#sam and cliff’s dancing
h-worksrambles · 2 years
Another reason Murdoch is one of the best Smoke Room characters. He canonically has the voice of angel…and we get to hear it.
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kaycode1999 · 1 month
For anyone who might be saying Bee is out of character in the trailer let me remind you of the batshit insane things he's done in the movies and TV shows
Drove up to the dealership parking lot as Sam was looking at cars and threw his door into the car next to him
blasted a frequency that shattered the glass on every other car in the vicinity scaring Bobby Bolivia enough to let them take it for $4000
Tried to wingman Sam by stalling his engine and pulling over to the side of the road while playing sexual healing
Chased Sam up onto the walkway while he was riding a bike
Threw a hissy fit about being called a crappy camero and scanned a newer model
Essentially relieved himself all over agent Simmons because he was rude
Drove to where Sam was at college and drove up onto a bush in front of the frat house where Sam was at the party before blaring the car alarm
Started going through different songs about how the “ girl” who got in with Sam was bad news and Sam was on the verge of being assaulted or cheating
Slammed what he thought was a human girls head into the dashboard before spraying what Im assuming is coolant on her because she insinuated she was going to get Sam to cheat on Mikayla
Threw himself out of a plane and used a dead Decepticon to soften his fall
Accidentally destroyed a major portion of Charlie’s house
Smeared egg all over the car of Charlie's bully before punching the roof and jumping on it crushing the car
Ran into a tree at high speed because he turned off his lights
Joined illegal street racing
Fought a modified human and lost
Used a random truck like a scooter to go after knockout because he lost his T-Cog and ended up going over a cliff
Drove off a ship and blasted a Decepticon ship in mid air
Did the dirty dancing chair thing in a paramount commercial https://youtu.be/QWRkBv4zJpU?si=6DUH2Zcpr2BXjA5T (I linked the commercial because it has me dying laughing every time)
Joined an underground bot fighting ring to find Grimlock
Shot the tape for never gonna give you up out of his cassette player the second it started playing nearly taking Charlie’s head off
Angrily did donuts in front of the stinger prototype
Forced his steering wheel into Shanes's face when he called Bee’s alt-mode uncool
Got so angry when the stinger commercial called him old and ugly he kicked down the prototype
Is generally the most conspicuous bot to exist and is very bad at doing the blending-in thing given he's an Autobot scout
I’ll add more if I think of them but Bumblebee is just a tiny feral gremlin and I love him so very much. Each iteration of him is perfect
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queen-of-deans-booty · 4 months
Find Your Way Back Home: Part Four
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: implicit smut (talked about but not in great detail), angst
Summary: Years down the line and you and Dean have been on again, off again. You two only get together when the tension is high, when you need to fuck one out of your systems, and when you want to go on the occasional date. After he came back from Hell, he's been more on edge, and with Sam and Lucifer going at it, he doesn't really know where to go from here.
Author’s Note: This is the fourth part of six parts of the commission for @winchester-sinchester. Dean is thirty, the reader is twenty-two, and Sam is twenty-six.
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Four years of hunting. Four years of sleeping in uncomfortable motel beds. Four years of killing monsters. Four years of saving people. Four years of being with Dean. Four very long years of dancing with Dean and playing the “would he or won’t he” game. When you agreed to hunt with Dean and John, you didn’t think you’d be setting yourself up for failure. You got through all four years of college and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science all the while hunting and killing monsters to protect those who can’t do it themselves. Sam came back into Dean’s life right before he could graduate since Dean dragged him back into the life. Sam’s girlfriend was murdered by the same demon as the one who killed their mom, so he became all in after that.
In the beginning, you were content with hunting demons, vampires, ghouls, and the smaller monsters that you read about in lore books. Now you’re hunting archangels as they try to claim their vessels--Sam and Dean Winchester.
You’re not sure what their plans are for them but you’re going to try like Hell to keep them from it. Dean might not be your boyfriend but he’s someone you care for deeply. You might even love him if you allow yourself to admit that. To chalk it up, your and Dean’s relationship is loosely friends with benefits. He reaps the benefits whenever he feels like it and you keep giving it to him because it means you get to spend time with him.
Sure, you two have done other things like go on dates and stuff, but it’s more fucking than anything else. Whenever he feels stressed about a hunt, he fucks you. Whenever Sam pisses him off, he fucks you. Whenever he’s been away and misses you, he fucks you. It’s become the new normal for you that it’s hard to see life past it.
When he’s had a hard time on a hunt, doesn’t get the kill he’s been itching for, or argues with Sam about how to go about a certain hunt, he finds himself in your bed at the end of the day. He’ll have you on all fours and pound into you from behind. It feels amazing, every time is like the first time with him, and it doesn’t matter what you think of your situation because as soon as you get him into bed, all reason and logic fly out the window.
Do you wish you were something more? Of course. Do you wish he would ask you how your day was instead of getting into your pants? Sure. It’s your fault as much as it’s his because you can say no. He never does anything without your consent but it’s hard to say no to the one person you’ve fallen in love with. Your heart bleeds for him even if his might not bleed for you.
When you weren't doing homework or hunting, you were practicing your skills as a fighter and as a marksman. Sometimes Sam and Dean are your targets or trees are, but you’re getting more confident in hand-to-hand combat. No one can be overprepared, especially in a life like the one you’re in.
Hunts haven’t been coming in as fast as before, and there is nothing on the angel radios about Michael and Lucifer, so Dean takes you on a drive. He doesn’t have a destination in mind; he’ll drive until he feels like he’s done. He ends up taking you to a drive-in spot on a cliff that overlooks the city. No one else is here since it’s the middle of the night which is a perfect time to go.
He parks and the two of you get out to enjoy the scenery. You sit atop his hood with him right next to you, and you look at the stars twinkling above you.
“I have something for us,” you grin and take out the joint you’ve been saving for a moment like this. You take out your lighter and light the end of it before taking a long puff. “Want some?”
“No? Remember that year before I graduated? I got you stoned for the first time. You giggled about Scooby Doo all night.”
“Fuck it,” Dean shrugs. He takes the joint and inhales the sweet substance. You study the features on his face. He’s been stressed for a while, understandably, since he came back from Hell. Yeah, that was a rough time. “Damn, that shit’s good.”
“What’s on your mind?”
Dean takes another puff before handing the joint back to you.
“Want me to be honest? Hell. You say I was only gone for four months but it felt like four years to me. I hate how much this shit is still affecting me, and now Sammy might have to go through it? I don’t know how to protect him.”
You take another hit of the joint before moving closer to him. You sit up and wrap an arm around his shoulders.
“If anyone can beat the devil, it’s you and Sam.”
“You have a lot more faith than me.”
“It’s because I--” No, you can’t admit that right now. Damn, weed makes you wanna confess things you shouldn’t. “I’ve been with you for a while to know how strong and resourceful you are. I’ll believe in you enough for the both of us.”
Dean turns his head toward you and glances down at your lips, and you take this as an invitation. You grip his jaw lightly and press your lips to his. The spark inside him ignites as he takes control of the kiss. There is no one around for miles so you’re not worrying when he begins to take your clothes off.
His car is still warm from the recent use, but your nipples still harden when they touch the warm metal. Dean has had fantasies of bending you over the hood of his car and tonight, they’re coming true. Tonight isn’t about going hard and fast. It’s about you two being in the moment and allowing each other to comfort the other in ways you might not know you need.
He doesn’t use a condom this time since you’re on the pill (a decision you both made a year ago). Condoms are great and should be used every time, but there is something about feeling his bare skin inside you that sends you toppling over the edge every single time.
He has your whole heart even if he doesn’t know it.
Moments like that can’t last forever no matter how much you wish they could. Lucifer and Michael are ready to make their move so Sam and Dean are gearing up to take on the devil head-on. Sam thinks he can beat him since he’s chugged enough demon blood to have a fighting chance. He wants to allow Lucifer inside of his body, trap him there, and keep him prisoner. You’re not sure if that is going to work but you’re going to back Sam up no matter what he has planned.
You’re sleeping in the back seat while both brothers are sitting up front. Dean thinks if he doesn’t talk about what’s going on then it’s not going to happen. Sam knows his brother doesn't like to talk about his feelings but they have to talk about this. Sam looks into the backseat at you before looking at his brother.
“If you have something to say, say it,” Dean sighs when he feels his brother’s eyes on him.
“I need to be real with you for a second. I know you’re hoping this all works out and I trap Lucifer in my head. I’m hoping for that, too, but I need to be realistic here. If this doesn’t work--”
“It’s gonna work,” Dean cuts him off.
“If it doesn’t, don’t go looking for me. I know you, Dean. I know you’re gonna want to do everything in your power to bring me back. Don’t. That cage will be closed. You can’t go poking at it.”
“What do you want me to do, Sam? Sip Mai Tais on the beach wishing you were with me instead?”
“I want you to go looking for a normal life. Whatever normal is these days. I want you to have everything I know you’ve always wanted.”
Dean looks at you through the rearview mirror. He can’t help but picture what a normal life with you would look like. You’d live in a two-story house on a farm or somewhere with a lot of land. He doesn’t like neighbors so having a lot of land would put him at a safe distance from having to mingle with people. He can picture you in the garden you often talk about having while he does the yard work. You’d both share the household chores, but he’d do all the cooking since you can’t cook for shit. He can picture three little ones running around the house with two dogs chasing after them.
His perfect paradise.
He can also picture a demon coming and killing everything he’s ever stood for.
“Take Y/N and get the hell out of this life. I’ll be okay,” Sam whispers.
Dean doesn’t respond to him. He still has hope that this is going to work.
It doesn’t.
Sam gets the devil inside of him but Lucifer is a lot stronger than some human hopped up on demon blood. To make a long story short, Sam got thrown into the cage with Michael inside Adam. Michael was supposed to be inside Dean but went to the other brother when Dean refused.
Sam is gone and Dean can’t do a damn thing about it. The moment that you had with Dean on top of his car in the mountains is nothing like this moment now. Instead of being sensual and loving with you, it’s rough, hard, and fast. Dean is fucking pissed and emotional which makes for a hard fuck. You agreed to this before you started because you know he needs this. He needs to get his anger out instead of drowning in alcohol bottles like he’s done in the past. You’re his new favorite drug and he can’t get enough of you.
“We’ll get him back,” you say to Dean after moments of silence. The only thing that can be heard is the soft hum of the air conditioning unit in the motel room. “Dean, I promise to get your brother back.”
Dean doesn’t respond to that. He waits until you fall asleep to allow himself to think about what’s best for you and for him. He believes you when you said you’d get his brother back. He believes you’ll do anything to do that which is why he can’t stay with you. He’s fucking tired. He’s exhausted. The best thing for both of you is if he leaves and doesn’t look back.
He’s getting too attached to you and doesn’t want to see you dead because of a mistake he’s made. If he stays with you and searches for Sam, he knows he’s gonna do something that will put you in danger. If he leaves with you, he feels like he is robbing you of helping people. You love hunting. You love saving people. How can he ever take you away from the life you knew you were getting into?
The only thing he can do is leave, and he knows exactly where he is gonna go. You’ve always been a heavy sleeper so he doesn’t worry about making a bit of noise. He packs up what he can and leaves the motel room without so much as a note of where he’s going.
He leaves thinking this is going to be the last time he ever sees you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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sunshine-zenith · 4 months
In honor of Dean Winchester’s birthday (and to have an excuse to bring attention to some of these fics again), here’s a handful of my (destiel heavy) Dean POV fics
“Got That Something” — A lifetime of needing to jump from sleep to total awareness and surviving on an average of four hours a night prevent him from just turning over and dropping off again, but he doesn’t mind. Not when he gets to wake up to Cas sleeping beside him.
Rated G, 798 words, married fluff, post canon/canon divergent from 15x19
“Heavenly” — Cas has been avoiding Dean in heaven, despite Dean's best efforts to find some information on the guy.
Rated T, 2.5K+ words, canon compliant within 15x20, grief, humor, dumbasses to lovers, Dean Winchester uses his words
“Let Me Drive My Car Into Your Heart” — Dean loved his Baby, fact. He also loved his Angel.
Rated T, 3.5k+ words, fluff and humor, unsafe driving, brief butt touching
“Drag Can Bee For Everyone” — As Dean helps set up for the all age drag show his partner will be part of, he reminisces on how lucky he feels to have them in his life
Rated G, 2.5K+ words, Modern/Normal Human AU, Artist Dean, dad Dean, married fluff, nonbinary Cas
“Wings to Dance” — A night of awkward conversations, humiliating moments, and halfhearted attempts at trying to learn to dance for his brother's wedding take a surprising turn for the better for Dean when he realizes he accidentally locked himself out of his car. He and Castiel, the dance instructor he's admired from afar for so long, end up bonding over buried memories of past pain and find themselves dancing towards a brighter future together
Rated T, 12.5k+words, RomCom, Modern/Normal Human AU, humor, fluff, minor angst, Comfortably Bisexual Dean, references to biphobia/homophobia, references to past homelessness, Dancer Cas
“Flight Back to You” — Dean's exhausted, wracked with strange dreams that bring back memories of a teenage fling he had years ago. While on the way to check out a potential case with his brother, his exhaustion catches up with him, nearly sending both him and Sam over a cliff's ledge. Luckily, a familiar face from Dean's past comes at the perfect moment to provide them shelter for the night. The thing is, as it turns out, they actually have a lot more history than Dean initially remembers. And all three of them apparently have a lot more feathers than Dean is comfortable with.
Rated G, 11.5k+ words, Wings AU, Reincarnation, Comfortably bisexual Dean Winchester, minor Jimmy/Dean and Michael/Castiel, references to minor character death and divorce
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I wrote a giant description of all the characters based on what my friend and I were talking about can I have your opinion:
I am going to be starting with the first post where I mention the balectors of Stardew valley. This means the characters that you are able to date and eventually marry if you want to do that. In order to reach perfection, which is the end of the game, you need to have someone live in your house with 12 hearts in order to give you a stardrop. Hearts are friendship points you can get by giving points. That is one of the two ways to gain friendship. The other is through cut scenes you get by progressing in your relationship and by saying things that make them either like or hate you more.
Anyways, onto the characters, starting with Haley who is the first person you mention. I am married to her which is because I like how her character progresses. As you gain friendship with her, she gets more nice and is open to different things then she was before. For example, she used to throw away her clothes each year but says she donates it now. She is super cute and sweet when she is married to her and it seems as though she is in love. She is kind of like a disney princess as you mention because she likes makeup and is girly. The next you mentioned is Leah who actually lives in a cottage and lives to forage and build for you. Penny is actually the opposite of what you said as she is horrible at baking and teaches the two children in town (and eventually Leo) Jas and Vincent and she also likes to read. Her mother, Pam, is abusive. But I can talk about her in a little bit. Abigail is the most popular person to marry as people like her because she is adventurous and wants to fight in the caves and is in a band with Sam and Sebstain. There is a theory that she is actually the wizard’s daughter because her mom admits to going to his tower and her dad says they do not look similar and the wizard says he thinks he might have a daughter. Abigail is also kind of a meme because if you give her gems she will say, “How did you know that I was hungry?” Basically everyone considers her cool and a meme and she is probably the wizard’s daughter. Emily likes crystals and parrots and dances and all of her cut scenes are basically fever dreams. So she is kind of a psychopath and super excited all of the time. Her and Haley are sisters and do not get along. In earlier versions of Maru, she had really curly hair and a lot of the community, including me, thinks she looks better like that. I also consider her hair to be kind of cool. She likes robotics.
Anyways, the next up is the marriage candidates for the guys. You are totally right that it is so random. Elliot is a writer and he is very attention starved as he writes you poems and is obsessed with you when you date him and writes you a book based on what genre you say you like. Harvey IS a simple man. His favorite gift is coffee so you definitely got that done. He has anxiety and never talks to anyone and tries to be better about that if you date him. So he is chill and kind of a meme because your stuff gets taken if you get knocked out in battle and he charges a thousand gold for repairing you. You were exactly right with Sebastian as he is moody and does not like people and plays video games from 10am to 10pm. Alex is sexist to you if you are a girl and is kind of arrogant about wanting to be a professional football player. So you are completely right. You are wrong about Shane, though, he is actually really mean to you and wants you to not talk to him. Most of his events are about him being suicidal and depressed and an acholicoal. One is where he wants to roll off a cliff and is drunk. Not mafia material. I do agree about his jacket, though, it is kind of cool. Even though it has a J on it which stands for Joja which is a company he works for. Joja is basically the definition of capitalism in this game. Sam is actually friends with Sebastian and Abigail and he wants to be in a band which he is in. They like to play DND and it is a thing in the community that Sam and Sebastain should be dating.
Onto the villagers. Willy is a fisherman and kind of chill so you were sort of wrong but I would definitely want to go on an adventure with him as well so actually I agree, you win. Everyone loves Robin and a lot of people are sad you cannot date her because of Demetris. You were so wrong about Demetris but the way. Robin is actually Sebstain’s mom’s but he is it related to Demetrius. Demetris hates Sebastian but loves Maru and this makes Sebastian really angry. Demeteruis also does not care about Robin who we love. Sandy is my favorite as she is lonely in the desert and really wants to spend time with you and is super confident and sweet. You are right about Pam, also, by the way. She is super abusive and drinks too much beer every night and treats her daughter, Penny, unfairly. She also speaks like she is living in texas. The wizard is kind of weird but he is also cool because of his magic. Krobus is amazing and he is the opinion for the aromantics as you can have him move into your house and he gives you hugs instead of kisses and is amazing. The dwarf hates Krobus because of a war between the dwarfs and the shadow people so he kind of sucks. Krobus is adorable. Jas and Vincent are both kind of weird like no one cares about them. I mean Jas is more interesting because she is related to Shane and Marine and Vincent is interesting because his dad, Kent, has ptsd from fighting in the war. Kent is kind of weird and has a freakout because of popcorn because of his ptsd. Pierre is not like Harvey at all, he steals credit for your crops and only cares about money and nothing else. No one really likes him. Evelyn is the nicest person ever as she makes cookies for you and says you can call her Granny. Everyone likes her so much. Jodi is kind of boring and depressed because she has no freedom and spends her entire life taking care of her kids, Sam and Vincent. Demetris is awful. Linus and Leo go together because they both like nature and are kind of connected to it. Lewis is not. He steals money from the town and uses it to make gold statues of himself. He is dating Marine and refuses to make their relationship public even though no one would care and is toxic. Also, the others you did not mention are Caronline and Clint and George and Gus so I am just going to explain them. Caroline is Pierre’s husband and might be cheating on him so you know… kind of bad… whatever. She is fine I guess, it is weird, no one really cares about her. Clint has a crush on Emily and is super creepy about it and is kind of disgusting and tries to be like a sob story so not thank you. George is super grumpy and rude and is in a wheelchair because of a mining accident. Gus is amazing and kind of knows everything about everyone.
Onto the next section, okay? Grandpa looks blue because he is a ghost who visits you in your third year. I do not like him. It is weird. The governor is actually like you think he is, he has no clue about anything and just wants to visit once a year to literally just eat soup. (I am not kidding, look it up, promise you.) Marlon is actually like you say and he has a crush on Marnie and is a perfect opinion for her. Birdie is part of ginger island and is super sweet and gives you fairy dust and you find something for her to remind her of her husband who died in a tragic accident. It is amazing to do because you get an award and it is just wholesome and kind of sad. Gil does supply items and he is like a moment away from death basically so you are right. Gunther is awesome and yeah, kind of suspicious but great. Okay. That is all of the villagers summarized for you.
Woo boy, you gave me a whole novel!
well, here are some of my thoughts:
Penny isn't necessarily bad at cooking,(from what I know) she just shouldn't experiment. She's also shy and emotionally sensitive
Emily is what I believe people call a "Cristal girl" not necessarily a psychopath, she also seems to have her "head in the clouds" and yeah, positive most of the time.
Ermm... actually☝️🤓 Harvey takes 10% of however much gold you have.
Dang, you kept Alex one short! But yeah, same thing as Hayley but with the ego and the sexism if you're a girl. He also lives with Grany Eveiln and Granpa Jorge because his mother died and the father was presumably abusive
To be fair to ghost grandpa, he's stuck haunting the farm until you can get the perfection statue so he kinda can't move on lmao!
Marlon is also a cool adventurer who will go down in the dangerous mines to get your stuff if you pay him
I wouldn't say Demetrius hates Sebastian, he just has a huge favoritism problem. He's also a very logical thinker from what I can interpret in his dialog
And to be fair to Clint... the Farmer's also kinda a stalker...in more ways than one...
But I'm not here to argue anything, I'm just sharing some thoughts. You have a right to think whatever you want about whatever character
Overall pretty good! 👍
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alpinewritings · 2 years
starry night [bucky barnes one shot]
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summary: AU [year: 2019, sam and bucky are normal civilians]. it's a wedding and james, sam, your friends and you are invited… anything could happen, right?
pairing: (au) bucky barnes x fem!reader (y/n)
word count: 4,019
warnings: smut [explicit sex] so minors do NOT interact with this post, public sex, fingering, hair grabbing, unprotected oral sex - fem/male receiving; swearing [language!], praise kink, alcohol, fluff maybe and pet names.
a/n: well, hello! this is my first one shot and i'm not sure if i'll ever write another one. i've always written for myself and never finished anything so let's see how this goes. Y/N calls bucky “james” bc that’s how he introduced himself to her. it's my first smut too so… don't judge! i hope you all like this, comment on it so i can read your thoughts!! Y/N's thoughts appear in cursive while bucky's are in bold cursive. this is what came out of a dream i had btw...
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You are standing alone just looking at them. Your friends are all dancing together having fun. You only stand there smiling, admiring the scene and wondering what you did to surround yourself which such amazing people.
The ceremony was beautiful, all of you shared tears. It was celebrated at the coast, above the small cliff that ends up at the tiny cove that most people call "lit cove". It really looks illuminated when the golden hour sun hits it. You and your friends were mesmerized by the scene of the couple pronouncing their vows with the sunset hitting at the west. However, the party was even better. A big country house destined to celebrations that you loved visiting when you were young only to hang out around the horses. The main ballroom has a bar at the end and tables at its sides where guests sat to have dinner.
That's how you met them. That's how you met him. James and Sam were placed on you and your friends table too, so you got to know them. They seemed to be fun so you all ended up hanging out together during the whole evening. James is a bit shy though. Shy? Or quiet? Yeah, maybe quiet is the word. When you and your friends decided it was time to go dancing, Sam and James stayed at the table just talking… Until Sam got infected by the music and joined you, so you looked at James. You wanted him dancing too, of course you wanted him to dance around you. But he didn't, he just stayed there glancing at you, an almost-empty glass of wine held with his left hand before he disappeared. It wasn't until you approached the table to hydrate yourself after a dance session when you saw him again.
Going back to the present moment, you are smiling. You smile until you see a figure moving by the corner of your left eye. So you turn your head that way. James is coming back with an empty glass of champagne and he is smiling too. And he is getting closer to you. Damn he looks fine. Of course, your alcohol is doing all the talking inside your head. Is it though? He nods when he stops next to you, and smiles more. He is already so close you can feel the fabric of his black suit jacket brushing against the bare skin of your arm. You go back to looking at your friends before he starts thinking it's weird. But you wanna look at him, you’d be admiring him for hours.
"How long do you think they'll be there dancing?" he asked leaning his side to you so you can hear him better.
"As long as there's music, I'm sure…" you drank what was left of your glass and put it back on the table. "What about your friend?"
"As long as he sees me," he replied.
"What do you mean?" you glanced at him, curious.
"He won't give me a break, especially when he's drunk," you both looked at Sam doing weird movements you're not sure you can consider that dancing. "Yeah… And I bet he is".
You laughed, but you got distracted by his cologne. It is orange blossom and… Something smokey maybe. It's strong, but soft at the same time. You wish you could smell his scent for a little bit longer.
"I'm gonna head out again," James said. "See you–"
"There are horses back there," you rushed onto talking. You desperately need to keep you by his company, you don't feel like dancing anymore but neither to sit at the table alone. And you don't feel like being away from him for some reason. "A few meters away from the pool, worth seeing."
"Do you wanna show me around, then?"
That gets you by surprise, because you thought you could keep making him talk to you for a couple of minutes more with that but never thought you'd get that proposal. You are happy to take that offer, for sure. So you nod.
It is a clear night, and the sky, full of stars. The fact that the moon isn't on it tonight makes the stars visible. It is like appreciating a Christmas tree: shiny and calming. Summer makes the air feel heavier, thicker and stickier. You are glad that you are wearing a sleeveless dress, a champagne-colored midi number made of silk. Your heels slenderize your figure, making you look taller, curvier and… juicy. And James noticed that. He noticed that damn well, because the fabric of your dress makes your body shine under the lights. He couldn't stop looking at you while you were dancing in the middle of the room. Sometimes the billowy dress would award the fortunate observer a glimpse of your upper thighs; someone who, by means of coincidence, was looking at the right place at the right time.
James appreciated your charisma and that dimple that would peek its way through the corner of your smile when he was sharing with you a funny anecdote. But he also appreciated your body moving like a hurricane in the middle of the turmoil and, at that sight, considering that your dress was revealing a little too much so soon, he felt his black suit pants were shrinking second by second around his cock. Fuck…, he thought, knowing that he wouldn't be able to stand up without feeling the embarrassment. He had to leave the room for a few, served with another glass of champagne, to catch some fresh air and clear his head. Or… heads, both.
Your shoes echo through the silence of the night, only to be accompanied by James’. Not knowing why, you feel extremely nervous, scared of doing something weird that embarrassed yourself in front of this man. You get it together inside your head, but your body demonstrates otherwise.
You try to unlock the fence with your sweaty, flickering hands so that both of you can enter the stable, but without much success. James does the job for you, holding the fence up so you can get in, having to walk under his right arm. He sees you falter, and he smirks. You smile much more while showing James all of the horses, some of the names you still remember, deciding on which name the horses you don't know look like. There is something about the way both of you walk and talk quietly inside the stable, so the horses don't get agitated. It feels intimate, like you are telling each other secrets. You glance at him secretly while he pets one of the horses. His profile is something else, but when he looks back at you, there's something inside of you that is making your blood boil. Like the one heading to your inner thighs after he sends you a winning smile.
You both decide to leave the horses alone again, but stay outside next to a covered well full of flowerpots on it. James supports himself against the wall with his left forearm while folding his right knee in front of the other leg, adopting a really cheeky position (and attitude). He wouldn't stop looking at you standing in front of him, so you have to ask.
"What?" and you smile.
"Nothing," but he smirks. Oh, those lips...
You unconsciously bite your lower lip, trying to hold your nervous smile, so there's no other choice for James that looking straight at it. "Then, why are you looking at me like that?" you question again.
He laughs, leaning back his head, and it's like music to your ears. You feel your guts expanding inside your body like they were floating, and you feel that your stomach do flips too. Bucky keeps staring at you with a smirk on his face. You get closer.
"Seriously, what is it?” you say partly laughing, partly hiding the fact that he's killing you.
James laughs once again, "can't I look at you?" He caresses your arm from your shoulder down to your elbow, sending shivers down your spine. "You look amazing, Y/N".
He bites his lower lip, and glances at yours. You bite yours too, which makes James want to kiss you.
And he does. He grabs you by your waist to bring you dangerously closer to him. And he kisses you, towering over you, placing one of his hands at the side of your face to cup you, and leaving the other at your lower back. You are dumbfounded at first, but you quickly, effortlessly give in to his charms, placing your hands around the back of his neck. It's a rough kiss, giving both of you the sensation that you waited your whole lives to kiss each other.
James’ hands travel from your lower back down to your ass. You whimper at those big hands gripping your skin as if he wants to prevent you from escaping. The veins of his hands, clearly standing out of his skin. One of your hands grips his hair while the other travels down to his chest. It’s clear that you can’t get enough of him. Your body keeps heating up second by second, which will need to be cooled down sooner or later. James turns you over leaning your body against the well and grabs one of your thighs so hard you feel it’s gonna go numb. Your pussy feels his cock inside his pants rubbing against the fabric of your dress, and his hand squishing your leg even more. You gasp at the feeling of both, and that is a welcoming greet to James’ tongue, which enters into your mouth, touching your tongue. It makes you feel dizzy, and even more when he grabs your other leg and sits you on the well making a flowerpot fall to the floor, breaking into pieces.
You look down at the pot, feeling a bit of relief when you noticed it was empty. You are about to say something, but James positioning his finger on your chin to make you look at him again cut you off.
“Don’t worry about that, doll” James said. You hold your breath at that nickname. “Am I gonna have to do something else to make you pay attention to me, and only me?” he asks, lowering his body to the floor, kneeling in front of you.
You hold yourself on the well by putting both hands beside your body, noticing that you are still holding your breath.
James separates your legs while looking at you, knowing how bad you want it by watching your chest rise up and down even though he isn’t doing anything right now. He smirks. He feels like a champ because he knows what you have been missing all this time.
You feel his digits caressing your leg up until he reaches your burgundy panties which he doesn’t doubt even a bit to put to one side, so he has a better view of your cunt. He gives it a look only to connect his eyes to yours after. He kisses the inside of your thighs caringly. First the right one, and when you think he is about to press a kiss on your clit, he stops really close to it. You can feel his warm breath. So close, you think. You shut your eyes and wait for it to happen, dying inside, not being able to hold yourself together any longer. James smirks, and that’s when he knows you’re needy. He keeps moving his head towards your left thigh and press another soft kiss on your heated skin. What the... You open your eyes straightaway to look at him.
“So needy”, he keeps smirking. “Patience, sweetheart”, and he bites your inner thigh leaving a mark you never want to see disappear. You whimper at the feeling.
You can hear ‘Wild Side’ by Normani playing faraway in the background, inside the ballroom, just as James is making you go wild.
“Please…”, you beg. James gives you a glance while he caresses your body from your lower back and up. “Do it, please James…”
Such a good girl…, he says in his head. You see James’ eyes looking into yours more deeply than ever during that night. He gives you a piercing, fix stare, even when his tongue first touches your clit. He never stops looking at your expressions, your moans, the places where you put your hands. He is the most attentive guy you have been with. James closes his eyes to enjoy what he is doing to you: the way you taste, the sounds that leave your throat. He’s proud of how he’s making you feel.
He licks your folds up and down, slowly but passionately, until he stops on your clit to suck it. Your eyes roll back at the feeling. James continues licking your clit in every direction you love. You feel one of his fingers slipping inside, his digit pressing that spot that is making you lose it. The movements of his tongue around your clit intensifies and speeds up. Your body starts giving him signs that you are about to cum, so James puts his hand on your mouth. You slowly open it, and James doesn’t hesitate to insert two of his fingers inside which you take without hesitation, and that makes you moan.
However, right when you feel yourself finishing, you hear a familiar voice coming from behind.
“Hey, Buck–…”, screams Sam looking for both of you. “Oh, shit… Shhhhit”, he whispers when he realizes what James is doing when he peeks Sam from between your legs. Sam turns around even though he couldn’t see anything just to give both of you some privacy.
You freak out and close your legs as soon as James gets up and relocate your dress to cover up your thighs. You don’t even dare to look at Sam as the embarrassment makes you feel really uncomfortable. You feel how damp you are when you stand up, leaving your panties completely ruined. Your heart is pounding hard inside your chest and on your clit, but Sam’s annoying presence killed the mood completely. James stands in front of you to cover you, as he saw your face get chili red when you heard Sam.
“Sam, later.” James states authoritatively, so Sam walks towards the compound straightway. “Sorry about that,” you turn to him and melt at his face expression: guilty, embarrassed and apologetic eyes glancing at yours. “This guy, just… That’s what I meant when I told you he never leaves me alone,” he laughs.
“Don’t worry uh,… It’s not your fault.” You walked away towards the viewpoint not being able to hold his gaze for that long because you still remember how his tongue was moving around your slit. You lick your lips, disappointed because you miss his mouth already.
James ducks down, but he isn’t the kind of person that leave things unfinished. He walks towards you while you keep looking to the depth of the forest spreading in front of you, under the night sky. You feel his hands sliding around your waist, and his boner pressed against your butt. James hugs you from behind and kisses your neck, your shoulder and your collar bone, creating heated waves of pleasure like the ripples of water originated from just a single drop.
“James…” you moan, almost in a whisper.
He bites your earlobe, making your eyes roll back once again. You feel his stubble pleasantly scratching your neck while he's leaving warm kisses all over your skin. You hold onto his forearms, completely wrapped around you, and when your digits reach the veins of his hands you turn around, not being able to resist anymore. James moans when he meets your mouth, welcoming your passionate kiss as hungry as he is. He gets chills at the back of his neck when you reach for his dark hair.
“I need more...” you gasp completely out of breath as you push him to the closest wall you find.
You receive James' aroused sight as he looks at your mouth like a champion, glad that he feels just the same as you did when he was eating your pussy. You take slow steps towards him without breaking the eye contact and you feel his desperation to kiss you, touch you again. Until you both do, until his lips connect with yours one more time.
“God, you make me crazy” he whispers between breaths, which makes you giggle.
The whimper he lets out after you start touching his cock over his pants feels like music to your ears, a better melody than any artist could ever create. You take off his belt and glance down to it for a second. His bulge was significantly visible under his trousers, so you unzip them to free him from it. You take a second to admire his length and wrap your hand delicately around it. James sighs out of desperation.
“Sweet Jesus, doll...” he says while you spit on his dick and start rubbing it around it.
His penis feels so warm on your hand, and you look at him to remember how the pleasure you are giving him is making him feel. James rests his head on the wall breathing in deeply as he keeps forgetting to do so. You focus on his jaw muscles flexing, creating that sharp line that could cut your lips when you kiss it. He looks so well it excites you, so you lick his length from the base to the head. He moans a bit louder when you stop your tongue on his frenulum, making him roll his eyes. Flicking it up and down, and then you move again to his head to roll your tongue around it. You take it in.
James keeps moaning, groaning and pulling on your hair to have a better view of your face. You like it, and it turns you on even more (if that was even possible). One of your hands reach for his balls, stroking them gently.
“Oh my fucking... God, damn”, James whimpers. “I’m not gonna be able to hold it any longer, Y/N”
You take his dick out of your mouth, jerking it with your hand, to catch your breath. You open your eyes to look at him, “then don’t”, you reply. “Cum for me, James”.
You open your lips to suck on his cock again, taking it deep into your throat. James groans, and right after you pull him out again to breathe, he curses repetitively. You open your mouth widely, getting ready for him to cum on it while you jerk his length fast. “Oh, god...” he moans, and at that he creams your tongue and lips when he finishes. You smile taking it all in, licking and cleaning all of his cock, still stroking it to help him get the last of it.
“Shit, doll...”, he whispers while he combs your hair with his hands. “That’s it, take it all...”, and he sees you swallow. “Good girl”.
James zips his pants. He cups your face and lifts your chin so that you stand up in front of him. He kisses you, getting a taste of his own cum. He turns you around and pushes you against the wall, making you whimper. You never thought that this was gonna happen at the wedding, nor that he was gonna be the subject of your desires, but you greet the fact that he is even if you don’t know if you’ll be able to experience this again with a man like him.
You feel his hand touching your body, memorizing every single curve of it. He massages your breast and his other hand travels downwards. James reaches your thigh and holds it firmly to make you hug his hip with it. That’s how he gets a better access to your cunt again. You feel him touch you over your panties, until he stops the kiss to look at you, surprised.
“You’re so damn wet...”, he whispers.
“That’s how you make me feel,” you reply, grinding onto his fingers, desperate to feel them touch your clit.
“Oh yeah?” he asks, moving your aside so that he can directly touch your slit. “Grind on me”, he orders.
You start moving your hips back and forth slowly, pushing back the rush of having the orgasm that was taken from you before. However, it is such a hard task especially while you feel James’ serious eyes watching as you move even with your eyes closed. You feel his presence without looking at him, not even aware of how hard he can be when his partner starts getting more sexually comfortable around him. He doesn’t wanna go too far tonight, not sure if you can take it or not yet.
“Go faster”, he demands. His hoarse voice after cumming, making you vibrate inside.
You grind on his fingers as fast as you can. Feeling your clit pounding harder second by second, and at the verge of an orgasm. Your pussy, dripping already, signals you to hold the rhythm... and you do. “James, I... I’m gonna cum”, you moan, tattooing his name on your throat.
“Cum for me, Y/N”, he says. “Show me how good that feels”.
You let yourself go. James covers your mouth with his other hand to stop your scream. The fact that you could have been caught again by someone else was making this feel even more exciting. He watches you hold your breath, and then gasping for it while you keep moaning deeply. Your legs start shaking, so James helps you keep your balance by holding one of your legs. You sinked your claws on his arms, and feel guilty about it now. He doesn’t, though. He likes it very much.
“You’re such a good girl...”, he says before pecking your lips.
You start laughing out of pleasure, feeling your cum wet your underwear even more. “That was... amazing.”
He smiles, putting a lock of your hair behind your ear. “We’ll do this again.” You nod to that excited, making James not being able to hold his authoritative temper and laugh at it.
He helps you stand up. You relocate your dress again as if nothing had happened under that starry night sky. You look at him and smile. James kisses you once again, more gentle this time, and his hands placed on your cheeks. “We should go back”, you say.
“Oh yeah? Should we?”, he looks up, joking. “No, I don’t think so, doll”, he continues, softly roaring.
You laugh at him, letting his arms lift you up around in the air while he hugs you. He smiles fondly at you, deciding that this isn’t gonna be the last night you would see each other again. That tonight, something awoke in both of you after you first met at the table. There was a glimpse of light inside James’ eyes, and a bit of dark inside yours. As if both of you balanced your scales with each other. He lets you down on the floor, and you hold his hand while you walk towards the compound entrance.
“We should dance” he offers, making you twirl in front of him while you walk next to each other.
“Oh...”, you look at him playfully, noticing you aren’t gonna escape from the other for the rest of the night. “Now you wanna dance?”.
“Hell yeah I do”.
You both step into the dance room, rocking your bodies in harmony while everyone looks at you, wondering whatever happened. A secret you are determined to keep sharing with this man in front of you forever.
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Forgotten Lands: Summer Solstice - Fae!Steve Rogers x Reader
A/N: Happy summer solstice! This was the drabble idea I had that sparked this whole AU!
Summary: You’ve lived in the Fae world for a few months now and have grown close to its occupants, especially close to one in particular.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: FLUFF! Kind of a cliff hanger?
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
AU Masterlist / Masterlist
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Summer Solstice
The entire estate was already buzzing with energy when you awoke sun streaming in through the gaps in the curtains. Noks had found himself a perfect sun spot his black fur looking almost blue and he purred in his sleep.
With the help of Kallie the half-nymph maid, you dressed in a pale yellow gown that was light and loose enough to keep you cool in the summer heat. To finish the look she braided small delicate yellow and blue flowers into your hair.
Once you stepped outside the festivities were in full swing already, the entire court celebrating the summer solstice. Music was floating through the air, tables were full of fresh fruit and other delicacies. Children were running around and playing with the Maypole.
You had just rounded the corner when Noks jumped out of your arms and ran straight over to Alpine who was sitting on a nearby wall. Bucky was stood not too far away with Steve and as a shadow passed overhead you knew that Sam was flying above you.
Walking over to Steve you gave him a small bow of the head “Happy Summer Solstice” you greeted.
“Happy Summer Solstice” he smile’s with his own bow of the head “Are you enjoying the festivities?”
“Yes, I’ve never celebrated summer solstice before” you admit glancing around at the festivities, there weren’t many holidays in the human world anymore, and the few that remained you had been too poor to really celebrate.
“Well by all means take full advantage and enjoy the day” Steve smiles softly.
“I will thank you Steve” You smile with another bow of your head before making your way towards the table full of fresh fruit.
For the rest of the day, you enjoyed the day and all the festivities, eating the glorious food, and enjoying the good weather. You had even been coaxed into dancing with Steve.
When the song ended Steve linked his arm with yours and leaned down to whisper in your ear “I have something to show you, if you’d let me”
You blinked a couple of times, still somewhat entranced by his proximity but you managed to nod your head in answer. He smiled softly down at you before leading you away from the main hub of the party and towards one of the many gardens.
He took you to one of your favourite gardens in the estate, it was always much quieter than the others and always looked so beautiful with the wide variety of colours and flowers.
It always smelt amazing too, your arm slipping out from Steve’s as you stepped closer to take a sniff of the glorious scent. The noise of Steve clearing his throat had you looking back over towards him.
“I have a summer solstice present for you” Steve said the corners of his lips tugging into a poorly concealed smile.
“You got me a present?” Your eyes widen in surprise as you looked at the gorgeous fae male you had slowly fallen in love with, but had yet to admit it out loud, you hadn’t even been brave enough to kiss him.
“Of course” he smiled softly “Close your eyes and hold out your hands”
You did as he said, your teeth running over your lower lip as you waited for whatever he placed in your hands. After a moment you felt a smooth cool wooden box being placed in your palms.
“Can I open my eyes?” You asked, brow arching.
Steve let out a warm chuckle “Yes you may”
You opened your eyes, your gaze instantly falling on the long rectangular box in your palms. You instantly guess it was a bracelet, one that would cost more than you could ever dream to earn in the human realm.
“Open it” Steve encourages, his excitement yet nervous energy rolling off of him in waves.
You carefully open the box, surprised to find a gorgeous black feather quill resting on the velvet instead of a bracelet. Your lips parted in amazement as you carefully lifted it from the box, marvelling over its iridescence as it caught the sunlight.
“It’s beautiful, what kind of bird did this feather come from,” you ask unable to take your eyes off of it.
“It’s from a wild pegasus, they’re extremely rare mostly because few are brave enough to get close enough to pluck one” Steve explains moving to stand just behind you.
“Are there not tame pegasus? I thought other courts held them” you say glancing over your shoulder.
“There are, but for reasons that even our greatest scholars cannot understand, feathers plucked from tame pegasus cannot retain magic”
You spin round to face him “Magic?”
A smile tugs at his lips as he looks down at you “Yes, this quill is enchanted” Your lips part in surprise, your gaze returning to the feather wondering whether the iridescence was actually magic “You said you wished to write stories but cannot translate what you see in your head into words, this quill will do it for you”
Your jaw was nearly on the floor at this point, you had only mentioned your desire to write once. The time Steve took you on a tour of these very gardens and asked you what your dream was back in the human realm. You hadn’t thought much of that conversation since, it had been a dream that you never thought would become reality.
You had learnt from a young age that no matter how much you dreamed of a different life you would never be more than a poor peasant that fixed clothes for spare coppers. You were just lucky that you had been taught to read and write, something many others in your position weren’t taught to do.
“H-how?” You stutter in disbelief.
“In all the centuries I’ve been alive I learnt it best not to question the how, it can cause an awful headache,” Steve says with a playful smirk “Here try it out for yourself,” he says conjuring up a blank piece of parchment and wooden board out of thin air.
Your hand were shaking as you took the board from him, his gentle finger taking the wooden case from you in return. Resting the tip of the quill against the paper you were surprised to find it already held ink. Another enchantment on it you supposed. You glance up at Steve to see him watching you in anticipation, suddenly making you shy to write in front of him.
Quickly turning your back on him you took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You let your mind wander and begin to dream up a story about a prince and princess walking through a gorgeous garden, just like the one you were in now. You could picture it all so clearly, the handsome prince, the smell of the roses. The warmth in his blue-green eyes and a gentle smile on his plump pink lips.
You pictured him gently taking the princess's hand, halting her in her stride. You could see the blush spreading across his cheeks and the tips of his ears as he gazed lovingly down at the princesses. You could practically hear his melodic soft voice as he professed his love for her.
“Very romantic” Steve hummed behind you, so close you felt his breath brush across the shell of your ear.
You are startled out of your daydream, spinning around to face Steve. You blink a couple of times, your chest heaving as you tried to get control of yourself. Something that seemed impossible with him stood so close, his comforting scent enveloping you in a warm embrace.
You managed to glance down at the parchment your eyes widening in surprise when you saw the exact story you has just pictured in your head written out before you. It was real. Your thoughts and daydreams were right here in front of you in writing. You hadn’t even realised the quill had moved yet you had filled nearly the entire page. You must have been close to completely falling off when Steve spoke.
Heat rushed to your cheeks when you realised Steve had been reading your writing over your shoulder. You pull the board close to your chest in an attempt to stop him from reading more. Praying that he didn’t realise the prince you had pictured was actually him.
“It seems to work well” he nods “and hopefully one day you’ll no longer need it” he adds with a kind smile.
You couldn’t help the smile that played on your lips, knowing that he didn’t mean that one day you’d stop writing, but that one day you’d have the confidence in your own abilities.
A lump of emotion grew in your throat as you blinked back the tears “Thank you Steve, this means the world to me” you managed to say.
Steve smiled softly, giving you a small bow of his head “You’re welcome, I look forward to reading your first novel”
You bit your lip and let out a watery chuckle, shaking your head gently “I can only apologise that I did not get you a present”
Steve gently shakes his head “You have already given me so much” he says softly.
Looking up at him your lips part in surprise when you realise the look in his eyes matched the look you had pictured in the prince's eyes. A look you never thought would leave your imagination, yet here it was.
You knew it should terrify you, and in some way may it did a little. Steve was a fae, a being that belonged in childhood stories, ones used to frighten children into behaving. And you were just human, completely ordinary.
You could feel your heart hammering in your chest and a tugging sensation that wished to pull you in his direction. So you decided to stop listening to your brain and listen to your heart instead. Letting the tugging sensation pull you closer to him, a hand resting on his chest as you rose up onto your tip toes and gently brushed your lips against his.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
This series has no schedule, please don’t ask when it will be updated!
AU Masterlist / Masterlist
I don’t have a tag list so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications for updates!
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wintrsss · 1 year
『Short S/O Hcs.』
Fandom: Death Stranding.
Characters: Sam, Higgs, Cliff.
Genre: Fluff, Headcanon.
Warnings: None, reader is gender neutral!
Requests open!
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Sam Porter Bridges
Your height doesn't matter to him, it's not something you can control and he understands that
...Is what he wants to say-
As much as he denies and denies it, he'll always hold a soft spot for that feature of you
But don't get me wrong, it's not like he babies you, he knows you can handle yourself with most things
But he can't help himself but feel at least a little more protective of you
He doesn't want you accidentally getting yourself hurt over this, so he always tries to help you out with things when he can
Especially with carrying heavy objects. It's really no biggie for him, being a porter and all
(Please let him, it gives him peace of mind)
Okay okay hear me out, Sam is a little silly sometimes, and during those 'sometimes', he tends let's his intrusive thoughts out
What I'm trying to say is that he's definitely tried throwing his cap on your head just for fun
He's quirky, gotta love it
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Higgs Monaghan
I'm so sorry
He's gonna bully the living hell out of you for it, it's just so hilarious to him
Calls you names like 'short stuff' or 'lowrider' whenever he gets the chance
He will also purposely put things that he knows you commonly use on a higher shelf
Which ends up to be a win for him no matter what you choose to do about it
If you choose to climb over things and get it yourself, he'll get to see how silly you look while doing so, letting out a laugh here n' there
And if you ask him to get it, well, he gets the satisfaction of having you depend on him
Your height also fuels his ego quite a bit, seeing as he can easily just tower over you
His teasing is subject to change depending on his mood; sometimes they're done in a playful manner or purely to make fun of you
Either you get that or you get his teasing teasing
The type of teasing where he roughly grabs you by the jaw and forces you to look up at him, saying something along the lines of "My eyes are up here hun."
Yeah, being short does not excuse him from being rough or mean with you, that'll always stay the same. In fact, it may have given him even more chances to mess with you
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Cliff Unger
He loves your height difference and always makes it known to you
Not with nicknames, no, but it is shown through his physical affection
Like during hugs, he places his chin atop your head, holding your body close
Or greeting you with forehead kisses so that you guys won't have to strain your necks to reach eachother
But of course, he will bend down if you want
He's totally still gonna want to teach you how to dance, as it's something he's passionate about
Lemme just say, he loves hugging your smaller form from behind when you two are in bed, since you're easy to hold
And unlike Higgs, Cliff is a gentleman with you, and is more than happy to help you with things you can't reach, whether it be by carrying you or getting it himself
That being said, even though he likes carrying you, he won't actually wont do it often! He doesn't want to spoil you with them, so you'll only get them occasionally
He's honestly the complete opposite to Higgs in this aspect, Cliff loves you and wants you to know it no matter what
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aneptuniana · 9 months
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LIFE COULD BE A DREAM [spotify] - 2h
"do you ever long for true love from me?"
"98.6" - keith // "do you wanna dance" - the mamas & the papas // "everything that touches you" - the association // "good morning starshine" - oliver // "up-up and away" - the 5th dimension // "walking in the rain" - the ronettes // "the rain, the park and the other things" - the cowsills // "a girl like you" - the young rascals // "when you walk into the room" - jackie deshannon // "stand by me" - the walker brothers // "i hear a symphony" - the supremes // "i've got my mind set on you" - james ray // "stay awhile" - dusty springfield // "baby now that i've found you" - the foundations // "turn on your love light" - bobby "blue" bland // "the way you the things you do" - the temptations // "this magic moment" - marvin gaye // "my love" - petula clark // "123" - len barry // "bend me, shape me" - the american breed // "gimme some lovin'" - the spencer davis group // "i'm gonna make you mine" - lou christie // "the young ones" - cliff richard & the shadows // "he's so fine" - jody miller // "friday on my mind" - the easybeats // "do you believe in magic?" - the lovin' spoonful // "itchycoo park" - the small faces // "i'm alive" - the hollies // "she's got everything" - the kinks // "never my love" - astrud gilberto // "crimson & clover" - tommy james & the shondells // "funnel of love" - wanda jackson // "fever" - the mccoys // "lady bird" - nancy sinatra and lee hazlewood // "the letter" - the arbors // "the more i see you" - chris montez // "count me in" - gary lewis & the playboys // "there's a kind of hush" - herman's hermits // "give him a great big kiss" - the shangri-las // "a groovy kind of love" - wayne fontana & the mindbenders // "everlasting love" - robert knight // "having a party" - sam cooke // "baby i need your loving" - the four tops // "hot fun in the summertime" - sly & the family stone
[gapless playback and automix on - crossfade 5s]
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citrus-blade · 4 months
DNB brainrot from the hospital (which I should be allowed to leave tomorrow!!). There's an omegaverse Au that has been dancing around in my mind. It doesn't have a set story yet and not a name, so when you got some name ideas tell me please! or like any ideas/questions, just hop in my ask! :D
Some stuff:
Alphas are really rare and are basically born just every 50 years or so
Alphas are 'presents from gods' and just appear in camps one day lol
Alphas and Omegas have horns!! Cause horns are cool af! Alpha horns are bigger than Omegas'!
They also all have WINGS! Cause those are cool as well! -> Look of wings depend from which region they are (like nether, snow biom, desert, etc.) and also the character of the person!
They also have cute loopy ears like sheep/cows cause I think they're cute
They live in camps! There are multiple camps in each region, lead by most likely a family that helped build the camp!
Most of the time those camps are really hostile towards each other cause they all want the next Alpha!
When an Alpha leaves their camp they grew up in (cause they aren't allowed to stay there, it's like a rule made between the camps) they actively look for an Omega
Omegas have traps to actively hunt for Alphas to get them into their camp -> that's because Alphas are stronger than Omegas and can help protect the camp -> They also have their 'Alpha voice' which can also help protect the camp -> Also as said Alphas are 'presents from gods' so they really want them to have that god's blessing
An Alpha has a fated Omega, but they really rarely find each other so the Alpha most often settles for the best suited partner they can find in a certain period of time
Alphas are not allowed to be with Betas
It's NOT civilized or modern with technology!
Every person in a camp has their role (leader, healers, hunters, gathering, upbringing, etc.) [IT'S KINDA LIKE WARRIOR CATS I JUST NOTICED?????]
Even though most of the stuff from camps are on the ground, most people have their houses build into trees or cliffs!
Omegas and Alphas can make noises for communication (like clicking or chirping)
They all have unique scents (like regular omegaverse stuff)
Some Traps from Omegas:
They use their slick to lure Alphas in
Traps to force Alphas on the ground and stop them from flying away (also used for enemy camps)
Traps that can damage wings temporarily (When the Alpha is found they make traps that damage wings permanently for enemy camps)
Deathly traps for enemy camps
Mating ritual stuff - For all kind of relationships (Alpha/Omega, Omega/Omega, Beta/Omega, Beta/Beta)
Omega paints Alphas horns
Gift giving (jewelry, weapons, food, clothes)
Fighting (to show off strength)
The last step is when the Alpha's rut is close there is a 'hunt' -> The Alpha gotta hunt down his chosen Omega they had been courting -> The Omega has to seriously try to get away and not get caught -> The Alpha has 24 hours, once the sun sets -> They can fail by not catching the Omega -> That means they aren't ready yet and need to keep courting till their next rut -> That's only a step for Alpha/Omega couples
Characters and their roles so far! (not sure about all of them yet)
Technoblade (Alpha, raised in the Nether)
Dream (Omega, biom not sure yet)
Philza (Beta, raised Techno)
Wilbur (Beta, born in nether but left)
Tommy (Omega, lives in Nether)
George (Omega, Biom not sure yet but with Dream)
Sapnap (Omega, Biom not sure yet but with Dream)
Puffy (Dream's parent!)
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plaqying · 8 months
sweetheart headcanons
sweetheart headcanons bc im relistening to milo's playlist for the hundredth time
sugar mommy/daddy/parental figure. they are definitely rich, and constantly buys stuff for the pack
raging mommy issues, but has the worlds best dad (basically the opposite of milo)
knows how to pole dance. dont even ask
enjoys horror games like mortuary assistant, silent hill and dead space, but loves games like sally face, fran bow, undertale, ddlc (they are yet to trick milo into playing this), omori and nso (idk what horror genre youd call this)
asked marie for help when they wanted to get better at healing
was 100% a fandom kid, specifically ddlc and undertale (self-projecting rn)
was a "pleasure to have in class"
is still scared of losing milo after inversion, which is why they like listening to his heartbeat cuz it reminds them that he's still there (someone commented this on the sleep aid vid and i cried)
was so happy when they met sam cuz it meant they werent the only empowered non shifter at pack meetings/solstices there
good at every single video game except minecraft. angel tried to get them to play it and they immediately fell off a cliff or something
gifted kid burnout
can only cook mac n cheese. other than that theyre almost as bad as asher
their mom was allergic to cats and they were never let near any, and got very excited when they met aggro since he was one of the first cats they had seen in a long time
always covered in cat fur
david is scared of them and they find it hilarious
the only one of the mates who actually met gabe (this is actually canon but whatever)
sometimes they'll explain empowered stuff to angel and babe, like how the department works and stuff
fully explained the covert thing asher got in trouble for to babe (they didnt explain how his name mysteriously disappeared from DUMPS list tho)
they kick absolute ass with babe playing just dance
contantly takes the piss outa milo and sams accent
really tall (same height as ash)
thats all i can think of rn, ill probably come up with more and post them separately, but i just wanted to get these idea out quickly before i forget about them
remember to not take any of this seriously, and that its all just my opinions and thoughs
luv u x
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h3artbreakaaaaaa · 1 year
The One for you // Shuri Udaku
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Part 1 - Part 2
Warning’s! - Fluff , Making out
Shuri x Black fem!Reader
(Sorry for typos / spelling errors)
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Shuri had dedicated the whole day to you and you only making every moment special looking at every laugh and smile you made while admiring you knowing that she was about to pop the question.
She took you around the city and you too walked around and ate food, danced , laughed and talked the whole time she even brought you flowers which were you favorite kind.
The sun started to go down and which you thought you were going back home but shuri had other plans. She insisted that the night wasn’t over yet.
As you two walked to this secret location shuri seemed nervous like something was going to happen.
You got out of thought until you recognized a familiar pathway which it then clicked in your memory.
Shuri had walked up to the cliff where you two first met in that Same spot that you two had sat in for hours talking and even relating to your experiences as princesses of powerful nations.
She looked at your calming expression knowing that this place would always bring you too peace and harmony even in the worst of times.
Shuri grabbed your hand guiding you the the bench that was there under a beautiful tree, and you both sat down.
“ I had a lot of fun sthandwa ( my love)” you said which would bring and soft smile to her face.
There was a faint silence until Shuri broke that silence.
“ I love you y/n and when I say that “ Shuri said looking at you and you were confused as to why she was saying this you knew she loved you more than anything you are all she has has left except for her nephew.
“ I love you too but why are you saying this?” You say in a fast and concerned tone.
“ I know this my sound crazy but when we first met up here, I knew that I was going to be wife you up. The way you talk to me , take care of me , and make me smile even in my worse times always mad me know that your The One for me.”
You were in shock and really touched by the words she spoke about you. You two always know how to express your love for each other but this had you a different type of weak in the knees.
It made you just want to marry her on the spot.
While in yoy train of thought Shuri had pulled out a velvet box from her pocket. She was wearing a grey sweatsuit but the sweatshirt was cropped and she wore the black and white panda dunks with her beautiful curls.
“ Sthandwa (my love)“ Shuri spoke softly getting your attention. “ Please make me the happiest woman alive and marry me.” She asked softly.
You looked her in the eye with tears forming up in your eyes.
“OF COURSE I WILL” you hugged her and she hugged you too grabbing your waist and pulling you in tighter.
She then pulled back and gently grabbed your chin, and without hesitation placed her soft lips on yours started kissing you.
You kissed her back as she bit your bottom lip wanting to put her tongue in and you opened your mouth more allowing her tongue to dance with yours.
She rubbed your inner thigh and squeezing it while her other hand around your throat.
You moaned in her mouth with made her smile as you two continued to make out and the romantic vibes filled the air.
Shuri the slowly let go looking you in the eye up and down and you could tell she was undressing you in that moment.
You but your lip at her which made her smirk as she grabbed the ring.
She then grabbed your left hand and slid the beautiful ring on your ring finger and you put your hand up to admire it.
Shuri then grabbed your hand and kissed it while making eye contact.
You two then got up and made your way back home.
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You wake up the next morning smelling that perfect smell oh cocoa butter and tree oils coming from behind you as shuri had her hand around your waist waiting for you to wake up.
“ugqibile wena sithandwa sam (your finally up my love)” Shuri said while looking at you.
You thought about her words yesterday reminiscing in your head.
“ I’m glad that I got to be The One for you “ I spoke while Shuri kissed my forehead as we drifted off back into a deep sleep.
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A/n: Hellooo!!! This was a quick little 2 part story that I thought of really quickly. I’m going to be writing a Smut soon which might come later today , I swear I have so many ideas I cannot manage I will also make a Masterlist soon to mention who I will be Writing!!!!
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-7- Prima Ballerina
Once Dawn awoke in the bed of the Birnan Zanan hospital, she was immediately burdened with a flood of questions. Those who did not speak English prodded others to ask: How did you survive? How deep did you go? Were the legends true? What did you see? How did you find your way? How are you alive after your body's trauma? Your organs should have failed. Your leg was recently broken. Were you alone?"
She told them of the hell of being lost and alone in a deep rainforest with venomous creatures, aggressive beasts, slippery mud, deep waters, cliffs, and trees. It wasn't a fairytale, and there was no curse! She hadn't seen anyone but opportunists! THEY murdered her fellow dancers. THEY were the issue.
Some of the smells in the hospital triggered her. She could smell the blood from neighboring rooms. She tucked her robe tightly around herself and folded her arms when the vivid images of hanging men being bled and torn with blood-covered faces returned. They were burned into her memory, as were the ruby red eyes of the stoic prince and the brooding regality of the royal court. She'd never return to a life of blissful ignorance, for she now knew that some legends were real. What else was real? Werewolves? Leprechauns? El Chupacabra? There were people in those woods with unparalleled senses, unrivalved beauty, and immortality. They lived a strange, secluded, and lackluster life that went on even when everyone they loved had died, and they were all stuck in a bubble together for better or worse. Dawn felt Julip's words in her soul. She truly would rather die than live in eternal Hell and servitude.
Fortunately, that part of her life had passed. She recovered faster, stronger, and sturdier than expected by the doctors, and she was able to go back home to New York where her dance company had written her off as dead or missing along with Sam and Makae. They froze when she appeared. It was as if they'd seen a ghost when she arrived to warm up, stretching her long legs at the barre. She'd grown more limber and athletic since Wakanda. Her skin was a little more tight and smooth.
"Missed the plane," she joked to ease the tension, but they wanted answers from A to Z. It took strength to relive the details aloud, moving through traumatic flashbacks explaining how the others were gunned down in the woods. They'd also lost their tour guide in the violence, and Dawn had no clue if he survived. "Makae went quickly," she paused, seeing it happen again. "I don't think she felt too much pain, but Sam," Dawn hesitated. "I was holding onto her."
A hush came as Dawn was met with solemn expressions and some awkward tears, but the most heartbreaking part was explaining the events again to Sam and Makae's families and seeing their pained faces. They needed to know, and they needed the closure, but Dawn felt like the bearer of bad news, shelling out grief. They would have to put their loved ones to rest without bodies to bury, only worn pointe shoes and momentos stuck into the caskets. The only other offering of peace Dawn could provide was through a dance with the company at their respective funerals out of respect for their lives and craft. Her heart was genuine each time, although she never knew the girls well. She meant every good word spoken, but still, it would never hit her like it hit the families who'd lost two very loved people.
She had to go forward and let go.
On the Koch theatre stage, under the designer lights, Dawn's thinning arms undulated in a way that was unduplicable. Her gestures were dynamic and sharp. Her moves expressed great flexibility and vitality. Her effortless storytelling evoked a silencing awe from the packed full house, and by the end of the first act, all were mesmerized.
In act two, flashes of green forestry appeared. She was running without a destination, afraid. She should have died many times, but she didn't. She was lucky to still be alive. Her vision cleared to see the dancers on stage around her. In fact, she felt better than she'd ever felt. She'd never danced this well. No one in her company had.
Dawn stood out as the lead, lost completely in the tragedy of a perplexed woman called Victoria. Victoria was torn between a life of numbing comfort with an older man and a life of fast-paced danger with the man she loved.
Every time she laid eyes on her counterpart to show love through dance, the prince's keen red eyes filled her mind as if he were right there. It was jarring to suddenly see him so clearly. It didn't feel like an illusion. The contour of his bearded jaw, thick neck, and trap muscles under the tunic's blood and water-soaked collar were vivid. Even the feel of the wind on her face felt absolutely real. It unlocked hidden memories of him pulling her from the stream and whisking her away from would-be abductors. The number of times he'd saved her kept adding in her mind as she started to recall things that were previously fuzzy in her mind . They were clear now.
She was amazed. Even her memory was better. She was remembering the most minute details. And yet again, as she was lifted into the air, without her trying, she couldn't help but picture the face of the prince. This was more than trauma. This was an inexplicable connection, messing with her body and mind. She was bound to him by blood, and that connection was beginning to materialize in her every thought and action.
Her counterpart on stage returned her feet to the ground and by the end of act three, the final act, the audience was on their feet making thunderous applause and throwing tall stalks of roses onto the Koch stage. She received an arrangement of them that were half her size. The tragically beautiful story of danger and desire told through her dance had come to a bitter end in a Shakesperean style death, and there was no dry eye, not even on the company dancers.
The role as principal dancer was permanently Dawn's. All who'd been witness to the flawless performance agreed that not one could do it better.
Night after night following, Dawn romanticized her bad experience, almost completely forgetting the hell she'd experienced. She continued to see open sky, beautiful free flying birds, and tall green forest trees instead of the dancers on stage. She was flying and lying in the grass with Deanna and Julip. When her feet were on the floor, she was running in the castle garden's wildflowers, not a stage. Instead of a sold-out crowd, there was only one face before her. Prince N'Jadaka. He was waiting for her with his hand extended, saying, "Come to me." She was enticed. The direction of her thoughts was jarring. Never had he given her any inclination that he liked her. Or had he? She didn't know what was real anymore. The forest was haunting her and drawing her back in. Even in her apartment, she could feel the grass in her hands and on her skin. She'd blank out for nearly an hour at a time. She couldn't stop it, and what REALLY surprised her was that a big part of her didn't want to.
It took a year for her impulses to take over, and without realizing when or how she got there, Dawn found herself mechanically sitting on another international flight arriving in The Golden City, travel bag in tow. It felt somewhat involuntary, like being on autopilot. She picked up a few necessities, including a machete, and snuck past the forest guides, running into the cover of the trees in search of the bear cave that Julip mentioned in his previous directions. She wasn't the same Dawn that left those woods. She was sharper, stronger, and faster. Inexplicably, the impulse to locate Prince N'Jadaka had become stronger than anything else within her. She needed to find him for her sanity.
Dawn wore black rubber boots tall enough to protect her long lithe legs from bites. Her sleeves were long and thin. Her hair was returned to its low naturally kinky bun, protected in a bonnet. Her buttery skin was slathered in sunscreen and repellant.
The lime green birds were there as she'd seen in her mind. Dawn looked up at the sound of flapping and rustling from the tops of the trees flowing in the wind, and it was as though they were calling to her specifically to follow. She followed them, moving quickly but cautiously. The way they flew was not the way she remembered coming or going, but it all looked the same. She couldn't tell what from where.
She remembered once more via flashback being carried away with the wind in a feeling of floating to the edge of the forest. She'd seen the build of his face up close, felt the hardness of his solid body, and his gentle hold.
The memories of being lost in the forest overcame her. She knew she'd been through trauma, but it wasn't hitting her. All the bad feelings were numbed nearly out of existence. As clear as her memories had become, there was a trade-off. Only the good stood out to remain.
There was a swamp ahead that she had to cross quickly, remaining weary of the sitting alligators. The blue heron and the mudfrogs were seemingly harmless, as was the large snapping turtle that ignored her. She trusted the parrots with her life apparently. Onward, she trekked as they led her from high above.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @goldieccentric @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybeee-blog @playgurlxoxo @beaut1fulone-blog @blackerthings @syndrlla97 @ladymac82 @browngirldominion @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @uzumaki-rebellion
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dhorrl · 7 months
Bar Encounter
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Stardew Valley
Trigger Warnings: smut mostly (some anal play, otherwise just regular old from behind action.), drinking.
Some reader description (my farmer has blue hair, so when I wrote this I had that in mind)
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She scanned the bar with her eyes, searching for a friendly face. She spotted Sam and Sebastian at the pool tables and waved back when they waved to her. She was about to head over there when something caught her eye - there was someone at the far end of the bar she didn't recognize. He had short, unkempt hair with neatly shaved sides, sad eyes, and a hoodie on. Everything about him screamed, "Leave me the fuck alone." Gus, the bartender, noticed her staring. "That's Shane," he said curtly. "Don't even bother." She wondered what he meant by that but decided not to pry, so she grabbed her beer and walked over to Sam and Sebastian. As she did so, she noticed Shane looking in her direction; his gaze met hers before quickly looking away again toward his pint of beer. It seemed like he was just as interested in her as she was in him.
Shane nervously stepped out of the bar into the chilly night air; his heart was pounding against his chest in a drumbeat of anticipation and excitement, each beat threatening to burst through his ribs and escape into the sky. His mind was clouded with a thousand questions – why was he going through with this? What was it about her that made him feel so alive and yet so scared at the same time? She had been standing across the room and before he knew it, her gaze was locked onto his, as if she made a decision on both their behalf. She walked directly up to Shane and leaned in close to whisper something that sent chills down his spine. He had been sure it was the wrong thing to do if his sober brain was in control, but something else had taken over, something primal and desperate that told him not to let go of this chance. She seemed special somehow, despite all of his misgivings. He knew that this probably wasn't the best way for him to cope with his depression, but he couldn't ignore the feeling that this was more than just an easy escape.
As Shane approached the house, he couldn't help but feel a surge of hope and dread. He desperately wanted it to be true that she had unlocked her door for him, but his fear of rejection threatened to overpower his desire. He hesitantly tested the doorknob; it turned in his hand, and he opened the door. To his shock, he found himself standing in a dimly lit living room with soft music emanating from the bedroom. He hesitated, unsure if he should enter further or turn and run away.
On the one hand, this could be a chance to find someone who could understand him - but at the same time, he was petrified at the idea of rejection. He thought back to the conversation they'd had earlier and remembered that she had said something about a 'fuck'; if nothing else, he could try to use this as an escape from his loneliness. Taking a deep breath, Shane stepped inside and cautiously approached the bedroom.
When he arrived, Shane was mesmerized by what he saw: Her pale blue hair contrasted sharply against her tan skin from long days working the farm, and the pink light illuminated her curves beneath her black sports bra. Shane felt unable to move, overwhelmed by emotions he hadn't experienced before. It felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, unable to decide which way to go. But when she looked at him with such intensity and longing in her eyes, he knew there was no turning back; despite all his fears and doubts, he stepped closer and allowed himself to let go.
Shane's hands shook as he tugged her shorts and panties down, revealing a soft stomach and glistening pussy. He wanted to kneel on the floor in front of her, pushing his tongue dancing between her wet folds; Shane salivated, imagining the taste of her. With a newfound determination, he lifted her legs, flipped her around onto her hands and knees, and pulled her hips towards him. No more eye contact and no more thoughts--he wasn't doing this for any kind of satisfaction or romance. She didn't resist his handling; instead, she pushed her hips back and ground her bare ass over his clothed erection. His cock strained against his underwear and jeans; he was dying to be freed from its confinement and buried in this woman's tight, slick warmth. But at least in this position, she couldn't see any of the extra weight he'd gained since college, anything that would remind him of how lazy and self-indulgent he'd become over the years. Maybe there was still something inside that wasn't rotten yet. Maybe there was still a man underneath all the alcohol and loneliness. Shane couldn't hold back the rough growl that came out as he slid his cock, carefully at first but quickly growing increasingly confident and assertive into her pussy.
While railing her roughly from behind, his alcohol-soaked brain stared longingly at the tight hole just aching to be fondled. He began slowly circling her asshole with the soft part of my thumb. She immediately released a soft, aching moan and began grinding back into his thumb. "Do you want it?" he asked, watching lust flare up in her face and trickle down to her pussy. She nodded firmly, panting between moans and giving him all the permission he needed. Shane moistened my thumb before carefully circling her asshole again and slipping his thumb to his knuckle. Sweat trickled down the small of his back as she grabbed at the sheets and rocked back against him, begging for his fingers to slide inside that unruly hole. Shane enjoyed feeling the tightness of her ass around his finger as she squeezed her pussy around his cock. Seizing the juicy curve of her hip, he shoved his thumb in fully, causing her to scream loudly. She turned her head around, looking into his eyes. "Don't stop, please," she said through quick, uneven moans. Shane shuddered, using everything he could to not cum right then and there.
Shane felt his heart thundering against his chest as she reached down with her fingers, circling her clit. He could feel her inner walls tightening around him in anticipation, urging him closer to the brink of ecstasy. His eyes rolled back as he saw spots dancing before his vision, and she bit into the sheets to muffle her desperate cries. Her hips moved faster and faster until a guttural wail tore from her throat, and her entire body shuddered beneath him. Shane followed her over the edge seconds later, feeling his cock swell impossibly inside her before erupting with hot ropes of cum. He roared out his pleasure as he emptied himself, clinging to her sweat-slicked hips with an iron grip. He slumped onto the bed over her, still gasping for air and admiring the sticky evidence of their lovemaking that was dripping from her pussy like honey from a comb. Shane couldn't believe they had just experienced 15 minutes of blissful passion.
He had a moment of clarity; he knew he needed to leave. As he fastened his jeans, he thought about what he should say. "Uh, thanks... I guess I'll see you around." He cringed at the sound of his voice, knowing it sounded insincere. Before he could make things any worse, he quietly slipped out the front door.
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zozo-01 · 2 years
Home Sweet Home
@thatlesbeanjew and @taelonsamada!! Here is the emotional compensation you ordered! And for everyone who needs a lil more wholesome things in life! <3
click here for the ao3 link!!!
The silence that captivated the forest was broken by the wolf sitting on the porch.
“I miss the cliffs back home.”
The vampire sitting beside them raised his eyebrows. “I thought you were raised in the city.”
Darlin’ rolled their eyes before responding, “just because I was raised in the city, doesn’t mean I was completely isolated from nature. It’s called ‘living by the water.’” The wolf went silent again, reminiscing about a memory from a lifetime ago. “On the east end, there are these cliffs that overlook the lake. Some of my favourite memories were going there on a hot day and having a picnic with my family. Sometimes, my mom’s friends would come with, and it would be a big party.”
Darlin’ never talked about their life before Dahlia. If you asked them, they’d say that their past doesn’t matter. There’s no point talking about a life that didn’t exist anymore. Although, sometimes they’ll say something that gave hints at what their life used to be.
“Ha. Dahlia’s traffic ain’t shit compared to what I’m used to.”
“How the hell can you call this winter? There’s barely any clouds in the sky!”
“I’ve always hated how quiet Dahlia gets at night. It’s almost like the whole city decided to die once the clock struck 12. Is that weird? I don’t know. There was always some form of sound at night back home. Proof that the big city had life even after dark. Maybe it’s just a me thing.”
To be honest, half the things Darlin’ says completely went over Sam’s head.
He does find it amusing how Darlin’ can both love a place with all their heart in one statement, and then loathe it in the next.
The wolf continued. “It’s stupid, but as a kid, my dream date was a night at the cliffs. It was probably the closest place to seeing a clear night of stars.” Darlin’ shook their head and stopped before they said more.
This was the only aspect of Darlin’ that Sam hated. Whenever they realize they’ve been talking about themselves for too long, they’ll quiet down. Dismissing whatever they just said as ‘irrelevant’ or ‘some stupid shit.’ As if when they speak, it's an inconvenience.
Instead of prodding Darlin’ to continue, he picked up where they left off. “Well that sounds lovely, Darlin’.” He holds his face in his hands, pondering before continuing, “maybe a nice picnic and some fine wine. My mother always used to say ‘good wine and a good view does blessings for the soul.’”
Darlin’ gave a small smile. “Sounds like your mother was a smart lady.” The little smile that Darlin’ gave lit up Sam’s world, and he’s determined to keep them smiling.
The southern vampire stood up and walked down the porch. He turned to face his wolf, bent down and offered his hand to them. The same way a prince would ask his partner for a dance. Darlin’ raised their eyebrows in confusion. “The fuck are you doing Collins?” Darlin’ asked with some suspicion in their voice.
Sam sighed as he shook his head. He’s well aware of Darlin’s hyper-awareness of romantic actions. It was something they did long before Quinn made them even more weary of them. They had told him it was because they never thought they deserved love and affection.
‘I really don’t deserve any of this Sammy, but I will cherish you for as long as you decide to stay.’
He will spend eternity showering them with the love they deserve.
And he was going to make sure they knew that.
Cautiously, Darlin’ took the extended hand and was gently tugged into Sam’s chest. An arm wrapped around their waist before they realized what he was doing.
“Really? Dancing with me? How cheesy can you get?” They gently chided the southern vamp. They were not going to talk about how they placed their head on his shoulder and swayed alongside him, basking in their mate’s scent. Whiskey. Cinnamon. Warm.
Home. They were home.
“Well Darlin’, I thought ‘it's just us under the pale moonlight, why not dance with my partner?” Sam moved the arm that was around Darlin’s waist and spun them using his other hand. The action caused them to let out a quiet giggle, a sound that he made sure to commit to memory. He pulled them back in his embrace and wrapped both of his hands around them. Darlin’s put their hands behind his neck and looked up into his eyes.
The light of the moon reflected in his silver eyes and they were beautiful. So damn beautiful. They reminded them of the city lights during late nights on the highway back home. The fireworks they watched from the top floor of their apartment buildings as a child. The millions of stars that they could never see in the sky from the heart of their hometown. But who needs to see galaxies in the sky when they can look into Sam’s eyes.
All different descriptions. All had one thing in common.
The city lights were home. The fireworks were home. The lack of stars was home. His eyes were home.
Sam Collins was home.
“Darlin’? You alright there?” Sam said gently, wiping the unnoticed tears rolling down their cheeks. Darlin’ shook their head and wiped their tears before responding, “yea, I was just thinking of things.” The look of concern was enough for Darlin’ to continue. “Happy things, I promise. I’m just… really fucking happy right now.”
Sam leaned his head down, letting out a quiet “may I?” Darlin’ let out a big smile. “Of course Sam.” They leaned their heads closer and kissed each other. It was sweet and gentle and it felt so damn right. Sam pulled them even closer to his body. He needed to be as physically close to his wolf, his home, to make sure none of this was a dream.
‘Dear Lord, if this is a dream, please don’t wake me up from it.’
They parted, resting their foreheads on each other. “I love you, Darlin’,” the vampire said quietly, as though he was praying. This was a conversation between him and the Lord.
Between him and his Darlin’.
“I love you too, Sam.” Darlin’ closed their eyes as the weight of the word provided comfort to them. For as long as they can remember, they never felt like love was meant for them. They grew up around dysfunctional marriages and toxic relationships. Hell, they were in a toxic relationship.
Sam had taught them that ‘I love you’ was more than a bandaid or a way to maintain appearances. That it can mean something pure and right. That it can feel like home.
‘Seems to be a running theme of the night.’ Darlin’ thought sarcastically.
“Hey Darlin’, about that dream date you were talking about earlier? I’m going to take you there one day.” Darlin’ looked up to the man, staring at him in shock. They were met with eyes filled with determination and that had more life in them than the average person.
Darlin’ stuttered an answer. “I… Sam, I don’t think…you really don’t have to make a promise like that to me.” Sam picked the wolf up and looked them dead in the eye.
“My sweet Darlin’. I want to bring you all the joy this world can provide because you deserve every bit of it. So if that means a long journey or enduring cold weather, I’ll do it because I love you so damn much. Understood?” The tone in his voice provided little room to argue.
A beaming smile that rivalled the sun bloomed on Darlin’s face as they nodded. Sam gave own his gorgeous smile before continuing. “Good. Besides, I can finally learn about these ‘hell geese’ you’re terrified of.”
“I swear to God, they are the scariest motherfuckers alive!”
“You can face two vamps on your own and hunt down old blood, but a bird is what breaks you?”
“Yes! That is exactly what I’m saying! You’ve never been bit by one, so what do you know?”
“Darlin’, I’m a vampire. I know a few things about biting. Like how much you like to bit- Ow!”
“Samuel Collins, you are the most annoying fucker on this planet.”
“I know, I know Darlin’. I love you too.”
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8) A part from Tyron, is there any female character you love more than the others?
Oh, probably Arya... but as with the men, I love them all.
I know that Tyrion is your favourite character, who is your second favourite character?
Maybe Arya or Dany.
Tyrion. Arya is fun to write as well.
EH_Dave: Do you empathize with them all equally during writing them?
George_RR_Martin: While writing them? Sure. Then I switch POVs and switch sides. I do have my favorite characters, of course. Tyrion, Arya, Jon . . . but I love them all. Even the ones I kill.
He said that LOVES to write about Arya's adventures in Braavos. He said he could write whole novels about. That received a huge applause until he joked that maybe he could put off Winds to do so.
Jon Snow has me in him, and Sam Tarly. The women too, Lyanna and Shaara, and the girls, Arya and Adara . . . Daenerys Stormborn, searching for that house with the red door. And Tyrion Lannister? Oh, yes. The Imp is me in spades, the horny little bastard.
BHW: How did you determine which characters would go into Feast for Crows and which would go into Dance with Dragons?
[...] It broke down pretty well according to geography. I could have omitted Arya. I hesitated over her because she is on the other continent, but she had only three chapters. I was moving Jon Snow, Tyrion and Dany-three of my four most popular characters-into the other book. If I moved Arya too, it might not be a good idea. She'll actually appear in both books.
Unrelated, but still interesting:
I know the ultimate destination, I know the principal landmarks and things that happen along the way, like [big event redacted] which had been planned from the beginning and all of that. But some of them I discover in the writing. Essentially I know the big stuff, but a lot of little stuff occurs in the course of the writing. And of course some of the little stuff is very, very important. The devil is in the details. The devil is what makes the journey more than just an outline or a Cliff’s Notes kind of experience. So I may know the ultimate fates of Jon Snow and Daenerys and Arya and some of the other principal characters. But I don’t necessarily know the ultimate fates of Dolorous Edd or Hot Pie, you know. Well, I have a few ideas about those, but still.
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