#sammy asking stuffs
ikigaisvt · 6 months
im just wondering, i might end up posting whatever first but in case there's a specific one u guys want to see this week :)
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suncaptor · 8 months
When Lucifer cups Sam's face so gently and Sam's horrified expression shifts slightly and he's just standing there staring forward and then he's trying to convince Dean he needs to go see Lucifer and he's like. Lucifer TOUCHED me. And I felt CALM. And he says it. through his disgust. I feel literally sick to my stomach.
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chateautae · 10 months
Have you given up on this tumblr?
Yes I completely have Anon 😍 KIDDINGGG I mean a) the tone of this ask isn’t very cute, a bit mean! but b) nope I check in time to time and write whenever I can still, life has just been nothing but craziness. For context to everyone that’s been sending me messages asking how I’m doing, I’m taking the LSAT in like 2 weeks!! Wtf!! I’m nervous but I’ve been studying y’all let’s hope I’m bound for law school 📚
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apricote · 10 months
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it was night on the town, which means free food, so sammy and adelia went on a little double date with mallory and nico!
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shallowseeker · 8 months
As a follow up to my previous message about Dean’s grief being colored through Sam’s vision, it’s striking in that *that’s* the full circle moment of the show the writers were leaning to. Sam was initially the viewers eyes into learning about the supernatural and the Winchester family. We learn they support their lifestyle by running credit card scams, as an example. While undoubtedly Dean became the main character, after over 300 episodes, we wind back to Sam and see Dean through Sam’s eyes. He deflects about losing Cas. We get just the tiniest glimpse things aren’t right with Dean when he’s by himself - that hug with Miracle, getting up and leaving the bed unmade - but ultimately that’s it. Everything else Dean experiences in the remaining 20 minutes of the episode where he’s still alive, he’s with Sam.
And speaking of visions, I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here. He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. If he doesn’t put pictures up, maybe the images of people like Cas and Jack, Jody, etc will fade from his mind. He’ll teach the importance of family to his son. We know that’s important to Sam by the enlarged picture of his parents and Dean (from Lebanon promo pics) in the middle of it all. And he’ll definitely keep the Impala.
And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors.
"I almost wonder that what we see of Sam’s life might not actually be what happens but rather a daydream of where he might go from here."
OH MY GOD. THE DREAMY LAST SEQUENCE AS SAM'S DAYDREAM WHILE DRIVING HIS WAY TO THE NEXT HUNT. See, Sam's listening to Carry on My Wayward Son, but in his mind, it becomes...this.
I friggin' love that idea, though! Like, when you lose someone, you do find yourself thinking, "I'll see them again, someday. They're probably in Heaven right now. Jack fixed it, so it's better. Cas helped. Everyone is together. I'll probably meet him on a bridge...when I too cross over." That's so...normal.
"He could marry a faceless random woman, have a kid - if it’s a boy, definitely name him after Dean, and try to hide away from the hunting lifestyle. ...And he’ll definitely keep the Impala. And that might be what happens in Sam’s life. Or it might not. We really don’t know what happened after he closed the bunker doors."
The woman is blurry, because Sam doesn't have a clear idea of it just yet, but she will be transformational and zen and so, so normal. Sam has a very poor idea of what aging will actually look like for him, too because none of his fam has ever actually made it that far. Which is why the wig looks so weird.
Sam has a very poor imagination of what "normal" looks like, because he is and has always been a weirdo. Like, he really thinks he'll be decrepit and elderly by the time his son is a young adult.
Not only do I love this, but I spent the last three minutes laughing at how Sam put his entire neurodivergent heart into his grief-fantasy, and it looks like that.
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spectacular! @lemon--verbena
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(Damn both of our blogs started with sammy trying to kill wally, what luck-)
Sammy chill!! The heck did wally do to earn this strangling, anyways?
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"Don't worry! I'm happy to report Wally is just fine! Well, mostly fine! Heh..."
[Hey I mean a story's gotta start with conflict right? What better conflict than attempted murder-]
-Mod Cobalt
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bendysinitiation · 25 days
by no means feel pressured to ship characters just because some of your audience like a ship, and don't take this as a sign of me telling you to do things! I just wanted to ramble here and you are free to respond however you like.
I really like the senry ship, it's really sentimental to me but also because I find it a very interesting dynamic with a lot of potential. Sammy lost his entire identity to the dark basin, and Henry is one of the only fleeting, remaining remnants of that old life. One of the few who can reliably tell him about who he used to be, and what the world outside is like. Will he risk everything and hold onto the past, even as his so called 'saviour' orders him to reject it? Will he value the truth over faith, regardless of what he might find about it? According to his faith, he has nothing to gain and almost every valuable thing remaining left to lose. What will he gain in pursuing this blasphemously forbidden love?
Meanwhile, Henry would also have a dilemma.
When he first became trapped here, his ultimate goal would be escape. By following this love, he makes this goal even harder, if not impossible, because now he is required to rescue someone who is even further gone than him, and who may not even be receptive to leaving. And, assuming that Sammy makes it out with him, his life would never be the same afterwards. There's no solid way to know the consequences. The only thing for certain is that they will happen.
Does he embrace what's hostile to him? Accept the monumental changes and allow them to permanently twist his life even further? Lower himself and risk fates worse than death, to empower someone who barely remembers him and could kill him in an instant?
Sorry if this is a bit rambly but I hope you can see my vision
DAMN go off… I really like this interpretation! I seriously appreciate the whole essay you gave me, I’m glad you enjoy the au enough to put it through your own lens! Its very captivating!
Also, It’s crazy that I have an audience now, as you’ve said. Anyways have this
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(Image ID: A crudely drawn image of Sammy and Sheepry in a parody anime style. Sammy lifts up Henry’s chin and they lock “eyes”. End ID)
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
Dad Danny where the kids make him watch their dance routines they made up in the living room all day and then with their big brown eyes persuade him to dance with them and perform when you get home from work. Your daughters putting a bow in his hair and all three of them with pink tutus on. That man would not be able to say no when it comes to his girls. He’s nails would never not be painted and you’d come home so often to see blue eyeshadow on him that Danny had completely forgot about. And tea parties in the summer! Sam would come round and Rosie would be the guest of honour
“no, daddy, you have to step with your left foot.”
danny gave his daughter a puzzled squint for a moment, wondering if he was maybe having a stroke, or else wondering if the eye shadow from the kiddie makeup kit was slowly eating away at his sanity the longer it stayed smudged on his face.
“left foot,” he repeated. he stepped with his left foot.
she gave a dramatic sigh. “left foot, daddy.” she tapped his right foot. “come on. you can do it.”
by some miracle, he managed to smother his laughter and step out on his right foot. “did i do it right that time?”
she beamed up at him. “yes! see, it's not that hard.”
danny smiled. “thank you for teaching me, sweetheart. i promise i'll get it this time.”
she watched like a strict ballet instructor as he did the simple two step-skip-jump routine she'd come up with. sam was coming over for a tea party any minute now, and they had to have something to perform for him and rosie.
she clapped and cheered enthusiastically when he did it correctly, left and right feet notwithstanding, and her little sister toddled over from her blocks to join in the excitement.
“dada!” she called, giving him uppy arms. he scooped her up and kissed her chubby cheek, loving the sound of her giggle.
the doorbell rang, and all three of them greeted sam at the door.
“rosie!” both girls all but screeched. rosie wagged her tail happily and withstood the eager but gentle pets delivered by both of danny's girls.
“my, daniel, aren't you looking beautiful,” sam teased. “that blue eye shadow really brings out your eyes.”
“thank you,” danny said. he showed sam his hand. “it matches my nail polish.”
“the neon pink bow kind of clashes, though,” sam said, looking over him with a critical eye. “the shiny lip gloss is okay. not my favorite.”
“i have different ones!” danny's oldest piped up. “do you want to pick one for you, uncle sammy?”
“you pick, honey,” sam said, accepting the beer danny gave him.
“can i do your hair too?”
“oh, i guess.”
she giggled and ran to gather the things she would need to play salon with her uncle, leaving the baby to sit contentedly with rosie.
sam took a swig of beer. “i thought we were having lunch while the girls took a nap.”
danny shook his head. “not until we have our tea party, apparently.”
“oh, of course,” sam said with a grin. “and get all pretty, too.”
danny smiled. “you can't show up to a tea party under-dressed, sam. you know that.”
“i already feel under-dressed,” sam said. “i don't have a tutu.”
danny glanced down and laughed. “i forgot i was even wearing that.”
danny's oldest came back out from her room with her makeup kit. “okay, uncle sammy. your turn to get saloned!”
sam grinned. “i'm gonna start using that. 'get saloned, idiot.'”
“daddy says that's not a nice word,” she scolded.
sam clapped a hand over his mouth. “you're right, honey. i'm sorry.”
“that's okay,” she said, gesturing for him to sit on the floor in front of her. “i heard uncle joshy say a word that's really not nice, and he didn't even say sorry.”
sam smiled. “who did he say it to?”
“uncle jakey.”
sam laughed. “sounds about right.”
she directed danny to do his dance for sam while sam got his makeup done, and danny got rosie riled up with his perfomance. sam laughed and called rosie over, the baby right behind her, scratching behind rosie's ears and holding the baby in his lap as he critiqued danny's performance.
“needs work,” sam said. he looked to his oldest niece. “he's not a very good student, is he?”
she giggled. “he doesn't even know which foot is his left foot.”
when sam was finally pretty enough to suit her and his hair was in three lopsided braids, danny shooed everyone outside to enjoy the sunshine. sam and danny stood at the back door, watching the girls run around with rosie.
“you know what, dan?”
“i sure do like your kids.”
danny smiled and clinked his beer bottle against his best friend's.
“thanks. i like them too.”
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totentnz · 2 months
GOOD MORNING (now evening)
today i awoke and chose violence. i wanna talk a bit about the AU @bishicat and I have. ~inspired~ by the 5 songs, 3 outfits taggame!
Welcome to your life There's no turning back Even while we sleep [...] We will find you It's my own design It's my own remorse Help me to decide Help me make the Most of freedom and of pleasure Nothing ever lasts forever Everybody wants to rule the world [...] There's a room where the light won't find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down When they do, I'll be right behind you I'm so glad we've almost made it So sad they had to fade it Everybody wants to rule the world [...] I can't stand this indecision Married with a lack of vision Everybody wants to rule the— Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it
name of the AU, basically it's about change, within oneself, within a friend group, within the world. and about accepting that change - or fighting against it. each member of the trio (or V³ as we like to call em) thinks their way of living is the right one. V(alerie) is hellbent on not backing down and staying right where she is V(incent) thinks getting away from the city and the people who hurt him is the best choice V(ivienne) wants more from life, money, fancy clothes and power
There's a party and we're all going And we're all growing up Somebody's driving and he will be drinking And no one's going back 'Cause we've tried hungry and we've tried full and Nothing seems enough [...] I'm holding my breath with a baseball bat Though I don't know what I'm waiting for I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be
name of the pairing for V³ - the song is about growing up and changing. (AGAIN) bishi actually picked that one and i was on board right away, it was important to me that we pick a song we both like (the more rock-y feel of that song also helped lmao)
Ryan and Dave are rabble rousin', teenage cousins Difference is Dave has an off switch, and Ryan doesn't 20 years later now Dave behaves rank and file And Ryan's a burnt out adult, last gasp, wild child
guess what this one is about! CHANGE! (are you tired of it yet?) mostly it is about viv picking a different path than v though - one stayed exactly where she has always been while the other chose to change. ALSO in the music video they are DOGS and we love a dog motif
6:26 in the morning, didn't need alarm I couldn't sleep a wink, I'm betting my whole farm Left Dave's place at eight, just drove, didn't really talk I shook his hand and popped the door to make the walk Applied for admission at the detox shop Got to the door it said open, ten o'clock It's freezing out, no way that I can make it to ten Look back at my truck at my only real friend
some time ago we talked about viv helping v on her healing journey (girlie cannot catch a break from being a babysitter even after she got johnny a body LMAO) and even though v never ends up at rehab (maybe that will change) it still fits pretty well.
I'm taking a ride with my best friend I hope he never lets me down again He knows where he's taking me Taking me where I want to be I'm taking a ride with my best friend [...] We're flying high We're watching the world pass us by Never want to come down Never want to put my feet back down on the ground [...] See the stars, they're shining bright (never let me down) Everything's alright tonight (never let me down)
V³ had a pretty big fight at one point. viv was always going to leave for arasaka but v never understood or accepted it. they argued for hours and when vincent didn't chose her side, v stormed off to go on a weeklong bender. when she returned the flat was empty, both her siblings had left -and betrayed her. naturally, viv also felt betrayed by her childhood friend, all she asked for was support but instead she got called a traitor. i like to imagine this song plays on the radio one day after their reunion
When we were young, the future was so bright The old neighborhood was so alive And every kid on the whole damn street Was gonna make it big and not be beat
Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn The kids are grown up, but their lives are worn How can one little street swallow so many lives?
TO ME this is THE streetkid song but it hits hard especially in this universe. as i mentioned before V³ thinks they picked the right path, they aren't gonna be beat (and honestly vincent is the only one who succeeded). viv had a good run but then she got kicked from the corp, lost her newest best friend, DIED and now has a whole other person stuck in her skull. v was stubborn, was homeless for a bit and is overall in a bad way (but then again, that's the only way she knows how to live so it's not as bad TO HER)
THIS IS A BIG ONE SO BUCKLE IN FOLKS bishi and i had been talking about a personal quest for v and we ended up on this: one day they are driving somewhere while listening to the radio when a host teases a special treat! they have exclusive rights to the music of NC born and bred band Rotten! (yeah you guessed it! V's band) naturally this fills her with pure rage and viv knows this isn't going to end well (babysitting time!) v knows exactly who did this and is hellbent on rectifying this (there is more but yall are gonna have to wait for the day i decide to write it lmao) As Above, So Below is the name of the job! it is a song that v wrote but only she knows about it. while viv wasn't a band member she was there for it's founding and a few first concerts, she filmed a lot of it and even ran the merch stand a bit
I won't lie, it's quite temptin' Your handouts and your bones I won't lie, they're quite empty Your promises and your stones
If you sell, they'll buy Don't feel, just sign If you sell, they'll buy Don't think, stay blind
Give me the control Just sign on the dotted line Give me the control He whispered softly Give me the control You're crawling inside my mind Give me the control Don't you fight me?
As above, so below What you reap is what you sow What you give comes back three fold As above, so below
YES the song is about v not wanting to sign with a label and it is her final fuck you to the world of music. in reality that song is incredibly underproduced since by the time it was recorded the band had already broken up. v did ALL of it: singing, instruments, songwriting. editing magic made it come to life. depending on how it ends (yes there are multiple outcomes) viv will receive a shard with ALL of rotten's music, including THIS unreleased song and even some backstage footage from way back in the day when viv was still around.
See I've danced with the enemy We have secrets, no one knows Yeah, I've danced with my enemy I wore her skin and her clothes
honourable mention because this part is very viv coded
instead of outfits i present you! some soul crushing quotes! i hope you enjoy! :3c
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gayfraggle · 10 months
an Introduction page
Hi! My main names are is Sammy/Vincent but i have a whole list linked lower in the post, I am a minor so please no inappropriate asks or messages towards me
I'm transmasc and agender, I go by all pronouns (including most neo-pronouns) but my main are they/it/he, I'm also Aromantic and Aegosexual
Names ⬇️
My Avenue Q askblog is @theqstandsforqueer
My Little Shop Of Horrors askblog is @ask-the-little-shop
The askblog for the comic me and friend are working on is @starrynightstudios
My Hazbin Hotel oc blog is @carrionsstudio
My ao3:
Rules for requests:
Nothing NSFW or suggestive
You can only request characters from fandoms I'm in, preferably characters I like or have shown interest in and are from my current hyperfix
I'm ok with most ships but if it's a ship feel uncomfortable with then I will not draw it
These are just silly doodles, not full on art pieces so don't expect them to be
My current hyper-fixations are Radioactive Chicken Heads, Monster High g1, jjba, My Friendly Neighborhood, and KinitoPET
Any ask games that I'm doing at the current moment will be linked here⬇️
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I removed my sona because I need to update it
I'm a multi-fandom artist, and the fandoms I'm in (at the moment) are Muppets, Batman, Dialtown, Kiznaiver, Creepypasta, The World Of Mr Plant, Avenue Q, Tadc, Welcome Home, My Friendly Neighborhood, KinitoPET, fnaf, slashers, DSAF, jjba, Deltarune/Undertale, Rocky Horror Picture Show, tf2, Batim/batdr, Monster High, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, musical theater, Cuphead, and dhmis
These aren't all of them, but they are the ones that I consume the most
Also the slasher/horror movies that I like are Scream, Black Christmas 1974, Malignant 2021, Puppet Master, Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon, Texas Chainsaw Massacre pt2
I also have ADHD and Anxiety
you CAN send me headcanons and asks about my headcanons, doodle requests when open, fanart, stuff like that
you CAN'T sent me anything NSFW, art requests, and hate
Also this blog will contain some mature things like curse words, and possibly gore
And if you use any of my characters, credit/@ me please, and sending it as an ask would be nice <3
Also, I don't post super often, I mostly reblog things
Also my grammar isn't super good, so sorry if some posts have errors
There are a few tag shortcuts in the tags
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ok I haven’t posted much recently but here’s a silly guy for you!!!
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spectraling · 1 year
The emotional development of me hearing about this silly little German generic murder mystery TV show thinking it was going to be hilarious and awful to crying and yelling at my screen DID MAIK REALLY CREATE CLUES FOR ROBERT TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS CHILDHOOD LOVE OF HIS LIFE SO HE WOULDN'T GO THE REST OF HIS LIFE GOING INSANE OVER WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM BY LEAVING HINTS ONLY HE WOULD UNDERSTAND BC OF THEIR ROMANCE ROBERT GO TO HIM YOU HAVE TO GO TO HIM WAIT NO FUCK HE'S DEAD I HATE EVERYTHING. Unexpected turn
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 3 months
~ @sammys-magical-au 🫶🫶🫶
🍓—How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Honestly, I've been writing ever since I could form complete sentences. Plus, it might just be the easiest thing in the world to inspire me. Whenever I find interest in a new fandom or the like, I always have my own ideas about it. "How would this character react if their friend did something like this?" "What kind of twist ending would work best for this plot?" Stuff like that. I was introduced to fanfiction because of. . .well, fanfiction! Because I wanted to experiment with my own opinions via writing certain characters into certain misadventures. I do have plenty of original ideas, but I tend to keep those a bit closer to the chest.
🕯️—On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Eh, probably a 5 or 6? I won't deny that I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but sometimes editing is just so hard for literally no reason. Like, I'll proofread a story at least two times before I post it, and then, three weeks after posting, I'll look back and inevitably find some spelling/grammar mistakes that SHOULD'VE BEEN OBVIOUS TO FIX IN THE FIRST PLACE. It's probably just another quirk from my ADD or autism, but it can be so embarrassing sometimes. (Lol, at least I finally have Grammarly now.)
🛼—Describe your latest wip with five emojis
Well, aside from completing the information posts of the next four Pentas Family members (thanks for all your help with development, Sammy 💖), I have many WIPs.
The first, something short for a writing request:
🦋 💎 🐍 👹 🔮
And the others are simply long-overdue stories for the Pentas representatives:
🥊 🎰 🌊 🔫 🍾
[Ask Game]
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seawardboundsammy · 17 days
If it’s not too much trouble, can I have 3 and 4 from the step asks game for all ur steps? (I like villain name rational LOL) Or just a couple of them!
of course you can!
3. what is their villain name? why did they choose it?
Arbor: Refutation. this one was purely self indulgent. I love the word refutation and the idea of being stalwart, refusing to budge even an inch. arbor chose it because theyre still doing what they think is right (anarchist) but refusing to do it in the way dictated by the rangers
Pelican: King. One of my fave of my step names, they chose this cause they wanted to force everyone, especially their enemies, to revere them whenever they spoke of them. Pelican is nonbinary but masc presenting so i went with king instead of regent or smth. Also they call their mob "The King's Knights" even though he thinks of them much more like pawns
Thistle: Briar. I originally thought about Thicket but that felt too close to his actual name. Briar fit the flower theme and also draws back to Sleeping Beauty which thistle definitely likes the pink of and also the fairytale princess. Also he thinks Briar fits how it feels to get close to him. just looking back at the stats and oh yeah his v name was originally Undertow! I was thinking of doing an ocean theme and then went all in on flowers (though im def still gonna use undertow as a name sometime)
Faruq: Rook. It's the second syllable of his name. He's the bluntest man alive and totally expects Steel to catch onto his shit and doesnt care. He acts like a rook (straight direct lines with a clean goal) and it also fits how he's still trying to support and help (train them herohunter)
Rory: Heartbreak. They want it to hurt. They want Ortega to know how much he failed every time he turns on the tv, every time he has to talk about the villain on the rise. They want people to be scared, to wonder if theyre gonna be just as bad, and prove that theyre going to be worse. I personally wanted to see the dialogue for if you choose that name.
Nayeli: Estoc. Now this one was by far the weakest. I knew i wanted to romance argent so i chose a sword name and i just. couldnt find anything more fitting. Nayeli is a tech thief and i never quite locked down her theme as much as the others (eg. regal, flower, knight) so i honestly want to give her a better name as some point.
4. what does their villain armor look like? what is their typical style of dress?
Arbor: I think im gonna switch their armor to functional with a cape cause they are really not terrifying. their armor is p agile (tele boost and jump jets) and their cape has an almost heroic flair. normally they wear a long sleeve shirt with a tee-shirt over top and a pair of army surplus green cargo pants. oh and their signature sunglasses!
Pelican: thats a king baby! conqueror with cape, its a bit bulkier to add to the intimidation (extra armor). it literally has a crown built into the helmet. he's such an egotistical bitch. on the day to day they wear expensive suits, typically in brown, and probably looks far to much like HG.
Thistle: pretty lithe mirror suit, built to slip into places unnoticed. He often wraps himself in his cape to conceal himself even more. he wears very cute pink clothes, typically a frilly white shirt with a pink cropped cardigan and a pain of light brown pants or a loose skirt. he and pelican are the most appearance conscious of my steps and thistle is by far the more neurotic about it.
Faruq: thats an armor suit. enhanced strength and armor, no cape. he is very much a parallel to steel and a practical guy so there's definitely a resemblance between their suits. he wears pretty standard second hard comfortable clothes but does take good care of his beard and locs (which on very rare occasions he will put cuffs in)
Rory: terrifying massive armor, shredded cape. you cant see their face obviously but in stillness it feels like they never blink. this thing cracks concrete just walking over it. rory wears a yellow shirt over an orange sweater and a long brown skirt with black boots. thats pretty much all they wear.
Nayeli: similar to thistle's mirror suit, her's is more black than mirror silver and tries to hide her frame but doesnt have a cape. she super doesnt like people looking at her so her standard style is pretty basic, just a woman who works in an office nothing to see here. her favorite part of her appearance is her long hair which she (tries) to take good care of.
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dangoarts · 2 years
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the state of my brain atm
the more i lurk on the batim tags the more i can feel sammy competing for fixation time
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Elegant, confident and straight forward, Sammy is the spitting image of what people envision when the title of conductor or music director comes up. A man who knows what he wants and will be unhappy if he doesn’t get it. A man with a strong vision of his art and is impatient with those who don’t see it. He’ll be even more unhappy if anyone dared to imply what he does isn’t art, lucky for most Joey is by his side to stop him from throttling anyone for such comments.
Yes, Sammy is quite the character, to contrast his husband’s constant smile Sammy has a near permanent frown he wears around the studio and his life. Many question how such different characters could come together and decide to spend the rest of their lives together, Sammy usually responds saying when he first met Joey he almost couldn’t believe someone hadn’t already swooped in to take his heart. Despite what most assume, Sammy will happily admit he fell for Joey first and practically knew he’d held such feelings for the man since they shook hands during his interview. He knew Joey was an artist, a man with a strong vision, and wild imagination the moment he saw him.
Joey could always find a way to make the wild and fantastical so real, Sammy couldn’t think of something he’d rather do than bring his characters and stories to life with music. He takes great pride in the work he does too, in fact when he first was hired at the studio he was a one man band. He still brags about those days when the staff was rather small and he was the only music producer making instrumentals for cartoons that at the time had no lyrics or words in them. Who knew how fast the production would grow in such short time, with voice actors, songs that now needed lyrics and Sammy knew just the man to write them.
Of course Sammy had to pick his childhood best friend Jack Fain, the two had been a musical duo before their studio days after all and if anyone could help him, it was Jack. The two always had each other’s backs, even when Sammy’s home life pushed him out of the home and onto the streets, the two stuck together. Of course Sammy saw it coming. His rather religious parents never truly approved of their friendship but he didn’t care, finally getting out of that hell of a house also allowed Sammy to change his body to match both his current name and identity. Sure surgery isn’t the kind of thing to try doing when you’re an amateur but for Sammy, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
With such a rough childhood and upbringing, it’s no wonder Sammy was so quick to adapt to the lifestyle he has now. Becoming the kind of elegant and respectable music director the investors love, so long as he and Joey are subtle about their behind the scenes romance of course. Sammy has all he could’ve ever asked for when he was younger, a loving, charming husband and a studio that truly values his work… What more could anyone need?
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