#secret second hidden sheep
gasoline-garbage · 1 year
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Average day in the Scottish highlands (I am awestruck by the beauty of nature)
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midnight-bay-if · 2 months
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"If silence claims the waters of Midnight Bay, death has come to stay."
'The Midnight Bay' is an urban fantasy/romance interactive fiction game. You play as a private investigator, born and raised in the small town of Albach Bay. On your seventh birthday, your life tragically changed forever when an unknown assailant broke into your home in the early hours of the morning and murdered your father. Yet, the killer wasn't satisfied. This heartless monster has dogged the streets of Albach Bay ever since, preying on its innocent residents, mutilating them, and discarding them on the streets like they're nothing.
As soon as you reached adulthood, you made it your mission to succeed where the police department had failed.
However, the 'Bay Slasher' isn't the only foreboding presence lingering around the Midnight waters. A strange plethora of new faces have begun rolling into this usually small, unassuming town. And they all seem weirdly fixated on you. Why? Can they be trusted? Or are they just another distraction from your true goal?
Come on. Let's kill the killer.
Demo: Out Now (26,000) words.
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Simon/Simone [f/m] Task Force Leader. Human Simon/Simone comes from a wealthy family with a long history of government service and civil partnerships. Simon/Simone is somewhat of a black sheep and is estranged from a large portion of their family. After a bout of teenage rebellion, Simon/Simone find themselves enlisted in the military to ‘correct’ their behaviour. However, with a penchant for leadership and a tactician's mind, they are recruited by a strange, secretive organisation with questionable goals.
After two more victims of 'The Bay Slasher' are found discarded on the bay, Simon/Simone drives themselves and their team into town, on orders from their mysterious higher-ups, ready to put away this killer for good. But cases such as these are never simple, and even more so with a far too clever and far too perceptive P.I. hot on their heels.
Rain [non-binary] The Mediator. Supernatural type; Pixie Rain grew up in a very wet biome of the world associated with fairies, pixies and elementals. After a great conflict, Rain was practically herded into the arms of a greater power, who guided them into the arms of Simon/Simone, who became their new leader.
When Simon/Simone tells them that one day, they will be going to the practically derelict town of Albach Bay to catch a dangerous killer, they shrug, smile, and pack their bags without a second thought. It doesn't take long for them to realise this isn't a typical case, even by their standards.
Taj [f/m] The Infiltrator. Supernatural type: Qita Taj is part of an ever-shrinking community hidden well in the Egyptian underbellies. Qita are a humanoid cat race native to Egypt and were once revered by humans at the dawn of their civilisation. However, that reverence began to fizzle out when a greater power, deciding their people had become too powerful,
After a great conflict, Taj is captured and 'recruited' to join a mysterious organisation dedicating themselves to maintaining balance. Taj is ultimately led to Simon/Simone and becomes the final member of their specialised team. Showing great resistance at first, eventually, Taj learns to accept and respect Simon/Simone, so when their leader declares they are to travel to the backwater town of Albach Bay, well... Taj comes along. Though not without reluctance.
Nazu/Naera [f/m] Supernatural type: Demon Nazu/Naera is a demon prince/princess from Hael. During a terrible conflict, their great power was muzzled as punishment for their part in the war. They've been seeking the people responsible so they can regain the power they lost.
Their search has lasted more than a decade, but now... Now they find themselves in a small, human town where sin oozes from every shadow, beckoning every passer-by to partake in its debauchery. To top it off? They can hear their power singing to them. It's close. Heh... They might even end up liking it here.
Umbra [f/m] Supernatural type: ??? Umbra is an anomaly. Nothing about them is real. None of it should exist. Every facet of their being has been strung together out of sheer will and barely held together by a thread. One wrong touch and they may fall apart, like unravelling a ball of yarn or pulling apart a puppet on a string.
So, why? Why do they exist? Simple.
They exist for you.
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RO's appearances:
Simon: Broad-shouldered, athletic build with reasonably short black hair and light warm skin. He has warm brown eyes hidden behind fashionable square frames and is often wearing tailored suits designed to move in.
Simone: Athletic build with long black hair (typically pinned up) and light, warm skin. She has warm brown eyes hidden behind fashionable square frames and is often wearing tailored suits designed to move in.
Rain: They have a slim, petite build with flawless tawny skin, which is amplified by their pale blue hair and matching pale eyes. They tend to opt for a more colourful wardrobe in the pastel range.
Taj (male): He has a lean build, golden brown skin, and dark, curly brown hair that tends to have a mind of its own. His ears and tail are matching brown, reminiscent of a Havana Brown cat. (He keeps them hidden underneath his clothes, which are often oversized to hide this face.) He also has very serious grey eyes and numerous scars marking his body.
Taj (female): She has a lean build, golden brown skin, and dark curly brown hair that tends to have a mind of its own. Her ears and tail are a matching brown, reminiscent of a Havana Brown cat. (She keeps them hidden underneath her clothes.) She also has very serious grey eyes and numerous scars marking her body.
Nazu: (As a human)He is very built with dark skin, which ensures his almost luminescent amber eyes stand out. His long, dark dreads are usually pulled up in a bun. Nazu tends to opt for clothes designed to tantalise, as well as show off the hair dusting his chest and arms.
When in his usual form, he also has large horns that curl out of his head, with a more reddish hue to his dark skin. Plus, the whites of his eyes will turn black.
Naera: (As a human) She is very curvy, opting instead to amplify her femininity in human form. Her dark skin ensures her luminescent amber eyes stand out. Her long, dark hair is in tight braids that flow down her back. Naera will opt for clothing designed to tantalise, teasing her assets in a flirty way.
When in her usual form, her horns curl out of her head, with a reddish hue to her dark skin. Plus, the whites of her eyes will turn black.
Umbra (male): Tall and lean build with black shoulder-length hair that contrasts against his pale, almost ghostly skin. He tends to have dark circles under his equally black eyes, as well as a deep scar cut through his left brow. His clothing usually consists of a black leather jacket, black pants and black combat boots.
Umbra (female): Tall and slim build with long black hair, half up in a pony, that contrasts against her pale, almost ghostly skin. She tends to have dark circles under her equally black eyes, as well as a deep scar cut through her left brow. Her clothing usually includes a black leather jacket, plaid skirt and black combat boots.
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Customise your private investigator: choose name, gender, appearance, sexuality, skill set and personality.
Play as male, female, or non-binary: straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, as well as aromantic, asexual, or aro-ace.
Late 90s setting with limited technology, so be prepared to wait ten minutes for your PC to boot up.
Roleplay your private investigator how you want to. My intention is no 'game over' screens. There are no wrong answers in this game.
5 main companions to befriend or romance, each with their own personalities and stories to tell.
Collect evidence in your notebook as you scour the dilapidated streets and beaches of Albach Bay for clues to finally catch your father's killer for good.
Revenge is best served cold.
Rated 18+
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The Strange Disappearance of Kenny Veach
The Mojave Desert, located in the southwestern United States, is a brutal and unforgiving landscape.
Sprawling over parts of four states; California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah, the area is so vast that entire European countries like Ireland and Iceland could fit comfortably within its boundaries.
The “high desert” is prone to extreme temperatures and arid conditions. In November of 2014, an American hiker named Kenny Veach had a strange encounter with a mysterious cave in the Sheep Mountain area, just north of Las Vegas.
Once, he posted: “I hike over mountain top after mountain top and sleep on peaks under the stars . . . Sometimes I have to scale giant cliffs to get myself out of a jam, but I always make it back.”
He was proud of the fact that there was only one time that he had to be rescued on one of his adventures, and that was when he injured his leg at the top of a mountain.
Tired of the daily Monday-through-Friday grind, Kenny wanted to be his own boss, be in charge of his own life, and have the free time to immerse himself in his desert explorations.
So, he quit his day job and decided to be an inventor. He started a YouTube channel, documenting his creations and his forays into the desert.
It was in June of 2014, using the name Snakebitmcgee, Kenny left a comment in response to a YouTube video that read: That ain’t nothing. I am a long-distance hiker. One time, during one of my hikes out by Nellis Air Force Base, I found a hidden cave.
The entrance to the cave was shaped like a perfect capital M. I always enter every cave I find, but as I began to enter this particular cave, my whole body began to vibrate.
The closer I got to the cave entrance, the worse the vibrating became. Suddenly, I became very scared and high-tailed it out of there. That was one of the strangest things that ever happened to me. 
Unbeknownst to Kenny and the rest of the world, that comment would have tragic consequences.
Kenny’s comment on that video sparked a flurry of requests for him to prove his claim.
Since he hadn’t documented the first trip to what would become known as “the M cave”, he needed to go back to the area to locate it and, this time, document what he found.
On his second search for the cave, he went armed with a 9-millimeter handgun and a video camera. 
He documented some wildlife and found a whole horde of pine nuts that he gleefully ate on camera. He stood next to an abandoned mine shaft and rather sheepishly declared that he was unable to find the cave on his second hike.
Much to Kenny’s dismay, that video was met with criticism. Many thought he had made the whole thing up, and the public demanded proof of his claim of a mysterious cave with supernatural properties.
Viewers actively encouraged, and some even dared Kenny to go back out to the mountain range a third time. 
However, one comment on his video, which has since been deleted, read, “No! Do not go back there. If you find that cave entrance, don’t go in, you won’t get out.”
Whether that comment was made by somebody teasing Kenny or whether it was a serious warning by somebody who was personally familiar with the cave is unknown.
Regarding the M cave, Kenny said, “I solo hike across mountain tops that most people wouldn’t dare go. I have been in more caves than I can count. I play with rattlesnakes for fun. But this one particular cave was beyond anything I had ever encountered.”
Hoping to put the naysayers in their place, Kenny hiked out to the territory a third time.
On the 10th of November 2014, Kenny once again made his way to the Sheep Mountain area, which is close to the U.S. Air Force installation called Area 51, known for its speculated connection to UFOs and secret government experiments.
It’s located near Groom Lake and is within the Nevada Test and Training Range. As late as 2012, the U.S. government denied the existence of Area 51, and it is still closed to the public.
Both ground and aerial searches were conducted, but no sign of Kenny could be found.
Dave Cummings from Red Rock Search & Rescue reported finding Kenny’s cell phone next to an abandoned vertical mine shaft, where he filmed part of the M cave video.
Specially trained individuals were called in to conduct a search of the mine. Unfortunately, aside from his vehicle and his cell phone, no trace of Kenny was ever found.
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saturnianautist · 10 months
Placements I have as an Autistic person that just make sense to me pt. 1
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Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and you can’t diagnose yourself through natal placements, though if you suspect you could be please do the actual research even if you’re self diagnosing <3
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🧍🏻‍♀️Virgo mercury and Aries in the 3rd house- the bluntness is real let’s just say that, and Aries energy put in a place of communication is known to not be able to hold our tongues, as well as Virgo mercury’s cannot for the life of us hide our facial expressions. We don’t even know we’re making one tbh, it’s all love tho.
🧍🏻‍♀️Virgo stellium- the analytical ness, the observation skills of how people act and why they do what they do, paying attention to the details (most people think we lack social skills but what they don’t find in their outdated information, is that we have actually more social skills that others don’t have. This just gets seen as the opposite when they don’t understand what we’re seeing), thriving the most when there is some type of order, acts of service to a fault bc we just wanna help but it being taken advantage of because of a lack of boundaries from us that we didn’t know we needed.
🧍🏻‍♀️Neptune in the 1st house- the self identity issues go crazy. But Fr autistic people especially those who don’t know they are till later on, tend to take on bits and pieces and of others in real life, and fictional people’s (Neptune=illusion/fantasy) personalities until we lose ourselves. Also constantly being misunderstood by others when we exist because of a perception they made out of assumptions of what we said when we actually just meant what we literally said with no hidden meanings 😭
🧍🏻‍♀️Combo of cap rising and moon in the 11th house- coming off completely unapproachable meanwhile needing and craving close connections friendships.
🧍🏻‍♀️Pluto dominant but also having a mars in Pisces- Being the black sheep everywhere you go, most relationships and friendships turning into negative experiences unless they are with others like me. Being a mirror for other’s insecurities, projections, hatred, fears while also being peoples designated trusted person for their secrets/trauma dumping, (bc autistic people don’t usually have that thing where we think of sharing someone’s secret and don’t gossip or don’t have anyone to tell anyways lmao) and therapist friend. Having a bullshit detector and seeing through everything while but still getting taken advantage of by people and ending up being gullible anyways (it’s a hard knock life 💀)
🧍🏻‍♀️ Mercury second dominant- the constant intake of an obnoxious amount of info swirling around in my brain while simultaneously trying to share that said obnoxious amount of info with others and it being too much at a time, (like that was just a fraction of what’s happening in here guys)
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That was the end of this post I hope you enjoyed
it! This was fun to make and I wanna make a pt.
2, let me know if you guys would like that too <33
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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A/N: a short dark fairytale fic Inspired by this post over here
Featuring: Emma the Hunter, Gilbert as Mr. Wolf, and starring Roderich in the role of Little Red Riding Hood.
Warnings: mentions of blood and Gilbert
Word count: 730~
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Emma was familiar with the woods.
She knew the dangers lurking within, unbeknownst to those foolish enough to trespass. The beast that preyed on unsuspecting travelers who strayed from their path. As a hunter, she sometimes helped these lost souls find their path anew. Until nightfall. Before it was too late.
The sky was tinted in a soft pink, the long day was finally approaching its end when she ran into a trail. Dark red droplets scattered leaving a thin streak on the frozen winter ground. The raspy call of crows confirmed her suspicions. Another victim, the second within a week. It was not long before the wolves showed themselves, invited by the deathly song, to tear the carcass while leaving the spare parts for the birds.
Emma spread the ice-covered barren branches, leading to a clearing. Grip tightening around the axe handle only to soften at the sight of a petite hooded figure, the red of their attire clashed in stark contrast with the freshly fallen snow. This is where the trail ended.
Even though she spent her whole life there, the forest kept its darkest secrets well guarded, hidden from the ordinary man, so despite practically growing up surrounded by the wilderness Emma still found things that mystified her.
"Hello? This is not a place to stroll"
Her words were met with silence, the stranger didn't as much as flinch at her sudden appearance. Emma worried her wording might have sounded too harsh, but this really was not the time and place for a regular civilian.
"Look, I'm sorry, you stand out like a sore thumb, dressing up bright red for a snowy day is not a good idea, especially in a place like this. You may attract someone. Predators and what have you. If you're lost there's a settlement not far away from here. I can take you there."
Huffing a vapor cloud, she wondered whether to approach any closer.
"Do you hear?"
The character did not move, did not turn, and did not speak a word in return.
"Let's move before it's-"
"Too late?" Emma quivered, but the cold was not to blame. The amiable voice didn't come from the figure but anywhere from the side.
"Mrs. Rabbit, well what a surprise to find you here so deep in the forest" A shadow branched out from the dark mass of trees.
Unlike the hideous monster rumors made him out to be, his beauty was alluring, ethereal even. Mr. Wolf wasn't here to scare, but to draw you in with his words, like the devil himself.
"Before it got dark, I was going to say," replied Emma dismissively, untying the wood from her shoulders. The bundle fell onto the snowy ground with a mute clatter. A matter of caution, both fleeing and throwing hands was easier with no weight on your back.
"Too bad," he said with a shrug,
"What are you going to do now?"
Emma gripped her weapon with one hand and tugged on the caped stranger's arm with the other.
"So that's your answer" Mr. Wolf only moved his head in lament. "To slaughter an innocent?" Beware that, when you fight monsters, you yourself don't become one"
Emma stood before the red hood defensively.
"Liar. You are no saint," she said through her teeth.
"Watch out for accusations." Emma wasn't sure if she imagined it, but his smile appeared sharper, like a predator showing its teeth.
"I have claimed to be innocent, not holy. Haven't done anything yet, have I? Instead, you should be concerned about protecting a sheep-clad wolf."
The stranger turned her way at last, but Emma could not see their face. It was as if she were gazing into the abyss itself under the dark hood and it felt... empty and hopeless. The same sensation she had looking into Mr. Wolf's eyes. It felt so strangely similar and every bit as chilling to the bone.
The shade moved as the sun sank behind the horizon, and Mr. Wolf moved with it. Closing In In no hurry, as if he were the one driving the light away.
"Oh well, it doesn't matter. Because If you kill me..."
Emma pulled on the hooded stranger urging them to go, but they didn't budge, only observing In an unnervingly calm manner for the situation they found themselves in. Almost as if they were in no danger to begin with. As if they never were the prey.
"someone else will take my place"
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transgenderer · 4 months
Summanus (Latin: Summānus) was the god of nocturnal thunder in ancient Roman religion, as counterposed to Jupiter, the god of diurnal (daylight) thunder. His precise nature was unclear even to Ovid.
Pliny thought that he was of Etruscan origin, and one of the nine gods of thunder. Varro lists Summanus among gods to whom Sabine king Titus Tatius dedicated altars (arae) in consequence of a votum. Paulus Diaconus considers him a god of lightning.
In ancient Roman religion, the dii (also di) Novensiles or Novensides are collective deities of obscure significance found in inscriptions, prayer formulary, and both ancient and early-Christian literary texts.
Pliny mentions nine gods of the Etruscans who had the power of wielding thunderbolts, pointing toward Martianus's Novensiles as gods pertaining to the use of thunder and lightning (fulgura) as signs. Books on how to read lightning were one of the three main branches of the disciplina Etrusca, the body of Etruscan religious and divinatory teachings. Within the Etruscan discipline, Jupiter has the power to wield three types of admonitory lightning (manubiae) sent from three different celestial regions. The first of these, mild or "perforating" lightning, is a beneficial form meant to persuade or dissuade. The other two types are harmful or "crushing" lightning, for which Jupiter requires the approval of the Di Consentes, and completely destructive or "burning" lighting, which requires the approval of the di superiores et involuti (hidden gods of the "higher" sphere).
Several scholars have identified the Novensiles with the council of gods who decide on the use of the third, most destructive type of lightning. Carl Thulin proposed that two theonyms from the Piacenza Liver — a bronze model of a sheep's liver covered with Etruscan inscriptions pertaining to haruspicy — ought to be identified with the two councils, Cilens(l) with the Novensiles and Thufltha(s) with the Consentes Penates. The Novensiles would thus correspond to the di superiores et involuti and possibly the Favores Opertanei ("Secret Gods of Favor") referred to by Martianus Capella. Martianus, however, locates the Favores in the first region of the sky, with the Di Consentes and Penates, and the Novensiles in the second; the Favores are perhaps the Fata, "Fates".
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mymiraclebox · 5 months
Miracle Boxes - The True Generation
These are the second iteration of the Miracle Boxes, and the generation that lasted the longest, stretching out for several thousand years. The Miraculouses within these boxes are very similar to the generation before, save for many kwamis of the Mage Box being divided out among the other boxes of the world, and the Mage Box being hidden away as the Secret Box.
During this time kwamis were free to chose their own holders, and spent more time out in the world than in their Miracle Boxes. Guardians were protectors of kwamis in their dormant state, but were not wardens of them. Kwamis would often travel far from their boxes and across the world, acting as protectors where they felt they were needed.
Secret Box - Hidden Panda Crow Unicorn
Successor Box - Central Asia Ladybug Black Cat Qilin Frog Bee Butterfly Fox Peacock Swan Turtle
Island Box - Oceania Wolf Platypus Pterosaur Tuatara Binturong Blackbuck Coral Kangaroo Komodo Thylacine
Zodiac Box - East Asia Dragon Cobra Rabbit Dog Goat Horse Monkey Mouse Ox Pig Rooster Tiger
Perennial Box - North America Thunderbird Bear Beaver Cougar Deer Goose Otter Owl Rattlesnake Raven Salmon Woodpecker
Central Box - Central America Firefly Raccoon Feathered Serpent Spider Axolotl Bison Coyote Eagle Falcon Parrot Shark
Tropical Box - South America Grim Snail Crocodile Dolphin Flamingo Jaguar Jellyfish Llama Locust Moth
Jungle Box - Southern Africa Dinosaur Penguin Elephant Gorilla Okapi Jackal Ray Rhinoceros Squirrel Zebra
Desert Box - Northern Africa Griffin Dragonfly Camel Chameleon Cheetah Giraffe Hippopotamus Hyena Ostrich Secretarybird
Constellation Box - Southern Europe Kelpie Aurochs Ant Crab Dove Gecko Hedgehog Ibex Lion Mouflon Scorpion Seahorse
Arctic Box - Northern Europe Phoenix Lynx Moose Narwhal Octopus Polar Bear Seal Sheep Stoat Wolverine
Mountain Box - South Asia Yeti Red Panda Bat Elk Pangolin Quail Scarab Snow Leopard Tortoise Vulture
The True Generation came to an end with the start of the Miraculous War, with the rise of what became known as the Order of the Guardians.
The Mage Generation of Miracle Boxes
The Order Generation of Miracle Boxes [TBA]
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elpida · 4 months
This was her first day in her official uniform. Eris Amorello, in a uniform.. there were people from her life before the world fell into chaos that'd never believe that she'd wear a uniform but when you were left with few options, you found a way to make it work. She walked with her head held high, her chin tilted up, her shoulders back. She had quite the reputation about her too, another one that'd tried to escape numerous times. Something on the outside was worth her fight and by god could the woman fight. It didn't matter that she was small, that she was dainty in stature, she found a way to make it work. She was fast, nimble and any sort of blade placed in her hand was deadly.
Not many people clocked that hidden blade tucked into the side of her boot, or the one small switchblade strapped to her forearm. The black tape she used blended well to the uniform. "What do you make of her Grimes? I've heard people say she'd a force to be reckoned with, yeah, if that force is a fly. She's tiny it's only gonna take one walker bigger than her n' she's done for." one recruit scoffed under their breath and in the same breath Eris' head snapped towards them, along with the slow turn of her body. "You've fucking done it now." another mumbled under their breath. It's true, Eris was small and on a casual day she acted like she'd never met Rick, that they didn't even share the knowledge of the secret night lessons they were both invited to.
"What was that recruit?" she even smiled. Hell this was a game to her. "Nothing we were talking about-" it took her all of two seconds. Two seconds to have a grown man, a mana good foot taller than her, double her stature, on his knees with tears in his eyes. One leg had moved forward to swipe his legs and buckle his knees so they hit hard into the concrete floor. One hand had reached forward and planted one hell of a punch before reaching and gripping the back of his hair to expose his neck to her, the other hand slipped that secret switchblade forward and pressed it against his jugular. Her foot placed between the mans legs, squeezing just enough that he was tense, that he was scared to move, hell scared to swallow in fear of moving his throat. "I'd like you to repeat it. Go on now recruit, nice and loud." she waited a few seconds and let the silence set in before she scoffed a huff of laughter at the man and pushed his stiff body back. He was gasing, a hand at his neck, ever the dramatic. "If you wish to talk about my capabilities again, I'd be happy to book out a training session and show you the numerous different ways I could have you crying like a little bitch, after all, you couldn't possibly be scared of a little fly like me could you recruit?" the apology spilled from the mans lips almost instantly and all Eris did, vicious and beautiful Eris, was laugh.
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When she turned to Rick a strand of her deep auburn hair had fallen from it's neatly tucked and tied position. "Grimes?" there was the tiniest little hint, god the most slight tilt in the corner of her lips. "Don't tell me I need to show you what I'm made of too." she joked, and it was just that, a joke. In some way they had a mutual understanding, prisoners making the best of the bad, people that didn't want to lead, being led to that path, they were not sheep, they would not follow... but they would find their own way. Her knuckles were currently throbbing which explained why she kept her hand behind her back, both held together. "You were requested by the way." He wasn't, but they both knew how irritating the mess hall could be. "I'm going that way?" she offered with the gesture of her head. It was the first time she'd actually extended that kind of public kindness.. they both had to start looking like they had ties here, friends, something. A point she was about to explain to him because of everyone here, as much as she acted like she hated everyone, she didn't find him unbearable and a lot of the time his silence... was comforting to her. @wrathfulmercy !
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roselibrary · 1 year
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 || 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
wattpad ao3
𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
Daemon Targaryen / OC Targaryen (platonic)
TW: 18+, murder, description of murder
dōna zaldrīzes gōntan ao daor gīmigon qilōni īlen sweet dragon did you not know who i was
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The sound of a rock crashing to the ground reverberated along the mountainous planes of Runestone. A man shrouded in a cloak of blue rough-spun wool stood frozen over the mutilated body of his now former wife. The new widow's vile smirk spread across his features in light of his victory. Unbeknownst to this mysterious figure, a young child had hidden amongst the bushes further down the trail having spotted her mother in confrontation with an unknown man – although he bore a marked resemblance to her own person.
The young child attempted to muffle her whimpers and sobs as she slowly took cautious steps backwards away from the man she now viewed as dangerous. It was for nought. The girl tumbled over a loose rock falling to the ground with a loud cry that immediately caught the attention of the murderer in a cloak. He immediately rushed towards the misplaced voyeur coming to an abrupt halt upon realising it was a child of no more than five summers. This child, too, was encompassed by a cloak of bronze velvet that covered all of her features from the eyes of the man who now towered above her.
The young girl curled into herself and cowered even further; shivering with unabated fear of what the mysterious man would do to her now she had been discovered. The man raised a curious brow. What was a child doing so far away from the Keep? He crouched down to the level of the child and with surprisingly gentle hands removed the hood of the cloak that had hidden the child from view.
A gasp caught in his throat. "Now just who are you, zaldrītsos? (Little dragon)", silver spun locks cascaded down the backs of a pale young girl with eyes the brightest of blue-violet he had ever seen, much like his own eyes, but amongst the bright violet were speckles of green – a shade she could have only gotten from his own mother who was infamous for her mismatched eyes. He knew exactly who this was, or at least he did now as he was not aware of her existence beforehand, he wondered just how long his king-brother had known of the child and why it had been kept a secret from him.
Probably because he would have taken her at the first opportunity and never let go.
It was a pity she had seen him remove her miserable mother from his life – an ill-timed meeting indeed. It did not matter to the man he would find ways to erase such memory from her mind and show her the love of a dragon; as was her right from the moment she drew her first breath. Not this piss-boring excuse of a land that housed only sheep and bronze. This child was a dragon and should have been amongst her own learning the heritage of the house from whence she came. He would see to it that she learned all she needed, and more, allowing for no other to have a place within her life but himself.
His wandering thoughts were broken by the sound of stuttering from the clearly terrified, but still curious, child below him. "I- I am Aerea... Aerea Royce. Who- ... who are you? Why did you hurt mother?", the child clearly tried to mask her fear as she gazed into eyes so similar to her own and questioned the man who had changed her entire life in a matter of seconds. The man pursed his lips, displeased at the announcement of her being a Royce, she was no Royce she was the blood of old Valyria through and through she would not be carrying the name of bronze any longer.
"I, dear zaldrītsos, am Prince Daemon Targaryen. You may call me Kepus." The child's eyes flashed with recognition. Ah, so she knew of him; but clearly had never had her father described to her for she had only come to the conclusion of who he was after he had introduced his own name. "You, sweet girl, are Princess Aerea Targaryen. Had I known you existed I would have taken you away sooner." He would fix that by immediately taking you with him to Kings Landing he would not have his child waste away here any longer. The young girl was struck dumb. Here was the man who had so callously taken the life of her mother, the woman she had all but worshipped, being so gentle, sweet, and soft-spoken towards her own person. So, she remained quiet neither agreeing nor disagreeing with what had been declared.
Daemon could see her assessing him; much in the way he, too, did with those he did not know or he had deemed his enemies. He would endeavour to make sure she no longer viewed him as such. It made him amused that a daughter he knew nothing of acted exactly like him in all mannerisms and looks. Even the way she scrunched her bow and roved her eyes were identical to his own movements.
He had a child.
It had only hit the Targaryen Prince at that moment that he was indeed a father. A father who had missed five years of his daughter's life at the hands of others. Of course, three of those he had spent away at war but the two years before such an occurrence he was occupying Dragonstone especially because his last exile had been less than hospital amongst the Valemen. Although, said visit is when the conception of his darling girl had occurred so he supposes he could look back with a little more fondness for that trip. This trip would be his favourite though; he had rid himself of his wife and been handed an heir in his very image.
Yes, Aerea Targaryen – and thank the Gods she had been blessed with a Targaryen name – would be his most precious treasure. His sweet daughter whom he would love to his last breath and ensure none would harm her or seek to use her as a means of using himself. The still shell-shocked princess was lifted into the arms of her father who smoothed her brow with his thumb and wiped her tears gently. He brushed feather-light kisses over the apples of her cheeks, the lids of her eyes as they fluttered due to her sudden exhaustion, and the crown of her head as he inhaled the scent of her hair and brushed his own head against her. A sign of his own love and affection that he had never been able to control. Rocking his child gently in his arms, Daemon began to croon the lyrics of an old Valyrian lullaby as he continuously rubbed his head, much in the way a cat did to a person's hand, against his daughter's soft locks.
He could feel his daughter's breath even out and knowing she had been caressed into the hands of sleep began to walk away from Runestone and its oppressive memories. As he passed the body of his dear, deceased wife, he smirked, looking down he said the simple words.
"We Remember. Mhm, such a shame you did not remember mine own words, sweet cow, Fire and Blood. I gave you blood today, Bronze Bitch, your people will know my Fire soon enough."
Then the Prince and his newly coveted Princess disappeared with the wind.
Aerea Targaryen's life was never the same.
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House of The Dragon
Main Rec List
Aemond Targaryen
starry eyes sparking up my darkest night (Smut) -> aemond has only wanted two things in his life. a dragon and to marry the pretty tyrell girl, now he has both. 
Unexpected -> Aemond Targaryen is sent to Storm's End to secure a marriage pact to gain the Baratheon's alliance in the war. And yet, when he discovers Y/N Baratheon, the black sheep of her family, hidden away at his arrival, he knows that fate has predestined their meeting. He has to have her.
Love Spiral -> a turn in conversation has you asking uncomfortable questions that aemond can't help but answer
When Pride Married Prejudice Series Masterlist -> she is the (only) trueborn daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lord Laenor Velaryon. after her younger brother, Lucerys, slices out the eye of their uncle, Aemond Targaryen, her hand is offered as payment to keep the peace. though unexpected, she finds herself in a loving marriage, until devastating news forces her to make an impossible choice.
I Do Burn For You -> Princess Y/N Velaryon, heir to Dragonstone, and her twin brother, Prince Jacaerys, have come of age. They are to enter the marriage mart and find suitable matches, however, as always, complications arise.
Magnificent -> Song Prompt - "And at once I knew, I was not magnificent" - Holocene, Bon Iver
@aemonds-war-crime - Masterlist 1 + Masterlist 2
Comedy of Errors (Part 2) -> Aemond x Drunk Reader
@elleinmotion (same on Ao3)
I’ve dug two graves for us, my dear (Ao3) -> The smallfolk had a saying: ‘Royce brides meet a cold end when they take a dragon lord to wed.’
Fjkkd_xo -> (On Ao3)
Cutthroat -> When Elaena Targaryen was born, her mother clothed her in black silk. She was the second eldest of her four siblings, Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey, and seemed to have the darkest hair out of them all. The legitimacy of her namesake had been called into question many times in her life, along with all of her brothers, but no one would ever say it to her face. No one except her own Uncle; Aemond Targaryen.
Mistaken Hatred -> Aemond is sure that you are enemies and stuck in a marriage of convenience 
Willing -> Aemond is a secretive little shit and you are willing to bet 
@aemonds-sapphire -> Masterlist
Bikadoo -> (On Ao3)
Our Violent Delights -> Lucerys Velaryon is born a girl. Almost nothing changes… until Aemond Targaryen begins to take an interest in her. It seems Targaryen uncles have a habit of falling in love with their nieces.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil Part 1 -> Love blossoms when you get to know the sweet man and not the cocky Prince.
I Would Die for you in Secret Part 1, Part 2 -> when your brother asks you who in the castle has earned your affections there is no good way to tell him it is the person he hates most.
The Silver Dragon Masterlist -> Lady Arianwyn Targaryen, Lady of Runestone, was not born of love. Nor passion. Nor even a sense of duty. She was seeded by her father, the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen, in an act of unbridled hatred, and borne of her mother, the late Lady Rhea Royce, as a desperate grasp at revenge. But even a child born of such darkness can find her way to the light. (See masterlist for extended summery)
Adoration -> You and Aemond have gotten married, and are off for your wedding night. How will it go for you both?
The Good in Me -> If you were any other woman, not the girl who had been betrothed to him since before you were born, you might have found him handsome. But you knew better than that. Behind that perfect face and silky hair was a being so evil, the devil would run away in fear.  
Two Dragons, Two Rivals -> how could two people, two dragons have so many things in common including the hatred they feel for each other?
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mx-lamour · 4 months
8 - Cloak
[That's right, we've got audio this time babyyy!]
At first glance, the cloak was black, and that was all. It hung over Strahd's impeccably squared shoulders and draped long and straight past his ankles. It was made of fine wool from only the blackest of sheep and overdyed besides, to achieve an even richer, deeper shade.
What most did not see, at first glance—which was the most opportunity most people ever had to look—was the way the color faded brownish toward the hem. The protective woven trim along its bottom edge had twice been replaced, but even now it was beginning to fray again from frequent use, with bits of mud and dust crusted along the join of stitching, despite diligent efforts to brush it carefully out. The brownish hue was of the natural dark wool, scrubbed raw of its additional dyes by the combined menace of rain and sleet and sunlight, by kneeling and sitting and otherwise battering the fabric with his legs as Strahd walked. It was faded this way around the collar line as well, not only by precipitation from the sky but perspiration from his body also, where it clasped around Strahd's neck at the front with intricate loops and buttons, although the effect there was somewhat hidden by the folds of its hood, whether drawn up to protect Strahd's head or swooping back to rest upon his shoulder blades in comfortable disuse.
Most also did not notice the stains of iron blood in splatters on the parts which covered up Strahd's chest and arms, but this was by design. Black would always be a practical choice for a noble man engaged in war. But, unlike the careful dyes, these evidences of the lives he’d claimed would never, it seemed, fade.
Hardly anyone had seen the inside of the cloak, except perhaps a passing glimpse, when a long leg kicked its front gores brusquely forward, and the center part flapped open to reveal a secret corner near Strahd's feet. The lining from the shoulders down was sturdy linen, and this had been dyed red. A lord could afford his indulgences.
Deft hands slipped beneath the old wool cloak, prying deep into its scarlet depths. They found Strahd's waist and settled there.
What the cloak would see, if it had sight, was a partner of its own, a well-worn and half shorter cape in marled gray and fawn. It draped about square shoulders and fell upon long arms, but sometimes only one of them, clinging by the collar to a rope which tied beneath the other. The shabby cape, of slightly newer stock but less well-kept, having been tossed about on chairs and bedposts, trampled in snow and singed by fire, and snagged by wind and steel on blood-slick fields and rugged roads, was worn by Strahd's second in command. Its lining held no secrets, and neither did its shell.
The soft rustle of fabric underscored the tender smack of joining lips. A light breeze whispered ancient nothings to the spires of the pines.
Strahd stumbled on the frayed edge of his concealing garment. Awkwardly, it tugged him down, scattering its winged entrails wide upon the ground. Alek followed, laughing low, and unhooked the buttons at Strahd's throat. He kissed him again ardently, and Strahd forgave himself the lapse in form. He allowed his face a surreptitious grin, gently grasping Alek's jaw.
Through their kisses, Alek pulled the cord on his own cape, which slid softly off his shoulder. It landed as a heap upon the pool of red. Leaning on one arm for balance, Alek scooped up his small sacrifice and placed it behind Strahd's head. He then sank down, himself, to slide one knee beneath Strahd's thigh and guide it up onto his hip. Strahd's heel snagged the fraying edge again, forming subtle ripples in its wake.
Their other garments hardly mattered, none of them so constant as a cloak, but each left one by one with reverence, until the only thing between the two men’s souls was their own skin and bones. Like a curtain in an open window, billowing gently with the breeze, they undulated against each other, breathing now in stuttered gasps.
Strahd’s arm replaced the rope that had been tied across his second’s chest, and Alek’s lips replaced the loops which often rested near the base of his lord’s throat. Strahd’s moan was deeply that of velvet; he tipped his head back on the wool, the fibers catching on his hair. Alek’s fingers clawed in crimson linen—he hardly spoke at all, which was very much unlike him. While trees around them swayed and groaned, their branches stroked each other.
The sky above was clear and crisp, unshrouded were the stars; they winked like faraway jewels, glass beads held high by silver thread. And then they vanished. Strahd’s eyelids, like a hood, pulled down on his dark gaze. The winding fabric of his loins further twisted and wound tight. The inside of his weathered cloak would find new secret stains, not least of which his sweat, which pooled cooly down along his spine, and soaked into the centerline, while Alek kissed his breast.
When all was done and quiet, Strahd reached out both his arms to draw the edges of the great cloak inward, wrapping them around the back of his beloved guard. Alek laid within it, his body draped on Strahd’s, a cloak within a cloak, the only one to have borne witness to this much of such a lovely scarlet lining.
* * *
[Ao3 Collection] [prompt list by @syrips]
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Confession - a Malevolent fic
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There’s a trick to confession, if you want to keep another from hearing what you said. But not hearing it don’t make it not true, don’t make it go away.
I fear Arthur’s truth, so big and bright. I fear ours together may strike like flint and leap into devouring flame.
An Oscar one-shot.
There’s a trick to confession.
Well. A couple tricks, if we’re talking honest, but the biggest one is this: if you want to hide somat big but never lie, the way to do it is to put it by somat else just as big and bright.
Lies don’t work so well. They may look good up close, nice and meaty, but take a few steps back, and they’re full of holes. No, if you want to hide a truth, you can only do it with another one.
Take my own past.
What I did to a wicked man when I was but a lad is true. My regret that I didn’t finish the job is also true. Both true, big and bright, and they serve to hide the other truth that anyone would see if I didn’t blind them first with rage and revulsion.
I went after a man’s face with the claw-end of a hammer. I brought it down, again and again, like a knife through eggshell, like an awl into hard meringue. I crushed him, made wet rips in his skin for bits of skull and brain to stick to like salt on the swell of pudding. I smashed his nose, and I popped his eyes, and I ground him into bone-dusted craters, while gore flew and spattered red like tomato sauce left too long on the stone and boiling.
They dragged me away, and dragged him away, and then in my story, I give the second big, bright truth—that I regret he lived, that I didn’t finish, that he is out there somewhere, hurting someone else.
These two are already bad. It is enough to focus on my violence and my regret, maybe to question why the Fathers never saw me done to law. To wonder how I could stand to take vows after that hypocrisy, how I can live with myself and others like those wicked, guilty men.
And with all this, you miss the other truth I said outright, left in plain view, just beside the big-bright shape of truths: he lived.
With a claw hammer to his brain, over and over, he lived.
With holes like rabbit burrows right through his face, he lived well enough to be transferred to a new parish and keep his job.
I don’t believe in lies. Don’t tell them. But there’s a trick to confession that saves the one who listens: with my truths, big and bright, you don’t ask how he could live, what that means he is, and so perhaps you slip the attention of a thing that’s mere embarrassed a human boy caught it out with a hammer, and so left to continue its life somewhere else.
I wasn’t real surprised when Marie turned out to have demon troubles. Not that I know what Scratch is; but there’s just too many things stalking the good, struggling people of this city, and ever since I cracked the mask of one with a claw hammer, I seem to find their victims.
I’m never shocked when they come to me, or come near me—trailing monsters that have no name, things that eat their dreams or their skin, things that drink their tears or sate their lust, things that steal their children and replace them or don’t. Sheep are prey animals; wolves and bears and thieves come in the night, and I am supposed to be their shepherd.
Crook and staff are the shepherd’s tools, one gentle-hooked to lift sheep from the mud, the other heavy-cudgeled to crack skulls and spill blood. And I am so afraid.
I don’t want to see the monsters. Don’t want to hear whispering in the night. Wish I could just bless infants and calm widows and give peace through holy sacrament. 
Instead, this. I don’t have mere widows—I get them that made themselves so. I don’t have mere dreams, but creatures that infest like bot flies and persist, lumpish, under skin and feeding.
Scratch will never leave me alone. Hot breaths and lies, secrets and twisted realities, stretching true guilt out into new and terrible figures. And now his host is free, wandering, hidden in sweet sheepskin.
I am so afraid, but I do what’s right, or… I try. That’s what anyone can do, isn’t it? All anyone can do.
“Huh,” says Arthur Lester, when I say how old Marie’s house is. “When Scratch spoke to me, he said that he had been trapped in those walls for two hundred years, so how could that be?” 
A good question. And we both ignore the big, bright truth that he hides with it, the question anyone would ask if they didn’t get stuck on Butchers and injured family and multiple murders just dropped aside, like nothing, like mention of spoilt milk, a consequence of poor attention.
“This book is fascinating,” I say, clutching this well-worn thing with names for the monsters I see. “Have you used it previously?”
“Hm? Uh, yes. Once, another creature–”
“Another creature? Lord.”
“I didn’t get the impression it was a lie,” says Arthur, which makes no sense.
“What was?” I say.
“What… if it wasn’t…” he stumbles through, continuing a conversation I’m only a small part of, “as long as Scratch is saying, but he’s not aware?” 
Time dilation. Theories. A hunt. “It would make sense as to why he’s so desperate for freedom,” I say, because this big, bright thing is true, and we must find Hattie, and free her. “If every day felt like ten, I’d be batty as well.” We make our plan, and so we will go to the other home of the one who owns Scratch’s cage. 
And we both ignore the other shape, the one he spoke and leaves in plain view beside the big-bright shape of other truths: another creature, Arthur Lester said, and moved right along.
Met Scratch, he did. Learned the truth of a possessed woman, and the dead brother-in-law before that, and took both in stride.
Never lied about that. Never said it rocked him when it didn’t.
But now, I have to wonder. How much death must you see, as a man, to hear of a case like this and take it anyway, to represent the murderous widow as the innocent party, but still to use that sin as a lever for the priest what got himself involved?
And what other things must you see, as a man, that Scratch would not shake you to your core foundation, not terrify you into escape, but only turn you toward his heat like some fire hose with a mind of its own?
I hear him talking to himself again as I head into the night to bring Daniel his things, and I wonder about possession, and about what Arthur said, and the big, bright truths he shared that he hopes hide another. 
I heard him talk to himself in that house, not as a man just muttering, but as one arguing with somebody else. He did it in the hospital, too, when I approached.
And I wonder if our big, bright truths will weigh too much, grown too big to be camouflaged by another.
Fire is big and bright, too, but it doesn’t hide. It eats what it comes near. I smile and listen to Daniel’s drugged ramble about a son-in-law with terrible secrets and little hope, and I fear.
There’s a trick to confession, if you want to keep another from hearing what you said. But not hearing it don’t make it not true, don’t make it go away. I fear Arthur’s truth, so big and bright. I fear ours together may strike like flint and leap into devouring flame.
May God have mercy on both our kindling souls.
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frost-eyed-autumn · 2 months
Some Sheep Headcanons ;;
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Chuuya genuinely just didn't know a lot about anything when the Sheep first found him, even by the standards of a seven year old, to a point that it weirded the other kids out a lot. He knew some things like basic language, colors, shapes, lights and darkness, and just general "spacial" things that were more intuitive than education-based, but beyond that, even things like different foods were completely novel to him.
Shirase was the first person to really welcome Chuuya into the Sheep and give him food (even if he probably thought Chuuya was weird af just as much as all the other kids), so he was the first person Chuuya really gravitated towards and looked up to like an older brother, despite being about the same age. He absolutely had Baby Duck Syndrome following him everywhere.
Chuuya's first two years with the Sheep were basically just spent playing catch-up on figuring out how the world works and filling in all his knowledge gaps to be on par with all the rest of the Sheep kids. Every day was basically spent asking endless questions about things (to the point it probably annoyed the fuck out of everyone, honestly) and learning social cues through mimicry.
When it came to mimicry, he definitely didn't always get it right and, as happens with a pack of unsupervised kids whose only teacher is each other, ended up on the receiving end of harsh criticisms or getting picked on or ostracized for doing the "wrong thing" a lot during his first years with the Sheep. Suffice to say, it made him extremely conscientious about how to act around others and instilled in him a strong respect for group dynamics in order to fit in, looking outward at the other Sheep to dictate how he should behave. Even when he got older and more independent, he still defaulted to looking to the other kids and the Sheep Council for what he should do first, and followed his own decisions second (this was a large part of why it was so jarring when he brushed off Shirase and Yuan at the arcade to do something outside of their approval for once).
Chuuya was a very tactile and kinetic learner, and despite his gaps in knowledge, he learned quickly. It wasn't enough just to hear about or see things from afar. He liked to touch things, hold them and turn them over in his hands and figure them out and feel the textures on his fingers. Complex puzzle things like rubix cubes were his favorite to play with and he could get obsessively lost in them for hours. He's absolutely the kid that bit down on objects or licked them just because, or ran his fingers along the edge of a knife out of sheer curiosity (before getting lectured by the other kids about the dangers of tetanus and infections). If it was a place instead of an object, he had to explore it, climb it, and find all the hidden places. He was unsurpassed in finding good hiding places no one else could reach once he learned how to use his Gravity. He'd use these places for the benefit of the other Sheep most of the time, obviously, as either secret hiding places or somewhere to stash supplies where the adults couldn't find them.
Chuuya definitely wasn't shy about physical touch and getting close to the other Sheep when he was younger, leaning into them, holding onto hands or arms, or inserting himself closely between the other kids whenever he got the chance. He rough-housed just as much as any of the other kids, or ended up curled up asleep against them just as often as not. It was only when he got older and grew more into his Ability and his role as the Sheep's protector that he started to be more physically distant from a lot of the Sheep, though unbeknownst to him it was also because some of the Sheep were distancing themselves from him as well, save for a couple that were closer to him and less afraid like Yuan. Shirase stabbing him with a poisoned knife was a huge turning point for Chuuya allowing other people to get physically close to him when his guard is down or he's in a relaxed state, even if the person is friendly toward him.
Chuuya almost learned the hard way just how dangerous the cold could be during his first winter with the Sheep. Temperature and seasons was definitely one of the bigger things he had a hard time learning and coping with, not least of all because there wasn't a whole lot that the Sheep could do about staying warm except stoke a fire and huddle together. Winters were definitely the most miserable times for the Sheep, especially in the early days, but it also made him appreciate being physically close with his family all the more.
Chuuya didn't immediately understand or use his Ability when he was first brought into the Sheep. In the beginning, he seemed no different than all the other kids, weird "amnesia" aside. This was especially true given his weakened state when he was first taken in, given that he couldn't even finish a piece of bread without passing out halfway through eating, not having the strength or spare energy to activate it. He was around 9 or 10 when he first started to display his Ability, though he wouldn't learn how to use it to fight for a while yet.
Chuuya's only ever used his Gravity against anyone in the Sheep once when he was younger (before he came into its Protector role), when he got into a brawl with one of the other, bigger kids he didn't get along with and lost his temper. He didn't hurt them in any way they couldn't recover from, especially since the others broke up the fight rather quickly, but he got a long and hard lecture about never using his power against the other Sheep kids to win a fight. He took it to heart and swore he wouldn't, but it hardly mattered either way since no one in the Sheep ever tried to pick a physical fight with him again after that.
The first time Chuuya tried to go swimming in deep water with the other Sheep, it was assumed he'd be fine because of his Gravity Ability. They had to rescue him from drowning since that very quickly turned out not to be the case, and he never learned how to swim before then.
Chuuya discovered his Ability could stop bullets entirely by accident when someone tried to shoot him. At first, it damn near gave the other Sheep a heart attack, thinking he was surely dead. It took a few more times and Chuuya learning that he could provoke attacks at him instead of the other Sheep and be a bullet sponge that he really started to flex his Ability more noticeably and develop a bit of a cocky attitude about it.
Fleas and ticks and other insects were just a common reality that Chuuya had to tolerate along with the rest of the Sheep living in the slums, especially in the early days before he learned how to use Gravity to their benefit and favorably influence their opportunities. He hates ticks the most for how they burrow into skin and have to be ripped out. Even years after getting kicked out of the Sheep, he still religiously checks his ears for the little fuckers.
He absolutely knows what a lot of urban animals taste like given that it was sometimes the difference between eating them, rancid trash, or nothing at all. He's eaten reptiles (snakes, lizards, turtles), roasted insects like grasshoppers, song birds, squirrel, raccoon, seagull, duck, cat, dog, and plenty of other things before, when he's had to. He draws the line at eating rats. He'd rather starve.
He did learn a small bit of reading and writing in the slums here and there, though before coming to the Port Mafia, there were still large gaps in his knowledge of it. He was better at reading than he was with writing, because no one had ever taught him about things like proper brush stroke order, and his reading comprehension was still far below that of a teenager his age that would have had a formal education.
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derekfoxwit · 1 year
The Best Animated Feature Oscar My Way (up to 2022)
Here’s an abridged (and slightly tweaked) version of this post, since I started to noticed how flawed it is to have a post go on for that long for Tumblr. BOLD = My Winner
2001 - SHREK (still); Monsters, Inc.; Waking Life (replacing Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
2002 - Kept the same (SPIRITED AWAY; Lilo & Stitch; Ice Age; Treasure Planet; Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
2003 - FINDING NEMO (still); The Triplets of Belleville; Millennium Actress (replacing Brother Bear)
2004 -  THE INCREDIBLES (still); Shrek 2; Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (replacing Shark Tale)
2005 - Kept the same (WALLACE AND GROMIT: THE CURSE OF THE WERE-RABBIT; Corpse Bride; Howl’s Moving Castle)
2006 - PAPRIKA (replacing Monster House); Cars; Happy Feet
2007 - PERSEPOLS; Ratatouille; 5 Centimeters per Second (replacing Surf’s Up)
2008 - WALL-E (still); Kung Fu Panda; Waltz with Bashir (replacing Bolt)
2009 - FANTASTIC MR. FOX; Up; Coraline; Princess and the Frog; The Secret of Kells
2010 - Kept the same (TOY STORY 3; How to Train Your Dragon; The Illusionist)
2011 - RANGO (still); Kung Fu Panda 2; A Cat in Paris; Chico & Rita; The Tragedy of Man (replacing Puss in Boots 2011)
2012 - WRECK-IT RALPH; ParaNorman; Frankenweenie; The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!; Wolf Children (replacing Brave)
2013 - THE WIND RISES; Ernest & Celestine; Frozen; Rio 2096: A Story of Love and Fury; Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion (The Croods & Despicable Me 2 are replaced)
2014 - THE TALE OF THE PRINCESS KAGUYA; Song of the Sea; How to Train Your Dragon 2; Big Hero 6; The LEGO Movie (replacing The Box Trolls)
2015 - INSIDE OUT (still); Anomalisa; Boy and the World; Shaun the Sheep Movie; The Peanuts Movie (replacing When Marnie was There)
2016 - YOUR NAME (replacing Zootopia); Moana; Kubo and the Two Strings; The Red Turtle; My Life as a Zucchini
2017 - COCO (still); A Silent Voice; The Breadwinner; Living Vincent; Birdboy: The Forgotten Children (Boss Baby and Ferdinand are replaced)
2018 - SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (still); Isle of Dogs; Mirai; Incredibles 2; Night is Short, Walk on Girl (replacing Ralph Breaks the Internet)
2019 - KLAUS; How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World; I Lost My Body; Missing Link; Weathering With You (replacing Toy Story 4)
2020 - WOLFWALKERS; Soul; A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmaggeddon; Lupin III: The First (replacing Onward)
2021 - FLEE; Encanto; The Mitchells VS The Machines; Luca; either Belle or Summit of the Gods (replacing Raya and the Last Dragon)
2022 - GUILLERMO DELL TORO’S PINOCCHIO; Turning Red; Puss in Boots: The Last Wish; Marcel the Shell with Shoes On; Inu-Oh (replacing The Sea Beast)
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
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♡ Panic Attacks and Cuddles
♡ Drowning
♡ Easily Flustered
♡ Flirting Competition
♡ "Glorious Self"
♡ Fast Reading
♡ Alopecia Areata
♡ Birthday Celebration
♡ Hu Tao
♡ Asleep at the Sleepover
♡ Chuunibyou
♡ "You're Forgiven"
♡ Fear of Overworking
♡ Detached Mother
♡ Slip Ups and Coming Out
♡ Stolen Pet Name
♡ VA for Rin and Len
♡ Fear of Bugs
♡ Playing with His Hair
♡ Stray Cats
♡ Kabedon Challenge
♡ Best Isn't Enough
♡ Your Proposal
♡ Alien, Alien !
♡ Collaboration
♡ Figurine Collection
☆ A Wonderlands Sleepover (Poly!WxS)
♡ Sketchbook of Him
♡ Insanely Famous Idol
♡ Skittish Love
♡ Sian Sunbae
♡ Treats from a Secret Admirer
♡ Turned Into a Child
♡ Celebrating New Years
♡ Exploding Pen
♡ Tsukasa's Sibling
♡ Favorite Person
♡ Tech Sekai
♡ Coffee Lover
☆ Frustrated Hurt (Poly!WxS)
♡ Starving
♡ Lovely Letter
♡ Scary Rollercoaster
♤ Distant Younger Brother
♡ Weird Sleeper
♡ Gensokyo
♡ Crybaby
♡ Eating In Public
♡ Scabs
♡ Rejection...Wait
♡ Autistic
♡ Clinging in Sleep
♡ Dramatic During Dramas
♡ Ice Cream Lover
♡ Aro
♡ Akito's Sister, Rui's Girlfriend
♡ Dyscalculic
◇ Tsukasa and the Incredibly Well Hidden Crushes (Polysho)
♡ Headaches
♡ Main Guitarist and Vocalist
♡ Big Dog Privileges
♡ Autistic Meltdown
♡ Forgetful
☆ Ginger and Purple Boyfriends (Poly!AkiRui)
♤ Skipping School
♡ Childhood Support
♤ N25 Len Sibling
♡ Not Your Romeo
♡ Honami S/O
♡ Age Regressor
♡ Exotic Pet
♡ Disturbing Vocaloid Songs
♡ Abandoned Places
☆ Left Out Black Sheep (Poly!RuiKasa)
♡ Lurking Cat
♡ Missing True Feelings
♡ My Moonlight
♡ Yae Miko
♡ Face Dysmorphia
♡ Don't Tease Me
♡ Angst of Their Faves
♡ Medical Skills
♡ Sensory Issues
♡ Always Second Place
✎ "You're The Worst, I Love You So Much."
✎ "You're Crazy if You Think I'm Letting You Sleep on the Couch."
♡ Head in Lap
♡ Library Lover
♡ Childish
♡ Long Time Childhood Friends
◇ A Special Performance (Polysho)
☆ Mischievous and Polyamorous (Poly!RuiKasa)
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The Linen Loincloth
This is what the LORD said to me: “Go and buy yourself a linen loincloth and put it around your waist, but do not let it touch water.”
So I bought a loincloth as the LORD had instructed me, and I put it around my waist.
Then the word of the LORD came to me a second time: “Take the loincloth that you bought and are wearing, and go at once to Perath and hide it there in a crevice of the rocks.”
So I went and hid it at Perath, as the LORD had commanded me.
Many days later the LORD said to me, “Arise, go to Perath, and get the loincloth that I commanded you to hide there.” So I went to Perath and dug up the loincloth, and I took it from the place where I had hidden it. But now it was ruined—of no use at all.
Then the word of the LORD came to me: “This is what the LORD says: In the same way I will ruin the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. These evil people, who refuse to listen to My words, who follow the stubbornness of their own hearts, and who go after other gods to serve and worship them, they will be like this loincloth—of no use at all.
For just as a loincloth clings to a man’s waist, so I have made the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah cling to Me, declares the LORD, so that they might be My people for My renown and praise and glory. But they did not listen.
Therefore you are to tell them that this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Every wineskin shall be filled with wine.’
And when they reply, ‘Don’t we surely know that every wineskin should be filled with wine?’ then you are to tell them that this is what the LORD says: ‘I am going to fill with drunkenness all who live in this land—the kings who sit on David’s throne, the priests, the prophets, and all the people of Jerusalem. I will smash them against one another, fathers and sons alike, declares the LORD. I will allow no mercy or pity or compassion to keep Me from destroying them.’ ”
Listen and give heed. Do not be arrogant, for the LORD has spoken. Give glory to the LORD your God before He brings darkness, before your feet stumble on the dusky mountains. You wait for light, but He turns it into deep gloom and thick darkness. But if you do not listen, I will weep in secret because of your pride. My eyes will overflow with tears, because the LORD’s flock has been taken captive.
Say to the king and to the queen mother: “Take a lowly seat, for your glorious crowns have fallen from your heads.”
The cities of the Negev have been shut tight, and no one can open them. All Judah has been carried into exile, wholly taken captive. Lift up your eyes and see those coming from the north. Where is the flock entrusted to you, the sheep that were your pride?
What will you say when He sets over you close allies whom you yourself trained? Will not pangs of anguish grip you, as they do a woman in labor? And if you ask yourself, “Why has this happened to me?” It is because of the magnitude of your iniquity that your skirts have been stripped off and your body has been exposed. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Neither are you able to do good— you who are accustomed to doing evil.
“I will scatter you like chaff driven by the desert wind. This is your lot, the portion I have measured to you,”
“because you have forgotten Me and trusted in falsehood. So I will pull your skirts up over your face, that your shame may be seen. Your adulteries and lustful neighings, your shameless prostitution on the hills and in the fields— I have seen your detestable acts. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! How long will you remain unclean?” — Jeremiah 13 | The Reader’s Bible (BRB) The Reader’s Bible © 2020 by Bible Hub and Berean.Bible. All rights Reserved. Cross References: Exodus 39:28; Exodus 39:42; Leviticus 26:19; Leviticus 26:33; Numbers 14:11; Deuteronomy 7:17; Deuteronomy 29:20; Joshua 7:19; 2 Chronicles 36:15-16; Psalm 60:3; Psalm 75:8; Proverbs 1:22; Proverbs 16:5; Proverbs 27:22; Isaiah 2:10; Jeremiah 1:15; Jeremiah 20:4; Jeremiah 32:44; Jeremiah 49:10; Jeremiah 51:63; Lamentations 1:8; Matthew 3:4; Matthew 24:8; Matthew 24:51; Luke 10:11; Luke 19:41-42; Acts 21:11; Romans 1:25
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