#ryu's like .. i will milk this for all i can
doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
hiiii!! may i get something really cute for tomas? 🥺 maybe like a scenario where the reader is his secret or not so secret admirer and he finds out and accepts them? it could be obvious or hidden in the little things that he's barely noticed until now!! sorry if this is too specific, but thank you if you get to this hehehe
author note: changed the prompt a tiiiiny bit. Happy Valentine!
You walk towards the Shirai Ryu quarters, a beautifully wrapped heart box in your hands. It is Saint Valentine's Day, the day of lovers and if your heart keeps going with this insane rhythm you won't reach the end of the day. Your infatuation for the grey ninja led you to deliver little trinkets and gifts for the passing months, obviously never leaving any clue about the "mysterious admirer".
Tomas never talked about this to anybody, so you thought he maybe was ashamed about that. But he never said he was annoyed about the situation! Maybe he just didn't want to share this situation with the others; for sure they would have teased him to the end of his days. This is the day where you confess your feelings, tired of pining over a guy who will never reciprocate you. That doesn't mean you won't give him one last gift! You made the cookies inside with Tomas's fave chocolate, milk one with hazelnuts. You'll get rejected but at least you'll be remembered for being nice even in defeat!
Your steps are wobbly and you feel your legs giving out when finally you see him in front of his house. Sun is still high in the sky, light illuminating his perfect face and body. He is sitting on the wooden floor in front of his house, eyes closed and taking the sun in, slightly leaning back. The sight makes your heart skip a beat.
"Oh! Hi!" You don't see him opening his eyes and waving at you, too awestruck.
"Is that for me?" He points at the package in your sweaty hands. He has a big smile on his face, but you think it is mocking, more than sincere happiness.
"Y-Yes. I-I" You can't say a single word out, emotions fumbling your brain. "I was waiting for you! After all the gifts you left me I would have been crushed not to see you today."
"WHAT" It is the first word you are able to sputter out. "So you know!" You shout, one hand now covering your face, blood flow thumping in your ears.
"Yes! I may not be a grandmaster, but I'm still number two Shirai Ryu ninja." His smile now reaches his eyes, now twinkling with joy.
"For how long have you known it?" You gasp out, stepping back. It's useless tho, now Tomas is standing up, slowly walking towards you. "Since day one, you aren't the best at sneaking around, plus all your gifts had your smell."
"Y-You can recognize my smell?" You are sure you won't reach alive the end of the day.
"Your crush isn't sideway, honey. So, are you going to give me the sweets?"
"Yes!" You finally push the heart-shaped package on his chest, hitting it against his ninja suit. "Hope they taste good!"
"Oh, you aren't sure?" Tomas opens the package, red ribbon sliding to the ground, one of your cookies pinched by his fingers "Taste it before me." The cookie touches your lips and you welcome it. It tastes scrumptious and it makes your body finally relax a bit.
"It is good." You mumble.
"Good, I'm gonna try it."
It all happens in a matter of a second, his lips lock with yours, licking your mouth and sucking on your tongue. It doesn't last much, but your heartbeat returns to the insane rhythm of before. Then Tomas pulls away, licking his lips, thumb cleaning the corner of his lips where a bit of saliva is stuck.
"The chocolate taste is amazing. You are really wonderful." The compliment adds to the turmoil of emotions in your brain, everything is going too perfectly and you didn't expect any of this.
"This is not a dream, right?" Tomas chuckles, side-hugging you walking you away from his house.
"Hope you don't have anything planned because I booked a table at Madame Bo."
"Oh! Nono, I'm free!! Let's go." You hold his hand, now you are the one taking the lead. You are so happy you feel like flying, not walking. You are on cloud nine. And when sitting down at Madame Bo, with the mind a bit more clear you can finally see your same feelings in his eyes.
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starsurface · 1 month
Hi friend hope the hanzo mk 11 with Baby Bi-Han Mk 1 isn't too much hassle as a fic I know it can be hard sometimes even with the requests just letting you know I don't mind how long it takes just hope you're doing well and it isn't causing you any unnecessary stress or worry 😊
Hi!!! Sorry for this taking so long!! I have my Fics on another request list, which you can check on my AO3. :p
But also thank you for the support and concern! I'm doing well!! No stress at all! Just Senioritist seeping into posting. <3
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CG Hanzo MK11 w/ Regressor Bi-Han MK1 (Fic)
 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
"If you keep glaring at it, it might eventually freeze over," Hanzo said as he added some honey into a bottle of milk.
Bi-Han huffed, moving his glare from the bottle, to Hanzo, then back to the bottle.
He didn't need Hanzo's silly commentary. Just like how he didn't need some silly baby bottle!!
"Hate it!" Bi-Han spat. "We get rid of it!"
"Have you ever dranked from a bottle before, Bi?" Hanzo asked, receiving another huff. "If you truly hate it, we have a sippy cup instead."
Bi-Han didn't like that choice either.
He found . . . friendship with Hanzo and Kuai Liang, as did his brothers. It was an . . . interesting friendship, at first.
Timeline merging was something Hanzo had gotten used to, especially with the events that happened here. Although Liu Kang- Uh, "Lord" Liu Kang's new universe was . . . interesting.
Not bad just . . . a different take on their lives.
Although Hanzo, surprisingly to some, enjoyed this universes Bi-Han.
He was still Kuai Liang's brother, but in another universe, one where he wasn't fully corrupted by Quan Chi. 
One where he could be saved.
Even Kuai Liang enjoyed his company. And it was almost awkward that he wasn't with them. But he was hanging out with the Scorpion Kuai Liang and short haired Tomas.
Hanzo and kuai Liang enjoyed watching regressors, and after finding Bi-Han regressing, and the entire incident (meltdown) that followed, they had started taking a small CG role for him. Even encouraging little playdates when one of them were small.
Bi-Han wasn't too keen at the friendship at first . . . But he wouldn't deny that they provided somewhat of a safe haven for being tiny.
"Don't need that either," Bi-Han frowned. "Cup."
Hanzo shook his head, "Your too little for big kid cups-"
"No!" Bi-Han stomped his foot. hanzo put a hand in the air, indicating Bi-Han to take a deep breath, which he did. ". . . Not a baby, Papa."
Ah, that's what it was.
Even if Bi-Han did regress smaller than others, he had a habit of indicating that he wasn't 'some baby'. Always trying to do big kid things.
But even with straws, Bi-Han had a habit of knocking over his cups. Or dropping them by accident. It wouldn't matter if it was just water. But the angry shouting and throwing Bi-Han had after was something Hanzo didn't want to encourage.
Bi-Han hated regression items.
Or, he feared them, to an extent.
Most of his items were kept here, in another universe, where his LIn Kuei couldn't find.
What would they say if they found their Grandmaster's paci? Or a teddy bear on his bed? He'd be reducuiled, he know he would.
Still, Hanzo and Kuai Liang decided that a baby bottle and a sippy cup wouldn't hurt him. And they would just store it at the Shirai Ryu temple, there was no reason to be all fussy about it.
"Of course you aren't. you just need a cup with safer cup, one that won't spill as easily."
Bi-Han wanted to call bogus. There were so many big kid cups like that!! He didn't need some baby bottle or sippy cup- He just needed a big kid cup! Why couldn't Hanzo see that?! 
He was be silly, and not in the good way.
Hanzo noticed Bi-Han's grumpy scowl, ruffling his hair, "You'll be okay. Just try it out and if you'd like, I can change it."
Bi-Han wanted to press more, but knew it really wouldn't get anywhere.
Well, it could if he reeeeally wanted it . . . But he also couldn't completely deny that he did want to use one. It was just embarrassing, using some bottle.
"Fine," Bi-Han grumbled.
"There's blocks in the living room corner if you'd like to bring them out," Hanzo suggested, screwing the bottle cap on.
This sparked Bi-Han's interest. Blocks? he liked blocks! He didn't have them back at his place, but hanzo was more than willing to share his toys.
Bi-Han practically rushed out of the room, causing Hanzo to hold back a chuckle. Any sort of laughing would cause a tempter tantrum.
Hanzo shook the bottle before walking back into the living room, setting it on the low table. Bi-Han, who was in the middle of building his castle, paused his actions, glaring at the cup as if it were to attack him.
"The more it sits, the more it'll spoil," Hanzo warned him, sitting on the couch.
"Nap?" Bi-Han glared at Hanzo. 
Warm honey milk always made Bi-Han sleepy. Was Hanzo trying to make him take a nap? He wasn't some baby, only babies took naps!
"No, you asked for it?" Hanzo raised an eyebrow, receiving a huff.
Okay, maybe he had, but he wasn't going to admit it.
Bi-Han seemed hesiant. He tried to drink some, but quickly set the bottle down. It was too - Too embarrassing!! He couldn't drink out of it! Especially while Hanzo was right there, just watching!
Hanzo tried not to watch, amused by Bi-Han's actions. But he didn't want the milk to go bad. And Bi-Han was clearly thirsty, he couldn't have the little one go thirsty.
". . . Come here," Hanzo patted his lap. Bi-Han looked confused. "Lay your head on my lap."
Bi-Han hesitated, looking between his blocks and Hanzo. Eventually, he slowly got up, waddling with his bottle in hand.
He sat beside Hanzo, laying his head on his lap. Hanzo gently stroked Bi-Han's hair, holding the bottle to his mouth, which Bi-Han hesitantly accepted.
Bi-Han felt himself grow tired, sluggish. Warm honey milk always made him sleepy. But laying down, having his hair tussled defienty made him sleepy. He was only halfway through before Hanzo took it away, making Bi-Han whine.
"I think it's time for a nap," Hanzo said, putting the bottle on the table. Bi-Han tried to protest, but he just got shushed instead. "Shh, there's no need to fuss, I can see your eyes dropping."
"Ba!" Bi-Han angrily mumbled, making grabby hands for the bottle. "Papa, ba!"
Hanzo shifted Bi-Han to his hip as he stood. He grabbed the bottle, which Bi-Han quickly snatched and tightly held as Hanzo carried him to Hanzo's room.
He tried, tried, to lay Bi-Han down. But instead Bi-Han fussed and whined, clinging onto Hanzo.
"Nooo!" Bi-Han whined, pointing to the bottle that Hanzo set on the nightstand. "That!"
"Here you go," Hanzo tried to hand it to him, but received a headshake. "What do you want then?"
Bi-Han glared at Hanzo, as if he expected Hanzo to know what he wanted.
"Can we use our big boy words?" Hanzo asked.
Bi-Han pointed to the bottle again, "More Papa. . ."
"You want to lay on my lap again?"
Bi-Han thought about it, before nodding.
But when hanzo sat down, Bi-Han didn't lay his head on his lap. Insead, he sat on it. He clung to Hanzo's chest, trying to make sure that Hanzo wouldn't kick him off. Which Hanzo made no more to do.
Ah, he wanted to be cradled.
Bi-Han looked proud, happy in the fact that he had 'tricked' Hanzo to get what he wanted.
"You want me to bottle feed you?" Hanzo double check, earning a grumble. "I need words, Snowflake."
Bi-Han grumbled at the nickname, mumbling out a small, "Yes."
"Thank you," Hanzo smiled, grabbing the bottle.
It wasn't long before Bi-Han passed out. He felt . . . safe in Hanzo's arms. And with the bottle making his tummy feel all warm and happy, he felt all sluggish and tired again. 
Hanzo gently tucked him in, kissing Bi-Han's forehead. He heard the door click behind him, Kuai Liang walking into the room.
"Shhh, he fell asleep," Hanzo shushed him. Kuai Liang nodded, walking over. Bi-Han's eyebrows furrow, curling more into himself. "Get out of here, you'll wake him."
"As if he can stand your heat," Kuai Liang rolled his eyes before noticing the bottle. "Did he take kindly to it?"
". . . Only a bit of screaming," Hanzo admitted. "But he seemed content after being fed."
Kuai Liang nodded, noticing hanzo's phrasing but not pressing further. Perhaps he would bug him about it when he wasn't in the room with the sleeping baby.
He just hoped Bi-Han wouldn't get upset for 'letting him do silly things' while regressed, again.
Or straight up ignore them . . . again.
 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hope I wrote Bi-Han right. I like his character, but he's hard to get accurate sometimes. 😭
Also thank you again for the concern, it was really nice of you. I'm doing okay! Posts might be a bit slow for the next little bit (something bad also happened) but I'll be alright. <3
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absolutebl · 11 months
First of all I want to appreciate your blog and for putting all the effort in explaining different bls. I have found so many good shows through your blog 💗
Can I request a list of adult bls with meaningful themes? Not too pg rated like kinnporche but towards a softer side like old fashion cupcake. I am an adult myself and can't seem to relate much to high school dramas. So I would love to watch more mature bl series if you have any recs. Thank you!!
adult bls with meaningful themes & soft
Hi & thank you!
Here is an older post, but that means it might have some you've not seen before.
Your "adult" criteria is interesting because BL is called "Boy's Love" for a reason. Even if the characters are adults they often don't act that way, or are going though things we associated with high school and college (like first love). Still...
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My top 15 that fit your criteria are:
example: Old Fashion Cupcake
A Tale of Thousand Stars (Thai YT)
My Ride (Thai iQIYI & YT)
Our Dining Table (Japan Gaga)
The New Employee (Korea Viki)
Unintentional Love Story (Korea iQIYI)
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Viki)
Wish You: Your Melody in My Heart (Korea Viki & Netflix)
Restart After Come Back Home (Japan Gaga? grey?)
DNA Says Love You (Taiwan Gaga) - first half requires patience but it's worth it
Like In The Movies (Pinoy YouTube)
You Make Me Dance (Korea Viki)
Just Friends? (Korea Gaga)
All the Liquors (Korea Viki)
Ocean Likes Me (Korea Viki)
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Viki)
BL sides: Love is Science?
Yes but x-rated and/or not so soft: Bed Friend, Moonlight Chicken, Long Time No See
shorts: Some More
I think there are a few under-appreciated gems in here that really might resonate with you. My Ride is re-airing on YouTube right now and Like in the Movies (Pinoy) is also available there. Both are a little gritty and thoughtfully slow, but ultimately worth your time if you have patience for something longer than Japan churns out. If you want to go shorter, stick with the Japanese and Korean ones.
Most of these explore themes of loneliness, acceptance, and found family - as, indeed, do most queer romances.
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I loved it but I'm not sure about the "meaningful themes" bit but they grown ups with grown up issues...
Our Dating Sim
To My Star
See You After Quarantine?
Be Loved In House: I Do
Cherry Magic
Love Tractor
HIStory 3: Trapped
Manner of Death
What Zabb Man!
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding
Behind Cut
Candy Color Paradox
Choco Milk Shake
Happy Ending Romance
Mr Cinderella
Oh! Boarding House
Plus and Minus
Roommates of Poongduck 304
The Tasty Florida
Tinted With You
Vice Versa
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Despite it being Uni I still think you might like it:
The Eighth Sense
Life: Love on the Line (follows characters throughout their lives, this is Japan and seriously atmospheric so, of course, it's meaningful)
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angelbroad · 8 months
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Mortal Kombat
Characters: Raiden, Fujin, Kung Lao, Kakkō
The atmosphere in Madam Bo’s restaurant was lively as always, Raiden and Kung Lao enjoying themselves. Even Fujin was here, which was always great.
 “How have you been? I haven’t seen you back in Fengjian for a long time.”, Fujin said, refering to Kung Lao and her brother.
 Raiden scratched the back of his head, trying to not divulge anything about their secret journey. Fujin was going to be tested soon, after all.
 “Me and Kung Lao have been busy. This mission has been helping a lot of people.”
 Kung Lao nodded as he continued to eat his dumplings, “Seeing and exploring places outside the village have been great. We should take you with us sometime.”
 Raiden tried to gesture to him to shut down the idea, but Fujin replied excitedly and positively. Raiden sighed. He really hoped that nothing too crucial would be found out before Fujin was meant to be tested, otherwise the test would not be true.
 “By the way.”, Fujin asked, “Who are they?”
 She pointed at Kakkō, who was looking at the food like a baby learning to speak for the first time. Raiden also noticed they weren’t wearing their Shirai Ryu uniform.
 “Um, I don’t know....?”
 “Hi.”, Kakkō waved.
 “Did you follow us all the way here?”
 “Hey, Kung Lao said Madam Bo’s food was the best I’ll ever eat.”
 Raiden looked at Kung Lao with a scolding look, to which Kung Lao lifted his arms up.
 “I didn’t tell them to follow us!”, he tried to defend.
 This resulted in a back and forth with Raiden. Fujin used the distraction to scoot closer to Kakkō.
 “Soo, what’s your name?”
 “Oh. I’m Kakkō, nice to meet you.”, they said as they extended a hand for a handshake, which Fujin returned.
 “Nice to meet you! I’m Fujin.”
 “Raiden’s sister, I know. He talks about you a lot.”
 “Aw, he does miss me!”
 “Guys, I’m right here.”
 Kakkō scanned the table for more food, and settled on some odd-looking noodles. They reached out a hand to grab the bowl and try the food but Raiden stopped them just as they were about to put the noodles in their mouth.
 “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”, he said, to which Kakkō raised an eyebrow.
 “Why?”, they asked.
 “Ooh, those are Madam Bo’s spicier noodles.”, Fujin said, “I have no idea how Kung Lao can handle them.”
 The man in question shrugged smugly, “Cause I’m that awesome.”
 Raiden rolled his eyes at the remark, but Kakkō only shrugged.
 “Oh come on, it’s just hot food. What’s the worse that can happen?”, they said, shoving a mouthfull of the dark noodles in their mouth. They slurped them, staining their mouth with sauce in the process, chewed and swallowed.
 They held the bowl for some time, but then started to visibly shake and their mouth started to quiver. Fujin looked at them in worry.
 “Are....you okay?”
 Kakkō nodded quickly and with a closed mouth, but sweat started to creep in.
 “Should I get you milk? You don’t look okay.”
 “Huuu shh fhhshhh......”
 Fujin could have sworn Kakkō started to get shorter, which was slightly confirmed when she got up to go and get the milk. Then, right before her eyes, the person in front of her started to turn into putty, which was really disturbing.
 “Get the milk! Get the milk!”, Raiden shouted as he got up to run into the kitchen.
 “Dammit Kakkō!” 
 “W-What is going on?!”, Fujin asked in confusion and panic.
 “We’ll explain later!”, Raiden said as the two fethched the milk from the kitchen in a rush, passing by a confused Madam Bo.
 The shapeshifter calmed down once they had gotten the milk, their shape becoming more human again as they slumped onto the table. They groaned in despair as Raiden scolded them.
 “I told you, you couldn’t handle it.”
 “Okay, what is going on?”, Fujin asked in a demanding tone.
 “Kakkō is a shapeshifter.”, Kung Lao explained, “That apperently doesn’t like spicy food.”
 It took Fujin some time to take it in. So, Raiden and Kung Lao have been making friends with actual cryptids? Raiden must have noticed her unease, because he turned to her to speak assurances.
 “Don’t worry, Kakkō wouldn’t hurt a fly.”, he explained as he rubbed their back.
 For the most part, at least from the first impressions, Fujin could see that Kakkō meant no harm. But it was still hard to not be cautious. Who wouldn’t be once they discovered shapeshifters existed. She walked over to Raiden.
 “Is that what you’ve been doing outside Fengjian?”
 “That is.....a story for another time.”, Raiden said.
 “Brother, you ought to have faith in me. You will have to tell me at some point and you know it.”
 “I do, Fujin. Just..now is not the time.”
 Fujin sighed, “Right. Of course.”
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mybrainissquishy · 5 months
Your HCs are very cute… could I request some for agere Kei and cg Kaneda (and/or the reverse)? If you’d like to <3 I’m curious what you might think of!
I'm so down! Thanks so much for asking ^^
Kei Agere Headcanons
+ CG Shotaro Kaneda
Kei usually regresses to very small ages (approx. 0-3).
Her favorite little snacks are yogurt, applesauce and graham crackers, and her favorite little drink is strawberry milk. She likes to eat pretty much any soft food, though.
She doesn't have a lot of agere gear, but she does have a bear themed pacifier and her old baby blanket for comfort at very least.
While she's quiet most of the time, she babbles quite a bit when she regresses to around 2-3.
She's been a regressor since around 13, (younger folks who regress exist and are totally valid), and so her brother Ryu is used to it, though he's not very good at being a caregiver. Still, his presence makes her happy.
She's a very cuddly and clingy little one. She loves being carried, held, and rocked back and forth.
Her favorite time is nap time. She has a makeshift star projector that Ryu made for her, and she needs it to help her to sleep, regressed or not.
The first time Kei regressed around Kaneda, he was very confused on how to deal with it, but when he realized it was a similar situation to Tetsuo's, he slowly got the hang of it.
Kaneda is great at being affectionate towards her, because it's easier for him to deal with the smaller regressors. He feels babies are easier to be around than toddlers.
Kaneda loves calling Kei a bunch of random pet names every chance he gets. "Baby", "Sugar", "Sweetheart", "Dumplin", "Honeybunch", "Little one", "Sunshine", "Teddybear", "Munchkin", etc, etc. You name it, he's used it.
^ Kei's favorite out of all the various ones he's tried is his "Little Ladybug". It makes her feel super tiny.
Kei enjoys playdates with Kaori, because Kaori is quiet, and not as energetic as Tetsuo.
If Kei ever gets fussy, Kaneda is a SHOCKINGLY good singer, and he'll sing her lullabies until she feels better.
Kaneda always makes it a point to hold her close whenever he can, because he knows his sweet baby needs affection. Plus, he likes to feel important to her.
I hope you thought these were okay! Always feel free to come back and ask for more, I will gladly supply you with 'em.
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paulinawoodpecker · 2 months
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Tad’s second backstory with Tiffany part 1,2,3,4 and final
Part 1:
Sara: Aren't you eating?
Tad: I have a tummy ache. Can't I stay home today?
Ramona: Hmm... Yesterday, your foot hurt, and the day before that, it was your head. Come on, chin up. You only have two weeks left with her. She probably won't even be there next year.
Tad: Three years in a row, Sara. Why would my luck change now? *stands up from the table and bumps his cereal bowl, spilling milk on the table, his clumsiness thriving yet again, to which Ramona and Sara simply smiles*
Flashback: Exterior, archeological community. Tad runs late to the club. He hides behind the main door as she catches sight of Tiffany and the mean queen bees. Tad hesitates to enter the school but eventually makes his run to avoid being seen. He then enters the locker room.
Flashback: Interior, archeological community, in the locker room. Tad goes to his locker to place his things. But before he could open it, he sensed a trap before him. And so as he opens his locker door, roaches came out, causing him to scream, run, bumps a bucket full of water and slips on it.
Flashback: Interior, archeological community, in the washroom. Just about tad steps out the washroom, he's met by an enraged Anderson
Anderson: the meeting started ten minutes ago, yet you're still roaming the hallways! This is the eighth time this week! Good thing an anonymous mate warned me every time you're about to break the rules... *whispers to himself* I wonder who that mysterious Tiffany could be... Anyhow, my office now, Mr stones!
*Tad follows with his head down*
Flashback: Interior, the archeological community club, in Jeffersons classroom. Tad gets another good scolding.
Jefferson: *sarcastic* Congratulations! Another two weeks like this and you'll set a new meeting record for the number of tardies in this room this year. Now go to your desk. Quietly.
*Tad closes the door and walks to his table*
Tiffany: What's with the even-more-depressing-than-usual face, tad stones? Something bugging you?
*Andrea chuckles. Just as tad sits on his chair, she feels something gooey which turns out that someone spilled dirt on his seat. The team looks at him, causing tad to feel humiliated. Tiffany laughs at this sight.*
Tiffany: he wants to be an archeologist yet he doesn’t know how to keep his clothes clean…
Andrea: Wow, Tiffany, you really put a stain on his character!
Tiffany: Shush! If I'm not the one who's said it, it's not funny.
Tad: Tiffany, this was another one of your dirty tricks!
Jefferson: Not only are you late and wasting everyone's time running around, now you're groundlessly accusing one of your mates!? Why don't you go and see what Anderson thinks of this??
Tad: But I just came back from his office!
Jefferson: Well, go back!
Tad begins his walk of shame once again.
Tiffany: And to think the day is just getting started! *notices Anne glaring at her* What's your problem? You wanna play with some dirt too? *Anne looks away. She sees Brian glaring at her as well* What about you? Is there something you want to tell me? Other than *mocks Brian* ah-dah-dah-duh-duh? *laughs as Brian looks away too*
Tad: *peeks through the door, worry drawn on his face, and closes it.*
Part 2:
Flashback interior, archeological community, in the hallway, tad comes out of the principal's office. Tiffany maze, Brian and Anne are seen waiting for him down the stairs.
Tad: *as he goes down the stairs* I just got three more hours of detention on Saturday, and it's all because of Tiffany.
Anne: Don’t be mad at her. She's this way because her mother left her when she was young.
Tiffany maze: So did mine! And you don't see me having fun bullying tad. We've got to do something about your pants. I'm afraid they might be ruined for good.
Tad: Oh— They were my favorite pair...
Ryu: *off-screen* You can have my pants if you'd like!
Tad: Thanks, but they are a bit small for me. It'd be weird if I ever start wearing them in the premises
Tiffany: *off-screen* Out of the way, you parasites! I warned you: no talking to the fat fascist!
Anne: *whispers as the three of them walk away* We'll talk in the cafeteria.
Tad: The only place she never goes to, for now.
Tiffany: *to Ryu* Parasite means you, too, goldfish brain!
Ryu: Oh! *leaves*
Tiffany: I have big news for you, tad stones! Starting now, there will be no rest for you, not even in the cafeteria! I'll be there to make your life a nightmare!
Ramirez: *scares Tiffany off with what seems to be almost a kick, foot poised near her face.*
Ramirez: I've warned you, mordon! You leave tad alone!
Tiffany: Hmmm... you can't even have fun with people in peace these days!
Ramirez: tad, I promised sara I'd keep an eye on you, but I can't be around all the time. And next year, I have to be an agent again to teach Kenny! His dad is part of the CIA group. You've gotta learn to stand up to Tiffany!
Tad: Well, even the bosses are afraid of her. And the semester's almost over... Hopefully, next year we won't be in the same meeting again.
Ramirez: Don't tell me you're crushing on this dingbat Ryu? Right after when he was being mean to you?
Tad: Why not? He's nice, funny... and I really like him as a friend. And he forgive me.
Ramirez: And are you going to do something about this, for a change?
Tad: You're right, I've gotta do something. I know! I could ask him out to the upcoming expedition what do you think?
Ramirez: I think you might be confusing kindness for foolery, tad.
Tad: don’t worry Ramirez. I’ll be fine.
Ramirez: Be careful, tad.
Meanwhile, Andrea spies on the conversation between Ramirez and tad. She approaches Tiffany, who gives her a scoop on tad's plan
Andrea: *whispering*
Tiffany's mischievous grin grows as she sets her gaze upon tad and Ryu.
Tad: I'll see you later then!
Tiffany: So... I heard tad asked you to go with him to the club you two are going
Ryu: Yeah, we're going on a expedition together!
Tiffany: That's not why he asked you, dummy!
Ryu: It's not? Then, what are we going to do?
Tiffany: he wants you to hire him again
Ryu: For me? But why?
Tiffany: Probably because he’s utterly ridiculous, and so are you, which makes you two perfect for each other!
Ryu: Oh? You think so?! But, uh... if we're not going to the expedition, then... what are we supposed to do when we're together?
Tiffany: What do you like to do besides being an archeologist?
Ryu: Uh... I like to laugh!
Tiffany: Well, there you go! That's what you're gonna do: laugh! Because I've got a great idea for a super funny practical joke!
Tiffany: *whispers her little scheme to Ryu*
Ryu: You sure he’ll like it?
Tiffany: he’ll LOVE it.
Ryu: *chuckles* Awesome! You're just too funny, Tiffany.
Tiffany: You know me, an absolute scream!
Part 3:
Flashback: Interior, on the bus. Ramirez and tad ride together.
Ramirez: So... you're going just like that? What are you gonna say to him?
Tad: I don't know... I'll just see if we're having a good time, and if I feel like the moment's right at some point, I'll just tell him how I feel, that's it. This isn't Taekwondo, Ramirez! We're just going to the expedition. I don't need to have a plan or go over my every move.
Ramirez looks worried. The bus arrives at the archeological community center stop, and Ramirez gives tad a kiss on the cheek.
Tad: I'll tell you how it went tomorrow!
Ramirez: Right...
Tad gets off the bus, leaving Ramirez perturbed. Tad runs towards the entrance of the archeological community center right after the bus leaves. Back in the bus, after a few contemplations, Ramirez presses the stop button and gets off as well.
Flashback: exterior, tad and Ryu are having fun at the expedition. The two sit on the diving platform shortly after.
Tad: You know, Ryu, I think you're really funny... and nice... and sweet, too. And I... I think I'd like us to be friends.
Ryu: You do? *smiles and gets on his knees, presenting a tiny box* Oh, tad, im sorry me and the gang were being mean to you! I'd give you anything! But all I have is this tiny... thing. *smiles nervously*
Tad: *smiles*Oh, Ryu! *stands up, grabbing the tiny box and looks at ryu lovingly for a moment* thank you!
As soon as tad opens the tiny box, a bunch of spiders crawl out, reaching for his arms. He starts screaming and drops the box, while ryu bursts into laughter
Kim: Tiffany was right, spiders are hilarious!
As more spiders crawl in on his jeans, tad keeps screaming while trying to wipe the spiders off his arms, and tries to back away, leading to him to fall backwards into the water. Mid-way, she sees Tiffany and Andrea and Blair and ying taking a video of him from one of the balconies, in slow motion, right before he plunges into the water. A random guy helps him out of the pool and calls out the mean girls who flees from the scene laughing.
Random guy: Hey! You ladies!
Part 4:
Flashback: Exterior, archeological community center. Tiffany and the mean queen bees came out laughing victoriously after filming this successful prank with tad
Tiffany: From this day on, your life will be an endless torment, tad stones! *replays the video clip of tad falling down the pool on the phone* Even if you spent your whole life locked in your room, you'd still be the star of Shame TV on social media every day!
As Tiffany continues to laugh off her triumph, ramirez and Kenny appears and Kenny swiftly kicks the phone out of Tiffany’s hands and steps on it, breaking the device. Kenny scowls at the intimidated Tiffany and the mean queen bees right after.
Kenny: I’ll distract them! You go!
Ramirez: thanks Kenny! *runs inside the archeological community center*
Flashback: Interior, archeological community center Tad rushes into one of the stalls in the bathroom and sobs.
Ryu: *off-screen* So, that was hilarious, right? I'm cracking up! *laughs*
Ramirez: *pushes ryu away* You! Go away! You should be ashamed of yourself!
Ryu: Come on! It was just a practical joke! *walks away*
Tad opens the door and breaks down as he sees Ramirez
Tad: *sobs* I will never, ever meet another man again!
Ramirez: It wasn't your fault, tad.
Tad: Yes, it was! You were right! I should've known, been more prepared... I should've had a plan! I should've been careful! *wipes his tears as his face shifts to anger* I'll never tell another boy that I love him as a friend before I know *slams the door with his fist* everything about him! Whether he's kind or not, thoughtful, what he does outside of school and with who, I'll know everything, his birthday, all his first names, his schedule, his favorite things! And above all, I'll make sure that he is NOT friends with tiffany! *breaks down and hugs ramirez*
Flashback: Interior, in Andersons' office. Anderson, Tiffany, and Kenny are in a conference.
Tiffany: And then, for no reason at all, he attacked me with his ugly little feet! Fortunately, by some incredible stroke of luck, I didn't get hit! *Kenny facepalms* Then, I had to witness the massacre of an innocent phone!
Anderson: *clears throat* I'm afraid there's not much I can do. All of this happened in an extra-curricular setting, outside the premises... and it wasn't even your phone!
Tiffany: *nods* Oh, I understand... *pulls out her phone* Luckily, when father finds out how incompetent you are, he'll appoint a new boss with a greater sense of justice!
Anderson: Uh— Come now, Miss mordon, we don't want to bother your father for something so minor! Kenny Jung, you're hereby suspended for two weeks!
Kenny: *objects, getting on his feet quickly* But that means until the end of the year! What about the class council? What about the dance? What about the kung fu zen club?
Tiffany, being victorious, gives Kenny a menacing grin.
Tiffany: Good riddance.
Flashback: Interior, archeological community center. Kenny walks out the school with her things after being expelled.
Chai: *off-screen* Kenny, wait! *catches up to Kenny, who then stops walking upon hearing chai* I'm sorry. This is all my fault. It's not fair you're being punished because of me!
Kenny: *places her hands on chai’s shoulder as she sheds a tear* Every good fight is worth fighting. We shouldn't be influenced by our chances of winning, but by whether or not it's the right thing to do! *starts walking away*
Kenny: Remember, chai: you gotta know when to step in; that's the only way you can change things in life!
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Hey Ryu! \ (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)/
Hope ur having a great day/night!
I rlly enjoy the head cannons and angst ships! Tho I recently read ur past VilxRook angst post and thought I'd give it a little shot for myself but with Azul x Idia and Idia x Ortho. It took a bit of courage for me to create this scenario bc it's a bit sensitive to me (not bc it happened to me or anything I just think it's horrible and dark) but this didn't leave my mind so I wanted to share it with u.
I was wondering what if Azul made Idia a victim of human trafficking? I see Azul as a person that would do anything for money. Idia is one easy resource, especially bc of their marriage now. I imagine after they got married by signing the papers, Azul at the time was probably think of how he could milk Idia from his wealth. Not completely ofc, but to the point where he is in control of it. Idia can provide for him in many ways (business wise), but Idia can also provide for him in bed. Tho what Idia does for him is enough, he probably thought "Why not kick it up a notch?~". He sumhow tricked Idia into agreeing with it since he is a master manipulator then made a business out of Idia. Idk if Idia would have enjoyed it or not but let's say he didn't to keep the dark side of this going. Ik Ortho would have noticed the bruises and forced hickeys/bites on Idia's body at sum point. Idia would just brush it off and say it's just from the others. Ortho would have brushed it off too since he knows Idia's relationships. If only Idia didn't act so off, he would have agreed. Ortho would catch on to the situation, stalking, watching, and realizing what's going on. He would probably confront Idia Abt it and force him to respond out of concern. Idia would break down and confess to what's going on, even exposing the fact that Azul made him do it. Or Ortho would probably connect the dots in his own and figure out that this was Azul's doing. What would Ortho do then? Now that he knows all of this information. What will he do with it?
Ofc the Leech brothers have a part in this. I wonder if they would think of this as a way to have fun or they genuinely feel guilty but can't do anything bc whatever Azul says goes? (Sort of funny how taller and more athletic they r compared to Azul- They could rip Azul to shreds if they wanted to but they won't for obvious reasons.)
That's all I had in mind. Hope this is sumwhat entertaining for u to read and replay to! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
(Also I don't mind waiting for ur reply. I just care that u enjoy my ask with ur own opinions and have fun with whatever u have in mind. No need to apologize all the time. After all, for me, it's an honor to get a reply from u! Plus, waiting for u just adds to the curiosity of what u will say! It's fun for me! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡)
Have fun with this however u like! I'll wait for however long to hear ur fun thoughts. Have a great night/day! ♡
Anon! First of all, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts despite the topic being sensitive, and thank you for being patient with us. We really appreciate it!
And damn this was a fun read, it has pretty much everything that we enjoy: Idia is suffering in the worst and the sexiest and the most cruel way possible, Azul is being a powerful manipulative money-grubbing asshole, Ortho being a concerned protective little brother that would stalk Idia for Idia’s best interest (obviously!) and the Tweels are also there lol
Speaking of tweels, I agree that it is funny just how easy it would be for them to rip Azul to shreds if they wanted. That being said, I think their main motivation would still be their own fun – what Azul is doing is fucked up and unfair to Idia, but also quite amusing, so they’ll play along. Their lack of empathy is a fun asset to their characters, in my opinion!
I also think that Idia is pretty smart, but also quite self-sabotaging and prone to accepting horrible treatment, so even though he is smart enough to see through Azul’s manipulations, he could also easily go along with his plans. Maybe it was to make Azul happy, maybe it was to make himself more miserable (out of guilt for any reason), maybe the isolation did its thing. Or maybe it tickles a kink he didn’t know he had~ Whatever it is, he is definitely a victim of Azul’s wonderful ideas
To answer your question, god I wouldn’t want to be in Azul’s shoes when Ortho finds out what’s going on. I think this entire situation is enough for him to want to fry Azul with lasers until he is reduced to dust. Ortho would need his precious Idia actually begging him not to kill Azul for him to calm down just enough to stop and think for a moment.
But, unfortunately for Azul, this is a “I won’t kill him, but I’ll make him suffer” type of situation for Ortho, because there is no bigger sin than forcing Idia to do something that he doesn’t want to.
The question is, is Azul smart and cunning enough to manipulate Ortho into thinking (or manipulate Idia into making Ortho think) that Idia is actually quite happy with the situation and that he wants to stay with his husband? The chances are slim (Ortho has a lie detector in him for fuck’s sake lol), but not completely zero. If Azul plays his cards right, the situation could continue for quite some time…
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asknarashikari · 1 year
If I may ask, what are your opinions on Sentai Reds and their caffeine preferences?
Tsukasa: Coffee-based frappucinos, usually with a lot of sugar and chocolate
Shoutaro: Black coffee, made from beans he roasted himself like Sokichi did... though with more success than his mentor did
Philip: Ryu's coffee, just a touch sweeter, though Shoutaro's will do in a pinch (but he has to add more sugar to it)
Eiji: Sencha (green tea). He likes the freshly brewed one best but will also go for teabags/bottled green tea
Gentaro: Energy drinks in the vein of Monster and such in citrusy/fruity flavors
Haruto: Generally doesn't consume caffeine on a regular basis but would have coffee if available
Kouta: Caffeine hasn't had an effect on him since he became Fruit Jesus, but he'd enjoy a caramel latte
Shinnosuke: Black coffee, as strong as possible. It's the only thing that keeps him awake during stakeouts
Takeru: Matcha, especially if made properly- but he won't say no to a Starbucks matcha latte
Emu: Bottled iced black coffee, he buys a giant one whenever he goes to the supermarket and finishes it in a few days
Sento: Black coffee from Cafe Nascita (made by the real Isurugi Souichi). Otherwise he just gets it canned
Sougo: Royal milk tea. He's also a fiend for boba milk tea and will try out all the flavors
Aruto: One of those fancy Nespresso pod things, he tries different flavors on a whim
Touma: Hojicha. Do not give him other forms of caffeine, especially sugary coffee. It will not be pretty.
Ikki: Canned cafe latte from the vending machine, the less sweet the better
Ace: Espresso, made only from the finest small-lot coffee beans and served in a ridiculously expensive and tiny cup
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lovelyxhorrors · 3 months
Alright Matt confess!
Did everything Ryu said was true!? Did you get him back for what he did. I get the feeling he kept tempting and tempting you till you broke right?
"Huuhh?" Matt looks at the anon with red eyes. "And what is it you wanna know? I can't discuss private stuff. Ryunsouke doesn't like anyone snooping around and asking nosy questions like that." He asked.
Thinking about the question, he did get him back after Ryunosuke was let loose.
"Ryunosuke~" There is danger laced in Matt's tone. A danger that Ryunosuke knows too well. A good and nervous kind of danger. He shudders under the killer after he had ridden him so much and managed to make him cum so many times. The hellhound made sure to milk him as much as he can.
He became so tired that the movement of his hips became sluggish and Rashomon's strength wavers. The moment when that happens, Matt takes the chance to flip their positions over, breaking out of Rashmon's hold. Now he can see the red glowing eyes under his dark bangs. He can see the residues of cum on his chest and he can smell blood from the bite marks he inflicted on him for his blood.
"M-matt...I..." Ryunosuke trembles.
"You were very bad tonight, you know~. So bad..." Matt said so intensely, it made Ryunosuke's hole twitch, "I feel bad that you were so hungry for me. You must be starving after doing all that. It's like I neglect you like I haven't done enough for you...." Eh?
"So I think I got a good idea of how to satisfy you while punishing you at the same time." Matt smiles. Ryunosuke gulps, "Y-you do?"
"I do." He went to pull out of Ryunosuke and carried him in his arms so they walked to the next room down the hallway. This was Matt's house so nobody will walk in without permission. As they got to the next room, Ryunosuke blinked at what it's in the room. It was hanging in the middle of the room under a dim light.
"Is that...uh..."
"Yep...a swing." Matt smiles.
"Besides...why should I tell you?" Matt's eyes glow under the shadows of his dark bangs. "Why would you ask a person who might kill you. That wouldn't be good, right?"
It was so good.
Matt got Ryunosuke on the sex swing on his backside as he had his wrists cuffed under the seat, both were leather cuffs, and between them was a metal chain. The swing in question is a black leather sling and swing almost like a hammock where there is support for the head and neck. It's sturdy and the padding is just right. The downside is the price but it's worth it. After all, Matt has enough money to buy things like this.
"Are you alright? Is it too tight for you?" He asked, after placing him in cuffs.
"N-no..." Ryunosuke shakes his head, "I'm alright." Matt can tell this is new for him so he needs to make sure that his lover gets comfortable. He puts Ryunosuke's legs through the loops so it can be easy for the killer to have fun.
Matt raised a brow, "But.."
"I'm sorry..." Ryunosuke said, putting on his best look of innocence. For a mafioso bearing the title the Black Fang Hellhound of Port Mafia, he looks so freaking cute with his puppy eyes like that. Matt's heart melts at the sight. But of course, Matt chuckles as he holds one of the swing hangers and leans in to look at Ryunosuke's nervous cute face.
"I know you are, Ryu. I know you're sorry. That's why I have to satisfy you just like how you did to me. Like I said, I don't want to neglect you." Matt said it in a way that Ryunosuke is now panting in anticipation.
Matt smiles so dangerously but deep down, he is blushing. Ryunosuke moans for him while he apologizes. It was a good night.
"Ah! Oh! AHHH! Ha! HA!"
The sounds of chains were clanging and shifting as Ryunosuke moaned out as he was being pounded so thoroughly. He can't even move due to the wrists and rather this swing is good for making him stay put while Matt is pounding into him. Ryunosuke felt that he was in mid-air being devoured by the darkness as he completely forgot that he was on the swing.
Matt growls with a feral look as there is a slight drool down from the corner of his mouth, snapping his hips into him. His cock rammed into his hole, hitting that sweet spot over and over again. The hellhound curls his toes every time his sweet spot is hard, throwing his head back with his mouth open with his tongue out, letting out lustful moans. It was music to the killer's ears. Ryunosuke is being moved back and forth on the swing due to the sheer force of Matt's thrusts.
Ryunsouke moans out as he begins to move his wrists and then whines, realizing that his arms are bound under the hammock. There were tears at the corners of his eyes as his chest went up and down. Matt's cute hellhound looks like a hot mess. He makes sure to eat him whole.
"M-matt...I'm going to...." Ryunosuke panted.
"Do it. Don't hold back." Matt tells him, going to stroke his cock in time with his thrusts. And soon, after a round of thrusts hitting directly into Ryunosuke's prostate that made the hellhound shudder and writhe with pleasure, he goes to cum right away with a loud pleasurable cry. Fluids of semen hits his chest, face, and of course, Matt's chest.
"There we go..." Matt pants, grinding into him slowly. He then hears whimpers from his beloved hellhound.
"Please...cum inside of me." Ryunosuke begged. Matt became silent. as he continued to move his hips.
"Please." No response. Ryunosuke tries to wiggle but he receives a pinch at his nipple making him whimper. "M-Matt?"
"I think I did enough of that, didn't I? Besides...you had some of mine inside of you so I want to see if you can cum more than me. After all...we have a long night ahead of us. I still..." He runs his hair through his hand, pushing his bangs up. "want to see you losing yourself, again, Ryu. Seeing you like that makes me eat you over and over again." He said as he looked down at Ryu with a growing hunger in his illuminated red eyes. "After all..you gotta be paid back after what you put me through. It's only fair, right? Isn't it, Ryu?"
"Ha...ha..." Ryunosuke had that dazed look with wanton eyes looking up to him. God, he looks so good like this. He can feel Ryunsouke's hole twitching and squeezing him just right. "S-sorry!" His hellhound speaks, "P-please punish me, Matt!" He pleaded with that dazed smile of his.
"Good boy." Matt smiles and proceeds to resume his hard thrusts, making Ryunosuke moan non-stop with his head back and eyes closed. "M-matt! Right there! Please! Don't stop! Punish me!! I will be good! DON'T STOP! AAAH~"
Man...that was the best night. Matt grins so feral. But he almost forgot that the anon was still there.
"Huh? You're still here? If I were you, I wouldn't stay too long. My members like my followers will think you of as prey. Now run along." Matt tells the anon.
He wonders if that anon asks anyone in his fraction about what they do with their partners. "Huh." Maybe he should visit Ryunosuke again.
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stroke-of-wave · 5 months
Meet Shin Ryeong | Vogue Korea
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Q: First off, would you introduce yourself?
It would be my pleasure. My name is Shin Ryeong, but I prefer to be called Ryeong or Ryeongu. I was born on Spring, 1st 2004, guess how old I am by this year! Seoul is my birth town. I am the second child in the family, after my brother Ryu, which everyone's probably aware of already. My MBTI is ESFP, the last time I checked, and yes, I'm an extrovert person. I hope you saw it coming! love animals, cats especially, and that always got me a dead stare from my friends when I mimicked the sound of it every time. I stand 5’10” ft, thanks to my undying love for milk perhaps. And.. I think that’s it for now.
Q: How cute! Bet there’s many out there who’s dying to hear your cat’s impression. Well, let’s save that for later. Tell me, what are you up to these days?
Nothing much, I guess? Still studying diligently, doing this and that, almost everything if I have time to spare. Well, if I could tell you one thing, yesterday I got a letter of acceptance from Segyeong University. Big news, I’m starting college very soon!  
Q: Oh my God, congratulations, Ryeong-ssi! Let me guess, the major is closely connected to business?
You got me! To be exact, I applied to College of Business Administration, the same major as well.
Q: I see someone’s eager to take on his father position in the future? 
Eiy, it’s not like that. I still have so much to learn before stepping on such a high position. Beside, I want to focus on the present and enjoying my youth days. I feel like college could be a whole new starting point to look for more extraordinary things in life, am I right?
Q: Many said so and I believe that as well. Talking about youth and college, any plan on getting a lover? People are curious to know!
God, you put me in a tough situation! But, well, if anything, if there’s someone who catches my attention.. I can’t say there’s no possibility.
Q: All I can say is good luck to whoever dreamed of being your lover. Oh, maybe I can help them a bit, what are you interest nowadays, Ryeong-ssi? 
There are so many things that I’m interested in right now, but some that I can mention are movies, dance, cooking, and fashion. Recently, I learned how to cook a top-notch ramyeon recipe by myself, even my friends keep on asking me for details, but I don’t disclose it to anyone. It’s fun to mess with them! I have also been trying for more variety of fashion styles, which my Mom encouraged me to do so, and started taking me to fashion show events. It amuses me though, and I acquire a lot of knowledge from Mom. And I still frequently watch movies from time to time, it is my number one hobby after all. 
Q: Keep it in your memory, ladies and gents! Who knows maybe Ryeong-ssi would also be interested in you. Lastly, before we end this session, may I know about your dream?
Wow, that’s an intriguing question for a closing. For me, dreams are sacred. I used to have a lot of dreams back when I was still a kid who knew nothing. Then, growing up, I realized that not every dream may come true, no matter if you pursue it through hard work, or even worse by doing nothing. Some dreams are meant to stay as dreams. Now, though, I dream only one thing, to help people around me, people in need, people who have nothing. Maybe after that, I can dream of more.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Do you have any recs for somewhat situational romcom-style stuff where at least half of the main pairing is kind of stupid but in an endearing way, rather than a wildly cringy one?
For example, I loved Kieta Hatsukoi and Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai, but I bounced off of My School President and Secret Crush On You and some others due to finding the protag(s) a little too embarrassing. I generally tend towards Korean and Japanese BLs because I prefer my tv shows short in total length, but I'd be happy watching more Thai ones if I can just find ones that suit me.
This is one of those instances where I am not sure i can help bc we may feel differently about this king of BL. I found Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai nearly unbearable but adored My School President. Like you I bounced VERY hard off of SCOY and I love Kieta Hatsukoi.
I think you might like the "Baby is a chaos muffin" archetype so here's a list of those:
Somewhat situational romcom-style stuff where at least half of the main pairing is kind of stupid but in an endearing way
I can pull things that may fit your criteria from Japan & Korea and some of these I promise you won't have seen.
I bolded the ones I really liked, but ignore at will since we may hive different taste.
From Japan
Cherry Magic AKA 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii AKA Cheri Maho
Takara & Amagi AKA Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
Kabe Koji AKA Kabesaa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shounin Yokkyuu wo Kojirasete iru
Ossan's Love
From Korea
(generally they are more subtle about this style)
All the Liquors
Behind Cut
Choco Milk Shake
Ocean Likes Me
Oh! Boarding House
Roommates of Poongduck 304 AKA Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding
First Love Again
Individual Circumstances
Mr. Heart
Oh My Assistant
The Lover (BL Cut)
And in case you're feeling frisky & experimental
My Esports Genius Brother - China, Gaga
River Knows Fish Heart - China, Gaga (bit harsh)
Ossan's Love: Love or Dead - Hong Kong
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
Chan-won Lee, 'Entertainer Madang'
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Chan-won Lee of 'Pyeonstorang' challenged to win 2 in a row with red japchae gratin.
On the night of the 10th, KBS 2TV's entertainment program 'New Release Pyeonstorang' (hereinafter referred to as 'Pyeonstorang'), Lee Chan-won's ambitious new menu was revealed.
On this day, Chan-won Lee called actress Yoon Hyun-min. Chan-won Lee said, "I'm really close." The panelists expressed their surprise at this and called him "the entertainment industry maddang". Chan-won Lee asked Hyun-min Yoon, "Do you like brunch?" and said, "I'm going to make brunch today, but I'm worried about what to do."
Hyunmin Yoon recommended the menu, saying, "Bake bread lightly, spread a little butter, and eat scrambled eggs with jabbala milk." At the same time, he showed his delicate brother, saying, "If I have a photo that I can use as a reference for cooking, I will send it to you."
Chan-won Lee chose Japchae for the menu. Kim Bo-min was worried, saying, "It wouldn't be easy for a 27-year-old young man to make and eat japchae." However, Chan-Won Lee continued to cook with skillful skill without worrying about it. He first cut the vegetables and fried them all at once.
Chan-won Lee added red pepper paste and red pepper powder to vegetables, making everyone curious. He said, "I make spicy japchae in Gyeongsang Province. I eat a lot of red japchae in Busan. I remember the recipe because it was a dish my grandmother made often."
Then, he finished the seasoning by adding soy sauce, sugar, perilla oil, oyster sauce, and pepper. Chan-won Lee, who poured water into the seasoning, put vermicelli and shiitake mushrooms in it and stir-fryed it. Finally, he added sesame seeds to complete the japchae. Ryujin laughed, saying, "It tastes good, but I don't think it's brunch."
Chan-won Lee confidently put yellow cheese, mozzarella cheese, and canned corn on Japchae. “This is Korean-style spaghetti,” he explained. At this, the panelists expressed their surprise, "How do you think of such a thing?" and Ryu Su-young kept it in check, saying, "The menu is powerful."
The red japchae gratin was completed and Chan-won Lee, who tasted it, showed confidence in the menu, saying, "I will unconditionally win two consecutive wins."
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aaternum-a · 2 years
hi ryu loni brought you a pretty bouquet of pink colored flowers as a “sorry I beat that guy up at your work and maybe made your life a little more difficult” apology gesture.
Against the rusted locker walls, the bouquet is an easy catch, vibrant blooming azaleas in a beautiful arrangement – a welcome surprise to start her evening; the patrons were not the most gracious of company to be around for hours. But who would’ve left it here? She reaches forward and wraps her digits around its neatly cut stems. It’s heavy too and not very fragrant, a fresh earthy smell that reminds her of sweet springs. Whoever bought it must’ve spent a pretty penny on the gesture. Curious, she gingerly parts the petals, nose crinkled with her inquisitive leer as she searches for a letter or name. A vigorous knock at the hall door rips her out the task, bristling instantly at the sharp sound. It’s a gracious five minute warning for the first fight – the distant sound of the bell a signal to hurry along with getting ready. “  Alright! I’ll be there in a sec!   ” She calls out, carelessly lifting her hand to wave them along, but to her delight, out falls a glossy white card with ink one side. Oh! That must be it! Ryu leans forward and squints to read the familiar lettering. “   Loni.   ” The name is at her lips before she’s even read the apology, a mirthful laugh shaking her shoulders as she pulls her phone out. A quick glance at the clock, only a minute or so left, she had to be quick. She snaps a quick photo of herself with her new table display, tongue darted out playfully before she sends out a quick text.
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Friday, 09:30PM [Ryu] : how’d you know the way to my heart were flowers? 🥺 [Ryu] : i hope it’s accompanied by lunch on you .. next friday! DON’T text back if you wanna go. 😉 [Ryu] : ..also i love the flowers, tytytyty. 💕
[MMS message sent]
She smiles to herself, carefully placing the flowers back into her locker when a thought dawned on her. How'd she get it in there? She supposes she can pry that out of her when Loni inevitably fails to text her back and is subjected to lunch. What a mystery this lady was!
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Are there any specific BL shows you would recommend to someone just getting into the genre?
Hmmm. This is always a hard one for me! Because there are so amazing ones but so many of them should come with warning and also if I start on the really good ones what happens when you finish those and realize the rest aren't that great?
Also, how do I give advice without knowing who I'm advising and their taste? That's the biggest issue for me with an 'intro course' because you never know what people like and don't like. There are people who hate every. single. show. I've recommended here.
Now, to clarify, I started on what I call the Netflix route. I watch The Untamed and then SOTUS and then found Viki and watched Love By Chance and that got me into the fandom. Would that work for everyone? Not a chance. But it just goes to show you that anything can get someone into a fandom if that's what they like.
So this is a list of BL shows i feel show the best of the industry... and a few on the list that are there because they show you what MOST of the industry is like as well. Take a sampling. Try a few shows. Don't limit yourself to any single country or genre. Sample.
There's SO much out there. You never know where your taste may take you. Search BL on My Drama List. Ask multiple people for where to get started. Look at gifsets on here and see what appeals. My taste may not be your taste, my idea of amazing may not be yours, my idea of the best of the best may not fit in with what you like.
So... ANYWAY. Disclaimer out of the way! Here's my list of where to start based on what I think is a good intro to BL itself through amazing shows and also trope-filled shows.
1. A Tale of A Thousand Stars: The story of a rich young man who needs a heart transplant, gets it from a young woman who was a volunteer teacher in a poor village and falls in love with one of the soldiers in the village. Absolutely lovely. Just fantastic. Gorgeous characters, amazing setting, fantastic story. Seriously. This will spoil you for a lot of lesser shows but if you start with it you'll know how good the genre can get.
2. Cherry Magic: Adachi is an office worker who considers himself awkward and boring and not very good at anything... until he turns 30, gains the power to read minds from being a virgin and discovers that the top worker at his office, Kurosawa, has a huge crush on him. The softest, sweetest, most gentle BL and just fantastic. Highest of the high recommendations. Seriously. A great place to start.
3. He's Coming to Me: Mes is a ghost. He's been dead for a long time. And Thun has been visiting, and seeing him, since he was a child. When Thun is going to University, he ends up taking Mes with him and their real adventure begins. Warning for death but holy shit is this one good. So good. Absolutely amazing and wonderful, plot-driven, a need to watch show.
4. Until We Me Again: WARNING: SUICIDE AND DEATH. In and Korn were forbidden lovers 30 years ago. Dean and Pharm dream of them every night and recognize each other on sight. Fate brings them together but can fate really lead to true love? An amazing show, absolutely beautiful, deep characters, deep plot, filled to the brim with emotion and highly recommended but heed the warning, okay?
5. Be Loved In House: I Do: When Shi Lei's new boss, Yu Zhen, takes over the jewelry store and introduces a rule that everyone working there must be single, Shi Lei is ready to throw hands for his friends. So what happens when he slowly finds himself falling in love with that strange man? This is just such a soft little show, filled with joy and softness and idiots. Absolutely a great place to start yourself on Taiwen BL.
6. All the Korean BL movies: I know that this is just a label but, like, literally all of these are soft and short and a great place to start to just get a feel for the shows coming out of Korea. Not as trope-y but just generally... good. ALWAYS watch the movie version.
Wish You: Tiny musician catches the eye of someone working for a record label
Where Your Eyes Linger: Bodyguard and the boy he guards
To My Star: Puppy movie star (who's more neurotic than he lets on) meets stiff chef (who's softer than he lets on)
Color Rush: In a world where a portion of the population can only see in shades of grey until they meet the person that lets them see in color... and are considered dangerous for this... a mono meet a probe. The best of the bunch!
Mr Heart: A marathon runner has stopped winning and another young man is hired to help him get back to winning. Honestly the weakest of these in my humble opinion.
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding: Historical Idiots being historically soft and historically stupid. That's is. Young man dresses as a woman to cover up that his sister ran away from an important marriage but the groom ends up loving him regardless.
7. Light on Me: A student who's never had a friend is convinced to at least give it a try and joins the student council where he meets a sweet young man, a jokester and an awkward and confrontational young man... and there's a lover triangle because what else would there be? Oh, this one is SO good and so soft and very emotional and sweet and has a fantastic love triangle and introduces you to tropes very smartly. Definitely a good place to slip into the genre and see how the tropes get played.
8. Ingredients: A chef lives with a musician and takes care of him every turn. Yes, it's an extended ad series. But it's also soft BL filled with every trope imaginable and it's a good place to just let yourself get used to Thai BL and how it feels.
9. Oxygen: When a rich young man who can't sleep finds himself at a coffee shop in the middle of the night, there's no way he expected to meet the love of his life. But when the barista offers him warm milk to help him sleep? He's lost. I put this one on here with a few reservations because there's a side pairing that is just horrible (skip all scenes with the doctors and the coffee shop coworker for your own good, okay?) but the rest of the show is just so good and so soft and I love it so much.
10. My Engineer: A sassy freshman meets a senior engineering student who is SERIOUSLY into getting sassed. A quiet introvert meets an extrovert who refuses to give up. One friend has been pining for years and has decided friendship is good enough. This one, again, goes on with reservations. It's a good start for getting into most of the more typical Thai BLs. Gives you the regular tropes, gives you the more typical relationship and friendship things... This is a good place to start if you want to be prepared for most of what you're going to watch, frankly.
There. I'll stop there. I think that's a good set. @absolutebl may have some more ideas? I kinda went basic on this list, no denials. And maybe a bit weird as well. No denials.
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sugawaraxo · 4 years
sex tape
warnings: smut ofc
characters: yu nishinoya, ryu tanaka, tetsoru kuroo, koutarou bokuto
request: Hc of asking your man to make a sex tape with you? With Nishinoya, Tanaka, Kuroo, and Bokuto please! 🖤
a/n: i really like bokuto’s, his was fun to write lol
- with nishinoya traveling all the time because of volleyball, it gets extremely hard not to miss him a lot when he’s gone
- especially when you’re craving his touch 
- most times you’re able to satisfy yourself decently well, but sometimes it’s just not enough
- and porn does absolutely nothing to help you because watching other people fuck just isn’t the same as watching as nishinoya fucks you
- so you get an idea that sparks both yours and nishinoya’s attention
- he’s very excited
“babe, can i ask you something?” you say while you massage noya’s scalp, his head resting in your lap comfortably as you two lay on the couch.
“hm?” he hums, teetering on the verge of sleep at the gentle feeling of your touch.
“what if we made a sex tape?” you question and noya’s head shoots up to look at you, eyes wide with interest.
“is this a joke? like some sort of prank? please tell me it’s not a prank.” he begs and you laugh at his response.
“no, it’s not a prank. i was just thinking about it and sometimes, when you’re away, i get really needy and it’s hard to get the kind of pleasure i’m looking for without you here. so maybe if we make a little sex tape, i can have something to watch and help when you’re away.” you explain. nishinoya stares at you blankly, his brain slowly processing each word you just said. the thought of you getting all needy when he’s not here and touching yourself while watching a video of him fucking you was more than enough to make him and his mini noya very excited. 
“is that even a question? i’m so down, can we do it right now?” he asks eagerly causing you to laugh at him again. 
“i mean, i don’t see why not.” you shrug.
nishinoya props himself up so that he’s hovering above you and he kisses you deeply. your lips always work together so perfectly, synchronizing in a nice steady rhythm. his hands are traveling all over your body in an attempt to get you as aroused as he already is, and it works without a doubt. noya continues kissing you and lightly grazing your sides with his fingers or rubbing small circles on your inner thighs until he earns a moan from you that makes him grin. 
“i know how i want to start the sex tape.” he says confidently.
“grab your phone and start recording.” is his only response. you grab your phone from beside you on the couch and open the camera app, pressing record and waiting for noya’s next move. he slides down your body and effortlessly discards your shorts, tossing them off to the side somewhere. he looks down in between your legs then up at you, you watching him through the screen of your phone. he gives the camera a small smirk before pressing a kiss on the lower part of your tummy, trailing more soft kisses all over your thighs, hips, and waist. he then lightly moves his lips over your core which was only being covered by the thin lace of your underwear. you begin to grow a bit impatient at nishinoya’s teasing, writhing under his gentle yet alluring kisses.
“noya, please.” you whine softly and he looks up at you for a quick second before pulling your panties down and tossing them somewhere unknown. he wastes no time pressing his mouth against your warm folds, licking circles around your clit repetitively. you to let out an airy gasp of his name and he continues to work his mouth around your clit for awhile, progressively sucking and licking more and more aggressively, just so he could selfishly earn more moans from you that make his dick painstakingly hard. and as if his tongue relentlessly moving around your clit wasn’t enough, he sticks two fingers inside of you and curls them upward to hit your spot. 
“holy shit noya.” you moan, reaching your free hand down to grip onto his hair lightly while trying to maintain a steady grip on your phone with the other. he looks up at you and you nearly cum at the sight. his eyes are blown with lust and his face is flushed a pretty shade of pink. you just know this part of the video is going to constantly be on replay when it’s finished. you absentmindedly start jutting your hips against noya’s tongue, a thing you do when you’re about to unravel.
you giving him the clear sign that you’re about to cum is noya’s cue to stop, so he removes his fingers from your soaking hole and wipes his mouth clean as he sits up between your legs. you whimper a little at the cum denial, but you know exactly why he did it.
“wanna see you cum with me inside you.” he mumbles, confirming your guess. 
“me too.” you respond and he smiles down at you softly which makes your heart jump. he pulls his pants down along with his boxers revealing his member. his tip is dripping with precum and you feel your pussy clench as you look at it. nishinoya takes his shirt off before saying, “yours too” and you remove yours aswell. he looks at your now fully nude body and sighs,
“how’d i get so fucking lucky?” he coos and for the second time, your hearts jumps and you can’t help but smile at his words. he presses himself at your entrance, teasing it slowly and you adjust the camera angle so that you can get more of noya’s face and body in it because that’ll come in handy later. he slides into you at a teasingly slow pace, drawing out the loud moan that’s leaving your lips. once he’s all the way in, he looks at the camera and winks before pulling out and thrusting back into you, hitting your spot perfectly. you planned on rolling your eyes at his cockiness, but your eyes end up squeezing shut at the sudden excess of pleasure.
“that feel good?” noya asks, already knowing the answer but still wanting to fuel his ego. you can’t even answer in actual words as he continues to thrust into you deeply, so you just nod and moan in response. he grins in satisfaction and thrusts into you a bit harder, not letting up on wanting to milk you of every moan you could possibly utter. he wants this video to be really nice for you since he feels guilty about being away for so long sometimes. he wants to make you feel so good so that every time you look back at this, you remember how amazing he can make you feel. he reaches down to play with your nipples a bit, making you squirm in pleasure. you use your free hand to start playing with your throbbing clit, not being able to hold back the lewd noises building in your throat. you’re a moaning mess beneath him, shaking and struggling to keep the camera steady as you get closer to your orgasm.
“here, let me take it.” noya says, grabbing the phone from you as he notices you struggling. he focuses it down on you, watching himself go in and out of you on the screen and he lets out a groan.
“noya, i’m so close.” you whimper, your chest heaving heavily as you start rubbing your clit more aggressively.
“good girl, cum for me.” nishinoya coos, making his thrusts sharper and deeper against your g-spot.
a few more thrusts and you’re arching your back off the couch and practically screaming nishinoya’s name. he smirks as you tremble beneath him, the sight completely destroying him aswell. he pulls out of you and cums all over your stomach, grunting and panting while he reaches his peak.
he wipes his mess up with his fingers then places them at your mouth, you sucking all of his faintly salty remnants off obediently and his cock twitches. after getting that all on camera, noya stops the recording and collapses next to you.
“that felt so good.” you sigh before placing a kiss on his cheek.
“it really did.” he replies, returning a kiss on your forehead. “now you can watch it whenever you want. and you better send me that video, i need it too.” he continues, handing you back your phone. you laugh at his statement and give him a quick peck before sending him the video.
you guys definitely watch it that night and go for another round.
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- he would be the one to bring it up actually
- tanaka just enjoys taking lewd photos of you in general
- he’ll come up behind you as you look at yourself in the mirror after getting ready and take a handful of your boob before snapping a pic
- or he’ll have you sit on his lap, facing towards him so he can take a mirror pic of him grabbing your ass like that
- he doesn’t post them or anything, but just likes looking at them every once in awhile
-  he did print out the ass grabbing one and put it on the dash board of his car though
- it makes him feel a sense of security that he’s the only one you’ll pose in pictures like that for 
- and he’s always had the desire to film you guys while having sex, to have a permanent memory of the encounter
- which is no surprise to you
tanaka is balls deep in your mouth, fucking your face at a slow yet rough tempo while muttering all sorts of nonsense as he does so. he’s leaning against the edge of the kitchen counter and you’re resting on your knees in front him, pleasing him the way he loves the most. your eyes are shut tightly as you try your best not to choke on tanaka’s length, them beginning to brim with tears a bit at the feeling of him continuously thrusting into the back of your throat. you open your eyes so that the tears would fall and you could wipe them away. but when you open them, you’re met with tanaka’s phone camera facing down at you and him looking at you with a shy smile.
“is this ok?” he asks, motioning to his phone.
“mhmm.” you hum, your mouth too full to talk.
you think it’s kind of hot being recorded actually. knowing that tanaka will go back and watch this vid countless times the same way you always catch him looking at the nsfw pictures that you two take every so often. it also gives you the motivation to be a little extra with your sucking. you wanna make tanaka weak with moans so whenever he goes back to watch the video, he’s reminded of just how crazy he is for your lips around his dick.
you hollow your cheeks a bit more, moving your wet mouth down his shaft at a teasing pace, maintaining eye contact with him in the process. he throws his head back and lets out a deep groan as your nose touches his abdomen, you completely taking tanaka’s length down your throat. 
“holy fuck y/n.” tanaka pants and you smirk, now circling the tip of his dick with your tongue. you suck the tip gently, remembering to slide your tongue over the slit occasionally which causes tanaka to grip your hair roughly as he moans your name. he watches you through his phone screen, basking in the fact that he knows this will be his favorite video on the planet.  
“i’m not gonna last very long if you keep this up.” he sighs breathlessly, looking down at you through hooded eyes. it’s taking every bit of his strength not to just release in your mouth right then, because you look so destroyed on his cock. there’s saliva and precum on your swollen lips and rolling down your chin in thin clear strands, your face is stained with the tears that spilled from your eyes whenever you took tanaka’s full length down your throat, and your hair is a little messy from tanaka instinctively gripping it whenever he feels his tip hit the back of your throat. it’s definitely a sight to see, a sight that has tanaka teetering on his edge. you’re about to try deepthroating him again, but he pulls you off by your hair and gestures for you to stand up.
“bend over the counter.” he grunts.
you get up and rest your stomach on the edge of the cold counter, bending over for him. he lifts one of your legs, placing it on the counter while you maintain balance with the other still planted on the floor. now your cunt is fully exposed to him and both of you shiver, you at the feeling and him at the view. tanaka makes sure he has a decent camera angle before thrusting into you. no teasing, no gimmicks, just straight to it. your body lurches forward a bit, tanaka is not taking it easy on you today and you don’t mind at all. his eyes are glued to your ass on his phone screen, watching it bounce every time he thrusts into you.
“fuck.” he moans, the grip that his free hand has on your hip growing a bit tighter. you’re whimpering with each thrust, each and every one of them hitting that spot that makes you feel dizzy. if anyone were to speak to you right now, anything you tried to say would sound like a bunch of babbling. that’s the power tanaka’s cock has over you, and he absolutely loves it.
“you ok down there baby?” he asks but you can hear the smirk he’s carrying in his tone. you say nothing, just continue to let your sweet, loud moans bounce off the walls of the kitchen. tanaka pulls you up so that your leg is still lifted on the counter, but your back is pressed flush against his body. he switches to the selfie camera and sets the phone down, resting it against a vase on the countertop so that both of you are in view.
“i want you to cum like this, ok?” he says and you nod eagerly in return. he begins thrusting into you again, placing tender kisses on the sides of your neck while his hands roam all over your body. you watch him on the phone screen, he looks just as fucked out as you do which makes you pulse around him. you move your hand down to your clit, knowing that neither of you would last much longer. tanaka slows the speed of his thrusts, but increases the precision as he aims directly for your special spot. 
“oh my god ryu, i’m gonna- fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” you moan, throwing your head back against his shoulder and he looses it, just as well as you do.
he pulls out of you and cums all over your backside, some dripping onto the floor as you use the counter to stable yourself from your weakening legs. he kisses your shoulder before reaching down to grab his phone and stop the recording. then he grabs your hips and turns you towards him and plants a gentle kiss on your lips.
“that was insanely hot.” he says as he uses the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“you’re telling me.” you sigh, still shaking slightly from your orgasm. he cleans up the mess he made on the floor with a paper towel, then makes his way back over to you and picks you up bridal style. 
“well let’s go shower and maybe we can record another one while we’re in there.” tanaka smirks and you shake your head as you laugh.
i guess that’s what happens when you have a boyfriend with high stamina.
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- like tanaka, kuroo would initiate it
- kuroo loves to take pictures and videos of you to show you off
- like he’s definitely one of those boyfriend’s whose instagram has more pictures of their partner than themselves
- he just thinks you’re so cute and wants the whole world to know you’re his
- but he doesn’t want them to know what you guys do behind closed doors
- so those pics and videos stay private, for his and your eyes only
- but he definitely loves taking them while you guys are in the heat of the moment
- is 100% the type to fuck you while watching your own sex tape
“kuroo, i’m kinda in the mood to ride you.” you say bluntly to your boyfriend who is sitting across from you on the couch. he pulls his phone away from his line of vision so he could look at you, searching for any signs of a joke in your expression. but you’re dead serious.
“i mean, what am i supposed to say to that? no?” he smirks that infamous smirk of his and you have to force yourself not to roll your eyes.
“just wanted to give you a heads up is all.” you say, climbing your way over to him and straddling his lap. he lays his phone on his chest and his hands instinctively find their way to your thighs, rubbing the smooth skin gently. 
“hm, go for it. i’m all yours.” he grins then lifts his arms above his head as if permitting you access to his body. you smile down at him amusedly, desire eating away at you as you process his appearance. he’s shirtless, so his muscular build is on full display for you to inherently drool over. he’s wearing a pair of shorts made of the same material sweatpants are made out of, the fabric loosely resting on his hips dangerously low now that you’re sitting there and unintentionally pulling them down a bit. he catches your wandering eyes and chuckles at you.
“you know you can look and touch, right kitten?” he teases and you allow yourself to roll your eyes at him this time.
“sheesh, can i not just admire my hot boyfriend?” you huff jokingly before rubbing your hands up his chest and down his torso tenderly. you don’t fail to miss the slight blush raising over the bridge of kuroo’s nose which makes you smile.
“only if you let me admire you back.” he says, tugging at the hem of your shirt as a signal for you to take it off. you do, bringing the piece of clothing over your head slowly, quite literally feeling kuroo’s gaze burning through you the entire time. once your top half is just as naked as kuroo’s, he starts massaging your boobs lightly and you let out a sigh at his touch. he moves his hands down your sides and over your thighs, letting them rest there again while rubbing his thumbs over your now tingling skin. 
“can’t wait to watch you fuck yourself on my cock.” he groans as he scans over your entire body with eager eyes and a flush of heat runs through your body. 
“yeah?” you question, beginning to roll your hips over his clothed shaft. his breath hitches and he picks up his phone that’s still laying on his chest.
“mhm, i’m gonna record it. so put on a show for me.” he grins and you feel a surge of arousal flow through you. you pull off the only piece of clothing you have left which is a simple pair of underwear, and pull down kuroo’s bottoms just enough so that you can get what you need. you grind your damp cunt against kuroo’s now hardening member in an attempt to get him fully erect. it works with ease, him getting hard for you in just a matter of seconds as he watches you desperately rock your hips against him. 
you reach down beneath your body, grabbing his length and giving it a couple strokes before placing his tip at your center sinking down on him and feeling every inch stretch and fill you up perfectly. you let out a shaky breath and kuroo holds back a moan by biting his lip harshly. you begin to set a steady pace for yourself, lifting your hips up and letting them fall back down slowly enough for you to get used to kuroo’s above average size. you sturdy yourself by placing your hands on his chest, now picking up the pace of your movements. 
“you’re so hot.” kuroo groans as he reaches down to grab your ass before giving it a harsh spank. you wince at the pain, but also moan at the pleasure from him massaging the cheek afterwards. you lift yourself a bit higher off of his length and sink back down quickly, causing you and kuroo to moan in unison. you continue this, lifting your body all the way up to his tip and then crashing back down to take all of him inside of you, making you both just a jumble of moans and pants. 
“fuck, turn around. i wanna see that ass.” kuroo smirks and you follow his order. your now facing away from him, reverse cowgirl style, while he teases your hole with his tip. he has a firm grasp on his dick as he rubs it against your glistening folds, admiring the view in front of him.
“you ready?” he asks.
“mhm.” you hum. you move your hips around, eagerly waiting to feel him fill you up again. he chuckles at you before pushing himself into you, thrusting a couple times before letting you take the lead again. you start bouncing your hips up and down his shaft and kuroo nearly passes out. watching you ride him with your ass on full display for him is testing his strength, but he pushes through. he grabs onto your ass tightly and guides your hips to move at a bit of a slower pace.
“jesus, fuck.” kuroo moans, his grip on his phone faltering a bit as he begins to feel overwhelmed with pleasure. he tightens his grasp on the phone and starts fucking into you, matching the movements of your hips. 
“yes kuroo, just like that.” you sigh, throwing your head back at the sensation. 
“touch yourself, i want you to cum first.” kuroo breathes and you do as told. you rub your clit as you continue to grind on kuroo’s cock, meeting his thrusts halfway. 
“mm, kuroo-” is all you manage to get out before you’re trembling and moaning, your core pulsating as you orgasm.
“fuck.” kuroo pants as he pulls out of you, giving himself a few tugs before spurting warm cum all over your ass. you two sit like that for a few seconds, letting yourselves regain stability. once you feel as though you can move again, you turn around and lay on kuroo’s chest. he’s still recording so he flips the camera to face you guys, lifts your chin, and presses your lips together lovingly.
“probably the hottest one we’ve recorded yet.” kuroo says after ending recording.
“yeah?” you laugh at his enthusiastic expression.
“mhmm, because you’re the star of it.” he smiles. 
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- he comes home from practice and finds you waiting on the bed naked with your already recording camera set up on the side table
- babie is FLUSTERED
- like he just stands in the doorway, mouth gaped open, as if he’s too scared to walk in
- he’s seen you naked numerous times but you still take his breath away every time
- he’s so adorable 
- finally snaps out of his trance and joins you on the bed
bokuto removes his shoes and climbs into bed with you. the contrast between him being fully clothed and you being completely naked makes both of you blush a bit.
“what’s all this about?” he asks with a quirked eyebrow, scanning your entire body which makes you tense under his stare.
“umm well, i was thinking about it and i thought it’d be really hot if we made a sex tape.” you explain.
“you wanna make a sex tape?” he questions.
“i mean yeah. it’ll be nice to have something to look back-”
“say less.” he cuts you off and practically tears off his shirt. you giggle at his excitement, already knowing that he was probably going to react this way. within the next few seconds, you aren’t the only naked one anymore and your eyes trail down bokuto’s body. just like how you never fail to amaze him, he never fails to amaze you. the way his toned muscles flex whenever he moves makes all your heat rush to your core. 
“the view’s nice huh?” he teases and flexes his biceps a bit.
“shut up.” you laugh, “but yes, it is.”
bokuto grins at your compliment, then cups your face in his hands and captures your lips with his passionately. your lips mesh together effortlessly, as if you guys were made to kiss each other. bokuto deepens the kiss by swiping your bottom lip with his tongue, alerting you that he’s about to insert it into your mouth. he does just that and you let out a breathy moan that shoots right down to his dick. he hardens at your noises, kissing you deeper just to earn more. you could honestly kiss bokuto for hours. the way he always makes you feel like you’re the most fragile and precious thing he’s ever touched when he kisses you makes you feel overwhelmingly loved. though today’s makeout session is unfortunately cut short when bokuto pulls away and flips you over onto your stomach as if you weigh nothing. you let out a gasp, a little startled by the sudden force.
“sorry babe, i just really need to be inside you right now.” he admits and you laugh a little. you prop yourself up onto your elbows and knees, preparing for bokuto to insert himself into you.
“mm, look at that. all pretty and perched up for me.” he groans, rubbing your exposed cunt with two fingers. you tense at his light yet arousing touch, desperately wanting him to do more. as if he read your mind, he inserts those fingers inside of you at an antagonizing pace. you move your hips back in an attempt to speed up the friction but instead he pulls his fingers out and rests his hand on your ass.
“be” he spanks one cheek, “patient.” he finishes as he spanks the other. you whine at the stinging yet pleasurable pain and bokuto smiles sadistically while entering his fingers back inside you at a much faster rate. you moan as you watch yourself on your phone screen. you intentionally set it up using the selfie camera so that you could watch as bokuto fucked you senseless on the screen, and boy are you glad you did that. the smug look on his face while he fingerfucks you and thrusts into his own hand makes you clench around his fingers, craving something a bit bigger than the two digits.
“please just fuck me kou, i need it.” you moan. bokuto tries to pretend he’s not flustered by your words but is clearly taken aback. he could be the dominant one all he wants, but it’ll never change the fact that he goes completely weak when you beg for him.
“yeah? you want me to fuck you?” he grins, pulling his fingers out and replacing them with the tip of his painfully hard member.
“mhmm, please kou.” you hum, knowing that begging gets you anything you want with him. this instance just further proves that statement because he begins pushing into you at the same antagonizing speed he moved his fingers at. but you can’t complain since it helps a lot with getting used to his size, because he most definitely does not have the smallest tool in the shed. he continues slowly pushing his way in until his lower abdomen is pressed against your ass, his cock buried deep within your tight hole.
“fuck, you feel so good.” he moans. you glance at your phone to see what he looks like and his head is thrown back, eyes shut tightly and mouth open slightly. your body tingles at the sight, pleasure is written all over his expression and you love it. he pulls out of you and thrusts back into you with brute force. his favorite thing to do ever since he learned that it makes you scream. he pulls out of you exceptionally slowly, waits a short second, and then slam back into you relentlessly. your toes curl at his his little trick and you bury your face into a pillow in an attempt to muffle your loud moans of his name and plenty other profanities. he does this a few more times, smirking at the way you’re completely falling apart beneath him, then takes a break and fucks you at a more steady pace. though he’s no longer pounding into your sweet spot, his tip is still brushing against it and your head goes fuzzy with pleasure.
“you fuck me so good kotaro.” you moan into the pillow, gripping the sheets around you tightly.
“only the best for my pretty girl.” he smiles “here, turn over. wanna see your face.”
you flip over onto your back, now looking up at bokuto who’s smiling down at you lovingly.
“beautiful, so beautiful.” he coos, rubbing his thumb over your cheek softly. your heart drops into your stomach. you know you probably look a hot mess right now. makeup ruined from you shoving your face into a pillow, face flushed from the immense pleasure, and hair a bit messy from it all. but he still thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in existence and your heart almost can’t take it.
“can’t wait to make you cum.” he finishes and without any warning, he grinds his hips into you smoothly yet assertively. he has a tight grip on your hips as he rocks into them and you are just about losing it beneath him. you’re gripping onto his biceps, surely leaving bruises that’ll form by tomorrow. but he doesn’t mind whatsoever. he loves seeing you all fucked out as he pounds into you, sputtering all sorts of moans and lewd words here and there with each thrust. he can tell you won’t be able to hold on for much longer, so he brings his thumb to your clit and rubs small and quick circles on it. he matches the tempo of his thrusts and watches you turn into a blabbering mess at his touch.
“fuck kou, jesus christ. i can’t-you’re gonna make me-oh my god-i’m gonna-“
you’re grip on his arms gets a bit tighter as you succumb to your forceful orgasm. your eyes roll back, your back arches off the bed, and you swear your vision goes dark for a few seconds. bokuto can almost never get a full thrust in after seeing you cum and this is no exception to that. as soon as he sees you come undone, he pulls out of you and releases all over your stomach with a rich moan of your name.
“i came so hard i went blind there for a second.” you admit and bokuto busts out laughing.
“shit sorry. not really though.” he shrugs, collapsing next to you.
“hush. i’m just glad we got that all on camera. i’ll definitely be watching that soon. speaking of, can you hand me my phone?”
bokuto reaches over to grab your phone of the nightstand and you stop recording.
“twenty minutes of gold content.” you say as you look at the length of the video.
“wanna make it twenty more?”
“say less.” you reply smugly.
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prodtrouver · 3 years
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞ ✵ vinyl and coffee — 27. Stranger
yn becomes a song writer and decides to write songs for their school's band; tomorrow x together. they have a special spot in hello future cafe to which yn considered it as their safe place — that is until the band starts hanging out there after their practices — the boy they have a crush on and who made them a song writer.
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taglist: @tannie13 @jiminaaaahhhh @staysstrays @shuichi-sama @definitelynotcesia @meiinumaki @nyfwyeonjun @emilie0nicole @mariecoura @lycorisdoreablack @kyla-amaya @enhacolor @pr0dbeomgyu @tonightletspretend @soobsdior @lumixen @lealea203 @loonathewurld @ryu-naa @yunho-1999 @she-is-dreaming @soobinbins (send me an ask!)
general taglist: @chaoticdreaminisode
a/n: this was supposed to have an awkward moment of tyun and yn but I want them together again for 'a future plan'
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ꨄ︎ 3:28 pm
Yn entered Hello Future Cafe; their hands wrapped around a vinyl they bought front be music shop across the cafe. Immediately, they were greeted by the barista, Lee Jeno and the Baker, Mark Lee.
"Your usual, Lovelie?" Asked Chenle when he noticed their presence. Yn smiled and shook their head before their gaze lands on the vinyl they're holding onto.
"I'll be in and out- Also, may I have Kang Taehyun's order? I'm actually here to leave a gift for him." Stated yn as the employees smiled and nodded.
The anxious feeling filled yn's stomach as they pulled out a sticky note from their bag. They sat on Taehyun's table, the table against the wall with a painting of Moomin drinking the cafe's chocolate milk.
Yn's fingers wrapped around the blue colored gel pen before they think what to write. The Michael Jackson vinyl placed in front of them, on the table. They scribbled words on the sticky note, sadly smiling as they read the words they wrote.
They wished everything will go back to normal... Maybe, confess their real feelings to him as well. They just don't know how to do that, so for now, it's just baby steps.
They grabbed the vinyl and stuck the note in front of the cover. They stared at it before putting it back down.
"yn," they finched at Renjun's voice. The other laughed at their reaction. "Here's Kang Taehyun's usual order. Do you want us to tell you how he reacts if he sees your gift?"
Yn smiles at Renjun's offer, however, it's between him and them. Anyway, it's not like yn will stay, disguised as another person. Their hoodie's hood covered their head is most likely enough to cover their face.
"thank you, Renjun but I'll stay." Renjun nodded at them before he walks away. They stood from the table and walked to another table, far from where Taehyun can see them.
Minutes later, Kang Taehyun came into the cafe. His ash gray hair complimented the all black outfit he has on. His smile greeted the employees as he makes his way to his table. Yn put on their hood as they watched.
Meanwhile, Taehyun stared at the vinyl and coffee on his table. The yellow sticky note stood out with the addition of the words and a little doodle scribbled on it. The coffee which is his favorite was placed next to the vinyl.
Taehyun picks up the vinyl and pulls the sticky note away. The covered face of Michael Jackson showed and it brought a smile on Taehyun's lips. He takes a seat and reads the note. It says;
Hello, Tyunnie :)
I'm sorry about our awkward encounters and how everything is just so awkward after that day. I wish everything will get back to normal after we make up. I just feel like you're a stranger now and I feel bad because I'm the reason to that. I hope you like the vinyl and coffee :)
- dj Lovelie ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Taehyun couldn't help but smile. Even if he was hurt, a little part of him hoped everything will go back to normal. He kisses the sticky note before he stuck it on the vinyl again.
Even if he was rejected, he couldn't move on. He has blamed himself for being arrogant and couldn't control his jealousy. He never thought about yn's actual feelings and that's what drove him mad.
Repeatedly reading the sticky note gave him a thought that he can fix again. This time, with more care and consideration.
He kept reading the sticky note until he realized that receiving a vinyl and coffee felt like deja vu. He's experienced it twice... Was the first time DJ Lovelie too?
Whoever it was, whenever it was- the pair is hopeful again. They just needed time.
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