#remember severitus
shanastoryteller · 9 months
Hi! Do you have fave Harry Potter fics?
anything by astolat
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Any recommendations for fics with snape raising Harry?
Well, anon, I’d say the right person to ask is my bestie @maruke2003. The amount of Severitus fics she’s read is just wow, it’s like me but with Snupin.😂
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Dark snape au here again, this part is a little lighter I suppose so here we go
The new year starts and Harry is progressing slowly in spells, nothing serious but it’s something to keep himself sane.
And if you’re wondering how severus have all this money, Eileen has a muggle account that she kept all her inheritance money in, money she hid from her husband and saved up for her son. Severus also worked around while keeping an eye on Harry and didn’t spend anything much so now he’s left with enough savings for them both to go by until he lands a stable job.
The first year students are excited for the new year unaware of the anxiety everyone is experiencing with Harry missing.
The sort happens then and they have to erase Harry’s name but somebody {hermione} points out that the boy who lived is not there with them? The professors are put in a tight spot and the student body breaks into whispers.
The news quickly spreads because you can’t just erase the memory of every student.
Remus still didn’t tell anyone he found Harry and everyone thinks he just gave up.
Severus goes out to sell the potions he made in the market near by and buys groceries, he buys some pastries and comes back to the cottage.
He walks outside to where Harry is practicing alone, the boy stops immediately and backs away from him because let’s be real Harry is too fragile right now.
Severus ignores the annoying stinging in his chest and orders the boy to eat what he bought.
Severus keeps eyes on Harry for an uncomfortable amount of time then starts telling him random stories about his mother when she was young, Harry is gob smacked by this information and takes in everything he can.
Harry still doesn’t speak but continues with him using gestures, he points at a spell in the book, severus took it as an opportunity to fix something he broke and started showing him how to do simple spells.
Sirius now reached Switzerland and panics because he can smell both snape and Harry, meaning his dreams were true and snape kidnapped Harry but also, Remus is here too?
Now that whole of Britain knows Harry is nowhere to be found, people are scared, so no more than two weeks and parents started pulling their kids out of hogwarts because they don’t trust albus, only a few new students left and a hand full from older years.
With all of that chaos going on they seem to forget one important thing, Voldemort on the back of what’s his face.
More story time? Don’t mind if I do😌
Ok let’s do this!
Eileen secretly saving money for Sev is so mother.
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Hermione being the first one to point out that Harry Potter wasn’t there is so accurate 😭
Remus found them…and HASNT said anything? Interesting 🧐 🍿
Sev and Harry seem to be bonding better 🥹 my broken heart is healing slowly. I love that he broke the silence by telling Harry about his mom. Cute
Sirius: *sniff sniff* Harry AND Snape!? This can only mean one thi- *sniff sniff* ReMuS!?
OOHH! Voldemort on…the professor…FUCK WHATS HIS NAME😭💀I refuse to look it up, I’d be a fake hp fan…gimme a min…omg this is tragic….
It rhymed with..
I’m gonna lock myself in a closet…
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It took thirty mins to remember his name. Excuse me while I go DIE 😒
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roseburning · 4 months
Think with me, Petunia only met James once, and she was trying to forget the memory more and more. Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid had only seen Harry as a baby.
I need a fanfiction where Hagrid comes pick Harry up, takes a look at the boy and goes: "This is not James' son."
Black greasy hair, pale skin, big nose.
The was no deniability, the kid looked exactly like a mini Professor Snape, unless, of course, for the famous scar and the eyes — ah, Lily's eyes! Would it be true? Lily Potter was a cheater?!
I doubt that Petunia would even remember that one neighbor she had as a child, who spent most of the year away, that was just as freaky as the sister she was trying to forget and who she hadn't seen in more than a decade, let anole realize that the kid, who she rather pretend didn't exist, looked like him.
Snape had alittle petty smile on the lips, realizing that James Potter had sacrificed his little life to save not only a baby that wasn't his, but no other than Severus —no, Snivellus' son.
At same time, somewhere in the other side, James was smiling too, when Snivellus' son got sorted into Gryffindor, basically begging to not go to his father's beloved Slytherin.
Rita Skeeter was reveling with the news. The Daily Prophet's machetes spent weeks looking like:
"Young Savior Harry Potter enters Hogwarts with Shocking Scandal!"
"The myth of purity of Lily and James Potter: AFFAIR?!"
"Harry Potter isn't a Potter at all!"
"The Boy Who Lived and the MOTHER WHO CHEATED?!"
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ashtonlc3 · 1 year
Severitus/Sevitus Fic Rec
Thought I’d share my own personal fic list that I’ve complied over time featuring Snape and Harry developing some kind of father-son relationship, all the way through either bio-dad, adoption, guardian or mentorship. All of these fics are COMPLETE because after OME leaving me on the world’s biggest cliff hanger and losing the fic for many months because I’m an idiot, I have serious WIP trust issues. They’re also usually really long because I love angsty, slow-burn fics.
I started taking in-depth notes while I read through fics a while ago so that I would NEVER lose a favourite fic again (the title of one of my favs is in Latin, so I never remember what it’s called). And also because I have a terrible memory so remembering what happened in each fic is quite difficult for me. Assuming I know how to count there should be over 16 fics listed here.
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I’ve also rated each fic out of 10 and added a couple of notes for each fic (I didn’t add any with a rating of 5 or lower cause these are meant to be recommendations not a reading log). I’ve put them in order of how much I liked them, 10 and 9s being my equivalent to an Outstanding, 8 and 7 an Exceeds Expectations and a 6 an Acceptable.
TW: As is usually the case with Severitus fics, ALL of these fics have some degree of child abuse in them, courtesy of the Dursleys (I mean it’s literally canon). The severity and type of abuse varies greatly across fics. Fics with highly graphic depictions of physical abuse will have an additional TW. (Also if I miss any TWs for fics feel free to let me know I’d be more than happy to add them).
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< 70K
In Care Of By Fang’s Fawn 
Rating: 10/10 Word Count: 47K+
This fic is a MUST read for new and hardcore severitus fans alike. The characterisation is perfect, the plot is believable, the pacing is great, the writing quality is good and it's incredibly angsty.
TW graphic depictions of physical abuse
> 70K
O Mine Enemy By Kirby Lane
Rating: 10/10 Word Count: 373K+
You’ve probably already read this one because it is legendary in the Severitus genre and a staple for any fic list. In the event that you haven’t, you SHOULD read it ASAP. Starts summer of sixth year. 
TW addiction/substance abuse
Victus per Reproba Monumentum By firefly5151
Rating: 9/10  Word Count: 292K+ 
For a long time I didn’t read anything that had Sev as Harry’s bio dad, it felt implausible, OOC and just was not as good as the guardian/mentor trope. That is until I read this fic, and now the bio-dad trope is my favourite. This fic is the Snape of Severitus, there are a LOT of flaws but I love it anyway. The plot is a bit questionable, it has manipulativeDumbledore (which I don’t like in fics) and Ron and Hermione pretty much forget Harry exists. BUT the emotional journey is amazing, and really angsty. Starts during summer of 6th year.
The Subterfuge By Murai-Sakura
Rating: 9/10  Word Count: 304K+
This fic is on the newer side having been written in 2020. My first time reading this fic I had a few mixed feelings about it which made me reluctant to read it again despite really liking it. Reading it again for the second time I can’t understand what past Ash’s problem was because it was magnificent. Granted I remember it being darker than it actually is (it may have been due to me reading The Hunger Games in-between, who knows). I’m rambling, in short I think I liked this one a little more than A Year Like None Other. The plot is unique enough that the story doesn’t feel like your reading a rehash of every Severitus fic ever while still hitting the emotional points necessary for a satisfying fic. It’s definitely more mentor than father figure and is set during fifth year so watch out for Umbridge.
TW suicide attempt and graphic child abuse 
A Year Like None Other By aspeninthesunlight
Rating: 9/10  Word Count: 789K+
Another classic whose reputation speaks for its-self, written before HBP came out and is also insanely long. I’ve actually never read the sequals either because one was enough for me and it’s in Draco’s pov. It also has the added bonus of brother bonding between Draco and Harry. Set during 6th year. 
TW self harm and graphic torture
Perception is Everything By Kendra James
Rating: 8/10  Word Count: 165K+
This was one of the first few Severitus fics I ever read so it has a very special place in my heart despite the plot being a very standard Severitus setup. Set Christmas 6th year, Snape finds out about the Dursleys abuse when Harry gets sick over Christmas break.
You've forgotten who I am By CastlePheonix
Rating: 8/10  Word Count: 114K+
I’ve only read this one once so I’m taking past Ash’s word for it. Set during 5th year, a what if Snape actually hit Harry with the jar after the Pensieve incident. Harry gets temporary amnesia and spends some time in Spinner’s End with Snape. 
TW addiction/substance abuse
Whelp & Whelp II - The Wrath of Snape By jharad17
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 75K+ & 80K+
The standard run down; the Dursleys are dicks, Sev finds out. This is pre-Hogwarts (7 years old) so you know Harry is going to be adorable and clingly. Vernon has Harry tied up in the yard like a dog.
Namesake Necklace By WiCeBa
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 121K+
This fic is a little more recent I think. Set summer before the start of 5th year, Harry and Dudley are de-aged. This ones quite the adventure and Sirius is still alive so you know there’s gonna be a fight over Harry.
What I Must Ask You To Do By VeraRose19
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 261K+
Set at the end of GOF and continues into 7th year. This story is not just a Severitus but also an exploration of the blossoming friendship and eventual  romance (the Sirius Black/Severus Snape is very minor and DOESN’T have any NSFW content, they don’t even kiss in the fic) between Severus and Sirius as they co-parent Harry together. The story is far fluffier than it is angsty and relies quite heavily on canon for plot whilst also taking out the adventure and death toll. It’s more a fluffy, canon, best case scenario than an angsty, slow-burn fic.
Emerald eyes By JadeSullivan
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 120K+
I cannot remember this one at all so once again I’m taking past Ash’s word for it. This is set during 2nd year and does feature corporal punishment.
Prisoners By Whitetail
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 119K+
Harry is de-aged to 4 and Sev has partial paralysis. So they stay at a little cottage by the sea. Hermione features quite heavily in this one, both her and Harry end up with Sev gaining guardianship of them.
To Recollect the Future By oliversnape
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 71K+
When Harry is hit with the killing curse in DH Harry and Sev are sent back to first yeah. Harry and Sev pretty much spend the whole fic Horcrux hunting, its a fun bonding experience.
In plain sight & Close to the Chest By waitingondaisies
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 93K+ & 37K+
This is always a fun one. Set during 6th year, Sev found out as a spy so Albus turns him into a 16 year old Gryffindor and gives him an embarrassing name. Seriously Albus, Alfonse “Eli” Hopkirk, really? 
Time Left Today By gzdacz
Rating: 7/10  Word Count: 84K+
Sev and Harry are on the run after Quirrell is killed by an 11 year old. The road trip is quite fun although I don’t really like the ending too much though.
The Trouble with Polyjuice By LilyEvansDouble 6/10
Rating: 6/10  Word Count: 120K+
2nd year. Features Snape as Harry’s biological father after the Polyjuice incident.
Summer of Bonding By Magica Draconia 6/10
Rating: 6/10  Word Count: 76K+
This one is set after PS as the Dursley never pick Harry up from Kings Cross so Harry stays with Snape. Snape collects horse figurines in this one and is very heavily featured in this story. So its a bit too niche for my liking but otherwise still a good read.
And that’s all I got. I’ll probably come back to this list (yeah cause I forgot to put in tags) and add more fics as I read them. (When I add new fics I’ll reblog this post with a change log so you don't need to read through the list again to figure out what’s been changed.) My TBR is usually just as long so ... to forever be continued.
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severitus-big-bang · 9 days
Posting schedule and round-up post
We can't believe it, it's June already and that means: Posting has started.
The creators have done such a great job and we will be able to enjoy a new Severitus work every few days over the next two month, with nearly daily updates. Wow!
The works will be revealed gradually over this time, as many of them have several chapters. You will find all the Severitus BB works on the following days in the
AO3 collection.
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[Description: Severitus Big Bang Posting Schedule:
June 1: Desperate Measures
June 3: warmth; or the meaning thereof
June 5: The Potion Master's Apprentice
June 11 || June 14 || June 22 || June 25 || July 2 || July 7 || July 14 || July 20 || July 23
Happy reading! And remember to leave all the love for the creators!
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puffbts · 3 months
Better Together - 1
Relationships: Harry Potter & Severus Snape, James Potter/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Severus Snape Adopts Harry Potter, Kid Fic, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Romance, Found Family, Enemies to Lovers
Summary: On the night of the 31st of October, 1981, Dumbledore asks Severus Snape to raise Harry Potter. Feeling obliged to, Severus accepts, and with time, proceeds to adopt Harry and regard him as his son. But their quiet family life is put to the test when, out of nowhere, James Potter comes back.
Chapter 1: An Unexpected Demand
After all he’d done, after he’d asked, she was still dead.
“I thought… you were going… to keep her… safe…”
Dumbledore replied, but Severus couldn’t hear him. He wasn’t sure he could do anything at that moment. Breathing was hard, seeing was hard, hearing was hard. He was pretty sure he’d said something about the boy, her son.
“You remember the shape and colour of Lily Evans’s eyes, I am sure?” Severus finally heard, like a taunt pulling at his already broken heart.
“DON’T! Gone… Dead…”
“Is this remorse, Severus?”
It probably was, at that. Remorse for saying that horrible word, for losing his only friend with a stupid move. Remorse for choosing the easy option – the only option, it had seemed – of following a Dark Lord with empty promises. Remorse for leaving his friend to die, when there had probably been other solutions.
“I wish… I wish I were dead…”
“And what use would that be to anyone? If you loved Lily Evans, if you truly loved her, then your way forward is clear.”
“What – what do you mean?”
“You know how and why she died. Make sure it was not in vain. Raise Lily’s son.”
Read more on AO3!
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do you have a favourite severitus fic?
oh hi- sorry for the late reply :)
it's been a while since i read any fics, but if i'm remembering correctly, my favorite severitus fic is In Care Of, by Fang's Fawn.
it's actually an interesting subversion of the severitus trope, in that it has Harry caring for Snape most of the time. but the main reason i liked it best is that it's a pretty compelling story, and it shows the process of Snape slowly growing to care for Harry in more depth, with consideration to Snape's canonically cold/morally gray character. personally, i've found few fics which actually show his gray character in a meaningful way that reflects what the og character would do. this is one that i thought came close to that.
also make sure to look at the content warnings- there's some description of abuse in the later chapters.
you can read it here if you'd like to check it out
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aspionagee · 3 months
Hey i think ur kinda online now so im gonna ask smt rq, u see, after the third year is done, are you gonna make a one shot for like aftermath of graveyard or like any type fourth year stuff, or are we just gonna skip to 5th year, CUZ İ WOULD LOVE TO SEE 4TH YEAR ONE SHOTS
I have some interesting plans for that actually! I am definitely doing a time skip for this sequel, but one thing I am quite certain of is that it's actually all going to kick off with the aftermath of the graveyard. I might also do a couple of flashback style things during the fic of Harry remembering interactions with Snape and Draco from during his fourth year. I just don't want to end up writing a canon rehash, which is why I'm not covering fourth year in heavy detail.
On that note, the plan is that the sequel will take place during the summer between fourth and fifth year. It may sound like a short time period, but I have so much stuff planned out which people will hopefully enjoy! I haven't made my mind up yet about whether or not this is going to expand into fifth year, since this is all in the super early stages.
Just as a general aside to anyone interested, this sequel is not going to be an instant thing - after A Patchwork Family ends, I'm participating in the Severitus Big Bang, and then I am working a job over the summer with no access to devices so it might be a few months before anything starts coming out. It is, however, definitely happening at some point, as just this week I was hit with a huge slew of ideas that have got me very excited to write the sequel!
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I am here to employ the help of the fic finders !! I remember one (I think it was a multi-chap or even part of a series ??) Where Harry had this trunk that had like, a mini apartment in it, because he fully had planned to just live out of his trunk and never go back to the Dursleys ever ? That's the one thing im pretty confident on. I think there was even a summer where he did Just That for at least part of it before people realized that he had just put his trunk in some alley near Kings Cross and was just Living There. Some strong maybes include Harry having a pet snake, severitus, and Harry being put into Slytherin, but those are all maybes and might just be because I'm been reading a lot of fics like that lately akcnamcksj
I'll put it out there for you darling
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momo-t-daye · 2 years
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“You gotta be the unicorn ‘cause I wanna be a thestral!”
Response to the prompt provided by @guljerry et al. “Severitus Snape and Harry picking costumes”.
From a separate self-indulgent AU from Slytherin!Lily.  Starring semi-feral gremlin Girl!Harry raised at Hogwarts with her Dad-grid, Mom-nerva, and older-brother/bother Severus (who keeps saying silly things like “stop telling people we’re related” and “get out of my bedroom it is 3 AM how did you even get in here?”).  Her best friend is “Tiffany what lives in the woods” (an acromantula) and she occasionally sends postcards with lots of stamps to her friend “Dudley from karate that one time”.  She’s more conflicted with how she feels about her father, who is remembered by the Wizarding public as the great hero who somehow managed to defeat the Dark Lord even though it cost him and his wife their lives.  Severus is significantly more frazzled and exhausted and blatantly weird, as he didn't have ten years to practice being a person and calcifying into the persona of Professor Snape before meeting Harry Potter.
I’ll get to the other Snapetober prompt list soon-ish!
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 months
May I recommend the prince of slytherin fanfic series (I find it by searching slytherin prince jim). It's actually about Harry and Co, but it's also the best Marauders fanfic I've seen bc it lets the Marauders be their messy, complicated selves on screen. And Lily too. (I think it may be the only fanfic I've ever read that does this).
Best part is how Snape is still nasty, he just likes Harry now. I find it very funny for some reason.
Omg thank you so much for this rec, anon!! I’m currently too lazy to search for a link so there’s a possibility I may have read it before, but I’ll check it out later and might (saying might bc I have a difficult time remembering anon asks) reblog this post and tell you if I’ve read it or (if not) what I thought of the first chapter!
Again, tysm, this fic sounds wonderful. And yes I need nasty!Snape, one of the worst things about Severitus fics is that they sometimes soften Snape up a little too much, especially earlier on in the story. Like.. I still need my vindictive sassy Professor?? And I need at least 70 chapters of slowburn and the most we get at that point is Snape saying something not-mean to Harry???
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shostakobitchh · 8 months
what are your favorite found family severitus fics?
I really dig Blood Magic and In Blood Only - they’re my two all time favorite. I genuinely can’t remember anymore off the top of my head because it’s been quite a while but Potions and Snitches is a great website for fics that like!
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hp-poetry-fest · 1 year
April round-up
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Unheeded (Three Sonnets) by NoFlyApterygidae || 343, G || Albus/Minerva
Dumbledore's spirit occasionally appears within Hogwarts, not a ghost but a sort of echo of devotion. Now, he considers an almost-romance with McGonagall that never was in the form of three Shakespearean sonnets.
Ouroboros in Tribute by @serenaew || 790, T, Podfic || Snape & Harry
Blood, I have learnt, is thicker than water. The life of a fallen Prince, as remembered by the father he had never known. Severitus(-ish).
Great Wine, Beautiful Sentences by @patriceavril || 4k, M || Wolfstar
The war outlook is bleak, but Sirius and Remus remind each other of all the joy left in the world.
it's complicated by @wavingfromtheside || 143, G || Greengrass family
A haiku and a free verse poem on mothers and daughters.
Engulf by @maesterchill || 216, T || Drarry
Gathering potions ingredients in the Forest, trainee Professor Draco Malfoy stumbles across the Resurrection stone. Whilst examining it, he unwittingly Summons the shade of his former lover. Engulfed by grief, he begs Harry for a way for them to be together again. It will take ancient elemental water magic to achieve that which he craves so desperately. But can Draco conquer his lifelong fear of the Black Lake and all that lies within her to do what needs to be done?
A bouquet of kisses by @patriceavril || 10k, T || Jily
There was a glint of indignation in her eyes, and a flush bloomed in her cheeks, contrasting with the smudge of earth. James had never wanted to kiss her so badly in his life – quite a feat, considering he had spent a good part of the last few years daydreaming about kissing her. Five times James wants to kiss Lily and one time he does.
Don't Go Into The Library by @acanadianmuggle || 600, G || Vikmione
Viktor Krum's Impression of the Hogwarts Library. Inspired by Alberto Rios' Poem "Don't Go Into The Library".
Vertices, Or Something by @floydig || 1k, NR || Drarry
Harry is a hitman who can’t die. Draco tried to kill himself last year. Harry returns from a mission, Draco wears bright pink boxer briefs, and Harry calls Death a cunt because he can. Or: we’re taking a deep dive into Harry’s head. Malfoy asks if I died this time. It’s a joke because I can’t die. Turns out when you cheat Death too many times, the cunt doesn’t want you back. What does that mean for me, that not even Death wants me anymore. Yeah I call Death a cunt. Malfoy wants Death and Death doesn’t want me and we’re in a fucking love triangle like in the movies.
Deathflight Blues by @autumnsup || Tom Riddle
When Tom Riddle dreams, he dreams in green.
Desiderium by @thehoneybeet || 6k, E || Drarry
Their club, their loo, their writing on the wall—it has to be enough. Until it isn’t.
Sunny skies look dreary when you’re far from me. by @mkaugust || 0.3k, NR || Wolfbucks
All my firsts are with you, Even still, even now With you hidden from my view.
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hirukochan · 8 months
Hi!! I love your writing so much I was just wondering what do you plan to do in the future? I’d love to live in your brain for like one minute because the ideas you have and the way you write is so amazing and unique.
Hi!! <3 
My brain is a very crowded, forgetful and cramped place, zero out of five stars would not recommend lol.
I have a few ideas for the future!
Of course A Servant of Death. I have four parts in total planned for that series and there is a vampire arc coming up in part three I am so excited for! It’s a huge project and I try not to stress myself out to prevent burn out. The first part ended up being longer than the HP book it was based on 😅. So that - even though it’s updating slower rn (I might have gotten a tad too excited and published too many WIPs right after one another 😅) it’s my baby, my love, my passion project. It’s not getting abandoned, it’ll just need some time to grow 🥰.
I am being strict with myself to finish my WIPs before I publish anything longer than a oneshot. Your tears is nearing its end though I am beginning to fear it’ll be longer than I anticipated because I’ve had a few more ideas (cramped and crowded brain and terrible planning skills + a lack of self control 😬). A most unexpected turn of events won’t be too long (she said optimistic for the fourth time now???) and with Carrying Atlas I honestly have no idea. I could spend forever developing their relationship and ignore the plot I have planned. I’m avoiding sitting down and fleshing it out for now in favour of writing smut!
As for oneshots:
I have a second part for Ministry Documents planned!
A Snape/Reader/Voldemort oneshot, the reader is either an Auror they trap and ‘punish’ together or a new recruit that has to prove her loyalty, haven’t decided yet, might write both. 
I have a half finished Snape/Reader/Crouch jr professor-student oneshot lying around where the reader has been sleeping with both her professors but neither knew about the other and they punish her together.
I am writing on a Snarriet oneshot, Snape is a demon Harrie summons but something goes wrong.
I have a few more ideas for Snarriet, including one Muggle AU where James and Lily are alive and Snape is Uncle Sev 🤭 (no blood relation!!) Questionable but it’s intriguing me.
Then I would love to rewrite an old fic of mine. It’s a Snape/OC story that’s very dear to me. It has its own magical society within the wizarding world. It follows Snape and Theodora O’Brian who has to attend Hogwarts against her wishes. She experiences racism, discrimination, classims, cultural genocide and the literal murder of her relatives because they arn’t ‘real’ witches and wizards.
It takes place during the first and the second war. They both join Voldemort after school, both get sucked into this cult and soon realise it’s not what they were promised it would be. Voldemort takes advantage of them, he seduces them and they have to navigate their life together, their complicated feelings for Voldemort, Dumbledore’s questionable morals and many more challenges. So it’s teen!Snape and adult!Snape. And there is an irish wolfhound named Duchess!
I have a Severitus fic with fem!Harry planned! Snape has to care for baby Harrie after the war. Voldemort is dead once and for all, no Horcruxes. It’ll be a bit of a character study I think, exploring Snape’s trauma and his struggles with reentering the ‘normal’ society after a horrible time among Death Eaters, his struggles as a parent, his wish to do better for her than his parents did for him. I think Snape reconciling with one of his parents during his journey as adoptive dad would be nice too. 
Another old story I’d like to rewrite is about Snape suddenly having to take a far more active role in raising his baby sister. It takes place before Harry comes to Hogwarts. She is sixteen (or fifteen??? I can’t remember lol) and a whirlwind of chaos, anger and some underlying issue she isn’t talking about. She went to Ilvermorny because Eileen moved to the US with her when she was a baby, leaving Snape alone with their father. After their mother dies Snape lets her stay at Ilvermorny. She gets expelled and Snape brings her to Hogwarts to finish her education. They bump heads all the time. It’s a lot of chaos 🤣 but also a fiercely protective older brother!Snape 🥰
I have probably more ideas that I forgot about and are now rotting in some notebook I’ll rediscover in a few weeks 🤣
But these are those stories I have lined up to write once I have cleared some things off my plate ☺️💚
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severitus-big-bang · 5 months
10 DAYS LEFT for pitching!
Pitching for the Severitus Big Bang is still open until the 28th of January.
Seven most amazing pitches have come in so far (they can be seen here: Severitus Big Bang Pitches!), but we can’t wait for more!
Please remember to read through the Rules and FAQ and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
You will find the details on pitching including the pitching Google Form in this tumblr post or in the How-To-Pitch doc.
By filling out the Interest Poll, you have not yet signed up for anything definite. To sign up to / actually participate in the event, you need to pitch, claim, or both.
We are so happy to see what you come up with!
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