#science updates
kryptonian-puppy · 2 years
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On the Left is Hubble’s Deepfield Image, on the Right is the JWST’s Deepfield Image. One hell of an upgrade that’s for damn sure. We’ll always love you Hubble but the JWST is going to show us the universe like never before.
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science-updates3489 · 2 years
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bluestonewings · 5 months
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ACES!!! Look at this Scientific American article!!! It makes me genuinely so happy to read. We’re making it!!!!
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martin-james2121 · 5 days
State-Backed Chinese Firm Plans Space Tourism Flights by 2028
According to recent reports from state media, CAS Space, a prominent Chinese commercial space enterprise, disclosed plans for its "space tourism vehicle," slated to conduct its inaugural flight in 2027, with a journey to the edge of space scheduled for 2028.
Shortly after this announcement, Blue Origin, backed by Jeff Bezos, unveiled plans to recommence operations of its New Shepard Rocket, which serves both cargo and human flights to the edge of space. This development marks the conclusion of an almost two-year hiatus in crewed operations.
Tourist Cabin
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CAS Space elaborated that their vehicle will boast a tourist cabin outfitted with four panoramic windows, designed to accommodate up to seven passengers per flight. The company envisions launching trips every 100 hours from a newly erected aerospace theme park, deploying ten vehicles to ferry tourists to the edge of space in a rotational manner.
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
i can't stop chewing on the MASH time loop situation. my star trek brain will not turn off. there is definitely some kind of temporal anomaly at play, but it's not really a time loop in the traditional sense.
effects carry over from loop to loop. they appear to age. the same wounded soldiers appear on the table three times, but the scars of past surgeries are still there. a character leaves or dies and is gone from the mash forever; their replacement arrives near the end of the war and is still there at the beginning. the dates overlap, yet their presence is sequential. the other characters remember all of them.
how far does this effect extend? if it's summer again at mash, is it summer in tokyo? is it summer in maine? if BJ is in korea two years before he arrived, who's in residency in california, marrying his wife, conceiving his child?
their family trees at home deform—different wives, different children, loved ones alternately dead and alive and never born. those inside are oblivious to what they've lost. hawkeye remembers trapper, but not his sister. what happens in korea persists; the world outside is a fragile suggestion. he tells a soldier that men at the front can't see the whole war, only the other guys dug in with them on their one little hill.
for a deep space nine fan this is irresistible. hawkeye says, wars end, but war is forever. kira asks, if the past has changed, why do i still remember it? sisko never left that ship. time itself is warped by trauma. it is not linear. you exist here. you choose to exist here.
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gio-scrabbles · 7 months
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Doodles of Maria Robotnik because she’s a good noodle and deserves it!
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cosmicfunnies · 13 days
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Good evening!
This is a re visited comic on earth introducing herself! All of my comics and future topics will be in this new format as they will be included in the new website I am working on!
I hope you all like the new design!
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pinacoladamatata · 1 month
John Hancock is sooo funny. Like to me personally. He's like if you played Skyrim and went to Riften, met the Jarl, and after doing 1 side quest to ROB said Jarl they were like "hey, I'm coming with you"
And if you even try to be like "what about the town?" He's like ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ "don't care. It'll still be standing when I get back. Or it won't. Whatever." And he fills your little wasteland travels with deflective sarcasm.
And then you fall in love.
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humansbgone · 2 months
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All three simple scenes are done! Additionally, I've made headway on the complicated scene scheduled for next week. Alas, this was a busy week, or I would have pushed ahead and gotten more done.
Here, we see Vera jumping up on Sophodra's face. Pretty self-explanatory.
The next scene is a long, complicated one that I've split into thirds. Over the weekend I'll try to complete the first third, and over the week I'll hopefully be able to finish up the rest. Then, four simple scenes the week after, and Gregorsa and sound effects the week after that. After that, it depends on my assistant's schedule.
I may be going on a two-week vacation from mid to late April, which will also slow things down. The bulk of my work should be done by then, though I will also try to get some work done during. At this rate, the new episode will probably be done sometime in May. I'm disappointed it's taken so long...but, this is not only the longest episode yet, and the most complicated, but also demanded a ton of new assets. So, I guess that's to be expected. Gotta keep pushing forward. Until next time!
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thecosmickid · 2 years
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Look Beyond l Webb
This is beautiful....
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alienkitty259 · 3 months
So I looked up the meaning of dol characters names
Briar: thorny bush of roses, brambles, thorny rose, a thorny patch, or shrub, small tree,
Bailey: berry clearing, bailiff, city fortification, or stick rod, law enforcer,
Remy: oarsman or rower
Landry: ruler, powerful ruler, or land, fatherland,
Harper: someone who plays the harp, harpist, minstrel, pleasant, or brave, harp player,
Niki: people of victory, victory, or goodness
Darryl: darling, beloved, from Arielle, or dear
Wren: small bird, ruler, or small brown songbird
Jordan: to go down, descending, or to flow down
Ivory: white as elephant tusks or pale white
Leighton: leek town, herb garden, leek garden, meadow settlement, or meadow town, from the town by the meadow,
Gwylan: seagull
Morgan: sea born, sea song, sea circle, sea chief, sea protector, sea defender, or sailor, captain, great circle,
Mickey: who resembles god, who is like god, or enthusiastic
Zephyr: west wind, wandering girl, or breezy
Sirris: bright or burning
Charlie: free man, valiant, free, or strong
Avery: ruler of the elves, wise, ruling with elf wisdom, or counselor
Doren: gift, adventurer, a stranger, or one who has been exiled
Quinn: wise, sense, reason, intelligent, or descendants of conn
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satur9-if · 4 months
Hangout Update
I got the “interlude” chapter of Saturnine written a little quicker than I expected and added it to the game. At 54k words it just narrowly manages to beat Calypso for the title of the largest chapter & update thus far. In this new section, taking place during a long break from action, you can:
Learn how to play guitar
Roast Marshal’s painting skills
Destroy your teammates at Chess
Watch bad movies
Become Christian
Become a retro-gamer
Drink bad coffee
Have sex with a big, metal spider
Find an abrupt game-over
I’m not really sure what comes next. I’ll probably take a break to take care of some pending IRL issues of mine, then try writing the “Saturn” and “Telesto” sections simultaneously. For those reasons, the next update should be pretty far away.
But hey, my story is already longer than most WIPs out there, Tale of Heroes and Thicker Than included. Take that, Barb.
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science-updates3489 · 2 years
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child-of-peace · 5 months
I’m rewatching Headless and I just realised there’s an extra layer of cruelty in Kat’s plan to sacrifice Ichabod: the fact that he’s the only one stopping the poor students of Sleepy Hollow Middle School from being taught science by Brom.
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martin-james2121 · 2 months
After two delays, Russia successfully launches the ambitious Angara-A5 rocket from the Vostochny Cosmodrome
On Thursday, Russia has achieved a successful launch of the Angara-A5 rocket from the Vostochny Cosmodrome. This launch, following a string of technical setbacks that resulted in the cancellation of two earlier attempts, underscores the intimidating challenges encountered in the realm of high-stakes space technology.
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Nestled within the forests of the Amur region in Russia’s Far East, the Vostochny Cosmodrome buzzed with anticipation as the Angara-A5, a powerful rocket engineered to transport payloads exceeding 20 tonnes into orbit, ascended into the sky.
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A little Chell and Gladys from my fic Years of Science, since it's been a bit since I worked on the fic
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