#retinal camera
W.I.A (Wounded in Action)
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⚢ Pairing - Jihyo x Reader
✎ Word Count - 2.1k
☆ Genre - Angst
♡ Description - Embarking on a spy mission with your girlfriend Jihyo goes terribly wrong when you get severely injured (A/N: I hope you like this one 🐰 anon)
Months after you first met, you found yourself in an extraordinary relationship with the skilled, brilliant leader of the secret spy organization TWICE: Park Jihyo. Together, you made a formidable team, tackling dangerous missions and growing closer with every challenge you faced side by side.
One day, you were assigned a critical mission that involved intercepting highly classified information related to a sinister global organization known as "The Black Lotus." This organization was notorious for its involvement in illegal arms trade, human trafficking, and acts of terrorism.
The intel you received indicated that The Black Lotus was about to finalize a deal with a rogue nation, supplying them with advanced weaponry and technology. If the deal went through, it could destabilize the delicate balance of power in the region, putting countless innocent lives at risk.
To prevent this catastrophic event, your mission objectives were twofold:
1. Infiltrate the High-Security Facility: Jihyo, being a master of disguise and stealth, was tasked with infiltrating the heavily fortified headquarters of a Black Lotus subsidiary. The facility was protected by state-of-the-art security measures, including retinal scanners, laser grids, and an army of well-trained guards.
Your mission was to guide Jihyo, providing her with real-time analysis and strategic support from a secure location. As an experienced spy, you had excess knowledge of surveillance cameras, could hack into the facility's communications, and process information swiftly.
2. Retrieve the Encrypted Data: Jihyo's task was to gain access to the facility's central computer system and download the encrypted data containing information about the impending arms deal. Her skills as an expert hacker and martial artist would be essential in navigating the complex security network.
The day of the mission arrived, and tension filled the air as you and Jihyo prepared to execute the operation. Jihyo noticed a flicker of concern in your eyes.
"You seem a bit off today," Jihyo said, her voice tinged with worry. "Are you sure you're up for this, my love?"
You couldn't hide your hesitation from her penetrating gaze. "I'll be fine, Jihyo. We have a duty to carry out, and the stakes are too high to back down now."
Her hand gently rested on yours, her touch soothing. "I trust you, but please promise me that you'll be cautious. I couldn't bear to lose you."
"I promise," you replied, mustering a smile. "We make an unbeatable team, and we'll get through this together."
With renewed determination, Jihyo slipped into the role of a Black Lotus operative, blending seamlessly with her surroundings. As she ventured into the heart of the heavily fortified headquarters, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and anxiety.
"I'm inside," Jihyo's voice crackled over the communication device. "The security is tighter than we expected, but I'm adapting. Keep an eye on those cameras, okay?"
"Roger that," you responded, your focus intensifying as you monitored the facility's surveillance feeds. "Stay sharp, Jihyo. You've got this."
As Jihyo progressed deeper into the facility, her every move became crucial. Unexpected obstacles and guards blocked her path, but she tackled each challenge with her trademark skill and tenacity. However, the situation escalated beyond your initial intelligence.
"Jihyo, the security protocols are more complicated than we thought," you said, your voice tense with concern. "Be careful. There's a patrol headed your way."
"I see them," Jihyo replied, her breath quickening. "I'll find another route. Just keep guiding me."
Your heart raced as you navigated her through the labyrinthine hallways. Then, the unexpected happened – an alarm blared, and chaos ensued.
"Damn it!" Jihyo's voice was urgent. "I tripped an alarm. They're on high alert now."
"Don't panic," you said, trying to steady your own nerves. "Take cover, and I'll guide you through. You've trained for this."
Ducking into a nearby supply room, Jihyo's mind raced as she planned her next move. The adrenaline coursing through her veins sharpened her focus, and she peered through the cracked door to assess the situation.
The guards, armed with high-tech weaponry, spread out to sweep the area. Jihyo's heart sank as she realized the extent of the challenge before her. She knew that taking them down quietly would be nearly impossible, and she had no choice but to engage in a full-blown confrontation.
"Get ready, Jihyo. They're closing in," you warned, your voice a lifeline in the chaos.
With swift and calculated movements, Jihyo sprung into action. She leaped out of the supply room, surprising the guards with her agility. Before they could react, she disarmed the closest one with a well-timed kick, sending his weapon clattering to the floor.
However, the element of surprise only bought her a moment. The remaining guards opened fire, forcing Jihyo to take cover behind nearby crates. Bullets ricocheted off metal surfaces, and she knew she had to act quickly.
"Look for any advantage in the environment," you suggested, analyzing the situation from the surveillance cameras. "There's a storage unit on your right. See if there's anything you can use."
Jihyo's eyes darted around, and she spotted a rack of pipes and metal rods nearby. Taking a deep breath, she lunged toward them, her agility and combat skills allowing her to evade the onslaught of bullets. She grabbed a metal rod, using it as both a shield and a weapon. 
With newfound determination, Jihyo sprang from behind cover, deflecting bullets with the metal rod as she closed the distance between herself and the guards. With precise strikes, she incapacitated two of them, leaving the rest scrambling to regain their composure. 
But one guard managed to get a clean shot, and a bullet grazed Jihyo's arm, causing her to wince in pain. However, she gritted her teeth and fought through the injury, knowing that time was of the essence.
"Jihyo, you're injured. G-get to cover," you urged, voice strained but your concern palpable. 
Ignoring the pain, Jihyo pressed forward, taking down the remaining guards one by one. With sheer determination, she cleared a path to the central computer system, but the struggle had taken its toll. As she initiated the data download, her injured arm trembled with exhaustion. Despite the pain, she refused to give in. The encrypted data was her prize, a testament to her unwavering dedication and the strength of your partnership. 
 "Y/N, I have the data," Jihyo breathed out, her voice pained from her wounds. "I'm heading to the rendezvous point." She awaited your acknowledgment but didn’t receive anything in return. Even in her weakened state, Jihyo started to panic, rushing to the extraction point to find you.
As Jihyo fought her way through the intensified security, you remained focused on providing real-time analysis and support. The pressure to guide her safely through the facility weighed heavily on your shoulders. In your determination to ensure her success, you inadvertently neglected your own well-being. As she faced an onslaught of guards, you fought with your mind, utilizing your combat knowledge and quick thinking to guide Jihyo as best as you could.
Unbeknownst to you, The Black Lotus guards detected your presence within their facility. Recognizing the threat you posed, they quickly surrounded you, outnumbering you by far. Armed and highly skilled, they launched a coordinated attack, making it difficult for you to defend yourself and help Jihyo.
Despite your valiant efforts, the odds were stacked against you. You managed to take down a few guards, but fatigue began to set in, and your movements slowed. A powerful blow to your side left you staggering, and another struck you on the back of your head, causing your vision to blur. With every ounce of strength, you tried to fight back, but the guards were unrelenting. In a final, desperate attempt to protect yourself, you swung wildly, but a skilled adversary managed to deliver a decisive blow, knocking you unconscious.
As darkness enveloped you, the sound of Jihyo's battle cries faded away, leaving you in a state of vulnerable unconsciousness. Your body lay motionless, and the guards, satisfied with their victory, left you there to succumb to the darkness.
As Jihyo discovered you lying unconscious and injured at the rendezvous point, panic and anguish washed over her. She knelt beside you, gently cradling your head in her hands, desperately trying to rouse you.
"No, no, this can't be happening," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Wake up, my love. Please, wake up!"
Her heart sank and tears streamed down her cheeks at the sight of your unconscious form. With a mix of worry and determination, she carefully assessed your injuries. Her skilled eyes scanned over your battered body, noting the cuts, bruises, and the gash on your forehead where you were struck. Her hands trembled slightly as she gently touched your wounds, making sure not to cause you any further pain. Jihyo's mind raced, guilt gnawing at her, believing that it was her actions that led to this devastating outcome. She couldn't bear the thought of having put you in harm's way. 
With a trembling hand, she activated the communication device to call for backup and medical assistance. Her voice was steady, but it quivered with an underlying layer of distress.
"This is Jihyo. We have an emergency at the rendezvous point. I need immediate medical assistance. Hurry!"
As she waited for help to arrive, she refused to leave your side. Gently, she brushed a strand of hair away from your face and spoke softly, as if her voice could somehow reach your unconscious mind.
"Don't worry, my love. Help is on the way," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I won't leave you. You mean everything to me, and I promise to keep you safe."
Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps and the arrival of medical personnel filled the air. Jihyo stepped aside, allowing the medical team to take over. She watched anxiously as they carefully assessed your injuries and worked swiftly to stabilize you.
"I'm sorry," Jihyo said to the medical team, her voice heavy with guilt. "I should have been more cautious. It's my fault he's hurt."
One of the medics placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll do our best to take care of them. You did what you could, and they’re in good hands now."
As they prepared to transport you to the hospital, Jihyo insisted on accompanying you. She couldn't bear to be separated from you, even for a moment.
In the hospital, Jihyo never left your side. She held your hand tightly, silently praying for your recovery. Her mind was filled with regrets and promises to never let anything like this happen again.
"I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I can't lose you, not like this. Please, wake up."
As the days passed with you unconscious in the hospital, Jihyo remained by your side, consumed by worry and love. She hardly ate or slept, her focus entirely on your well-being. Her appetite vanished, and her nights were spent restlessly, unable to find solace without you awake and by her side. Her dedication to your recovery was unwavering, and she refused to leave the hospital room, knowing that her presence might be the anchor that brought you back to consciousness. Jihyo's determination to be there for you, regardless of her own needs, was a testament to the depth of her love and the unbreakable bond between you.
As you slowly regained consciousness in the hospital bed, you noticed tears streaming down Jihyo's cheeks. She looked both relieved and distraught at the same time. 
"I'm so sorry," she choked out, her voice trembling with guilt. "I should have been there to protect you from getting hurt. This is all my fault." 
You mustered all the strength you had to reach out and gently wipe away her tears. "No, Jihyo, don't blame yourself," you reassured her, your voice soft but earnest. "You did everything you could, and it was a dangerous mission. We knew the risks. I don't blame you for what happened." 
She looked into your eyes, her own filled with emotion. "But I promised to keep you safe," she said, her voice breaking. "I love you so much, and I never want to see you hurt like this again." 
You smiled weakly, your heart swelling with love for her. "You being here now, by my side, is all that matters," you said, squeezing her hand gently. "We'll get through this together. I love you too, and I know that with you here, everything will be okay." 
In that moment, you found solace in each other's presence, knowing that your love and support were the pillars that would help you overcome any obstacle that came your way.
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notsosmallbean · 2 years
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October 8 - Future
This is my favorite so far gehe. Mag has my whole heart <333
[Image ID: A traditional drawing of Magdalene "Blind Mag" DeFoe from Repo! The Genetic Opera. It is drawn in black pen and blue highlighter, and made to look like a promotional poster. The focus of the poster is a close bust shot of Mag, facing the camera with both of her hands raised to point at her eyes, a mostly neutral expression. Mag is a thin white woman with lots of wavy black hair pulled half up. Her eyes are unnaturally blue and have crosshairs instead of pupils, with long eyelashes and dramatic eye makeup. At the top of the poster reads "THE FUTURE IS NOW!" There is also a title saying "Get your new retinal enhancements today!" and a bubble saying, "Mag's saving grace!" The shading and background of the poster is blue. End image ID.]
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callmearcturus · 10 months
just stopping by to say you got me, ive now watched MI 4, 5, 6, then 1, with tickets to see 7 already. i plan to watch 2 and 3 after, to watch the shittiest one ones when im maximally invested. you focus mostly on the physicality and the bodies bc thats your personal deal, but any thoughts about the gadgets? the tech? the 1996 "internet" in MI1 made me giggle, but that screen in GP that changes perspective based on a moving target is extremely cool
I'm very much the bodies person way more than the gadgets. Like even when there are gadgets, I probably care about them in relation to the bodies.
Punct ALSO loves the perspective screen from GP and I think said it was their fave dumb gadget of the series. As we talked about in our fan commentary, Director Brad Bird's whole Thing was he's former Pixar so he wanted all the tech in GP to suck. Which I love thematically.
Hanaway dies bc he was distracted by his phone in the beginning
The instant inflatable landing balloon he uses clearly still hurts to use
The phone booth mission dispenser doesn't work
The perspective mirror thing can't handle multiple people
The fucking train car safe house uses a RETINAL SCANNER that is both in motion and too high off the ground for Ethan to use (leading to one of my favorite Physicality Porn moments when he grabs the handbars and has to bodily HOLD HIMSELF UP for the scan, chef's kiss love it)
The infamous gloves (which, there was a low tech analogue version of the same devices in MI1 which worked perfectly lmao)
The mission gets blown bc the eye camera Brandt has to wear fucking sucks
The mask machine breaks
Ethan loses contact with Benji bc the short range on the earpieces doesn't even reach the ground floor of the Burj
The device to follow Wistrom/Hendricks in the sandstorm also has very limited range
I feel like the entire high tech parking garage counts for this given how much it fucks Ethan over as he tries to chase Hendricks
The final moment of Ethan impotently hitting the red button and nothing happening
HONESTLY ITS INCREDIBLE. I've never listed them all out before but goddamn GP is consistent lmao. I feel like that recurring joke lends into the actual Theme of GP which is the necessity of a team, of having people with you when everything fails. I love GP.
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docholligay · 9 months
Just took a call from the optometrist I'm supposed to see Friday, telling me I am going to see a "remote optometrist" which means a bunch of whatever the human eye version of vet techs are, are going to do the exam, and a doctor who has a license but does not live here is going to 'sign off on it'
Me, after saying an extremely polite version of 'Are you fucking shitting me": So, is it cheaper?
Her: Well, you're grandfathered into the retinal camera being included, and with the toric exam, and you don't have insurance, so, it's actually still going to be $178 out of pocket.
Me, internally: That's a lot of fuckng words for 'no'
Me, externally: So you're tellin' me it's the same price to see a doctor, or not see a doctor?
Her: ...yes.
(I ended up telling her to book me out into November and if he'll extend my prescription so I can get some contacts and MAYBE some new glasses (Please!) for the UK, that's fine, if not, I'm leaving and shopping this because "I'm sorry but this a bridge for me, you know what I mean" )
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sueanoi-the-vet · 11 months
Progressive Retinal Atrophy in cat.
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The cat was presented with gradual blindness over several months. After trying several hospitals with unsatisfactory results, they finally reached me.
I used the indirect ophthalmoscope technique with a 20D aspheric lens (no I did not buy from Volk.) and a focal light source (Incandescent ophthalmology pen light) to obtain the view at the back of the eyeball, where the retina is located. Producing an image taken as shown above.
This image clearly shows the hyper-reflection of the fundus, indicative of retinal degeneration. It also shows the blood vessels had become very faint. I was unable to get a good image of the optic disk, it is just slightly out of frame at the top right (where you can see the faint blood vessel leading to) (also image the lens is showing is upside down.)
(I could make another post about how to take a fundic photograph without a fundus camera, it's difficult and produces a somewhat poor quality image as shown above, but it's better than nothing.)
For comparison, here is the normal feline fundus
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image credit : https://veteriankey.com/retina-choroid-sclera/
note the lower reflection of the tapetum (yellow-green background). The light doesn't try to blind you, because the layer of retina was in between you and the tapetum. If the retina degenerates, it become more transparent and the light reflecting shines right back at your face.
note2 blood vessels in the fundus should look thick as shown in this example, not near-non-existence like my patient above.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Progressive Retinal Atrophy. There is no clear cause either, as we've ruled out the possible toxicity. This disease will often spring upon us without any reason. Genetics is one of the possible explanation, but I cannot prove it, as the cat was of a mixed breed.
The cat was already well adjusted to the owner's household. I gave some recommendations for blind cat environmental care, and assured them the condition was not painful, and there is no additional danger other that the cat will continue to be more blind as time goes by.
The owner was happy with the visit.
It seems, some cases are more about healing the owner's anxiety than the animal's illness. I was not able to produce any better cure than any of the previous hospital's visit, but knowing what's going on, what to expect and what to do goes a long way for a pet parent who loves their furball family member with all their hearts.
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myhiraeth · 3 months
@headstrongblake sent: GRAB / STYXX AND O Styxxtavia - Specialsverse
Long legs carry her swiftly to the door, but his longer ones catch up quickly, an equally long arm reaching out to encircle her wrist with strong, unyielding fingers. “Octavia, stop.” 
She tried to yank her arm out of his grip. Her enhanced strength would have slingshotted a normal person into a wall. Styxx however remained unfazed, jolting slightly with the force of her tug but his feet remained planted. let GO. 
“No. Not until you calm down.” Her eyes are wild and he’s not surprised. None of the recruits are built to be lab rats- it’s part of the reason they were chosen to be here at all. He knows she wonders- all of the recruits do- why he and Nick and Isidora and the other tributes seem to not be alarmed by the the four walls of the cage they find themselves in. Pretty cages, with outdoor space and calming-colored walls and an ever-full lunchroom…. but cages all the same. The several layers of doors to the outside world don’t open unless you have the right retinal to scan, which none of them do. 
He knows Fox figured out the code that goes with the scanning process months ago, even before they had started getting augmented in small ways- better endurance, stronger muscles, better hearing and eyesight. 
They- those in charge- left their nerve endings in tact though, left the kids' bones brittle and fragile. Styxx (and he’s sure Nick and Isa) have heard horror stories, they know that those in charge will wait until the last second to change how much pain the young adults can take. 
They need to be able to inflict pain to keep them in line. 
Fox found the code, but for lack of plucking out someone’s eye, they had no way to use it. Not that that little piece of logic seemed able to stop Octavia as she struggled to get the last few paces to start beating on the door in an attempt to force it open. He knew it wouldn’t work- whoever built this prison knew the types of monsters they’d be creating in it- they wouldn’t leave vulnerabilites. “You are going to get yourself in trouble, do you hear me?” he hissed. “This isn’t like out there- here trouble isnt a slap on the wrist, its them digging into your head and your memories and figuring out what is going to break you apart the most. And then they do it.” He’s still holding her wrist, tightly enough that she’ll have a bruise for a few days, in the shape of his fingers. 
But better bruised by him than broken by them. 
I am getting the fuck OUT of here. 
He pulled her toward him, close enough that he could lower his voice, close enough that she was practically against his chest and his lips were almost touching her hair. He’s sure they have cameras or mics or something hidden in every crevice of every room and he doesn’t want them hearing. “You will. But you have to be patient, Octavia the Younger. You won’t get out by banging on doors. You get out by playing their rules, letting them sharpen you into a weapon, and letting them walk you right out the door. If you want to get out of here without being in a body bag, that is your only option, do you understand me?” He lets her go and she falls a step back away from him.
Tears brimmed over her lashes, longing to be back with her brother. they’re never going to let us leave, styxx. 
“They will.” There’s nothing but confidence in his tone and it seems to bolster her slightly. “When they’re satisfied.” He pins her with a look. “So show them your teeth, but don’t bite. Point your rage at whatever target they tell you. Play the game, and they’ll willingly let you out.” He doesn’t use the word ‘free’. It’s deliberate. They won’t be free, just out. Of course, if rumors are to be believed, Octavia would have the option to leave, to go off on her own and leave the others, but it will be so much harder for her then, once they’re interconnected, her and whatever unit she ends up in. 
He prays it’s his. She may die anywhere else. 
Her shoulders slump with resignation, and she nods, defeated. He feels his own muscles relaxing the slightest, not enough for a camera to notice. He’s about to speak when she glances up and before his eyes can follow hers, a thin, lithe figure drops from the ceiling at Styxx’s side, warm brown eyes looking to Octavia in disappointment and trust. 
so no escape then? Fox asks. 
Octavia shakes her head, looking to Styxx with the same trust Fox has in her. not yet. biding our time, i guess. 
Fox makes a show of sighing, then shrugs. fine. then i’m hungry. 
“We haven’t missed lunch yet, I’m sure Nicklas and Louis are waiting for you both.” The three turn to move further back into the facility, a large tanned hand on each girl’s back as though to herd them the way of safety. 
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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For Eyes
The retina is where we focus the world. Its dish-shaped layers of cells at the back of the eye respond to light with colourful chemical reactions, and convert them into impulses bound for the brain. Like the wiring of a camera’s sensors, the retina’s mechanics are both intricate and sensitive, so studying them in living eyeballs is challenging. Here though, scientists explore similar layers in a retinal organoid – a living model of the retina grown from stem cells, which they can compare with the real thing and make predictions based on their similarity. One technique called 4i (iterative indirect immunofluorescence imaging) scans thin slices of organoid tissue, spotting tell-tale fluorescent stains in cells such as rods (highlighted in red in this cross-section), cones (orange) and retinal ganglion cells (green). Experiments on this cellular 'atlas' may lead to treatments for diseases or insights into how eye development may go awry.
Written by John Ankers
Image adapted from work by Philipp Wahle, Giovanna Brancati, Christoph Harmel and Zhisong He, and colleagues
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zürich, and Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Research published in Nature Biotechnology, May 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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dr-whoopsie-daisy · 9 months
Floaters Question
"Question! I have a floater that will not leave me alone since May. It's very distracting. Anything I can do to get rid of it? Thanks!" @toast--ghost
Thanks for the question! Most importantly, if you experienced flashes of light, like camera flash or lightning around the time you got the floater or are still experiencing flashes of light, you should make an appointment to see an OMD (ophthalmologist) or OD for a dilated exam. Floaters are a natural part of aging and everyone will get a few, more for those with head trauma (car accident, sports ball to the head ect) but floaters with flashes of light can be a sign of retinal tear or retinal hole.
As for what you can do about them? Unfortunately, nearly nothing. If you have an absolutely huge floater that is blocking your vision, laser vitreolysis can be used to break the giant floater apart into several smaller floaters. This unblocks your vision but does not remove the floaters themselves. In my experience, there is a low success rate with this procedure. A vitrectomy is when some or all of the vitreous humor is removed. (yes, it's still called humor. silly). This procedure is typically reserved for vitreous hemorrhage, when it's most important to remove the leaking blood in the posterior chamber. This is a surgery involving opening the globe of the eye (rather than just a laser) which can lead to post-surgical cataracts.
Small floaters are typically left alone and the brain eventually learns to ignore them. They will be most obvious when: 1. you are thinking about them, 2. on a bright light colored field of vision (blank white computer screen/wall/paper or blue sky) Over time the floater should collapse on itself some, making it much smaller.
I am currently very aware of my own collection of floaters. 🙃
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myopiaby2060 · 10 months
Myopia the silent “pandemic"
Recently at a dinner table conversation I got to know about the growing epidemic of refractive errors in young children and became very interested to know more about this. Based on my research I would like to inform you about this growing problem and the silent pandemic that is  “short-sightedness or Myopia”
What is Myopia?
Myopia is blurry distance vision and is commonly called "short-sightedness" or "near-sightedness". A person with myopia can see clearly up close – when reading a book or looking at a phone – but words and object far away look fuzzy on a blackboard or television
How common is it and why is it a pandemic?
It is estimated that about 30% of the worlds population is myopic and this is likely to increase to nearly 50% by the year 2050.
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Why is it important to address this?
It is one of the main causes of vision impairment and the second highest cause of blindness. It has also been estimated to cost about US $202 billion in global lost productivity. 
High myopia is associated with an increased risk of developing sight threatening conditions like retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataract etc. The risk of developing sight-threatening problems increases with the degree of myopia. Hence limiting the incidence and progression of myopia is essential.
What causes myopia?
When the rays of light emanating from an object fall short of the retina the object appears blurry. If ones imagines the eye to be a camera the rays of light instead of getting focused on the photographic film gets focused in front of it. This is commonly due to an excessively elongated eye. 
What are the risk factors for myopia?
The exact cause of myopia is not known. The risk factors that increase the likelihood of myopia include-
Genetic.Myopia tends to run in families. If one of the parents is myopic, the risk of the child developing the condition is forty percent. The risk is fifty percent if both parents are myopic. Increasing severity of parental myopia leads to a greater risk of myopia in the child
Environmental. Lack of outdoor activities and excessive near work like reading especially holding the book very close, playing games on handheld devices or computer. 
What may be the ways one may suspect myopia?
The child may complain of blurry vision or hold objects close to their face. Small children may sit close to TV screen or partially close their eyes to see far away screens or objects. Frequent eye rubbing or excess blinking may be other features that may be observed. Older children may have headaches and hence all children with unexplained headaches need to have an eye check. 
What is the treatment for myopia?
Glasses are the primary way to treat myopia. These are provided by your optician or eye doctor. One should have regular checks as this can progress.
Sometimes contact lenses may also be prescribed. 
How does one protect against getting myopia and limit its progression?
Spend time outdoors as much as possible. It is encouraged to spend no less than 2 hours every day in out door activity.
Avoid excessive near activity including reading, handheld devices and computer especially for leisure.
Take frequent breaks from near work and look into the far distance regularly 
Read with good and as far as possible natural light.
Do not read while lying down or in moving vehicles
Start from early childhood to get the best of the preventive measures
Are there any treatments to cure myopia?
There are no “cures” for myopia. One may obviate the need for glasses by using contact lens or having surgery – laser or otherwise. These however do not reduce the risk of the sight threatening complications.
There are newer treatments to limit the progression of myopia in childhood including eye drops, specialised glasses or contact lenses.
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For further information go to
Global Myopia Awareness Coalition  https://www.myopiaawareness.org/
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clyde-and-co · 1 year
Howdy! On April 20th, there will be a TOTAL eclipse worldwide! As cool as it may seem the risks of looking at the eclipse directly WITHOUT protection are extremely high so here is some information and tips to stay safe! But first of all, what are the actual consequences to exposing your eyes to a total eclipse?
The consequences are retinal burns, also known as “eclipse blindness” or solar retinopathy. The symptoms include the loss of central vision, distorted vision or altered colour vision, and can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for symptoms to begin to show. There’s a chance it would only be temporary, but there’s also an equal chance of it being permanent, so… I wouldn’t be taking that chance if I were you.
1. Don’t look at the sun. Seriously.
It’s easier said than done, honestly. There are plenty of moments where you could accidentally glance at the sun, or when your eyes can be in direct sunlight, such as opening blinds or windows, driving, and just being outside in general is EXTREMELY risky. This also leads onto point 2;
2. Phone cameras, sunglasses, binoculars, and other types of unfiltered glasses will NOT protect your eyes.
Trust me, the temptation to whip out your phone camera and try to watch the eclipse through there is strong. But other then potentially damaging your phone camera, and the lens not being able to get a good picture of the eclipse at all, you could accidentally fry your eyeballs, so your best bet is watching it online or getting proper eclipse viewing glasses. Personally I’d rather just close my curtains, maybe watch it online and just wait the eclipse out, but if you really want to see the eclipse, proceed with caution and follow the rules below when choosing the safest eclipse viewing glasses.
3. How to choose the safest eclipse viewing glasses.
Find a trusted and official seller. So that’s a ‘no’ on the 2 dollar store glasses…
Make sure they meet general safety requirements and are manufactured to the ISO 12312-2 standard. Check around for labelling and make sure you’re buying them from a reputable source.
Wear your solar eclipse glasses at ALL TIMES.
Another note, solar eclipse glasses can get damaged. So before use, make sure the lenses aren’t scratched or torn, because if they are, they’re not safe to use.
That’s about it for the PSA. Make sure to stay safe, and if you or anybody you know have been exposed to the solar eclipse light and are experiencing any of the symptoms listed take them to a healthcare facility to get it checked out. Seriously, loss of vision is horrifying and you need to take preventative steps to avoid it.
Stay safe everyone, and happy birthday to anyone who happens to have a birthday at the time they’re reading this!
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darth-does-stuff · 2 years
The Visionary's Nightmare
Summary: Logan Sanders was not a rich man. He lived in the poverty sector of the city of Archaeus, where crates were remodeled into barely-livable huts, food and water were scarce, and crime was abundant. He himself was no stranger to illegality, stealing often just to get by. But when he meets Virgil Callaghan, a wealthy scientist who works at Syneuron, his whole world starts to turn upside down as secrets from the past are beginning to become uncovered.
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Chapter 1: Surviving
in which logan tries to get by.
Logan waited in the dark and shadow filled alleyway, his cybernetic eye dimmed to not give off light. He was crouched, as still as a cat about to pounce. 
And then he heard it. The telltale whirr of a robot patrolling down the old and broken down street, hovering a few inches above the ground in order to not encounter any debris that might block its path. Logan kept waiting until it walked past the alley and then he lunged.
His robotic hand shot out to crush its mechanical neck before plunging itself into the chest of it, pulling out the core and causing it to shut off, crumpling into a heap on the ground. Logan looked around for any cameras and found two on a light post nearby. 
With a bandana functioning as a mask still pulled up and over his nose, he brought out two throwing knives and threw them at the two cameras. They struck true, the cameras fizzling out and dying down. 
Now technically, this was illegal, first to take out a robot like he had done (especially one whose role was to patrol the streets and enforce the ‘rules’. [People never called it laws , only ‘rules.’ It gave them the impression of more freedom, Logan supposed]). And second, to then destroy property, such as those two security cameras. But Logan found he didn’t really care, he needed the parts from the robot to fix his own cybernetic parts, and they could always make new cameras. So, wins for him all around. 
He cut through back alleyways and stalked down streets like a wraith, avoiding the spots where he knew where cameras could see him, knowing this part of the sector like the back of his hand. Logan finally pulled down his mask for it to hang loosely around his neck once he reached the area where he knew no cameras were planted. He walked much more leisurely before reaching a crate. 
Logan walked around the back of it and ran his hand along the surface until he found a different material than appearance first suggested. (Call him paranoid, he said that planting a piece of tech that showed a hologram of a blank crate wall while there was actually a door was just smart thinking.)
He knelt down and the retinal scanner flickered to life, quickly detecting that it was, in fact, Logan. There was a small click and Logan walked through the door, sealing it behind him. He let out a sigh, shrugging his jacket off and loosening the grey bandana around his neck some more and leaving the robot in the corner. He grit his teeth and tensed up suddenly as his robotic hand started acting up, malfunctioning and sending jolts of pain up his right arm.
 Clutching it with his left and breathing in short little bursts in a futile effort to distract himself from the pain, Logan rushed over to his toolbox and rummaged around in it (dimly noting, somewhere in the back of his mind, that several were close to breaking and he’d have to make a trip to get more soon. Stealing or paying, depended on who it was). He grabbed a handful of what he needed and stumbled back over to the robot, beginning to dismantle it for parts. Luckily, he found the necessary parts quickly and sat down on a chair, beginning the long and grueling process of repairing the robotic limb. 
A few hours later, Logan was laying on his old sleeping bag that had served him for years, looking up at the top of the crate. (There was a spot that looked weaker than the others, he’d probably have to hammer a sheet of metal to it soon.) Sighing, he got up with tired eyes and walked over to the sink. 
This crate-type house had had a previous owner and they hadn’t done much with the place, but what they had done was install a sink. Logan grimaced in sympathy at the thought of the long process of having to put in a sink. 
(He didn’t know what happened to the previous owner. He hoped that they were alright, but considering the fact that this crate had been abandoned when he found it? Those hopes weren’t high.)
He quickly washed up, splashing water on his face and using one of the bars of soap he had stolen a few days prior. Logan then changed into a simple blue t-shirt and black shorts, both slightly tattered and worn down, one of his 3 pairs of clothes he owned. He laid back down in the sleeping bag, finally ready to sleep. 
But sleep did not want to come. 
He was awake for hours, staring blankly at the ceiling with exhaustion covering him like a thick blanket, but he still could not drift off. His thoughts swirled around in his head, unable to quiet down. First and foremost was the to-do list: 
Find some more food, non-perishable
Steal or pay for more tools (the method depends on who he’s getting it from)
Destroy some more robots for spare parts (he always needed more)
Water stock’s getting low, find some more 
Sharpen and clean his knives 
Double check his robotic hand to see if it’s repaired fully in the morning
Then, it was random thoughts floating in and out of his conscious mind. Tech upgrades, surviving, trading with the duke and the snake, etc., etc.
Finally deducing that sleep would continue to evade him, he sighed, irritated, and stood up, tying his bandana around his neck and putting on socks and shoes. He walked out of the crate, quickly scaling a nearby building to jump across the tops of other buildings. There was a small pond in this poverty sector, polluted and murky, but a peaceful place to be nonetheless. Climbing back down, he landed softly on the turf before sitting down, overlooking the water. He ran a hand through his hair, his seemingly always tense muscles finally relaxing. The sun rose over the city as Logan watched a small pond of water in a rundown little place. 
And it was just another day of surviving.
a/n: its a cyberpunk au i have no self control
taglist: @star-crossed-shipper, @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond
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nursingscience · 1 year
The list of lab equipment needed for the psychology lab.
1. Computers and software for data analysis and experiment design
2. Psychophysiological equipment such as EEG, ECG, and GSR sensors
3. Eye-tracking equipment for measuring eye movements
4. Stereotaxic instrument for precise animal brain surgery
5. Skinner boxes for operant conditioning experiments
6. Virtual Reality headsets for immersive experience and behavioral testing
7. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) for non-invasive brain stimulation
8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for brain imaging
9. Polygraph machines for lie detection
10. Sound-proof rooms for auditory experiments
11. Video recording equipment for observational research
12. Reaction time devices to measure response times
13. Stimulus presentation software and hardware, including monitors and speakers
14. Questionnaires and survey tools for self-report research. 
15. Digital voice recorders for recording interviews or focus groups
16. Psychometric tests for assessing cognitive or personality traits
17. Tactile equipment for haptic experiments
18. Olfactometers for investigating sense of smell
19. Weight scales and height measurements for anthropometric assessments
20. Blood pressure monitors for physiological measurements
21. Heat/cold pain stimulation devices for pain threshold experiments
22. Sleep monitoring equipment such as actigraphy watches and polysomnography machines
23. Specialized software for analyzing and visualizing data, such as SPSS or R
Climatic chambers for environmental manipulation in behavioral studies
24. Microscopes for examining cellular and tissue samples in behavioral neuroscience research
25. Mobile EEG devices for field research or studying participants in naturalistic environments
26. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) for measuring brain activity in real-time
27. Motion capture systems for tracking movement and gestures in experiments or simulations
28. Biometric devices such as heart rate monitors, respiration sensors, or skin temperature sensors for physiological measurements
29. Experiment control software for designing, running, and analyzing experiments
30. Virtual assistants or chatbots for social psychology or human-computer interaction research
31. Social robots for studying human-robot interaction and social cognition
32. Biomarker assay kits for measuring stress hormones, neurotransmitters, or immune markers
33. Magnetic bead separation systems for isolating cells or proteins from biological samples
34. Chemical analysis equipment such as gas chromatography or mass spectrometry for analyzing biological fluids or tissues.
35. Eye-safe lasers and retinal imaging systems for visual neuroscience studies
36. Microdialysis probes for measuring extracellular neurotransmitter levels in vivo
37. Microfabrication and microfluidics equipment for designing and building micro-scale devices for neuroscience or behavioral studies
38. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for analyzing brain chemistry
39. Automated behavioral testing systems for high-throughput phenotyping of animal models
40. High-speed cameras for studying rapid movements or reactions in experiments
41. Autonomic monitoring systems for measuring heart rate variability and other physiological signals
42. Neurofeedback systems for training participants to regulate their brain activity
Infrared thermal imaging for measuring temperature changes on the skin or body surface
43. Environmental monitoring equipment for measuring air quality, temperature, humidity, or lighting in experimental settings.
44. Animal behavior tracking systems for automated behavioral analysis of animal models
45. Optogenetics equipment for genetically modifying neurons and controlling their activity with light
46. Microscopy equipment such as confocal microscopes or two-photon microscopes for imaging neurons or brain tissue
47. High-density EEG or MEG systems for recording brain activity with high spatial and temporal resolution
48. Ultrafast laser systems for optoacoustic or photothermal imaging of the brain or other tissues
49. Microscale thermometry systems for measuring temperature changes at the cellular level
50. Animal housing and care equipment such as cages, bedding, and feeding systems
51. Laboratory safety equipment such as fume hoods, eye protection, and fire suppression systems
52. High-performance computing resources for large-scale data analysis, simulations, or modeling.
The specific equipment needs of a psychology lab will depend on the research questions and methods being used, as well as the available resources and funding. 
It's also important to note that some of the equipment listed here may require specialized training or certification to use safely and effectively.
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Retinal Projector Camera, AI Tutor, Midjourney V5, 3D Printed Jaw Bone +...
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xandriagreat · 2 years
The Paw | chapter 2
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Notice/Warnings: heist, stealing, panic
Diane was dressed and ready for the heist for the Golden Dolphin.
She went to the Museum of Fine Arts, the place where the ceremony is held every year.
She wore a dark yellow gold dress that covered her neck and arms and it was long enough to touch the floor, a silver shawl draped over her shoulders, and a yellow head wrap to cover her ears. She also carried a black handbag.
When she arrived at the museum and walked up the stairs, joining the crowd, she overheard Tiffany Fluffit, who was assigned to the night’s festivities, was talking to the news camera: “-And I know that most of you are wondering ‘aren't there supposed to be two good samaritans?’ Well, the other good samaritan, Doctor Milton T. Park, the actual living velociraptor survivor from ice, couldn’t make it tonight. But he sends his humbleness and goodness to everyone.” 
Then everyone saw a stretch limo pulled up at the bottom of the steps.
Many of the guests turned to watch Professor Marmalade, this year's good samaritan who would be honored that night, hopped out of the limo. The professor waved at the countless fans as he walked to Tiffany and walked with her.
Diane rolled her eyes as she walked away while Tiffany Fluffit started to talk with Professor Marmalade.
“Professor,” Tiffany started, “in the past year, you’ve stopped wars, fed the hungry, and saved countless pandas. Some would say that your goodness is only second to Mother Teresa!”
Professor Marmalade nodded, putting an earnest look of humility. “Oh, Tiffany, it’s not a competition! But if it was, it would be more of a tie.” The Professor replied, smiling. “But we can all agree that there’s a flower of goodness inside of all of us, just waiting to blossom.”
Everyone within earshot, broke into applause as the professor walked up the red carpet, where more fans waited for him.
Diane looked for the Governor and the chief, because they both have access to the backstage area with a key card that the chief carries for the first door and a retinal scanner that could be opened by the Governor’s eye for the second door. 
Diane saw Governor Moe Wolf greeting some of the people, probably from one of the stages of government power.
Moe Wolf was wearing a clean white suit and a purple handkerchief in his coat pocket.
Diane went by him, looking at an odd rotating statue made of metal scraps. “Odd piece,” she said out loud so the Governor could hear to get his attention, “very trashy but yet creative.” 
Moe Wolf went over to her and looked at the statue. "Well, I think it says more of the viewer than the artist," he said, then he looked at her, offering to shake her hand, "Miss…"
Diane smiled, gave her hand to him, and replied, "Kittson. Georgette Kittson."
Moe shook her hand. Diane smiled at him and said, "Hey I want to say that I'm happy that you stood up and spoke up about that Paw. No one has ever done that to my knowledge."
Moe looked touched and proud. "Oh, there's always a first for everything."
Diane nodded. "But I think now she is more motivated to seal her legacy."
Moe laughed loud, causing Diane to laugh confusedly. 
"Oh you are funny, Miss Kittson." Moe said, wiping a tear away.
"...I am?" Diane asked confusedly.
Moe nodded and said, "Yeah, what she's sealing is her life in prison. Did you see her LAST job? It was a mess!" Then he explained how it was a mess. Diane had a bit of a hard time trying not to hit him. "Well, she's not like The Bad Guys. They've done the same things as her. But yet you're not talking about them." Diane replied sarcastically, smiling. "I sometimes think that they're planning to make a comeback."
Moe's eyes widened when she said 'The Bad Guys'. 
Then he looked at the statue and looked back at Diane. 
"Well-uh… back to the statue talk." Moe said, changing the subject. He turned Diane to the wall that the statue's shadow casted on the wall.
"I think it's all about perspective. You see, even trash can be recycled into something beautiful." Moe said. The shadow of the statue showed a swan.
Diane smiled in amazement. "Well, I'll be. Some things aren't always what they appear to be." she said, looking at Moe Wolf. Then she got her phone out and asked, "Before I forget, mind if I take a photo with the Governor and the statue of some trash?" 
Moe nodded. "I don't mind."
Diane took the photo.
Then a few voices called out, "Hey, Moe!"
Moe and Diane looked to see the four animals that walked with Moe on the stage in yesterday's news. "Oh, guys!" Moe exclaimed, smiling as the four walked over to them. "Georgette," Moe said, "this is my team."
Diane hummed. "Your team?"
Moe nodded and looked at the team, "Guys, this is Georgette Kittson."
Diane nodded to them.  
The Tarantula, who was on the Shark, said, "It's nice to meet you, Miss Kittson, but we need to get inside to get ready, Moe."
Moe nodded and walked with the four animals.
Diane waved bye to them as they walked inside. She smiles as she looks at the souvenir that she took got from the Governor. A pocket watch with five diamonds on the lid of it.
She put it in her hand bag along with her phone as she went inside after a few minutes, looking for the chief.
Diane got the key card from the chief by ‘accidentally’ bumping into her. 
She put it in her bag as she went to the staircase to get the cameras ready so she could go backstage without being caught. 
Diane did start pickpocketing a few men and got a necklace off of a young woman while they were all busy in their conversations. When she walked down the stairs, an old lady was in front of her, hopping down the steps. Diane saw a lot of money, jewelry, and a golden bar in the old Lady's purse. So, without a second thought, she started to grab a strap of the purse.
But at the exact moment, the old Lady missed a step and almost fell, causing Diane to fall with her. Thankfully, Diane still had balance, so they both didn't fall over and get hurt. 
Diane was panicking about what to do, then she sighed as she pulled the old Lady back up right by her purse and checked to see if she's alright. "Are you okay, ma'am?" she asked.
The old Lady fixed her glasses and exclaimed, "My gracious! I may be dizzy but I'm alive because of you!" Then the old Lady did something that Diane did not expect. 
She hugged her. 
Diane was in shock.
When she was done hugging her, the old Lady took Diane's hands, patted them, and said, "You're such a good girl."
Diane felt her cheeks go light red as she watched the old Lady hopped away.
Then she felt something wagging. It was her tail! Panicked again, she quickly stopped and hid it back in her shawl.
She looked around nervously to see if anyone saw her tail. Thankfully no one did or shouted out ‘it’s the paw!’
She quickly went to the camera room, an empty room at the moment, and felt warmth spread through her body. She shook her head to bring herself back to reality and put the cams in a loop.
She got her phone and key card out when she exited the room. Diane went back upstairs to get to the doors backstage. She had a plan ready for each guard that was guarding the two doors. But then she smelled something very bad, giving her an idea. 
She walked over to the guards at the first door first. "Excuse me, hi." Diane said, waving a bit. 
"What do you want?" The guard asked, their arms across their chest. 
"I didn't know if I should tell or just shout it out, but I started to smell gas. And I don't know if it's a gas leak or poisonous-" 
Then the guard’s eyes widened, trying not to show panic while putting in the code to open the door to get the big guards to come out. 
Diane stepped out of the guards' view while all the cops and guards got the guests attention and out of the reception. She got the door opened with the key when it was clear for her to go in while everyone was in a panic as they exited the reception area.
Diane walked down the hallway that leads to the backstage area. She used a hand mirror to check if there were any guards still standing guard of the second door.
There were none. 
She smiled as she walked to the door. She got the photo that she took earlier, enlarged the Governor's eye, and enhanced it since it was blurry, making it clearer.
She uses it and the door accepts it as the guests and guards come back into the reception area because the gas was from one of The Governor Wolf's bodyguards because he ate too many bean burritos.
Diane smiled when she saw the Golden Dolphin in a spotlight, removing her headwrap and her dress to reveal her wearing her black ninja bodysuit and got her hood up just in case. She put her disguise in her handbag as the announcer spoke, “Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome to the stage, Governor Wolf.”
On stage, Moe Wolf walked on stage while everyone clapped. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” Wolf said into the microphone. “...Last year, we faced our biggest test… when a meteorite crashed into our beloved city. It didn’t just make a hole in our city. It made a hole in our hearts.”
The audience awed sadly, remembering that day.
Moe continued, “But even in tragedy, Professor Marmalade does what he does so well. He made us see things differently. And thanks to you, Professor Marmalade, The Love Crater Meteorite will forever serve as a symbol of how we can find the good in the worst of places.”
Backstage, Diane was getting emergency systems down by turning the power box that connects all of the emergency systems together off. 
It's next to the power box for the rest of the building and a big vent. 
She just got both lids of the vent and system box opened quietly. 
There's four cables but three cables are connected to the emergency systems and the other one is connected to the power box. 
If Diane gets the wrong cord, the power goes off and then she'll have 35 seconds to get the Golden Dolphin and exit out of the room or the video cameras will reset and she'll get caught.
Diane got her electric-proof rubber gloves from her handbag and got them on. 
She got one of the plugs of the cables and removed it.
It turns off one of the systems.
Diane smiled.
Her smile faded away when she overheard Moe said, "And now please welcome to the stage… Professor Marmalade!"
The crowd cheered.
'The pig is on the move! I need to hurry!' Diane thought. 
She pulled another plug. 
It turns off another one of the systems.
"Thank you, Moe." Marmalade said into the microphone. The Professor started to talk about the upcoming charity that he's hosting.
Now Diane has to hurry.
She looked at the last two cables, thinking which is the last one. 
She started to panic when Marmalade finished his speech and the current started to go up.
Diane accidentally pulled both plugs and the whole building went to power out. "Oops." Diane said to herself. She saw that the curtain stopped going up.
This is her chance!
She quickly ran and grabbed the Golden Dolphin, puts it in her bag, went to the vent, puts the key card on the floor, and made her exit right when the power got back on.
Moe tapped the microphone. "Is this on? Okay good." 
The curtain went up again as he cleared his throat and announced, "May I proudly present Professor Marmalade with The Golden Dolphin!"
But when the curtain went up, everyone gasp when they saw the Golden Dolphin is gone!
Diane, back in her disguise, smiled as she watched everyone panicking about The Golden Dolphin being gone. 'Don't mess with the fox, or you'll get tricked.' Diane thought as she went to exit the reception.
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Spiders Dream Too
A US-European team of researchers have discovered that spiders experience REM sleep like humans, meaning they could also potentially dream too, though the study stops short of concluding if they definitely do.
German, Italian, and American scientists observed spiders during their night time inactivity using infrared cameras. They found that there were "periodic bouts of retinal movements coupled with limb twitching".
“They were just uncontrollably twitching in a way that really looked a lot like when dogs or cats dream and have their little REM phases,” Daniela Rößler, a biologist at Germany’s University of Konstanz, told Scientific American. Whether that means they are experiencing visual dreams (or even if they are actually fully asleep) is yet to be established. They could be experiencing dreams through vibrations.
Up till this point in time, most sleep studies were based on terrestrial vertebrates, so this is an exciting new frontier. Future studies intend to prove that spiders are actually asleep, and then perhaps they will be able to fully prove that they dream as well, but that it is a long way off yet.
I look forward to finding out if spiders dream, but it does raise the question, what do they dream about?
Source: the Guardian, written by Richard Luscombe, and Rößler, D., et al, (2022). Regularly occurring bouts of retinal movements suggest an REM sleep–like state in jumping spiders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(33). Available at: <https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2204754119#sec-2> (Accessed: 22nd August 2022).
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sciencespies · 2 years
Do Spiders Dream of Eight-Legged Sheep?
Do Spiders Dream of Eight-Legged Sheep?
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Researchers found jumping spiders, known for their acrobatic hunting, exhibiting signs of R.E.M. sleep, but it is unknown whether they dream, or even sleep.
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Scientists don’t know whether jumping spiders are sleeping or just resting their eight eyes, but their twitches are similar to R.E.M. sleep in other organisms. Video by Daniela C. Rößler.
By day, jumping spiders hunt their prey, stalking and pouncing like cats. When the lights go down, these pea-sized predators hang out — and maybe their minds spin dreams.
As they twitch their legs and move their eyes, Evarcha arcuata, a species of jumping spiders, show something reminiscent of rapid eye movement, or R.E.M., sleep, researchers report Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. R.E.M. is the phase of sleep during which most human dreaming occurs. The study suggests that R.E.M. sleep may be more common than realized across animals, which may help untangle the mysteries of its purpose and evolution.
To “look at R.E.M. sleep in something as distantly related to us as spiders is just utterly fascinating,” said Lauren Sumner-Rooney, a sensory biologist at the Leibniz Institute for Biodiversity and Evolution Research who wasn’t part of the new study.
Daniela Rößler, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Konstanz in Germany and one of the study’s authors, was surprised when she noticed that jumping spiders sometimes dangle upside down during the night. Dr. Rößler started filming the resting arachnids and noticed other odd behaviors. “All of a sudden, they would make these crazy movements with the legs and start twitching. And it just reminded me immediately of a sleeping — not to say dreaming — cat or dog,” said Dr. Rößler.
Such jerky movements in limbs are a marker of R.E.M. sleep, a state in which most of the body’s muscles go slack and the brain’s electrical activity mimics being awake. And then there’s the darting eyes, from which R.E.M. gets its name. But that’s tricky to spot it in animals with eyes that do not move, including spiders.
However, part of a jumping spider’s eye does move. The acrobatic arachnids have eight eyes in total, and behind the lenses of their two biggest eyes are light-catching retinas that move to scan the environment. The arthropods’ exterior typically obscures these banana-shaped tubes, except when the spiders are babies and have translucent exoskeletons. So Dr. Rößler’s team looked for flitting retinas during rest in spiderlings younger than 10 days old. “It’s really clever,” said Paul Shaw, a neuroscientist at the Washington University School of Medicine. The researchers chose the right animal for this question, he added.
During the night, the researchers filmed the arachnids with an infrared camera. For all 34 spiders, they saw bouts of coinciding retinal and limb movements, typically lasting around 80 seconds and occurring every 15 to 20 minutes. The team logged behaviors from the shifting of silk-producing spinnerets to a scrunching of all legs that resembled a dead spider. But watching hours of resting spiders didn’t lull Dr. Rößler to sleep. Each spider’s movements looked unique, she said. “I was always looking forward to the next R.E.M.”
What the researchers saw overlapped closely with some hallmarks of R.E.M., said Dr. Sumner-Rooney. The twitches, relaxed muscles and eye movement: “All of them seem to be the same as they are in mammals.”
Scientists have studied R.E.M. sleep mostly in mammals. While it has been difficult to discern what counts as R.E.M. in other animals, studies have also found evidence for it in birds, cephalopods and a reptile. With this hint in arthropods, R.E.M. sleep may be more ancient or universal than scientists have assumed.
Dr. Rößler’s team is working to nail down whether the spiders are indeed sleeping. One way to demonstrate sleep is to test whether it takes more to rouse a spider at rest, than one that is simply not moving. If experiments suggest the spiders aren’t just resting their eight eyes, the researchers can then get a better picture of spiders’ need for sleep by depriving them of it. If sleep-deprived spiders fall asleep faster and spend more time in a R.E.M.-like state, then that would provide further evidence that they experience R.E.M. sleep.
They may even be getting some of the benefits associated with sleep and dreaming in humans. “There’s no reason to think that they don’t dream, depending on how you define dreaming,” said Barrett Klein, an entomologist at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse who wasn’t involved with the study but wrote a forthcoming perspective article accompanying it.
“I could imagine a replay of memories that allow them to work out possible problems,” said Dr. Klein. With complex brains for their size, jumping spiders have been shown to plan their routes. They’re hunters that take down insects or other spiders, sometimes as large as they are. They execute coordinated moves — jumping from leaf to leaf while anchored on a silk strand. Some even perform elaborate courtship dances.
“A dream, in my mind, for a jumping spider would involve the most demanding, fitness relevant, maybe dramatic times of their lives,” Dr. Klein said.
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