#rex logan
babyzassou26 · 3 days
licky on her cheeky
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mouth reveal
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susie the kitty
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and besties 🫂
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trulyatessfan · 6 months
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Day 15 of Inkember: Draw your favorite villain
I forgot to post this, but the grind is back ON
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1slightly-mad1 · 4 months
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This is gonna be a long one so bear with me…
Emerging once again with some more fun stuff! I attended Megacon this past weekend on Saturday and Sunday and did some pretty awesome stuff. First off I met Daniel Logan (played Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones) and he was such a sweetheart to me! I started it off by telling him I apologized in advance for how awkward I am and he said, “That’s okay! I’m awkward too! Just in an extroverted way!” He didn’t even stay behind his table he came around to stand next to me and talk and ended it by saying, “Come here, give me a hug.” And gave me the nicest hug (I always want to hug celebrities I meet but always freeze up and forget to so it was really nice of him to offer it).
Then I went over to his space dad, Temuera Morrison! The line was super long but I had my Lula plush and headphones to get me through it. Unfortunately they had to hurry things along because he had to get to his panel (which worked for me because I wanted to see the panel too) but I did manage to tell him that I think his portrayal of Boba Fett is the coolest, to which he said, “Thank you so much, but really, look at you! You’re much cooler!” And gave me a fist bump (I was wearing a Boba Fett shirt, Boba Fett jacket, Boba Fett backpack, and had Bad Batch pins on my jacket).
Then I went to the panel and met up with my friend to go meet Dee Bradley Baker afterward and we got super lucky because he was on a break so there was a very very short line to see him. We both walked up together and got Bad Batch prints and he used his Tech voice when signing mine and Wrecker voice when signing theirs. I then really wanted to tell him how much all of the Bad Batch mean to me because I’m an odd one out, but the one I really feel connected with it Tech. I told him how much the moment in Season 2 Epsiode 9 between Tech and Omega meant to me and how it made me feel seen and while explaining to him he continued using his Tech voice and then told me, “You’re not alone out there.” And that pretty much wrapped up Saturday.
Starting Sunday off early of me practically running to catch the Clone Wars panel (and accidentally making my friend think it was a different panel that they really wanted to see) and we got a free print! (I’ll show off my haul in a different post) During the panel, Dee Bradley Baker was asked who his personal favorite clone is and he talked about how much he likes the Bad Batch because they’re the odd ones out, much like him. Then someone asked the cast what their favorite mental health moment in Star Wars is and Dee Bradley Baker brought up the exact moment I told him about the previous day and talked about how he’s had people come up to him to tell him that that moment made them felt seen (I have a video of it that I’ll post as well). Once he started talking about it I was tearing up something awful (which was bad because I had done my makeup up a bit more than usual). The whole panel was so happy and meaningful, I think several tears were shed among the audience at some points. However, the main event of the day was yet to come.
I was going to meet the man who started this all, who started my social media presence in Tumblr and opened up a whole new experience for me. I, after 12 years of being a huge fan, was going to meet Tom Hiddleston. Unfortunately, the people in charge of keeping his autographs and photo ops coordinated gave me severe run arounds. I was told several different things, so luckily I covered my bases on all ends to finally make sure that I was going to the right spot at the right time. He had a panel at the end of the day right before the last batch of autographs (which I was part of) and my friend had a ticket to it (it was prepaid and I didn’t want to spend a fuck ton more) so we both went over to the area of the panel and autograph together at 3:00 PM. My ticket for the autograph was 5:45. After some extra run arounds I finally figured out where I was supposed to be and met someone who talked with me the whole time we were in waiting. For the general admission line, I was second in line.
Then comes time for the panel to start, and it gets delayed by an hour and 20 minutes (because Megacon couldn’t coordinate things properly, surprise surprise). The panel started 5 minutes after my autograph ticket said that I was meant to be at the autograph room. I was lucky to be sitting with someone who talked with me the whole time because we were both in line for 4 hours. 7:00 PM rolls around and we’re finally getting ready to go into the room, and I already know that they’re going to keep everyone’s interaction brief because the rest of the convention closed at 5:00 PM.
As we walked in I could see him and I went dead silent because I’ve never seen him in person before. I brought my Lula plush with me again for Sunday and I don’t think I’ve held onto something tighter in my life. Then I heard him talk and I was absolutely stunned. When I say this man is so soft spoken and just has such a calming energy about him, I mean it. And he’s so pretty in person, I couldn’t believe it. The person I talked with in the line was the first person in line for general admission and was wearing Slytherin robes. She started to cry and was covering half her face with her sleeve and he looked up from the print he was signing for her and said, “I can see you.” In a joking way to make her laugh. Then it was my turn and at this point I probably looked like a scared toddler clutching their plushie against them. I luckily found words and it went something like, “I’ve been a fan of you since I was 12 and I’m 25 now and your work means a lot to me and Loki is my favorite and I think you’re great I’m sorry I’m just super starstruck” (said very quickly with no breaks). I didn’t even say hi, I just started with that. His smile was so sweet and he was so kind even though they had him keep everything brief and before I walked away I told him, “Thank you so much for being here” and he stopped the interaction with the next person in line to smile at me and say, “No, thank you for being here.” I was barely holding it together now and I walked out of the room like everything was fine.
Then my friends and I stopped outside of the room to talk and dry off my autograph and they were telling me how good I did. Well, I wasn’t speaking much and my hand was trembling. My close friend immediately noticed what was about to happen and hugged me, and I hugged them back and that’s when the tears began. I apologize if this part is a little dark for some, but this is what was going through my mind as my friend hugged me. The moment I started crying, I had my eyes closed and I imagined telling younger me, “We did it, we made it.” I had some really down and dark moments in my past between 2012 and now. I’m much better than I have been, but it hit me that I lasted long enough to see the day that I met the man who basically helped me get through some of my dark moments. Tom was such a sweetheart, and super fucking tall might I say. He was sitting down and we were at eye level with each other.
Thus the Megacon weekend concluded, and I do have to say that the coordination of things was… Not great. The celebrities there were absolute sweethearts to everyone, but some of the staff were very rude, some were giving people run arounds, and some were just straight up unhelpful. There were only a handful of staff that actually helped us out and were nice enough to not give an attitude about our questions. I knew that going Saturday and Sunday would be pretty packed, and luckily it wasn’t like last years Megacon event where we literally couldn’t move if we were in the Artist Alley. Outside of the celebrities there and panels that they had, the experience really wasn’t the greatest. This portion is basically just a warning to people, if you go to Megacon Orlando you’re likely not going to have the absolute best experience (unless you pay a fuck ton of money for VIP). Overall, it was a good and bad experience, I’m just happy that I met the people I wanted to meet. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Until next time.
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bluevallery · 1 day
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Inspired by No less than everything
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Hc that like every time Logan gets drunk or even tipsy (Both are rare) he turns into an absolute track star and likes to bolt away from whoever he's with because he thinks it's funny.
The way Hesh deals with it is by making Logan tuck his arms inside his shirt. T rex style. Logan refuses to run like that because he's scared to trip and smack his face, so at most he'll toddle away... very easy to catch.
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champagnepodiums · 6 days
logan sargeant… time traveler?
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hardcore-lonewolf · 9 months
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CORE FOUR: A DC's Young Justice Fanfic Coming To Wattpad; You Can Follow @GlampireRockstar There 24/7 Anytime You Want.
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redbread-design · 1 year
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Group Patrol (2020)
For this piece, I wanted a festive scene amongst the Doom Patrol where just about everyone was there. Incorporating characters and designs across iterations of the timeless Doom Patrol, I set to incorporate the wide legacy of camaraderie and history.
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Beast Boy!
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Build-A-Bear Dino-Mite T-Rex! ----------------
Send me a DC character and I'll reply with a plushie that reminds me of them!
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pinkdogplushie · 2 years
Lol, what if all the Sides besides Janus had Roman deity names?
Haha, just kidding.
Logan: Mercury.
Roman: Apollo.
Patton: Jupiter.
Virgil: Pluto.
Remus: Neptune.
King Creativity/Rex: Quirinus.
Orange: Liber.
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babyzassou26 · 7 days
SUPER BIG POST (i frickin love rex logan)
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love my little t rex
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castyells-yeehaw · 1 year
Omega-centric Star Wars fic with HERA, HAN & OMEGA AS THE DREAM TEAM + clones getting the respect and recognition they deserve + FOUND FAMILY/FAMILY FEELS 🚀
“Actually, I wanted to tell you the real story of the clones, if you’re interested in hearing it, of course.”
“Are you kidding?” One of the other guys asked. “These guys are legends!”
“Yeah! Is it true their general let them do what they wanted even though they were property?”
“Is it true Kenobi and his commander hated each other?”
Omega chuckled, wondering if that’s how history was told
READ HERE!!🚀❤️‍🔥✨
@fire-breathing-pain-in-the-neck TYSM FOR HELPING ME WITH IT
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c4ptions · 1 year
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Edipus Rex
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year
Big Sky: Deadly Trails - Season Premiere WED SEPT 21 on ABC - Stream on ...
-(started) watchin’ Season 3- 4/21/2023- on Hulu (ABC)
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do u think logan is religious at all (ik i made alex religious and given the walker's vibes they're prolly a little christian) but do u think he is. actually give me ur opinion on everyone in the team cuz i'm interested
Gonna list 'em.
Rorke Only believes in a god so he can curse him out. Thinks if there is some greater creator that it's pretty evil, letting all the shit that goes on happen. Was probably also very religious when he was younger, seeing as I HC him from somewhere south/midwest. Has a "Fall from grace" when he joined the military and realized what a shit show life can be.
Elias Was probably catholic or christian enough to go to church and pray over dinner before he joined the military. Still religious afterwards, but he's too busy to be dedicated you know? That and mainstream christianity in the US tends to be... pretty shitty towards the kind of people his loved ones are (Queer, non-religious, not white.) so he doesn't like to associate with it. (Evangelicals are the people I'm talking about. Nasty bunch of shit heads.) Believes in god, heaven for the good folk, hell for the evil. He also believes he falls into the latter category. (Poor guy. Killing someone is considered the ultimate sin or whatever.)
Hesh Due to Elias still being a bit religious when he was younger he's got a touch of "Young Christian Boy." but like.... I HC him as trans and Bi so this motherfucker just nyooomed out of that as fast as he could lol. Probably thinks of communion every time he eats a cracker or drinks grape juice. Knows a lot of the christian mythos. (So like, Noah's Arc, Samson, David and Goliath.)
Logan Elias was pretty much done even considering religion by the time Logan was old enough to form proper memories, but military culture actually has a lot of religious influence so he knows "the basics" like what praying is, heaven, hell, purgatory, who Satan is. Not a lot beyond that. Might become a bit more religious after the pit, trying to find a way to help cope with the shit he's been through. Reason I mention Saint Christopher a lot with him is because he's the patron saint of travellers. Lots of people in the military actually have a Saint Christopher necklace because of that. (My Dad bought my brother one when he joined the service.)
Rest below the cut so this doesn't get too long.
Keegan Seems like a guy with a fair bit of religious trauma. Probably grew up going to sunday school, praying over dinner with the fam, getting yelled at by his youth pastor for kissing another boy, you know the usual stuff for evangelical children to go through. Very violently rejected the whole shebang in his teen years, realizing he was very much not the "Ideal Christian." what with all the ideas he had. (Women having rights, gay people having rights, minorities having rights. You know, the basics.) Still internally panics every time he enters an empty room where he thought everyone was because he still has nightmares about the rapture. I'm not giving him brownie points btw, he's just a decent human being that grew up around shitty human beings.
Ajax Actually "properly" religious. Grew up in a vaguely christian house where he wasn't allowed to say "God dang it." and went to church on easter, but otherwise it wasn't very focused. Probably leaned on it more entering the military, both due to the culture and as a way to connect to his mother. Prays before he sleeps at night, wears a cross, participates in all the holidays with his family back home, otherwise keeps it to himself because he respects boundaries. (He knows Keegans tragic backstory, keeps it "away" from him so to speak. Won't pray if he's in the room. Keegan wouldn't mind if he didn't, Ajax was just raised polite as fuck.)
Merrick Pretty non religious all around. Like he knows about all the different kinds, not very interested in any of them. Not quite atheistic because he believes there might be some greater force in the universe, but he'd liken it more to an unintelligent code/function than a conscious omnipotent being.
Kick "Funny" atheist. Refuses to believe in any higher power. Doesn't say it, but he probably thinks religion is unreasonable in the modern day an age. Makes jokes about god(s) not existing/being dead.
Neptune Mixing pot right here. Believes in rebirth and Karma, which are Buddhist. Believes in a good place a bad place and a neutral place, which a lot of religions have but their idea is closer to Christian ideas of heaven hell and purgatory than anything else. Also thinks the universe is the closest thing to god, which is Pantheism, reveres life because of that. Thinks god may be made of multiple things, which is also a lot of religions, no specific one to liken it too though. Thinks ghosts are real, which is a spiritual belief. Thinks humans are outside of whatever god is, so they don't have a problem doing their job despite the "protect life" thing.
Fun fact: Adonis, based on @satan-incarnate-666 is Muslim. I asked their help with his burial rites and that. (They were very helpful and it was very interesting to learn!)
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whirld-of-color · 2 years
catching up on avsa news and slowblinking like ah, so how many trust issues do i need to give rex?
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