#saul silva x student
theswissgirl · 7 months
Into your arms - A Saul Silva imagine
Another scenario that I want to write :)
This is a Saul Silva imagine, from Fate; The Winx Saga
In this scenario, I always imagined her to be Bloom's sister and they sort of the share the power of the dragon flame 
Her name is Delilah and she is a fire fairy and of course, she is Silva's girl
Based on Season 2 Episode 3 : Your Newfound Popularity 
(credits to the owner of the picture)
I'm out of my head, out of my mind, oh, I
If you let me, I'll beOut of my dress and into your arms tonight
Yeah, I'm lost without it
Feels like I'm always waitin'I need you to come get me
Out of my head, and into your arms tonight
- Into Your Arms, Witt Lowry & Ava Max
After the display Stella put on at the banquet, everyone had gone to retire to their homes, leaving Bloom and Delilah alone at the dining table. 
Delilah was tired and exhausted, she just wanted to go to her bed and close her eyes but sleep has not come easy for her.
For her thoughts were always occupied with one person and one person only.
Saul Silva.
The man she loved above anything else. 
It pains her greatly that she is not able to see him, even after the winx rescued him from being transported to Polaris, she knew that it would be dangerous from him to come see her. She still missed him nonetheless.
Rosalind joins them.
"I know. It's a lot" she says, looking at delilah and bloom.
Bloom was the first to say something, "When we first spoke at the Stone Cirlce, you said the blood witches were the one who kidnapped us and held us at Aster Dell" 
"Is that because of this thing inside us? Dragon Flame?" delilah asked inquisitively, looking up at Rosalind.
Rosalind nodded.
"It is"
Delilah heart starts to race and she feels herself tense at the new found information.
Bloom draws her eyebrows together, confusion evicent on her face, "What about our birth parents? Do they have it too or are they-" Rosalind cuts her off.
"I-- I wasn't lying back then" Rosalind sits down in the chair next to Bloom.
" I don't know where you came from. But the blood witches will. We'll fight them and we'll work it out" she says with conviction.
"you've already kept so much from us, I don't know if we can trust you" Delilah speaks up.
Rosalind clicks her tongue and slides a piece of paper over to her.
"Maybe this will help"
Delilah picks up the paper and reads the contents of it and then pauses when she reads "criminal pardon".
She looks to Rosalind, "What is this?"
"It's a pardon" a voice spoke up from behind them.
suddenly, delilah's heart tightened painfully in her chest and she is overcome with shock and surprise. She whips around in her chair and turns around to see the love of her life standing by the door way. Her breathing picks up and she takes in his appearance. 
He is wearing the uniform of the specialist, his face is clean shaven and his hair is in styled in order, keeping it from crowding his face.
He looked good.
And dear lord did he look good in that uniform, the clothing hugging him in all the right places.
"Silva" her voice cracks as she is overcome with an intense amount of relief.
But Delilah had to be careful as Rosalind had no knowledge of their relationship so she had to try her damn hardest to keep her emotions concealed. 
As did Saul.
When all he wanted was to run to his girl and pull her into his arms, instead he walks down the steps and moves to stand behind her chair, feeling temporarily content with just standing close to her.
"I've been working Arthur for a week for a damn thing. Stella almost fucked it up this afternoon, but..-" Bloom cuts off Rosalind.
Delilah was too stunned to say anything.
" I don't understand. Why are you-" Rosalind cuts bloom off in return.
" It's time to put aside our differences, we have a common enemy. The blood witches are a scourge on the Other World. Everytime wer drive them out, they come crawling back" Rosland says.
"She's right. And if they are gathering strength to make a move, we need to stop them before it's too late" Silva spoke up from where he stood, serving as another reminder for Delilah that he was actually here, he was alright.
Delilah had the suite too herself.
Bloom was off reading about blood witches.
Stella was with Beatrix
Musa was on a walk with her headphones.
Aisa was probably somewhere with Grey.
Terra and Flora were god knows where.
Once she got back to her room, she immediately changed out of her dress and rid her face of the make up she had to wear. She changed into some black sleeping shorts with a cropped dark green tank top.
She could not stop pacing back and forth, her heart and wind were racing. She knew that Saul was coming to see her as they were not able to even have a conversation in front of Rosalind which meant that now, was perfect for them.
She felt like a high school girl who grew nervous at the sight of her crush. Yes, her and Silva have been together for a whole year now but he still manages to sum a herd of butterflies in her stomach.
It's kind of sweet if you think about, after all these months of being separated, she still feels so strongly about him and their relationship.
It was no doubt the she loved him unconditionally.
A knock on her window interrupts her train of thought, she jumps and whirls around quickly and she sees Saul, waiting for her to open the window.
And when she does, he moves like lightning and pulls her into his arms, stumbling forward at the same time. She is quick to wrap her arms tightly around his neck, burying her face in his neck and breathing in his scent that effectively calms her racing heart.
God she missed him so much.
Saul wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her in so close she can hardly draw in a breath, he too buries his face in her hair, relishing in the feel of having his girl so close.
"I missed you so much" she whimpered into his neck, tears gathering in her eyes.
" I know, sweetheart. You have no idea how much it drove me insane not having you close to me" He said softly.
He pulls her away from him and moves his hands to cup her face and gently caress her cheeks, his eyes moving all around her face to get a good look at her.
She was always so beautiful in his eyes. And she still is.
He smiles before pulling her close again and leaning his face closer to hers. Slowly, they lean in closer and delilah closes her eyes milliseconds before her lips were going to meet his. Finally, Silva's lips brushed against hers, then he crashes their lips together.
The kiss starts out slowly, giving each other to familiarize themselves again and explore each others mouth. Deliliah tilts her head in order to a slightly deeper angle and she moves to wrap her arms around his neck and interlocking her hands there. She deepens the kiss and Silvas has no problem with that. 
The kiss became more passionate and heated, both picking up the pace so its more faster and rough. Delilah lets out little moans as Silva starts backing backwards towards her bed and he sits down at the edge, pulling her to straddle his lap.
This meant that Delilah face was above his, enabling her to deepen the kiss even more. After a minute or two of their making out, they pulled away from each other, really needing to suck in some oxygen and refocus themselves.
Delilah leans her forehead on Silva's, closes her eyes and smiles.
I've missed that too" she laughed lightly.
He chuckled lowly, "me too love, me too" he pulls her closer to him.
Delilah had to admit, the way they were positioned was making her head spin and she could feel her body slowly coming alive under his touch. 
She's not surprised, her body and mind have gone months without his touch, a reaction was going to be inevitable but she didn't mind.
Right then, a yawn escapes her.
She knew that she wanted him but she was way too tired to engage in that certain activity. Silva could see that too.
"Come on darling, lets get you to bed" he picks her up and carries her to her bed, pulling the blankets from the bed, placing her in it and then pulling the covers to cover her body. He then got in behind her, moving his arms around her body once more and pulling her closer to his.
The proximity of their bodies was making her even more sleepy as she could feel her eyes beginn to feel heavy.
But before she gives into the demand of sleep, she whispers one last thing.
"I love you"
1487 words
not gonna bother proof reading her grammatical mistakes, I'm too tired for that.
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Saul silva x reader - too much pride
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Hi I'm glad you like my requests. I was afraid I'd bore you with it. Can you write something with Saul who gets injured training with a student but is too proud to admit it please? And then reader (his wife?) finds out - Anon 💜
Saul was a good husband, he was caring, and loving, he was patient though sometimes he would get annoyed easily after a particularly hard or long day.
But one of his flaws was that he was too proud.
Not in the sense that he had a massive ego, though sometimes he could, but in the sense that he always said he was fine.
He was the kind of person where he could be dying and he would still refuse to admit that there was something wrong with him.
As you watched him limp his way around his office, you nodded a little to yourself.
“Anything to tell me love?” You asked.
“Not that I know off, though I’ll be late tomorrow I have a meeting.”
“Not what I meant but thank you.”
Saul furrowed his brows a little bit as he looked up at you before going back to putting everything away where it should be.
“Is there something I’m missing? I know it’s not our anniversary or your birthday.”
“Well, I was just wondering why you’re limping.”
“I’m not.”
You sighed heavily.
“I’m watching you limp.”
Saul shrugged his shoulders.
“No idea what you’re talking about darling.”
“Saul I’m watching you limp right now. What’s wrong with you?”
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Saul silva.” You warned.
“Really! I’m fine!”
You huffed a little.
“Alright, see you upstairs.”
With that you walked to your room and waited.
You knew he was limping, and when he said he was coming up, you walked to the top of the stairs to watch him struggle up.
“I would offer to help but there’s nothing wrong with you.”
He rolled his eyes.
“There isn’t.”
You carried on watching him and he stopped halfway up the stairs, he placed a hand on his thigh, taking a small breath.
“It’s nothing.”
You sighed, walking down, offering him your hands.
“Humour me?”
He smiled softly, letting you help him up the stairs and into your room.”
He did pretty good at hiding his injury until it came to him getting ready to sleep, and you saw the bandage on his leg as he was changing it.
Walking over you stood in front of him and poked his thigh making him snap his head up to you.
“That doesn’t look like nothing.”
“You didn’t have to poke it now did you?”
You smiled softly at him and gestured for him to hand everything over and he did.
You changed his bandage for him, getting a look at the gash underneath.
He placed his hands on your head and leant down, kissing the top of your head before he let fox
“Don’t worry about it, just an accident in training is all. The grass was wet, the student slipped.”
“What did Ben say?”
“Should heal fine in a few weeks.”
You nodded your head and stood up, walking over to bin everything.
Coming back over you slapped his back as you passed him and he spun around to look at you.
“What was that for?!” He huffed.
“Being stubborn.”
You got into your side of the bed and turned to the TV on while he settled next to you.
He picked up his book and you rested your head on his shoulder as you began to watch your show.
And when you were least expecting it he quickly sat forward so you fell off him and gave you a grin in return for you hitting his back
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May I please request a series for Sky x mind fairy! Reader? ☺️
A little danger // part two  
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Staring at her notes, Y/N’s lips twitch as she attempts to suppress a smile. The little heart Sky drew at the lower right corner of her page has caused hers to skip a beat and the fire burning in her cheeks has darkened the skin to a rosy shade reserved only for him.
Ever since that day in the woods, Sky and Y/N have been almost inseparable. Classes felt dull and long compared to the company she was to keep right after they end, her hand cold compared to the warmth of the one that would wrap itself around without a second thought. It seems as if Sky finds comfort in their fingers intertwining and the weight of her hand in his. She does too.
And while the world around them grew darker, Sky presented a source of light in her life.
"They are to exile him." Sky speaks up, breaking the thick veil of silence that befell them as they were both engrossed in their own studies.
Swallowing thickly, Y/N turns to him. She knew, of course she knew, but instead of pushing him on the subject, Y/N waited for Sky to be ready to talk about it himself. He's hurt by the lies Saul told, but he loves him. The anger will dissipate, he needs time to feel it first, otherwise it will fester and she is the best example of what happens when one refuses to feel their emotions.
"Do you believe that to be true?"
Furrowing his brows, Sky straightens his back. "What do you mean?"
"Would they let him live", she licks her lips. "I know you're angry with him, but Saul won't live long enough to be exiled."
"I see no reason for him to be killed."
"He isn't one of them", Y/N frowns. "That's reason enough."
Eyes flickering to her lips, Sky sighs. "You're paranoid."
"Maybe", she shrugs. "But I'm not sitting around, waiting for his body to wash up on Solarian shores." Slamming her book closed, she goes to stand.
With Sky's hand flying to her shoulder, Y/N presses her lips in a thin line, giving up on her intention to leave. For now.
"Don't do anything", Sky states, his voice strained as he attempts to keep himself calm but his shaky hand betrays him.
"I have to", she replies quietly. "Because one day your anger will leave and your heart is going to break for Saul  and I cannot let that happen."
"And I don't want anything to happen to you!" Jumping to his feet, Sky's chair falls back, causing Y/N to flinch and in a moment of fear, her powers surfaced, pushing Sky back against the wall.
Gasping, she covers her mouth in shock. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to", her voice breaks.
Shaking his head, he rubs his shoulder. "What if this happens when you try to do whatever the hell it is that you're trying to do? Huh?"
"It won't", she says through gritted teeth.
"How can you be so sure? You didn't mean to do this, right?" Sky takes a step closer, his left eyebrow raised. "How can you be sure you won't do something worse under stress?"
Gulping, she looks down at her fidgeting hands. He's right. They both know he is right. So why does it hurt so bad to have him question her? To feel as if his faith in her is shaken and even he doesn't trust her anymore?
"I guess I just have to hope I'm less of a disaster on that day", her voice is low, laced with disappointment and frustration and a hint of hurt mirrored in her eyes.
As she turns to leave, Sky lets out a heavy sigh. "I didn't mean it like that."
Looking at him over her shoulder, she forces a smile. "And I didn't mean to slam you against the wall, but it still hurt, didn't it?"
Following her out the door, Sky’s lips press in a thin line as she pauses, wondering what to say or if there’s anything worth saying at all. There’s no reason for doubt, she’s positive that saving Saul is the right decision and while Sky may be blind to it now, he’ll thank her one day. Even if he doesn’t, Silva wasn’t important to only Sky. He’s helped plenty of students throughout the years and she still remembers the way her mom’s eyes lingered when she asked if Silva is her real dad.
She never got a proper answer and the accident with Sky had cemented her mother’s decision on the end of their friendship. Next time she saw either of them, she was already in college in Alfea. It’s undeniable that she shares certain physical traits with Saul.
“This isn’t a mistake”, she exclaims, sensing that’s where Sky’s mind was heading. “I want to do this and you can either help or get out of my way.”
Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he held on tightly. His emotions are confusing even to her, several intertwining as his heart and mind wage war. She can’t fault him for being angry, and she can’t fault him for wanting some distance from it all, but she needs him to understand at least.
“I worry you’ll get hurt”, he admits. “There’s nothing in this world worth to me as much as you are.”
Swallowing thickly, she leans into the embrace. “I’ll be okay.”
“You can’t promise me that”, his response is rushed, body tensing with her stubbornness.
“Maybe not”, she sighs. “But I know there’s nothing that can stop me from coming back to this”, she tilts her head up with a smile adorning her lips. “To you.”
“I’ll help”, Sky frowns. “I’ll try to get in on the team escorting him.”
Grinning, she bites her lower lip in an unsuccessful attempt of holding her joy at bay. “That’s my man.”
“Really?” His brows shot up. “I’m officially getting crowned as your man?”
Turning in his embrace, her arms wrap around his neck. “Apparently I do not scare you and I’ve tried to ignore you and that didn’t work out either.” Shrugging with her left shoulder, she kinks her eyebrows. “Now we can try this approach. See where it takes us.”
“I’m all for it”, Sky smirks, lowering his head.
“Yeah?” She lets out a shuddered breath as his lips brush against hers and her legs tremble.
His lips pressed into her bottom one, beginning a kiss that stole Y/N’s breath away. As he pulls her closer, she can’t help but smile into the kiss, making him chuckle.
“I’m literally kissing your teeth here.”
“Not my fault your kisses make me giddy.”
Smirking, he nods. “Good answer.”
“No more talking”, her hand grips the back of his neck, swiftly repossessing his lips.
“THIS WON’T WORK FOR ME”, Riven exclaims, causing the pair to separate reluctantly. “Either choose the room or someplace else, but the hall is not allowed!”
“I’ve caught you in the hall before”, Sky reminds him.
“Yeah, but I’m me and you’re supposed to be the golden boy. Someone will see and you’ll be the campus whore.”
“Fine with me”, Sky remarks.
“Well, is that the excuse you’ll give for not showing up when we have practice? Because Andreas is waiting.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N swipes under Sky’s bottom lip, removing the lipstick stains. “I’ll text you the details, okay?”
Pecking her lips, he nods. Watching her walk away, Sky bites his bottom lip. “What does Andreas want? We don’t even have practice now.”
Giving him a pointed look, Riven rubs his chin. “We’re supposed to help transfer Saul.”
Arriving back to the dorm, Y/N found the girls already finishing their plan for Silva’s rescue mission.
Going through everything, step by step, she felt confident in their chances. Reaching for her phone to send Sky information he’d need to help, Y/N furrows her brows as she find he has already texted her.
“We have an issue”, Y/N gulps as the girls turn to look at her. “Sky won’t be able to help us.”
Part 4
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farahtissaiamyloves · 2 years
Follow your heart
Farah Dowling x female reader
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1.389 words. Enjoy.
You walked through the school grounds.
It was so lonely.
Everyone was in bed while you were patrolling around the school making sure that no student was out of bed.
You didn't have to do that and yet here you were; doing exactly that.
You weren't chosen like the rest of the stuff.
You never had an interview with Farah or Saul for your teaching experience and capabilities.
You had never gone through a duel with Headmaster Silva ( because you were a specialist, fairies were going through some control tests or whatever with either Ben or Farah ).
The Queen had appointed you as a professor at Alfea.
And neither Farah nor Saul could go against Luna's wishes.
You were the best choice for her.
Queen Luna was in need of strong and professional specialists, you had been one - if not the - best specialist in Headmistress' Rosalind's era.
Such a powerful era for the specialists.
You were also an aristocrat with blood status and bank accounts matching the Queen's herself.
The night breeze rolled down the corridors, probably from an opened window making you slightly freeze.
You cursed as you weren't wearing your very warm and comfortable suit to protect you not only from your enemies but also from the annoying cold weather.
It was raining. You could tell. 
Oh god, you loved staying in your quarters with a warm blanket and some hot chocolate watching the rain through the window.
You finally located the window and hurried to close it. Afterward, you stayed there, looking out, at the night sky, imagining the stars.
Every star seemed to be so close with the other one, but they could have a distance beyond every human's imagination.
That's how you currently felt.
Close to your old classmates and whole miles apart.
You were never particularly fond of them.
Maybe a tiny Ben, he had always been so polite with you.
Or Farah, even if you had had countless fights in the past, she seemed less willing to challenge you or mock you as she had been doing.
You weren't blaming her, though. You would have done the same.
Farah for the fairies was the exact thing you were for the specialists.
Jealous because you were a more powerful specialist than her own, afraid that she was to loose Rosalind's favor to you, she felt the need to prove herself by belittling you.
Saul and Andreas weren't helping at all. Saul never stopping telling Farah about you and how he was annoyed by your very existence or Andreas telling them both that he was far richer ( untrue ) and better in everything than you.
You had been so drawn to the past that you missed the sound of heels against the floor.
" Y/N. Shouldn't you be sleeping ? " A woman's voice stopped your roaming thoughts.
You froze. Was she into your mind again ?
You turned to her. Farah had her head titled on a side in question. Her eyes weren't shining.
" Shouldn't you be sleeping ? " You retorted crossing your hands in front of your chest.
Farah shook her head. " I had work. " 
" So did I. " You played the same excuse with her to show her that she was being ridiculous.
The fairy raised an eyebrow. " I am the Headmistress of Alfea. It's natural for me to work until midnight... unlike you... "
You raised an eyebrow as well. Two could play the game. " And I'm something far greater than just a tiny member of your faculty. I have work outside the classroom too. "
Farah sighed, a hand going through her hair as a sign of frustration. " That's not a game, Y/N. "
Your eyes widened. " So, you are IN my mind. I KNEW IT. "
Farah sighed again. " I'm not. Some of your thoughts are just too loud to be ignored. "
You fake-pouted. " My bad, I thought that the oh-so-great Headmistress of Alfea had better control over her powers. Sorry Fa, never gonna happen again. "
And that's when you were shoved against the window. Farah's eyes burning; not with magic but something darker, primitive, sinful.
Desire masked by evident anger.
You gulped. You knew where this was to lead.
" Stop it. " Came Farah's only words.
Pretending to be confused, even though you knew damn well to what she was referring, you couldn't help but ask. " Stop what ? "
" Your thoughts. " The woman clarified.
You frowned. " Nobody can stop thinking, Fa. Thought you already knew it. Mind is your domain, is it not ? "
An other shove. " Stop. Playing. Those. Stupid. Bratty. Games with me. If you want to think dirty, then do it without me. "
You swallowed hard.
She knew.
God, she knew.
But being the specialist you were, also the aristocrat- with extreme political lessons - you knew what to do to get yourself out of almost every situation.
This one included.
Distraction had always been the best way to defeat Farah Dowling at everything. You just had to change the subject.
" Me ? You are the only who hates me. You and Saul. I didn't do anything to you, really. Just lived my life trying to be happy but there was always a Farah Dowling judging and criticizing everything about me. " So the rambling started and you soon lost control of yourself.
You told her everything, from how much you thought she hated you to that time she once implied something about you that hurt you deeply. Everything kept pouring out of you and you failed to notice that Farah had taken a step back.
The topic had left your dirty fantasies with your teenage crush and was her hatred toward you.
You took a deep breath when you finished your monologue and realized that you had been crying for God knows how long.
Your eyes fell to Farah.
Was she crying too ?
" I... I had no... I didn't want to... " Farah stuttered. It was one of the only times the headmistress of Alfea was speechless.
" My point is. If you hate me so much, you can simply inform Luna and she will replace me in no time. " You told her. 
Farah closed her eyes for a second and then reopened them. " I don't hate you... Saul does. He thinks you came here to steal his glory or something. "
You rolled your eyes at that. " Then... Why all this distance and coldness ? " You inquired.
Farah's eyes narrowed. " Saul's my best friend, Y/N. I can't betray him by giving into your fantasies. "
Your eyes widened. " Wait a sec. Did you just admit that you want me but don't make a move due to Saul ? "
Farah gave you a sad smile. " Maybe. Have a nice night, Y/N. And try to get some sleep. "
Then, she turned to leave.
" Wait, Farah ! " You wrapped your hands around her left arm to stop her from walking away.
The fairy stared down at you expecting you to tell her why you stopped her.
" A little piece of advice. Nothing much, really. Just... you always care about everyone and that's cute, one of my favorite things about you, but... friends, true friends make sacrifices for their friend's happiness. If Saul truly cared about your happiness, about you, he would have supported you and encouraged you to follow your heart. Nobody likes everybody, I get that. But I like you, you like me and we deserve a chance. " You squeezed her hand.
" Nobody can tell you what to do with your own life, they can advise, yes but it's up to you who do you want to sleep with, marry or even have a family with, not Saul's. You are an independent woman and can decide what's best for yourself. " You continued sharing your never ending wisdom with Farah.
Farah who was shocked realizing that you were more than right.
" True friends support and stand next to each other no matter what. If Saul doesn't do that, then he is no real friend, you deserve better. You know, Fa, that's how you can tell the difference between true friendship, fake friendship and manipulation. " You finished your perfect speech with a wink.
Before Farah can reply, you placed a gentle kiss on her arm and vanished in the dark corridor.
She already liked you, but after that one... Farah ignored Saul's disappointment and did what you advised her to.
She followed her heart.
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mxacegrey · 2 years
The Masked Part 5
Fandom: Fate the Winx Saga
Pairings: Sky x reader, Riven x reader, Saul Silva x reader (Platonic or otherwise undecided)
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 FATE THE WINX SAGA UNDER THE CUT!! Descriptions of violence. swearing, hints of child abandonment and off-screen character death.
Taglist: @v1naco | @instantplaiddream | @faithm120601 | @bluebear142077 | @holyhumorliteraturelight  | @marianaa-mg | @isnt-itstrange
Series Masterlist
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Your dorm seemed to be a fixture in people’s daily affairs. First, you woke to the sound of your door hitting the wall and Andreas pulling the covers off your body.
“What was that for?!” You yelled, grabbing a hoodie from the side of your bed.
“Beatrix is missing. 3 days.” Andreas explained sharply, looking around your room for something.
“What’s that got to do with me?! She’s your adopted daughter!” You exclaimed, face scrunched in confusion.
“You’re helping me get her back.” Andreas explained, grabbing your arm and dragging you to an office.
“A fairy for a fairy.” He deadpanned as he stood outside a fairy called Marco’s office.
“Marco, just the man I was looking for.” Andreas said as he walked inside, you standing of to the side, going unnoticed by Marco.
“Good timing. Tell me you've got something to save me from grading.” Marco chuckled as he looked up from the number of papers he had on his desk.
“Well, actually, I do.” Andreas sighed and nodded to you. Your arm wrapped around Marco’s neck, tightening just enough to slowly suffocate him into unconsciousness. Nodding in response, you handed Marco to Andreas but not before giving him a warning.
“Don’t underestimate them.” With this, you headed back to your dorm only to find Silva standing in the middle of the room.
“And why weren’t you at training?”
“... I was busy. And I can fight blood witches.” You looked at a silently fuming Saul. Saul simply looked at you before walking off, leaving you to attempt to find Sky or Riven, in order to spend some time together. Unknown to you, they had left to a bar before heading into an abandoned lodge where Beatrix was supposedly held. Andreas appeared out of nowhere and while Riven grabbed Beatrix, Sky and Silva began fighting Andreas.
“We have to figure out who's controlling Andreas.” Terra stated, looking at Bloom in the Winx suite.
“All of this assumes that the Blood Witch, they have to be an outsider, but if they know Andreas then...” Bloom explained as she looked through the papers on the table in front of them.
“They're definitely an insider.” Terra caught on.
“What, so, like, a student or faculty?” Flora asked, bemused.
“Or alum or... someone from the banquet. I don't...” Bloom gasped. “Oh my God! Oh my God. I have to go.”
Meanwhile, in your dorm, you began calling Sky, Silva and Riven, who never picked up. After getting to voicemail for the 13th time, you left a message.
“I know who the blood witch is!”
“You heard Musa. It's a trap.” Terra explained.
“I'm going for the one who set it. One person hates Andreas and Rosalind more than anyone. He's been by our side this whole time. Text Aisha and tell her where I'm going. I have to stop him before it’s too late.” Bloom explained as she made her way out of Alfea campus and towards ‘First World Goods’.
Bloom’s hand flared up as she walked into the shop, heading for the back room. Opening the door, she found Sebastian sitting in a chair, his back facing her.
“Sebastian.” Bloom stated, causing Sebastian to turn around with red eyes.
“Oh. Hi there.” Sebastian smiled.
“I can't believe I trusted you.” Bloom shook her head.
“Oh, don't feel too bad. I'm, uh... I'm very trustworthy. Ask all my friends.” Sebastian chuckled softly. “Silva excluded. He won't be happy. Ballsy of you to come alone.” 
“I assumed all the scrapers would be at the lodge for your little trap.” Bloom said, smirking as she walked out of the room.
“Good assumption. They're on their way back now. Won't take long.” Sebastian explained.
“No, you'll already be back at Alfea with me. Because right now you're powerless.” Bloom stated, hands on the table before her.
“Blood Witch magic won't work on fairies.” Bloom stated smugly.
“Also true. However...” Sebastian laughed, the veins in his body lighting up. "...I have been working on that little problem. What do you think I've been doing with fairy magic? Sticking it in a jar for a rainy day? I got a few duds at first. Weak light fairy. Sad little water fairy. Devin was, uh...not the best mind fairy. But then I got a few contenders.”
“Whoever your contenders are, they're not me.” Bloom stated, her wings appearing behind her.
“No need to show off. I know you're powerful, Bloom.” Sebastian chuckled, before the door behind them opened unnoticed.
“Would you look at that? Little Bloom thinks she can beat a blood witch.” Your voice called out, the two turning around in shock.
“Y/N.” / “Little cousin.” The two stated in unison.
“You may be the dragon flame, Bloom. But you’re a teenager. Did you really think you’re stronger than him? He who knows who your blood parents are?” You stated, smirk on your lips as you walked towards Bloom. “Or me? I know all about you, Bloom Peters. Your insecurities... Your weaknesses. Like those suitemates of yours or even your little boyfriend, Sky.”
“Don’t.” Bloom spat, causing your grin to widen.
“Don’t worry. This isn’t about me. I simply wanted you to know that you. are. mortal.” With that, you turned to leave before raising a hand to Bloom’s head, electricity crackling under your skin as you manipulated the electrical charges in her mind. “Ah. Can’t have you spill information early.”
After you left, you headed back to Alfea. You only had to wait a few hours more before Silva, Sky and Riven returned, Silva with Andreas’ body and Riven holding Musa’s bloodied form. Sky walked into your dorm, not long after he told Bloom what had happened, with tears in his eyes. Silva and Riven both soon rushed in, shielding Sky from you, Silva holding a sword to you.
“Come now. What’s all this?” You asked. 
“You’re Sebastian’s cousin.” Silva stated simply, causing Riven to spit at you.
“Blood witch.” Riven snarled. “You took Musa’s magic!”
“I didn’t take her magic! If she wants it, she only needs to ask. I could help get it back.” You stated simply, before tears sprung into your eyes. “And you’re condemning me for something I have no choice in.”
“What?” They asked, each backing away as you tried to step closer.
“17 years ago, I left my family in the dust at 2 years old after the destruction of Aster Dell. I was sent away. I never wanted to be a blood witch. I never...” Your voice trembled, tears falling down your face. “I thought... I thought that I never have to deal with this again. I thought I could be free. I didn’t lie to you. Everthing I’ve said was true. All of it.”
With a quick glance at the others, the three moved towards your crying form. Sky and Riven wrapped an arm around you while Silva placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Two years ago... When I was supposed to start my second year. I got into trouble because... someone wanted me to... pay for blood witch crimes. Crimes that were done, years before I was even born. I didn’t... I didn’t even get out until just before I came back to Alfea.” You began to sob, your voice trembling with emotion. The trio simply hugged you harder, causing you to hide your head in your hands. Going unnoticed by the specialist, your mouth twisted into a sinister smirk.
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty - Saul Silva x reader Works
my reason
I need you
this empty space, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15
for you, Part 2
favorite song
make you better
I'll hold you
you're not cursed, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
my stupid heart, Part 2, Part 3
sleep it off
misunderstandings, Part 2
unlikely friends
a promise I won't break
what we needed
a part of us both
the perfect day
emotional rollercoaster
takes time
the pain
won't say what I want
my family
worry, Part 2
be your everything
the moons daughter
that's my wife
my saviour
tied by fate, Part 2, Part 3
save you
get you free
always by your side
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queenmayor23 · 1 year
A Fated Tale (I)
Words: ~1.7k 
Fate: The Winx Saga x Male Reader
I did a thing and didn’t know where to put it and everything I see on here is Sky x male reader which I am not opposed to but I wanted to have an older reader (Arthur) that was a mentor to the girls and close with the older generation and possibly throw down with Luna. It blends lore from both shows. Also this started because I was mad that Professor Palladium wasn’t in Fate because in my personal headcannon Palladium is a beautiful NB beaing and deserves more love hence my OCs name but we’ll get into that later.
This is a developing story so be patient please and let me know what you think and send me request. If I don’t know the material or I’m uncomfortable I’ll let you know. 
OC: Arthur Avalon Malacoy-Palladium
Arthur and Dane walk through a mirror into the blue office. "Do not piss off Silva. I will never hear the end of it. Do not tell me you won't. You may look like your father, but your mother and I's blood is in your veins. On that note, I know making friends comes easy to us but don't get friendly until the end of the semester." Arthur had been running his mouth since this morning and throughout the mirror trip.
"I understand Uncle Art. Except for the part about not getting friendly."
Arthur looks at his nephew, cupping his chin and letting his painted blue thumb run across Dane's cheekbone. "Never lose your innocence, my sweet summer child." Arthur looks at the clock in his office and walks to the door opening it for Dane. "I am late for a meeting. So, everything you need is in your bag, and the rest of your luggage is already in your room. Everyone should still be in the Front Yard if you want to do the whole "First Day" thing." Dane walks out of the door, Arthur closing it behind him, both in the hallway. Arthur quickly hugs Dane and walks away, opposite Dane. "I love you; goodbye."
Arthur walks into the Headmistress's Office. Farah sits at her desk with Bloom across from her. "Nice of you to join us, Professor Palladium." Headmistress Dowling speaks as the redheaded child looks back at him.
"Ah, and you must be Bloom. Nice to meet you." They shake hands. "Potionologist turned guidance counselor and whatever else they need someone to teach. I'm Professor Arthur Avalon Malacoy-Palladium. Just call me Professor Palladium."
"Excuse the professor, Bloom. He tends to ramble on occasion." Dowling continues asking Bloom. "Has Alfea lived up to your expectations?"
"Just kinda bummed I didn't see a single pair of wings."
Arthur decides to comment. "We had wings, but transformation magic was lost as we and our magics evolved. Some are lucky enough to have a glowing hue around them if they concentrate."
Bloom nods her head and looks at the older fairies. "So, when do we… I start?"
"Classes begin tomorrow. You'll start with the basics. Learn to use your magic slowly but safely."
"When you say slowly-"
Arthur interrupts. "She means it. Magic can be dangerous. Our curriculum is designed to focus on magic's physical and mental parts. Trust the process."
Farah leans in towards Bloom. "Alfea's graduates have ruled realms and led armies. They've forged powerful relics and rediscovered long-lost magic. They shape the Otherworld. If you succeed here, you will too."
"Well, this place, the Otherworld, uh… Alfea, it seems amazing. It… This isn't my home. I don't need to rule a realm or lead an army… I'm here because you promised you'd teach me control."
"Speaking from experience, if you allow it, Alfea can be your home away from home. This place is filled with magic, literally and figuratively." Arthur tells the first-year student.
The next day came, and Arthur taught his morning classes. He walked into his office searching for a file he needed for one of his afternoon appointments with the second-year students when he felt it. "Burned Ones."
He alerted Saul, Farah, and Ben, and they all went to investigate. "It's fresh."
"Maybe a wolf?"
"Or a bear. Could have gone out to protect his herd, got surprised." Dowling and Silva continue to guess what happened to the man that lies before them. His body burned and bloodied. Ben collects a sample from the body, examining it. "This is char residue."
Palladium roughly exhales. "Ben, you cannot be serious. It's been what, two decades since the last sighting?"
"Sixteen years." Dowling corrects Arthur, and she continues. "Rosalind was relentless."
"It could've been hiding in the mountains..."
"She killed all the Burned Ones." Farah speaks sternly, almost as if she was forcing herself to believe her own words.
"We thought she did." Arthur and Saul look at Farah.
"Ben, what we think is irrelevant. The Barrier's doing its job. But until we know something for sure, let's clean this up before gossip starts." Farah starts walking away when Arthur catches her wrist. "If it happens, we know what we must do, correct?" Saul, Arthur, and Farah look at each other in agreeance.
In his office, Arthur sits relaxed. Stella stretches out on the couch, trying to get a selfie showcasing her outfit. "Have you tried anything besides that little sparkle this week? Any illusions or Sun Shields?"
Stella puts her phone down and snaps her mini-star away. "How do you know I'm not casting an illusion right now?" Palladium shrugs his shoulders.
"The real question is am I casting an illusion?" Palladium disappears, and the walls turn white, the light filling the room. Stella pulls her head from the crystal ball, gasping for air. "Fifty minutes and twenty-nine seconds, eighty-two percent non-verbal, but it's progress." Palladium hands Stella a glass of water and a yellow vial. "Drink." Stella drinks the vial and chases it with the water. She starts gagging and reaching for the wastebasket. "What was that?" Stella asks, consuming more of the water.
"Darling, you were supposed to mix it."
"You said, "drink!" Where do you hear anything about mixing in that one word?" Stella fussed, catching her breath. Sitting on his desk, Arthur uses his magic to move the pen as it tracks Stella's progress. Stella sits up in the chair. "Not to worry, the worst thing it can do is give you split ends. But you should be able to take care of that with a little Sun Slice." Arthur holds out his hand. A cabinet opens, and another larger vial with what seems to be dirt floats across the room into his palm. "Two parts dust, one part water. It'll help with those sunspots too. Now go. I need to get ready for a meeting." Stella gets up and takes the jar heading for the door. Arthur watches her. "Thank you, Professor Palladium."
"Thanks, Professor Palladium!" Stella mocks, walking out of the door.
It was late at night; he was falling asleep at his desk. Arthur pulled some herbs from the cabinet, put them in a cup, and removed the kettle from the fireplace, telekinetically pouring the boiling water into the same cup. Arthur takes a sip. The nutrients from the herbs energize his body awake, and he gets the feeling again. While walking down the hallway, Palladium runs into Musa, Aisha, and Terra. The girls explain what's going on, and the professor withholds that he sensed a Burned One from them. Arriving at the gateway, hearing the roars of the beast. "Once Bloom comes out, get back to Alfea."
Palladium enters the gateway spotting Bloom running toward him. She slows down, but before she can open her mouth. "Go!" Palladium points in the door's direction, and it bursts open, Bloom running out. The creature jumps in front of Palladium. Golden orbs form in Palladium's hands, and he fires. The Burned One stumbles back and roars. Palladium forms a shield on his forearm, covering the length of his body; he charges another orb as the Burned One bangs on the shield. Arthur pushes the beast across the room and releases the ball of light. The head of the Burned One is encased by the golden orb as it stumbles and falls back, letting out one last growl.
The following day came. Arthur sits on his desk with Farah seated at an angle across from him, and Saul leans on a pillar in the center of the room. Arthur recounted the events of last night. "Why did you not chain it up and bring it to the dungeons?" Farah asked.
"He should have killed it when he had the chance," Saul added.
"I couldn't allow it to enter the Barrier, Faragonda. If it were to awaken and attack while we slept, Luna would close everything down faster than she can say her name." Arthur informed his colleagues. "Did it break your skin?"
"No. I had Ben start making oil from the Zanbaq flowers in the greenhouse. I've dosed it with the remainder of what We had in Nikolia's old office."
"Arthur…" Faragonda was quickly interrupted. "We need to know if this is an isolated incident or something more. If something is attacking Solaria, we have to tell Luna as much as I would rather us take care of it ourselves."
Saul and Arthur understood each other. Farah was nervous, and Arthur could sense it without needing magic. "What's on your mind, Farah?"
"I found a changeling in the First World." Arthur gasped.
Saul stops Arthur before he can speak. "I've not heard of one of those in centuries. Are you sure, Farah?"
"Yes. She was left 16 years ago, right around when the last Burned One was spotted." Saul sighed and looked to the counselor. "Do you genuinely think this could be connected?"
"Rosalind hid a lot from us, so I'm not taking it out of the realm of possibilities. But I will say this, Alfea is different now that Red Fountain and Malacoy have merged. Though I am the only one qualified to attend Malacoy, of both faculty and students-"
Saul cuts off Arthur. "What about your nephew?"
"His mother and I decided that he needs to focus on his weapons skills first; then, if he displays any magical abilities, go from there. That's why I sent him to you." Saul nods.
"Arthur, do you mind taking on another class? Magic Theory with the first years." Farah stands up.
"No, I don't mind, but what about-"
"Ben and I will have to suffice. I need you there. Do what you've been doing with Stella, but in a group setting." Farah turns and walks next to Saul.
She was speaking now as the headmistress rather than as their friend. "I want you to kick up the Specialist's training a few notches. We may have to start blended training, and I want both sides to be ready if or when the time comes." Saul looks at Arthur after nodding to their headmistress. "I know both of you feel the shift. Unfortunately, the scales are slowly tipping towards chaos, and for now, all we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best." Farah walks out of the office, leaving the Specialist and Paladin alone.
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Silva Lining - Chapter 21 (Saul Silva x reader)
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You still woke up screaming. Even though you were back beside Saul, the nightmares didn’t seem to stop, or at least, they hadn’t stopped yet. It pissed him off to see you so vulnerable, pissed him off knowing what effects the events had on you but he vowed to get things back to normal.
You jumped as the doors to your room opened, a parade of servants filing in one by one, some carrying trays, the others carrying clothes. Your stomach grumbled when the waft of eggs and bacon made its way across to your bed, all the while Saul was wrapping the duvet tighter around you to keep prying eyes away. No one was looking at you, he was just a big jealous baby. You’d missed it.
As soon as they had arrived they were gone. You stood, stretching, your muscles aching from the day and night before. Your skin was littered with love bites, you didn’t have to look at Saul to know he was happy with his handy work. His arms wrapped around you from behind, his naked body pressed against yours, his manhood stood to attention, bouncing off your goose pimpled ass.
“Well good morning to you too Soldier.” You wiggled your behind against his hardness making him groan. The breakfast would have to wait, looks like you were hungry for something else.
Fucked, fed and dressed, you were happier than you’d been in weeks. You even had a bounce in your step which didn’t go unnoticed by your friends. It was a bright and sunny day, the sky was lilac and the castle and grounds were buzzing with people and excitement at the arrival of you and your entourage.
After your prompt room service and fumble, the female Dark Guard; who’s name you found out was Lex, led you to where you were now, reuniting with very well rested looking family and friends.
“The king has informed me he should be back around lunch time, for now he has asked me to get you acquainted with some of the residents of Imperium City, and would like for you all to join me on a tour of our home and its surroundings.”
At this point you were stood in the back with your Winx girls, Ben, Saul and your Mother were talking amongst themselves and so were the Specialist boys. You walked and chatted, catching up and taking in the beautiful scenery.
You noticed your friends, mother and the specialists all wearing the same kind of clothing, it made you all look like you were part of an elite team, all black with single patterns of colour down the fronts and on the arms. You all had different colours, the specialists had a similar kind of outfit, just plain black. Your mother, a black pants suit and Saul, black combat gear from head to toe. You looked around, none of the other residents wore what you all did, but you noticed everyone had specific looks, kind of like factions.
The lilac sky wasn’t the only unusual thing about Imperium. The cobbles of the streets seemed to be made from Diamond, glittering in the bright sun, the trees were a vibrant green like none you’d ever seen before. If you didn’t know it was all magic, you would have convinced yourself you were having a major acid trip.
The architecture seemed very modern, big mansions off to one side, tall crystal like skyscrapers on the other. Then there was the Academy for Witches and Warlocks, it looked very different from Alfea.
It reminded you of a typical American campus that you’d seen in the many romcoms out there, apart from this one was all glass windows, marble and just screamed expensive. Looking up, it was like everyone went quiet. The students in the Academy had all stopped and were looking at you.
It made you feel uncomfortable. Believe it or not, you didn’t like being the centre of attention and you were grateful when Saul came up behind you placing his large hand on the small of your back in reassurance.
“God, you’d think it was feeding time at the zoo.” The common saying went over everyone else’s heads, forgetting they were never part of your original world. You laughed to yourself at their confused expressions but pressed on.
As the day went on the tour got better and better, this place seemed to have state of the art everything. You’d left the specialists including your man child of a boyfriend at the special training centre used to train The Dark Guards and other forces, the tech here was beyond anything you’d ever seen, which wasn’t hard. By the look of Sauls face, you knew it was good.
Next came simulation rooms and labs, rooms dedicated to specific witchy powers and training facilities state of the art. Honestly, it put Alfea to shame.
Every one of your girls had found something to fall in love with, Terra, the biggest greenhouse/lab you’d ever seen, Musa never left the music centre, Aisha dove into the olympic size pool as soon as she got the go ahead, Stella, you were pretty sure Stella was lost somewhere in the gigantic mall you guys had passed. Honestly the place was thriving. Bloom, she’d found some pyrotechnic
sorta room where they tested explosive weapons, that suited her fine.
Then it was just.. you. Your mum and Ben had been taken on a diverted tour by some of the teachers and you were left, followed by your assigned guards.
You’d liked the look of everything and so far there wasn’t a specific thing you liked the most. You decided to sit, finally and just take it all in. By all in you meant the events of the past week, so you really took it all in. The magic that swirled around you was thick, your emotions leaking from your skin like a black oil.
You don’t know how long you’d been lost in thought, no one coming near you, your guards making sure of that as you existed alone in your black bubble of silence. You were only nocked out of your daze when a hand touched your arm.
Shocked your powers seemed to zap the intruder, who did nothing but let out a throaty chuckle.
“You’re more like me than I first thought.”
Your black ball of protection retracted. A huge, tall man, olive skin, dark hair and eyes, strong sharp features sat next to you, invading what little privacy you had in the first place.
His smile was familiar, you realised it was a lot like your own and the more you looked at the stranger you realised some of his features were exactly like yours. He was the other piece of the puzzle that was your life.
Wow its been a long time since I updated! I just feel like it's become such a long fic and I dont know where to take it lol so I'm tryingggg. Any ideas send them my way lol.
In my head Y/N's dad, the king is played by Dylan McDermott..
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arte-mis-t · 3 years
When you come back she extends her hands, intending to clean the wound herself. "Please, let me" you say resolutely, and you are surprised when she lets her hands fall. You wet the scarf and carefully start to remove blood and some kind of dark dust from the wound. You are barely breathing. You can feel how tense she is, how hard she is trying not to show her distress. You're almost done when she closes her eyes and gives up, letting out a hiss of sheer pain. Without thiking you blow on the wound, letting the fresh air lessen her ache. When you meet her eyes a second later she is looking at you with a unreadable expression. "That will be enough" she says softly. "Would you be so kind as to bring me the green ointment that you'll find over there?"
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 years
Scared and alone (10/12)
Info: Y/n and Riven train together but it leads to conflict between the two friends and Sky comes to help her.
Relationship: Sky x riven x reader (platonic)
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Y/n walked around with Saul and Dowling, watching the students of Alfea train together as if getting ready for battle.
"Do you think your ready to train?" Dowling asked her, looking over her shoulder slightly.
"I've been in control for weeks now, I think I'm ready." Y/n nodded causing Dowling to look at Saul who nodded.
"Alright, Riven, Terra, train with y/n." Silva called out to the fairy and specialist who were working together before leaving.
"Ice can overpower earth by killing it, there's no way I can overpower you." Terra stated
"But work together and we can beat them." Y/n stated, indicating to the two specialists, causing Terra to nod as they took their places at the corners.
The two fairies watched as the specialists fought it out before y/n called it out "Now." She shouted at Terra. Terra shot out a vine and y/n threw ice to wrap around it, making it solid and hard to break. The vine moves in between the two specialists tripping up the girl but Riven got out of the way before it could hit him. Y/n rolled her eyes and formed an ice puddle under his feet causing Riven to slip and fall.
"Ouch." Y/n spoke before moving off the platform.
Y/n grabs her drink before sitting beside Riven. Looking ahead, she takes a drink from it as Terra and Riven talked. Hearing Beatrix's name she turns to them as ,watching as Terra leaves
"So I see you have more control now." Riven pointed out.
"Lucky you. You could of had a spike up your spine if I didn't." She joked causing Riven to shiver involuntarily.
"Cold" Riven mumbled
"And sore." Y/n stated before turning her head to watch Sky and Bloom fight a dummy burned one.
"You okay?" Riven asked seeing her staring into space.
"Yeah, just seeing the burned one reminded me of the frozen one." She explained, nodding her head a little.
"Are the frozen ones actually real or did you just make them up?" Riven asked with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" Y/n asked, confused on why he would ask that.
"Just that no ones seen one, we've seen burned ones yeah, but not a frozen one. So who's to say that your not lying."
"Riven they are real, they killed my parents. I seen them die with my own eyes. I can't believe you would even ask me that." Y/n stated, hurt filling her as tears welled up in her eyes.
"Just saying is all." Riven shrugged, putting his hands up in mock surrender.
"I can't believe you." Y/n spoke, standing up in front of him "I'm going to put this down to the whole Beatrix thing because before this year you were the sweetest. Now your just a jerk constantly since you've met her."
"Don't you dare y/n, don't you dare act like the good guy in this okay. I'm not the one who blocked out her friends."
"Because I was grieving Riven, I didn't know what to do and you and Sky were with the girls and I felt like I had no one."
"Oh cut the crap y/n. Beatrix was right, you are an attention seeker." Riven stated as he stood up before moving away from her.
"Hey, everything okay?" Sky asked, jogging up to y/n as he seen Riven walk away from her.
"Somethings not right with Riven, he just said things that were really hurtful, that's not like him Sky." Y/n stated, turning to Sky who seen the tears in her eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. It's just the whole Beatrix thing alright? He hasn't been himself lately, even over summer he changed. I wouldn't worry about it too much alright." Sky comforted her, pulling her into a hug.
"Okay." Y/n spoke, unsure of herself.
"Come on, I've to meet Silva for a bit but then we can do something okay." Sky smiled, offering his hand to her.
"Yeah okay." She smiled, taking her hand before following him into the school building.
Y/n and Sky ran the direction they seen Silva go. Sensing Sky's discomfort she rolled her thumb around his knuckles to calm him down, looking up at him to see him smile in appreciation before letting go of her hand.
"Silva, seriously pairing me with Bloom, it seems pretty obvious." Sky stated causing y/n to look at him in confusion.
"Well, Bloom's a powerful fairy your a powerful specialist no body questioned it."
"Questioned what?" Y/n asked to herself but Silva looked at her before giving Sky a pointed look.
"Y/n can stay." Sky said, giving Silva a pointed look.
"What have you found out?" Silva asked causing y/n to scrunch her eyes in confusion.
"She hasn't said anything about her trip with Beatrix. I'm telling you Bloom isn't some mastermind. The more time I spend with her the more I'm convinced of that. And the more I'm convinced...." Sky looked back at y/n who was watching the two speak in confusion.
"What is it?" Silva asked, causing Sky look back a him.
"Stella's gone, Rivens a mess and just snapped at y/n which he never does, and the person I'm spending the most time with I am spying on." Sky stated, causing y/n to take a step back.
"What you are doing matters. You have to trust me. Everything I do and everything I have done is to keep the otherworld safe. It's something your father and I had in common and yes it's lonely but there is an honor in that Sky." Silva stated, looking his foster son in the eye.
Sky sighed heavily before looking back at y/n who watched him curiously. He looked back at Silva and the two nodded before leaving. Y/n went to follow him when Silva stopped her.
"Y/n." He called causing Sky to look back.
Y/n looked up at him and nodded to say she was listening.
"Help him, I get it's lonely but it might help with you on his side." Silva spoke, causing y/n to nod in agreement.
"I was going to regardless of what you said." Y/n replied before leaving with Sky who sighed and followed her.
Y/n and Sky sat in the boys dorm, not speaking a word. Looking around the room, y/n sighed and got up, moving towards the window to look out. Sky watched cautisly from his bed as she didn't speak.
"What ya looking at?" He asked, trying to get a response from her.
"Just watching the specialists. I used to always do that when we weren't talking." She replied, looking back at Sky as he smiled weakly.
"I have to help them find out about Beatrix." Sky tried to explain himself.
"Somethings not right, I can feel it." Y/n spoke.
"How so?" Sky asked, standing slightly from his bed to pull y/n to lie down with him.
"Something bad is going to happen, I just don't know what." She replied, leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Maybe it's just conflict between you and Riven." Sky tried to help.
"Maybe." Y/n nodded, turning to look at the clock on Skys bedside table.
"Why don't you stay the night. I'm sure Riven won't mind." Sky suggested, seeing the dull light shining through the window.
"Silva will give out." Y/n replied with a slight yawn.
"Meh, don't mind him." Sky replied causing y/n to laugh slightly.
"Yeah, maybe I will." Y/n sighed and sitting up to slid down the floor only for Sky to beat her to it.
"Yeah no your staying there. I'll take the floor." He replied, grabbing the throw over which was folded at the bottom of his bed.
"No, Sky." Y/n whined tiredly.
"No arguments." He replied with a yawn as he snatched one of his two pillows from the bed before getting comfy.
"That can't be comfy." She stated, watching as he tossed and turned.
"I'll be fine." Sky insisted before winching as he hit his elbow against the floor.
"Yeah come back up here. There's room for both of us." Y/n insisted, grabbing his elbow and attempting but failing to pull him onto the bed beside her.
Sky sighed but moved back onto the bed, tucking the pillow under his head as he threw the throw over over y/n, knowing she'd most likely get cold at some stage and the blanket wasn't exactly made for two.
"Night Sky." Y/n smiled, curling up on her side with a slight smile.
"Not y/n." Sky replied, moving so he was laying on his back before closing his eyes.
Silva moved towards the last door on the corridor and knocked before entering upon no reply. He sighed but smiled slightly at the sight of the fairy and specialist curled up together. Some stage after falling asleep y/n had turned to face Sky and was now laying with her head on his chest with Sky's arm wrapped around her shoulder. Silva chucked and moved to close the door when he seen Riven walking down the hall, breathing out the last of the smoke he had breathed in.
"I'm going to take it you weren't smoking regardless of me just seeing you exhale smoke." Silva stated after closing the door.
"Nope, it's quite cold out there, must of been just my breath." Riven replied cheekily.
"Mhmm." Silva hummed with suspicion as he crossed his arms, "Don't wake them going in, your late in by the way." Silva stated before leaving down the hall.
"Them?" Rive asked in confusion before opening the door.
He stopped when he seen two bodies lying on Sky's bed before realizing who it was. Riven chuckled in disbelieve with a shake of his head before moving towards his bed, kicking off his shoes. He watched as Sky moved his head when one of them hit his bed.
"Your back late." Sky muttered tiredly, half asleep.
"Yeah, late night practice." Riven lied.
"Mhmm." Sky hummed, too tied to catch onto the lie as he fell back asleep.
Riven rolled his eyes and lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling before falling asleep.
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Because it’s you - Sky x Fem!Reader - Request
Pairing : Sky (Fate The Winx Saga) x Fem!Reader
Words : 1673
Warnings : Fluff, lots of love.
Request by @navyhua​: Hi could you do a sky x reader in which they are dating and every little thing that she does he has a flashback of memory he just so in love with her. Also she’s a fairy and sometimes train with the specialists cuz her dad is Saul thank you
Author’s note : Thanks for the request ! Not gonna lie, it was a bit of a challenge to keep it simple yet cute. But I think I got a nice thing out of this. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for being patient :D
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Sky is both excited and scared at the same time. When he was younger, his father promised him that Alfea would be the best place to live his late teenages years : wonderful scenery, intensive training program, loads of fun and Saul Silva as his Fencing Instructor. Andreas would be by his side and help him out if he needed help. After all he did go to the same school; might as well take advantage of that, he had said to his son.
Because life isn’t a fairytale, Andreas died not long after his promise, leaving Silva to care for the boy. He already had a daughter of his own, but she mostly lived with her mother, the parents being divorced. Saul had all the space he needed to raise Sky, while still seeing his little girl. The children met a few times, going along rather well, but not enough to stay in contact. That was until…
Sky walked through the gigantic iron gates. The peebles under his feet cracked pleasantly as he took in the sight. A flock of students was rushing towards the tall ivory building, some hugging each other in the grass, while a few shy others stayed in corners. He stood in the center of the court, circling on himself.
I wish he was here.
The clouds covered the sun once in a while. While the crowd passed by him, his eyes caught a young woman walking along the edges of the main entrance. Rolling her phone in her hands, she seemed to search for someone. She looked so familiar… A few seconds passed and no one came for her. With a sigh of defeat, she put the phone in her pocket. Hands in her jacket, her head dipped down to scan her luggages, she closed her eyes and whined. It was kinda cute, the way her frame was drowned with bags of various sizes. She started walking towards the main building's doors, her struggle adamant. The sun shone bright again, as a cloud flew by. He approached her, and as he came in her line of sight, she tripped over the junction between the peebles and the grass, falling.
"Oh my - Are you okay ?!"
After a little growl, she put her face up, revealing her ashamed smile, her cheeks sprinkled with dirt. And then it hit him. He definitely already saw those pretty (y/e/c) somewhere.
"Heeyy Babe. Long time no see. Missed me ?" (Y/N) Silva whispers.
Sky laughs. A bunch of flowers starts to bloom around her, (Y/N)’s earth fairy powers always act up a bit when strong emotions flow through her. Helping her up, he makes sure to take some bags to carry some of the weight. Once on her feet, he brushes the dirt off of her right cheek. They are tinted with red, embarrassed. The sun shines bright, a lingering warmth from summer.
"Still as clumsy as day one. I wonder how you're Saul's daughter sometimes."
She blows raspberries, softly swatting his hand away.
"You wish you had my style, blondie.
-Oh yeah, definitely. "
She looks down at her knee, hurting her a little bit. It had scraped in the dirt. But nothing too alarming. Noticing the flowers, she picks one up, putting behind one of Sky's ears. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her lips kiss his, scratching the base of his hairline. It's always comforting to have (Y/N). She makes things better.
He can't stop thinking : if his father had still been alive, would they have met ? There are so many other things he loves about this girl. Would Andreas have approved of it ?
(Y/N) waves a hand in front of his face. Her other hand holds a fruit salad with a couple of biscuits. Sky got lost in his thoughts. The sun blinds him for a second. They are taking their lunch break on the terrace of the cafeteria.
"You good, blondie ?"
He shakes his head, focusing again, before nodding.
"Yeah sorry. Rough week. I… Sorry, Chef. I'm ready for the next meal of the course."
She gently smiles, planting a kiss on top of his head.
"Got it. Eat up."
He kisses her right cheek. Taking the bowl, he grabs the spoon before taking a bite. God, this strong vanilla aroma and with a touch of citrus…
Sky needed a breather. Never in a million years would he have thought that trying to combine training and extra classes would be so hard. Body aching from a sword fight, he mindlessly went to the main gardens near the Barrier. From afar he saw a silhouette hunched in the sun, sitting on a napkin above the grass. Inspecting furthermore, he recognized a bag he had carried a couple of weeks ago.
"How's the knee ?"
(Y/N) flinched looking up. A bright smile lit her face up.
"Ok ! I'm glad you helped me to the dorms. Thanks again."
He nodded, sheepish. Only then did he notice the fruit salad and biscuits around her. His stomach growled. God damn it. When's the last time he ate ? As if she understood, she motioned for him to sit.
"A friend was supposed to meet with me. But they canceled so… Come on. Take a bite. I heard your tummy rumbling. It's my way to thank you."
Wincing as he sat, the sun was basking them with a gentle warmth. (Y/N) handed him a bowl, pushing an open biscuit box to him.
"Feast, fearless warrior. Thy sword should be wielded by strong arms and a mind of steel."
Sky laughed, surprised but pleased at the food. Not too sugary, not too sour, just refreshing. It was heavenly.
Throughout the 3 first months, they kept that little routine going. Going to the garden, eating lunches, or sweet break meals together. Sometimes, Sky's friend Riven joined. But the funniest time was when the two of them admired the sky, finding shapes in the clouds. Chatting about school, all and nothing. Sky napped while (Y/N) read. It felt good. Normal.
Before Winter break of the 1st year, Saul got custody of (Y/N), offering her and Sky to get to know each other better. And well, they hit it off. After it was a bit weird for the father, seeing his daughter and his surrogate son falling in love. But it wouldn't be fair to get in the way. They didn't grow up together. Their bond bloomed at Alfea. He nudged them towards each other. Seeing what they became, he regretted nothing.
The fences made of foliage rustled. Clouds were darkening the sky. Back to back, (Y/N) and Sky turned their attention to the noise. She was terrified, breathing deeply to steady her steps. He was before her, sword in front of his chest ready to strike. Along in this maze, the two teenagers were tracking down a specialist playing wolf. The fairy-specialist training happened once every two month. The goal was to help students work as a team, help the fairies see what a potential battlefield is and assess their weaknesses.
The noise came closer. Sky extended a hand behind him, reaching for (Y/N).
"You good ?    He whispered.
That was too shaky for his liking. He turned around to reassure her. Unfortunately, the enemy darted around the corner behind him.
"Sky !"
The Burned one decoy launches at them. (Y/N) pushes Sky behind her. Hands at her waist, she casts vines from the ground. They circle the legs of the creature. The specialist gawks at the sight. The fairy throws her hands down, rooting the thin long legs into the ground. She grunts, anxiety poking at her concentration. Her eyes close to focus, she gives space for her thoughts : Could she do it ? How long will the spell last ? Why are the Burned Ones coming back now ? Is her father really okay ? Is this death ?
(Y/N)'s spell faded before Sky could land the blow. The boy got thrown into the foliage nearby, ending the exercise. The other specialist smiled sympathetically. She ran to her teammate, helping him up and out.
"I'm sorry, blondie. I was so scared…"
His eyes were soft. He got up, putting his hands on her shoulders.
"It's okay, I get it. You don't receive field training as a fairy. It's perfectly normal for you to be scared."
She looked away.
"On the bright side, you nearly got it. The only thing in the way was your anxiety. I know it's hard to harness, but here's a tip : I'm here for you. As long as we're together, you have noting to fear. You're strong."
She scoffed, hugging him by surprise. It had been three months since they started dating. He made her stronger, she gave him light. They were here for each other.
She feels a breeze pass her. A slashing sound later, her spell fades and she falls to her knees. Eyes open, her boyfriend smiles brightly at her.
"You did it !"
(Y/N) throws her arms in the air. He puts his sword away and walks to her. The clouds fly away, allowing a stream of sunshine to bask them.
"Yay ! But we did it, blondie."
Picking her up, he spins her. She squeals, hugging him tighter when he puts her down.
"Yeah. We did it."
They exhale, happy to have eliminated the decoy. With the Burned Ones resurfacing, the school had slowly shift into a military field. The mandatory fairy-specialist training had become a weekly thing. The entire day. Restlessly. There are struggles but…
"We're gonna survive this."
They lay in bed, cuddled up in a ball. He's proud of her. When he thinks about his day, her hands roaming his hair, nose nuzzled in his neck, he closes his eyes.
Everything she did today… It reminds of why he loves her so much.
She's cute. She's comfort. She's familiarity.
(Y/N) is Sky's light.
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supercap2319 · 2 years
The Prince and The Fairy Chapter 9
Pairing: Sky X Male Reader
A/N: This chapter is a bit longer than usual. Thanks for waiting so patiently. Bloom also joins the cast now.
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Y/N and Sky had Silva leaning on them for support as they hobbled back to Alfea. Y/N wasn't so sure what a gash from a Burned One would do, but from the way Silva was breathing heavily, it couldn't be good. Their friends were right behind them as they made it inside the courtyard. Students were staring at them in shock, seeing the Headmaster of the Specialists, injured.
“I'll get a medkit from the Bastion!” Terra says.
“And I'll get Dad,” Sam says, as Musa follows him.
“I'll get the Headmistress,” Beatrix said. She ran in the direction of Ms. Dowling’s office.
They get Silva to the greenhouse and Mr. Harvey, Sam, and Terra’s dad gets to work on treating Silva's wounds. Sky was a nervous wreck, walking back and forth in anticipation.
“How bad is it? Sky asked tensely. “Can you help him?”
“Sky, I’ll be fine. Just let Professor Harvey do his work,” Silva said weakly. Silva groans as Ms. Dowling enters the greenhouse. “I should have moved it right away. You should have had more soldiers,” she said.
“Guys, could we have the room, please?” Silva asks, looking at Y/N, Sky, Sam, and Terra. “We’ll keep you informed. Go on.” Everyone nods their head, but Sky is still reluctant to leave Silva. Y/N grabs Sky’s hand and gently leads the young prince out of the greenhouse. When they're sure that they are alone, Ben Harvey looks at Silva and says. “It’s just us Saul.”
“The Burned One was loose before we got there. I saw someone… in the road.”
“Someone let it loose on purpose?” Ms. Dowling asked, shocked. The Headmistress looks at Ben and frowns. This isn’t good.
“He’s gonna be ok right, Y/N?” Sky asked. They were laying on Sky’s bed. He was shirtless and in sweats and Y/N was dressed in pajamas. Sky’s arms wrapped around Y/N. Y/N could hear Sky’s heart beating against his chest. “Of course, he'll be alright. I know that I only just met him, but he seems like a tough guy,” Y/N says. “But what if he doesn't get better? What if he dies? I can't lose another father, Y/N. I just can't,” Sky said.
“Shhh. It's okay, Blue Eyes. Let it out,” Y/N said, as Sky buried his head in the crook of Y/N’s neck, as his body began to shake as he cried softly. Y/N rubbed his hands up and down Sky’s back in comfort, as his eyes turned white and a vision made its way into his mind.
In the vision, Y/N could see a young woman in her early twenties. She had long, pale blonde hair tied into a ponytail, with kind amber eyes. She wore a pale green tube top and a pale blue ruffled mini skirt over pale blue leggings with yellow ribbons tied around them and matching ankle-length boots. She had beautiful giant wings that were shaped like seashells. Yellow, with a green border. She was crying.
“I'm sorry, little ones, but I can't let anything happen to you.” She brushes a hand and Y/N can feel it on his skin. We’ll be together again someday, she promises as Y/N can hear babies crying.
“Daphne. It’s time.” The young woman walked away.
The vision shifted and Y/N found himself in a hospital. The sound of a heart monitor could be heard. Then a flat line. “We’re losing them. Hurry!”
“Damn. No!”
It was quiet after that. I have to go tell the parents that–“Excuse me, ma'am? You can’t be in here–”
“I’ll take it from here, doctor,” a voice says.
A woman enters the room. Not the same one as in the first vision. The woman appeared to be in her sixties. She had long, blonde hair with striking blue eyes. She had wrinkles on her eyes. She smiles at Y/N. “When the time comes… find me.”
Y/N came out of the vision and quietly gasped. What the hell just happened?
It had been almost a week since Silva was attacked and Y/N’s vision. Things at Alfea had changed. Bloom finally came to Alfea and Y/N couldn't be happier than to have his sister here with him. He told her about everything that she had missed. About the Burned Ones, being changelings, his vision, Sky. At that last one, Bloom smiled. “So, I miss Hogwarts for one week, and my baby bro already has a boyfriend? Damn,” she teased. She was roommates with Terra, Aisha, Musa, and Stella. That'll be fun. Along with the good changes, there were also some bad ones as well. Sky was a lot more distant. He trained all the time, so Y/N barely saw him that much. Did it hurt? Yes, but Y/N understood Sky was hurting and needed some space.
Y/N, Bloom, and Aisha are on their way to class when they stop and look at some old photos of past Fairy students. “Can we not do this again?” Aisha says.
“I know. I know,” Y/N said.
“There are just still a few possibilities,” Bloom said. She had a vision the same night Y/N did, and when she found out he had too, they agreed to find the woman who left them in the First World. “I know it’s hard to see what someone’s going to look like when they’re older, but… see if I squint my eyes and tilt my head, this Farrah Fawcett one is a dead ringer.”
“There are a lot of fairies in the Otherworld, guys,” Aisha says.
“Well… you said the most powerful ones come through Alfea, right?” Y/N asks her. The woman, Daphne in my vision, had seashell shaped wings, and according to the book on fairy wings in the library, comes from a source called Sirenix, which is ancient ocean magic.”
“Technically, Alfea looks for magic potential,” Aisha says. “When they admit fairies, but, yes, powerful fairies come through the school.”
“Well, these women embedded these memories in our heads 16 years ago. So, they must mean something,” Bloom told her.
Aisha sighed. “Well, maybe Terra’s dad has some old yearbooks we can look through.” Y/N and Bloom smile. “After the class, we’re now officially late for. Let’s go,” she says, grabbing their hands and dragging them to class.
Sky is unfocused during his sparring match against Riven. He’s been so focused on making sure Silva’s alright that he’s off his game today. He’s been off the whole week, actually. He’s been really distant from Y/N, and he felt really bad about that. His boyfriend’s older sister finally came to Alfea. A fiery redhead, who was also a fire Fairy. Oh, the irony.
He and Riven fenced back and forth with wooden swords. Sky used one and Riven used two. Silva hobbled towards them as concern flickered across Sky’s face. Silva’s sharp eyes caught Sky’s hesitation as he called out: “Sky, watch your footwork.” The two boys continue to trade attacks until Riven gets the best of Sky and sweeps a foot under him as he falls onto the mat. “Nicely done, Riven,” Silva congratulated. “Nicely done.” Riven grins as he helps Sky to his feet.
“Does he seem worse to you?” Sky asked.
“What? Riven gets a compliment, and all of a sudden, Silva has brain damage?” Riven chuckles. They walk over to the bench where Stella is sitting, texting on her phone. She’s bundled up in a pink fluffy pink jacket, scarf, and headband. “Well, it’s been a week since he got infected by the Burned One. I dunno. Maybe I’m overreacting.”
“What do you think, Stel?”
The princess of Solaria looked up from her phone, clearly uninterested. They put their weapons in the bags. “About what?” She asks.
“Silva. How does he look to you?”
“Fine,” Stella says.
“Dr. Stella coming through with a zero-effort diagnosis,” Riven jokes. Stella ignores him. Riven takes a swig of water as Stella asks Sky: “Are you training later or are we hanging out before the party?”?Stella asks. Sky puts on his jacket. It's a bit chilly outside and his training wardrobe doesn't cover his bare arms. He's unfocused. He's focusing on Silva.
“Sky?” Stella says.
“He's fine,” Stella tells him. “Professor Harvey still has him on the Zanbaq, right?”
“Yeah, and that just manages his symptoms,” Sky counters. “He won't get better until they kill the Burned One that attacked him.”
“And there are people out there looking for it,” Stella says. It's not gonna get away from every Fairy and Specialist in the Otherworld.” She glances at Riven, then at Sky. “I have class. Stop worrying,” she kisses him on the cheek and gets up, and walks away.
“So, do you take them both at the same time, or do them separately?” Riven asks.
“What are you talking about?”
“I'm just having a hard time understanding who you're with. Is it Stella or Y/N?”
Sky frowned. “I'm with Y/N, Riv. You know that.”
“Well, then why are you starting shit up with Stella then?” Riven asks.
“I'm not starting anything,” Sky defends himself. “She's just trying to be nice, Riven.”
“Yeah, sure mate,” Riven said. “Why did you choose Y/N over Stella anyway?”
“Because I love him, Riv. He gets me,” Sky said.
“Really?” Riven smirks as a lewd thought comes to him. “It’s butt stuff. He lets you do butt stuff, doesn’t he?”
“Shut up, Riven!” Sky pushes Riven off the bench as the brown haired boy chuckles from his new position on the floor. Riven gets back on the bench, and tries to be comforting to his best friend. “Look, I would blame Y/N and Stella for your shit sparring last week, but… I know how close you and Silva are.”
“I’m about if you ever wanna, like–”
“Um… I gotta run, ok?” Sky tells Riven, as he stands up.
Sky turns around. “Yeah?”
“Talk with Y/N. Don't keep pushing him away.”
Sky nodded his head.
Y/N sat in a classroom with other Fairy students. Sam was sitting next to him. Aisha and Bloom were sitting together and Musa and Terra were partners. Ms. Dowling had given them each different types of items in order to test their magical abilities. Y/N stared at the pages underneath his notebook. “What are you hiding?” Sam asks him. Y/N turns to look at his friend. “Nothing.”
“Come on, Y/N. I saw the pages.”
Y/N sighed. “Alright, I may or may not have stolen some pages from a Fairy book from the library.”
“You did what?” Sam asked. “Man, Griselda will kill you if she finds out.” Sam chuckled at the thought of their strict librarian. “Didn't think you were the bad boy type.”
“Well, I'm full of surprises,” Y/N grins.
“What do they say?” Sam asked, indicating about the pages. Y/N slips the pages towards him. “It talks about ancient transformation magic.There are so many of them, with different usages. Like: Enchantix, Believix, Mythix, Harmonix, and Bloomix.”
“That’s quite the list,” Sam says.
“Yeah, it is.”
“So, how are you and Sky doing?” I know things were pretty shocking last week and we’re all dealing with it differently, but how are you doing?” Sam asks. Y/N gives Sam a sad smile. “I wish I could say we’re okay, but the truth is. He’s been really distant this week, and I want to help him, but he won’t let me in.”
“That really sucks, mate.”
“Tell me about it.” Y/N focuses on Musa, then turns and smiles at Sam. “What’s going on between you and Musa?” Sam looks shocked. “What makes you think something is going on?”
Y/N chuckles. “Come on, Harvey. I’ve seen the way you look at her, and vice versa.”
Sam blushed. “It’s going well. Really good.”
Ms. Dowling comes to them. She looks at Sam. “Your magic connects you to living things. Feel how they communicate to you.” She walks behind them. You can give life. “Can you give life and keep its beauty hidden as well?” Sam’s eyes glow dark green as he makes two flowers sprout from the pot. He changed one flower into another and kept the other one translucent.
She turned to Y/N. “Snowflakes are as light as air and can travel to any place they wish. Can you do the same with that piece of twig?” Y/N’s eyes flash blue and he concentrates. He thought of the snowflakes swirling around the twig like they had him and Sky last week. He imagined it jumping from one place to the other. To his amazement, it had. The snowflakes had teleported the twig to the other side of the table. Ms. Dowling smiled.
Bloom tried to light a single piece of twig without touching the other ones. She had done it, and Y/N was a bit jealous of how she passed her first magical assignment on her first try. Aisha was next, but couldn’t isolate a single body of water without making a splash. Ms. Dowling excused the class after that.
After lunch, Y/N spent the afternoon looking through old yearbook photos, trying to find the mystery Fairy. Sam came walking into his former room later on looking at Y/N. “Hey, aren’t you going to get ready?”
Y/N frowned. “Ready? Ready for what?”
“The Senior Specialists party,” Sam said.
“Yeah, hard pass. You know I don’t do parties.”
“Right, only social at the grocery store and Sunday football games, right?” Sam asked.
Y/N didn’t feel like going, but if it was for the Specialists, then there was a good chance that Sky would be there too. Maybe they could finally talk to each other. “Will Sky be there too?” Y/N asked hopefully.
Sam nods his head. “Yeah, Riven’s going. So, it’s a safe bet Sky will too.”
Y/N got ready.
Beer was spilling over plastic cups. A bonfire burned bright and hot as music played. The whole place was bathed in a soft purple light as teenagers Y/N's of age and older danced, kissed, and drank to their heart’s content. All of Y/N’s friends and his sister went off in different directions. That was alright with Y/N. The only reason he was here was to see a blond-haired prince from Eraklyon.
On a bench safely away from tonight’s festivities, Y/N saw Sky nursing a cup of water in his hands, staring down at his phone. Y/N smiled and walked towards his blonde boyfriend.
“Haven’t seen you all day.”
Sky looked up from his phone and smiled when he saw it was Y/N. “Have you been looking?” He looked handsome. Sky always looked handsome, but tonight he looked extra good. His blonde hair was combed back and styled perfectly. Y/N had to resist the urge to reach out and grab a handful of golden locks. He wore a blue jacket with the symbol of the school on the side.
“Desperately,” Y/N said. Sky smiles at him.
“How’s Silva?”
Sky’s smile faltered as he sighed. “Um… Rough,” he admits. He sits down and Y/N sits down next to him. “But… They’re closing in on the Burned One. It’s only a matter of time before he gets better.”
“How are you doing?” Y/N gently pushed. Sky looked down at his feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. Maybe Y/N had pushed too hard. Then Sky admitted. “I feel shit, Y/N.” Sky licked his lips. “I’ve been a shit boyfriend as well.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Y/N told him gently. “You’ve been a great boyfriend.”
Sky shook his head. “No, I haven’t. I was so cold and distant to you and for that I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, it’s alright. I understand. I mean yeah, it hurt, but you were dealing with a lot and the last thing you needed was Teen sex drama.”
“Teen sex drama?” Sky asks. “Is that what we’re calling it?”
Y/N blushed. “You know what I mean.”
Sky looked at Y/N. “I know I’m supposed to be strong but…” Y/N held his gaze as he listened to Sky’s pain and wanted him to know that he was here for him. “Silva basically raised me after my father died. They were best friends. I know we train to fight, to risk our lives, but… I never let myself think that Silva…”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to be strong all the time, you know,” Y/N told him. “Certainly not with me. You can let your walls down around me and I promise I won’t let you crumble.”
Sky had a few tears in his eyes as he asked. “I know at the moment you’re at a crossroads with your parents, but how close are you with them?”
Y/N sighed. “If you had asked me that a week ago, I probably couldn’t have answered it,” he admitted. “Now that I think about it, nothing has changed. I mean, technically, yes, things are different, but my love for them is still there. Adopted or not. Love is love.”
“You always know just what to say. How is that?” Sky asked.
“Ancient Chinese secret,” Y/N jokes.
“Well, it’s a good thing I like a good mystery.”
“Yeah, well, I’m an open book, so…” They chuckled. “I could use a good distraction.”
“Well, I did hear mention of beer pong if you want a… big distraction. But we can just sit here and talk if you want,” Y/N said.
The shorter boy stood up and smirked. “Drinking beer really isn’t my thing, but I’d kick your ass at it.” Sky stood up as well and looked down at his shorter boyfriend. “Oh, is that right?” Y/N nodded his head. Sky’s eyes shined like the embers in the bonfire. “You just made a huge mistake. Come on.” He grabbed Y/N’s hand and led towards the beer pong table.
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Saul Silva x Autistic!teen!reader - you can do anything
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please can i request a Saul Silva and teen reader comfort, maybe an autistic reader if possible, thanks - Anon💜
Looking at all the others students training with magic or training as specialists, you sighed a little bit wondering away from the training grounds.
Lately you had been slacking off with your training, feeling like it didn’t really matter what you did.
You had the magic, but unlike everybody else’s, yours wasn’t as effective as theirs, after all, who would hire an animal fairy who couldn’t be in any fights?
You were only at Alfea because that’s where you were sent the moment you were old enough, you were sent into the school and you wondered why they even accepted you.
You had no real power like all the others.
Wondering to the forest, you walked past the tree line and sat down in your little spot, resting your head against the tree.
You tapped a finger on your leg, following a beat from a song you had been listening to earlier as you watched a small heard of deer ahead of you.
One of them looked at you and you smiled a little bit.
“Hello friend.”
The stag carefully approached and sniffed at you, then slowly laid down beside you, resting his head on your lap.
“You seem healthier than you have been, and bigger, I hope I managed to get all that poison out of you.”
The stag let out a small huff and you smiled to yourself, running your hand over his antlers.
“You’re my only real friend, you come to see me everyday.”
The other deer slowly came over, grazing or laying down with you.
This was the only part of Alfea you really enjoyed, the animals that lived in the surrounding areas.
When they all looked in one direction, you joined them, watching as someone came through the trees, and you moved your hand.
“Go on.”
The heard got up and ran away, and when the blur of jumped animals vanished, you could see the specialists headmaster standing in front of you.
“It’s not safe in the forest, you need to come back.” Silva said.
You looked at him, and you turned away, going back to tapping your hand to the beat.
“(Y/N) let’s go.”
You said nothing and he sighed, walking to stand in front of you.
“It’s not safe, not with everything going on, I get Andreas may have let you out here but let’s go come on.”
You glared at Silva.
“I come here to get away from you people.” You snapped.
“Right don’t speak to me that way, we were fine before I was arrested. And you were fine with me during that time as well.”
You turned away from him.
Silva sighed, sitting down in front of you, resting his sword in his lap.
You began hitting your leg a little, something Silva immediately noticed.
“Hey, hey calm down, it’s okay. You’re alright.” He said gently.
You clenched your jaw a little bit, trying to fight the tears as you began getting more and more worked up.
“You left.”
“I know, I know I’m sorry.”
“You went away… then Miss Dowling went away…”
Tears began streaming down your face, and you began hitting your head on the tree behind you.
“No, no, no, no, don’t do that. Don’t do that (Y/N).”
Silva rushed forward, placing his hand on the back of your head so you wouldn’t hurt yourself.
“You’re okay, you’re alright okay? You’re safe. I’m here, it’s okay.”
Silva kept reassuring you that you were okay, and after a while you calmed down a little bit.
“They said I shouldn’t be here…”
You sniffled a little.
“Said someone like me will never get a job anywhere…”
Silva slowly nodded his head, moving his hand from the back of your head and hid it under his arm so you wouldn’t get more upset.
“Listen to me okay? You can get any job you want to if you put the work in, yes you may struggle with some things that the other students don’t, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the same jobs (Y/N).��
“I’m just an animal fairy…”
Silva nodded his head.
“Exactly, and there isn’t many of those about (Y/N), you’re one of the highest sought out fairies in the whole realm. You can do all sorts of jobs, but you need to work for that.”
You glanced at him.
“You’re a good student (Y/N), and you’re more than capable of passing, and I promise you that whatever they said while I was away isn’t true okay?”
You shrugged a little.
“I’ve been your caretaker since you came here, do you trust me?”
You looked at him again.
“Do you trust me (Y/N)?”
You nodded a little bit.
Silva smiled, standing up, grabbing his sword and holding out his other hand then.
“Come on inside then.”
You let him pull you up, and you let go of his hand straight after.
Silva led you out of the forest and towards the school.
“You’re going to be okay, alright?”
Silva looked a you, sighing a little to himself.
He had spent so long building up your confidence and in the few months he was away that had all been knocked down again.
But he was going to build it up so you knew that whatever you wanted to do, despite what other people thought you could do it
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Hey could you do a Saul Silva x fairy student of age reader the two are in a secret relationship but she finds out she's pregnant and leaves without an explanation
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Pairing: Saul Silva x fairy!reader
There was no chance of hiding it anymore. After all the time they’ve spent sneaking around, all the things they did to ensure no one knows as if their love was criminal, Y/N found herself staring at Saul from a distance with a heavy heart.
He was risking so much for her and she...she couldn't cost him his reputation, his life's work. Maybe if she were a little older it wouldn't be a problem, at least a few years, but she's not.
She loves him too much to ruin his life.
When she first arrived at the academy, she couldn’t deny the crush she had on the handsome specialist or the way her heart fluttered at the mere sight of him. He didn’t even notice her back then. She was just another fairy in the sea of the same while his attention was fully rested on his specialists. Never had she thought her powers are a hindrance until then. She found herself green with envy day in and day out, wishing she could discard that part of her that had placed her in the classes meant for fairies.
She laughs about it now, but she was tormented by it at the time. It’s funny how Saul fell in love with her powers more than she did.
It was forbidden for students to go off campus, especially at night, but on that fateful night when she broke the rules to follow a hunch Saul finally saw Y/N and he couldn’t unsee her.
The look of amazement in his eyes when she came out of nowhere surrounded by flames, scaring off the Burned One…it will forever be engraved in her mind. She knew it would never be the same again.
From then on, it was a connection neither could escape. Their paths crossed constantly, not that they minded it. Y/N had spent years pining over Saul, she was overjoyed each and every time he’d pause to speak to her. She was drunk on the way his eyes would light up around her, on the way his smile had become a permanent fixture whenever she was with him, on the way they could talk for hours and it would never be enough.
For Saul, things were different. He was terrified of the way he felt. She was a student, he in a position of power. Though she was of age, there was a clear age gap that was painfully evident to the naked eye. There was a sense of certainty in his heart that Y/N would be his ruination and for a while, Saul tried to avoid it, avoid her, but he found himself drawn to her. Whether he liked it or not, Y/N had become his true north and he was following her blindly.
Farah had noticed the change in his behavior, asking for the truth he wasn’t prepared to offer. But was it so bad if he was simply talking to Y/N? After a while, he would justify holding hands isn’t a sin. Then he’d think of the kisses they would share and he saw no crime in it. It was when they made love he knew that it was a sin, it was a crime and still he couldn’t stop himself.
Saul had never fallen in love before, but he had fallen this time and he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. Y/N had been acting strange lately, but he had promised her it wouldn’t be long till they could be together. She only had months in Alfea and then she’d apply for a job there and they would be free. It was a solid plan, but he worried she didn’t think he loved her enough. He worried she thought he was ashamed of their relationship, but he wasn’t.
In fact, Saul could see her watching him now and the doubt in her eyes was killing him. He is a grown man, one who had never been afraid of anything as he is of losing her. She is his light, the only good thing in his life. So, he looked at Farah and spoke.
“I’m in love with a student”, his voice held a nervous tremor, one he felt his heart adjusting to as Farah looked at him with mouth open and eyes wide. “She’s a fairy.” Saul says, mouth dry.
“You have to end it”, Farah whisper shouts, looking around to make sure no one can hear them.
“I can’t”, Saul shakes his head, looking back to where Y/N is standing. She’s got her arms folded across her chest, staring at him relentlessly as if she has something heavy to share with him, something that might impact them in a way they’re not ready. Except he IS ready. He’s ready for whatever is thrown their way.
“What do you mean by can’t”, Farah steps before him, shielding Y/N from his gaze. “It’s not something we can debate on!” She hisses, enraged by his confession.
Swallowing thickly, he licks his bottom lip. “I love her, Farah. With all my heart.” And he doesn’t think it will ever end. He would do anything to protect her, anything to keep her safe. There isn’t a single part of his whole being that can imagine being without her.
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Farah shuts her eyes. “You know I can’t condone a student relationship.” Looking at her friend, she shakes her head. “Is she even of age? How badly did you manage to fuck up?!”
“She’s is nineteen and she is”, he smiles breathlessly as he looks to the side, trying to shield that part of him that is so unbelievably vulnerable. “She is ethereal. Farah, trust I am not saying this lightly.”
Turning away from him, Farah huffs. “Keep it hidden till the year is over”, she glares back at him. “At any cost.”
Nodding, he frowns. “I will.” As he looks back where Y/N was stood, he finds her gone. Something about it felt wrong, evoking a nagging feeling he should find her.
Saul tried calling her, but she wasn’t picking up his calls. He texted her, even checked her dorm, but she wasn’t there. Going back to his room, he sat on the bed with his head in his hands.
Something isn’t right, he can feel it to his core and he couldn’t convince his heart to calm down. As he looks to his nightstand, he’s greeted by the sight of a folded paper tucked under the book she had recommended him.
Unwrapping it with shaky fingers, Saul had felt his heart sink at the words she had left him with.
“I’m safe. Don’t look for me.”
Part 2
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farahtissaiamyloves · 2 years
Heyyo! Any Farah x reader in the works? Could I ask… for a angsty hurt/comfort… I don’t know what else baha sorry. If not all good, I love your Writing🤭 <3
Thanks a lot for the request!!! It's my first request for a Farah/reader fic and that makes it special ❤️. I started writing this as an angsty/comfort but I thought that it would be better if it got a taste of sweetness. Anyway, enjoy! This ended up being mysteriously 2222 words.
First, your dress and eyeliner (your eyeliner is blue):
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Change of heart
Farah's head snapped at your direction for what felt like the millionth time that evening.
You were gorgeous.
You were wearing an elegant, pretty, navy blue dress. Your h/c hair was braided like a crown with some glitter on it.
But your makeup was the best thing on you. If Farah was the best at hair styles, you were the queen of makeup.
With blue matching eye liner, a brown lipstick and extra long ( probably fake ) eyelashes, you were smiling and navigating through the party with remarkable ease.
" I know that we have had this conversation again. And again. And again. But she fancies you, you fancy her, so go get her. " Suddenly a man's voice was heard.
Farah was pulled away from her roaming thoughts by her best friend who had been glaring at her while sipping some of his whiskey.
" And for the millionth time, she is too young for me. " Came Farah's irritated response.
Saul raised an eyebrow. " 10 years are not too young. "
Farah gulped some of her champagne. " Make them 15. "
Saul made a dismissive gesture. " What's 10 and what's 15. Age is just a useless number. The girl likes you and you like her back. Stop torturing her - and yourself - and finally get in her pants. "
Farah glanced sharply at him at the mention of your pants. " She was my student. "
Saul smirked at her. " We were soldiers back then, not professors. "
The headmistress sighed shaking her head. " It doesn't matter. I had her in some of my classes. "
Saul prepared to reply but he stopped as nothing he and his fairy's eyes were glued on you.
A man, a tiny businessman, decided to join your conversation with the queen and some other important people by brushing his hand slightly on your waist before standing next to you.
You didn't pay much attention to him, your rank, blood status and reputation were surpassing his for miles.
But Farah boiled. Anger, jealousy and temptation rising in her blood in a crazy and most importantly sudden turmoil.
" Are you alright, Fa ? You seem like you made a mistake. " Saul mocked her and then laughed at the glance she threw at his direction.
" Shut up. " Farah told him off looking daggers at the stupidly courageous businessman.
He must have said something funny because everybody laughed. Including you.
Farah's blood boiled.
The man leaned to you and whispered something in your ear making you flush.
And that was the last straw for Farah.
Farah turned on her heels and rushed outside. Out of Alfea's courtyard, out of the party she was supposed to host.
The woman couldn't bare it anymore.
Saul's eyes grew wide as he watched Farah run outside.
Fuck, with Farah gone the party was his responsibility from now on.
The specialist thought about it for a moment.
He then rushed to Ben. " Quickly, it's happening. "
Ben, who was sitting on the back of the party drinking his wine with a tiny Terra asleep in his arms, gave him a confused look. " What's happening ? "
The headmaster sat down next to him. " If we send Y/N to Farah, Farah will probably confess. "
Ben's eyes widened. " Yes. Yes. Let's go fetch her. " He wrapped his hands around the toddler as he stood on his feet.
Both friends walked to your group. 
" Good evening. Hope you are enjoying our humble party. " Saul, the new host, gave everybody especially Luna and except you (of course) a fake smile.
You raised an eyebrow. Where's Farah ?
" It's been lovely, headmaster Silva. May I ask where's the headmistress ? " That same businessman replied faster than Luna who had opened her mouth to do just that.
Luna shot him a reprimanding glance but didn't comment further, instead she refocused on Saul waiting for his answer.
" May I ask you a question. What's your name again ? " Saul frowned at him.
You took a sip from your whiskey. That one would be interesting.
" David Vandin, professor. Excuse me for not introducing myself earlier. " The man next to you made an apologetic gesture.
Saul didn't pay any further attention to him, instead he turned to you.
" Y/N. Could you help me to put Farah to sleep while Saul searched for Sam and Sky ? " Ben asked you.
You didn't hesitate to nod in agreement. " Of course. "
You said goodbye to everyone before you politely excused yourself and left the hall with your two friends.
" What do you want ? " You inquired knowing very well that they lied.
" Farah left earlier than expected. " Ben stated as the three of you turned down an other corridor. 
You were moving toward Ben's quarters to put Terra into sleep.
At the mention of Farah you were fully aware of what's to follow next. " Listen guys, even if I am very very greatful for your help, I'm not sure whether it's worth it or not. "
Saul and Ben both abruptly stopped walking and turned to face you. " I mean... even thought we had a flirt... an intense one... she doesn't want to... ya know. Share something more with me. "
Saul sighed and stepped closer to you. He got hold of both your arms locking eye contact with you. " I know that she hasn't shown to you how much she wants you. But both I and Ben have seen it. "
" Yeah. You are such a good, smart and funny person, Y/N. We would be honored to consider you family. And believe me, we already do that. " Ben added standing next to Saul.
You teared up. " Really ? " You questioned, tears running down your cheeks.
Both men nodded smiling at you and you all shared a hug; careful not to crash Terra who was still sleeping peacefully in her father's arms.
" Thank you so much, guys. " You told them when you pulled apart.
Saul winked at you. " Always here whenever you need us. "
Ben titled his head to the side. " Yes. But right now you must search for Farah. She mustn't be too far. "
And with a last smile and goodnights, you all went your respective ways.
You didn't need much time to find her.
Farah was sat on a bench outside the castle.
Your heart clenched when you saw her figure trembling from both the cold and the tears in her eyes.
You silently sat next to her; surprised that she didn't see or feel you. So, you silently took off your coat and wrapped it around her.
You felt her freeze for a second before turning to look at you.
Farah frowned noticing that you weren't wearing something warmer (like your coat) with such a cold weather.
She tried to pull away to let you wear it because she didn't want you to be cold or catch a cold but you kept it in place.
" Stop it. You need it more than me; it's so cold, Y/N ! " Farah finally spoke with a hoarse voice.
You shook your head. " I'm an air fairy, Farah. Weather doesn't affect me. But it affects you. "
The older woman sighed knowing that she couldn't go against your argument. You had the power to manipulate air, you could control both your temperature and the temperature of the air around you.
Farah had no choice but to nod and agree with you.
Silence followed.
Uncomfortable silence.
Thick silence.
Silence that Farah didn't even dare to break.
" Are you okay ? " You asked her. Hadn't she been crying after all ?
" Don't worry about me. I'm fine. " Farah dismissed that conversation immediately.
You sneaked closer to her and wrapped your hand around her.
Farah's breath hitched. Oh god, she loved your touch.
You pulled Farah against you. Her head placed on your shoulder as you embraced her.
After having contact with your warm skin did Farah realize that she had still been trembling due to the cold air.
Finding both warmth and comfort in your arms, the headmistress of the most prominent magical academy in the six Realms snuggled closer.
You stayed like that for a while until you couldn't do it anymore.
It was now or never.
" I like you. " You blurted out before you could stop yourself.
However, for your great surprise, Farah just sighed.
You pulled away to look at her.
Farah's eyes were closed and she didn't shift away from you, instead she moved closer.
You frowned. What was happening ?
" I... I know. " Farah mumbled weakly.
You stared at her for a second before suddenly standing up.
Farah's eyes snapped open and the still sat woman looked up at you.
Farah glared at you with hurt and confusion.
You crossed your hands in front of your chest. " First of all, that's serious. You can't half sleep or whatever when we have this conversation. Secondly, I don't want you to due from cold, so we are going inside. "
Farah nodded. You were right. Of course, it was serious. It was your lives you were talking about.
Still sleepy and cold, Farah raised her hand for you to take it. You did it and helped her up.
The woman gave you a smile as you led her inside. You turned through a corridor with her office as destination but Farah stopped you.
The headmistress who was slowly recovering inquired. " Would feel comfortable if we had this conversation in my chambers ? I feel like it would be more private there. "
Your eyes shone.
Farah Dowling. The woman you fancied. Was openly inviting you to her quarters.
Farah saw that glimmer of hope in your eyes.
Oh god, she felt the same.
However, after what happened today, Farah had made her decision.
She couldn't stand watching you being approached by other people.
She wanted to claim you.
Make you hers.
She wanted to take you in her arms and keep you there for the rest of eternity.
You let Farah lead you in her private rooms. Farah who was becoming more energetic and alerted with the passage of each second.
Farah's eyes shone greyish blue for a second when the two of you reached a wooden door.
The door opened and Farah motioned you to enter.
You did as told but before you get a glimpse of how Farah's quarters looked like, the said woman pinned you on the door; closing it in the process.
The woman's eyes shone again resulting on the sound of the door locking behind you.
Farah's hands held yours above your head while her mouth lowered to leave some kisses on your neck.
You sighed finally getting to feel her lips on your skin.
Farah's head stayed there, resting on your shoulder as the woman contemplated.
" What's wrong ? " You snapped unable to keep your composure.
Farah stepped back allowing you your space. Oh no.
She didn't bring you here only to kick you out saying that she changed her mind, did she ?
" Listen, the age gap we share is bigger than the normal ones. " The headmistress started.
You sighed in defeat and leaned against the door. You didn't like what was to follow.
" But you are a fellow adult and mature enough to comprehend the importance of a serious relationship. So, I would like to take you on a date. " Farah inhaled and waited for your response.
Your eyes widened.
Did she just back down from sex to ask you out ?
Well, even though you wouldn't mind starting your relationship with sex, you found it really sweet of her.
" Yes, Farah, of course. But why so suddenly this change of heart ? Why now ? " You questioned narrowing your eyes to show her your confusion.
Farah looked at the side quickly. " Nothing spectacular... Just being a tiny more courageous due to the alcohol. "
You raised an eyebrow. Was she lying ? " Unconvincing. "
" It's the tru- " Farah insisted.
" Was it because of that idiot ? " You cut her off realizing that she had probably been jealous.
Farah's eyes widened.
Yes, it was.
Congratulations, David.
You smiled triumphantly. " Gonna send him flowers as a thank you, then. Care to include you as well ? "
Farah placed her hands on her hips. She was burning. " No. You. Are. Not. "
" Yes. I. Am. " You paused after each word to piss her off.
She rolled her eyes in defeat giving you permission to do whatever you wanted, like she always had.
" You can stay here for the night, if you'd like. " Farah suggested.
You smirked. " If that's the question in which you demand my permission, then I shall inform your majesty that my legs will always be open for her magnitude. " 
She closed her eyes.
You would be the death of her.
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mxacegrey · 2 years
The Masked Part 7
Fandom: Fate the Winx Saga
Pairings: Sky x reader, Riven x reader, Saul Silva x reader (All platonic)
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 FATE THE WINX SAGA UNDER THE CUT!! Descriptions of violence. swearing, references to trauma.
Taglist: @v1naco | @instantplaiddream​ | @faithm120601 | @bluebear142077 | @holyhumorliteraturelight​  | @marianaa-mg | @isnt-itstrange ​
Series Masterlist
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“Citizens of Solaria, I have tragic news. Rosalind Hale, headmistress of Alfea, is dead. It is a grave loss not only for the students of Alfea but for the entire realm. Rosalind was one of the bravest fairies the Otherworld has ever seen. Respected by her peers. Feared by her enemies. But fear will not dictate how we respond. There is a guilty party, and they will be brought to justice... Blood Witches. Their hatred of our kind is well known. But a heinous act such as this is unprecedented, carried out by their leader, Sebastian Valtor. Every Blood Witch following him is considered an enemy of the Crown. We will use the full weight of our military against them. And make no mistake... this is an act of war.”
You glared at the projection of Queen Luna making a statement to the whole of Solaria. Virgil stood behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you back from the projection. Adara and Fallon were both in the same position as you, Aife and Hunter holding them back respectively.
“War.” You scoffed, moving Virgil arms from around you. “A teenager just started another fucking war! Move! I’m going to cut a fucking bitch!”
Fallon and Adara both moved towards you before also holding you back.
“Nope.” They replied, knowing your short temper. Aife then turned to her ringing phone, seeing a text from Cathán.
Baby ❤❤
Omw to Alfea. Tribunal for Bloom.
“It’s time for Act Three.” Aife said to the group. The rest nodded solemnly before heading back towards Alfea. When they arrived back inside Alfea, they noticed the number of Solarian guards standing guard outside the Headmistress’ office. 
“We can go. Find out what’s happening.” Adara stated, nodding at Virgil.
“Fal and I can go see Cathán. Get a royal update.” Aife stated, causing you to nod before they headed out. You then turned your head towards Hunter, biting your lower lip.
“Could you get the witches ready?” You asked, pleadingly. “Ask them if they want to fight. If not, get them to the safe house. Get some of the specialists outside too.”
With a nod, Hunter too left, leaving you alone outside the office. Sounds from inside had you moving away from the door, hiding in the shadows. Beatrix had left the office first, not long followed by Stella. Eyes wide, you noticed Stella had tears in her eyes and her breathing was shaking. As soon as Stella’s footsteps faded from hearing, you headed back towards your dorm, where you found Aife and Fallon. The three of you began planning entrances for the specialists after a phone call from your spy in Sebastian’s group.
“We can get in here and here.” Fallon stated, pointing at the East Wing and a tunnel that led behind one of your bookshelves.
“Okay. James? How long till Sebastian is set to come in?” You asked as the three of you stared at the campus blueprints on the table before you.
“Apparently, he has a mole inside. They said something about tonight.” James’ voice called out from the phone they had placed on speaker.
 “Tonight?!” The three of you chorused in alarm, before your dorm door was slammed opened. The three of you had drawn out your swords, ready for an attack when you noticed the faces of Virgil and Adara.
“They found Dowling.” They said in unison simply.
“What the fuck?!” The rest of you exclaimed in shock, James’ voice still ringing through the phone.
“Hey, James. I’ll call you back.” You stated before hanging up the phone. “Adara. Virgil. Dowling’s dead.”
“Apparently, she ‘called upon the natural world to preserve her’. And she’s teaching the Winx suit how to use transformation magic.”
“Shit.” You cursed under your breath before your phone rang again, Cathán calling this time. “Tell me it’s good news.”
“Bavani knows Bloom’s gone. She’s going to check dorms soon and Silva is heading for Sebastian’s hideout.” Cathán replied, causing you to sigh deeply and pinch the bridge of your nose. You looked up at the group before shaking your head.
“Thanks Cathán. But, um... Silva isn’t going to find them there.” You replied before hanging up. “We do this and there is no coming back. People will doubt us and most likely will not trust us. So battle stations.”
You began to separate the others into squads. Each group, excluding the squad leader, would have 4 specialists, 2 mind fairies, 2 blood witches and at least one other fairy. The team leaders were Fallon, Aife, Adara, Virgil, Brooklyn (a water fairy), Dawn (a light fairy), Aella (an air fairy), Ezekiel (a mind fairy), Cathán and you. James would still be spying on Sebastian, alongside his team of blood witches that he led. Hunter was in the safe house with the underaged blood witches and those with PTSD. They were not going to increase their trauma for this. 
Suddenly, all the lights in the school went out. The group glanced at each other before you said,
“For the children.”
“For the children.” They repeated, arming themselves.
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