#sassy supernova law
gildedmuse · 1 year
Law's presence during Marineford makes so much more sense if you assume a few things about Law:
He loks really cool and chill (pre-Time Skip) but is actually a socially awkward mess
He can be just a LITTLE obsessive (see everything post-Time Skip).
He has a massive crush on Zoro
Like, here he is, rescuing this idiot rival captain and Zoro-ya isn't even there to see it!
Then, after he basically uses magic to keep the kid alive, he doesnt even know where Law can go to FIND Zoro-ya! Dont just sit there crying about your lost nakama, Mugiwara-ya! Law finally figured out the perfect say to ask out Z- Grr.... It doesnt matter! Gah, so useless!
Screw this, Law isn't waiting for Mugiwara-ya's full recovery, he didn't even use drugs just so he could get a straight forward answer on where to find Zoro-ya and all the kid does is cry because his dead brother or something. You know what?
Heart pirates, out!
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mysticstarlightduck · 26 days
Roast Your OCs Tag!
I was tagged by @willtheweaver (here) and @tabswrites (here)! Thank you both so much for the tag, this is gonna be a fun one!
I'll do my OCs from both Supernova Initiative and Of Starlight and Beasts for this one! Let's go:
Rules: Reduce my OCs to the most basic, mundane, stereotypical/archetypical tendentious of themselves and make it Fit into a Title!
(Supernova Initiative) - my sci-fi heist story!
Jack Tithus - An older brother who absolutely did not sign up for the utter mess that his life has become and is about to lose what patience he still has left. Also is an intergalactic thief.
Cassiopeia Tithus - Someone shouldn't have left this absolute menace of a teen unsupervised, and now she (and her robots) will make it everyone else's problem.
Vesper Foxx - Unstoppable and slightly unhinged Cyborg, with a truckload's worth of The Trauma Lore, on the Path to Revenge, will stab people unprovoked if she gets pissed off.
Aleks Keldora - Top 1 worst pilot anyone could ever meet, thinks he's great. Commits identity theft as a weekly pastime as a bonus, and is also the most clueless smuggler/mercenary alive.
Artemis Zreeth - Edgy Emo Boy 2.0 with the power of Anger and Teen Angst, who takes everything way too seriously, almost always makes things weird, and thinks sarcasm is a personality. It isn't but he has yet to realize it.
Noctus - Tired and slightly depressed secret agent gets assigned to supervise this bunch during a mission and Regrets His Life Choices while also having an Existential Crisis Moment.
Pax Stellaryn - Adopted Kid with Daddy Issues thinks he can fix his life with the Power of Friendship and Rulebreaking. Fails successfully (his life is in shambles but he did make new friends.)
Ethean Mirannir - Has spent his entire life being A Perfect Soldier and has a lot of reservations about breaking laws, but not about bending the rules. Doesn't know if he should be scared or impressed with the speed his adoptive brother messed up their lives.
Meridian Shardd - Basically a Newborn Robot in a Grownup's artificial body. Has literally no idea what is going on but is down for the ride. Is having the time of his life.
(Of Starlight and Beasts) - my high fantasy adventure story!
Corah Stormryder - Knight protagonist trying to fix everyone's problems but her own inadvertently gets into even more trouble when her Mommy Issues come back to haunt her along with a little something otherwise known as The Consequences of her choices.
Arammys Lochllain - Amnesiac star boy trying to figure out what The Fuck Is going on unlocks new traumas every week. Also, cue the occasional Jekyll and Hyde personality split/existential crisis.
Eidan Delythen - Depressed Lone Wolf attempts to run from his past by doing the exact opposite of what he'd planned to do while also being Ruthlessly Sassy about it.
Nimwen Raynsel - Traumatized embodiment of a dear in headlights tries to get the world to fuck off from her doorstep while struggling with making things worse.
Tomasa Emberi - Dragon Girl has the time of her life pranking her friends through shapeshifting while facing past issues she really didn't want to face.
Masen Mavven - This absolute idiot who thinks stealing/lying amounts to any kind of therapy or emotional fulfillment. Drowns his angst with wine and Bardic Angst.
Kyran Mavven - Another absolute idiot, who thinks lying to everyone about his true identity and past is a sustainable approach to academic life.
Maryon Haell - Incredibly bored spy girl in training absolutely lunges at the prospect of adventure but finds out halfway through that maybe she should've read the fine print.
Florynce Everfall - Unhinged undead teenager who is simultaneously incredibly eerie and adorable at the same time, puts an unhealthy amount of trust in talking trees.
Rin - An absolute asshole/bastard of a man who begrudgingly and incredibly slowly learns to "be nice" and not use manipulation and stabbing as a coping strategy for childhood traumas, while also being an absolute gremlin teen who should not be unsupervised for more than 5 minutes.
Leora Tallin - Child Soldier grows into a military commander who has no sense of humor and is trying to save her people from the mistakes of a bunch of rich idiots from another realm.
Scarlet - Young man forced to grow up too fast tries to change his identity while absolutely not addressing any of his own past traumas. Also has a neat pet hawk.
Elias Mavven - Pirate King on a Revenge Quest against the people who ordered his execution, tries to not have a breakdown at the family gathering. Is 100% over the twins' bullshit.
Lord Bastien Ilythos - Perfect prince of darkness trying to uphold legacy learns that, huh, 🌟his entire life might be a lie🌟and Is Not Having It.
Tagging (gently)! @kaylinalexanderbooks @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @illarian-rambling @clairelsonao3 @conkers-thecosy @anyablackwood @diabolical-blue @cowboybrunch and OPEN TAG
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I love how wonderful a mother-in-law Andromeda is in Supernova. She is so good and so sweet to Eunice, and poor Eunice deserves it so much. I don’t usually get attached to OCs, but I’ve developed such a soft spot for Eunice.
Anon, I'm so so pleased you're growing attached to Eunice. She is the definition of an underdog!
Andromeda is a fabulous mother-in-law. She's working things left and right to make sure that Eunice is as comfortable and happy as possible in her marriage to Malcolm. The thing is, Eunice isn't really unhappy. She doesn't love or even like Malcolm, but I modeled her character on Charlotte Lucas from Pride and Prejudice. Unlike Charlotte, who takes life by the reins, Eunice is more passive but is in the same boat of knowing that she's not conventionally pretty, she's not especially funny or sassy, but she's bright and quiet. Eunice wanted a secure future where she had more independence and that's what she got. Andromeda is there to make it even easier/better for her whenever she can.
When we hit the major crisis point in Supernova, the family is going to change. I won't say much yet about Eunice, but it's enough to say that she will NEVER forget how kind Andromeda was to her. (And Nymphadora, for that matter. Little Dora is just the sweetest little sister-in-law to Eunice!)
Thank you for sending this message, anon!!! I don't usually have such fun with OCs but I'm having fun with them in Supernova!
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dragonprincess18 · 3 years
Smut Alphabet: Kid (5)
M, N and O for our magnetic Supernova!
M-Motivation: What turns them on?
*The question sometimes is what doesn’t turn Kid on
*Give him a bit of time to think without distractions, it’ll happen naturally
*But that hardly means his lovers don’t contribute
*Luffy sets off sparks with his sheer energy, twisting and stretching as he swung around their ships, popping up at random to hang off Kid’s shoulders or hug him around the waist, giggling like mad
*Zoro's tendency for training shirtless, and losing a good amount of clothes in his fights, also gets Kid going
*Law always gets this glint in his eyes, a certain edge to his smirk, when he has an idea, and Kid will always want in
*Whenever Hikari gets particularly sassy, just becomes a little shit, Kid can't help getting excited at the thought of getting her all flustered and turning to putty in his hands
*Honestly, this boy is insatiable
N-No: What turns them off?
*If you asked Kid that before this relationship, he would say weakness
*Someone being emotional, vulnerable, fragile
*Afterwards, he revised it
*What ruined the mood faster was his lovers' scars suddenly flaring back to life
*Law gets these moments, when Kid pushes a bit too hard at his control, where he lashes out and pulls back emotionally
*Like he's terrified of being under someone else's control
*Or the times when Hikari has a flashback, suddenly stuck in a past trauma and trying to get away, crying
*Luffy and Zoro don't have these sorts of reactions, but seeing them worry is almost as bad
*There's nothing worse
O-Oral: Do they prefer giving or receiving? How much experience do they have?
*Kid is all about using another's mouth to get off
*All of his past flings went that way
*Luffy is always up for it, and Zoro and Law can be persuaded on good days
*The only one Kid would go down on is Hikari
*She deserves every orgasm he can wring out of her, and is totally on board with Law's plan to just spoil her
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staravya · 4 years
e ye s
hi hello hope you’re doing well!
here’s me, still making pokemon go aus: haha what do you mean it’s been years and that whole shtick has died down. that’s ridiculous. anyway here’s b.nha,
“Let me make this clear,” Aizawa drawls. ”Remember, don’t get involved in any vigilante factions. Anytime you see one of these crests, you do not engage. You turn around and leave. Do you understand? They are not like our vigilantes. We cannot and should not try to root them out.” He shakes the paper with the three crests emblazoned on the white page. “Agreed, hell class?”
A few laughs skitter out at the nickname, but all of them chime in to respond, “Yes, sir!”
Winter roars past, and Izuku skids to a stop as a glacier pours itself into existence, catching the criminal first by the foot and then crawling up his body until he’s completely immobilized in the ice. He lets out a single sob of despair before the ice closes around his mouth, threatening to reach his nose and suffocate him in its grip.
For a moment, a part of Izuku wants to sigh in relief, but—he’s sparred against Todoroki enough times to realize that his ice doesn’t act like this. His ice doesn’t whip the air into a frenzy of blizzard wind long after the attack is over, tearing at Izuku’s clothes like fangs bared in a threat.
A figure walks closer, emerging with calm, measured steps from the powder-snow drifting through the air. As they pass under the illumination of a flickering streetlight, Izuku‘s eyes widen.
They’re wearing blue. An emblem rests on their lapels, the caricature of a deep blue bird with its wings extended.
Izuku holds his breath as the person approaches. He does not speak first, but instead studies their face and their clothes, committing it all to memory.
“Ah,” they say, not slowing their advance, “a hero hopeful. You’re one of the students who came with the prestigious UA.”
It’s not a question, but their glowing blue eyes glint dangerously in the dim light. Izuku hesitantly nods confirmation.
“Your laws have no say here,” the person says, and breezes past Izuku in a gust of cool air that sinks through his clothes, making him shiver.
“That d-doesn’t mean I can’t save people, though,” he dares to respond.
They don’t stop to address him, merely stepping over to the frozen criminal and trailing their fingers across the ice. “I suppose not,” they agree. The trapped person lets out a muffled sound of distress. In response, the ice contracts, tightening around its victim. “Run along, little hero. This agent will get his due, but here is no place for the lawful.”
Izuku doesn’t immediately whip around and flee. He doesn’t know why, really—Aizawa had warned them to do exactly that if confronted by an active vigilante, and to avoid the factions at all costs—but he doesn’t.
And that hesitation lets him see the ice pull back.
“Are you ready to speak?” the vigilante asks, allowing the ice to withdraw from the criminal’s mouth (and that level of control is astounding, not just creation but manipulation, not even Todoroki can do that).
The moment his mouth is freed, the criminal starts babbling. “I am, yes—please, Blanche, I didn’t know—I was just running an errand for quick money, I swear—“
“You are fortunate it was a treatable gas, and not an explosive.”
“—please, please, I didn’t mean to, I didn’t know—“
“Where did it come from?”
“I don’t know, I never met the source. They just texted me where to pick it up and drop it off, that’s it, I swear.”
Izuku can’t quite make himself move. Now that he knows that this criminal is just… not that much of a threat, frankly, and not apparently an intentional criminal at that, Izuku is—reasonably wary of what this vigilante might do.
When the students of UA’s class 3-A think of flame, they think first of Katsuki and the roar of an explosion in his palms, not fire but fiery, and hot, and destructive enough to be the same if not better. Or they will think of Todoroki and his ice-tempered flames, the balance he so carefully works towards after tipping the scales away from heat for so long.
But when the locals here think of flame, they think vigilante. They think Valor and the destruction of a wild blaze, and they duck their heads to hide.
Katsuki thinks he might finally understand why.
“You’re one of the UA kids, aren’t you?” says the living inferno in a flesh body before him. “I see that the pro hero thing’s still working out over in Japan. Must be stuffy over there.”
Katsuki has faced his classmate’s flames, snarled at Dabi’s blue fire, and witnessed Endeavor’s hellish heat, but this—elegance and precision, the steam she exhales and her ember eyes, wings feathered with fire, lazily half-furled at her back as they light up the night (like she’s more flame than mortal, more heat than human)—this is nothing like theirs. It’s nothing like his.
On instinct, his palms pop and crackle. It’s less a threat than a promise, a warning that he has teeth and isn’t afraid to use them. Too late, he remembers Aizawa’s warning: Remember, don’t get involved in any vigilante factions. Anytime you see one of these crests, you do not engage. You turn around and leave. Do you understand? They are not like our vigilantes. We cannot and should not try to root them out.
He was right. Katsuki knows he’s made a mistake in letting his quirk snap to life.
Not because it makes this vigilante with the emblem of a firebird on her jacket thinks he’s challenging her, but because it piques her interest. Her eyes light up as stars in supernova and she says, “Ooh, a kindred spirit! I wonder”—and the wings swing open, a rush of searing heat nearly igniting the sweat on his arms—“which of us is stronger, do you think.”
The fiery wings vanish, plunging the street into darkness. The lampposts are still shorted out, so the only sources of light are Explosion crackling in his hands and the glow of her eyes, ruby-red.
“Bakugou,” Sero begins, his voice muffled in the shadowed night, “we should go.”
“So soon?” the vigilante asks, disappointed.
When Kirishima shifts his weight, Katsuki feels a Hardened shoulder brush against his. “Our teacher’s waiting,” Kirishima says, his tone apologetic but stern, soft silk over a steel blade.
Katsuki exhales. Unfortunately, he has never been one to rest his laurels.
“Which of us is stronger? It’s me, obviously,” he says, and the quiet slap he hears might be Ashido’s palm meeting her forehead. Whatever. He’s not really angry, per se, and he’s far from stupid, but—
The vigilante laughs. It’s not a mocking laughter, it’s thrilled, and a small voice in the back of his mind that sounds kind of like Deku or Aizawa says that this is bad and he should probably disengage before something considerably awful happens, but Katsuki has years upon years of experience ignoring Deku (and almost three years of at least taking what Aizawa says with a grain of salt, so). “Let’s go then,” she says, a feral grin splitting her lips. “I am Candela of Valor and your challenge has been accepted, student of UA!”
Fire blooms against her silhouetted back, wings half-formed, and Candela lunges.
Katsuki shoves his classmates back and rushes up to meet her, bloodlust boiling in his veins. There’s nothing like the heat of the battle to wake him right up, and he doesn’t care how infamous the vigilantes in this stupid country are, he’s fought Dabi and sparred with Todoroki, he knows how fire works.
He knows how to beat other’s people fire with his own.
Flames lurch forward like wolves on the hunt, but Katsuki blasts apart the first of them and launches himself up into the air to avoid the rest.
He’s used to having the advantage in the air, but Candela only laughs. Her flames twist and shit that’s not just emission, that’s manipulation—
Candela herself may not be able to lift into the air, but her control is perfect, fire churning into a horselike shape that arches over Katsuki in the sky, its fiery hooves primed to stomp down on him.
Swearing, he blasts at it, launching himself back towards the ground as the force tears into the horse—only for the heat in his hands to suddenly turn on him, serpentine dragons of living flame curling up his arms and biting into him.
His sweat (his weapon) ignites at their white-hot fangs before he means for it to, exploding into his skin. Bakugou shouts as he falls, flipping around to slow his descent, but even as the force of his concussive blasts resist gravity’s pull, he can feel the heat pulling away from his control. Like sassy rebukes, they sting his face as they slip past, the nips of foxes as they skitter past.
“Explosions, huh?” Candela’s voice rises from below on the heat, thrilled laughter in every word. “Not bad, not bad at all. But not good enough, either.”
Bakugou lands, and the street flashes red. Flames erupt from Candela’s boots in a radius that just barely stops short of Kirishima’s feet behind him, a wildfire roaring up with such intensity that Bakugou grimaces, his sweat sparking and crackling all over his skin.
Izuku says, “You too?”
Kirishima nods. “We ran into the Valor leader, Candela,” he says, more hushed than Izuku’s ever known him to be. “She challenged Bakugou, and… Well, you can imagine.”
The news comes to mind—a scorched street, everything half-melted, the crest of Valor seared onto the road like a branding, Blanche’s silent fury in the face of such desecration—and Izuku grimaces. “Yeah,” he says, “I can.”
“It was pretty manly.”
“It was!” he says defensively. “It was scary, but really cool.”
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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Me: I'm okay with them torturing Law.
Bro: So is Law.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
A One (Screen) Shot:
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This face, more than any other, says Sassy Bitch Law™.
That's it guys that's my entire post. Look at that the smug ass supernova Trafalgar Law and his sassy bitch face.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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Everyone remember when Law was a cocky, smug ass supernova brat whose reaction to finding out a Shichibukai knew his name was basically:
"Oh, you've heard of me. Let me guess, you're impressed by me being so fucking badass and just want an autograph before letting us go, huh? Yeah this happens to me all the time."
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I miss this sassy son of a bitch.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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- Trafalgar Law calling out some Marine bullshit at Sabaody Archipelago
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gildedmuse · 4 years
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Of all the Supernovas, Kid and Killer are two of the most levelheaded and logical during the chaotic mess that was Sabaody.
Also, I'm now fairly convinced Killer is in love with Kid and nothing anyone says will change my mind on that. He's an amazing first mate. God, if only he had swords.
On the other hand, Law over here spent Sabaody being a Grade A Sassy Bitch
The rest of it is divided between playing around with marines and giving like six different people Bedroom Eyes. I'm just saying Law's biggest regret immediately after Sabaody was less losing to one of the seven warlords and more not ending up in a sevenway.
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