#royal 'verse
thewordfortheday · 1 month
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You will be a crown of splendour in the LORD’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God. Isaiah 62:3
Our God is a loving and caring God. He takes broken people, people considered useless, and makes something beautiful out of their lives. He makes them whole, He makes them useful in His hand, He does incredible things through them. That's how extravagant His love is. Each of us could testify to this, how He took us out of the miry pit and gave us a chance at life. Not only that, He is preparing us to be the Bride of Christ. He's moulding and shaping us to be conformed to His image. He has washed our sins with His blood and made us white as snow. Now He's so proud to show us off to the world, holding us in His hand for all to see— a splendid crown in the hand of God. Yes that's His ultimate plan for us. “so that He might present the church to Himself in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:27
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moofy117 · 5 months
Royal Council AU - Dory Verse - “Where am I??”
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RC! JD stumbled upon a strange club…
Grey JD belongs to @ijjstlostthegame
Brotherhood JD belongs to @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s
Crystal JD belongs to @tea0w0stache
World Tour JD belongs to @year2000electronics
Eldest and Youngest JD belongs to @matmiraculous
Unusual Brother JD belongs to @matmiraculous and @ijjstlostthegame
Black Falcon JD belongs to @trolls-with-tails
Feral JD belongs to @draco-after-dark
Royal Council JD belongs to me
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orbitsab · 2 years
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fuck you hera!
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onehundredfallenpetals · 10 months
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How do you all make it look so easy,
You open your hearts up so quickly it scares me
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hergrandplan · 1 month
Wille's Month 2024 (@youngroyals-events ) Day 2: Summer
Read the drabble below or on ao3 (cw for implied sex)
Wille sleeps peacefully until about 2 am, when the first flash wakes him up. He blinks, a bit disoriented, barely noticing how the room keeps brightening for a split second before the darkness returns.
It isn’t rare for him to wake up in the middle of the night, but usually it’s because he had a nightmare.
Those nights, he curls himself into Simon's side, burying his face in his curls and inhaling his scent, to try and calm his rapid heartbeat down. Sometimes, Simon wakes up and they'll talk, Simon pressing Wille against him, smoothing his hair and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Other times, when Simon is too fast asleep, he still responds by wrapping his arm around Wille, because somehow, he still knows. As if his body is simply attuned to Wille, the way it responds to his every subtle shift.
But tonight Wille hasn’t startled awake because of a nightmare - in fact, he was having the most pleasant dream he's had in a while, of running up cobblestone streets lined with soft yellow and pink houses. The Mediterranean sun shining down on them, but not outshining Simon’s warm smile next to him.
There’s another flash, and then Wille hears the first roar of thunder, and his brain slowly starts to catch up with what’s happening.
Wille lets his head fall back down to the pillow, groaning. Great.
A thunderstorm. Exactly what he needs.
Heavy drops of rain start hammering against the window, as if now that Wille’s awake, the sky can unleash its full power. Or maybe he’s only aware of it now, now that he’s fully conscious.
Of course, Simon’s still fast asleep beside him, arm flung over Wille’s torso. How Simon manages to sleep through the roaring storm outside, Wille has no idea. It’s nights like this where Wille wishes he had Simon’s skill to sleep through almost anything.
With a heavy sigh, Wille gets up from his side on the bed, carefully removing Simon’s arm from his chest, and goes to the bathroom to get himself a glass of water.
Lightning lights up the room in short intervals, occasionally followed by thunder, sometimes by just silence – but it’s non-stop. The rain is loudest of all.
It’s not like he’s scared of thunderstorms – they’re a common occurrence in summer, and usually, he even likes them. He loves to watch lightning streak across the sky high above them, huddling up inside with Simon and being very glad that he’s not outside. He even loves the thunder, imagines Thor riding his chariot in the sky and smashing his hammer.
It reminds him of afternoons chasing Erik through the palace in a never-ending game of tag because they couldn’t play outside, of staying up way past his bedtime to finish just one more chapter (it was never just one more chapter).
But tonight, he wishes for nothing more but the storm to pass. He already has trouble enough falling asleep as it is, and the continuous flashes, heavy rain and rolling thunder won’t help with that.
Defeated, knowing that he probably won’t get much sleep tonight now, he lets himself fall back onto the mattress. Simon stirs beside him, and for a second Wille holds his breath, afraid that he’s woken his boyfriend up. But Simon simply turns to his side, murmuring something incomprehensible, and it looks like Wille’s in the clear.
Then there’s a thunderclap so loud that it shakes the windows, rattles their building even, and with a gasp, Simon jolts up.
“What was that?” It comes out in one singular, panicked breath.
“Just a thunderstorm, darling,” Wille says from where he’s sprawled out behind Simon. Simon’s eyes, unfocussed at first, soften when they find his. Wille reaches out to him, eases him back down so that Simon’s lying on his chest, huddled in the warmth between their bodies. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Did it wake you up too? Or did you have another nightmare?” Simon places a warm hand on his chest, just above where Wille’s heart beats for him.
Wille winds one of Simon’s curls around his finger, and hums. “No, it was just the storm. I actually had a good dream tonight, so it’s even ruder that it woke me up.”
He can already see Simon’s eyes getting heavy again, now that the initial shock of adrenaline has passed.
“Whatwasitabout?” Simon mumbles.
“We were on vacation. In Italy, I think. Maybe Spain – somewhere south. We’d just come back from the beach, and there was salt stuck in your curls, and I was thinking about how we’d go back to our rental,” Wille stops playing with Simon’s curls to run his hand along his back, “and shower, and I would wash the salt out of your curls. But then I figured, if there’s salt in your curls, there’s probably salt in other places as well, so maybe I should clean that up too.”
Simon laughs softly. “You are very thorough in your cleaning.”
Simon opens his eyes for a brief second, but the sleep in his eyes has gone, replaced by something else. Something hungry.
“Maybe we can make your dream come true.”
“What? You want to go to Italy? Right now?” It’s not like Wille doesn’t know what Simon’s talking about, but he likes to tease him, likes to play just a bit dumb.
Simon groans, half-heartedly. “Wille,” he says, drawing out his name. “’m talking about the other part.”
“Ooh.” Wille raises his eyebrows in faked understanding and giggles. “Well, I’m sure we can arrange that.”
Before Simon can say anything else, Wille scoops him up in his arms and carries him to the shower. It’s not like Wille was ever going to get much sleep tonight, and this certainly is way more fun.
The thunder is loud outside, but not as loud as Simon when he screams out Wille’s name, over and over again.
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definegodliness · 6 months
In timelessness of weighted soul, Wayfarers, we, descend the rope To darkest visions, Black as coal,
And clung to little means to cope, Down, Bottomless, The wells of hope:
Let be, one drop To end this thirst, That be one truth We left
--- 15-12-2023, M.A. Tempels
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percesdead · 13 days
multi fandom culture is seeing posts about one of your fandoms and going,"holy shit, there's more of them"
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hannah-the-small · 18 days
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//Herish is a pretty star
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citylighten · 3 months
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Pietro Impellizzeri 1500s AU
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crownedwille · 5 months
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Dropped it all in a second after your message Do you remember me calling out? Meet you back in the wreckage, right where you left it Do you regret how I see it now?
You say that you got better when you saw me I heard a rumor, it's medicine and molly You're blacking out
Wishful Thinking - Gracie Abrams
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rcyalxblccd · 3 months
Halden had awoken from the previous nights festivities, still extremely intoxicated. It appeared that he hadn't made it back to his living quarters, though was somewhere in the Greek castle - which was a plus in his mind. He still held last nights beverage in his hand, but couldn't for the life of him actually remember what it was. Nonetheless, Halden brought the drink to his lips and chugged the remaining contents of it before placing the empty glass on the table beside him. The entire night before was a blur; but given that he was fully clothed - Halden was at least sure he hadn't made an absolute fool of himself. Even so, it was probably in his best interest to make his way back to his room before anyone saw him and yesterdays wardrobe. Halden; who normally lacked confidence in himself, was confident enough to push himself up off the couch. Regret was quick to take over, when he felt himself stumble backwards just as someone entered the room. "Good morning!" Halden exclaimed a little too excitedly, plopping back down onto the couch to avoid any further embarrassment. When his eyes finally fell on the person who had entered the room, a mixture of emotions took over and he found himself wondering if the embarrassment of stumbling to his room might have been worth it in the long run. "Oh...hello," Halden spoke quietly as he forced his gaze away from his old friend and rustled his hand through his disheveled hair. "The Greeks sure do know how to party," he told Jakob. "You should come with us some time...it might help ease your troubles." Halden aggressively patted the seat beside him as he eyed Jakob, "Come sit with me - or do you have somewhere to be?"
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moofy117 · 4 months
Dory Verse - “Aura Projection Practice”
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Feral JD belongs to @draco-after-dark
Royal Council JD belongs to me
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feelingsinthedark · 1 year
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that hillerska we will endure (simon's song - english translation)
some royals who r young for the lovely @mytrashunicorn!!!!! :DDD <3
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hanakihan · 9 months
I’m still not over jinchul interacting with kyung hye (I literally brainrotted over it), jinchul definitely being respectful to previous empress while kyung hye being genuinely nice to him without demanding anything back
jinchul just walking around palace trying to familiarize himself with layout of it until he notices a group of palace girls escorting someone. he’s not announcing his presence and just silently observes, finally noticing woman’s face when she slightly turns. she’s frail and ill looking but nonetheless beautiful and gentle and oh, current ruling emperor absolutely took his beauty after his mother. jicnhul notices how she walks with support of her ladies in waiting, how she struggles with keeping herself going straight. and will all that in mind it’s weird to see such thick makeup on her, it contrasts with her relatively simple robes.
next time they see each other properly is when he and jinwoo encounter her in one of palace gardens, she still looks ill but at least she walks on her own without support of her maids. and yet again jinchul notices too thick layer of makeup for someone in such condition. jinwoo introduces them to each other and after a small pleasant exchange jinchul notices that it’s not common for ill people to wear such makeup even if she’s the former empress. even more, some maids looked nervous when they approached former empress and kept stealing glances at her, as if to see if she’ll say something unnecessary.
jinwoo tells jinchul about his mother’s unknown illness that keeps eating her health away, and apparently even royal doctor (and on top of that jinwoo’s best healing summon) can’t fix whatever is wrong - even after treatment she gets better only to get worse after couple of days. apparently when passing them by, jinchul informs jinwoo of slight medical alcohol smell, yet something doesn’t click. jinchul is no doctor but he knows that medical alcohol is used to treat skin and high temperature in most cases and both aren’t the cases in kyung hye’s case according to royal doctor and jinah.
jinwoo says that jinah multiple times inspected what medicine their mother receives and what is used to clean her after episodes. jinah, jinchul and royal doctor hold an investigation because apparently some sort of medicine is circulating in palace and has found it’s way to previous empress.
jinchul has his suspicions with slight alcoholic smell. while royal doctor informs that it isn’t his prescription, there’s no harm in rubbing it on skin since it’s cleans away dirt and other stuff. while jinchul agrees with that point, he and jinah deem it an unnecessary addition from maids that still prefer to keep their empress looking properly groomed and mostly to cover scent of illness.
one day jinchul visits bedridden kyung hye after one of her episodes, asking her about her medical routine. he’s extremely interested in schedule of rubbing alcohol on skin since it’s the suspicious thing here. he asks if she knows where maids store it, and she points to medical cabinet where other medicine is kept. for time being he asks her to refuse rubbing alcohol especially considering it’s now what doctor prescribed for some days.
after that her condition slightly improves and stays so without any detour. jinchul, who had taken a bottle of that alcohol asked jinah and doctor’s assistance in trying to understand if it’s an actual alcohol or poisonous one. with help of jongin and his expertise in fire truth came out and jinchul asked jinwoo to get rid of all alcohol in palace for time being. just as he went to check on kyung hye later he saw her maids rubbing alcohol on barely conscious empress and in fit of anger confronts them. turns out head maid brought this supposedly good cosmetic alcohol to keep empress’ appearance despite her illness and to mask awful stench of illness and they proceeded to do so because after jinchul’s advice she refused procedure and now everything became worse. jinchul is furious and grabs that bottle, forcing maid’s mouth open and threatening to spill it all into it.
‘do you even realize that what you brought is an actual poison? do you realize that you slowly was rubbing it into her skin keeping her constantly poisoned? what do you think will happen if I’ll spill it all in one go? in best case you’ll go blind, in worst you’ll die in less that a hour.’
after that he just kicks all of them out and asks other servants to bring royal doctor and jinah here as fast as they can while he starts to work on countermeasures.
who would’ve thought someone will be dumb enough in this palace to almost fall for same stupid poisoning trick. there’s been so many cases of nobles dying in agony at celebrations and meetings after drinking alcohol and he’s not having a kind woman dying on him especially when he knows what to do.
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sparklecryptid · 4 months
In the Royal Bastard or All The Bastards AU’s, how would the Fall of Insomnia would go down?
It wouldn't/doesn't!
Largely because the Horde/Just Ace are too damn possessive of things and refuse to let things that are theirs get destroyed.
Theoretically it could happen in Ace-verse but it would likely go different because Ace has a Hold on the Glaive and so when the Treachery Happens it's with much less people than it would have been otherwise and Cor and Co. are prepared because they have information on who is who and what is going to happen.
(this all hinges on the idea that ace doesn't just decide to crash the treaty signing and assassinate an emperor.)
so less treason! same fireworks! same end! more 'libs and selena being the only things holding ace together'!
it'd be fun!
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hannah-the-small · 18 days
“Herish, it’s been a while,” Hook greeted with a nod of his head.
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"Captain." Herish floated idly with a smile, "it has been. How are you?"
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