#save me food delivery app
louisdelac · 2 months
i need to save money but i fear the only solution to my dour outlook on life atm lies in the food delivery app....
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skunkes · 1 year
after a lifetime of having spending anxiety bc im never gonna have a good paying job and need to Save and Hoard Always and Forever for The Inevitable Emergency my sister's "well tomorrow isn't promised so don't spend above your means but also just buy the things you want if you can because why not" philosophy is Getting to me.
Unfortunately the leap has been a big one, getting really close to landing on the complete opposite side of the scale so now its like um okay well why not. Why shouldn't I keep dropping [obscene amount of dollars] on more stickers for my journal.
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wonwayne · 6 months
cold season ☁️ lee heeseung
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pairing : bff!heeseung x gn!reader genre : fluff, comfort warnings : mentions of food word count : 0.6k
a/n : flirty heeseung with zero survival instinct comes to cuddle while you’re sick.
“you look so hot right now.”
you winced your eyes open to look incredulously up at your doe-eyed best friend. it’s too damn bright in this room, you thought, as your head continued pounding. there were more things about the condition of your room you were unhappy with at the moment: the suffocating humidity from you staying cooped up here with the doors closed for nearly three days straight; the mess of your bedside table, littered with tissues and soaked tea bags; and your own nightmarish appearance, violated by swollen eyes and hair matted by sweat. you felt somewhat sheepish, letting yourself be perceived by heeseung in this state, but you were also too relieved to see him to shoo him away — or register the undertone of his comment.
“yeah, that’s a 101 degree fever for you.” your voice was so nasal, you wondered if the words were actively coming out your nose.
heeseung pouted, taking your clammy hand in his cool ones. “have you eaten? want me to order soup?”
you shook your head weakly. “no need.”
“to eat? humanity has proved otherwise.”
you rolled your eyes, trying to slip your hand out of his grip, but he held on tight.
“chicken noodle would be a bit basic, wouldn’t it? maybe something spicier? gamjatang?” with his free hand, he was opening the delivery app on his phone. “when i had that nasty cold like a month ago, this place absolutely saved me—”
“i really appreciate the thought, hee, but i swear i’ve got no appetite.” you squeezed his hand this time, hoping that, like a chinese finger trap, he’d let you go because of it.
when he showed no signs of doing so, you added, “do you really want that nasty cold back? i’ve been quarantining for a reason, idiot.”
heeseung only chuckled at the nickname. “perfect, just ordered. should be coming in the next 20 minutes or so.”
“heeseung.” you used all the energy left in you not to sound pathetically silly.
“yes, darling?”
you frowned at his response. “you’re seriously calling me darling right now? when i look like this?”
“’course i am,” and he took your hand up to his lips for the softest, sweetest peck, “as i said, you look so incredibly hot.”
suddenly, you felt the urge to punch him for being so unserious. (and for making you blush from more than your heightened body temperature.) but instead, against your will, you found yourself tugging him by the hand with such raw, instant force that he lost his balance, falling over you onto the bed and narrowly missing the headboard.
on second thought, you hadn’t seized him with that much force — definitely not enough to trip him over. but before you could open your mouth to apologize, at least out of courtesy, heeseung was adjusting himself to lie parallel to you, hand still intertwined in yours.
“ah,” he sighed, turning onto his side and shifting closer to you so that his face was almost entirely buried in your neck, “your bed is insanely comfortable.”
you sniffled in faux disgust, sliding to the edge of the mattress as if you actually had a chance of escaping his embrace. much to your surprise, he pulled you right back into him by your waist.
“your white blood cells are so pissed at you right now,” you huffed, trying not to betray how flustered you were by his touch.
“okay, nerd,” he shot back, snuggling ever closer into your backside. “you know, i’m starting to regret ordering that gamjatang.”
“and why is that?”
“because now that i’m here, i’d never want to leave your side.”
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st5lker · 3 months
haii i have to print out 30 copies a short story for workshopping in my creative writing class, and i dont have a printer so id have to pay to print. at 14 pages for 10 cents a page that comes to $42.
this isnt an emergency so don’t feel pressured to donate, but i havent been able to work very much recently because i havent had my adhd meds (i do app food delivery) and so I’m dwindling my savings, and the cost of gas is also making things very difficult on me (i may have an EVAP leak which is also very expensive to fix), so the less i have to spend on a sudden expense like this the better. even just covering the cost of that print would be more than enough and if i get anything more than that it’d all go to things like gas and food.
this isnt my cat its tylers but i feel like hes very attention grabbing so.
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v/nmo: @rosechxrch
c/shapp: $rosechxrch
dm me if you need paypal!
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thatjayjustice · 18 days
A wild thing happened to me--a food delivery app I use was hacked & someone placed an order for 26 meals to be sent to our condo. It's possible they meant to send it to their own address & messed up, but at any rate, we wound up with a ludicrous amount of hot delicious Thai food 😳
I've changed my password + explained the situation to the delivery app & the bank, but I couldn't give away all the food so our freezer & fridge are full of food & it's REALLY good?? This actually saved me from having to decide what to eat for the rest of the month so thanks for hacking my account lol??? 🤣
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Outside of the fox
Chapter 12 of? 4058 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
"Good morning beautiful, how was your weekend?" Taehyung says too loudly as he walks into the office.
You glance around but none of your co-workers even acknowledge his entrance. He practically glides across the foyer to stand with you behind the front desk.
"Any messages for me today?" He asks grabbing your lunch bag, not waiting for you.
"My weekend was... interesting. Mostly lazy I guess. We can talk about it more at lunch." You answer his first question knowing he isn't really listening as he reads Jimin's note to him.
"He wants to meet me?" Taehyung asks, eyes wide.
"Well, the pack wants to invite my only friend outside the house to spend winter solstice with us... but yeah you can interpret that as him specifically wanting to meet you if you like." You shrug.
He sticks his tongue out at your response, deciding you were just jealous of the connection he and Jimin were clearly forming through their two post-it interactions. Then he steals your lunch away and continues into the office. You hope he is putting it in the fridge, but you don't remain optimistic.
It's a long day, Taehyung has a meeting at lunch, although you aren't overly sure what kind of meeting an office mail guy would need to be privy to. You eat your lunch quietly by yourself and return to the desk 20 minutes early to try and keep yourself busy. The torturous day drags to an end, and you finally head home.
You are the first to arrive.
As usual Jungkook is in the living room on his switch, although no one had had chance to reset the furniture, so he still lay on the blow-up mattress. His ears perk up as you walk through, but he makes no move to look away from his game, so you continue into the kitchen. The fridge is empty save a few bottles of juice, the cupboards have only a few cans of soup, and the bread in the container is going mouldy.
Apparently no one had had a chance to go grocery shopping this weekend.
You pull out your phone and create a new order in the supermarket app, setting the delivery time for the next evening. You try to remember everybody’s preferences, including Hobi's seeing as he was practically living at the cottage now. He claimed it was all to do with his creative process, but the whole house could hear what he and Yoongi were talking about in hushed voices in the early hours of the morning. The walls were reasonably thin.
"Kookie, anything you want on the food shop?" You call.
"Can't do the food shop until Joonie is paid on Wednesday." He calls back.
"Don't be silly, we have no food. I'm doing one now. What do you want?"
The bunny finally pauses his game and shuffles into the kitchen. He glances around at all the open cupboard doors and thinks for a few moments.
"I guess I'd like some carrot gummies... If they aren't too much." He says sheepishly.
"Of course they aren't too much, they're only sweets."
"Yeah but sweets aren't necessities, sometimes we have to go without extras." He shrugs.
"Jungkook? Are you guys struggling with money?" You ask.
It hadn't occurred to you before. You knew they weren't exactly living like kings, but they never seemed to want for anything... And they took you in without a second thought to themselves. They kept everybody fed and Yoongi and Namjoon were always working. You knew how stressed Namjoon was, but you thought it was because of deadlines not financials.
"Um... I guess so. I didn't know they hadn't mentioned it... Please don't tell them I told you. Namjoon is so proud, and all he wants is to take care of us. He is doing such a great job I can't believe I've made you think he can't look after us." Jungkook starts to hyperventilate. "He is going to be mad at me."
"Namjoon won't be mad at you Kookie." You try to re-assure him, moving to him carefully. "I won't mention it to him if it makes you feel better. Just help me with the food shop and we won't mention this conversation again okay?"
He nods and sniffles. You put a hand on his shoulder, and he lent into the warmth. He then plucks your phone from your hand a starts adding all the things you've forgotten to the shop. Each item being the cheapest option available, no name brand items anywhere to be seen. After he is finished he presses order and hands the phone back to you.
"What about dinner tonight?" You ask.
"I think Yoongi is using the last of his advance to bring home Chinese food." He answers.
You send a message to the group chat to tell them you put an order in so they could add anything they wanted. You were met with some resistance by Namjoon who insisted he would give you the money back as soon as he got home but you refused. Making up something about doing the food shop as long as you weren't paying rent, refusing to back down until he gave in.
He tried again briefly when he got home but eventually accepted his fate when Yoongi told him to shut as he lay the dinner out on the table.
It was a rare night when Hoseok hadn't joined you for the evening, instead having plans with his parents. It was oddly quiet when he wasn't there to fill in the silences. His cheerful laugh usually echoes off the walls. The house felt a little bit like it did that night Jungkook spent in the hospital, but nobody addressed it, instead blitzing through little anecdotes about their days to try and fill the space.
"Oh! Taehuyng said he would love to come for winter solstice, if that's still okay?" You look across at Jungkook and he shakes his to make sure your earlier conversation doesn't resurface.
"Of course it's okay, we love having company." Namjoon says the smile on his face genuine.
You study his face closer than you ever had before. His dark circles were getting worse by the day, fighting his need to hibernate in order to keep the pack afloat. His hair is frazzled and desperate need of a cut. And his beard is patchy and rough. Your heartaches that you didn't realise how badly the stress was getting to him sooner.
"Hobi is joining us too." Yoongi says through his spoonful of noodles.
He is met with a chorus of 'duh' that has him questioning why he bothered speaking in the first place. The rest of the evening they walk you through all of their traditions for the solstice. They start with a huge meal at sundown, filled with meats, pastries, and dessert. It sounded delicious and had your mouth watering at the thought. Then they would go up on the hill in the back garden and watch the stars if it were a clear night.
They'd light a bonfire and let go of all the things that had happened over the past year, lighting symbols of their previous misfortunes. Bonfires were common on solstice, but your husband had never liked the smell, and your parents deemed them too dangerous.
After the bonfire they would then make origami stars with their wish for their next year and keep them all in a jar together. It sounded so romantic.
As Namjoon spoke you watched Jungkook's face light up, knowing this would be his first solstice with them too. It seemed odd to picture just Namjoon and Yoongi starting these traditions together. You didn’t know the story of how they became a couple, but neither seemed to be so romantically inclined. Their love for each other was evident in their little touches and hushed moments. But wishes in jars seemed too much.
Still, you were more than excited to spend this holiday with them. It was less than a week away and you only had three more days of work until you would be given time off to spend at home. The winter solstice allowed for two weeks off to spend the time with family.
Your husband had never bothered taking the time away, owning his own company meant he never had any spare time. you'd always have a nice meal, just the two of you, but then he would be straight back to work.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach all week at the thought of actually having a big celebration.
The rest of the week work continued to drag by but Taehuyng made sure he was around for every subsequent lunch to cheer you up just a little.
Every day when you went home something about the house was different. Instead of playing on his switch all day, Jungkook had taken to watching DIY videos and making little ornaments out of scrap paper. He had strung paper stars to the sealing on Tuesday, using Namjoon's old unedited manuscripts. On Wednesday he had made hundreds of little snowflakes out of his comic books that he had finished with. Thursday you came home after a half day to Jungkook covered in papercuts trying to make paper swans.
He had frustrated tears in his eyes as he throw another crumpled ball onto the floor, landing in a pile of about twenty failed attempts. On the table sat two completed swans that looked perfect. You shuffle noisily over to him, making sure he can hear you coming before you sit on the floor next to him. Namjoon had finally moved the blow-up mattress back to the loft yesterday, but no one had replaced the sofas yet.
"Having trouble?" You ask.
You pick up one of the crumpled pieces of paper and smooth it back out until it's useable again.
"It looked so easy in the tutorial..." He grumbled. Falling back onto the floor dramatically.
"Well you managed it twice, so you are getting somewhere." You shrug, absentmindedly folding the paper in your hands.
"They took me an hour each." He sniffles.
You finish twisting the neck on the bird in your hands and place it on his forehead. His eyes open and he looks inward and up, crossing his eyes to see what you had given him. When he realises what you've done he springs up and grabs the two swans from the table to make sure you didn't cheat.
"How did you do that?" He asks in awe.
"I had a lot of spare time at school... let’s just say I had no friends. Did you want me to teach you?"
He nods enthusiastically, pushing his stack of fresh paper towards you. Today’s choice seems to be homemade recycled paper. Likely old, shredded documents. It was tougher than regular card stock to fold and explained at least half of his issues, but you decided against pointing it out. Instead walking him steadily though each fold for a couple of birds until he felt confident doing it himself.
The two of you had an army of swans surrounding you when Hoseok let himself in.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asks looking around at the colourful array coating the table.
"No, but can you start putting these up around the house? Maybe hang them with the stars?" You ask, handing him a bunch.
"Yes mam." He salutes and takes them from you.
He tries to make them even with the stars. The whole room looked like a grade school class room when the three of you had finished but it also had a touch of magic to it. When Namjoon came home he brought a little shrub with him to act as a ceremonial offering for the holiday and each member of the house placed their gifts underneath.
It was easy to tell who brought each pile of gifts. Jungkook's were evidently handmade. Jimin's were tied with parcel string and had hand drawn hearts on the tags. Namjoon's wrapping skills were awful, with the tape peeling away at the edges. Yoongi's on the other hand were meticulously wrapped. Hobi's were mostly just made of tape, they were going to require scissors to cut.
You had tried to make each of yours match the men. You were nervous about the presents suddenly worried you had perhaps spent too much. You had bought them before your conversation with Jungkook and had used some of the money left by your husband so you could thank them properly. Really they had meant to be goodbye presents until Yoongi had talked you into staying through the holidays.
You were still considering new apartments you could move to in the new year, but with each new day you spent at the cottage you found your will to leave slipping away. You spent much more time thinking about Jimin and what Yoongi had said and how that made you feel. You also thought about the others and what you really wanted. You had been so sure you were ready to be alone. But maybe that was never the problem with your previous life.
On Friday everyone had a lazy morning. No one surfaced from their rooms until 11am. Namjoon didn't make an appearance until Yoongi opened the door to Jungkook's room and blew the smell of freshly made pancakes in, luring the bear slowly to the table. You all ate your brunch happily, munching quietly as you enjoyed the sweet treat. In the afternoon Namjoon finally got dressed and declared he would be going to brave the supermarkets in order to pick up the remainder of the supplies they would need for the feast on Sunday.
You offer to go with him, and he accepts. Although you hadn't realised quite how vicious this experience was going to be. The store had a line halfway around the building and Namjoon just laughed your shock off as if this was normal.
"I hope you're wearing enough layers." He says glancing at your puffy coat.
"How are you so okay with this. It's one day, are all these people insane?" You ask.
"This is normal for this time of year... Have you never been shopping at solstice?"
"No, I guess I've never had to."
Your family had people to do this. And your husband would've never let you go grocery shopping with him or whomever he had sent. You weren't supposed to do anything so menial.
The line shuffles forward every so often when somebody leaves. Shopping trollies filled to the brim with online orders and last-minute presents. You're freezing after half an hour on the outside, the building doing very little to shelter you from the chilly wind. It would be at least another half an hour before you reached the safety of the foyer.
You glance up at Namjoon, but he seems unphased by the harsh weather. As a bear it probably came with the genes. He notices you staring and turns back to look at you.
"Shit, Y/N your cheeks are really pink... Are you that cold?" He looks around as if a solution might appear out of thin air.
"It's okay, it's not too much longer." You put on a brave face and smile at him.
"I'd say go sit in the car, but I forgot to fill it up..."
His eyes flicker like he is lying but you don't call him on it, you assume he just didn't want to waste extra money.
"Honestly I'll be fine." But your teeth chatter and betray you.
"This might help... If it's okay." He unzips the front of both coats and pulls you into his chest.
He is like a radiator; the heat fills your bones instantly. You melt into his embrace, allowing him to warm every inch of you.
"I'm not going to make you cold am I?" You ask looking up at him.
You hadn't realised how close his face would be to yours until he looks down to speak and his lips are barely a centimetre away. Quickly you look down and bury your face into his cable knit jumper. Missing the blush on his face as you rush to hide yours.
"It's.. um it's hard to make me cold." He coughs awkwardly as his arms encircle you to keep you close. Every so often he takes one arm back to push the cart forward as he shuffles the two of you in the queue.
You chat absently as you move, careful to only turn your face up to look at him when you know he isn't looking at you. The second half of the wait definitely goes a lot quicker now that you are warm and as soon as you are inside he lets you go. The heat drains from you and you shiver as you reacclimatise to your regular temperature.
"I can definitely see why you are Jungkook's favourite cuddle partner." You say as you rezip your coat.
He shuffles awkwardly and redirects your attention to the task at hand. He runs the shopping trip like a military plan of attack. He starts with the ordered food knowing it will take the longest. He leaves you there with strict instructions to text him when it arrives. You salute him jokingly, but he just nods and continues with his mission.
By the time the order arrives he is already halfway through the remainder of the shop. He has a space in the trolley carved out specifically for the order making sure not to crush any of the food. You then follow him around the remainder of the shop watching as he inspected veg and date checked fresh sauces. Having only seen the forgetful and clumsy Namjoon at home, watching this version of him was like he'd been body snatched.
One hour later you were stood at the till as he pulled out all his coupons and finished backing his bags. You were careful as you watched him pack, waiting for your opportunity to strike. As his back turns to check the list one final time, you slide your card into the chip and pin and pay before he can stop you. He starts to argue with you, but you look around and remind him not to make a scene.
He huffs aggressively but takes a hold of the cart and pushes it back to the car. He doesn't speak to you as he opens the door for you to jump into the driver's side. He refuses your help when it comes to packing the bags into the car. You can hear the clang of the cart as he puts it back where it came from, and you start to wonder if you'd pushed it too far this time.
"Namjoon?" You ask tentatively as he slides in next to you.
"Why did you do that? Do you think I can't take care of everybody?" He asks, voice filled with disappointment.
"Of course I think you can take care of everyone." You answer calmly.
"Then why do you keep insisting on paying when that should be my job, to provide for my pack."
"Because someone should provide for you sometimes too." You reach out to touch his hand.
He doesn't pull it back but he doesn't meet your eyes either. He stares dejectedly out of the front window.
"Namjoon, I live in your house rent free, and everyone is so kind, I just want to do something for you guys too. I didn't realise it made you feel bad."
"Everyone lives in our house rent free Y/N not just you. Jimin's job certainly doesn't pay enough for housekeeping and it's not Jungkook has a job."
"But they're your partners, I'm a freeloader." You chuckle trying to lighten the mood.
"You are so much more than a freeloader. Do you not see how happy you make everyone just because we come home to you? Even Jungkook gets sad when you aren't around. He actually whined when I came home first on Wednesday not you."
"Yeah, he really has come around in the last couple days."
"I don't think you quite realise the ability you have to light up a room when you walk into it." He says it to be nice, poetic even, but it just reminds you of things your husband would say.
He and his friends would always talk about how your appearance would change the dynamic in a room, as if that was the best gift you could offer the world. Your presence was enough, no one needed to hear you too. You know it's what Namjoon meant but it still makes you hesitate. He finally meets your eyes when you pause for a little too long.
"Namjoon... that's lovely. But it doesn't appease my guilt of taking what’s not mine and giving nothing back."
"I think we might have to agree to disagree on what you owe us." He says putting the discussion on hold. "We have frozen stuff we should get home."
You make a note to revisit the conversation late, but the opportunity doesn't arise again. The remainder of the afternoon is spent marinating meats and cutting veggies ready for the next couple days.
Taehyung calls around 7pm claiming to be bored at home alone, but you suspect he may just be overeager to meet your friends. You give him the address and immediately he is on his way to the house.
He knocks the door rhythmically, leaving the last two knocks to be completed by someone on the other side. Jimin is practically giddy as he answers the knocks, enjoying this impromptu game that's been created.
The red panda opens the door coming face to face with the great panda for the first time and it feels like electricity sweeps through the room.
"Pretty." Taehyung says.
For the first time since you've meet him it seems like he might've been knocked speechless. Jimin also doesn't speak, he stutters and moves aside so Tae can walk through the door. His cheeks are as red as his hair as he takes a bag from the newcomers hands to help him into the house.
"I've never seen him so flustered." You whisper to Yoongi.
"I know... it's odd. When he met you he wouldn't shut up." He whispers back.
Taehyung seems to snap out of his trance quicker than Jimin when his eyes meet yours.
"Beautiful!" He exclaims sweeping across the room to hug you.
"Put me down Tae." You struggle in his arms as he twirls you around.
"But I missed you today." He pouts but does as he is told.
You introduce him to the room, reaching Jimin just as his voice seems to make a reappearance. He manages to actually ask Taehyung about his job, a question that Taehyung suspiciously dodges the specifics of. They disappear together as Jimin offers him the grand tour.
"Hey, I never got a full tour." Hoseok comments looking at Yoongi.
"You were never supposed to make it outside of the studio." He shrugs.
"Well that's rude. Maybe I'll leave if I'm so unwanted."
Hobi places the knife he'd been using on to the chopping board and swoops dramatically past Yoongi.
"No one said you were unwanted Angel." Yoongi grabs his arm and pulls the human back into his lap.
Yoongi kisses Hobi gently and holds him there, trapped in his embrace, not that Hobi makes any effort to escape.
They were so cute like this. Neither of them was particularly affectionate in public but they were slowly getting more comfortable with showing this side of themselves around the cottage. It was nice to watch their relationship developing past late-night talks and stolen glances.
Namjoon looks at Yoongi with all the love in the world and it doesn't escape your notice when Jungkook looks at them longingly, but it seems more like he is looking at Hoseok than he is at Yoongi.
Dinner is served by 8pm. The table is getting extremely cramped as Taehyung pulls up another chair next to you. Your elbows brush together as you eat, and it's almost too loud as three conversations carry on at once. And you couldn't be happier as you glance around finally able to say you have your own group of friends.
Outside of the fox masterlist
The next few days should be amazing.
Master list
I currently have a request form running for if you want to request one shots and drabbles. Please follow this link to the Google form If you have one you would like to submit. I will be writing these alongside outside of the fox. You can submit for completely new fics or for sequels for fics I've already done
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 months
Im so glad things are going well for you!!!! Hell yeah achievement!! What sort of stuff are you thinking of doing self employment wise? Wishing you all the luck 🍀
[I'm answering this from my laptop, so no emojis unfortunately - I'm only putting this note because it looks so jarring to not see all of them and looks to me like all the emotion is drained out as a result but that's definitely not the case!!]
Thank you for the well wishes!! I do wanna say that I started at least looking into self employment mostly due to my autism and how stressful the 8 hour workday is for me; I've seen multiple autistic creators express how they ended up turning to self employment because the control over their work stressed them a lot less. As far as self employment goes, I'm sort of just dipping into it and haven't fully explored a lot of options, but I'm starting out with some food delivery apps to see if those can help me get started as I transition out of my current line of full time work
It's almost funny bc the financial position I'm in means that even a little bit of money coming in a little faster is useful; even a little will get me supplies for my guinea pig or discount groceries for a week or two, and the idea of being able to listen to music or video essays while doing my work alone and then being able to walk away at my own discretion is too tempting to not even give a try to. I wanna give it a few test runs in silence while I get used to it and then I can start working through the 1000+ video essays I have saved, and that's not even touching on all the music I have saved that I could check out as well
I'm also leaning more into my art! Being at the bare minimum half burnt out from the job I already have makes it a little more challenging to keep my efforts on it, but I'm setting up a kofi page! I just want my comm info up in full before I start promoting it. I'm definitely not expecting it to be lucrative or anything, but the prospect of formalizing my art as something I can work with like that has me hopeful.
Overall, I'm just trying to see what does and doesn't work for me as I start coming to terms with the idea that I might not be able to sustain a normal 40 hour workweek and that I just need to get creative with how I approach this!
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3141
after working with the kids this morning, i discovered that my mom's plan for moving things today was never told to the other people who were supposed to be involved. i cleaned my room an additional three times and i got my stuff out of the office as best i could. with one arm, there was no way i could move the furniture in the office. you need two hands for that. so i'm feeling pretty useless. but i got my shit out, and that's gotta count for something.
i also figured out a better way to deal with my laundry that's easier to keep up with and can be hidden easily. i've had this storage ottoman that's held stuffies for a long time, so i moved the stuffies to boxes and put my laundry in the ottoman and moved it near my bed. my fan is now on top of the boxes and is at a better height, i can get to my window, and i can put a lid on my laundry that i no longer need to have up all of, just the dresses and work clothing. which is very exciting. my pjs and dresses and work stuff and shoes are all in there while everything else is in the ottoman. success. unexpected and unintended, but success nonetheless.
but yeah. lotta shit. lotta moving shit.
and then because no one was here, and my shoulder was already in a great deal of pain from cleaning two days in a row, i didn't have dinner. also two days in a row. i rely so much on other people right now because i can't fucking drive and it's impossible to do much of anything to save my goddamn life. i didn't realize how much i truly need to rely on other people right now until i sat down and looked through my food delivery apps, all of which were like "get this in 45-65 minutes" because i live in the middle of goddam nowhere. and i didn't want to eat cold food, because that shit sucks. and i had mcdonald's for lunch so i couldn't order that, that's unappealing.
so dad got home at quarter past 8 having had dinner and i was just like.
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because dad wasn't gonna go back out. it's becoming increasingly obvious that my usual strategy of saving my own ass was the right decision because no one is coming to help me. the only person who does right now is my mom, and since she's away my ass is stranded because everyone else has shit to do. so that's fun.
i can't wait to drive again. i wanna see joel. i wanna be out of the house of my own volition. i wanna control where i go and when and i cannot wait until i'm free to go without my sling. shit fuckin sucks.
broken record: i miss the joel. i want to hug the joel. hold the joel. give affection to the joel. sit in the same room as the joel. do nothing with the joel. simply be in the company of the joel. go to dinner with the joel. give a kissu to the joel. i am a sad.
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oldguy56-world · 2 years
Takin' Care of Business
Have you heard? Billionaire super genius Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion and it might go bankrupt before the year ends. That has to be some kind of record. I wish I had that kind of money to throw away. Is it because the company was already in the dumper? No, it was because he immediately made several brilliant decisions regarding the company and they were, how do I say this, not good.
I heard rumors there are other big companies he is looking to buy and weave his magic with, so to get out in front of it I reassembled my crack team of interns. It is a good time to pay them because they will then have money to buy me Christmas gifts. Each will be getting a generous Crypto payout courtesy of FTX. I am still trying to track down two of them. One usually hangs out at the park staring at ducks and the other likes to dress up like a duck. With any luck I will find the two of them at the same place.
So what did they find? Real interesting stuff or I wouldn't be mentioning it to you. Let's take a stroll down Wall Street and see what else is on his shopping list.
Skip the Dishes. He figures one of the bigger expenses is the delivery of the food so he is going to scrap that part of the business model. People don't mind paying a premium price to go pick up their own food do they?
Disney. Mickey gone. Donald gone. Goofy gone. Huge salary savings. He will keep Minnie, Daisy and all the princesses. That's not creepy is it?
MacDonald's. Margins are small on burgers so he will concentrate on fries and drinks and eliminate burgers. Mayor McCheese is gone as he wants no other people with any authority around. To connect with what is happening in the world Ronald MacDonald will go to Sweden and come back as Rhonda MacDonald. He will keep Hamburglar around as his skills might come in handy. He might bring back their pizza because he likes pizza.
Wal-Mart. He can't cut staff because there is none, so that leaves only one way to increase his profits: He will raise their prices across the board. That makes sense. No one shops based on pricing.
Tim Horton's. This one is on the maybe pile because he knows nothing about Canada. Doesn't want to take a chance because, as he put it 'How much coffee can people drink and how many donuts can they eat?' It is good to be cautious.
Apple. He figures he can make more money by removing the App from Apple. If the phones have fewer Apps they will be cheaper to make and therefore the profit margins will soar.
The U.S. Presidency. How can he buy that you ask? Isn't that how it is done now I ask back? His plan is to sever ties with all of their allies, align with dictators, cut all social programs and...wait, that sounds familiar. Have we seen this movie before?
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: If you don't know how to do something, don't do it.
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alwastakenofc · 6 days
hmmmmm so ! lesser-than-before rant incoming :)
i’ve been playing this game on my phone for the last 3ish weeks bc i’m tryna get $80 from getting to “grand sultan” level thru this app that gives me games to download and rewards me for playing them/hitting checkpoints and stuff idk it’s rly cool but that’s besides the point ! so i figured i would Bounce after the month is up bc like it’s just a gimmicky pay-to-win kind of game where if u don’t keep up daily u fall behind, BUT there’s also a Huge player base for the game (which makes it fun but also gives it that rly insanely competitive edge that makes it hard to miss days without feeling like ur behind). so one of the things i had to do was join a union/guild where i am partnered up with ppl like the guild leader and co-leader and elites and others members ya know? and we can do quests and stuff and it just gives u a good boost to everything which obviously helps u level faster ! so i was like “hmmmm maybe ill make one…” but then i noticed ppl talking in the all chat saying how they’re not new, this is their 3rd, 4th, 5th+ server that they’re hopping on bc they wanna start over again, etc etc so i was like “…. nah im not making my own union LOL” so i ended up joining this one that had free slots and rly didn’t like the guy leading it bc he was kinda rude… so i left, changed my name/avatar, and DM’d the leader of this guild i had my eye on in the first place but was full at the time! they now had 1 space free and i had to wait 24 hours to join bc i just left my last guild… so she said she’d save the spot and BAM, i got in! we talked in DMs abt how i left my last guild bc No One except the leader talked and when he did it was to Demand things from us like “Everyone better donate 200 diamonds or else.” and stuff!! lmao
SO. fast forward to now. it’s been about 3 weeks in the guild and MANNNNNN IVE MADE A FEW FRIENDS, THEYRE ALL SO NICEEEEE 🥺 me and a couple other guild members were up til Midnight last night just talking abt life and where we wanna travel and our jobs and education and Everything !! it was so wholesome and nice and so just idk. pure and innocent and Fun to just have casual conversations with ppl that were complete strangers 2 weeks ago, but who ive gotten closer to and now can have those nice long convos with !! and it was all just in the guild chat so anyone could read the next day lol but idc ! it was fun! plus my name on the game is selene which is Not my real name lol i just like the name a lot and it always makes me giggle when they say “lol, i know right selene??” and stuff and im like heh.. yea, das me 😎 idk the guild leader gave me the “life of the party” tag and said she loves my energy and it just feels so good bc i know i am just so cripplingly socially anxious irl and that’s why i can talk so easily online and love talking online so much more. like im still ME, but… not Fully being perceived to a point where i feel uncomfy or anything LOL . it’s been nice
i think imma keep playing after the month is up, i rly enjoy my guild and the ppl ive met thru it :’)
ANYWAYS!! i also think im gonna go to therapy/go to my family doctor to get reccs on therapists and maybe a psychiatrist? psychologist? idk i wanna get evaluated for… well let’s just save that for when i get evaluated bc if i don’t even have anything wrong with me and my dumbass rly gets laughed out of the office by the doctor saying “LUL no u rly just gotta try harder bruh” imma feel like a damn Fool LMAO. BUT yeah. that’ll hopefully be a thing i book this month.
also gonna be responsible and Not over spend on food when i get paid, like delivery and whatnot… but i Will be buying lifetime subscriptions to a couple japanese apps on my phone that i think will be easy access and help me learn japanese to a point of comfortability before i start college again. 😎
OKAY IM DONE WHEW. rant over :)
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vonzuuseo · 16 days
The best food in Guadeloupe, Caribbean, comes from Vonzuu
Quality and ease of access are two very important things when it comes to getting a good meal in their busy world. Vonzuu is now the best food delivery service in Guadeloupe for both locals and tourists. It brings a wide range of tasty meals right to your door. There is a full food delivery service on Vonzuu, so you can eat your best meals whenever and wherever you want. You can get Caribbean tastes or food from other countries.
You can use Vonzuu's online food delivery service.
This service from Vonzuu is meant to make ordering food fun and easy. You can find an easy-to-use app on both Google Play and the App Store that lets you choose from a huge selection of restaurants and types of food, place your order, and see how it's coming along in real time. The app makes sure you can get the Best Food Delivery Service in Guadeloupe with just a few taps on your phone.
A look at the people and food of the Caribbean
You can find vonzuu in more than one place. We send good food all over the Caribbean, so you can use our service no matter where you are. From Vonzuu - Food delivery in Aruba to Online Food Delivery in the Caribbean, we want you to have the best chances to eat. Food Delivery in St. Vincent, Order Food Online in Antigua, and Food Delivery in St. Lucia are all places in our network that serve tasty food.
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Why Should You Stay at Vonzuu in Guadeloupe?
It gives you a lot of choices. There are many places that Vonzuu works with that serve food from all over the world and from the Caribbean. Everyone can find something they like at Vonzuu, from hearty meals to light snacks.Quality and Freshness: Goodness and newness are very important to us, so we make sure your food is cooked to the highest standards and served hot and tasty.Easy to Use and Reliable: With our simple app, it's never been easier to get food delivered. You can always check on your order to know when your food will be ready.Special Deals: You can save a lot of money and get great food with our deals, like 60% OFF On Food Delivery in Bahamas.
There are now more things to do in the Caribbean.
We are pleased to give delivery of food all over the Caribbean through Vonzuu. These are some important points:Getting tasty food to you in St. Vincent: Our great food delivery service lets you enjoy the many tastes of St. Vincent.Restaurants in Grenada that bring food to you Choose from some of Grenada's best places to eat to make a tasty meal at home.Food Delivery Online Near Me in the Virgin Islands: Getting your best foods brought to the Virgin Islands is simple and quick.This is the best delivery service in Curacao: You can eat a lot of different things with our great meal delivery service in Curacao.
In Barbados, tasty food can be delivered right to your door. Get the best food that Barbados has to offer.Get the best food in Martinique for the best price by clicking here. We have very low prices, so come here to eat the best food in Martinique.jamaican services that bring fast food to you: In Jamaica, you can get fast, fresh food brought to you, which makes going out to eat easy.
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Delivery of Food in Aruba: Vonzuu makes it simple to eat your best meals in Aruba.
The best places in Trinidad that deliver: Use Vonzuu to find the best ways to get things sent to your home in Trinidad.This is how you can order good food online in Belize: In Belize, you can have tasty food brought right to your door.24/7 Food Delivery in Guyana: Vonzuu brings food to people in Guyana all the time, so they'll never go hungry.
Get the Vonzuu app right now
As of now, the best food delivery service in Guadeloupe and beyond is the Vonzuu app. You can get the Vonzuu app on both Google Play and the App Store. It gives you tasty food right in your hands. Vonzuu makes it easy to eat good food at home, at work, or while you're out and about.
Guadeloupe and the rest of the Caribbean are getting food served in new ways thanks to Vonzuu. The best place for food lovers to eat is here because we care about quality, ease of use, and customer satisfaction. Check out all the different kinds of food Vonzuu has to offer and enjoy the ease of their Online Food Delivery Service right now. With Vonzuu, you'll notice a change in every meal.
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tonysamia · 24 days
A little about me and about Weevi
I know LinkedIn is primarily for business content, but adding a personal touch can make your posts resonate more and reach a wider audience. Hi, I’m Tony, a Digital Transformation Consultant. I moved to the UK 1.5 years ago with my family, starting an exciting new journey here. On the business side, I bring over 18 years of experience in the digital sector, particularly in web design and digital platforms. I've helped many businesses optimize their online presence through my work with Koein, a leading digital solutions agency in the MENA region and globally. One of our flagship platforms is Weevi (weevi.com), a multi-channel online ordering solution for restaurants and shops. Weevi offers a comprehensive suite of features: Branded website Mobile app Delivery tracking app Loyalty system Integration with POS systems and delivery providers Full dashboard to manage inventory, orders, customers, and more ... Weevi is available in more than 15 countries and continues to expand, thanks to its multi-lingual and multi-location capabilities. It’s continuously evolving, adding new modules and features that enhance user experience, flexibility, and overall functionality. Trusted by big brands such as Burger King Lebanon and Iraq, Zaatar w Zeit, Kababji, Salata, Buddies London, and many others. After serving hundreds of clients with the Weevi platform, we discovered a significant need for such a solution in markets worldwide, especially for restaurants looking to enhance their online presence and streamline their ordering systems. Weevi’s pricing model, based on a reasonable monthly subscription rather than commission, offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional aggregators and food ordering platforms. I believe Weevi can help businesses achieve their goals and save on costs. We already have many clients in the market and are eager to expand further. We are open to business collaborations in the UK and any other markets, including partnerships with POS systems, payment gateways, delivery platforms, and any other systems that enhance our clients' experiences. I welcome any suggestions, advice, or collaboration opportunities. Thank you in advance!
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naomipeniano-blog · 29 days
How Tech Powers My Day
Living today means being surrounded by amazing digital technology. These gadgets are now part of my daily routine, making everything easier. Here’s a look at how tech fuels my day!
Morning Routine:
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Using my smart speaker sunrise alarm wakes me up gently. A simple "Alexa, Good morning!" command turns on the lights and starts my favorite music. While I get ready, using my smart phone, I check my emails and messages. After getting ready, I cook my breakfast using an induction cooker, and a rice cooker.
Efficient Commuting
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Using my smart phone device, I use an app to be able to book a ride, which is very convenient for me to be able to go to school faster and not being late.
Work Tech:
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My laptop is essential. Cloud storage lets me access documents anywhere, and collaboration tools help me work with my classmates, school works, and Online classes which makes the meetings easier.
Copyright: Dreamstime
Lunch Break:
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I order lunch via a food delivery app to save time. During the break, If I don't have a class, I use an exercise app for a workout in the park or in the gym to guide me for my routine.
Copyright: google play.
Evening Routine:
Smart lights create a relaxing atmosphere. I unwind with a movie on my smart TV or catch up on shows with friends through a co-watching platform.
Sleep Tech:
Before bed, I use a sleep tracker app to monitor my sleep quality and set reminders for a relaxing bedtime routine.
Finding Balance:
Even with all this technology, I ensure a healthy balance. I still take time to unplug, read physical books, and enjoy nature walks without my phone.
Looking Ahead:
Technology keeps advancing, and I’m excited for the future. With smarter homes and more immersive entertainment, tech will continue to make my days easier, more productive, and more enjoyable.
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railrecipee · 1 month
All Aboard the Flavor Train: RailRecipe IRCTC Food Order Service
Introduction: Say goodbye to hunger pangs and lackluster train meals – RailRecipe IRCTC food order service is here to revolutionize your travel dining experience! Picture this: savory curries, aromatic biryanis, and tempting desserts, all delivered right to your train seat. With RailRecipe, every journey becomes a culinary adventure, leaving you craving for more with every delicious bite.
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Ordering Process: Hungry travelers, rejoice! Ordering food with RailRecipe's IRCTC service is a breeze. Simply grab your smartphone or any internet-enabled device and hop onto our user-friendly website or mobile app. Once there, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of mouthwatering options.
Browse through our extensive menu, featuring a variety of cuisines and flavors to suit every taste bud. Once you've made your selection, proceed to checkout and enter your train details for prompt delivery. Sit back, relax, and await the arrival of your delectable meal. RailRecipe ensures that your food is prepared with care and delivered piping hot to your train compartment, ensuring a hassle-free dining experience.
The Culinary Voyage: Get ready to embark on a flavor-filled journey with RailRecipe's IRCTC food order service. Each dish is crafted with love and attention to detail, using only the freshest ingredients and authentic flavors. Whether you're in the mood for a spicy curry, a cheesy pizza, or a refreshing salad, RailRecipe has something to satisfy every craving.
Indulge in the rich and aromatic spices of our biryanis and curries, or opt for a lighter option like our sandwiches and wraps. And don't forget to save room for dessert! Treat yourself to one of our decadent sweets or treats, guaranteed to leave you wanting more.
Customer Satisfaction: Rave Reviews: But don't just take our word for it – here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say about their experience with RailRecipe's IRCTC food order service:
"RailRecipe has completely transformed my train travel experience. The ordering process was seamless, the food was delicious, and it arrived right on time. I can't imagine traveling without RailRecipe anymore!" - Rohan, Mumbai
"I've always been skeptical about train food, but RailRecipe has changed my mind completely. Their menu offers a wide range of options, and the quality of the food is exceptional. I highly recommend RailRecipe to all train travelers!" - Priya, Delhi
"As a vegetarian, finding good food on trains has always been a challenge for me. But RailRecipe's menu has plenty of vegetarian options that are both delicious and satisfying. It's a game-changer for vegetarian travelers like me!" - Neha, Bangalore
Conclusion: In conclusion, RailRecipe's IRCTC food order service is your ticket to a delightful dining experience on the rails. With our simple ordering process, diverse menu, and glowing customer reviews, we're committed to making your train journey a delicious one. So why settle for mediocre train food when you can savor every moment with RailRecipe? Place your order today and embark on a flavor-filled voyage.
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delcastilloeviee · 2 months
A Day in My Digital World
Technology has fundamentally transformed our lives, and today it is an integral part of our daily routine. From the moment we wake up to when we retire in the evening, technology is present in every aspect of our lives, offering convenience, efficiency, and connectivity like never before. Let me take you through a typical day, highlighting how digital devices, services, and applications empower and streamline my daily experiences. From smart alarms and fitness trackers to cloud storage and entertainment streaming, discover how technology seamlessly integrates into my life, enhancing productivity, well-being, and enjoyment. Get ready to be amazed by the power of technology.
Gaming applications are not just for entertainment, they fulfill various needs for me. As a college student, these games offer stress relief, social engagement, cognitive challenges, fun, a sense of community, and chances to develop skills and compete. When I balance my gaming time with academic duties and other life aspects, I notice an enhancement in my overall well-being and a positive impact on my personal growth.
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Social media applications significantly enrich my daily life, enabling me to stay connected, communicate efficiently, share information, collaborate, organize events, learn, receive peer support, engage with communities, develop my brand, and grow professionally. By making the most of these platforms, I can improve my academic journey, broaden my networks, and more smoothly navigate through the complexities of college life.
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Editing applications provide valuable tools and features that meet my diverse needs as an individual and student. Whether it's editing photos and videos, creating visual content, organizing my notes and documents, or enhancing my productivity and creativity in various aspects of my daily life, these applications are beneficial.
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Online shopping applications serve as convenient, cost-effective, and versatile online shopping destinations for me as a college student, providing access to a wide range of products, competitive pricing, user-friendly features, and convenient delivery options. By leveraging these platforms, I can streamline my shopping experience and focus more on my academic pursuits and extracurricular activities.
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Ride-hailing applications are crucial in meeting my transportation needs as a college student, offering convenience, accessibility, affordability, safety, and time-saving benefits. Whether navigating campus life, commuting to class, or exploring the city, these apps provide reliable transportation solutions that empower me to make the most of my college experience.
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Video and music streaming applications have become valuable companions in my daily life as an individual and a college student. They offer entertainment, education, relaxation, and inspiration at my fingertips. Whether seeking knowledge, unwinding after a long day, or staying motivated during study sessions, these streaming applications cater to my diverse needs and preferences.
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School-related applications enhance my educational experience as a college student by providing tools for communication, collaboration, organization, and remote learning, ultimately supporting my academic success and engagement.
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Health and fitness applications allow me to make informed lifestyle choices and prioritize self-care amidst the demands of academic life. Whether I'm striving to stay active, improve my sleep habits, or maintain a balanced diet, these apps provide the tools and support I need to achieve my health and fitness goals effectively.
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Food delivery applications play a vital role in meeting my needs as a college student by offering convenience, time-saving benefits, variety, affordability, and safety in accessing my favourite meals while navigating the demands of academic life.
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In conclusion, the intricate tapestry of digital tools and applications significantly enriches my daily life as a college student, intertwining with every aspect of my routine. From gaming and social media to editing and online shopping, technology empowers me to streamline my day, allowing for a focus on academic and personal growth. Video and music streaming, alongside school-related applications, support my educational journey and leisure moments while health and fitness apps, coupled with food delivery services, ensure that my physical well-being is never neglected amidst the academic hustle. By embracing digital technology, I am empowered to make the most of every moment and optimize my daily experiences.
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sumbillonicamae · 2 months
Click, Connect, Conquer: My Daily Dose of Digital Power
In today's fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. It seamlessly integrates into our routines to enhance efficiency, connectivity, and convenience. As someone who frequently uses digital and smart technology, I use various devices, services, and applications to navigate my day. I invite you to join me as I take you through a typical day, showcasing how these modern marvels simplify tasks, streamline communication, and enrich experiences.
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As I wake up to the sound of my alarm in the morning, I pick up my phone and check for chats from any of my friends, family, or significant other.
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The application Messenger is I am a versatile communication tool that helps me to stay connected, collaborate effectively, share information, coordinate activities, and manage tasks in my daily life. It is a reliable platform for staying in touch and getting things done efficiently.
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After checking for chats, I would scroll to several social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. These platforms provide avenues for social connection, information sharing, community engagement, entertainment, and personal branding. Using these applications, I can enhance my academic experience, expand my networks, and express myself authentically in this digital age. 
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After getting myself ready for an on-site or online class, I would check my Canvas account for any activities to be done or announcements of online courses to be held on a given Google Meet link. Aside from that, I would also check our group's Google documents to see our progress on our given tasks. These platforms offer tools for course management, collaborative document editing, virtual meetings, communication, and academic support. By leveraging these platforms effectively, I can streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and achieve academic success in today's digital learning environment
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After classes, if I have free time, I spend it watching movies on Netflix, listening to music on YouTube, or ordering some food on Food Panda or delivery apps of famous fast food chains like Jollibee, Mcdo, KFC, and like. Using video/music streaming applications provides me with entertainment, information, flexibility, social connection, cultural exposure, creative inspiration, and reliable news and information. On the other hand, ordering from delivery applications offers me dining experiences that save time and money and enjoy delicious meals without compromising quality or convenience.
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Lastly, before I go to bed, my hobby is checking out and buying things on Shoppee or Tiktok Shop. These online shopping applications provide me with convenient shopping experiences, competitive pricing, various payment options, product reviews and ratings, fast delivery services, easy returns and refunds, and accessibility through user-friendly interfaces and mobile apps.
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.... And that is how I end my day.
In conclusion, integrating technology into my daily life significantly enhances my efficiency, connectivity, and overall experience. From dawn till dusk, digital and intelligent technologies facilitate my communications, learning, entertainment, and shopping needs. These tools not only simplify mundane tasks but also open up new avenues for personal growth and community engagement. As we continue to navigate through the digital age, it's clear that technology will remain a pivotal part of our lives, reshaping the way we connect, learn, and enjoy our leisure time. Embracing these changes, I look forward to discovering new ways technology can further enrich our lives.
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