#self related pac
venusgirltarot · 5 months
Your Idea of Them vs. What They’re Really Like
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☆ ミ book a reading with me ☆彡
Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
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Pile 1 — [♡];
The energy here isn’t what I was expecting, Pile One. I think it’s something you really need to hear, though. I think you know what this person is really like and I think that’s why you’ve decided to walk away from them. For some of you, you’ve already done this and for others I think you’re still thinking about it. For those of you that have, you may be thinking about going back or maybe there’s just a small part of you that wonders if you made the right decision but please trust yourself and know that you did. If you have fully made the decision to walk away yet, know that it’s the right decision.
You may have been in a long term relationship with this person and are just now seeing a different side to this person. I keep hearing 3 or 4 years? They may have just started acting easily irritable, careless, not as loving as they once were. You no longer felt safe, loved, and appreciated with this person. Maybe something happened in their life or something with their family caused some sort of change or shift within them? I’m not completely sure.
If you no longer feel happy or safe in a connection then please don’t stick around in hopes of change. Accept nothing less than what you deserve and let go of what is no longer serving you. Some of you may have children with this person or maybe you have children of your own or something. Only take that if it resonates. Those of you who have not left yet may be nervous about the outcome of leaving or wondering if it’s the right decision, please trust what your intuition is telling you and walk away if that is what your intuition is saying. You will flourish outside of this connection and things will get so much better for you. Its going to be okay. You have far more strength and independence within you than you realize and you are capable of far more than you think you are.
I hope you’re doing well, Pile One and if no one else has told you today, please know that I am proud of you. ❤️
Pile 2 — [♡];
Pile Two, I don’t think your person really expected you. I’m having a hard time finding how you view them because I feel their energy so strongly. They hold a space for you but I think they try to avoid or deny that space if that makes sense. I’m having a hard time explaining it. Their feelings/emotions are so conflicting. It’s like there’s potential for them to fall deeply in love with you but they’re fighting it so hard. I’m not sure why though because they know you wouldn’t hurt them. They have such a soft spot for you.
They may have had an idea of what their life was supposed to look like and what their next step was but you came along and kind of changed things for them and they don’t know if they want that. I heard “if only I had a little more time” they may have wanted to be at a different place in their life when you came along and they worry this will become a “right person wrong time” sort of situation. They may also cuss a lot because I’m hearing lots of that. “I need to get my shit together” and “I fucked up in a bad way”. There was a point in the reading where I was crying because I was so emotional.
You don’t really need this person and maybe that’s what scares them. You have options and may come off as very independent and confident in yourself. I heard “this could hurt me more than it could hurt you” they seem to think they have more at risk here for some reason. You have a parental/motherly energy that they love about you. You’re empathetic and caring. You care for them but maybe more in a subtle way. You’re not overbearing in the way you check up on them. You may be sort of sassy/quick witted and they really like that, as well. I wonder if they don’t fantasize about long term commitment and children with you. Very rarely or maybe even just once but it may have crossed their mind. They’re afraid to let themselves open up or get close to you because they know the way you’d treat them and care for them when you really got to know the real them would make them fall deeply in love with you and they don’t want that. They’re fighting their feels very hard, Pile Two.
I hope that this person gets it together and opens up to you, Pile Two but I can’t promise that they will. Don’t wait around if you don’t feel that’s what you want to do. I can’t give you a timeline or promise that this person will come forward so you will really have to follow your own intuition here. I truly hope it works out in your favor, Pile Two.
Pile 3 — [♡];
I think there’s a more serious side of this person that they don’t want you to see. To you, they like to come off as well established and sure of themselves. They carry a lot of weight on their shoulders and could become easily stressed with work related stuff. They may be some sort of boss of CEO. For some of you, this may be someone that’s very successful and financially well off.
You help them a lot with this stress without realizing it. You’re like a safe haven to them. You don’t see them as a boss or someone with all the answers and you’re not dependent on them in any way. They can just enjoy their time with you and you have no expectations of them. They really appreciate you and your energy.
This feels like a newer connection. You’re still getting to know each other but could be starting to see each other more seriously and wanting to groin and establish something more serious with one another. I think they’ll share all of this with you when the time is right because they do want more with you and see you as someone they want to be with long term.
Your person has a very mature energy. They could be older than you. They’re very intelligent and well establish but they may be a little too hard in themselves quite often.
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astroangel23 · 2 years
How you'll know you're aligned to your Higher Self 🕊️🤍
All three of these piles were so lovely to read for 🥺 I hope you enjoy your channeled message 🌟
I looOooOve hearing everyone's feedback, please don't hesitate to share your perspective!
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"They Were Her Tribe Her Kindreds"
Child : Nature + 4 of Wands + 9 of Cups + 3 of Pentacles + Page of Swords
Hello there! I hope you're feeling loved today 💛 Your higher self is skilled at living out every day through the frequency of pure love. Your higher self feels a deep pull to be a caretaker for humanity, our planet, and the innocent animals we share this planet with. Once you are aligned to your higher self, you will notice that you easily carry forgiveness, patience, and an accepting love for those around you. You will begin to see that the cycle of life is a flow that cannot be controlled and being closer to nature will bring a special comfort to this reality. The word mother in Mother Gaia is true to your core. You, yourself, will feel a nurturing motherly energy towards those around you. You will feel a pull to teach others the higher knowledge you gain upon this path of spiritual alignment. A lightbulb will go off for you once you realize nature speaks to you, the birds speak to you, animals & trees deliver secret messages about our world for you to share to those that cannot hear the nature spirits coded messages. You will know you're aligned to your higher self once you accept love is to be shared towards everyone, even your enemies; once you accept that love is gold & sharing this golden love brings reward, you will find yourself unbothered by the ups and downs the material world puts you though. Your higher self is not afraid of growing old because it knows life is an endless journey of knowledge and the highest form of wealth comes from within, it comes from our heart space 💌
- Astro Angel 💚
Keywords: free spirit, Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius, hermit, dancing, music, teacher, purple, orange, green, stars, "can't be tied down", bunnies, crocheting, books, protecting children, celebration, innocence, purity
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"Good Things Are Going To Happen"
Beggar + 5 of Wands + 7 of Pentacles+ 2 of Pentacles + Page of Cups
I hope you are doing well today 💜 I feel that you have been through a lot of material struggles throughout this lifetime that have made you feel a sense of... being behind, not being where you should be. Sometimes you feel that if you were dealt a better hand, you would be in a better position right now. That could be true, but there is a deeper perspective behind this path you have been walking. Your higher self carries the quality of endless hope regardless of the situation. Your higher self sees the bigger picture of the struggles you go through. Once you have aligned to your higher self you will begin to realize, you are a very powerful person. You will clearly see that you naturally carry the qualities needed to overcome the struggle, to overcome any competition. You will see that you are not where you came from and YOU are the one that determines your worth. Doubt from others cannot hold you back unless you let it. You will find balance with your time, energy, and finances. You will find better ways to build a fortune for yourself and your loved ones. You will be in a stable situation that will allow your mind to relax, allow you to explore your creative side instead of staying a survival mindset. Once you are aligned, you will look back and realize everything on your path lead you to where you are and you will find gratitude towards your past. You will also feel a pull to help others that were in your same shoes. Write your higher self a thank you note for being so mf resilient 💌
- Astro Angel 💚
Keywords: climbing to the top, doubt, growth in the unseen, red, orange, blue, Aries, Pisces, Capricorn, coffee, justice, grounding, meditation, shadow work, candles
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"Connected, Always"
Samaritan + 2 of Wands + 6 of Cups + 3 of Cups + 6 of Pentacles
I hope you are well 💚 Your higher self is full of so much joy and happiness and strives to spread this energy. Your higher self notices how the light they shine may trigger envy in those that don't feel the same sense of happiness within themselves, but this doesn't stop them from trying to give their light to those that feel triggered by the light. You will realize you are aligned to your higher self once you gain the perspective of people that give you attitudes or problems, are just in pain. You will feel no need to give energy to this darkness they throw at you, instead, you will feel the need to give them kind words, invite them out with you, tell them they can talk to you, or even befriend them. You will have a deep knowing or even a spiritual insight to those that are dealing with loneliness, pain, material struggles. This is a gift. You will know that no matter how hard someone strives to tear you down simply for just being your bubbly self, they could never take that away from you, therefore, you give love & acceptance without thinking twice. There's nothing to lose when giving love, giving back, when you have that within yourself no matter what. You will feel excited to share your stories, to uplift absolutely everyone around you. People that dislike you will start questioning why they even disliked you to begin with and this will be an awakening of their own spiritual path. This is a beautiful pile 💌 - Astro Angel 💚
Keywords: inner child, memories, sharing, giving, hugs, experiences with new and old friends, abundance, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Leo, fitness, dogs, companionship, looking forward to the future
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autistic-britta-perry · 7 months
Feels like with how q!mike currently is I wouldn’t put it past him to do something really drastic if q!pac doesn’t heed his warnings. Probably not harm anyone but he’d maybe do something to get q!pac away from everyone else
I agree! My thought would be that if he can't turn Pac against Fit (which he won't) he'd try to imprison him in some way to keep him safe. I I think he could justify it to himself because he wouldn't "hurt" him but he knows that Pac has prison trauma and would be the most... receptive to be convinced and/or willing to listen to him and not fight him if he were locked up.
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leoascendente · 10 months
PAC/ Your future self wants to tell you... 🔮
-Reuploaded and reedited old PAC-
Hi my loves and welcome to this new Pac, today you'll receive a message from your future self. This is an old pac I decided to correct, rewrite and add some more information. Take a deep breath before choosing your pile and choose the one that makes you laugh, take only what resonates and leave what doesn't. You can choose more than 1 pile if you feel drawn to. Hope you like it, I love you all 💕
Decks I used: Goddes guidance oracle, moonology oracle, shadows and lights oracle, ethereal visions tarot, astrodices and my lucky charms.
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Pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
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Pile 1:
Things will become a lot more easy in your future, I see you very happy with how things will move in your life in every aspect. There's a massive shift in your reality from what you curently have going on, you'll be making a bold move that will lead you to success very fast, this energy is fiery and rush so surely everything will move at speed of light for you once you give that step. I feel that this success is estremely close, like this could happen in any given moment, it's like you have the door, you have the key and everything ready but nothing moves until you open the door you have right in front of you. I feel that what is keeping you looking at the door and not moving forward is a wound related to your confidence, this wound is caused by other people who judged you and treat you unfairly in your past, they made you think you weren't capable of doing great things and they hurt you so much that you ended up believing their lies. Don't let cruel people's actions hold you back or repress you from doing what you really want to do, be unique, be original and don't be afraid to show yourself.
There's a karmic person coming back to your life, you know this person and you probably have bad a good memories with them but things ended up un bad terms. They are the same as you remember them, with their positive and negative traits but you have changed a lot since this person left your life. Your future self warns you about them, not because they have bad intentions but for you to not repeat a past situation with them. You'll need to listen your intuition to proceed with this person, keep a safety distance if they have hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself, I hear something about hero complex so try not to save someone who feels right being as they are, no matter if you know how to help them, if they don't need or want your help or advice don't waste your energies, there are a lot of people in the world that will really need and appreaciate your help, but this person from your past doesn't. Your future self tells you that you need to pass this karmic test, this situation will help you realize your inner power and recognize all your personal progress and growth, it will also be helpful for your confidence.
Take as divine signs when you see blue butterflies, horses or an orange cat, the goddess Freyja, something related to Avalon and pink flowers.
(Cards: Ace of pentacles rev, king of pentacles rev, 4 of pentacles rev, 8 of wand rev, the Temperance/ 6 of cups)
The tarot cards talk about money issues you have been dealing with in your recent past, but if it's not about money it's about your sense of stability or physical safety, something has made you feel insecure or this feeling of uncertainty is something you carry from a young age, you might have felt like doesn't matter how hard you work, the ressults of your work are taking longer to reach you. Don't worry or doubt about your manifestations, sweetheart, I know waiting can be exasperating sometimes and can make you think you are in the wrong path or things don't work for you, but your future self wants you to know that this is not your case, you are doing things the best you can so avoid being so hard on yourself, some things take more time to materialize in your reality but that doesn't mean they are not going to manifest, it might sound cliché but it's true, good things take time and the more time they take the more wonderful the rewards will be, every seed need its proper time to grow and become a tree..
Your future self ask you to stay more in your present moment and work in your feeling of deserving, your future self is perfectly fine but you are forgetting about enjoying your current life. You really need and deserve a break and have more fun, you deserve to live a happy life, you deserve love and you deserve success just for being you, start believing in yourself and all your worth. You are also in a healing moment of your life and that's why your past situation is coming back to finally end up with this cycle, you really need to leave this behind because new golden doors are opening for you. This past situation that is repeating has something to do with an emotional wound you haven't solved yet and this comeback of someone will be the perfect chance to make peaces with your past and turn the page into the new chapter, your future self is telling you that is your moment to heal and Universe will be giving you the opportunities to do so.
Temperance and 6 of cups tell you to enjoy the simplicity of life, these cards invite you to take things with calm and work on your inner peace. Take this moment of healing as a gift from Universe, let the Divine guide you and show you what you couldn't see by yourself, everything will end up better than you expected. Also, don't doubt to ask for help to your spirit guides, they are there to help you whenever you need them.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Taurus, Jupiter, 5th house/ agate, aventurine, rose quartz, golden leaf, shell)
Well... There's love and romance on their way to you, for the most of you this is the person you are going to marry and have kids or pets with, I hear something about a legacy so you will surely have an abundant future with this person, also I see this upcoming relationship will be very healing for both of you, you two will feel your relationship as a wish fulfilled. The agate and 5th house have the message of wealth created by following your true passion and heart's desires, the golden leaf also talks about prosperity and abundance. As an advice, your future self asks you to work on your sensibility and your intuition, you also can be developing psychic abillities
Pile 2:
My spiritual pile 😊, It's time to take a leap of faith honey, trust yourself and your potential because you are capable of great things and you know it, you just need to believe and remind it more. You are bold and powerful, my love but your mindset is playing you a bad trick by making you think about all the things that could go wrong, remember that it's just your brain predicting things that probably will never happen. We know we are brave after facing something that scare us, so do it babe, jump to the unknown with fear but do it, chase your dreams and shine like the star you are because the loving hands of Universe will be there to hold you.
You have a vision of something you want to achieve, you want to success in a very specific area of your life, maybe it's related to career, love, a glow up, money... Whatever it is you are going to get it sooner than you imagine but you need to stop rushing ressults by now and take the strategic steps you need to take because your goal is almost here but excessive control over things can be delaying your success. You'll reach your goal love, your future self assures you that, but you need a time to see what you really want and what works best for you, don't try to fit in a box that's not made for you, do things your own and unique way and you'll see how fast you manifest your desired reality. Also, your future self wants you to release the weight of fitting into other people's expectations of you, don't betray yourself to make someone else happy.
Your future self asks you to improve your intuition and your connection with your spirit guides, you have angelic precense in your life by the moment, they'll show themselves in the form of moths. Ask your angels for help with self confidence and releasing behavior patterns that are no longer useful for you, they are very present in your life because you are energetically ascending and overcoming a lot of emotional baggage, you might feel over emotional for the next few weeks but it's a needed process to cleanse your energies and your soul, let your emotions guide you and give you the answers to your blockages, and rest if you need it.
(Cards: Chariot rev, sun rev, queen of cups, justice rev, wheel of fortune/ High priestess)
You are or have been waiting for the perfect circumstances to do something you really want to do, it's something that when you think about this, your heart jumps with joy and excitement. You know this can make you really happy but you are waiting for the outside circumstances to change instead of looking within to see what's blocking you, you are being unfair with yourself by forcing you to stand still and wait when something that makes you happy is at your hands and is calling you so loudly, your future self is telling you to check yourself to see what's holding you back and why you are expecting a chage from the outside when you are needing a change on the inside, that's why this reflection moment is so important, there's nothing outside blocking you, this comes from withing yourself but remember that taking a leap of faith will be very rewarding. This emotional issue might be related to the fear of being judged or rejected, maybe your dream is something unconventional or the way you want to make it is, but keep always in mind that Universe is aligning everything for you to reach the best outcome possible.
You know the solution to it, you got the high priestess at the bottom of the deck and the queen of cups to represent you, you are wiser than you want to admit. Your intuition is really powerful, make use of that wonderful gift you have more often honey and believe it when your 6th sense talk to you. By the moment your future self tells you to let the Universe put things into place while you heal that part of yourself that holds you back from chasing your dreams. You can check pile 1 if you felt called too.
Embody the energy of the queen of cups by entering in your femenine energy, rest more, meditate, pamper yourself with things that makes you feel beautiful and comfortble, be kind with yourself, eat that ice cream you love etc. I hear something about a crystal ball, maybe you can get one to help you with your intuition and to communicate with your guides, you can also be having lucid dreams so try to keep a dream journal next to your bed to write your dreams when you wake up, dreams and the oniric realm will be very significant for you.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Taurus, the sun, 7th house/ white heart, rose quartz, shell, spike)
There's a love interest appearing soon in your life and this person is going to be very straight forward with you since the moment they meet you, you are attracting a lot of attention and people who wants to spend time with you. The shell fell next to the spike, telling you that not every person that comes into your life is good intentioned, your intuition will tell you who you can trust and who you have to keep away. You are going to receive tons of love, not just romantic love but true friendships, you surely will be reuniting with your soul tribe.
Pile 3:
My dear pile 3, you might not be in the best moment of your life and I'm really sorry for that, but the good thing is that there's divine intervention currently happpening in your life. You are being helped by higher realms to help you heal some wounds that you have been trying to solve and you could't by yourself or to help you deal with that situation that got you out of balance. It's something that's giving you a lot of anxiety and maybe even sleep problems. Your future self wants you to release control and surrender to the divine and a release, some things are put of your control and you can'tdo much about it, if you are not yet in that process of healing it will start soon. You got Eireen and Ixchel, both goddesses related to healing and inner peace, there's this really high vibrational energy focused on you and many times, when we get this energetic downloads we get overwhelmed by past memories or experiences so we can eatch them with a new perspective, the bad thing about this is the anxiety we get from this too. When you feel overwhelmed with this just call your spirit team, they will lead you to the answer of the problem, this will also make tou feel supoorted and protected.
Whoever chose this pile, you are a very brave and strong person, you have overcome some obstacles very hard to deal with in your past and most of you, just by yourself. This makes you feel powerful and confident but also distant and stoic with other people, you know you don't need anyone to solve your problems but we are still humans and we are social animals, our hearts will always feel called to create connections with others. You had difficult circumstances over life that might led you to create a protective shield around you to avoid getting hurt again, it's good to have healthy boundaries but avoid making your heart a feelingless rock. Your future self wants you to know that this is the moment for a deep dive in your feelings to heal and find inner peace, you need to release negativity my love, and if you can't do it by yourself, just ask for help to your spiritual guides, they wil be there for you but stop being so closed off with the world, also, your heart chakra is needing some attention.
Your future self tells you that there are new doors opening for you in your future that will lead you to success and maybe a position of autorithy/power for some of you, but you can't walk through them until you let go all that weight you have in your back that is keeping you in a negative mindset. Be careful with your pride playing a bad trick on you and try to use this time to release negative energies, you can wear a protective symbol to keep low energies away from you, I see specificly an Egyptian cross. You can also burn rosemary and smudge yourself with its smoke (please don't use white sage, it's in danger of extintion and it needs a ritual to be used correctly, use rosemary, it has exorcising properties and it's useful for almost everything)
(Cards: 2 of pentacles, knight of wands rev, emperor rev, hierophant rev, 4 of wands/ 8 of pentacles)
Mmm I see you are being a little reckless or moody with those reversed emperor and hierophant, are you allowing yourself to have fun? or at least do things because you want to make them and not because you have to? I feel you are repressing your happiness for something outside of you, I even feel that your muscles are tense. Maybe you are trying to fit in a enviroment you don't feel comfortable in or the people you have around make you feel lonely but you still hold on to them, idk what the situation is but it involves more people, for some of you this has to be about a toxic work enviroment. If this is the case, your future self tells that you don't have to cut them from your life if you don't want to but you should ask yourself why you feel like you need to repress yourself to make them happy, your happiness also matters and now you should be focusing on that.
Analyze the way you treat yourself or what you demand from you, your inner voice might be too hard and you have to be more gentle and caring with yourself. Honestly honey, I feel you are in a little toxic envorioment and that's why the need of a protective symbol, to keep the negative energies far from you, so an stone like tiger eye or tourmaline can be helpful to be energetically protected. You are an intelligent person but you are listening to the voice or opinions of other people instead of yours, by the moment let outter circumstances evolve at their own rythm and focus on what you can do for yourself and nurture your inner world.
Your tarot spread ends up with the 4 of wands, a card of celebration and happiness, so don't worry, you will have your happy ending. By the moment, your future self asks you to put the focus on the 8 of pentacles, to be progressively moving torwards your desires without listening to others, just do what you feel called to do. Also, think about the things you really want to do, fulfill your desires more often at the same time you acomplish your tasks, fun and duty can coexist if you allow them to.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Aries, Venus, 1st house/ infinite, golden leaf, star, shell, aventurine)
You need a big dose of self love, to put love and care into the things that make you passionate and you feel driven to make. Everything will end up good for you, stop for a while with overdoing or overthinking and invest more time in your wellbeing and emotional balance, you also need more silence to listen your inner voice and intuition more clearly. The overall message from your future self is that you need to think less and enjoy more your life, it's good to be ambitious but it's important we don't forget about ourselves in the process, we owe ourselves love, protection and care. The golden leaf tells you that wealth and abundance are flowing to you and the star is reminding you that you are moving into success and recognition for your talents, keep going and don't let anybody mess with you. Also with the aventurine and the shell you got the message of allowing this divine healing energy enter your life, light a candle for your guides, make a gratitude journal, etc. Whatever helps you develop your spirituality will make you feel a lot more peaceful and will make you trust more your instinct. I'm also getting something about eating more fruits and do some grounding excersices.
Pile 4:
Mmmm I see you excited for something new you are doing or something you really want to do, maybe it's a new hobby, activity, course or job, you know this involves some changes in your habits in order to do this new thing the best way possible. Even though you know the change can be difficult or uncomfortable, this new oportunity makes you very happy. This new dream of yours is going to bring you abundance and success in your future, I literally see golden sparks falling from the sky and being poured over you, so don't let your insecurities or anything hold you back from this because it's a golden oportunity for you, release any attachment and move into that direction, your future self assures you it's going to be worthy.
You can be through a period where you'll be very emotional, allow your emotions flow so you can understand better what your emotional world is trying to tell you, maybe you can discover the root of an insecurity you needed to let go so you can feel lighter. I'm hearing that you are used to your comfort zone and you don't manage well sudden changes, but babe, all your cards tell that this change will bring so much happiness and abundance to your life, don't miss this wonderful chance.
Trust yourself and your desires honey, if you are feeling that excitement within you about that new idea or offer you want to manifest is because you are receiving information from higher realms to lead you to your happiest and most fullfiling outcome. The change can feel weird at first but after a while you'll feel great for making that decition and have taken the risk.
(Cards: Page of cups, 3 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles rev, ace of swords rev, justice, 9 of pentacles/ Temperance, star)
Your future self wants you to take this offer/opportunity that is going to come to you or take the step to move into that path you feel excited for, it will take effort from you but you'll have good people around willing to help you in anything you need. This opportunity will also help you financially if you were struggling in this aspect, a lot of pentacles cards fell in your reading, 9 of pentacles wasn't supposed to be on the spread but the card wanted to fell anyway by the justice's side, like you will surely will get a contract, promotion or a formal salary, however it is, money will flow into your life.
Again, at first you can feel overwhelmed and exausted but the enviroment will be healthy enough for you to fit fast and easilly, if you are not used to team work the people you are going to be with will be super nice and helpful with you in every moment. If you are going to have a boss or a mentor of some kind they will surely be very polite, respectful and fair, they will be very trustworthy and will pay fairly for your work, this is a very trustworthy and healthy enviroment to move in. If you have any court case going on or an issue related to the law it's going to resolve at your favor.
You will have extra money to invest in yourself, maybe to start a project by your own or just to buy something you'be been waiting for the moment you could afford it. Maybe that's why this wonderful offer comes to you, because this can give you the resources you need to start creating something by your own. You'll harvest the fruits of your labor and you will enjoy the ressults and also being so proud of yourself, after a while you'll look back so proud of how far you've gone through. As an extra message I'm hearing something about being careful with sharp objects.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Cancer, Mercury, 5th house/ ruby, bouquet, white heart, agate, star)
There are mixed messages here, for some this can mean that there's a pregnancy happening soon, for others this can also mean the planning and success of a personal project, for others I hear a massive glow up too. The overall message of your future self is that you need to apply logic and love in your life to achieve your goals, give the needed steps torwards your dreams and think more about your desires and plan to get them. The star and the ruby are signs of success, authority and recognition, for some even some level of fame. There's also a gift that will make you very happy coming from someone you love and appreciate, I see this gift will mean something important for you.
Pile 5:
This is my other spiritual pile, you can read pile 2 if you felt drawn too 🥰, you are highly protected by your spirit guides if you were wondering about it, you are in a beautiful process of transformation and evolution. Your psychic abillities are also getting stronger or you are finding new abillities you didn't know you had, whatever you are doing with your spiritual journey you are doing it great honey, and your future self wants to congrat you for the work you are currently making. You are becoming wiser and more powerful, you are also releasing generational karma and aligning with your soul purpose, you are making a fantastic work, be proud of yourself.
You might not know clearly where you are leading or what you are doing, you are just letting Universe and your spiritual team guide you with all the faith of your heart and doing what's best for you meanwhile, maybe you are trying to create a career out your spirituality (I encourage you to do so). Don't worry about your path, with your knowledge and the divine guidance you have you'll lead to a beautiful place, just go step by step for the moment. Your future self tells you that luck is on your side, just trust the process and everything will be fine, also there's a message here about a soulmate or even a twin flame, soon you'll be meeting them but be careful because your glow up will attract bees but also flies, be selective with the people you let in.
I see here some kind of codependency or bad habit you are breaking or you are aware that you need to break it at some point, there's something you are attached to and you are trying to undo the knot, just know that your guides are helping you with this and you are not alone, even a little step forward is still an step. Give yourself more credit for what you have overcome and what you are dealing with to get over, your path is unique and this will make you feel more powerful and confdent.
(Cards: Fool rev, 4of pentacles, king of pentacles, judgement, emperor/ star rev, strenght)
You are taking a more logical and structured perspective of your life, trying to focus your energies and intentions torwards a goal and planning an strategy to get it. Your future self wants to tells you that you are doing fine by being more grounded and having a more logical approach to your desires, maybe you've been moving through your gut feeling jumping to the unknown with faith instead of strategy and you've realized you need more organization and planning. You know what you want to manifest in your life but you also know that you need consistency and discipline and that's what you are trying to embody, your future self tells you that you'll be doing great, just be perseverant.
You are going to get the stability you've been looking for but first you have to find a balance between your spiritual and material life, you'll get all the answers you've been needing to keep progressing but don't let everything in hands of divine desings. It's great to be in touch with the spirit but you are still living a human life and you need to take terrenal action too. This is like a test for you too, of how much you can do if you really accept the challenge, adult life and responsabilities can be boring or exhausting but are part of life too, your future self wants you to befriend with your earthly life now that your spiritual life is on point and the communication with your guides is clear, consistency and perseverance will be your major keys.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Virgo, north node, 3rd house/ white heart, pink heart, swallow, diamond)
I see that you are aligned with your soul purpose and everything is moving correctly in your life path, the diamond and north node are signs that you are aligned with Universe. Try to help you by being more organized with an schedule of some kind, help yourself to embrace a more grounded energy in your daily life. Even the little day by day routines can be improved to guide us to better places, like a more healthy diet, waking up earlier, spending less time with the phone, etc. Details make difference. For some of you there's a relocating, maybe you are moving into a new home or neighbor, for others you might have to travel soon. You got both hearts with the charms so a love offer (I hear multiple offers tbh) is going to arrive soon in your life, I see your soulmate/twin flame is on their way but also a lot of amazing friendships will arrive too. The swallow is the omen of the ancestors' precense, they are by ypur side guiding and helping you, if you are into witchcraft they invite you to work with them.
Pile 6:
My sensitive souls pile 🥹 I'm getting something related to self worth issues, I feel a really loving energy from you but it hides sadness or melancholy behind it, like you are always trying your best to make everyone happy and you don't see that good intentions reciprocated. There's a lot of pain related to past relationships/friendships, whatever you have been through has left a mark in you that keeps you looking back thinking about what you could have done differently. You have very nurturing and motherly energy, like you really enjoy helping and taking care of others, you are a benevolent soul who sees no evil in others because you don't have that within you.
Your future self wants to warn you about someone in your life that has not good intentions at heart with you, I see a very weird situation here with a lot of anxiety and mental fog, this might be a romantic interest that is making you feel badly. This may be a pattern, a situation you've lived before but with different people or it's the same person and circumstance over and over again, Idk what it is but surely you do know because there are a lot of cards that says that you have seen and feel something worriying about this specific person but you did't knew clearly what it was. Your future self tells you that this situation has to end for your mental health and wellbeing in general, you have the wisdom to see what this person has to teach you and then let them go, you will end a tough cycle too. If you are not willing, for whatever reason, to take this person out of your life just learn how to set healthy boundaries. For some of you, I see someone very obsessed with you and with a very dark energy around them, they want to consume you somehow, I see this person has nothing to do with you, I don't like to say this kind of things but it gives me the feel that you are completely out of your league. The energy of this person is disgusting, so for the ones who resonate with this, please stay safe and do what you can to keep this person away from you.
Your future self wants you to work on your self worth and self esteem to make you feel safe in your own skin, give yourself more love and compassion, remind yourself that you are loved, guided and protected from highwr realms, though I see you are very conscious about your spirit team and their precense in ypur life. If you were having financial issues your future self wants you to know that it won't last too long, be grateful with what you have meanwhile and trust that abundance is close to you. There's also a message here about stepping out of your comfort zone more often, try new things to do or do something you've been wishing to do for a while and you haven't done yet, unleash your adventurous side a little more often and allow yourself to feel free.
(Cards: 10 of cups rev, page of swords rev, hierophant, queen of wands rev, moon/ knight of swords)
If you resonated with pile 3 I recommend you to read it too. This energy is so confusing I don't know how to channel and simplify it, I recommend you to cleanse your energies regularly. Whatever your situation has been it was really painful, I even feel like a void in my chest and can't barely hold the tears (I'm really sorry you have felt this way 😔), here I feel a heartbreak of some kind. Even though your past pain, your heart is still full of love to share and that's such a lovely and admirable trait, your future self guarantee that in the future you will look back with a completely different pespective and many things you don't understand now will have a reason to be.
You are an honest and genuine soul, you don't hide who you are or bend your values to appear nice in other people's eyes and this autenthicity sometimes end up with being misunderstood and feeling lonely, it's part of the journey and the polarity of life. There's this situation with someone that your future self warns about and it's telling you that this situation is draining your personal power and making your fears bigger than they really are. You really need to break this negative cycle and somehow you are aware that you have to but you are giving more chances for this person to change or you are being naive when it comes to them, don't let anyone use your sensibility as a weakness because it's not.
Your future self wants you to be honest with yourself and make an analysis of what's going on in your life, to check what's out of balance and start working on that, the key word here would be empowerment. It's your time to claim your power and energy back, to say goodbye to the past and close the chapter, the thing about past is that we can turn back time in our heads but nothing can be changed, being held by this is exhausting and worthless if it's not used to analyze the situation to evolve and bloom. You just need to shift your perspective and keep in the present moment, don't go too far on the future but also avoid staying too much in the past.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Sagittarius, Venus, 7th house/ swallow, golden leaf, bouquet, ruby, trisquelion)
I see you focusing on the things you enjoy and love doing, maybe even implying adventurous plans in your routine or do something completely new. I see you being brave and opening to new experiences and new people, the golden leaf and the bouquet talks about benevolent energies and abundance. You can also be entering into a new chapter in your love life and not just meet your soul family but your twin flame too, so be open for tue love because is entering your life to stay forever, true connections are very close. The ruby talks again about confidence and power, you' ll be feeling a lot more empowered and confortable taking the reins of your life. Finally, the swallow and trisquelion are signs of a huge spiritual team guarding your back, you are being guided and protected by ancestors and ascended masters, get closer to them because they are leading you to a wonderful place.
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: How Does Your Higher Self Define Womanhood?
Hello, beautiful people. Today marks the last post of the Women’s History Month series & one of two posts made today! I am excited to continue to create content for you guys. And I am even more grateful for the support I have received as of lately. Because of this, I will continue to post creative tarot readings. So, without further ado, please pick your pile.
Left-to-Right: (1-4)
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Pile 1: Pile One, your story reminds me of the Miss Congeniality plot. Basically, Sandra Bullock plays a detective that goes undercover as a beauty pageant contestant. At first, she rejects the ideas of what it means to be a “girly girl” but eventually conforms to the standards. She viewed femininity as a sign of weakness and did not like being around other women because she felt that she had to prove herself to be tough. But she gained respect for the girls who worked in these pageants as she worked undercover because she began to acknowledge the hard work it takes to be in the pageants. By the end, she is closer to her womanhood. You have a similar story. I doubt that you’re a detective reading this but I feel as though you may have the tendency to thoroughly investigate any piece of information. To your higher self, womanhood means constantly being on the search for answers to placate the inner child wounds that lie within you. I feel like when you were younger, you may have been an outcast or a tomboy, maybe both. Because of this, you have set a lifelong quest to figure out what being a woman means to you whether it is intentional or not. Your higher self wants you to know that being a woman comes with all types of trauma, but remembering that you do not have to face it alone. You do not have to carry the burdens alone. You see, women are conditioned to be demure for the sake of keeping the peace but that’s not what works for you. Embrace the messy parts of yourself because if you don’t, life will get boring. Part of your mission is being aware of your multifaceted nature; reject conformity, embrace the abnormal, babe.
Cards Used: The Sun, 4 of Cups, 4 of Swords, 5 of Wands, Ace of Cups, The Magician, 5 of Cups, 3 of Cups, 3 of Swords.
Signs: Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius.
extras: money getter. cash grabs. “low hanging fruit.” airhead. wallpaper. phineas and ferb. “sharon.” beetles. s.o.s. by rihanna. “tinge of an accent.” sweet. mirrors. coconut trees. hawaii. stubborn. radioactive.
Pile 2: Pile Two, there is a similar vibe that you have to Pile One, except I don’t think that you have problems with accepting your femininity. I think that you have problems with how masculines function in society. I am sensing a Lori Harvey type of energy here. This is likely related to the way that you operate when it comes to love. People tend to want to possess you so that they can show you off like a trophy. But your higher self wants you to know the difference between users and the genuine thing. I feel like you’ve developed this flighty persona to protect yourself from harm. While experiencing the many tribulations of womanhood, you have adopted the “flights over feelings” type of mindset. How has that been working out for you? No, really. Is it actually working or have you convinced yourself that it has. As a woman, your higher self thinks that womanhood is finding love in a loveless world. This isn’t necessarily about romance, but it’s just a mindset that you should adopt. It will save you from falling victim to the cycles of toxicity that plague society. It’s a cold world out here, babe but it doesn’t mean that you have to be as cold as the world. Part of your mission is forgiving yourself and those who hurt you so that you can see the beauty in the world. With this newfound sight of beauty, there comes true inner power.
Cards Used: The Devil, 7 of Discs (RX), 8 of Wands, The Hierophant, 3 of Swords, 3 of Cups, 10 of Discs, The Star, 10 of Cups (RX).
Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo.
extras: two can play that game. all about love by bell hooks. renegade. open arms. country music lover. tony montana. archer (2009). “logan.” phoenix rising. “marcus.” ashy. corny. cerebellum. stupendous.
Pile 3: Pile Three, your higher self defines womanhood as something that is both sweet and sour. It is something that she takes for granted but it is also something that she takes pride in. It’s a strength but also a weakness. I feel like I am talking to someone who has an ingenue/youthful spirit. I channeled the character Darla from The Little Rascals but I also channeled Charlotte from Princess and the Frog. You seem to be very in tune with your inner child and there is nothing wrong with that. Your inner child is heavily protected by the teenaged version of yourself, which seems very angry. These different versions of yourself often clash with one another, which can lead to bouts of depression and confusion. Your higher self is a woman who pours into herself through movement and self-expression. You need to channel these negative energies into creativity or else you will be stifled by your own thoughts. You honestly need to get out of your head. Your higher self feels as though there is a flip side to every coin that you get. For example, if you are having period pains, it may hurt but at least you’re not pregnant! Looking on the brighter side of life is how you can be closer to your higher self.
Cards Used: 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Page of Swords, Justice, 4 of Cups, Ace of Cups, Ace of Discs, 5 of Wands, The Hanged Man.
Signs: Leo, Pisces, Aries, Gemini.
extras: janet jackson. “i’m da man.” we will rock you. parties. diva. elle magazine. shapely. “how’d you figure?” honest answers only. maya angelou. glorilla. lola bunny. fatigue. body aches. deodorant. small bowls. annual. prayers. mark on the cheek. boot camp. “your highness.” shredded cheese. livelihood.
Pile 4: And last but not least, Pile Four. I feel like you are well sought after in the most lusty way possible. This has its perks, but lately, you feel like it has more cons than anything. I feel like you’re someone who always seems to feel isolated because of this. As a result, your higher self views womanhood as foreign. The amount of power that you hold as a woman is beyond explanation. There are so many ways that you can present yourself, Pile Four. I don’t think you have realized your true potential. Yes, you have gone through trauma because people assumed that you could handle the weight of the world but this means nothing to your spirit. Wake up! Don’t you realize how unique you are? Pile Four, womanhood can really only be defined by you, not by anyone else. The prioritization of yourself will help you make a name for yourself. You could be in your 20s, tired and just wanting a change. Well, your higher self wants you to know that change will come once you begin to change the narrative yourself. If you believe something about yourself that was told to you by someone else, then it means that you’re easily moldable. Being a woman means rising to the top even through the facings of opposition. You are a fighter. So the question is: when are you going to jump in the ring and fight for your sense of self, Pile Four.
Cards Used: Ace of Cups, Queen of Wands, 3 of Discs, Knight of Discs, Ten of Swords, 4 of Discs, The Hermit, Queen of Swords, 9 of Discs.
Signs: Gemini, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo.
extras: “tart.” “fresh out the shower.” burgundy. melons. net worth. SWer. dollar bills. illegal documents. molly. friendless. stoned. be your own boss. cake baker. sister, sister. wiseman. silly goose. fall. saturn.
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punkpandapatrixk · 6 months
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🍷Scent of Your Destined Person ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
Come ti vidi           when I saw you M’innamorai,        I fell in love E tu sorridi            and you smiled Perchè lo sai.        because you knew
– Arrigo Boito
Somewhere in this world you and I exist. Do you remember how you always feel when you’re with me? Will you recognise me the moment your eyes lay sight upon me?
SONG: Horizon by NCT Jaehyun
MOVIE: Spirited Away (2001)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – Everything I Do, I Do to Make You Happy
VIBE: Misty by NCT 127
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perfume – 8 of Pentacles
At the core of their being, your Destined Person is a very earthy person. Sensual and pragmatic. Realistic and dependable. Ambitious and hardworking. I bet you they have a large amount of Earth sign influences—Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. Your Destined Person has a great spirit that knows how to make sacrifices for those they care about. They are such a magnanimous entity. But with this energy, they can also be quite hard on themselves. They’re not self-destructive though; just incredibly responsible and hard-working because they have big, BIG dreams!
Having said that, your Destined Person is quite a balanced person in that they know how to relax and indulge in the fruits of their labour of love. Though they are passionate and focused, your Destined Person is also quite a spiritual person, which they themselves might not be super aware of. The spiritual side of them makes them highly intuitive, and they’re the type to trust those gut instincts, so they tend to be successful in Life from courageously making bold decisions, guided by their Heart.
Your Destined Person’s spiritual side makes them dream WILD dreams nobody else dares to dream. You could say they’re rather eccentric in regards to how they’re perceived by their family, neighbours and peers. With a rather rebellious nature though, they pursue their dreams with focus and fervour. Thanks to their practicality and endurance (definitely strong Earth influences, babe), they’re able to follow through their plans and manifest their dreams rather easily. It isn’t to say they don’t sacrifice a lot though…
playdate – 9 of Swords
It’s never easy to get to the top and your Destined Person has endured quite a lot of storms Life has had to offer. In spite of their persona that may appear strong, charismatic, dependable, optimistic, and even cheerful for some, your Destined Person actually has a very soft heart. They’re empathetic and can’t stand the reality of people being mean and nasty to each other. To some extent, it breaks their heart when they witness people trample each other in the pursuit of success.
Your Destined Person is a charitable Soul who believes that a candle doesn’t lose anything by sharing its fire. Unfortunately, most Humans can’t see this. And they feel like they’re the only person in the world who’s bothered by such a thing and sometimes this makes them feel weird or weak as a person. To compensate for that sometimes-terrible feeling, your Destined Person has a tendency to push themselves even harder and sacrifice more of themselves to make other people feel good, happy (because they can’t stand absorbing other people’s sad energy, if that makes sense).
It's almost like, your Destined Person doesn’t know how to genuinely make themselves happy unless they’re being useful to those they care about. Unfortunately, due to this insane charitableness, your Destined Person has been taken advantage of quite a lot in Life. When they were a lot younger, they trusted too easily (too pure for this world). A lot of the people they used to know only saw them for their money, status, or access. Your Destined Person is quite traumatised when it comes to human relations in general but they don’t easily let this show!
a box of macarons – 3 of Cups
Tapping into your Destined Person’s energy feels, misty. They’re quite often sad but try their best to showcase a positive attitude because that’s just who they are. In some cases, they may be dwelling in a workplace or an industry where showing such emotions is not exactly appreciated. When thinking about you, your Destined Person yearns for someone who’d look into the true depths of their empathy and compassion, and still be OK with how morose they sometimes could be. They also wish for their Destined Person (you!) to offer some kind of an escape from memories of their terrible past.
When you finally pop into their Life, your Destined Person becomes engulfed in sweet but all-consuming gratitude that escapes words. They’d be speechless, or awkward, when trying to describe this gratitude they feel towards you. They have a lot of things to be grateful for and it wasn’t like their world was that bad, but there’s something about you that touches the deepest yearning in them and makes all the flowers bloom in their inner world. The whole idea of you, your sheer beingness, just the fact that you’re alive, and that you’ve found your way into their world…
How they struggle to express how much they love you XD They feel like your entire existence beats only for them, for their healing. You heal so many parts of their broken heart and restore their faith in a Life worth living. All those riches mean nothing if you’re not the one destined to marry them. They’ll be so devoted and loyal to you. There’s only you. And then your children and pets, maybe XD Your Destined Person will create a safe haven for you and your family. You will live lavishly and be gifted a lot of thoughtful gifts! All they do in this world, they do for your happiness and your children♥︎
flower bouquet – Gold Astronomer (John Dee)
home sweet home – Priestess of Divination
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Pile 2 – I Want No One Else but You
VIBE: Focus by NCT 127
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perfume – 4 of Cups
To your Destined Person, you’re the dreamiest, most magical creature they have ever encountered. The moment you enter their Life, they fall in love at first sight, or at least, there’s something about you that profoundly disturbs the mundanity that they’ve been operating in for quite a while. You make them dream in more vivid colours. I think they’re going to be addicted to you quite immediately which would be hilarious to them XD They’ll be thinking about you non-stop, which makes them feel awkward. They’ll be telling themselves, ‘I’m not at an age where I should be behaving this way! Come on! Grow up, me!’
And still, they don’t mind at all being focused on only you. They enjoy that dreamy feeling all too much for them to even want to stop. ‘I love being drenched in your aroma. I like your energy. I like all that you are. You are my dream person! AAAAGGGHHH!’ They’re crazy about ways to make it with you! They don’t know what to do because they think they could be too much or too childish and they fear you might reject them. They’re thinking of ways to mature first and be really cool XD I think your Destined Person is quite silly hahahah
But as childish that may appear to you, don’t underestimate your Destined Person’s loyalty, babe~ Deeply romantic and devoted; they would not want anybody else but you. They’re thinking, ‘If I’m not with you in this incarnation, there’s no point in all that I’ve done.’ Their heart beats only for you. Your Destined Person may need some time to develop themselves when you meet, but they’re definitely not shallow. Your Destined Person has a heroic quality to them which makes them want to offer you security. All variety of security~
playdate – 9 of Pentacles Rx
So, there’s a bit about your Destined Person that may be perceived—especially by their peers, I think—as childish or unrealistic. Essentially, I think they’re a spiritual idealist. They can be quite dreamy, head in the clouds type of person. If your Destined Person is a male, I think some of their peers kinda look down on them for being… the way that they are. Your Destined Person, even when they are a male, is the type that goes home quickly to help with childcare. Your Destined Person is romantic and will prioritise you and family over workplace obligations. This is saying they will go the extra mile to prove their Love for you. They don’t care what other people say; they say, ‘Other people don’t know what Love is and that’s such a shame!’
Your Destined Person knows that Love can’t be proven with just material things. This person deeply understands that time well spent together, affection and attention, are more of a display of Love than whatever money could buy. They’re not the type of lover who’d get discouraged by other people buying their spouses bigger or shinier things. In that manner, your Destined Person has a healthy self-esteem and they really understand what kinds of things truly matter in a relationship. I think you’re going to be so happy, so emotionally secure with them!
I’m seeing that you and your Destined Person are going to enjoy visiting places like theme parks, or just parks, and you’d enjoy outdoor picnics with foods you’ve prepared or bought at the supermarket together. Just enjoying peaceful moments with a box of Belgian chocolate you both love. The most important thing is the quality time you’re spending together. Something like that. I think your love life is definitely all about the cute, sweet romantic moments that may be small but definite😉
a box of macarons – King of Swords
Maybe because they’re a bit childish(?) or just optimistic, I kinda feel your Destined Person could be quite reckless in love, especially when they were a lot younger. They could’ve gotten hurt quite a bit in this regard, but don’t worry—that was part of their Higher Self wanting to teach them about healthy boundary. By the time you meet your Destined Person, there’s only so much left for them to heal and grow from. The way I see it, your Destined Person is quite a reasonable fellow, so they learn their spiritual lessons rather quickly.
One thing you need to know though, is that this person has cut ties and burnt bridges with a lot, A LOT, of toxic people from their past. A lot of people wanted access to them for their wealth or status. It could also be that they were in relationships whereby they were valued only for their beauty or sexual capacity and all such menial things. They’ve been taken advantage of quite a lot, sheesh. Meanwhile, with that pure Soul of theirs… Yeah, they carry deep wounds deep in their heart.
When they get to know you, they’re so happy, so glad to know there’s another person who’s just like them. That you’re unfazed by someone’s numbers in their bank accounts. That you’re able to see through the illusions of the Matrix. That you passionately care about what’s essential. Your Destined Person thinks you possess a moral compass that’s different from most everybody they’ve ever known. They appreciate you a lot for your intelligence and your courage to cut through the bullshit of society. I think you’re the type of person who speaks your mind? They LOVE that about you!
flower bouquet – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
home sweet home – Priestess of Clarity
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Pile 3 – Possession, Obsession, Protection
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perfume – Ace of Wands Rx
Aight, this the freaky Pile. Get ready XD
Your Destined Person is a bit of a psychopath LMAO Just kidding. Not saying they’re a narc(!) or anything but they’re this lil freako who thinks outside of the norm. Your Destined Person is a true gem of an eccentric and they have many kinky fantasies about you. Dunno why that’s coming up strong XD But hey, you’ll recognise your Destined Person by how they’re truly the most unique individual you could ever know! A one in a billion kind of a brilliant person!
Your Destined Person is quite rebellious in that, whatever they do, they make sure they don’t follow the convention. They like to adventure in all the senses of that word. They like to experiment and test themselves also. What they truly want is to carve out a Life of their own, irrespective of what their family or community expects of them. Some of you, your Destined Person could even be this kind of rebellious inventor of sort who deliberately invents a new way of living in the modern world, that nobody else could think of.
A futuristic spiritual genius, I think. For that reason, some of you, your Destined Person might as well end up changing the world for the better! Someone like Elon Musk, I think? Your Destined Person could have strong influences of Aquarius that make them think outside of the box and then, in some aspects could be influenced by some strategic Scorpio placement that pushes them to see their psycho ideas see the light of day.
playdate – II The High Priestess
Having said all of that, in relation to you, the person they devote themselves to, ah yes, they’re still pretty much a psycho in that regard XD Lemme explain, ahem!
Your Destined Person is a sneaky psycho even in the way they think about their connection to you. They really have so many kinky fantasies about you, which they won’t always let out because even they understand how scary some of their thoughts are! They daydream about taboo behaviours in bed. Things most normies wouldn’t think about and when they do some of those things to you, you’d be in heaven, babe. They know, by intuition, how to make you… explode? What they do behind closed doors will drive you insane with new colours of pleasure you didn’t even know were possible.
This motherfucker is cruel dominant. They like to dominate all of you like they could swallow your entire being when you’re in their embrace. Your Destined Person is the type that expresses Love through sexual acts. For them, sex is not dirty, necessarily. Sex is healing and transformative. Sex is a sacred union between you two. They’re immaculately intense about it. They give their all—soul and body—and everything in between. They tend to like to be on top, and they could get frightening at times, but if whimpering under them happens to be a thing of yours, oh~ XD
More than appearances could tell, your Destined Person thinks about sex with you a lot. A LOT. A. LOT, babe. They just might not always make it known to you because even they get troubled by it sometimes LMAO They wish they could simply stop thinking about you naked but they’re down horrible. They don’t know what to do with themselves. They think a screw got loose somewhere in their brain. They blame it on you being… you.
They’re crazy passionate about you. They DO love you. Deeply and truly and heroically. They’re also just crazy. What are you gonna do with a lover like this? Hahah…
a box of macarons – 5 of Cups Rx
You know what kind of character your Destined Person reminds me of? Yasu from NANA. There’s an episode where Reira, a girl he used to date in high school, came running to his apartment, sobbing and looking for comfort, and Yasu didn’t give her what she was looking for. He knew full well doing so wouldn’t be the right thing to do, because he was in love with Nana. Nana was the only person he’d allow that kind of access to, if that makes sense. Yasu is the kind of person who knows the distinction between good manners that are real, and fake kindness or politeness that is lacking dignity. Your Destined Person has quite a noble character in spite of their eccentric insanity.
On top of their intense seriousness, your Destined Person is also someone who quickly burns bridges to the past and locks access to themselves. They’d never allow those who have betrayed or wronged them to have a piece of their success and happiness. They don’t entertain other people taking their kindness and gentleness for granted. Though they are caring, they’re not stupid; and they respect you a lot that they’d never allow their politeness to ruin their relationship with you. Your Destined Person is sensible enough not to perform polite gestures that might get misunderstood by those who want something from them. Ahem.
They are deeply loyal and will always be on your side. Till death do us part kind of partner. They want you to know security, have stability, and they’d hope you never doubt their intentions. I think, your Destined Person wants to let you know that when you’re with them you will never have to fear losing them and that they will never allow any situation or person to cast a shadow of doubt on your mind😊Aaaa o mai gaaa~
flower bouquet – Gold Alchemist (Roger Bacon)
home sweet home – Priestess of Energy
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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cozycottagetarot · 10 days
PAC: How Can You Break The Cycle
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Messages From Elle: We did it guys!😮‍💨
This PAC Covers:
What is the cycle?
What keeps it going?
What will it take to break it?
What could that look like for you? (Patreon Extended)
‼️ THIS READING IS MEANT FOR SELF-REFLECTION AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY -- While this reading does broach topics relating to mental health & mindset, contain a bit of advice and reflective questions, IT'S IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM MEANT TO REPLACE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OF ANY KIND. Please use your discretion, think carefully before you act and only take what resonates be it a little, some or none at all. ‼️
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
PILE 1 (Brick Wall)
Current Energy
Cards: 10 of cups, The Empress, The Chariot
I feel as though you’re currently in this energy where things couldn’t be better…. But then why are you here? I know that's my job to figure out but still. I feel like you’ve been making strides to create the life that you want. You’re charging forward, becoming more disciplined and things are starting to feel warm.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: The Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Four of Wands
The cycle that needs to be broken is one of constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. You’re tired of fighting or always fending off the downward turn of the wheel of fortune and while you may try to keep your faith that things can get better and stay better, you're always expecting things to get bad again. You could be worried the new beginning won't start, the relationships won't come, or the financial abundance won't find you. I think this fear or vigilance has such a tight hold on you, that you end up not taking action. You may need to readjust your game plan. You don't allow yourself to relax. You don't allow yourself to celebrate your wins… you're always in this state of hyper vigilance.
What keeps the cycle going?
Cards: The Sun, The High Priestess, Two of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles
I don’t think you really allow yourself to be happy. That may be the current energy I was picking up on as well. When things are going great you don’t really let them go great. I also think you’re neglecting the things that are really important to you inside… maybe so much that you don’t even know what those things are anymore. Not knowing how to navigate this internal world of yours keeps fueling this cycle of 'oh, what bad thing will happen next?' You may also have a hard time making decisions or generally deciding what you want, floating back and forth between options. This back-and-forth stops you from actually putting in the work it takes to succeed and enjoy the FULL results, therefore keeping the cycle going. Another thing I picked up on is maybe the wheel keeps turning back and forth as well because from going back and forth all the time, you’re never really getting to move past the lessons you may need to learn in order for you to reach your desired outcome or abundance.
What will it take to break this cycle:
Cards: Seven of Cups, Five of Cups, Two of Cups, Ace of Pentacles
If you want to break this cycle, you have to make a decision on what exactly it is you want. It might mean leaving behind something, but you have to remember that so much more also awaits you in the process. Stop dwelling on what has gone 'wrong' before, especially if it’s past events that influence your lack of decision. It's okay to have that vigilance and use the past to better navigate the future-- HOWEVER, it's also important to get honest with yourself about whether it's a valid concern or a fear talking. It's time to change your mindset to focus on what can go right. I think also there will be someone available to help you once you make a decision about what you want to pursue. The alternate I'm getting is that you have to allow yourself to lean on others if you want to break the cycle. This could be through personal and professional relationships. But you have to actually decide yes, this is what you want. It doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to change as you grow, but first, you have to plant the seed. Once your seedling sprouts you can cultivate your plant however you’d like. There’s a lot out there available to you but making the decision to move towards it is where it begins.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next pac!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 2 (Statue)
Current Energy:
Cards: King of Wands, The Star, The Tower rev, Queen of Wands
I see you showing up as being in a hopeful energy and that good fortune of some kind is coming your way. A good balance of masculine and feminine energy. There’s a sense of resisting something internally, however. A transition of some kind that you're wanting to make. It seems like it could be good for you and a lot of different areas in your life would improve, but what you know or are accustomed to might clash with what you want. However, you have what it takes to succeed. If you were drawn to pile 1, after reading this pile consider checking it out as well.
The cycle that needs to end:
Cards: Eight of Swords, The Devil, Ten of Swords, Knight of Swords
I feel like you’ve got a gloomy inner world. Very melancholy. You’re turning a blind eye to the things that are holding you back and draining your energy. It feels like you almost escape it but it gets you every time. You might not take the best care of yourself mentally or physically. With all the swords it could be a mental thing too and it’s important that you get (professional) help and take those steps (of taking better care of yourself). The cycle that needs to break is you getting stuck in this energy.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: Four of Swords, Eight of Cups rev, Ace of Wands rev, Ace of Cups
You don’t rest. You won’t walk away from the things draining your energy. You won’t open up your heart and you won’t do anything with your creative sparks... more or less.
It’s so important that you take a moment to take a good pause and regroup. You could find yourself turning to poor coping mechanisms and that's not good. You can't try to leave a bad situation either if you don’t know what made it bad. You also have to sometimes stick things out. If you tried breaking a habit and it didn't work, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to always have that habit. That’s a bad way of looking at things, and while it’s understandable to feel that way, you still need to work on it. You’re allowed to connect with your emotions and create as well... There's a need to review your plans/goals as well. You can be successful, but may lack the resources to easily be so... that’s also understandable but you can still work with what you do have. You may also lack confidence in you abilities to achieve your goals. You can manifest so many things you want but you have to believe in yourself and open your emotions to be able to connect with the feeling of what you want. It’s easy to say I want XYZ, but if you don’t figure out what that’s going to feel like, then how will you know when you’ve got it? It’s easy to get caught up in material things but the last thing you want is to wake up one day to a life that looks exactly like you wanted it to, only to realize it doesn’t FEEL the way you wanted it to.
What will it take to break the cycle:
Cards: Judgement, The Hierophant, Knight of Wands, Page of Cups
It’s time for you to get it together. Get serious about moving on to the next phase. I feel like it’s all going to work out based on the cards but you really do have to stop holding yourself back. Find a support group. Consider finding creative/artistic ways to express yourself. Step into a leadership role because there’s a good chance you can lend the wisdom you’ve acquired to others… This could be through a social media platform, sharing your writing, attending a local community event, etc. Work on making sure how you’re living aligns with your beliefs and vice versa. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Give yourself your all. I also feel like this is one of those situations where you have to remind yourself that sometimes motivation follows action.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 3 (Broken TV)
Current energy:
Cards: Wheel of fortune, Queen of swords, Queen of pentacles, Two of wands
Your current energy is that you've shifted to a 'really good' energy or you're about to shift to a 'really good' energy. The Magician isn't here but that's kind of the energy I'm picking up on here too. Either being very faithful right now that everything is going to work out for you or that's the energy/mindset that you need to tap into. There are options available to you... You need a plan of some kind. You feel unable to move... unequipped even. Thinking about (or needing to) your long-term future. With the two queens, I think you're leaning into one of the two embodiments of the queen, maybe even both. You might have a hard time seeing yourself as either.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: The Hanged Man, The Tower, The World, Judgement
The other piles were definitely what I would consider a cycle on a loop that needed breaking but yours feels less like a cycle and more like you're just... stuck. You're ready to or have 'level/ed up', but it's as though you're stuck in limbo. This could be because you've gone through a 'tower moment' recently (say within the last year give or take) that's left you stuck in limbo. Or it could be a fear of having a 'tower moment' that is leaving stuck in limbo. Regardless this cycle is one of you needing to bring something to completion.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: Knight of Wands, The Emperor, The Sun, Eight of Pentacles, The Fool
You might be rather impatient. When you do things you may expect to see results immediately...that sense of 'oh, I did this tasks once, why don't I feel better 👀'. It could also be that you might not plan out your goals thoroughly or you may not be very clear on what it is that you want to do/achieve. I feel like since you don't take that moment to strategize and figure out what actually needs to be done, this cycle keeps going. You may just charge forth into whatever you think will bring you happiness. However, this means you can't put in the work required which can bring you back to a place of fear and doubt. This can create anxiety and likely catastrophizing which brings us back to that fear of a 'tower moment'. It could also simply be a case of being too laid back? On the flip side, while it's always good to have faith that things will work out, it's important to remember that a lot of times, you still have to play a role in that.
What will it take to break the cycle: Cards: The Star, Justice, Three of Pentacles, Knight of Cups
Have hope, yes. Dream and believe that good things are meant for you and those good things will find you. BUT, balance that with meaningful/conscious action. You must consider the long term. What is the end goal going to look/feel like? What is the journey of getting there going to take? Some of you already have the knowledge you need while others may still need to acquire it. Regardless, learning and implementation will help break the cycle. You have what it takes, but you have to stay the course. It's also important that you use action rather than simply ideas to motivate you. Fall in love with the act of doing.
I also feel like you should make a love list. I initially thought of that while going my first glance at the cards.
Also, do me a favour and take a nap, please! ✋
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 4 (Hammer)
Note: If you're someone who reads what cards were pulled, I mistyped the Seven suit for Current Energy and The Cycle so now that I'm editing, I realised I have no idea which suit the card belonged to hence the (?). Okay, that's all!
Current energy:
Cards: Seven of Swords(?), Queen of Pentacles, Three of Wands
It's time for you to broaden your horizons, however, you currently have to tread carefully. You could currently be job searching or looking for scholarships etc. There's a lot of opportunities available to you or becoming available to you. But you need to be diligent and read the fine print and get the details to make sure you won't be compromised in the process. It's important though that you be able to maintain a balance between your home/personal and academic/career life. You're in an energy of needing to remember to put yourself first.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: Two of Swords, The Emperor, Page of Swords, Seven of Wands (?)
The cycle that needs to break is one of constantly being at odds with everyone. I feel like you’re constantly bending over backwards or breaking your neck to try and appease others-- and no matter what you do, it’s not enough. I think this might potentially resonate more with those who are academics. When faced with a decision between what will benefit you vs what will benefit someone else, you have a tendency to either not make a decision of choose the option that will benefit someone else instead. This could be because you either live under someone with authority over you (like a caretaker or family) or you're in a position where you feel like you have to take care of others (siblings/family, partner).
I feel as though for some of you it could also be a romantic relationship? I'm not familiar with 'channeling' through music, but find myself doing it a lot lately. The song 'Lifetime' by Livingston just resonated with part of this pile for some reason. When asking if it’s a romantic situation, I got the cards: Eight of Pentacles, The Devil, and Justice rev. I’m also getting 'the right person, but wrong time'.
I think if it's someone with whom you share romantic feelings for, it's a situation where the relationship likely feels imbalanced and like hard work, but you don't feel like you can step away. If that resonated then that could be it. It could also be any unfair relationship dynamic.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: The Hanged Man, Ace of Wands, Death, The Moon, Eight of Swords
I think you’re in a cage of your own making, but not because you can’t see. You can see, but what you’re seeing isn’t clear. Because of this, you tend to end up pressing pause on moving forward. There's a lot of creative energy around you... for some, it's that it's a creative field waiting to accept you. However, you're too afraid to actually go for it and give it your all so I think you keep 'pulling the wool' over your own eyes. I think if there are people around you in opposition to you moving forward, you might see it as a convenient excuse to not move forward and transform into the next stage of your life. It's almost like the cycle doesn't need to be a cycle. You know when you're listening to a song and you keep restarting it 'cause you keep getting interrupted? And sometimes it's just you being extra because it wasn't even your favourite part you're just kind of nitpicking? Yeah, same vibe I'm getting here.
If the relationship resonates: I think you may need to let go of (or loosen your hold on) because they could be holding you back to the point they're dragging you down. Things are shifting for you, especially internally. You could be trying to hold it back though, but in doing so you could burn up and out. You’re seeing what really is and maybe you don’t want to. That’s the part that keeps this cycle going. I see images of a phoenix rising too.
What will it take to break the cycle:
Cards: Queen of Wands, The Chariot rev, Judgement, Three of Pentacles, The World, The Lovers
It’s time to use the things you’ve learned. Let go and let the cycle close. Trust that you’ll find love again or that you’ll find inner harmony. Trust that it will all work out in your favour. Take steps, even if it's baby steps to doing whatever it is you want to do. I feel like I said this already in a different pile, but even if you can't make a complete switch yet, start engaging in the things you want to do or eventually pivot too in small steps. You can always research or engage with it as a hobby for the time being. Also finding balance between who you are and how you show up to the world. Remember you have a lot to offer and it's going to do everyone a whole lot more good in the long run, the more authentically you can show up.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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hwnglx · 9 months
𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘦 - 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧?
hi loves. i've been feeling this urge to spread some positive energy to some of you who might be struggling a little these days. so, i figured i could make my very first pac. one that will (hopefully) make you feel a little bit more peaceful. breathe slowly, take your time and use your intuition to go with the pile that speaks to you the most. take what resonates and leave what doesn't. 𓆩♡𓆪
pile 1-3 (left till right)
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pile 4-6 (left till right)
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✧ pile 1 ✧ queofp, moon, knofw, 5ofprx, temp, highpr, emper
hi lovely pile 1 person.
so, you're likely to be an earth sign or have dominant earth placements, and some water influences (your moon?). it makes you someone who appreciates hard work and groundedness a lot. however, there might be a tendency for you to lose yourself in your thoughts, and let insecurity take over you sometimes. i can see you blaming yourself for it a lot, and not liking that fact. especially because you have so much ambition and enthusiasm for the things you desire, you hate how your own mind can sometimes stand in the way of you fulfilling it in a way that you wish you could.
but, don't beat yourself up over this. i can see a lot of power in you, especially your intellect can do such amazing things. you're probably very intuitive, but maybe not fully aware of it yet. once you learn how to balance out your deep thoughts and see them as your asset instead of a weakness, you will be able to go so much further in life.
this might take some time, so don't rush and trust the proccess. maybe you still are in need of some more maturing. but believe me when i tell you, you have everything you need within you already. you're an extremely powerful and special individual, who's destined for so many amazing things. i can see you surprising yourself with how much you can achieve, if you just believe in yourself and your capabilites more. the world can be so vast and overwhelming, and this can get too much for you sometimes. but i'm telling you right now, that you were made for this. there's nothing in this world that you can not achieve, the universe put so much potential in you.
you will have your time to be your best self. once you get to a stronger and more stable place, you will be able look back at the times you doubted yourself fondly. stay strong, trust yourself, don't let the unknown make you insecure. you got this. i believe in you 🤍
✧ pile 2 ✧ 7ofp, 6ofw, 10ofw, herm, 10ofsw, fool
hello there, pile 2 person.
my god, i can feel the heavy weight on your back right away. are you very tired and exhausted? i know, you've persevered through so many burdens and draining periods in your life. i know that, eventhough to the outside it might look like you're successful, you're achieving many things and get praised a lot. but deep inside, you feel lonely. i know that constantly being seen as the "hard working, dilligent and persistent person" can be so much pressure, that sometimes you wish you could just give up.
is constantly wanting to look perfect to the outside world draining you? do you sometimes wish you could just let loose, not care about a thing in the world and allow yourself to be free? i know it must be so hard to feel like you can't let anyone in on these thoughts. i know you don't like people looking at you as weak, insecure, lazy or easily tired. but i am here to tell you, that i understand and support you. i am here to tell you, you are not alone in this journey. and there is someone who, even if they can't fully relate, will accept you with all your weaknesses and flaws. who knows, maybe they aren't even weaknesses in anyone else's eyes.
you're so incredibly hard on yourself, and should allow yourself to rest more. you've earned the rest, even by just being you. you don't have to constantly be productive, do or achieve something in order to let yourself relax. you deserve to be at peace at all times, even on days when you didn't do anything.
go outside, let yourself feel the freeing breeze or the beautiful sunshine, allow yourself to just feel life flowing through your veins sometimes. realize how precious you are, by just existing and being you. there is nothing in the world more valuable than the life and soul you were given. don't let yourself be persuaded into having to be anything more than you already are, you and your raw existence are good enough.
i am so proud of you. for enduring through so many burdenful moments in your life. please, tell yourself that it's okay to sit back and enjoy peace sometimes. you are doing an incredible job. celebrate yourself for the beautiful person you are, not only the things you can do.
✧ pile 3 ✧ queofc, 7ofp, pagofw, emper, kingofc, 7ofsw, 9ofp, moon, judg, wheel
hi sweet person who picked pile 3.
wow, there's definitely many things going on in you, hm? you might have some strong water placements (i'm feeling cancer strongly..) which makes you a very emotionally intelligent person. i'm aware of how that can impact you and your practical life sometimes. there is this very unique intertwine between being very mature, but on the other hand still getting humbled from time to time, when it comes to certain experiences like.. "wow. i guess i'm not that far in life yet. i didn't think i'd still have so much to learn." i think it's a beautiful thing for you to be able to take those moments and learn from them. adding them to your life experience and turning into an even better person who's more in control, more self-aware. you're truly an incredible human being. so hardworking indeed.
are you struggling to trust people sometimes? i know, it's a lot easier trusting yourself before anyone else. people are so easy to deceive you, take advantage of your trust and use it for their own selfish good. you're such a strong human being for still going through life just doing your own thing, and it's awe-inspiring to watch. i can see people almost being envious of that trait of yours, and maybe even intimidated.
are there some people who tell you you're too independent sometimes? i know, that can be slightly annoying sometimes. it's almost like.. yeah, there's a reason for that. when i needed any of you, no one was by my side. and now that i'm relying on myself, i'm too self-reliant? it can feel ridiculous and, trust me. i understand you incredibly well. but, could be there be moments where you can tell how this security you keep showing others, is slipping from you.. and you all of a sudden feel lonely? can that feeling of loneliness even surprise you from time to time, like.. you usually are so content being on your own, what the hell happened.. maybe you should realize that, sometimes it's okay to need some guidance from others.
time is an interesting thing, and sometimes it can slip by us quicker than we realize. i can strongly feel, that the universe has a very exact and special plan for you. i know, life in general can just get too much, things can confuse you, not knowing where life is leading you can make you feel so so insecure and unsure.
but i'm telling you, trust divine's timing. and realize you're in good hands. everything that is happening to you, is happening for your highest good. i know these moments of feeling so drained and not knowing where to go or what to look forward to, can be scary sometimes. but, even those moments can be so precious for you and your experience in life. i can see you looking back at your low moments and acknowledging how they were just another part of your journey, that the universe is taking you on. you're never being put through anything that you can not handle. have trust in the universe and divine's timing, and you will realize you're here for a reason. i trust and believe in you, i will cheer you on always. you're much more amazing than you know 💕
✧ pile 4 ✧ 5ofsw&kingofsw, devil&death, knofc, magic, 8ofw, wheel&10ofsw, 4ofsw&4ofc
hi there, welcome to pile 4.
so far, you might have the most demanding energy out of everyone. wow. you're definitely a force to be reckoned with.
do you sometimes struggle with always wanting to win, be the best at everything, maybe have a bit of an ego.. i can tell that you felt defeated by it a lot, thinking it makes you extremely selfish and egocentric. in a "am i going too far? is it really that serious?" type of way.
you should know that, using your charming powers to get what you want isn't always a bad thing. even the fact that you're aware of your toxic traits, already makes you much more mature and admirable than some others out there! i do believe it's incredible how you can recognize what is bad and what is good about this side of you. you're extremely powerful, being able to just transform your unhealthy habits into something more beneficial, is so impressive in my opinion. it's like, you are overly competitive? yes you might be, but that's what makes you stand out. that driven nature of yours makes you work on your skills and talents even more than others. so, don't listen to people telling you you're "too much". as long as you're not hurting anybody, you're doing absolutely amazing.
do you love to talk? i can see you being such a great communicator, you most likely are great at persuading people into things. honestly, i see you as such an endearing and charismatic person.. anyone who says otherwise is most likely just envious of your unique character. they're probably a little too boring themselves, which is why your outstanding personality makes them insecure. don't listen.
i think, you might be going through a period of powerful change, that might be scaring you right now. things might be going a little too quick and you're worried you'll lose control.. time can be a terrifying thing, and i understand you're trying your best to just stay calm. maybe you're even bluntly ignoring some signs the universe is showing you. maybe you're just too exhausted to put your mind to certain things, that could be very important for you to recognize. i know it can be tiring to constantly keep up, trying to stay so self-aware all the time isn't easy. but don't let any of these scary experiences discourage you. you have so much potential in you, and the universe has a higher plan for you right now.
whatever ending you had to go through, whatever changed for you so abruptly, was something the universe had planned for you for a long time now. don't exhaust yourself by trying to understand everything all the time, but also don't get discouraged and give up on your journey or your plans. you're an incredibly talented, magical and beautiful human being. life has a lot of amazing things in stock for you. continue devoting yourself to your plans, there will be so many fulfilling things coming for you. you're more powerful than you know, beautiful soul ❣️
✧ pile 5 ✧ kingofsw&tower, queofp, pagofsw, 9ofc, death, 5ofc, strength
hello, dear pile 5 person.
how are you doing? has something unexpected or sudden happened recently, that caught you off guard? i understand you really hate things falling out of balance, and feel like the universe is testing you right now. you feel like a lot of sharp thinking is asked of you right now, and might feel like even worse news could be coming. i have to say, i admire your ability to remain calm and collected, even during uncomfortable times like these.
do you feel like things were perfect just a moment ago, and there was this crucial and fatal moment of loss, that brought you a lot of sorrow? are you disappointed? do you miss someone? i get, that these sudden transformations must be hard to deal with.. like, i can truly feel your sadness. it's absolutely impressive for you to stay so strong. are you aware of how strong you are? you might feel like you took some things in life for granted before, and are now receiving your "pay-back" for that. were things too good to be true? but i'm asking of you, to not think about over what is lost too much. there are so many amazing and beautiful things awaiting you.
sometimes, it's okay to let your feelings loose and just cry everything out. but don't let yourself stay stuck at that point, and learn to move on. i remember when someone once told me "it's okay to cry. but once you're done, make sure you never cry for the same reason again." as hurtful as this might sound, what is gone is gone. you're so unbelievably precious and special, don't let your beautiful heart suffer too much. let some things go, embrace change, as uncomfortable as it might get. i promise, you will only gain strength from it.
i understand that you're getting wary, like every type of news you get makes you nervous. you're scared of things constantly changing, you not having any control over it. you might feel like you got too comfortable before, and are now realizing how difficult it is to deal with changes. but trust me when i tell you, changes are inevitable, and the earlier you practice the acceptance over that, the easier life will get for you.
i can tell you, one day you'll think back to this, and realize the changes were needed. i'm truly wishing you all the best in the world, and hope that your soul will get everything it deserves. you're an immensely strong soul. and not only i am proud of you.. but the universe is too. stay powerful, dear reader 🖤
✧ pile 6 ✧ hangm, 8ofp, queofc&3ofw, moon, 4ofc, 3ofc&5ofp
hi, pile 6 person. i hope you're doing okay.
have you been feeling like things have been very stagnant lately? perhaps your work has been very monotone. you're so hardworking and put so much effort into your craft or career. do you feel worried over it not paying off in the end? are you still waiting for the results, and scared that all the effort will go to waste? are you still waiting for things to finally change for the better?
i understand, that you might've even neglected your social life to an extent, where you're feeling the loneliness now.. it must be hard to feel so isolated and alone sometimes. you put so much of your heart and soul into working on things, that you can easily forget to sit back and let yourself enjoy life a little more. is it always "work hard" but never "play hard" for you? why are you so dissatisfied still? are the results not reflective of the effort you put into your work?
my god, you must be thinking so so much these days. i can just see all the question marks in your head, all these thoughts in your mind just racing.. all the confusion. i wholeheartedly understand how insecure it might be making you. it's actually crazy for me to think you're still so dissatisfied, despite probably being the most hardworking person in your circle. do you ever allow yourself to look back, and not just beat yourself up over how you're never enough, but realize how incredibly ambitious and dilligent you actually are? why do you always see the bad things about yourself so clearly.. but never pat yourself on the back?
you must miss this feeling of someone telling you, you did well. you're doing such a great job.. you must be missing the feeling of just having fun and being happy in the moment. not overthinking about everything all the time. but i will be the one telling you, you're doing so insanely well. and you deserve to be told that all the time, no matter what you might think yourself.. you're amazing.
i know, you're scared to feel guilty if you get back to having more fun in life.. you're worried things will take a turn for the worse. but i can tell you right now, no amount of work is worth sacrificing your happiness and wellbeing for. you're such a beautiful and deserving human being, tell yourself you're doing well, regardless of the results. have patience and trust in the universe working things out for you. i know, practicing patience must be so draining for you at this point. but i can promise you, hard work will never betray you. you can be extremely proud of yourself.
still, i'm asking you to put yourself first. put your health first, put your joy first. the happier you are outside your work-life, the easier it will be for you to not get stressed over everything. allow yourself more rest, allow yourself to socialize more. trust me when i tell you, you will finally get the emotional fulfillment you're craving so bad, if you prioritize your happiness, first and foremost.
i'm so proud of you, dear reader! and i hope you can let yourself have a day filled with fun times today, away from all the responsibilites. remember, you're doing amazing sweetie. *kris jenner voice* 👏🏻🥰
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pearl-tarotist · 9 months
PAC: Your green flags ೃ⁀➷ In this PAC, related to self, I will look into your most positive (green) aspects: generally and in love.
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PILE 1: Green flags:
You are confident and lucky enough to not fear the unpredictable and predictable changes in our lives. You are someone with a positive mindset that does not get easily disappointed with alterations.
You are able to learn easily from everything: mistakes, lessons, karma debts… You understand that everything is an opportunity to learn, to close cycles and to improve yourself and your life.
Furthermore, you are not scared to alter your life if it is for the best. Some people usually get trapped in the past, routine,and old relationships that are dead. You are not like those, you are not scared to be proactive and erase the people, actions or situations that could disappoint you.
Wheel of Fortune/ 5 of Shells.
-In love ❤️
In contra-position to your lightly approach to life and about letting every event pass trough you, when you are in love you are methodical. When in love, you want the best for your partner, and you will take a time-out before acting in love, you will plan every date and detail. You will think about who you want to go out with and about what you feel for your partner.
You will want deep conversations and you will commit to them, easily taking responsibility on your shoulders for the common good. You will create new opportunities for both of you, to be able to achieve what you want.
There's not a sense of passiveness in the way that there's in your general life. You allow yourself to learn the lessons of the events that the cycle of life throws at you but you won't accept it in your love life.
In your love life, you are in a position of power and command.
2 of Roses and The Magician
Tip Me / More Pacs
PILE 2: Green flags:
You have a really great approach to work and love/rest. One of your general green flags is that you are not someone that goes overboard with the things that happen in your life.
You are able to keep a 50/50 effort on things, what at long-term, is the cleverest thing to do.
On the best sense, you do also not involve yourself directly with things…you rise over pettiness, blame and guilt. You can separate yourself from your feelings and own perspective to gain a clear view of every situation. You are fair and just.
You are able to see the good and the bad, to be responsible but still keep some time for love and relationships, to be passionate but understand that every situation has clear limits.
You allow yourself to be free without hurting anybody. It's a beautiful sign to see.
Song: "Like we just met" by NCT DREAM.
3 of Gems, Judgement and Ace of Roses
-In love ❤️:
You are someone strong and compassionate. You are always open to understatement and to speak, you are emphatic and able to sacrifice some of your security for the adventure that love is.
You do sacrifices for the people you love even when it could be scary and hurtful, you are strong enough to keep the pressure of what being a partner to someone is.
I do believe that you do also have the talent to calm your partner with your words and attitude, you can calm their insecurities and fears. They do not have to doubt your love when you, so passionately and strongly, show it to them.
Strength and The Moon
Tip Me / More Pacs
PILE 3: Green flags:
You are someone mature and realistic.  You are a good leader and you always treat everybody that helps you with respect and gratitude. People can trust you and be confident with the projects you are proposing as they will be well-put and efficient.
You are natural, sensible, pragmatic and committed. It feels like earth energy with a bit of water. You are open to interact with everybody, no matter their status or origins.
You do not easily obsess with things, and if you do, is realistic and you create a plan to achieve it long-term.
-In love ❤️
You are the most natural lover. Your own attitude and personality make your habits perfect for the place of a lover. You do naturally take care of people, and I think you do the perfect amount of physical touch…it feels super reassuring to your partner.
Your best green flag is that your love feels natural and not forced, as if you were the final piece of a puzzle. It's beautiful and it makes your partner feels as if they were in the right place.
Your partner will always know that you love them, that's your biggest green flag. You will always find a way to show it, or you are so transparent with your emotions that they just know.
9 of Roses, 6 of Shells, Ace of shells.
Tip Me / More Pacs
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ravens-two · 3 months
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PAC: What's Beginning In Your Life?
This reading includes:
what's beginning in your life
what areas are being affected
The extended reading includes:
advice for this new phase of your life
what you should look out for
how to manifest these changes
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone.
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Pile 1
Queen of Wands, Chariot, Ace of Wands
"I know exactly what I want and who I wanna be" Oh no! - MARINA
what's beginning in your life
Pile 1, your life is getting full of fire! You're gaining confidence and passion for your life and work. You're working to overcome limitations and explore your limits, how far can you go, how much can you push? For some of you I see that this is actually related to exercise. Perhaps you're going to the gym to get in shape and test your own boundaries and inner strength. For others this is about work or school. You have a goal in mind and you're working towards it. You know that things won't just happen to you, they require work and sacrifice and you're willing to make it. I see that for a smaller number you this is specifically about turning a hobby into a career. This could be something that you're very passionate about, let's say that it's drawing for example, and you've always dreamed about doing it as career, but never had the opportunity. You're now seeing that you have more experience, more stability and perhaps an opportunity to make it work now.
You'll also be feeling more inspired. It can be literally when it comes to art or to your work. Solutions for work problems just seem to come to you more naturally for example. Or this can be more about the way you see life. Do you know how Ghibli movies romanticize life? That's the kind of vibe I get from this. Instead of seeing cooking dinner as a dull chore, you'll start seeing it as an opportunity to try new recipes and be creative - or an opportunity to show your friends/family how much you love them by cooking them a meal.
The other main thing that's changing is your confidence. You're no longer hiding behind masks. You have come to the realization that the best thing you can do - for yourself and others - is being yourself, so there's no use in pretending to be someone else. You are then cultivating the confidence you need to be a more genuine and vulnerable version of yourself. This is the key to confidence really. It's all about not being afraid of being vulnerable. You might actually want to read about anti-fragility it's a really interesting theory.
On the other side of this confidence there's also a bigger connection to your sexual side. You're becoming more comfortable in your sexuality and sexual expression. You're no longer as bothered about people's perception about you and so you don't mind wearing the clothes that really make you feel good, for example. I also see you becoming more flirty and confident in your social interactions.
most affected areas of your life:
work, career, school, motivation, drive, hobbies, self-confidence
synchronicities: peacock feathers, champagne, bubbles, satin, cats, blue and green, 444, clouds, clover, Leo
Check out the extended reading on patreon
Pile 2
Moon, Fool, Three of Wands
"You don't have to be like everybody else/ You don't have to fit into the norm/ You are not here to conform" Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land - MARINA
what's beginning in your life
Hey pile 2! These lyrics from your song seem to really apply to your pile and your reading. You're someone that always has been a little different, always wanted different things and saw the world differently. Unfortunately, this isn't always that well received by the people around us, and so you've been trying to mold yourself into the person you think you're supposed to be. An oh pile 2 I'm feeling that a lot of you have this problem specifically when it comes to your parents. Did you choose your degree or job because it's what your parens wanted? You're very much a people pleaser, pile 2, but more in a sense that you do it to pacify the people around you. Well, the biggest change I see coming for you is that you're coming to the realization that you don't have to conform to what other people expect of you. Based on your circumstances this can be difficult in a multitude of ways, but believe me that you'll feel so much happier living a life that actually feels true to you.
Another thing that is beginning in your life is a period of exploration and better mental health. For those of you who struggle with their mental health or stress and anxieties, you're entering a better and more peaceful phase in your life. This time is going to be less stressful and you'll see a lot of improvement in your mental health. When it comes to exploration it ties in a bit with the last paragraph. I see you trying to get to know yourself better. This could be journaling, shadow work, trying new things, listening to new music, trying a new hobby, new relationships, etc. Basically you're starting a journey to find yourself. And to that I'll say that you'll only find yourself by diving deep within. You have to explore both the light and the dark and confront and accept both of these sides of you or this exploration will be superficial at best.
This could all be tied in for some of you, or for others only some parts may apply. Either way, I also see an exploration of spirituality. You might be religious or not, believe in the divine or not (there isn't a correct answer truthfully), but the reality is that spirituality is an important component of the human psyche. I think that you're asking yourself these hard questions. Does a god exist? Do I believe in the religion I grew up in? What happens after we die? What's our purpose here? What do I believe in? You might explore different religions or practices, like meditation or prayer for example. For some of you this will be an exploration of the esoteric as well. You might learn and try witchcraft, paganism or folk practices. In the end, this pile is all about self-exploration which is great honestly.
most affected areas of your life:
personal development, mental health, psychologically, self-esteem, spirituality
synchronicities: the sea, seam foam, Aphrodite, seashells, fantasy movies, blankets and rainy days, old cd's, bumblebees, wildflowers, Aquarius
Check out the extended reading on patreon
Pile 3
World, Two of Cups, Five of Swords
"Gimme love, gimme dreams, gimme a good self-esteem/ Gimme good and pure, what you waiting for?" Blue - MARINA
what's beginning in your life
Pile 3 this is all about relationships and emotions. The first thing I'm getting is that you're reevaluating your relationships with others. Do the people around you love and respect you? Are these relationships fulfilling? Do people accept and respect your boundaries? And the other way around too. How are you in your relationships? Do you dedicate as much time and effort to these people/person as they do with you? Remember that it's always a two-way street. I feel like this might be motivated by a conflict in a close relationship that it will force you to reflect on these things. It might also be that you haven't been feeling that fulfilled in your relationships and it makes you want to investigate why this might be.
Another thing that you may be analyzing is if you should keep being friends with a certain person for example, even if your values/interests/lives are so different. What do you two get out of this relationship? It could be specifically about a relationship with a person that you've known for a long time, but now you two have changed so much that perhaps the relationship is slowly drifting apart.
With the Two of Cups here I do have to say that some of you might be getting into a new romantic relationship (or a partnership of some kind, including work). This could be someone that you met either recently or abroad and the people around you are a bit unsure about this person. They might think that this person is trying to steal you away, for some reason? Either way it feels that this new person is very different from the people currently in your life. For others of you, this could be more about reflecting what you want from a romantic relationship. Do you need it to be fulfilled? Are you happy in your current relationship? What do you think it's missing? What could you do to make it better?
Another thing that came up is that some of you might be traveling. For some reason I feel like this is a bigger stay, like spending weeks or months in another place and having to deal with the cultural differences that come with it. On the other hand, though, you also have to deal with the way that it will change you as well. When you get back you won't be exactly the same person that you were before. This time is really about finding people who get you, pile 3. I think that this will be the biggest conclusion for you.
most affected areas of your life: 
relationships, love life, partnerships, inner conflicts, goals
synchronicities: cherries, feathers, white roses, lions, 22:22, golden hour, tulips, weather vanes, cotton candy, linen, heart shaped sunglasses, Libra
Check out the extended reading on patreon
Pile 4
Eight of Swords, Four of Swords, Seven of Cups
"Life is a game that the universe plays/ We are the pieces in a puzzle called fate/ Life takes its  time in its own fashion/ Emotions unfold like a superbloom in action" Highly Emotional People - MARINA
what's beginning in your life
Hey pile 4! The first thing I'm seeing for you is realizing that a lot of the limitations that you see in yourself/your life were placed by you. What I mean is that you'll realize that some of the things that have been holding you back weren't anywhere else but in your head. I think that some of you specifically struggle with what other people think about you, you might even struggle with social anxiety. But that's the thing that's changing right, you're realizing that these things are in your head. It's your brain that puts these fears and limitations in place and they have no actual base in the "real world". I see that others of you are dealing with excessive daydreaming, procrastination, anxiety, fears, and imposter syndrome. No matter what you achieve you always believe that deep down you don't really deserve it. Again, these thought patterns are changing for the better. These things will stop holding you back as much as before. I stress the not as much as before, because these things don't disappear from one day to the other. You need to do a lot of continuous work to make these changes.
Your pile is quite similar to pile 2, especially because it's much more focused on your internal world. The things that are beginning in your life is a time of self-development and inner change. You're getting a better understanding of who you are. I see that some of you are working with your inner child specifically. You might be honoring the things that you wanted to do and be when you were child, this could even include watching and reading the movies and books you loved as a child. This effort to connect with your inner child will be both very healing and help to get you know yourself better.
One very specific message that I get for this pile is that I think that you guys are the daydreamers. You're always making up stories in your head, little scenarios as a form of escapism from the problems in the real world. This could even come from your childhood - hence the inner child work. The problem is that sometimes you become disenchanted with the real world and you would rather live in an imaginary world. What I believe is changing here is your relationship with your whimsy. You'll find a better balance between daydreaming and actually living. Not only that but you'll stop trying to escape what you're living and you'll actually become more integrated and living more in the moment and actually feeling things. You might also turn to art (or something else) to channel your imagination.
most affected areas of your life:
inner world, psychologically, self-development, personal changes, spirituality, inner change
synchronicities: Tolstoy, Tolkien, Chronicles of Narnia, ents, lions, yellow, gold, old books, moths, Ghibli Movies, moss, Pisces
Check out the extended reading on patreon
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venusgirltarot · 6 months
What Is Blocking You From Personal Growth?
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Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
If you would like a personal reading from me, you can get one here! (Today is the last day to order a personal reading before they close!)
Photos used in this reading are not mine :)
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Pile One ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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Pile one, I think your lack of boundaries with those around you is what’s blocking you from personal growth. For some of you, this could be an ex and others this might be family, possibly an aunt, mother, or sister. For some, it’s all of the above. This may be you helping those around you out financially and it could also be people around you draining your energy. For a lot of you, it’s both. You’re filling other people’s cups until yours is completely empty and it’s leaving you drained and exhausted. You need to take a step back and reevaluate. Some of you may have cut off or blocked out someone in your life who tried to show you this and tell you what I’m telling you now. Only take that if it resonates. Please know that you don’t owe anyone anything and if someone is meant to be in your life, you won’t have to force it or give away any part of yourself in order to make them stay there. Pay attention to the way you feel after talking to or spending time with people. Notice how your energy changes and what makes you feel drained and what makes you feel fulfilled. Go after what makes you feel fulfilled and do it unapologetically. I heard “you deserve more” your guides really want you to release these people and have more for yourself. I heard “stop giving your all to them”.
Some of you could be lawyers or just have some sort of career that you had to get a degree for or you’re working on your degree right now and you might be the first of your family members to go to college/university. I heard “notice that accomplishment” and “be proud of that” for some reason, I’m getting the vibe that these people in your life may use that against you? I’m not sure how they do it but maybe they credit themselves for you being able to go to school? Like if this is a parent they may think them pushing you the way they did is what got you to follow this path so therefore you wouldn’t have achieved this accomplishment if it weren’t for them. I hope that makes sense. My point is, that’s not true and you are where you are because you got yourself there and you owe nothing to people who are not deserving of your time/energy. If no one has told you today, Pile One, please know that I am proud of you and all your accomplishments and know that you do not owe anyone anything. What you have is yours and only yours, don’t let those who are undeserving try and take that away from you. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to any connections you’ve lost due to your loyalty tho those around you who may have not been very deserving of that loyalty.
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Pile Two ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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What’s blocking you from personal growth is comparison. When I was shuffling, I heard “Lacy” by Olivia Rodrigo and “Jealousy, Jealousy” also by Olivia Rodrigo. Pile Two, you may have struggled with insecurities and comparison from a very young age. This may be an awful habit that you’ve carried with you into adulthood. It could have started with an older sibling. Some of you may have a much older sibling, possibly one that was a teenager when you were a child. Idolizing and looking up to this older sibling may have quickly become a way of unhealthy comparison for you. You may have found your identity in this comparison and soon went on to look for yourself by comparing yourself to others throughout childhood and now as an adult.
You’ve completely changed yourself in order to “fit” into a certain type or in order to become a certain person but you’re chasing an ideal and beauty standard that simply doesn’t exist. You’re just in a never ending battle with yourself that will only end in exhaustion. You also may have spent a lot of money or clothing, products, cosmetic procedures for some of you. Some of you may have even gone into debt or gone through a lot of credit cards (that specific message may not resonate, only take it if it resonates for you).
Sitting here and telling you to just stop would be useless and not very helpful, especially considering this seems to be something you’ve done your whole life. I think it is best for you moving forward to maybe look into therapy and start taking apart this idea and image that you have of yourself and really getting to the root of the problem. This is a mindset that you’ve really built into yourself and it won’t disappear over night but you can overcome this with the necessary time, dedication, and professional help.
I don’t think you realize how beautiful of a person you are, Pile Two. You are someone worth getting to know. Not only by others but by yourself, as well. Take the time to get to know you, I promise it will be worth while. Inside and out, you’re a beautiful person and there’s no need to compare yourself to those around you. You may even seek out friends that represent what and who you want to be as a person so you can sort of take bits and pieces of their personality and make them apart of yourself if that makes sense. What you don’t realize is how much those around you look up to and admire you, the real you and not the you that you have created and try to portray. They see the value in you that you’re ignoring and love you for who you truly are and you should really try to do the same, Pile Two. Pulling cards and spending a little time in your energy, I can safely and surely say that you are an outstanding human being, Pile Two, and I hope you see that in yourself some day.
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Pile Three ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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Fear is what is holding you back from your own personal growth, Pile Three. You seem to break your own heart before anyone else gets the chance to and hide behind walls that you’ve built for yourself. You may look for the flaws in people very early on in knowing them as almost an excuse to turn in the other direction and run and it’s really just a way to get out before you end up being the one to get hurt but in reality, you end up hurting others with good intentions by doing this.
You may currently have some sort of loge connection/relationship that you’re really fighting. You want this but because of your past and mistrust for people, you’re looking for warning signs and any reason to run away as far and as fast as possible but this person isn’t giving you anyway so you may be sort of giving them yourself by overthinking every situation, just to try to create red flags and get out. You’re denying yourself something you really want because you’re afraid of what it could be and considering all you’ve been through, that’s understandable. But what if this could work out? What if it could be greater than you ever imagined? What if it could be the best decision you’ve made in a long time? You’ll never find the answer to these questions if you run away from something that you have no reason to run from.
You’re a bit of your own worst enemy, Pile Three. I won’t give you some bs love reading and tell you something about how this person is your soulmate and you’ve found the one, partly because I don’t believe in going about readings that way and it’s just not the vibe I’m getting but also partly because I think you’d panic and immediately click off this reading if I said that 😭 but I will say that I think sticking around and seeing where this goes is a good idea. No need for rushing, labels, etc. but it’s okay to stay where awhile and see where it takes you. Let go of fear just this one time and find out that you had nothing to worry about in the first place. You don’t have to lose yourself in this, your identity won’t be stripped away from you and you don’t have to morph yourself into this person for them to love you, just give it a chance and see where it goes.
Some sort of semi-serious (I’m saying semi-serious because I don’t want to scare you. I don’t think it’s anything crazy) conversion might he in the horizon with this person. Again, nothing crazy. There may just be some romantic tension between the two of you that needs to be addressed. This seems light hearted and like this person wants a better feel/idea of where you stand. It’s okay to tell them you don’t want labels and you want to see where this goes. Just be honest with your feelings and where you stand. Your person might be under the influence when having this conversation as well. Maybe they reach out when they’re a little tipsy and have some liquid courage in them. Again, don’t be afraid. This is the natural next step in this connection but is in no way meant to rush or push things ahead.
Breathe, Pile Three. You’re okay, you’re doing to be okay. You are safe and so is this connection. Be open to the idea of this connection but don’t give more of yourself than you are ready to in this moment and be honest with this person and where you stand/how you feel. Your intuition has been telling you that everything is okay and I think you’ve been ignoring it. Follow your intuition, trust it. It will never guide you wrong.
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seventies-arcana · 8 months
PAC: whats blocking you from entering your next romantic relationship?
good evening lovies. today in this pac reading, you will find out what's a strong barrier between you and entering your next romantic relationship. this is for enjoyment purposes, none of my readings are a substitute for professional advice.
ask upon your guides/higher self to help guide you to choose a pile/photo, then read the corresponding message.
images are not mine.
pick a picture to begin ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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pile one (the apples):
there's a strong theme of balance with this reading. possibly, you could be juggling a lot of priorities and commitments currently, such as work, school, family, friends. or you could be going through some sort of transformational stage in your life, such as moving houses or changing jobs. whatever it may be, your hands are full. you have tasks at hand you need to complete. i'm not picking up an significant energies of being overwhelmed, maybe at times you are, but overall you are content with finishing what you've started. once you are able to have more time on your hands, you will be able to take the next steps into entering a romantic partnership. this time will come naturally. divine timing is at play. once you can let go of the responsibilities currently occupying your plate, you will have the time for a romantic partnership. if you are someone going through a transformative period, it is strongly recommended that you let out any lingering emotions that might be having a negative impact on your being. these sort of periods can be stressful, and you can be harboring sadness, anger, fear, and anxieties deep within your mind. whatever helps you release those emotions (perhaps an ugly cry, journaling, or visiting your safe space to reflect) will be a strong supporter into moving forward. overall, your main blockage is time. you need to complete tasks you've started before a romantic relationship can begin. however, that does not mean you should spend less effort and take short cuts to complete the tasks quicker. again, divine timing is at play. you are where you need to be. be patient, your time will come.
pile two (the tea):
i'm getting the strong sense that you are a daydreamer. you have thoughts and wishes lingering in the back of your mind. there's the potential for something to spark, and you see it. for some of you that pick this pile, you might have your eyes on someone or a current relationship that you could see developing into something romantic. for others, you know (either in your conscious or subconscious) that a romantic relationship could begin if you put more effort into going out more and meeting new people. either way, one thing remains true, and that is that you are way too in your head. you're spending too much time longing for a connection without making direct efforts to have that connection in your physical world. i keep hearing the phrase "wake up," as if spirit wants you to open your eyes and get out of your fantasy world. the main thing that is preventing you from entering a romantic relationship is yourself. maybe your spending too much time watching romantic comedies or reading romance novels. instead, you should use that time to put yourself into more situations where you can meet new people (or talking more with someone who you could see a relationship with/is interesting in you). you're making yourself miss out on some interesting things! if you're someone who is shy or introverted, spirit wants to assure that you are capable to put yourself in more social situations. they are supporting you every step of the way, cheering you on. once you are able to spend less time fantasizing of what could be or what you could have, you'll find yourself taking the next steps into entering a romantic relationship.
pile three (the croissants):
you are a hard worker. you have put in the work to achieve your goals, and i'm getting the energy that these goals were probably self-help and self-love related (if you haven't been doing this, you need to in order to be able to enter your next romantic relationship). perhaps you have recently left a situation that had been negatively impacting you; such as a toxic relationship, damaging habits, etc. and after ending whatever has drained you, you began taking the steps to make you feel like yourself again or more loved. you're putting more effort into yourself, trying to make sure you eat enough, take showers frequently, and so on. however, you have yet to see any significant progress in this. not that you haven't gotten better-- you have-- you just wish you were seeing better results. the truth is, there is one thing you have yet to really do for yourself. and that is to forgive yourself. forgive the past versions of you, the ones that may have lashed out, said something they didn't mean, hurt themselves without truly realizing it, stayed in a situation or environment that was damaging, etc. whatever it may be, you need to forgive yourself. once you are able to do so, you will see self-improvement blossom in ways you've yet to experience. along with this, you will become ready to enter your next romantic relationship. in the mean time, feel those emotions that may still be lingering on your soul and have the patience, because time is the strongest healer. remind yourself that you are not your past, but you can learn from it.
pile four (the cat):
for those of you who have picked pile four, the message seems to be a mix of pile two and pile three. perhaps you've had bad experiences with love, maybe facing a negative relationship with an ex-lover or maybe you've faced unrequited love. despite this, i get the sense that most of you have done the proper healing to move on from this situation and properly put yourself out on the field once more. although, you are afraid or anxious to do so. you're weary about opening your heart and letting yourself love again, possibly terrified at the idea of being vulnerable like that. hence, it's your own fears that are holding you back. you know what you want (your type, your boundaries, the type of relationship, how you should be treated, etc.) ((or at least, you should know)) and you're prepared to begin meeting new people and trying things out. you need to reflect and understand that not every relationship or experience with love is going to end with heartbreak. in fact, each relationship you experience that has ended is one that you can learn from. ask yourself, what are ways you can conquer your fears of love? is it by journaling? saying "fuck it, you only live once"? faking it till you make it/pretending those fears don't exist? hyping yourself up? whatever it may be, indulge in it. because once you get over this fear, you will be able to enter your next romantic relationship.
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theoccultz · 9 months
Positive and negative traits of your next partner ...
General Reading,take what resonates leave what doesn't
Decision is always yours i'm not responsible for it (:
Pics not mine credits to their rightful owners
NOTE: i talk about both the energies cause balancing energies and even having the courage to do so is important for self development so yeah today's pac is about that.
All of my pacs are LGBTQ friendly pac
I'm not generalising or demeaning anyone just listing out some characteristics !!
Tarot +smoke reading
Jisoo themed pac(2)
Pile l . Pile ll.
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Pile lll. Pile lV.
Which pile did you choose?
Pile l .
Angel number:212 ,555
positive -The world , shadow -10 of cups
Your partner has lots of admirers,they are very good at what they do ,they are optimistic and positive about the outcome all the time
They are a friend in need thet dont let others down they light up the mood of others , they shine brighter than others
This person has good relations with their parents leading them to develop healthy lifestyle , this person is into fitness ,this person doesn't give up easily
This person is a fast learner and a hopeless lover who gives more than required in a relationship,this person receives a lot of attention they could have dark hairs ,big eyes , they could wear dark make-up as well something prominent abt their lips as well
This person has a rockstar style this person could stand out or simply they are tall this person could have blonde or red hairs.
Shadow -
This person has a tendency to overextended themselves ,they could find themselves feeling betrayed or let down by others "often"
They have a powerful demeanor that they fail to acknowledge,this person could have a lot of insecurities.
They attract superficial people who are their for their own gain ,this person expects a lot from others and puts them on pedestal
This person could be sometimes emotionally overwhelming and hate feeling left out they have a tendency to disassociate
This person requires a lot of attention in a relationship they have encountered a lot of failed relationship so they hold on tight
This person is a firm believer leading them to lose sight of others views ,this person hates conflict this person could find themselves in toxic relationship often
They have lots of resources,this person could be an educator or a person in power ,they put all their eggs in one basket they are indecisive and easily influenced by others emotions
This person struggles to show their real self ,they forgive others easily they're people -pleaser
My take :uifff major 7of cups Reverse vibes i think this person is quite soft with their boundaries if you're the type of person who's dominant & wise , then its a perfect fit . This person is fulfilling and can transform your life in positive way ,this person is a justice typa person who isn't afraid to call people out on their bs .
Pile ll .
Angel number:628 , 951
Positive:3of cups, shadow-10 of wands .
Cheerful,this person is like a blessing to have in your life people often feel lucky or grateful for this person .
This person is helpful and selfless to the core ,this person has this inner strength and courage to them
A lot of people love this person this person could have a lot of fulfilling connections ,others really love them .
They could be in a public eye ,this person s a good speaker ,this person could be a light worker themselves who help others out
This person has a successful business they are highly respected in their area ,they have multiple achievements
This person is adventure lover they could be an ambivert ,this person is a animal lover as well,they could have light hair colour or they wear white a lot ,they could have saturn in 7h? they work hard to make the relationship work
If someone knows THIS work has been given to THIS person ,they know they'd get it done and its not a wise choice to be on the bad side of this person
This person could lead a lot of organisations and work for building a home for minorities by extending support
This person is self made , this person has a nextdoor boy/girl typa vibe to them ,others easily are infatuated with them ,this person could look melancholy i cant ignore the blue in your spread , Neptune influence maybe?
This person is affectionate and have control over their emotions,they're connected to their feminine side the most ,this person is provider in a relationship
(+18 they are sexual in nature as well )
This person is like toothless it takes long to gain their trust ,this person has been hurt before so they subconsciously isolate themselves or give their partner cold shoulder from time to time
They are damanding of their partner.
This person knows they're talk of the town and they hate it i feel like they receive negative attention from people in power as well ,they dont own what they do ,this person is also known people dont forget em easily.
This personis a hardworker and dont want others to take responsibility for them so they overburden themselves with tasks and things ,this person is currently exhausted as well
This person is emotionally unavailable at times and finds it hard to connect with their inner child ,they could be a serious-one way typa person ,this person has been hurt in love before.
This person is a perfectionist, little to little things can irritate them ,this person also hates change they are little bit on the traditional side .
This person easily gives in to addiction they could do things to fill the void instead of acknowledging their addictions
This person has controlling tendencies,my way or high way , it takes long to move forward with them .
My take: this person is dedicated to their craft i wont be surprised if this person turns out to be a fine artist or owner of places this person loves to take risk but they' can lose motivation as well , they take things seriously & forget to relax .
If you're the type of person who knows how to enjoy life and take things easy then its a good match tbh its like you can slow them down in some aspects ,this person could also energetically hold on to people and experiences and you can help them release, this person acknowledge the importance of communication and equal give&take ,this person needs someone with similiar interests they dont fall for people who are different than them ,they dont feel comfortable.
Pile lll.
Angel number:919 ,000
Wow i love their energy ,screams fire
Positive:Queen of wands ,shadow: 7of cups lmao we got qoW
Ok I'm getting a story here,i wont divide your reading in parts .
Right of the bat they know they are the talk of the town ,they know others swoon over them but it has not been like this before, this person has learned how to move with the current trends ,how to climb the social ladder , dress to impress , what to say or what not ,I feel like this person reflects on their life a lot they could have struggled in their childhood to break certain traditions, they could've suffered from inferiority complex they dont feel life is fair , this person believes power or money is everything
I highly feel like this person has had a major breakthrough in their carrer something happened in their professional life which made them stand out , people started to appreciate them more or wanted to be around them more i dont feel like this person is a bad person but they could see the world in black & white picture , i feel like this person could have been bullied or made fun off its obvious some people just took and ran from their life which made them bitter ,their positivity comes from how they dont give up & push through,how they never treated people less than what they are or have become ,this person is a leader who loves and cares about everyone they don't have biases and they dont fall through,they live by their principles,this person has this fire to educate others or teach others things they have never been taugh they act like a judge a wise mentor in others life ,they could be in a justice system as well major libra vibes.
This person is connected and well balanced in their shadow and positive aspects ,they know they have trust issues ,they know they have deep rooted resentment and aren't the most positive people out there but they also acknowledge and reapect others and do not deprive them of their rights ,i feel like your connection will change their perspective on many things but be careful tho this person is a ride or die typa person they come through strong and they're hard to tame this person can get attached and doubt themselves as well.
My take: i wont say that this person is toxic but they do carry this deep attachment issues they feel like people can leave them they have been villanised their whole life & they've accepted their past seems like they dont believe that people can accept them for who they are or see them in a different light .
Like this person could be well established but its lonely at the top , people love them for their persona and not their real self they could have few true friends they hold close to their chest ,they likely test people before letting them in their circle , this person is extremely supportive and connected to their roots wow :)
That 7of cups r made me sad ngl
Pile lV.
Angel number:982 ,313
-I wont divide this reading into parts ,i'm getting a story
Positive: death ,negative - 3of coins
This person hides a lot of things from others ,this person could have been labelled as a sick child like they have been put in a box that you are" this"you are "that" , this person feels like people wont accept them for who they like they need to change their appearance,change their language, just change themselves their positivite aspect is actually transitioning from one stage to other this person is a fast learner they pick up things quick ,this person knows themselves they have this self control over their habits, this person is not easily influenced and cant be fooled or controlled even by external things .,they could be on a life path number 2.
This person is helpfull they wouldn't do things for the media , oh i get it now ..
This person feels like they live a secret life ,this person could have worked hard towards self development but in some cases it had a negative impact on them , they learned to hide the little parts of themselves which were precious to them growing up like ofc i was sick but i topped my class ,i used to recover fast ,i won this ,i'm a good cook things like that ...this person is really proud of themselves and the things they have accomplished like... yo you are struggling now while i saved when i was young i worked on my mental health while you were partying .
Shadow side is this person holds this grudge towards people or society in general & they feel like they have outgrown others in some way , people didn't expected them to succeed and they did ,if you make assumptions about them they'd prove you wrong ,this person could be high houred or a socialite who have achieved things for themselves,they dislike their past and their past self they thought they were weak its like this person is juggling the idea of "being not enough at the same time good enough" ,they cant accept it themselves .
My take: oh well that was a ride ...again a good person with shitty experiences that made em look at world different,its like this person was lovely & innocent this person didnt knew how to use this or do that and now they have regained control over their life but not themselves they still feel a lack and feel like they need to prove themselves,their energy is blocked ,they were shamed & their efforts were never acknowledged so they built this wall of resentment and carried being the stigma of society :// * man it was not even their fault* i highly feel like they could be on top of the world ,good at everything, have this that but still would feel less hmm
I feel like you'll had some difficulties getting through them ,they could like someone for years and still won't make a move ,you will have to trust your intuition with this person.
Thanks for reading!! Have a good day /night .
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infinitydivine · 3 months
Your next Glowup 🌷👀 PAC reading
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Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
If you could, please leave feedback as comments, reblogs, or Asks. It helps me to improve myself.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are three Piles.
***If this reading resonates with you, DM me to book a reading with me. You can pay through Paypal or you can visit my Kofi shop too.
My Paid services Thank you for your support PAC Readings
(pictures from Pinterest and collage made by me)
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Welcome my beautiful Pile 1 (●'◡'●)
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So for some of you, I see internal conflicts regarding yourself here. You guys tend to doubt yourself a lot...like really a lot. When giving yourself credit for your success, you always doubt whether you deserve it. My love, you deserve it and soon you will be entering into that energy. You will stop doubting yourself or something that will happen soon will make you do so. You are moving towards self confidence and you will definitely be successful in that. The universe is giving you the green signal to move forward. It is your time...rise and shine baby girl/boy. You are moving from the resilient energy to accepting yourself energy and there is no stopping you. You are on the ride of being yourself completely and honestly. There is no stopping you now. You are someone who might have had doubts about their physical appearance too? If you compare yourself to others especially online, Spirits are warning you to stop that. Your next glow-up is really very important for you to actually become who you are. If you are thinking about changing something about your physical; appearance or wardrobe, it is time to do that. Some of you might have had cases of bullying also because of that you might have hated yourself. But my love, it was not your fault. Your next glow-up includes your healing from that too.
"You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens"- Louise Hay
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Welcome my beautiful Pile 2 (●'◡'●)
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Oh my my my!!! You have been through some serious situations in your life which might have felt shithole for you. Some people or situations have troubled you a lot in recent times but the good news is you are coming out of it successfully. Once you might have felt that you can't take it anymore or this is enough for you. But my love you are other with it. Your next glow-up is related to you being break free from everything and everyone that has been holding you back. Currently, you are going through some major transformations. Either it is you leaving some bad habits or some bad people who were not good for your mental, emotional, and Spiritual health. Some of you might also be going through a major Spiritual awakening. Upcoming time will be a major breakthrough for you. If you are betraying yourself by not being honest The Universe is nudging you to stop doing that immediately. You deserve to be happy and that happiness will be coming from inside you and if you are not completely and brutally honest with you then you might even delay your blessings too. If you are someone who struggles with people pleasing, leave it now. Your major theme of the next glow-up is letting things go that no longer serve you and you are gonna do that because there will be a time when you will realize how much time have you wasted on wrong things and people. The past is in the past. The future version of yourself is calling you.
I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Welcome my beautiful Pile 3 (●'◡'●)
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Okay, so you guys are coming into an inner harmony of both the masculine and feminine energies. You are someone who might have struggled with the imbalance of both energies. Some of you might be too much into your masculine energies and some in feminine. Your next glow-up included you becoming a more balanced person. You will be loving yourself more and more. You are someone who might have struggled to stand up for yourself in the past but now you are learning and becoming someone who can and will take a stand for themselves no matter what the situation is. There is something about self-confidence here too. If you are not yet self-confident to do something, in future you will be. You are becoming the IT person. If you looked up to someone in your childhood or someone you admire now ...the Universe is telling me that you have all the qualities to become like them or better. You will have so much of self-love for yourself in the future it's heartwarming. Messages are coming from your inner child too but there are so many it is just impossible to write here. You are going to accept the demons and your shadow self too if you are afraid of them. They are part of you and you will love them as your theme of glow-up suggests.
(* This is an additional message- with 2 cups and the lovers being here, if you are looking for your soulmate/one true love, you might find them after going through this glow-up)
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line you really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world- Lucille Ball
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Thank you for reading this :)
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403tarot · 5 months
PAC . . . — your life as a k-idol [gender neutral]
your life as an idol in general: how the public would perceive you, what kind of stans you would have, your level of fame and also the idols your vibe would match the most. take a deep breath and choose the picture that calls you the most <3
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** i chose the idols that would best match your vibe solely based on the energy of the cards. the idols with energy close to yours came to my mind as i was taking the reading, that's all.
pile one
okay, first, i see that perhaps fame and having the spotlight on you could be a challenge that might leave you a bit unsettled and even insecure. you may care a lot about what others think of you, fearing mistakes and disappointing those who follow you. fortunately, you would transform these concerns into a more serious and professional demeanor, giving you the aura of a mysterious and even sexy member.
for the general public, you would be synonymous with DUALITY! this is because, despite your initially closed-off vibe and demeanor in less relaxed settings (such as performances or interviews), in more comfortable moments, you would be seen as a ball of sunshine. people would be strongly intrigued by your ability to have such a different personality from your looks. tiktok edits with reverberated music and low saturation filter whenever you're serious would be a hit.
you would have a strong connection with your fans, being the best friend of parasocial relationships. this means dozens (or even hundreds) of almost daily messages about more everyday matters, creating a sense of intimacy. your fans would be even more dedicated due to this, the type that comes together and always defends you elegantly in any situation.
speaking of fame level, i see it would be a good balance between fame in korea and international fame. it wouldn't be overwhelming fame, but your group would have good recognition and some important trophies for your fans to brag about on twitter.
the idols that would best match your vibe as an idol are wonbin (RIIZE), momo (TWICE), karina (aespa), and rei (IVE).
pile two
wow, here we have the personality of someone who would be great at dealing with having a public image. i feel that behind the scenes, you'd be someone more reserved and perhaps even a bit introverted. however, as soon as the camera turns on, you'd show that you were born for the world of entertainment. you would be the shining light of your group, someone everyone likes, whether they are your fellow members or even the most bitter person on pannchoa.
in the eyes of the public, you would be an exemplary idol. beautiful, with a warm and kind personality, you would stand out on and off the stage for having a magnetic and captivating aura. i see that you would be the type of idol who quietly brings important visibility to issues related to diversity and self-acceptance. you would be lowkey envied, but that would have to be practically a state secret— your fans would be CHAOTIC, everywhere, ready to protect you and, in turn, promote your work.
your fans would potentially be younger people with extroverted personalities. they would take great pride in having you as their idol and might see you as an example to follow. moreover, you would seek to have a friendly relationship with them as much as possible, being approachable but also maintaining boundaries to keep everything healthy for both parties.
speaking of fame, i see that you would be the most famous in your group, with many spotlights on you, carrying almost all the wins of your colleagues on your own shoulders. your fame would be more focused on the international audience.
The idols that would best match your vibe as an idol are wooyoung (ATEEZ), jimin (BTS), joy (Red Velvet), and soobin (TXT).
pile three
starting with how your life would be as an idol, i see that you would find this job challenging but discover your calling in it. being in the world of entertainment and under the spotlight would evoke a strong sense of belonging in you, making you feel like you have a life purpose. you would love being on stage, performing, and feeling loved by those who take some time to cheer for you. you would exude an aura of firmness and confidence, generally being perceived as a mature, intelligent, and kind person. you would be very transparent about your goals, desires, and thoughts, which could bring controversies to the table due to your real personality in a k-pop industry that often leans towards artificiality.
the public would have divided opinions about you. while some would dislike you without any reason, others would relate to you and naturally develop a sense of empathy. you would be seen as someone with talent but struggles to captivate a portion of the audience. interestingly, you would gain the most unlikely type of fans: the "i hate everyone but you" fans.
as one of the more bitter types of fans, you would have avid defenders. they might not be many, but they would cause significant trouble tormenting anyone who dared to speak ill of you on their timeline. you would be "the protected one," forming a bond with them due to your authenticity and courage to be nothing but yourself. in terms of communication, i see that you could be somewhat inconsistent, disappearing for a few days and then doing a live, sending hundreds of messages, and posting selfies on three different social media platforms, all on the same day as an apology.
now speaking of fame, i see that your group wouldn't be extremely famous, perhaps a "rising group," with some songs known in a niche but nothing groundbreaking. you and your group would actively work to bring recognition to your work both inside and outside korea, as in both scenarios, you wouldn't have a very satisfying popularity index.
the idols that would best match your vibe the most are yujin (IVE), yeosang (ATEEZ), joshua (Seventeen), and jennie (BLACKPINK).
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you can check more of my contents on my masterlist
in this end of the year i'm planing to post a pac about how will be your first three months of 2024 + advice and maybe a christmas pac. stay tuned ;)
follow me and help to choose the free tarot game i'll be doing when reaching 1K !
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cozycottagetarot · 9 months
Quick Pick: Messages From Your Person
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Hello, my loves! It's been way too long, but I'm finally back (hopefully for a long time) with a new reading as well as a bit of a rebrand. Today's reading is focused on messages from your person (kind of in the realm of a future spouse but generally a long-term partner) but I think for some of you it may come across as a current partner as well.
This is a pretty experimental reading for me. I want to start including an 'energy check' of sorts to help you better figure out if a pile is for you or not. I've done 'channelled' messages before but I felt weird about them so I've decided to give it a try again. The message aspect of this reading is just a free-flow writing of the cards that were pulled. And of course, I decided to play around a little bit more with my graphics. I'm always open to feedback, so I'd love to gather your thoughts on the set-up and reading itself.
Elle 🌿
P.S. I'm trying to re-do my masterlist but can't locate all my old pacs easily. If you come across one, I wouldn't mind if you send me the link. 🙏
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Disclaimer: When reading tarot, my aim is to focus on self-reflection and seeking guidance. The readings you'll find here are designed to add a pinch of fun and entertainment to your day. While I might sprinkle in some advice that hopefully vibes with you, please remember that these insights aren't a substitute for any professional advice you might need-- after all, you know your journey best! For any love-related or future-focused readings, consider them captivating musings exploring possibilities. Divination inspired stories even. I can't predict the future but I do hope to add some enjoyment and insights into your everyday. Lastly my darlings, please take from these readings what resonates with you most, be it some, all or none, and leave the rest. 🌟
Note: Pile 1 your pile gave me absolute hell the first time around 😭. I was writing/channelling the message and the energy literally just gave way at one point, I was flabbergasted 🫨. Anyway, the second pull was much clearer, but I included notes I felt were important from the first pull in the post-reading notes section.
Your Energy:
Going through an awakening. A need or call for self-reflection. A new cycle is beginning. You must face what you are running from within, but you must also be patient. Rely on your inner strength. Needing to learn more about yourself before doing/trying something different. Potentially finding yourself in part of a mentorship. Connecting with people similar to yourself. Navigating regrets. Needing to let go of the old you. Needing to ground yourself.  A strong energy of needing to look within yourself. It is time to prepare yourself for your next journey.
The Message:
Can you let the past go? We’ve been through so much, the both of us, on our own and together. Why do you hold on to it when our future is waiting for us? I know I hurt you and I apologize. You didn’t deserve any of the pain I caused you. I don’t blame you [it felt like there was a specific reason but I couldn’t get the specifics] but I feel lost without you. I could tell you why, I want to, but words mean nothing without action. You know my story. My relationship with my mother, how that shaped me. You know I love the attention of it all, having everyone’s eyes on me. Makes me feel good.. makes me feel. But no one else’s attention mattered like yours did. I felt most close to myself with you. Please, please let go of that version of me you’re holding onto in your head. I’m taking space because I need to heal. I need to heal my relationship with me first before I can heal it with us. This isn’t goodbye; just so long for now. I’m taking time to put that me in the past too and find myself and what I want from this life. I mean it’s simple really, I want you, us. I want to give you the good life you deserve, but I need to fix myself first. Give me the self-love I deserve.
Post-Reading Notes:
There’s a mature, sad regretful energy. Someone on a journey of self-exploration. Two hurting souls who met at the wrong time. One of you may be further along in your healing journey or you’ve both healed parts of yourself and your relationship that the other one hasn’t healed yet.
First Pull Notes:
One of the first things that came to mind for me is a dark night of the soul… I haven’t heard that term in so long and I’ve completely forgotten what it means, but for someone in this pile, I feel like that may resonate a lot. Going through a tough time. Blow after blow. Your higher self or inner wisdom is trying to reach you. Introspection before a new beginning. An ending of something you don’t want to let go of?
Big things are happening in your life, and significant changes are taking place even though it might not seem that way right now. Lots of air energy. Gaining mental clarity is super important for you right now. Breakup vibes? You two are like opposite sides or motivations of the same energy. Holding on when you know you should let go. This is definitely your person (one of the cards literally says ‘You’re my person’).
Your Energy:
For some of you are at the end of suffering but lying to yourself about the truth of the outcome, while for others you’re running from the mistakes made along the way. Maybe it's both. You’re still grieving all that is lost, be gentle with yourself. Hard work and consistency may await you but keep at it. Adventure is closer than you think. You’re on the brink of success. Moving forward hurts, but you must. Your person (or something you've been romanticising) is waiting for you. You just have to be brave enough to step through the gate. Opportunities are coming your way. If you're interested in floral hobbies or embroidery go for it.
The Message:
I hear you. I haven’t given up on you. I hear the songs you play for me, I hear the songs of your heart. You’re my love, my soulmate. We were meant to be, you and me. You’re not crazy or insane, or any other term you demean yourself with. You’re my everything. I can feel your soul even though we’re apart. If I close my eyes hard enough, I can feel you there. I can see your sparkling soul mirroring mine... sad eyes, bright smile, you leave me in awe. I know you call to me, and I’m sorry I’m not there. Don’t hate me for it, please. I’m leaving behind all that has been holding me back… the same as you. I’m sorry it’s so lonely. I want to meet. What do you say? Impromptu trip to the tropics? Somewhere cold? I just want to escape the world with you and lie in your arms. You’re my home. I sit in your energy and let it guide me your way. But I do need time. Please be patient with me. I haven’t abandoned you. I’m finding me, for you. I dream about you so often and being the kind of person you’d inspire me to be.
Post-Reading Notes:
"I need you to run to me, run to me, lover." (Run by Hozier, the chorus specifically. I know the song is supposed to be a metaphor but I'm suggesting it at face value). A very healing energy to your person's messages. Your person could also fantasise about you a lot... in a non-x-rated 18+ kind of way. It was mentioned on one of the cards but that part of the card felt awkward in the rest of the cards. They’re possessive, it doesn't seem like in a negative or extreme way but again, that's not something that was strong or clear. There’s something to do with the attention of others. They just want to be yours completely… Honestly, a submissive yet dominant kind of energy. A protector and/or provider (take that as you will) who is absolutely smitten with you and will do anything you say.
I don't typically read for it, but one of the cards had twin flame written on it. It could also be symbolic of mirroring each other in your personal journeys in life.
Your Energy:
Powerful yet solitary energy. A new chapter of your life. Accomplishing a big goal. Moving to a new location. Creating a good foundation for yourself in preparation for what comes next. Balancing your energies. Sleep issues. Struggling with anxiety or managing thoughts after a traumatic event. Celebration. Having security. Authoritarian role or vibes.
The Message:
Okay, I can do this: I can’t get you off of my mind. I’m constantly thinking of you, viewing your content, trying to set myself up to run into you. I know it’s silly, especially since you hurt me. Who pines after the person that hurt them? Well, it wasn't meant to be mean. You’re just so mysterious I can’t ever read you and it or you make me nervous. I’m always worrying about what to say. I want to talk to you but opening up to others is hard. I’m afraid I’ll start crying or you’ll hear my voice crack. You’re my person. I’m sure of it. You’re everything I’ve hoped for in a person, everything I dream about before I go to sleep at night. You’re doing so well for yourself, but I want to spoil you and be there for you. Not always materially. I know you can cover that for yourself. But being there for you and spending time with you… I heard you were seeing someone. I hope it’s not true and even if it is, I hope it doesn't last. No, I’m not sorry. I’m going to work up the courage to reach out to you soon.
Post-Reading Notes:
Oh Pile 3, you’re so intimidating to your person. Secret admirer vibes. I definitely think you’ve got a very serious or professional energy and an intimidating appearance. That may especially be true if you’re taller than average for your demographic/s. The energies here feel very balanced or neutral (not heavily feminine or masculine) on both your end and theirs.
Your Energy:
Such a beautiful light-hearted energy. There’s such a beautiful and hopeful energy in this relationship here but it’s also possible someone or something is working against you right now. A very important decision is being made. Someone could be trying to take something from you, but keep going. You’ve got this incredible power/energy to you. Vows are super important, be it making them with someone else or making a vow to yourself to gain or achieve something. Collaboration. Having everything you need to succeed. There could be challengers coming your way but you're strong enough to overcome them.
The Message:
I’m sorry. I don’t know, that was immature of me. I swear it wasn’t like you thought but don’t worry I’m going to do better. Honest. You know, I dream about us being together and growing old. I dream about our kids. They’re so stinking cute. We’ve still got growing to do, ok, or I’ve still got growing to do. Please talk to me. You know I hate it when you give me the silent treatment. I know I disappeared on you and that wasn’t cool. I just get so… I care about you a lot. I don’t want to see you hurt. I want the best for you. I know I act all big and bad but I’m a softie at heart. That fight was weird. I don’t like it. It wasn’t like us. It meant nothing I know. Would you pack up and run away with me if I asked? I hate the distance between us right now. Im always listening to our playlist. I know I acted like I'm uninterested in something serious but I am. I want you. I miss you. I want to spoil you and give you everything you deserve. Just give me a chance. Please hear me out.
Post-Reading Notes:
The vibes while doing the reading felt like very young vibes? There’s a youthfulness there. Someone who either is actually young in age or hasn’t grown up emotionally in a certain aspect. It felt like they did something prideful that was hurtful to you and you two are in a disconnect during the moment captured in the reading. It didn’t feel like a serious fight. More so when you’re upset with someone and acting like you’re madder than you really are (your vibes) and the other person is sweating and begging you to talk to them again (their vibes).
Also, idk why but Peter Parker kept coming into my head 🕸️. I’m not feeling to analyse it so take it as you will.
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