Martin. "So information."
"Ok, but again, my father is better at this than I am he's older than both of us." Martin shuts his eyes, and starts to explain what he knows.
Stomping and then the doors to the archives are flung open. The burly, strong sailor man rushed inside. He has worries on his features. His voice did match his imposing figure. "I'm looking for e-j- a fox."
Tim nearly spit out his drink at the entrance. "I uh..." He gave a look to Sasha.
"Breakroom." Sasha answers, giving a look to Tim. As the man shifts awkwardly before Tim points at the closed door.
The man rushed forward, nearly taking the door off the handle. "You!" He stared at the fox who was asleep and the wolf under him who was also asleep. He grabbed the fox, waiting them up as he huffed. "Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you? How many people I had to talk to you, horrible creature."
The fox growls for a moment before staring at the man and twists till feet hit the floor, and Jonah is dusting himself off. "Honestly, Peter, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."
"Taking care of yourself? J- Elias, you've been gone for two hours." Peter huffs. "You told me we had to have lunch and you weren't there."
"You actually went to look for me?" Jonah raised his brow.
"Yes!" Peter pinches his brow. "You've done nothing but cause me a headache while I had to actually look for you and interact with others." He was looking a bit transparent, and Jonah knew that reflected how anxious he felt.
"You were worried about me?" Jonah tilted his head.
Peter sighs and grabs Jonah's arm. "Yes, don't get a big head, you awful little man." He tugs him out of the archives.
"I thought Martin was joking about Elias." Sasha pursed her lips.
"You knew!" Tim whipped his head to stare at Sasha.
"Martin made a comment about it, but yeah, that's the skin he was looking for." Sasha pauses. "Wait, that means that man was his husband."
"Oh fuck that's Peter Lukas?" Tim blinks. "Fuck I thought those rumors of Elias being a sugar baby were just to fuck with me."
Jon pokes his head out of the office. "Im sorry the fox is Elias? Elias was on my chest?"
Martin yawns. "He's still dealing with the rush of hormones and instincts. He was also mirroring my behavior, like how cats and many other animals do."
Jon frowns. "I uh oh..."
"Being without your skin for a long time can be jarring once you get it back. So his body is adjusting, and his mind is catching up. There's also other factors, but I won't share that it's personal. He is a part of my pack, though since I returned his skin... our pack is the correct term. He asked me not to tell you guys." Martin sighs. "He didn't account for his human husband to get worried about him."
"Oh." Tim sighs. "Be nice to the guy. I can tell that it's personal and frankly embarrassing."
"Tim is right it's incredibly personal and he's seeking comfort, and even though he's older than me in the span of our lives it's not really that important we are in equal footing so he daughter me out for comfort." Martin sighs. "Try not to mention it."
Tim, Sasha, and Jon share a glance, and all nod at Martin.
"Peter, you are absolutely awful." Jonah huffs from his desk as Peter pushes a take out container towards him.
"Well, I improvised for lunch." Peter huffs poking his food that was getting cold. Emotions swam in his head with the realization of what he did just to find Jonah. He threw out every lesson his own mother drilled onto his skull for a man he didn't even know if he loved. He doesn't even know what love meant. Nobody taught him, and he was getting too old to ask. He enjoyed the stupid reality TV shows and the awful way he would talk about his work and his patron. He looked forward to the promise of adopting a fourth cat. He likes the old-fashioned way the other man cooked even if it was way too spiced, and he never understood where he got that from. He loved the stupid little arguements and the wagers between them. He liked jonah and not his body even if he was pankcking about the different parts. He enjoyed him as James and.... it's as if a stone dropped in his stomach as something clicked. "Oh."
Jonah raised his brow eating the cold noodles. "Peter, it's not about lunch, although I am grateful it seems I've forgotten to eat breakfast in my haste to get to work. Why would you even go out of your way to look for me? I am not foolish enough to leave my skin unattended in my office." He rolls his eyes.
Peter swallows, and the weight in his stomach seems to get heavier, and his appetite is completely gone. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. "Is that stupid cooking show you like on tonight?"
"You can't call it stupid if you watch it with me." Jonah huffs. "Whatever, eat your food."
Peter numbly picks up his food and eats slowly, afraid to look away from Jonah as if he'll forget what he looks like if he steps back into his patron. Is this what Forsaken wanted? To feed on him? He doesn't want to go back, which is a realization that sends chills down his spine.
Jonah hums, finishing his food. "Although I am mad at you for this stunt, I want you to stay tonight since you're leaving tomorrow." He sighs. "Peter, are you even listening to me?"
Peter nods mutely. "Yes, I'll stay the night."
"Good." Jonah smiles softly. "The next time you'll be back longer, right?"
"Yes, a few months." Peter wanted to say forever, but he couldn't let the words leave his tongue.
"I suppose I'll have to wait till then." Jonah sighs.
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rookfeatherrambles · 2 months
in honour of finding my pretty selkie figurine, (see above post) Give me your guys's selkie au headcanons! I wanna do one for tma but I don't know if Martin or Jon or Peter or Elias should BE the selkie, so like. HIT ME UP BABES
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k-llforme · 3 months
My headcanon of Evan - and Pandora - Rosier's mother:
Some creatures in various Mythologies cannot be simply "captured" as their capture would truly mean the most absolute death of freedom and, sometimes, Death itself.
The truest Death of Freedom . Their own bodies and mind would never truly be theirs until they manage to rip it from the oppressor's hands. If they do.
I headcanon that Evan - and Pandora - Rosier's mother was one of the unlucky ones.
A free spirit - if literally or figuratively I will leave it to your imagination -, a force of Nature that got captured by the evil schemes of those around her.
Her husband had her as one of his properties. Literally.
He managed to steal from her and thus get something of hers. Something that represented her freedom. And he locked her in a golden cell from which she could not escape.
She was like a captured animal, whose head had been put as a symbol of triumph to display by the hunter.
Until one day Fate took the scissors and cut his thread of life.
Some say that she shed his blood. Others say it was an accident.
However she was Free.
And the ones who know her kind do not have any doubts of how.
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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the wind and sea do follow thee /
and all the ledges calling thee...
#em draws stuff#treasure island#squire trelawney#doctor livesey#selkie au#it's been long and long but I've had these two on the brain lately#and because my current fic is un-illustratable for several reasons I decided to pop back over to an old favorite#'peter kagan and the wind' has been my song for calming down lately and it's a very similar vibe to what I want out of the selkie au#it has actually been eight months since I've drawn trelawney and I've decided to change up his design after years and years#liking the new shapes (which I can actually draw well I think)#specifically right where his neck and shoulder meet - it's closer to how he's built in my head than I've ever captured before#and I've been liking the more defined pockmarks that I do on alan so I've decided to bring those over#I'd always intended for some similar stuff texture-wise on trelawney but I wasn't being very confident in it so it was difficult to see#but in the end this is just me splashing all manner of things that I like for these two into one drawing#good saturated purples and my best attempt at those mignola-esque gravestones and a try at capturing how tom harpernovakaine writes them...#this whole thing went through many moments of looking unsalvageable but in the end it is probably one of my best drawings of them#I have a very early livesey drawing stuck to the back of the ol' ipad so it's really cool to hold that up and compare how far I've come#it's been an interesting three years and I think I'm a much more confident artist now!
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asthecrowrambles · 9 months
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[ID pencil sketch of peter with an open expression. he is wet and looking to the left and is naked except for his seal fur pelt. he is holding it around his shoulders with his disabled hand and has some scars. /End ID]
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candiirabbitart · 2 years
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Inktobers 21-24
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neverlandfaerai · 2 years
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@shaymincafe​ @ask-world-savers-council
(background made by the mod of asksavel !)
Because these are really hard to actually read on my blog due to Tumblr file resolution, here’s discord link attachments to the actual pages themselves:
Page 1: Strelitzia
Page 2: Apoyime
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Cryptid Cohabitation 101
The third story in the Ancient Art of Selkies series is going up concurrently with Matador for anyone who’s interested in seeing Sam and Bucky in a magical village on an under cover operation. ^_^
Cryptid Cohabitation 101
“Someone,” Strange says, “is selling cryptid components.” He pauses, and Sam could swear he’s looking at Bucky. “And making a killing doing it. Literally.”
“Cryptid components?” Natasha asks, leaning forward. “What are those in the context of this mission?”
Strange shifts his eyes from Bucky to Natasha. “Nascent fishkin scales—” he starts.
“Fishstick what, now?” Stark interrupts.
“You would know them as merfolk,” Strange continues, “vampire teeth, chupacabras claws, cockatrice spurs, phoenix feathers, sasquatch fur.” He makes a dismissive motion with one hand. “The list is long and the specifics are immaterial.”
(Or: Bucky and Sam go undercover as a married couple on a mission to break up a poaching ring that’s attacking cryptids. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the magical community and explore their human-selkie relationship… but can they stand (and protect) their neighbors?)
This thing will make so much more sense if you read the first two parts of the series first. 
Also, I’m guessing 30 chapters for this story. Maybe 35 if it grows on me. I have 24 chapters already written, so I’m feeling confident about the 30-35 deal. (Hubris, I know.)
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics i've read]
♡ - smut
Mostly fluff
Fantastic beast [newt scamander]
harry potter [wolfstar][remus lupin][regulus black][james potter]
the black phone [vance hooper]
enola holmes [sherlock holmes]
the walking dead [glenn rhee]
outa [peter pan][felix]
maze runnner [newt][gally]
dune [duke leto atreides]
rise of the guardians [jack frost][bunnymund]
big hero 6 [tadashi hamada][hiro hamada]
newt scamander
@moonlit-imagines - your husband coming home to find a baby niffler hanging from your neck
@spideyharrington - one and the same
@wolfstardaughter-jj - like fathers,like daughter
@masivechaos - you remind me of him
remus lupin
@ddejavvu - grumpy remus x sunshine reader
- ___
- y/n loving when remus ramble
- sleepy cuddles with remus
regulus black
@ddejavvu - the reader intentionally mistook sirius as snape
james potter
@reysdriver - lucky charm
vance hopper
@angelofthenight - are we about to kiss?
@mirrorballshiningjustforyou - vance with a opposite reader
- vance x cheerleader reader
sherlock holmes
@marvelousmando - the game is afoot indeed
@love-strawberry - we'll be alright
@st-juliet - pulse point ♡
glenn rhee
@the-daily-multi-fandom-post - gleens lover girl
@refiwrites - tepidity
@captain-tch - trinkets
@thepiratequeenofneverland - A Poly introduction
peter pan
@heliads - dating peter pan would include
@evangeline-perry - peter pan relationship
@bad268 - peter pan fluff alphabet
@justpan - Kindness and Cruelty 
@mysadcorner - peter with a quiet!reader
@goldenxshine - dating felix and wearing glasses would include
————MAZE RUNNER—————
@toxicbubblegum212 - snow in the glade
@virginia-peters - ___
@givemearock - tmr boys if you gave them a rock
@heliads - men and tea
@witchthewriter - jealous newt with a medjack girlfriend would include
@cantstoptheimagines - rbf
@writingandimagines - gally teaching you how to defend yourself
@5sospenguinqueen - dating gally would include
@gladerscake - territorial
@witchthewriter - being gally's s/o would include
duke leto atreides
@nonpoppin - beard
@dailyreverie - you are what’s important right now
- your touch
- hugging them from behind, laying their head on the other’s shoulder
@starryeyedstories - like real people do
@catlordewrites - in the water
- a little less lonely
@lightsinthedistancee - how it feel to be free
@geo-winchester - like we used to be
@supernovafeather - new home ♡
@letstalkaboutshtufff - opposites attract
@pumpkin-stars - stalwart
@ophelialoveshandsomemen - you're handsome with snowflakes in your beard
jack frost
@imagines-dreams - ___ (cupid!reader)
@razzlerdazzler - bunnymund with a halloween spirit s/o who likes spring and easter
@daydreaming-away-reality - the sweetest thank you (mother nature!reader)
—————BIG HERO 6—————
tadashi hamada
@multi-fandom-imagine - pop rock kiss
- ___
@subtly-a-selkie - tadashi is here pt1
hiro hamada
@thequeenrains - a night to a decade
@bigherosix2 - quarantining with hiro
@maycat-19-142 - ___ (poison!reader)
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milfjagger · 11 days
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posting this on its own as well :) template and idea from @trollmaiden and full guide/sources under cut
"La Belle Dame sans Merci” by Henry Meynell Rheam
by Ayami Kojima 
“The Fairy Lovers” by Theodor Richard Edward von Holst 
Gnomes from the novel The Little Grey Men, written and illustrated by “BB” (Denys Watkins-Pitchford)
Nyform Norwegian troll
“Little Red Mischief” by Amy Brown
Faery from “The Hallow” dir. Corin Hardy, SFX by John Nolan
Ariel from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, illustrated by Jane Ray
The Beast from Over The Garden Wall, created by Patrick McHale
“Morgan Le Fay” by Clive Hicks-Jenkins
Unicorn foal sculpture by SovaeArt https://www.deviantart.com/indigo-ocean/gallery
Faery from Good Faeries, Bad Faeries by Brian Froud
“Dusk” by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
Honeythorn Gump from “Legend” dir. Ridley Scott
Oona from “Legend” dir. Ridley Scott
Flora, Fauna and Merryweather from “Sleeping Beauty”, art direction by Eyvind Earle
Bilbo Baggins from a Dutch edition of JRR Tolkein’s The Hobbit, illustrated by Kees Kelfkens(?)
Selkie depicted on a Faroese stamp
Chortlebones from Bella Sara, illustrated by Lynn Hogan
Huldra from the game “Year Walk” 
The Sprite from Fantasia 2000, segment directed by Paul and Gaëtan Brizzi
and 23 Costume designs for Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Robert Courtneidge
As above
Tinker Bell from Peter Pan (2003) dir. PJ Hogan
Hoggle from Labyrinth, designed by Brian Froud and created by Jim Henson’s Creature Shop
Mr Tumnus from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe dir. Andrew Adamson
Tom Bombadil from JRR Tolkein’s The Lord of the Rings, illustrated by Tim Hildebrandt
The Green Man (source unclear)
Illustration for Terry Pratchett’s The Wee Free Men by Robyn Haley
Truffle from Adventure Quest
 Littlest Pet Shop fairy
Woodland Furby made by me :) Please do not call him cursed
The Psammead from the BBC’s TV adaptation of E Nesbitt's Five Children and It, dir. Marilyn Fox
Thranduil, King of the Wood Elves from The Hobbit, dir. Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass
Nøkken by John Bauer
Gizmo from Gremlins dir. Joe Dante, creature design by Chris Walas
Gollum from JRR Tolkein’s The Hobbit, illustrated by Tove Jansson
Soot Sprite from Spirited Away dir. Hayao Miyazaki
“The Junk Lady” from Labyrinth; concept art by Brian Froud
Domovoi by Vladimir Chernickov
Falkor from The Neverending Story dir. Wolfgang Petersen, creature design by Patrick Woodroffe
Cherry Fairy from Webkinz
Titania from Vertigo Comics, illustrated by Matt Dixon
Wind Drifter, My Little Pony G1
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orderforbrian · 2 years
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all my stuff from our selkie martin au fic so far....(officially in the fic at least lol, i have a ton of paper drawings on my twitter) it's kind of crazy to see how much my art has progressed since we've been writing the fic for so long 😅 we can't wait to post the next chapter, it's gonna be full of fluff!!!!
[Start ID: A set of 13 images, mostly of Jon and Martin from the Magnus Archives in an AU where Martin is a selkie. Jon is a Persian man with short, dark curly hair and a full beard in the last five images, there are streaks of grey in both. Martin is a mixed Polish/Korean man with short, dark wavy hair and a beauty mark under his lip. When in human form, he wears a blue sea glass necklace. When in seal form, he appears as a harbor seal with dark grey and white spots and a white underbelly. His seal pelt appears the same.
1st image: A close up of the hands of Jon and Martin as children holding a piece of sparkling blue sea glass. Jon is giving it to Martin's hand. Martin's other hand is clenched by his side and most of his body is obscured by a seal pelt. They are on the sand by the ocean tide.
2nd image: Behind sea rocks, Martin cradles an unconscious Jon in his arms, both of them in the rocky sand. Martin is looking down at Jon with a tender expression, his hair is wet and his body is bare (from what can be seen) aside from the seal pelt wrapped around his waist. He has visible top surgery scars. Jon is wearing a jacket with a dress shirt underneath, his hair is also wet.
3rd image: A split screen with Jon on the left and Martin on the right. Jon is angrily walking away from Peter Lukas who is standing in the background with a disgruntled expression. Peter has short white hair in a ponytail and a full beard, he is wearing a sea captain's jacket and hat and a sweater. Martin is looking to the side that Jon is on with a cheeky smile, covering part of his mouth with his hand. The seal version of himself is in the background with a cheeky expression as well. Martin is wearing an open plaid flannel with a dark undershirt.
4th image: A large seal is curled around Jon's waist as Jon sits on a blanket filled with many scientific instruments and materials meant for hydrology. He is clutching an open notebook in one hand and his other arm is raised to peer down at the seal with a bewildered expression.
5th image: In a grey ocean with a cloudy sky, Jon pets the top of a seal's head with a grateful smile. He is holding a hydrology instrument in his other hand, he is not wearing his glasses. The seal is leaning up and eagerly accepting the pets with a smile.
6th image: A split screen with Martin on the left and Jon on the right. Martin is in a cafe apron with a dark shirt underneath. He is looking forward with wide eyes and blushing, there are specks of shining colors in his eyes. In the background is a cafe countertop stocked with jars, plates, mugs, and an espresso machine. Jon is looking up at Martin with a confused expression. In the background is a window overlooking the ocean and sky.
7th image: Jon and Martin are wading chest deep in the ocean, both of them soaking wet. Jon is glaring at Martin while Martin looks forward with a sheepish, shocked expression. In the background is a boat rocking in the water and a cliffside of rock.
8th image: Martin is in the foreground clutching his pelt in both arms and looking back at Jon with a nervous smile. Beads of sweat are coming off him. Jon is in the background sitting with his knees and arms splayed out, he is looking at the pelt with suspicion and confusion. In the far background are sea rocks, the ocean, and a cloudy sky.
9th image: In the foreground, Martin is clutching a backpack to his chest and wearing a panicked grimace. In the background, Jon is eyeing him with suspicion. Jon is wearing a quarter-zip jacket and simple pants, as well as holding a messenger bag. In the far background are sea rocks, the ocean, and the night sky with a few clouds and the moon shining.
10th image: A split screen with Martin on the left and Jon on the right. It is presumably night time and both characters are cast in the moonlight. Martin is pointing an accusatory finger at Jon and yelling with furious eyes. His hair is slicked back from water and his seal pelt is wrapped around his shoulders. Jon has a meek expression and his mouth is shut tight, he is holding up one finger that is drooped down. His other hand is gripping the strap of his messenger bag.
11th image: Jon is on his knees on a sea rock next to the ocean, he is looking down at a harbor seal with a soft smile and kind eyes. The harbor seal is looking up at him curiously and only has its head above the water, though most of its body is still visible under the water.
12th image: In the foreground, Jon is pinching the bridge of his nose with a frustrated expression. He is holding a notepad in front of him with several scribbly lines on it, a couple lines are crossed out. In the background, Tim and Sasha are standing next to each other, both are wearing cafe aprons. Sasha is a Pakistani woman with long, dark curly hair tied back into a ponytail with a scrunchie and wearing glasses. She is also wearing a light short sleeve shirt and a simple circle necklace, there is a cat pin next to her nametag. She has a meek smile and is lifting a finger as if to suggest something. Tim is a black man with short hair locks and has dimples. He is wearing a flower patterned button up, one arm is crossed under his chest and the other is raised with one finger up. He is smirking and arching an eyebrow. In the far background is a cafe countertop and a utensil holder on the wall next to some cabinets.
13th image: Martin and Jon are sitting on the beach next to each other. Martin is sitting with his hands behind him and smirking playfully at Jon. Jon is smirking playfully back at Martin, sitting with one arm crossed over his knees and the other resting on his chin. Martin is wearing a simple white shirt and dark pants. Jon is wearing a striped button-up with simple dark pants.
End ID.]
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thatmexisaurusrex · 4 months
My Current Table of Contents
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Lol finally changed the banner into something better 😂 Anyways, reposting an updated Table of Contents for my AO3 works. Check it out here or on my AO3 😆 :
Canon Divergence:
The Bucky Quest Saga, which tells the behind the scenes story between Sam and Bucky post-Captain America: the Winter Soldier through to The Falcon and the Winters Soldier and beyond that
A Captain and His Bucky which is what if Bucky was the original Captain America, Sam has been Captain America since the events Avengers Movie, Steve Rogers is the Winter Soldier, and Sam found Bucky thawing from a chunk of ice in SHIELD headquarters during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and has now taken him in to help him navigate life in the future
My Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker Fake Marriage Enemies to Lovers Fic You're a Sunflower (I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much)
My Heimdall/Sam Wilson Post-TFATWS Fic Series, Loving Are All-Seeing Men and Midgardian Captains
Sam Wilson finds himself in a very strange game show with some asshole named Bucky Barnes, The Marriage Game
Two clubbing feelings with porn SamBucky fics. One that happens post-TWS during Bucky's European Tour and one that happens during the black market art auction nightclub scene in TFATWS. The fics titles, as well as this collection title, are based on lines in the song hand crushed by a mallet by 100 gecs, I didn’t get to tell you goodbye
A story about Sam and Bucky finding out that Sam's dead husband Riley is a Winter Soldier, Captain America, The White Wolf, and the Winter Soldier
A story about Bucky hearing Sam truly laugh for the first and a bonus series of vignettes about Bucky's twenty-three goats and their pun names, Sam and Bucky's Cabin
Time After Time, or my Sorcerer Supreme Sam Canon Divergence Fic
Back in the Gulf, where Sam Wilson tries to figure out where he fits in the world post-blip and if he wants Bucky Barnes to be part of his life.
My All Caps fic, sometimes that's all we need, an Endgame Canon Divergence where everyone lived, no one went old and went to the past, and Steve and Bucky are competing for Captain America Sam Wilson's love and attention
Five Times Bucky Got Dirty and the One Time Bucky Got Sam Dirty, a two-part fic about five times Bucky got dirty around Sam and the one time Bucky got Sam dirty
My gay chicken, post-blip, accidental undercover fake married fic, Playing with Fire
My Valentine's Day Fic about Sam Not Knowing He's Actually Dating Bucky, You'll Never Be My Maybe.
Meanwhile... a short two-part fic about Sam and Bucky figuring out their love for each other while on a mission.
My Gideon Visits and Shenanigans Ensue two-parter, A Surprise Visit
My IWTV Season 1, Episode 2 Loustat fic, I don't think you realize (but you are in my insides)
The Beyoncé Trilogy, a series of three fics inspired by the Beyoncé songs "Blow", "Cuff It", and "Texas Hold 'Em" that take place during an alternate version of CATWS.
Fantasy AUs:
My Fantasy/Medieval/Arranged Marriage AU, Golden is the Sun
His Wingless Stranger, which is a "What if WWII Bucky fell off that train into a world that spliced Tomorrowland with Hiyao Miyazaki and Sam lived in a future society where everyone has wings?"
My Apothecary Meets Prince Who Accidentally Becomes His Apprentice Fic Series, The White Wolf Apothecary
My Star Wars AU, Star Wars Episode IV.V: The Phantom Hookup
Fairytale AU, The Little White Wolf
A story about monster Hunter Joaquín meets Vampire Sam and Werewolf Bucky in a bar, Joaquín Torres Monster Hunter
The Two Strangers, A post-apocalyptic future western SamBucky AU on a different planet
My Practical Magic inspired AU, Impractical Magic
My matelotage Pirate!Sam, Merman!Bucky fic, Reaching Out For You
My Future Kid Fic, Pre-Vampire Apocalypse fic Canary in the Coal Mine
My Selkie and Pirate two-part love story, The Selkie and the Pirate Elect
My If You Were the Last AU, The Hypothetical
The Midnight Lover, my bittersweet Vampire AU
My Percy Jackson and the Olympians AU, Sam Wilson and the Olympians
No Powers AUs:
My Single All the Way AU, A No Snow Christmas
My Popstar AU, The Only Thing That I Refuse to Forget
My one fantastic impromptu date fic, A Night With You
My airport chase confession fic My Best Friend's Brother
My Bachelor AU, If I Take You Home
My Christmas Fake Relationship Fic, For the Holidays
From That Show, my Sitcom Actors!AU
My High School AU fic, Walking and Running to You 
My Anthologies:
The SamBucky Halloween 2021 Anthology I made for the SamBucky Halloween 2021 event the SamBucky Library is hosting
The WinterFalcon Week 2021 I participated in that's being hosted by the WinterFalcon Week tumble
The Nine Short Dates with Sam and Bucky ficlet series I made
The Sambtember Ficlets and Drabble Anthology I created for the Samtember event hosted by the Sam Wilson Fest tumblr
The Kinktober Collection 2021;
Water They Waiting For anthology series. It's 9 writers, 19 stories, and a lot of sexual tension involving water
My SarahBucky fics for Fleur de Louve Month2021
My SamBuckyTorres anthology, Captains and Falcons and White Wolves, Or My!
My collection of three fics for the MYSU Holiday Gift Exchange 2021!
My collection of fics based on the SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022, SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of stories inspired by my the Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary on my tumblr, The Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary Auxiliary Stories
My collection of fics based on the 2 card of the MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022, MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of fics based on the photos in post by hot-chocolates-world on tumblr, The Tush Collection
My collection for the SamBucky AU Week 2022, My SamBucky AU Week 2022 Collection
My collection of Drabbles and Ficlets for Samtember 2022
My collection of WinterFalcon Bingo Round Two 2022-2023 Bingo Fills 
My collection of fills for SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for the Sam Wilson Bingo Round 2
My collection of fills for the SamBucky Festive Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for TFATWS Anniversary 2023 Fics
My collection of All Caps Bingo Round One 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Summer Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of Samtember 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Gift Event 2023 Fics
My collection of SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2024 Fics
My SamBucky One-Shots!
My Other One-Shots!
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