#rotting away au
acosmicowl · 2 years
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Here it is! I'm gonna put the ramble under the read more (its A LOT of text). In case anyone has any question about it I'll gladly answer!
It's name is Cleaner
FP gets desperate and decides to crate a slugcat to deal with the rot
Cleaner is semi biological
He menages to make so the Cleaner can actually kill the rot, or at least remove them from the can
Although small compared to other slugcats it's still really deadly and quite agile
It has tendrils to help navigate the can but also to get rid of the daddy long legs
To not eat the neurons it eats the proto daddy long legs or the actual ones
It has the communication mark to be able to understand FP
At some point FP gets to infected and enters a "hybernation" mode, letting Cleaner on it's own
There are 3 ways things could go: The good ending, The true ending and the bad ending
I still thinking about the good ending, so I don't have everything figured out yet but the way I see is that, Cleaner menages to get rid of all the rot and FP turns on again, this however would still give him some major damage, so either he keeps living like this or SRS somehow gives him some help
The true ending, wich is more likely to happen, Cleaner can't deal with the rot fast enough and FP dies, it gets devastated and so follows the last order gave to him: Seek the void sea and transcend, and so it does
I think FB would not be as much of a jerk to doom the little guy to the same fate as him so that's why he let's it transcend
The one drawing of FP holding Cleaner is what would appear once it transcended (little guy just wanna be held :-:)
Cleaner has feelings, (FP didn't know about that)
That makes things even more angsty once you understand that Cleaner feel like a failure when it can't help FP
It heads straight to the void sea so it probably never meets BSM
In the bad ending FP dies and so does Cleaner
It gets infected and is slowly consumed by the rot as well
It can feel pain, but not as much as the emotional pain from letting FP dies as well as itself, it's horrible :(
If the good ending happens I think FP would let Cleaner free to go, but it chooses to stay with him, who knows when FP may need help again :)
FP would probably annoyed at it first, but would warm up for the little guy as well
He wont tell, but he really likes the company
It's like having a pet, but better!
If Cleaner somehow maneged to meet the other slugcats, as long as they didn't eat the neurons or damaged FB, their interaction would go like this:
Hunter: Would feel some sort of sympathy, they both were made to help, but hunter has a limited time
Cleaner would probably guide and help Hunter out of the can, even giving some spears that it find
Survivor: Doesn't trust they, might even be aggressive towards them, always keeping an eye on them in case it does anything it would consider bad
Monk: Who doesn't like them? Monk would probably bring something to Cleaner and be careful around the can
Cleaner immediately gains a soft spot for them
Maybe they play around together :D
That's it! All that I had on my head (for now)!
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habken · 2 years
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quirkless!Deku working at Dynamight’s agency in IT, he keeps messing with Bakugou’s stuff cause he has a crush on hates him
scammers to lovers <3 part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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strawberri-draws · 3 months
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"Innocence died screaming, Honey ask me, I should know. I slithered here from Eden; Just to sit outside your door"
-From Eden, Hozier
aka: au where they grow old in the dungeon together in their monster forms.
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snailfen · 9 months
throwback to an old rot!moon au i made where pebbles stays healthy. in this au arti doesnt lose her pups, however they become very sick so she brings them to pebbles. he offers to cure them in exchange for artis abilities to fight the rot and keep it off of the precipice (and slow moons rotting, if possible)
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because this is dangerous, obviously this means pup-sitting for pebbles.
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rest of my plans can be observed under the cut below
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mechanicalinfection · 2 months
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emys-123 · 4 months
I have this icemav time travel au in my head that I don’t know how to write. So I am going to leave it here. It’s like 86 flyboys somehow ends up in 2022 and it’s been like a week since the 86 icemav met so they are still in their early you’re dangerous/I am dangerous phase.
Imagine their surprise when people in 2022 are going on and on about Mav and Ice being wingmen. Somehow all they hear about is Admiral Kazansky this, Iceman that (maybe they met cyclone first), while the older Mav is just chilling in the corner with a wild grin.
Then they find out icemav’s married with older Mav being all domestic with his Ice (it’s after a pneumonia scare and he’s being extremely protective). The younger Mav is too shocked and outright asks if all he does in future is be Iceman’s house husband which cracks up their older counterparts. Older Ice disagree and argue that he was the house husband waiting for Mav to come back from his missions and has a whole debate about it with his husband.
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punkkrat · 1 year
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skimmeh · 4 months
hmmm man's been drawing for weeks straight feels like. So imma take a mini break, in the meantime have these stareater dogwarts doodles! They mean so much to me
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cringefailmoment · 10 months
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Redstone woes.
Don’t look at the redstone i dont know how to draw blocks —-
Yellow: hm….
Yellow: everything looks good!
Yellow: alright, let’s do this!
[imaginary Green: Wow! This is great!]
Yellow: weird… why isn’t it working?
Yellow: maybe if I fiddle with it… wait, now it’s worse! Okay, one more try…
[8 hours later]
Yellow: I CAN’T DO IT!!
Yellow: I’ve tried everything!! Changing the redstone, recrafting noteblocks, adjusting the code—but nothing works!!
[it’s like Minecraft hates me!! Wait does MC actually hate me—]
Yellow: I’m a failure….
TDL: hey there. Having trouble?
Yellow: uhhhhh just a little.
TDL: want me to take a look?
Yellow: sure, but I’m sure you won’t do anything I haven’t tried—
TDL: got it.
TDL: misplaced repeater. I fixed it. (Should work now.)
Yellow: oh. T-Thank you. (I’m going to cry it was a freaking repeater??)
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justthemoonz · 3 months
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A Deltarune AU inspired by Earthbound Halloween Hack (and also was sorta meant to be a Deltafell take) Also, if you want to see more of this, I made a Google Doc of the full Chapter 1 here: Deltarune Rotting Away Google Doc (It might have disturbing stuff in it so be aware of that)
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brainrot-stitch · 3 months
Another one done!!!
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acosmicowl · 2 years
Rain world brain rot.
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maskedbutsilly · 1 year
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and i will be gentle with your heart, if you promise to do the same
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
you guys ever hear a new song and frantically conceptualise a whole AU around it, starring your current Main Blorbo? or is that just me?
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About the Lights Out AU, wouldn't the building start crumbling due to weathering and stuff since there's no maintenance? Wouldn't the roof fall apart or like part of it at some point?
oh, yes. yes it would.
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casiavium · 3 months
I really need to be cleaning my room but. fanfiction I'd write if I had time but I Do Not
There are several ghiralink fic storylines that are along the lines of "Link gets exactly what he thinks he wants and turns out it isn't really what he needs" (whether real or a dream-state) that have him taking Ghirahim's sword and gaining complete control over him and the themes are of personhood and power and complacency. be careful what you wish for type things. A few that are Ghirahim killing Link/Link losing and realizing he would rather have him alive and fighting instead of dead/given up because it was more fun than way, but usually end up being sad. oh well I guess for the former and teaming up with Link to defeat Demise for the latter.
What I want to write is the themes of scenario 1 but role reversed so it's like scenario 2 with Ghirahim having the "this isn't what I wanted" moment. Ghiralink adds, usually as a joke, a level of "if I can't kill you, maybe you could join me ;)" and I want to write more or less Link doing that, Link being a perfect subservient extension that does everything he wants him to and he doesn't regret it (he can't), but Ghirahim having the realization that he doesn't want someone who is nothing more than an object for him to use. A doll. A sword.
And then, how Link has guilt over Fi and the Master Sword and his role as hero and how Hylia controls him but he's no better than her, Ghirahim realizing Link is now what he is to Demise and rethinking his own position. Is this what Demise thinks of me. Is that why he treats me the way he does. And he takes his anger out on Link but Link can't fight back anymore. Link doesn't want to fight back anymore, and not in a depressed it's hopeless kind of way, but in the same way Ghirahim accepted Demise pulling the sword out of his chest.
When Ghirahim is empty and goes isn't this what you wanted, Link can genuinely say no because he has a hero's heart and conscience and never meant for anyone to get hurt. When Link goes I am what you made me, Ghirahim has to face that fact that yes, he is, and he is made in my image, and I do not want this anymore.
#ghiralink#ghirahim#I want skyward sword bad ends but I want them completely different from what is already out there#I want the dark ending from Ghirahim's POV where he got what he wanted and everything is perfect and Link isn't ever an issue anymore#and like honestly. I don't want it to be a sex thing. like yeah that could be part of it but I don't think it would work as well#how I wanted the sword spirit au to go but did not manage to make it work this way 😔#I want Demise to win and Link to live and Ghirahim to know he does but not see him for a few weeks/months. to not even think about him#or feel any guilt that he's probably rotting away in a dungeon or getting tortured or whatever. no even excited about that just apathetic#and entirely focused on Demise (who is in turn pretty apathetic about him but he doesn't even realize) until one day he sees Link and he's#*not* a prisoner. he's just another solider in a demon army or a regular servant or maybe even a bodyguard to Demise. and he speaks with him#and there's no trace of animosity or anger or sadness or anything. there is no war in ba sing se etc.#and then I don't have anymore than that it's just kind of wouldn't that be fucked up huh#for Ghirahim to have absolutely no underlying thoughts of demise actually sucks or foreshadowing he's not the perfect blade he presents as#and all of that to snap when he sees an enemy completely changed. he wanted Link dead. even when he says you could join me#he would expect push back and fights and relapsing into wanting to be the hero. he never considered what if he wasn't an enemy at all
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