#rename adhd
cloudofbutterflies · 2 years
ADHD is one of the most fundamentally misnamed disorders. 
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Let’s unpack that.
Attention-Deficit. This in of itself is misleading. I, as someone with ADHD, do not have a deficit of attention. What I do have is an extremely hard time choosing where to focus it. I can focus, for hours, with more intensity and more productively than most neurotypical people, but only on things like good books and video games and my writing and wikipedia rabbit holes and music. I cannot focus on things like homework and my job and keeping my room from turning into an absolute hurricane-level disaster and ordering my groceries. It’s not a deficit of attention, the attention is there, it’s just that I do not get to choose where it is focused. 
Hyperactivity. Hyperactivity is a type of ADHD. I have combined type, so I am hyperactive, but my best friend? They have inattentive ADHD. They can sit still, and don’t need to fidget, and they are not hyperactive. But they still have ADHD. Hyperactivity is a type of ADHD, not a fundamental part of it. It’s like calling all cake “chocolate cake” even if some cakes are vanilla. 
My suggestion for a new name? SRDD. Self-Regulation-Deficit Disorder. If you disagree, I’d love to hear why, and if you have another suggestion instead! Just be civil. 
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yall. i forgot to take my meds this morning. please prepare for things to get reeeeeeeeeeal weird around here real fast
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brightlotusmoon · 8 months
Transcript: ADHD can disrupt adult life: Here’s how to own it | The Nation's Health
In addition to producing award-winning news stories, The Nation’s Health lets you hear directly from the people we’re talking to. In this episode, I’ll chat with Russell Barkley. He is a professor of clinical psychiatry at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center and a leading author and researcher on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
We will discuss ADHD in adults — what ADHD looks like beyond childhood and implications for public health.
But, before the call, here’s a primer on ADHD.
ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder. It shows up in early childhood — and it can exhibit itself in a wide range of ways, but there are three main presentations of ADHD — inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive and combined presentation.
The list of symptoms of ADHD is long. But, to provide some examples — inattentive types may have difficulty sustaining attention or make frequent careless mistakes. Those with hyperactive-impulsive presentation can feel as if they are driven by a motor; they may fidget or have difficulty waiting for their turn in social or classroom settings. It’s also common that someone with ADHD will experience a blend of being hyperactive and being unable to focus.
It’s important to note that everyone will experience some of the symptoms of ADHD at some point or another. When we’re talking about an ADHD diagnosis, a person has to have a number of symptoms that have persisted over time. And it rarely develops beyond adolescence. However, just because a person wasn’t diagnosed as a child does not mean that they have not had the disorder.
And with that, Russell Barkley has joined us.
How does ADHD affect adults and children differently?
You have to understand that ADHD is a disorder of self-regulation of the executive functions of the brain. And once you assume that then you know that there’s a 30-year span — at least — over which the prefrontal lobes and their executive functions are likely to be developing. And in young children, you may not see as many of the executive deficits apart from the distractibility, the impulsivity, and maybe the hyperactivity.
But as they get older, we start to see problems with time management. Three-year-olds don’t have to have a sense of time. Thirty-year-olds do. We see problems with self-organization. Self-motivation, emotion regulation and control, among others. So with those...those take time to emerge. And the adults are going to have much more difficulty in those areas and a lot less trouble with hyperactivity and with just inhibition per se.
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kratomqueen · 1 year
tiktok makes me so embarrassed to tell people i have adhd
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presentfuckingmic · 2 years
The reason I like my fics is cause I let all the characters say “fuck”. Except Ojirou. Fuck Ojirou.
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
wait what the fuck how the fuck have i only just found out that ADHD is a fucking ADA-recognized disability. I'm genuinely so fucking mad that it took me this long to be told that what the fuck
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blue-kyber · 2 years
The start of the next chapter I'm editing.
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Red emergency lights cast a dim crimson hue throughout the normally bright white and gray halls of the ship.
 Yune led the two kids out of a lift up two levels quickly through the corridors toward where the Horizon had latched onto the hull. He hated having to abandon the Zephyr, but the odds were high that a few Regents would have gone in to check on their buddies. 
They quickly dove into a side room to avoid a group of officers running toward the engine room to investigate the problem.
Will pressed his ear against the door.
“What are you doing?” Yune hissed a soft warning.
“Get away from there,” Yune had his pulse pistol out, ready to fire, “They could backtrack.”
“Cool your jets, Scavenger, they’re running away.”
“Salvager,” he corrected him with irritation at this kid’s arrogance, “Is this another thing with your power?”
“Nope,” Terra answered for her twin, since Will had to concentrate, “He can pick up specific sounds in a lot of noise. He could always do that, even before we were changed.”
“The power of super selective hearing. Should have guessed since you never listen to me. But that’s... actually impressive,” Yune blinked. Maybe that was why Will was chosen as one of the One Thousand. He had selective hearing both naturally and in the way kids usually do.
Will focused on the ‘thump’ of their boots among the other noise until it faded out completely. “They’re gone.” He grinned in victory. “See? Told you. Let’s go.” He turned to run out and immediately smacked into the door.
Yune sighed to an eye roll. He might have an advanced hearing talent, but he lacked progression in other developmental areas. “Do you have no object permanence?” he opened the door, and headed out with Terra. 
“Yeah, I do. I have object--whatever that is,” Will rubbed at the sore spot on his head.
“Come on, you little moamrat.”
Will followed, “I know you are, but what am I?”
“You’re annoying.” 
“I know you are, but what am I?”
“Stop it.”
“Stop it.”
Yune grit his teeth, “Sparky...” 
Terra giggled.
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Tag list: @muddshadow @cedar-west @athenixrose @penspiration-writing @runningoutofbooks @tobiornottobithatisthequestion @roll-top-writing @subject-2-change @dreaming-in-seams @mismatchingart @midnights-melodiverse @thewriteflame @writingventriloquist @ren-c-leyn @asher-orion-writes @aninkwellofnectar @winterandwords @raevenlywrites
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emarezi-backup · 5 months
oh also today i downloaded a bunch of music too and went outside so id say productive overall
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the-adhd-sorcerer · 6 months
changed my blog name in order to fit in with the magic and dnd related community
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obsessedreader25 · 6 months
What if we renamed ADHD so that it's Attention *Dysregulate* Hyperactivity Disorder?
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cloudofbutterflies · 2 years
Day #5914 of complaining about how ADHD is misnamed and causing a lot of unintentional ableism because of how misleading the name is. 
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
If anyones wondering why no art
erm... uhhh...
Art factory's clogged 😔🤚
It all stems from the dragons rising poster reveal, I noticed sora's little marking things looked like one of my OCs (who I just named like an hour ago despite having him for over 7 years now, everyone cheer ahahah)
So i went and started a dumb little doodle of the stardust trio (Akemi, Caelios, and Viktor), but I was only marginally happy with akemi's design, so I went and redesigned all of them, plus 4 other characters, one of them who is very -humanoid bug vibes-
And applied both their personalities, lifestyles, powers, backgrounds, planet resources and cultures into their outfits, which took a while to decide and ik imma redesigned em again, but then I got stuck on the 5th guy bc he's got a heavier build and I always struggle with those, plus I had to make sure his traits were consistent with his ancestor's, so I went and started a new WIP for her character ref, but I had to think really hard abt her build and outfit bc she's an important character in time's end, and then irl we went to my cousins wedding, and as soon as I came back school started back up, and I've tried to work on some writing projects too, plus keeping up the bare minimum of communication here
So yeah lol, I'm not truly busy with a big thing but there's a lot of smaller things that I havent been able to finish
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brightlotusmoon · 9 months
Shout out to one of my ADHD groups calling ADHD people Team Dolphin.
I still like to nickname it CATS - Cognitive Attentive Tempo Syndrome.
Sensei Nick Walker likes to call it Kinetic Cognitive Style.
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alachii · 1 year
found an unrebloggable post and i genuinely considered dming op with a persuasive essay to let me reblog it but i’m tired so i scrolled to the next post and fucking forgot what the post was
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cathymee · 1 year
recorded a lecture
accidentally deleted it right after 👍
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serethespider · 2 years
peitition to rename adhd to dopamine deficiency disorder, partially because it's more accurate as a medical term and partially so we can shorten it to 3d
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