#seeing as thats teamwork based
tonyspank · 10 months
Tara Carpenter x G!P Reader x Female OC
Warnings: zombies, fighting, thats all i think
A/N: twd helped me with this
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Once you get close enough to the woman, she starts running as well, leaving you no time to ask questions. You chase after her, desperately trying to keep up with her pace. As you follow her, your mind races with curiosity, wondering why she chose to help you. And was she the one who shot the gun?
You feel a mix of fear and intrigue as you contemplate the mysterious circumstances surrounding her involvement. Despite the unanswered questions, your instinct tells you that sticking with her is your best chance at survival.
The two of you run for a while until you reach the middle of the woods. She stops, looking around.
You take this as a chance to talk, "Where are we going?" You ask, trying to catch your breath. She turns to you with a determined look in her eyes, "Get in the car, and then I'll explain." She begins jogging, and you follow her, behind a few trees there's an old pickup truck.
Its worn exterior suggests that it has been abandoned for quite some time. As you both climb into the truck, you speak again.
"Okay! Now, can you explain? I'm lost on what's going on, where we're going, and who you are." She starts the engine, and the truck roars to life, its rusty parts groaning in protest. She glances at you before turning her attention back onto the dirt road.
"We're going to turn around for my sister, then we're going back to our home base. And my name is Tara Carpenter, there." You furrow your eyebrows, holding onto the door handle as the truck bounces along the uneven terrain. "Wait, your sister? I didn't see anyone," you say, trying to make sense of the situation.
"How do you think you're still alive? She was the one who shot that walker." Tara's eyes narrow as she recalls the intense encounter. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Tara's words hang in the air, leaving you speechless.
The realization sinks in that your life was saved by someone you never even saw.
"Wait, wait, wait! Did you just call them walkers?"
Tara sends you a confused look, "Yeah?"
"What about the ones that jog?" You ask, then mumble to yourself. "Joggers..?" Tara raises an eyebrow, clearly perplexed by your question. "Joggers? What are you talking about?" she asks, her confusion evident in her voice.
You quickly realize that your attempt at humor fell flat, and you awkwardly laugh it off, trying to change the subject. "Never mind, forget I said anything."
"Also, you said something about a home base? I appreciate you and your sister saving my life and all, but groups never do any good." Tara looks at you with a mix of concern and curiosity.
"I understand, but think about what could've happened if we didn't find you," she responds, her voice gentle yet firm. You ponder her words for a moment, realizing that she's right. You could've gotten bit.
"I'm not going to beg you to come home with us. Just think about it." You nod, acknowledging Tara's point. The thought of the potential danger you narrowly escaped lingers in your mind. Soon, you see a group of walkers and another woman in a tree, a sniper on her back.
Without thinking, you hop out of the truck, yelling, causing some of the walkers to turn their attention towards you. You take your knife out of your belt and start slashing at the approaching walkers, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
The woman in the tree notices your bravery and starts picking off the remaining walkers with her sniper rifle, providing you with much-needed backup. As you both fight off the horde together, you realize that this unexpected partnership might just be the key to surviving this terrifying ordeal.
With each swing of your knife and each shot from her rifle, the walkers are slowly but surely being taken down. The adrenaline-fueled teamwork gives you a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, making you believe that maybe, just maybe, there is a chance for survival in this post-apocalyptic world.
The woman makes her way down the tree, quickly entering the truck. You stand there, looking overtop of dead walkers, wiping a bit of blood that got on your face. "What the hell are you doing? Get in the truck!" the woman yells, and Tara quickly nods in agreement.
You snap out of your daze and quickly jump into the bed of the truck, Tara wastes no time pulling off, leaving the gruesome scene behind. You lay on your back, spread out like a starfish, as the wind rushes past you, providing a brief moment of relief from the chaos.
Tara glances at you through the rear view mirror with concern before focusing back on the road ahead, her determination evident in her eyes.
As the truck speeds away, you can't help but wonder what you're about to get yourself into. Tara's sister knocks on the truck's back window, gaining your attention before she opens it. "I'm Sam, by the way." You give Sam a faint smile, grateful for the introduction.
"Y/N." You simply say. As the truck continues down the road, you feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness building inside you. The unknown awaits, and you can't help but wonder how this journey will unfold.
Your eyes snap awake at a loud slap against the metal truck. It's Sam. "We're here." You quickly gather your belongings and step out of the back of the truck, taking in your surroundings. A brown-haired man with a scruffy beard makes his way toward the three of you in a sheriff's uniform.
He introduces himself as Sheriff Dewey Riley and welcomes you to the small town. "Before you settle down, I'm going to have to take your weapons." You exchange a wary glance with Sam, unsure of whether to comply.
Sheriff Riley notices your hesitation and reassures you, "It's just a precautionary measure for everyone's safety. You'll get them back once everything is sorted out." Reluctantly, you hand over your weapons, hoping that this small town holds more than meets the eye.
Tara glances at you before whispering something in Sam's ear. You strain to hear what Tara is saying, but her words are too quiet. Sam nods in response, her expression growing more serious. Curiosity piqued, you wonder what secrets this small town might be hiding and what role Tara and Sam might play in it all.
"C'mon kid." Dewey says, nodding his head in the direction of the town. "Let's get you checked in." You follow Dewey, your mind racing with anticipation and questions about the mysteries that lie ahead.
As you walk towards the town, you're truly shocked. Everything looked so peaceful, as if there wasn't an apocalypse happening on the other side of the walls.
The sight of the seemingly untouched town only deepens your intrigue, making you even more determined to uncover the truth. As you approach the entrance, you can't help but wonder how this place has managed to remain unscathed amidst chaos and destruction.
Dewey took you to the doctor to get yourself checked out before introducing you to his wife, Gale.
She seemed like the leader of this place, with an air of confidence and authority that commanded respect. Her eyes held a glimmer of resilience, as if she had seen it all and still managed to keep the town thriving. "I'm Gale Riley, sit, please."
You sit listen to Gale's voice as it carried a sense of determination and compassion, instantly drawing you in.
"We've faced countless challenges over the years," she explained, "but we've built a tight-knit community that supports one another through it all."
"What is this place?" you asked, unable to contain your curiosity any longer. Gale smiled warmly, her eyes lighting up with pride.
"This place," she replied, "is a sanctuary for those seeking refuge, a haven where people come together to rebuild their lives and find hope amidst adversity, or the start of sustainability. Which is what the brochures we found say. This was a planned community with its own solar grid, cisterns, and eco-based sewage filtration."
Gale continued, "Me and my husband were led here. See, I'm a news reporter, and my husband was a sheriff in our old town. He was investigating a series of corruption cases that led to dangerous threats against our lives. We had to leave everything behind and start fresh, and this place seemed like the perfect opportunity for us to do so."
You nod at her words, still in disbelief about the place. As you take in Gale's story, you can't help but marvel at the foresight and ingenuity that went into creating such a self-sustaining community.
The idea of a solar grid, cisterns, and eco-based sewage filtration all working together seamlessly is truly impressive. It's clear that this place was designed with both environmental consciousness and the well-being of its residents in mind.
There's a knock at the door, interfering with your thoughts. You turn to see another woman, "Hi, I'm Sidney." She introduces herself with a warm smile. Sidney explains that she is a longtime resident of the community and offers to give you a tour, eager to share more about the innovative solutions and sustainable practices that make this place so unique.
Intrigued by her offer, you gladly accept, curious to learn even more about this remarkable community.
Gale gives you a tight-lipped smile before you walk out of her living room, following Sidney closely. As you walk behind Sidney, you notice her enthusiasm and passion for the community radiating from her every word.
She points out various landmarks and explains how each one contributes to the community's commitment to sustainability. As you continue the tour, you can't believe you were going to turn down this place not too long ago.
"Are you serious?" You ask Sidney, who quickly nods. "You're just giving me a house?" Sidney chuckles and replies, "Well, not exactly giving it to you. Gale will give you a job, and you'll have to earn your keep." Everything about this feels too good to be true.
"I know you're still feeling us out, but I'm glad you're here, Y/N." Sidney says sincerely, her eyes filled with warmth. "We believe in creating a sense of community here, and having you join us adds to that spirit, you know?" You nod at her, sending a slight smile her way.
"Well, then. I'll let you settle in, but if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask, I'm just a few houses down." Sidney's authentic warmth and offer of support reassure you, easing some of your initial skepticism. Her words about creating a sense of community make you feel more hopeful about this opportunity. "Thank you," you say.
Sidney sends you another smile before leaving. You slowly open the door to the home, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. The space is cozy and inviting, with warm colors and comfortable furniture. As you step inside, a sense of excitement and anticipation fills the air, mingling with a hint of nervousness.
You make your way into the kitchen, resting your hand on the faucet before turning it. The sound of the rushing water is soothing, and you laugh, overwhelmed with amazement. It's been a while since you've been in a place like this, where everything is new and refreshing.
You take a shower, cleaning off the sweat, blood, and dirt that's been on you for the past couple of months. The tension in your muscles begins to melt away, and you can't help but let out a contented sigh. It's a small luxury that you've missed dearly during this apocalyptic time, and you relish in the simple pleasure of being able to wash away the remnants of your journey.
You quickly put on your bra, grabbing a towel as you hear a knock on your front door. Curiosity piqued, you wrap the towel around yourself and cautiously make your way to the door. Wondering who it could be. You open the door, revealing a redhead girl and a curly-haired boy.
The girl whistles at the sight of you, admiring your freshly washed hair and the towel wrapped around you. The boy, on the other hand, looks slightly embarrassed and averts his gaze. "I'm Quinn, and this is my brother Ethan," the readhead says, a small smile on her lips.
You feel a mix of surprise and self-consciousness as you quickly tighten the towel around yourself. Quinn's compliment on your appearance brings a blush to your cheeks, while Ethan's shyness makes you wonder what could have prompted their visit.
"Our dad is Officer Bailey, so whenever we get newcomers, he makes us introduce ourselves." You nod understandingly, realizing that Officer Bailey must take his role as a community liaison seriously. Though you start to realize you haven't been introduced to him yet, "Officer Bailey? I don't think we've met."
Quinn chuckles and replies, "Oh, don't worry! Our dad is always busy with his duties, but he'll definitely come by to meet you soon. He's not really the friendly type, but he needs to know everyone in the neighborhood." You hum, giving her a nod.
"Oh! Did Gale tell you about the get together that's happening?" Ethan speaks up, raising an eyebrow. You smile and shake your head, admitting that Gale hadn't mentioned the get together yet.
Ethan continues, "It's going to be a fun event with games, food, and a chance for everyone to socialize. You should definitely come, it'll be a great opportunity to meet everyone."
"Sure, I'll be there." You reply, genuinely intrigued by the idea of getting to know your new neighbors better. Plus, it sounds like a fun event that you don't want to miss out on.
"Great! Well, we'll see you then." He responds, smiling and giving you a friendly wave before heading off. Quinn follows behind him, giving her own wave and smile.
The event was your average get together, with people mingling and chatting in small groups. You were in a corner by yourself, drinking as you observed everyone.
"Socialize." You hear someone say, you turn to be faced with Sidney.
You smile at the woman, whose mouth drops dramatically. "Look at you! You look nice, cleaned up!" Sidney compliments your appearance, clearly impressed by your transformation.
"Thank you. It felt nice to have a hot shower again." You reply, grateful for the simple pleasure of feeling clean after a long time. Sidney nods sympathetically, understanding exactly what you've been through.
Your eyes leave the woman beside you, glancing over only to find Tara talking to someone else her age. Sidney's eyes fall to your point of view, and her smile widens. "Tara's a sweet girl."
Your eyes flicker between Sidney and Tara, letting out a chuckle. "I don't think she likes me." You admit taking another sip of your drink.
Sidney chuckles softly, shaking her head. "Oh, don't worry about that. Tara can be a bit reserved at first, but she warms up to people once she gets to know them better. Give it some time, and I'm sure you two will get along just fine."
"Sam told everyone how you helped her." Sidney says. You shrug, "She helped me first. Plus, we took down those walkers together, it wasn't just me." Sidney nods, a smile playing on her lips.
"That may be true, but teamwork is key in this world. But still, not everyone would have stepped up like you did. You've earned Sam's gratitude and respect." You blush slightly at the compliment, grateful for Sidney's kind words.
"Tomorrow morning, go talk to Gale. She has a job for you." You raise an eyebrow in surprise. "Why can't you just tell me?" Sidney chuckles, shaking her head. "Gale likes to give out the details in person. She's old-fashioned like that. Plus, I think she wants to see the look on your face when she tells you."
You can't help but laugh at the thought of Gale's mischievous nature. "Alright, I'll go find her tomorrow then. Thanks for the heads up, Sidney."
Sidney squeezes your bicep before walking away. "Y/N!" Someone calls out from Tara's group. They stand up, ushering you off. You smile at Ethan before deciding to walk over, curious to see what he wants. "Oh, it's pretty girl." Quinn smiles, you now appearant in her sight.
You return Quinn's smile and join Tara's group, wondering what Ethan wants to talk about. As you approach, Ethan greets you warmly and introduces you to the rest of the group. "Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Chad, Amber, Wes, Mindy, Anika, Frankie, Liv, and you already know Tara."
You exchange greetings with everyone in the group, feeling welcomed and curious about their dynamic. "It's nice to meet you, I heard you saved Sam's life." Mindy says, causing you to shake your head. "It wasn't that serious. She saved mine, to be honest." You brush off the compliment modestly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.
Mindy just hums, and Chad takes this as a chance to speak. "Did Gale give you a role already?" You shake your head in response to Chad's question. "Not yet," you reply. "She's supposed to give me one tomorrow, though." Chad nods, looking intrigued. "I'm sure she'll find something perfect for you. Gale has a great eye for talent."
Wes chimes in, adding, "Yeah, she's really good at matching people with roles that suit them." You can't help but feel a surge of anticipation for what Gale might have in store for you. "That's good to hear."
"How old are you?" Liv asks, and you turn your head to her with a smile. "21." Amber then speaks, "Really? You look younger than that." "Thank you, I guess it's good genes," you reply with a chuckle. Wes joins in, saying, "Age is just a number anyway. What matters are your skills and passion."
"Wes, what the fuck are you talking about?" Amber questions, squinting her eyes at the blonde haired boy. Wes shrugs, unfazed by Amber's reaction.
"We're going to go get some more drinks." Frankie announces to the group, interrupting his own conversation he was having with Tara. Tara and Frankie both get up, and you watch the two disappear from sight before turning your eyes back to the group, only to have everyone staring at you. "What?"
You ask, feeling a bit self-conscious under their gaze. Mindy chuckles and leans back in her chair, saying, "You like Tara." You blush slightly, shaking your head. You didn't even know the girl! But Mindy's comment makes you wonder if there was something about Tara that caught your attention.
Though you couldn't help but admit she was absolutely beautiful. Her long, flowing hair and radiant smile were captivating, along with her freckles that dotted her cheeks, adding a touch of playfulness to her overall appearance.
There was an undeniable aura of confidence that surrounded her, as if she knew she had a magnetic effect on people. It was intriguing to think about what it would be like to get to know her beyond just her physical appearance.
"No?" You mutter, furrowing your eyebrows, trying to convince the group. You couldn't understand how anyone could resist being drawn to her. There was something about her that seemed to defy explanation, making you even more curious about the person behind the captivating exterior.
Mindy just shrugs, "Whatever you say." Anika rolls her eyes at her girlfriend, "Ignore her. She believes she can sense people's crushdars! She does it with everyone."
You chuckle, and Mindy immediately defends herself. "I definitely have a sixth sense when it comes to matters of the heart," she playfully retorts. Anika smirks, teasingly adding, "You couldn't sense my crush on you."
Mindy thins out her lips and says, "Because you give off straight girl, babe."
Anika's jaw drops as she lets out a dramatic gasp. No, I don't!" Mindy laughs and says, "Oh, come on. You know it's true." Anika playfully pouts and replies, "Well, maybe I just wanted to keep you guessing."
Mindy leans in, kissing away her girlfriend's pout. "Guessing or not, I'm glad we're together now," Mindy whispers softly, their lips still touching. Anika smiles and pulls Mindy closer, savoring the warmth of their embrace.
"You guys are going to make me sick." Quinn says, earning a nod of agreement from Chad. Quinn rolls her eyes playfully and adds, "But seriously, you two are disgustingly cute." Chad chuckles and says, "Yeah, it's almost nauseating how in love you two are."
You smile at the group, happy to fit in so well. But your smile is gone once you see Frankie leading Tara to the front door of the house, obviously drunk.
You feel a pang of concern as you watch Frankie struggle to keep Tara steady. It's clear that Tara has had too much to drink, and you worry about her well-being.
You quickly stand up, earning confused looks from the group. You follow Frankie and Tara outside the house, not even sparing the group a second glance. "Hey guys!" You call out to Frankie and Tara, trying to get their attention.
"Are you guys okay? Tara seems really drunk, maybe we should get her some water and make sure she's alright." You offer your help, hoping they will listen and take care of Tara's well-being.
Frankie shakes his head, laughing. "She's fine, dude. Just go back to the group." You glance at Tara before squinting your eyes at Frankie. "Nah, dude, I think she should come back with me."
"It's fine. Y/N." Tara mumbles, her words slurring together. "I can handle myself." Despite her protests, you can't shake off the concern you feel for Tara's well-being.
"See. It's fine." He harshly grabs Tara's arm, dragging her down the few remaining steps of the home's entryway.
Tara mutters out an, "Ow." You shoot Frankie a disapproving look, but he ignores it. You quickly push Frankie away from Tara, placing yourself between them. "Tara, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go with him," you say firmly. "Let me take you home instead."
"⁠She's fine," Frankie seethes, reaching for Tara, but you push him, maybe a bit too hard, because he falls to the ground. Frankie's face contorts with anger as he scrambles back to his feet. "The fuck?"
He rushes to you, tackling you. As Frankie tackles you, you struggle to defend yourself, trying to keep him at bay.
The situation escalates quickly, with both of you grappling on the ground, desperately trying to gain the upper hand. You straddle Frankie, attempting to punch him repeatedly, but he manages to block most of your blows.
"Guys! Stop!" You hear Tara's panicked voice, but the adrenaline is pumping too hard for either of you to listen. The fight continues, with neither of you willing to back down.
You don't notice people starting to exit the house, drawn by the commotion. Some onlookers attempt to intervene, shouting for you both to stop, but their efforts are futile as the intensity of the fight consumes your focus.
You're roughly pulled off of the man, your heart pounding and your breath heavy. "Alright, alright, that's enough." A voice says from behind you, holding you back by your bicep.
You look around at the crowd, and Quinn mouths, "My dad." You shut your eyes for a second, realizing that on your first day in the community, you were already about to be put under arrest.
As you open your eyes, glancing over to Tara and then her friend group, Quinn's dad begins to handcuff you. You feel a wave of embarrassment wash over you as the handcuffs click into place. Tara's friend group watches in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief.
"Fighting on the first day, really?" The gray-haired man says, shaking his head. You try to explain yourself, stuttering out an apology. "I didn't mean to start a fight, sir," you manage to say. The gray-haired man raises an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of your explanation.
"He was going to take advantage of her!" You continue, desperately trying to defend your actions. "She was obviously drunk and he was trying to take her home. I had to intervene."
The gray-haired man's expression softens slightly as he considers your words, but he remains cautious. "Well, we'll have to sort this out," he says, slightly pushing you to walk in front of him.
You take one last look at the crowd, your heart dropping when you notice a familiar face.
"Iris?" You mumble to yourself. She looks just as shocked to see you as you are to see her. Memories of your past together flood your mind, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.
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ups3tti · 1 month
Euphrasia & Morro as foils
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@emerald-cloud23 HI OKAY YES ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Euprhasia is so important to me I'm so glad you asked JFHEKTJ (Morro too obviously but yk.). This is going to be a bit long, apologies in advance.
Dragons rising season 1 spoilers if that matters to anyone.
- To start off, the difference between Euphrasia's quote of "Time to make *our* own destiny!" and Morro's "Well *I* make my own destiny!" Is incredibly important to me. Euphrasia is connecting herself to those around her from the start, even when defining herself, whereas Morro defined himself *by* being set apart from everyone else.
- Something that immediately stood out to me was how Euphrasia's first major beginning moment as the master of wind is by being the main force used to drive back massive tentacled monsters out of/in order to protect cloud kingdom and back into a rift. This is such a contrast to how Morro's story ended, with him summoning a giant tentacled monster from a portal and destroying a Stiix in order to see it through.
- Speaking of Euphrasia's first fight, she is consistently using her elemental powers as a support for others. She saves Arin and Sora from falling, she helps the ninja launch spinjitsu attacks, and while she does still do damage herself, she prioritizes finding ways to support the others.
Morros style is not based in teamwork that way at all. Even with his ghost gang, he usually has them doing their own separate thing. "I control the wind, YOU control the situation" and all that jazz. He climbs the peak to blind man's eye on his own, confronts the ninja on his own, confronts nya and lloyd on his own, etc etc etc. When he has his gang do stuff, like distract Nya or the other ninja, he's normally watching from the side, or doing his own separate task. He's using the wind to get on the offensive or to get *himself* out of harms way.
- all in all, Morro uses the wind for offense and agility, Euphrasia uses it for defense and support.
- Euphrasia greatly values her culture, community and loved ones, to the point where she was intending to forgo use of her elemental power entirely in order to remain with them, AND risked exile in order to protect them. After she was able to reveal her power and wasn't shunned for it, she stayed on at the Cloud Kingdom as its protector.
We don't know where Morro came from, who his parents were, any of that. He had Wu and that was it. His entire identity was forged around what he wanted to become, instead of who he was to begin with.
- A more obvious one is their personalities, I feel the differences are pretty clear and I don't need to specify a whole lot but a big one is Morro's arrogance vs. Euphrasias uncertainty, especially as it translates to being a wind elemental.
I really love the choice to have Euphrasia wanting to write her own destiny but taking it in an entirely different direction than Morro did. Every element seems to have some concept that connects one master to the next, and I don't think Wind is any different.
Thats all I got for now! I could probably think of more if I rewatched certain episodes but I'm a bit tired. PLEASE let me know if anyone thinks of other stuff I would love to hear it
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martyrmystik · 3 months
I think Tumblr needs to know about my dumbass Poppy Playtime AU I literally JUST made today so uhm... Here's the AU I've been hyperfixating on-
More information under the cut!
This is the first half of the Smiling Critters references (I loved making their designs omg)
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Basically to summarize why they are a significant part in this AU:
This is an AU where the Smiling Critters survive, using anything and everything they can to continue to do so. It's a small resistance group (hence the AU name, "RESISTANCE") trying to fight against The Prototype! They still have their dynamics and everything else but they have more freedom to express themselves (hence, the clothes and accessories. And how Kickin' Chicken is wearing two bandana's because yes, he is extra.) AFTER the events of The Hour of Joy. By that time they were like what? 1st-2nd graders considering the experiments that were done? Now they are more like teenagers in this AU since I still follow the plot-line of the actual Poppy Playtime story taking place 10 years later-.
As for how the group works, everybody has their own little role and is in charge of something, they aren't made useless as it is a group based off of teamwork and friendship (despite the casualties.) Here's some of the roles they fall into:
(IF I SEE ANYBODY SEXUALIZE THESE CHARACTERS ISTG. THATS ICKY AND GROSS and I will make sure you get smited by lightning, because even if these guys are aged up THEY ARE STILL MINORS!!!)
Kickin Chicken: The vice president if you will, the leaders right hand man. (Because Dogday is the leader.) He's kind of full of himself but the confidence and pep talks help the team keep motivated, even if he is a bit self-centered
Bobby Bearhug: Assistant to Kickin Chicken (although they have a rivalry.) and also the medic. Is also the one who helps Dogday with anything considering in this AU he still has half of him torn off. (More on Dogday in his own section sometime later)
Hoppy Hopscotch: Basically explores the facility in any area at any time to gather new information on ways to try and get out (all of them are actively looking to escape btw!)
Craftycorn: Maps out stuff (maps, plans, other things) using her drawing abilities, although she also acts as the therapist friend because her art is soothing to others.
Bubba Bubbaphant: THE LITERAL. EMBODIMENT. OF. THE NERD EMOJI. He is a actual know-it-all which can come in handy but that makes him seem like a dick sometimes because of his knowledge.
Picky Piggy: I don't really have anything important to add to her, since I want to keep some of her lore a secret [might be revealed through the ask page I just set up for the AU on my page] HOWEVER she is the chef of the group and is literally the only one that can cook, if anybody else tried they'd all get food poisoning LMAO.
Here's some extra things in this AU that won't go in my other posts about this AU (maybe):
(So take notes if you want.)
- Catnap is redeemed, but it takes a VERY long time for him to get out of "old habits" as I'm going to word it. (Without spoiling too much of what I have planned.)
- I don't know what to plan for The Prototype yet but I'm talking with a couple of my mutuals on discord so maybe I'll figure it out eventually
- Dogday can normally stand and do other things because of the belts he has, however he can't put them on for too long (for like at max, more than 4 hours a day.) because they will wear into the plush, and he needs to put the belts on tight or they will come loose. He only uses such method when the group goes to hunt for food or similar activities, otherwise, he just uses a wheelchair when in the groups safe environment (the Playhouse!)
- This is going to be a shock to some people, but there is NO player character in this AU, not only is this a what if the Smiling Critters survived, but it's also a what if the player character never returned to Playtime Co.! This does come with some issues, like on how the asks are going to work, but trust me, I got everything taken care of when it comes to that!
- There also isn't really any shipping in this AU at all, I'm focusing on the story/friendship dynamics more than that, so if somehow you were looking for Dogday X Catnap this is, unfortunately not the place for that.
- This AU also has the personal interpretation of Dogday being part of the experiments some of the orphanage kids faced, as I don't really vibe with the idea that Dogday might be a Playtime Co. worker??? I don't know, I'm sticking with my idea for now but I will be keeping a close eye on canon if anything confirms or denies it, and I may adjust the AU accordingly if that's the case.
- Future posts may or may not contain other Poppy Playtime characters but the main focus is the Smiling Critters and The Prototype.
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References of Dogday and Catnap are already done but I may wait a bit on Tumblr to see how well this AU is being received :)
(I spent 6 hours on all references in total 😭😭😭)
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miraculousmultifan · 2 years
do you have any hcs about hangman's daddy issues?? 'cause speaking from experience that guy REEKS of it and i need to hear what you think
ahem here i go
- so his whole asshole persona is definitely a mask that keeps people from getting close to him bc he was never really given a lot of love from his dad so it ultimately culminated in him not believing himself worthy of love (false bc i love him dearly)
- hes really bad at teamwork bc he has always been reminded that he cant show any weakness around people or they will immediately take advantage and never let go. so he works alone and puts up walls to hide any bit of truth
- on that note, i dont think he takes pride in being a pilot that no one can rely on in a fight. he just doesnt know how to work as a team and he has a deep need to be the best at everything. i think he secretly hates his callsign and the reason he got it
- based on my hc that this man is BI BI BI, i think he has internalized biphobia both from his father’s misogyny as well as the idea that relationships with men could only be platonic or a rivalry. so if he feels something thats not platonic, it obviously cant be anything but a rivalry.
- he HATES when people compare him to his siblings or to rooster bc it just reminds him of his parents always seeing him as the annoying child that cant live up to his brothers’ standards.
- he needs everyones attention to be on him bc he had older siblings that his parents praised and he could never match up. so he never got that attention unless he acted out and did reckless stuff and it all bled into his flying
- he admires, envies, and is in love with rooster for all the same reasons and its so confusing to him. most of it comes from roosters natural ability to make friends and light up a room and make people laugh that hangman had never been able to do in a genuine way.
- when he joined the top gun mission (and even before that) he had admired maverick bc they flew similarly and he was this cool role model to him. and then he finds out that maverick and rooster have history and hes SO UPSET bc he finally found some kind of father figure that he could look up to and rooster manages to steal that attention away too
- he just thinks rooster has everything that he could ever want so he lashes out, but he doesnt realize that rooster actually has nothing and hes just kicking a man thats already down.
god i have so many more thoughts but im just gonna settle for these and welcome anyone to add on with what they think
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thesalesconnection · 1 year
How to Identify a Salesperson thats going to make a great Leader
Sales is a highly competitive field that requires dedication, skill, and the ability to work well with others. However, not every successful salesperson is cut out to be a great leader. While the qualities that make someone a successful salesperson can certainly help them become a great leader, there are additional traits that are necessary for success in a leadership role. In this article, we'll explore how to identify a salesperson who is likely to make a great leader, and what positive collaborative behaviors they should exhibit to unite a team and build trust.
First and foremost, a great salesperson who will make a great leader must have strong communication skills. Communication is the foundation of any successful team, and a great leader must be able to effectively communicate their vision, goals, and expectations to their team members. This includes both speaking and listening skills. A great leader must be able to actively listen to their team members and provide feedback that is both constructive and actionable.
Another important trait of a great leader is their ability to inspire and motivate their team. A great salesperson must be able to identify and understand what motivates each team member and use that information to help them reach their full potential. This means being able to provide encouragement, recognition, and support when needed.
Collaborative behavior is another critical aspect of great leadership. A great leader should foster an environment of collaboration and teamwork, encouraging all team members to share their ideas and work together towards a common goal. This includes being open to feedback and criticism and being willing to make changes based on that feedback.
Inclusive behavior is also crucial for a great leader. They must ensure that all team members are treated fairly and have an equal opportunity to succeed. This means avoiding favoritism and creating a level playing field where everyone has a chance to thrive. Additionally, a great leader should be committed to helping others, even when they have reached their own targets. This can involve sharing knowledge, resources, or even leads with team members who may need extra support.
In terms of specific examples of positive collaborative behavior that unites a team and builds trust, a great leader should exhibit the following behaviors:
Active listening: A great leader must be an active listener, taking the time to truly hear what their team members are saying and respond appropriately. This means asking questions, providing feedback, and showing empathy when needed.
Transparency: A great leader should be transparent in their actions and decisions, providing their team members with a clear understanding of why certain decisions are being made and what the overall goals are.
Empathy: A great leader must be able to empathize with their team members, understanding their perspectives and challenges. This can help build trust and create a more collaborative environment.
Team building: A great leader should actively work to build a sense of camaraderie among team members, creating opportunities for them to get to know one another and work together on projects.
Conflict resolution: A great leader should be able to effectively manage conflicts that arise within the team, finding solutions that are fair and equitable for all parties involved.
Next time you have a Sales Conference with your team and they are performing break out group activities that are competitive, have a look at the team that finishes first - are they all sitting down or is someone going to help the other teams and share information on how to complete the task? Thats your person. That is an example of a salesperson with natural leadership skills who wants to see their whole team succeed.
In conclusion, identifying a salesperson who is likely to make a great leader requires a combination of strong communication skills, the ability to inspire and motivate, collaborative and inclusive behaviors, and a commitment to helping others. By exhibiting positive collaborative behaviors that unite a team and build trust, a great leader can create a productive, happy and successful team that achieves its goals and works towards a shared vision.
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raskolni-kin · 3 years
my hc for succession characters and their zodiac sign
(there’s no mention about most of their bday as far as i remember right? so here we go, based on my experience, basic knowledge and some guesses alone so lol)
Logan aka the only one with exact birth date
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(i even made his birthchart so here we freaking go, im just gonna talk about planet in general bc im too lazy to go into aspects)
he was born on 14 October 1938 which made him a LIBRA♎️ (like me). libra are often known for loving peace and balance, rational, diplomatic and good at teamwork(?), which i can see in him, but we’re also known for being loving and sincere too!!
also libra in mercury♎️ (communication), this means he’s tactful, good with words and also tends to cooperate (?)
gemini moon♊️ (emotions), he loves learning and new challenges. he’s restless and easily irritated aka mood swing (so true of u logan) BUT gemini moon is also known for being open-minded (wot?)
but here we have an explanation: logan has his mars (actions) in virgo♍️, which means he’s a perfectionist, strong-willed, hard-working, can be very intense and easily irritated (again) when things dont go as planned
he also has jupiter (prosperity, growth) in aquarius♒️, which makes sense bc his wealth came from his own innovation (even tho he’s not much of a typical humanitarian aquarius lol). he’s also quite egocentric so yup. thats pretty much correct
saturn (limitations) in aries♈️, ppl with saturn in aries tends to face obstacle when they were young, but they are soo ambitious (of course fiery aries) so it’s no surprise that aries saturn ppl overcome their obstacles as they got older
i dont have his birth time so idk the houses and his rising sign (outer personality, appearance) but i think he’s capricorn rising♑️ (conservative, great achiever) (im capricorn rising too and i know im an overachiever lol) or taurus rising♉️ (the most stubborn)
also i think he must have something in 4th house (relationship with family), maybe saturn or chiron (asteroid of unhealed trauma). tbh i think every roy has something quite *not alright* in their 4th house smh
next, we’re gonna go with pure guesses now bc there’s no bday: my no.1 boi kendall!
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KENDALL IS LIBRA♎️ AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. he’s sooooo stereotypical libra that it hurts to watch
i always believe ken is actually a kind, peace-loving and caring (too much) soul, but the environment around him is just,,,, bad, so it’s not a surprise that he showed more of the negative sides of libra (too fragile, people pleaser, can’t make a decision, dependency issue, superficial, etc). also contrary to popular belief libra is a good liar trust me
probably cancer♋️ or pisces♓️ moon? he’s sensitive, defensive and of course he clings to his family and friends very hard
taurus rising♉️, even tho he’s not really a strong presence in typical sense, but he *seems* loyal, stubborn, cautious and inflexible esp. when it comes to anything he can’t control smh
i think he has virgo venus♍️ (love, aesthetic), as i said virgo is a perfectionist sign and i think kendall expects a lot from his relationship,,, also he needs to be appreciated
SHIVY SHIVY SHIVY aka the queen who radiates fire sign energy🔥
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definitely an aries♈️: very direct, fierce, confident and impulsive. can sometimes come off as an arrogant know-it-all person (yup so shiv)
moon in sagittarius, maybe venus too♐️, bc we all know shiv needs her space and freedom. she’s kinda idealistic in a way and loves to find her own way in the world. and because sag is always looking forward, it is very easy for her to miss other people’s small details or feelings and come off as irresponsible (her broke ass marriage with tom is such a good example)
leo rising♌️ (yes shiv has big three in fire sign bc,,,, SHIV): leo is the big dramatic boss. like shiv, leo is ambitious, confident and not afraid to speak her mind. i also think shiv (as a leo rising and youngest sibling) loves to be the centre of attention.
roman,,,, okay he is quite a hard one but i’ll go with
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gemini babyyyy♊️: first, people often think gemini are annoying and talk too much (which is not wrong but STOP) in fact thats bc gemini is the *big brain* of the zodiac, much like roman. he’s expressive. he’s clever, innovative and playful in his own way, which also means he’s super unpredictable too lol. (also gemini is kinda flirty👀)
scorpio moon♏️ *aham* chaotic *aham*. scorpio + moon means extra intense emotional (and hor*y) but that doesn’t mean he’s out of control at all. on the contrary scorpio is a very intuitive and fearless sign, and i think roman always knows what he’s playing with (and i think he loves it). scorpio is like a *waters run deep* sign anyway.
i’ll go with sagittarius rising♐️ for roman! sag is like an arrow that keeps moving forward, very active, very free, very direct that his words or outer personality may come off as mean or tactless. nope! in fact sag is a light-hearted sign who just wants everyone to,,,, be happy and enjoy, y’know?
next the love of my life my baby my egg cousin greg
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im so confident with this one GREG IS AQUARIUS♒️, so aquarius i can feel it in the air. aquarius is the ‘weird geek’ of zodiac signs. they’re surprisingly clever, creative and a very good observant (greg!!). aquarius is also a sign of tolerance, friendliness and humanitarianism. so no wonder why he can be bff(?) with tom and chose to side with kendall bc of the documents. most importantly, aquarius can be very rebellious and they are not,,, quite in touch with their emotions aka they’re not the romantic type
for moon sign, i think greg has gemini moon♊️ (like logan!) but the influence of humanitarian aquarius sun (his self identity) and different generation (uranus, neptune, pluto) makes him a lot softer than logan: more open-minded, curious, optimistic, witty and needs personal freedom. combined with aquarius sun, i think greg always tries to manage and ‘make sense’ of his own feelings
haha,,,, gay™️
tomgreg nations feel free to use this info as you see fit😘
okay, rising sign… for someone like greg i think i’ll go with pisces rising♓️: gentle, go with the flow type, soft and dreamy-looking, dislikes confrontation and wants a stable, reliable partner. weak and easy to overlook right! WRONG! nevertheless, this is just his outer appearance, his aquarius sun and gemini moon say that he’s ready for the big challenges and not afraid to be rebellious when he thinks the time of change has finally arrived,,, if this doesnt scream greg I SWEAR
bonus: pisces rising people are also known for having beautiful eyes and smiles <333
of course you know the queue, here we go mr. tom wambsgans
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man if you wanna see the real tom, watch safe room lmao. tom is the epitome of taurus♉️ man! he’s kind, patient, loyal and hardworking, we’d seen his positive side, but his real taurus-ness came out the most during bottlegate scandal, the materialistic, stubborn and possessive trait, so im pretty sure with this headcanon
he may have taurus venus♉️ too, considering from how his relationship with both tom and shiv going,,,, taurus venus ppl love to service their partner, especially physical pleasure, and i think we all know at this point that tom’s so touchy and his love language is massage so,,,,,
moon, considering from how much matt mac mentioned about tom secretly being afraid, i’ll go with virgo moon♍️. he loves things to be simple and easy (y’know, earth sign) but as i said before several times *virgo is the perfectionist sign* so having virgo controlling his emotions, it makes sense that he tries to be as productive and practical as possible, and the cost of it? his own self esteem,,,, poor man just needs a hug seriously 
after all tom is still THAT boss, so i’ll assign him the same rising with his wife (not the other wife lol), leo rising♌️: bossy, dramatic and LOVE big things (its leo thing) so our man loves to exaggerate A LOT (as we all know). But because he has virgo moon, it can make him less fiery than shiv, more self aware and less confident :(
for yall who wants to know (ofc you want to) both tomshiv and tomgreg are in this case 40% compatible in terms of love (aries and taurus are both stubborn, while aquarius is wayyyy out of taurus comfort zone,,, i mean it’s challenging but they could work lol)
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all my astrology b*tch friends agreed that gerri is the epitome of capricorn♑️! you can say that capricorn is the sign of traditional (well ofc there are cap conservatives out there) but this is bc capricorn don’t like to deal with any chaos, like gerri. she’s very organized, loyal, wise and responsible esp. when it comes to business (as i said, cap is the achiever sign), but gerri also has that blunt, sarcastic side (that many people find seggsy—)
yes capricorn is like the seggsy maneater sign😳
gerri radiates such a strong earth sign energy and i think taurus moon♉️ fits her the most! ppl with moon in taurus are strong-willed (yup the most stubborn sign goes to taurus), calm and emotionally stable (good for the company tbh) but taurus moon gerri also has the nurturing and comforting side that makes others need at least her presence in the room (ik me too)
mmhmm rising sign🤔 i think i’ll go with virgo rising♍️ (yes big three earth sign!). she seems cold and judgmental, but that is because she sees every detail better than all of you lol, and once someone knows her better they’re going to find that she also has the charming and caring side too (+ capricorn sun + taurus moon). virgo rising also loves to be an observer in the background rather than being the face, which is of course very gerri.
and here we go, cap gerri and gemini roman’s compatibility (astrologically)! bad news is their compatibility’s like,,,, low (i’d say 20%?) bc capricorn loves everything planned and organized while gemini (as mentioned above) is the exact opposite lol you can say capricorn doesn’t trust gemini that much (and yeah i think we’ve seen that before,,,,,)
the last one for now bc im tired but i need him STEWY MY BELOVED muahhh!
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of course he’s a scorpio♏️ what else could he be lol, bc scorpio is seggsy as hell, dominant, intense, competitive and rebellious. he’s a fierce and loyal (and actually quite protective) ally, but if he was betrayed he’s gonna turn into such a dangerous and manipulative enemy (as we’ve all seen)
you go my mansplain manipulate manwh*re
aries moon♈️ stewy enjoys troubles and challenges so as we’ve seen he isn’t the type to take no easily. he’s also assertive, confident and fun to be around (or else he wouldn’t be kendall’s coke bff lmao), but i think he is not that impulsive as aries stereotype bc of his scorpio self.
stewy always looks so good so *aham* of course libra rising♎️ *aham*. style and charisma are very important to ppl with libra rising (just look at him the man’s is so high maintenance lol) so that’s why he can attract people (for example me). he’s also a social animal and very good at persuasion
if you wanna know how compatible he and kendall is astrologically,,, uhmm i gave them 50/50 chance if they could, you know, calm down with their own stuffs a little.
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reel-fear · 2 years
NO, PLEASE KEEP TALKING ABOUT WASP,, I love reading people's thoughts on him and his probably wasted potential as a character
YESSSS TY FOR ENABLING ME, now, if Im being honest I dont Actually think Wasp had much potential to be a good character. Or at least a good Rival to Bee. Maybe Wasp could've been a good side protagonist or a one time rival to Bee but Im gonna go under the assumption of 1. Not changing his role in the show [aka being Bees rival] and 2. He's still a villain. And in that I think Wasp was doomed to be bad, From The Start And to explain why I'm gonna take this as an excuse to talk abt why the Other Villains in TFA [mostly] work as great rivals to our cast and why Wasp Doesnt. [And why Shockbee being canon would've been better for the show's writing and Im not entirely joking abt that]
FIRST OF ALL: What even makes a good rival? In my opinion a good rival has to do three things: 1. Make a meaningful impact on the protag
2. Help us learn both good and bad things abt the protag through some sort of connection or parallel
3. Challenge/put the heroes to the test based on their core values beliefs or even just their most prevalent traits.
How do the TFA Villains do this? Well I'll be brief LOCKDOWN VS RATCHET:
I think Lockdown in Thrill of the hunt has to be one of the Best Rivals to a character I've ever seen. This is because of the huge impact he leaves on Ratchet, scarring him forever both mentally and physically and the way he reveals both flaws and good traits Ratchet has. We learn of how Ratchet never lets go of the past and how it's broken him down through guilt and trauma, but we also see how when push comes to shove Ratchet is willing to face his trauma and his past by Facing Down Lockdown. The ultimate symbol of said past. Through this Ratchet grows as a character and becomes all the more complex and interesting. MEGATRON VS OPTIMUS:
This'll be the last example but these two are also fantastic. Megatron obviously leaves quite the impact on Optimus, he kickstarts the entire show and time and time again his evil actions are what call Optimus to act and realize he can be a hero. One of the best things about them tho is the way their arcs parallel each other, in the S1 finale, we see the worst of Optimus as he yells at his crew and acts coldly to them. We see Megatron do the same and it tells us that if Optimus doubled down on seeing his crew as nothing more than tools who when they break are worthless could become just like Megatron willing to break down whoever he feels isn't worth keeping around anymore. Obviously Megatron is the ultimate test for Optimus his schemes his evil plans force Optimus to learn to become a better leader, gain victory through teamwork and most of all avoid the spiral Megatron goes through that has him grow more and more disgusted with his crew. Until he loses his mind in trial of megatron and kills all of them. now let's contrast this with Wasp. WASP VS BEE
Wasp makes little to no impact on Bee's character as far as we see, Bee doesn't really change because of Wasp n thats already not a good start. Another thing is Wasp doesn't really reveal anything about Bee we didn't know. We knew he can be stubborn n oblivious yeah, we knew he can't really talk to people and isn't all that smart and we certainly dont learn anything Good abt Bee as he stupidly stumbles around dealing with Wasp. And the final nail in the coffin is to simply put, Wasp n Bee have little to no connection or parallels through out the show. Sure they're connected by that One mistake Bee was manipulated to make but what does that tell us? Bee was too quick to trust? Bee jumped to conclusions based on his bias towards Wasp not being nice to him? Maybe u can assume those things but the show certainly never even humors those possibilities.
wasp is nothing more than a Physical obstacle to Bee which is bad because a rival should be more than that. Maybe Soundwave can get away with it since hes a minor villain but Wasp is Bee's obvious rival! It's just not good enough to justify all the time we spend with him. And the worst thing is Wasp I dont think ever could have been anything more. The connection he has with Bee is minimal, he only had S3 to be developed and he just has very simple motivations of wanting to attack Bee so if he did anything other than that towards Bee it would be strange and not make sense. However the worst part in all of this is Shockwave standing right there as a character who objectively would've been a better rival and here's why: SHOCKWAVE VS BEE 1. Shockwave's impact on Bee could've been huge, a huge part of Bee's character is his undying loyalty to his friends. Multiple times throughout the show Bee takes hits for his friends/while trying to help his friends [Taking Meltdowns hit for Bulkhead, Taking Star's blaster for Sari and being stabbed trying to go help sari] Bee would take a million and one bullets for his friends so imagine how horribly shocking n baffling it could be for him to find out one of his friends was manipulating him this whole time... What does he do?
2. We could've learned how Bee would react when faced with this kind of situation, when him being loyal to his friends would put him in conflict with his other friends. We could see him struggle and falter grappling with it, but we could also see how great that undying loyalty of his is and see him overcome this.
3. Shockwave puts Bee's core values to the test just by existing. He's a friend of Bee's and Bee loves his friends more than anything but now he's betrayed him and may even be trying to keep manipulating him through all of this. Through parallels we could see the way Shockwave has broken bee and Contrast the disloyal nature of Longarm with the extreme loyalty Bee has.
Unlike wasp Shockwave just by being there could put Bee to the ultimate mental test, making bee question how loyal he should be if theres a chance that loyalty isnt shared, knocking Bee's already fragile confidence down and making Bee question himself n his values. [and he also got established in S2 so thats also way more in his favor] Before Bee could go through a wonderful character arc... what that character arc is? Well forgive me but I have a few ideas
1: If I had to pick the one I think the show would actually go with, I'd say Bee would go through a character arc abt learning that even if some bots out there will abuse n use his loyalty against him, his loyalty is a wonderful trait he has and also abt proving to his crew [and himself] that hes more clever n talented than they think by finding a way to take down Shockwave while being less than half his height. This is pretty straight forward-
2: This is the one I would prefer which would be one where Bee's arc is about how his kind heart and loyalty can change others for the better aka Shockwave redemption arc bby yeah we getting Shockbee in here u knew we would- Anyways, something interesting abt the autobots n how fucked up their culture really has to be, now I dont feel like gathering a ton of evidence rn so Im just gonna say trust me when I say I think Sentinel is the ultimate culmination of the autobot beliefs. He's harsh on the con prisoners borderline tortures them while saying it's just necessary and while he poses as the good guy deep down he's disloyal and far too military focused. So I think it's clear loyalty and kindness are probably not valued traits within autobot society which I think could really tie in with the way Bee has been outcasted from said autobot society his entire life. But bc Bee understands how that feels and is a kind person he always ends up falling in with fellow outcasts like Sari Bulkhead and most importantly Longarm.
And through that kindness n loyalty Bee actually manages to make Shockwave reconsider being a con and destroying the autobots. However Shockwave goes through with the reveal anyways n everyone is like 'see bee being kind n sympathetic isn't good actually' While Bee ponders on whether or not he could ever hurt Longarm after everything they had together and if that makes him even more of a failure than everyone thought. His self esteem at an all time low =[ BUT THEN, at some point in the show Shockwave reveals he can't hurt Bee either and when he considers the possibility that any Autobot he does hurt could be Bee's friends or family he finds he cannot hurt them either. Shockwave at some point confesses this to Bee who is surprised n tells him he's sorry for all he's done and if Bee doesn't want to be "Friends" anymore he understands But Bee tells Shockwave he still cares for him too and they hug it out as Bee's confidence lifts realizing that his strong loyalty n kind heart is all he needs to be considered valuable and the autobots were wrong.
Later down the road I think it would make sense for Shockwave to be massively important to the autobots winning against megatron as Shockwave being willing to help the autobots purely by being given kindness from Bee, would prove to the crew, the autobots [and Bee] he was always more vital to their success than they realized.
N then they kiss onscreen <3
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real-life-cryptid · 2 years
was thinking about how i would tackle rebooting the original cardfight vanguard and ive made a comprehensive list. disclaimer that i have not watched the v reboot and i don't want to (they made kai nice. horrid) so if any of these changes are made in v i would not know. id say bushiroad hire me but these are entirely self indulgent changes
cfv reboot: 2021 jamie edition
more tetsu please (self indulgent)
explain where the hell takuto + ultra rare came from
psyqualia explored more beyond "sometimes it is evil and sometimes it is not"
unnecessary badly written misaichi / kouraichi begone (self indulgent)
more insight into aichi pre-vanguard that isn't just the same kaichi flashback over and over again esp his relationship with emi (self-indulgent)
let the characters acknowledge that what they're going through is fucking insane???
twitter fanbase centered around cardfighters in-anime please. like how mp100 made twitter canon. (self-indulgent)
character redesigns to encompass actual diversity (self-indulgent)
IN-DEPTH EXPLANATIONS UNDER THE CUT!! holy shit i ramble a lot god help me
REWRITING KAMUI!!!! - everyone else in q4 had their own growth arc but kamui and i really think there was a missed opportunity to show him maturing and growing alongside the rest of the team. he has little to no character arc and its really unclear in canon how he went from the little brat in the og series to the cool mentor in vanguard g. could've done so much with his wanting to surpass gouki and become a man who's strong enough to fight his own battles.
my rewritten version of kamui thinks that gouki doesn't truly believe in his ability to fight for himself because he keeps trying to recruit kamui to team handsome. for kamui, joining team handsome would be riding on other people's success to get to nationals and he wants to prove that he's strong enough without gouki's help. at first declares aichi his brother for shallow reasons but soon grows to respect aichi because aichi doesn't look down on kamui for being younger and treats him as an equal. i don't think he'd take very well to a team here because he wants to be self-reliant and strong and his character arc would mostly be about realizing that teamwork is a necessary part of succeeding, brute force can't solve everything, and that accepting help from others doesn't mean you're incapable of doing things.
- give reiji + eiji context as to why they follow kamui. why are they there. hello
- actually justify kamui's super crush on emi besides "pretty girl" (if kamui's crush lasted into his teens, there HAS to be a deeper reason besides her being pretty)
- stop centering kamui's fights on either nagisa or emi because thats fucking STUPID, have more of kamui's opponents parallel gouki instead
- more brotherly interactions between kamui and aichi would be nice i think. just small scenes in between plot like aichi helping kamui do his algebra homework and promising that they can play vanguard when they finish
tetsu content - i just think he would have an interesting viewpoint considering he was the firsthand witness of ren's psyqualia spiral and his backstory was really fun (who doesn't love tiny ren being a little troll?). and i wish he was utilized more as a character as a foil to ren shenaniganry + more of his friendships with kai and ren post-psyqualia are shown the way they show ibuki hanging out with miwa and kai in vanguard g
- fiddle with tetsu's backstory so that younger tetsu resembles kamui in some way, and we can have more meaningful fights in between them instead of two spares being pitted against one another (tetsu could see his younger self in kamui and would attempt to subtly mentor him in some way, while kamui dislikes tetsu for what he sees as being "patronizing")
- let him be a little silly sometimes. bring in the minivan joke that he wears different headbands based on his mood because personally i think that is so funny
- more interactions between ren and tetsu that showcase a lighter version of their friendship that isn't just tetsu carrying out all of ren's orders. they can joke around a little!! they're literally childhood friends!!! ren gives tetsu a cat ear headband as a gag gift and tetsu nonchalantly wears it around foo fighter headquarters to confuse the shit out of people!!!!
- tetsuren propaganda activate. more scenes that show them genuinely caring for each other please. i think about ren telling tetsu "after all, i'm useless without you" after the reverse!tetsu fight all the time and i think that sentiment should be more clearly displayed
- if i was bushiroad i would transcode the SHIT out of tetsu but that's just me
takuto + ultra-rare lore - im ignoring what presumably happens in v because i do not like v. so yea um this shit is just NEVER EXPLAINED in the original. where did takuto come from. why did he choose ultra-rare as his earthly guides. why does ultra-rare lose all memory of what they've experienced when he disappears instead of what happens when aichi disappears during legion mate, where everyone retains their memories to some extent but just mentally skips over aichi's presence. why does he come back in neon messiah with zero problems with. um. i dunno. THE ENTIRE POPULATION'S MEMORY? said some bs about the shrine or whatevuh but I Do Not Buy It. cheap fucking plot device
personally, my take on it is that takuto is a spiritual being on cray not unlike an observer, maybe a discontinued eldritch being of a unit that's somewhat faded out of existence on cray but can still watch. because of his faded existence, he's more easily able to move between earth and cray and he decided that intervening on earth was much easier. using an already established presence on earth (id imagine that he had one that he casually popped into every so often to play like a game of bitlife even before the crisis LMFAO), he searched for people who had a strong public presence and BAM. bought out ultra-rare's contract under his corporation. i think takuto started off not being very receptive to human emotions so he kind of just popped ultra-rare into cray for several hours and was like See. Vanguard Not Just Silly Card Game. Now Help Me Because I Got Powers And Also I'm Your Boss And You Can't Do Anything About It. but he did get emotionally attached. eventually.
- in my version he doesn't disappear after link joker, but his connection from cray was taken With link joker so he's just left with his human form without any memory of what cray is. unfortunately cray is a LARGE part of his memory and he ends up wandering like kourin does
- void likely usurped his cray powers when it took his human form so the destruction of the void seed in link joker brings some of his memories back. not all but enough to remember ultra-rare is important to him. similarly in neon messiah, having link joker in close proximity fully restores his connection with cray, enough to realize they're in danger
- as a semi amnesiac he takes a place in ultra-rare himself as an idol-in-training and becomes their little brother figure which he finds slightly weird but endures
exploring psyqualia - in season 1 psyqualia was this overtly corrupting force but over the seasons it's portrayed more neutral to positively. and that shift's a little weird because essentially all psyqualia is is a deep connection with the cards so. um. how do you become consumed with power through that. also how did takuto Give christopher lo psyqualia what the hell was that. i don't want to take away all the corrupting aspects of psyqualia though, i still want to retain the absolutely feral vibes of psyaichi because psyqualia arc is one of my favorite arcs ever.
psyqualia in my reboot is an ability that allows the user to communicate with cray and cray units. with this communication link, they can indirectly command the cards on earth-- the units respond to the user's will and sort themself according to the user's existing winning image. however, it comes at a cost. every time a user utilizes psyqualia in battle, their soul is split between cray and earth as they simultaneously command the units in both worlds. with only half a soul on earth, the base desires of the users can more easily consume them-- for ren and aichi, it was their desire to become strong (which is why psyqualia made them more power-obsessed and sadistic), while for leon, it was his desire to bring back aqua force (which is why he WASN'T power-obsessed when activating psyqualia, but he disregarded others' feelings and safety in a "the ends justify the means" kind of way). psyqualia is an inherent ability that can't be given, only activated once the user expresses a strong desire and is given the medium to use psyqualia (ie; vanguard)
- aichi's behavior under the influence of psyqualia wasn't psyqualia's fault necessarily but was definitely exacerbated By the presence of psyqualia. s1 aichi was so insecure and unsure of himself that any sort of sudden power would have sent him reeling, and the fact that psyqualia let him win so many battles made him feel like he had to rely on this power to be strong, and otherwise he would just be weak and scared
- splitting your soul in between cray and earth is probably exhausting as all hell, so that accounts for aichi n ren collapsing after using it. the more you do it though the more you build a resistance to the feeling
- i think they should've explored some of the more mundane aspects of psyqualia, like being able to talk to your units and hang out on cray. sue me for wanting to see aichi getting jumped on by an excited wingal. sue me for wanting to see more cray lore beyond exposition. sue me for wanting blaster blade to mentally tuck sad little earth kid aichi under his arm like a football and think " hmmm. son boy real"
- its not just me that thinks rati is implied to have some form of psyqualia right. how else is she able to hang out on cray so easily. id canonize rati psyqualia simply because i think it'd be cool to have a female psyqualia user
REWRITE ASAKA - bushiroad really gave us a badass lady nicknamed The Assassin with a cool circus themed deck and then proceeded to center all of her story arcs around a Man (derogatory). nothing about asaka passes the bechedel test which is frankly awful and i really think she deserves more beyond being there to fawn over ren.
sadly i can't remove the ren part of her character entirely But i'd make her a bit more like rin hashima where ren is more the Catalyst for a fundamental change in her character rather than. her entire character. i think it could be really interesting if her whole character was based around control and perfection where she's constructed this perfect narrative of how her life is supposed to go and it bleeds into her fights as she fights in carefully planned acts, controlling the battlefield as her stage as she swaps units in and out. she liked ren because he fit into her story of becoming a strong cardfighter-- after all, if the leader of the cardfighting organization you're in takes interest in you as a rookie, that's a pretty good step towards finally achieving your perfect life of power and success. however, in the final misaki fight, she loses control of the situation n her narrative dissolves. her character arc would center around the idea that life doesn't always go according to plan, loosening up and going with the flow instead of rigid steps is better for you in the long run, and mistakes make room for growth.
- asaka is sooo comphet-core esp with the new character arc i gave her. i think she deserves a girlfriend. give her a foo-fighter gf.
- i think she should terrorize kyou more. it wouldn't add anything to her character i just think it'd be really fucking funny
- hero worshipping ren is so overrated. bullying him for being hung up on his ex is niche and cool. take notes asaka
say goodbye to badly written heterosexuality - i may be biased as a kaichi propagandist but holy shit even disregarding kaichi's existence, kouraichi and misaichi are so awfully written. there are good heterosexual couples in anime and this is not it because clearly they have zero chemistry and its just awkward and contrived and needs to be GONE.
- this isn't really a "i think my ship should be canon" change so don't misinterpret it as that. i just really dislike how aichi has zero romantic interest in either girl and how kourin basically only knew him through a tablet screen for 2 whole seasons like girl cmon
- also kourin and misaki are too pretty for mediocre men (sorry aichi but you are pretty mediocre in terms of anime protag)
pre-vanguard aichi and emi sibling content - i know emi's mostly there to be the imouto stereotype in the og but after her getting a larger role in vanguard if (which i have not watched so there might be this content in if and i just wouldn't know), i think it would be awesome if we'd had more hints or scenes where we saw into what their relationship was like before aichi got into vanguard. it'd be really fun to explore how emi's life was like growing up with a meek older brother that she felt the need to protect and watching him grow into his own when you've only known the past version of him, as well as aichi's own feelings towards emi, maybe a sense of inadequacy for not being a strong older brother figure or shame for having his younger sister always looking out for him and trying to protecting him when he should be protecting himself and his younger sister
- wish they also had more heart to hearts or personal chats. aichi helping emi build her bermuda triangle deck and not batting an eye at her wanting all cute units because he's supportive of everyone playing vanguard how they want. though i think if he suggests a unit and she calls the unit ugly he protests and tries to defend its appearance. it is very cute to him!! you are hurting the card's feelings emi!!!!
- i think its really funny how little elementary schooler emi followed aichi somewhere she thought was the hideout of a dangerous gang like she as a tiny little elementary schooler was going to fare any better than her weak but still marginally older brother. should've expanded protective emi more i think. have her shouting KICK HIS ASS from the stadiums instead of the little "aichi..." line she Always fucking has whenever it cuts to her
let the characters acknowledge that what's going on is insane - ok ive always thought about this: obviously we as the audience understand what's happening with psyqualia and void and link joker because we see the exposition but half of the characters Don't. kamui and misaki are normal ass people without psyqualia who just like to play silly card game and yet they get dragged into this whole thing. imagine getting really good at your niche interest, enough to go to asia circuit with your friends, and then suddenly the guy running the tournament sucks you into a different dimension because like four out of Twenty people in the room have a special power that might help fight the forces of darkness in this other dimension. fucking INSANEEEEE. i would demand answers IMMEDIATELY.
- long in-depth heart to heart with the members of q4 and aichi about aichi's experiences with psyqualia and how it impacted him is greatly needed because otherwise misaki and kamui just have a memory of that one time aichi became a real dick for no reason and then after kai fought him he went back to normal.
- even if there is no heart to heart i think maybe a wry tongue in cheek joke like "i still don't know what psyqualia is" to remind the audience that hey, these are normal people dragged into aichis weird fucking shenanigans and not people with abilities like psyqualia or prior knowledge that vanguard was anything but a card game.
cfv cardfighter stan twitter canonized- this would contribute absolutely nothing to the plot but. you have to admit it would be fucking hilarious. plus it'd give us an outside look at how normal people react to all these crazy events in the cfv universe as well as emphasize the fact that technically a lot of the characters are celebrities in some shape or form
- ok no think about it. think about team q4 fancams. manifest cardfighter merch in canon. aichi has a little kai figurine on his desk because he thinks its nice that kai has his own merch line. kai death glares at it every time he's in aichis room because he definitely didn't sell the rights for his likeness to be used like that
- ren suzugamori gets cancelled on twitter. every week or so. its ok people are just trying to make sense of how he switched from being an asshole during nationals to a silly little guy at asia circuit.
- these cardfighter mfs will have full conversations before, during, and after publicly televised live events and you're telling me nobody hears them? bro they are probably all mic'd up and everything. there are full conspiracy theory groups on twitter trying to puzzle out what the hell 'psyqualia' is
character redesigns - the cfv cast encompasses fighters from all across the world and i really wish the character designs would show that. mfs whitewashed aisha in a couple scenes from vanguard g too (grimace) and no i don't mean like when tokoha uses her as an avatar i mean like the Actual Unit. i know bushiroad is Capable of drawing darker skinned characters like jaime or gouki so cmon man.
misc (personal list of characters i would make darker skinned):
- nagisa: her brother is brown asf. whos goddamn white baby is that
- leon: he comes from an island nation and you're telling me that man's skin is as white as snow. fat fucking chance.
- jillian + sharlene: same reasoning as leon except in my mind they lean more towards the east asian kind of tan while leon is pacific islander tan. i make zero sense trying to explain this but it makes sense in my head
- ibuki: this one has zero basis in reality + he's only in neon messiah in terms of the og series but i saw someone say that ibukis rounded hair tips reminded them of dreads and it has a chokehold grip on my brain. i also have the hc that he's albino so <3
in conclusion: i am insane why did i write all of this
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atalante241 · 3 years
A Dream SMP SBI focused AU where all of SBI is related and everybody in the fam know it, except Tommy.
Tommy just assumes that they’re really close friends or some shit, and Wilbur calling Phil dad sometimes is an inside joke between the two.
Like growing up they were a really weird family where all of them had like, their own house/building and they just vibed. Like Tommy was raised by Phil but he doesn’t really remember it (like, can you remember anything from when u were 0-5 yrs old? Cause I sure can’t.) and he was given his own building thing when he was like 5 nearing 6, through that ended up being left alone more. And it was purely by accident, and he started hearing Wil and Techno reffed to Phil as just “Phil”, so he started doing it.
Along time it completely slips his mind that they’re family and not just a very small gated close community, and as I said before they’re a weird ass family Phil leaves on exoditions sometimes. He even might take Wil or Techno along on chance, but not Tommy bc that is a straight up child. Sometimes the trips take months but Tommy isn’t bothered, why should he be bothered that his neighbors leave for months on end sometimes. So the now 7 yr old takes care of himself all alone, and he doesn’t see this as weird bc the rest of SBI doesn’t see it as weird. He just legit thinks that straight up children can live alone and be just fine.
This one time a creeper blows up his house, and because he’s got no clue on how to repair it he just makes a dirt shack. But he thinks it looks ugly (OOC I know) so he carves out this hill and lives in there, and that how he develops a habit of building his homes in hills and mountains. Also when he’s bored he starts mining and accidentally creates these basically ant tunnels that travel underneath the big ass clearing the SBI lives in, there’s also at least one tunnel that goes into/near one of the buildings the SBI have separately.
Tommy doesn’t feel neglected because he doesn’t realize that he should, being left alone for months. He doesn’t feel bad about spending most of his b-days alone because he thinks that he has no friends, and the people around him are just his neighbors and shouldn’t come to the random kids b-day party. He also doesn’t realize that usually ppl have to pay some kind of tax to live in a house somewhere, he jus thinks that u just build a house somewhere and thats it.
He’s kind of is close to Wilbur, but it’s more in the way of saying hi to someone as you pass them but never interacting with them. He gets closer to Wilbur through the drug business.
(Tommy meets Tubbo at the SMP, but they had been pen pals for 6 yrs. They got connected through a magazine that advertised pen pals and how it’d get you one, it worked and they became friends. Tubbo also knows of the fact that Tommy lived alone, and is on the same page as Tommy about the family.)
At 15 (nearing 16) he leaves for the SMP, he waves the rest of the SBI goodbye because for some bizarre reason they all came out to say bye to him based on the one thing he said to Wilbur about leaving. At the SMP things go like normal, except new conflict rises from Tommy simply not paying his taxes. Dream goes to confront him with some other people that tagged along just for the fun of it, only for it to turn into a giant ass street fight because: Dream thinks Tommy’s bullshitting not knowing what taxes are because he knows Tommy didn’t lie to him about living alone before (he believes him bc he knows how to do household chores and up keeping), and Tommy thinks Dream’s just trying to exploit him because he thinks he’s some stupid kid. Said street fight that lasted 2h became know as “The Tax Scrap”, as it was a scrap and in led to taxes being demolished completely so no one had to pay them.......there was a party held for Tommy because of it.
After Tommy turned 16 around the summer months Wilbur comes and they do the whole drug shit and independence, they get way close doing so but not nearly “brother” close. Wilbur’s sad about this because he thinks that Tommy’s mad at him and the rest of SBI for leaving him alone during all of their trips, while Wilbur’s angsting Tommy’s all “I’m so very happy. And I’m getting super close with my old neighbor, this is great! Hey the whole of the SMP looke at the man named Wilbur Soot and know that I’m in no way related to him but we’re just old neighbors!!”. Yeeeh, Tommy unconsciously lets everyone know that they’re just old neighbors. Unknowingly hurting Wilbur because he thinks Tommy doesn’t want anything to do with them and is just acting civil, so he tries to be like 10x friendlier. They become great friends.
Everything happens pretty much the same except Wilbur trusts Tommy less while in the ravine because he still thinks that he hates them, he and Techno also have a angst session while Tommy’s asleep bc they think he hates them. This is before the Vilbur and Festival (the angst session). During the Pit scene Wil says something along the lines of “He hates you, look—look at him. He despises you, look how..—how angry he is!” After the 16th Phil wants to talk to Tommy about everything and make sure he’s alright (Very OOC of him, I know.) but is deterred by Techno telling him how Tommy “hates” them, and that he refuses to acknowledge them as family.
Sometimes Ghostbur slips and calls Tommy his little brother, Tommy’s shocked because did that mean that Alivebur saw him as some kind of little brother figure? He’s very flattered and totally doesn’t hug Ghostbur out of embarrassment. Ghostbur sometimes slips infront of people that aren’t Tommy and that leads to a lot of confused people and a rumor mill (that’s actually true for once) that Tommy and Wilbur were actually brothers, while wisiting or maybe through the msg’s Ranboo asks Tommy about it and receives the anwser that Tommy and Wilbur weren’t brothers but Tommy’s pretty sure that Wilbur saw him as one, at least he assumes from Ghsotbur’s ramblings. Ranboo tells this to people and it leads to a lot of aww’s because adorable, and then those aww’s turn sad bc Ghostbur exists.
Everything goes the same as canon except after Tommy betrays Techno, Techno during the moment he and Tommy are yelling at each other while tnt’s exploding -making it impossibly hard to hear them and messing with the animatic audios- yells something about Tommy being his brother and betraying him. And that leads to Tommy saying something like “Did you really see us as that close...” and now he feels sad bc the friend he betrayed was so attached to him that he saw him as a brother figure, but that sets Techno off more bc Tommy still denounces them as family in his eyes and he’s pissed bc of it. So they start fighting, eventually Phil stops to watch them. He’s also pissed at Tommy for the same reasons, during the fight Tommy gets like super injured or something but neither Techno or Phil want to kill him before they get to know the full reasons as to why he disowned them.
That leads to angsty as hell dialogue that breaks everyone’s hearts, and the whole gang realizing that Tommy didn’t even KNOW that they were family. It’s silent after that (not really there’s like 50 withers still around and explosions are happening left and right, but u get the point), idk how it all ends put it has something like this.
Tommy gets hugged
He’s still bleeding so it hurts and he’s kinda dying
Bc Techno and Phil are sad and kinda want to start over (and let’s be honest no one in that family is fully sane) they figure GhostInnit would be easier to deal with, also they’re still mad at him so they stab him
While also hugging him, it’s real messed up
Some people witness it and are kinda creeped out because to them it looks like two ppl that aren’t particularly close to Tommy are just hugging him after they stabbed him as if they cared
Through some magical power of teamwork and friendship the ppl fighting for L’Manburg (rip) get Tommy away from them, and some other crap happens the two have to flee. Later on Ranboo goes to live with them (fuck yes to that, that boy deserves peace. But fuck Phil adopting him It’ll all go to hell. Have you seen Phil’s other two kids +Tubbo??) but stil travels to the SMP bc I refuse for his friendship to end with Tommy and Tubbo, he kinda carries the news of GhostInnit existing to them unintentionally. So the leads to a game of extreme hide n’ seek where Tommy doesn’t know he’s supposed to hide so people literally just shove him into closets, rooms and houses all willy nilly. The whole servers in on it except Dream who just looks at all of them like that one meme. (No, I do not know what I’m referencing but I know at least 70% your pictures something)
The end vibe: Happy GhostInnit vibing with friends while the whole server is playing hide and seek him as the hider w/out him knowing, if Techno and Phil get him they’re gonna have so much family bonding and consequently make Tommy mad at the server bc he thinks thy were keeping him from his fam on reason, when they’re were just actually trying to keep him away from the two anarchists that were after him for some reason bc they didn’t know about the fam crap. GhostInnit doesn’t know they’re family bc it was kind of a bad memory him dying, he remembers everyone but not the bad things that have happened with them.
(Cross-posted off of Ao3, fics inspired by this one
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30526023 )
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sorenskyhigh · 3 years
Heyyy! I saw you take requests! Imagine: werewolfves, vampires, winged humans and other fantasy/mythological creatures exist (Dungen&dragon races maybe?), What would your favorite Karasuno character(s) be? And, already a happy new year! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
Happy New Year!🎉🎆 I think I'm gonna do all of Karasuno bc they all deserve love and I just love all the Haikyuu characters!!!!! And thank you for putting in a request this is my first!!!!!! Wooohoo!!
Karasuno as D&D
(Or what I think they would be)
Daichi Sawamura
When I think of Daichi I think of a very stout, hardy person.
I know he's 176 or so cm but he's very built and in personality and physical build, sturdy
I also see him very hardworking
Daichi seems very dependable but in a chaotic way
Like he really wants to help but he also simultaneously has NO idea what he's doing
But also I can see him loving the world, people, and animals and nature
A protector but maybe a slight loner or the leader of a group, no inbetween
I honestly think he would be either a Dwarf (the only problem I have with this one is is that I don't view Daichi as a materialistic person like a Dwarf to want gold everything and whatnot) or a Firebolg
I feel either of these could fit him since they are very hardworking and sturdy people. But I lean toward firebolgs more since they are kinda calmer natural people if that makes sense??????
Daichi by no means is a calm and just no worries kind of guy but, I feel like he does have a slow and steady wins the race
Daichi is wise and strong and could live a calm and natural life like a Firebolg
Living with the animals and helping them but also living with a tribe of his people
Koushi Sugawara
I look at Suga as a very loving person that in his own chaotic way tries to help everybody
A mom friend if you will
I also see him getting close with few people a being very ride or die
He also seems a bit like a home body, like he enjoys staying home and being comfortable
Thats why I chose either a Gnome or Hafling
Gnomes are of a tight knit community and are very enthusiastic about life. Learning and building what they can
Building things to help their community and ending the day with a well earned drink with friends and family
Haflings love home comforts
Sitting by the fire and reading a good book
Doing some gardening and whatnot
But some travel and learn and grow intellectually
I think either of these would suit Suga
I can't stop imagining him as a Gnome with little goggles as he works on something small and metal with gears or him sitting in little Hafling attire or some pjs by a fire with some mead in one hand and a good book in the other
Asahi Azumane
I view Asahi as one of my personal favorite tropes of really big and scary but actually a sweet, bumbling mess/really small and adorable but could actually tortures you in a million different ways
Asahi is such a gentle giant but can get serious when he needs to
I also see him as someone very natural and loves nature/animals
That's why I picked either Triton or Genasi (the only thing about Genasi is they're super confident and Asahi very much is not)
Triton are water folk and outsiders (people think Asahi is scary and unapproachable)
They also have good relations with giant seahorses, Hippocampi, and sea lions
Can you imagine Asahi riding a Hippocampus with his gorgeous hair flowing in the waves of the water 😳 muah *chefs kiss* majestic
Anyways 😆
I also see him as a Genasi because they're kinda mysterious people with such a strong connection to nature and elemental energies
But I think he would specifically be an Earth Genasi bc they don't tend to make rash and are superior in strength and solid power
Yū Nishinoya
The little adorable ball of thunderous chaos
Noya seems like someone who loves to cause chaos but NEVER hurt anyone
He wants to have a good time but most people can't quite handle his version of a good time
Thats why I chose Satyr for Noya
Satyrs have the loose construct of a civilization and the wild urges of animals and beasts
Noya is a very independent person but will stick to very particular people
Satyrs are similar
They also view everyone as either a body to dance with, poor soul the mess with, or a sober mind to get absolutely hammered with
Ryūnoske Tanaka
Ryū is just such an awesome character to me
He is the real ride or die never gonna give up on you kind of person
I am not throwing any hate onto the other second years IN THE SLIGHTEST but Ryū did stay the whole time
And yet he seems, to me, to constantly need to prove his self worth
This is why I think he would be either a Human or a Lizardman
Humans are a young race and feel like, in their short lives they need to prove themselves
This drive causes them to be adaptable innovators and pioneers
Bu~ut I also think he would be good among the Lizardfolk
They have their own set of personal rules that they live by that aren't exactly conventional to most other races
Also they can be very food driven who isn't tho
Chikara Ennoshita, Hisashi Kinnoshita, Kazuhito Narita
All three give off similar vibes to me (not just cause they're background characters)
All three feel pretty chill and laid back but like their hardworkers once they have the right motivation
The three of them seem passive as well
Doing what they're told without much question but also like severe outsiders (I know they close themselves off from the others on purpose a bit bc they left and feel guilty)
So I chose Changelings for these three
Changelings are generally harmless, passive beings without interest in other races political affairs
But bc of this most others find them not trustworthy
They kind of don't have their own culture and just slip into other societies
I feel like these three did this with the volleyball team bc they didn't show them ever having some kind grand dream or ambitions
They just kind of float along with certain people they're comfortable with
Tobio Kageyama
Kageyama is a very independent character at heart
It's not that he WANTS to be a lonely necessarily, I feel, but that he wants to prove himself so much and constantly that he pushes people away
Even after he learned about relying on people and what it means to be a team
He stills feels like he should be able to do it himself
I feel like there is an ever constant duality in him
That's why I think he'd be a Half Elf
Human/elf mixes never really belong anywhere bc they either age faster than there elven peers or watch as their human loved ones age and die off much faster than themselves
This is why Half elf/humans keep to themselves
But for Kageyama, I feel if he had never met Hinata, Daichi, Suga, Ryū, or any of them, he would've isolated himself on accident from everyone
Shoyo Hinata
Shoyo is very impulsive but does extremely well with others
He is definitely social and NEEDS to have other people to watch his back
He has shown to be aggressive and super competitive with other players
But he forms strong bonds with those he really cares about
I feel like he would be, specifically a Longtooth Shifter
These shifters specifically are aggressive towards others they are not close to
But are deeply invested in those they have chosen to share their time with
They also are Lupine/dog based beings
And Shoyo definitely has a very dog like personality
They also are more pack oriented than other shifters
They have teamwork and group fluidity
Kei Tsukishima
Tsukishima a very stereotypical character but written in THE BEST WAY
He's that stereotype of antagonist to ally or prude outcast to reliable friend
This was caused by the circumstances of him finding out the situation with his brother
So he decided that no one could be trusted with Yamaguchi as an exception
Elf or Tiefling, did you really expect anything else? 😜
Elven people are very reserved a set themselves apart most of the time from other races, generally thinking of them as inferior or untrustworthy to be around the knowledge Elven people possess
Like Tsukishima they think themselves above other beings with a few that choose to live with with humans
Tieflings are forced away from other races
Because of a past sin that has changed them to look slightly different from others, they are shunned
I relate what happened when Tieflings became a different bloodline of humans to what happened between Kei and his older brother Akiteru
Tsukishimas rejection of companionship is something he does himself, but it is a form of mistrust towards others to not lie to him like he once was
Both Elven and Tieflings are very intelligent in their own differing ways
Elven are very well read and prestigious
Tieflings are good at slight of hand and swindling others bc of the rough cards they've been dealt in life
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Tadashi is a very different person than from what people make him out to be
Everybody makes him out to be an uwu ooga booga baby child that needs protecting
But he's not
That's not to say he doesn't have a large, warm and welcoming heart but he's NOT weak by any means
He's strong and he eventually becomes independent from Tsukishima and doesn't have to be codependent
Tadashi Yamaguchi is an amazing hardworker that is learning about the world and is trying to better himself slowly day by day
But there is the soft, kind and helpful side of him that would just do anything for a struggling stranger
That's why I chose either a Tortle or Kobold
I see him being maybe a Tortles that lives a simple life filled with schedules and living a very ritualistic life
They live simply and are very personable beings
But there's also Kobolds who are dragon like creatures that are INWARDLY aggressive but are industrious beings
They hate larger beings as they're short but will show respect if need to but would show backhanded and passive aggressive ways to show their displeasure
They also don't like direct confrontation and would rather entrapt another creature or being than directly fight them
They are also cunning and have a knack for plan making with which they share through out their entire tribe
Kiyoko Shimizu
I see Kiyoko as a very dependable person but also very independent and very strong and strong willed
Basically a feminine icon, honestly
She can do just about everything but seemingly has her own agenda
You're very lucky if her agenda should happen to align with you and your goals because she is an indestructible force not to be dealt with lightly
And yet, she is above all else a women
Feminine, beautiful, and incredibly amazing (as all women are)
I chose Aasimar for Kiyoko
Aasimar are beings that are often descendants of celestial or higher beings
They generally hold good morals and are justice deliverers
They generally serve a guardians of law that strike at evil, lead by example, and dish out justice where it is needed
They are cautious of others and sometimes misunderstood as they did what they do what they believed to be right
Aasimars are also extremely empathetic and are often times hurt by the prejudice they suffer in early years as many don't like what they don't understand
Hitoka Yachi
Yachi is shy and nervous but that is only bc she was accidentally persuaded into an intimidating world of giants
And for a short and petite framed girlt hat is TERRIFYING at first
But Yachi stepped up to the plate and batted away everyone's shit expectations for her because she rose to become an amazing manager for the team
She became independent from her mother's harsh ideas of her and showed her how powerful she can be
She may be small but she is truly mighty
This is why I picked Centaurs for her
Centaurs are the swiftest out of the humanoids and build peaceful communities
They hunt what and where they wish, as they generally move after a few years in one place, move
They highly value personal choice and individuality among their tribes
They also love and worship nature, many wanting to devote themselves to a higher power and/or become druids
They generally bear no ill will towards anyone unless the opposers strike first
Thank you @popcorntime-doodles for giving me my first request I hope you like this and I hope I did a good job
Again this is just my opinion and how I see the characters and the many races of D&D
Also again I do request I have a character masterlist in my bio ❤
@multifandombrainrot @kneecapstealingalien @akabxne @jiheonity @weareallhumans123 @smallmangi @canadian-crow @just-jellyfish @immiamarais @i-need-coffee-now-pls @foreveryoung050 @kuroos-world @luminasapphire @silverfire6 @shadowsbutdead @ghostexhibit @simpfornishinoya @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @japoga
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inigofication · 3 years
Hey obvi if they're still a new character and can't share much thats understandable, but i gotta hear more about your flunked spacie cuz that concept is INSANE
HAHA I’M GLAD UR INTERESTED!! My friend who’s DMing wanted to do a somewhat sci-fi campaign so we went ALL OUT together :) I did NOT mean to write as much as I did, so apologies in advance for how much this is LOL
Backstory-current progression under the cut because it’s a LOT!
Basically, as you guys saw from my post, society progressed from super high tech and science (the time that Soleil is from) into your fantasy/medieval time as things went on; this is partially due to the fact that science/research had delved into body/gene modifications which is how a lot of people gradually could give themselves features that us as players associate w/ tieflings and the like!
Soleil never delved into that much, her only modifications being 1) star freckles and 2) her white hair (stays that way so she doesn’t have to re-dye it, etc); the “part-android” also comes in because she has a sort of upgraded memory storage? Basically she can access places with USBs or discs etc etc and store the contents directly into her mind! This kind of modification was super common during her time though, so, not crazy for her.
She also has (had? 👀) an older brother named Lucas!
(cw // slight injury)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(first pic just a doodle of them when they were younger, second pic is the most recent memory Soleil has of him; his hair is normally dark brown but one time he dyed it white to match her)
With Lucas, she and him went to the same space piloting academy, as did their father. However, Lucas excelled and while Soleil is plenty good of a pilot, she lacked the team communication/general teamwork skills needed of her (because she just didn’t make friends all that well), which put her at 12th in her class, just shy of the top 10 that could graduate. When she realized she likely wouldn’t move up the ranks, she purposely flunked out because doing the rest felt pointless to her. She was about 18 at this time.
Around the time she flunked out, her brother was still in school and their dad was a bit of a mess- their mother had been out of the picture since Soleil was 3 but she was still giving their dad issues/stress. So, Soleil’s uncle came over both to help her dad and make him a proposal: Soleil could pilot the St. Marianne, part of a different program. Her dad, albeit reluctantly, agreed, leading Soleil into the new course, where she worked for about 4 years before the mission that would change everything.
This brings us to the start of the campaign! Soleil has very little memory of what happened at this point. All she remembers is the ship flying smoothly, casual conversation, and then a bright flash of white light- next thing you know she’s being woken up from the ships cryo-chamber by a tiefling and a half-orc! Talk about a wake up call LOL, also, the ship she was piloting is torn in half and she has NO CLUE what happened.
So, as the campaign progresses, she’s been traveling and taking up work with her new companions and simultaneously 1) adjusting to the new lifestyle and 2) finding out clues about what happened in her past!
So far, she’s been able to recover footage of her brother from a military base that she never saw because it was after her disappearance/“death!” He’s dating someone and they both got into trouble but Soleil hasn’t found out what yet! There were also robots/androids at the military base that recognized Soleil (aka Private Mercier) when she arrived, even 3,000 years later! So her information is still within the databases.
Also, it’s worth mentioning that after Soleil was taken out of the cryo chamber, she had a new mark on her back, that of a purple butterfly that was smooth to the touch, imbedded in her skin but a different texture. A few months ago, as a psiioniic rogue, Soleil unlocked the ability to basically hive mind with her peers, and a flutter of purple butterflies always show up when she uses it. She sees butterflies in nearly everything she does and both her and I still have no idea what it means!
The butterfly on her back recently split into two butterflies, the purple one and now a white one as well. Somehow, overnight, Soleil was granted the ability to see into people’s memories/dreams when she sleeps- in this “dream scape” as I usually call it, she is less of a corporeal form and is made up of a cluster of butterflies. Even more recently, Soleil has started seeing these “dream butterflies” in the normal day; she went to have breakfast with her friends and everyone in the tavern had butterflies around their heads except her friends, who’s memories she had seen prior- this leads me to believe that this effect happens when Soleil sees someone who’s memories she hasn’t seen yet.
So far, Soleil has seen into the memories of her two friends, a friend’s father, Soleil’s father and mother, her uncle, a little bit within a new group of companions they have, an Elven woman who Soleil doesn’t know but is trying to, and more, including a RED DRAGON who we have to meet next session 🙃
She tried to go into Lucas’ memories, but his were harshly blocked off and she wasn’t strong enough to get in.
SO YEAH!! She definitely has a LOTTT to work with! Her current biggest concerns are as such:
Save our friend’s sister, who’s being coveted by a green dragon
Find out as much as she can about her parents, her brother, her uncle, and what exactly happened to the St. Marianne
WHATEVER THE BUTTERFLIES MEAN?? WHERE THEY CAME FROM?? and finding the Elven woman in her dream who spoke to Soleil, but Soleil doesn’t know her
Again, sorry this is so much LMFAO, I’m having so much fun with her and I’m glad to indulge you guys on it :) if anyone has any other questions or curiosities feel free to ask! 💜
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Antibug & Volpina in Miracle Team AU?
-So Chloé is still a massive fan of Ladybug, because canon. And she still gets harassed by invisible Sabrina. So the beginning is the same.
-Ladybug and Team go to handle the akuma and just like in canon, Chloé points out something useful which they use to defeat Vanisher.
-The thing is, everyone but Chat noir was harsh to her (Ladybug actually was a lot calmer because the rest of the team was in agreement.)
-Chat noir points out that Chloé was trying to help and that they were all harsh with her.
-”She isn't a nice person and probably caused most of the akuma we've fought.” Misting points out.
-”Besides dude, she kind of made it harder for us to actually stop the akuma in the first place.”
- Chloé was overhearing the negative comments about her and when Ladybug didn't stand up for her. Antibug was born.
-But this antibug was gifted with a lot more power. She wasn't just the opposite of Ladybug, her powers were meant to cancel out OTHER people’s abilities. Her Yo-yo was able to crack Carapace’s barriers. Her costume was made to resist Misting’s venom so only skin contact would make her be paralyzed. And her mask was altered so she could see through Rena Rouge’s illusions.
-The only ones she didn't have a direct counter for were Ladybug and Chat noir.
-Chat noir actually left after the whole discussion. Ladybug realizing that while Chloé was a jerk, they should have been encouraging when she was trying to help. 
-Ladybug had to transform back, meanwhile antibug (or Neo Antibug) shows up and is fighting the three heroes that were still there.
-Thanks to her power upgrades she was besting the three of them. And the three get captured. They were being used as bait.
-Chat noir noticing something is a miss, heads back.
-Ladybug vs Antibug is a pretty even match. But Chat noir arrives to tip the scales.
-The power of teamwork after chat noir frees the other heroes and the team apologizes to chloé, They also give her encouraging advice that being a hero means apologizing when making mistakes and willing to forgive others when they do too.
-Chloé forgives Sabrina and does try to be nicer, since she could potentially be a hero one day. (if Ladybug could praise her, then why not)
Volpina ---> Mocking bird
-Lila’s lies take most of the school by storm, but Alya is a bit skeptical. She shows Marinette an interview that Lila gave her about Ladybug, since the girl claimed they were close. “It did sound legit, but I am not entirely sure what do you think?”
-Marinette also finds out about how Lila is making moves on Adrien and does what she does in canon.
-Lila ends up seeing a picture of a Peacock themed superhero.
-Since Alya didn't post the interview, Marinette doesn't have an excuse to confront Lila as Ladybug. But concerned friend Marinette happened to swing by.
-Marinette says she never got a chance to introduce herself and Adrien is happy to see Marinette.
-Marinette points out that she loves Lila’s pin. “Thats a Gabriel Agreste Original isn't it?” Marinette being a fashion expert would recognize it.
-Which Adrien, after closer inspection realizes the truth. The pin wasn't a miraculous. 
-”So what you were saying wasn't true.” Adrien was a bit mad at being decieved.
-Which Lila, with her plan ruined runs off.
-Adrien was kind of stunned about the whole thing.
-Marinette retrieves the book. Tikki was still a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, but at least she was tactful about it.
-The problem is, Mocking Bird was born.
-Her goal? Become a famous superhero, then frame Marinette as a Hawkmoth Sympathizer!
-Mocking Bird could create monsters like Mayura, and she makes one attack the city (going after Adrien) so she could ‘Save’ him.
- The miraculous team appears and now are fighting the monster.
-Mocking bird swoops in and the monster (gets defeated) thus Having everyone think she is a hero.
-Mocking bird then gets the team to split up after making a fake Hawkmoth (a sentimonster that can warp)
-She then makes sentimonsters based on each of them a tricky fox monster for Rena Rouge A turtle monster for Carapace, a Giant bee for Misting, and a Cat monster for Chat noir.
-This leaves Ladybug fighting a bug monster.
-Ladybug and Chat noir both realize that Mocking Bird is the one responsible for these monsters.
-Ladybug and Chat noir best their monsters, but it looks like the other three heroes failed. (they didn't)
-Chat noir turns back to Adrien to try and reason with Mocking Bird. Since he realized she was Lila.
-He gets kidnapped.
-Ladybug almost gives up her miraculous to save him. But Misting surprised attacks Mocking Bird, and Rena made the Illusion that Ladybug was giving up her miraculous. and Carapace saved Adrien. Ladybug used the Lucky charm to blind her.
-Chat noir appears and the team fight Mocking Bird who makes one massive moth monster to fight.
-They win,
-Carapace assures Ladybug that Adrien is fine.
-Rena Rouge comments that Ladybug might have the hots for the model, which Chat noir says NOTHING about.
-Lila isn't mad at the heroes, since Ladybug didn't confront her. But, she doesn't like Marinette at all
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This is purely my opinion. But Do I like Elsword or Closers. Well I like both but let me explain.
Elsword has a total of 14 playable characters with 4 paths thats a total of 56 characters. Closers got around 19 ( Lucy isn't released yet but she is the 19th character). Both games have a set of playstyles available, though Els. somewhat landslides the maximum playstyles in games is a bit much.
Closers you can literally make 19 characters alltogether, Elsword I forgot the maximum character it has been years last I looked at the change. But you could have enough characters available.
Bankshare, so Closers has account bank and character bank, you can literally transfer sometghings over to your alts easily, except if you need to use those quality seals for some items which I know those are given like candy. Elsword NA had a quest for free bankshare in account, but got rid of it. ( i been seeing the KR players mention they have that quest on new accounts but I don't know as I can't play Els. KR so someone confirm with me.) So really locked off the chance of items and such being booped to another character.
Character progression - This might anger some people but remember I've seen the pre before revamps back in 2015-2016, Elsword was easy as hell, newer updates made them even better, I never done Master Class, bought em for a few characters i wanted for El collection. But Closers is slightly difficult, I asked my friend about Task Force, he says it takes 5 days. I'm like "What are you serious? Thats so bad, I don't want to call Closer players crazy, but you call your job changes easy? That's annoying to do." Like I'd rather a time scale of easier advancements instead thanks, not 5 days.
Character Selection - HOO BOY I will get hate for the progression but. Elsword is new with the idea but I like theirs, put away your torches. Closers Teamwork buff is great, but Elsword if they're active collected, you'll get the stat increases, Closers, my Eunha has 767,637 Combat power in hubs but in the sectors the teamwork system comes into play where she has 807,784 power I don't like the sector only buff, have it on and active no matter what, my Tina having 987,798 power and in sectors she has 1,000,000 power, I would like to see my progress at full power.
PNA vs ERP - Obviously I like the PNA is easy but you gotta level within special areas like planar gate, where the ERP you can level it in lv 99 dungeons. But rewards for pna is better imo.
Fatigue - Elsword still has this system but really it doesn't bother me much, Closers rid of that system so yay more entertainment.
Special weapons/armor - Elsword has the better kind but after seeing some players gear in Closers, Closers tops them, although the sector limit in puri does prevent the replayability that I'm use to for Void weapon and Flames Judgement. And that you'll get puri gear NOT for the main that you have, which does get annoying but more materials it is, hooray although I want Eunha's Tindalos costume but I can't get dem eroded fibers.
Promo costumes - Closers is better on this field, your character gets their base outfit and best of all you can upgrade them you can craft special outfits much easily as Els there is no perma character promo costume ( except v2 but that ended at revamp before Rose's release.) So no viable way to have a costume to rely on I'd rather a perma costume or buying major rip.
Death - Elsword is better. I'm sorry the animation in Closers add more to your time on death so elsword it doesn't take around 2-4 seconds to get a ressurection menu or leave sector.
Dungeons and hubs - I like both, just don't let me fight flying enemies, and we both good.
Characters - Mixed opinion some I don't like some I like, Tein might as well be girl I'm only joking. But some are comparable. Like Seth's to Seth and Laby to Laby i like them as characters as they refer themselves in 3rd person lol they are sweethearts of characters imo.
Story - both are good, shut up I'm not the one who skips the story and bitch and whine about why a game has story or why it shouldn't even have a story, or that you didn't bother to look at the story not our fault but its there. Your opinion is one half of the games so hush.
Search and Wikis - Els has it easier. I can find Elwiki and characters much easily than closers, Closers had a really good wiki but I can't find it as its gone so none tops Elwiki. But Closers stuff I can't find easily I have to literally specify what I am looking up for that game.
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lemongogo · 4 years
I always forget about Midoriya’s other quirks. Like the memory one sounds cool but like, r they really necessary
yeah its a really weird . concept. like on one hand i enjoy it a lot from the base value of just . shonen cool ! overpowered characters fun !
but when i get more into the writing specifcally its so like. idk.  ive always seen midoriya as the character who was supposed to bring teamwork and “”opportunity”” to a setting thats been highly individualized and so seeing him have like. 6 quirks kinda invalidates the purpose of other characters (like ochaco and sero, as others have pointed out). and maybe thats just me because i don’t really read too seriously to begin with but . its always struck me as odd bc it feels so Different from how i imagined 
its always a battle between part of me not really caring for the writing because id rather just focus on the art / superpowers / huge battles between two beefed characters (afo & ofa) anyways and the other part being like. writing is still important since this is a story that im consuming and i genuinely wish x was written in a different manner SJFJS
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E4 LiveThoughts
And were back at it again, this week with turkey and Italian preserved sausage as a snack! Lets see what RT has for us this week.
Oh, 20 minutes. Are they normally this long?
Oh, wait, the openings almost 2 minutes long. Thats more like it.
And now to Robyn and Qrow. Seems Robyns actually liking Qrow a little bit now. 
Guess the cells aren’t secured if a fly got into Schnee’s. This a “Fly on Mike Pence’s face” reference?
Qrow sounds more growly again. Did he get smacked back two seasons by Clover dying?
If by “darkness” you mean “Tyrian” then, yes. Also dude, its Clover. He was shit anyway. All the Aces are shit. Dont feel too bad about him.
And he’s got a point too. If Clover had thought with his head instead of his dick (yes, Im sure they were gonna fuck, Fair Games totally a thing), he probably wouldnt be dead now, and Tyrian would be the one with the sword through his chest.
But of course this is RWBY and V7/8 so things cant go their ways.
Ouch. Deep thoughts of Qrow. And some interesting stuff from Robyn too. I still think I’d prefer hopeandharmonizing’s Briar, though.
Marrows glare gives me life. Hare’s just a moron right now though, but thats no real surprise. She’s immature emotionally.  Honestly, shes...kind of like a less bad version of our current President. Always has to be the best at everything, fastest, leader, whatever.
Thats probably why this is grating on her so much. Even though shes TECHNICALLY the Ace’s leader now (I think? Seemed like she was Clovers lieutenant, so by rate of succession she’s in command now)
A glance at the little floating control pad... “Clerance access only”. Okay, that...seems weird. Shouldnt it say something like authorized personell only? Maybe it means access by clerance only or something.
Then Robyn’s name, and then process ID 4591-27. No idea what thats useful for but its there.
Also Marrow seems to be the only competent member of the Aces rn. 
Ah now we get to see some of the hills around Atlas. For those of you who have seen my headcanons on the Hunter-Killers and their base of operations, Fortress Academy, its out in these hills somewhere.
The music sounds like a boss fight.
The screen on Ren’s hoverbike reads “HVB Rhino” and “HD5800″ I can only assume HVB stands for “hoverbike” and Rhino must be its name, like how the dropships are Mantas. No clue what the number is. 
Also apparently the cold in Solitas is so bad it corrupts machinery?
Ahh, good, some action. Lets see what we get now. Ohh, teamwork. And again, signs that aura allows you to move faster and farther than a normal human
Heh, it really is like a boss fight, like the chase scene at the end of the first Viking level in For Honor.
Oh, and it can call for reenforcements literally out of nowhere? Or is the whole tundra of Solitas just CRAWLING with Grimm?
Yes, yes it did just call for backup, Yang. Maybe these are all forward scouts and ambush units from the Grimmstorm. They did say its the biggest...
Another banger from Casey Lee Williams...
What the hell happened in Solitas to cause this geography? Seriously, its a line of bridges over a gap in two cliffs...that cant be natrual, not that equal in distance.
Man, those bikes didnt even last half an episode...I guess thats fair, they are facing obsurd odds. Or maybe they just want Yang to be the only one with a bike.
And there goes the dropwall. Woops.
Also you can just kinda see it but they bounce off the rock and thats why they slow down. Useful.
Also this part with them falling off the edge reminds me of the ending cutscene of Halo 4s Forerunner level, where Chief flies out of a portal and almost goes sailing off a cliff in a Ghost.  Except here, the bike stays on the land and THEY go off the cliff.
I paused at just the right time cause YANGS FACE XD
Holy shit what are Ren’s weapons cables MADE OF? The one atop him is holding him AND the weight of his two teammates. And the one below has both Jaune and Yang. No sign of slippage or breackage at all. 
Ahhh there’s the whaleship (Monstra? Fuck it Im gonna keep calling it the whaleship). So yeah my headcanon now is the mountain its right next too is Menachite, where Fortress is. 
Oh hey back to the Schnee manor of all things! Does...this mean military invasion of the Schnee grounds. Hey Whitley. Lesbians are here. 
Someone make a video cut of Weiss banging on the door to the “Knock knock open up the door its real!” part of that one song.
Hehehehhe. Nice Weiss.
Also convenient about the house staff. Good thing RT doesnt need to animate them or Willow now...
I hope the staff took some of the silverware and some paintings on the way out.
Why is MAY the one carrying Nora.
Ah so now they’re stuck out there with no cell service. Hehe.
Ah okay so the cold in Solitas DOES eat aura. Good, my headcanon still kind of stands. 
I wonder, does wearing proper cold weather clothing (like bundled up stuff) help? Or does it cut right through...
Why is JAUNE the one hauling the bike? Isnt Yang the strongest? Or maybe they take turns.
Ahhh inter-team talking. Also, outpost. Hmm. Atlas one? Overrun if I had to guess. Unless he saw Fortress. Which I doubt.
I do love the circling shot here, with the light on Yang’s hair and the shadows on Ren. Its...really artistic and emotional. GREAT WORK RT. 
Rens got points. And hes saying stuff I myself have been saying for ages, which is good. I wonder why this is how Ren is now...working with the Ace Ops? Being afraid of loosing Nora? No one tell him what happened last episode.
Also, Jaune’s hair seems to have gotten less crazy in recent episodes. It looks less like a banana and more like a close tactical cut.
Yangs got a point.
Ahhh and now we get to see the inside of the whale. 
...this is gonna be a really criingy torture section, isnt it.
Someones gonna take that “hound didnt break you” line in the WRONG direction 
It is amusing the only thing holding Oscar down is the Hound actually. 
Ah so they’re still searching the remains of Beacon.
Also I like how Salem calls them “her forces” as if its anything but a random bunch of expendable monsters. Like, bruh, you cant search anything with THAT.
Ignoring the boring chat between these two, notice how the Hound’s shoulder literally flexes and shifts when Salem touched it. I dont think this thing is solid at all aside from the head and the bone claws...the whole thing is just amorphous Grimm material that can adapt to whatever situation it requires. A specialist unit. A...Hunter hunter.
Yo what the fuck was that. Magic? Huh. Did we actually SEE magic for once in the show? Only took us 8 FUCKING SEASONS...
Doesnt seem to be anything but an energy blast/pain never firing though. I assume his auras still gone, cause its completely singed his shirt, but it didnt do much else.
...Im not impressed.
She really needs to stop touching his face, its creeping me out.
HAHA SHE CANT DO IT HERSELF SHE HAS TO RELY ON HAZEL BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM. I think we know where she stands now, doesnt she...say what you will about her letting Hazel have his vengeance (which is very valid, even he admits hit), but me? I think she A) cant actually beat up on Ozma herself because she still cares and B) shes almost out of magic too. Its weakened as the Gods have been gone and shes been forced to rely on the Grimm and on pawns. Basically, once she and Oz are both gone? That’s it for magic. Remnant will belong to the Grimm...and to technology. 
At which point without Oz around to hold them back Atlas is going to go fucking BONKERS and basically ensure the Grimm get pushed back into a corner and then finally permenantly STAMPED OUT.
More Whale insides. Seems like most of its empty grandious spaces. Or possibly muscle? Hard to tell. Either way theres a lot of open air in there...with tight corridors. If you fired a thermobaric warehead into one of the chambers the resulting blastc could possibly blow the doors off and send a raging fireball through the entire thing...Hmm. Filing that away for later.
More note on the Hound; the “flesh” around its right shoulder spike actually sinks down when it stops moving. Its neck shifts and moves too, like the material isnt solid, but recirculating.
I also dont see any eyes. And it looks like it has some kind of...forehead mouth? Def looks like teeth down the ridge of its spine.
Oh boy yeah that...whole thing is basically melting in on itself.
I wont lie; hearing Cinder get berated by CORTANA (and yes, I still hear Cortana in Salem, espeically now that the two characters are kind of one and the same, both megalomaniacal leaders of giant armies, bar the fact that one of them is about a TRILLION times more dangerous than the other because one of them has access to Guardian Custodies and the other one is...well kind of lame and has to have beefy dudes beat up on small children etc) is pleasing to me. 
Get fucked, Cinder.
And THERE is Cortana again too.
Neo Marry Popins’s Ya’lling is fucking CUTE. And I love her little smirk.
Wait the whale’s that close?
..oh my...hold on.
...thats it. THATS ATLAS’S AIR FLEET!?!
No, thats...thats it. Thats Atlas’s airfleet. 12 tiny vessels. I swear it was bigger last season...
...HA! HAHA! HA! Oh, Ironwood, and Atlas as a whole...you deserve everything your about to get. I hope you die SCREAMING, and that when your bodies fall bleeding and shattered to Mantle, the people down there will realize that, no. You cant just assume Hunters will do all the work for you
Emerald stop simpin.
Also that is...the SHITTEST outpost...I have ever seen in my life. My overall thought process of Atlas is...sinking even LOWER than before. 
Though it seems more like a waystation. Bed, Dust, some dudes coat on it. Dead heater. Its probably a rest spot for Specialists out in the tundra.
Ren does the emo sit. Lol. Yang even says it. Brood himself to death.
Alright whats this now...something forcing itself out of the tundra?
And thats it for today! Cool ass concept art at the end there too. 
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Alleycat Extras and Corrections
Also on AO3
Original AU Post here! 
A certain reveal in the manga messed up my AU, so I fixed it! It also happened to fix a pretty awkward plot hole no one called me out on before so thats good!
Alley Cat AU: Extras and Reforms
 On the day of the attack, Aizawa was taken by AFO after he took down the rampaging villain. Aizawa had been hurt badly, and AFO had been in the area, so why not, right?
He doesn’t end up becoming replacement Kurogiri because his quirk just refuses to mesh with anything else. Already content with the harm he’s done to UA’s reputation by making the kid vanish, he gets the doctor to move on to other subjects, dumping the kid in an alley sans a good portion of his memories.
He never takes Erasure because he sees it as a weaker version of his own quirk, rather than something all its own. This proves to be a mistake.
 Our Kurogiri stand in ends up being Inko, her Attraction quirk a workable base for a teleportation quirk. Inko’s a prime target too, a single mother with no immediate family or friends other than her young son. They take her, and Izuku is left alone. He eventually ends up in the foster system, bouncing between unremarkable or downright bad homes until he ends up in a house with Hitoshi.
The house is basically taking in kids to get the stipend from the system, then doing the bare minimum to keep them alive. Izuku and Hitoshi, both 10 and tired, run.
They drift for a few weeks before meeting Eri (timelines fumbled so she can be 4 years old at this point). During this time, they hear of a villain slash vigilante that drops out of nowhere to save people, going through the pockets of the aggressors for any cash they may have had. His turf is safe, much safer than anywhere they haven’t been chased out of anyway. They make their way there.
The rest is history.
 Aizawa remembers very little of his past other than his name. He knows he wanted to be a hero. He knows something horrible was done to him. He knows he can’t be a hero anymore. He settles for the next best thing.
His quirk largely is unaffected by the doctor’s experimentation, save a much more pronounced levitation effect on activation, effecting things around him weighing less than 300 grams along with the glowing of his eyes extending to his veins.
He remembers being young, hungry, scared and hurt; heroes chasing him away from populated areas until he learnt the back alleys like his own hands. He knows the heroics system is broken, but something inside him feels like it can be changed, improved from the inside. He has no way of doing this himself. His children can.
But god, if they get hurt, he will tear the system apart with his bare hands.
His memories are much fainter than his feelings, which is why when he feels a heart-crushing pain in his chest when he lays his eyes on a pretty new pair of heroes in his area, he runs. He doesn’t know what it is, but he knows those two are good, kind, special. He looks at them and he thinks home and its something so terrifying for someone who knows nothing but the gaps in his head he avoids them like the plague.
 Midorigiri is the caretaker of Shigiraki Tomura, a kind woman made of a shifting green mist of a mixture of ever-shifting shades. She is short, slim, and impeccably dressed. She lacks any real skill in hand to hand combat, but she is a skilled user of her warp quirk, a quirk that works by pulling whole area’s atom by atom to a new location in a haze of green. It’s not particularly fast but its highly effective, able to teleport not only large amounts of people but objects too.
She has always been motherly, comforting Tomura when he cried, making him food, patching him up after he trained with his Sensei. She is the only positive aspect of his childhood.
She has dreams of a little boy with a bigger smile than she’s ever seen Tomura wear. She doesn’t know who he is, but she thinks she’d like him to meet Tomura. It’d be good for him to have more friends close to his age, particularly one who seems so kind.
 Oboro and Hizashi are changed by Shota’s disappearance. At first, they refuse to believe he’s dead, though that belief is slowly crushed as the weeks wear on.
Oboro’s teaching philosophy focuses on his student’s giving nothing less than their all, feeling that he could have taken things a bit more seriously, and actually been able to help Shota. He also pushes teamwork and cooperation, knowing that two is always better than one because you can’t watch your own back. He will expel anyone he believes isn’t trying their best both to learn and get along with their peers.
Both of them focus more on practicality, losing a lot of the flair the used to have in their fights. Their takedowns become brutal and precise, and above all –
What’s the use of being loud with nothing to balance you out? They change their hero names; Feedback Loop and Cloud Nine.
They do end up starting that agency together, with a little cat tower in the corner, just like Shota wanted. Nemuri visits the day the open. They all cry.
 When Oboro lays eyes on Shota after the USJ, scared and scarred, Hitoshi at his side, demanding to know where Izuku is, he almost has a heart attack. He numbly points them the right way, before calling Hizashi. By the time they have both rushed to Izuku’s room, only Hitoshi and a young girl with equally black hair remain, both sat by Izuku’s beside.
They check the security footage. He is never seen leaving the building, simply vanishing between cameras. Neither of them knows what to think.
Their first thought is that Shota was taken by quirk traffickers. But why did he never come home? Well, Kamino answers part of that question, with the reveal of Midorigiri originally being one Inko Midoriya, and an admission from AFO that the Aizawa kids were failed by him; all 4 of them. Their dad, Shota, the first lost boy, being a failed Nomu. Izuku cries.
“All Might never failed us, you’re the one that hurt us! You took my mother, hurt my siblings, almost destroyed my dad, and you dare blame All Might? The only person other than them that ever cared about me?” Izuku’s smile looks like a snarl, but it's fixed firmly on his face, contrasting the tears dripping down his face. “I won’t let you hurt All Might- you’re never hurting my family ever again!”
Inko gets her happy(ish) ending by the way, ending up living at UA with her son, her son's brother, sister and two almost dads, along with another two slightly less dad-ly dads with most of her memories back. She remains pretty misty, but her eyes shine through now.
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