#randy gentile
agentxthirteen · 7 months
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Sharon-A-Day, Day 590 (8/13/23)
Captain America V5 1. On sale 11/17/04. "Out of Time: Part 1"
Writer: Ed Brubaker
Artist: Steve Epting
Letterer: Randy Gentile
Colorist: Frank D'Armata
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Steve tells Sharon about his dreams.
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runilafancasts · 2 months
Fan Cast: Iron Man (2000-2004), 76
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Tony Stark/Iron Man - Jake Gyllenhaal
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Rumiko Fujikawa - Shioli Kutsuna
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hellstromknight · 10 months
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Fantastic Four #526
You know, before, I honestly didn't like the Fantastic Four, but now, after reading a whole lot of comics because of this wonderful video, I'm honestly loving the F4.
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ntshastark · 2 years
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“That’s no robot -- He’s my pal, Iron Man”
Thor Vol 2 (1998) #80
Writers: Michael Avon Oeming and Daniel Berman. Penciler/Inker: Andrea Divito. Colourist: Laura Villari. Letterer: Randy Gentile.
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comfortfoodcontent · 1 year
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Spider-Girl #54
Writer(s) Tom DeFalco Penciler(s) Pat Olliffe Inker(s) Al Williamson Colorist(s) Udon Studios Letterer(s) Randy Gentile
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balu8 · 11 months
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Fantastic Four #512
by Mark Waid; Paul Smith(Pages 20-23); Karl Kesel; Paul Mounts and Randy Gentile
"Maybe if you had bigger omniglobes; Sue--"
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witchesofmarvel · 1 year
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Nico Minoru
Runaways. Art Adrian Alphona, David NewBold & Brian Reber. Words Brian K. Vaughan. Letters Randy Gentile
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macmorrighan · 1 year
Hello, this is in reference to the post "A FLAW IN LITERARY ANALYSIS AS A METHODOLOGY FOR ANALYZING THE OLD RELIGION". If we consider that santería has an unbroken initiatory line, it is therefore factual that the religion has been "alive" for its whole history. Is there evidence of this being the case for witchcraft?
The academic field of Religious History Studies doesn't use the same sort of methodology of "traditional" historians in which they demand an unbroken line of transmission, since it is fundamentally flawed from the outset. What scholars of religion have observed is that religion is not static; rather, they keep surfacing, often after periods of obscurity and presumed inactivity or "death", perhaps even reinventing itself within new eras that have changed around it, in a cyclical fashion throughout history. After all, can any religion claim to be the same as it originated in an unbroken line? Absolutely not! Hell, many of the Wiccan beliefs that we have been told are purely modern actually have expressions in emote antiquity. Sources for further study: * Conner, Randy. The Pagan Heart of the West. 5 vols. Oxford: Mandrake of Oxford, 2019-2020. * de Pina-Cabral, João.  “The Gods of the Gentiles are Demons: The Problem of Pagan Survivals in European Culture.”  Other Histories.  Ed. Kirsten Hastrup.  London: Routledge, 1992: pp. 45-61.  * Ginzburg, Carlo. The Night Battles. * ---. Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath. * Lecouteux, Claude. (Everything he's written.) * Portone, Paolo. http://www.paoloportone.it/biography.htm * Pocs, Eva. Between the Living and the Dead. Central European University Press. * Early Modern European Witchcraft: Centres and Peripheries, ed. by Bengt Ankarloo and Gustav Henningsen * Yeats, Stephen. The Tribe of the Witches. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2005.
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Super-Patriot: Part One,” Captain America (Vol. 3/2002), #29.
Writer: Robert Kirkman; Penciler: Scot Eaton; Inker: Drew Geraci; Colorist: Rob Schwager; Letterer: Randy Gentile
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ommarietta · 2 years
By Randy Gentile 2012
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contos-da-lua · 1 year
Ficha de personagem: Lucy
Pensei aqui e decidi trazer pra vocês as informações de algumas personagens minhas neste perfil, começando pela Lucy de Under The Mask 💜
Perfil Básico
Nome: Lucille McFist/ Campbell
Apelido: Lucy
Idade: 16 anos/ 17 anos (A partir de Beyond The Mask)
Aniversário: 9 de Junho
Nacionalidade: Americana
Local de nascimento: Terra das Sombras
Moradia: Norrisville
Ocupação: Estudante do Ensino Médio do Colégio Norrisville
Posição social: Rica (Under The Mask), Classe Média (Beyond The Mask)
Tipo sanguíneo: AB+
Sexualidade: Demi
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Qualidades: Inteligente, corajosa, gentil, altruísta, amante dos animais, romântica e talentosa.
Defeitos: Pensa mais nos outros do que em si mesma até demais, às vezes impulsiva e emotiva.
Habilidades: Violoncelo, piano, customização de cosplays.
Atividades favoritas: Tocar piano, passear com seu gato de estimação, estar com os amigos, ler.
Cor favorita: Roxo
Flor: Lavanda
Pedra preciosa: Pérola
Gênero musical: Clássico
Gênero de filme: Fantasia e romance
Doce: Bolo Red Velvet
Pai: Hannibal McFist (adotivo, em Under The Mask), The Creep (Adotivo, a partir de Beyond The Mask)
Mãe: A Feiticeira/Amanda Levay (biológica), Marci McFist (adotiva)
Irmão: Bash Johnson (adotivo)
Animal de estimação: Apolo, o gato.
Lucy é uma garota que foi criada e cresceu em um orfanato desde quando foi deixada na porta dele qua do era apenas um bebê até os seus dezesseis anos de idade quando que um dia o milionário da cidade, Hannibal McFist a adota se tornando sua filha adotiva e futura herdeira da fortuna do maior monopólio industrial de Norrisville indo para lá começando a ter uma vida que qualquer garota da sua idade sonha: Morar em uma mansão cercada de pessoas que já fazem tudo por você, só que para ela o que mais importava é o fato de ter uma família como sempre sonhava no orfanato ao ver as outras crianças sendo adotadas.
Mas dentre tantos os acontecimentos entre conhecer um gato falante, um admirador secreto e dançar com o ninja e aos poucos se apaixonar por ele, Lucy desperta uma magia até então escondida dentro de si desencadeando uma série de sonhos e perguntas dentre elas: "Quem eu sou?", "De onde venho?" e "Qual a razão desses poderes?"
Habilidades mágicas
Como filha da Feiticeira, se originou das esferas de poder combinadas com a contraparte boa da mesma originando o bebê (no caso Lucy), herdando então o mesmo tipo de poder que sua mãe, o que incluí:
Levitação e vôo
Comunicação com os animais
Abertura de portais
Dar vida a qualquer ser vivo (incluindo plantas)
Fator de cura
Fumaça rosa e arroxeada
Projeção de escudo
Bônus: Ela acaba se tornando uma heroína secretamente chamada Purple Lady.
Melhores amigos: Randy Cunningham, Howard Weinerman, Heidi Weinerman, Debbie Kang, Theresa Fowler, Bucky Henslatter, Julian
Interesse amoroso/ namorado: Randy Cunningham (tanto como Randy, quanto como ninja).
Tema musical
"Não importa o que pode me acontecer amanhã desde que todos aqueles que amo possam estar comigo"
Espero que tenham gostado de conhecer mais da nossa bruxinha, para mais informações só ler a Saga Under The Mask lá no meu perfil do Spirit Fanfics Moon_Stone e siga também no meu Instagram moonstone_fanarts para ver os desenhos que faço dessa e de outras histórias e ocs! 😉
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agentxthirteen · 9 months
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Sharon-A-Day, Day 550 (7/4/23)
Captain America V5 4. On sale 3/16/05. "Out of Time Part 4"
Writer: Ed Brubaker
Artist: Steve Epting
Letterer: Randy Gentile
Colorist: Frank D'Armata
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Sharon is assigned to track Jack Monroe, leading her into Winter Soldier's trap.
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runilafancasts · 2 months
Fan Cast: Iron Man (2000-2004), 77
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Tony Stark/Iron Man - Jake Gyllenhaal
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Rumiko Fujikawa - Shioli Kutsuna
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Books Read in August 2022
Henry and the Paper Route/Beverly Cleary (Henry Huggins #4) (mg realistic fiction)-Henry really, really wants a paper route. He’s not old enough for it so he decides to prove that he’s responsible enough, anyway.
The Importance of Being Earnest/Oscar Wilde (humorous romance play)-It all starts when Earnest forgets his cigarette holder at his friend’s, Algernon’s, house and a few lies come out...
Moving Pictures/Terry Pratchett (Discworld #10) (humorous fantasy)-The alchemists have discovered how to make a ‘moving picture’ and it’s taking the Discworld by storm. Now they just have to make sure that nothing else gets out from behind the big, mysterious doors buried in the sand to take the Discworld by storm, too.
Wild Traveler/A.M. Lightner (mg dog story)-Randy and his parents pick up a stray dog all alone in the Nevada desert. Back in the East he accidentally escapes. He also happens to be a coyote and not a dog.
4.5 Stars
Roller Girl/Victoria Jamieson (mg realistic fiction graphic novel)-Astrid is going to go to roller derby camp with her best friend! Or so she thinks. It turns out her best friend wants to go to ballet camp with Astrid’s worst enemy leaving Astrid to deal with roller derby camp alone.
Watercress/Andrea Chang and Jason Chin (picture book partial-memoir, partial-fiction)-A young girl hates that her parents pick watercress from the side of the road until she listens to their story.
4 Stars
Fry Bread/Kevin Noble Maillard and Juana Martinez-Neal (culture/food based Native American picture book)-A family makes fry bread.
The Invention of Hugo Cabret/Brian Selznick (mg illustrated/graphic historical fiction)-After his father dies and his uncle disappears Hugo is left alone in the walls of the Paris metro station, repairing the clocks and a mysterious automaton his father left him.
3.5 Stars
An Enchantment of Ravens/Margaret Rogerson (ya fae based romance fantasy)-Isobel makes her living by painting portraits of the Fair Folk. When she puts human emotion in the portrait of the prince of the autumn court he kidnaps her in order to bring her to trial.
To the Future, Ben Franklin!/Mary Pope Osborne and A.G. Ford (Magic Tree House #32) (children’s fantasy time travel)-Jack and Annie have to find Ben Franklin and convince him to sign a very important document-one that the United States cannot exist with out. But they’re not sure they can do it..
The Woman in the Library/Sulari Gentil (adult literary murder mystery)-An author and her beta reader correspond over the book she’s writing, wherein a woman is murdered in a library and the four suspects all have iron-clad alibis: they were all sitting in the Reading Room when she died.
3 Stars
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine/Gail Honeyman (adult realistic fiction)-Eleanor Oliphant does her job and talks to her mother once a week and mostly just tries to avoid people and do her crosswords. On the way home from work one day she and her coworker bump into an old man who faints. This changes the trajectory of her life.
Sword Stone Table: Old Legends, New Voices/ed. Swapna Krishna and Jenn Northington (adult Arthuriana retellings/explorations anthology)-Short stories that explore the Arthurian legends from the 5th century to the 19th to the 22nd.
2.5 Stars
Epically Earnest/Molly Horan (ya romance)-Janey’s friend Algernon stole her spit. Not in a creepy way: in order to send it to a dna test because she’s adopted. A relative comes up. She has to decide whether she wants to meet this relative while also figuring out how to ask her crush out.
2 Stars
Tomorrow I’ll Be Kind/Jessica Hische (didactic picture book)-Small animals show how they’re kind, grateful, etc. in with fun illustrations.
1.5 Stars
The Midnight Library/Matt Haig (adult didactic sci fi)-A woman who resorts to suicide is given a chance to live many different lives based on changing her choices until she finds one she loves.
Pixels of You/Ananth Hirsh, Yuko Ota and J.R. Doyle (new adult sci fi ai comic)-When a human girl and an ai girl with an internship in a photography gallery fight the curator of the gallery makes them do a piece together.
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comfortfoodcontent · 2 years
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Batman #681
By Grant Morrison, Tony Daniel, Sandu Florea, Guy Major & Randy Gentile
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revolutionrpg · 2 months
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RevolutionHQ ! A tupper friendly wrestling based DISCORD SERVER! We are NON KAYFABE and for those who don’t know NON KAYFABE means we won’t be writing out matches! We focus more on the SLICE OF LIFE aspect of writing!
There are still PLENTY of popular roles available ! Some listed below are just a handful that are open! Drop a DM about how to join today!
AJ Lee, Sol Ruca, Eddie Kingston, Charlie Dempsey, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Kenny Omega, Bianca Belair, Seth Rollins, Brian Pillman Jr, Isaiah Cassidy, Malakai Black, Hangman Adam Page, Matt Cardona, Shawn Spears, Orange Cassidy, Jade Cargill, Tony D’Angelo, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Brandi Rhodes, Cathy Kelley, Jackie Redmond, Maxxine Dupri, Sonya Deville, Fallon Henley, Blair Davenport, Austin Gunn, Lyra Valkyria, Kelly Kincaid, Jacy Jayne, Indi Hartwell, Wren Sinclair, Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, Raquel Rodriguez, Karrion Kross, Ethan Page, Randy Orton, Mandy Leon, Willow Nightingale, Brinley Reece, Trick Williams, Carmelo Hayes, Damien Priest, Dominik Mysterio, Carmella, Kelani Jordan, Jade Gentile, Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend, Naomi, Toni Storm, Drew McIntyre, Vipress, Jamie Hayter, Rebel, Mercedes Mone, Mandy Rose, Shotzi, Harley Cameron, Allie Bunny, Penelope Ford, Ricky Starks, Mustafa Ali, Lola Vice, Nikkita Lyons, Candice Le Rae, Karmen Petrovic, Johnny Gargano, Maryse, The Miz, Paige Van Zant, Brody King, Allie Katch, Billie Starks, Kayla Braxton, Lexy Neir, Piper Niven, Adriana Rizzo, Bronco Nima, Elektra Lopez, Katana Chance, Kayden Carter, and many many more!
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