#religion critical
athenawasamerf · 2 months
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Saudi Arabia never fails to send me into a rage. What the fuck do you MEAN sharia compliant scrubs??????? Do you know what the fuck the point of scrubs is??????? Can she run during a code?????? She’s a walking tripping hazard. That skirt will get caught on all sorts of shit, and will be sweeping the hospital floors all day long. It’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, and ridiculously restrictive.
And of fucking course they took off all the pockets.
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balkanradfem · 3 months
I was thinking the other day about how often biblical stories imply that any sort of species can be started with just one and one female of the species, and sells this as the correct (maybe only correct) way to start things. Like Adam and Eve, they're supposed to be the starters of humanity, one (presumably young) male and one again, presumably young woman.
It repeats again with Noah's ark, where two animals of each species are collected, one male and one female, so they could all 'start their species anew'. Noah's family also is presumed to be the regular, one male + one woman, enough to re-start the humanity.
I understand that these stories were written to establish and force the idea of nuclear family being necessary, good and the start of everything, and if you don't think further than 'oh yeah one male and one woman are capable of making a baby' and you stop thinking there, you might be sold with these stories. But if you think about it for a second further, the implications of this are absolutely atrocious.
One young male and a young woman, are never accompanied by their parents or their grandparents in the stories. They're purposely isolated from their families, or are presumed to not even have family, which means none of them has any support, anyone to go to for advice or help, nobody to rely on to do the massive amount of labour of having and raising even one child. This is already where it falls apart, two young people do not have the knowledge, experience or wisdom to raise a small child, alone. They need their mothers, they need their grandmothers, they need elders and community in order to be able to function - first of all tell me who is delivering that baby they're having? Where is her midwife? It's never mentioned how she gets through childbirth in those stories, apparently she just 'figures it out', while in reality birth is dangerous, and women need both emotional and physical support during labour. There's nobody in this story who knows how to deliver the child safely, or how to save one or both of them should the things go wrong. They both have a chance of dying and then the species is dead. This is all ignored and pretended not to be an issue.
So next in the story we're led to believe that these two young people have made a (mistake) baby and are raising it alone and this is fine. Even funnier is that they often first have a male baby, as an effort to repopulate their species, I mean yeah thats gonna do you a lot of good for sure. Two young people of the opposite sex, without any elders, community, family or support, have one significant power imbalance - the male will usually be physically more powerful, while the woman will be more intelligent, resourceful, adaptive, thoughtful, resilient, and infinitely more vulnerable during the times of labour. It has been shown again and again, that in these circumstances, males do not find it appropriate to protect and treasure the women, but they use their physical advantage to overpower and control her, and her reproductive abilities. But in the stories this is 'fine' because she should 'listen' to this dumber, bigger, less intelligent, more aggressive, more demanding, more exploitative, more dangerous, less useful creature who is completely parasitic and depending on her kindness, intelligence, ability to make food, reproductive abilities and sense of forgiveness of his crimes towards her, to survive. Women are apparently just supposed to be hosts for parasitic males, while isolated, not given a way to overpower him except poison, which is then again depicted as 'bad' because she should just resign to live in servitude to the creature if she wants to prove that she is 'good'. This is bullshit.
Let's look at the next stage, where even more disasters await us. So they raised their child, or children, who have only had these two people to look up to, so they've likely picked up the patterns of 'male is to be served or violence happens, women need to keep their head down and obey or the violence happens', and now the children are supposed to repopulate the species. With? whom? This concept relies entirely on incest? With children who have been raised on learning the massive power imbalance? We're supposed to have sisters accept sexual slavery from their brothers at this point, if we want to have a species of humans? The bible is promoting this?
The bible at this point realizes they've fucked up and write down 'well the sons just went to the nearest village to find girlfriends' OH YOU NEED A VILLAGE NOW DON'T YOU? Now you remembered that actually no, you will now rebuild a species without just one male and one woman and in fact, villages are necessary, and your story leads straight into incest and sexual slavery of women. Presumably the women in the village have whole families and not just two people put in this unnatural position of parasitism and power imbalance. But we don't know, we're supposed to remember 'one male + one woman is correct and nothing else is okay', when the concept is fucked up from the starts and they eventually cave and introduce a village, but do it casually like it doesn't really matter and the story totally wouldn't end up in forced incestuous pregnancies and making a mess of human gene pool.
It was so important for the bible to establish, and re-establish this concept because that is the only way for males to be able to isolate, use and control young women. The concept where women don't have their own mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, families, friends, and villages to protect them from abuse, that is the only scenario where one male can sit on his butt, call himself the 'provider' and then raise his voice and his hand whenever she doesn't do exactly as he says. It's disgusting, and there's nowhere else this can go except abuse. Males will never be unwilling to use their physical advantage to hurt and control women, and we've watched it for centuries, they were more willing to kill women than to accept that we have the right to vote,, the right to divorce them, the right to abort at will (they're still more willing to kill us than to accept this right). No woman is safe in an union with one male, without her family, friends, and a network of support. To live her entire life normally, she needs to rely on the knowledge, experience and wisdom of her elders, so she wouldn't have to do everything alone, and learn everything alone. Male, in return, usually learns all the tactics of manipulating and isolating a woman and will use those, so she needs to be ready and have strategies to defend herself, to be able to escape if it comes to that.
And sometimes, even when the woman has all the support in the world, the male still ends up killing her, because he gets a chance to do it, and it's always at the distraught and horror of everyone who loved her.
Thinking back, the concept of nuclear family had to be invented because males didn't feel like they were able to control the women enough. They likely needed to establish this because they noticed that women were able to go on uncontrolled, they were too 'free', too supported, too resourceful to just trap and control. They needed to convince women that the right thing to do was be alone with one male person who just happens to be stronger and that in fact, not doing so is dangerous and wrong. The concept of nuclear family put the control right in their hands where they wanted it, and it's still ongoing, and we're sick of it. It's a trap.
If you don't believe these stories have influenced our views, think about how males sometimes dream up concepts where they're the 'only male left on the planet', in company of the woman who they're interested in. They relish in these fantasies because they believe in that scenario, they're entitled to rape her. She isn't entitled to resist because then she's responsible for the downfall of humanity, for not repopulating the species, and they feel that this responsibility has to fall so heavy on the woman's shoulders that she will not possibly try to resist him. Women still do, women say right away that if they were the last one, they'd kill themselves instantly. Because we know and understand there's no repopulating the planet with just male and one female. There's just female sexual slavery and incest.
Possibly even the story of Adam and Eve is just a fantasy concept of one male who looked at a woman who was able to say no to him, and thought 'well, what if we were the only humans existing. How would she be able to refuse me then'. And he realized she couldn't. So he wrote it down and sold it as the ideal utopia created by god himself. And we've all been hearing his fetish fantasy like it's gospel. And then the rest of the story is focused on how wrong Eve is for resisting the rules of the male, and the even more powerful male god, how she'll be punished for eating a piece of fruit. We should have never fallen for it.
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wildfeather5002 · 30 days
An (un)friendly reminder that being religious doesn't mean you deserve special privileges.
No, I'm not talking about being able to have breaks at work for praying or having certain kinds of foods available for you. What I'm talking about here is your ''right'' to discriminate against others and deem others morally inferior for trivial reasons because of your religious beliefs.
You are not justified when you tell lgbtq people they're morally wrong / perverted / going to hell / whatever because your religion says that about lgbtq.
Same thing goes for literally any other group of people: for example, telling people of color they should apologize for being black / brown every single day or else they are going to hell is not justified, even if your religion says so.
Well, in a way you're allowed to voice your opinions, no matter how discriminatory or hateful they are, but then you better not have the nerve to complain about the backlash you get in response. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.
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scorpion-flower · 1 year
I'd trust my child being around a drag queen, more than I'd trust them being around a priest.
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mister-rad-boy · 10 months
Honestly the way that some trans people/TRAs talk about gender is so similar to Jehovah’s witnesses. Acting like people “discovering their genders” is some sort of spiritual awakening and that always bugged me about the whole movement even before I peaked. People trying to spread the good word of gender identity and acting like it was this big solution to their problems. It’s what led me away from religion and what ultimately caused me to peak on gender ideology.
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spookyradluka · 2 years
Christians be like "worship God or be punished" as if that doesn't sound exactly like an abusive boyfriend
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hadesoftheladies · 20 days
christianity is sometimes funny to me because you have a whole multitude of theology on the doctrine and problem of sin, which is basically human error, and you have a bunch of "scholars" genuinely asking "why do humans err? how can this be? god must kill his son to fix us." and it's like we err because we're finite in every way? and we have to learn to be bad or good like it takes effort and trial and error? sin nature is literally just human finitude like a baby isn't born evil because it has to learn how to walk.
"why do we default to selfishness?" you are talking about self-preservation and capitalism and only one of these is evil. the other would be god's fault.
"but what about the large scale inhumane evil and wars and terrible systems? the genocides and violence? what is wrong with us? why can't we just get along?" lmao that's just men.
i know you really want human evil to be innate and universal for your theology to work and your god to not be out of a job, but you're complaining about human finitude, capitalism, self-preservation and men. that's literally it.
the dark forces you're talking about that compel humans to do evil are literally just men.
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craecm · 2 months
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y’know someone i love exploring?
in christianity and indeed, anyone intrigued with the ‘lore’ of the bible, there’s a high focus in the cain and abel story, on cain. and that’s totally understandable! a man full of guilt and jealousy, a murderer, and our ancestor. he deserves a lot of attention, he’s very fascinating.
i mean there’s so many mediums of art that have focused on this idea - of us originating from cain, a man who cursed and twisted his family line.
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he’s a great point of discussion and interest, but so is abel.
the idea that i believe the bible is trying to build is that abel was an innocent man. just a younger brother who worked hard for god, and glorified him by offering all that he could. that he did not deserve, in any capacity, to die, and that was the horror of cain’s actions (bc we all know the bible does actually promote murder if the right circumstances are met).
but i’d like to introduce a different idea instead. the idea that abel knew cain was jealous, angry, less capable. that he fed off of doing better than him, being the golden child, and so on. that when god told cain to do better, abel felt cocky. it certainly changes how both cain and abel can be viewed.
viewing the murder as a true maddening moment from cain’s point of view, where he has no way to deal with this jealousy except through physical means, because he cannot deal with being toyed with anymore. and then, after it all, god calls once more for that brother, and cain is enraged. why is everything still about him?
then, abel being the worse of the two, but still cain is said to have doomed his lineage. how screwed could we have been if abel survived? would he have been blamed too? to what degree can god find fault in human nature?
though, i do certainly like the idea that perhaps abel simply did not understand how he was making his older brother feel. that he was only doing his job, that he trusted and even looked up to cain. perhaps he only truly wanted to impress cain, and god was in the middle of it all. and then to be murdered by him, after only being invited to take a walk? how terrified he must have been.
its also the fact that abel was a shepherd. he brought murder into the world, as a victim of such, and so the first murder foreshadowed the most important. jesus, as a shepherd also. the first sacrifice for the later sacrifice. but he was only a man, who had nothing but his mother and father, brother and sheep. that was all the world was then, and still he was not safe.
lastly, the fact that abel was replaced by seth.
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not to say that the passing of a child disables someone from having another, but the wording gets me here. “in place of abel”. this idea that abel’s space is something that can be filled.
in essence, abel was born to work. he had a duty of it, seeing as his father had just recently been condemned to toil the soil to earn food, rather than have it readily available. in his oppressive job, he worked and gave everything he Could give to god. did he enjoy the glory? we do not know, but one of his own, one who was going through hardship just like him, murdered him for it. did it matter? no, not truly. another would take his place.
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vampiremiffy · 6 months
when people talk about islam in a bad way because is anti women, or extremists in general i cant help but laugh because a lot of the time this critic comes from christians
"oh but in (insert islamic country) women are forced to dress all cover up" i wish i could get pay everytime i've seen female evangelicals in public all cover up despite being 35°C, and not even in light weight fabric but thick, winter-like one and men wearing light fabric, shorts even
"but what about them not being allowed to get help in an abusive relationship" despite living in an open minded country, people still are weird about divorce or even couples therapy, their solution is to suck it up because "what god marry cannot be separated by man"
the biggest example is to literally read the Bible, yall cant pick and choose that it was "another time" because people still believe that
women are inferior
women should be killed is they are unfaithful
women are nothing but house-slaves/reproductive-slaves
and a shit ton of stuff because religion, in this case, christianity as led them to believe that this is OK
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aslitheryprinx · 1 year
I hate hate hate when Christians (specifically American Christians) try to say that they're oppressed. And then you're like ok why are you oppressed? 'because we can't follow our beliefs' and the beliefs are that gay marriage should be illegal.
Not being allowed to oppress a group you're against does not make you oppressed...
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balkanradfem · 7 months
I've been listening to "Roots and Refuge" podcast, it's been great and calming, and today I heard something so funny it inspired me to write about it.
If you've read my blog a while back, you'll know that Roots and Refuge is a youtube channel on gardening and homesteading, led by Jess, a woman who picked her entire family and moved into nature to grow food and live healthily. Something I didn't mention before, is that Jess is religious. She does change pretty much everything about religion so it would fit her unique sense of kindness and fairness, but it's still a bit painful to see her give credit to an invisible god for all of her personal accomplishments.
On this podcast, she was with her husband, and they were answering questions from viewers. One of the questions was 'How did you encourage your family members to go along with homesteading?' and she laughed and commented she got this a lot, and how kindly it was phrased 'encourage', when it's more like making her husband do it. And I wasn't even aware that her husband was not into the whole homesteading idea at all, but she was about to tell the story about how she got him to do it anyway.
She described first about how she was sure they were supposed to do it, because she could hear god's voice (her own gut feeling) telling her it was right for them, and it was the correct thing for their family. Sure in herself, she lead the entire family in that direction, and she used the word 'leader' for herself multiple times, with absolute confidence. I was thinking how funny it was that this was exactly against what religion was saying, but I was loving it. Hearing a woman lead her family with full confidence and nobody being able to stand in her way, gave me heart.
Then she talked about how much pressure she was putting on her husband to support her, and he chipped in and explained, that it was very difficult for him to do it under pressure, and that at one point the pressure stopped, and then he was able to choose it for himself. He repeated several times, 'it was my choice, I was able to choose it and it was my choice that I did it', almost trying to convince himself.
And I'm like--- she put him right in the spot where he had to go to 'choice feminism' to resemble some sense of control of where his life was going! She overpowered him so completely with her 'god told me this is what we have to do' (her gut feeling) that he basically had no choice but to eventually come around to it. He even uses the phrase 'came around to it' multiple times. It made me laugh.
One thing I adore about them is how Jess is in control of everything, makes almost all of the decisions, plans projects, draws out her visions, controls all of the media and created content encouraging others to do so as well, possibly not realizing what a powerful woman she is for doing so. Her gut feeling is excellent and lead her in a direction where she now has a huge farm of her own, a family taken care of, an abundance of healthy homegrown food and adoration of the internet. There are some bad side-effects she admits to; she often feels overwhelmed, like she's carrying the whole world on her own shoulders, and needs a bit of time off from the family, to go camping or just sleep somewhere else, to feel at ease again. I believe this is because in this scenario, she really is holding it all together on her own. She does it exceptionally well, but she's still, the sole leader, the only one who has to make it all happen.
I like that she was able to weaponize religion and call her gut feeling 'the voice of god', I think that's a good way to deal with religious people, how could they possibly counter that? (except, you know, institutionalization and fire, but in her case it works.) The side effects are still pretty severe though, and that's why I'm thinking, multiple women, all together, sharing the burden and responsibility of leading and protecting, that would be something.
I think every woman has that gut feeling that she's usually very discouraged from listening to, but this gut feeling is also the closest thing to a god we could possibly have. Women are creators of the entire human population, human species even. We are the only divinity that exists. If we have a voice inside of us, telling us what we want to do next, how do we want to go about life, is that not the voice of creators, voice of divinity? If all of us got together and made some choices together, about the future of this world, that would be the most divine thing to happen on this planet. Here we can see how just one woman trusting her inner voice created a paradise for herself and her family - her husband too, because even though he needed some 'coming around', her plan was ultimately incredibly good and beneficial to him, he now has everything, because he listened to her. Women's plans for their families include benefits for the entire family, unlike male's, who usually prefer to put their families into roles of servitude in favour of his personal success.
Trust your gut feeling! That is the divine voice of what you want and need. And it's better than what any male thinks is right. It should trample all of their opinions and needs. Women are natural leaders, and we can make incredible futures happen.
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gordicore · 1 year
"Jesus loves you 🥺" No the fuck he doesn't. If Jesus and God truly loved me, they for me to be emotionally and verbally abused by my mom's ex bf, sexually assaulted, and having multiple traumatic events and they did nothing to help me instead. They watched as I suffered no matter how much I prayed. I was the one who got myself out of that situation. I saved myself. Fuck them.
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scorpion-flower · 1 year
Drag queens: *Reading books to children*
Religious fanatics: Ew gross, how dare you, you deserve no rights, we'll find you and we'll kill you, won't somebody think of the children?
Priests: *Indoctrinating children, bullying them with threats of hell and sexually abusing them*
Religious fanatics: Aww, this is lovely.
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spookyradluka · 2 years
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
Susan Brownell Anthony (1820-1906)
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lichdolly · 2 years
I really do hope though that Christians and even some non-Christians understand that goth fashion/black metal/etc is intentionally offensive to the church. Very intentional. It is not a counter-culture movement for no reason.
If it hurts your feelings that someone from said subcultures is wearing a rosary, even in a very bastardized manner, then I’m sorry but I simply do not care. You do not have enough problems if that is your biggest.
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fayeirypoliticsxoxo · 7 months
“if u remain atheist ur whole life u will never be happy” my happiness doesn’t come from religion, it comes from the people i love, the things i love to do, my dreams, my future and most importantly it comes from my heart.
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