#remnant witches
didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Do specialist cadets also get taught about Witches and Warlocks eventually?
Yes. The Atlesian Military accept it as a distinct possibility Teams will run into Witches in the field, so it's best they know what they're up against. There is a special taskforce of Specialists specially trained in hunting Witches known as "The Occult Suppression Unit" or OSU.
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samipekoe · 6 months
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would you eat her evil porridge
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without-ado · 7 months
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The Witch's Broom l Sarah Mathews
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changing angle boys
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transformers-synergize · 11 months
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felt like drawing tracks
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superxstarzz · 15 days
How about an aspect combo and a class combo you haven't gotta do yet! If you got to all the aspects, just use the one you're the proudest of!
ykw? I think this is a fitting ask to show off the last undone aspect combo :) it's honestly insane how fast this project has been going, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I started this!!!
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Hello, I came across your Kencyrath rec post and I am tentatively intruiged. That said I wanted to ask about a trigger before I dive in. Suicide is pretty strong trigger for me. I can handle it if it's mentioned, but detailed descriptions of the act or a lot of time spent in a suicidal character's head/thoughts dealing with suicidal ideation would not be. Is this an issue in the Chronicles of Kencyrath, and if it is, do you have a different recommendation?
Okay SO.
The Kencyrath exist in a honor/shame society, in which going against the code of honor (lying, breaking your word, etc) is considered a sin that can only be forgiven through an honorable death. Sometimes this takes the form of going into battle without the intention to come back, generally without armor, but it also takes the form of ritualized suicide with a specific kind of knife. I would call it a very specific kind of suicidal ideation, in which it doesn’t come so much from a depressive headspace as it does from a kind of rigidly religious one. There isn’t a ton of time spent in the heads of characters actively pursuing ritual suicide, nor what I would call traditional depressive suicidality, but it IS a very present element of the society, including people freely making choices with the understanding that they will be expected to take their own life afterward, or people being forced to take their own life as an alternative to being dishonored. Think samurai rules or Imperial Chinese rules and you’ll be in the right ballpark. Ultimately I can’t know the inside of your brain, but if onscreen suicide discussion or aftermath is a concern, I might table this series until you feel more ready for it.
In terms of alternative recommendations, buckle up, I have a list based on what part of the Kencyrath pitch you were into. These recommendations are made with the assumption that all the OTHER content warnings for the Kencyrath are not a problem, but I’ll note any really major ones and include a broad rating according to AO3 rules. Anything with an asterisk by it heavily features the big Chivalric Devotion vibes of the main Kencyrath dynamics. I read a lot of that.
Sprawling politics:
The Unbroken* (drafted soldier impresses daughter of the empress, they try to stop a war, full of double-crossing schemes and gallant ladies, cw colonialism, M for violence, sex, and extremely real colonialism)
The Captive Prince* (dethroned prince is sold into slavery under his mortal enemy, definitional enemies-to-lovers content, cw sexual assault, E for a very sexually relaxed culture in a bad way)
A Taste of Gold and Iron* (unambitious prince gets tangled up in a currency fraud scheme and gets a shiny new bodyguard, E for a very sexually relaxed culture in a good way)
October Daye series (starts out classic urban fantasy, rapidly becomes Blood Magic and Politics The Series, for those committed to a long series, T for violence)
Pulp fantasy adventure vibes:
Hero and the Crown/The Blue Sword* (classic sword and sorcery fantasy, for DnD lovers and people who read Horse Girl Books as kids, General Audiences)
Silver Under Nightfall* (vampire couple teams up with vampire hunter to cure a magical plague, the polyamorous murder romance you need in your life, cw coercive assault and body horror, E for gore and numerous threesomes)
Heaven Official’s Blessing***** (translated Chinese novel, very old fallen god returns to Heaven and Does His Best, for those committed to a LONG book, currently on volume 8, T for violence)
Witch King (body hopping demon tries to solve his own murder with his found family in tow, perfect standalone book, T for violence)
Spicy magic systems:
The City We Became/The World We Made (sentient cities and extra dimensional invaders, for everyone who read a lot of Avengers In NYC fic back in 2012, cw racism and survival sex work, M for sex)
Gideon the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series***** (everyone knows about this series, it’s the one with the lesbian space necromancers, cw for just the craziest flavors of abuse, M for violence and cannibalism I guess, also fits the below category)
The Gilded Ones* (what if all the misogynists who said women were demons were absolutely correct, and it was fucking rad, cw for SO much sexism and also religious indoctrination, T for violence)
A Soul to Keep* et al (okay oKAY LOOK THIS IS MONSTERFUCKER CONTENT BUT I RECOMMEND IT, local cursed woman gets forced to marry a demon, they argue a lot and the sex scenes are REAL bizarre, cw kidnapping and the second book deals with a character coming out of a severe depression, HARD E for monsterfucking, obviously)
Interpersonal relationships that are just SO fucked up:
A Dowry of Blood (a letter from Dracula’s first wife to the man himself, cw domestic abuse, M for adult themes and sex)
Remnants of Filth/Yuwu* (translated Chinese novel, loyal general becomes the jailer for his traitorous ex-lover, cw slavery and discussion of sexual assault, E for sex)
The Salt Grows Heavy (homicidal Little Mermaid and plague doctor wander through an apocalypse together, actually read everything Cassandra Khaw has ever touched, the absolute pinnacle of horror, cw all her stuff for really creative violence and body horror, M for violence and gore)
Anyway if you have any other book recommendation questions and/or you read any of these and enjoy them, hit me up, recommending books to people is genuinely one of my great joys in life.
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karmaspidr · 7 months
Stephen: I punched Ozpin's astral form out of his body today.
Wanda: And?
Stephen: He's a wizard cursed to be immortal by reincarnating into other bodies after death and slowly merging with the body's original owner.
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spaghettiandart · 11 months
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michael afton wip :]
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reignsan · 5 months
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Sometimes I like to look at the trending page for the Type-Moon wikia to see what people are looking at. This is this morning's.
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
So who besides cinder and Salem be good examples of Witches and Warlocks?
The the only other closest in canon would be Dr. Merlot with his Grimm Mutation Research, but you can say he did it in a more Modern Way of Witchcraft by sticking to strict science instead of the occult.
Tyrian would have been a great Warlock if he had actually took the time to participate in Grimm transmutation or had taken a Deathstalker's tail instead of a robot tail. Instead he's more of a devoted follower of Salem, or as Huntsmen in JNRZ Au would call it, a Thrall. Thralls is a sort of field code and derogatory for men and women who serve Witches and Warlocks without actually studying the Witchcraft under them. These can be hired bandits, agents, bodyguards, rogue Huntsmen, or cultists who worship dark gods. The number of Thralls a Witch can have can range from a single servant to a small army of soldiers who follow her orders.
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corrupted-fae-king · 1 month
*spinning purpleish-yellow butterfly*
-Shape shifter Anon
*A young faerie cookie tries to jump up and catch the butterfly in their hands.*
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*They look, confused.*
*And familiar.*
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faetoothofficial · 2 years
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obitv · 2 years
i can never make fusion aus because i refuse to be insane about media that has any sort of fandom overlap with my current fandom like. nobody would understand if i a made a sp/pd au. im doing it anyway because i dont care but it all goes into my brain and nevver anywhere else because it would take me an eternity to explain the worldbuilding followed by all the ways i fix the bad parts (THERE ARE MANY). and similar with the mechs and kjs and fuckinnn. whatever else i talk about there just arent people who were batshit insane about those things in the way to understand what i mean when i say vyncent sol devotee of the pheonix witch. like ok. sp au ashe unlocks her true name btw but has a similar procedure to val that locks it away and thats why the trickster is a different person. william is a fucking remnant and really hopes nobody notices
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ghcstrule · 2 months
i'm on a roll, so i will finally be getting off my ass and writing the biographies for my oc's. they'll be vague, as they inhabit an entire fictional world and i'm not sure there'd be much of a point to include it. here, they'll be incorporated into any verse i can come up with.
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superxstarzz · 14 days
Remnant of expression pls :3
here ya go!!! :3
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