#scarlett sparks
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power of gay
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that's truly heartbreaking
Poor Scarlett
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Penny pissed me off so much in the Scarlett SQ. I get that she’s severely traumatised by Scarlett’s attack and has a prejudice against werewolves as a result but she annoyed me to no end with her views and behaviour. Every time she went on a tangent about how all werewolves were ruthless killing machines I wanted the option to be like “okay how about I go tell Chiara what you think of her?” And the fact that it was SCARLETT who had to apologise pissed me off even more like at most they both should’ve apologised but just Scarlett doing it without Penny having to do the same is bs. I wasn’t even that satisfied by the ending or with Penny. Like I hope her mindset isn’t “I still think all werewolves are monsters but Chiara and Scarlett are exceptions” because that’s hardly an improvement imo.
It's...not surprising.
Among other things, Anti-Werewolf sentiment is prevalent in her culture, and is widely considered to be a socially acceptable view. Werewolves still have to join a Registry. Like. Wow. That gets more and more appalling to me the older I get. There is a Werewolf Capture Unit for heaven's sake. Really, the only people in this culture who are staunch defenders of Werewolves are those who are close friends with a Werewolf. Really gets me thinking about the various prejudices that are still socially acceptable today, with minimal exception. Speaking of wolves, the one that pops into my mind is how much Furries get bullied. That bothers me a lot. In 2022, we should be better than this.
Penny is a good person, categorically. But good people can be flawed and exhibit implicit bias. With her experiences and her trauma, it's no wonder that this is her prejudice. Like, it is worth noting that she has severe trauma and survivor's guilt associated with Lycanthropy. Not an excuse, just, something to keep in mind. When Scarlett is revealed to be alive, she's forced to confront her own ideas about werewolves, to look at herself in the mirror properly. She's been so comfortable just demonizing them as the monsters who took Scarlett away. Not Scarlett alive, and she's one of them. She's a Werewolf. I don't think anything could have challenged Penny's worldview the way this did. No, not even Chiara would do.
By the way, with how these quest work, Penny knowing Chiara's secret wouldn't have mattered. It's stupid, and I hate to say it, but this quest doesn't factor that in because...I guess the story would be too different? Penny would be too different? So she's written in such a way that she doesn't know Chiara's secret, or, if she does, it hardly matters. It's just like you said. To Penny, Chiara would be an "exception." Which is a baby step toward recognizing Werewolves as people - nothing more, nothing less. It's a step in the right direction, yes, but also the bare minimum. Which is all Chiara could be, really. No matter how sweet and innocent she is...she's not the Werewolf who "killed" Scarlett. So her existence cannot challenge that hatred. In Penny's mind, Scarlett is a pure and innocent victim. The Werewolf who killed her is the ultimate evil, and Penny transposes that evil onto everyone with Lycanthropy. Nobody could have challenged that point of view. Nobody except Scarlett, or the Werewolf that infected her.
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dynamic-k · 17 days
I swear if this chapter reaches 7k-
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he may be stupid
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coffeebooh · 5 months
traught is just young justice’s r*manogers when you think abt it
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kiwimadegames · 6 months
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'Scarlett and the Spark of Life' (2011) By: Launching Pad Games (Wellington) For: iPhone Scarlett isn’t dutiful. She’s angry. She’s going to start a fight, make a daring escape, and ride into the sunset on an egotistical mechanical horse built from spare parts. Unfortunately it is no longer available on the App Store. You can read a review of the game here: https://www.pocketgamer.com/articles/025629/scarlett-and-the-spark-of-life-episode-1/
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hi i’m sav :D
i’m sure there are other people out there who like this game, but there is literally no fandom at all and next to no information about this game, so i have taken the liberty to name myself the only scarlet adventures fan. i’m sure if you manage to find someone else who likes this game, they won’t get offended by it, and would understand completely. plus we’d probably become friends because people of our kind are extinct.
scarlett adventures (or scarlett and the spark of life) was a mobile point-and-click adventure game which came out on the 1st of january, 2010. i remember playing it over and over again when i was younger.
scarlett and the spark of life (which was the name of the app), was going to be the first chapter of an unknown amount, because the game got canceled for an unknown reason. scarlett adventures was going to be the name of the series.
i suspect a few reasons for why this game got canceled:
1. since point-and-click adventure games were new back then, the game got a lot of backlash from people who were used to playing fast-paced action games. due to this, the game received bad reviews and the devs decided to cancel it.
2. the devs (i believe there were two people working on it. i’ll make a post about them later) had an argument, or real life got in the way of them working together, so they decided to cancel scarlett adventures because they had a falling out.
3. the game just didn’t get enough traction. after all, it’s genre was very new at the time. the devs might not have seen a future for the game, and decided to stop working on it.
scarlett and the spark of life costed $1 to buy on the app store. that’s $1 i’ll never get to spend now. i’m going to make a fanmade remake of this game, and hopefully create all the chapters and finish the game. i miss the humor, the characters, the music, everything from the game. i’ve even written a breakup song about it (it’s an absolute banger).
if you’re interested in this game, please consider following this blog to help keep this game somewhat alive :>
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Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Someone sends you flowers and your girlfriend isn't happy about it.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. Also, this was requested by one of you. Thank you for the request, anon!
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You spent most of your life being disappointed at all the people you tried to date.
Don't take it the wrong way, but there was always something that displeased you in a way that you couldn’t brush off. Your first girlfriend would do overly romantic gestures that you were fairly sure she was getting ideas from the rom-com she was fascinated with. The relationship didn’t last that long, although she kept the record of the most amount of gifts any girlfriend ever gave you for many years after that. The girl that came after her was the complete opposite, difficult to show any emotions and very closed off. You fell hard, of course, and had your heart broken several times by her. She cheated, she lied, she manipulated, and she wouldn’t even tell you she loved you unless it was when you found out about another one of her affairs. You made yourself go through that hell for nearly three years.
After that, you vowed to give yourself some time to recover, to be alone and think about your own life. You were almost done with college at that point but that didn’t stop you from suddenly becoming the party girl you couldn’t be for the last few years. None of your one-night stands were remarkable enough for you to want a second round with them, even when some would ask and beg for it. It was fun, but you also met every type of girl in your adventures.
When you finally met someone again and tried to start a new relationship, things just didn’t work out. No dramas, it just didn’t. It was nice at first, but the spark was gone so fast that you two became friends very quickly. You were done with college soon after you broke up, so you packed your things and moved to NY.
It's not like you made a conscious decision not to date anyone. You didn’t put any walls around your heart or anything like that. What happened was that no one seemed to be able to catch your attention for more than a few dates. It was like they would bore you somehow, which was insane to think because you were sure they were all great people.
Just not the right ones for you.
So you kept living in NY while going through a small rampage of quick dates. You found a job, you started your career, you got yourself a nice apartment that was way more expensive than you thought it should be, you made some friends, and you lived the freedom of the early twenties.
Until you met her.
Scarlett Johansson popped up in your life out of nowhere, as if she had appeared out of thin air, but she soon proved to be very different from anyone else you knew. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly what made her so different from the rest, but you figured it out after a while. She was older than you, she was already divorced, she had experience. She had experience.
It didn’t take long for you to fall for her, head first and without going back. How could you not? How could you not fall for her when she did things that no one else had ever done for you?
Scarlett would open the doors for you - and it would never fail to make you blush. She would bring you flowers, but not only when she was picking you up for a date - no, she was always pampering you with flowers, sometimes sending you a bouquet even when she was traveling and currently on the other side of the ocean. She would treat you to fancy dinners and expensive wines, and take you to try dishes you never even heard about. She would call you "darling" and kiss your cheek in public, although she wasn’t usually holding your hand - her hand was normally at your lower back, guiding you gently but with no hesitation. Scarlett would give you small gifts all the time too - you picked up on the fact that you would talk about a book you wanted to read one day and said book would be waiting for you in the next one. Scarlett even renounced her side of the bed because that was your favorite.
Overall, Scarlett was a true gentleman.
Except when you were inside the bedroom.
Oh, when you were inside the bedroom things were very different.
She never truly forewent her gentleman persona since she would whisper sweet nothings in your ear while pounding you mercilessly on the bed. Scarlett would pull your hair and kiss your jaw sweetly at the same time. She would ruin you and then go up your body kissing every inch of your skin while also telling you how good you were. She would call you a slut and, after you had the best orgasm in your life, she would prepare you a hot bath where she would rub your feet and tell you how much she loves you.
That’s why you were so damn surprised with the conversation that took place that night.
“Thank you for the flowers,” you said while peeling a potato.
Scarlett was cutting up bacon into cubes beside you, but she hit the knife a bit harder after she heard what you said. “I didn’t send you flowers.”
She looked at you with one quirked eyebrow, clearly asking you for more information, but you were too busy trying to fight back a blush. When you were called in the middle of your workday to go to the reception table to sign off a delivery, you were already halfway expecting it to be flowers. Scarlett didn’t make a habit of sending things to your work - unless you shamefully admitted you skipped a meal and she made a goal of trying to feed you - but you also never received anything unless it wasn’t for something Scarlett sent you.
So, when you got there and saw the bouquet, you immediately assumed it had been from your girlfriend, although you didn’t have time to send her a quick text to thank her because you needed to rush for a meeting and couldn’t take your phone with you. You were busy until closing hours and, since you had plans with Scarlett that night, you didn’t bother texting her, just deciding to thank her in person.
Which was what you were trying to do.
“What do you mean?” You asked with your head tilted to the side.
“I didn’t send you anything,” Scarlett repeated, now putting the knife down to fully look at you. “You received flowers today?”
“Yes,” you still sounded confused when you also stopped peeling the potatoes. “It wasn’t you?”
“No, no it wasn’t.” Her voice was firm now, leaving no room for arguments, and you could see her jaw clenching a bit. “Who sent you flowers?”
“Babe, I thought it was you!” You were fast to try to explain, even though you weren’t exactly sure how you could explain something like that. “I don’t know who - Oh.”
Oh, indeed.
The thought crossed your mind while you were talking, but that was the only thing that could make sense. If Scarlett hadn’t been the one to send you the flowers, there was only one other option for who did it. And it was bad because, sure, you didn’t want to receive flowers from anyone but your girlfriend, but the fact that it was that particular person who did it made it a thousand times worse.
Scarlett must have picked on your reaction because she raised one eyebrow at you, clearly not amused at all. “What does ‘oh’ mean?” You didn’t reply since you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to do so, although it only resulted in Scarlett crossing her arms while she glared at you. “Y/N.”
It was a warning, you knew that much. It usually happened when you were making too much noise when she was fucking you somewhere you might get caught or when you tried to distract her from her work by walking around naked around the house. It always came to you to decide if you would take the risk to keep pushing your limits or if you would back down - and, of course, sometimes you just kept pushing just to see what she would do to you.
That wasn’t the time for that, though.
The mood wasn’t set for sexy times. Scarlett seemed mad and impatient.
“Uh, I might know who sent them,” you admitted and watched as her eyes narrowed. “Are you sure it wasn’t you, though? Maybe you forgot about it.”
“Forgot?” Scarlett repeated the word with a scoff. “I would’ve done it in my sleep for me not to be able to remember if I sent my girlfriend flowers or not.”
Well, fine, so there was no hope for you. “Okay.” You bit your bottom lip and looked down at your feet. “Don’t be mad,” you plead in a whisper.
You were still looking down, but you heard Scarlett sighing before you felt her soft hands touching your face. She prompted you to raise your head, which you did, and you saw she was making an effort to wash the anger from her features. “I’m not mad,” Scarlett said and, despite it all, she sounded honest. Her thumbs were making soothing circles on your cheeks and you felt yourself relaxing when she smiled at you. “I’m sorry if it looked like I was. I was just caught off guard, that’s all.”
You nodded to let her know it was okay, but you still whimpered a bit. “It’s not really my fault.”
“I know it’s not.” Scarlett pulled you for a hug, making you rest your head on her shoulder as she kissed your forehead. “I’m sorry, princess. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was mad at you.”
You knew she wouldn’t actually be mad with you about it. Scarlett was way more laid back about it than you, for sure, so you weren’t honestly worried about it even for a second. If things happened the other way around - if Scarlett had been the one receiving flowers from someone who was trying to hit on her - you would be livid too. Not at her - the same way her anger wasn’t directed at you - but you also would’ve been in a much worse mood.
No one could blame you for pushing things a little bit, though. Not really. Because you knew Scarlett would comfort you and that she would jump in to make you feel safe in her arms, loved and cared for - and maybe that’s the exact reason you always pushed your limits around her.
“I, uh, I might know who sent them,” you declared once you pulled away a bit shyly. Scarlett nodded in encouragement for you to keep talking, so you did. “I had a meeting yesterday with someone from another company. It was just business, really, but I noticed that this guy wouldn’t stop looking at me and, when the meeting was over, he walked towards me to ask for my number so we could ‘discuss more personal matters’.” You made the quotation marks with your fingers while you rolled your eyes at the memory. It had pissed you off the day before and it was pissing you off again now that you were remembering it. “I told him I wasn’t interested and he walked away. I thought he got the message.” The last part was said with a groan as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
That made Scarlett’s expression shift to something assembling worry and concern. “Has he made you uncomfortable?”
“Just annoyed,” you sighed and shrugged. “He didn’t insist. But he apparently sent me flowers today, so I don’t know how I feel about that.” The conversation with the man had been strictly professional and you couldn’t imagine what happened to make him think he could send you flowers like that. You did care that he hadn’t taken the hint and was insisting, but, at the same time, you couldn’t care less if he suddenly had a crush on you. You had the most perfect woman beside you, you didn’t need or want anyone else.
Scarlett nodded and leaned to kiss your forehead again, more firmly now to offer you some comfort, before she offered you a grin. “Well, if he tries something like that again, you let me know,” she asked before her grin became a bit devious. “I could ask Hemsworth to give him a piece of mind.”
You laughed as you pictured the scene. A man like Hemsworth - a muscle mountain - walking inside someone’s office to defend your honor on Scarlett’s behalf. “I think he would shit his pants if he ever saw Hemsworth in front of him.”
“That would work perfectly for me.” Scarlett shrugged, now sounding amused about the whole thing.
You chuckled happily and gave your girlfriend a quick peck. “Thank you. There’s no need to call in anyone in this situation. Yet,” you added as a later thought, noticing how Scarlett got serious again. “I promise I will tell you it keeps happening. If he sends me something else, I will go to my boss about it as well. He might do something about it.” The man worked for a company that your boss was thinking about making some transactions, so that could actually work in your favor if he decides to give the dude a little scare. Your boss was an older man with four daughters and seven granddaughters. You were sure he would be even angrier than Scarlett if he ever heard about that story.
“Okay,” your girlfriend conceded. “I will let you handle that for now, but you come to me if you need any help. Deal?”
“Deal,” you agreed quickly with a little smile, happy to be given that trust to handle things for yourself first.
You loved it when Scarlett took over to solve your problems because you trusted her blindly to always make the best decisions and to get things done. Sometimes you got too overwhelmed by everything and it was nice to rely on someone else. This time, however, you were sure you could deal with things alone. You would get to your office the next day and send the guy a very straightforward email to let him know he shouldn’t be sending you any more gifts and that your conversations would remain only work related, and see how things go after that.
The best part of having someone like Scarlett was that you knew that, if things didn’t work out how you wanted them to, you could come to her at any time and she would jump right in to help you. You knew that she wouldn’t actually call her castmate to help scare some grow-up man - logistically, it would be hard to do it since Hemsworth was currently in his home back in Australia - but Scarlett was a very skilled woman herself. She would know no boundaries to protect you.
With that in mind, you placed your arms around her shoulders, letting your wrists meet behind her neck, and took a step forward to get closer to her. “My knight in shining armor,” you sang provocatively before giving her a kiss.
“Hm,” Scarlett moaned against your mouth, causing a content sigh to escape your lips and you both pulled away a few inches. “Maybe he needs to know that you’re taken,” she suggested.
“Oh, I am?” You tried to sound as innocent as possible, though you knew it just sounded like you were teasing her. You didn’t care. The mood had shifted and you now wanted to push your limits again.
“Yes.’ Scarlett’s voice was firm, but it was the way that her hands gripped your hips to pull you against her that made you gasp. “Haven’t you noticed it yet? That you’re mine.” She was smiling now, her green eyes going darker by the second, and you suddenly felt like you were a few seconds away from dying right then and there. “All mine,” Scarlett whispered with a hoarse tone and your knees lost some of their strength.
“I know.” You eagerly nodded because, yes, you knew that. You made yourself hers.
Scarlett smiled even brighter and she leaned over to hide her face in the crook of your neck. You felt her lips brushing against your skin, although she didn’t touch you. “Do you really? Maybe a reminder would do some good.” Finally, an open-mouthed kiss was pressed against your pulse point and you felt goosebumps going up and down your spine. “Maybe a little mark so everyone knows you belong to someone else.”
“Scarlett,” you moaned both at her words and the sensation of her tongue darting out to lick a path on your skin.
“Yes, darling?” Scarlett sounded amused, which almost made you roll your eyes at her.
“If you don’t take me to your room right now to keep up your word, I will be sending your flowers back from now on,” you threatened and, even if you both knew it was a blatant lie, it did the trick.
“Hm, we can’t let that happen,” Scarlett joked before she pulled away to look at you again.
The next day, you came back from a meeting and saw a life-sized bouquet on top of your desk with a small card written in Scarlett’s beautiful cursive letter.
“To my beautiful girlfriend,
You own my love
and I promise to protect your heart.
You decided to forego the email idea. No, you would do something even better. You would call the stupid man to your office so he could see for himself that he was nothing compared to your girlfriend.
And, if you had three new hickeys in your neck that he might see, well, that was just a consequence.
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wingedhallows · 2 months
my choice; sirius black
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pairing: sirius black x reader | 2.3k words plot: nothing was ever choice, so helping the order and and finding your way back to the love of your life is finally your choice. authors note: hi hi, so this was requested by my dear scarlett @arwensloanebarnes & I'm so happy to have finally written it. I hope you like it, even if i've put my own little twist on it. love u & thank you for always throwing ideas and words of motivation towards me <3
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“I want to break up.” His kind, lovely eyes now glared at her in disbelief. His arm slacked off the doorframe. His demeanor changed, his coolness gone. You watched him crumble, watched him break. His mouth opened and he didn’t say a word, your gaze wandered to his feet.
The shame washed over you like a cold shower. “Break up?” You couldn’t look at him, the man you loved to the moon and back, the man you would die for. That’s exactly why you were doing this, why you had to push him away.
“What the fuck do you mean?” He barked as he took a step towards you.
“I want to end our relationship.” You spoke, voice without emotion. He stared you down, hands in fists.
“End? What-what the fuck, you can’t just end our relationship like this, we’re Bonny & Clyde, we’re ride or die, we’re made for each other… we belong with each other.” He tried, his arms flailing around in anguish. You bit the inside of your cheek in hopes of stopping yourself from bursting out in tears.
“Not anymore, Black. I don’t date blood traitors.”
He stumbled back, his face in an expression you never hoped to see. It tore you apart, your chest felt tight as you watched him. “What?” You took a breath and grabbed your bag.
“Take care, Sirius.” Before you could turn back and tell him why you acted this way, why you had to hurt him in such a horrific way and take everything back, you dragged yourself through the door and left him behind.
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You stood hidden behind a trash container, sparks flying and grunts audible. Damario and Vincius, two fellow Death Eaters, gleamed with confidence as they had cornered Albus Dumbledore in an alleyway. Their wands were held high, smirks on their faces.
“The Dark Lord will award us dearly, Vincius.” Damario spat, yellow teeth faced your way.
“I don’t think he will, Damario.” Albus tried as he popped a lemon drop in his mouth. He fished his wand from his long clothing and without a word spoken, his wand unleashed a spell so powerful that the both of them flew several feet. Damario grabbed Vincius’ arm and in a flash they were gone. 
Albus didn’t put his wand away as he turned towards you, eyes set on your frame.
“You can come out now.” He said and you cursed yourself, of course he would feel your presence. You tucked your wand away and raised your arms.
“You’re more guarded with me?” You tried, his face didn’t change though, your joke fell through.
“Of course, Damario and Vincius aren’t remotely as skilled as you are, Y/N.” You gave him a smile and stepped further towards him.
“Thank you, Headmaster.” He frowned and took a step towards you, wand still raised. “What brings you here, Y/N?” He paused to eye you.
“Do you wish to murder me as well?” The smile vanished from your face and you shook your head. “No, I do not wish to murder you.” You paused as well as you let your arms fall to your side.
“Then what is it?” You sighed and fished a small container from your jacked, and pulled your wand from your other.
“I wish to help you.” He frowned and cocked his head. “You mean betray your master?” You chuckled and shook your head.
“I do not have a master, nothing of what happened with me or my friends was my choice. I wish to help you, help you defeat Voldemort and make decisions of my own.” He lowered his wand and took a step towards you.
“I’ll show you.”
Without hesitation you raised your wand to your temple and pulled the desired memory from your mind and bottled it up for Albus to take. He took the bottle from you and left you behind, his form vanished with a worp of his surroundings.
You pulled the pack of cigarettes from your pocket and lit it with the lighter Sirius had gifted you on your sixteenth birthday. You eyed the small object and sighed, you’d make everything right.
Starting with this, with your memories. Would Albus believe you? He needed to, those memories were reason enough, right?
“We gave you so much freedom, so much space to become a respectable young woman, a great witch but what do you do?” Your mother paused, wand raised at you.
“We feed you, we provide you with education and a roof over your head and you go around whoring yourself out to a blood traitor!?” A woman, you didn’t know, held you by your neck, wand pressed into your flesh.
“You think you can go against us? Against the ways of the noble Devereux household? Every member of this family will serve the Dark Lord and his ways, my dear daughter.” Her fingers crawled into your arm as you tried to get away, desperately.
Another man and your father came to your mothers side. You stared at your father, tears in your eyes as he watched you.
“Stop fighting.” He tried to calm you down. You didn’t listen, your body twisted and wound with as much effort as you could manage. Screams and tears left your face, desperate to set an end to this madness.
Your mothers cold fingers grabbed your cheeks, nothing but hatred visible in her old face.
“Stop fighting it, dear. It was never your decision to make.”
Without wasting another minute, she placed her wand on the soft flesh of your lower arm and branded you, damned you.
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Albus had sent his phoenix with a letter. It had said to invite you to a meeting, to announce your plans of being a double agent and to apologize for having thought ill of you.
You had learnt the hard way to not take others' words personally.
“They’ll insult you, take your appearance as an insult.” He spoke as he tapped his wand on the door of Sirius’ parents house.
His parents were arrested not too long ago, the house was now empty. You sighed as you watched the house appear through rumbles. Why exactly this damned house?
“I’d be disappointed if not.” You sighed as you flipped the cigarette away. Your hair moved in the subtle cold wind and your heart beat like it’ll break down any minute from all the effort.
Albus didn’t answer and stepped inside, you followed him. Your coat found its way onto the overflowing coat hanger. The dark hallway seemed too familiar, making your heart skip a beat. The old wizard walked forward, he was greeted with bright hello’s and smiles.
You kept your head high, hands shoved in your jeans as you followed Albus into the kitchen. Lily threw her hand to her mouth and James shoved her behind himself. Remus watched you, body motionless. You didn’t look his way, you couldn’t.
“Albus, what is the meaning behind this?” Minerva questioned, hand propped on the dark wooden table.
“Why would you bring a Death Eater in our midst? What the fuck are you doing here?” James threw your way. You stood behind the headmaster as your mouth shifted into a grin.
“Lovely to see as well, James.” You paused, fingers playing with your lighter inside your jacket.
“How’s Harry?” James' face contorted into hatred as Sirius raised his wand. “Don’t you take his name in your filthy mouth.” Your eyes wandered to the man you missed the most. He looked good, tired, broken but strangely enough, good.
“My bad.” You stopped as Albus eyed you, demanding you to finish whatever this was.
Albus sat down, you did as well. “Y/N offered to act as a double agent.” He paused and took a sip from his cup.
“After careful consideration, she has proven herself to be trustworthy.” Sirius huffed in disbelief, his wand still tightly clasped in his right hand.
“How are you so sure?” Sirius spoke, eyes in slits. You couldn’t fight the urge to smirk. He still had it, the fire.
“I saw Y/N’s memories.” The room stilled of all motion, attention once again on you.
“What memories?” Albus shook his head at Sirius' question. “Not my place to tell, Sirius.” He eyed you down and left it at that.
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You closed the room to the restroom, turning off the light. Someone’s hand on your elbow as he dragged you towards the living room. The back of his head gave him away.
“What do you want, Sirius?” He closed the door and turned around. “What do I want?” He spat, his hand on the cabinet by the door.
“What do you want?” You crossed your arms, face in an emotionless mask. “I want to help you.” He shook his head, his lips formed in a cruel snarl.
“Don’t give me this crap, help us? You turned your back on us, you became one of them.” Your eyes left his face, shame crawling up your back.
“I’m sorry.” You simply stated. He swallowed, eyes leaving your face. You were never good at arguing when you were at fault, especially not with Sirius.
“You’re sorry? Alice and Frank were tortured into insanity, Y/N!” He yelled, face turning red.
“Marlene was murdered, her whole family wiped out!” He threw his fist on the couch.
“Our friends died, butchered like animals and you’re sorry? Sorry doesn’t cut it, Y/N.” He came towards you.
“You ripped my heart out and became one of those, those disgusting vile creatures, like it was nothing to you!” He was now yelling in your face.
“You disgust me.” He spat. You swallowed and watched him walk away from you. His hand was on the handle as you spoke.
“It wasn’t my choice.” 
He turned around, face hard and mad. You looked away, eyes already collecting tears.
“Nothing ever was my choice.” His eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean?” You let your hands fall to your side as you looked at him once again.
“I didn’t become one of them.” You paused to take a breath.
“They made me one of them.”
He watched you, his eyebrows still furrowed.
“Made you?” You tried to fight the tears but one of them left your eyes either way.
“My mother had me pinned to the ground.” He held onto the couch as his eyes widened.
“To brand me as one of their own.” You pushed some hair behind your ear as you took a deep breath.
“I had no choice but to belong to one side. Reaching out to Albus was my choice, betraying Voldemort was my choice and being a double agent was my choice, this is for once my choice and I’ll take responsibility for it.” 
You wiped the tears off your face. “I understand that you hate me, that I broke your heart and that I destroyed our friends lifes and I’ll take that guilt of not having saved Alice, Frank or Marlene but I’ll do my best to save Harry, Lily and James. To save Remus and You. I’ll do whatever it takes, so please, let me make this right.” You spoke, voice strained.
He watched you, eyes glossy.
“Why’d you have to push me away?” You gave him a sad smile.
“I had to keep you safe.” He nodded and turned to leave. Just as he opened the door he spoke again.
“I won’t stand in your way.” You didn’t answer.
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“Oh fuck, don’t you die on me, Nicolai.” You cursed as you dragged the man with you, his blood made it impossible to keep a good grip on him.
“Fuck, fuck.” You cursed over and over again, his body almost limp. With the last strength you could muster, you aparated to a place you knew.
Street was dimly lit, the air was cold and the blood stuck to you like a second skin.
With a huff you sat Nicolai down next to the stairs leading up to the front stairs. You smashed your hand against the dark door and waited, hands hanging limb at your sides.
The door opened and before you stood a half smiling Sirius. His eyes widened as he took your appearance in. His hands flew to your shoulders, your waist, arms.
“Are you hurt?” He threw at you as he inspected you. “Not mine.” You managed as you pointed your finger at the unconscious form on the ground. “Good.”
“James, Remus!” Sirius yelled as he pushed himself past you. You leaned against the door frame, the pain in your shoulder slowly fading in again.
“Come in.” Lily spoke, her hand held out for you. You looked at her and reluctantly gave in. She guided you inside, sat you on Sirius’ sofa and brought you a cup of water.
“Sirius told us everything.” You nodded but kept your gaze on the ground. “We understand.” She said before she left you alone.
You downed the water and tried to get rid of the blood on your hands which had already stained your nails. Sirius made his way into the living room as he sat down on the chair which you had given him as a christmas present three years ago.
“He’ll make it.” He said as he pushed a cigarette between his lips. He held the pack out for you and without much thinking you took one.
He lit it for you and just like nothing of the past years had happened, you sat there.
“I didn’t know where else to go.” You spoke. “It’s fine.” He paused to take a drag.
“I’m glad you came to me.” You looked at him, a sad smile on your lips.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It had left your lips without much thought.
“Neither have I.”
He said, his lips in a small smile.
“Thank you for keeping me safe.” He spoke again and you chuckled, trying to keep as much ash in the ashtray as possible.
His hand found yours as his thumb brushed the back of yours.
This was your choice and it felt like the right one.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Omg I'm loving your response to my prompts!! thank you
I have a few ideas (You don't have to do them all) just throwing them out there to see what sparks ideas!!
I love secret admirer stories (I know its no where close to valentines day but still) maybe Reader is Rebecca's assistant and keeps getting gifts leading up to valentines day but she is pretty sure its like Sam or Isaac and tells friend Jaime (even though its really him) then the day of the grand finale and she comes to the lovely surprise of it being Jaime!
also if you could include Scarlett red roses in it for me (They are my favorite flower and the only flower I'm not allergic to)
So. I liked this one. Maybe too much? It might be the longest one I’ve written so far, so, uh, sorry about that. But I liked it a lot. It might be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Hope you enjoy. also the gif isn’t Jamie Tartt but it is Phil Dunster so hopefully that’s ok
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honey, i’ll give you all my time
Good god, it’s February all ready. You have a love-hate relationship with the month; love, because Galentine’s Day and hate because Valentine’s Day. You and your friends would go out on February 15th to get discount chocolate from the shops, then return home for an ungodly amount of takeout and a movie. On the whole, you all preferred action movies with a good romance. 
You’re dreading Valentine’s Day because it’s when your boyfriend of two years held your hands in his, and told you he wanted to break up. 
That was a year ago. You’re mostly angry that he’s a dark stain on one of your favorite holidays. You’re absolutely determined not to let him ruin your enjoyment. 
This is also the first year you’re not with your friends. You moved away last March because you realized your ex had been holding you back in far too many ways. 
So. To recap. 
You’re alone. You love Valentine’s Day, despite it forever being the day of your breakup. Your friends aren’t here. You have new friends. There is no one to go to the shops with on the 15th. But discount chocolate is still discount chocolate. 
Your current job is as a personal assistant, something you excel at. You basically anticipate needs, meet them, and just generally make your employer’s life a whole lot easier. The application said the job required a lot of travel, but all expenses (minus some food) were covered. 
You were shocked when you got an interview, then a second, then a third, then were hired. 
Your boss is a woman named Rebecca Welton, and you’re half in love with her, but who isn’t, really?
You swear you’ve never been in such a healthy work environment. You mention it one day, early on, and she says it’s all thanks to their head coach, someone named Ted. 
You meet him for the first time later that day, and you understand. 
It’s impossible not to love him, because he has vision. He knows what he wants from his team, and he knows how to get it. 
He believes the team extends far beyond the players. 
He believes it extends to you, too. 
Ted and Coach Beard steal you from Rebecca as often as they can, claiming emergencies such as “a toxic amount of testosterone from all these boys,” “life-threatening boredom,” and last but not least, “there’s a new pun Ted absolutely needs to test right now and he won’t take no for an answer.”
(You like to give Ted honest feedback on his puns.) 
You also find yourself in their office when Rebecca is out for lunch, eating your respective sandwiches and swapping life stories. 
They remind you a lot of your parents.
It’s mid-June when you mention the Valentine’s Day story. 
It doesn’t hurt as much when it’s punctuated by Ted’s “he didn’ts” and Beard’s perfectly-timed gasps. 
You find yourself laughing halfway through, unable to stop. 
“And anyway,” you finish, cheeks painful from smiling so hard, “that’s why romantic love is a joke and I am drowning myself in platonic love forever.”
Ted and Beard share a look. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” Beard says. 
You shoot him a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”
“Well sweetheart,” Ted says, “between the two of us collectively,” here points between him and Beard, “we know of at least three of the boys on the team who are madly in love with you.”
“What?” you gasp, “How did you- where did you- who??”
Ted zips his lips and Beard tips a finger to him. “We know of five if we count Rebecca’s intel.”
You’re sitting cross-legged on the edge of Beard’s desk, in shock. “Rebecca knows about this??”
Ted and Beard shrug in unison. “We all have our opinions on which one should shoot their shot, but that’s neither here nor there,” Ted says. 
“Coincidentally, it’s the one thing we unanimously agree on,” Beard nods. 
You’re cut off from saying anything by the door opening. One of the players stands in the doorway. 
“Excuse me, coach,” he says, accent thick. 
Ted motions in a you have the floor type of way, and the footballer turns to address you of all people. “We’re all goin’ out tonight, and Keeley sent me to invite the new girl. None of the lads have really met you yet, just seen you ‘round. Thought it might be good for team bonding, or something. I’m Jamie, by the way.”
“Oh,” you say, taken aback. “I guess- yeah, I guess I haven’t really met them. I mean, I see you guys around and stuff and I’m at your games, but I don’t really know you. Are you sure you want me to come?”
Jamie shrugs. “Coach is always on us about bein’ a team or some shit. And, havin’ a girl around makes the lads look good.”
You think that makes sense, and then find yourself agreeing to go out that night with a group of footballers you don’t know, and (thank god) Keeley Jones. 
You’re going to figure out which five before the summer’s over. 
You have nice time out with the lads. They go to a bar and cram into separate booths. You’re wedged in between two who have introduced themselves as Isaac and Dani, and across from Sam, Bumbercatch, and Jan Maas. Roy, Richard, and a few others you don’t know are milling about, and you see Jamie and Keeley at a table, surrounding by giggling girls. The sight is so absurd that you catch yourself smiling and turning back to whatever conspiracy Bumbercatch is telling you about now. 
You put Sam at the top of your list as soon as you get home. The man wears his heart on his sleeve, or maybe in his eyes, but you’re positive that he’s one of the five Ted and Beard referred to. One down, four to go. 
It’s the end of July, and you begin to become friends with the team. You know for an absolute fact who is not interested in you, Jamie being one of them. Coincidentally, he’s the one you become closest to. You think it’s because you’re not worrying about sending mixed signals or leading him on. You dropped public hints about not really looking for anything romantic, just to be sure you wouldn’t hurt anyone. 
As it is, Jan Maas and Dani have made the list. Jan Maas, because he stifled his Dutch bluntness for you and Dani, because he openly declared he was madly in love with you in front of the whole team. 
Isaac makes the list in December. It had been in between him and Bumbercatch, but Isaac was the one who walked you to your car every night and the first one to say hello to you every morning. 
You’re not gonna lie, it was cute. 
You shared some of this with Ted and Beard, who remained impressively stone-faced. Rebecca proved to be equally impervious.
You shared all of it with your lunch-buddy-turned-work-bestie, Jamie. 
You ate with him because Rebecca was constantly in lunch meetings these days, and Ted, Beard, and Roy were always revamping their football strategies.
Jamie would plop down at your table and say, “What’s the news, Amy Hughes?” in his perfect Mancunian accent, and then listen/add commentary to whatever you had to say. 
You explained to him that the reason you wanted to know who liked you was so that you could be extra careful with their hearts. You knew what it was like to be led on, and you did NOT want to do that to someone else. 
Jamie nodded thoughtfully at that and then said, “We’re all footballers though, ain’t we? We get the shit end of the stick all the time, hearts broke by models and whatever. Even ends up in the fucking press. Everyone here’s has their heart broken before, and we all know you aren’t doing it on purpose.”
You wrinkle your nose at him. “I’m pretty sure it’s short end of the stick, Jamie.”
And thus begins your lunch hour of bickering. 
No one has made a move on you yet, and you don’t have a read on number five. You still think it may be Bumbercatch, but in reality, it slips from your mind. Sam’s moved on, Jan Maas has accepted defeat, Dani swears he will love you until the day he dies, and Isaac stays, well, Isaac. Still sweet. Still walking you to your car, coming round extra early in the morning with a coffee or a water, depending on which “looked less like shit.”
Really though, you don’t think about it until February first, when you walk into your office to a small box on your desk. 
At first, you think it’s a box of Ted’s biscuits. 
Then, you notice a small, scarlet-red rose taped to the top. There’s no note, and all that’s inside is a tiny paper heart. 
It’s folded with extreme care, and you place it on your shelf, smelling the rose. It smells amazing and you make a mental note to figure out where the heck it came from. But for now, it’s time to work. 
You don’t mention the gifts until February third, because now there’s been one a day. Each one with a scarlet red rose, and a different gift. Yesterday was an incredibly expensive bar of chocolate (it was life-changing) and today is a tiny gold bracelet.
It’s a simple enough chain, but it is absolutely breathtaking. There is no mistaking the fact that it is not cheap, so you take it and march straight to Rebecca’s office.  
“Rebecca,” you say, hands outstretched, “look.”
She does, smiles, then says, “It appears you have a secret admirer.”
“But I don’t want that!” you cry. “I don’t even have time for that! I don’t even like anybody right now!”
She peers at you over her glasses. “Don’t you?”
The sheer weight of those words is enough to physically knock you back two steps. 
You don’t, you swear you don’t, you’re absolutely sure. 
What about Vienna? a voice in the very back of your head nags.
You reply, out loud, “We don’t talk about Vienna,” and Rebecca just shrugs. 
“Have it your way,” she replies in a tone that means this conversation is over, but you’re the one ending it.
You turn on your heel and find yourself taking the route to Ted and Beard. 
You burst into their office in such a flurry that the entire room turns to look at you. “Close the door,” you say with such urgency, that Trent hurries to comply. Beard even shuts the blinds. 
“What’s on your mind, Ollie Cline?” Ted asks. 
“Wait,” you say, holding up a hand. You point to Roy. “Do you want to be here? It involves feelings.”
“Fuck no,” says Roy, “thanks for being fucking considerate.” He follows it up with a pointed glare at Ted, then goes into his office and firmly shuts the door. 
“Can he be here?” Ted asks, tilting his head toward Trent. 
“I don’t care, he’s probably a good one to have around for this because look!” You present the three collected roses and the bracelet. 
“Someone’s started leaving me gifts, and I’m pretty sure it’s a Valentine’s thing because of the roses, and it was fine for the first two days but this is expensive, and I can’t accept this!”
Ted and Beard share a look. You hate it when they do that and leave you out. 
Ted sighs. “Listen, do you think this about Vienna?”
You fix him with a glare. “No. We are not talking about Vienna ever again.”
Trent pipes up, “What’s Vienna?” and you wheel around on him, taking your glare with you. 
“Vienna," you spit, like it’s poisonous, “is a terrible, awful place where people think terrible, awful things. I never want to talk about it again and I never will.”
Trent nods. “Noted.” 
You turn back to Ted and Beard, pleadingly. “What do I do? Tell me what to do.”
Beard gets up and puts his hand on your shoulder. “Kid, if you want my advice, take the damn roses and wear the damn bracelet. These boys make more money than they know how to spend, so just let it go. They all know how you feel about dating, so if someone’s shooting their shot, they know the stakes.”
You shake your head. “Fine. Fine. I’ll let it go.” 
You decide to tell Jamie on day five, because it’s a Friday and you’re dying to get his take. You tell him everything, show him the roses in your office (hanging upside down to dry), and then hand him the notebook that was in today’s box. 
“Jamie,” you say, “this is an expensive notebook. There was a typed note inside that said, ‘for your drawings.’ How did this person even know I like drawing? I never talk about it!”
Jamie looks at you and laughs a little. You’re very flustered for something most people would enjoy. “Dunno, love, but we’ve all seen the sticky notes you leave Coach. That might be it.”
You groan and flop down into your chair. 
“At least tomorrow’s the weekend,” you say.
Jamie’s phone dings at 9:00am on Saturday with a text from you that says, what the actual heck and a picture of a brown bag at your doorstep. Inside is a plastic box of your favorite lemon muffin from a local bakery. He emphasized the image, then waits for your response. 
It was still warm, you write. It was someone who knows where I live and knows what time I leave to get breakfast.
Jamie grins and sends you a shrugging emoji, and you respond with an eye roll and a you’re no fun.
Jamie reads that and privately disagrees. He thinks he’s lots of fun
You’re pretty sure it’s Isaac. After all, he’s the only likely candidate. He’s one of the few who knows where you live and knows your routine. Not in a creepy way, in a we’re-good-friends type of way. You bring this up to Jamie, after personally banning all talk of this with Ted, Beard, and Rebecca. Stupid Vienna. You should never have told them. 
Jamie shrugs for the millionth, infuriating time. He’s been noncommittal this whole time. You’re over here pouring out your heart and soul, considering whether you like Isaac romantically or not, and all he can say is, “I dunno?” 
This is not the Jamie Tartt you’ve become best friends with. 
That Jamie would be down to hunt this secret admirer with you. That Jamie would be helping you figure out if Isaac had a chance with you. That Jamie would be way more engaged than the one sitting in front of you right now. 
But, you suppose maybe that Jamie died in Vienna, so you stop bringing it up.
It’s day ten. Valentine’s Day is in four day, and you’re nervous. 
You’ve decided you don’t like Isaac like that, mainly because it shouldn’t take you that long to decide if you like anyone. There has to be an initial spark, and you shouldn’t try to manufacture it. 
Still, you’re not sure it is Isaac, so you’re not going to say anything about it. The scarlet red roses hang on your office wall, permeating the room with their scent. 
You feel like you’re dying. 
This is a cruel joke and you’re dying. 
The building is basically empty right now. Rebecca and Higgins have some meeting, the team is on the pitch (including Will) and various other staff are somewhere far away from you. So, you jump a little when Trent Crimm comes tripping into your office. 
“Vienna,” he says, no greeting. “If you didn’t want to talk about it, you wouldn’t have told anyone. I’m assuming you do want to talk about it, but you don’t want judgement from the people you love. I’m here to offer my services as a neutral party.”
You look at him. “Trent. You are a journalist. Your whole job is writing down people’s secrets. Why on earth would I talk to you about the worst day of my life?”
Trent shrugs. “I’m good at keeping secrets. This would be off the record. I’ve never lied to people about off the record, also. I consider it bad journalism.”
You consider this for a moment, then sigh. 
“Alright,” you concede. “At least if this gets out, I know whose head I’m shaving in retaliation.”
Trent looks at you in surprise, seeing you in a whole new, slightly threatening light.
“It happened two months ago. It was around Christmas, and I didn’t have anywhere to go…”
Your family all had their own separate plans that Christmas. Plans that didn’t really involve you. Same with your friends. You said something casually to Rebecca, and the next day she told you she had booked you a trip to Vienna. Call it an early Christmas present, she said. It was at the Aumaris Vienna, and it was gorgeous and ridiculously out of your budget, but she said you worked hard and gave her peace-of-mind, and you can’t really put a price on that, can you?
So you went. 
But here’s the thing. 
Someone else didn’t have Christmas plans. 
So when you brought up your trip at your daily lunch, said someone else casually asked, can I come? 
You almost choked on your sandwich. 
Because here’s the other thing.
You were, maybe, kind of, possibly just a little bit head over heels in love with this someone else.
You’re not sure when it happened, really, just that it was probably in August and that it was soul-crushing because you knew for an absolute fact that he did not, and never would, feel the same way. 
You didn’t tell anyone except Keeley, but under the condition that she just let you say it and that she never, ever give you a response to it. Just listen. 
She did, but you were pretty sure she almost combusted. 
But who are you to say no when Jamie Tartt invited himself on your luxurious Christmas vacation saying, I’ll pay extra to get a plane ticket next to you? 
You were doomed from the start. 
To make matters totally and impossibly worse, he couldn’t find another room. 
He had his tickets, but the hotels, he said, were packed. 
It was Christmas, after all. 
So that’s how you ended up in a luxury hotel with Jamie Tartt for a week and a half, one day of which was Christmas. 
You know the, “there was only one bed” trope that everyone thinks is so cute?
It was that, but only if you add deep, shattering heartbreak to it. 
Because every night, you had to listen to Jamie say, “goodnight, love,” and then get into that giant, soft bed as far away from him as you could manage. 
Every morning you woke up to the pillow barricade long gone, one of his arms thrown around you. Or one of your legs on top of his. Or a million different scenarios where you end up literally asleep together, some weird gravity pulling you to each other. 
You were falling so hard and so fast, that you felt like the air was knocked from your lungs when Jamie started talking about the girl he liked. 
“She’s just so fucking beautiful,” he’d say, staring at an Alpine mountain. Or, “Swear she’s the smartest fucking person I’ve ever met,” while traipsing through the city. Or, “Pretty sure she’s ruined me for everyone else,” while getting facials at the hotel spa. 
To be fair, you were the one who teased him into admitting he liked someone. 
You just didn’t expect it to hurt so much. 
The entire trip felt like heaven and hell had simultaneously converged on you, and you never wanted to leave but also desperately counted the days till it was over. 
You came back and broke down in Rebecca’s office. Ted and Beard were there. The whole thing came spilling out, about how you loved the trip so much it felt like your heart would explode but that Jamie loved someone else. 
They all exchanged looks amongst themselves and did their best to comfort you. 
You pulled yourself together and they promised never to say anything to anyone. 
“So that’s Vienna,” you finish. 
Trent is just staring at you, mouth slightly agape. 
He finally says, “My god, that’s fucked,” with such emotion that you decide right then and there that you like Trent Crimm and his rainbow mug. 
Now, you just shrug. “I did it to myself, honestly. That’s why I’m tripping out about this secret admirer thing. And god, Trent, the roses. They’re so beautiful and it’s so romantic, and whoever it is obviously knows me well so there’s a part of me that wants to like this person, but…” you trail off. 
“But there’s a part of you that’s hoping against hope that Jamie’s behind it all,” Trent finishes. 
You let out a little laugh. “Yeah, that about sums it up.”
Trent looks at the roses, then at you. “Maybe you should talk to Jamie,” he says, gently. 
You reply with a forceful, “No,” and then follow up with a small, “That’s what Ted and Rebecca say, too.” 
Trent stands up, shrugs, says with a small smile, “Just a thought,” then he’s out the way he came. 
It is Valentine’s Day. And it’s a Sunday, which means you are legally required to stay in bed until 10, at which point you will get out only to make yourself decent enough to go buy a good cup of coffee and maybe (definitely) something to eat. 
You’ve just finished putting on your shoes, when there’s a knock at the door. 
You take a breath, and get ready to let down your secret admirer as gently as possible. 
You swing open the door to reveal- 
“Jamie! What are you doing here?”
Jamie Tartt is on your doorstep, hands behind his back, looking shyer than the day you first met. 
He opens his mouth and says the last thing you’d ever expect:
“D’you remember Vienna?”
Your heart, which had already been going fast because his dumb floppy hair was all dumb and floppy in his stupid, cute headband, is now working double time. You manage a nod. 
Jamie takes this as permission to continue. “D’you remember how I couldn’t get another room, no matter how hard I tried? That wasn’t true. I could’ve.” He pauses, and you wait for him to continue. 
“And d’you remember when we met, when I told you Keeley told me to invite you out? That was a lie too.”
You tilt your head, confused. He keeps going. 
“Look- I fucked it. I fucked it a million times and I told Ted and I told Beard, but they kept helping me un-fuck it and giving me chances, and then Rebecca bought two tickets to Vienna and slipped me the other one, and they all told me I had a perfect shot.” 
You’re still not understanding what he’s saying. He might as well be speaking another language. Jamie sees the confusion in your eyes, takes a breath, and tries again. 
“Keeley told me to invite you out, but only because I’d seen you around and thought you were fit. Then Isaac and all the lads thought the same thing, so I didn’t even get to fuckin’ sit with you. And then you started sayin’ things about not bein’ ready for a relationship, so I tried to let it go. I really fucking tried. But I just couldn’t. Your eyes are too sparkly and your laugh is too fucking cute and I couldn’t let it go, so I started eating lunch with you and you fucking let me. I knew the moment I said anything about liking you, it was over.”
Comprehension has started to dawn, but you push down hope until Jamie’s done speaking. 
“Everyone told me to shoot my shot in Vienna. We shared a bed, for fuck’s sake.” Here, Jamie looks bewildered. “But I dunno, I didn’t want to make shit weird. So when you asked if I liked anyone I said yeah, and started fuckin describing you, but you never fucking picked up on it. That’s when I got the idea to try one more time. All by meself, no help from anyone else. So…yeah.”
Jamie Tartt is standing on your porch confessing his love for you on Valentine’s Day and it is not a dream, because if it were your teeth would be falling out and his hair would probably be neon pink. 
“I’m an idiot,” you breathe. “You like me? Like, like-like me?”
Jamie quirks a smile at that. “Not quite, darling. Pretty fucking sure I love you.” He pulls his hand from behind his back to reveal a bunch of scarlet red roses. The same from each gift. 
“Got these for you,” he says. “D’you know how hard it is to get red roses in February?”
You don’t answer him because you’re leaping into his arms, kissing him like you’ve thought about doing every day for what feels like forever. He’s kissing you back, hand with the flowers pressed against your back, other hand in your hair. 
“I love you too, Jamie,” you whisper against his mouth. He smiles and pulls you in again. 
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a-spes · 2 days
| BUT YOU SHALL BE MINE - Drabble (1.006 words).
| Summary - you've lost. the final battle against the scarlett witch finally came, and you've lost. all the world's greatest heroes are dead, except you.
| Tags & warning - Scarlett witch x R, enemies, wanda is dark, everyone is dead (oops), a bit of angst with twisted comfort (don't even know if it can be called comfort honestly), description of dead bodies, mentions of blood/death/violence/heavy injuries.
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You made a terrible mistake when you didn't die.
Not that it was your choice, you've just had a bit of luck. That's what most people would think, but in your opinion it was more of a sentence. It was nothing more than a cruel joke from the universe, because what's a life where everyone you cherish is dead?
You won't even be able to bury them because there is no bodies to pick up. Only dust, or bits of those you love. You wouldn't even be able to tell what belong to whom — Could that be Tony's arm? Or maybe it belongs to Steve? You are not even sure it's a arm. It could be a leg, or rubble. In that state, it's difficult to say.
But maybe it's better that way. You have never been the strongest one, you would've never been able to carry all their bodies homes. Steve could've, he has a super strenght. Stark would've invented something, or perhaps paid people to help him. But you? You have nothing special. No powers, no skills above the average, nothing except your luck.
You somehow always manages to get out of impossible situations. From being able to escape Nat' when she is angry to survive deadly situations, nothing serious has ever happened to you. You've always seen that as a gift, but it turned out to be a curse.
Your second mistake was to try to get up.
Maybe if you didn't she wouldn't have noticed your presence. You knew you should've hide between two corpse, no matter how disguting that idea was, because maybe you would've escape her gaze. But you couldn't think properly, and condamned yourself the moment you moved. A faint, and painful move, which earned you what? Nothing, because you weren't even able to do more than resting of your forearms before slipping, head first into the mud.
It was painful, and humiliating, but not as much as knowning that there was nothing you could do to avenge your friends. At least, they died as heroes, trying to save humanity, and even if they failed, that's how the world is going to remember them as. They will be martyrs, and you'll be nothing. No one would remember the name of the Avengers' shadow that died squirming on the ground like a worm.
Somehow, you still had that spark in your heart, the urge to fight, but it was useless. If a whole army failed to defeat her, how could you? Maybe your body knew it because it doesn't respond to your requests anymore. You could hardly move your fingertips.
When your vision darkened, you thought it was the end of your pain. It's not that you could see anything anyway. On kilometers, there was nothing but desolation. Bodies piled up, the ones of your friends. Smoke raising in the sky, making you cought violently. And that red mist, the reason for all your woes. It was all blurred because of your tears before the world fade away.
"Ah, look at you," the woman said. That's when you realize that you didn't lose your eyes, her shoes were just blocking your view. "You're covered in blood, broken and lost, but yet ...," she chuckled before resuming her sentence, "you still think you can do something against me. How cute is that," she said, her tone dripping with false pity. Or maybe it was genuine, which only make the situation more humiliating for you.
"You are brave one though," she added, not noticing that you weren't listening. You couldn't, even if you wanted. Your mind was fuzy, and you ears were ringing due to explosions. "The last one standing ..., you should be proud, you know, not everyone can last that long against me," which is why she has been surprised when she felt an ounce of life. She thought her battle was over, that all forms of life had been exterminated for miles around, but it turned out that one hero was still standing.
Not the strongest or bravest one, but still the last one to breath. She kneels beside you, surprised that the last awakened soul resides in such a fragile-looking body. But the woman wasn't oblivious, and she could feel that there was more than that behind those pretty eyes. She wanted to believe that if the last person standing was such an innocent woman, it wasn't by chance. She saw it as a gift from the universe. At that thought, a smile spread across her face. A sweet and caring one, as comforting as the hand she is now running across your cheek. The one you're leaning on, appreciating that ounce of sweetness in your ocean of pain, not having enough energy to care about the person who's giving it to you. Her thumbs brushing your tears away, soothing you as if she wasn't the cause of your pain.
"Such a pretty face ...," she mumbled, "so much potential wrapped in that fragile body," she continued, her words slipping out of your ears until she eventually straightens up. "You know what? The realm of the dead probably won't mind if I keep one soul for myself," she conclued, considering that the small whimper that escaped your lips was an acknowledgement of her statement.
With a flick of the wrist, she envelops you in that red glow you hate so much. Slowly, your body is torn from the earth where your friends lie for the eternity. The red mist takes all the pain away, but also your chances of salvation.
"It's okay, you can rest now, my little soldier," she whispers, and those are the last words you can hear before the world disappears. The last two living creature leaving this desolate land behind in a second, as if they've never been here.
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| Tag list - @m0nsterqzzz
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This quest is one of the ones where it actually makes sense for Penny to be there. She can actually be interesting whenever they decide to develop her like this. I liked seeing a less positive side to her even if I didn’t appreciate her stance on werewolves, but hopefully after this she’ll become more accepting of them. I also hope Beatrice doesn’t have similar & definitely not the same view on werewolves that Penny did at the beginning of the quest, maybe she’s been influenced by her but hopefully she’s better than that.
I agree with this, on every level. It's not like Penny has to be boring as a character. Sure, on the surface, she's semi-average. The generic nice friend, the popular girl, whatever. But she has layers. And when they're peeled back, and we see the flaws, the parts of her that wouldn't normally appear in day to day life...it's actually fascinating, and even a little scary. To a degree, she's realistic in the sense that this is how you might get to know someone in real life. They seem normal, nice, pleasant. For so long. But then, under the right circumstances, they reveal traits that terrify you. But it's not like there aren't clues in hindsight, either. Penny's got a chaotic streak. Not nearly so obvious as Tonks or Tulip, but she does. At least in the beginning, she's all about adventure. Her solution to everything is "there must a potion that can fix this." And I do mean everything. Every problem in her life, she defaults to that, often to dangerous or scary results. To say nothing of her addictive personality and desperate mania. She can really go off the deep end when things go wrong. Not usually, but if they affect her personally, in her inner most scope of understanding, she completely collapses. Beatrice in the Portrait is the greatest showcase of this.
Which is not to say Penny isn't a good person, she is. Holy heck, is she a good person. Endlessly sweet and caring and selfless, but also protective of her friends and willing to go out of her way to help them. What's more, I think Penny knows that she's a good person, without letting it go to her head. She knows she's very polite, and friendly to others. She does what she thinks is right, but she's not arrogant about it. Still. This can create a problem when her definition of "good" conflicts with the behavior of her loved ones. In Year 6, Beatrice does nothing wrong. At all. But she's dressing up like a goth, hanging out with the "wrong crowd" and just generally being more snarky and interested in spookier things. Particularly since Beatrice just got her back after a year of being worried sick about her, she coddles. She smothers Beatrice, which only serves to push her away more. Penny can't understand this, she cannot comprehend that Beatrice has a different perspective of the world, and justifiably so. To Penny, the world is one way, and she can see how things are supposed to be. ((This could also explain why she thought it was okay to use an entrancing enchantment on MC, but I still say that was OOC.)) Surely, Beatrice has just lost her way. It's just a phase. And Penny just wants to help snap her out of it. But the reality is that Beatrice isn't hurting anyone, except Penny, and that's only in retaliation. Penny, deliberately or not, is suffocating her sister with her narrow and naive definition of what "good" is. She's clinging to nostalgia, to a past that no longer exist, and she must learn to adapt.
Honestly, I think that last part explains her behavior in the Scarlett quest as well. She misses her friend, her friend who she believed to be brutally murdered. What's more , the alleged murderer is a creature who is demonized by her culture, and their very definition as a "person" is considered a debatable topic. Penny grew up in a loving family and I think this shaped who she is, but she still grew up in a wizarding family, so there's a good chance that she inherited an implicit bias to begin with, and this incident only made it far worse. (Ironically, muggle-borns are less likely to be Anti-Werewolf for exactly this reason.) People can sometimes think they're woke and be progressive about a lot of the right topics, but still be very far behind in others. Penny isn't anti-muggle at all, and she abhors the treatment of Dobby the House Elf. But on this, she falters. I think that's interesting. I also think that Scarlett turning out to be a Werewolf forces Penny to confront everything she thought she knew, and she doesn't like that. I wonder if, to an extent, it was easier to victimize Scarlett, to put her on this pedestal of being an example of what werewolves do to people, so Penny can idealize her memories of her friend and just think of all werewolves as monsters for her own peace of mind. But now things are different. Now they're complicated. Now she has to do homework, and figure out what's right and wrong, and it's not easy. This is Penny growing up, this is innocence transitioning into maturity. This is Penny, once again, forced to let go of a romanticized past that is no longer real, and accept that the person she loves has changed. Scarlett is a Werewolf. Beatrice is a Portrait victim. These things happened, and who they are as people will change as a result.
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dynamic-k · 25 days
"The Spark"
Ooops.... Brand new AU....
J-just take it...
"An evil organization is after Chosen and Chosen only, for something they call "The Spark"
Except that Chosen doesn't have whatever that is, but he's going along with things for the fun of it."
(2,278 words)
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just some old Velda doodles :)
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Let's Talk
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Scarlett Johansson x GN! Reader
Warning: Angst. Fluff. Smut. Reader has a penis. P in V. Unprotected sex.
18+ Minors DNI
Well guys, this One Shot won the poll. So please enjoy
Everyone thought that both Y/N and Scarlett had the perfect relationship, well it used to be before they both started to drift apart. Neither felt the spark between them that they did once.
Y/N had spent as much time as they could doing work either in the home office or at work, while Scarlett tried to stay on set as much as she could. Whenever her co-stars would ask her about them, she would lie and say they were doing good. Although truthfully, she had no idea how they were. Neither of them spoke to each other.
One night as she left set, she got asked once again and shr relayed the same lie as usual. Something that had become a routine, but as she was on the drive home, she had tried to think of when everything had changed between the two, why it changed and she kept coming up blank.
So once she returned home, she decided that they needed a talk. She was tired of the silence and loneliness even though Y/N was in the house. What she never really realised was that Y/N had been given a huge project to overlook and a deadline which was impossibly close.
"We need to talk." She told them as she walked inside of their office.
"Can't it wait. I have to get this finished." They told her tiredly as their eyes remained on the screen.
"No, it can't!" She told them as she closed their laptop. "We need to talk now Y/N!"
"Ok." They turned to face her with a stoic expression. That was the moment she noticed how tired they looked. "Let's talk."
"I uh." She stuttered as Y/N chuckled as they stood up.
"You wanted this talk Scarlett so talk." They told her. "Because if you aren't going to say anything, I will just go back to my project."
"Of course, work always comes first." She scoffed as Y/N shook their head no.
"It doesn't!" They yelled. "I have a project with a deadline that is closing faster than the Flash himself and I don't think I can do it! If I don't do it I could get fired Scar. I could lose my job!"
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked them.
"Because you were never here and you never asked." They sighed as they rubbed their brow. "So I just got stuck in. I have barely slept because I need to finish it." They sat down on their chair with a defeated look on their face.
"Baby." Scarlett stepped before them. "You should have told me." Her hands on either side of their neck, going down to their shoulders. Massaging them softly. "Maybe you need some loosening up and a good nights sleep." She then took their hand and led them to their shared bedroom. She started to strip as they watched her. In her lingerie set, she soon pushed them on the bed. Straddling their lap and brushing their noses together. "I missed you." She whispered as Y/N closed their eyes. Relishing in the closeness between the two of them.
"I missed you doll." They told her, licking her lips before she pressed her lips on theirs in a bruising kiss. Y/N's hands gripped her hips, helping her grind on their hardening member. Their hands roaming her back as Scarlett moaned into the kiss. Y/N's tongue roaming the depths of her mouth, moaning when Scarlett sucked on their tongue.
The animal within them coming alive as they removed her bra before standing up, turning her to face the full body mirror they have. Scarlett moaned as she watched Y/N's hand smoothly make it's way up to her breast. Massaging it roughly before she pushed her ass into their hardened cock.
Y/N growled as they bit into her neck, sucking on her skin as Scarlett held their neck, keeping their lips on her skin. Y/N's free hand made it's way inside of her panties and through her folds. She moaned as their finger applied pressure to her clit. Scarlett's moans echoed in the room as she closed her eyes as Y/N pinched her nipple roughly.
"Open your eyes." Y/N growled as they bit her ear. "I want you to watch yourself as you cum. Watch as I fuck you raw." She moaned when Y/N's hardened member brushed up against her ass. She listened as Y/N used their hand that was on her breast unbuckle their belt and push down their jeans and underwear. Allowing their hardened member to spring free. They opened Scarletts legs more and moved their hardened member through her soaked folds.
"Fuck." She moaned as Y/N bottomed out in one swift movement. Gripping her hips hard as the two faltered forward, Scarlett's hands resting either side of the mirror as Y/N's grip tightened.
"You're taking me so well." They husked out as they hammered into her. Her legs shaking and her hands slipping due to the force. Y/N then pushed her up against the mirror, earning a loud gasp as her hard nipples came into contact with the cold mirror. "Fuck Scar, I don't wanna pull out."
"Don't." She said as she rested her cheek against the cold glass. "Cum in me. Fill me up."
"You need my cum huh?" They asked as they grunted as they went harder.
"Please. Make me yours." She told them. She heard them growl at her words. "Ruin me."
With that, Y/N's hand made it's way to her front, applying pressure to her sensitive clit. Making her squeal in pleasure as the knot in her stomach tightened.
"You want to carry my babies?" They asked her as she nodded. "Answer me!" They growled as they thrust harder than before.
"Yes. Please." She begged them as they continued to pound into her harder. The two of them were getting closer to their climax. With one swift thrust, Y/N coated her walls with their seed, slowing their movements as Scarlett came.
When Y/N pulled out, they got on their knees and spread her folds, smirking as both of their juices leaked out of her.
"We are nowhere near done here." They told her when they started to thrust three fingers inside. Relishing in the sounds of her moans and their cum mixing together, just starting the long night they are going to spend together.
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book-place · 1 year
Avengers: Lost in Germany
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers cast x reader platonic
Request: Uh uh uh I became a second idea. Marvel cast X reader where the cast had a interview or something like that in Germany and because no one ever was there (expect reader who lived in Germany) they kinda got lost and reader is like „seriously guys who in the name of my half eaten potatoes did you even got lost here“ and then comes to rescue
can they even get lost? I DONT CARE they do now for the sake of this request
Request by: @kiyomi-uchiha777
*not my gif*
Summary: Who knew everything could go wrong when you decided to take one nap and leave your co-stars to fend for themselves?
A/N: This was fun to write
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Should we call her?” Mark asked in a quiet voice, glancing around nervously at his co-stars as he awaited an answer.
“Are you crazy?” Robert hissed, “We can’t call her! She’s gonna think we’re idiots!”
“You kind of are though.” Scarlett pointed out unhelpfully.
“Uh uh uh,” Downey turned to her, narrowing his eyes and pointing a finger at her, “You’re just as much at fault here as the rest of us are.”
“I just followed you guys, I have no idea what’s going on.” Evans looked exhausted as he threw his hands into the air.
“This city is wonderful!” The other Chris chimed in, looking around in awe, as if oblivious to the others bickering, “Y/n is so lucky to be from here!”
Jeremy looked around and nodded in agreement, “This place is nice.”
You and your avengers co-stars were all in Germany, your home country, on a press tour, and the six of them had gone out for a stroll whilst you were taking a nap in the hotel, only to wind up lost within the first twenty minutes.
“So why don’t we call her?” The actor for Bruce Banner stressed, “We’re lost and she knows this place like the back of her hand! She even said so herself!”
“It’s humiliating!” Robert cried dramatically.
Scarlet rolled her eyes, “I’ll take being humiliated over being lost down this random alleyway anyday.” She quipped back.
The actor dropped his head with a long sigh, and Evans clapped him on the back, “I think you should be the one to call her. You know, since you feel so strongly about the issue.” He had a spark of mischief in his eyes.
Robert groaned, slowly taking out his phone and clicking onto your contact, holding his breath as he listened to it ring.
Six rings in, it was cut off and your voice floated through the speaker, “Hello?”
“N/n, hey,” Downey chuckled awkwardly, pausing. One sharp look from Scarlett, though, had him scurrying to continue, “Listen… we may or may not have… gotten lost?”
There was a silence following his statement/ question, before you sighed loudly, “How did you idiots manage to get lost? It’s really not that hard. It’s quite simple.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He grumbled, giving a dirty look to his snickering co-stars.
You finally allowed yourself to chuckle a little bit at the predicament before you relented and said, “Alright, fine. Send me your location and I’ll come get you all.”
When he did just that, another long silence stretched out.
“… You guys know you’re only a street away from the hotel, right?”
The volume on Roberts phone was apparently loud enough for all of them to hear, because all six of them facepalmed in sync.
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